Report Name: Linux Patch Wednesday August 2024
Generated: 2024-08-22 16:56:58

Vulristics Vulnerability Scores
Basic Vulnerability Scores

Product NamePrevalenceUCHMLAComment
Apache HTTP Server0.9112Apache HTTP Server is a free and open-source web server that delivers web content through the internet
Intel(R) Processor0.9112Intel's processors from the pioneering 4-bit 4004 (1971) to the present high-end offerings
Linux Kernel0.92116262380The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
Chromium0.832023Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
GLPI0.817112342GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
Mozilla Firefox0.81410116Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
Node.js0.8123Node.js is a cross-platform, open-source server environment that can run on Windows, Linux, Unix, macOS, and more
PHP0.8121116PHP is a general-purpose scripting language geared towards web development. It was originally created by Danish-Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf in 1993 and released in 1995.
RPC0.811Remote Procedure Call Runtime
Safari0.8527Safari is a web browser developed by Apple. It is built into Apple's operating systems, including macOS, iOS, iPadOS and their upcoming VisionOS, and uses Apple's open-source browser engine WebKit, which was derived from KHTML.
Zabbix0.844Zabbix is an open-source software tool to monitor IT infrastructure such as networks, servers, virtual machines, and cloud services
.NET and Visual Studio0.711.NET and Visual Studio
Apache Traffic Server0.733The Apache Traffic Server is a modular, high-performance reverse proxy and forward proxy server, generally comparable to Nginx and Squid
BIND0.744BIND is a suite of software for interacting with the Domain Name System
Calibre0.7123Calibre is a cross-platform free and open-source suite of e-book software
Curl0.7112Curl is a command-line tool for transferring data specified with URL syntax
Envoy0.7112Envoy is a cloud-native, open-source edge and service proxy
FFmpeg0.7112FFmpeg is a free and open-source software project consisting of a suite of libraries and programs for handling video, audio, and other multimedia files and streams
Kubernetes0.711Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration system for automating software deployment, scaling, and management
Minio0.7213Minio is a Multi-Cloud Object Storage framework
Neat VNC0.711A liberally licensed VNC server library with a clean interface
Oracle MySQL0.71515MySQL is an open-source relational database management system
Oracle VM VirtualBox0.718211Oracle VM VirtualBox is a hosted hypervisor for x86 virtualization developed by Oracle Corporation
QEMU0.711QEMU is a generic and open source machine & userspace emulator and virtualizer
vim0.7112Vim is a free and open-source, screen-based text editor program
Oracle Java SE0.633Oracle Java SE
Perl0.6123Perl is a family of two high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming languages
Python0.6156Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language
Roundcube0.633Roundcube is a web-based IMAP email client
Rust Standard Library0.611The Rust Standard Library is the foundation of portable Rust software, a set of minimal and battle-tested shared abstractions for the broader Rust ecosystem
wpa_supplicant0.611wpa_supplicant is a free software implementation of an IEEE 802.11i supplicant for Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, QNX, AROS, Microsoft Windows, Solaris, OS/2 (including ArcaOS and eComStation) and Haiku
Consul0.511Product detected by a:hashicorp:consul (exists in CPE dict)
FRRouting0.511Free Range Routing or FRRouting or FRR is a network routing software suite running on Unix-like platforms, particularly Linux, Solaris, OpenBSD, FreeBSD and NetBSD
Filebeat0.511Product detected by a:elastic:filebeat (exists in CPE dict)
Flask0.5112Flask is a lightweight WSGI web application framework
JupyterHub0.511Product detected by a:jupyter:jupyterhub (exists in CPE dict)
Moby Project0.511Moby is an open-source project, created by Docker, to enable and accelerate software containerization
NVIDIA GPU Display Driver0.511A NVIDIA driver is a software program that enables communication between your computer and the NVIDIA graphics processor installed in your system
Newlib0.511Product detected by a:newlib_project:newlib (exists in CPE dict)
Nova0.511Product detected by a:openstack:nova (exists in CPE dict)
RabbitMQ Java Client0.511Product detected by a:vmware:rabbitmq_java_client (exists in CPE dict)
Vault0.533Product detected by a:hashicorp:vault (exists in CPE dict)
Virtual GPU0.522Product detected by a:nvidia:virtual_gpu (exists in CPE dict)
assimp0.511Product detected by a:assimp:assimp (exists in CPE dict)
django0.5145Product detected by a:djangoproject:django (exists in CPE dict)
fugit0.511Product detected by a:floraison:fugit (does NOT exist in CPE dict)
libcurl0.511Product detected by a:haxx:libcurl (exists in CPE dict)
libtiff0.511Product detected by a:libtiff:libtiff (exists in CPE dict)
moodle0.511Product detected by a:moodle:moodle (exists in CPE dict)
nginx_open_source0.511Product detected by a:f5:nginx_open_source (does NOT exist in CPE dict)
ofono0.544Product detected by a:ofono_project:ofono (does NOT exist in CPE dict)
pdfio0.511Product detected by a:msweet:pdfio (does NOT exist in CPE dict)
postgresql0.511Product detected by a:postgresql:postgresql (exists in CPE dict)
stb_image.h0.511Product detected by a:nothings:stb_image.h (exists in CPE dict)
webob0.511Product detected by a:pylonsproject:webob (does NOT exist in CPE dict)
Flatpak0.411Flatpak is a utility for software deployment and package management for Linux
GPAC0.422GPAC is an Open Source multimedia framework for research and academic purposes; the project covers different aspects of multimedia, with a focus on presentation technologies (graphics, animation and interactivity)
Oracle WebLogic Server0.411Unified and extensible platform for developing, deploying and running enterprise applications
Unknown Product0312758Unknown Product

Vulnerability Types

Vulnerability TypeCriticalityUCHMLA
Remote Code Execution1.01342230
Authentication Bypass0.98517729
Code Injection0.97146415
Command Injection0.97134210
Security Feature Bypass0.962228
Elevation of Privilege0.85156
Information Disclosure0.83178
Cross Site Scripting0.8419124
Open Redirect0.7511
Denial of Service0.711847461
Path Traversal0.711
Incorrect Calculation0.577
Memory Corruption0.531015109
Unknown Vulnerability Type042286328




Urgent (5)

1. Remote Code Execution - PHP (CVE-2024-4577) - Urgent [966]

Description: In PHP versions 8.1.* before 8.1.29, 8.2.* before 8.2.20, 8.3.* before 8.3.8, when using Apache and PHP-CGI on Windows, if the system is set up to use certain code pages, Windows may use "Best-Fit" behavior to replace characters in command line given to Win32 API functions. PHP CGI module may misinterpret those characters as PHP options, which may allow a malicious user to pass options to PHP binary being run, and thus reveal the source code of scripts, run arbitrary PHP code on the server, etc.

Exploited in the Wild1.018Exploitation in the wild is mentioned on Vulners (AttackerKB object, cisa_kev object), NVD:CISAKEV websites
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:TAM-K592:CVE-2024-4577, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:SH0CKFR:CVE-2024-4577, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:BUGHUNTAR:CVE-2024-4577, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:JUNP0:CVE-2024-4577, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:CYBERSAGOR:CVE-2024-4577, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:CHOCAPIKK:CVE-2024-4577, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:A-ROSHBAIK:CVE-2024-4577-PHP-RCE, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:ZEPHRFISH:CVE-2024-4577-POC, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:JAKABAKOS:CVE-2024-4577-PHP-CGI-ARGUMENT-INJECTION-RCE, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:ZEPHRFISH:CVE-2024-4577-PHP-RCE, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:WANLICHANGCHENGWANLICHANG:CVE-2024-4577-RCE-EXP, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:XCANWIN:CVE-2024-4577-PHP-RCE, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:NEMU1K5MA:CVE-2024-4577, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:GOTR00T0DAY:CVE-2024-4577, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:YUKIIOZ:CVE-2024-4577, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:BIBO318:CVE-2024-4577-RCE-ATTACK, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:11WHOAMI99:CVE-2024-4577, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:WAIVED:CVE-2024-4577-PHP-RCE, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:IT-T4MPAN:CHECK_CVE_2024_4577.SH, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:SUG4R-WR41TH:CVE-2024-4577, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:ENTROPT:CVE-2024-4577_ANALYSIS, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:K3YSTR0K3R:CVE-2024-4577-EXPLOIT, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:AMANDINEVDW:CVE-2024-4577, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:PIZZABOIBESTLEGITS:CVE-2024-4577, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:ATDANNY:CVE-2024-4577, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:JCCCCCX:CVE-2024-4577, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:MANUELKY08:CVE-2024-4577---RR, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:MANUELINFOSEC:CVE-2024-4577, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:L0N3M4N:CVE-2024-4577-RCE, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:WATCHTOWRLABS:CVE-2024-4577, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:FA-RREL:CVE-2024-4577-RCE, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:BL4CKSKU11:CVE-2024-4577, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:ZOMASEC:CVE-2024-4577, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:CHARIS3306:CVE-2024-4577, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:GHOSTTROOPS:TOP, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:HKTALENT:TOP, Vulners:PublicExploit:PACKETSTORM:179140, Vulners:PublicExploit:PACKETSTORM:179085, Vulners:PublicExploit:MSF:EXPLOIT-WINDOWS-HTTP-PHP_CGI_ARG_INJECTION_RCE_CVE_2024_4577-, Vulners:PublicExploit:EDB-ID:52047, Vulners:PublicExploit:1337DAY-ID-39659, BDU:PublicExploit websites
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814PHP is a general-purpose scripting language geared towards web development. It was originally created by Danish-Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf in 1993 and released in 1995.
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 9.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile1.010EPSS Probability is 0.9632, EPSS Percentile is 0.99585

redos: CVE-2024-4577 was patched at 2024-08-16

2. Information Disclosure - Minio (CVE-2023-28432) - Urgent [895]

Description: Minio is a Multi-Cloud Object Storage framework. In a cluster deployment starting with RELEASE.2019-12-17T23-16-33Z and prior to RELEASE.2023-03-20T20-16-18Z, MinIO returns all environment variables, including `MINIO_SECRET_KEY` and `MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD`, resulting in information disclosure. All users of distributed deployment are impacted. All users are advised to upgrade to RELEASE.2023-03-20T20-16-18Z.

Exploited in the Wild1.018Exploitation in the wild is mentioned on Vulners (AttackerKB object, cisa_kev object), AttackerKB, NVD:CISAKEV, BDU websites
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:C1PH3RX13:CVE-2023-28432, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:ACHEIII:CVE-2023-28432, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:0XRULEZ:CVE-2023-28432, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:STEPONEERROR:CVE-2023-28432-, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:MZZDTOT:CVE-2023-28432, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:XK-MT:CVE-2023-28432, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:MAJUS527:MINIO_CVE-2023-28432, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:CUERZ:CVE-2023-28432, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:BINGTANGBANLI:CVE-2023-28432, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:TAROBALLZCHEN:CVE-2023-28432-METASPLOIT-SCANNER, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:FHANSO:CVE-2023-28432, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:OKAYTC:MINIO_UNAUTH_CHECK, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:NETUSERADMINISTRATOR:CVE-2023-28432, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:LHXHL:MINIO-CVE-2023-28432, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:ROMANC9:GUI-POC-TEST, Vulners:PublicExploit:MSF:AUXILIARY-GATHER-MINIO_BOOTSTRAP_VERIFY_INFO_DISC- websites
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.8315Information Disclosure
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714Minio is a Multi-Cloud Object Storage framework
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile1.010EPSS Probability is 0.91182, EPSS Percentile is 0.98936

redos: CVE-2023-28432 was patched at 2024-08-07

3. Command Injection - Oracle WebLogic Server (CVE-2015-4852) - Urgent [894]

Description: The WLS Security component in Oracle WebLogic Server,,, and allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via a crafted serialized Java object in T3 protocol traffic to TCP port 7001, related to oracle_common/modules/com.bea.core.apache.commons.collections.jar. NOTE: the scope of this CVE is limited to the WebLogic Server product.

Exploited in the Wild1.018Exploitation in the wild is mentioned on Vulners (AttackerKB object, cisa_kev object), AttackerKB, NVD:CISAKEV websites
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on, Vulners:PublicExploit:SAINT:EA211AC1CE6B335FAB2D22929BF61475, Vulners:PublicExploit:SAINT:38F4E0E6CE11A2F3EC10321A6DF373E2, Vulners:PublicExploit:SAINT:364F42DDB229F6E8A0EF4BB04CE504D2, Vulners:PublicExploit:SAINT:B8E045060F9ACF0F8D488745DBF66B54, Vulners:PublicExploit:1337DAY-ID-30269, Vulners:PublicExploit:1337DAY-ID-28661, Vulners:PublicExploit:PACKETSTORM:152268, Vulners:PublicExploit:PACKETSTORM:144405, Vulners:PublicExploit:MSF:EXPLOIT-MULTI-MISC-WEBLOGIC_DESERIALIZE_RAWOBJECT-, Vulners:PublicExploit:EXPLOITPACK:028DB84C4840B8D96405811A4FA47345, Vulners:PublicExploit:EDB-ID:42806, Vulners:PublicExploit:EDB-ID:46628, Vulners:PublicExploit:WEBLOGIC_T3_DESERIALIZATION, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:ZHZHDOAI:WEBLOGIC_VULN, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:GHOSTTROOPS:TOP, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:HKTALENT:TOP, BDU:PublicExploit websites
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Command Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common0.414Unified and extensible platform for developing, deploying and running enterprise applications
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 9.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile1.010EPSS Probability is 0.96729, EPSS Percentile is 0.99698

ubuntu: CVE-2015-4852 was patched at 2024-07-31

4. Denial of Service - Minio (CVE-2023-28434) - Urgent [872]

Description: Minio is a Multi-Cloud Object Storage framework. Prior to RELEASE.2023-03-20T20-16-18Z, an attacker can use crafted requests to bypass metadata bucket name checking and put an object into any bucket while processing `PostPolicyBucket`. To carry out this attack, the attacker requires credentials with `arn:aws:s3:::*` permission, as well as enabled Console API access. This issue has been patched in RELEASE.2023-03-20T20-16-18Z. As a workaround, enable browser API access and turn off `MINIO_BROWSER=off`.

Exploited in the Wild1.018Exploitation in the wild is mentioned on Vulners (AttackerKB object, cisa_kev object), AttackerKB, NVD:CISAKEV websites
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:ABELCHE:EVIL_MINIO, BDU:PublicExploit websites
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714Minio is a Multi-Cloud Object Storage framework
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.910EPSS Probability is 0.06841, EPSS Percentile is 0.94004

redos: CVE-2023-28434 was patched at 2024-08-07

5. Code Injection - GLPI (CVE-2023-36808) - Urgent [800]

Description: GLPI is a free asset and IT management software package. Starting in version 0.80 and prior to version 10.0.8, Computer Virtual Machine form and GLPI inventory request can be used to perform a SQL injection attack. Version 10.0.8 has a patch for this issue. As a workaround, one may disable native inventory.

Exploited in the Wild1.018Exploitation in the wild is mentioned on BDU website
Exploit Exists0.517The existence of a private exploit is mentioned on BDU:PrivateExploit website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Code Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.6. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.610EPSS Probability is 0.00189, EPSS Percentile is 0.56903

redos: CVE-2023-36808 was patched at 2024-08-12

Critical (16)

6. Code Injection - GLPI (CVE-2023-35924) - Critical [788]

Description: GLPI is a free asset and IT management software package. Starting in version 10.0.0 and prior to version 10.0.8, GLPI inventory endpoint can be used to drive a SQL injection attack. By default, GLPI inventory endpoint requires no authentication. Version 10.0.8 has a patch for this issue. As a workaround, one may disable native inventory.

Exploited in the Wild1.018Exploitation in the wild is mentioned on BDU website
Exploit Exists0.517The existence of a private exploit is mentioned on BDU:PrivateExploit website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Code Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.6. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.510EPSS Probability is 0.00132, EPSS Percentile is 0.48972

redos: CVE-2023-35924 was patched at 2024-08-12

7. Authentication Bypass - GLPI (CVE-2023-35940) - Critical [778]

Description: GLPI is a free asset and IT management software package. Starting in version 9.5.0 and prior to version 10.0.8, an incorrect rights check on a file allows an unauthenticated user to be able to access dashboards data. Version 10.0.8 contains a patch for this issue.

Exploited in the Wild1.018Exploitation in the wild is mentioned on BDU website
Exploit Exists0.517The existence of a private exploit is mentioned on BDU:PrivateExploit website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.510EPSS Probability is 0.00162, EPSS Percentile is 0.53494

redos: CVE-2023-35940 was patched at 2024-08-12

8. Authentication Bypass - GLPI (CVE-2023-35939) - Critical [766]

Description: GLPI is a free asset and IT management software package. Starting in version 9.5.0 and prior to version 10.0.8, an incorrect rights check on a on a file accessible by an authenticated user (or not for certain actions), allows a threat actor to interact, modify, or see Dashboard data. Version 10.0.8 contains a patch for this issue.

Exploited in the Wild1.018Exploitation in the wild is mentioned on BDU website
Exploit Exists0.517The existence of a private exploit is mentioned on BDU:PrivateExploit website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 8.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.410EPSS Probability is 0.00081, EPSS Percentile is 0.35553

redos: CVE-2023-35939 was patched at 2024-08-12

9. Code Injection - GLPI (CVE-2024-27096) - Critical [741]

Description: GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package, Data center management, ITIL Service Desk, licenses tracking and software auditing. An authenticated user can exploit a SQL injection vulnerability in the search engine to extract data from the database. This issue has been patched in version 10.0.13.

Exploited in the Wild1.018Exploitation in the wild is mentioned on BDU website
Exploit Exists0.517The existence of a private exploit is mentioned on BDU:PrivateExploit website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Code Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.7. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

redos: CVE-2024-27096 was patched at 2024-08-12

10. Code Injection - GLPI (CVE-2024-29889) - Critical [717]

Description: GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package. Prior to 10.0.15, an authenticated user can exploit a SQL injection vulnerability in the saved searches feature to alter another user account data take control of it. This vulnerability is fixed in 10.0.15.

Exploited in the Wild1.018Exploitation in the wild is mentioned on BDU website
Exploit Exists0.517The existence of a private exploit is mentioned on BDU:PrivateExploit website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Code Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 7.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

redos: CVE-2024-29889 was patched at 2024-08-12

11. Code Injection - GLPI (CVE-2022-31061) - Critical [699]

Description: GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package, Data center management, ITIL Service Desk, licenses tracking and software auditing. In affected versions there is a SQL injection vulnerability which is possible on login page. No user credentials are required to exploit this vulnerability. Users are advised to upgrade as soon as possible. There are no known workarounds for this issue.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:VU0R1-SEC:CVE-2022-31061, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:VU0R1:CVE-2022-31061, BDU:PublicExploit websites
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Code Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 9.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.610EPSS Probability is 0.0018, EPSS Percentile is 0.55822

redos: CVE-2022-31061 was patched at 2024-07-26

12. Command Injection - PHP (CVE-2024-5585) - Critical [699]

Description: In PHP versions 8.1.* before 8.1.29, 8.2.* before 8.2.20, 8.3.* before 8.3.8, the fix for CVE-2024-1874 does not work if the command name includes trailing spaces. Original issue: when using proc_open() command with array syntax, due to insufficient escaping, if the arguments of the executed command are controlled by a malicious user, the user can supply arguments that would execute arbitrary commands in Windows shell.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:TGCOHCE:CVE-2024-1874, BDU:PublicExploit websites
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Command Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814PHP is a general-purpose scripting language geared towards web development. It was originally created by Danish-Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf in 1993 and released in 1995.
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.7. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.810EPSS Probability is 0.00438, EPSS Percentile is 0.75192

redos: CVE-2024-5585 was patched at 2024-08-16

13. Denial of Service - PHP (CVE-2024-2757) - Critical [692]

Description: In PHP 8.3.* before 8.3.5, function mb_encode_mimeheader() runs endlessly for some inputs that contain long strings of non-space characters followed by a space. This could lead to a potential DoS attack if a hostile user sends data to an application that uses this function. 

Exploited in the Wild1.018Exploitation in the wild is mentioned on BDU website
Exploit Exists0.517The existence of a private exploit is mentioned on BDU:PrivateExploit website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814PHP is a general-purpose scripting language geared towards web development. It was originally created by Danish-Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf in 1993 and released in 1995.
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

redos: CVE-2024-2757 was patched at 2024-08-16

14. Remote Code Execution - Calibre (CVE-2024-6782) - Critical [688]

Description: Improper access control in Calibre 6.9.0 ~ 7.14.0 allow unauthenticated attackers to achieve remote code execution.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:ZANGJIAHE:CVE-2024-6782, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:JDPSL:CVE-2024-6782, Vulners:PublicExploit:PACKETSTORM:180007, Vulners:PublicExploit:MSF:EXPLOIT-MULTI-MISC-CALIBRE_EXEC-, Vulners:PublicExploit:1337DAY-ID-39714 websites
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714Calibre is a cross-platform free and open-source suite of e-book software
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 9.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.610EPSS Probability is 0.00188, EPSS Percentile is 0.56881

debian: CVE-2024-6782 was patched at 2024-08-21

15. Command Injection - Apache HTTP Server (CVE-2024-40898) - Critical [668]

Description: SSRF in Apache HTTP Server on Windows with mod_rewrite in server/vhost context, allows to potentially leak NTML hashes to a malicious server via SSRF and malicious requests. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.62 which fixes this issue. 

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:TAM-K592:CVE-2024-40725-CVE-2024-40898 website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Command Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914Apache HTTP Server is a free and open-source web server that delivers web content through the internet
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 9.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00079, EPSS Percentile is 0.34965

redos: CVE-2024-40898 was patched at 2024-07-29

16. Remote Code Execution - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-2605) - Critical [651]

Description: An attacker could have leveraged the Windows Error Reporter to run arbitrary code on the system escaping the sandbox. *Note:* This issue only affected Windows operating systems. Other operating systems are unaffected. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 124, Firefox ESR < 115.9, and Thunderbird < 115.9.

Exploited in the Wild1.018Exploitation in the wild is mentioned on BDU website
Exploit Exists0.517The existence of a private exploit is mentioned on BDU:PrivateExploit website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

redos: CVE-2024-2605 was patched at 2024-08-20

17. Authentication Bypass - Neat VNC (CVE-2024-42458) - Critical [625]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'server.c in Neat VNC (aka neatvnc) before 0.8.1 does not properly validate the security type, a related issue to CVE-2006-2369.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'server.c in Neat VNC (aka neatvnc) before 0.8.1 does not properly validate the security type, a related issue to CVE-2006-2369.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on Vulners:PublicExploit:SSV:72008, Vulners:PublicExploit:SSV:20911, Vulners:PublicExploit:MSF:AUXILIARY-ADMIN-VNC-REALVNC_41_BYPASS-, Vulners:PublicExploit:MSF:AUXILIARY-SCANNER-VNC-VNC_NONE_AUTH-, Vulners:PublicExploit:EXPLOITPACK:18D918324953F769DBD3618BAF3852A4, Vulners:PublicExploit:PACKETSTORM:104471, Vulners:PublicExploit:REALVNC_NOAUTH, Vulners:PublicExploit:EDB-ID:36932, Vulners:PublicExploit:EDB-ID:17719 websites
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714A liberally licensed VNC server library with a clean interface
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 9.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-42458 was patched at 2024-08-21

18. Remote Code Execution - GLPI (CVE-2023-33971) - Critical [621]

Description: Formcreator is a GLPI plugin which allow creation of custom forms and the creation of one or more tickets when the form is filled. A probable stored cross-site scripting vulnerability is present in Formcreator 2.13.5 and prior via the use of the use of `##FULLFORM##` for rendering. This could result in arbitrary javascript code execution in an admin/tech context. A patch is unavailable as of time of publication. As a workaround, one may use a regular expression to remove `< > "` in all fields.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00066, EPSS Percentile is 0.29918

redos: CVE-2023-33971 was patched at 2024-08-12

19. Command Injection - Rust Standard Library (CVE-2024-24576) - Critical [618]

Description: Rust is a programming language. The Rust Security Response WG was notified that the Rust standard library prior to version 1.77.2 did not properly escape arguments when invoking batch files (with the `bat` and `cmd` extensions) on Windows using the `Command`. An attacker able to control the arguments passed to the spawned process could execute arbitrary shell commands by bypassing the escaping. The severity of this vulnerability is critical for those who invoke batch files on Windows with untrusted arguments. No other platform or use is affected. The `Command::arg` and `Command::args` APIs state in their documentation that the arguments will be passed to the spawned process as-is, regardless of the content of the arguments, and will not be evaluated by a shell. This means it should be safe to pass untrusted input as an argument. On Windows, the implementation of this is more complex than other platforms, because the Windows API only provides a single string containing all the arguments to the spawned process, and it's up to the spawned process to split them. Most programs use the standard C run-time argv, which in practice results in a mostly consistent way arguments are splitted. One exception though is `cmd.exe` (used among other things to execute batch files), which has its own argument splitting logic. That forces the standard library to implement custom escaping for arguments passed to batch files. Unfortunately it was reported that our escaping logic was not thorough enough, and it was possible to pass malicious arguments that would result in arbitrary shell execution. Due to the complexity of `cmd.exe`, we didn't identify a solution that would correctly escape arguments in all cases. To maintain our API guarantees, we improved the robustness of the escaping code, and changed the `Command` API to return an `InvalidInput` error when it cannot safely escape an argument. This error will be emitted when spawning the process. The fix is included in Rust 1.77.2. Note that the new escaping logic for batch files errs on the conservative side, and could reject valid arguments. Those who implement the escaping themselves or only handle trusted inputs on Windows can also use the `CommandExt::raw_arg` method to bypass the standard library's escaping logic.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:LPN:CVE-2024-24576.JL, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:FOXOMAN:CVE-2024-24576-POC---NIM, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:FROSTB1TEN:CVE-2024-24576, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:AYDINNYUNUS:CVE-2024-24576-EXPLOIT, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:MISHALHOSSIN:CVE-2024-24576-POC-PYTHON, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:FROSTB1TEN:CVE-2024-24576-POC, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:CORYSABOL:BATBADBUT-DEMO, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:P14T1NUM:CVE-2024-24576-PYTHON, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:SHEL3G:CVE-2024-24576-POC-BATBADBUT, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:BRAINS93:CVE-2024-24567-POC-PYTHON, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:BRAINS93:CVE-2024-24576-POC-PYTHON websites
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Command Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614The Rust Standard Library is the foundation of portable Rust software, a set of minimal and battle-tested shared abstractions for the broader Rust ecosystem
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 10.0. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.17736

redos: CVE-2024-24576 was patched at 2024-08-05

20. Authentication Bypass - Flask (CVE-2024-6221) - Critical [603]

Description: A vulnerability in corydolphin/flask-cors version 4.0.1 allows the `Access-Control-Allow-Private-Network` CORS header to be set to true by default, without any configuration option. This behavior can expose private network resources to unauthorized external access, leading to significant security risks such as data breaches, unauthorized access to sensitive information, and potential network intrusions.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Flask is a lightweight WSGI web application framework
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.410EPSS Probability is 0.00084, EPSS Percentile is 0.36498

debian: CVE-2024-6221 was patched at 2024-08-21

21. Authentication Bypass - Oracle VM VirtualBox (CVE-2024-21103) - Critical [601]

Description: Vulnerability in the Oracle VM VirtualBox product of Oracle Virtualization (component: Core). Supported versions that are affected are Prior to 7.0.16. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with logon to the infrastructure where Oracle VM VirtualBox executes to compromise Oracle VM VirtualBox. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in takeover of Oracle VM VirtualBox. Note: This vulnerability applies to Linux hosts only. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 7.8 (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on BDU:PublicExploit website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714Oracle VM VirtualBox is a hosted hypervisor for x86 virtualization developed by Oracle Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

redos: CVE-2024-21103 was patched at 2024-07-24

High (54)

22. Authentication Bypass - Moby Project (CVE-2024-41110) - High [591]

Description: Moby is an open-source project created by Docker for software containerization. A security vulnerability has been detected in certain versions of Docker Engine, which could allow an attacker to bypass authorization plugins (AuthZ) under specific circumstances. The base likelihood of this being exploited is low. Using a specially-crafted API request, an Engine API client could make the daemon forward the request or response to an authorization plugin without the body. In certain circumstances, the authorization plugin may allow a request which it would have otherwise denied if the body had been forwarded to it. A security issue was discovered In 2018, where an attacker could bypass AuthZ plugins using a specially crafted API request. This could lead to unauthorized actions, including privilege escalation. Although this issue was fixed in Docker Engine v18.09.1 in January 2019, the fix was not carried forward to later major versions, resulting in a regression. Anyone who depends on authorization plugins that introspect the request and/or response body to make access control decisions is potentially impacted. Docker EE v19.03.x and all versions of Mirantis Container Runtime are not vulnerable. docker-ce v27.1.1 containes patches to fix the vulnerability. Patches have also been merged into the master, 19.03, 20.0, 23.0, 24.0, 25.0, 26.0, and 26.1 release branches. If one is unable to upgrade immediately, avoid using AuthZ plugins and/or restrict access to the Docker API to trusted parties, following the principle of least privilege.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:VVPOGLAZOV:CVE-2024-41110-CHECKER, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:PAULOPAROPP:CVE-2024-41110-SCAN, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:SECSABURO:CVE-2024-41110- websites
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Moby is an open-source project, created by Docker, to enable and accelerate software containerization
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 9.9. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.14847

debian: CVE-2024-41110 was patched at 2024-08-01

redos: CVE-2024-41110 was patched at 2024-07-29

23. Command Injection - GLPI (CVE-2022-39276) - High [580]

Description: GLPI stands for Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique. GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package that provides ITIL Service Desk features, licenses tracking and software auditing. Usage of RSS feeds or an external calendar in planning is subject to SSRF exploit. In case a remote script returns a redirect response, the redirect target URL is not checked against the URL allow list defined by administrator. This issue has been patched, please upgrade to 10.0.4. There are currently no known workarounds.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on, BDU:PublicExploit websites
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Command Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.310CVSS Base Score is 3.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00068, EPSS Percentile is 0.30701

redos: CVE-2022-39276 was patched at 2024-07-26

24. Authentication Bypass - Nova (CVE-2024-40767) - High [579]

Description: In OpenStack Nova before 27.4.1, 28 before 28.2.1, and 29 before 29.1.1, by supplying a raw format image that is actually a crafted QCOW2 image with a backing file path or VMDK flat image with a descriptor file path, an authenticated user may convince systems to return a copy of the referenced file's contents from the server, resulting in unauthorized access to potentially sensitive data. All Nova deployments are affected. NOTE: this issue exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2022-47951 and CVE-2024-32498.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:openstack:nova (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00067, EPSS Percentile is 0.30077

redhat: CVE-2024-40767 was patched at 2024-08-07, 2024-08-08

ubuntu: CVE-2024-40767 was patched at 2024-07-23

25. Code Injection - Calibre (CVE-2024-7009) - High [563]

Description: Unsanitized user-input in Calibre <= 7.15.0 allow users with permissions to perform full-text searches to achieve SQL injection on the SQLite database.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Code Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714Calibre is a cross-platform free and open-source suite of e-book software
CVSS Base Score0.410CVSS Base Score is 4.2. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00049, EPSS Percentile is 0.18846

debian: CVE-2024-7009 was patched at 2024-08-21

26. Denial of Service - Curl (CVE-2024-6197) - High [563]

Description: libcurl's ASN1 parser has this utf8asn1str() function used for parsing an ASN.1 UTF-8 string. Itcan detect an invalid field and return error. Unfortunately, when doing so it also invokes `free()` on a 4 byte localstack buffer. Most modern malloc implementations detect this error and immediately abort. Some however accept the input pointer and add that memory to its list of available chunks. This leads to the overwriting of nearby stack memory. The content of the overwrite is decided by the `free()` implementation; likely to be memory pointers and a set of flags. The most likely outcome of exploting this flaw is a crash, although it cannot be ruled out that more serious results can be had in special circumstances.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on BDU:PublicExploit website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714Curl is a command-line tool for transferring data specified with URL syntax
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

redos: CVE-2024-6197 was patched at 2024-08-12

27. Denial of Service - Envoy (CVE-2024-27919) - High [563]

Description: Envoy is a cloud-native, open-source edge and service proxy. In versions 1.29.0 and 1.29.1, theEnvoy HTTP/2 protocol stack is vulnerable to the flood of CONTINUATION frames. Envoy's HTTP/2 codec does not reset a request when header map limits have been exceeded. This allows an attacker to send an sequence of CONTINUATION frames without the END_HEADERS bit set causing unlimited memory consumption. This can lead to denial of service through memory exhaustion. Users should upgrade to versions 1.29.2 to mitigate the effects of the CONTINUATION flood. Note that this vulnerability is a regression in Envoy version 1.29.0 and 1.29.1 only. As a workaround, downgrade to version 1.28.1 or earlier or disable HTTP/2 protocol for downstream connections.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:LOCKNESS-KO:CVE-2024-27316 website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714Envoy is a cloud-native, open-source edge and service proxy
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16405

redos: CVE-2024-27919 was patched at 2024-08-05

28. Cross Site Scripting - GLPI (CVE-2022-39262) - High [561]

Description: GLPI stands for Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique. GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package, GLPI administrator can define rich-text content to be displayed on login page. The displayed content is can contains malicious code that can be used to steal credentials. This issue has been patched, please upgrade to version 10.0.4.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on, BDU:PublicExploit websites
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.815Cross Site Scripting
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.2. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00053, EPSS Percentile is 0.22147

redos: CVE-2022-39262 was patched at 2024-07-26

29. Cross Site Scripting - GLPI (CVE-2022-39277) - High [561]

Description: GLPI stands for Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique. GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package that provides ITIL Service Desk features, licenses tracking and software auditing. External links are not properly sanitized and can therefore be used for a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attack. This issue has been patched, please upgrade to GLPI 10.0.4. There are currently no known workarounds.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on, BDU:PublicExploit websites
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.815Cross Site Scripting
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00053, EPSS Percentile is 0.22147

redos: CVE-2022-39277 was patched at 2024-07-26

30. Cross Site Scripting - Calibre (CVE-2024-7008) - High [557]

Description: Unsanitized user-input in Calibre <= 7.15.0 allow attackers to perform reflected cross-site scripting.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.815Cross Site Scripting
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714Calibre is a cross-platform free and open-source suite of e-book software
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.4. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.0007, EPSS Percentile is 0.31205

debian: CVE-2024-7008 was patched at 2024-08-21

31. Denial of Service - stb_image.h (CVE-2023-43281) - High [553]

Description: Double Free vulnerability in Nothings Stb Image.h v.2.28 allows a remote attacker to cause a denial of service via a crafted file to the stbi_load_gif_main function.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:nothings:stb_image.h (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.510EPSS Probability is 0.00154, EPSS Percentile is 0.52398

debian: CVE-2023-43281 was patched at 2024-08-21

32. Denial of Service - Python (CVE-2024-7592) - High [546]

Description: There is a LOW severity vulnerability affecting CPython, specifically the 'http.cookies' standard library module. When parsing cookies that contained backslashes for quoted characters in the cookie value, the parser would use an algorithm with quadratic complexity, resulting in excess CPU resources being used while parsing the value.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00049, EPSS Percentile is 0.1958

debian: CVE-2024-7592 was patched at 2024-08-21

33. Denial of Service - RabbitMQ Java Client (CVE-2023-46120) - High [541]

Description: The RabbitMQ Java client library allows Java and JVM-based applications to connect to and interact with RabbitMQ nodes. `maxBodyLebgth` was not used when receiving Message objects. Attackers could send a very large Message causing a memory overflow and triggering an OOM Error. Users of RabbitMQ may suffer from DoS attacks from RabbitMQ Java client which will ultimately exhaust the memory of the consumer. This vulnerability was patched in version 5.18.0.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on, BDU:PublicExploit websites
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:vmware:rabbitmq_java_client (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.9. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.610EPSS Probability is 0.00208, EPSS Percentile is 0.59167

redos: CVE-2023-46120 was patched at 2024-08-06

34. Authentication Bypass - Apache HTTP Server (CVE-2024-40725) - High [539]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'A partial fix for\xa0 CVE-2024-39884 in the core of Apache HTTP Server 2.4.61 ignores some use of the legacy content-type based configuration of handlers. "AddType" and similar configuration, under some circumstances where files are requested indirectly, result in source code disclosure of local content. For example, PHP scripts may be served instead of interpreted. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.62, which fixes this issue. ', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'A partial fix for\xa0 CVE-2024-39884 in the core of Apache HTTP Server 2.4.61 ignores some use of the legacy content-type based configuration of handlers. "AddType" and similar configuration, under some circumstances where files are requested indirectly, result in source code disclosure of local content. For example, PHP scripts may be served instead of interpreted.\n\nUsers are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.62, which fixes this issue.\n\n', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:TAM-K592:CVE-2024-40725-CVE-2024-40898, BDU:PublicExploit websites
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914Apache HTTP Server is a free and open-source web server that delivers web content through the internet
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-40725 was patched at 2024-07-18

redos: CVE-2024-40725 was patched at 2024-08-12

ubuntu: CVE-2024-40725 was patched at 2024-07-18

35. Memory Corruption - FFmpeg (CVE-2024-7272) - High [539]

Description: A vulnerability, which was classified as critical, was found in FFmpeg up to 5.1.5. This affects the function fill_audiodata of the file /libswresample/swresample.c. The manipulation leads to heap-based buffer overflow. It is possible to initiate the attack remotely. This issue was fixed in version 6.0 by 9903ba28c28ab18dc7b7b6fb8571cc8b5caae1a6 but a backport for 5.1 was forgotten. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. Upgrading to version 5.1.6 and 6.0 9903ba28c28ab18dc7b7b6fb8571cc8b5caae1a6 is able to address this issue. It is recommended to upgrade the affected component.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on, BDU:PublicExploit websites
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714FFmpeg is a free and open-source software project consisting of a suite of libraries and programs for handling video, audio, and other multimedia files and streams
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.510EPSS Probability is 0.00121, EPSS Percentile is 0.47058

debian: CVE-2024-7272 was patched at 2024-08-14, 2024-08-21

36. Security Feature Bypass - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42318) - High [525]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: landlock: Don't lose track of restrictions on cred_transfer When a process' cred struct is replaced, this _almost_ always invokes the cred_prepare LSM hook; but in one special case (when KEYCTL_SESSION_TO_PARENT updates the parent's credentials), the cred_transfer LSM hook is used instead. Landlock only implements the cred_prepare hook, not cred_transfer, so KEYCTL_SESSION_TO_PARENT causes all information on Landlock restrictions to be lost. This basically means that a process with the ability to use the fork() and keyctl() syscalls can get rid of all Landlock restrictions on itself. Fix it by adding a cred_transfer hook that does the same thing as the existing cred_prepare hook. (Implemented by having hook_cred_prepare() call hook_cred_transfer() so that the two functions are less likely to accidentally diverge in the future.)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on Vulners:PublicExploit:PACKETSTORM:180261 website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42318 was patched at 2024-08-21

37. Authentication Bypass - Oracle VM VirtualBox (CVE-2024-21113) - High [523]

Description: Vulnerability in the Oracle VM VirtualBox product of Oracle Virtualization (component: Core). Supported versions that are affected are Prior to 7.0.16. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with logon to the infrastructure where Oracle VM VirtualBox executes to compromise Oracle VM VirtualBox. While the vulnerability is in Oracle VM VirtualBox, attacks may significantly impact additional products (scope change). Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in takeover of Oracle VM VirtualBox. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 8.8 (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists0.517The existence of a private exploit is mentioned on BDU:PrivateExploit website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714Oracle VM VirtualBox is a hosted hypervisor for x86 virtualization developed by Oracle Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.17029

redos: CVE-2024-21113 was patched at 2024-07-24

38. Authentication Bypass - Oracle VM VirtualBox (CVE-2024-21114) - High [523]

Description: Vulnerability in the Oracle VM VirtualBox product of Oracle Virtualization (component: Core). Supported versions that are affected are Prior to 7.0.16. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with logon to the infrastructure where Oracle VM VirtualBox executes to compromise Oracle VM VirtualBox. While the vulnerability is in Oracle VM VirtualBox, attacks may significantly impact additional products (scope change). Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in takeover of Oracle VM VirtualBox. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 8.8 (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists0.517The existence of a private exploit is mentioned on BDU:PrivateExploit website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714Oracle VM VirtualBox is a hosted hypervisor for x86 virtualization developed by Oracle Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.17029

redos: CVE-2024-21114 was patched at 2024-07-24

39. Authentication Bypass - Oracle VM VirtualBox (CVE-2024-21115) - High [523]

Description: Vulnerability in the Oracle VM VirtualBox product of Oracle Virtualization (component: Core). Supported versions that are affected are Prior to 7.0.16. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with logon to the infrastructure where Oracle VM VirtualBox executes to compromise Oracle VM VirtualBox. While the vulnerability is in Oracle VM VirtualBox, attacks may significantly impact additional products (scope change). Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in takeover of Oracle VM VirtualBox. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 8.8 (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists0.517The existence of a private exploit is mentioned on BDU:PrivateExploit website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714Oracle VM VirtualBox is a hosted hypervisor for x86 virtualization developed by Oracle Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.17029

redos: CVE-2024-21115 was patched at 2024-07-24

40. Open Redirect - webob (CVE-2024-42353) - High [514]

Description: WebOb provides objects for HTTP requests and responses. When WebOb normalizes the HTTP Location header to include the request hostname, it does so by parsing the URL that the user is to be redirected to with Python's urlparse, and joining it to the base URL. `urlparse` however treats a `//` at the start of a string as a URI without a scheme, and then treats the next part as the hostname. `urljoin` will then use that hostname from the second part as the hostname replacing the original one from the request. This vulnerability is patched in WebOb version 1.8.8.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.7515Open Redirect
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:pylonsproject:webob (does NOT exist in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.17727

debian: CVE-2024-42353 was patched at 2024-08-21

41. Denial of Service - GPAC (CVE-2023-46929) - High [513]

Description: An issue discovered in GPAC 2.3-DEV-rev605-gfc9e29089-master in MP4Box in gf_avc_change_vui /afltest/gpac/src/media_tools/av_parsers.c:6872:55 allows attackers to crash the application.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.414GPAC is an Open Source multimedia framework for research and academic purposes; the project covers different aspects of multimedia, with a focus on presentation technologies (graphics, animation and interactivity)
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.17727

redos: CVE-2023-46929 was patched at 2024-08-07

42. Authentication Bypass - Oracle VM VirtualBox (CVE-2024-21116) - High [511]

Description: Vulnerability in the Oracle VM VirtualBox product of Oracle Virtualization (component: Core). Supported versions that are affected are Prior to 7.0.16. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with logon to the infrastructure where Oracle VM VirtualBox executes to compromise Oracle VM VirtualBox. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in takeover of Oracle VM VirtualBox. Note: This vulnerability applies to Linux hosts only. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 7.8 (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists0.517The existence of a private exploit is mentioned on BDU:PrivateExploit website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714Oracle VM VirtualBox is a hosted hypervisor for x86 virtualization developed by Oracle Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.17029

redos: CVE-2024-21116 was patched at 2024-07-24

43. Authentication Bypass - Oracle VM VirtualBox (CVE-2024-21110) - High [500]

Description: Vulnerability in the Oracle VM VirtualBox product of Oracle Virtualization (component: Core). Supported versions that are affected are Prior to 7.0.16. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with logon to the infrastructure where Oracle VM VirtualBox executes to compromise Oracle VM VirtualBox. Successful attacks require human interaction from a person other than the attacker. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in takeover of Oracle VM VirtualBox. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 7.3 (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists0.517The existence of a private exploit is mentioned on BDU:PrivateExploit website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714Oracle VM VirtualBox is a hosted hypervisor for x86 virtualization developed by Oracle Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 7.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.17029

redos: CVE-2024-21110 was patched at 2024-07-24

44. Code Injection - GLPI (CVE-2022-35947) - High [497]

Description: GLPI stands for Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique and is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package, that provides ITIL Service Desk features, licenses tracking and software auditing. Affected versions have been found to be vulnerable to a SQL injection attack which an attacker could leverage to simulate an arbitrary user login. Users are advised to upgrade to version 10.0.3. Users unable to upgrade should disable the `Enable login with external token` API configuration.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Code Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 10.0. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.610EPSS Probability is 0.0018, EPSS Percentile is 0.55822

redos: CVE-2022-35947 was patched at 2024-07-26

45. Denial of Service - pdfio (CVE-2024-42358) - High [494]

Description: PDFio is a simple C library for reading and writing PDF files. There is a denial of service (DOS) vulnerability in the TTF parser. Maliciously crafted TTF files can cause the program to utilize 100% of the Memory and enter an infinite loop. This can also lead to a heap-buffer-overflow vulnerability. An infinite loop occurs in the read_camp function by nGroups value. The ttf.h library is vulnerable. A value called nGroups is extracted from the file, and by changing that value, you can cause the program to utilize 100% of the Memory and enter an infinite loop. If the value of nGroups in the file is small, an infinite loop will not occur. This library, whether used as a standalone binary or as part of another application, is vulnerable to DOS attacks when parsing certain types of files. Automated systems, including web servers that use this code to convert PDF submissions into plaintext, can be DOSed if an attacker uploads a malicious TTF file. This issue has been addressed in release version 1.3.1. All users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:msweet:pdfio (does NOT exist in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.2. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13333

debian: CVE-2024-42358 was patched at 2024-08-21

46. Memory Corruption - libcurl (CVE-2024-7264) - High [482]

Description: libcurl's ASN1 parser code has the `GTime2str()` function, used for parsing an ASN.1 Generalized Time field. If given an syntactically incorrect field, the parser might end up using -1 for the length of the *time fraction*, leading to a `strlen()` getting performed on a pointer to a heap buffer area that is not (purposely) null terminated. This flaw most likely leads to a crash, but can also lead to heap contents getting returned to the application when [CURLINFO_CERTINFO]( is used.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:haxx:libcurl (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00056, EPSS Percentile is 0.23844

debian: CVE-2024-7264 was patched at 2024-08-01

redos: CVE-2024-7264 was patched at 2024-08-16

ubuntu: CVE-2024-7264 was patched at 2024-08-05, 2024-08-20

47. Denial of Service - GPAC (CVE-2023-50120) - High [477]

Description: MP4Box GPAC version 2.3-DEV-rev636-gfbd7e13aa-master was discovered to contain an infinite loop in the function av1_uvlc at media_tools/av_parsers.c. This vulnerability allows attackers to cause a Denial of Service (DoS) via a crafted MP4 file.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on, BDU:PublicExploit websites
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.414GPAC is an Open Source multimedia framework for research and academic purposes; the project covers different aspects of multimedia, with a focus on presentation technologies (graphics, animation and interactivity)
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13333

redos: CVE-2023-50120 was patched at 2024-08-07

48. Authentication Bypass - GLPI (CVE-2022-24867) - High [463]

Description: GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package, that provides ITIL Service Desk features, licenses tracking and software auditing. When you pass the config to the javascript, some entries are filtered out. The variable ldap_pass is not filtered and when you look at the source code of the rendered page, we can see the password for the root dn. Users are advised to upgrade. There is no known workaround for this issue.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.510EPSS Probability is 0.00133, EPSS Percentile is 0.49191

redos: CVE-2022-24867 was patched at 2024-07-26

49. Authentication Bypass - Minio (CVE-2023-28433) - High [458]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Minio is a Multi-Cloud Object Storage framework. All users on Windows prior to version RELEASE.2023-03-20T20-16-18Z are impacted. MinIO fails to filter the `\\` character, which allows for arbitrary object placement across buckets. As a result, a user with low privileges, such as an access key, service account, or STS credential, which only has permission to `PutObject` in a specific bucket, can create an admin user. This issue is patched in RELEASE.2023-03-20T20-16-18Z. There are no known workarounds.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Minio is a Multi-Cloud Object Storage framework. All users on Windows prior to version RELEASE.2023-03-20T20-16-18Z are impacted. MinIO fails to filter the `\\` character, which allows for arbitrary object placement across buckets. As a result, a user with low privileges, such as an access key, service account, or STS credential, which only has permission to `PutObject` in a specific bucket, can create an admin user. This issue is patched in RELEASE.2023-03-20T20-16-18Z. There are no known workarounds.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714Minio is a Multi-Cloud Object Storage framework
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.510EPSS Probability is 0.00128, EPSS Percentile is 0.48251

redos: CVE-2023-28433 was patched at 2024-08-07

50. Command Injection - Apache Traffic Server (CVE-2024-35161) - High [456]

Description: Apache Traffic Server forwards malformed HTTP chunked trailer section to origin servers. This can be utilized for request smuggling and may also lead cache poisoning if the origin servers are vulnerable. This issue affects Apache Traffic Server: from 8.0.0 through 8.1.10, from 9.0.0 through 9.2.4. Users can set a new setting (proxy.config.http.drop_chunked_trailers) not to forward chunked trailer section. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 8.1.11 or 9.2.5, which fixes the issue.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Command Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714The Apache Traffic Server is a modular, high-performance reverse proxy and forward proxy server, generally comparable to Nginx and Squid
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 9.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.510EPSS Probability is 0.00125, EPSS Percentile is 0.47913

debian: CVE-2024-35161 was patched at 2024-08-01

51. Remote Code Execution - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-7520) - High [454]

Description: A type confusion bug in WebAssembly could be leveraged by an attacker to potentially achieve code execution. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 129, Firefox ESR < 128.1, and Thunderbird < 128.1.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00068, EPSS Percentile is 0.3041

almalinux: CVE-2024-7520 was patched at 2024-08-14, 2024-08-15

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-7520 was patched at 2024-08-13, 2024-08-14

redhat: CVE-2024-7520 was patched at 2024-08-13, 2024-08-14, 2024-08-15, 2024-08-19

ubuntu: CVE-2024-7520 was patched at 2024-08-19

52. Authentication Bypass - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-7525) - High [451]

Description: It was possible for a web extension with minimal permissions to create a `StreamFilter` which could be used to read and modify the response body of requests on any site. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 129, Firefox ESR < 115.14, Firefox ESR < 128.1, Thunderbird < 128.1, and Thunderbird < 115.14.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 9.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00071, EPSS Percentile is 0.31455

almalinux: CVE-2024-7525 was patched at 2024-08-14, 2024-08-15

debian: CVE-2024-7525 was patched at 2024-08-07, 2024-08-08, 2024-08-21

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-7525 was patched at 2024-08-13, 2024-08-14

redhat: CVE-2024-7525 was patched at 2024-08-13, 2024-08-14, 2024-08-15, 2024-08-19

ubuntu: CVE-2024-7525 was patched at 2024-08-19

53. Code Injection - GLPI (CVE-2022-39323) - High [449]

Description: GLPI stands for Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique. GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package that provides ITIL Service Desk features, licenses tracking and software auditing. Time based attack using a SQL injection in api REST user_token. This issue has been patched, please upgrade to version 10.0.4. As a workaround, disable login with user_token on API Rest.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Code Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 7.4. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.510EPSS Probability is 0.00142, EPSS Percentile is 0.50717

redos: CVE-2022-39323 was patched at 2024-07-26

54. Command Injection - Apache Traffic Server (CVE-2023-38522) - High [444]

Description: Apache Traffic Server accepts characters that are not allowed for HTTP field names and forwards malformed requests to origin servers. This can be utilized for request smuggling and may also lead cache poisoning if the origin servers are vulnerable. This issue affects Apache Traffic Server: from 8.0.0 through 8.1.10, from 9.0.0 through 9.2.4. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 8.1.11 or 9.2.5, which fixes the issue.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Command Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714The Apache Traffic Server is a modular, high-performance reverse proxy and forward proxy server, generally comparable to Nginx and Squid
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.510EPSS Probability is 0.00125, EPSS Percentile is 0.47913

debian: CVE-2023-38522 was patched at 2024-08-01

55. Authentication Bypass - Chromium (CVE-2024-6995) - High [439]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Inappropriate implementation in Fullscreen in Google Chrome on Android prior to 127.0.6533.72 allowed a remote attacker who convinced a user to engage in specific UI gestures to spoof the contents of the Omnibox (URL bar) via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Medium)', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Inappropriate implementation in Fullscreen in Google Chrome on Android prior to 127.0.6533.72 allowed a remote attacker who convinced a user to engage in specific UI gestures to spoof the contents of the Omnibox (URL bar) via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Medium)', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.17727

debian: CVE-2024-6995 was patched at 2024-07-31, 2024-08-01

redos: CVE-2024-6995 was patched at 2024-08-07

56. Authentication Bypass - GLPI (CVE-2023-34106) - High [439]

Description: GLPI is a free asset and IT management software package. Versions of the software starting with 0.68 and prior to 10.0.8 have an incorrect rights check on a on a file accessible by an authenticated user. This allows access to the list of all users and their personal information. Users should upgrade to version 10.0.8 to receive a patch.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.410EPSS Probability is 0.00081, EPSS Percentile is 0.35553

redos: CVE-2023-34106 was patched at 2024-08-12

57. Authentication Bypass - GLPI (CVE-2023-34107) - High [439]

Description: GLPI is a free asset and IT management software package. Versions of the software starting with 9.2.0 and prior to 10.0.8 have an incorrect rights check on a on a file accessible by an authenticated user, allows access to the view all KnowbaseItems. Version 10.0.8 has a patch for this issue.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.410EPSS Probability is 0.00081, EPSS Percentile is 0.35553

redos: CVE-2023-34107 was patched at 2024-08-12

58. Authentication Bypass - Oracle VM VirtualBox (CVE-2024-21112) - High [434]

Description: Vulnerability in the Oracle VM VirtualBox product of Oracle Virtualization (component: Core). Supported versions that are affected are Prior to 7.0.16. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with logon to the infrastructure where Oracle VM VirtualBox executes to compromise Oracle VM VirtualBox. While the vulnerability is in Oracle VM VirtualBox, attacks may significantly impact additional products (scope change). Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in takeover of Oracle VM VirtualBox. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 8.8 (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714Oracle VM VirtualBox is a hosted hypervisor for x86 virtualization developed by Oracle Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00065, EPSS Percentile is 0.29543

redos: CVE-2024-21112 was patched at 2024-07-24

59. Memory Corruption - vim (CVE-2024-41965) - High [434]

Description: Vim is an open source command line text editor. double-free in dialog_changed() in Vim < v9.1.0648. When abandoning a buffer, Vim may ask the user what to do with the modified buffer. If the user wants the changed buffer to be saved, Vim may create a new Untitled file, if the buffer did not have a name yet. However, when setting the buffer name to Unnamed, Vim will falsely free a pointer twice, leading to a double-free and possibly later to a heap-use-after-free, which can lead to a crash. The issue has been fixed as of Vim patch v9.1.0648.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on BDU:PublicExploit website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:vim:vim (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.410CVSS Base Score is 4.2. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-41965 was patched at 2024-08-21

60. Remote Code Execution - Chromium (CVE-2024-7256) - High [430]

Description: Insufficient data validation in Dawn in Google Chrome on Android prior to 127.0.6533.88 allowed a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-7256 was patched at 2024-07-31, 2024-08-01

redos: CVE-2024-7256 was patched at 2024-08-07

61. Security Feature Bypass - Chromium (CVE-2024-7005) - High [425]

Description: Insufficient validation of untrusted input in Safe Browsing in Google Chrome prior to 127.0.6533.72 allowed a remote attacker who convinced a user to engage in specific UI gestures to bypass discretionary access control via a malicious file. (Chromium security severity: Low)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.17727

debian: CVE-2024-7005 was patched at 2024-07-31, 2024-08-01

redos: CVE-2024-7005 was patched at 2024-08-07

62. Authentication Bypass - Oracle VM VirtualBox (CVE-2024-21109) - High [422]

Description: Vulnerability in the Oracle VM VirtualBox product of Oracle Virtualization (component: Core). Supported versions that are affected are Prior to 7.0.16. Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via HTTP to compromise Oracle VM VirtualBox. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized access to critical data or complete access to all Oracle VM VirtualBox accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 5.9 (Confidentiality impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714Oracle VM VirtualBox is a hosted hypervisor for x86 virtualization developed by Oracle Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.9. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.510EPSS Probability is 0.00169, EPSS Percentile is 0.54458

redos: CVE-2024-21109 was patched at 2024-07-24

63. Code Injection - GLPI (CVE-2022-35946) - High [413]

Description: GLPI stands for Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique and is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package, that provides ITIL Service Desk features, licenses tracking and software auditing. In affected versions request input is not properly validated in the plugin controller and can be used to access low-level API of Plugin class. An attacker can, for instance, alter database data. Attacker must have "General setup" update rights to be able to perform this attack. Users are advised to upgrade to version 10.0.3. Users unable to upgrade should remove the `front/plugin.form.php` script.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Code Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00063, EPSS Percentile is 0.27722

redos: CVE-2022-35946 was patched at 2024-07-26

64. Code Injection - PHP (CVE-2023-41884) - High [413]

Description: ZoneMinder is a free, open source Closed-circuit television software application. In WWW/AJAX/watch.php, Line: 51 takes a few parameter in sql query without sanitizing it which makes it vulnerable to sql injection. This vulnerability is fixed in 1.36.34.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Code Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814PHP is a general-purpose scripting language geared towards web development. It was originally created by Danish-Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf in 1993 and released in 1995.
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 7.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2023-41884 was patched at 2024-08-21

65. Command Injection - GLPI (CVE-2024-27098) - High [413]

Description: GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package, Data center management, ITIL Service Desk, licenses tracking and software auditing. An authenticated user can execute a SSRF based attack using Arbitrary Object Instantiation. This issue has been patched in version 10.0.13.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Command Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.4. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00062, EPSS Percentile is 0.27078

redos: CVE-2024-27098 was patched at 2024-08-12

66. Security Feature Bypass - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-7529) - High [413]

Description: The date picker could partially obscure security prompts. This could be used by a malicious site to trick a user into granting permissions. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 129, Firefox ESR < 115.14, Firefox ESR < 128.1, Thunderbird < 128.1, and Thunderbird < 115.14.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 8.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00058, EPSS Percentile is 0.24811

almalinux: CVE-2024-7529 was patched at 2024-08-14, 2024-08-15

debian: CVE-2024-7529 was patched at 2024-08-07, 2024-08-08, 2024-08-21

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-7529 was patched at 2024-08-13, 2024-08-14

redhat: CVE-2024-7529 was patched at 2024-08-13, 2024-08-14, 2024-08-15, 2024-08-19

ubuntu: CVE-2024-7529 was patched at 2024-08-19

67. Code Injection - django (CVE-2024-42005) - High [411]

Description: An issue was discovered in Django 5.0 before 5.0.8 and 4.2 before 4.2.15. QuerySet.values() and values_list() methods on models with a JSONField are subject to SQL injection in column aliases via a crafted JSON object key as a passed *arg.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Code Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:djangoproject:django (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 9.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00068, EPSS Percentile is 0.3059

debian: CVE-2024-42005 was patched at 2024-08-21

ubuntu: CVE-2024-42005 was patched at 2024-08-06

68. Remote Code Execution - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42243) - High [411]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mm/filemap: make MAX_PAGECACHE_ORDER acceptable to xarray Patch series "mm/filemap: Limit page cache size to that supported by xarray", v2. Currently, xarray can't support arbitrary page cache size. More details can be found from the WARN_ON() statement in xas_split_alloc(). In our test whose code is attached below, we hit the WARN_ON() on ARM64 system where the base page size is 64KB and huge page size is 512MB. The issue was reported long time ago and some discussions on it can be found here [1]. [1] In order to fix the issue, we need to adjust MAX_PAGECACHE_ORDER to one supported by xarray and avoid PMD-sized page cache if needed. The code changes are suggested by David Hildenbrand. PATCH[1] adjusts MAX_PAGECACHE_ORDER to that supported by xarray PATCH[2-3] avoids PMD-sized page cache in the synchronous readahead path PATCH[4] avoids PMD-sized page cache for shmem files if needed Test program ============ # cat test.c #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/syscall.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #define TEST_XFS_FILENAME "/tmp/data" #define TEST_SHMEM_FILENAME "/dev/shm/data" #define TEST_MEM_SIZE 0x20000000 int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *filename; int fd = 0; void *buf = (void *)-1, *p; int pgsize = getpagesize(); int ret; if (pgsize != 0x10000) { fprintf(stderr, "64KB base page size is required\n"); return -EPERM; } system("echo force > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/shmem_enabled"); system("rm -fr /tmp/data"); system("rm -fr /dev/shm/data"); system("echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches"); /* Open xfs or shmem file */ filename = TEST_XFS_FILENAME; if (argc > 1 && !strcmp(argv[1], "shmem")) filename = TEST_SHMEM_FILENAME; fd = open(filename, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_TRUNC); if (fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open <%s>\n", filename); return -EIO; } /* Extend file size */ ret = ftruncate(fd, TEST_MEM_SIZE); if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "Error %d to ftruncate()\n", ret); goto cleanup; } /* Create VMA */ buf = mmap(NULL, TEST_MEM_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); if (buf == (void *)-1) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to mmap <%s>\n", filename); goto cleanup; } fprintf(stdout, "mapped buffer at 0x%p\n", buf); ret = madvise(buf, TEST_MEM_SIZE, MADV_HUGEPAGE); if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to madvise(MADV_HUGEPAGE)\n"); goto cleanup; } /* Populate VMA */ ret = madvise(buf, TEST_MEM_SIZE, MADV_POPULATE_WRITE); if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "Error %d to madvise(MADV_POPULATE_WRITE)\n", ret); goto cleanup; } /* Punch the file to enforce xarray split */ ret = fallocate(fd, FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE | FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE, TEST_MEM_SIZE - pgsize, pgsize); if (ret) fprintf(stderr, "Error %d to fallocate()\n", ret); cleanup: if (buf != (void *)-1) munmap(buf, TEST_MEM_SIZE); if (fd > 0) close(fd); return 0; } # gcc test.c -o test # cat /proc/1/smaps | grep KernelPageSize | head -n 1 KernelPageSize: 64 kB # ./test shmem : ------------[ cut here ]------------ WARNING: CPU: 17 PID: 5253 at lib/xarray.c:1025 xas_split_alloc+0xf8/0x128 Modules linked in: nft_fib_inet nft_fib_ipv4 nft_fib_ipv6 nft_fib \ nft_reject_inet nf_reject_ipv4 nf_reject_ipv6 nft_reject nft_ct \ nft_chain_nat nf_nat nf_conntrack nf_defrag_ipv6 nf_defrag_ipv4 \ ip_set nf_tables rfkill nfnetlink vfat fat virtio_balloon \ drm fuse xfs libcrc32c crct10dif_ce ghash_ce sha2_ce sha256_arm64 \ virtio_net sha1_ce net_failover failover virtio_console virtio_blk \ dimlib virtio_mmio CPU: 17 PID: 5253 Comm: test Kdump: loaded Tainted: G W 6.10.0-rc5-gavin+ #12 Hardware name: QEMU KVM Virtual Machine, BIOS edk2-20240524-1.el9 05/24/2024 pstate: 83400005 (Nzcv daif +PAN -UAO +TC ---truncated---

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42243 was patched at 2024-08-21

69. Authentication Bypass - Oracle VM VirtualBox (CVE-2024-21121) - High [410]

Description: Vulnerability in the Oracle VM VirtualBox product of Oracle Virtualization (component: Core). Supported versions that are affected are Prior to 7.0.16. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with logon to the infrastructure where Oracle VM VirtualBox executes to compromise Oracle VM VirtualBox. While the vulnerability is in Oracle VM VirtualBox, attacks may significantly impact additional products (scope change). Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized access to critical data or complete access to all Oracle VM VirtualBox accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 6.5 (Confidentiality impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:N/A:N).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714Oracle VM VirtualBox is a hosted hypervisor for x86 virtualization developed by Oracle Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00065, EPSS Percentile is 0.29543

redos: CVE-2024-21121 was patched at 2024-07-24

70. Elevation of Privilege - Intel(R) Processor (CVE-2023-49141) - High [408]

Description: Improper isolation in some Intel(R) Processors stream cache mechanism may allow an authenticated user to potentially enable escalation of privilege via local access.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.8515Elevation of Privilege
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914Intel's processors from the pioneering 4-bit 4004 (1971) to the present high-end offerings
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2023-49141 was patched at 2024-08-21

ubuntu: CVE-2023-49141 was patched at 2024-08-20

71. Security Feature Bypass - Apache Traffic Server (CVE-2024-35296) - High [408]

Description: Invalid Accept-Encoding header can cause Apache Traffic Server to fail cache lookup and force forwarding requests. This issue affects Apache Traffic Server: from 8.0.0 through 8.1.10, from 9.0.0 through 9.2.4. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 8.1.11 or 9.2.5, which fixes the issue.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714The Apache Traffic Server is a modular, high-performance reverse proxy and forward proxy server, generally comparable to Nginx and Squid
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 8.2. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00062, EPSS Percentile is 0.27265

debian: CVE-2024-35296 was patched at 2024-08-01

72. Cross Site Scripting - GLPI (CVE-2023-34244) - High [407]

Description: GLPI is a free asset and IT management software package. Starting in version 9.4.0 and prior to version 10.0.8, a malicious link can be crafted by an unauthenticated user that can exploit a reflected XSS in case any authenticated user opens the crafted link. Users should upgrade to version 10.0.8 to receive a patch.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.815Cross Site Scripting
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.410EPSS Probability is 0.00083, EPSS Percentile is 0.35951

redos: CVE-2023-34244 was patched at 2024-08-12

73. Remote Code Execution - Newlib (CVE-2024-30949) - High [404]

Description: An issue in newlib v.4.3.0 allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code via the time unit scaling in the _gettimeofday function.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:newlib_project:newlib (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 9.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-30949 was patched at 2024-08-21

74. Security Feature Bypass - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-5692) - High [401]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'On Windows 10, when using the 'Save As' functionality, an attacker could have tricked the browser into saving the file with a disallowed extension such as `.url` by including an invalid character in the extension. *Note:* This issue only affected Windows operating systems. Other operating systems are unaffected. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 127, Firefox ESR < 115.12, and Thunderbird < 115.12.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'On Windows 10, when using the 'Save As' functionality, an attacker could have tricked the browser into saving the file with a disallowed extension such as `.url` by including an invalid character in the extension. *Note:* This issue only affected Windows operating systems. Other operating systems are unaffected. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 127, Firefox ESR < 115.12, and Thunderbird < 115.12.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

redos: CVE-2024-5692 was patched at 2024-08-14

75. Security Feature Bypass - Node.js (CVE-2024-42461) - High [401]

Description: In the Elliptic package 6.5.6 for Node.js, ECDSA signature malleability occurs because BER-encoded signatures are allowed.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Node.js is a cross-platform, open-source server environment that can run on Windows, Linux, Unix, macOS, and more
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.410EPSS Probability is 0.00091, EPSS Percentile is 0.39627

debian: CVE-2024-42461 was patched at 2024-08-21

Medium (287)

76. Elevation of Privilege - Intel(R) Processor (CVE-2024-24853) - Medium [397]

Description: Incorrect behavior order in transition between executive monitor and SMI transfer monitor (STM) in some Intel(R) Processor may allow a privileged user to potentially enable escalation of privilege via local access.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.8515Elevation of Privilege
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914Intel's processors from the pioneering 4-bit 4004 (1971) to the present high-end offerings
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 7.2. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-24853 was patched at 2024-08-21

ubuntu: CVE-2024-24853 was patched at 2024-08-20

77. Cross Site Scripting - GLPI (CVE-2023-22722) - Medium [395]

Description: GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package. Versions 9.4.0 and above, prior to 10.0.6 are subject to Cross-site Scripting. An attacker can persuade a victim into opening a URL containing a payload exploiting this vulnerability. After exploited, the attacker can make actions as the victim or exfiltrate session cookies. This issue is patched in version 10.0.6.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.815Cross Site Scripting
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00072, EPSS Percentile is 0.32046

redos: CVE-2023-22722 was patched at 2024-07-29

78. Information Disclosure - .NET and Visual Studio (CVE-2024-38167) - Medium [395]

Description: .NET and Visual Studio Information Disclosure Vulnerability

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.8315Information Disclosure
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714.NET and Visual Studio
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.410EPSS Probability is 0.00092, EPSS Percentile is 0.39903

almalinux: CVE-2024-38167 was patched at 2024-08-13, 2024-08-15

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-38167 was patched at 2024-08-13

redhat: CVE-2024-38167 was patched at 2024-08-13, 2024-08-15

ubuntu: CVE-2024-38167 was patched at 2024-08-13

79. Denial of Service - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38384) - Medium [394]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: blk-cgroup: fix list corruption from reorder of WRITE ->lqueued __blkcg_rstat_flush() can be run anytime, especially when blk_cgroup_bio_start is being executed. If WRITE of `->lqueued` is re-ordered with READ of 'bisc->' in the loop of __blkcg_rstat_flush(), `next_bisc` can be assigned with one stat instance being added in blk_cgroup_bio_start(), then the local list in __blkcg_rstat_flush() could be corrupted. Fix the issue by adding one barrier.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 8.4. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

redhat: CVE-2024-38384 was patched at 2024-08-07

80. Remote Code Execution - Flask (CVE-2024-32484) - Medium [392]

Description: An reflected XSS vulnerability exists in the handling of invalid paths in the Flask server in Ankitects Anki 24.04. A specially crafted flashcard can lead to JavaScript code execution and result in an arbitrary file read. An attacker can share a malicious flashcard to trigger this vulnerability.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Flask is a lightweight WSGI web application framework
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 7.4. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.410EPSS Probability is 0.00087, EPSS Percentile is 0.37703

debian: CVE-2024-32484 was patched at 2024-08-01

81. Remote Code Execution - Curl (CVE-2024-42365) - Medium [390]

Description: Asterisk is an open source private branch exchange (PBX) and telephony toolkit. Prior to asterisk versions 18.24.2, 20.9.2, and 21.4.2 and certified-asterisk versions 18.9-cert11 and 20.7-cert2, an AMI user with `write=originate` may change all configuration files in the `/etc/asterisk/` directory. This occurs because they are able to curl remote files and write them to disk, but are also able to append to existing files using the `FILE` function inside the `SET` application. This issue may result in privilege escalation, remote code execution and/or blind server-side request forgery with arbitrary protocol. Asterisk versions 18.24.2, 20.9.2, and 21.4.2 and certified-asterisk versions 18.9-cert11 and 20.7-cert2 contain a fix for this issue.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714Curl is a command-line tool for transferring data specified with URL syntax
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 7.4. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42365 was patched at 2024-08-21

82. Code Injection - GLPI (CVE-2022-39375) - Medium [389]

Description: GLPI stands for Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique. GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package that provides ITIL Service Desk features, licenses tracking and software auditing. Users may be able to create a public RSS feed to inject malicious code in dashboards of other users. This issue has been patched, please upgrade to version 10.0.4. There are currently no known workarounds.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Code Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00054, EPSS Percentile is 0.23505

redos: CVE-2022-39375 was patched at 2024-07-26

83. Incorrect Calculation - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-7521) - Medium [389]

Description: Incomplete WebAssembly exception handing could have led to a use-after-free. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 129, Firefox ESR < 115.14, Firefox ESR < 128.1, Thunderbird < 128.1, and Thunderbird < 115.14.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Incorrect Calculation
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 9.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.410EPSS Probability is 0.00084, EPSS Percentile is 0.36556

almalinux: CVE-2024-7521 was patched at 2024-08-14, 2024-08-15

debian: CVE-2024-7521 was patched at 2024-08-07, 2024-08-08, 2024-08-21

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-7521 was patched at 2024-08-13, 2024-08-14

redhat: CVE-2024-7521 was patched at 2024-08-13, 2024-08-14, 2024-08-15, 2024-08-19

ubuntu: CVE-2024-7521 was patched at 2024-08-19

84. Memory Corruption - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-7530) - Medium [389]

Description: Incorrect garbage collection interaction could have led to a use-after-free. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 129.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 9.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.410EPSS Probability is 0.00091, EPSS Percentile is 0.39627

ubuntu: CVE-2024-7530 was patched at 2024-08-19

85. Cross Site Scripting - GLPI (CVE-2022-24868) - Medium [383]

Description: GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package, that provides ITIL Service Desk features, licenses tracking and software auditing. In versions prior to 10.0.0 one can exploit a lack of sanitization on SVG file uploads and inject javascript into their user avatar. As a result any user viewing the avatar will be subject to a cross site scripting attack. Users of GLPI are advised to upgrade. Users unable to upgrade should disallow SVG avatars.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.815Cross Site Scripting
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 7.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.0005, EPSS Percentile is 0.20133

redos: CVE-2022-24868 was patched at 2024-07-26

86. Cross Site Scripting - GLPI (CVE-2022-31187) - Medium [383]

Description: GLPI stands for Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique and is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package, that provides ITIL Service Desk features, licenses tracking and software auditing. Affected versions were found to not properly neutralize HTML tags in the global search context. Users are advised to upgrade to version 10.0.3 to resolve this issue. Users unable to upgrade should disable global search.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.815Cross Site Scripting
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.0005, EPSS Percentile is 0.20133

redos: CVE-2022-31187 was patched at 2024-07-26

87. Cross Site Scripting - GLPI (CVE-2022-35945) - Medium [383]

Description: GLPI stands for Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique and is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package, that provides ITIL Service Desk features, licenses tracking and software auditing. Information associated to registration key are not properly escaped in registration key configuration page. They can be used to steal a GLPI administrator cookie. Users are advised to upgrade to 10.0.3. There are no known workarounds for this issue. ### Workarounds Do not use a registration key created by an untrusted person.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.815Cross Site Scripting
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00061, EPSS Percentile is 0.26886

redos: CVE-2022-35945 was patched at 2024-07-26

88. Cross Site Scripting - GLPI (CVE-2022-39181) - Medium [383]

Description: GLPI - Reports plugin for GLPI Reflected Cross-Site-Scripting (RXSS). Type 1: Reflected XSS (or Non-Persistent) - The server reads data directly from the HTTP request and reflects it back in the HTTP response. Reflected XSS exploits occur when an attacker causes a victim to supply dangerous content to a vulnerable web application, which is then reflected back to the victim and executed by the web browser. The most common mechanism for delivering malicious content is to include it as a parameter in a URL that is posted publicly or emailed directly to the victim. URLs constructed in this manner constitute the core of many phishing schemes, whereby an attacker convinces a victim to visit a URL that refers to a vulnerable site. After the site reflects the attacker's content back to the victim, the content is executed by the victim's browser.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.815Cross Site Scripting
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00072, EPSS Percentile is 0.32046

redos: CVE-2022-39181 was patched at 2024-07-29

89. Cross Site Scripting - GLPI (CVE-2024-23645) - Medium [383]

Description: GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package. A malicious URL can be used to execute XSS on reports pages. Upgrade to 10.0.12.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.815Cross Site Scripting
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00052, EPSS Percentile is 0.21091

redos: CVE-2024-23645 was patched at 2024-08-12

90. Cross Site Scripting - Safari (CVE-2024-40785) - Medium [383]

Description: This issue was addressed with improved checks. This issue is fixed in iOS 16.7.9 and iPadOS 16.7.9, Safari 17.6, iOS 17.6 and iPadOS 17.6, watchOS 10.6, tvOS 17.6, visionOS 1.3, macOS Sonoma 14.6. Processing maliciously crafted web content may lead to a cross site scripting attack.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.815Cross Site Scripting
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Safari is a web browser developed by Apple. It is built into Apple's operating systems, including macOS, iOS, iPadOS and their upcoming VisionOS, and uses Apple's open-source browser engine WebKit, which was derived from KHTML.
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00073, EPSS Percentile is 0.32468

debian: CVE-2024-40785 was patched at 2024-08-21

91. Authentication Bypass - Chromium (CVE-2024-6999) - Medium [379]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Inappropriate implementation in FedCM in Google Chrome prior to 127.0.6533.72 allowed a remote attacker who convinced a user to engage in specific UI gestures to perform UI spoofing via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Medium)', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Inappropriate implementation in FedCM in Google Chrome prior to 127.0.6533.72 allowed a remote attacker who convinced a user to engage in specific UI gestures to perform UI spoofing via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Medium)', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.410CVSS Base Score is 4.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.17727

debian: CVE-2024-6999 was patched at 2024-07-31, 2024-08-01

redos: CVE-2024-6999 was patched at 2024-08-07

92. Authentication Bypass - Chromium (CVE-2024-7001) - Medium [379]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Inappropriate implementation in HTML in Google Chrome prior to 127.0.6533.72 allowed a remote attacker who convinced a user to engage in specific UI gestures to perform UI spoofing via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Medium)', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Inappropriate implementation in HTML in Google Chrome prior to 127.0.6533.72 allowed a remote attacker who convinced a user to engage in specific UI gestures to perform UI spoofing via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Medium)', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.410CVSS Base Score is 4.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.17727

debian: CVE-2024-7001 was patched at 2024-07-31, 2024-08-01

redos: CVE-2024-7001 was patched at 2024-08-07

93. Authentication Bypass - Chromium (CVE-2024-7003) - Medium [379]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Inappropriate implementation in FedCM in Google Chrome prior to 127.0.6533.72 allowed a remote attacker who convinced a user to engage in specific UI gestures to perform UI spoofing via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Low)', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Inappropriate implementation in FedCM in Google Chrome prior to 127.0.6533.72 allowed a remote attacker who convinced a user to engage in specific UI gestures to perform UI spoofing via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Low)', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.410CVSS Base Score is 4.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.17727

debian: CVE-2024-7003 was patched at 2024-07-31, 2024-08-01

redos: CVE-2024-7003 was patched at 2024-08-07

94. Authentication Bypass - GLPI (CVE-2022-39370) - Medium [379]

Description: GLPI stands for Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique. GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package that provides ITIL Service Desk features, licenses tracking and software auditing. Connected users may gain access to debug panel through the GLPI update script. This issue has been patched, please upgrade to 10.0.4. As a workaround, delete the `install/update.php` script.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.410CVSS Base Score is 4.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00054, EPSS Percentile is 0.23505

redos: CVE-2022-39370 was patched at 2024-07-26

95. Security Feature Bypass - Python (CVE-2024-41671) - Medium [379]

Description: Twisted is an event-based framework for internet applications, supporting Python 3.6+. The HTTP 1.0 and 1.1 server provided by twisted.web could process pipelined HTTP requests out-of-order, possibly resulting in information disclosure. This vulnerability is fixed in 24.7.0rc1.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 8.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-41671 was patched at 2024-08-01

96. Command Injection - GLPI (CVE-2022-36112) - Medium [377]

Description: GLPI stands for Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique and is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package, that provides ITIL Service Desk features, licenses tracking and software auditing. Usage of RSS feeds or extenal calendar in planning is subject to SSRF exploit. Server-side requests can be used to scan server port or services opened on GLPI server or its private network. Queries responses are not exposed to end-user (blind SSRF). Users are advised to upgrade to version 10.0.3 to resolve this issue. There are no known workarounds.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Command Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.310CVSS Base Score is 3.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00061, EPSS Percentile is 0.26886

redos: CVE-2022-36112 was patched at 2024-07-26

97. Denial of Service - GLPI (CVE-2023-23610) - Medium [377]

Description: GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package. Versions prior to 9.5.12 and 10.0.6 are vulnerable to Improper Privilege Management. Any user having access to the standard interface can export data of almost any GLPI item type, even those on which user is not allowed to access (including assets, tickets, users, ...). This issue is patched in 10.0.6.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00065, EPSS Percentile is 0.29102

redos: CVE-2023-23610 was patched at 2024-07-29

98. Memory Corruption - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-7522) - Medium [377]

Description: Editor code failed to check an attribute value. This could have led to an out-of-bounds read. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 129, Firefox ESR < 115.14, Firefox ESR < 128.1, Thunderbird < 128.1, and Thunderbird < 115.14.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 9.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.410EPSS Probability is 0.0008, EPSS Percentile is 0.3501

almalinux: CVE-2024-7522 was patched at 2024-08-14, 2024-08-15

debian: CVE-2024-7522 was patched at 2024-08-07, 2024-08-08, 2024-08-21

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-7522 was patched at 2024-08-13, 2024-08-14

redhat: CVE-2024-7522 was patched at 2024-08-13, 2024-08-14, 2024-08-15, 2024-08-19

ubuntu: CVE-2024-7522 was patched at 2024-08-19

99. Memory Corruption - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-7527) - Medium [377]

Description: Unexpected marking work at the start of sweeping could have led to a use-after-free. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 129, Firefox ESR < 115.14, Firefox ESR < 128.1, Thunderbird < 128.1, and Thunderbird < 115.14.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.410EPSS Probability is 0.00084, EPSS Percentile is 0.36556

almalinux: CVE-2024-7527 was patched at 2024-08-14, 2024-08-15

debian: CVE-2024-7527 was patched at 2024-08-07, 2024-08-08, 2024-08-21

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-7527 was patched at 2024-08-13, 2024-08-14

redhat: CVE-2024-7527 was patched at 2024-08-13, 2024-08-14, 2024-08-15, 2024-08-19

ubuntu: CVE-2024-7527 was patched at 2024-08-19

100. Memory Corruption - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-7528) - Medium [377]

Description: Incorrect garbage collection interaction in IndexedDB could have led to a use-after-free. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 129, Firefox ESR < 128.1, and Thunderbird < 128.1.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 9.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00068, EPSS Percentile is 0.3041

almalinux: CVE-2024-7528 was patched at 2024-08-14, 2024-08-15

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-7528 was patched at 2024-08-13, 2024-08-14

redhat: CVE-2024-7528 was patched at 2024-08-13, 2024-08-14, 2024-08-15, 2024-08-19

ubuntu: CVE-2024-7528 was patched at 2024-08-19

101. Security Feature Bypass - Zabbix (CVE-2024-22121) - Medium [377]

Description: A non-admin user can change or remove important features within the Zabbix Agent application, thus impacting the integrity and availability of the application.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Zabbix is an open-source software tool to monitor IT infrastructure such as networks, servers, virtual machines, and cloud services
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-22121 was patched at 2024-08-21

102. Information Disclosure - GLPI (CVE-2022-31143) - Medium [376]

Description: GLPI stands for Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique and is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package, that provides ITIL Service Desk features, licenses tracking and software auditing. It was found that in affected versions there is an exposure of private information defined in setup of GLPI (like smtp or cas hosts). Note that passwords are not exposed. Users are advised to upgrade to version 10.0.3. There are no known workarounds for this issue.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.8315Information Disclosure
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00061, EPSS Percentile is 0.26886

redos: CVE-2022-31143 was patched at 2024-07-26

103. Authentication Bypass - Kubernetes (CVE-2024-5321) - Medium [375]

Description: A security issue was discovered in Kubernetes clusters with Windows nodes where BUILTIN\Users may be able to read container logs and NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users may be able to modify container logs.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration system for automating software deployment, scaling, and management
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

redos: CVE-2024-5321 was patched at 2024-07-29

104. Security Feature Bypass - Oracle VM VirtualBox (CVE-2024-21106) - Medium [372]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Vulnerability in the Oracle VM VirtualBox product of Oracle Virtualization (component: Core). Supported versions that are affected are Prior to 7.0.16. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with logon to the infrastructure where Oracle VM VirtualBox executes to compromise Oracle VM VirtualBox. While the vulnerability is in Oracle VM VirtualBox, attacks may significantly impact additional products (scope change). Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of Oracle VM VirtualBox. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 6.5 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:C/C:N/I:N/A:H).', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Vulnerability in the Oracle VM VirtualBox product of Oracle Virtualization (component: Core). Supported versions that are affected are Prior to 7.0.16. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with logon to the infrastructure where Oracle VM VirtualBox executes to compromise Oracle VM VirtualBox. While the vulnerability is in Oracle VM VirtualBox, attacks may significantly impact additional products (scope change). Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of Oracle VM VirtualBox. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 6.5 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:C/C:N/I:N/A:H).', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714Oracle VM VirtualBox is a hosted hypervisor for x86 virtualization developed by Oracle Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

redos: CVE-2024-21106 was patched at 2024-07-24

105. Cross Site Scripting - GLPI (CVE-2022-24869) - Medium [371]

Description: GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package, that provides ITIL Service Desk features, licenses tracking and software auditing. In versions prior to 10.0.0 one can use ticket's followups or setup login messages with a stylesheet link. This may allow for a cross site scripting attack vector. This issue is partially mitigated by cors security of browsers, though users are still advised to upgrade.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.815Cross Site Scripting
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.6. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00073, EPSS Percentile is 0.32398

redos: CVE-2022-24869 was patched at 2024-07-26

106. Cross Site Scripting - GLPI (CVE-2022-41941) - Medium [371]

Description: GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package. Versions 10.0.0 and above, prior to 10.0.6, are subject to Cross-site Scripting. An administrator may store malicious code in help links. This issue is patched in 10.0.6.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.815Cross Site Scripting
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.2. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00054, EPSS Percentile is 0.23505

redos: CVE-2022-41941 was patched at 2024-07-29

107. Cross Site Scripting - GLPI (CVE-2023-22725) - Medium [371]

Description: GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package. Versions 0.6.0 and above, prior to 10.0.6 are vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting. This vulnerability allow for an administrator to create a malicious external link. This issue is patched in 10.0.6.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.815Cross Site Scripting
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.2. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00054, EPSS Percentile is 0.23505

redos: CVE-2023-22725 was patched at 2024-07-29

108. Elevation of Privilege - wpa_supplicant (CVE-2024-5290) - Medium [370]

Description: An issue was discovered in Ubuntu wpa_supplicant that resulted in loading of arbitrary shared objects, which allows a local unprivileged attacker to escalate privileges to the user that wpa_supplicant runs as (usually root). Membership in the netdev group or access to the dbus interface of wpa_supplicant allow an unprivileged user to specify an arbitrary path to a module to be loaded by the wpa_supplicant process; other escalation paths might exist.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.8515Elevation of Privilege
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614wpa_supplicant is a free software implementation of an IEEE 802.11i supplicant for Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, QNX, AROS, Microsoft Windows, Solaris, OS/2 (including ArcaOS and eComStation) and Haiku
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-5290 was patched at 2024-08-06, 2024-08-21

ubuntu: CVE-2024-5290 was patched at 2024-08-06

109. Remote Code Execution - assimp (CVE-2024-40724) - Medium [369]

Description: Heap-based buffer overflow vulnerability in Assimp versions prior to 5.4.2 allows a local attacker to execute arbitrary code by inputting a specially crafted file into the product.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:assimp:assimp (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 8.4. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-40724 was patched at 2024-08-01

redos: CVE-2024-40724 was patched at 2024-08-07

110. Remote Code Execution - ofono (CVE-2024-7543) - Medium [369]

Description: oFono SimToolKit Heap-based Buffer Overflow Privilege Escalation Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows local attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected installations of oFono. An attacker must first obtain the ability to execute code on the target modem in order to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the parsing of STK command PDUs. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of the length of user-supplied data prior to copying it to a heap-based buffer. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to execute code in the context of the service account. Was ZDI-CAN-23456.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:ofono_project:ofono (does NOT exist in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-7543 was patched at 2024-08-21

111. Remote Code Execution - ofono (CVE-2024-7544) - Medium [369]

Description: oFono SimToolKit Heap-based Buffer Overflow Privilege Escalation Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows local attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected installations of oFono. An attacker must first obtain the ability to execute code on the target modem in order to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the parsing of STK command PDUs. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of the length of user-supplied data prior to copying it to a heap-based buffer. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to execute code in the context of the service account. Was ZDI-CAN-23457.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:ofono_project:ofono (does NOT exist in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-7544 was patched at 2024-08-21

112. Remote Code Execution - ofono (CVE-2024-7545) - Medium [369]

Description: oFono SimToolKit Heap-based Buffer Overflow Privilege Escalation Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows local attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected installations of oFono. An attacker must first obtain the ability to execute code on the target modem in order to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the parsing of STK command PDUs. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of the length of user-supplied data prior to copying it to a heap-based buffer. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to execute code in the context of the service account. Was ZDI-CAN-23458.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:ofono_project:ofono (does NOT exist in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-7545 was patched at 2024-08-21

113. Remote Code Execution - ofono (CVE-2024-7547) - Medium [369]

Description: oFono SMS Decoder Stack-based Buffer Overflow Privilege Escalation Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows local attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected installations of oFono. An attacker must first obtain the ability to execute code on the target modem in order to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the parsing of SMS PDUs. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of the length of user-supplied data prior to copying it to a stack-based buffer. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to execute code in the context of the service account. Was ZDI-CAN-23460.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:ofono_project:ofono (does NOT exist in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-7547 was patched at 2024-08-21

114. Code Injection - Python (CVE-2024-6923) - Medium [368]

Description: There is a MEDIUM severity vulnerability affecting CPython. The email module didn’t properly quote newlines for email headers when serializing an email message allowing for header injection when an email is serialized.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Code Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-6923 was patched at 2024-08-21

115. Information Disclosure - Roundcube (CVE-2024-42010) - Medium [367]

Description: mod_css_styles in Roundcube through 1.5.7 and 1.6.x through 1.6.7 insufficiently filters Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) token sequences in rendered e-mail messages, allowing a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.8315Information Disclosure
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Roundcube is a web-based IMAP email client
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42010 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-13, 2024-08-21

116. Authentication Bypass - TLS (CVE-2024-2048) - Medium [365]

Description: Vault and Vault Enterprise (“Vault”) TLS certificate auth method did not correctly validate client certificates when configured with a non-CA certificate as trusted certificate. In this configuration, an attacker may be able to craft a malicious certificate that could be used to bypass authentication. Fixed in Vault 1.15.5 and 1.14.10.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514TLS
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 8.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

redos: CVE-2024-2048 was patched at 2024-08-05

117. Denial of Service - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-7518) - Medium [365]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Select options could obscure the fullscreen notification dialog. This could be used by a malicious site to perform a spoofing attack. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 129, Firefox ESR < 128.1, and Thunderbird < 128.1.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Select options could obscure the fullscreen notification dialog. This could be used by a malicious site to perform a spoofing attack. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 129, Firefox ESR < 128.1, and Thunderbird < 128.1.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00054, EPSS Percentile is 0.22581

almalinux: CVE-2024-7518 was patched at 2024-08-14, 2024-08-15

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-7518 was patched at 2024-08-13, 2024-08-14

redhat: CVE-2024-7518 was patched at 2024-08-13, 2024-08-14, 2024-08-15, 2024-08-19

ubuntu: CVE-2024-7518 was patched at 2024-08-19

118. Memory Corruption - Chromium (CVE-2024-6988) - Medium [365]

Description: Use after free in Downloads in Google Chrome on iOS prior to 127.0.6533.72 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00061, EPSS Percentile is 0.26915

debian: CVE-2024-6988 was patched at 2024-07-31, 2024-08-01

redos: CVE-2024-6988 was patched at 2024-08-07

119. Memory Corruption - Chromium (CVE-2024-6989) - Medium [365]

Description: Use after free in Loader in Google Chrome prior to 127.0.6533.72 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00061, EPSS Percentile is 0.26915

debian: CVE-2024-6989 was patched at 2024-07-31, 2024-08-01

redos: CVE-2024-6989 was patched at 2024-08-07

120. Memory Corruption - Chromium (CVE-2024-6990) - Medium [365]

Description: Uninitialized Use in Dawn in Google Chrome on Android prior to 127.0.6533.88 allowed a remote attacker to potentially perform out of bounds memory access via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Critical)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00061, EPSS Percentile is 0.26915

debian: CVE-2024-6990 was patched at 2024-07-31, 2024-08-01

redos: CVE-2024-6990 was patched at 2024-08-07

121. Memory Corruption - Chromium (CVE-2024-6991) - Medium [365]

Description: Use after free in Dawn in Google Chrome prior to 127.0.6533.72 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00061, EPSS Percentile is 0.26915

debian: CVE-2024-6991 was patched at 2024-07-31, 2024-08-01

redos: CVE-2024-6991 was patched at 2024-08-07

122. Memory Corruption - Chromium (CVE-2024-6994) - Medium [365]

Description: Heap buffer overflow in Layout in Google Chrome prior to 127.0.6533.72 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Medium)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00061, EPSS Percentile is 0.26915

debian: CVE-2024-6994 was patched at 2024-07-31, 2024-08-01

redos: CVE-2024-6994 was patched at 2024-08-07

123. Memory Corruption - Chromium (CVE-2024-6997) - Medium [365]

Description: Use after free in Tabs in Google Chrome prior to 127.0.6533.72 allowed a remote attacker who convinced a user to engage in specific UI gestures to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Medium)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00061, EPSS Percentile is 0.26915

debian: CVE-2024-6997 was patched at 2024-07-31, 2024-08-01

redos: CVE-2024-6997 was patched at 2024-08-07

124. Memory Corruption - Chromium (CVE-2024-6998) - Medium [365]

Description: Use after free in User Education in Google Chrome prior to 127.0.6533.72 allowed a remote attacker who convinced a user to engage in specific UI gestures to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Medium)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00061, EPSS Percentile is 0.26915

debian: CVE-2024-6998 was patched at 2024-07-31, 2024-08-01

redos: CVE-2024-6998 was patched at 2024-08-07

125. Memory Corruption - Chromium (CVE-2024-7000) - Medium [365]

Description: Use after free in CSS in Google Chrome prior to 127.0.6533.72 allowed a remote attacker who convinced a user to engage in specific UI gestures to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Medium)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00061, EPSS Percentile is 0.26915

debian: CVE-2024-7000 was patched at 2024-07-31, 2024-08-01

redos: CVE-2024-7000 was patched at 2024-08-07

126. Memory Corruption - Chromium (CVE-2024-7255) - Medium [365]

Description: Out of bounds read in WebTransport in Google Chrome prior to 127.0.6533.88 allowed a remote attacker to potentially perform out of bounds memory access via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00061, EPSS Percentile is 0.26915

debian: CVE-2024-7255 was patched at 2024-07-31, 2024-08-01

redos: CVE-2024-7255 was patched at 2024-08-07

127. Memory Corruption - Chromium (CVE-2024-7532) - Medium [365]

Description: Out of bounds memory access in ANGLE in Google Chrome prior to 127.0.6533.99 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Critical)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00061, EPSS Percentile is 0.26915

debian: CVE-2024-7532 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-21

redos: CVE-2024-7532 was patched at 2024-08-15

128. Memory Corruption - Chromium (CVE-2024-7533) - Medium [365]

Description: Use after free in Sharing in Google Chrome on iOS prior to 127.0.6533.99 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00061, EPSS Percentile is 0.26915

debian: CVE-2024-7533 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-21

129. Memory Corruption - Chromium (CVE-2024-7534) - Medium [365]

Description: Heap buffer overflow in Layout in Google Chrome prior to 127.0.6533.99 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00061, EPSS Percentile is 0.26915

debian: CVE-2024-7534 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-21

redos: CVE-2024-7534 was patched at 2024-08-15

130. Memory Corruption - Chromium (CVE-2024-7535) - Medium [365]

Description: Inappropriate implementation in V8 in Google Chrome prior to 127.0.6533.99 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00061, EPSS Percentile is 0.26915

debian: CVE-2024-7535 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-21

redos: CVE-2024-7535 was patched at 2024-08-15

131. Memory Corruption - Chromium (CVE-2024-7536) - Medium [365]

Description: Use after free in WebAudio in Google Chrome prior to 127.0.6533.99 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00061, EPSS Percentile is 0.26915

debian: CVE-2024-7536 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-21

redos: CVE-2024-7536 was patched at 2024-08-15

132. Memory Corruption - Chromium (CVE-2024-7550) - Medium [365]

Description: Type Confusion in V8 in Google Chrome prior to 127.0.6533.99 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00061, EPSS Percentile is 0.26915

debian: CVE-2024-7550 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-21

redos: CVE-2024-7550 was patched at 2024-08-15

133. Memory Corruption - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-7519) - Medium [365]

Description: Insufficient checks when processing graphics shared memory could have led to memory corruption. This could be leveraged by an attacker to perform a sandbox escape. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 129, Firefox ESR < 115.14, Firefox ESR < 128.1, Thunderbird < 128.1, and Thunderbird < 115.14.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00079, EPSS Percentile is 0.34904

almalinux: CVE-2024-7519 was patched at 2024-08-14, 2024-08-15

debian: CVE-2024-7519 was patched at 2024-08-07, 2024-08-08, 2024-08-21

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-7519 was patched at 2024-08-13, 2024-08-14

redhat: CVE-2024-7519 was patched at 2024-08-13, 2024-08-14, 2024-08-15, 2024-08-19

ubuntu: CVE-2024-7519 was patched at 2024-08-19

134. Memory Corruption - Safari (CVE-2024-40782) - Medium [365]

Description: A use-after-free issue was addressed with improved memory management. This issue is fixed in iOS 16.7.9 and iPadOS 16.7.9, Safari 17.6, iOS 17.6 and iPadOS 17.6, watchOS 10.6, tvOS 17.6, visionOS 1.3, macOS Sonoma 14.6. Processing maliciously crafted web content may lead to an unexpected process crash.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Safari is a web browser developed by Apple. It is built into Apple's operating systems, including macOS, iOS, iPadOS and their upcoming VisionOS, and uses Apple's open-source browser engine WebKit, which was derived from KHTML.
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 9.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.17805

debian: CVE-2024-40782 was patched at 2024-08-21

135. Security Feature Bypass - Chromium (CVE-2024-7004) - Medium [365]

Description: Insufficient validation of untrusted input in Safe Browsing in Google Chrome prior to 127.0.6533.72 allowed a remote attacker who convinced a user to engage in specific UI gestures to bypass discretionary access control via a malicious file. (Chromium security severity: Low)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.410CVSS Base Score is 4.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.17727

debian: CVE-2024-7004 was patched at 2024-07-31, 2024-08-01

redos: CVE-2024-7004 was patched at 2024-08-07

136. Security Feature Bypass - Node.js (CVE-2024-42459) - Medium [365]

Description: In the Elliptic package 6.5.6 for Node.js, EDDSA signature malleability occurs because there is a missing signature length check, and thus zero-valued bytes can be removed or appended.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Node.js is a cross-platform, open-source server environment that can run on Windows, Linux, Unix, macOS, and more
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-42459 was patched at 2024-08-21

137. Denial of Service - BIND (CVE-2024-0760) - Medium [360]

Description: A malicious client can send many DNS messages over TCP, potentially causing the server to become unstable while the attack is in progress. The server may recover after the attack ceases. Use of ACLs will not mitigate the attack. This issue affects BIND 9 versions 9.18.1 through 9.18.27, 9.19.0 through 9.19.24, and 9.18.11-S1 through 9.18.27-S1.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714BIND is a suite of software for interacting with the Domain Name System
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00049, EPSS Percentile is 0.1958

debian: CVE-2024-0760 was patched at 2024-08-01

redos: CVE-2024-0760 was patched at 2024-08-07

ubuntu: CVE-2024-0760 was patched at 2024-07-23

138. Denial of Service - BIND (CVE-2024-1737) - Medium [360]

Description: Resolver caches and authoritative zone databases that hold significant numbers of RRs for the same hostname (of any RTYPE) can suffer from degraded performance as content is being added or updated, and also when handling client queries for this name. This issue affects BIND 9 versions 9.11.0 through 9.11.37, 9.16.0 through 9.16.50, 9.18.0 through 9.18.27, 9.19.0 through 9.19.24, 9.11.4-S1 through 9.11.37-S1, 9.16.8-S1 through 9.16.50-S1, and 9.18.11-S1 through 9.18.27-S1.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714BIND is a suite of software for interacting with the Domain Name System
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00052, EPSS Percentile is 0.21016

almalinux: CVE-2024-1737 was patched at 2024-08-14, 2024-08-19

debian: CVE-2024-1737 was patched at 2024-07-25, 2024-08-01

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-1737 was patched at 2024-08-13, 2024-08-14, 2024-08-19

redhat: CVE-2024-1737 was patched at 2024-08-14, 2024-08-15, 2024-08-19, 2024-08-20

redos: CVE-2024-1737 was patched at 2024-08-07

ubuntu: CVE-2024-1737 was patched at 2024-07-23, 2024-08-01, 2024-08-15

139. Denial of Service - BIND (CVE-2024-1975) - Medium [360]

Description: If a server hosts a zone containing a "KEY" Resource Record, or a resolver DNSSEC-validates a "KEY" Resource Record from a DNSSEC-signed domain in cache, a client can exhaust resolver CPU resources by sending a stream of SIG(0) signed requests. This issue affects BIND 9 versions 9.0.0 through 9.11.37, 9.16.0 through 9.16.50, 9.18.0 through 9.18.27, 9.19.0 through 9.19.24, 9.9.3-S1 through 9.11.37-S1, 9.16.8-S1 through 9.16.49-S1, and 9.18.11-S1 through 9.18.27-S1.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714BIND is a suite of software for interacting with the Domain Name System
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00049, EPSS Percentile is 0.1958

almalinux: CVE-2024-1975 was patched at 2024-08-14, 2024-08-19

debian: CVE-2024-1975 was patched at 2024-07-25, 2024-08-01

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-1975 was patched at 2024-08-13, 2024-08-14, 2024-08-19

redhat: CVE-2024-1975 was patched at 2024-08-14, 2024-08-15, 2024-08-19, 2024-08-20

redos: CVE-2024-1975 was patched at 2024-08-07

ubuntu: CVE-2024-1975 was patched at 2024-07-23, 2024-08-01, 2024-08-15

140. Denial of Service - BIND (CVE-2024-4076) - Medium [360]

Description: Client queries that trigger serving stale data and that also require lookups in local authoritative zone data may result in an assertion failure. This issue affects BIND 9 versions 9.16.13 through 9.16.50, 9.18.0 through 9.18.27, 9.19.0 through 9.19.24, 9.11.33-S1 through 9.11.37-S1, 9.16.13-S1 through 9.16.50-S1, and 9.18.11-S1 through 9.18.27-S1.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714BIND is a suite of software for interacting with the Domain Name System
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

almalinux: CVE-2024-4076 was patched at 2024-08-14

debian: CVE-2024-4076 was patched at 2024-07-25, 2024-08-01

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-4076 was patched at 2024-08-13, 2024-08-14

redhat: CVE-2024-4076 was patched at 2024-08-14, 2024-08-15, 2024-08-19

redhat: CVE-2024-40767 was patched at 2024-08-07, 2024-08-08

redos: CVE-2024-4076 was patched at 2024-08-07

ubuntu: CVE-2024-4076 was patched at 2024-07-23

ubuntu: CVE-2024-40767 was patched at 2024-07-23

141. Cross Site Scripting - GLPI (CVE-2024-27914) - Medium [359]

Description: GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package, Data center management, ITIL Service Desk, licenses tracking and software auditing. An unauthenticated user can provide a malicious link to a GLPI administrator in order to exploit a reflected XSS vulnerability. The XSS will only trigger if the administrator navigates through the debug bar. This issue has been patched in version 10.0.13.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.815Cross Site Scripting
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

redos: CVE-2024-27914 was patched at 2024-08-12

142. Denial of Service - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36932) - Medium [358]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: thermal/debugfs: Prevent use-after-free from occurring after cdev removal Since thermal_debug_cdev_remove() does not run under cdev->lock, it can run in parallel with thermal_debug_cdev_state_update() and it may free the struct thermal_debugfs object used by the latter after it has been checked against NULL. If that happens, thermal_debug_cdev_state_update() will access memory that has been freed already causing the kernel to crash. Address this by using cdev->lock in thermal_debug_cdev_remove() around the cdev->debugfs value check (in case the same cdev is removed at the same time in two different threads) and its reset to NULL. Cc :6.8+ <> # 6.8+

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

ubuntu: CVE-2024-36932 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

143. Denial of Service - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42082) - Medium [358]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: xdp: Remove WARN() from __xdp_reg_mem_model() syzkaller reports a warning in __xdp_reg_mem_model(). The warning occurs only if __mem_id_init_hash_table() returns an error. It returns the error in two cases: 1. memory allocation fails; 2. rhashtable_init() fails when some fields of rhashtable_params struct are not initialized properly. The second case cannot happen since there is a static const rhashtable_params struct with valid fields. So, warning is only triggered when there is a problem with memory allocation. Thus, there is no sense in using WARN() to handle this error and it can be safely removed. WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 5065 at net/core/xdp.c:299 __xdp_reg_mem_model+0x2d9/0x650 net/core/xdp.c:299 CPU: 0 PID: 5065 Comm: syz-executor883 Not tainted 6.8.0-syzkaller-05271-gf99c5f563c17 #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 03/27/2024 RIP: 0010:__xdp_reg_mem_model+0x2d9/0x650 net/core/xdp.c:299 Call Trace: xdp_reg_mem_model+0x22/0x40 net/core/xdp.c:344 xdp_test_run_setup net/bpf/test_run.c:188 [inline] bpf_test_run_xdp_live+0x365/0x1e90 net/bpf/test_run.c:377 bpf_prog_test_run_xdp+0x813/0x11b0 net/bpf/test_run.c:1267 bpf_prog_test_run+0x33a/0x3b0 kernel/bpf/syscall.c:4240 __sys_bpf+0x48d/0x810 kernel/bpf/syscall.c:5649 __do_sys_bpf kernel/bpf/syscall.c:5738 [inline] __se_sys_bpf kernel/bpf/syscall.c:5736 [inline] __x64_sys_bpf+0x7c/0x90 kernel/bpf/syscall.c:5736 do_syscall_64+0xfb/0x240 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x6d/0x75 Found by Linux Verification Center ( with syzkaller.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42082 was patched at 2024-08-01

144. Denial of Service - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42240) - Medium [358]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: x86/bhi: Avoid warning in #DB handler due to BHI mitigation When BHI mitigation is enabled, if SYSENTER is invoked with the TF flag set then entry_SYSENTER_compat() uses CLEAR_BRANCH_HISTORY and calls the clear_bhb_loop() before the TF flag is cleared. This causes the #DB handler (exc_debug_kernel()) to issue a warning because single-step is used outside the entry_SYSENTER_compat() function. To address this issue, entry_SYSENTER_compat() should use CLEAR_BRANCH_HISTORY after making sure the TF flag is cleared. The problem can be reproduced with the following sequence: $ cat sysenter_step.c int main() { asm("pushf; pop %ax; bts $8,%ax; push %ax; popf; sysenter"); } $ gcc -o sysenter_step sysenter_step.c $ ./sysenter_step Segmentation fault (core dumped) The program is expected to crash, and the #DB handler will issue a warning. Kernel log: WARNING: CPU: 27 PID: 7000 at arch/x86/kernel/traps.c:1009 exc_debug_kernel+0xd2/0x160 ... RIP: 0010:exc_debug_kernel+0xd2/0x160 ... Call Trace: <#DB> ? show_regs+0x68/0x80 ? __warn+0x8c/0x140 ? exc_debug_kernel+0xd2/0x160 ? report_bug+0x175/0x1a0 ? handle_bug+0x44/0x90 ? exc_invalid_op+0x1c/0x70 ? asm_exc_invalid_op+0x1f/0x30 ? exc_debug_kernel+0xd2/0x160 exc_debug+0x43/0x50 asm_exc_debug+0x1e/0x40 RIP: 0010:clear_bhb_loop+0x0/0xb0 ... </#DB> <TASK> ? entry_SYSENTER_compat_after_hwframe+0x6e/0x8d </TASK> [ bp: Massage commit message. ]

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42240 was patched at 2024-08-21

145. Denial of Service - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42241) - Medium [358]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mm/shmem: disable PMD-sized page cache if needed For shmem files, it's possible that PMD-sized page cache can't be supported by xarray. For example, 512MB page cache on ARM64 when the base page size is 64KB can't be supported by xarray. It leads to errors as the following messages indicate when this sort of xarray entry is split. WARNING: CPU: 34 PID: 7578 at lib/xarray.c:1025 xas_split_alloc+0xf8/0x128 Modules linked in: binfmt_misc nft_fib_inet nft_fib_ipv4 nft_fib_ipv6 \ nft_fib nft_reject_inet nf_reject_ipv4 nf_reject_ipv6 nft_reject \ nft_ct nft_chain_nat nf_nat nf_conntrack nf_defrag_ipv6 nf_defrag_ipv4 \ ip_set rfkill nf_tables nfnetlink vfat fat virtio_balloon drm fuse xfs \ libcrc32c crct10dif_ce ghash_ce sha2_ce sha256_arm64 sha1_ce virtio_net \ net_failover virtio_console virtio_blk failover dimlib virtio_mmio CPU: 34 PID: 7578 Comm: test Kdump: loaded Tainted: G W 6.10.0-rc5-gavin+ #9 Hardware name: QEMU KVM Virtual Machine, BIOS edk2-20240524-1.el9 05/24/2024 pstate: 83400005 (Nzcv daif +PAN -UAO +TCO +DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--) pc : xas_split_alloc+0xf8/0x128 lr : split_huge_page_to_list_to_order+0x1c4/0x720 sp : ffff8000882af5f0 x29: ffff8000882af5f0 x28: ffff8000882af650 x27: ffff8000882af768 x26: 0000000000000cc0 x25: 000000000000000d x24: ffff00010625b858 x23: ffff8000882af650 x22: ffffffdfc0900000 x21: 0000000000000000 x20: 0000000000000000 x19: ffffffdfc0900000 x18: 0000000000000000 x17: 0000000000000000 x16: 0000018000000000 x15: 52f8004000000000 x14: 0000e00000000000 x13: 0000000000002000 x12: 0000000000000020 x11: 52f8000000000000 x10: 52f8e1c0ffff6000 x9 : ffffbeb9619a681c x8 : 0000000000000003 x7 : 0000000000000000 x6 : ffff00010b02ddb0 x5 : ffffbeb96395e378 x4 : 0000000000000000 x3 : 0000000000000cc0 x2 : 000000000000000d x1 : 000000000000000c x0 : 0000000000000000 Call trace: xas_split_alloc+0xf8/0x128 split_huge_page_to_list_to_order+0x1c4/0x720 truncate_inode_partial_folio+0xdc/0x160 shmem_undo_range+0x2bc/0x6a8 shmem_fallocate+0x134/0x430 vfs_fallocate+0x124/0x2e8 ksys_fallocate+0x4c/0xa0 __arm64_sys_fallocate+0x24/0x38 invoke_syscall.constprop.0+0x7c/0xd8 do_el0_svc+0xb4/0xd0 el0_svc+0x44/0x1d8 el0t_64_sync_handler+0x134/0x150 el0t_64_sync+0x17c/0x180 Fix it by disabling PMD-sized page cache when HPAGE_PMD_ORDER is larger than MAX_PAGECACHE_ORDER. As Matthew Wilcox pointed, the page cache in a shmem file isn't represented by a multi-index entry and doesn't have this limitation when the xarry entry is split until commit 6b24ca4a1a8d ("mm: Use multi-index entries in the page cache").

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42241 was patched at 2024-08-21

146. Denial of Service - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42246) - Medium [358]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net, sunrpc: Remap EPERM in case of connection failure in xs_tcp_setup_socket When using a BPF program on kernel_connect(), the call can return -EPERM. This causes xs_tcp_setup_socket() to loop forever, filling up the syslog and causing the kernel to potentially freeze up. Neil suggested: This will propagate -EPERM up into other layers which might not be ready to handle it. It might be safer to map EPERM to an error we would be more likely to expect from the network system - such as ECONNREFUSED or ENETDOWN. ECONNREFUSED as error seems reasonable. For programs setting a different error can be out of reach (see handling in 4fbac77d2d09) in particular on kernels which do not have f10d05966196 ("bpf: Make BPF_PROG_RUN_ARRAY return -err instead of allow boolean"), thus given that it is better to simply remap for consistent behavior. UDP does handle EPERM in xs_udp_send_request().

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42246 was patched at 2024-08-21

147. Denial of Service - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42247) - Medium [358]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wireguard: allowedips: avoid unaligned 64-bit memory accesses On the parisc platform, the kernel issues kernel warnings because swap_endian() tries to load a 128-bit IPv6 address from an unaligned memory location: Kernel: unaligned access to 0x55f4688c in wg_allowedips_insert_v6+0x2c/0x80 [wireguard] (iir 0xf3010df) Kernel: unaligned access to 0x55f46884 in wg_allowedips_insert_v6+0x38/0x80 [wireguard] (iir 0xf2010dc) Avoid such unaligned memory accesses by instead using the get_unaligned_be64() helper macro. [Jason: replace src[8] in original patch with src+8]

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42247 was patched at 2024-08-12, 2024-08-21

148. Denial of Service - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42258) - Medium [358]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mm: huge_memory: use !CONFIG_64BIT to relax huge page alignment on 32 bit machines Yves-Alexis Perez reported commit 4ef9ad19e176 ("mm: huge_memory: don't force huge page alignment on 32 bit") didn't work for x86_32 [1]. It is because x86_32 uses CONFIG_X86_32 instead of CONFIG_32BIT. !CONFIG_64BIT should cover all 32 bit machines. [1]

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42258 was patched at 2024-08-21

149. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41058) - Medium [358]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: cachefiles: fix slab-use-after-free in fscache_withdraw_volume() We got the following issue in our fault injection stress test: ================================================================== BUG: KASAN: slab-use-after-free in fscache_withdraw_volume+0x2e1/0x370 Read of size 4 at addr ffff88810680be08 by task ondemand-04-dae/5798 CPU: 0 PID: 5798 Comm: ondemand-04-dae Not tainted 6.8.0-dirty #565 Call Trace: kasan_check_range+0xf6/0x1b0 fscache_withdraw_volume+0x2e1/0x370 cachefiles_withdraw_volume+0x31/0x50 cachefiles_withdraw_cache+0x3ad/0x900 cachefiles_put_unbind_pincount+0x1f6/0x250 cachefiles_daemon_release+0x13b/0x290 __fput+0x204/0xa00 task_work_run+0x139/0x230 Allocated by task 5820: __kmalloc+0x1df/0x4b0 fscache_alloc_volume+0x70/0x600 __fscache_acquire_volume+0x1c/0x610 erofs_fscache_register_volume+0x96/0x1a0 erofs_fscache_register_fs+0x49a/0x690 erofs_fc_fill_super+0x6c0/0xcc0 vfs_get_super+0xa9/0x140 vfs_get_tree+0x8e/0x300 do_new_mount+0x28c/0x580 [...] Freed by task 5820: kfree+0xf1/0x2c0 fscache_put_volume.part.0+0x5cb/0x9e0 erofs_fscache_unregister_fs+0x157/0x1b0 erofs_kill_sb+0xd9/0x1c0 deactivate_locked_super+0xa3/0x100 vfs_get_super+0x105/0x140 vfs_get_tree+0x8e/0x300 do_new_mount+0x28c/0x580 [...] ================================================================== Following is the process that triggers the issue: mount failed | daemon exit ------------------------------------------------------------ deactivate_locked_super cachefiles_daemon_release erofs_kill_sb erofs_fscache_unregister_fs fscache_relinquish_volume __fscache_relinquish_volume fscache_put_volume(fscache_volume, fscache_volume_put_relinquish) zero = __refcount_dec_and_test(&fscache_volume->ref, &ref); cachefiles_put_unbind_pincount cachefiles_daemon_unbind cachefiles_withdraw_cache cachefiles_withdraw_volumes list_del_init(&volume->cache_link) fscache_free_volume(fscache_volume) cache->ops->free_volume cachefiles_free_volume list_del_init(&cachefiles_volume->cache_link); kfree(fscache_volume) cachefiles_withdraw_volume fscache_withdraw_volume fscache_volume->n_accesses // fscache_volume UAF !!! The fscache_volume in cache->volumes must not have been freed yet, but its reference count may be 0. So use the new fscache_try_get_volume() helper function try to get its reference count. If the reference count of fscache_volume is 0, fscache_put_volume() is freeing it, so wait for it to be removed from cache->volumes. If its reference count is not 0, call cachefiles_withdraw_volume() with reference count protection to avoid the above issue.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-41058 was patched at 2024-08-01

150. Code Injection - Zabbix (CVE-2024-22123) - Medium [354]

Description: Setting SMS media allows to set GSM modem file. Later this file is used as Linux device. But due everything is a file for Linux, it is possible to set another file, e.g. log file and zabbix_server will try to communicate with it as modem. As a result, log file will be broken with AT commands and small part for log file content will be leaked to UI.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Code Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Zabbix is an open-source software tool to monitor IT infrastructure such as networks, servers, virtual machines, and cloud services
CVSS Base Score0.310CVSS Base Score is 2.7. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-22123 was patched at 2024-08-21

151. Command Injection - Zabbix (CVE-2024-22122) - Medium [354]

Description: Zabbix allows to configure SMS notifications. AT command injection occurs on "Zabbix Server" because there is no validation of "Number" field on Web nor on Zabbix server side. Attacker can run test of SMS providing specially crafted phone number and execute additional AT commands on modem.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Command Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Zabbix is an open-source software tool to monitor IT infrastructure such as networks, servers, virtual machines, and cloud services
CVSS Base Score0.310CVSS Base Score is 3.0. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-22122 was patched at 2024-08-21

152. Denial of Service - GLPI (CVE-2024-28241) - Medium [353]

Description: The GLPI Agent is a generic management agent. Prior to version 1.7.2, a local user can modify GLPI-Agent code or used DLLs to modify agent logic and even gain higher privileges. Users should upgrade to GLPI-Agent 1.7.2 to receive a patch. As a workaround, use the default installation folder which involves installed folder is automatically secured by the system.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 7.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

redos: CVE-2024-28241 was patched at 2024-08-12

153. Security Feature Bypass - GLPI (CVE-2022-39376) - Medium [353]

Description: GLPI stands for Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique. GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package that provides ITIL Service Desk features, licenses tracking and software auditing. Users may be able to inject custom fields values in `mailto` links. This issue has been patched, please upgrade to version 10.0.4. There are currently no known workarounds.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.310CVSS Base Score is 2.6. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00054, EPSS Percentile is 0.23505

redos: CVE-2022-39376 was patched at 2024-07-26

154. Security Feature Bypass - PHP (CVE-2024-41811) - Medium [353]

Description: ipl/web is a set of common web components for php projects. Some of the recent development by Icinga is, under certain circumstances, susceptible to cross site request forgery. (CSRF). All affected products, in any version, will be unaffected by this once `icinga-php-library` is upgraded. Version 0.10.1 includes a fix for this. It will be published as part of the `icinga-php-library` v0.14.1 release.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814PHP is a general-purpose scripting language geared towards web development. It was originally created by Danish-Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf in 1993 and released in 1995.
CVSS Base Score0.410CVSS Base Score is 3.9. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-41811 was patched at 2024-08-21

155. Remote Code Execution - Git (CVE-2024-6873) - Medium [352]

Description: It is possible to crash or redirect the execution flow of the ClickHouse server process from an unauthenticated vector by sending a specially crafted request to the ClickHouse server native interface. This redirection is limited to what is available within a 256-byte range of memory at the time of execution, and no known remote code execution (RCE) code has been produced or exploited.  Fixes have been merged to all currently supported version of ClickHouse. If you are maintaining your own forked version of ClickHouse or using an older version and cannot upgrade, the fix for this vulnerability can be found in this commit .

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common0.414Git
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 8.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-6873 was patched at 2024-08-21

156. Remote Code Execution - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43823) - Medium [352]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: PCI: keystone: Fix NULL pointer dereference in case of DT error in ks_pcie_setup_rc_app_regs() If IORESOURCE_MEM is not provided in Device Tree due to any error, resource_list_first_type() will return NULL and pci_parse_request_of_pci_ranges() will just emit a warning. This will cause a NULL pointer dereference. Fix this bug by adding NULL return check. Found by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-43823 was patched at 2024-08-21

157. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42154) - Medium [352]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: tcp_metrics: validate source addr length I don't see anything checking that TCP_METRICS_ATTR_SADDR_IPV4 is at least 4 bytes long, and the policy doesn't have an entry for this attribute at all (neither does it for IPv6 but v6 is manually validated).', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ntcp_metrics: validate source addr length\n\nI don't see anything checking that TCP_METRICS_ATTR_SADDR_IPV4\nis at least 4 bytes long, and the policy doesn't have an entry\nfor this attribute at all (neither does it for IPv6 but v6 is\nmanually validated).', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 9.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.710EPSS Probability is 0.00378, EPSS Percentile is 0.73283

debian: CVE-2024-42154 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

158. Security Feature Bypass - TLS (CVE-2024-7383) - Medium [351]

Description: A flaw was found in libnbd. The client did not always correctly verify the NBD server's certificate when using TLS to connect to an NBD server. This issue allows a man-in-the-middle attack on NBD traffic.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514TLS
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 7.4. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-7383 was patched at 2024-08-21

159. Denial of Service - Envoy (CVE-2024-32475) - Medium [348]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Envoy is a cloud-native, open source edge and service proxy. When an upstream TLS cluster is used with `auto_sni` enabled, a request containing a `host`/`:authority` header longer than 255 characters triggers an abnormal termination of Envoy process. Envoy does not gracefully handle an error when setting SNI for outbound TLS connection. The error can occur when Envoy attempts to use the `host`/`:authority` header value longer than 255 characters as SNI for outbound TLS connection. SNI length is limited to 255 characters per the standard. Envoy always expects this operation to succeed and abnormally aborts the process when it fails. This vulnerability is fixed in 1.30.1, 1.29.4, 1.28.3, and 1.27.5. ', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Envoy is a cloud-native, open source edge and service proxy. When an upstream TLS cluster is used with `auto_sni` enabled, a request containing a `host`/`:authority` header longer than 255 characters triggers an abnormal termination of Envoy process. Envoy does not gracefully handle an error when setting SNI for outbound TLS connection. The error can occur when Envoy attempts to use the `host`/`:authority` header value longer than 255 characters as SNI for outbound TLS connection. SNI length is limited to 255 characters per the standard. Envoy always expects this operation to succeed and abnormally aborts the process when it fails. This vulnerability is fixed in 1.30.1, 1.29.4, 1.28.3, and 1.27.5.\n', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714Envoy is a cloud-native, open-source edge and service proxy
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

redos: CVE-2024-32475 was patched at 2024-08-05

160. Denial of Service - QEMU (CVE-2024-7409) - Medium [348]

Description: A flaw was found in the QEMU NBD Server. This vulnerability allows a denial of service (DoS) attack via improper synchronization during socket closure when a client keeps a socket open as the server is taken offline.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714QEMU is a generic and open source machine & userspace emulator and virtualizer
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-7409 was patched at 2024-08-21

161. Security Feature Bypass - Oracle MySQL (CVE-2024-20996) - Medium [348]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: InnoDB). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: InnoDB). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714MySQL is an open-source relational database management system
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.9. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.14041

ubuntu: CVE-2024-20996 was patched at 2024-07-31

162. Security Feature Bypass - Oracle MySQL (CVE-2024-21125) - Medium [348]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: Server: FTS). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: Server: FTS). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714MySQL is an open-source relational database management system
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.9. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.14041

ubuntu: CVE-2024-21125 was patched at 2024-07-31

163. Security Feature Bypass - Oracle MySQL (CVE-2024-21129) - Medium [348]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: Server: DDL). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: Server: DDL). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714MySQL is an open-source relational database management system
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.9. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.14041

ubuntu: CVE-2024-21129 was patched at 2024-07-31

164. Security Feature Bypass - Oracle MySQL (CVE-2024-21130) - Medium [348]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: Server: Optimizer). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: Server: Optimizer). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714MySQL is an open-source relational database management system
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.9. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.14041

ubuntu: CVE-2024-21130 was patched at 2024-07-31

165. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-27394) - Medium [346]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: tcp: Fix Use-After-Free in tcp_ao_connect_init Since call_rcu, which is called in the hlist_for_each_entry_rcu traversal of tcp_ao_connect_init, is not part of the RCU read critical section, it is possible that the RCU grace period will pass during the traversal and the key will be free. To prevent this, it should be changed to hlist_for_each_entry_safe.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 8.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

ubuntu: CVE-2024-27394 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

166. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41087) - Medium [346]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ata: libata-core: Fix double free on error If e.g. the ata_port_alloc() call in ata_host_alloc() fails, we will jump to the err_out label, which will call devres_release_group(). devres_release_group() will trigger a call to ata_host_release(). ata_host_release() calls kfree(host), so executing the kfree(host) in ata_host_alloc() will lead to a double free: kernel BUG at mm/slub.c:553! Oops: invalid opcode: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP NOPTI CPU: 11 PID: 599 Comm: (udev-worker) Not tainted 6.10.0-rc5 #47 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 1.16.3-2.fc40 04/01/2014 RIP: 0010:kfree+0x2cf/0x2f0 Code: 5d 41 5e 41 5f 5d e9 80 d6 ff ff 4d 89 f1 41 b8 01 00 00 00 48 89 d9 48 89 da RSP: 0018:ffffc90000f377f0 EFLAGS: 00010246 RAX: ffff888112b1f2c0 RBX: ffff888112b1f2c0 RCX: ffff888112b1f320 RDX: 000000000000400b RSI: ffffffffc02c9de5 RDI: ffff888112b1f2c0 RBP: ffffc90000f37830 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000 R10: ffffc90000f37610 R11: 617461203a736b6e R12: ffffea00044ac780 R13: ffff888100046400 R14: ffffffffc02c9de5 R15: 0000000000000006 FS: 00007f2f1cabe980(0000) GS:ffff88813b380000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 00007f2f1c3acf75 CR3: 0000000111724000 CR4: 0000000000750ef0 PKRU: 55555554 Call Trace: <TASK> ? __die_body.cold+0x19/0x27 ? die+0x2e/0x50 ? do_trap+0xca/0x110 ? do_error_trap+0x6a/0x90 ? kfree+0x2cf/0x2f0 ? exc_invalid_op+0x50/0x70 ? kfree+0x2cf/0x2f0 ? asm_exc_invalid_op+0x1a/0x20 ? ata_host_alloc+0xf5/0x120 [libata] ? ata_host_alloc+0xf5/0x120 [libata] ? kfree+0x2cf/0x2f0 ata_host_alloc+0xf5/0x120 [libata] ata_host_alloc_pinfo+0x14/0xa0 [libata] ahci_init_one+0x6c9/0xd20 [ahci] Ensure that we will not call kfree(host) twice, by performing the kfree() only if the devres_open_group() call failed.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-41087 was patched at 2024-08-01

167. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41092) - Medium [346]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/i915/gt: Fix potential UAF by revoke of fence registers CI has been sporadically reporting the following issue triggered by igt@i915_selftest@live@hangcheck on ADL-P and similar machines: <6> [414.049203] i915: Running intel_hangcheck_live_selftests/igt_reset_evict_fence ... <6> [414.068804] i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm] GT0: GUC: submission enabled <6> [414.068812] i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm] GT0: GUC: SLPC enabled <3> [414.070354] Unable to pin Y-tiled fence; err:-4 <3> [414.071282] i915_vma_revoke_fence:301 GEM_BUG_ON(!i915_active_is_idle(&fence->active)) ... <4>[ 609.603992] ------------[ cut here ]------------ <2>[ 609.603995] kernel BUG at drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gt/intel_ggtt_fencing.c:301! <4>[ 609.604003] invalid opcode: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP NOPTI <4>[ 609.604006] CPU: 0 PID: 268 Comm: kworker/u64:3 Tainted: G U W 6.9.0-CI_DRM_14785-g1ba62f8cea9c+ #1 <4>[ 609.604008] Hardware name: Intel Corporation Alder Lake Client Platform/AlderLake-P DDR4 RVP, BIOS RPLPFWI1.R00.4035.A00.2301200723 01/20/2023 <4>[ 609.604010] Workqueue: i915 __i915_gem_free_work [i915] <4>[ 609.604149] RIP: 0010:i915_vma_revoke_fence+0x187/0x1f0 [i915] ... <4>[ 609.604271] Call Trace: <4>[ 609.604273] <TASK> ... <4>[ 609.604716] __i915_vma_evict+0x2e9/0x550 [i915] <4>[ 609.604852] __i915_vma_unbind+0x7c/0x160 [i915] <4>[ 609.604977] force_unbind+0x24/0xa0 [i915] <4>[ 609.605098] i915_vma_destroy+0x2f/0xa0 [i915] <4>[ 609.605210] __i915_gem_object_pages_fini+0x51/0x2f0 [i915] <4>[ 609.605330] __i915_gem_free_objects.isra.0+0x6a/0xc0 [i915] <4>[ 609.605440] process_scheduled_works+0x351/0x690 ... In the past, there were similar failures reported by CI from other IGT tests, observed on other platforms. Before commit 63baf4f3d587 ("drm/i915/gt: Only wait for GPU activity before unbinding a GGTT fence"), i915_vma_revoke_fence() was waiting for idleness of vma->active via fence_update(). That commit introduced vma->fence->active in order for the fence_update() to be able to wait selectively on that one instead of vma->active since only idleness of fence registers was needed. But then, another commit 0d86ee35097a ("drm/i915/gt: Make fence revocation unequivocal") replaced the call to fence_update() in i915_vma_revoke_fence() with only fence_write(), and also added that GEM_BUG_ON(!i915_active_is_idle(&fence->active)) in front. No justification was provided on why we might then expect idleness of vma->fence->active without first waiting on it. The issue can be potentially caused by a race among revocation of fence registers on one side and sequential execution of signal callbacks invoked on completion of a request that was using them on the other, still processed in parallel to revocation of those fence registers. Fix it by waiting for idleness of vma->fence->active in i915_vma_revoke_fence(). (cherry picked from commit 24bb052d3dd499c5956abad5f7d8e4fd07da7fb1)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-41092 was patched at 2024-08-01

168. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41096) - Medium [346]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: PCI/MSI: Fix UAF in msi_capability_init KFENCE reports the following UAF: BUG: KFENCE: use-after-free read in __pci_enable_msi_range+0x2c0/0x488 Use-after-free read at 0x0000000024629571 (in kfence-#12): __pci_enable_msi_range+0x2c0/0x488 pci_alloc_irq_vectors_affinity+0xec/0x14c pci_alloc_irq_vectors+0x18/0x28 kfence-#12: 0x0000000008614900-0x00000000e06c228d, size=104, cache=kmalloc-128 allocated by task 81 on cpu 7 at 10.808142s: __kmem_cache_alloc_node+0x1f0/0x2bc kmalloc_trace+0x44/0x138 msi_alloc_desc+0x3c/0x9c msi_domain_insert_msi_desc+0x30/0x78 msi_setup_msi_desc+0x13c/0x184 __pci_enable_msi_range+0x258/0x488 pci_alloc_irq_vectors_affinity+0xec/0x14c pci_alloc_irq_vectors+0x18/0x28 freed by task 81 on cpu 7 at 10.811436s: msi_domain_free_descs+0xd4/0x10c msi_domain_free_locked.part.0+0xc0/0x1d8 msi_domain_alloc_irqs_all_locked+0xb4/0xbc pci_msi_setup_msi_irqs+0x30/0x4c __pci_enable_msi_range+0x2a8/0x488 pci_alloc_irq_vectors_affinity+0xec/0x14c pci_alloc_irq_vectors+0x18/0x28 Descriptor allocation done in: __pci_enable_msi_range msi_capability_init msi_setup_msi_desc msi_insert_msi_desc msi_domain_insert_msi_desc msi_alloc_desc ... Freed in case of failure in __msi_domain_alloc_locked() __pci_enable_msi_range msi_capability_init pci_msi_setup_msi_irqs msi_domain_alloc_irqs_all_locked msi_domain_alloc_locked __msi_domain_alloc_locked => fails msi_domain_free_locked ... That failure propagates back to pci_msi_setup_msi_irqs() in msi_capability_init() which accesses the descriptor for unmasking in the error exit path. Cure it by copying the descriptor and using the copy for the error exit path unmask operation. [ tglx: Massaged change log ]

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-41096 was patched at 2024-08-01

169. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42271) - Medium [346]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/iucv: fix use after free in iucv_sock_close() iucv_sever_path() is called from process context and from bh context. iucv->path is used as indicator whether somebody else is taking care of severing the path (or it is already removed / never existed). This needs to be done with atomic compare and swap, otherwise there is a small window where iucv_sock_close() will try to work with a path that has already been severed and freed by iucv_callback_connrej() called by iucv_tasklet_fn(). Example: [452744.123844] Call Trace: [452744.123845] ([<0000001e87f03880>] 0x1e87f03880) [452744.123966] [<00000000d593001e>] iucv_path_sever+0x96/0x138 [452744.124330] [<000003ff801ddbca>] iucv_sever_path+0xc2/0xd0 [af_iucv] [452744.124336] [<000003ff801e01b6>] iucv_sock_close+0xa6/0x310 [af_iucv] [452744.124341] [<000003ff801e08cc>] iucv_sock_release+0x3c/0xd0 [af_iucv] [452744.124345] [<00000000d574794e>] __sock_release+0x5e/0xe8 [452744.124815] [<00000000d5747a0c>] sock_close+0x34/0x48 [452744.124820] [<00000000d5421642>] __fput+0xba/0x268 [452744.124826] [<00000000d51b382c>] task_work_run+0xbc/0xf0 [452744.124832] [<00000000d5145710>] do_notify_resume+0x88/0x90 [452744.124841] [<00000000d5978096>] system_call+0xe2/0x2c8 [452744.125319] Last Breaking-Event-Address: [452744.125321] [<00000000d5930018>] iucv_path_sever+0x90/0x138 [452744.125324] [452744.125325] Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception in interrupt Note that bh_lock_sock() is not serializing the tasklet context against process context, because the check for sock_owned_by_user() and corresponding handling is missing. Ideas for a future clean-up patch: A) Correct usage of bh_lock_sock() in tasklet context, as described in Re-enqueue, if needed. This may require adding return values to the tasklet functions and thus changes to all users of iucv. B) Change iucv tasklet into worker and use only lock_sock() in af_iucv.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42271 was patched at 2024-08-21

170. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42284) - Medium [346]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: tipc: Return non-zero value from tipc_udp_addr2str() on error tipc_udp_addr2str() should return non-zero value if the UDP media address is invalid. Otherwise, a buffer overflow access can occur in tipc_media_addr_printf(). Fix this by returning 1 on an invalid UDP media address.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42284 was patched at 2024-08-21

171. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42285) - Medium [346]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: RDMA/iwcm: Fix a use-after-free related to destroying CM IDs iw_conn_req_handler() associates a new struct rdma_id_private (conn_id) with an existing struct iw_cm_id (cm_id) as follows: conn_id->cm_id.iw = cm_id; cm_id->context = conn_id; cm_id->cm_handler = cma_iw_handler; rdma_destroy_id() frees both the cm_id and the struct rdma_id_private. Make sure that cm_work_handler() does not trigger a use-after-free by only freeing of the struct rdma_id_private after all pending work has finished.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42285 was patched at 2024-08-21

172. Remote Code Execution - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-26020) - Medium [345]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'An arbitrary script execution vulnerability exists in the MPV functionality of Ankitects Anki 24.04. A specially crafted flashcard can lead to a arbitrary code execution. An attacker can send malicious flashcard to trigger this vulnerability.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'An arbitrary script execution vulnerability exists in the MPV functionality of Ankitects Anki 24.04. A specially crafted flashcard can lead to a arbitrary code execution. An attacker can send malicious flashcard to trigger this vulnerability.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 9.6. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.410EPSS Probability is 0.00091, EPSS Percentile is 0.39627

debian: CVE-2024-26020 was patched at 2024-08-01

173. Security Feature Bypass - Perl (CVE-2024-29068) - Medium [344]

Description: In snapd versions prior to 2.62, snapd failed to properly check the file type when extracting a snap. The snap format is a squashfs file-system image and so can contain files that are non-regular files (such as pipes or sockets etc). Various file entries within the snap squashfs image (such as icons etc) are directly read by snapd when it is extracted. An attacker who could convince a user to install a malicious snap which contained non-regular files at these paths could then cause snapd to block indefinitely trying to read from such files and cause a denial of service.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Perl is a family of two high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming languages
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-29068 was patched at 2024-08-01

ubuntu: CVE-2024-29068 was patched at 2024-08-01

174. Elevation of Privilege - Virtual GPU (CVE-2024-0084) - Medium [342]

Description: NVIDIA vGPU software for Linux contains a vulnerability in the Virtual GPU Manager, where the guest OS could execute privileged operations. A successful exploit of this vulnerability might lead to information disclosure, data tampering, escalation of privileges, and denial of service.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.8515Elevation of Privilege
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:nvidia:virtual_gpu (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

redos: CVE-2024-0084 was patched at 2024-08-07

175. Memory Corruption - Zabbix (CVE-2024-36461) - Medium [341]

Description: Within Zabbix, users have the ability to directly modify memory pointers in the JavaScript engine.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Zabbix is an open-source software tool to monitor IT infrastructure such as networks, servers, virtual machines, and cloud services
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 9.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-36461 was patched at 2024-08-21

176. Denial of Service - django (CVE-2023-46695) - Medium [339]

Description: An issue was discovered in Django 3.2 before 3.2.23, 4.1 before 4.1.13, and 4.2 before 4.2.7. The NFKC normalization is slow on Windows. As a consequence, django.contrib.auth.forms.UsernameField is subject to a potential DoS (denial of service) attack via certain inputs with a very large number of Unicode characters.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:djangoproject:django (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00064, EPSS Percentile is 0.28694

redos: CVE-2023-46695 was patched at 2024-07-30

177. Denial of Service - Oracle MySQL (CVE-2024-21171) - Medium [336]

Description: Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: Server: Optimizer). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 6.5 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714MySQL is an open-source relational database management system
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.14041

ubuntu: CVE-2024-21171 was patched at 2024-07-31

178. Denial of Service - Oracle MySQL (CVE-2024-21177) - Medium [336]

Description: Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: Server: Optimizer). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 6.5 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714MySQL is an open-source relational database management system
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.14041

ubuntu: CVE-2024-21177 was patched at 2024-07-31

179. Cross Site Scripting - GLPI (CVE-2022-39372) - Medium [335]

Description: GLPI stands for Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique. GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package that provides ITIL Service Desk features, licenses tracking and software auditing. Authenticated users may store malicious code in their account information. This issue has been patched, please upgrade to version 10.0.4. There are currently no known workarounds.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.815Cross Site Scripting
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.310CVSS Base Score is 3.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00054, EPSS Percentile is 0.23505

redos: CVE-2022-39372 was patched at 2024-07-26

180. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36888) - Medium [334]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: workqueue: Fix selection of wake_cpu in kick_pool() With cpu_possible_mask=0-63 and cpu_online_mask=0-7 the following kernel oops was observed: smp: Bringing up secondary CPUs ... smp: Brought up 1 node, 8 CPUs Unable to handle kernel pointer dereference in virtual kernel address space Failing address: 0000000000000000 TEID: 0000000000000803 [..] Call Trace: arch_vcpu_is_preempted+0x12/0x80 select_idle_sibling+0x42/0x560 select_task_rq_fair+0x29a/0x3b0 try_to_wake_up+0x38e/0x6e0 kick_pool+0xa4/0x198 __queue_work.part.0+0x2bc/0x3a8 call_timer_fn+0x36/0x160 __run_timers+0x1e2/0x328 __run_timer_base+0x5a/0x88 run_timer_softirq+0x40/0x78 __do_softirq+0x118/0x388 irq_exit_rcu+0xc0/0xd8 do_ext_irq+0xae/0x168 ext_int_handler+0xbe/0xf0 psw_idle_exit+0x0/0xc default_idle_call+0x3c/0x110 do_idle+0xd4/0x158 cpu_startup_entry+0x40/0x48 rest_init+0xc6/0xc8 start_kernel+0x3c4/0x5e0 startup_continue+0x3c/0x50 The crash is caused by calling arch_vcpu_is_preempted() for an offline CPU. To avoid this, select the cpu with cpumask_any_and_distribute() to mask __pod_cpumask with cpu_online_mask. In case no cpu is left in the pool, skip the assignment. tj: This doesn't fully fix the bug as CPUs can still go down between picking the target CPU and the wake call. Fixing that likely requires adding cpu_online() test to either the sched or s390 arch code. However, regardless of how that is fixed, workqueue shouldn't be picking a CPU which isn't online as that would result in unpredictable and worse behavior.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.2. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

ubuntu: CVE-2024-36888 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

181. Security Feature Bypass - Git (CVE-2024-6472) - Medium [334]

Description: Certificate Validation user interface in LibreOffice allows potential vulnerability. Signed macros are scripts that have been digitally signed by the developer using a cryptographic signature. When a document with a signed macro is opened a warning is displayed by LibreOffice before the macro is executed. Previously if verification failed the user could fail to understand the failure and choose to enable the macros anyway. This issue affects LibreOffice: from 24.2 before 24.2.5.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.414Git
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

almalinux: CVE-2024-6472 was patched at 2024-08-19, 2024-08-20

debian: CVE-2024-6472 was patched at 2024-08-05, 2024-08-21

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-6472 was patched at 2024-08-20

redhat: CVE-2024-6472 was patched at 2024-08-19, 2024-08-20, 2024-08-21

ubuntu: CVE-2024-6472 was patched at 2024-08-15

182. Denial of Service - Vault (CVE-2023-6337) - Medium [327]

Description: HashiCorp Vault and Vault Enterprise 1.12.0 and newer are vulnerable to a denial of service through memory exhaustion of the host when handling large unauthenticated and authenticated HTTP requests from a client. Vault will attempt to map the request to memory, resulting in the exhaustion of available memory on the host, which may cause Vault to crash. Fixed in Vault 1.15.4, 1.14.8, 1.13.12.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:hashicorp:vault (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.17727

redos: CVE-2023-6337 was patched at 2024-08-05

183. Denial of Service - django (CVE-2024-41990) - Medium [327]

Description: An issue was discovered in Django 5.0 before 5.0.8 and 4.2 before 4.2.15. The urlize() and urlizetrunc() template filters are subject to a potential denial-of-service attack via very large inputs with a specific sequence of characters.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:djangoproject:django (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00053, EPSS Percentile is 0.21936

debian: CVE-2024-41990 was patched at 2024-08-21

ubuntu: CVE-2024-41990 was patched at 2024-08-06

184. Denial of Service - django (CVE-2024-41991) - Medium [327]

Description: An issue was discovered in Django 5.0 before 5.0.8 and 4.2 before 4.2.15. The urlize and urlizetrunc template filters, and the AdminURLFieldWidget widget, are subject to a potential denial-of-service attack via certain inputs with a very large number of Unicode characters.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:djangoproject:django (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00053, EPSS Percentile is 0.21936

debian: CVE-2024-41991 was patched at 2024-08-21

ubuntu: CVE-2024-41991 was patched at 2024-08-06

185. Cross Site Scripting - Python (CVE-2024-41810) - Medium [326]

Description: Twisted is an event-based framework for internet applications, supporting Python 3.6+. The `twisted.web.util.redirectTo` function contains an HTML injection vulnerability. If application code allows an attacker to control the redirect URL this vulnerability may result in Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in the redirect response HTML body. This vulnerability is fixed in 24.7.0rc1.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.815Cross Site Scripting
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-41810 was patched at 2024-08-01

186. Information Disclosure - HID (CVE-2024-7319) - Medium [326]

Description: An incomplete fix for CVE-2023-1625 was found in openstack-heat. Sensitive information may possibly be disclosed through the OpenStack stack abandon command with the hidden feature set to True and the CVE-2023-1625 fix applied.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.8315Information Disclosure
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514HID
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 7.4. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-7319 was patched at 2024-08-21

187. Denial of Service - Oracle MySQL (CVE-2024-21163) - Medium [324]

Description: Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: Server: Optimizer). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server as well as unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of MySQL Server accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 5.5 (Integrity and Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:L/A:H).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714MySQL is an open-source relational database management system
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.14041

ubuntu: CVE-2024-21163 was patched at 2024-07-31

188. Security Feature Bypass - Oracle VM VirtualBox (CVE-2024-21108) - Medium [324]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Vulnerability in the Oracle VM VirtualBox product of Oracle Virtualization (component: Core). Supported versions that are affected are Prior to 7.0.16. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with logon to the infrastructure where Oracle VM VirtualBox executes to compromise Oracle VM VirtualBox. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized read access to a subset of Oracle VM VirtualBox accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 3.3 (Confidentiality impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:N).', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Vulnerability in the Oracle VM VirtualBox product of Oracle Virtualization (component: Core). Supported versions that are affected are Prior to 7.0.16. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with logon to the infrastructure where Oracle VM VirtualBox executes to compromise Oracle VM VirtualBox. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized read access to a subset of Oracle VM VirtualBox accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 3.3 (Confidentiality impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:N).', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714Oracle VM VirtualBox is a hosted hypervisor for x86 virtualization developed by Oracle Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.310CVSS Base Score is 3.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

redos: CVE-2024-21108 was patched at 2024-07-24

189. Incorrect Calculation - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42066) - Medium [322]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/xe: Fix potential integer overflow in page size calculation Explicitly cast tbo->page_alignment to u64 before bit-shifting to prevent overflow when assigning to min_page_size.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Incorrect Calculation
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-42066 was patched at 2024-08-01

190. Incorrect Calculation - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42102) - Medium [322]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: Revert "mm/writeback: fix possible divide-by-zero in wb_dirty_limits(), again" Patch series "mm: Avoid possible overflows in dirty throttling". Dirty throttling logic assumes dirty limits in page units fit into 32-bits. This patch series makes sure this is true (see patch 2/2 for more details). This patch (of 2): This reverts commit 9319b647902cbd5cc884ac08a8a6d54ce111fc78. The commit is broken in several ways. Firstly, the removed (u64) cast from the multiplication will introduce a multiplication overflow on 32-bit archs if wb_thresh * bg_thresh >= 1<<32 (which is actually common - the default settings with 4GB of RAM will trigger this). Secondly, the div64_u64() is unnecessarily expensive on 32-bit archs. We have div64_ul() in case we want to be safe & cheap. Thirdly, if dirty thresholds are larger than 1<<32 pages, then dirty balancing is going to blow up in many other spectacular ways anyway so trying to fix one possible overflow is just moot.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Incorrect Calculation
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42102 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

191. Incorrect Calculation - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42223) - Medium [322]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: media: dvb-frontends: tda10048: Fix integer overflow state->xtal_hz can be up to 16M, so it can overflow a 32 bit integer when multiplied by pll_mfactor. Create a new 64 bit variable to hold the calculations.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Incorrect Calculation
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42223 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

192. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2023-52471) - Medium [322]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ice: Fix some null pointer dereference issues in ice_ptp.c devm_kasprintf() returns a pointer to dynamically allocated memory which can be NULL upon failure.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

almalinux: CVE-2023-52471 was patched at 2024-08-08

oraclelinux: CVE-2023-52471 was patched at 2024-08-08

redhat: CVE-2023-52471 was patched at 2024-08-08

193. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2023-52889) - Medium [322]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: apparmor: Fix null pointer deref when receiving skb during sock creation The panic below is observed when receiving ICMP packets with secmark set while an ICMP raw socket is being created. SK_CTX(sk)->label is updated in apparmor_socket_post_create(), but the packet is delivered to the socket before that, causing the null pointer dereference. Drop the packet if label context is not set. BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 000000000000004c #PF: supervisor read access in kernel mode #PF: error_code(0x0000) - not-present page PGD 0 P4D 0 Oops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP NOPTI CPU: 0 PID: 407 Comm: a.out Not tainted 6.4.12-arch1-1 #1 3e6fa2753a2d75925c34ecb78e22e85a65d083df Hardware name: VMware, Inc. VMware Virtual Platform/440BX Desktop Reference Platform, BIOS 6.00 05/28/2020 RIP: 0010:aa_label_next_confined+0xb/0x40 Code: 00 00 48 89 ef e8 d5 25 0c 00 e9 66 ff ff ff 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 66 0f 1f 00 0f 1f 44 00 00 89 f0 <8b> 77 4c 39 c6 7e 1f 48 63 d0 48 8d 14 d7 eb 0b 83 c0 01 48 83 c2 RSP: 0018:ffffa92940003b08 EFLAGS: 00010246 RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: 0000000000000000 RCX: 000000000000000e RDX: ffffa92940003be8 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: 0000000000000000 RBP: ffff8b57471e7800 R08: ffff8b574c642400 R09: 0000000000000002 R10: ffffffffbd820eeb R11: ffffffffbeb7ff00 R12: ffff8b574c642400 R13: 0000000000000001 R14: 0000000000000001 R15: 0000000000000000 FS: 00007fb092ea7640(0000) GS:ffff8b577bc00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 000000000000004c CR3: 00000001020f2005 CR4: 00000000007706f0 PKRU: 55555554 Call Trace: <IRQ> ? __die+0x23/0x70 ? page_fault_oops+0x171/0x4e0 ? exc_page_fault+0x7f/0x180 ? asm_exc_page_fault+0x26/0x30 ? aa_label_next_confined+0xb/0x40 apparmor_secmark_check+0xec/0x330 security_sock_rcv_skb+0x35/0x50 sk_filter_trim_cap+0x47/0x250 sock_queue_rcv_skb_reason+0x20/0x60 raw_rcv+0x13c/0x210 raw_local_deliver+0x1f3/0x250 ip_protocol_deliver_rcu+0x4f/0x2f0 ip_local_deliver_finish+0x76/0xa0 __netif_receive_skb_one_core+0x89/0xa0 netif_receive_skb+0x119/0x170 ? __netdev_alloc_skb+0x3d/0x140 vmxnet3_rq_rx_complete+0xb23/0x1010 [vmxnet3 56a84f9c97178c57a43a24ec073b45a9d6f01f3a] vmxnet3_poll_rx_only+0x36/0xb0 [vmxnet3 56a84f9c97178c57a43a24ec073b45a9d6f01f3a] __napi_poll+0x28/0x1b0 net_rx_action+0x2a4/0x380 __do_softirq+0xd1/0x2c8 __irq_exit_rcu+0xbb/0xf0 common_interrupt+0x86/0xa0 </IRQ> <TASK> asm_common_interrupt+0x26/0x40 RIP: 0010:apparmor_socket_post_create+0xb/0x200 Code: 08 48 85 ff 75 a1 eb b1 0f 1f 80 00 00 00 00 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 f3 0f 1e fa 0f 1f 44 00 00 41 54 <55> 48 89 fd 53 45 85 c0 0f 84 b2 00 00 00 48 8b 1d 80 56 3f 02 48 RSP: 0018:ffffa92940ce7e50 EFLAGS: 00000286 RAX: ffffffffbc756440 RBX: 0000000000000000 RCX: 0000000000000001 RDX: 0000000000000003 RSI: 0000000000000002 RDI: ffff8b574eaab740 RBP: 0000000000000001 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000 R10: ffff8b57444cec70 R11: 0000000000000000 R12: 0000000000000003 R13: 0000000000000002 R14: ffff8b574eaab740 R15: ffffffffbd8e4748 ? __pfx_apparmor_socket_post_create+0x10/0x10 security_socket_post_create+0x4b/0x80 __sock_create+0x176/0x1f0 __sys_socket+0x89/0x100 __x64_sys_socket+0x17/0x20 do_syscall_64+0x5d/0x90 ? do_syscall_64+0x6c/0x90 ? do_syscall_64+0x6c/0x90 ? do_syscall_64+0x6c/0x90 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x72/0xdc

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2023-52889 was patched at 2024-08-21

194. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36884) - Medium [322]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: iommu/arm-smmu: Use the correct type in nvidia_smmu_context_fault() This was missed because of the function pointer indirection. nvidia_smmu_context_fault() is also installed as a irq function, and the 'void *' was changed to a struct arm_smmu_domain. Since the iommu_domain is embedded at a non-zero offset this causes nvidia_smmu_context_fault() to miscompute the offset. Fixup the types. Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 0000000000000120 Mem abort info: ESR = 0x0000000096000004 EC = 0x25: DABT (current EL), IL = 32 bits SET = 0, FnV = 0 EA = 0, S1PTW = 0 FSC = 0x04: level 0 translation fault Data abort info: ISV = 0, ISS = 0x00000004, ISS2 = 0x00000000 CM = 0, WnR = 0, TnD = 0, TagAccess = 0 GCS = 0, Overlay = 0, DirtyBit = 0, Xs = 0 user pgtable: 4k pages, 48-bit VAs, pgdp=0000000107c9f000 [0000000000000120] pgd=0000000000000000, p4d=0000000000000000 Internal error: Oops: 0000000096000004 [#1] SMP Modules linked in: CPU: 1 PID: 47 Comm: kworker/u25:0 Not tainted 6.9.0-0.rc7.58.eln136.aarch64 #1 Hardware name: Unknown NVIDIA Jetson Orin NX/NVIDIA Jetson Orin NX, BIOS 3.1-32827747 03/19/2023 Workqueue: events_unbound deferred_probe_work_func pstate: 604000c9 (nZCv daIF +PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--) pc : nvidia_smmu_context_fault+0x1c/0x158 lr : __free_irq+0x1d4/0x2e8 sp : ffff80008044b6f0 x29: ffff80008044b6f0 x28: ffff000080a60b18 x27: ffffd32b5172e970 x26: 0000000000000000 x25: ffff0000802f5aac x24: ffff0000802f5a30 x23: ffff0000802f5b60 x22: 0000000000000057 x21: 0000000000000000 x20: ffff0000802f5a00 x19: ffff000087d4cd80 x18: ffffffffffffffff x17: 6234362066666666 x16: 6630303078302d30 x15: ffff00008156d888 x14: 0000000000000000 x13: ffff0000801db910 x12: ffff00008156d6d0 x11: 0000000000000003 x10: ffff0000801db918 x9 : ffffd32b50f94d9c x8 : 1fffe0001032fda1 x7 : ffff00008197ed00 x6 : 000000000000000f x5 : 000000000000010e x4 : 000000000000010e x3 : 0000000000000000 x2 : ffffd32b51720cd8 x1 : ffff000087e6f700 x0 : 0000000000000057 Call trace: nvidia_smmu_context_fault+0x1c/0x158 __free_irq+0x1d4/0x2e8 free_irq+0x3c/0x80 devm_free_irq+0x64/0xa8 arm_smmu_domain_free+0xc4/0x158 iommu_domain_free+0x44/0xa0 iommu_deinit_device+0xd0/0xf8 __iommu_group_remove_device+0xcc/0xe0 iommu_bus_notifier+0x64/0xa8 notifier_call_chain+0x78/0x148 blocking_notifier_call_chain+0x4c/0x90 bus_notify+0x44/0x70 device_del+0x264/0x3e8 pci_remove_bus_device+0x84/0x120 pci_remove_root_bus+0x5c/0xc0 dw_pcie_host_deinit+0x38/0xe0 tegra_pcie_config_rp+0xc0/0x1f0 tegra_pcie_dw_probe+0x34c/0x700 platform_probe+0x70/0xe8 really_probe+0xc8/0x3a0 __driver_probe_device+0x84/0x160 driver_probe_device+0x44/0x130 __device_attach_driver+0xc4/0x170 bus_for_each_drv+0x90/0x100 __device_attach+0xa8/0x1c8 device_initial_probe+0x1c/0x30 bus_probe_device+0xb0/0xc0 deferred_probe_work_func+0xbc/0x120 process_one_work+0x194/0x490 worker_thread+0x284/0x3b0 kthread+0xf4/0x108 ret_from_fork+0x10/0x20 Code: a9b97bfd 910003fd a9025bf5 f85a0035 (b94122a1)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

ubuntu: CVE-2024-36884 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

195. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36925) - Medium [322]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: swiotlb: initialise restricted pool list_head when SWIOTLB_DYNAMIC=y Using restricted DMA pools (CONFIG_DMA_RESTRICTED_POOL=y) in conjunction with dynamic SWIOTLB (CONFIG_SWIOTLB_DYNAMIC=y) leads to the following crash when initialising the restricted pools at boot-time: | Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 0000000000000008 | Internal error: Oops: 0000000096000005 [#1] PREEMPT SMP | pc : rmem_swiotlb_device_init+0xfc/0x1ec | lr : rmem_swiotlb_device_init+0xf0/0x1ec | Call trace: | rmem_swiotlb_device_init+0xfc/0x1ec | of_reserved_mem_device_init_by_idx+0x18c/0x238 | of_dma_configure_id+0x31c/0x33c | platform_dma_configure+0x34/0x80 faddr2line reveals that the crash is in the list validation code: include/linux/list.h:83 include/linux/rculist.h:79 include/linux/rculist.h:106 kernel/dma/swiotlb.c:306 kernel/dma/swiotlb.c:1695 because add_mem_pool() is trying to list_add_rcu() to a NULL 'mem->pools'. Fix the crash by initialising the 'mem->pools' list_head in rmem_swiotlb_device_init() before calling add_mem_pool().

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

ubuntu: CVE-2024-36925 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

196. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38563) - Medium [322]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix potential memory leakage when reading chip temperature Without this commit, reading chip temperature will cause memory leakage.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

ubuntu: CVE-2024-38563 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

197. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41038) - Medium [322]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: firmware: cs_dsp: Prevent buffer overrun when processing V2 alg headers Check that all fields of a V2 algorithm header fit into the available firmware data buffer. The wmfw V2 format introduced variable-length strings in the algorithm block header. This means the overall header length is variable, and the position of most fields varies depending on the length of the string fields. Each field must be checked to ensure that it does not overflow the firmware data buffer. As this ia bugfix patch, the fixes avoid making any significant change to the existing code. This makes it easier to review and less likely to introduce new bugs.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-41038 was patched at 2024-08-01

198. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41089) - Medium [322]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/nouveau/dispnv04: fix null pointer dereference in nv17_tv_get_hd_modes In nv17_tv_get_hd_modes(), the return value of drm_mode_duplicate() is assigned to mode, which will lead to a possible NULL pointer dereference on failure of drm_mode_duplicate(). The same applies to drm_cvt_mode(). Add a check to avoid null pointer dereference.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-41089 was patched at 2024-08-01

199. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41093) - Medium [322]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/amdgpu: avoid using null object of framebuffer Instead of using state->fb->obj[0] directly, get object from framebuffer by calling drm_gem_fb_get_obj() and return error code when object is null to avoid using null object of framebuffer.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-41093 was patched at 2024-08-01

200. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41095) - Medium [322]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/nouveau/dispnv04: fix null pointer dereference in nv17_tv_get_ld_modes In nv17_tv_get_ld_modes(), the return value of drm_mode_duplicate() is assigned to mode, which will lead to a possible NULL pointer dereference on failure of drm_mode_duplicate(). Add a check to avoid npd.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-41095 was patched at 2024-08-01

201. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41098) - Medium [322]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ata: libata-core: Fix null pointer dereference on error If the ata_port_alloc() call in ata_host_alloc() fails, ata_host_release() will get called. However, the code in ata_host_release() tries to free ata_port struct members unconditionally, which can lead to the following: BUG: unable to handle page fault for address: 0000000000003990 PGD 0 P4D 0 Oops: Oops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP NOPTI CPU: 10 PID: 594 Comm: (udev-worker) Not tainted 6.10.0-rc5 #44 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 1.16.3-2.fc40 04/01/2014 RIP: 0010:ata_host_release.cold+0x2f/0x6e [libata] Code: e4 4d 63 f4 44 89 e2 48 c7 c6 90 ad 32 c0 48 c7 c7 d0 70 33 c0 49 83 c6 0e 41 RSP: 0018:ffffc90000ebb968 EFLAGS: 00010246 RAX: 0000000000000041 RBX: ffff88810fb52e78 RCX: 0000000000000000 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: ffff88813b3218c0 RDI: ffff88813b3218c0 RBP: ffff88810fb52e40 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 6c65725f74736f68 R10: ffffc90000ebb738 R11: 73692033203a746e R12: 0000000000000004 R13: 0000000000000000 R14: 0000000000000011 R15: 0000000000000006 FS: 00007f6cc55b9980(0000) GS:ffff88813b300000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 0000000000003990 CR3: 00000001122a2000 CR4: 0000000000750ef0 PKRU: 55555554 Call Trace: <TASK> ? __die_body.cold+0x19/0x27 ? page_fault_oops+0x15a/0x2f0 ? exc_page_fault+0x7e/0x180 ? asm_exc_page_fault+0x26/0x30 ? ata_host_release.cold+0x2f/0x6e [libata] ? ata_host_release.cold+0x2f/0x6e [libata] release_nodes+0x35/0xb0 devres_release_group+0x113/0x140 ata_host_alloc+0xed/0x120 [libata] ata_host_alloc_pinfo+0x14/0xa0 [libata] ahci_init_one+0x6c9/0xd20 [ahci] Do not access ata_port struct members unconditionally.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-41098 was patched at 2024-08-01

202. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42065) - Medium [322]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/xe: Add a NULL check in xe_ttm_stolen_mgr_init Add an explicit check to ensure that the mgr is not NULL.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-42065 was patched at 2024-08-01

203. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42073) - Medium [322]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mlxsw: spectrum_buffers: Fix memory corruptions on Spectrum-4 systems The following two shared buffer operations make use of the Shared Buffer Status Register (SBSR): # devlink sb occupancy snapshot pci/0000:01:00.0 # devlink sb occupancy clearmax pci/0000:01:00.0 The register has two masks of 256 bits to denote on which ingress / egress ports the register should operate on. Spectrum-4 has more than 256 ports, so the register was extended by cited commit with a new 'port_page' field. However, when filling the register's payload, the driver specifies the ports as absolute numbers and not relative to the first port of the port page, resulting in memory corruptions [1]. Fix by specifying the ports relative to the first port of the port page. [1] BUG: KASAN: slab-use-after-free in mlxsw_sp_sb_occ_snapshot+0xb6d/0xbc0 Read of size 1 at addr ffff8881068cb00f by task devlink/1566 [...] Call Trace: <TASK> dump_stack_lvl+0xc6/0x120 print_report+0xce/0x670 kasan_report+0xd7/0x110 mlxsw_sp_sb_occ_snapshot+0xb6d/0xbc0 mlxsw_devlink_sb_occ_snapshot+0x75/0xb0 devlink_nl_sb_occ_snapshot_doit+0x1f9/0x2a0 genl_family_rcv_msg_doit+0x20c/0x300 genl_rcv_msg+0x567/0x800 netlink_rcv_skb+0x170/0x450 genl_rcv+0x2d/0x40 netlink_unicast+0x547/0x830 netlink_sendmsg+0x8d4/0xdb0 __sys_sendto+0x49b/0x510 __x64_sys_sendto+0xe5/0x1c0 do_syscall_64+0xc1/0x1d0 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f [...] Allocated by task 1: kasan_save_stack+0x33/0x60 kasan_save_track+0x14/0x30 __kasan_kmalloc+0x8f/0xa0 copy_verifier_state+0xbc2/0xfb0 do_check_common+0x2c51/0xc7e0 bpf_check+0x5107/0x9960 bpf_prog_load+0xf0e/0x2690 __sys_bpf+0x1a61/0x49d0 __x64_sys_bpf+0x7d/0xc0 do_syscall_64+0xc1/0x1d0 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f Freed by task 1: kasan_save_stack+0x33/0x60 kasan_save_track+0x14/0x30 kasan_save_free_info+0x3b/0x60 poison_slab_object+0x109/0x170 __kasan_slab_free+0x14/0x30 kfree+0xca/0x2b0 free_verifier_state+0xce/0x270 do_check_common+0x4828/0xc7e0 bpf_check+0x5107/0x9960 bpf_prog_load+0xf0e/0x2690 __sys_bpf+0x1a61/0x49d0 __x64_sys_bpf+0x7d/0xc0 do_syscall_64+0xc1/0x1d0 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42073 was patched at 2024-08-01

204. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42079) - Medium [322]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: gfs2: Fix NULL pointer dereference in gfs2_log_flush In gfs2_jindex_free(), set sdp->sd_jdesc to NULL under the log flush lock to provide exclusion against gfs2_log_flush(). In gfs2_log_flush(), check if sdp->sd_jdesc is non-NULL before dereferencing it. Otherwise, we could run into a NULL pointer dereference when outstanding glock work races with an unmount (glock_work_func -> run_queue -> do_xmote -> inode_go_sync -> gfs2_log_flush).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42079 was patched at 2024-08-01

205. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42080) - Medium [322]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: RDMA/restrack: Fix potential invalid address access struct rdma_restrack_entry's kern_name was set to KBUILD_MODNAME in ib_create_cq(), while if the module exited but forgot del this rdma_restrack_entry, it would cause a invalid address access in rdma_restrack_clean() when print the owner of this rdma_restrack_entry. These code is used to help find one forgotten PD release in one of the ULPs. But it is not needed anymore, so delete them.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42080 was patched at 2024-08-01

206. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42081) - Medium [322]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/xe/xe_devcoredump: Check NULL before assignments Assign 'xe_devcoredump_snapshot *' and 'xe_device *' only if 'coredump' is not NULL. v2 - Fix commit messages. v3 - Define variables before code.(Ashutosh/Jose) v4 - Drop return check for coredump_to_xe. (Jose/Rodrigo) v5 - Modify misleading commit message. (Matt)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-42081 was patched at 2024-08-01

207. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42232) - Medium [322]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: libceph: fix race between delayed_work() and ceph_monc_stop() The way the delayed work is handled in ceph_monc_stop() is prone to races with mon_fault() and possibly also finish_hunting(). Both of these can requeue the delayed work which wouldn't be canceled by any of the following code in case that happens after cancel_delayed_work_sync() runs -- __close_session() doesn't mess with the delayed work in order to avoid interfering with the hunting interval logic. This part was missed in commit b5d91704f53e ("libceph: behave in mon_fault() if cur_mon < 0") and use-after-free can still ensue on monc and objects that hang off of it, with monc->auth and monc->monmap being particularly susceptible to quickly being reused. To fix this: - clear monc->cur_mon and monc->hunting as part of closing the session in ceph_monc_stop() - bail from delayed_work() if monc->cur_mon is cleared, similar to how it's done in mon_fault() and finish_hunting() (based on monc->hunting) - call cancel_delayed_work_sync() after the session is closed

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42232 was patched at 2024-08-12, 2024-08-21

208. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42236) - Medium [322]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: usb: gadget: configfs: Prevent OOB read/write in usb_string_copy() Userspace provided string 's' could trivially have the length zero. Left unchecked this will firstly result in an OOB read in the form `if (str[0 - 1] == '\n') followed closely by an OOB write in the form `str[0 - 1] = '\0'`. There is already a validating check to catch strings that are too long. Let's supply an additional check for invalid strings that are too short.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42236 was patched at 2024-08-12, 2024-08-21

209. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42238) - Medium [322]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: firmware: cs_dsp: Return error if block header overflows file Return an error from cs_dsp_power_up() if a block header is longer than the amount of data left in the file. The previous code in cs_dsp_load() and cs_dsp_load_coeff() would loop while there was enough data left in the file for a valid region. This protected against overrunning the end of the file data, but it didn't abort the file processing with an error.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42238 was patched at 2024-08-21

210. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42269) - Medium [322]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: netfilter: iptables: Fix potential null-ptr-deref in ip6table_nat_table_init(). ip6table_nat_table_init() accesses net->gen->ptr[], but the function is exposed to user space before the entry is allocated via register_pernet_subsys(). Let's call register_pernet_subsys() before xt_register_template().

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42269 was patched at 2024-08-21

211. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42270) - Medium [322]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: netfilter: iptables: Fix null-ptr-deref in iptable_nat_table_init(). We had a report that iptables-restore sometimes triggered null-ptr-deref at boot time. [0] The problem is that iptable_nat_table_init() is exposed to user space before the kernel fully initialises netns. In the small race window, a user could call iptable_nat_table_init() that accesses net_generic(net, iptable_nat_net_id), which is available only after registering iptable_nat_net_ops. Let's call register_pernet_subsys() before xt_register_template(). [0]: bpfilter: Loaded bpfilter_umh pid 11702 Started bpfilter BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000013 PF: supervisor write access in kernel mode PF: error_code(0x0002) - not-present page PGD 0 P4D 0 PREEMPT SMP NOPTI CPU: 2 PID: 11879 Comm: iptables-restor Not tainted 6.1.92-99.174.amzn2023.x86_64 #1 Hardware name: Amazon EC2 c6i.4xlarge/, BIOS 1.0 10/16/2017 RIP: 0010:iptable_nat_table_init (net/ipv4/netfilter/iptable_nat.c:87 net/ipv4/netfilter/iptable_nat.c:121) iptable_nat Code: 10 4c 89 f6 48 89 ef e8 0b 19 bb ff 41 89 c4 85 c0 75 38 41 83 c7 01 49 83 c6 28 41 83 ff 04 75 dc 48 8b 44 24 08 48 8b 0c 24 <48> 89 08 4c 89 ef e8 a2 3b a2 cf 48 83 c4 10 44 89 e0 5b 5d 41 5c RSP: 0018:ffffbef902843cd0 EFLAGS: 00010246 RAX: 0000000000000013 RBX: ffff9f4b052caa20 RCX: ffff9f4b20988d80 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000064 RDI: ffffffffc04201c0 RBP: ffff9f4b29394000 R08: ffff9f4b07f77258 R09: ffff9f4b07f77240 R10: 0000000000000000 R11: ffff9f4b09635388 R12: 0000000000000000 R13: ffff9f4b1a3c6c00 R14: ffff9f4b20988e20 R15: 0000000000000004 FS: 00007f6284340000(0000) GS:ffff9f51fe280000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 0000000000000013 CR3: 00000001d10a6005 CR4: 00000000007706e0 DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 PKRU: 55555554 Call Trace: <TASK> ? show_trace_log_lvl (arch/x86/kernel/dumpstack.c:259) ? show_trace_log_lvl (arch/x86/kernel/dumpstack.c:259) ? xt_find_table_lock (net/netfilter/x_tables.c:1259) ? __die_body.cold (arch/x86/kernel/dumpstack.c:478 arch/x86/kernel/dumpstack.c:420) ? page_fault_oops (arch/x86/mm/fault.c:727) ? exc_page_fault (./arch/x86/include/asm/irqflags.h:40 ./arch/x86/include/asm/irqflags.h:75 arch/x86/mm/fault.c:1470 arch/x86/mm/fault.c:1518) ? asm_exc_page_fault (./arch/x86/include/asm/idtentry.h:570) ? iptable_nat_table_init (net/ipv4/netfilter/iptable_nat.c:87 net/ipv4/netfilter/iptable_nat.c:121) iptable_nat xt_find_table_lock (net/netfilter/x_tables.c:1259) xt_request_find_table_lock (net/netfilter/x_tables.c:1287) get_info (net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_tables.c:965) ? security_capable (security/security.c:809 (discriminator 13)) ? ns_capable (kernel/capability.c:376 kernel/capability.c:397) ? do_ipt_get_ctl (net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_tables.c:1656) ? bpfilter_send_req (net/bpfilter/bpfilter_kern.c:52) bpfilter nf_getsockopt (net/netfilter/nf_sockopt.c:116) ip_getsockopt (net/ipv4/ip_sockglue.c:1827) __sys_getsockopt (net/socket.c:2327) __x64_sys_getsockopt (net/socket.c:2342 net/socket.c:2339 net/socket.c:2339) do_syscall_64 (arch/x86/entry/common.c:51 arch/x86/entry/common.c:81) entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:121) RIP: 0033:0x7f62844685ee Code: 48 8b 0d 45 28 0f 00 f7 d8 64 89 01 48 83 c8 ff c3 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 90 f3 0f 1e fa 49 89 ca b8 37 00 00 00 0f 05 <48> 3d 00 f0 ff ff 77 0a c3 66 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 48 8b 15 09 RSP: 002b:00007ffd1f83d638 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000037 RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 00007ffd1f83d680 RCX: 00007f62844685ee RDX: 0000000000000040 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: 0000000000000004 RBP: 0000000000000004 R08: 00007ffd1f83d670 R09: 0000558798ffa2a0 R10: 00007ffd1f83d680 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 00007ffd1f83e3b2 R13: 00007f6284 ---truncated---

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42270 was patched at 2024-08-21

212. Security Feature Bypass - Oracle Java SE (CVE-2024-20923) - Medium [320]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Vulnerability in the Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition product of Oracle Java SE (component: JavaFX). Supported versions that are affected are Oracle Java SE: 8u391; Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition: 20.3.12 and 21.3.8. Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition. Successful attacks require human interaction from a person other than the attacker. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized read access to a subset of Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition accessible data. Note: This vulnerability applies to Java deployments, typically in clients running sandboxed Java Web Start applications or sandboxed Java applets, that load and run untrusted code (e.g., code that comes from the internet) and rely on the Java sandbox for security. This vulnerability does not apply to Java deployments, typically in servers, that load and run only trusted code (e.g., code installed by an administrator). CVSS 3.1 Base Score 3.1 (Confidentiality impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:N).', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Vulnerability in the Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition product of Oracle Java SE (component: JavaFX). Supported versions that are affected are Oracle Java SE: 8u391; Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition: 20.3.12 and 21.3.8. Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition. Successful attacks require human interaction from a person other than the attacker. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized read access to a subset of Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition accessible data. Note: This vulnerability applies to Java deployments, typically in clients running sandboxed Java Web Start applications or sandboxed Java applets, that load and run untrusted code (e.g., code that comes from the internet) and rely on the Java sandbox for security. This vulnerability does not apply to Java deployments, typically in servers, that load and run only trusted code (e.g., code installed by an administrator). CVSS 3.1 Base Score 3.1 (Confidentiality impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:N).', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Oracle Java SE
CVSS Base Score0.310CVSS Base Score is 3.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.17727

redos: CVE-2024-20923 was patched at 2024-08-20

213. Security Feature Bypass - Oracle Java SE (CVE-2024-20925) - Medium [320]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Vulnerability in the Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition product of Oracle Java SE (component: JavaFX). Supported versions that are affected are Oracle Java SE: 8u391; Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition: 20.3.12 and 21.3.8. Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition. Successful attacks require human interaction from a person other than the attacker. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition accessible data. Note: This vulnerability applies to Java deployments, typically in clients running sandboxed Java Web Start applications or sandboxed Java applets, that load and run untrusted code (e.g., code that comes from the internet) and rely on the Java sandbox for security. This vulnerability does not apply to Java deployments, typically in servers, that load and run only trusted code (e.g., code installed by an administrator). CVSS 3.1 Base Score 3.1 (Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:N/I:L/A:N).', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Vulnerability in the Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition product of Oracle Java SE (component: JavaFX). Supported versions that are affected are Oracle Java SE: 8u391; Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition: 20.3.12 and 21.3.8. Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition. Successful attacks require human interaction from a person other than the attacker. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition accessible data. Note: This vulnerability applies to Java deployments, typically in clients running sandboxed Java Web Start applications or sandboxed Java applets, that load and run untrusted code (e.g., code that comes from the internet) and rely on the Java sandbox for security. This vulnerability does not apply to Java deployments, typically in servers, that load and run only trusted code (e.g., code installed by an administrator). CVSS 3.1 Base Score 3.1 (Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:N/I:L/A:N).', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Oracle Java SE
CVSS Base Score0.310CVSS Base Score is 3.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.17727

redos: CVE-2024-20925 was patched at 2024-08-20

214. Information Disclosure - Python (CVE-2024-40647) - Medium [319]

Description: sentry-sdk is the official Python SDK for A bug in Sentry's Python SDK < 2.8.0 allows the environment variables to be passed to subprocesses despite the `env={}` setting. In Python's `subprocess` calls, all environment variables are passed to subprocesses by default. However, if you specifically do not want them to be passed to subprocesses, you may use `env` argument in `subprocess` calls. Due to the bug in Sentry SDK, with the Stdlib integration enabled (which is enabled by default), this expectation is not fulfilled, and all environment variables are being passed to subprocesses instead. The issue has been patched in pull request #3251 and is included in sentry-sdk==2.8.0. We strongly recommend upgrading to the latest SDK version. However, if it's not possible, and if passing environment variables to child processes poses a security risk for you, you can disable all default integrations.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.8315Information Disclosure
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-40647 was patched at 2024-08-01

215. Elevation of Privilege - Virtual GPU (CVE-2024-0085) - Medium [318]

Description: NVIDIA vGPU software for Windows and Linux contains a vulnerability where unprivileged users could execute privileged operations on the host. A successful exploit of this vulnerability might lead to data tampering, escalation of privileges, and denial of service.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.8515Elevation of Privilege
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:nvidia:virtual_gpu (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

redos: CVE-2024-0085 was patched at 2024-08-07

216. Memory Corruption - Safari (CVE-2024-40776) - Medium [317]

Description: A use-after-free issue was addressed with improved memory management. This issue is fixed in iOS 16.7.9 and iPadOS 16.7.9, Safari 17.6, iOS 17.6 and iPadOS 17.6, watchOS 10.6, tvOS 17.6, visionOS 1.3, macOS Sonoma 14.6. Processing maliciously crafted web content may lead to an unexpected process crash.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Safari is a web browser developed by Apple. It is built into Apple's operating systems, including macOS, iOS, iPadOS and their upcoming VisionOS, and uses Apple's open-source browser engine WebKit, which was derived from KHTML.
CVSS Base Score0.410CVSS Base Score is 4.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.410EPSS Probability is 0.00108, EPSS Percentile is 0.44456

debian: CVE-2024-40776 was patched at 2024-08-21

217. Memory Corruption - Safari (CVE-2024-40779) - Medium [317]

Description: An out-of-bounds read was addressed with improved bounds checking. This issue is fixed in iOS 16.7.9 and iPadOS 16.7.9, Safari 17.6, iOS 17.6 and iPadOS 17.6, watchOS 10.6, tvOS 17.6, visionOS 1.3, macOS Sonoma 14.6. Processing maliciously crafted web content may lead to an unexpected process crash.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Safari is a web browser developed by Apple. It is built into Apple's operating systems, including macOS, iOS, iPadOS and their upcoming VisionOS, and uses Apple's open-source browser engine WebKit, which was derived from KHTML.
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00049, EPSS Percentile is 0.1885

debian: CVE-2024-40779 was patched at 2024-08-21

218. Memory Corruption - Safari (CVE-2024-40780) - Medium [317]

Description: An out-of-bounds read was addressed with improved bounds checking. This issue is fixed in iOS 16.7.9 and iPadOS 16.7.9, Safari 17.6, iOS 17.6 and iPadOS 17.6, watchOS 10.6, tvOS 17.6, visionOS 1.3, macOS Sonoma 14.6. Processing maliciously crafted web content may lead to an unexpected process crash.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Safari is a web browser developed by Apple. It is built into Apple's operating systems, including macOS, iOS, iPadOS and their upcoming VisionOS, and uses Apple's open-source browser engine WebKit, which was derived from KHTML.
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00049, EPSS Percentile is 0.1885

debian: CVE-2024-40780 was patched at 2024-08-21

219. Code Injection - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-43360) - Medium [316]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'ZoneMinder is a free, open source closed-circuit television software application. ZoneMinder is affected by a time-based SQL Injection vulnerability. This vulnerability is fixed in 1.36.34 and 1.37.61.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'ZoneMinder is a free, open source closed-circuit television software application. ZoneMinder is affected by a time-based SQL Injection vulnerability. This vulnerability is fixed in 1.36.34 and 1.37.61.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Code Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 9.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-43360 was patched at 2024-08-21

220. Denial of Service - TLS (CVE-2024-5971) - Medium [315]

Description: A vulnerability was found in Undertow, where the chunked response hangs after the body was flushed. The response headers and body were sent but the client would continue waiting as Undertow does not send the expected 0\r\n termination of the chunked response. This results in uncontrolled resource consumption, leaving the server side to a denial of service attack. This happens only with Java 17 TLSv1.3 scenarios.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514TLS
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

redhat: CVE-2024-5971 was patched at 2024-08-08

221. Denial of Service - Oracle MySQL (CVE-2024-21127) - Medium [313]

Description: Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: Server: DDL). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714MySQL is an open-source relational database management system
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.9. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.14041

ubuntu: CVE-2024-21127 was patched at 2024-07-31

222. Denial of Service - Oracle MySQL (CVE-2024-21142) - Medium [313]

Description: Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: Server: Security: Privileges). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714MySQL is an open-source relational database management system
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.9. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.14041

ubuntu: CVE-2024-21142 was patched at 2024-07-31

223. Denial of Service - Oracle MySQL (CVE-2024-21162) - Medium [313]

Description: Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: Server: Optimizer). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714MySQL is an open-source relational database management system
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.9. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.14041

ubuntu: CVE-2024-21162 was patched at 2024-07-31

224. Denial of Service - Oracle MySQL (CVE-2024-21165) - Medium [313]

Description: Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: Server: Pluggable Auth). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714MySQL is an open-source relational database management system
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.9. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.14041

ubuntu: CVE-2024-21165 was patched at 2024-07-31

225. Denial of Service - Oracle MySQL (CVE-2024-21173) - Medium [313]

Description: Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: InnoDB). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714MySQL is an open-source relational database management system
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.9. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.14041

ubuntu: CVE-2024-21173 was patched at 2024-07-31

226. Denial of Service - Oracle MySQL (CVE-2024-21179) - Medium [313]

Description: Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: InnoDB). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714MySQL is an open-source relational database management system
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.9. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.14041

ubuntu: CVE-2024-21179 was patched at 2024-07-31

227. Denial of Service - Oracle MySQL (CVE-2024-21185) - Medium [313]

Description: Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: InnoDB). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.38, 8.4.1 and 9.0.0. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714MySQL is an open-source relational database management system
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.9. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.14041

ubuntu: CVE-2024-21185 was patched at 2024-07-31

228. Denial of Service - vim (CVE-2024-41957) - Medium [313]

Description: Vim is an open source command line text editor. Vim < v9.1.0647 has double free in src/alloc.c:616. When closing a window, the corresponding tagstack data will be cleared and freed. However a bit later, the quickfix list belonging to that window will also be cleared and if that quickfix list points to the same tagstack data, Vim will try to free it again, resulting in a double-free/use-after-free access exception. Impact is low since the user must intentionally execute vim with several non-default flags, but it may cause a crash of Vim. The issue has been fixed as of Vim patch v9.1.0647

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714Vim is a free and open-source, screen-based text editor program
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13333

debian: CVE-2024-41957 was patched at 2024-08-21

229. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42227) - Medium [310]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/amd/display: Fix overlapping copy within dml_core_mode_programming [WHY] &mode_lib->mp.Watermark and &locals->Watermark are the same address. memcpy may lead to unexpected behavior. [HOW] memmove should be used.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/amd/display: Fix overlapping copy within dml_core_mode_programming\n\n[WHY]\n&mode_lib->mp.Watermark and &locals->Watermark are\nthe same address. memcpy may lead to unexpected behavior.\n\n[HOW]\nmemmove should be used.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.7. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-42227 was patched at 2024-08-01

230. Remote Code Execution - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-22116) - Medium [309]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'An administrator with restricted permissions can exploit the script execution functionality within the Monitoring Hosts section. The lack of default escaping for script parameters enabled this user ability to execute arbitrary code via the Ping script, thereby compromising infrastructure.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'An administrator with restricted permissions can exploit the script execution functionality within the Monitoring Hosts section. The lack of default escaping for script parameters enabled this user ability to execute arbitrary code via the Ping script, thereby compromising infrastructure.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 9.9. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-22116 was patched at 2024-08-21

231. Remote Code Execution - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-5651) - Medium [309]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'A flaw was found in fence agents that rely on SSH/Telnet. This vulnerability can allow a Remote Code Execution (RCE) primitive by supplying an arbitrary command to execute in the --ssh-path/--telnet-path arguments. A low-privilege user, for example, a user with developer access, can create a specially crafted FenceAgentsRemediation for a fence agent supporting\xa0 --ssh-path/--telnet-path arguments to execute arbitrary commands on the operator's pod. This RCE leads to a privilege escalation, first as the service account running the operator, then to another service account with cluster-admin privileges.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'A flaw was found in fence agents that rely on SSH/Telnet. This vulnerability can allow a Remote Code Execution (RCE) primitive by supplying an arbitrary command to execute in the --ssh-path/--telnet-path arguments. A low-privilege user, for example, a user with developer access, can create a specially crafted FenceAgentsRemediation for a fence agent supporting\xa0 --ssh-path/--telnet-path arguments to execute arbitrary commands on the operator's pod. This RCE leads to a privilege escalation, first as the service account running the operator, then to another service account with cluster-admin privileges.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-5651 was patched at 2024-08-21

232. Path Traversal - Python (CVE-2024-42367) - Medium [308]

Description: aiohttp is an asynchronous HTTP client/server framework for asyncio and Python. Prior to version 3.10.2, static routes which contain files with compressed variants (`.gz` or `.br` extension) are vulnerable to path traversal outside the root directory if those variants are symbolic links. The server protects static routes from path traversal outside the root directory when `follow_symlinks=False` (default). It does this by resolving the requested URL to an absolute path and then checking that path relative to the root. However, these checks are not performed when looking for compressed variants in the `FileResponse` class, and symbolic links are then automatically followed when performing the `Path.stat()` and `` to send the file. Version 3.10.2 contains a patch for the issue.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Path Traversal
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42367 was patched at 2024-08-21

233. Security Feature Bypass - Oracle Java SE (CVE-2024-20922) - Medium [308]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Vulnerability in the Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition product of Oracle Java SE (component: JavaFX). Supported versions that are affected are Oracle Java SE: 8u391; Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition: 20.3.12 and 21.3.8. Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with logon to the infrastructure where Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition executes to compromise Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition. Successful attacks require human interaction from a person other than the attacker. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition accessible data. Note: This vulnerability applies to Java deployments, typically in clients running sandboxed Java Web Start applications or sandboxed Java applets, that load and run untrusted code (e.g., code that comes from the internet) and rely on the Java sandbox for security. This vulnerability does not apply to Java deployments, typically in servers, that load and run only trusted code (e.g., code installed by an administrator). CVSS 3.1 Base Score 2.5 (Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:H/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:N/I:L/A:N).', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Vulnerability in the Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition product of Oracle Java SE (component: JavaFX). Supported versions that are affected are Oracle Java SE: 8u391; Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition: 20.3.12 and 21.3.8. Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with logon to the infrastructure where Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition executes to compromise Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition. Successful attacks require human interaction from a person other than the attacker. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition accessible data. Note: This vulnerability applies to Java deployments, typically in clients running sandboxed Java Web Start applications or sandboxed Java applets, that load and run untrusted code (e.g., code that comes from the internet) and rely on the Java sandbox for security. This vulnerability does not apply to Java deployments, typically in servers, that load and run only trusted code (e.g., code installed by an administrator). CVSS 3.1 Base Score 2.5 (Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:H/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:N/I:L/A:N).', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Oracle Java SE
CVSS Base Score0.210CVSS Base Score is 2.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00049, EPSS Percentile is 0.19696

redos: CVE-2024-20922 was patched at 2024-08-20

234. Denial of Service - Consul (CVE-2023-1297) - Medium [303]

Description: Consul and Consul Enterprise's cluster peering implementation contained a flaw whereby a peer cluster with service of the same name as a local service could corrupt Consul state, resulting in denial of service. This vulnerability was resolved in Consul 1.14.5, and 1.15.3

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:hashicorp:consul (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.9. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00078, EPSS Percentile is 0.34546

redos: CVE-2023-1297 was patched at 2024-08-05

235. Denial of Service - NVIDIA GPU Display Driver (CVE-2024-0079) - Medium [303]

Description: NVIDIA GPU Display Driver for Windows and Linux contains a vulnerability in the kernel mode layer, where a user in a guest VM can cause a NULL-pointer dereference in the host. A successful exploit of this vulnerability may lead to denial of service.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514A NVIDIA driver is a software program that enables communication between your computer and the NVIDIA graphics processor installed in your system
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

redos: CVE-2024-0079 was patched at 2024-08-07

236. Denial of Service - Vault (CVE-2023-5954) - Medium [303]

Description: HashiCorp Vault and Vault Enterprise inbound client requests triggering a policy check can lead to an unbounded consumption of memory. A large number of these requests may lead to denial-of-service. Fixed in Vault 1.15.2, 1.14.6, and 1.13.10.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:hashicorp:vault (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.9. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.17727

redos: CVE-2023-5954 was patched at 2024-08-05

237. Denial of Service - libtiff (CVE-2024-7006) - Medium [303]

Description: A null pointer dereference flaw was found in Libtiff via `tif_dirinfo.c`. This issue may allow an attacker to trigger memory allocation failures through certain means, such as restricting the heap space size or injecting faults, causing a segmentation fault. This can cause an application crash, eventually leading to a denial of service.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:libtiff:libtiff (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.2. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.17727

debian: CVE-2024-7006 was patched at 2024-08-21

238. Memory Corruption - postgresql (CVE-2024-7348) - Medium [303]

Description: Time-of-check Time-of-use (TOCTOU) race condition in pg_dump in PostgreSQL allows an object creator to execute arbitrary SQL functions as the user running pg_dump, which is often a superuser. The attack involves replacing another relation type with a view or foreign table. The attack requires waiting for pg_dump to start, but winning the race condition is trivial if the attacker retains an open transaction. Versions before PostgreSQL 16.4, 15.8, 14.13, 13.16, and 12.20 are affected.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:postgresql:postgresql (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.0005, EPSS Percentile is 0.20006

debian: CVE-2024-7348 was patched at 2024-08-09, 2024-08-21

ubuntu: CVE-2024-7348 was patched at 2024-08-19

239. Denial of Service - Oracle MySQL (CVE-2024-21134) - Medium [301]

Description: Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: Server: Connection Handling). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a partial denial of service (partial DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.3 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:L).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714MySQL is an open-source relational database management system
CVSS Base Score0.410CVSS Base Score is 4.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.14041

ubuntu: CVE-2024-21134 was patched at 2024-07-31

240. Cross Site Scripting - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-7524) - Medium [300]

Description: Firefox adds web-compatibility shims in place of some tracking scripts blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection. On a site protected by Content Security Policy in "strict-dynamic" mode, an attacker able to inject an HTML element could have used a DOM Clobbering attack on some of the shims and achieved XSS, bypassing the CSP strict-dynamic protection. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 129, Firefox ESR < 115.14, and Firefox ESR < 128.1.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.815Cross Site Scripting
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

almalinux: CVE-2024-7524 was patched at 2024-08-14, 2024-08-15

debian: CVE-2024-7524 was patched at 2024-08-07, 2024-08-21

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-7524 was patched at 2024-08-13, 2024-08-14

redhat: CVE-2024-7524 was patched at 2024-08-13, 2024-08-14, 2024-08-15

ubuntu: CVE-2024-7524 was patched at 2024-08-19

241. Denial of Service - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42299) - Medium [298]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: fs/ntfs3: Update log->page_{mask,bits} if log->page_size changed If an NTFS file system is mounted to another system with different PAGE_SIZE from the original system, log->page_size will change in log_replay(), but log->page_{mask,bits} don't change correspondingly. This will cause a panic because "u32 bytes = log->page_size - page_off" will get a negative value in the later read_log_page().

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42299 was patched at 2024-08-21

242. Denial of Service - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43817) - Medium [298]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: missing check virtio Two missing check in virtio_net_hdr_to_skb() allowed syzbot to crash kernels again 1. After the skb_segment function the buffer may become non-linear (nr_frags != 0), but since the SKBTX_SHARED_FRAG flag is not set anywhere the __skb_linearize function will not be executed, then the buffer will remain non-linear. Then the condition (offset >= skb_headlen(skb)) becomes true, which causes WARN_ON_ONCE in skb_checksum_help. 2. The struct sk_buff and struct virtio_net_hdr members must be mathematically related. (gso_size) must be greater than (needed) otherwise WARN_ON_ONCE. (remainder) must be greater than (needed) otherwise WARN_ON_ONCE. (remainder) may be 0 if division is without remainder. offset+2 (4191) > skb_headlen() (1116) WARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 5084 at net/core/dev.c:3303 skb_checksum_help+0x5e2/0x740 net/core/dev.c:3303 Modules linked in: CPU: 1 PID: 5084 Comm: syz-executor336 Not tainted 6.7.0-rc3-syzkaller-00014-gdf60cee26a2e #0 Hardware name: Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 11/10/2023 RIP: 0010:skb_checksum_help+0x5e2/0x740 net/core/dev.c:3303 Code: 89 e8 83 e0 07 83 c0 03 38 d0 7c 08 84 d2 0f 85 52 01 00 00 44 89 e2 2b 53 74 4c 89 ee 48 c7 c7 40 57 e9 8b e8 af 8f dd f8 90 <0f> 0b 90 90 e9 87 fe ff ff e8 40 0f 6e f9 e9 4b fa ff ff 48 89 ef RSP: 0018:ffffc90003a9f338 EFLAGS: 00010286 RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffff888025125780 RCX: ffffffff814db209 RDX: ffff888015393b80 RSI: ffffffff814db216 RDI: 0000000000000001 RBP: ffff8880251257f4 R08: 0000000000000001 R09: 0000000000000000 R10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0000000000000001 R12: 000000000000045c R13: 000000000000105f R14: ffff8880251257f0 R15: 000000000000105d FS: 0000555555c24380(0000) GS:ffff8880b9900000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 000000002000f000 CR3: 0000000023151000 CR4: 00000000003506f0 DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 Call Trace: <TASK> ip_do_fragment+0xa1b/0x18b0 net/ipv4/ip_output.c:777 ip_fragment.constprop.0+0x161/0x230 net/ipv4/ip_output.c:584 ip_finish_output_gso net/ipv4/ip_output.c:286 [inline] __ip_finish_output net/ipv4/ip_output.c:308 [inline] __ip_finish_output+0x49c/0x650 net/ipv4/ip_output.c:295 ip_finish_output+0x31/0x310 net/ipv4/ip_output.c:323 NF_HOOK_COND include/linux/netfilter.h:303 [inline] ip_output+0x13b/0x2a0 net/ipv4/ip_output.c:433 dst_output include/net/dst.h:451 [inline] ip_local_out+0xaf/0x1a0 net/ipv4/ip_output.c:129 iptunnel_xmit+0x5b4/0x9b0 net/ipv4/ip_tunnel_core.c:82 ipip6_tunnel_xmit net/ipv6/sit.c:1034 [inline] sit_tunnel_xmit+0xed2/0x28f0 net/ipv6/sit.c:1076 __netdev_start_xmit include/linux/netdevice.h:4940 [inline] netdev_start_xmit include/linux/netdevice.h:4954 [inline] xmit_one net/core/dev.c:3545 [inline] dev_hard_start_xmit+0x13d/0x6d0 net/core/dev.c:3561 __dev_queue_xmit+0x7c1/0x3d60 net/core/dev.c:4346 dev_queue_xmit include/linux/netdevice.h:3134 [inline] packet_xmit+0x257/0x380 net/packet/af_packet.c:276 packet_snd net/packet/af_packet.c:3087 [inline] packet_sendmsg+0x24ca/0x5240 net/packet/af_packet.c:3119 sock_sendmsg_nosec net/socket.c:730 [inline] __sock_sendmsg+0xd5/0x180 net/socket.c:745 __sys_sendto+0x255/0x340 net/socket.c:2190 __do_sys_sendto net/socket.c:2202 [inline] __se_sys_sendto net/socket.c:2198 [inline] __x64_sys_sendto+0xe0/0x1b0 net/socket.c:2198 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:51 [inline] do_syscall_64+0x40/0x110 arch/x86/entry/common.c:82 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x63/0x6b Found by Linux Verification Center ( with Syzkaller

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-43817 was patched at 2024-08-21

243. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42229) - Medium [298]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: crypto: aead,cipher - zeroize key buffer after use I.G 9.7.B for FIPS 140-3 specifies that variables temporarily holding cryptographic information should be zeroized once they are no longer needed. Accomplish this by using kfree_sensitive for buffers that previously held the private key.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ncrypto: aead,cipher - zeroize key buffer after use\n\nI.G 9.7.B for FIPS 140-3 specifies that variables temporarily holding\ncryptographic information should be zeroized once they are no longer\nneeded. Accomplish this by using kfree_sensitive for buffers that\npreviously held the private key.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.410CVSS Base Score is 4.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-42229 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

244. Denial of Service - fugit (CVE-2024-43380) - Medium [291]

Description: fugit contains time tools for flor and the floraison group. The fugit "natural" parser, that turns "every wednesday at 5pm" into "0 17 * * 3", accepted any length of input and went on attempting to parse it, not returning promptly, as expected. The parse call could hold the thread with no end in sight. Fugit dependents that do not check (user) input length for plausibility are impacted. A fix was released in fugit 1.11.1.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:floraison:fugit (does NOT exist in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-43380 was patched at 2024-08-21

245. Memory Corruption - django (CVE-2024-41989) - Medium [291]

Description: An issue was discovered in Django 5.0 before 5.0.8 and 4.2 before 4.2.15. The floatformat template filter is subject to significant memory consumption when given a string representation of a number in scientific notation with a large exponent.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:djangoproject:django (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00053, EPSS Percentile is 0.21936

debian: CVE-2024-41989 was patched at 2024-08-21

ubuntu: CVE-2024-41989 was patched at 2024-08-06

246. Memory Corruption - FFmpeg (CVE-2024-7055) - Medium [289]

Description: A vulnerability was found in FFmpeg up to 7.0.1. It has been classified as critical. This affects the function pnm_decode_frame in the library /libavcodec/pnmdec.c. The manipulation leads to heap-based buffer overflow. It is possible to initiate the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. Upgrading to version 7.0.2 is able to address this issue. It is recommended to upgrade the affected component. The associated identifier of this vulnerability is VDB-273651.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714FFmpeg is a free and open-source software project consisting of a suite of libraries and programs for handling video, audio, and other multimedia files and streams
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-7055 was patched at 2024-08-14, 2024-08-21

247. Unknown Vulnerability Type - GLPI (CVE-2023-34254) - Medium [288]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'The GLPI Agent is a generic management agent. Prior to version 1.5, if glpi-agent is running remoteinventory task against an Unix platform with ssh command, an administrator user on the remote can manage to inject a command in a specific workflow the agent would run with the privileges it uses. In the case, the agent is running with administration privileges, a malicious user could gain high privileges on the computer glpi-agent is running on. A malicious user could also disclose all remote accesses the agent is configured with for remoteinventory task. This vulnerability has been patched in glpi-agent 1.5.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'The GLPI Agent is a generic management agent. Prior to version 1.5, if glpi-agent is running remoteinventory task against an Unix platform with ssh command, an administrator user on the remote can manage to inject a command in a specific workflow the agent would run with the privileges it uses. In the case, the agent is running with administration privileges, a malicious user could gain high privileges on the computer glpi-agent is running on. A malicious user could also disclose all remote accesses the agent is configured with for remoteinventory task. This vulnerability has been patched in glpi-agent 1.5.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.6. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.510EPSS Probability is 0.00147, EPSS Percentile is 0.51394

redos: CVE-2023-34254 was patched at 2024-08-12

248. Denial of Service - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41064) - Medium [286]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: powerpc/eeh: avoid possible crash when edev->pdev changes If a PCI device is removed during eeh_pe_report_edev(), edev->pdev will change and can cause a crash, hold the PCI rescan/remove lock while taking a copy of edev->pdev->bus.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-41064 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

249. Denial of Service - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42304) - Medium [286]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ext4: make sure the first directory block is not a hole The syzbot constructs a directory that has no dirblock but is non-inline, i.e. the first directory block is a hole. And no errors are reported when creating files in this directory in the following flow. ext4_mknod ... ext4_add_entry // Read block 0 ext4_read_dirblock(dir, block, DIRENT) bh = ext4_bread(NULL, inode, block, 0) if (!bh && (type == INDEX || type == DIRENT_HTREE)) // The first directory block is a hole // But type == DIRENT, so no error is reported. After that, we get a directory block without '.' and '..' but with a valid dentry. This may cause some code that relies on dot or dotdot (such as make_indexed_dir()) to crash. Therefore when ext4_read_dirblock() finds that the first directory block is a hole report that the filesystem is corrupted and return an error to avoid loading corrupted data from disk causing something bad.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42304 was patched at 2024-08-21

250. Memory Corruption - Flatpak (CVE-2024-42472) - Medium [286]

Description: Flatpak is a Linux application sandboxing and distribution framework. Prior to versions 1.14.0 and 1.15.10, a malicious or compromised Flatpak app using persistent directories could access and write files outside of what it would otherwise have access to, which is an attack on integrity and confidentiality. When `persistent=subdir` is used in the application permissions (represented as `--persist=subdir` in the command-line interface), that means that an application which otherwise doesn't have access to the real user home directory will see an empty home directory with a writeable subdirectory `subdir`. Behind the scenes, this directory is actually a bind mount and the data is stored in the per-application directory as `~/.var/app/$APPID/subdir`. This allows existing apps that are not aware of the per-application directory to still work as intended without general home directory access. However, the application does have write access to the application directory `~/.var/app/$APPID` where this directory is stored. If the source directory for the `persistent`/`--persist` option is replaced by a symlink, then the next time the application is started, the bind mount will follow the symlink and mount whatever it points to into the sandbox. Partial protection against this vulnerability can be provided by patching Flatpak using the patches in commits ceec2ffc and 98f79773. However, this leaves a race condition that could be exploited by two instances of a malicious app running in parallel. Closing the race condition requires updating or patching the version of bubblewrap that is used by Flatpak to add the new `--bind-fd` option using the patch and then patching Flatpak to use it. If Flatpak has been configured at build-time with `-Dsystem_bubblewrap=bwrap` (1.15.x) or `--with-system-bubblewrap=bwrap` (1.14.x or older), or a similar option, then the version of bubblewrap that needs to be patched is a system copy that is distributed separately, typically `/usr/bin/bwrap`. This configuration is the one that is typically used in Linux distributions. If Flatpak has been configured at build-time with `-Dsystem_bubblewrap=` (1.15.x) or with `--without-system-bubblewrap` (1.14.x or older), then it is the bundled version of bubblewrap that is included with Flatpak that must be patched. This is typically installed as `/usr/libexec/flatpak-bwrap`. This configuration is the default when building from source code. For the 1.14.x stable branch, these changes are included in Flatpak 1.14.10. The bundled version of bubblewrap included in this release has been updated to 0.6.3. For the 1.15.x development branch, these changes are included in Flatpak 1.15.10. The bundled version of bubblewrap in this release is a Meson "wrap" subproject, which has been updated to 0.10.0. The 1.12.x and 1.10.x branches will not be updated for this vulnerability. Long-term support OS distributions should backport the individual changes into their versions of Flatpak and bubblewrap, or update to newer versions if their stability policy allows it. As a workaround, avoid using applications using the `persistent` (`--persist`) permission.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.414Flatpak is a utility for software deployment and package management for Linux
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 10.0. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42472 was patched at 2024-08-14, 2024-08-21

251. Cross Site Scripting - moodle (CVE-2023-5541) - Medium [285]

Description: The CSV grade import method contained an XSS risk for users importing the spreadsheet, if it contained unsafe content.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.815Cross Site Scripting
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:moodle:moodle (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.310CVSS Base Score is 3.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00052, EPSS Percentile is 0.21305

redos: CVE-2023-5541 was patched at 2024-07-26

252. Remote Code Execution - Unknown Product (CVE-2023-31315) - Medium [285]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Improper validation in a model specific register (MSR) could allow a malicious program with ring0 access to modify SMM configuration while SMI lock is enabled, potentially leading to arbitrary code execution.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Improper validation in a model specific register (MSR) could allow a malicious program with ring0 access to modify SMM configuration while SMI lock is enabled, potentially leading to arbitrary code execution.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2023-31315 was patched at 2024-08-21

oraclelinux: CVE-2023-31315 was patched at 2024-08-08

253. Remote Code Execution - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-0077) - Medium [285]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'NVIDIA Virtual GPU Manager contains a vulnerability in the vGPU plugin, where it allows a guest OS to allocate resources for which the guest OS is not authorized. A successful exploit of this vulnerability may lead to code execution, denial of service, escalation of privileges, information disclosure, and data tampering.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'NVIDIA Virtual GPU Manager contains a vulnerability in the vGPU plugin, where it allows a guest OS to allocate resources for which the guest OS is not authorized. A successful exploit of this vulnerability may lead to code execution, denial of service, escalation of privileges, information disclosure, and data tampering.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

redos: CVE-2024-0077 was patched at 2024-08-07

254. Remote Code Execution - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-7538) - Medium [285]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'oFono CUSD AT Command Stack-based Buffer Overflow Code Execution Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows local attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected installations of oFono. An attacker must first obtain the ability to execute code on the target modem in order to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the parsing of responses from AT Commands. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of the length of user-supplied data prior to copying it to a stack-based buffer. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to execute code in the context of root. Was ZDI-CAN-23190.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'oFono CUSD AT Command Stack-based Buffer Overflow Code Execution Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows local attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected installations of oFono. An attacker must first obtain the ability to execute code on the target modem in order to exploit this vulnerability.\n\nThe specific flaw exists within the parsing of responses from AT Commands. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of the length of user-supplied data prior to copying it to a stack-based buffer. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to execute code in the context of root. Was ZDI-CAN-23190.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-7538 was patched at 2024-08-21

255. Remote Code Execution - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-7539) - Medium [285]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'oFono CUSD Stack-based Buffer Overflow Code Execution Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows local attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected installations of oFono. An attacker must first obtain the ability to execute code on the target modem in order to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the parsing of responses from AT+CUSD commands. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of the length of user-supplied data prior to copying it to a stack-based buffer. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to execute code in the context of root. Was ZDI-CAN-23195.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'oFono CUSD Stack-based Buffer Overflow Code Execution Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows local attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected installations of oFono. An attacker must first obtain the ability to execute code on the target modem in order to exploit this vulnerability.\n\nThe specific flaw exists within the parsing of responses from AT+CUSD commands. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of the length of user-supplied data prior to copying it to a stack-based buffer. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to execute code in the context of root. Was ZDI-CAN-23195.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-7539 was patched at 2024-08-21

256. Remote Code Execution - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-7546) - Medium [285]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'oFono SimToolKit Heap-based Buffer Overflow Privilege Escalation Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows local attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected installations of oFono. An attacker must first obtain the ability to execute code on the target modem in order to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the parsing of STK command PDUs. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of the length of user-supplied data prior to copying it to a heap-based buffer. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to execute code in the context of the service account. Was ZDI-CAN-23459.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'oFono SimToolKit Heap-based Buffer Overflow Privilege Escalation Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows local attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected installations of oFono. An attacker must first obtain the ability to execute code on the target modem in order to exploit this vulnerability.\n\nThe specific flaw exists within the parsing of STK command PDUs. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of the length of user-supplied data prior to copying it to a heap-based buffer. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to execute code in the context of the service account. Was ZDI-CAN-23459.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-7546 was patched at 2024-08-21

257. Authentication Bypass - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-6993) - Medium [282]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': '', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual " "that will use it when announcing a new security problem. When the candidate has been " "publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to BDU data source
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2024-6993 was patched at 2024-07-31, 2024-08-01

redos: CVE-2024-6993 was patched at 2024-08-07

258. Information Disclosure - Filebeat (CVE-2023-31413) - Medium [279]

Description: Filebeat versions through 7.17.9 and 8.6.2 have a flaw in httpjson input that allows the http request Authorization or Proxy-Authorization header contents to be leaked in the logs when debug logging is enabled.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.8315Information Disclosure
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:elastic:filebeat (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.310CVSS Base Score is 3.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

redos: CVE-2023-31413 was patched at 2024-07-26

259. Security Feature Bypass - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-25638) - Medium [279]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'dnsjava is an implementation of DNS in Java. Records in DNS replies are not checked for their relevance to the query, allowing an attacker to respond with RRs from different zones. This vulnerability is fixed in 3.6.0.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'dnsjava is an implementation of DNS in Java. Records in DNS replies are not checked for their relevance to the query, allowing an attacker to respond with RRs from different zones. This vulnerability is fixed in 3.6.0.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.9. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-25638 was patched at 2024-08-01

260. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42225) - Medium [269]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: mt76: replace skb_put with skb_put_zero Avoid potentially reusing uninitialized data', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nwifi: mt76: replace skb_put with skb_put_zero\n\nAvoid potentially reusing uninitialized data', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.0005, EPSS Percentile is 0.20458

debian: CVE-2024-42225 was patched at 2024-08-01

261. Cross Site Scripting - Roundcube (CVE-2024-42008) - Medium [266]

Description: A Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability in rcmail_action_mail_get->run() in Roundcube through 1.5.7 and 1.6.x through 1.6.7 allows a remote attacker to steal and send emails of a victim via a malicious e-mail attachment served with a dangerous Content-Type header.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.815Cross Site Scripting
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Roundcube is a web-based IMAP email client
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42008 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-13, 2024-08-21

262. Cross Site Scripting - Roundcube (CVE-2024-42009) - Medium [266]

Description: A Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability in Roundcube through 1.5.7 and 1.6.x through 1.6.7 allows a remote attacker to steal and send emails of a victim via a crafted e-mail message that abuses a Desanitization issue in message_body() in program/actions/mail/show.php.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.815Cross Site Scripting
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Roundcube is a web-based IMAP email client
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42009 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-13, 2024-08-21

263. Spoofing - Chromium (CVE-2024-6996) - Medium [264]

Description: Race in Frames in Google Chrome prior to 127.0.6533.72 allowed a remote attacker who convinced a user to engage in specific UI gestures to perform UI spoofing via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Medium)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.415Spoofing
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.310CVSS Base Score is 3.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.17727

debian: CVE-2024-6996 was patched at 2024-07-31, 2024-08-01

redos: CVE-2024-6996 was patched at 2024-08-07

264. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-7526) - Medium [264]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'ANGLE failed to initialize parameters which led to reading from uninitialized memory. This could be leveraged to leak sensitive data from memory. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 129, Firefox ESR < 115.14, Firefox ESR < 128.1, Thunderbird < 128.1, and Thunderbird < 115.14.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'ANGLE failed to initialize parameters which led to reading from uninitialized memory. This could be leveraged to leak sensitive data from memory. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 129, Firefox ESR < 115.14, Firefox ESR < 128.1, Thunderbird < 128.1, and Thunderbird < 115.14.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00068, EPSS Percentile is 0.30511

almalinux: CVE-2024-7526 was patched at 2024-08-14, 2024-08-15

debian: CVE-2024-7526 was patched at 2024-08-07, 2024-08-08, 2024-08-21

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-7526 was patched at 2024-08-13, 2024-08-14

redhat: CVE-2024-7526 was patched at 2024-08-13, 2024-08-14, 2024-08-15, 2024-08-19

ubuntu: CVE-2024-7526 was patched at 2024-08-19

265. Incorrect Calculation - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42136) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: cdrom: rearrange last_media_change check to avoid unintentional overflow When running syzkaller with the newly reintroduced signed integer wrap sanitizer we encounter this splat: [ 366.015950] UBSAN: signed-integer-overflow in ../drivers/cdrom/cdrom.c:2361:33 [ 366.021089] -9223372036854775808 - 346321 cannot be represented in type '__s64' (aka 'long long') [ 366.025894] program syz-executor.4 is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please convert it to SG_IO [ 366.027502] CPU: 5 PID: 28472 Comm: syz-executor.7 Not tainted 6.8.0-rc2-00035-gb3ef86b5a957 #1 [ 366.027512] Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 1.16.3-debian-1.16.3-2 04/01/2014 [ 366.027518] Call Trace: [ 366.027523] <TASK> [ 366.027533] dump_stack_lvl+0x93/0xd0 [ 366.027899] handle_overflow+0x171/0x1b0 [ 366.038787] ata1.00: invalid multi_count 32 ignored [ 366.043924] cdrom_ioctl+0x2c3f/0x2d10 [ 366.063932] ? __pm_runtime_resume+0xe6/0x130 [ 366.071923] sr_block_ioctl+0x15d/0x1d0 [ 366.074624] ? __pfx_sr_block_ioctl+0x10/0x10 [ 366.077642] blkdev_ioctl+0x419/0x500 [ 366.080231] ? __pfx_blkdev_ioctl+0x10/0x10 ... Historically, the signed integer overflow sanitizer did not work in the kernel due to its interaction with `-fwrapv` but this has since been changed [1] in the newest version of Clang. It was re-enabled in the kernel with Commit 557f8c582a9ba8ab ("ubsan: Reintroduce signed overflow sanitizer"). Let's rearrange the check to not perform any arithmetic, thus not tripping the sanitizer.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Incorrect Calculation
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42136 was patched at 2024-08-01

266. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35858) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: bcmasp: fix memory leak when bringing down interface When bringing down the TX rings we flush the rings but forget to reclaimed the flushed packets. This leads to a memory leak since we do not free the dma mapped buffers. This also leads to tx control block corruption when bringing down the interface for power management.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35858 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

267. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36011) - Medium [263]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: Bluetooth: HCI: Fix potential null-ptr-deref Fix potential null-ptr-deref in hci_le_big_sync_established_evt().', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nBluetooth: HCI: Fix potential null-ptr-deref\n\nFix potential null-ptr-deref in hci_le_big_sync_established_evt().', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

ubuntu: CVE-2024-36011 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

268. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38539) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: RDMA/cma: Fix kmemleak in rdma_core observed during blktests nvme/rdma use siw When running blktests nvme/rdma, the following kmemleak issue will appear. kmemleak: Kernel memory leak detector initialized (mempool available:36041) kmemleak: Automatic memory scanning thread started kmemleak: 2 new suspected memory leaks (see /sys/kernel/debug/kmemleak) kmemleak: 8 new suspected memory leaks (see /sys/kernel/debug/kmemleak) kmemleak: 17 new suspected memory leaks (see /sys/kernel/debug/kmemleak) kmemleak: 4 new suspected memory leaks (see /sys/kernel/debug/kmemleak) unreferenced object 0xffff88855da53400 (size 192): comm "rdma", pid 10630, jiffies 4296575922 hex dump (first 32 bytes): 37 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c0 ff ff ff 1f 00 00 00 7............... 10 34 a5 5d 85 88 ff ff 10 34 a5 5d 85 88 ff ff .4.].....4.].... backtrace (crc 47f66721): [<ffffffff911251bd>] kmalloc_trace+0x30d/0x3b0 [<ffffffffc2640ff7>] alloc_gid_entry+0x47/0x380 [ib_core] [<ffffffffc2642206>] add_modify_gid+0x166/0x930 [ib_core] [<ffffffffc2643468>] ib_cache_update.part.0+0x6d8/0x910 [ib_core] [<ffffffffc2644e1a>] ib_cache_setup_one+0x24a/0x350 [ib_core] [<ffffffffc263949e>] ib_register_device+0x9e/0x3a0 [ib_core] [<ffffffffc2a3d389>] 0xffffffffc2a3d389 [<ffffffffc2688cd8>] nldev_newlink+0x2b8/0x520 [ib_core] [<ffffffffc2645fe3>] rdma_nl_rcv_msg+0x2c3/0x520 [ib_core] [<ffffffffc264648c>] rdma_nl_rcv_skb.constprop.0.isra.0+0x23c/0x3a0 [ib_core] [<ffffffff9270e7b5>] netlink_unicast+0x445/0x710 [<ffffffff9270f1f1>] netlink_sendmsg+0x761/0xc40 [<ffffffff9249db29>] __sys_sendto+0x3a9/0x420 [<ffffffff9249dc8c>] __x64_sys_sendto+0xdc/0x1b0 [<ffffffff92db0ad3>] do_syscall_64+0x93/0x180 [<ffffffff92e00126>] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x71/0x79 The root cause: rdma_put_gid_attr is not called when sgid_attr is set to ERR_PTR(-ENODEV).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

ubuntu: CVE-2024-38539 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

269. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38551) - Medium [263]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ASoC: mediatek: Assign dummy when codec not specified for a DAI link MediaTek sound card drivers are checking whether a DAI link is present and used on a board to assign the correct parameters and this is done by checking the codec DAI names at probe time. If no real codec is present, assign the dummy codec to the DAI link to avoid NULL pointer during string comparison.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nASoC: mediatek: Assign dummy when codec not specified for a DAI link\n\nMediaTek sound card drivers are checking whether a DAI link is present\nand used on a board to assign the correct parameters and this is done\nby checking the codec DAI names at probe time.\n\nIf no real codec is present, assign the dummy codec to the DAI link\nto avoid NULL pointer during string comparison.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

ubuntu: CVE-2024-38551 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

270. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41051) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: cachefiles: wait for ondemand_object_worker to finish when dropping object When queuing ondemand_object_worker() to re-open the object, cachefiles_object is not pinned. The cachefiles_object may be freed when the pending read request is completed intentionally and the related erofs is umounted. If ondemand_object_worker() runs after the object is freed, it will incur use-after-free problem as shown below. process A processs B process C process D cachefiles_ondemand_send_req() // send a read req X // wait for its completion // close ondemand fd cachefiles_ondemand_fd_release() // set object as CLOSE cachefiles_ondemand_daemon_read() // set object as REOPENING queue_work(fscache_wq, &info->ondemand_work) // close /dev/cachefiles cachefiles_daemon_release cachefiles_flush_reqs complete(&req->done) // read req X is completed // umount the erofs fs cachefiles_put_object() // object will be freed cachefiles_ondemand_deinit_obj_info() kmem_cache_free(object) // both info and object are freed ondemand_object_worker() When dropping an object, it is no longer necessary to reopen the object, so use cancel_work_sync() to cancel or wait for ondemand_object_worker() to finish.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-41051 was patched at 2024-08-01

271. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41057) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: cachefiles: fix slab-use-after-free in cachefiles_withdraw_cookie() We got the following issue in our fault injection stress test: ================================================================== BUG: KASAN: slab-use-after-free in cachefiles_withdraw_cookie+0x4d9/0x600 Read of size 8 at addr ffff888118efc000 by task kworker/u78:0/109 CPU: 13 PID: 109 Comm: kworker/u78:0 Not tainted 6.8.0-dirty #566 Call Trace: <TASK> kasan_report+0x93/0xc0 cachefiles_withdraw_cookie+0x4d9/0x600 fscache_cookie_state_machine+0x5c8/0x1230 fscache_cookie_worker+0x91/0x1c0 process_one_work+0x7fa/0x1800 [...] Allocated by task 117: kmalloc_trace+0x1b3/0x3c0 cachefiles_acquire_volume+0xf3/0x9c0 fscache_create_volume_work+0x97/0x150 process_one_work+0x7fa/0x1800 [...] Freed by task 120301: kfree+0xf1/0x2c0 cachefiles_withdraw_cache+0x3fa/0x920 cachefiles_put_unbind_pincount+0x1f6/0x250 cachefiles_daemon_release+0x13b/0x290 __fput+0x204/0xa00 task_work_run+0x139/0x230 do_exit+0x87a/0x29b0 [...] ================================================================== Following is the process that triggers the issue: p1 | p2 ------------------------------------------------------------ fscache_begin_lookup fscache_begin_volume_access fscache_cache_is_live(fscache_cache) cachefiles_daemon_release cachefiles_put_unbind_pincount cachefiles_daemon_unbind cachefiles_withdraw_cache fscache_withdraw_cache fscache_set_cache_state(cache, FSCACHE_CACHE_IS_WITHDRAWN); cachefiles_withdraw_objects(cache) fscache_wait_for_objects(fscache) atomic_read(&fscache_cache->object_count) == 0 fscache_perform_lookup cachefiles_lookup_cookie cachefiles_alloc_object refcount_set(&object->ref, 1); object->volume = volume fscache_count_object(vcookie->cache); atomic_inc(&fscache_cache->object_count) cachefiles_withdraw_volumes cachefiles_withdraw_volume fscache_withdraw_volume __cachefiles_free_volume kfree(cachefiles_volume) fscache_cookie_state_machine cachefiles_withdraw_cookie cache = object->volume->cache; // cachefiles_volume UAF !!! After setting FSCACHE_CACHE_IS_WITHDRAWN, wait for all the cookie lookups to complete first, and then wait for fscache_cache->object_count == 0 to avoid the cookie exiting after the volume has been freed and triggering the above issue. Therefore call fscache_withdraw_volume() before calling cachefiles_withdraw_objects(). This way, after setting FSCACHE_CACHE_IS_WITHDRAWN, only the following two cases will occur: 1) fscache_begin_lookup fails in fscache_begin_volume_access(). 2) fscache_withdraw_volume() will ensure that fscache_count_object() has been executed before calling fscache_wait_for_objects().

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-41057 was patched at 2024-08-01

272. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41066) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ibmvnic: Add tx check to prevent skb leak Below is a summary of how the driver stores a reference to an skb during transmit: tx_buff[free_map[consumer_index]]->skb = new_skb; free_map[consumer_index] = IBMVNIC_INVALID_MAP; consumer_index ++; Where variable data looks like this: free_map == [4, IBMVNIC_INVALID_MAP, IBMVNIC_INVALID_MAP, 0, 3] consumer_index^ tx_buff == [skb=null, skb=<ptr>, skb=<ptr>, skb=null, skb=null] The driver has checks to ensure that free_map[consumer_index] pointed to a valid index but there was no check to ensure that this index pointed to an unused/null skb address. So, if, by some chance, our free_map and tx_buff lists become out of sync then we were previously risking an skb memory leak. This could then cause tcp congestion control to stop sending packets, eventually leading to ETIMEDOUT. Therefore, add a conditional to ensure that the skb address is null. If not then warn the user (because this is still a bug that should be patched) and free the old pointer to prevent memleak/tcp problems.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-41066 was patched at 2024-08-01

273. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41076) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: NFSv4: Fix memory leak in nfs4_set_security_label We leak nfs_fattr and nfs4_label every time we set a security xattr.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-41076 was patched at 2024-08-01

274. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42314) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: btrfs: fix extent map use-after-free when adding pages to compressed bio At add_ra_bio_pages() we are accessing the extent map to calculate 'add_size' after we dropped our reference on the extent map, resulting in a use-after-free. Fix this by computing 'add_size' before dropping our extent map reference.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42314 was patched at 2024-08-21

275. Remote Code Execution - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-43168) - Medium [261]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'A heap-buffer-overflow flaw was found in the cfg_mark_ports function within Unbound's config_file.c, which can lead to memory corruption. This issue could allow an attacker with local access to provide specially crafted input, potentially causing the application to crash or allowing arbitrary code execution. This could result in a denial of service or unauthorized actions on the system.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'A heap-buffer-overflow flaw was found in the cfg_mark_ports function within Unbound's config_file.c, which can lead to memory corruption. This issue could allow an attacker with local access to provide specially crafted input, potentially causing the application to crash or allowing arbitrary code execution. This could result in a denial of service or unauthorized actions on the system.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-43168 was patched at 2024-08-21

276. Elevation of Privilege - Unknown Product (CVE-2023-42667) - Medium [258]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Improper isolation in the Intel(R) Core(TM) Ultra Processor stream cache mechanism may allow an authenticated user to potentially enable escalation of privilege via local access.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Improper isolation in the Intel(R) Core(TM) Ultra Processor stream cache mechanism may allow an authenticated user to potentially enable escalation of privilege via local access.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.8515Elevation of Privilege
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2023-42667 was patched at 2024-08-21

ubuntu: CVE-2023-42667 was patched at 2024-08-20

277. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41061) - Medium [257]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/amd/display: Fix array-index-out-of-bounds in dml2/FCLKChangeSupport [Why] Potential out of bounds access in dml2_calculate_rq_and_dlg_params() because the value of out_lowest_state_idx used as an index for FCLKChangeSupport array can be greater than 1. [How] Currently dml2 core specifies identical values for all FCLKChangeSupport elements. Always use index 0 in the condition to avoid out of bounds access.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/amd/display: Fix array-index-out-of-bounds in dml2/FCLKChangeSupport\n\n[Why]\nPotential out of bounds access in dml2_calculate_rq_and_dlg_params()\nbecause the value of out_lowest_state_idx used as an index for FCLKChangeSupport\narray can be greater than 1.\n\n[How]\nCurrently dml2 core specifies identical values for all FCLKChangeSupport\nelements. Always use index 0 in the condition to avoid out of bounds access.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-41061 was patched at 2024-08-01

278. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42159) - Medium [257]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: mpi3mr: Sanitise num_phys Information is stored in mr_sas_port->phy_mask, values larger then size of this field shouldn't be allowed.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nscsi: mpi3mr: Sanitise num_phys\n\nInformation is stored in mr_sas_port->phy_mask, values larger then size of\nthis field shouldn't be allowed.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42159 was patched at 2024-08-01

279. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42160) - Medium [257]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: f2fs: check validation of fault attrs in f2fs_build_fault_attr() - It missed to check validation of fault attrs in parse_options(), let's fix to add check condition in f2fs_build_fault_attr(). - Use f2fs_build_fault_attr() in __sbi_store() to clean up code.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nf2fs: check validation of fault attrs in f2fs_build_fault_attr()\n\n- It missed to check validation of fault attrs in parse_options(),\nlet's fix to add check condition in f2fs_build_fault_attr().\n- Use f2fs_build_fault_attr() in __sbi_store() to clean up code.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42160 was patched at 2024-08-01

280. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42161) - Medium [257]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bpf: Avoid uninitialized value in BPF_CORE_READ_BITFIELD [Changes from V1: - Use a default branch in the switch statement to initialize `val'.] GCC warns that `val' may be used uninitialized in the BPF_CRE_READ_BITFIELD macro, defined in bpf_core_read.h as: \t[...] \tunsigned long long val;\t\t\t\t\t\t \\ \t[...]\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \\ \tswitch (__CORE_RELO(s, field, BYTE_SIZE)) {\t\t\t \\ \tcase 1: val = *(const unsigned char *)p; break;\t\t\t \\ \tcase 2: val = *(const unsigned short *)p; break;\t\t \\ \tcase 4: val = *(const unsigned int *)p; break;\t\t\t \\ \tcase 8: val = *(const unsigned long long *)p; break;\t\t \\ } \t\t\t\t\t\t\t \\ \t[...] \tval;\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \\ \t}\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \\ This patch adds a default entry in the switch statement that sets `val' to zero in order to avoid the warning, and random values to be used in case __builtin_preserve_field_info returns unexpected values for BPF_FIELD_BYTE_SIZE. Tested in bpf-next master. No regressions.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbpf: Avoid uninitialized value in BPF_CORE_READ_BITFIELD\n\n[Changes from V1:\n - Use a default branch in the switch statement to initialize `val'.]\n\nGCC warns that `val' may be used uninitialized in the\nBPF_CRE_READ_BITFIELD macro, defined in bpf_core_read.h as:\n\n\t[...]\n\tunsigned long long val;\t\t\t\t\t\t \\\n\t[...]\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \\\n\tswitch (__CORE_RELO(s, field, BYTE_SIZE)) {\t\t\t \\\n\tcase 1: val = *(const unsigned char *)p; break;\t\t\t \\\n\tcase 2: val = *(const unsigned short *)p; break;\t\t \\\n\tcase 4: val = *(const unsigned int *)p; break;\t\t\t \\\n\tcase 8: val = *(const unsigned long long *)p; break;\t\t \\\n } \t\t\t\t\t\t\t \\\n\t[...]\n\tval;\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \\\n\t}\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \\\n\nThis patch adds a default entry in the switch statement that sets\n`val' to zero in order to avoid the warning, and random values to be\nused in case __builtin_preserve_field_info returns unexpected values\nfor BPF_FIELD_BYTE_SIZE.\n\nTested in bpf-next master.\nNo regressions.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42161 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

281. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42224) - Medium [257]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: Correct check for empty list Since commit a3c53be55c95 ("net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: Support multiple MDIO busses") mv88e6xxx_default_mdio_bus() has checked that the return value of list_first_entry() is non-NULL. This appears to be intended to guard against the list chip->mdios being empty. However, it is not the correct check as the implementation of list_first_entry is not designed to return NULL for empty lists. Instead, use list_first_entry_or_null() which does return NULL if the list is empty. Flagged by Smatch. Compile tested only.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: dsa: mv88e6xxx: Correct check for empty list\n\nSince commit a3c53be55c95 ("net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: Support multiple MDIO\nbusses") mv88e6xxx_default_mdio_bus() has checked that the\nreturn value of list_first_entry() is non-NULL.\n\nThis appears to be intended to guard against the list chip->mdios being\nempty. However, it is not the correct check as the implementation of\nlist_first_entry is not designed to return NULL for empty lists.\n\nInstead, use list_first_entry_or_null() which does return NULL if the\nlist is empty.\n\nFlagged by Smatch.\nCompile tested only.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42224 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

282. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-7531) - Medium [252]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Calling `PK11_Encrypt()` in NSS using CKM_CHACHA20 and the same buffer for input and output can result in plaintext on an Intel Sandy Bridge processor. In Firefox this only affects the QUIC header protection feature when the connection is using the ChaCha20-Poly1305 cipher suite. The most likely outcome is connection failure, but if the connection persists despite the high packet loss it could be possible for a network observer to identify packets as coming from the same source despite a network path change. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 129, Firefox ESR < 115.14, and Firefox ESR < 128.1.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Calling `PK11_Encrypt()` in NSS using CKM_CHACHA20 and the same buffer for input and output can result in plaintext on an Intel Sandy Bridge processor. In Firefox this only affects the QUIC header protection feature when the connection is using the ChaCha20-Poly1305 cipher suite. The most likely outcome is connection failure, but if the connection persists despite the high packet loss it could be possible for a network observer to identify packets as coming from the same source despite a network path change. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 129, Firefox ESR < 115.14, and Firefox ESR < 128.1.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.0006, EPSS Percentile is 0.26532

debian: CVE-2024-7531 was patched at 2024-08-07, 2024-08-21

ubuntu: CVE-2024-7531 was patched at 2024-08-19

283. Incorrect Calculation - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43828) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ext4: fix infinite loop when replaying fast_commit When doing fast_commit replay an infinite loop may occur due to an uninitialized extent_status struct. ext4_ext_determine_insert_hole() does not detect the replay and calls ext4_es_find_extent_range(), which will return immediately without initializing the 'es' variable. Because 'es' contains garbage, an integer overflow may happen causing an infinite loop in this function, easily reproducible using fstest generic/039. This commit fixes this issue by unconditionally initializing the structure in function ext4_es_find_extent_range(). Thanks to Zhang Yi, for figuring out the real problem!

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Incorrect Calculation
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-43828 was patched at 2024-08-21

284. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2023-52433) - Medium [251]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: netfilter: nft_set_rbtree: skip sync GC for new elements in this transaction New elements in this transaction might expired before such transaction ends. Skip sync GC for such elements otherwise commit path might walk over an already released object. Once transaction is finished, async GC will collect such expired element.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnetfilter: nft_set_rbtree: skip sync GC for new elements in this transaction\n\nNew elements in this transaction might expired before such transaction\nends. Skip sync GC for such elements otherwise commit path might walk\nover an already released object. Once transaction is finished, async GC\nwill collect such expired element.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

redos: CVE-2023-52433 was patched at 2024-08-13

285. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36030) - Medium [251]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: octeontx2-af: fix the double free in rvu_npc_freemem() Clang static checker(scan-build) warning: drivers/net/ethernet/marvell/octeontx2/af/rvu_npc.c:line 2184, column 2 Attempt to free released memory. npc_mcam_rsrcs_deinit() has released 'mcam->counters.bmap'. Deleted this redundant kfree() to fix this double free problem.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nocteontx2-af: fix the double free in rvu_npc_freemem()\n\nClang static checker(scan-build) warning:\ndrivers/net/ethernet/marvell/octeontx2/af/rvu_npc.c:line 2184, column 2\nAttempt to free released memory.\n\nnpc_mcam_rsrcs_deinit() has released 'mcam->counters.bmap'. Deleted this\nredundant kfree() to fix this double free problem.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

ubuntu: CVE-2024-36030 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

286. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41012) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: filelock: Remove locks reliably when fcntl/close race is detected When fcntl_setlk() races with close(), it removes the created lock with do_lock_file_wait(). However, LSMs can allow the first do_lock_file_wait() that created the lock while denying the second do_lock_file_wait() that tries to remove the lock. Separately, posix_lock_file() could also fail to remove a lock due to GFP_KERNEL allocation failure (when splitting a range in the middle). After the bug has been triggered, use-after-free reads will occur in lock_get_status() when userspace reads /proc/locks. This can likely be used to read arbitrary kernel memory, but can't corrupt kernel memory. Fix it by calling locks_remove_posix() instead, which is designed to reliably get rid of POSIX locks associated with the given file and files_struct and is also used by filp_flush().

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-41012 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

287. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41014) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: xfs: add bounds checking to xlog_recover_process_data There is a lack of verification of the space occupied by fixed members of xlog_op_header in the xlog_recover_process_data. We can create a crafted image to trigger an out of bounds read by following these steps: 1) Mount an image of xfs, and do some file operations to leave records 2) Before umounting, copy the image for subsequent steps to simulate abnormal exit. Because umount will ensure that tail_blk and head_blk are the same, which will result in the inability to enter xlog_recover_process_data 3) Write a tool to parse and modify the copied image in step 2 4) Make the end of the xlog_op_header entries only 1 byte away from xlog_rec_header->h_size 5) xlog_rec_header->h_num_logops++ 6) Modify xlog_rec_header->h_crc Fix: Add a check to make sure there is sufficient space to access fixed members of xlog_op_header.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-41014 was patched at 2024-08-01

288. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41023) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: sched/deadline: Fix task_struct reference leak During the execution of the following stress test with linux-rt: stress-ng --cyclic 30 --timeout 30 --minimize --quiet kmemleak frequently reported a memory leak concerning the task_struct: unreferenced object 0xffff8881305b8000 (size 16136): comm "stress-ng", pid 614, jiffies 4294883961 (age 286.412s) object hex dump (first 32 bytes): 02 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .@.............. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ debug hex dump (first 16 bytes): 53 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 S............... backtrace: [<00000000046b6790>] dup_task_struct+0x30/0x540 [<00000000c5ca0f0b>] copy_process+0x3d9/0x50e0 [<00000000ced59777>] kernel_clone+0xb0/0x770 [<00000000a50befdc>] __do_sys_clone+0xb6/0xf0 [<000000001dbf2008>] do_syscall_64+0x5d/0xf0 [<00000000552900ff>] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x6e/0x76 The issue occurs in start_dl_timer(), which increments the task_struct reference count and sets a timer. The timer callback, dl_task_timer, is supposed to decrement the reference count upon expiration. However, if enqueue_task_dl() is called before the timer expires and cancels it, the reference count is not decremented, leading to the leak. This patch fixes the reference leak by ensuring the task_struct reference count is properly decremented when the timer is canceled.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-41023 was patched at 2024-08-01

289. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41040) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/sched: Fix UAF when resolving a clash KASAN reports the following UAF: BUG: KASAN: slab-use-after-free in tcf_ct_flow_table_process_conn+0x12b/0x380 [act_ct] Read of size 1 at addr ffff888c07603600 by task handler130/6469 Call Trace: <IRQ> dump_stack_lvl+0x48/0x70 print_address_description.constprop.0+0x33/0x3d0 print_report+0xc0/0x2b0 kasan_report+0xd0/0x120 __asan_load1+0x6c/0x80 tcf_ct_flow_table_process_conn+0x12b/0x380 [act_ct] tcf_ct_act+0x886/0x1350 [act_ct] tcf_action_exec+0xf8/0x1f0 fl_classify+0x355/0x360 [cls_flower] __tcf_classify+0x1fd/0x330 tcf_classify+0x21c/0x3c0 sch_handle_ingress.constprop.0+0x2c5/0x500 __netif_receive_skb_core.constprop.0+0xb25/0x1510 __netif_receive_skb_list_core+0x220/0x4c0 netif_receive_skb_list_internal+0x446/0x620 napi_complete_done+0x157/0x3d0 gro_cell_poll+0xcf/0x100 __napi_poll+0x65/0x310 net_rx_action+0x30c/0x5c0 __do_softirq+0x14f/0x491 __irq_exit_rcu+0x82/0xc0 irq_exit_rcu+0xe/0x20 common_interrupt+0xa1/0xb0 </IRQ> <TASK> asm_common_interrupt+0x27/0x40 Allocated by task 6469: kasan_save_stack+0x38/0x70 kasan_set_track+0x25/0x40 kasan_save_alloc_info+0x1e/0x40 __kasan_krealloc+0x133/0x190 krealloc+0xaa/0x130 nf_ct_ext_add+0xed/0x230 [nf_conntrack] tcf_ct_act+0x1095/0x1350 [act_ct] tcf_action_exec+0xf8/0x1f0 fl_classify+0x355/0x360 [cls_flower] __tcf_classify+0x1fd/0x330 tcf_classify+0x21c/0x3c0 sch_handle_ingress.constprop.0+0x2c5/0x500 __netif_receive_skb_core.constprop.0+0xb25/0x1510 __netif_receive_skb_list_core+0x220/0x4c0 netif_receive_skb_list_internal+0x446/0x620 napi_complete_done+0x157/0x3d0 gro_cell_poll+0xcf/0x100 __napi_poll+0x65/0x310 net_rx_action+0x30c/0x5c0 __do_softirq+0x14f/0x491 Freed by task 6469: kasan_save_stack+0x38/0x70 kasan_set_track+0x25/0x40 kasan_save_free_info+0x2b/0x60 ____kasan_slab_free+0x180/0x1f0 __kasan_slab_free+0x12/0x30 slab_free_freelist_hook+0xd2/0x1a0 __kmem_cache_free+0x1a2/0x2f0 kfree+0x78/0x120 nf_conntrack_free+0x74/0x130 [nf_conntrack] nf_ct_destroy+0xb2/0x140 [nf_conntrack] __nf_ct_resolve_clash+0x529/0x5d0 [nf_conntrack] nf_ct_resolve_clash+0xf6/0x490 [nf_conntrack] __nf_conntrack_confirm+0x2c6/0x770 [nf_conntrack] tcf_ct_act+0x12ad/0x1350 [act_ct] tcf_action_exec+0xf8/0x1f0 fl_classify+0x355/0x360 [cls_flower] __tcf_classify+0x1fd/0x330 tcf_classify+0x21c/0x3c0 sch_handle_ingress.constprop.0+0x2c5/0x500 __netif_receive_skb_core.constprop.0+0xb25/0x1510 __netif_receive_skb_list_core+0x220/0x4c0 netif_receive_skb_list_internal+0x446/0x620 napi_complete_done+0x157/0x3d0 gro_cell_poll+0xcf/0x100 __napi_poll+0x65/0x310 net_rx_action+0x30c/0x5c0 __do_softirq+0x14f/0x491 The ct may be dropped if a clash has been resolved but is still passed to the tcf_ct_flow_table_process_conn function for further usage. This issue can be fixed by retrieving ct from skb again after confirming conntrack.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-41040 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

290. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41049) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: filelock: fix potential use-after-free in posix_lock_inode Light Hsieh reported a KASAN UAF warning in trace_posix_lock_inode(). The request pointer had been changed earlier to point to a lock entry that was added to the inode's list. However, before the tracepoint could fire, another task raced in and freed that lock. Fix this by moving the tracepoint inside the spinlock, which should ensure that this doesn't happen.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-41049 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

291. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41070) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Prevent UAF in kvm_spapr_tce_attach_iommu_group() Al reported a possible use-after-free (UAF) in kvm_spapr_tce_attach_iommu_group(). It looks up `stt` from tablefd, but then continues to use it after doing fdput() on the returned fd. After the fdput() the tablefd is free to be closed by another thread. The close calls kvm_spapr_tce_release() and then release_spapr_tce_table() (via call_rcu()) which frees `stt`. Although there are calls to rcu_read_lock() in kvm_spapr_tce_attach_iommu_group() they are not sufficient to prevent the UAF, because `stt` is used outside the locked regions. With an artifcial delay after the fdput() and a userspace program which triggers the race, KASAN detects the UAF: BUG: KASAN: slab-use-after-free in kvm_spapr_tce_attach_iommu_group+0x298/0x720 [kvm] Read of size 4 at addr c000200027552c30 by task kvm-vfio/2505 CPU: 54 PID: 2505 Comm: kvm-vfio Not tainted 6.10.0-rc3-next-20240612-dirty #1 Hardware name: 8335-GTH POWER9 0x4e1202 opal:skiboot-v6.5.3-35-g1851b2a06 PowerNV Call Trace: dump_stack_lvl+0xb4/0x108 (unreliable) print_report+0x2b4/0x6ec kasan_report+0x118/0x2b0 __asan_load4+0xb8/0xd0 kvm_spapr_tce_attach_iommu_group+0x298/0x720 [kvm] kvm_vfio_set_attr+0x524/0xac0 [kvm] kvm_device_ioctl+0x144/0x240 [kvm] sys_ioctl+0x62c/0x1810 system_call_exception+0x190/0x440 system_call_vectored_common+0x15c/0x2ec ... Freed by task 0: ... kfree+0xec/0x3e0 release_spapr_tce_table+0xd4/0x11c [kvm] rcu_core+0x568/0x16a0 handle_softirqs+0x23c/0x920 do_softirq_own_stack+0x6c/0x90 do_softirq_own_stack+0x58/0x90 __irq_exit_rcu+0x218/0x2d0 irq_exit+0x30/0x80 arch_local_irq_restore+0x128/0x230 arch_local_irq_enable+0x1c/0x30 cpuidle_enter_state+0x134/0x5cc cpuidle_enter+0x6c/0xb0 call_cpuidle+0x7c/0x100 do_idle+0x394/0x410 cpu_startup_entry+0x60/0x70 start_secondary+0x3fc/0x410 start_secondary_prolog+0x10/0x14 Fix it by delaying the fdput() until `stt` is no longer in use, which is effectively the entire function. To keep the patch minimal add a call to fdput() at each of the existing return paths. Future work can convert the function to goto or __cleanup style cleanup. With the fix in place the test case no longer triggers the UAF.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-41070 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

292. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42104) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nilfs2: add missing check for inode numbers on directory entries Syzbot reported that mounting and unmounting a specific pattern of corrupted nilfs2 filesystem images causes a use-after-free of metadata file inodes, which triggers a kernel bug in lru_add_fn(). As Jan Kara pointed out, this is because the link count of a metadata file gets corrupted to 0, and nilfs_evict_inode(), which is called from iput(), tries to delete that inode (ifile inode in this case). The inconsistency occurs because directories containing the inode numbers of these metadata files that should not be visible in the namespace are read without checking. Fix this issue by treating the inode numbers of these internal files as errors in the sanity check helper when reading directory folios/pages. Also thanks to Hillf Danton and Matthew Wilcox for their initial mm-layer analysis.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42104 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

293. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42105) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nilfs2: fix inode number range checks Patch series "nilfs2: fix potential issues related to reserved inodes". This series fixes one use-after-free issue reported by syzbot, caused by nilfs2's internal inode being exposed in the namespace on a corrupted filesystem, and a couple of flaws that cause problems if the starting number of non-reserved inodes written in the on-disk super block is intentionally (or corruptly) changed from its default value. This patch (of 3): In the current implementation of nilfs2, "nilfs->ns_first_ino", which gives the first non-reserved inode number, is read from the superblock, but its lower limit is not checked. As a result, if a number that overlaps with the inode number range of reserved inodes such as the root directory or metadata files is set in the super block parameter, the inode number test macros (NILFS_MDT_INODE and NILFS_VALID_INODE) will not function properly. In addition, these test macros use left bit-shift calculations using with the inode number as the shift count via the BIT macro, but the result of a shift calculation that exceeds the bit width of an integer is undefined in the C specification, so if "ns_first_ino" is set to a large value other than the default value NILFS_USER_INO (=11), the macros may potentially malfunction depending on the environment. Fix these issues by checking the lower bound of "nilfs->ns_first_ino" and by preventing bit shifts equal to or greater than the NILFS_USER_INO constant in the inode number test macros. Also, change the type of "ns_first_ino" from signed integer to unsigned integer to avoid the need for type casting in comparisons such as the lower bound check introduced this time.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42105 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

294. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42137) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: Bluetooth: qca: Fix BT enable failure again for QCA6390 after warm reboot Commit 272970be3dab ("Bluetooth: hci_qca: Fix driver shutdown on closed serdev") will cause below regression issue: BT can't be enabled after below steps: cold boot -> enable BT -> disable BT -> warm reboot -> BT enable failure if property enable-gpios is not configured within DT|ACPI for QCA6390. The commit is to fix a use-after-free issue within qca_serdev_shutdown() by adding condition to avoid the serdev is flushed or wrote after closed but also introduces this regression issue regarding above steps since the VSC is not sent to reset controller during warm reboot. Fixed by sending the VSC to reset controller within qca_serdev_shutdown() once BT was ever enabled, and the use-after-free issue is also fixed by this change since the serdev is still opened before it is flushed or wrote. Verified by the reported machine Dell XPS 13 9310 laptop over below two kernel commits: commit e00fc2700a3f ("Bluetooth: btusb: Fix triggering coredump implementation for QCA") of bluetooth-next tree. commit b23d98d46d28 ("Bluetooth: btusb: Fix triggering coredump implementation for QCA") of linus mainline tree.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-42137 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

295. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42287) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: qla2xxx: Complete command early within lock A crash was observed while performing NPIV and FW reset, BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 000000000000001c #PF: supervisor read access in kernel mode #PF: error_code(0x0000) - not-present page PGD 0 P4D 0 Oops: 0000 1 PREEMPT_RT SMP NOPTI RIP: 0010:dma_direct_unmap_sg+0x51/0x1e0 RSP: 0018:ffffc90026f47b88 EFLAGS: 00010246 RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: 0000000000000021 RCX: 0000000000000002 RDX: 0000000000000021 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: ffff8881041130d0 RBP: ffff8881041130d0 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000034 R10: ffffc90026f47c48 R11: 0000000000000031 R12: 0000000000000000 R13: 0000000000000000 R14: ffff8881565e4a20 R15: 0000000000000000 FS: 00007f4c69ed3d00(0000) GS:ffff889faac80000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 000000000000001c CR3: 0000000288a50002 CR4: 00000000007706e0 DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 PKRU: 55555554 Call Trace: <TASK> ? __die_body+0x1a/0x60 ? page_fault_oops+0x16f/0x4a0 ? do_user_addr_fault+0x174/0x7f0 ? exc_page_fault+0x69/0x1a0 ? asm_exc_page_fault+0x22/0x30 ? dma_direct_unmap_sg+0x51/0x1e0 ? preempt_count_sub+0x96/0xe0 qla2xxx_qpair_sp_free_dma+0x29f/0x3b0 [qla2xxx] qla2xxx_qpair_sp_compl+0x60/0x80 [qla2xxx] __qla2x00_abort_all_cmds+0xa2/0x450 [qla2xxx] The command completion was done early while aborting the commands in driver unload path but outside lock to avoid the WARN_ON condition of performing dma_free_attr within the lock. However this caused race condition while command completion via multiple paths causing system crash. Hence complete the command early in unload path but within the lock to avoid race condition.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-42287 was patched at 2024-08-21

296. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42288) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: qla2xxx: Fix for possible memory corruption Init Control Block is dereferenced incorrectly. Correctly dereference ICB

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-42288 was patched at 2024-08-21

297. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42302) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: PCI/DPC: Fix use-after-free on concurrent DPC and hot-removal Keith reports a use-after-free when a DPC event occurs concurrently to hot-removal of the same portion of the hierarchy: The dpc_handler() awaits readiness of the secondary bus below the Downstream Port where the DPC event occurred. To do so, it polls the config space of the first child device on the secondary bus. If that child device is concurrently removed, accesses to its struct pci_dev cause the kernel to oops. That's because pci_bridge_wait_for_secondary_bus() neglects to hold a reference on the child device. Before v6.3, the function was only called on resume from system sleep or on runtime resume. Holding a reference wasn't necessary back then because the pciehp IRQ thread could never run concurrently. (On resume from system sleep, IRQs are not enabled until after the resume_noirq phase. And runtime resume is always awaited before a PCI device is removed.) However starting with v6.3, pci_bridge_wait_for_secondary_bus() is also called on a DPC event. Commit 53b54ad074de ("PCI/DPC: Await readiness of secondary bus after reset"), which introduced that, failed to appreciate that pci_bridge_wait_for_secondary_bus() now needs to hold a reference on the child device because dpc_handler() and pciehp may indeed run concurrently. The commit was backported to v5.10+ stable kernels, so that's the oldest one affected. Add the missing reference acquisition. Abridged stack trace: BUG: unable to handle page fault for address: 00000000091400c0 CPU: 15 PID: 2464 Comm: irq/53-pcie-dpc 6.9.0 RIP: pci_bus_read_config_dword+0x17/0x50 pci_dev_wait() pci_bridge_wait_for_secondary_bus() dpc_reset_link() pcie_do_recovery() dpc_handler()

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-42302 was patched at 2024-08-21

298. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43861) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: usb: qmi_wwan: fix memory leak for not ip packets Free the unused skb when not ip packets arrive.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-43861 was patched at 2024-08-21

299. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43871) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: devres: Fix memory leakage caused by driver API devm_free_percpu() It will cause memory leakage when use driver API devm_free_percpu() to free memory allocated by devm_alloc_percpu(), fixed by using devres_release() instead of devres_destroy() within devm_free_percpu().

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-43871 was patched at 2024-08-21

300. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43882) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: exec: Fix ToCToU between perm check and set-uid/gid usage When opening a file for exec via do_filp_open(), permission checking is done against the file's metadata at that moment, and on success, a file pointer is passed back. Much later in the execve() code path, the file metadata (specifically mode, uid, and gid) is used to determine if/how to set the uid and gid. However, those values may have changed since the permissions check, meaning the execution may gain unintended privileges. For example, if a file could change permissions from executable and not set-id: ---------x 1 root root 16048 Aug 7 13:16 target to set-id and non-executable: ---S------ 1 root root 16048 Aug 7 13:16 target it is possible to gain root privileges when execution should have been disallowed. While this race condition is rare in real-world scenarios, it has been observed (and proven exploitable) when package managers are updating the setuid bits of installed programs. Such files start with being world-executable but then are adjusted to be group-exec with a set-uid bit. For example, "chmod o-x,u+s target" makes "target" executable only by uid "root" and gid "cdrom", while also becoming setuid-root: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root cdrom 16048 Aug 7 13:16 target becomes: -rwsr-xr-- 1 root cdrom 16048 Aug 7 13:16 target But racing the chmod means users without group "cdrom" membership can get the permission to execute "target" just before the chmod, and when the chmod finishes, the exec reaches brpm_fill_uid(), and performs the setuid to root, violating the expressed authorization of "only cdrom group members can setuid to root". Re-check that we still have execute permissions in case the metadata has changed. It would be better to keep a copy from the perm-check time, but until we can do that refactoring, the least-bad option is to do a full inode_permission() call (under inode lock). It is understood that this is safe against dead-locks, but hardly optimal.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-43882 was patched at 2024-08-21

301. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42162) - Medium [245]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: gve: Account for stopped queues when reading NIC stats We now account for the fact that the NIC might send us stats for a subset of queues. Without this change, gve_get_ethtool_stats might make an invalid access on the priv->stats_report->stats array.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ngve: Account for stopped queues when reading NIC stats\n\nWe now account for the fact that the NIC might send us stats for a\nsubset of queues. Without this change, gve_get_ethtool_stats might make\nan invalid access on the priv->stats_report->stats array.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 7.0. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-42162 was patched at 2024-08-01

302. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42228) - Medium [245]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/amdgpu: Using uninitialized value *size when calling amdgpu_vce_cs_reloc Initialize the size before calling amdgpu_vce_cs_reloc, such as case 0x03000001. V2: To really improve the handling we would actually need to have a separate value of 0xffffffff.(Christian)', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/amdgpu: Using uninitialized value *size when calling amdgpu_vce_cs_reloc\n\nInitialize the size before calling amdgpu_vce_cs_reloc, such as case 0x03000001.\nV2: To really improve the handling we would actually\n need to have a separate value of 0xffffffff.(Christian)', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 7.0. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42228 was patched at 2024-08-01

303. Memory Corruption - nginx_open_source (CVE-2024-7347) - Medium [244]

Description: NGINX Open Source and NGINX Plus have a vulnerability in the ngx_http_mp4_module, which might allow an attacker to over-read NGINX worker memory resulting in its termination, using a specially crafted mp4 file. The issue only affects NGINX if it is built with the ngx_http_mp4_module and the mp4 directive is used in the configuration file. Additionally, the attack is possible only if an attacker can trigger the processing of a specially crafted mp4 file with the ngx_http_mp4_module.  Note: Software versions which have reached End of Technical Support (EoTS) are not evaluated.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:f5:nginx_open_source (does NOT exist in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.7. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13333

debian: CVE-2024-7347 was patched at 2024-08-21

304. Security Feature Bypass - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-24980) - Medium [244]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Protection mechanism failure in some 3rd, 4th, and 5th Generation Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processors may allow a privileged user to potentially enable escalation of privilege via local access.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Protection mechanism failure in some 3rd, 4th, and 5th Generation Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processors may allow a privileged user to potentially enable escalation of privilege via local access.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-24980 was patched at 2024-08-21

ubuntu: CVE-2024-24980 was patched at 2024-08-20

305. Unknown Vulnerability Type - GLPI (CVE-2022-39234) - Medium [240]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'GLPI stands for Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique. GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package that provides ITIL Service Desk features, licenses tracking and software auditing. Deleted/deactivated user could continue to use their account as long as its cookie is valid. This issue has been patched, please upgrade to version 10.0.4. There are currently no known workarounds.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'GLPI stands for Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique. GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package that provides ITIL Service Desk features, licenses tracking and software auditing. Deleted/deactivated user could continue to use their account as long as its cookie is valid. This issue has been patched, please upgrade to version 10.0.4. There are currently no known workarounds.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.7. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.410EPSS Probability is 0.00104, EPSS Percentile is 0.4323

redos: CVE-2022-39234 was patched at 2024-07-26

306. Unknown Vulnerability Type - GLPI (CVE-2023-51446) - Medium [240]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package. When authentication is made against a LDAP, the authentication form can be used to perform LDAP injection. Upgrade to 10.0.12.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package. When authentication is made against a LDAP, the authentication form can be used to perform LDAP injection. Upgrade to 10.0.12.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.9. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00063, EPSS Percentile is 0.28035

redos: CVE-2023-51446 was patched at 2024-08-12

307. Unknown Vulnerability Type - GLPI (CVE-2024-27930) - Medium [240]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package, Data center management, ITIL Service Desk, licenses tracking and software auditing. An authenticated user can access sensitive fields data from items on which he has read access. This issue has been patched in version 10.0.13.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package, Data center management, ITIL Service Desk, licenses tracking and software auditing. An authenticated user can access sensitive fields data from items on which he has read access. This issue has been patched in version 10.0.13.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

redos: CVE-2024-27930 was patched at 2024-08-12

308. Unknown Vulnerability Type - GLPI (CVE-2024-27937) - Medium [240]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package, Data center management, ITIL Service Desk, licenses tracking and software auditing. An authenticated user can obtain the email address of all GLPI users. This issue has been patched in version 10.0.13. ', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package, Data center management, ITIL Service Desk, licenses tracking and software auditing. An authenticated user can obtain the email address of all GLPI users. This issue has been patched in version 10.0.13.\n', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814GLPI is an open source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

redos: CVE-2024-27937 was patched at 2024-08-12

309. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48869) - Medium [239]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: USB: gadgetfs: Fix race between mounting and unmounting The syzbot fuzzer and Gerald Lee have identified a use-after-free bug in the gadgetfs driver, involving processes concurrently mounting and unmounting the gadgetfs filesystem. In particular, gadgetfs_fill_super() can race with gadgetfs_kill_sb(), causing the latter to deallocate the_device while the former is using it. The output from KASAN says, in part: BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in instrument_atomic_read_write include/linux/instrumented.h:102 [inline] BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in atomic_fetch_sub_release include/linux/atomic/atomic-instrumented.h:176 [inline] BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in __refcount_sub_and_test include/linux/refcount.h:272 [inline] BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in __refcount_dec_and_test include/linux/refcount.h:315 [inline] BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in refcount_dec_and_test include/linux/refcount.h:333 [inline] BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in put_dev drivers/usb/gadget/legacy/inode.c:159 [inline] BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in gadgetfs_kill_sb+0x33/0x100 drivers/usb/gadget/legacy/inode.c:2086 Write of size 4 at addr ffff8880276d7840 by task syz-executor126/18689 CPU: 0 PID: 18689 Comm: syz-executor126 Not tainted 6.1.0-syzkaller #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 10/26/2022 Call Trace: <TASK> ... atomic_fetch_sub_release include/linux/atomic/atomic-instrumented.h:176 [inline] __refcount_sub_and_test include/linux/refcount.h:272 [inline] __refcount_dec_and_test include/linux/refcount.h:315 [inline] refcount_dec_and_test include/linux/refcount.h:333 [inline] put_dev drivers/usb/gadget/legacy/inode.c:159 [inline] gadgetfs_kill_sb+0x33/0x100 drivers/usb/gadget/legacy/inode.c:2086 deactivate_locked_super+0xa7/0xf0 fs/super.c:332 vfs_get_super fs/super.c:1190 [inline] get_tree_single+0xd0/0x160 fs/super.c:1207 vfs_get_tree+0x88/0x270 fs/super.c:1531 vfs_fsconfig_locked fs/fsopen.c:232 [inline] The simplest solution is to ensure that gadgetfs_fill_super() and gadgetfs_kill_sb() are serialized by making them both acquire a new mutex.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48869 was patched at 2024-08-21

310. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48872) - Medium [239]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: misc: fastrpc: Fix use-after-free race condition for maps It is possible that in between calling fastrpc_map_get() until map->fl->lock is taken in fastrpc_free_map(), another thread can call fastrpc_map_lookup() and get a reference to a map that is about to be deleted. Rewrite fastrpc_map_get() to only increase the reference count of a map if it's non-zero. Propagate this to callers so they can know if a map is about to be deleted. Fixes this warning: refcount_t: addition on 0; use-after-free. WARNING: CPU: 5 PID: 10100 at lib/refcount.c:25 refcount_warn_saturate ... Call trace: refcount_warn_saturate [fastrpc_map_get inlined] [fastrpc_map_lookup inlined] fastrpc_map_create fastrpc_internal_invoke fastrpc_device_ioctl __arm64_sys_ioctl invoke_syscall

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48872 was patched at 2024-08-21

311. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48873) - Medium [239]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: misc: fastrpc: Don't remove map on creater_process and device_release Do not remove the map from the list on error path in fastrpc_init_create_process, instead call fastrpc_map_put, to avoid use-after-free. Do not remove it on fastrpc_device_release either, call fastrpc_map_put instead. The fastrpc_free_map is the only proper place to remove the map. This is called only after the reference count is 0.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48873 was patched at 2024-08-21

312. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48874) - Medium [239]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: misc: fastrpc: Fix use-after-free and race in fastrpc_map_find Currently, there is a race window between the point when the mutex is unlocked in fastrpc_map_lookup and the reference count increasing (fastrpc_map_get) in fastrpc_map_find, which can also lead to use-after-free. So lets merge fastrpc_map_find into fastrpc_map_lookup which allows us to both protect the maps list by also taking the &fl->lock spinlock and the reference count, since the spinlock will be released only after. Add take_ref argument to make this suitable for all callers.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48874 was patched at 2024-08-21

313. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48878) - Medium [239]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: Bluetooth: hci_qca: Fix driver shutdown on closed serdev The driver shutdown callback (which sends EDL_SOC_RESET to the device over serdev) should not be invoked when HCI device is not open (e.g. if hci_dev_open_sync() failed), because the serdev and its TTY are not open either. Also skip this step if device is powered off (qca_power_shutdown()). The shutdown callback causes use-after-free during system reboot with Qualcomm Atheros Bluetooth: Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 0072662f67726fd7 ... CPU: 6 PID: 1 Comm: systemd-shutdow Tainted: G W 6.1.0-rt5-00325-g8a5f56bcfcca #8 Hardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. Robotics RB5 (DT) Call trace: tty_driver_flush_buffer+0x4/0x30 serdev_device_write_flush+0x24/0x34 qca_serdev_shutdown+0x80/0x130 [hci_uart] device_shutdown+0x15c/0x260 kernel_restart+0x48/0xac KASAN report: BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in tty_driver_flush_buffer+0x1c/0x50 Read of size 8 at addr ffff16270c2e0018 by task systemd-shutdow/1 CPU: 7 PID: 1 Comm: systemd-shutdow Not tainted 6.1.0-next-20221220-00014-gb85aaf97fb01-dirty #28 Hardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. Robotics RB5 (DT) Call trace: dump_backtrace.part.0+0xdc/0xf0 show_stack+0x18/0x30 dump_stack_lvl+0x68/0x84 print_report+0x188/0x488 kasan_report+0xa4/0xf0 __asan_load8+0x80/0xac tty_driver_flush_buffer+0x1c/0x50 ttyport_write_flush+0x34/0x44 serdev_device_write_flush+0x48/0x60 qca_serdev_shutdown+0x124/0x274 device_shutdown+0x1e8/0x350 kernel_restart+0x48/0xb0 __do_sys_reboot+0x244/0x2d0 __arm64_sys_reboot+0x54/0x70 invoke_syscall+0x60/0x190 el0_svc_common.constprop.0+0x7c/0x160 do_el0_svc+0x44/0xf0 el0_svc+0x2c/0x6c el0t_64_sync_handler+0xbc/0x140 el0t_64_sync+0x190/0x194

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48878 was patched at 2024-08-21

314. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48885) - Medium [239]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ice: Fix potential memory leak in ice_gnss_tty_write() The ice_gnss_tty_write() return directly if the write_buf alloc failed, leaking the cmd_buf. Fix by free cmd_buf if write_buf alloc failed.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48885 was patched at 2024-08-21

315. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48888) - Medium [239]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/msm/dpu: Fix memory leak in msm_mdss_parse_data_bus_icc_path of_icc_get() alloc resources for path1, we should release it when not need anymore. Early return when IS_ERR_OR_NULL(path0) may leak path1. Defer getting path1 to fix this. Patchwork:

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48888 was patched at 2024-08-21

316. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48890) - Medium [239]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: storvsc: Fix swiotlb bounce buffer leak in confidential VM storvsc_queuecommand() maps the scatter/gather list using scsi_dma_map(), which in a confidential VM allocates swiotlb bounce buffers. If the I/O submission fails in storvsc_do_io(), the I/O is typically retried by higher level code, but the bounce buffer memory is never freed. The mostly like cause of I/O submission failure is a full VMBus channel ring buffer, which is not uncommon under high I/O loads. Eventually enough bounce buffer memory leaks that the confidential VM can't do any I/O. The same problem can arise in a non-confidential VM with kernel boot parameter swiotlb=force. Fix this by doing scsi_dma_unmap() in the case of an I/O submission error, which frees the bounce buffer memory.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48890 was patched at 2024-08-21

317. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48892) - Medium [239]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: sched/core: Fix use-after-free bug in dup_user_cpus_ptr() Since commit 07ec77a1d4e8 ("sched: Allow task CPU affinity to be restricted on asymmetric systems"), the setting and clearing of user_cpus_ptr are done under pi_lock for arm64 architecture. However, dup_user_cpus_ptr() accesses user_cpus_ptr without any lock protection. Since sched_setaffinity() can be invoked from another process, the process being modified may be undergoing fork() at the same time. When racing with the clearing of user_cpus_ptr in __set_cpus_allowed_ptr_locked(), it can lead to user-after-free and possibly double-free in arm64 kernel. Commit 8f9ea86fdf99 ("sched: Always preserve the user requested cpumask") fixes this problem as user_cpus_ptr, once set, will never be cleared in a task's lifetime. However, this bug was re-introduced in commit 851a723e45d1 ("sched: Always clear user_cpus_ptr in do_set_cpus_allowed()") which allows the clearing of user_cpus_ptr in do_set_cpus_allowed(). This time, it will affect all arches. Fix this bug by always clearing the user_cpus_ptr of the newly cloned/forked task before the copying process starts and check the user_cpus_ptr state of the source task under pi_lock. Note to stable, this patch won't be applicable to stable releases. Just copy the new dup_user_cpus_ptr() function over.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48892 was patched at 2024-08-21

318. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48898) - Medium [239]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/msm/dp: do not complete dp_aux_cmd_fifo_tx() if irq is not for aux transfer There are 3 possible interrupt sources are handled by DP controller, HPDstatus, Controller state changes and Aux read/write transaction. At every irq, DP controller have to check isr status of every interrupt sources and service the interrupt if its isr status bits shows interrupts are pending. There is potential race condition may happen at current aux isr handler implementation since it is always complete dp_aux_cmd_fifo_tx() even irq is not for aux read or write transaction. This may cause aux read transaction return premature if host aux data read is in the middle of waiting for sink to complete transferring data to host while irq happen. This will cause host's receiving buffer contains unexpected data. This patch fixes this problem by checking aux isr and return immediately at aux isr handler if there are no any isr status bits set. Current there is a bug report regrading eDP edid corruption happen during system booting up. After lengthy debugging to found that VIDEO_READY interrupt was continuously firing during system booting up which cause dp_aux_isr() to complete dp_aux_cmd_fifo_tx() prematurely to retrieve data from aux hardware buffer which is not yet contains complete data transfer from sink. This cause edid corruption. Follows are the signature at kernel logs when problem happen, EDID has corrupt header panel-simple-dp-aux aux-aea0000.edp: Couldn't identify panel via EDID Changes in v2: -- do complete if (ret == IRQ_HANDLED) ay dp-aux_isr() -- add more commit text Changes in v3: -- add Stephen suggested -- dp_aux_isr() return IRQ_XXX back to caller -- dp_ctrl_isr() return IRQ_XXX back to caller Changes in v4: -- split into two patches Changes in v5: -- delete empty line between tags Changes in v6: -- remove extra "that" and fixed line more than 75 char at commit text Patchwork:

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48898 was patched at 2024-08-21

319. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48899) - Medium [239]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/virtio: Fix GEM handle creation UAF Userspace can guess the handle value and try to race GEM object creation with handle close, resulting in a use-after-free if we dereference the object after dropping the handle's reference. For that reason, dropping the handle's reference must be done *after* we are done dereferencing the object.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48899 was patched at 2024-08-21

320. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2023-52902) - Medium [239]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nommu: fix memory leak in do_mmap() error path The preallocation of the maple tree nodes may leak if the error path to "error_just_free" is taken. Fix this by moving the freeing of the maple tree nodes to a shared location for all error paths.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2023-52902 was patched at 2024-08-21

321. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2023-52907) - Medium [239]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nfc: pn533: Wait for out_urb's completion in pn533_usb_send_frame() Fix a use-after-free that occurs in hcd when in_urb sent from pn533_usb_send_frame() is completed earlier than out_urb. Its callback frees the skb data in pn533_send_async_complete() that is used as a transfer buffer of out_urb. Wait before sending in_urb until the callback of out_urb is called. To modify the callback of out_urb alone, separate the complete function of out_urb and ack_urb. Found by a modified version of syzkaller. BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in dummy_timer Call Trace: memcpy (mm/kasan/shadow.c:65) dummy_perform_transfer (drivers/usb/gadget/udc/dummy_hcd.c:1352) transfer (drivers/usb/gadget/udc/dummy_hcd.c:1453) dummy_timer (drivers/usb/gadget/udc/dummy_hcd.c:1972) arch_static_branch (arch/x86/include/asm/jump_label.h:27) static_key_false (include/linux/jump_label.h:207) timer_expire_exit (include/trace/events/timer.h:127) call_timer_fn (kernel/time/timer.c:1475) expire_timers (kernel/time/timer.c:1519) __run_timers (kernel/time/timer.c:1790) run_timer_softirq (kernel/time/timer.c:1803)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2023-52907 was patched at 2024-08-21

322. Cross Site Scripting - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-43358) - Medium [238]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'ZoneMinder is a free, open source closed-circuit television software application. ZoneMinder has a cross-site scripting vulnerability in the filter view via the filter[Id]. This vulnerability is fixed in 1.36.34 and 1.37.61.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'ZoneMinder is a free, open source closed-circuit television software application. ZoneMinder has a cross-site scripting vulnerability in the filter view via the filter[Id]. This vulnerability is fixed in 1.36.34 and 1.37.61.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.815Cross Site Scripting
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-43358 was patched at 2024-08-21

323. Cross Site Scripting - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-43370) - Medium [238]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'gettext.js is a GNU gettext port for node and the browser. There is a cross-site scripting (XSS) injection if `.po` dictionary definition files are corrupted. This vulnerability has been patched in version 2.0.3. As a workaround, control the origin of the definition catalog to prevent the use of this flaw in the definition of plural forms.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'gettext.js is a GNU gettext port for node and the browser. There is a cross-site scripting (XSS) injection if `.po` dictionary definition files are corrupted. This vulnerability has been patched in version 2.0.3. As a workaround, control the origin of the definition catalog to prevent the use of this flaw in the definition of plural forms.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.815Cross Site Scripting
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 7.2. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-43370 was patched at 2024-08-21

324. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42064) - Medium [233]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/amd/display: Skip pipe if the pipe idx not set properly [why] Driver crashes when pipe idx not set properly [how] Add code to skip the pipe that idx not set properly', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/amd/display: Skip pipe if the pipe idx not set properly\n\n[why]\nDriver crashes when pipe idx not set properly\n\n[how]\nAdd code to skip the pipe that idx not set properly', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-42064 was patched at 2024-08-01

325. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42067) - Medium [233]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bpf: Take return from set_memory_rox() into account with bpf_jit_binary_lock_ro() set_memory_rox() can fail, leaving memory unprotected. Check return and bail out when bpf_jit_binary_lock_ro() returns an error.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbpf: Take return from set_memory_rox() into account with bpf_jit_binary_lock_ro()\n\nset_memory_rox() can fail, leaving memory unprotected.\n\nCheck return and bail out when bpf_jit_binary_lock_ro() returns\nan error.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42067 was patched at 2024-08-01

326. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42068) - Medium [233]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bpf: Take return from set_memory_ro() into account with bpf_prog_lock_ro() set_memory_ro() can fail, leaving memory unprotected. Check its return and take it into account as an error.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbpf: Take return from set_memory_ro() into account with bpf_prog_lock_ro()\n\nset_memory_ro() can fail, leaving memory unprotected.\n\nCheck its return and take it into account as an error.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42068 was patched at 2024-08-01

327. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42070) - Medium [233]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: netfilter: nf_tables: fully validate NFT_DATA_VALUE on store to data registers register store validation for NFT_DATA_VALUE is conditional, however, the datatype is always either NFT_DATA_VALUE or NFT_DATA_VERDICT. This only requires a new helper function to infer the register type from the set datatype so this conditional check can be removed. Otherwise, pointer to chain object can be leaked through the registers.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnetfilter: nf_tables: fully validate NFT_DATA_VALUE on store to data registers\n\nregister store validation for NFT_DATA_VALUE is conditional, however,\nthe datatype is always either NFT_DATA_VALUE or NFT_DATA_VERDICT. This\nonly requires a new helper function to infer the register type from the\nset datatype so this conditional check can be removed. Otherwise,\npointer to chain object can be leaked through the registers.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42070 was patched at 2024-08-01

328. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42076) - Medium [233]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: can: j1939: Initialize unused data in j1939_send_one() syzbot reported kernel-infoleak in raw_recvmsg() [1]. j1939_send_one() creates full frame including unused data, but it doesn't initialize it. This causes the kernel-infoleak issue. Fix this by initializing unused data. [1] BUG: KMSAN: kernel-infoleak in instrument_copy_to_user include/linux/instrumented.h:114 [inline] BUG: KMSAN: kernel-infoleak in copy_to_user_iter lib/iov_iter.c:24 [inline] BUG: KMSAN: kernel-infoleak in iterate_ubuf include/linux/iov_iter.h:29 [inline] BUG: KMSAN: kernel-infoleak in iterate_and_advance2 include/linux/iov_iter.h:245 [inline] BUG: KMSAN: kernel-infoleak in iterate_and_advance include/linux/iov_iter.h:271 [inline] BUG: KMSAN: kernel-infoleak in _copy_to_iter+0x366/0x2520 lib/iov_iter.c:185 instrument_copy_to_user include/linux/instrumented.h:114 [inline] copy_to_user_iter lib/iov_iter.c:24 [inline] iterate_ubuf include/linux/iov_iter.h:29 [inline] iterate_and_advance2 include/linux/iov_iter.h:245 [inline] iterate_and_advance include/linux/iov_iter.h:271 [inline] _copy_to_iter+0x366/0x2520 lib/iov_iter.c:185 copy_to_iter include/linux/uio.h:196 [inline] memcpy_to_msg include/linux/skbuff.h:4113 [inline] raw_recvmsg+0x2b8/0x9e0 net/can/raw.c:1008 sock_recvmsg_nosec net/socket.c:1046 [inline] sock_recvmsg+0x2c4/0x340 net/socket.c:1068 ____sys_recvmsg+0x18a/0x620 net/socket.c:2803 ___sys_recvmsg+0x223/0x840 net/socket.c:2845 do_recvmmsg+0x4fc/0xfd0 net/socket.c:2939 __sys_recvmmsg net/socket.c:3018 [inline] __do_sys_recvmmsg net/socket.c:3041 [inline] __se_sys_recvmmsg net/socket.c:3034 [inline] __x64_sys_recvmmsg+0x397/0x490 net/socket.c:3034 x64_sys_call+0xf6c/0x3b50 arch/x86/include/generated/asm/syscalls_64.h:300 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline] do_syscall_64+0xcf/0x1e0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f Uninit was created at: slab_post_alloc_hook mm/slub.c:3804 [inline] slab_alloc_node mm/slub.c:3845 [inline] kmem_cache_alloc_node+0x613/0xc50 mm/slub.c:3888 kmalloc_reserve+0x13d/0x4a0 net/core/skbuff.c:577 __alloc_skb+0x35b/0x7a0 net/core/skbuff.c:668 alloc_skb include/linux/skbuff.h:1313 [inline] alloc_skb_with_frags+0xc8/0xbf0 net/core/skbuff.c:6504 sock_alloc_send_pskb+0xa81/0xbf0 net/core/sock.c:2795 sock_alloc_send_skb include/net/sock.h:1842 [inline] j1939_sk_alloc_skb net/can/j1939/socket.c:878 [inline] j1939_sk_send_loop net/can/j1939/socket.c:1142 [inline] j1939_sk_sendmsg+0xc0a/0x2730 net/can/j1939/socket.c:1277 sock_sendmsg_nosec net/socket.c:730 [inline] __sock_sendmsg+0x30f/0x380 net/socket.c:745 ____sys_sendmsg+0x877/0xb60 net/socket.c:2584 ___sys_sendmsg+0x28d/0x3c0 net/socket.c:2638 __sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2667 [inline] __do_sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2676 [inline] __se_sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2674 [inline] __x64_sys_sendmsg+0x307/0x4a0 net/socket.c:2674 x64_sys_call+0xc4b/0x3b50 arch/x86/include/generated/asm/syscalls_64.h:47 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline] do_syscall_64+0xcf/0x1e0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f Bytes 12-15 of 16 are uninitialized Memory access of size 16 starts at ffff888120969690 Data copied to user address 00000000200017c0 CPU: 1 PID: 5050 Comm: syz-executor198 Not tainted 6.9.0-rc5-syzkaller-00031-g71b1543c83d6 #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 03/27/2024', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: can: j1939: Initialize unused data in j1939_send_one()\n\nsyzbot reported kernel-infoleak in raw_recvmsg() [1]. j1939_send_one()\ncreates full frame including unused data, but it doesn't initialize\nit. This causes the kernel-infoleak issue. Fix this by initializing\nunused data.\n\n[1]\nBUG: KMSAN: kernel-infoleak in instrument_copy_to_user include/linux/instrumented.h:114 [inline]\nBUG: KMSAN: kernel-infoleak in copy_to_user_iter lib/iov_iter.c:24 [inline]\nBUG: KMSAN: kernel-infoleak in iterate_ubuf include/linux/iov_iter.h:29 [inline]\nBUG: KMSAN: kernel-infoleak in iterate_and_advance2 include/linux/iov_iter.h:245 [inline]\nBUG: KMSAN: kernel-infoleak in iterate_and_advance include/linux/iov_iter.h:271 [inline]\nBUG: KMSAN: kernel-infoleak in _copy_to_iter+0x366/0x2520 lib/iov_iter.c:185\n instrument_copy_to_user include/linux/instrumented.h:114 [inline]\n copy_to_user_iter lib/iov_iter.c:24 [inline]\n iterate_ubuf include/linux/iov_iter.h:29 [inline]\n iterate_and_advance2 include/linux/iov_iter.h:245 [inline]\n iterate_and_advance include/linux/iov_iter.h:271 [inline]\n _copy_to_iter+0x366/0x2520 lib/iov_iter.c:185\n copy_to_iter include/linux/uio.h:196 [inline]\n memcpy_to_msg include/linux/skbuff.h:4113 [inline]\n raw_recvmsg+0x2b8/0x9e0 net/can/raw.c:1008\n sock_recvmsg_nosec net/socket.c:1046 [inline]\n sock_recvmsg+0x2c4/0x340 net/socket.c:1068\n ____sys_recvmsg+0x18a/0x620 net/socket.c:2803\n ___sys_recvmsg+0x223/0x840 net/socket.c:2845\n do_recvmmsg+0x4fc/0xfd0 net/socket.c:2939\n __sys_recvmmsg net/socket.c:3018 [inline]\n __do_sys_recvmmsg net/socket.c:3041 [inline]\n __se_sys_recvmmsg net/socket.c:3034 [inline]\n __x64_sys_recvmmsg+0x397/0x490 net/socket.c:3034\n x64_sys_call+0xf6c/0x3b50 arch/x86/include/generated/asm/syscalls_64.h:300\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0xcf/0x1e0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f\n\nUninit was created at:\n slab_post_alloc_hook mm/slub.c:3804 [inline]\n slab_alloc_node mm/slub.c:3845 [inline]\n kmem_cache_alloc_node+0x613/0xc50 mm/slub.c:3888\n kmalloc_reserve+0x13d/0x4a0 net/core/skbuff.c:577\n __alloc_skb+0x35b/0x7a0 net/core/skbuff.c:668\n alloc_skb include/linux/skbuff.h:1313 [inline]\n alloc_skb_with_frags+0xc8/0xbf0 net/core/skbuff.c:6504\n sock_alloc_send_pskb+0xa81/0xbf0 net/core/sock.c:2795\n sock_alloc_send_skb include/net/sock.h:1842 [inline]\n j1939_sk_alloc_skb net/can/j1939/socket.c:878 [inline]\n j1939_sk_send_loop net/can/j1939/socket.c:1142 [inline]\n j1939_sk_sendmsg+0xc0a/0x2730 net/can/j1939/socket.c:1277\n sock_sendmsg_nosec net/socket.c:730 [inline]\n __sock_sendmsg+0x30f/0x380 net/socket.c:745\n ____sys_sendmsg+0x877/0xb60 net/socket.c:2584\n ___sys_sendmsg+0x28d/0x3c0 net/socket.c:2638\n __sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2667 [inline]\n __do_sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2676 [inline]\n __se_sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2674 [inline]\n __x64_sys_sendmsg+0x307/0x4a0 net/socket.c:2674\n x64_sys_call+0xc4b/0x3b50 arch/x86/include/generated/asm/syscalls_64.h:47\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0xcf/0x1e0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f\n\nBytes 12-15 of 16 are uninitialized\nMemory access of size 16 starts at ffff888120969690\nData copied to user address 00000000200017c0\n\nCPU: 1 PID: 5050 Comm: syz-executor198 Not tainted 6.9.0-rc5-syzkaller-00031-g71b1543c83d6 #0\nHardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 03/27/2024', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42076 was patched at 2024-08-01

329. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42077) - Medium [233]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ocfs2: fix DIO failure due to insufficient transaction credits The code in ocfs2_dio_end_io_write() estimates number of necessary transaction credits using ocfs2_calc_extend_credits(). This however does not take into account that the IO could be arbitrarily large and can contain arbitrary number of extents. Extent tree manipulations do often extend the current transaction but not in all of the cases. For example if we have only single block extents in the tree, ocfs2_mark_extent_written() will end up calling ocfs2_replace_extent_rec() all the time and we will never extend the current transaction and eventually exhaust all the transaction credits if the IO contains many single block extents. Once that happens a WARN_ON(jbd2_handle_buffer_credits(handle) <= 0) is triggered in jbd2_journal_dirty_metadata() and subsequently OCFS2 aborts in response to this error. This was actually triggered by one of our customers on a heavily fragmented OCFS2 filesystem. To fix the issue make sure the transaction always has enough credits for one extent insert before each call of ocfs2_mark_extent_written(). Heming Zhao said: ------ PANIC: "Kernel panic - not syncing: OCFS2: (device dm-1): panic forced after error" PID: xxx TASK: xxxx CPU: 5 COMMAND: "SubmitThread-CA" #0 machine_kexec at ffffffff8c069932 #1 __crash_kexec at ffffffff8c1338fa #2 panic at ffffffff8c1d69b9 #3 ocfs2_handle_error at ffffffffc0c86c0c [ocfs2] #4 __ocfs2_abort at ffffffffc0c88387 [ocfs2] #5 ocfs2_journal_dirty at ffffffffc0c51e98 [ocfs2] #6 ocfs2_split_extent at ffffffffc0c27ea3 [ocfs2] #7 ocfs2_change_extent_flag at ffffffffc0c28053 [ocfs2] #8 ocfs2_mark_extent_written at ffffffffc0c28347 [ocfs2] #9 ocfs2_dio_end_io_write at ffffffffc0c2bef9 [ocfs2] #10 ocfs2_dio_end_io at ffffffffc0c2c0f5 [ocfs2] #11 dio_complete at ffffffff8c2b9fa7 #12 do_blockdev_direct_IO at ffffffff8c2bc09f #13 ocfs2_direct_IO at ffffffffc0c2b653 [ocfs2] #14 generic_file_direct_write at ffffffff8c1dcf14 #15 __generic_file_write_iter at ffffffff8c1dd07b #16 ocfs2_file_write_iter at ffffffffc0c49f1f [ocfs2] #17 aio_write at ffffffff8c2cc72e #18 kmem_cache_alloc at ffffffff8c248dde #19 do_io_submit at ffffffff8c2ccada #20 do_syscall_64 at ffffffff8c004984 #21 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe at ffffffff8c8000ba', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nocfs2: fix DIO failure due to insufficient transaction credits\n\nThe code in ocfs2_dio_end_io_write() estimates number of necessary\ntransaction credits using ocfs2_calc_extend_credits(). This however does\nnot take into account that the IO could be arbitrarily large and can\ncontain arbitrary number of extents.\n\nExtent tree manipulations do often extend the current transaction but not\nin all of the cases. For example if we have only single block extents in\nthe tree, ocfs2_mark_extent_written() will end up calling\nocfs2_replace_extent_rec() all the time and we will never extend the\ncurrent transaction and eventually exhaust all the transaction credits if\nthe IO contains many single block extents. Once that happens a\nWARN_ON(jbd2_handle_buffer_credits(handle) <= 0) is triggered in\njbd2_journal_dirty_metadata() and subsequently OCFS2 aborts in response to\nthis error. This was actually triggered by one of our customers on a\nheavily fragmented OCFS2 filesystem.\n\nTo fix the issue make sure the transaction always has enough credits for\none extent insert before each call of ocfs2_mark_extent_written().\n\nHeming Zhao said:\n\n------\nPANIC: "Kernel panic - not syncing: OCFS2: (device dm-1): panic forced after error"\n\nPID: xxx TASK: xxxx CPU: 5 COMMAND: "SubmitThread-CA"\n #0 machine_kexec at ffffffff8c069932\n #1 __crash_kexec at ffffffff8c1338fa\n #2 panic at ffffffff8c1d69b9\n #3 ocfs2_handle_error at ffffffffc0c86c0c [ocfs2]\n #4 __ocfs2_abort at ffffffffc0c88387 [ocfs2]\n #5 ocfs2_journal_dirty at ffffffffc0c51e98 [ocfs2]\n #6 ocfs2_split_extent at ffffffffc0c27ea3 [ocfs2]\n #7 ocfs2_change_extent_flag at ffffffffc0c28053 [ocfs2]\n #8 ocfs2_mark_extent_written at ffffffffc0c28347 [ocfs2]\n #9 ocfs2_dio_end_io_write at ffffffffc0c2bef9 [ocfs2]\n#10 ocfs2_dio_end_io at ffffffffc0c2c0f5 [ocfs2]\n#11 dio_complete at ffffffff8c2b9fa7\n#12 do_blockdev_direct_IO at ffffffff8c2bc09f\n#13 ocfs2_direct_IO at ffffffffc0c2b653 [ocfs2]\n#14 generic_file_direct_write at ffffffff8c1dcf14\n#15 __generic_file_write_iter at ffffffff8c1dd07b\n#16 ocfs2_file_write_iter at ffffffffc0c49f1f [ocfs2]\n#17 aio_write at ffffffff8c2cc72e\n#18 kmem_cache_alloc at ffffffff8c248dde\n#19 do_io_submit at ffffffff8c2ccada\n#20 do_syscall_64 at ffffffff8c004984\n#21 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe at ffffffff8c8000ba', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42077 was patched at 2024-08-01

330. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42153) - Medium [233]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: i2c: pnx: Fix potential deadlock warning from del_timer_sync() call in isr When del_timer_sync() is called in an interrupt context it throws a warning because of potential deadlock. The timer is used only to exit from wait_for_completion() after a timeout so replacing the call with wait_for_completion_timeout() allows to remove the problematic timer and its related functions altogether.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ni2c: pnx: Fix potential deadlock warning from del_timer_sync() call in isr\n\nWhen del_timer_sync() is called in an interrupt context it throws a warning\nbecause of potential deadlock. The timer is used only to exit from\nwait_for_completion() after a timeout so replacing the call with\nwait_for_completion_timeout() allows to remove the problematic timer and\nits related functions altogether.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42153 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

331. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42237) - Medium [233]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: firmware: cs_dsp: Validate payload length before processing block Move the payload length check in cs_dsp_load() and cs_dsp_coeff_load() to be done before the block is processed. The check that the length of a block payload does not exceed the number of remaining bytes in the firwmware file buffer was being done near the end of the loop iteration. However, some code before that check used the length field without validating it.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nfirmware: cs_dsp: Validate payload length before processing block\n\nMove the payload length check in cs_dsp_load() and cs_dsp_coeff_load()\nto be done before the block is processed.\n\nThe check that the length of a block payload does not exceed the number\nof remaining bytes in the firwmware file buffer was being done near the\nend of the loop iteration. However, some code before that check used the\nlength field without validating it.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42237 was patched at 2024-08-21

332. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42239) - Medium [233]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bpf: Fail bpf_timer_cancel when callback is being cancelled Given a schedule: timer1 cb\t\t\ttimer2 cb bpf_timer_cancel(timer2);\tbpf_timer_cancel(timer1); Both bpf_timer_cancel calls would wait for the other callback to finish executing, introducing a lockup. Add an atomic_t count named 'cancelling' in bpf_hrtimer. This keeps track of all in-flight cancellation requests for a given BPF timer. Whenever cancelling a BPF timer, we must check if we have outstanding cancellation requests, and if so, we must fail the operation with an error (-EDEADLK) since cancellation is synchronous and waits for the callback to finish executing. This implies that we can enter a deadlock situation involving two or more timer callbacks executing in parallel and attempting to cancel one another. Note that we avoid incrementing the cancelling counter for the target timer (the one being cancelled) if bpf_timer_cancel is not invoked from a callback, to avoid spurious errors. The whole point of detecting cur->cancelling and returning -EDEADLK is to not enter a busy wait loop (which may or may not lead to a lockup). This does not apply in case the caller is in a non-callback context, the other side can continue to cancel as it sees fit without running into errors. Background on prior attempts: Earlier versions of this patch used a bool 'cancelling' bit and used the following pattern under timer->lock to publish cancellation status. lock(t->lock); t->cancelling = true; mb(); if (cur->cancelling) \treturn -EDEADLK; unlock(t->lock); hrtimer_cancel(t->timer); t->cancelling = false; The store outside the critical section could overwrite a parallel requests t->cancelling assignment to true, to ensure the parallely executing callback observes its cancellation status. It would be necessary to clear this cancelling bit once hrtimer_cancel is done, but lack of serialization introduced races. Another option was explored where bpf_timer_start would clear the bit when (re)starting the timer under timer->lock. This would ensure serialized access to the cancelling bit, but may allow it to be cleared before in-flight hrtimer_cancel has finished executing, such that lockups can occur again. Thus, we choose an atomic counter to keep track of all outstanding cancellation requests and use it to prevent lockups in case callbacks attempt to cancel each other while executing in parallel.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbpf: Fail bpf_timer_cancel when callback is being cancelled\n\nGiven a schedule:\n\ntimer1 cb\t\t\ttimer2 cb\n\nbpf_timer_cancel(timer2);\tbpf_timer_cancel(timer1);\n\nBoth bpf_timer_cancel calls would wait for the other callback to finish\nexecuting, introducing a lockup.\n\nAdd an atomic_t count named 'cancelling' in bpf_hrtimer. This keeps\ntrack of all in-flight cancellation requests for a given BPF timer.\nWhenever cancelling a BPF timer, we must check if we have outstanding\ncancellation requests, and if so, we must fail the operation with an\nerror (-EDEADLK) since cancellation is synchronous and waits for the\ncallback to finish executing. This implies that we can enter a deadlock\nsituation involving two or more timer callbacks executing in parallel\nand attempting to cancel one another.\n\nNote that we avoid incrementing the cancelling counter for the target\ntimer (the one being cancelled) if bpf_timer_cancel is not invoked from\na callback, to avoid spurious errors. The whole point of detecting\ncur->cancelling and returning -EDEADLK is to not enter a busy wait loop\n(which may or may not lead to a lockup). This does not apply in case the\ncaller is in a non-callback context, the other side can continue to\ncancel as it sees fit without running into errors.\n\nBackground on prior attempts:\n\nEarlier versions of this patch used a bool 'cancelling' bit and used the\nfollowing pattern under timer->lock to publish cancellation status.\n\nlock(t->lock);\nt->cancelling = true;\nmb();\nif (cur->cancelling)\n\treturn -EDEADLK;\nunlock(t->lock);\nhrtimer_cancel(t->timer);\nt->cancelling = false;\n\nThe store outside the critical section could overwrite a parallel\nrequests t->cancelling assignment to true, to ensure the parallely\nexecuting callback observes its cancellation status.\n\nIt would be necessary to clear this cancelling bit once hrtimer_cancel\nis done, but lack of serialization introduced races. Another option was\nexplored where bpf_timer_start would clear the bit when (re)starting the\ntimer under timer->lock. This would ensure serialized access to the\ncancelling bit, but may allow it to be cleared before in-flight\nhrtimer_cancel has finished executing, such that lockups can occur\nagain.\n\nThus, we choose an atomic counter to keep track of all outstanding\ncancellation requests and use it to prevent lockups in case callbacks\nattempt to cancel each other while executing in parallel.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42239 was patched at 2024-08-21

333. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42244) - Medium [233]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: USB: serial: mos7840: fix crash on resume Since commit c49cfa917025 ("USB: serial: use generic method if no alternative is provided in usb serial layer"), USB serial core calls the generic resume implementation when the driver has not provided one. This can trigger a crash on resume with mos7840 since support for multiple read URBs was added back in 2011. Specifically, both port read URBs are now submitted on resume for open ports, but the context pointer of the second URB is left set to the core rather than mos7840 port structure. Fix this by implementing dedicated suspend and resume functions for mos7840. Tested with Delock 87414 USB 2.0 to 4x serial adapter. [ johan: analyse crash and rewrite commit message; set busy flag on resume; drop bulk-in check; drop unnecessary usb_kill_urb() ]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nUSB: serial: mos7840: fix crash on resume\n\nSince commit c49cfa917025 ("USB: serial: use generic method if no\nalternative is provided in usb serial layer"), USB serial core calls the\ngeneric resume implementation when the driver has not provided one.\n\nThis can trigger a crash on resume with mos7840 since support for\nmultiple read URBs was added back in 2011. Specifically, both port read\nURBs are now submitted on resume for open ports, but the context pointer\nof the second URB is left set to the core rather than mos7840 port\nstructure.\n\nFix this by implementing dedicated suspend and resume functions for\nmos7840.\n\nTested with Delock 87414 USB 2.0 to 4x serial adapter.\n\n[ johan: analyse crash and rewrite commit message; set busy flag on\n resume; drop bulk-in check; drop unnecessary usb_kill_urb() ]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42244 was patched at 2024-08-12, 2024-08-21

334. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42245) - Medium [233]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: Revert "sched/fair: Make sure to try to detach at least one movable task" This reverts commit b0defa7ae03ecf91b8bfd10ede430cff12fcbd06. b0defa7ae03ec changed the load balancing logic to ignore env.max_loop if all tasks examined to that point were pinned. The goal of the patch was to make it more likely to be able to detach a task buried in a long list of pinned tasks. However, this has the unfortunate side effect of creating an O(n) iteration in detach_tasks(), as we now must fully iterate every task on a cpu if all or most are pinned. Since this load balance code is done with rq lock held, and often in softirq context, it is very easy to trigger hard lockups. We observed such hard lockups with a user who affined O(10k) threads to a single cpu. When I discussed this with Vincent he initially suggested that we keep the limit on the number of tasks to detach, but increase the number of tasks we can search. However, after some back and forth on the mailing list, he recommended we instead revert the original patch, as it seems likely no one was actually getting hit by the original issue.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nRevert "sched/fair: Make sure to try to detach at least one movable task"\n\nThis reverts commit b0defa7ae03ecf91b8bfd10ede430cff12fcbd06.\n\nb0defa7ae03ec changed the load balancing logic to ignore env.max_loop if\nall tasks examined to that point were pinned. The goal of the patch was\nto make it more likely to be able to detach a task buried in a long list\nof pinned tasks. However, this has the unfortunate side effect of\ncreating an O(n) iteration in detach_tasks(), as we now must fully\niterate every task on a cpu if all or most are pinned. Since this load\nbalance code is done with rq lock held, and often in softirq context, it\nis very easy to trigger hard lockups. We observed such hard lockups with\na user who affined O(10k) threads to a single cpu.\n\nWhen I discussed this with Vincent he initially suggested that we keep\nthe limit on the number of tasks to detach, but increase the number of\ntasks we can search. However, after some back and forth on the mailing\nlist, he recommended we instead revert the original patch, as it seems\nlikely no one was actually getting hit by the original issue.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42245 was patched at 2024-08-21

335. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42250) - Medium [233]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: cachefiles: add missing lock protection when polling Add missing lock protection in poll routine when iterating xarray, otherwise: Even with RCU read lock held, only the slot of the radix tree is ensured to be pinned there, while the data structure (e.g. struct cachefiles_req) stored in the slot has no such guarantee. The poll routine will iterate the radix tree and dereference cachefiles_req accordingly. Thus RCU read lock is not adequate in this case and spinlock is needed here.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ncachefiles: add missing lock protection when polling\n\nAdd missing lock protection in poll routine when iterating xarray,\notherwise:\n\nEven with RCU read lock held, only the slot of the radix tree is\nensured to be pinned there, while the data structure (e.g. struct\ncachefiles_req) stored in the slot has no such guarantee. The poll\nroutine will iterate the radix tree and dereference cachefiles_req\naccordingly. Thus RCU read lock is not adequate in this case and\nspinlock is needed here.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42250 was patched at 2024-08-21

336. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42268) - Medium [233]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/mlx5: Fix missing lock on sync reset reload On sync reset reload work, when remote host updates devlink on reload actions performed on that host, it misses taking devlink lock before calling devlink_remote_reload_actions_performed() which results in triggering lock assert like the following: WARNING: CPU: 4 PID: 1164 at net/devlink/core.c:261 devl_assert_locked+0x3e/0x50 … CPU: 4 PID: 1164 Comm: kworker/u96:6 Tainted: G S W 6.10.0-rc2+ #116 Hardware name: Supermicro SYS-2028TP-DECTR/X10DRT-PT, BIOS 2.0 12/18/2015 Workqueue: mlx5_fw_reset_events mlx5_sync_reset_reload_work [mlx5_core] RIP: 0010:devl_assert_locked+0x3e/0x50 … Call Trace: <TASK> ? __warn+0xa4/0x210 ? devl_assert_locked+0x3e/0x50 ? report_bug+0x160/0x280 ? handle_bug+0x3f/0x80 ? exc_invalid_op+0x17/0x40 ? asm_exc_invalid_op+0x1a/0x20 ? devl_assert_locked+0x3e/0x50 devlink_notify+0x88/0x2b0 ? mlx5_attach_device+0x20c/0x230 [mlx5_core] ? __pfx_devlink_notify+0x10/0x10 ? process_one_work+0x4b6/0xbb0 process_one_work+0x4b6/0xbb0 […]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet/mlx5: Fix missing lock on sync reset reload\n\nOn sync reset reload work, when remote host updates devlink on reload\nactions performed on that host, it misses taking devlink lock before\ncalling devlink_remote_reload_actions_performed() which results in\ntriggering lock assert like the following:\n\nWARNING: CPU: 4 PID: 1164 at net/devlink/core.c:261 devl_assert_locked+0x3e/0x50\n…\n CPU: 4 PID: 1164 Comm: kworker/u96:6 Tainted: G S W 6.10.0-rc2+ #116\n Hardware name: Supermicro SYS-2028TP-DECTR/X10DRT-PT, BIOS 2.0 12/18/2015\n Workqueue: mlx5_fw_reset_events mlx5_sync_reset_reload_work [mlx5_core]\n RIP: 0010:devl_assert_locked+0x3e/0x50\n…\n Call Trace:\n <TASK>\n ? __warn+0xa4/0x210\n ? devl_assert_locked+0x3e/0x50\n ? report_bug+0x160/0x280\n ? handle_bug+0x3f/0x80\n ? exc_invalid_op+0x17/0x40\n ? asm_exc_invalid_op+0x1a/0x20\n ? devl_assert_locked+0x3e/0x50\n devlink_notify+0x88/0x2b0\n ? mlx5_attach_device+0x20c/0x230 [mlx5_core]\n ? __pfx_devlink_notify+0x10/0x10\n ? process_one_work+0x4b6/0xbb0\n process_one_work+0x4b6/0xbb0\n[…]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42268 was patched at 2024-08-21

337. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42283) - Medium [233]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: nexthop: Initialize all fields in dumped nexthops struct nexthop_grp contains two reserved fields that are not initialized by nla_put_nh_group(), and carry garbage. This can be observed e.g. with strace (edited for clarity): # ip nexthop add id 1 dev lo # ip nexthop add id 101 group 1 # strace -e recvmsg ip nexthop get id 101 ... recvmsg(... [{nla_len=12, nla_type=NHA_GROUP}, [{id=1, weight=0, resvd1=0x69, resvd2=0x67}]] ...) = 52 The fields are reserved and therefore not currently used. But as they are, they leak kernel memory, and the fact they are not just zero complicates repurposing of the fields for new ends. Initialize the full structure.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: nexthop: Initialize all fields in dumped nexthops\n\nstruct nexthop_grp contains two reserved fields that are not initialized by\nnla_put_nh_group(), and carry garbage. This can be observed e.g. with\nstrace (edited for clarity):\n\n # ip nexthop add id 1 dev lo\n # ip nexthop add id 101 group 1\n # strace -e recvmsg ip nexthop get id 101\n ...\n recvmsg(... [{nla_len=12, nla_type=NHA_GROUP},\n [{id=1, weight=0, resvd1=0x69, resvd2=0x67}]] ...) = 52\n\nThe fields are reserved and therefore not currently used. But as they are, they\nleak kernel memory, and the fact they are not just zero complicates repurposing\nof the fields for new ends. Initialize the full structure.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42283 was patched at 2024-08-21

338. Denial of Service - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-36462) - Medium [232]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Uncontrolled resource consumption refers to a software vulnerability where a attacker or system uses excessive resources, such as CPU, memory, or network bandwidth, without proper limitations or controls. This can cause a denial-of-service (DoS) attack or degrade the performance of the affected system.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Uncontrolled resource consumption refers to a software vulnerability where a attacker or system uses excessive resources, such as CPU, memory, or network bandwidth, without proper limitations or controls. This can cause a denial-of-service (DoS) attack or degrade the performance of the affected system.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-36462 was patched at 2024-08-21

339. Information Disclosure - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-36107) - Medium [231]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'MinIO is a High Performance Object Storage released under GNU Affero General Public License v3.0. `If-Modified-Since` and `If-Unmodified-Since` headers when used with anonymous requests by sending a random object name requests can be used to determine if an object exists or not on the server on a specific bucket and also gain access to some amount of information such as `Last-Modified (of the latest version)`, `Etag (of the latest version)`, `x-amz-version-id (of the latest version)`, `Expires (metadata value of the latest version)`, `Cache-Control (metadata value of the latest version)`. This conditional check was being honored before validating if the anonymous access is indeed allowed on the metadata of an object. This issue has been addressed in commit `e0fe7cc3917`. Users must upgrade to RELEASE.2024-05-27T19-17-46Z for the fix. There are no known workarounds for this issue.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'MinIO is a High Performance Object Storage released under GNU Affero General Public License v3.0. `If-Modified-Since` and `If-Unmodified-Since` headers when used with anonymous requests by sending a random object name requests can be used to determine if an object exists or not on the server on a specific bucket and also gain access to some amount of\ninformation such as `Last-Modified (of the latest version)`, `Etag (of the latest version)`, `x-amz-version-id (of the latest version)`, `Expires (metadata value of the latest version)`, `Cache-Control (metadata value of the latest version)`. This conditional check was being honored before validating if the anonymous access is indeed allowed on the metadata of an object. This issue has been addressed in commit `e0fe7cc3917`. Users must upgrade to RELEASE.2024-05-27T19-17-46Z for the fix. There are no known workarounds for this issue.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.8315Information Disclosure
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

redos: CVE-2024-36107 was patched at 2024-08-07

340. Remote Code Execution - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-7537) - Medium [226]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'oFono QMI SMS Handling Out-Of-Bounds Read Information Disclosure Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows local attackers to disclose sensitive information on affected installations of oFono. Authentication is not required to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the processing of SMS message lists. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of user-supplied data, which can result in a read past the end of an allocated buffer. An attacker can leverage this in conjunction with other vulnerabilities to execute arbitrary code in the context of root. Was ZDI-CAN-23157.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'oFono QMI SMS Handling Out-Of-Bounds Read Information Disclosure Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows local attackers to disclose sensitive information on affected installations of oFono. Authentication is not required to exploit this vulnerability.\n\nThe specific flaw exists within the processing of SMS message lists. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of user-supplied data, which can result in a read past the end of an allocated buffer. An attacker can leverage this in conjunction with other vulnerabilities to execute arbitrary code in the context of root. Was ZDI-CAN-23157.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.310CVSS Base Score is 3.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-7537 was patched at 2024-08-21

341. Remote Code Execution - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-7540) - Medium [226]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'oFono AT CMGL Command Uninitialized Variable Information Disclosure Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows local attackers to disclose sensitive information on affected installations of oFono. An attacker must first obtain the ability to execute code on the target modem in order to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the parsing of responses from AT+CMGL commands. The issue results from the lack of proper initialization of memory prior to accessing it. An attacker can leverage this in conjunction with other vulnerabilities to execute arbitrary code in the context of root. Was ZDI-CAN-23307.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'oFono AT CMGL Command Uninitialized Variable Information Disclosure Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows local attackers to disclose sensitive information on affected installations of oFono. An attacker must first obtain the ability to execute code on the target modem in order to exploit this vulnerability.\n\nThe specific flaw exists within the parsing of responses from AT+CMGL commands. The issue results from the lack of proper initialization of memory prior to accessing it. An attacker can leverage this in conjunction with other vulnerabilities to execute arbitrary code in the context of root. Was ZDI-CAN-23307.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.310CVSS Base Score is 3.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-7540 was patched at 2024-08-21

342. Remote Code Execution - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-7541) - Medium [226]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'oFono AT CMT Command Uninitialized Variable Information Disclosure Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows local attackers to disclose sensitive information on affected installations of oFono. An attacker must first obtain the ability to execute code on the target modem in order to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the parsing of responses from AT+CMT commands. The issue results from the lack of proper initialization of memory prior to accessing it. An attacker can leverage this in conjunction with other vulnerabilities to execute arbitrary code in the context of root. Was ZDI-CAN-23308.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'oFono AT CMT Command Uninitialized Variable Information Disclosure Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows local attackers to disclose sensitive information on affected installations of oFono. An attacker must first obtain the ability to execute code on the target modem in order to exploit this vulnerability.\n\nThe specific flaw exists within the parsing of responses from AT+CMT commands. The issue results from the lack of proper initialization of memory prior to accessing it. An attacker can leverage this in conjunction with other vulnerabilities to execute arbitrary code in the context of root. Was ZDI-CAN-23308.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.310CVSS Base Score is 3.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-7541 was patched at 2024-08-21

343. Remote Code Execution - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-7542) - Medium [226]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'oFono AT CMGR Command Uninitialized Variable Information Disclosure Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows local attackers to disclose sensitive information on affected installations of oFono. An attacker must first obtain the ability to execute code on the target modem in order to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the parsing of responses from AT+CMGR commands. The issue results from the lack of proper initialization of memory prior to accessing it. An attacker can leverage this in conjunction with other vulnerabilities to execute arbitrary code in the context of root. Was ZDI-CAN-23309.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'oFono AT CMGR Command Uninitialized Variable Information Disclosure Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows local attackers to disclose sensitive information on affected installations of oFono. An attacker must first obtain the ability to execute code on the target modem in order to exploit this vulnerability.\n\nThe specific flaw exists within the parsing of responses from AT+CMGR commands. The issue results from the lack of proper initialization of memory prior to accessing it. An attacker can leverage this in conjunction with other vulnerabilities to execute arbitrary code in the context of root. Was ZDI-CAN-23309.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.310CVSS Base Score is 3.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-7542 was patched at 2024-08-21

344. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42152) - Medium [221]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nvmet: fix a possible leak when destroy a ctrl during qp establishment In nvmet_sq_destroy we capture sq->ctrl early and if it is non-NULL we know that a ctrl was allocated (in the admin connect request handler) and we need to release pending AERs, clear ctrl->sqs and sq->ctrl (for nvme-loop primarily), and drop the final reference on the ctrl. However, a small window is possible where nvmet_sq_destroy starts (as a result of the client giving up and disconnecting) concurrently with the nvme admin connect cmd (which may be in an early stage). But *before* kill_and_confirm of sq->ref (i.e. the admin connect managed to get an sq live reference). In this case, sq->ctrl was allocated however after it was captured in a local variable in nvmet_sq_destroy. This prevented the final reference drop on the ctrl. Solve this by re-capturing the sq->ctrl after all inflight request has completed, where for sure sq->ctrl reference is final, and move forward based on that. This issue was observed in an environment with many hosts connecting multiple ctrls simoutanuosly, creating a delay in allocating a ctrl leading up to this race window.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnvmet: fix a possible leak when destroy a ctrl during qp establishment\n\nIn nvmet_sq_destroy we capture sq->ctrl early and if it is non-NULL we\nknow that a ctrl was allocated (in the admin connect request handler)\nand we need to release pending AERs, clear ctrl->sqs and sq->ctrl\n(for nvme-loop primarily), and drop the final reference on the ctrl.\n\nHowever, a small window is possible where nvmet_sq_destroy starts (as\na result of the client giving up and disconnecting) concurrently with\nthe nvme admin connect cmd (which may be in an early stage). But *before*\nkill_and_confirm of sq->ref (i.e. the admin connect managed to get an sq\nlive reference). In this case, sq->ctrl was allocated however after it was\ncaptured in a local variable in nvmet_sq_destroy.\nThis prevented the final reference drop on the ctrl.\n\nSolve this by re-capturing the sq->ctrl after all inflight request has\ncompleted, where for sure sq->ctrl reference is final, and move forward\nbased on that.\n\nThis issue was observed in an environment with many hosts connecting\nmultiple ctrls simoutanuosly, creating a delay in allocating a ctrl\nleading up to this race window.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.7. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42152 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

345. Incorrect Calculation - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-41184) - Medium [220]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the vrrp_ipsets_handler handler (fglobal_parser.c) of keepalived through 2.3.1, an integer overflow can occur. NOTE: this CVE Record might not be worthwhile because an empty ipset name must be configured by the user.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the vrrp_ipsets_handler handler (fglobal_parser.c) of keepalived through 2.3.1, an integer overflow can occur. NOTE: this CVE Record might not be worthwhile because an empty ipset name must be configured by the user.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Incorrect Calculation
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 9.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-41184 was patched at 2024-08-01

346. Memory Corruption - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-41881) - Medium [220]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'SDoP versions prior to 1.11 fails to handle appropriately some parameters inside the input data, resulting in a stack-based buffer overflow vulnerability. When a user of the affected product is tricked to process a specially crafted XML file, arbitrary code may be executed on the user's environment.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'SDoP versions prior to 1.11 fails to handle appropriately some parameters inside the input data, resulting in a stack-based buffer overflow vulnerability. When a user of the affected product is tricked to process a specially crafted XML file, arbitrary code may be executed on the user's environment.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-41881 was patched at 2024-08-01

347. Security Feature Bypass - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-22114) - Medium [220]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'User with no permission to any of the Hosts can access and view host count & other statistics through System Information Widget in Global View Dashboard.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'User with no permission to any of the Hosts can access and view host count & other statistics through System Information Widget in Global View Dashboard.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.410CVSS Base Score is 4.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-22114 was patched at 2024-08-21

348. Unknown Vulnerability Type - RPC (CVE-2024-7246) - Medium [216]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'It's possible for a gRPC client communicating with a HTTP/2 proxy to poison the HPACK table between the proxy and the backend such that other clients see failed requests. It's also possible to use this vulnerability to leak other clients HTTP header keys, but not values. This occurs because the error status for a misencoded header is not cleared between header reads, resulting in subsequent (incrementally indexed) added headers in the first request being poisoned until cleared from the HPACK table. Please update to a fixed version of gRPC as soon as possible. This bug has been fixed in 1.58.3, 1.59.5, 1.60.2, 1.61.3, 1.62.3, 1.63.2, 1.64.3, 1.65.4.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'It's possible for a gRPC client communicating with a HTTP/2 proxy to poison the HPACK table between the proxy and the backend such that other clients see failed requests. It's also possible to use this vulnerability to leak other clients HTTP header keys, but not values.\n\nThis occurs because the error status for a misencoded header is not cleared between header reads, resulting in subsequent (incrementally indexed) added headers in the first request being poisoned until cleared from the HPACK table.\n\nPlease update to a fixed version of gRPC as soon as possible. This bug has been fixed in 1.58.3, 1.59.5, 1.60.2, 1.61.3, 1.62.3, 1.63.2, 1.64.3, 1.65.4.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Remote Procedure Call Runtime
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.3. According to Vulners data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-7246 was patched at 2024-08-21

349. Unknown Vulnerability Type - FRRouting (CVE-2024-44070) - Medium [214]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'An issue was discovered in FRRouting (FRR) through 10.1. bgp_attr_encap in bgpd/bgp_attr.c does not check the actual remaining stream length before taking the TLV value.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'An issue was discovered in FRRouting (FRR) through 10.1. bgp_attr_encap in bgpd/bgp_attr.c does not check the actual remaining stream length before taking the TLV value.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Free Range Routing or FRRouting or FRR is a network routing software suite running on Unix-like platforms, particularly Linux, Solaris, OpenBSD, FreeBSD and NetBSD
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 9.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-44070 was patched at 2024-08-21

350. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42156) - Medium [209]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: s390/pkey: Wipe copies of clear-key structures on failure Wipe all sensitive data from stack for all IOCTLs, which convert a clear-key into a protected- or secure-key.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ns390/pkey: Wipe copies of clear-key structures on failure\n\nWipe all sensitive data from stack for all IOCTLs, which convert a\nclear-key into a protected- or secure-key.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.410CVSS Base Score is 4.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-42156 was patched at 2024-08-01

351. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42157) - Medium [209]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: s390/pkey: Wipe sensitive data on failure Wipe sensitive data from stack also if the copy_to_user() fails.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ns390/pkey: Wipe sensitive data on failure\n\nWipe sensitive data from stack also if the copy_to_user() fails.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.410CVSS Base Score is 4.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42157 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

352. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42158) - Medium [209]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: s390/pkey: Use kfree_sensitive() to fix Coccinelle warnings Replace memzero_explicit() and kfree() with kfree_sensitive() to fix warnings reported by Coccinelle: WARNING opportunity for kfree_sensitive/kvfree_sensitive (line 1506) WARNING opportunity for kfree_sensitive/kvfree_sensitive (line 1643) WARNING opportunity for kfree_sensitive/kvfree_sensitive (line 1770)', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ns390/pkey: Use kfree_sensitive() to fix Coccinelle warnings\n\nReplace memzero_explicit() and kfree() with kfree_sensitive() to fix\nwarnings reported by Coccinelle:\n\nWARNING opportunity for kfree_sensitive/kvfree_sensitive (line 1506)\nWARNING opportunity for kfree_sensitive/kvfree_sensitive (line 1643)\nWARNING opportunity for kfree_sensitive/kvfree_sensitive (line 1770)', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.410CVSS Base Score is 4.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-42158 was patched at 2024-08-01

353. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42230) - Medium [209]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: powerpc/pseries: Fix scv instruction crash with kexec kexec on pseries disables AIL (reloc_on_exc), required for scv instruction support, before other CPUs have been shut down. This means they can execute scv instructions after AIL is disabled, which causes an interrupt at an unexpected entry location that crashes the kernel. Change the kexec sequence to disable AIL after other CPUs have been brought down. As a refresher, the real-mode scv interrupt vector is 0x17000, and the fixed-location head code probably couldn't easily deal with implementing such high addresses so it was just decided not to support that interrupt at all.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\npowerpc/pseries: Fix scv instruction crash with kexec\n\nkexec on pseries disables AIL (reloc_on_exc), required for scv\ninstruction support, before other CPUs have been shut down. This means\nthey can execute scv instructions after AIL is disabled, which causes an\ninterrupt at an unexpected entry location that crashes the kernel.\n\nChange the kexec sequence to disable AIL after other CPUs have been\nbrought down.\n\nAs a refresher, the real-mode scv interrupt vector is 0x17000, and the\nfixed-location head code probably couldn't easily deal with implementing\nsuch high addresses so it was just decided not to support that interrupt\nat all.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.410CVSS Base Score is 4.4. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05019

debian: CVE-2024-42230 was patched at 2024-08-01

354. Denial of Service - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-25939) - Medium [208]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Mirrored regions with different values in 3rd Generation Intel(R) Xeon(R) Scalable Processors may allow a privileged user to potentially enable denial of service via local access.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Mirrored regions with different values in 3rd Generation Intel(R) Xeon(R) Scalable Processors may allow a privileged user to potentially enable denial of service via local access.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.0. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-25939 was patched at 2024-08-21

ubuntu: CVE-2024-25939 was patched at 2024-08-20

355. Denial of Service - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-41123) - Medium [208]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'REXML is an XML toolkit for Ruby. The REXML gem before 3.3.2 has some DoS vulnerabilities when it parses an XML that has many specific characters such as whitespace character, `>]` and `]>`. The REXML gem 3.3.3 or later include the patches to fix these vulnerabilities.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'REXML is an XML toolkit for Ruby. The REXML gem before 3.3.2 has some DoS vulnerabilities when it parses an XML that has many specific characters such as whitespace character, `>]` and `]>`. The REXML gem 3.3.3 or later include the patches to fix these vulnerabilities.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-41123 was patched at 2024-08-21

356. Denial of Service - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-41946) - Medium [208]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'REXML is an XML toolkit for Ruby. The REXML gem 3.3.2 has a DoS vulnerability when it parses an XML that has many entity expansions with SAX2 or pull parser API. The REXML gem 3.3.3 or later include the patch to fix the vulnerability.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'REXML is an XML toolkit for Ruby. The REXML gem 3.3.2 has a DoS vulnerability when it parses an XML that has many entity expansions with SAX2 or pull parser API. The REXML gem 3.3.3 or later include the patch to fix the vulnerability.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-41946 was patched at 2024-08-21

357. Security Feature Bypass - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-32152) - Medium [208]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'A blocklist bypass vulnerability exists in the LaTeX functionality of Ankitects Anki 24.04. A specially crafted malicious flashcard can lead to an arbitrary file creation at a fixed path. An attacker can share a malicious flashcard to trigger this vulnerability.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'A blocklist bypass vulnerability exists in the LaTeX functionality of Ankitects Anki 24.04. A specially crafted malicious flashcard can lead to an arbitrary file creation at a fixed path. An attacker can share a malicious flashcard to trigger this vulnerability.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.310CVSS Base Score is 3.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-32152 was patched at 2024-08-01

358. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Node.js (CVE-2024-42460) - Medium [204]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Elliptic package 6.5.6 for Node.js, ECDSA signature malleability occurs because there is a missing check for whether the leading bit of r and s is zero.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Elliptic package 6.5.6 for Node.js, ECDSA signature malleability occurs because there is a missing check for whether the leading bit of r and s is zero.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Node.js is a cross-platform, open-source server environment that can run on Windows, Linux, Unix, macOS, and more
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-42460 was patched at 2024-08-21

359. Unknown Vulnerability Type - JupyterHub (CVE-2024-41942) - Medium [202]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'JupyterHub is software that allows one to create a multi-user server for Jupyter notebooks. Prior to versions 4.1.6 and 5.1.0, if a user is granted the `admin:users` scope, they may escalate their own privileges by making themselves a full admin user. The impact is relatively small in that `admin:users` is already an extremely privileged scope only granted to trusted users. In effect, `admin:users` is equivalent to `admin=True`, which is not intended. Note that the change here only prevents escalation to the built-in JupyterHub admin role that has unrestricted permissions. It does not prevent users with e.g. `groups` permissions from granting themselves or other users permissions via group membership, which is intentional. Versions 4.1.6 and 5.1.0 fix this issue.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'JupyterHub is software that allows one to create a multi-user server for Jupyter notebooks. Prior to versions 4.1.6 and 5.1.0, if a user is granted the `admin:users` scope, they may escalate their own privileges by making themselves a full admin user. The impact is relatively small in that `admin:users` is already an extremely privileged scope only granted to trusted users.\nIn effect, `admin:users` is equivalent to `admin=True`, which is not intended. Note that the change here only prevents escalation to the built-in JupyterHub admin role that has unrestricted permissions. It does not prevent users with e.g. `groups` permissions from granting themselves or other users permissions via group membership, which is intentional. Versions 4.1.6 and 5.1.0 fix this issue.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:jupyter:jupyterhub (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 7.2. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00064, EPSS Percentile is 0.28566

debian: CVE-2024-41942 was patched at 2024-08-21

360. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-23184) - Medium [202]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': '', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual " "that will use it when announcing a new security problem. When the candidate has been " "publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on Vulners:PublicExploit:PACKETSTORM:180234, Vulners:PublicExploit:PACKETSTORM:180235 websites
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2024-23184 was patched at 2024-08-21

361. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-23185) - Medium [202]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': '', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual " "that will use it when announcing a new security problem. When the candidate has been " "publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on Vulners:PublicExploit:PACKETSTORM:180235 website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2024-23185 was patched at 2024-08-21

362. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Vault (CVE-2023-5077) - Medium [202]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'The Vault and Vault Enterprise ("Vault") Google Cloud secrets engine did not preserve existing Google Cloud IAM Conditions upon creating or updating rolesets. Fixed in Vault 1.13.0.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'The Vault and Vault Enterprise ("Vault") Google Cloud secrets engine did not preserve existing Google Cloud IAM Conditions upon creating or updating rolesets. Fixed in Vault 1.13.0.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:hashicorp:vault (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.6. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00048, EPSS Percentile is 0.18597

redos: CVE-2023-5077 was patched at 2024-08-05

Low (296)

363. Denial of Service - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-3056) - Low [196]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'A flaw was found in Podman. This issue may allow an attacker to create a specially crafted container that, when configured to share the same IPC with at least one other container, can create a large number of IPC resources in /dev/shm. The malicious container will continue to exhaust resources until it is out-of-memory (OOM) killed. While the malicious container's cgroup will be removed, the IPC resources it created are not. Those resources are tied to the IPC namespace that will not be removed until all containers using it are stopped, and one non-malicious container is holding the namespace open. The malicious container is restarted, either automatically or by attacker control, repeating the process and increasing the amount of memory consumed. With a container configured to restart always, such as `podman run --restart=always`, this can result in a memory-based denial of service of the system.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'A flaw was found in Podman. This issue may allow an attacker to create a specially crafted container that, when configured to share the same IPC with at least one other container, can create a large number of IPC resources in /dev/shm. The malicious container will continue to exhaust resources until it is out-of-memory (OOM) killed. While the malicious container's cgroup will be removed, the IPC resources it created are not. Those resources are tied to the IPC namespace that will not be removed until all containers using it are stopped, and one non-malicious container is holding the namespace open. The malicious container is restarted, either automatically or by attacker control, repeating the process and increasing the amount of memory consumed. With a container configured to restart always, such as `podman run --restart=always`, this can result in a memory-based denial of service of the system.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-3056 was patched at 2024-08-21

364. Memory Corruption - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-40897) - Low [196]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Stack-based buffer overflow vulnerability exists in orcparse.c of ORC versions prior to 0.4.39. If a developer is tricked to process a specially crafted file with the affected ORC compiler, an arbitrary code may be executed on the developer's build environment. This may lead to compromise of developer machines or CI build environments.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Stack-based buffer overflow vulnerability exists in orcparse.c of ORC versions prior to 0.4.39. If a developer is tricked to process a specially crafted file with the affected ORC compiler, an arbitrary code may be executed on the developer's build environment. This may lead to compromise of developer machines or CI build environments.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 7.0. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

almalinux: CVE-2024-40897 was patched at 2024-08-13

debian: CVE-2024-40897 was patched at 2024-08-01

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-40897 was patched at 2024-08-13

redhat: CVE-2024-40897 was patched at 2024-08-13, 2024-08-20

ubuntu: CVE-2024-40897 was patched at 2024-08-15

365. Memory Corruption - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-6992) - Low [196]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': '', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual " "that will use it when announcing a new security problem. When the candidate has been " "publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to BDU data source
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2024-6992 was patched at 2024-07-31, 2024-08-01

redos: CVE-2024-6992 was patched at 2024-08-07

366. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42155) - Low [185]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: s390/pkey: Wipe copies of protected- and secure-keys Although the clear-key of neither protected- nor secure-keys is accessible, this key material should only be visible to the calling process. So wipe all copies of protected- or secure-keys from stack, even in case of an error.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ns390/pkey: Wipe copies of protected- and secure-keys\n\nAlthough the clear-key of neither protected- nor secure-keys is\naccessible, this key material should only be visible to the calling\nprocess. So wipe all copies of protected- or secure-keys from stack,\neven in case of an error.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.210CVSS Base Score is 1.9. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-42155 was patched at 2024-08-01

367. Denial of Service - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-38808) - Low [184]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In Spring Framework versions 5.3.0 - 5.3.38 and older unsupported versions, it is possible for a user to provide a specially crafted Spring Expression Language (SpEL) expression that may cause a denial of service (DoS) condition. Specifically, an application is vulnerable when the following is true: * The application evaluates user-supplied SpEL expressions.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In Spring Framework versions 5.3.0 - 5.3.38 and older unsupported versions, it is possible for a user to provide a specially crafted Spring Expression Language (SpEL) expression that may cause a denial of service (DoS) condition.\n\nSpecifically, an application is vulnerable when the following is true:\n\n * The application evaluates user-supplied SpEL expressions.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.410CVSS Base Score is 4.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-38808 was patched at 2024-08-21

368. Denial of Service - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-39908) - Low [184]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': ' REXML is an XML toolkit for Ruby. The REXML gem before 3.3.1 has some DoS vulnerabilities when it parses an XML that has many specific characters such as `<`, `0` and `%>`. If you need to parse untrusted XMLs, you many be impacted to these vulnerabilities. The REXML gem 3.3.2 or later include the patches to fix these vulnerabilities. Users are advised to upgrade. Users unable to upgrade should avoid parsing untrusted XML strings.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': ' REXML is an XML toolkit for Ruby. The REXML gem before 3.3.1 has some DoS vulnerabilities when it parses an XML that has many specific characters such as `<`, `0` and `%>`. If you need to parse untrusted XMLs, you many be impacted to these vulnerabilities. The REXML gem 3.3.2 or later include the patches to fix these vulnerabilities. Users are advised to upgrade. Users unable to upgrade should avoid parsing untrusted XML strings.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.410CVSS Base Score is 4.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-39908 was patched at 2024-07-18

369. Denial of Service - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-43167) - Low [184]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'A NULL pointer dereference flaw was found in the ub_ctx_set_fwd function in Unbound. This issue could allow an attacker who can invoke specific sequences of API calls to cause a segmentation fault. When certain API functions such as ub_ctx_set_fwd and ub_ctx_resolvconf are called in a particular order, the program attempts to read from a NULL pointer, leading to a crash. This issue can result in a denial of service by causing the application to terminate unexpectedly.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'A NULL pointer dereference flaw was found in the ub_ctx_set_fwd function in Unbound. This issue could allow an attacker who can invoke specific sequences of API calls to cause a segmentation fault. When certain API functions such as ub_ctx_set_fwd and ub_ctx_resolvconf are called in a particular order, the program attempts to read from a NULL pointer, leading to a crash. This issue can result in a denial of service by causing the application to terminate unexpectedly.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.310CVSS Base Score is 2.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-43167 was patched at 2024-08-21

370. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2023-52888) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: media: mediatek: vcodec: Only free buffer VA that is not NULL In the MediaTek vcodec driver, while mtk_vcodec_mem_free() is mostly called only when the buffer to free exists, there are some instances that didn't do the check and triggered warnings in practice. We believe those checks were forgotten unintentionally. Add the checks back to fix the warnings.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmedia: mediatek: vcodec: Only free buffer VA that is not NULL\n\nIn the MediaTek vcodec driver, while mtk_vcodec_mem_free() is mostly\ncalled only when the buffer to free exists, there are some instances\nthat didn't do the check and triggered warnings in practice.\n\nWe believe those checks were forgotten unintentionally. Add the checks\nback to fix the warnings.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2023-52888 was patched at 2024-08-01

371. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-26858) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/mlx5e: Use a memory barrier to enforce PTP WQ xmit submission tracking occurs after populating the metadata_map Just simply reordering the functions mlx5e_ptp_metadata_map_put and mlx5e_ptpsq_track_metadata in the mlx5e_txwqe_complete context is not good enough since both the compiler and CPU are free to reorder these two functions. If reordering does occur, the issue that was supposedly fixed by 7e3f3ba97e6c ("net/mlx5e: Track xmit submission to PTP WQ after populating metadata map") will be seen. This will lead to NULL pointer dereferences in mlx5e_ptpsq_mark_ts_cqes_undelivered in the NAPI polling context due to the tracking list being populated before the metadata map.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet/mlx5e: Use a memory barrier to enforce PTP WQ xmit submission tracking occurs after populating the metadata_map\n\nJust simply reordering the functions mlx5e_ptp_metadata_map_put and\nmlx5e_ptpsq_track_metadata in the mlx5e_txwqe_complete context is not good\nenough since both the compiler and CPU are free to reorder these two\nfunctions. If reordering does occur, the issue that was supposedly fixed by\n7e3f3ba97e6c ("net/mlx5e: Track xmit submission to PTP WQ after populating\nmetadata map") will be seen. This will lead to NULL pointer dereferences in\nmlx5e_ptpsq_mark_ts_cqes_undelivered in the NAPI polling context due to the\ntracking list being populated before the metadata map.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-26858 was patched at 2024-07-18

372. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35850) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: Bluetooth: qca: fix NULL-deref on non-serdev setup Qualcomm ROME controllers can be registered from the Bluetooth line discipline and in this case the HCI UART serdev pointer is NULL. Add the missing sanity check to prevent a NULL-pointer dereference when setup() is called for a non-serdev controller.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nBluetooth: qca: fix NULL-deref on non-serdev setup\n\nQualcomm ROME controllers can be registered from the Bluetooth line\ndiscipline and in this case the HCI UART serdev pointer is NULL.\n\nAdd the missing sanity check to prevent a NULL-pointer dereference when\nsetup() is called for a non-serdev controller.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35850 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

373. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35856) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: Bluetooth: btusb: mediatek: Fix double free of skb in coredump hci_devcd_append() would free the skb on error so the caller don't have to free it again otherwise it would cause the double free of skb. Reported-by : Dan Carpenter <>', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nBluetooth: btusb: mediatek: Fix double free of skb in coredump\n\nhci_devcd_append() would free the skb on error so the caller don't\nhave to free it again otherwise it would cause the double free of skb.\n\nReported-by : Dan Carpenter <>', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35856 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

374. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35987) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: riscv: Fix loading 64-bit NOMMU kernels past the start of RAM commit 3335068f8721 ("riscv: Use PUD/P4D/PGD pages for the linear mapping") added logic to allow using RAM below the kernel load address. However, this does not work for NOMMU, where PAGE_OFFSET is fixed to the kernel load address. Since that range of memory corresponds to PFNs below ARCH_PFN_OFFSET, mm initialization runs off the beginning of mem_map and corrupts adjacent kernel memory. Fix this by restoring the previous behavior for NOMMU kernels.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nriscv: Fix loading 64-bit NOMMU kernels past the start of RAM\n\ncommit 3335068f8721 ("riscv: Use PUD/P4D/PGD pages for the linear\nmapping") added logic to allow using RAM below the kernel load address.\nHowever, this does not work for NOMMU, where PAGE_OFFSET is fixed to the\nkernel load address. Since that range of memory corresponds to PFNs\nbelow ARCH_PFN_OFFSET, mm initialization runs off the beginning of\nmem_map and corrupts adjacent kernel memory. Fix this by restoring the\nprevious behavior for NOMMU kernels.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35987 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

375. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35991) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: dmaengine: idxd: Convert spinlock to mutex to lock evl workqueue drain_workqueue() cannot be called safely in a spinlocked context due to possible task rescheduling. In the multi-task scenario, calling queue_work() while drain_workqueue() will lead to a Call Trace as pushing a work on a draining workqueue is not permitted in spinlocked context. Call Trace: <TASK> ? __warn+0x7d/0x140 ? __queue_work+0x2b2/0x440 ? report_bug+0x1f8/0x200 ? handle_bug+0x3c/0x70 ? exc_invalid_op+0x18/0x70 ? asm_exc_invalid_op+0x1a/0x20 ? __queue_work+0x2b2/0x440 queue_work_on+0x28/0x30 idxd_misc_thread+0x303/0x5a0 [idxd] ? __schedule+0x369/0xb40 ? __pfx_irq_thread_fn+0x10/0x10 ? irq_thread+0xbc/0x1b0 irq_thread_fn+0x21/0x70 irq_thread+0x102/0x1b0 ? preempt_count_add+0x74/0xa0 ? __pfx_irq_thread_dtor+0x10/0x10 ? __pfx_irq_thread+0x10/0x10 kthread+0x103/0x140 ? __pfx_kthread+0x10/0x10 ret_from_fork+0x31/0x50 ? __pfx_kthread+0x10/0x10 ret_from_fork_asm+0x1b/0x30 </TASK> The current implementation uses a spinlock to protect event log workqueue and will lead to the Call Trace due to potential task rescheduling. To address the locking issue, convert the spinlock to mutex, allowing the drain_workqueue() to be called in a safe mutex-locked context. This change ensures proper synchronization when accessing the event log workqueue, preventing potential Call Trace and improving the overall robustness of the code.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndmaengine: idxd: Convert spinlock to mutex to lock evl workqueue\n\ndrain_workqueue() cannot be called safely in a spinlocked context due to\npossible task rescheduling. In the multi-task scenario, calling\nqueue_work() while drain_workqueue() will lead to a Call Trace as\npushing a work on a draining workqueue is not permitted in spinlocked\ncontext.\n Call Trace:\n <TASK>\n ? __warn+0x7d/0x140\n ? __queue_work+0x2b2/0x440\n ? report_bug+0x1f8/0x200\n ? handle_bug+0x3c/0x70\n ? exc_invalid_op+0x18/0x70\n ? asm_exc_invalid_op+0x1a/0x20\n ? __queue_work+0x2b2/0x440\n queue_work_on+0x28/0x30\n idxd_misc_thread+0x303/0x5a0 [idxd]\n ? __schedule+0x369/0xb40\n ? __pfx_irq_thread_fn+0x10/0x10\n ? irq_thread+0xbc/0x1b0\n irq_thread_fn+0x21/0x70\n irq_thread+0x102/0x1b0\n ? preempt_count_add+0x74/0xa0\n ? __pfx_irq_thread_dtor+0x10/0x10\n ? __pfx_irq_thread+0x10/0x10\n kthread+0x103/0x140\n ? __pfx_kthread+0x10/0x10\n ret_from_fork+0x31/0x50\n ? __pfx_kthread+0x10/0x10\n ret_from_fork_asm+0x1b/0x30\n </TASK>\n\nThe current implementation uses a spinlock to protect event log workqueue\nand will lead to the Call Trace due to potential task rescheduling.\n\nTo address the locking issue, convert the spinlock to mutex, allowing\nthe drain_workqueue() to be called in a safe mutex-locked context.\n\nThis change ensures proper synchronization when accessing the event log\nworkqueue, preventing potential Call Trace and improving the overall\nrobustness of the code.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35991 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

376. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35993) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mm: turn folio_test_hugetlb into a PageType The current folio_test_hugetlb() can be fooled by a concurrent folio split into returning true for a folio which has never belonged to hugetlbfs. This can't happen if the caller holds a refcount on it, but we have a few places (memory-failure, compaction, procfs) which do not and should not take a speculative reference. Since hugetlb pages do not use individual page mapcounts (they are always fully mapped and use the entire_mapcount field to record the number of mappings), the PageType field is available now that page_mapcount() ignores the value in this field. In compaction and with CONFIG_DEBUG_VM enabled, the current implementation can result in an oops, as reported by Luis. This happens since 9c5ccf2db04b ("mm: remove HUGETLB_PAGE_DTOR") effectively added some VM_BUG_ON() checks in the PageHuge() testing path. [ update vmcoreinfo] Link:', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmm: turn folio_test_hugetlb into a PageType\n\nThe current folio_test_hugetlb() can be fooled by a concurrent folio split\ninto returning true for a folio which has never belonged to hugetlbfs. \nThis can't happen if the caller holds a refcount on it, but we have a few\nplaces (memory-failure, compaction, procfs) which do not and should not\ntake a speculative reference.\n\nSince hugetlb pages do not use individual page mapcounts (they are always\nfully mapped and use the entire_mapcount field to record the number of\nmappings), the PageType field is available now that page_mapcount()\nignores the value in this field.\n\nIn compaction and with CONFIG_DEBUG_VM enabled, the current implementation\ncan result in an oops, as reported by Luis. This happens since 9c5ccf2db04b\n("mm: remove HUGETLB_PAGE_DTOR") effectively added some VM_BUG_ON() checks\nin the PageHuge() testing path.\n\n[ update vmcoreinfo]\n Link:', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35993 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

377. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36003) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ice: fix LAG and VF lock dependency in ice_reset_vf() 9f74a3dfcf83 ("ice: Fix VF Reset paths when interface in a failed over aggregate"), the ice driver has acquired the LAG mutex in ice_reset_vf(). The commit placed this lock acquisition just prior to the acquisition of the VF configuration lock. If ice_reset_vf() acquires the configuration lock via the ICE_VF_RESET_LOCK flag, this could deadlock with ice_vc_cfg_qs_msg() because it always acquires the locks in the order of the VF configuration lock and then the LAG mutex. Lockdep reports this violation almost immediately on creating and then removing 2 VF: ====================================================== WARNING: possible circular locking dependency detected 6.8.0-rc6 #54 Tainted: G W O ------------------------------------------------------ kworker/60:3/6771 is trying to acquire lock: ff40d43e099380a0 (&vf->cfg_lock){+.+.}-{3:3}, at: ice_reset_vf+0x22f/0x4d0 [ice] but task is already holding lock: ff40d43ea1961210 (&pf->lag_mutex){+.+.}-{3:3}, at: ice_reset_vf+0xb7/0x4d0 [ice] which lock already depends on the new lock. the existing dependency chain (in reverse order) is: -> #1 (&pf->lag_mutex){+.+.}-{3:3}: __lock_acquire+0x4f8/0xb40 lock_acquire+0xd4/0x2d0 __mutex_lock+0x9b/0xbf0 ice_vc_cfg_qs_msg+0x45/0x690 [ice] ice_vc_process_vf_msg+0x4f5/0x870 [ice] __ice_clean_ctrlq+0x2b5/0x600 [ice] ice_service_task+0x2c9/0x480 [ice] process_one_work+0x1e9/0x4d0 worker_thread+0x1e1/0x3d0 kthread+0x104/0x140 ret_from_fork+0x31/0x50 ret_from_fork_asm+0x1b/0x30 -> #0 (&vf->cfg_lock){+.+.}-{3:3}: check_prev_add+0xe2/0xc50 validate_chain+0x558/0x800 __lock_acquire+0x4f8/0xb40 lock_acquire+0xd4/0x2d0 __mutex_lock+0x9b/0xbf0 ice_reset_vf+0x22f/0x4d0 [ice] ice_process_vflr_event+0x98/0xd0 [ice] ice_service_task+0x1cc/0x480 [ice] process_one_work+0x1e9/0x4d0 worker_thread+0x1e1/0x3d0 kthread+0x104/0x140 ret_from_fork+0x31/0x50 ret_from_fork_asm+0x1b/0x30 other info that might help us debug this: Possible unsafe locking scenario: CPU0 CPU1 ---- ---- lock(&pf->lag_mutex); lock(&vf->cfg_lock); lock(&pf->lag_mutex); lock(&vf->cfg_lock); *** DEADLOCK *** 4 locks held by kworker/60:3/6771: #0: ff40d43e05428b38 ((wq_completion)ice){+.+.}-{0:0}, at: process_one_work+0x176/0x4d0 #1: ff50d06e05197e58 ((work_completion)(&pf->serv_task)){+.+.}-{0:0}, at: process_one_work+0x176/0x4d0 #2: ff40d43ea1960e50 (&pf->vfs.table_lock){+.+.}-{3:3}, at: ice_process_vflr_event+0x48/0xd0 [ice] #3: ff40d43ea1961210 (&pf->lag_mutex){+.+.}-{3:3}, at: ice_reset_vf+0xb7/0x4d0 [ice] stack backtrace: CPU: 60 PID: 6771 Comm: kworker/60:3 Tainted: G W O 6.8.0-rc6 #54 Hardware name: Workqueue: ice ice_service_task [ice] Call Trace: <TASK> dump_stack_lvl+0x4a/0x80 check_noncircular+0x12d/0x150 check_prev_add+0xe2/0xc50 ? save_trace+0x59/0x230 ? add_chain_cache+0x109/0x450 validate_chain+0x558/0x800 __lock_acquire+0x4f8/0xb40 ? lockdep_hardirqs_on+0x7d/0x100 lock_acquire+0xd4/0x2d0 ? ice_reset_vf+0x22f/0x4d0 [ice] ? lock_is_held_type+0xc7/0x120 __mutex_lock+0x9b/0xbf0 ? ice_reset_vf+0x22f/0x4d0 [ice] ? ice_reset_vf+0x22f/0x4d0 [ice] ? rcu_is_watching+0x11/0x50 ? ice_reset_vf+0x22f/0x4d0 [ice] ice_reset_vf+0x22f/0x4d0 [ice] ? process_one_work+0x176/0x4d0 ice_process_vflr_event+0x98/0xd0 [ice] ice_service_task+0x1cc/0x480 [ice] process_one_work+0x1e9/0x4d0 worker_thread+0x1e1/0x3d0 ? __pfx_worker_thread+0x10/0x10 kthread+0x104/0x140 ? __pfx_kthread+0x10/0x10 ret_from_fork+0x31/0x50 ? __pfx_kthread+0x10/0x10 ret_from_fork_asm+0x1b/0x30 </TASK> To avoid deadlock, we must acquire the LAG ---truncated---', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nice: fix LAG and VF lock dependency in ice_reset_vf()\n\n9f74a3dfcf83 ("ice: Fix VF Reset paths when interface in a failed over\naggregate"), the ice driver has acquired the LAG mutex in ice_reset_vf().\nThe commit placed this lock acquisition just prior to the acquisition of\nthe VF configuration lock.\n\nIf ice_reset_vf() acquires the configuration lock via the ICE_VF_RESET_LOCK\nflag, this could deadlock with ice_vc_cfg_qs_msg() because it always\nacquires the locks in the order of the VF configuration lock and then the\nLAG mutex.\n\nLockdep reports this violation almost immediately on creating and then\nremoving 2 VF:\n\n======================================================\nWARNING: possible circular locking dependency detected\n6.8.0-rc6 #54 Tainted: G W O\n------------------------------------------------------\nkworker/60:3/6771 is trying to acquire lock:\nff40d43e099380a0 (&vf->cfg_lock){+.+.}-{3:3}, at: ice_reset_vf+0x22f/0x4d0 [ice]\n\nbut task is already holding lock:\nff40d43ea1961210 (&pf->lag_mutex){+.+.}-{3:3}, at: ice_reset_vf+0xb7/0x4d0 [ice]\n\nwhich lock already depends on the new lock.\n\nthe existing dependency chain (in reverse order) is:\n\n-> #1 (&pf->lag_mutex){+.+.}-{3:3}:\n __lock_acquire+0x4f8/0xb40\n lock_acquire+0xd4/0x2d0\n __mutex_lock+0x9b/0xbf0\n ice_vc_cfg_qs_msg+0x45/0x690 [ice]\n ice_vc_process_vf_msg+0x4f5/0x870 [ice]\n __ice_clean_ctrlq+0x2b5/0x600 [ice]\n ice_service_task+0x2c9/0x480 [ice]\n process_one_work+0x1e9/0x4d0\n worker_thread+0x1e1/0x3d0\n kthread+0x104/0x140\n ret_from_fork+0x31/0x50\n ret_from_fork_asm+0x1b/0x30\n\n-> #0 (&vf->cfg_lock){+.+.}-{3:3}:\n check_prev_add+0xe2/0xc50\n validate_chain+0x558/0x800\n __lock_acquire+0x4f8/0xb40\n lock_acquire+0xd4/0x2d0\n __mutex_lock+0x9b/0xbf0\n ice_reset_vf+0x22f/0x4d0 [ice]\n ice_process_vflr_event+0x98/0xd0 [ice]\n ice_service_task+0x1cc/0x480 [ice]\n process_one_work+0x1e9/0x4d0\n worker_thread+0x1e1/0x3d0\n kthread+0x104/0x140\n ret_from_fork+0x31/0x50\n ret_from_fork_asm+0x1b/0x30\n\nother info that might help us debug this:\n Possible unsafe locking scenario:\n CPU0 CPU1\n ---- ----\n lock(&pf->lag_mutex);\n lock(&vf->cfg_lock);\n lock(&pf->lag_mutex);\n lock(&vf->cfg_lock);\n\n *** DEADLOCK ***\n4 locks held by kworker/60:3/6771:\n #0: ff40d43e05428b38 ((wq_completion)ice){+.+.}-{0:0}, at: process_one_work+0x176/0x4d0\n #1: ff50d06e05197e58 ((work_completion)(&pf->serv_task)){+.+.}-{0:0}, at: process_one_work+0x176/0x4d0\n #2: ff40d43ea1960e50 (&pf->vfs.table_lock){+.+.}-{3:3}, at: ice_process_vflr_event+0x48/0xd0 [ice]\n #3: ff40d43ea1961210 (&pf->lag_mutex){+.+.}-{3:3}, at: ice_reset_vf+0xb7/0x4d0 [ice]\n\nstack backtrace:\nCPU: 60 PID: 6771 Comm: kworker/60:3 Tainted: G W O 6.8.0-rc6 #54\nHardware name:\nWorkqueue: ice ice_service_task [ice]\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n dump_stack_lvl+0x4a/0x80\n check_noncircular+0x12d/0x150\n check_prev_add+0xe2/0xc50\n ? save_trace+0x59/0x230\n ? add_chain_cache+0x109/0x450\n validate_chain+0x558/0x800\n __lock_acquire+0x4f8/0xb40\n ? lockdep_hardirqs_on+0x7d/0x100\n lock_acquire+0xd4/0x2d0\n ? ice_reset_vf+0x22f/0x4d0 [ice]\n ? lock_is_held_type+0xc7/0x120\n __mutex_lock+0x9b/0xbf0\n ? ice_reset_vf+0x22f/0x4d0 [ice]\n ? ice_reset_vf+0x22f/0x4d0 [ice]\n ? rcu_is_watching+0x11/0x50\n ? ice_reset_vf+0x22f/0x4d0 [ice]\n ice_reset_vf+0x22f/0x4d0 [ice]\n ? process_one_work+0x176/0x4d0\n ice_process_vflr_event+0x98/0xd0 [ice]\n ice_service_task+0x1cc/0x480 [ice]\n process_one_work+0x1e9/0x4d0\n worker_thread+0x1e1/0x3d0\n ? __pfx_worker_thread+0x10/0x10\n kthread+0x104/0x140\n ? __pfx_kthread+0x10/0x10\n ret_from_fork+0x31/0x50\n ? __pfx_kthread+0x10/0x10\n ret_from_fork_asm+0x1b/0x30\n </TASK>\n\nTo avoid deadlock, we must acquire the LAG \n---truncated---', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

ubuntu: CVE-2024-36003 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

378. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36887) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: e1000e: change usleep_range to udelay in PHY mdic access This is a partial revert of commit 6dbdd4de0362 ("e1000e: Workaround for sporadic MDI error on Meteor Lake systems"). The referenced commit used usleep_range inside the PHY access routines, which are sometimes called from an atomic context. This can lead to a kernel panic in some scenarios, such as cable disconnection and reconnection on vPro systems. Solve this by changing the usleep_range calls back to udelay.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ne1000e: change usleep_range to udelay in PHY mdic access\n\nThis is a partial revert of commit 6dbdd4de0362 ("e1000e: Workaround\nfor sporadic MDI error on Meteor Lake systems"). The referenced commit\nused usleep_range inside the PHY access routines, which are sometimes\ncalled from an atomic context. This can lead to a kernel panic in some\nscenarios, such as cable disconnection and reconnection on vPro systems.\n\nSolve this by changing the usleep_range calls back to udelay.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

ubuntu: CVE-2024-36887 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

379. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36895) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: usb: gadget: uvc: use correct buffer size when parsing configfs lists This commit fixes uvc gadget support on 32-bit platforms. Commit 0df28607c5cb ("usb: gadget: uvc: Generalise helper functions for reuse") introduced a helper function __uvcg_iter_item_entries() to aid with parsing lists of items on configfs attributes stores. This function is a generalization of another very similar function, which used a stack-allocated temporary buffer of fixed size for each item in the list and used the sizeof() operator to check for potential buffer overruns. The new function was changed to allocate the now variably sized temp buffer on heap, but wasn't properly updated to also check for max buffer size using the computed size instead of sizeof() operator. As a result, the maximum item size was 7 (plus null terminator) on 64-bit platforms, and 3 on 32-bit ones. While 7 is accidentally just barely enough, 3 is definitely too small for some of UVC configfs attributes. For example, dwFrameInteval, specified in 100ns units, usually has 6-digit item values, e.g. 166666 for 60fps.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nusb: gadget: uvc: use correct buffer size when parsing configfs lists\n\nThis commit fixes uvc gadget support on 32-bit platforms.\n\nCommit 0df28607c5cb ("usb: gadget: uvc: Generalise helper functions for\nreuse") introduced a helper function __uvcg_iter_item_entries() to aid\nwith parsing lists of items on configfs attributes stores. This function\nis a generalization of another very similar function, which used a\nstack-allocated temporary buffer of fixed size for each item in the list\nand used the sizeof() operator to check for potential buffer overruns.\nThe new function was changed to allocate the now variably sized temp\nbuffer on heap, but wasn't properly updated to also check for max buffer\nsize using the computed size instead of sizeof() operator.\n\nAs a result, the maximum item size was 7 (plus null terminator) on\n64-bit platforms, and 3 on 32-bit ones. While 7 is accidentally just\nbarely enough, 3 is definitely too small for some of UVC configfs\nattributes. For example, dwFrameInteval, specified in 100ns units,\nusually has 6-digit item values, e.g. 166666 for 60fps.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

ubuntu: CVE-2024-36895 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

380. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36963) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: tracefs: Reset permissions on remount if permissions are options There's an inconsistency with the way permissions are handled in tracefs. Because the permissions are generated when accessed, they default to the root inode's permission if they were never set by the user. If the user sets the permissions, then a flag is set and the permissions are saved via the inode (for tracefs files) or an internal attribute field (for eventfs). But if a remount happens that specify the permissions, all the files that were not changed by the user gets updated, but the ones that were are not. If the user were to remount the file system with a given permission, then all files and directories within that file system should be updated. This can cause security issues if a file's permission was updated but the admin forgot about it. They could incorrectly think that remounting with permissions set would update all files, but miss some. For example: # cd /sys/kernel/tracing # chgrp 1002 current_tracer # ls -l [..] -rw-r----- 1 root root 0 May 1 21:25 buffer_size_kb -rw-r----- 1 root root 0 May 1 21:25 buffer_subbuf_size_kb -r--r----- 1 root root 0 May 1 21:25 buffer_total_size_kb -rw-r----- 1 root lkp 0 May 1 21:25 current_tracer -rw-r----- 1 root root 0 May 1 21:25 dynamic_events -r--r----- 1 root root 0 May 1 21:25 dyn_ftrace_total_info -r--r----- 1 root root 0 May 1 21:25 enabled_functions Where current_tracer now has group "lkp". # mount -o remount,gid=1001 . # ls -l -rw-r----- 1 root tracing 0 May 1 21:25 buffer_size_kb -rw-r----- 1 root tracing 0 May 1 21:25 buffer_subbuf_size_kb -r--r----- 1 root tracing 0 May 1 21:25 buffer_total_size_kb -rw-r----- 1 root lkp 0 May 1 21:25 current_tracer -rw-r----- 1 root tracing 0 May 1 21:25 dynamic_events -r--r----- 1 root tracing 0 May 1 21:25 dyn_ftrace_total_info -r--r----- 1 root tracing 0 May 1 21:25 enabled_functions Everything changed but the "current_tracer". Add a new link list that keeps track of all the tracefs_inodes which has the permission flags that tell if the file/dir should use the root inode's permission or not. Then on remount, clear all the flags so that the default behavior of using the root inode's permission is done for all files and directories.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ntracefs: Reset permissions on remount if permissions are options\n\nThere's an inconsistency with the way permissions are handled in tracefs.\nBecause the permissions are generated when accessed, they default to the\nroot inode's permission if they were never set by the user. If the user\nsets the permissions, then a flag is set and the permissions are saved via\nthe inode (for tracefs files) or an internal attribute field (for\neventfs).\n\nBut if a remount happens that specify the permissions, all the files that\nwere not changed by the user gets updated, but the ones that were are not.\nIf the user were to remount the file system with a given permission, then\nall files and directories within that file system should be updated.\n\nThis can cause security issues if a file's permission was updated but the\nadmin forgot about it. They could incorrectly think that remounting with\npermissions set would update all files, but miss some.\n\nFor example:\n\n # cd /sys/kernel/tracing\n # chgrp 1002 current_tracer\n # ls -l\n[..]\n -rw-r----- 1 root root 0 May 1 21:25 buffer_size_kb\n -rw-r----- 1 root root 0 May 1 21:25 buffer_subbuf_size_kb\n -r--r----- 1 root root 0 May 1 21:25 buffer_total_size_kb\n -rw-r----- 1 root lkp 0 May 1 21:25 current_tracer\n -rw-r----- 1 root root 0 May 1 21:25 dynamic_events\n -r--r----- 1 root root 0 May 1 21:25 dyn_ftrace_total_info\n -r--r----- 1 root root 0 May 1 21:25 enabled_functions\n\nWhere current_tracer now has group "lkp".\n\n # mount -o remount,gid=1001 .\n # ls -l\n -rw-r----- 1 root tracing 0 May 1 21:25 buffer_size_kb\n -rw-r----- 1 root tracing 0 May 1 21:25 buffer_subbuf_size_kb\n -r--r----- 1 root tracing 0 May 1 21:25 buffer_total_size_kb\n -rw-r----- 1 root lkp 0 May 1 21:25 current_tracer\n -rw-r----- 1 root tracing 0 May 1 21:25 dynamic_events\n -r--r----- 1 root tracing 0 May 1 21:25 dyn_ftrace_total_info\n -r--r----- 1 root tracing 0 May 1 21:25 enabled_functions\n\nEverything changed but the "current_tracer".\n\nAdd a new link list that keeps track of all the tracefs_inodes which has\nthe permission flags that tell if the file/dir should use the root inode's\npermission or not. Then on remount, clear all the flags so that the\ndefault behavior of using the root inode's permission is done for all\nfiles and directories.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

ubuntu: CVE-2024-36963 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

381. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36966) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: erofs: reliably distinguish block based and fscache mode When erofs_kill_sb() is called in block dev based mode, s_bdev may not have been initialised yet, and if CONFIG_EROFS_FS_ONDEMAND is enabled, it will be mistaken for fscache mode, and then attempt to free an anon_dev that has never been allocated, triggering the following warning: ============================================ ida_free called for id=0 which is not allocated. WARNING: CPU: 14 PID: 926 at lib/idr.c:525 ida_free+0x134/0x140 Modules linked in: CPU: 14 PID: 926 Comm: mount Not tainted 6.9.0-rc3-dirty #630 RIP: 0010:ida_free+0x134/0x140 Call Trace: <TASK> erofs_kill_sb+0x81/0x90 deactivate_locked_super+0x35/0x80 get_tree_bdev+0x136/0x1e0 vfs_get_tree+0x2c/0xf0 do_new_mount+0x190/0x2f0 [...] ============================================ Now when erofs_kill_sb() is called, erofs_sb_info must have been initialised, so use sbi->fsid to distinguish between the two modes.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nerofs: reliably distinguish block based and fscache mode\n\nWhen erofs_kill_sb() is called in block dev based mode, s_bdev may not\nhave been initialised yet, and if CONFIG_EROFS_FS_ONDEMAND is enabled,\nit will be mistaken for fscache mode, and then attempt to free an anon_dev\nthat has never been allocated, triggering the following warning:\n\n============================================\nida_free called for id=0 which is not allocated.\nWARNING: CPU: 14 PID: 926 at lib/idr.c:525 ida_free+0x134/0x140\nModules linked in:\nCPU: 14 PID: 926 Comm: mount Not tainted 6.9.0-rc3-dirty #630\nRIP: 0010:ida_free+0x134/0x140\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n erofs_kill_sb+0x81/0x90\n deactivate_locked_super+0x35/0x80\n get_tree_bdev+0x136/0x1e0\n vfs_get_tree+0x2c/0xf0\n do_new_mount+0x190/0x2f0\n [...]\n============================================\n\nNow when erofs_kill_sb() is called, erofs_sb_info must have been\ninitialised, so use sbi->fsid to distinguish between the two modes.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

ubuntu: CVE-2024-36966 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

382. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38542) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: RDMA/mana_ib: boundary check before installing cq callbacks Add a boundary check inside mana_ib_install_cq_cb to prevent index overflow.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nRDMA/mana_ib: boundary check before installing cq callbacks\n\nAdd a boundary check inside mana_ib_install_cq_cb to prevent index overflow.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

ubuntu: CVE-2024-38542 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

383. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38562) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: nl80211: Avoid address calculations via out of bounds array indexing Before request->channels[] can be used, request->n_channels must be set. Additionally, address calculations for memory after the "channels" array need to be calculated from the allocation base ("request") rather than via the first "out of bounds" index of "channels", otherwise run-time bounds checking will throw a warning.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nwifi: nl80211: Avoid address calculations via out of bounds array indexing\n\nBefore request->channels[] can be used, request->n_channels must be set.\nAdditionally, address calculations for memory after the "channels" array\nneed to be calculated from the allocation base ("request") rather than\nvia the first "out of bounds" index of "channels", otherwise run-time\nbounds checking will throw a warning.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

ubuntu: CVE-2024-38562 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

384. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38566) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bpf: Fix verifier assumptions about socket->sk The verifier assumes that 'sk' field in 'struct socket' is valid and non-NULL when 'socket' pointer itself is trusted and non-NULL. That may not be the case when socket was just created and passed to LSM socket_accept hook. Fix this verifier assumption and adjust tests.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbpf: Fix verifier assumptions about socket->sk\n\nThe verifier assumes that 'sk' field in 'struct socket' is valid\nand non-NULL when 'socket' pointer itself is trusted and non-NULL.\nThat may not be the case when socket was just created and\npassed to LSM socket_accept hook.\nFix this verifier assumption and adjust tests.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

ubuntu: CVE-2024-38566 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

385. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38572) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: ath12k: fix out-of-bound access of qmi_invoke_handler() Currently, there is no terminator entry for ath12k_qmi_msg_handlers hence facing below KASAN warning, ================================================================== BUG: KASAN: global-out-of-bounds in qmi_invoke_handler+0xa4/0x148 Read of size 8 at addr ffffffd00a6428d8 by task kworker/u8:2/1273 CPU: 0 PID: 1273 Comm: kworker/u8:2 Not tainted 5.4.213 #0 Workqueue: qmi_msg_handler qmi_data_ready_work Call trace: dump_backtrace+0x0/0x20c show_stack+0x14/0x1c dump_stack+0xe0/0x138 print_address_description.isra.5+0x30/0x330 __kasan_report+0x16c/0x1bc kasan_report+0xc/0x14 __asan_load8+0xa8/0xb0 qmi_invoke_handler+0xa4/0x148 qmi_handle_message+0x18c/0x1bc qmi_data_ready_work+0x4ec/0x528 process_one_work+0x2c0/0x440 worker_thread+0x324/0x4b8 kthread+0x210/0x228 ret_from_fork+0x10/0x18 The address belongs to the variable: ath12k_mac_mon_status_filter_default+0x4bd8/0xfffffffffffe2300 [ath12k] [...] ================================================================== Add a dummy terminator entry at the end to assist the qmi_invoke_handler() in traversing up to the terminator entry without accessing an out-of-boundary index. Tested-on: QCN9274 hw2.0 PCI WLAN.WBE.1.0.1-00029-QCAHKSWPL_SILICONZ-1', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nwifi: ath12k: fix out-of-bound access of qmi_invoke_handler()\n\nCurrently, there is no terminator entry for ath12k_qmi_msg_handlers hence\nfacing below KASAN warning,\n\n ==================================================================\n BUG: KASAN: global-out-of-bounds in qmi_invoke_handler+0xa4/0x148\n Read of size 8 at addr ffffffd00a6428d8 by task kworker/u8:2/1273\n\n CPU: 0 PID: 1273 Comm: kworker/u8:2 Not tainted 5.4.213 #0\n Workqueue: qmi_msg_handler qmi_data_ready_work\n Call trace:\n dump_backtrace+0x0/0x20c\n show_stack+0x14/0x1c\n dump_stack+0xe0/0x138\n print_address_description.isra.5+0x30/0x330\n __kasan_report+0x16c/0x1bc\n kasan_report+0xc/0x14\n __asan_load8+0xa8/0xb0\n qmi_invoke_handler+0xa4/0x148\n qmi_handle_message+0x18c/0x1bc\n qmi_data_ready_work+0x4ec/0x528\n process_one_work+0x2c0/0x440\n worker_thread+0x324/0x4b8\n kthread+0x210/0x228\n ret_from_fork+0x10/0x18\n\n The address belongs to the variable:\n ath12k_mac_mon_status_filter_default+0x4bd8/0xfffffffffffe2300 [ath12k]\n [...]\n ==================================================================\n\nAdd a dummy terminator entry at the end to assist the qmi_invoke_handler()\nin traversing up to the terminator entry without accessing an\nout-of-boundary index.\n\nTested-on: QCN9274 hw2.0 PCI WLAN.WBE.1.0.1-00029-QCAHKSWPL_SILICONZ-1', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

ubuntu: CVE-2024-38572 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

386. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38574) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: libbpf: Prevent null-pointer dereference when prog to load has no BTF In bpf_objec_load_prog(), there's no guarantee that obj->btf is non-NULL when passing it to btf__fd(), and this function does not perform any check before dereferencing its argument (as bpf_object__btf_fd() used to do). As a consequence, we get segmentation fault errors in bpftool (for example) when trying to load programs that come without BTF information. v2: Keep btf__fd() in the fix instead of reverting to bpf_object__btf_fd().', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nlibbpf: Prevent null-pointer dereference when prog to load has no BTF\n\nIn bpf_objec_load_prog(), there's no guarantee that obj->btf is non-NULL\nwhen passing it to btf__fd(), and this function does not perform any\ncheck before dereferencing its argument (as bpf_object__btf_fd() used to\ndo). As a consequence, we get segmentation fault errors in bpftool (for\nexample) when trying to load programs that come without BTF information.\n\nv2: Keep btf__fd() in the fix instead of reverting to bpf_object__btf_fd().', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

ubuntu: CVE-2024-38574 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

387. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38584) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: ti: icssg_prueth: Fix NULL pointer dereference in prueth_probe() In the prueth_probe() function, if one of the calls to emac_phy_connect() fails due to of_phy_connect() returning NULL, then the subsequent call to phy_attached_info() will dereference a NULL pointer. Check the return code of emac_phy_connect and fail cleanly if there is an error.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: ti: icssg_prueth: Fix NULL pointer dereference in prueth_probe()\n\nIn the prueth_probe() function, if one of the calls to emac_phy_connect()\nfails due to of_phy_connect() returning NULL, then the subsequent call to\nphy_attached_info() will dereference a NULL pointer.\n\nCheck the return code of emac_phy_connect and fail cleanly if there is an\nerror.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

ubuntu: CVE-2024-38584 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

388. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38592) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/mediatek: Init `ddp_comp` with devm_kcalloc() In the case where `conn_routes` is true we allocate an extra slot in the `ddp_comp` array but mtk_drm_crtc_create() never seemed to initialize it in the test case I ran. For me, this caused a later crash when we looped through the array in mtk_drm_crtc_mode_valid(). This showed up for me when I booted with `slub_debug=FZPUA` which poisons the memory initially. Without `slub_debug` I couldn't reproduce, presumably because the later code handles the value being NULL and in most cases (not guaranteed in all cases) the memory the allocator returned started out as 0. It really doesn't hurt to initialize the array with devm_kcalloc() since the array is small and the overhead of initting a handful of elements to 0 is small. In general initting memory to zero is a safer practice and usually it's suggested to only use the non-initting alloc functions if you really need to. Let's switch the function to use an allocation function that zeros the memory. For me, this avoids the crash.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/mediatek: Init `ddp_comp` with devm_kcalloc()\n\nIn the case where `conn_routes` is true we allocate an extra slot in\nthe `ddp_comp` array but mtk_drm_crtc_create() never seemed to\ninitialize it in the test case I ran. For me, this caused a later\ncrash when we looped through the array in mtk_drm_crtc_mode_valid().\nThis showed up for me when I booted with `slub_debug=FZPUA` which\npoisons the memory initially. Without `slub_debug` I couldn't\nreproduce, presumably because the later code handles the value being\nNULL and in most cases (not guaranteed in all cases) the memory the\nallocator returned started out as 0.\n\nIt really doesn't hurt to initialize the array with devm_kcalloc()\nsince the array is small and the overhead of initting a handful of\nelements to 0 is small. In general initting memory to zero is a safer\npractice and usually it's suggested to only use the non-initting alloc\nfunctions if you really need to.\n\nLet's switch the function to use an allocation function that zeros the\nmemory. For me, this avoids the crash.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

ubuntu: CVE-2024-38592 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

389. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38593) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: micrel: Fix receiving the timestamp in the frame for lan8841 The blamed commit started to use the ptp workqueue to get the second part of the timestamp. And when the port was set down, then this workqueue is stopped. But if the config option NETWORK_PHY_TIMESTAMPING is not enabled, then the ptp_clock is not initialized so then it would crash when it would try to access the delayed work. So then basically by setting up and then down the port, it would crash. The fix consists in checking if the ptp_clock is initialized and only then cancel the delayed work.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: micrel: Fix receiving the timestamp in the frame for lan8841\n\nThe blamed commit started to use the ptp workqueue to get the second\npart of the timestamp. And when the port was set down, then this\nworkqueue is stopped. But if the config option NETWORK_PHY_TIMESTAMPING\nis not enabled, then the ptp_clock is not initialized so then it would\ncrash when it would try to access the delayed work.\nSo then basically by setting up and then down the port, it would crash.\nThe fix consists in checking if the ptp_clock is initialized and only\nthen cancel the delayed work.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-38593 was patched at 2024-07-18

ubuntu: CVE-2024-38593 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

390. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38595) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/mlx5: Fix peer devlink set for SF representor devlink port The cited patch change register devlink flow, and neglect to reflect the changes for peer devlink set logic. Peer devlink set is triggering a call trace if done after devl_register.[1] Hence, align peer devlink set logic with register devlink flow. [1] WARNING: CPU: 4 PID: 3394 at net/devlink/core.c:155 devlink_rel_nested_in_add+0x177/0x180 CPU: 4 PID: 3394 Comm: kworker/u40:1 Not tainted 6.9.0-rc4_for_linust_min_debug_2024_04_16_14_08 #1 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (Q35 + ICH9, 2009), BIOS 04/01/2014 Workqueue: mlx5_vhca_event0 mlx5_vhca_state_work_handler [mlx5_core] RIP: 0010:devlink_rel_nested_in_add+0x177/0x180 Call Trace: <TASK> ? __warn+0x78/0x120 ? devlink_rel_nested_in_add+0x177/0x180 ? report_bug+0x16d/0x180 ? handle_bug+0x3c/0x60 ? exc_invalid_op+0x14/0x70 ? asm_exc_invalid_op+0x16/0x20 ? devlink_port_init+0x30/0x30 ? devlink_port_type_clear+0x50/0x50 ? devlink_rel_nested_in_add+0x177/0x180 ? devlink_rel_nested_in_add+0xdd/0x180 mlx5_sf_mdev_event+0x74/0xb0 [mlx5_core] notifier_call_chain+0x35/0xb0 blocking_notifier_call_chain+0x3d/0x60 mlx5_blocking_notifier_call_chain+0x22/0x30 [mlx5_core] mlx5_sf_dev_probe+0x185/0x3e0 [mlx5_core] auxiliary_bus_probe+0x38/0x80 ? driver_sysfs_add+0x51/0x80 really_probe+0xc5/0x3a0 ? driver_probe_device+0x90/0x90 __driver_probe_device+0x80/0x160 driver_probe_device+0x1e/0x90 __device_attach_driver+0x7d/0x100 bus_for_each_drv+0x80/0xd0 __device_attach+0xbc/0x1f0 bus_probe_device+0x86/0xa0 device_add+0x64f/0x860 __auxiliary_device_add+0x3b/0xa0 mlx5_sf_dev_add+0x139/0x330 [mlx5_core] mlx5_sf_dev_state_change_handler+0x1e4/0x250 [mlx5_core] notifier_call_chain+0x35/0xb0 blocking_notifier_call_chain+0x3d/0x60 mlx5_vhca_state_work_handler+0x151/0x200 [mlx5_core] process_one_work+0x13f/0x2e0 worker_thread+0x2bd/0x3c0 ? rescuer_thread+0x410/0x410 kthread+0xc4/0xf0 ? kthread_complete_and_exit+0x20/0x20 ret_from_fork+0x2d/0x50 ? kthread_complete_and_exit+0x20/0x20 ret_from_fork_asm+0x11/0x20 </TASK>', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet/mlx5: Fix peer devlink set for SF representor devlink port\n\nThe cited patch change register devlink flow, and neglect to reflect\nthe changes for peer devlink set logic. Peer devlink set is\ntriggering a call trace if done after devl_register.[1]\n\nHence, align peer devlink set logic with register devlink flow.\n\n[1]\nWARNING: CPU: 4 PID: 3394 at net/devlink/core.c:155 devlink_rel_nested_in_add+0x177/0x180\nCPU: 4 PID: 3394 Comm: kworker/u40:1 Not tainted 6.9.0-rc4_for_linust_min_debug_2024_04_16_14_08 #1\nHardware name: QEMU Standard PC (Q35 + ICH9, 2009), BIOS 04/01/2014\nWorkqueue: mlx5_vhca_event0 mlx5_vhca_state_work_handler [mlx5_core]\nRIP: 0010:devlink_rel_nested_in_add+0x177/0x180\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n ? __warn+0x78/0x120\n ? devlink_rel_nested_in_add+0x177/0x180\n ? report_bug+0x16d/0x180\n ? handle_bug+0x3c/0x60\n ? exc_invalid_op+0x14/0x70\n ? asm_exc_invalid_op+0x16/0x20\n ? devlink_port_init+0x30/0x30\n ? devlink_port_type_clear+0x50/0x50\n ? devlink_rel_nested_in_add+0x177/0x180\n ? devlink_rel_nested_in_add+0xdd/0x180\n mlx5_sf_mdev_event+0x74/0xb0 [mlx5_core]\n notifier_call_chain+0x35/0xb0\n blocking_notifier_call_chain+0x3d/0x60\n mlx5_blocking_notifier_call_chain+0x22/0x30 [mlx5_core]\n mlx5_sf_dev_probe+0x185/0x3e0 [mlx5_core]\n auxiliary_bus_probe+0x38/0x80\n ? driver_sysfs_add+0x51/0x80\n really_probe+0xc5/0x3a0\n ? driver_probe_device+0x90/0x90\n __driver_probe_device+0x80/0x160\n driver_probe_device+0x1e/0x90\n __device_attach_driver+0x7d/0x100\n bus_for_each_drv+0x80/0xd0\n __device_attach+0xbc/0x1f0\n bus_probe_device+0x86/0xa0\n device_add+0x64f/0x860\n __auxiliary_device_add+0x3b/0xa0\n mlx5_sf_dev_add+0x139/0x330 [mlx5_core]\n mlx5_sf_dev_state_change_handler+0x1e4/0x250 [mlx5_core]\n notifier_call_chain+0x35/0xb0\n blocking_notifier_call_chain+0x3d/0x60\n mlx5_vhca_state_work_handler+0x151/0x200 [mlx5_core]\n process_one_work+0x13f/0x2e0\n worker_thread+0x2bd/0x3c0\n ? rescuer_thread+0x410/0x410\n kthread+0xc4/0xf0\n ? kthread_complete_and_exit+0x20/0x20\n ret_from_fork+0x2d/0x50\n ? kthread_complete_and_exit+0x20/0x20\n ret_from_fork_asm+0x11/0x20\n </TASK>', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

ubuntu: CVE-2024-38595 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

391. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38604) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: block: refine the EOF check in blkdev_iomap_begin blkdev_iomap_begin rounds down the offset to the logical block size before stashing it in iomap->offset and checking that it still is inside the inode size. Check the i_size check to the raw pos value so that we don't try a zero size write if iter->pos is unaligned.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nblock: refine the EOF check in blkdev_iomap_begin\n\nblkdev_iomap_begin rounds down the offset to the logical block size\nbefore stashing it in iomap->offset and checking that it still is\ninside the inode size.\n\nCheck the i_size check to the raw pos value so that we don't try a\nzero size write if iter->pos is unaligned.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

ubuntu: CVE-2024-38604 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

392. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38606) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: crypto: qat - validate slices count returned by FW The function adf_send_admin_tl_start() enables the telemetry (TL) feature on a QAT device by sending the ICP_QAT_FW_TL_START message to the firmware. This triggers the FW to start writing TL data to a DMA buffer in memory and returns an array containing the number of accelerators of each type (slices) supported by this HW. The pointer to this array is stored in the adf_tl_hw_data data structure called slice_cnt. The array slice_cnt is then used in the function tl_print_dev_data() to report in debugfs only statistics about the supported accelerators. An incorrect value of the elements in slice_cnt might lead to an out of bounds memory read. At the moment, there isn't an implementation of FW that returns a wrong value, but for robustness validate the slice count array returned by FW.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ncrypto: qat - validate slices count returned by FW\n\nThe function adf_send_admin_tl_start() enables the telemetry (TL)\nfeature on a QAT device by sending the ICP_QAT_FW_TL_START message to\nthe firmware. This triggers the FW to start writing TL data to a DMA\nbuffer in memory and returns an array containing the number of\naccelerators of each type (slices) supported by this HW.\nThe pointer to this array is stored in the adf_tl_hw_data data\nstructure called slice_cnt.\n\nThe array slice_cnt is then used in the function tl_print_dev_data()\nto report in debugfs only statistics about the supported accelerators.\nAn incorrect value of the elements in slice_cnt might lead to an out\nof bounds memory read.\nAt the moment, there isn't an implementation of FW that returns a wrong\nvalue, but for robustness validate the slice count array returned by FW.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

ubuntu: CVE-2024-38606 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

393. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38614) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: openrisc: traps: Don't send signals to kernel mode threads OpenRISC exception handling sends signals to user processes on floating point exceptions and trap instructions (for debugging) among others. There is a bug where the trap handling logic may send signals to kernel threads, we should not send these signals to kernel threads, if that happens we treat it as an error. This patch adds conditions to die if the kernel receives these exceptions in kernel mode code.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nopenrisc: traps: Don't send signals to kernel mode threads\n\nOpenRISC exception handling sends signals to user processes on floating\npoint exceptions and trap instructions (for debugging) among others.\nThere is a bug where the trap handling logic may send signals to kernel\nthreads, we should not send these signals to kernel threads, if that\nhappens we treat it as an error.\n\nThis patch adds conditions to die if the kernel receives these\nexceptions in kernel mode code.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

ubuntu: CVE-2024-38614 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

394. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38617) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: kunit/fortify: Fix mismatched kvalloc()/vfree() usage The kv*() family of tests were accidentally freeing with vfree() instead of kvfree(). Use kvfree() instead.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nkunit/fortify: Fix mismatched kvalloc()/vfree() usage\n\nThe kv*() family of tests were accidentally freeing with vfree() instead\nof kvfree(). Use kvfree() instead.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

ubuntu: CVE-2024-38617 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

395. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38663) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: blk-cgroup: fix list corruption from resetting io stat Since commit 3b8cc6298724 ("blk-cgroup: Optimize blkcg_rstat_flush()"), each iostat instance is added to blkcg percpu list, so blkcg_reset_stats() can't reset the stat instance by memset(), otherwise the llist may be corrupted. Fix the issue by only resetting the counter part.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nblk-cgroup: fix list corruption from resetting io stat\n\nSince commit 3b8cc6298724 ("blk-cgroup: Optimize blkcg_rstat_flush()"),\neach iostat instance is added to blkcg percpu list, so blkcg_reset_stats()\ncan't reset the stat instance by memset(), otherwise the llist may be\ncorrupted.\n\nFix the issue by only resetting the counter part.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-38663 was patched at 2024-07-18

redhat: CVE-2024-38663 was patched at 2024-08-07

396. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40928) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: ethtool: fix the error condition in ethtool_get_phy_stats_ethtool() Clang static checker (scan-build) warning: net/ethtool/ioctl.c:line 2233, column 2 Called function pointer is null (null dereference). Return '-EOPNOTSUPP' when 'ops->get_ethtool_phy_stats' is NULL to fix this typo error.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: ethtool: fix the error condition in ethtool_get_phy_stats_ethtool()\n\nClang static checker (scan-build) warning:\nnet/ethtool/ioctl.c:line 2233, column 2\nCalled function pointer is null (null dereference).\n\nReturn '-EOPNOTSUPP' when 'ops->get_ethtool_phy_stats' is NULL to fix\nthis typo error.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-40928 was patched at 2024-08-14

397. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41011) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/amdkfd: don't allow mapping the MMIO HDP page with large pages We don't get the right offset in that case. The GPU has an unused 4K area of the register BAR space into which you can remap registers. We remap the HDP flush registers into this space to allow userspace (CPU or GPU) to flush the HDP when it updates VRAM. However, on systems with >4K pages, we end up exposing PAGE_SIZE of MMIO space.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/amdkfd: don't allow mapping the MMIO HDP page with large pages\n\nWe don't get the right offset in that case. The GPU has\nan unused 4K area of the register BAR space into which you can\nremap registers. We remap the HDP flush registers into this\nspace to allow userspace (CPU or GPU) to flush the HDP when it\nupdates VRAM. However, on systems with >4K pages, we end up\nexposing PAGE_SIZE of MMIO space.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-41011 was patched at 2024-08-01

ubuntu: CVE-2024-41011 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

398. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41027) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: Fix userfaultfd_api to return EINVAL as expected Currently if we request a feature that is not set in the Kernel config we fail silently and return all the available features. However, the man page indicates we should return an EINVAL. We need to fix this issue since we can end up with a Kernel warning should a program request the feature UFFD_FEATURE_WP_UNPOPULATED on a kernel with the config not set with this feature. [ 200.812896] WARNING: CPU: 91 PID: 13634 at mm/memory.c:1660 zap_pte_range+0x43d/0x660 [ 200.820738] Modules linked in: [ 200.869387] CPU: 91 PID: 13634 Comm: userfaultfd Kdump: loaded Not tainted 6.9.0-rc5+ #8 [ 200.877477] Hardware name: Dell Inc. PowerEdge R6525/0N7YGH, BIOS 2.7.3 03/30/2022 [ 200.885052] RIP: 0010:zap_pte_range+0x43d/0x660', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nFix userfaultfd_api to return EINVAL as expected\n\nCurrently if we request a feature that is not set in the Kernel config we\nfail silently and return all the available features. However, the man\npage indicates we should return an EINVAL.\n\nWe need to fix this issue since we can end up with a Kernel warning should\na program request the feature UFFD_FEATURE_WP_UNPOPULATED on a kernel with\nthe config not set with this feature.\n\n [ 200.812896] WARNING: CPU: 91 PID: 13634 at mm/memory.c:1660 zap_pte_range+0x43d/0x660\n [ 200.820738] Modules linked in:\n [ 200.869387] CPU: 91 PID: 13634 Comm: userfaultfd Kdump: loaded Not tainted 6.9.0-rc5+ #8\n [ 200.877477] Hardware name: Dell Inc. PowerEdge R6525/0N7YGH, BIOS 2.7.3 03/30/2022\n [ 200.885052] RIP: 0010:zap_pte_range+0x43d/0x660', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-41027 was patched at 2024-08-01

399. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41028) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: platform/x86: toshiba_acpi: Fix array out-of-bounds access In order to use toshiba_dmi_quirks[] together with the standard DMI matching functions, it must be terminated by a empty entry. Since this entry is missing, an array out-of-bounds access occurs every time the quirk list is processed. Fix this by adding the terminating empty entry.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nplatform/x86: toshiba_acpi: Fix array out-of-bounds access\n\nIn order to use toshiba_dmi_quirks[] together with the standard DMI\nmatching functions, it must be terminated by a empty entry.\n\nSince this entry is missing, an array out-of-bounds access occurs\nevery time the quirk list is processed.\n\nFix this by adding the terminating empty entry.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-41028 was patched at 2024-08-01

400. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41030) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ksmbd: discard write access to the directory open may_open() does not allow a directory to be opened with the write access. However, some writing flags set by client result in adding write access on server, making ksmbd incompatible with FUSE file system. Simply, let's discard the write access when opening a directory. list_add corruption. next is NULL. ------------[ cut here ]------------ kernel BUG at lib/list_debug.c:26! pc : __list_add_valid+0x88/0xbc lr : __list_add_valid+0x88/0xbc Call trace: __list_add_valid+0x88/0xbc fuse_finish_open+0x11c/0x170 fuse_open_common+0x284/0x5e8 fuse_dir_open+0x14/0x24 do_dentry_open+0x2a4/0x4e0 dentry_open+0x50/0x80 smb2_open+0xbe4/0x15a4 handle_ksmbd_work+0x478/0x5ec process_one_work+0x1b4/0x448 worker_thread+0x25c/0x430 kthread+0x104/0x1d4 ret_from_fork+0x10/0x20', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nksmbd: discard write access to the directory open\n\nmay_open() does not allow a directory to be opened with the write access.\nHowever, some writing flags set by client result in adding write access\non server, making ksmbd incompatible with FUSE file system. Simply, let's\ndiscard the write access when opening a directory.\n\nlist_add corruption. next is NULL.\n------------[ cut here ]------------\nkernel BUG at lib/list_debug.c:26!\npc : __list_add_valid+0x88/0xbc\nlr : __list_add_valid+0x88/0xbc\nCall trace:\n__list_add_valid+0x88/0xbc\nfuse_finish_open+0x11c/0x170\nfuse_open_common+0x284/0x5e8\nfuse_dir_open+0x14/0x24\ndo_dentry_open+0x2a4/0x4e0\ndentry_open+0x50/0x80\nsmb2_open+0xbe4/0x15a4\nhandle_ksmbd_work+0x478/0x5ec\nprocess_one_work+0x1b4/0x448\nworker_thread+0x25c/0x430\nkthread+0x104/0x1d4\nret_from_fork+0x10/0x20', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-41030 was patched at 2024-08-01

401. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41031) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mm/filemap: skip to create PMD-sized page cache if needed On ARM64, HPAGE_PMD_ORDER is 13 when the base page size is 64KB. The PMD-sized page cache can't be supported by xarray as the following error messages indicate. ------------[ cut here ]------------ WARNING: CPU: 35 PID: 7484 at lib/xarray.c:1025 xas_split_alloc+0xf8/0x128 Modules linked in: nft_fib_inet nft_fib_ipv4 nft_fib_ipv6 nft_fib \\ nft_reject_inet nf_reject_ipv4 nf_reject_ipv6 nft_reject nft_ct \\ nft_chain_nat nf_nat nf_conntrack nf_defrag_ipv6 nf_defrag_ipv4 \\ ip_set rfkill nf_tables nfnetlink vfat fat virtio_balloon drm \\ fuse xfs libcrc32c crct10dif_ce ghash_ce sha2_ce sha256_arm64 \\ sha1_ce virtio_net net_failover virtio_console virtio_blk failover \\ dimlib virtio_mmio CPU: 35 PID: 7484 Comm: test Kdump: loaded Tainted: G W 6.10.0-rc5-gavin+ #9 Hardware name: QEMU KVM Virtual Machine, BIOS edk2-20240524-1.el9 05/24/2024 pstate: 83400005 (Nzcv daif +PAN -UAO +TCO +DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--) pc : xas_split_alloc+0xf8/0x128 lr : split_huge_page_to_list_to_order+0x1c4/0x720 sp : ffff800087a4f6c0 x29: ffff800087a4f6c0 x28: ffff800087a4f720 x27: 000000001fffffff x26: 0000000000000c40 x25: 000000000000000d x24: ffff00010625b858 x23: ffff800087a4f720 x22: ffffffdfc0780000 x21: 0000000000000000 x20: 0000000000000000 x19: ffffffdfc0780000 x18: 000000001ff40000 x17: 00000000ffffffff x16: 0000018000000000 x15: 51ec004000000000 x14: 0000e00000000000 x13: 0000000000002000 x12: 0000000000000020 x11: 51ec000000000000 x10: 51ece1c0ffff8000 x9 : ffffbeb961a44d28 x8 : 0000000000000003 x7 : ffffffdfc0456420 x6 : ffff0000e1aa6eb8 x5 : 20bf08b4fe778fca x4 : ffffffdfc0456420 x3 : 0000000000000c40 x2 : 000000000000000d x1 : 000000000000000c x0 : 0000000000000000 Call trace: xas_split_alloc+0xf8/0x128 split_huge_page_to_list_to_order+0x1c4/0x720 truncate_inode_partial_folio+0xdc/0x160 truncate_inode_pages_range+0x1b4/0x4a8 truncate_pagecache_range+0x84/0xa0 xfs_flush_unmap_range+0x70/0x90 [xfs] xfs_file_fallocate+0xfc/0x4d8 [xfs] vfs_fallocate+0x124/0x2e8 ksys_fallocate+0x4c/0xa0 __arm64_sys_fallocate+0x24/0x38 invoke_syscall.constprop.0+0x7c/0xd8 do_el0_svc+0xb4/0xd0 el0_svc+0x44/0x1d8 el0t_64_sync_handler+0x134/0x150 el0t_64_sync+0x17c/0x180 Fix it by skipping to allocate PMD-sized page cache when its size is larger than MAX_PAGECACHE_ORDER. For this specific case, we will fall to regular path where the readahead window is determined by BDI's sysfs file (read_ahead_kb).', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmm/filemap: skip to create PMD-sized page cache if needed\n\nOn ARM64, HPAGE_PMD_ORDER is 13 when the base page size is 64KB. The\nPMD-sized page cache can't be supported by xarray as the following error\nmessages indicate.\n\n------------[ cut here ]------------\nWARNING: CPU: 35 PID: 7484 at lib/xarray.c:1025 xas_split_alloc+0xf8/0x128\nModules linked in: nft_fib_inet nft_fib_ipv4 nft_fib_ipv6 nft_fib \\\nnft_reject_inet nf_reject_ipv4 nf_reject_ipv6 nft_reject nft_ct \\\nnft_chain_nat nf_nat nf_conntrack nf_defrag_ipv6 nf_defrag_ipv4 \\\nip_set rfkill nf_tables nfnetlink vfat fat virtio_balloon drm \\\nfuse xfs libcrc32c crct10dif_ce ghash_ce sha2_ce sha256_arm64 \\\nsha1_ce virtio_net net_failover virtio_console virtio_blk failover \\\ndimlib virtio_mmio\nCPU: 35 PID: 7484 Comm: test Kdump: loaded Tainted: G W 6.10.0-rc5-gavin+ #9\nHardware name: QEMU KVM Virtual Machine, BIOS edk2-20240524-1.el9 05/24/2024\npstate: 83400005 (Nzcv daif +PAN -UAO +TCO +DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--)\npc : xas_split_alloc+0xf8/0x128\nlr : split_huge_page_to_list_to_order+0x1c4/0x720\nsp : ffff800087a4f6c0\nx29: ffff800087a4f6c0 x28: ffff800087a4f720 x27: 000000001fffffff\nx26: 0000000000000c40 x25: 000000000000000d x24: ffff00010625b858\nx23: ffff800087a4f720 x22: ffffffdfc0780000 x21: 0000000000000000\nx20: 0000000000000000 x19: ffffffdfc0780000 x18: 000000001ff40000\nx17: 00000000ffffffff x16: 0000018000000000 x15: 51ec004000000000\nx14: 0000e00000000000 x13: 0000000000002000 x12: 0000000000000020\nx11: 51ec000000000000 x10: 51ece1c0ffff8000 x9 : ffffbeb961a44d28\nx8 : 0000000000000003 x7 : ffffffdfc0456420 x6 : ffff0000e1aa6eb8\nx5 : 20bf08b4fe778fca x4 : ffffffdfc0456420 x3 : 0000000000000c40\nx2 : 000000000000000d x1 : 000000000000000c x0 : 0000000000000000\nCall trace:\n xas_split_alloc+0xf8/0x128\n split_huge_page_to_list_to_order+0x1c4/0x720\n truncate_inode_partial_folio+0xdc/0x160\n truncate_inode_pages_range+0x1b4/0x4a8\n truncate_pagecache_range+0x84/0xa0\n xfs_flush_unmap_range+0x70/0x90 [xfs]\n xfs_file_fallocate+0xfc/0x4d8 [xfs]\n vfs_fallocate+0x124/0x2e8\n ksys_fallocate+0x4c/0xa0\n __arm64_sys_fallocate+0x24/0x38\n invoke_syscall.constprop.0+0x7c/0xd8\n do_el0_svc+0xb4/0xd0\n el0_svc+0x44/0x1d8\n el0t_64_sync_handler+0x134/0x150\n el0t_64_sync+0x17c/0x180\n\nFix it by skipping to allocate PMD-sized page cache when its size is\nlarger than MAX_PAGECACHE_ORDER. For this specific case, we will fall to\nregular path where the readahead window is determined by BDI's sysfs file\n(read_ahead_kb).', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-41031 was patched at 2024-08-01

402. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41036) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: ks8851: Fix deadlock with the SPI chip variant When SMP is enabled and spinlocks are actually functional then there is a deadlock with the 'statelock' spinlock between ks8851_start_xmit_spi and ks8851_irq: watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 27s! call trace: queued_spin_lock_slowpath+0x100/0x284 do_raw_spin_lock+0x34/0x44 ks8851_start_xmit_spi+0x30/0xb8 ks8851_start_xmit+0x14/0x20 netdev_start_xmit+0x40/0x6c dev_hard_start_xmit+0x6c/0xbc sch_direct_xmit+0xa4/0x22c __qdisc_run+0x138/0x3fc qdisc_run+0x24/0x3c net_tx_action+0xf8/0x130 handle_softirqs+0x1ac/0x1f0 __do_softirq+0x14/0x20 ____do_softirq+0x10/0x1c call_on_irq_stack+0x3c/0x58 do_softirq_own_stack+0x1c/0x28 __irq_exit_rcu+0x54/0x9c irq_exit_rcu+0x10/0x1c el1_interrupt+0x38/0x50 el1h_64_irq_handler+0x18/0x24 el1h_64_irq+0x64/0x68 __netif_schedule+0x6c/0x80 netif_tx_wake_queue+0x38/0x48 ks8851_irq+0xb8/0x2c8 irq_thread_fn+0x2c/0x74 irq_thread+0x10c/0x1b0 kthread+0xc8/0xd8 ret_from_fork+0x10/0x20 This issue has not been identified earlier because tests were done on a device with SMP disabled and so spinlocks were actually NOPs. Now use spin_(un)lock_bh for TX queue related locking to avoid execution of softirq work synchronously that would lead to a deadlock.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: ks8851: Fix deadlock with the SPI chip variant\n\nWhen SMP is enabled and spinlocks are actually functional then there is\na deadlock with the 'statelock' spinlock between ks8851_start_xmit_spi\nand ks8851_irq:\n\n watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 27s!\n call trace:\n queued_spin_lock_slowpath+0x100/0x284\n do_raw_spin_lock+0x34/0x44\n ks8851_start_xmit_spi+0x30/0xb8\n ks8851_start_xmit+0x14/0x20\n netdev_start_xmit+0x40/0x6c\n dev_hard_start_xmit+0x6c/0xbc\n sch_direct_xmit+0xa4/0x22c\n __qdisc_run+0x138/0x3fc\n qdisc_run+0x24/0x3c\n net_tx_action+0xf8/0x130\n handle_softirqs+0x1ac/0x1f0\n __do_softirq+0x14/0x20\n ____do_softirq+0x10/0x1c\n call_on_irq_stack+0x3c/0x58\n do_softirq_own_stack+0x1c/0x28\n __irq_exit_rcu+0x54/0x9c\n irq_exit_rcu+0x10/0x1c\n el1_interrupt+0x38/0x50\n el1h_64_irq_handler+0x18/0x24\n el1h_64_irq+0x64/0x68\n __netif_schedule+0x6c/0x80\n netif_tx_wake_queue+0x38/0x48\n ks8851_irq+0xb8/0x2c8\n irq_thread_fn+0x2c/0x74\n irq_thread+0x10c/0x1b0\n kthread+0xc8/0xd8\n ret_from_fork+0x10/0x20\n\nThis issue has not been identified earlier because tests were done on\na device with SMP disabled and so spinlocks were actually NOPs.\n\nNow use spin_(un)lock_bh for TX queue related locking to avoid execution\nof softirq work synchronously that would lead to a deadlock.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-41036 was patched at 2024-08-01

403. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41039) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: firmware: cs_dsp: Fix overflow checking of wmfw header Fix the checking that firmware file buffer is large enough for the wmfw header, to prevent overrunning the buffer. The original code tested that the firmware data buffer contained enough bytes for the sums of the size of the structs \twmfw_header + wmfw_adsp1_sizes + wmfw_footer But wmfw_adsp1_sizes is only used on ADSP1 firmware. For ADSP2 and Halo Core the equivalent struct is wmfw_adsp2_sizes, which is 4 bytes longer. So the length check didn't guarantee that there are enough bytes in the firmware buffer for a header with wmfw_adsp2_sizes. This patch splits the length check into three separate parts. Each of the wmfw_header, wmfw_adsp?_sizes and wmfw_footer are checked separately before they are used.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nfirmware: cs_dsp: Fix overflow checking of wmfw header\n\nFix the checking that firmware file buffer is large enough for the\nwmfw header, to prevent overrunning the buffer.\n\nThe original code tested that the firmware data buffer contained\nenough bytes for the sums of the size of the structs\n\n\twmfw_header + wmfw_adsp1_sizes + wmfw_footer\n\nBut wmfw_adsp1_sizes is only used on ADSP1 firmware. For ADSP2 and\nHalo Core the equivalent struct is wmfw_adsp2_sizes, which is\n4 bytes longer. So the length check didn't guarantee that there\nare enough bytes in the firmware buffer for a header with\nwmfw_adsp2_sizes.\n\nThis patch splits the length check into three separate parts. Each\nof the wmfw_header, wmfw_adsp?_sizes and wmfw_footer are checked\nseparately before they are used.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-41039 was patched at 2024-08-01

404. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41047) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: i40e: Fix XDP program unloading while removing the driver The commit 6533e558c650 ("i40e: Fix reset path while removing the driver") introduced a new PF state "__I40E_IN_REMOVE" to block modifying the XDP program while the driver is being removed. Unfortunately, such a change is useful only if the ".ndo_bpf()" callback was called out of the rmmod context because unloading the existing XDP program is also a part of driver removing procedure. In other words, from the rmmod context the driver is expected to unload the XDP program without reporting any errors. Otherwise, the kernel warning with callstack is printed out to dmesg. Example failing scenario: 1. Load the i40e driver. 2. Load the XDP program. 3. Unload the i40e driver (using "rmmod" command). The example kernel warning log: [ +0.004646] WARNING: CPU: 94 PID: 10395 at net/core/dev.c:9290 unregister_netdevice_many_notify+0x7a9/0x870 [...] [ +0.010959] RIP: 0010:unregister_netdevice_many_notify+0x7a9/0x870 [...] [ +0.002726] Call Trace: [ +0.002457] <TASK> [ +0.002119] ? __warn+0x80/0x120 [ +0.003245] ? unregister_netdevice_many_notify+0x7a9/0x870 [ +0.005586] ? report_bug+0x164/0x190 [ +0.003678] ? handle_bug+0x3c/0x80 [ +0.003503] ? exc_invalid_op+0x17/0x70 [ +0.003846] ? asm_exc_invalid_op+0x1a/0x20 [ +0.004200] ? unregister_netdevice_many_notify+0x7a9/0x870 [ +0.005579] ? unregister_netdevice_many_notify+0x3cc/0x870 [ +0.005586] unregister_netdevice_queue+0xf7/0x140 [ +0.004806] unregister_netdev+0x1c/0x30 [ +0.003933] i40e_vsi_release+0x87/0x2f0 [i40e] [ +0.004604] i40e_remove+0x1a1/0x420 [i40e] [ +0.004220] pci_device_remove+0x3f/0xb0 [ +0.003943] device_release_driver_internal+0x19f/0x200 [ +0.005243] driver_detach+0x48/0x90 [ +0.003586] bus_remove_driver+0x6d/0xf0 [ +0.003939] pci_unregister_driver+0x2e/0xb0 [ +0.004278] i40e_exit_module+0x10/0x5f0 [i40e] [ +0.004570] __do_sys_delete_module.isra.0+0x197/0x310 [ +0.005153] do_syscall_64+0x85/0x170 [ +0.003684] ? syscall_exit_to_user_mode+0x69/0x220 [ +0.004886] ? do_syscall_64+0x95/0x170 [ +0.003851] ? exc_page_fault+0x7e/0x180 [ +0.003932] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x71/0x79 [ +0.005064] RIP: 0033:0x7f59dc9347cb [ +0.003648] Code: 73 01 c3 48 8b 0d 65 16 0c 00 f7 d8 64 89 01 48 83 c8 ff c3 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 90 f3 0f 1e fa b8 b0 00 00 00 0f 05 <48> 3d 01 f0 ff ff 73 01 c3 48 8b 0d 35 16 0c 00 f7 d8 64 89 01 48 [ +0.018753] RSP: 002b:00007ffffac99048 EFLAGS: 00000206 ORIG_RAX: 00000000000000b0 [ +0.007577] RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 0000559b9bb2f6e0 RCX: 00007f59dc9347cb [ +0.007140] RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000800 RDI: 0000559b9bb2f748 [ +0.007146] RBP: 00007ffffac99070 R08: 1999999999999999 R09: 0000000000000000 [ +0.007133] R10: 00007f59dc9a5ac0 R11: 0000000000000206 R12: 0000000000000000 [ +0.007141] R13: 00007ffffac992d8 R14: 0000559b9bb2f6e0 R15: 0000000000000000 [ +0.007151] </TASK> [ +0.002204] ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]--- Fix this by checking if the XDP program is being loaded or unloaded. Then, block only loading a new program while "__I40E_IN_REMOVE" is set. Also, move testing "__I40E_IN_REMOVE" flag to the beginning of XDP_SETUP callback to avoid unnecessary operations and checks.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ni40e: Fix XDP program unloading while removing the driver\n\nThe commit 6533e558c650 ("i40e: Fix reset path while removing\nthe driver") introduced a new PF state "__I40E_IN_REMOVE" to block\nmodifying the XDP program while the driver is being removed.\nUnfortunately, such a change is useful only if the ".ndo_bpf()"\ncallback was called out of the rmmod context because unloading the\nexisting XDP program is also a part of driver removing procedure.\nIn other words, from the rmmod context the driver is expected to\nunload the XDP program without reporting any errors. Otherwise,\nthe kernel warning with callstack is printed out to dmesg.\n\nExample failing scenario:\n 1. Load the i40e driver.\n 2. Load the XDP program.\n 3. Unload the i40e driver (using "rmmod" command).\n\nThe example kernel warning log:\n\n[ +0.004646] WARNING: CPU: 94 PID: 10395 at net/core/dev.c:9290 unregister_netdevice_many_notify+0x7a9/0x870\n[...]\n[ +0.010959] RIP: 0010:unregister_netdevice_many_notify+0x7a9/0x870\n[...]\n[ +0.002726] Call Trace:\n[ +0.002457] <TASK>\n[ +0.002119] ? __warn+0x80/0x120\n[ +0.003245] ? unregister_netdevice_many_notify+0x7a9/0x870\n[ +0.005586] ? report_bug+0x164/0x190\n[ +0.003678] ? handle_bug+0x3c/0x80\n[ +0.003503] ? exc_invalid_op+0x17/0x70\n[ +0.003846] ? asm_exc_invalid_op+0x1a/0x20\n[ +0.004200] ? unregister_netdevice_many_notify+0x7a9/0x870\n[ +0.005579] ? unregister_netdevice_many_notify+0x3cc/0x870\n[ +0.005586] unregister_netdevice_queue+0xf7/0x140\n[ +0.004806] unregister_netdev+0x1c/0x30\n[ +0.003933] i40e_vsi_release+0x87/0x2f0 [i40e]\n[ +0.004604] i40e_remove+0x1a1/0x420 [i40e]\n[ +0.004220] pci_device_remove+0x3f/0xb0\n[ +0.003943] device_release_driver_internal+0x19f/0x200\n[ +0.005243] driver_detach+0x48/0x90\n[ +0.003586] bus_remove_driver+0x6d/0xf0\n[ +0.003939] pci_unregister_driver+0x2e/0xb0\n[ +0.004278] i40e_exit_module+0x10/0x5f0 [i40e]\n[ +0.004570] __do_sys_delete_module.isra.0+0x197/0x310\n[ +0.005153] do_syscall_64+0x85/0x170\n[ +0.003684] ? syscall_exit_to_user_mode+0x69/0x220\n[ +0.004886] ? do_syscall_64+0x95/0x170\n[ +0.003851] ? exc_page_fault+0x7e/0x180\n[ +0.003932] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x71/0x79\n[ +0.005064] RIP: 0033:0x7f59dc9347cb\n[ +0.003648] Code: 73 01 c3 48 8b 0d 65 16 0c 00 f7 d8 64 89 01 48 83\nc8 ff c3 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 90 f3 0f 1e fa b8 b0 00 00 00 0f\n05 <48> 3d 01 f0 ff ff 73 01 c3 48 8b 0d 35 16 0c 00 f7 d8 64 89 01 48\n[ +0.018753] RSP: 002b:00007ffffac99048 EFLAGS: 00000206 ORIG_RAX: 00000000000000b0\n[ +0.007577] RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 0000559b9bb2f6e0 RCX: 00007f59dc9347cb\n[ +0.007140] RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000800 RDI: 0000559b9bb2f748\n[ +0.007146] RBP: 00007ffffac99070 R08: 1999999999999999 R09: 0000000000000000\n[ +0.007133] R10: 00007f59dc9a5ac0 R11: 0000000000000206 R12: 0000000000000000\n[ +0.007141] R13: 00007ffffac992d8 R14: 0000559b9bb2f6e0 R15: 0000000000000000\n[ +0.007151] </TASK>\n[ +0.002204] ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]---\n\nFix this by checking if the XDP program is being loaded or unloaded.\nThen, block only loading a new program while "__I40E_IN_REMOVE" is set.\nAlso, move testing "__I40E_IN_REMOVE" flag to the beginning of XDP_SETUP\ncallback to avoid unnecessary operations and checks.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-41047 was patched at 2024-08-01

405. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41048) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: skmsg: Skip zero length skb in sk_msg_recvmsg When running BPF selftests (./test_progs -t sockmap_basic) on a Loongarch platform, the following kernel panic occurs: [...] Oops[#1]: CPU: 22 PID: 2824 Comm: test_progs Tainted: G OE 6.10.0-rc2+ #18 Hardware name: LOONGSON Dabieshan/Loongson-TC542F0, BIOS Loongson-UDK2018 ... ... ra: 90000000048bf6c0 sk_msg_recvmsg+0x120/0x560 ERA: 9000000004162774 copy_page_to_iter+0x74/0x1c0 CRMD: 000000b0 (PLV0 -IE -DA +PG DACF=CC DACM=CC -WE) PRMD: 0000000c (PPLV0 +PIE +PWE) EUEN: 00000007 (+FPE +SXE +ASXE -BTE) ECFG: 00071c1d (LIE=0,2-4,10-12 VS=7) ESTAT: 00010000 [PIL] (IS= ECode=1 EsubCode=0) BADV: 0000000000000040 PRID: 0014c011 (Loongson-64bit, Loongson-3C5000) Modules linked in: bpf_testmod(OE) xt_CHECKSUM xt_MASQUERADE xt_conntrack Process test_progs (pid: 2824, threadinfo=0000000000863a31, task=...) Stack : ... Call Trace: [<9000000004162774>] copy_page_to_iter+0x74/0x1c0 [<90000000048bf6c0>] sk_msg_recvmsg+0x120/0x560 [<90000000049f2b90>] tcp_bpf_recvmsg_parser+0x170/0x4e0 [<90000000049aae34>] inet_recvmsg+0x54/0x100 [<900000000481ad5c>] sock_recvmsg+0x7c/0xe0 [<900000000481e1a8>] __sys_recvfrom+0x108/0x1c0 [<900000000481e27c>] sys_recvfrom+0x1c/0x40 [<9000000004c076ec>] do_syscall+0x8c/0xc0 [<9000000003731da4>] handle_syscall+0xc4/0x160 Code: ... ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]--- Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception Kernel relocated by 0x3510000 .text @ 0x9000000003710000 .data @ 0x9000000004d70000 .bss @ 0x9000000006469400 ---[ end Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception ]--- [...] This crash happens every time when running sockmap_skb_verdict_shutdown subtest in sockmap_basic. This crash is because a NULL pointer is passed to page_address() in the sk_msg_recvmsg(). Due to the different implementations depending on the architecture, page_address(NULL) will trigger a panic on Loongarch platform but not on x86 platform. So this bug was hidden on x86 platform for a while, but now it is exposed on Loongarch platform. The root cause is that a zero length skb (skb->len == 0) was put on the queue. This zero length skb is a TCP FIN packet, which was sent by shutdown(), invoked in test_sockmap_skb_verdict_shutdown(): \tshutdown(p1, SHUT_WR); In this case, in sk_psock_skb_ingress_enqueue(), num_sge is zero, and no page is put to this sge (see sg_set_page in sg_set_page), but this empty sge is queued into ingress_msg list. And in sk_msg_recvmsg(), this empty sge is used, and a NULL page is got by sg_page(sge). Pass this NULL page to copy_page_to_iter(), which passes it to kmap_local_page() and to page_address(), then kernel panics. To solve this, we should skip this zero length skb. So in sk_msg_recvmsg(), if copy is zero, that means it's a zero length skb, skip invoking copy_page_to_iter(). We are using the EFAULT return triggered by copy_page_to_iter to check for is_fin in tcp_bpf.c.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nskmsg: Skip zero length skb in sk_msg_recvmsg\n\nWhen running BPF selftests (./test_progs -t sockmap_basic) on a Loongarch\nplatform, the following kernel panic occurs:\n\n [...]\n Oops[#1]:\n CPU: 22 PID: 2824 Comm: test_progs Tainted: G OE 6.10.0-rc2+ #18\n Hardware name: LOONGSON Dabieshan/Loongson-TC542F0, BIOS Loongson-UDK2018\n ... ...\n ra: 90000000048bf6c0 sk_msg_recvmsg+0x120/0x560\n ERA: 9000000004162774 copy_page_to_iter+0x74/0x1c0\n CRMD: 000000b0 (PLV0 -IE -DA +PG DACF=CC DACM=CC -WE)\n PRMD: 0000000c (PPLV0 +PIE +PWE)\n EUEN: 00000007 (+FPE +SXE +ASXE -BTE)\n ECFG: 00071c1d (LIE=0,2-4,10-12 VS=7)\n ESTAT: 00010000 [PIL] (IS= ECode=1 EsubCode=0)\n BADV: 0000000000000040\n PRID: 0014c011 (Loongson-64bit, Loongson-3C5000)\n Modules linked in: bpf_testmod(OE) xt_CHECKSUM xt_MASQUERADE xt_conntrack\n Process test_progs (pid: 2824, threadinfo=0000000000863a31, task=...)\n Stack : ...\n Call Trace:\n [<9000000004162774>] copy_page_to_iter+0x74/0x1c0\n [<90000000048bf6c0>] sk_msg_recvmsg+0x120/0x560\n [<90000000049f2b90>] tcp_bpf_recvmsg_parser+0x170/0x4e0\n [<90000000049aae34>] inet_recvmsg+0x54/0x100\n [<900000000481ad5c>] sock_recvmsg+0x7c/0xe0\n [<900000000481e1a8>] __sys_recvfrom+0x108/0x1c0\n [<900000000481e27c>] sys_recvfrom+0x1c/0x40\n [<9000000004c076ec>] do_syscall+0x8c/0xc0\n [<9000000003731da4>] handle_syscall+0xc4/0x160\n Code: ...\n ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]---\n Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception\n Kernel relocated by 0x3510000\n .text @ 0x9000000003710000\n .data @ 0x9000000004d70000\n .bss @ 0x9000000006469400\n ---[ end Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception ]---\n [...]\n\nThis crash happens every time when running sockmap_skb_verdict_shutdown\nsubtest in sockmap_basic.\n\nThis crash is because a NULL pointer is passed to page_address() in the\nsk_msg_recvmsg(). Due to the different implementations depending on the\narchitecture, page_address(NULL) will trigger a panic on Loongarch\nplatform but not on x86 platform. So this bug was hidden on x86 platform\nfor a while, but now it is exposed on Loongarch platform. The root cause\nis that a zero length skb (skb->len == 0) was put on the queue.\n\nThis zero length skb is a TCP FIN packet, which was sent by shutdown(),\ninvoked in test_sockmap_skb_verdict_shutdown():\n\n\tshutdown(p1, SHUT_WR);\n\nIn this case, in sk_psock_skb_ingress_enqueue(), num_sge is zero, and no\npage is put to this sge (see sg_set_page in sg_set_page), but this empty\nsge is queued into ingress_msg list.\n\nAnd in sk_msg_recvmsg(), this empty sge is used, and a NULL page is got by\nsg_page(sge). Pass this NULL page to copy_page_to_iter(), which passes it\nto kmap_local_page() and to page_address(), then kernel panics.\n\nTo solve this, we should skip this zero length skb. So in sk_msg_recvmsg(),\nif copy is zero, that means it's a zero length skb, skip invoking\ncopy_page_to_iter(). We are using the EFAULT return triggered by\ncopy_page_to_iter to check for is_fin in tcp_bpf.c.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-41048 was patched at 2024-08-01

406. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41050) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: cachefiles: cyclic allocation of msg_id to avoid reuse Reusing the msg_id after a maliciously completed reopen request may cause a read request to remain unprocessed and result in a hung, as shown below: t1 | t2 | t3 ------------------------------------------------- cachefiles_ondemand_select_req cachefiles_ondemand_object_is_close(A) cachefiles_ondemand_set_object_reopening(A) queue_work(fscache_object_wq, &info->work) ondemand_object_worker cachefiles_ondemand_init_object(A) cachefiles_ondemand_send_req(OPEN) // get msg_id 6 wait_for_completion(&req_A->done) cachefiles_ondemand_daemon_read // read msg_id 6 req_A cachefiles_ondemand_get_fd copy_to_user // Malicious completion msg_id 6 copen 6,-1 cachefiles_ondemand_copen complete(&req_A->done) // will not set the object to close // because ondemand_id && fd is valid. // ondemand_object_worker() is done // but the object is still reopening. // new open req_B cachefiles_ondemand_init_object(B) cachefiles_ondemand_send_req(OPEN) // reuse msg_id 6 process_open_req copen 6,A.size // The expected failed copen was executed successfully Expect copen to fail, and when it does, it closes fd, which sets the object to close, and then close triggers reopen again. However, due to msg_id reuse resulting in a successful copen, the anonymous fd is not closed until the daemon exits. Therefore read requests waiting for reopen to complete may trigger hung task. To avoid this issue, allocate the msg_id cyclically to avoid reusing the msg_id for a very short duration of time.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ncachefiles: cyclic allocation of msg_id to avoid reuse\n\nReusing the msg_id after a maliciously completed reopen request may cause\na read request to remain unprocessed and result in a hung, as shown below:\n\n t1 | t2 | t3\n-------------------------------------------------\ncachefiles_ondemand_select_req\n cachefiles_ondemand_object_is_close(A)\n cachefiles_ondemand_set_object_reopening(A)\n queue_work(fscache_object_wq, &info->work)\n ondemand_object_worker\n cachefiles_ondemand_init_object(A)\n cachefiles_ondemand_send_req(OPEN)\n // get msg_id 6\n wait_for_completion(&req_A->done)\ncachefiles_ondemand_daemon_read\n // read msg_id 6 req_A\n cachefiles_ondemand_get_fd\n copy_to_user\n // Malicious completion msg_id 6\n copen 6,-1\n cachefiles_ondemand_copen\n complete(&req_A->done)\n // will not set the object to close\n // because ondemand_id && fd is valid.\n\n // ondemand_object_worker() is done\n // but the object is still reopening.\n\n // new open req_B\n cachefiles_ondemand_init_object(B)\n cachefiles_ondemand_send_req(OPEN)\n // reuse msg_id 6\nprocess_open_req\n copen 6,A.size\n // The expected failed copen was executed successfully\n\nExpect copen to fail, and when it does, it closes fd, which sets the\nobject to close, and then close triggers reopen again. However, due to\nmsg_id reuse resulting in a successful copen, the anonymous fd is not\nclosed until the daemon exits. Therefore read requests waiting for reopen\nto complete may trigger hung task.\n\nTo avoid this issue, allocate the msg_id cyclically to avoid reusing the\nmsg_id for a very short duration of time.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-41050 was patched at 2024-08-01

407. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41056) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: firmware: cs_dsp: Use strnlen() on name fields in V1 wmfw files Use strnlen() instead of strlen() on the algorithm and coefficient name string arrays in V1 wmfw files. In V1 wmfw files the name is a NUL-terminated string in a fixed-size array. cs_dsp should protect against overrunning the array if the NUL terminator is missing.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nfirmware: cs_dsp: Use strnlen() on name fields in V1 wmfw files\n\nUse strnlen() instead of strlen() on the algorithm and coefficient name\nstring arrays in V1 wmfw files.\n\nIn V1 wmfw files the name is a NUL-terminated string in a fixed-size\narray. cs_dsp should protect against overrunning the array if the NUL\nterminator is missing.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-41056 was patched at 2024-08-01

408. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41060) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/radeon: check bo_va->bo is non-NULL before using it The call to radeon_vm_clear_freed might clear bo_va->bo, so we have to check it before dereferencing it.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/radeon: check bo_va->bo is non-NULL before using it\n\nThe call to radeon_vm_clear_freed might clear bo_va->bo, so\nwe have to check it before dereferencing it.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-41060 was patched at 2024-08-01

409. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41062) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bluetooth/l2cap: sync sock recv cb and release The problem occurs between the system call to close the sock and hci_rx_work, where the former releases the sock and the latter accesses it without lock protection. CPU0 CPU1 ---- ---- sock_close hci_rx_work \t l2cap_sock_release hci_acldata_packet \t l2cap_sock_kill l2cap_recv_frame \t sk_free l2cap_conless_channel \t l2cap_sock_recv_cb If hci_rx_work processes the data that needs to be received before the sock is closed, then everything is normal; Otherwise, the work thread may access the released sock when receiving data. Add a chan mutex in the rx callback of the sock to achieve synchronization between the sock release and recv cb. Sock is dead, so set chan data to NULL, avoid others use invalid sock pointer.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbluetooth/l2cap: sync sock recv cb and release\n\nThe problem occurs between the system call to close the sock and hci_rx_work,\nwhere the former releases the sock and the latter accesses it without lock protection.\n\n CPU0 CPU1\n ---- ----\n sock_close hci_rx_work\n\t l2cap_sock_release hci_acldata_packet\n\t l2cap_sock_kill l2cap_recv_frame\n\t sk_free l2cap_conless_channel\n\t l2cap_sock_recv_cb\n\nIf hci_rx_work processes the data that needs to be received before the sock is\nclosed, then everything is normal; Otherwise, the work thread may access the\nreleased sock when receiving data.\n\nAdd a chan mutex in the rx callback of the sock to achieve synchronization between\nthe sock release and recv cb.\n\nSock is dead, so set chan data to NULL, avoid others use invalid sock pointer.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-41062 was patched at 2024-08-01

410. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41069) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ASoC: topology: Fix references to freed memory Most users after parsing a topology file, release memory used by it, so having pointer references directly into topology file contents is wrong. Use devm_kmemdup(), to allocate memory as needed.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nASoC: topology: Fix references to freed memory\n\nMost users after parsing a topology file, release memory used by it, so\nhaving pointer references directly into topology file contents is wrong.\nUse devm_kmemdup(), to allocate memory as needed.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-41069 was patched at 2024-08-01

411. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41073) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nvme: avoid double free special payload If a discard request needs to be retried, and that retry may fail before a new special payload is added, a double free will result. Clear the RQF_SPECIAL_LOAD when the request is cleaned.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnvme: avoid double free special payload\n\nIf a discard request needs to be retried, and that retry may fail before\na new special payload is added, a double free will result. Clear the\nRQF_SPECIAL_LOAD when the request is cleaned.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-41073 was patched at 2024-08-01

412. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41074) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: cachefiles: Set object to close if ondemand_id < 0 in copen If copen is maliciously called in the user mode, it may delete the request corresponding to the random id. And the request may have not been read yet. Note that when the object is set to reopen, the open request will be done with the still reopen state in above case. As a result, the request corresponding to this object is always skipped in select_req function, so the read request is never completed and blocks other process. Fix this issue by simply set object to close if its id < 0 in copen.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ncachefiles: Set object to close if ondemand_id < 0 in copen\n\nIf copen is maliciously called in the user mode, it may delete the request\ncorresponding to the random id. And the request may have not been read yet.\n\nNote that when the object is set to reopen, the open request will be done\nwith the still reopen state in above case. As a result, the request\ncorresponding to this object is always skipped in select_req function, so\nthe read request is never completed and blocks other process.\n\nFix this issue by simply set object to close if its id < 0 in copen.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-41074 was patched at 2024-08-01

413. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41075) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: cachefiles: add consistency check for copen/cread This prevents malicious processes from completing random copen/cread requests and crashing the system. Added checks are listed below: * Generic, copen can only complete open requests, and cread can only complete read requests. * For copen, ondemand_id must not be 0, because this indicates that the request has not been read by the daemon. * For cread, the object corresponding to fd and req should be the same.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ncachefiles: add consistency check for copen/cread\n\nThis prevents malicious processes from completing random copen/cread\nrequests and crashing the system. Added checks are listed below:\n\n * Generic, copen can only complete open requests, and cread can only\n complete read requests.\n * For copen, ondemand_id must not be 0, because this indicates that the\n request has not been read by the daemon.\n * For cread, the object corresponding to fd and req should be the same.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-41075 was patched at 2024-08-01

414. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41079) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nvmet: always initialize cqe.result The spec doesn't mandate that the first two double words (aka results) for the command queue entry need to be set to 0 when they are not used (not specified). Though, the target implemention returns 0 for TCP and FC but not for RDMA. Let's make RDMA behave the same and thus explicitly initializing the result field. This prevents leaking any data from the stack.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnvmet: always initialize cqe.result\n\nThe spec doesn't mandate that the first two double words (aka results)\nfor the command queue entry need to be set to 0 when they are not\nused (not specified). Though, the target implemention returns 0 for TCP\nand FC but not for RDMA.\n\nLet's make RDMA behave the same and thus explicitly initializing the\nresult field. This prevents leaking any data from the stack.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-41079 was patched at 2024-08-01

415. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41088) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: can: mcp251xfd: fix infinite loop when xmit fails When the mcp251xfd_start_xmit() function fails, the driver stops processing messages, and the interrupt routine does not return, running indefinitely even after killing the running application. Error messages: [ 441.298819] mcp251xfd spi2.0 can0: ERROR in mcp251xfd_start_xmit: -16 [ 441.306498] mcp251xfd spi2.0 can0: Transmit Event FIFO buffer not empty. (seq=0x000017c7, tef_tail=0x000017cf, tef_head=0x000017d0, tx_head=0x000017d3). ... and repeat forever. The issue can be triggered when multiple devices share the same SPI interface. And there is concurrent access to the bus. The problem occurs because tx_ring->head increments even if mcp251xfd_start_xmit() fails. Consequently, the driver skips one TX package while still expecting a response in mcp251xfd_handle_tefif_one(). Resolve the issue by starting a workqueue to write the tx obj synchronously if err = -EBUSY. In case of another error, decrement tx_ring->head, remove skb from the echo stack, and drop the message. [mkl: use more imperative wording in patch description]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ncan: mcp251xfd: fix infinite loop when xmit fails\n\nWhen the mcp251xfd_start_xmit() function fails, the driver stops\nprocessing messages, and the interrupt routine does not return,\nrunning indefinitely even after killing the running application.\n\nError messages:\n[ 441.298819] mcp251xfd spi2.0 can0: ERROR in mcp251xfd_start_xmit: -16\n[ 441.306498] mcp251xfd spi2.0 can0: Transmit Event FIFO buffer not empty. (seq=0x000017c7, tef_tail=0x000017cf, tef_head=0x000017d0, tx_head=0x000017d3).\n... and repeat forever.\n\nThe issue can be triggered when multiple devices share the same SPI\ninterface. And there is concurrent access to the bus.\n\nThe problem occurs because tx_ring->head increments even if\nmcp251xfd_start_xmit() fails. Consequently, the driver skips one TX\npackage while still expecting a response in\nmcp251xfd_handle_tefif_one().\n\nResolve the issue by starting a workqueue to write the tx obj\nsynchronously if err = -EBUSY. In case of another error, decrement\ntx_ring->head, remove skb from the echo stack, and drop the message.\n\n[mkl: use more imperative wording in patch description]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-41088 was patched at 2024-08-01

416. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42063) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bpf: Mark bpf prog stack with kmsan_unposion_memory in interpreter mode syzbot reported uninit memory usages during map_{lookup,delete}_elem. ========== BUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in __dev_map_lookup_elem kernel/bpf/devmap.c:441 [inline] BUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in dev_map_lookup_elem+0xf3/0x170 kernel/bpf/devmap.c:796 __dev_map_lookup_elem kernel/bpf/devmap.c:441 [inline] dev_map_lookup_elem+0xf3/0x170 kernel/bpf/devmap.c:796 ____bpf_map_lookup_elem kernel/bpf/helpers.c:42 [inline] bpf_map_lookup_elem+0x5c/0x80 kernel/bpf/helpers.c:38 ___bpf_prog_run+0x13fe/0xe0f0 kernel/bpf/core.c:1997 __bpf_prog_run256+0xb5/0xe0 kernel/bpf/core.c:2237 ========== The reproducer should be in the interpreter mode. The C reproducer is trying to run the following bpf prog: 0: (18) r0 = 0x0 2: (18) r1 = map[id:49] 4: (b7) r8 = 16777216 5: (7b) *(u64 *)(r10 -8) = r8 6: (bf) r2 = r10 7: (07) r2 += -229 ^^^^^^^^^^ 8: (b7) r3 = 8 9: (b7) r4 = 0 10: (85) call dev_map_lookup_elem#1543472 11: (95) exit It is due to the "void *key" (r2) passed to the helper. bpf allows uninit stack memory access for bpf prog with the right privileges. This patch uses kmsan_unpoison_memory() to mark the stack as initialized. This should address different syzbot reports on the uninit "void *key" argument during map_{lookup,delete}_elem.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbpf: Mark bpf prog stack with kmsan_unposion_memory in interpreter mode\n\nsyzbot reported uninit memory usages during map_{lookup,delete}_elem.\n\n==========\nBUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in __dev_map_lookup_elem kernel/bpf/devmap.c:441 [inline]\nBUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in dev_map_lookup_elem+0xf3/0x170 kernel/bpf/devmap.c:796\n__dev_map_lookup_elem kernel/bpf/devmap.c:441 [inline]\ndev_map_lookup_elem+0xf3/0x170 kernel/bpf/devmap.c:796\n____bpf_map_lookup_elem kernel/bpf/helpers.c:42 [inline]\nbpf_map_lookup_elem+0x5c/0x80 kernel/bpf/helpers.c:38\n___bpf_prog_run+0x13fe/0xe0f0 kernel/bpf/core.c:1997\n__bpf_prog_run256+0xb5/0xe0 kernel/bpf/core.c:2237\n==========\n\nThe reproducer should be in the interpreter mode.\n\nThe C reproducer is trying to run the following bpf prog:\n\n 0: (18) r0 = 0x0\n 2: (18) r1 = map[id:49]\n 4: (b7) r8 = 16777216\n 5: (7b) *(u64 *)(r10 -8) = r8\n 6: (bf) r2 = r10\n 7: (07) r2 += -229\n ^^^^^^^^^^\n\n 8: (b7) r3 = 8\n 9: (b7) r4 = 0\n 10: (85) call dev_map_lookup_elem#1543472\n 11: (95) exit\n\nIt is due to the "void *key" (r2) passed to the helper. bpf allows uninit\nstack memory access for bpf prog with the right privileges. This patch\nuses kmsan_unpoison_memory() to mark the stack as initialized.\n\nThis should address different syzbot reports on the uninit "void *key"\nargument during map_{lookup,delete}_elem.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42063 was patched at 2024-08-01

417. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42085) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: usb: dwc3: core: remove lock of otg mode during gadget suspend/resume to avoid deadlock When config CONFIG_USB_DWC3_DUAL_ROLE is selected, and trigger system to enter suspend status with below command: echo mem > /sys/power/state There will be a deadlock issue occurring. Detailed invoking path as below: dwc3_suspend_common() spin_lock_irqsave(&dwc->lock, flags); <-- 1st dwc3_gadget_suspend(dwc); dwc3_gadget_soft_disconnect(dwc); spin_lock_irqsave(&dwc->lock, flags); <-- 2nd This issue is exposed by commit c7ebd8149ee5 ("usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix NULL pointer dereference in dwc3_gadget_suspend") that removes the code of checking whether dwc->gadget_driver is NULL or not. It causes the following code is executed and deadlock occurs when trying to get the spinlock. In fact, the root cause is the commit 5265397f9442("usb: dwc3: Remove DWC3 locking during gadget suspend/resume") that forgot to remove the lock of otg mode. So, remove the redundant lock of otg mode during gadget suspend/resume.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nusb: dwc3: core: remove lock of otg mode during gadget suspend/resume to avoid deadlock\n\nWhen config CONFIG_USB_DWC3_DUAL_ROLE is selected, and trigger system\nto enter suspend status with below command:\necho mem > /sys/power/state\nThere will be a deadlock issue occurring. Detailed invoking path as\nbelow:\ndwc3_suspend_common()\n spin_lock_irqsave(&dwc->lock, flags); <-- 1st\n dwc3_gadget_suspend(dwc);\n dwc3_gadget_soft_disconnect(dwc);\n spin_lock_irqsave(&dwc->lock, flags); <-- 2nd\nThis issue is exposed by commit c7ebd8149ee5 ("usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix\nNULL pointer dereference in dwc3_gadget_suspend") that removes the code\nof checking whether dwc->gadget_driver is NULL or not. It causes the\nfollowing code is executed and deadlock occurs when trying to get the\nspinlock. In fact, the root cause is the commit 5265397f9442("usb: dwc3:\nRemove DWC3 locking during gadget suspend/resume") that forgot to remove\nthe lock of otg mode. So, remove the redundant lock of otg mode during\ngadget suspend/resume.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42085 was patched at 2024-08-01

418. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42098) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: crypto: ecdh - explicitly zeroize private_key private_key is overwritten with the key parameter passed in by the caller (if present), or alternatively a newly generated private key. However, it is possible that the caller provides a key (or the newly generated key) which is shorter than the previous key. In that scenario, some key material from the previous key would not be overwritten. The easiest solution is to explicitly zeroize the entire private_key array first. Note that this patch slightly changes the behavior of this function: previously, if the ecc_gen_privkey failed, the old private_key would remain. Now, the private_key is always zeroized. This behavior is consistent with the case where params.key is set and ecc_is_key_valid fails.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ncrypto: ecdh - explicitly zeroize private_key\n\nprivate_key is overwritten with the key parameter passed in by the\ncaller (if present), or alternatively a newly generated private key.\nHowever, it is possible that the caller provides a key (or the newly\ngenerated key) which is shorter than the previous key. In that\nscenario, some key material from the previous key would not be\noverwritten. The easiest solution is to explicitly zeroize the entire\nprivate_key array first.\n\nNote that this patch slightly changes the behavior of this function:\npreviously, if the ecc_gen_privkey failed, the old private_key would\nremain. Now, the private_key is always zeroized. This behavior is\nconsistent with the case where params.key is set and ecc_is_key_valid\nfails.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42098 was patched at 2024-08-01

419. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42103) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: btrfs: fix adding block group to a reclaim list and the unused list during reclaim There is a potential parallel list adding for retrying in btrfs_reclaim_bgs_work and adding to the unused list. Since the block group is removed from the reclaim list and it is on a relocation work, it can be added into the unused list in parallel. When that happens, adding it to the reclaim list will corrupt the list head and trigger list corruption like below. Fix it by taking fs_info->unused_bgs_lock. [177.504][T2585409] BTRFS error (device nullb1): error relocating ch= unk 2415919104 [177.514][T2585409] list_del corruption. next->prev should be ff1100= 0344b119c0, but was ff11000377e87c70. (next=3Dff110002390cd9c0) [177.529][T2585409] ------------[ cut here ]------------ [177.537][T2585409] kernel BUG at lib/list_debug.c:65! [177.545][T2585409] Oops: invalid opcode: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN NOPTI [177.555][T2585409] CPU: 9 PID: 2585409 Comm: kworker/u128:2 Tainted: G W 6.10.0-rc5-kts #1 [177.568][T2585409] Hardware name: Supermicro SYS-520P-WTR/X12SPW-TF, BIOS 1.2 02/14/2022 [177.579][T2585409] Workqueue: events_unbound btrfs_reclaim_bgs_work[btrfs] [177.589][T2585409] RIP: 0010:__list_del_entry_valid_or_report.cold+0x70/0x72 [177.624][T2585409] RSP: 0018:ff11000377e87a70 EFLAGS: 00010286 [177.633][T2585409] RAX: 000000000000006d RBX: ff11000344b119c0 RCX:0000000000000000 [177.644][T2585409] RDX: 000000000000006d RSI: 0000000000000008 RDI:ffe21c006efd0f40 [177.655][T2585409] RBP: ff110002e0509f78 R08: 0000000000000001 R09:ffe21c006efd0f08 [177.665][T2585409] R10: ff11000377e87847 R11: 0000000000000000 R12:ff110002390cd9c0 [177.676][T2585409] R13: ff11000344b119c0 R14: ff110002e0508000 R15:dffffc0000000000 [177.687][T2585409] FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ff11000fec880000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 [177.700][T2585409] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 [177.709][T2585409] CR2: 00007f06bc7b1978 CR3: 0000001021e86005 CR4:0000000000771ef0 [177.720][T2585409] DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2:0000000000000000 [177.731][T2585409] DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7:0000000000000400 [177.742][T2585409] PKRU: 55555554 [177.748][T2585409] Call Trace: [177.753][T2585409] <TASK> [177.759][T2585409] ? __die_body.cold+0x19/0x27 [177.766][T2585409] ? die+0x2e/0x50 [177.772][T2585409] ? do_trap+0x1ea/0x2d0 [177.779][T2585409] ? __list_del_entry_valid_or_report.cold+0x70/0x72 [177.788][T2585409] ? do_error_trap+0xa3/0x160 [177.795][T2585409] ? __list_del_entry_valid_or_report.cold+0x70/0x72 [177.805][T2585409] ? handle_invalid_op+0x2c/0x40 [177.812][T2585409] ? __list_del_entry_valid_or_report.cold+0x70/0x72 [177.820][T2585409] ? exc_invalid_op+0x2d/0x40 [177.827][T2585409] ? asm_exc_invalid_op+0x1a/0x20 [177.834][T2585409] ? __list_del_entry_valid_or_report.cold+0x70/0x72 [177.843][T2585409] btrfs_delete_unused_bgs+0x3d9/0x14c0 [btrfs] There is a similar retry_list code in btrfs_delete_unused_bgs(), but it is safe, AFAICS. Since the block group was in the unused list, the used bytes should be 0 when it was added to the unused list. Then, it checks block_group->{used,reserved,pinned} are still 0 under the block_group->lock. So, they should be still eligible for the unused list, not the reclaim list. The reason it is safe there it's because because we're holding space_info->groups_sem in write mode. That means no other task can allocate from the block group, so while we are at deleted_unused_bgs() it's not possible for other tasks to allocate and deallocate extents from the block group, so it can't be added to the unused list or the reclaim list by anyone else. The bug can be reproduced by btrfs/166 after a few rounds. In practice this can be hit when relocation cannot find more chunk space and ends with ENOSPC.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbtrfs: fix adding block group to a reclaim list and the unused list during reclaim\n\nThere is a potential parallel list adding for retrying in\nbtrfs_reclaim_bgs_work and adding to the unused list. Since the block\ngroup is removed from the reclaim list and it is on a relocation work,\nit can be added into the unused list in parallel. When that happens,\nadding it to the reclaim list will corrupt the list head and trigger\nlist corruption like below.\n\nFix it by taking fs_info->unused_bgs_lock.\n\n [177.504][T2585409] BTRFS error (device nullb1): error relocating ch= unk 2415919104\n [177.514][T2585409] list_del corruption. next->prev should be ff1100= 0344b119c0, but was ff11000377e87c70. (next=3Dff110002390cd9c0)\n [177.529][T2585409] ------------[ cut here ]------------\n [177.537][T2585409] kernel BUG at lib/list_debug.c:65!\n [177.545][T2585409] Oops: invalid opcode: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN NOPTI\n [177.555][T2585409] CPU: 9 PID: 2585409 Comm: kworker/u128:2 Tainted: G W 6.10.0-rc5-kts #1\n [177.568][T2585409] Hardware name: Supermicro SYS-520P-WTR/X12SPW-TF, BIOS 1.2 02/14/2022\n [177.579][T2585409] Workqueue: events_unbound btrfs_reclaim_bgs_work[btrfs]\n [177.589][T2585409] RIP: 0010:__list_del_entry_valid_or_report.cold+0x70/0x72\n [177.624][T2585409] RSP: 0018:ff11000377e87a70 EFLAGS: 00010286\n [177.633][T2585409] RAX: 000000000000006d RBX: ff11000344b119c0 RCX:0000000000000000\n [177.644][T2585409] RDX: 000000000000006d RSI: 0000000000000008 RDI:ffe21c006efd0f40\n [177.655][T2585409] RBP: ff110002e0509f78 R08: 0000000000000001 R09:ffe21c006efd0f08\n [177.665][T2585409] R10: ff11000377e87847 R11: 0000000000000000 R12:ff110002390cd9c0\n [177.676][T2585409] R13: ff11000344b119c0 R14: ff110002e0508000 R15:dffffc0000000000\n [177.687][T2585409] FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ff11000fec880000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\n [177.700][T2585409] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\n [177.709][T2585409] CR2: 00007f06bc7b1978 CR3: 0000001021e86005 CR4:0000000000771ef0\n [177.720][T2585409] DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2:0000000000000000\n [177.731][T2585409] DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7:0000000000000400\n [177.742][T2585409] PKRU: 55555554\n [177.748][T2585409] Call Trace:\n [177.753][T2585409] <TASK>\n [177.759][T2585409] ? __die_body.cold+0x19/0x27\n [177.766][T2585409] ? die+0x2e/0x50\n [177.772][T2585409] ? do_trap+0x1ea/0x2d0\n [177.779][T2585409] ? __list_del_entry_valid_or_report.cold+0x70/0x72\n [177.788][T2585409] ? do_error_trap+0xa3/0x160\n [177.795][T2585409] ? __list_del_entry_valid_or_report.cold+0x70/0x72\n [177.805][T2585409] ? handle_invalid_op+0x2c/0x40\n [177.812][T2585409] ? __list_del_entry_valid_or_report.cold+0x70/0x72\n [177.820][T2585409] ? exc_invalid_op+0x2d/0x40\n [177.827][T2585409] ? asm_exc_invalid_op+0x1a/0x20\n [177.834][T2585409] ? __list_del_entry_valid_or_report.cold+0x70/0x72\n [177.843][T2585409] btrfs_delete_unused_bgs+0x3d9/0x14c0 [btrfs]\n\nThere is a similar retry_list code in btrfs_delete_unused_bgs(), but it is\nsafe, AFAICS. Since the block group was in the unused list, the used bytes\nshould be 0 when it was added to the unused list. Then, it checks\nblock_group->{used,reserved,pinned} are still 0 under the\nblock_group->lock. So, they should be still eligible for the unused list,\nnot the reclaim list.\n\nThe reason it is safe there it's because because we're holding\nspace_info->groups_sem in write mode.\n\nThat means no other task can allocate from the block group, so while we\nare at deleted_unused_bgs() it's not possible for other tasks to\nallocate and deallocate extents from the block group, so it can't be\nadded to the unused list or the reclaim list by anyone else.\n\nThe bug can be reproduced by btrfs/166 after a few rounds. In practice\nthis can be hit when relocation cannot find more chunk space and ends\nwith ENOSPC.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42103 was patched at 2024-08-01

420. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42109) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: netfilter: nf_tables: unconditionally flush pending work before notifier syzbot reports: KASAN: slab-uaf in nft_ctx_update include/net/netfilter/nf_tables.h:1831 KASAN: slab-uaf in nft_commit_release net/netfilter/nf_tables_api.c:9530 KASAN: slab-uaf int nf_tables_trans_destroy_work+0x152b/0x1750 net/netfilter/nf_tables_api.c:9597 Read of size 2 at addr ffff88802b0051c4 by task kworker/1:1/45 [..] Workqueue: events nf_tables_trans_destroy_work Call Trace: nft_ctx_update include/net/netfilter/nf_tables.h:1831 [inline] nft_commit_release net/netfilter/nf_tables_api.c:9530 [inline] nf_tables_trans_destroy_work+0x152b/0x1750 net/netfilter/nf_tables_api.c:9597 Problem is that the notifier does a conditional flush, but its possible that the table-to-be-removed is still referenced by transactions being processed by the worker, so we need to flush unconditionally. We could make the flush_work depend on whether we found a table to delete in nf-next to avoid the flush for most cases. AFAICS this problem is only exposed in nf-next, with commit e169285f8c56 ("netfilter: nf_tables: do not store nft_ctx in transaction objects"), with this commit applied there is an unconditional fetch of table->family which is whats triggering the above splat.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnetfilter: nf_tables: unconditionally flush pending work before notifier\n\nsyzbot reports:\n\nKASAN: slab-uaf in nft_ctx_update include/net/netfilter/nf_tables.h:1831\nKASAN: slab-uaf in nft_commit_release net/netfilter/nf_tables_api.c:9530\nKASAN: slab-uaf int nf_tables_trans_destroy_work+0x152b/0x1750 net/netfilter/nf_tables_api.c:9597\nRead of size 2 at addr ffff88802b0051c4 by task kworker/1:1/45\n[..]\nWorkqueue: events nf_tables_trans_destroy_work\nCall Trace:\n nft_ctx_update include/net/netfilter/nf_tables.h:1831 [inline]\n nft_commit_release net/netfilter/nf_tables_api.c:9530 [inline]\n nf_tables_trans_destroy_work+0x152b/0x1750 net/netfilter/nf_tables_api.c:9597\n\nProblem is that the notifier does a conditional flush, but its possible\nthat the table-to-be-removed is still referenced by transactions being\nprocessed by the worker, so we need to flush unconditionally.\n\nWe could make the flush_work depend on whether we found a table to delete\nin nf-next to avoid the flush for most cases.\n\nAFAICS this problem is only exposed in nf-next, with\ncommit e169285f8c56 ("netfilter: nf_tables: do not store nft_ctx in transaction objects"),\nwith this commit applied there is an unconditional fetch of\ntable->family which is whats triggering the above splat.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42109 was patched at 2024-08-01

421. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42110) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: ntb_netdev: Move ntb_netdev_rx_handler() to call netif_rx() from __netif_rx() The following is emitted when using idxd (DSA) dmanegine as the data mover for ntb_transport that ntb_netdev uses. [74412.546922] BUG: using smp_processor_id() in preemptible [00000000] code: irq/52-idxd-por/14526 [74412.556784] caller is netif_rx_internal+0x42/0x130 [74412.562282] CPU: 6 PID: 14526 Comm: irq/52-idxd-por Not tainted 6.9.5 #5 [74412.569870] Hardware name: Intel Corporation ArcherCity/ArcherCity, BIOS EGSDCRB1.E9I.1752.P05.2402080856 02/08/2024 [74412.581699] Call Trace: [74412.584514] <TASK> [74412.586933] dump_stack_lvl+0x55/0x70 [74412.591129] check_preemption_disabled+0xc8/0xf0 [74412.596374] netif_rx_internal+0x42/0x130 [74412.600957] __netif_rx+0x20/0xd0 [74412.604743] ntb_netdev_rx_handler+0x66/0x150 [ntb_netdev] [74412.610985] ntb_complete_rxc+0xed/0x140 [ntb_transport] [74412.617010] ntb_rx_copy_callback+0x53/0x80 [ntb_transport] [74412.623332] idxd_dma_complete_txd+0xe3/0x160 [idxd] [74412.628963] idxd_wq_thread+0x1a6/0x2b0 [idxd] [74412.634046] irq_thread_fn+0x21/0x60 [74412.638134] ? irq_thread+0xa8/0x290 [74412.642218] irq_thread+0x1a0/0x290 [74412.646212] ? __pfx_irq_thread_fn+0x10/0x10 [74412.651071] ? __pfx_irq_thread_dtor+0x10/0x10 [74412.656117] ? __pfx_irq_thread+0x10/0x10 [74412.660686] kthread+0x100/0x130 [74412.664384] ? __pfx_kthread+0x10/0x10 [74412.668639] ret_from_fork+0x31/0x50 [74412.672716] ? __pfx_kthread+0x10/0x10 [74412.676978] ret_from_fork_asm+0x1a/0x30 [74412.681457] </TASK> The cause is due to the idxd driver interrupt completion handler uses threaded interrupt and the threaded handler is not hard or soft interrupt context. However __netif_rx() can only be called from interrupt context. Change the call to netif_rx() in order to allow completion via normal context for dmaengine drivers that utilize threaded irq handling. While the following commit changed from netif_rx() to __netif_rx(), baebdf48c360 ("net: dev: Makes sure netif_rx() can be invoked in any context."), the change should've been a noop instead. However, the code precedes this fix should've been using netif_rx_ni() or netif_rx_any_context().', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: ntb_netdev: Move ntb_netdev_rx_handler() to call netif_rx() from __netif_rx()\n\nThe following is emitted when using idxd (DSA) dmanegine as the data\nmover for ntb_transport that ntb_netdev uses.\n\n[74412.546922] BUG: using smp_processor_id() in preemptible [00000000] code: irq/52-idxd-por/14526\n[74412.556784] caller is netif_rx_internal+0x42/0x130\n[74412.562282] CPU: 6 PID: 14526 Comm: irq/52-idxd-por Not tainted 6.9.5 #5\n[74412.569870] Hardware name: Intel Corporation ArcherCity/ArcherCity, BIOS EGSDCRB1.E9I.1752.P05.2402080856 02/08/2024\n[74412.581699] Call Trace:\n[74412.584514] <TASK>\n[74412.586933] dump_stack_lvl+0x55/0x70\n[74412.591129] check_preemption_disabled+0xc8/0xf0\n[74412.596374] netif_rx_internal+0x42/0x130\n[74412.600957] __netif_rx+0x20/0xd0\n[74412.604743] ntb_netdev_rx_handler+0x66/0x150 [ntb_netdev]\n[74412.610985] ntb_complete_rxc+0xed/0x140 [ntb_transport]\n[74412.617010] ntb_rx_copy_callback+0x53/0x80 [ntb_transport]\n[74412.623332] idxd_dma_complete_txd+0xe3/0x160 [idxd]\n[74412.628963] idxd_wq_thread+0x1a6/0x2b0 [idxd]\n[74412.634046] irq_thread_fn+0x21/0x60\n[74412.638134] ? irq_thread+0xa8/0x290\n[74412.642218] irq_thread+0x1a0/0x290\n[74412.646212] ? __pfx_irq_thread_fn+0x10/0x10\n[74412.651071] ? __pfx_irq_thread_dtor+0x10/0x10\n[74412.656117] ? __pfx_irq_thread+0x10/0x10\n[74412.660686] kthread+0x100/0x130\n[74412.664384] ? __pfx_kthread+0x10/0x10\n[74412.668639] ret_from_fork+0x31/0x50\n[74412.672716] ? __pfx_kthread+0x10/0x10\n[74412.676978] ret_from_fork_asm+0x1a/0x30\n[74412.681457] </TASK>\n\nThe cause is due to the idxd driver interrupt completion handler uses\nthreaded interrupt and the threaded handler is not hard or soft interrupt\ncontext. However __netif_rx() can only be called from interrupt context.\nChange the call to netif_rx() in order to allow completion via normal\ncontext for dmaengine drivers that utilize threaded irq handling.\n\nWhile the following commit changed from netif_rx() to __netif_rx(),\nbaebdf48c360 ("net: dev: Makes sure netif_rx() can be invoked in any context."),\nthe change should've been a noop instead. However, the code precedes this\nfix should've been using netif_rx_ni() or netif_rx_any_context().', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42110 was patched at 2024-08-01

422. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42116) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: igc: fix a log entry using uninitialized netdev During successful probe, igc logs this: [ 5.133667] igc 0000:01:00.0 (unnamed net_device) (uninitialized): PHC added ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The reason is that igc_ptp_init() is called very early, even before register_netdev() has been called. So the netdev_info() call works on a partially uninitialized netdev. Fix this by calling igc_ptp_init() after register_netdev(), right after the media autosense check, just as in igb. Add a comment, just as in igb. Now the log message is fine: [ 5.200987] igc 0000:01:00.0 eth0: PHC added', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nigc: fix a log entry using uninitialized netdev\n\nDuring successful probe, igc logs this:\n\n[ 5.133667] igc 0000:01:00.0 (unnamed net_device) (uninitialized): PHC added\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\nThe reason is that igc_ptp_init() is called very early, even before\nregister_netdev() has been called. So the netdev_info() call works\non a partially uninitialized netdev.\n\nFix this by calling igc_ptp_init() after register_netdev(), right\nafter the media autosense check, just as in igb. Add a comment,\njust as in igb.\n\nNow the log message is fine:\n\n[ 5.200987] igc 0000:01:00.0 eth0: PHC added', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42116 was patched at 2024-08-01

423. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42128) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: leds: an30259a: Use devm_mutex_init() for mutex initialization In this driver LEDs are registered using devm_led_classdev_register() so they are automatically unregistered after module's remove() is done. led_classdev_unregister() calls module's led_set_brightness() to turn off the LEDs and that callback uses mutex which was destroyed already in module's remove() so use devm API instead.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nleds: an30259a: Use devm_mutex_init() for mutex initialization\n\nIn this driver LEDs are registered using devm_led_classdev_register()\nso they are automatically unregistered after module's remove() is done.\nled_classdev_unregister() calls module's led_set_brightness() to turn off\nthe LEDs and that callback uses mutex which was destroyed already\nin module's remove() so use devm API instead.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42128 was patched at 2024-08-01

424. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42130) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nfc/nci: Add the inconsistency check between the input data length and count write$nci(r0, &(0x7f0000000740)=ANY=[@ANYBLOB="610501"], 0xf) Syzbot constructed a write() call with a data length of 3 bytes but a count value of 15, which passed too little data to meet the basic requirements of the function nci_rf_intf_activated_ntf_packet(). Therefore, increasing the comparison between data length and count value to avoid problems caused by inconsistent data length and count.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnfc/nci: Add the inconsistency check between the input data length and count\n\nwrite$nci(r0, &(0x7f0000000740)=ANY=[@ANYBLOB="610501"], 0xf)\n\nSyzbot constructed a write() call with a data length of 3 bytes but a count value\nof 15, which passed too little data to meet the basic requirements of the function\nnci_rf_intf_activated_ntf_packet().\n\nTherefore, increasing the comparison between data length and count value to avoid\nproblems caused by inconsistent data length and count.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42130 was patched at 2024-08-01

425. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42135) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: vhost_task: Handle SIGKILL by flushing work and exiting Instead of lingering until the device is closed, this has us handle SIGKILL by: 1. marking the worker as killed so we no longer try to use it with new virtqueues and new flush operations. 2. setting the virtqueue to worker mapping so no new works are queued. 3. running all the exiting works.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nvhost_task: Handle SIGKILL by flushing work and exiting\n\nInstead of lingering until the device is closed, this has us handle\nSIGKILL by:\n\n1. marking the worker as killed so we no longer try to use it with\n new virtqueues and new flush operations.\n2. setting the virtqueue to worker mapping so no new works are queued.\n3. running all the exiting works.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42135 was patched at 2024-08-01

426. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42138) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mlxsw: core_linecards: Fix double memory deallocation in case of invalid INI file In case of invalid INI file mlxsw_linecard_types_init() deallocates memory but doesn't reset pointer to NULL and returns 0. In case of any error occurred after mlxsw_linecard_types_init() call, mlxsw_linecards_init() calls mlxsw_linecard_types_fini() which performs memory deallocation again. Add pointer reset to NULL. Found by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmlxsw: core_linecards: Fix double memory deallocation in case of invalid INI file\n\nIn case of invalid INI file mlxsw_linecard_types_init() deallocates memory\nbut doesn't reset pointer to NULL and returns 0. In case of any error\noccurred after mlxsw_linecard_types_init() call, mlxsw_linecards_init()\ncalls mlxsw_linecard_types_fini() which performs memory deallocation again.\n\nAdd pointer reset to NULL.\n\nFound by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42138 was patched at 2024-08-01

427. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42140) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: riscv: kexec: Avoid deadlock in kexec crash path If the kexec crash code is called in the interrupt context, the machine_kexec_mask_interrupts() function will trigger a deadlock while trying to acquire the irqdesc spinlock and then deactivate irqchip in irq_set_irqchip_state() function. Unlike arm64, riscv only requires irq_eoi handler to complete EOI and keeping irq_set_irqchip_state() will only leave this possible deadlock without any use. So we simply remove it.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nriscv: kexec: Avoid deadlock in kexec crash path\n\nIf the kexec crash code is called in the interrupt context, the\nmachine_kexec_mask_interrupts() function will trigger a deadlock while\ntrying to acquire the irqdesc spinlock and then deactivate irqchip in\nirq_set_irqchip_state() function.\n\nUnlike arm64, riscv only requires irq_eoi handler to complete EOI and\nkeeping irq_set_irqchip_state() will only leave this possible deadlock\nwithout any use. So we simply remove it.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42140 was patched at 2024-08-01

428. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42142) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/mlx5: E-switch, Create ingress ACL when needed Currently, ingress acl is used for three features. It is created only when vport metadata match and prio tag are enabled. But active-backup lag mode also uses it. It is independent of vport metadata match and prio tag. And vport metadata match can be disabled using the following devlink command: # devlink dev param set pci/0000:08:00.0 name esw_port_metadata \\ \tvalue false cmode runtime If ingress acl is not created, will hit panic when creating drop rule for active-backup lag mode. If always create it, there will be about 5% performance degradation. Fix it by creating ingress acl when needed. If esw_port_metadata is true, ingress acl exists, then create drop rule using existing ingress acl. If esw_port_metadata is false, create ingress acl and then create drop rule.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet/mlx5: E-switch, Create ingress ACL when needed\n\nCurrently, ingress acl is used for three features. It is created only\nwhen vport metadata match and prio tag are enabled. But active-backup\nlag mode also uses it. It is independent of vport metadata match and\nprio tag. And vport metadata match can be disabled using the\nfollowing devlink command:\n\n # devlink dev param set pci/0000:08:00.0 name esw_port_metadata \\\n\tvalue false cmode runtime\n\nIf ingress acl is not created, will hit panic when creating drop rule\nfor active-backup lag mode. If always create it, there will be about\n5% performance degradation.\n\nFix it by creating ingress acl when needed. If esw_port_metadata is\ntrue, ingress acl exists, then create drop rule using existing\ningress acl. If esw_port_metadata is false, create ingress acl and\nthen create drop rule.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42142 was patched at 2024-08-01

429. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42144) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: thermal/drivers/mediatek/lvts_thermal: Check NULL ptr on lvts_data Verify that lvts_data is not NULL before using it.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nthermal/drivers/mediatek/lvts_thermal: Check NULL ptr on lvts_data\n\nVerify that lvts_data is not NULL before using it.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42144 was patched at 2024-08-01

430. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42147) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: crypto: hisilicon/debugfs - Fix debugfs uninit process issue During the zip probe process, the debugfs failure does not stop the probe. When debugfs initialization fails, jumping to the error branch will also release regs, in addition to its own rollback operation. As a result, it may be released repeatedly during the regs uninit process. Therefore, the null check needs to be added to the regs uninit process.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ncrypto: hisilicon/debugfs - Fix debugfs uninit process issue\n\nDuring the zip probe process, the debugfs failure does not stop\nthe probe. When debugfs initialization fails, jumping to the\nerror branch will also release regs, in addition to its own\nrollback operation.\n\nAs a result, it may be released repeatedly during the regs\nuninit process. Therefore, the null check needs to be added to\nthe regs uninit process.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42147 was patched at 2024-08-01

431. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42253) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: gpio: pca953x: fix pca953x_irq_bus_sync_unlock race Ensure that `i2c_lock' is held when setting interrupt latch and mask in pca953x_irq_bus_sync_unlock() in order to avoid races. The other (non-probe) call site pca953x_gpio_set_multiple() ensures the lock is held before calling pca953x_write_regs(). The problem occurred when a request raced against irq_bus_sync_unlock() approximately once per thousand reboots on an i.MX8MP based system. * Normal case 0-0022: write register AI|3a {03,02,00,00,01} Input latch P0 0-0022: write register AI|49 {fc,fd,ff,ff,fe} Interrupt mask P0 0-0022: write register AI|08 {ff,00,00,00,00} Output P3 0-0022: write register AI|12 {fc,00,00,00,00} Config P3 * Race case 0-0022: write register AI|08 {ff,00,00,00,00} Output P3 0-0022: write register AI|08 {03,02,00,00,01} *** Wrong register *** 0-0022: write register AI|12 {fc,00,00,00,00} Config P3 0-0022: write register AI|49 {fc,fd,ff,ff,fe} Interrupt mask P0', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ngpio: pca953x: fix pca953x_irq_bus_sync_unlock race\n\nEnsure that `i2c_lock' is held when setting interrupt latch and mask in\npca953x_irq_bus_sync_unlock() in order to avoid races.\n\nThe other (non-probe) call site pca953x_gpio_set_multiple() ensures the\nlock is held before calling pca953x_write_regs().\n\nThe problem occurred when a request raced against irq_bus_sync_unlock()\napproximately once per thousand reboots on an i.MX8MP based system.\n\n * Normal case\n\n 0-0022: write register AI|3a {03,02,00,00,01} Input latch P0\n 0-0022: write register AI|49 {fc,fd,ff,ff,fe} Interrupt mask P0\n 0-0022: write register AI|08 {ff,00,00,00,00} Output P3\n 0-0022: write register AI|12 {fc,00,00,00,00} Config P3\n\n * Race case\n\n 0-0022: write register AI|08 {ff,00,00,00,00} Output P3\n 0-0022: write register AI|08 {03,02,00,00,01} *** Wrong register ***\n 0-0022: write register AI|12 {fc,00,00,00,00} Config P3\n 0-0022: write register AI|49 {fc,fd,ff,ff,fe} Interrupt mask P0', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42253 was patched at 2024-08-21

432. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42273) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: f2fs: assign CURSEG_ALL_DATA_ATGC if blkaddr is valid mkdir /mnt/test/comp f2fs_io setflags compression /mnt/test/comp dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/test/comp/testfile bs=16k count=1 truncate --size 13 /mnt/test/comp/testfile In the above scenario, we can get a BUG_ON. kernel BUG at fs/f2fs/segment.c:3589! Call Trace: do_write_page+0x78/0x390 [f2fs] f2fs_outplace_write_data+0x62/0xb0 [f2fs] f2fs_do_write_data_page+0x275/0x740 [f2fs] f2fs_write_single_data_page+0x1dc/0x8f0 [f2fs] f2fs_write_multi_pages+0x1e5/0xae0 [f2fs] f2fs_write_cache_pages+0xab1/0xc60 [f2fs] f2fs_write_data_pages+0x2d8/0x330 [f2fs] do_writepages+0xcf/0x270 __writeback_single_inode+0x44/0x350 writeback_sb_inodes+0x242/0x530 __writeback_inodes_wb+0x54/0xf0 wb_writeback+0x192/0x310 wb_workfn+0x30d/0x400 The reason is we gave CURSEG_ALL_DATA_ATGC to COMPR_ADDR where the page was set the gcing flag by set_cluster_dirty().', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nf2fs: assign CURSEG_ALL_DATA_ATGC if blkaddr is valid\n\nmkdir /mnt/test/comp\nf2fs_io setflags compression /mnt/test/comp\ndd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/test/comp/testfile bs=16k count=1\ntruncate --size 13 /mnt/test/comp/testfile\n\nIn the above scenario, we can get a BUG_ON.\n kernel BUG at fs/f2fs/segment.c:3589!\n Call Trace:\n do_write_page+0x78/0x390 [f2fs]\n f2fs_outplace_write_data+0x62/0xb0 [f2fs]\n f2fs_do_write_data_page+0x275/0x740 [f2fs]\n f2fs_write_single_data_page+0x1dc/0x8f0 [f2fs]\n f2fs_write_multi_pages+0x1e5/0xae0 [f2fs]\n f2fs_write_cache_pages+0xab1/0xc60 [f2fs]\n f2fs_write_data_pages+0x2d8/0x330 [f2fs]\n do_writepages+0xcf/0x270\n __writeback_single_inode+0x44/0x350\n writeback_sb_inodes+0x242/0x530\n __writeback_inodes_wb+0x54/0xf0\n wb_writeback+0x192/0x310\n wb_workfn+0x30d/0x400\n\nThe reason is we gave CURSEG_ALL_DATA_ATGC to COMPR_ADDR where the\npage was set the gcing flag by set_cluster_dirty().', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42273 was patched at 2024-08-21

433. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42274) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: Revert "ALSA: firewire-lib: operate for period elapse event in process context" Commit 7ba5ca32fe6e ("ALSA: firewire-lib: operate for period elapse event in process context") removed the process context workqueue from amdtp_domain_stream_pcm_pointer() and update_pcm_pointers() to remove its overhead. With RME Fireface 800, this lead to a regression since Kernels 5.14.0, causing an AB/BA deadlock competition for the substream lock with eventual system freeze under ALSA operation: thread 0: * (lock A) acquire substream lock by \tsnd_pcm_stream_lock_irq() in \tsnd_pcm_status64() * (lock B) wait for tasklet to finish by calling \ttasklet_unlock_spin_wait() in \ttasklet_disable_in_atomic() in \tohci_flush_iso_completions() of ohci.c thread 1: * (lock B) enter tasklet * (lock A) attempt to acquire substream lock, \twaiting for it to be released: \tsnd_pcm_stream_lock_irqsave() in \tsnd_pcm_period_elapsed() in \tupdate_pcm_pointers() in \tprocess_ctx_payloads() in \tprocess_rx_packets() of amdtp-stream.c ? tasklet_unlock_spin_wait </NMI> <TASK> ohci_flush_iso_completions firewire_ohci amdtp_domain_stream_pcm_pointer snd_firewire_lib snd_pcm_update_hw_ptr0 snd_pcm snd_pcm_status64 snd_pcm ? native_queued_spin_lock_slowpath </NMI> <IRQ> _raw_spin_lock_irqsave snd_pcm_period_elapsed snd_pcm process_rx_packets snd_firewire_lib irq_target_callback snd_firewire_lib handle_it_packet firewire_ohci context_tasklet firewire_ohci Restore the process context work queue to prevent deadlock AB/BA deadlock competition for ALSA substream lock of snd_pcm_stream_lock_irq() in snd_pcm_status64() and snd_pcm_stream_lock_irqsave() in snd_pcm_period_elapsed(). revert commit 7ba5ca32fe6e ("ALSA: firewire-lib: operate for period elapse event in process context") Replace inline description to prevent future deadlock.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nRevert "ALSA: firewire-lib: operate for period elapse event in process context"\n\nCommit 7ba5ca32fe6e ("ALSA: firewire-lib: operate for period elapse event\nin process context") removed the process context workqueue from\namdtp_domain_stream_pcm_pointer() and update_pcm_pointers() to remove\nits overhead.\n\nWith RME Fireface 800, this lead to a regression since\nKernels 5.14.0, causing an AB/BA deadlock competition for the\nsubstream lock with eventual system freeze under ALSA operation:\n\nthread 0:\n * (lock A) acquire substream lock by\n\tsnd_pcm_stream_lock_irq() in\n\tsnd_pcm_status64()\n * (lock B) wait for tasklet to finish by calling\n \ttasklet_unlock_spin_wait() in\n\ttasklet_disable_in_atomic() in\n\tohci_flush_iso_completions() of ohci.c\n\nthread 1:\n * (lock B) enter tasklet\n * (lock A) attempt to acquire substream lock,\n \twaiting for it to be released:\n\tsnd_pcm_stream_lock_irqsave() in\n \tsnd_pcm_period_elapsed() in\n\tupdate_pcm_pointers() in\n\tprocess_ctx_payloads() in\n\tprocess_rx_packets() of amdtp-stream.c\n\n? tasklet_unlock_spin_wait\n </NMI>\n <TASK>\nohci_flush_iso_completions firewire_ohci\namdtp_domain_stream_pcm_pointer snd_firewire_lib\nsnd_pcm_update_hw_ptr0 snd_pcm\nsnd_pcm_status64 snd_pcm\n\n? native_queued_spin_lock_slowpath\n </NMI>\n <IRQ>\n_raw_spin_lock_irqsave\nsnd_pcm_period_elapsed snd_pcm\nprocess_rx_packets snd_firewire_lib\nirq_target_callback snd_firewire_lib\nhandle_it_packet firewire_ohci\ncontext_tasklet firewire_ohci\n\nRestore the process context work queue to prevent deadlock\nAB/BA deadlock competition for ALSA substream lock of\nsnd_pcm_stream_lock_irq() in snd_pcm_status64()\nand snd_pcm_stream_lock_irqsave() in snd_pcm_period_elapsed().\n\nrevert commit 7ba5ca32fe6e ("ALSA: firewire-lib: operate for period\nelapse event in process context")\n\nReplace inline description to prevent future deadlock.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42274 was patched at 2024-08-21

434. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42277) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: iommu: sprd: Avoid NULL deref in sprd_iommu_hw_en In sprd_iommu_cleanup() before calling function sprd_iommu_hw_en() dom->sdev is equal to NULL, which leads to null dereference. Found by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\niommu: sprd: Avoid NULL deref in sprd_iommu_hw_en\n\nIn sprd_iommu_cleanup() before calling function sprd_iommu_hw_en()\ndom->sdev is equal to NULL, which leads to null dereference.\n\nFound by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42277 was patched at 2024-08-21

435. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42279) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: spi: microchip-core: ensure TX and RX FIFOs are empty at start of a transfer While transmitting with rx_len == 0, the RX FIFO is not going to be emptied in the interrupt handler. A subsequent transfer could then read crap from the previous transfer out of the RX FIFO into the start RX buffer. The core provides a register that will empty the RX and TX FIFOs, so do that before each transfer.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nspi: microchip-core: ensure TX and RX FIFOs are empty at start of a transfer\n\nWhile transmitting with rx_len == 0, the RX FIFO is not going to be\nemptied in the interrupt handler. A subsequent transfer could then\nread crap from the previous transfer out of the RX FIFO into the\nstart RX buffer. The core provides a register that will empty the RX and\nTX FIFOs, so do that before each transfer.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42279 was patched at 2024-08-21

436. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42291) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ice: Add a per-VF limit on number of FDIR filters While the iavf driver adds a s/w limit (128) on the number of FDIR filters that the VF can request, a malicious VF driver can request more than that and exhaust the resources for other VFs. Add a similar limit in ice.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nice: Add a per-VF limit on number of FDIR filters\n\nWhile the iavf driver adds a s/w limit (128) on the number of FDIR\nfilters that the VF can request, a malicious VF driver can request more\nthan that and exhaust the resources for other VFs.\n\nAdd a similar limit in ice.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42291 was patched at 2024-08-21

437. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42296) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: f2fs: fix return value of f2fs_convert_inline_inode() If device is readonly, make f2fs_convert_inline_inode() return EROFS instead of zero, otherwise it may trigger panic during writeback of inline inode's dirty page as below: f2fs_write_single_data_page+0xbb6/0x1e90 fs/f2fs/data.c:2888 f2fs_write_cache_pages fs/f2fs/data.c:3187 [inline] __f2fs_write_data_pages fs/f2fs/data.c:3342 [inline] f2fs_write_data_pages+0x1efe/0x3a90 fs/f2fs/data.c:3369 do_writepages+0x359/0x870 mm/page-writeback.c:2634 filemap_fdatawrite_wbc+0x125/0x180 mm/filemap.c:397 __filemap_fdatawrite_range mm/filemap.c:430 [inline] file_write_and_wait_range+0x1aa/0x290 mm/filemap.c:788 f2fs_do_sync_file+0x68a/0x1ae0 fs/f2fs/file.c:276 generic_write_sync include/linux/fs.h:2806 [inline] f2fs_file_write_iter+0x7bd/0x24e0 fs/f2fs/file.c:4977 call_write_iter include/linux/fs.h:2114 [inline] new_sync_write fs/read_write.c:497 [inline] vfs_write+0xa72/0xc90 fs/read_write.c:590 ksys_write+0x1a0/0x2c0 fs/read_write.c:643 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline] do_syscall_64+0xf5/0x240 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nf2fs: fix return value of f2fs_convert_inline_inode()\n\nIf device is readonly, make f2fs_convert_inline_inode()\nreturn EROFS instead of zero, otherwise it may trigger\npanic during writeback of inline inode's dirty page as\nbelow:\n\n f2fs_write_single_data_page+0xbb6/0x1e90 fs/f2fs/data.c:2888\n f2fs_write_cache_pages fs/f2fs/data.c:3187 [inline]\n __f2fs_write_data_pages fs/f2fs/data.c:3342 [inline]\n f2fs_write_data_pages+0x1efe/0x3a90 fs/f2fs/data.c:3369\n do_writepages+0x359/0x870 mm/page-writeback.c:2634\n filemap_fdatawrite_wbc+0x125/0x180 mm/filemap.c:397\n __filemap_fdatawrite_range mm/filemap.c:430 [inline]\n file_write_and_wait_range+0x1aa/0x290 mm/filemap.c:788\n f2fs_do_sync_file+0x68a/0x1ae0 fs/f2fs/file.c:276\n generic_write_sync include/linux/fs.h:2806 [inline]\n f2fs_file_write_iter+0x7bd/0x24e0 fs/f2fs/file.c:4977\n call_write_iter include/linux/fs.h:2114 [inline]\n new_sync_write fs/read_write.c:497 [inline]\n vfs_write+0xa72/0xc90 fs/read_write.c:590\n ksys_write+0x1a0/0x2c0 fs/read_write.c:643\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0xf5/0x240 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42296 was patched at 2024-08-21

438. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42307) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: cifs: fix potential null pointer use in destroy_workqueue in init_cifs error path Dan Carpenter reported a Smack static checker warning: fs/smb/client/cifsfs.c:1981 init_cifs() error: we previously assumed 'serverclose_wq' could be null (see line 1895) The patch which introduced the serverclose workqueue used the wrong oredering in error paths in init_cifs() for freeing it on errors.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ncifs: fix potential null pointer use in destroy_workqueue in init_cifs error path\n\nDan Carpenter reported a Smack static checker warning:\n fs/smb/client/cifsfs.c:1981 init_cifs()\n error: we previously assumed 'serverclose_wq' could be null (see line 1895)\n\nThe patch which introduced the serverclose workqueue used the wrong\noredering in error paths in init_cifs() for freeing it on errors.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42307 was patched at 2024-08-21

439. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42315) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: exfat: fix potential deadlock on __exfat_get_dentry_set When accessing a file with more entries than ES_MAX_ENTRY_NUM, the bh-array is allocated in __exfat_get_entry_set. The problem is that the bh-array is allocated with GFP_KERNEL. It does not make sense. In the following cases, a deadlock for sbi->s_lock between the two processes may occur. CPU0 CPU1 ---- ---- kswapd balance_pgdat lock(fs_reclaim) exfat_iterate lock(&sbi->s_lock) exfat_readdir exfat_get_uniname_from_ext_entry exfat_get_dentry_set __exfat_get_dentry_set kmalloc_array ... lock(fs_reclaim) ... evict exfat_evict_inode lock(&sbi->s_lock) To fix this, let's allocate bh-array with GFP_NOFS.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nexfat: fix potential deadlock on __exfat_get_dentry_set\n\nWhen accessing a file with more entries than ES_MAX_ENTRY_NUM, the bh-array\nis allocated in __exfat_get_entry_set. The problem is that the bh-array is\nallocated with GFP_KERNEL. It does not make sense. In the following cases,\na deadlock for sbi->s_lock between the two processes may occur.\n\n CPU0 CPU1\n ---- ----\n kswapd\n balance_pgdat\n lock(fs_reclaim)\n exfat_iterate\n lock(&sbi->s_lock)\n exfat_readdir\n exfat_get_uniname_from_ext_entry\n exfat_get_dentry_set\n __exfat_get_dentry_set\n kmalloc_array\n ...\n lock(fs_reclaim)\n ...\n evict\n exfat_evict_inode\n lock(&sbi->s_lock)\n\nTo fix this, let's allocate bh-array with GFP_NOFS.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42315 was patched at 2024-08-21

440. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42316) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mm/mglru: fix div-by-zero in vmpressure_calc_level() evict_folios() uses a second pass to reclaim folios that have gone through page writeback and become clean before it finishes the first pass, since folio_rotate_reclaimable() cannot handle those folios due to the isolation. The second pass tries to avoid potential double counting by deducting scan_control->nr_scanned. However, this can result in underflow of nr_scanned, under a condition where shrink_folio_list() does not increment nr_scanned, i.e., when folio_trylock() fails. The underflow can cause the divisor, i.e., scale=scanned+reclaimed in vmpressure_calc_level(), to become zero, resulting in the following crash: [exception RIP: vmpressure_work_fn+101] process_one_work at ffffffffa3313f2b Since scan_control->nr_scanned has no established semantics, the potential double counting has minimal risks. Therefore, fix the problem by not deducting scan_control->nr_scanned in evict_folios().', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmm/mglru: fix div-by-zero in vmpressure_calc_level()\n\nevict_folios() uses a second pass to reclaim folios that have gone through\npage writeback and become clean before it finishes the first pass, since\nfolio_rotate_reclaimable() cannot handle those folios due to the\nisolation.\n\nThe second pass tries to avoid potential double counting by deducting\nscan_control->nr_scanned. However, this can result in underflow of\nnr_scanned, under a condition where shrink_folio_list() does not increment\nnr_scanned, i.e., when folio_trylock() fails.\n\nThe underflow can cause the divisor, i.e., scale=scanned+reclaimed in\nvmpressure_calc_level(), to become zero, resulting in the following crash:\n\n [exception RIP: vmpressure_work_fn+101]\n process_one_work at ffffffffa3313f2b\n\nSince scan_control->nr_scanned has no established semantics, the potential\ndouble counting has minimal risks. Therefore, fix the problem by not\ndeducting scan_control->nr_scanned in evict_folios().', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42316 was patched at 2024-08-21

441. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42320) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: s390/dasd: fix error checks in dasd_copy_pair_store() dasd_add_busid() can return an error via ERR_PTR() if an allocation fails. However, two callsites in dasd_copy_pair_store() do not check the result, potentially resulting in a NULL pointer dereference. Fix this by checking the result with IS_ERR() and returning the error up the stack.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ns390/dasd: fix error checks in dasd_copy_pair_store()\n\ndasd_add_busid() can return an error via ERR_PTR() if an allocation\nfails. However, two callsites in dasd_copy_pair_store() do not check\nthe result, potentially resulting in a NULL pointer dereference. Fix\nthis by checking the result with IS_ERR() and returning the error up\nthe stack.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42320 was patched at 2024-08-21

442. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42321) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: flow_dissector: use DEBUG_NET_WARN_ON_ONCE The following splat is easy to reproduce upstream as well as in -stable kernels. Florian Westphal provided the following commit: d1dab4f71d37 ("net: add and use __skb_get_hash_symmetric_net") but this complementary fix has been also suggested by Willem de Bruijn and it can be easily backported to -stable kernel which consists in using DEBUG_NET_WARN_ON_ONCE instead to silence the following splat given __skb_get_hash() is used by the nftables tracing infrastructure to to identify packets in traces. [69133.561393] ------------[ cut here ]------------ [69133.561404] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 43576 at net/core/flow_dissector.c:1104 __skb_flow_dissect+0x134f/ [...] [69133.561944] CPU: 0 PID: 43576 Comm: socat Not tainted 6.10.0-rc7+ #379 [69133.561959] RIP: 0010:__skb_flow_dissect+0x134f/0x2ad0 [69133.561970] Code: 83 f9 04 0f 84 b3 00 00 00 45 85 c9 0f 84 aa 00 00 00 41 83 f9 02 0f 84 81 fc ff ff 44 0f b7 b4 24 80 00 00 00 e9 8b f9 ff ff <0f> 0b e9 20 f3 ff ff 41 f6 c6 20 0f 84 e4 ef ff ff 48 8d 7b 12 e8 [69133.561979] RSP: 0018:ffffc90000006fc0 EFLAGS: 00010246 [69133.561988] RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffffffff82f33e20 RCX: ffffffff81ab7e19 [69133.561994] RDX: dffffc0000000000 RSI: ffffc90000007388 RDI: ffff888103a1b418 [69133.562001] RBP: ffffc90000007310 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000 [69133.562007] R10: ffffc90000007388 R11: ffffffff810cface R12: ffff888103a1b400 [69133.562013] R13: 0000000000000000 R14: ffffffff82f33e2a R15: ffffffff82f33e28 [69133.562020] FS: 00007f40f7131740(0000) GS:ffff888390800000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 [69133.562027] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 [69133.562033] CR2: 00007f40f7346ee0 CR3: 000000015d200001 CR4: 00000000001706f0 [69133.562040] Call Trace: [69133.562044] <IRQ> [69133.562049] ? __warn+0x9f/0x1a0 [ 1211.841384] ? __skb_flow_dissect+0x107e/0x2860 [...] [ 1211.841496] ? bpf_flow_dissect+0x160/0x160 [ 1211.841753] __skb_get_hash+0x97/0x280 [ 1211.841765] ? __skb_get_hash_symmetric+0x230/0x230 [ 1211.841776] ? mod_find+0xbf/0xe0 [ 1211.841786] ? get_stack_info_noinstr+0x12/0xe0 [ 1211.841798] ? bpf_ksym_find+0x56/0xe0 [ 1211.841807] ? __rcu_read_unlock+0x2a/0x70 [ 1211.841819] nft_trace_init+0x1b9/0x1c0 [nf_tables] [ 1211.841895] ? nft_trace_notify+0x830/0x830 [nf_tables] [ 1211.841964] ? get_stack_info+0x2b/0x80 [ 1211.841975] ? nft_do_chain_arp+0x80/0x80 [nf_tables] [ 1211.842044] nft_do_chain+0x79c/0x850 [nf_tables]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: flow_dissector: use DEBUG_NET_WARN_ON_ONCE\n\nThe following splat is easy to reproduce upstream as well as in -stable\nkernels. Florian Westphal provided the following commit:\n\n d1dab4f71d37 ("net: add and use __skb_get_hash_symmetric_net")\n\nbut this complementary fix has been also suggested by Willem de Bruijn\nand it can be easily backported to -stable kernel which consists in\nusing DEBUG_NET_WARN_ON_ONCE instead to silence the following splat\ngiven __skb_get_hash() is used by the nftables tracing infrastructure to\nto identify packets in traces.\n\n[69133.561393] ------------[ cut here ]------------\n[69133.561404] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 43576 at net/core/flow_dissector.c:1104 __skb_flow_dissect+0x134f/\n[...]\n[69133.561944] CPU: 0 PID: 43576 Comm: socat Not tainted 6.10.0-rc7+ #379\n[69133.561959] RIP: 0010:__skb_flow_dissect+0x134f/0x2ad0\n[69133.561970] Code: 83 f9 04 0f 84 b3 00 00 00 45 85 c9 0f 84 aa 00 00 00 41 83 f9 02 0f 84 81 fc ff\nff 44 0f b7 b4 24 80 00 00 00 e9 8b f9 ff ff <0f> 0b e9 20 f3 ff ff 41 f6 c6 20 0f 84 e4 ef ff ff 48 8d 7b 12 e8\n[69133.561979] RSP: 0018:ffffc90000006fc0 EFLAGS: 00010246\n[69133.561988] RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffffffff82f33e20 RCX: ffffffff81ab7e19\n[69133.561994] RDX: dffffc0000000000 RSI: ffffc90000007388 RDI: ffff888103a1b418\n[69133.562001] RBP: ffffc90000007310 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000\n[69133.562007] R10: ffffc90000007388 R11: ffffffff810cface R12: ffff888103a1b400\n[69133.562013] R13: 0000000000000000 R14: ffffffff82f33e2a R15: ffffffff82f33e28\n[69133.562020] FS: 00007f40f7131740(0000) GS:ffff888390800000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\n[69133.562027] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\n[69133.562033] CR2: 00007f40f7346ee0 CR3: 000000015d200001 CR4: 00000000001706f0\n[69133.562040] Call Trace:\n[69133.562044] <IRQ>\n[69133.562049] ? __warn+0x9f/0x1a0\n[ 1211.841384] ? __skb_flow_dissect+0x107e/0x2860\n[...]\n[ 1211.841496] ? bpf_flow_dissect+0x160/0x160\n[ 1211.841753] __skb_get_hash+0x97/0x280\n[ 1211.841765] ? __skb_get_hash_symmetric+0x230/0x230\n[ 1211.841776] ? mod_find+0xbf/0xe0\n[ 1211.841786] ? get_stack_info_noinstr+0x12/0xe0\n[ 1211.841798] ? bpf_ksym_find+0x56/0xe0\n[ 1211.841807] ? __rcu_read_unlock+0x2a/0x70\n[ 1211.841819] nft_trace_init+0x1b9/0x1c0 [nf_tables]\n[ 1211.841895] ? nft_trace_notify+0x830/0x830 [nf_tables]\n[ 1211.841964] ? get_stack_info+0x2b/0x80\n[ 1211.841975] ? nft_do_chain_arp+0x80/0x80 [nf_tables]\n[ 1211.842044] nft_do_chain+0x79c/0x850 [nf_tables]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42321 was patched at 2024-08-21

443. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42322) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ipvs: properly dereference pe in ip_vs_add_service Use pe directly to resolve sparse warning: net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_ctl.c:1471:27: warning: dereference of noderef expression', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nipvs: properly dereference pe in ip_vs_add_service\n\nUse pe directly to resolve sparse warning:\n\n net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_ctl.c:1471:27: warning: dereference of noderef expression', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-42322 was patched at 2024-08-21

444. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43818) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ASoC: amd: Adjust error handling in case of absent codec device acpi_get_first_physical_node() can return NULL in several cases (no such device, ACPI table error, reference count drop to 0, etc). Existing check just emit error message, but doesn't perform return. Then this NULL pointer is passed to devm_acpi_dev_add_driver_gpios() where it is dereferenced. Adjust this error handling by adding error code return. Found by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nASoC: amd: Adjust error handling in case of absent codec device\n\nacpi_get_first_physical_node() can return NULL in several cases (no such\ndevice, ACPI table error, reference count drop to 0, etc).\nExisting check just emit error message, but doesn't perform return.\nThen this NULL pointer is passed to devm_acpi_dev_add_driver_gpios()\nwhere it is dereferenced.\n\nAdjust this error handling by adding error code return.\n\nFound by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-43818 was patched at 2024-08-21

445. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43831) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: media: mediatek: vcodec: Handle invalid decoder vsi Handle an invalid decoder vsi in vpu_dec_init to ensure the decoder vsi is valid for future use.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmedia: mediatek: vcodec: Handle invalid decoder vsi\n\nHandle an invalid decoder vsi in vpu_dec_init to ensure the decoder vsi\nis valid for future use.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-43831 was patched at 2024-08-21

446. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43832) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: s390/uv: Don't call folio_wait_writeback() without a folio reference folio_wait_writeback() requires that no spinlocks are held and that a folio reference is held, as documented. After we dropped the PTL, the folio could get freed concurrently. So grab a temporary reference.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ns390/uv: Don't call folio_wait_writeback() without a folio reference\n\nfolio_wait_writeback() requires that no spinlocks are held and that\na folio reference is held, as documented. After we dropped the PTL, the\nfolio could get freed concurrently. So grab a temporary reference.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-43832 was patched at 2024-08-21

447. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43833) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: media: v4l: async: Fix NULL pointer dereference in adding ancillary links In v4l2_async_create_ancillary_links(), ancillary links are created for lens and flash sub-devices. These are sub-device to sub-device links and if the async notifier is related to a V4L2 device, the source sub-device of the ancillary link is NULL, leading to a NULL pointer dereference. Check the notifier's sd field is non-NULL in v4l2_async_create_ancillary_links(). [Sakari Ailus: Reword the subject and commit messages slightly.]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmedia: v4l: async: Fix NULL pointer dereference in adding ancillary links\n\nIn v4l2_async_create_ancillary_links(), ancillary links are created for\nlens and flash sub-devices. These are sub-device to sub-device links and\nif the async notifier is related to a V4L2 device, the source sub-device\nof the ancillary link is NULL, leading to a NULL pointer dereference.\nCheck the notifier's sd field is non-NULL in\nv4l2_async_create_ancillary_links().\n\n[Sakari Ailus: Reword the subject and commit messages slightly.]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-43833 was patched at 2024-08-21

448. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43837) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bpf: Fix null pointer dereference in resolve_prog_type() for BPF_PROG_TYPE_EXT When loading a EXT program without specifying `attr->attach_prog_fd`, the `prog->aux->dst_prog` will be null. At this time, calling resolve_prog_type() anywhere will result in a null pointer dereference. Example stack trace: [ 8.107863] Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 0000000000000004 [ 8.108262] Mem abort info: [ 8.108384] ESR = 0x0000000096000004 [ 8.108547] EC = 0x25: DABT (current EL), IL = 32 bits [ 8.108722] SET = 0, FnV = 0 [ 8.108827] EA = 0, S1PTW = 0 [ 8.108939] FSC = 0x04: level 0 translation fault [ 8.109102] Data abort info: [ 8.109203] ISV = 0, ISS = 0x00000004, ISS2 = 0x00000000 [ 8.109399] CM = 0, WnR = 0, TnD = 0, TagAccess = 0 [ 8.109614] GCS = 0, Overlay = 0, DirtyBit = 0, Xs = 0 [ 8.109836] user pgtable: 4k pages, 48-bit VAs, pgdp=0000000101354000 [ 8.110011] [0000000000000004] pgd=0000000000000000, p4d=0000000000000000 [ 8.112624] Internal error: Oops: 0000000096000004 [#1] PREEMPT SMP [ 8.112783] Modules linked in: [ 8.113120] CPU: 0 PID: 99 Comm: may_access_dire Not tainted 6.10.0-rc3-next-20240613-dirty #1 [ 8.113230] Hardware name: linux,dummy-virt (DT) [ 8.113390] pstate: 60000005 (nZCv daif -PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--) [ 8.113429] pc : may_access_direct_pkt_data+0x24/0xa0 [ 8.113746] lr : add_subprog_and_kfunc+0x634/0x8e8 [ 8.113798] sp : ffff80008283b9f0 [ 8.113813] x29: ffff80008283b9f0 x28: ffff800082795048 x27: 0000000000000001 [ 8.113881] x26: ffff0000c0bb2600 x25: 0000000000000000 x24: 0000000000000000 [ 8.113897] x23: ffff0000c1134000 x22: 000000000001864f x21: ffff0000c1138000 [ 8.113912] x20: 0000000000000001 x19: ffff0000c12b8000 x18: ffffffffffffffff [ 8.113929] x17: 0000000000000000 x16: 0000000000000000 x15: 0720072007200720 [ 8.113944] x14: 0720072007200720 x13: 0720072007200720 x12: 0720072007200720 [ 8.113958] x11: 0720072007200720 x10: 0000000000f9fca4 x9 : ffff80008021f4e4 [ 8.113991] x8 : 0101010101010101 x7 : 746f72705f6d656d x6 : 000000001e0e0f5f [ 8.114006] x5 : 000000000001864f x4 : ffff0000c12b8000 x3 : 000000000000001c [ 8.114020] x2 : 0000000000000002 x1 : 0000000000000000 x0 : 0000000000000000 [ 8.114126] Call trace: [ 8.114159] may_access_direct_pkt_data+0x24/0xa0 [ 8.114202] bpf_check+0x3bc/0x28c0 [ 8.114214] bpf_prog_load+0x658/0xa58 [ 8.114227] __sys_bpf+0xc50/0x2250 [ 8.114240] __arm64_sys_bpf+0x28/0x40 [ 8.114254] invoke_syscall.constprop.0+0x54/0xf0 [ 8.114273] do_el0_svc+0x4c/0xd8 [ 8.114289] el0_svc+0x3c/0x140 [ 8.114305] el0t_64_sync_handler+0x134/0x150 [ 8.114331] el0t_64_sync+0x168/0x170 [ 8.114477] Code: 7100707f 54000081 f9401c00 f9403800 (b9400403) [ 8.118672] ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]--- One way to fix it is by forcing `attach_prog_fd` non-empty when bpf_prog_load(). But this will lead to `libbpf_probe_bpf_prog_type` API broken which use verifier log to probe prog type and will log nothing if we reject invalid EXT prog before bpf_check(). Another way is by adding null check in resolve_prog_type(). The issue was introduced by commit 4a9c7bbe2ed4 ("bpf: Resolve to prog->aux->dst_prog->type only for BPF_PROG_TYPE_EXT") which wanted to correct type resolution for BPF_PROG_TYPE_TRACING programs. Before that, the type resolution of BPF_PROG_TYPE_EXT prog actually follows the logic below: prog->aux->dst_prog ? prog->aux->dst_prog->type : prog->type; It implies that when EXT program is not yet attached to `dst_prog`, the prog type should be EXT itself. This code worked fine in the past. So just keep using it. Fix this by returning `prog->type` for BPF_PROG_TYPE_EXT if `dst_prog` is not present in resolve_prog_type().', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbpf: Fix null pointer dereference in resolve_prog_type() for BPF_PROG_TYPE_EXT\n\nWhen loading a EXT program without specifying `attr->attach_prog_fd`,\nthe `prog->aux->dst_prog` will be null. At this time, calling\nresolve_prog_type() anywhere will result in a null pointer dereference.\n\nExample stack trace:\n\n[ 8.107863] Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 0000000000000004\n[ 8.108262] Mem abort info:\n[ 8.108384] ESR = 0x0000000096000004\n[ 8.108547] EC = 0x25: DABT (current EL), IL = 32 bits\n[ 8.108722] SET = 0, FnV = 0\n[ 8.108827] EA = 0, S1PTW = 0\n[ 8.108939] FSC = 0x04: level 0 translation fault\n[ 8.109102] Data abort info:\n[ 8.109203] ISV = 0, ISS = 0x00000004, ISS2 = 0x00000000\n[ 8.109399] CM = 0, WnR = 0, TnD = 0, TagAccess = 0\n[ 8.109614] GCS = 0, Overlay = 0, DirtyBit = 0, Xs = 0\n[ 8.109836] user pgtable: 4k pages, 48-bit VAs, pgdp=0000000101354000\n[ 8.110011] [0000000000000004] pgd=0000000000000000, p4d=0000000000000000\n[ 8.112624] Internal error: Oops: 0000000096000004 [#1] PREEMPT SMP\n[ 8.112783] Modules linked in:\n[ 8.113120] CPU: 0 PID: 99 Comm: may_access_dire Not tainted 6.10.0-rc3-next-20240613-dirty #1\n[ 8.113230] Hardware name: linux,dummy-virt (DT)\n[ 8.113390] pstate: 60000005 (nZCv daif -PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--)\n[ 8.113429] pc : may_access_direct_pkt_data+0x24/0xa0\n[ 8.113746] lr : add_subprog_and_kfunc+0x634/0x8e8\n[ 8.113798] sp : ffff80008283b9f0\n[ 8.113813] x29: ffff80008283b9f0 x28: ffff800082795048 x27: 0000000000000001\n[ 8.113881] x26: ffff0000c0bb2600 x25: 0000000000000000 x24: 0000000000000000\n[ 8.113897] x23: ffff0000c1134000 x22: 000000000001864f x21: ffff0000c1138000\n[ 8.113912] x20: 0000000000000001 x19: ffff0000c12b8000 x18: ffffffffffffffff\n[ 8.113929] x17: 0000000000000000 x16: 0000000000000000 x15: 0720072007200720\n[ 8.113944] x14: 0720072007200720 x13: 0720072007200720 x12: 0720072007200720\n[ 8.113958] x11: 0720072007200720 x10: 0000000000f9fca4 x9 : ffff80008021f4e4\n[ 8.113991] x8 : 0101010101010101 x7 : 746f72705f6d656d x6 : 000000001e0e0f5f\n[ 8.114006] x5 : 000000000001864f x4 : ffff0000c12b8000 x3 : 000000000000001c\n[ 8.114020] x2 : 0000000000000002 x1 : 0000000000000000 x0 : 0000000000000000\n[ 8.114126] Call trace:\n[ 8.114159] may_access_direct_pkt_data+0x24/0xa0\n[ 8.114202] bpf_check+0x3bc/0x28c0\n[ 8.114214] bpf_prog_load+0x658/0xa58\n[ 8.114227] __sys_bpf+0xc50/0x2250\n[ 8.114240] __arm64_sys_bpf+0x28/0x40\n[ 8.114254] invoke_syscall.constprop.0+0x54/0xf0\n[ 8.114273] do_el0_svc+0x4c/0xd8\n[ 8.114289] el0_svc+0x3c/0x140\n[ 8.114305] el0t_64_sync_handler+0x134/0x150\n[ 8.114331] el0t_64_sync+0x168/0x170\n[ 8.114477] Code: 7100707f 54000081 f9401c00 f9403800 (b9400403)\n[ 8.118672] ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]---\n\nOne way to fix it is by forcing `attach_prog_fd` non-empty when\nbpf_prog_load(). But this will lead to `libbpf_probe_bpf_prog_type`\nAPI broken which use verifier log to probe prog type and will log\nnothing if we reject invalid EXT prog before bpf_check().\n\nAnother way is by adding null check in resolve_prog_type().\n\nThe issue was introduced by commit 4a9c7bbe2ed4 ("bpf: Resolve to\nprog->aux->dst_prog->type only for BPF_PROG_TYPE_EXT") which wanted\nto correct type resolution for BPF_PROG_TYPE_TRACING programs. Before\nthat, the type resolution of BPF_PROG_TYPE_EXT prog actually follows\nthe logic below:\n\n prog->aux->dst_prog ? prog->aux->dst_prog->type : prog->type;\n\nIt implies that when EXT program is not yet attached to `dst_prog`,\nthe prog type should be EXT itself. This code worked fine in the past.\nSo just keep using it.\n\nFix this by returning `prog->type` for BPF_PROG_TYPE_EXT if `dst_prog`\nis not present in resolve_prog_type().', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-43837 was patched at 2024-08-21

449. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43842) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: rtw89: Fix array index mistake in rtw89_sta_info_get_iter() In rtw89_sta_info_get_iter() 'status->he_gi' is compared to array size. But then 'rate->he_gi' is used as array index instead of 'status->he_gi'. This can lead to go beyond array boundaries in case of 'rate->he_gi' is not equal to 'status->he_gi' and is bigger than array size. Looks like "copy-paste" mistake. Fix this mistake by replacing 'rate->he_gi' with 'status->he_gi'. Found by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nwifi: rtw89: Fix array index mistake in rtw89_sta_info_get_iter()\n\nIn rtw89_sta_info_get_iter() 'status->he_gi' is compared to array size.\nBut then 'rate->he_gi' is used as array index instead of 'status->he_gi'.\nThis can lead to go beyond array boundaries in case of 'rate->he_gi' is\nnot equal to 'status->he_gi' and is bigger than array size. Looks like\n"copy-paste" mistake.\n\nFix this mistake by replacing 'rate->he_gi' with 'status->he_gi'.\n\nFound by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-43842 was patched at 2024-08-21

450. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43850) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: soc: qcom: icc-bwmon: Fix refcount imbalance seen during bwmon_remove The following warning is seen during bwmon_remove due to refcount imbalance, fix this by releasing the OPPs after use. Logs: WARNING: at drivers/opp/core.c:1640 _opp_table_kref_release+0x150/0x158 Hardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. X1E80100 CRD (DT) ... Call trace: _opp_table_kref_release+0x150/0x158 dev_pm_opp_remove_table+0x100/0x1b4 devm_pm_opp_of_table_release+0x10/0x1c devm_action_release+0x14/0x20 devres_release_all+0xa4/0x104 device_unbind_cleanup+0x18/0x60 device_release_driver_internal+0x1ec/0x228 driver_detach+0x50/0x98 bus_remove_driver+0x6c/0xbc driver_unregister+0x30/0x60 platform_driver_unregister+0x14/0x20 bwmon_driver_exit+0x18/0x524 [icc_bwmon] __arm64_sys_delete_module+0x184/0x264 invoke_syscall+0x48/0x118 el0_svc_common.constprop.0+0xc8/0xe8 do_el0_svc+0x20/0x2c el0_svc+0x34/0xdc el0t_64_sync_handler+0x13c/0x158 el0t_64_sync+0x190/0x194 --[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]---', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nsoc: qcom: icc-bwmon: Fix refcount imbalance seen during bwmon_remove\n\nThe following warning is seen during bwmon_remove due to refcount\nimbalance, fix this by releasing the OPPs after use.\n\nLogs:\nWARNING: at drivers/opp/core.c:1640 _opp_table_kref_release+0x150/0x158\nHardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. X1E80100 CRD (DT)\n...\nCall trace:\n_opp_table_kref_release+0x150/0x158\ndev_pm_opp_remove_table+0x100/0x1b4\ndevm_pm_opp_of_table_release+0x10/0x1c\ndevm_action_release+0x14/0x20\ndevres_release_all+0xa4/0x104\ndevice_unbind_cleanup+0x18/0x60\ndevice_release_driver_internal+0x1ec/0x228\ndriver_detach+0x50/0x98\nbus_remove_driver+0x6c/0xbc\ndriver_unregister+0x30/0x60\nplatform_driver_unregister+0x14/0x20\nbwmon_driver_exit+0x18/0x524 [icc_bwmon]\n__arm64_sys_delete_module+0x184/0x264\ninvoke_syscall+0x48/0x118\nel0_svc_common.constprop.0+0xc8/0xe8\ndo_el0_svc+0x20/0x2c\nel0_svc+0x34/0xdc\nel0t_64_sync_handler+0x13c/0x158\nel0t_64_sync+0x190/0x194\n--[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]---', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-43850 was patched at 2024-08-21

451. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43851) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: soc: xilinx: rename cpu_number1 to dummy_cpu_number The per cpu variable cpu_number1 is passed to xlnx_event_handler as argument "dev_id", but it is not used in this function. So drop the initialization of this variable and rename it to dummy_cpu_number. This patch is to fix the following call trace when the kernel option CONFIG_DEBUG_ATOMIC_SLEEP is enabled: BUG: sleeping function called from invalid context at include/linux/sched/mm.h:274 in_atomic(): 1, irqs_disabled(): 0, non_block: 0, pid: 1, name: swapper/0 preempt_count: 1, expected: 0 CPU: 0 PID: 1 Comm: swapper/0 Not tainted 6.1.0 #53 Hardware name: Xilinx Versal vmk180 Eval board rev1.1 (QSPI) (DT) Call trace: dump_backtrace+0xd0/0xe0 show_stack+0x18/0x40 dump_stack_lvl+0x7c/0xa0 dump_stack+0x18/0x34 __might_resched+0x10c/0x140 __might_sleep+0x4c/0xa0 __kmem_cache_alloc_node+0xf4/0x168 kmalloc_trace+0x28/0x38 __request_percpu_irq+0x74/0x138 xlnx_event_manager_probe+0xf8/0x298 platform_probe+0x68/0xd8', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nsoc: xilinx: rename cpu_number1 to dummy_cpu_number\n\nThe per cpu variable cpu_number1 is passed to xlnx_event_handler as\nargument "dev_id", but it is not used in this function. So drop the\ninitialization of this variable and rename it to dummy_cpu_number.\nThis patch is to fix the following call trace when the kernel option\nCONFIG_DEBUG_ATOMIC_SLEEP is enabled:\n\nBUG: sleeping function called from invalid context at include/linux/sched/mm.h:274\n in_atomic(): 1, irqs_disabled(): 0, non_block: 0, pid: 1, name: swapper/0\n preempt_count: 1, expected: 0\n CPU: 0 PID: 1 Comm: swapper/0 Not tainted 6.1.0 #53\n Hardware name: Xilinx Versal vmk180 Eval board rev1.1 (QSPI) (DT)\n Call trace:\n dump_backtrace+0xd0/0xe0\n show_stack+0x18/0x40\n dump_stack_lvl+0x7c/0xa0\n dump_stack+0x18/0x34\n __might_resched+0x10c/0x140\n __might_sleep+0x4c/0xa0\n __kmem_cache_alloc_node+0xf4/0x168\n kmalloc_trace+0x28/0x38\n __request_percpu_irq+0x74/0x138\n xlnx_event_manager_probe+0xf8/0x298\n platform_probe+0x68/0xd8', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-43851 was patched at 2024-08-21

452. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43853) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: cgroup/cpuset: Prevent UAF in proc_cpuset_show() An UAF can happen when /proc/cpuset is read as reported in [1]. This can be reproduced by the following methods: 1.add an mdelay(1000) before acquiring the cgroup_lock In the cgroup_path_ns function. 2.$cat /proc/<pid>/cpuset repeatly. 3.$mount -t cgroup -o cpuset cpuset /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/ $umount /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/ repeatly. The race that cause this bug can be shown as below: (umount)\t\t|\t(cat /proc/<pid>/cpuset) css_release\t\t|\tproc_cpuset_show css_release_work_fn\t|\tcss = task_get_css(tsk, cpuset_cgrp_id); css_free_rwork_fn\t|\tcgroup_path_ns(css->cgroup, ...); cgroup_destroy_root\t|\tmutex_lock(&cgroup_mutex); rebind_subsystems\t| cgroup_free_root \t| \t\t\t|\t// cgrp was freed, UAF \t\t\t|\tcgroup_path_ns_locked(cgrp,..); When the cpuset is initialized, the root node top_cpuset.css.cgrp will point to &cgrp_dfl_root.cgrp. In cgroup v1, the mount operation will allocate cgroup_root, and top_cpuset.css.cgrp will point to the allocated &cgroup_root.cgrp. When the umount operation is executed, top_cpuset.css.cgrp will be rebound to &cgrp_dfl_root.cgrp. The problem is that when rebinding to cgrp_dfl_root, there are cases where the cgroup_root allocated by setting up the root for cgroup v1 is cached. This could lead to a Use-After-Free (UAF) if it is subsequently freed. The descendant cgroups of cgroup v1 can only be freed after the css is released. However, the css of the root will never be released, yet the cgroup_root should be freed when it is unmounted. This means that obtaining a reference to the css of the root does not guarantee that css.cgrp->root will not be freed. Fix this problem by using rcu_read_lock in proc_cpuset_show(). As cgroup_root is kfree_rcu after commit d23b5c577715 ("cgroup: Make operations on the cgroup root_list RCU safe"), css->cgroup won't be freed during the critical section. To call cgroup_path_ns_locked, css_set_lock is needed, so it is safe to replace task_get_css with task_css. [1]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ncgroup/cpuset: Prevent UAF in proc_cpuset_show()\n\nAn UAF can happen when /proc/cpuset is read as reported in [1].\n\nThis can be reproduced by the following methods:\n1.add an mdelay(1000) before acquiring the cgroup_lock In the\n cgroup_path_ns function.\n2.$cat /proc/<pid>/cpuset repeatly.\n3.$mount -t cgroup -o cpuset cpuset /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/\n$umount /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/ repeatly.\n\nThe race that cause this bug can be shown as below:\n\n(umount)\t\t|\t(cat /proc/<pid>/cpuset)\ncss_release\t\t|\tproc_cpuset_show\ncss_release_work_fn\t|\tcss = task_get_css(tsk, cpuset_cgrp_id);\ncss_free_rwork_fn\t|\tcgroup_path_ns(css->cgroup, ...);\ncgroup_destroy_root\t|\tmutex_lock(&cgroup_mutex);\nrebind_subsystems\t|\ncgroup_free_root \t|\n\t\t\t|\t// cgrp was freed, UAF\n\t\t\t|\tcgroup_path_ns_locked(cgrp,..);\n\nWhen the cpuset is initialized, the root node top_cpuset.css.cgrp\nwill point to &cgrp_dfl_root.cgrp. In cgroup v1, the mount operation will\nallocate cgroup_root, and top_cpuset.css.cgrp will point to the allocated\n&cgroup_root.cgrp. When the umount operation is executed,\ntop_cpuset.css.cgrp will be rebound to &cgrp_dfl_root.cgrp.\n\nThe problem is that when rebinding to cgrp_dfl_root, there are cases\nwhere the cgroup_root allocated by setting up the root for cgroup v1\nis cached. This could lead to a Use-After-Free (UAF) if it is\nsubsequently freed. The descendant cgroups of cgroup v1 can only be\nfreed after the css is released. However, the css of the root will never\nbe released, yet the cgroup_root should be freed when it is unmounted.\nThis means that obtaining a reference to the css of the root does\nnot guarantee that css.cgrp->root will not be freed.\n\nFix this problem by using rcu_read_lock in proc_cpuset_show().\nAs cgroup_root is kfree_rcu after commit d23b5c577715\n("cgroup: Make operations on the cgroup root_list RCU safe"),\ncss->cgroup won't be freed during the critical section.\nTo call cgroup_path_ns_locked, css_set_lock is needed, so it is safe to\nreplace task_get_css with task_css.\n\n[1]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-43853 was patched at 2024-08-21

453. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43854) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: block: initialize integrity buffer to zero before writing it to media Metadata added by bio_integrity_prep is using plain kmalloc, which leads to random kernel memory being written media. For PI metadata this is limited to the app tag that isn't used by kernel generated metadata, but for non-PI metadata the entire buffer leaks kernel memory. Fix this by adding the __GFP_ZERO flag to allocations for writes.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nblock: initialize integrity buffer to zero before writing it to media\n\nMetadata added by bio_integrity_prep is using plain kmalloc, which leads\nto random kernel memory being written media. For PI metadata this is\nlimited to the app tag that isn't used by kernel generated metadata,\nbut for non-PI metadata the entire buffer leaks kernel memory.\n\nFix this by adding the __GFP_ZERO flag to allocations for writes.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-43854 was patched at 2024-08-21

454. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43855) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: md: fix deadlock between mddev_suspend and flush bio Deadlock occurs when mddev is being suspended while some flush bio is in progress. It is a complex issue. T1. the first flush is at the ending stage, it clears 'mddev->flush_bio' and tries to submit data, but is blocked because mddev is suspended by T4. T2. the second flush sets 'mddev->flush_bio', and attempts to queue md_submit_flush_data(), which is already running (T1) and won't execute again if on the same CPU as T1. T3. the third flush inc active_io and tries to flush, but is blocked because 'mddev->flush_bio' is not NULL (set by T2). T4. mddev_suspend() is called and waits for active_io dec to 0 which is inc by T3. T1\t\tT2\t\tT3\t\tT4 (flush 1)\t(flush 2)\t(third 3)\t(suspend) md_submit_flush_data mddev->flush_bio = NULL; . .\t \tmd_flush_request .\t \t mddev->flush_bio = bio .\t \t queue submit_flushes .\t\t . .\t\t .\t\tmd_handle_request .\t\t .\t\t active_io + 1 .\t\t .\t\t md_flush_request .\t\t .\t\t wait !mddev->flush_bio .\t\t . .\t\t .\t\t\t\tmddev_suspend .\t\t .\t\t\t\t wait !active_io .\t\t . .\t\t submit_flushes .\t\t queue_work md_submit_flush_data .\t\t //md_submit_flush_data is already running (T1) . md_handle_request wait resume The root issue is non-atomic inc/dec of active_io during flush process. active_io is dec before md_submit_flush_data is queued, and inc soon after md_submit_flush_data() run. md_flush_request active_io + 1 submit_flushes active_io - 1 md_submit_flush_data md_handle_request active_io + 1 make_request active_io - 1 If active_io is dec after md_handle_request() instead of within submit_flushes(), make_request() can be called directly intead of md_handle_request() in md_submit_flush_data(), and active_io will only inc and dec once in the whole flush process. Deadlock will be fixed. Additionally, the only difference between fixing the issue and before is that there is no return error handling of make_request(). But after previous patch cleaned md_write_start(), make_requst() only return error in raid5_make_request() by dm-raid, see commit 41425f96d7aa ("dm-raid456, md/raid456: fix a deadlock for dm-raid456 while io concurrent with reshape)". Since dm always splits data and flush operation into two separate io, io size of flush submitted by dm always is 0, make_request() will not be called in md_submit_flush_data(). To prevent future modifications from introducing issues, add WARN_ON to ensure make_request() no error is returned in this context.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmd: fix deadlock between mddev_suspend and flush bio\n\nDeadlock occurs when mddev is being suspended while some flush bio is in\nprogress. It is a complex issue.\n\nT1. the first flush is at the ending stage, it clears 'mddev->flush_bio'\n and tries to submit data, but is blocked because mddev is suspended\n by T4.\nT2. the second flush sets 'mddev->flush_bio', and attempts to queue\n md_submit_flush_data(), which is already running (T1) and won't\n execute again if on the same CPU as T1.\nT3. the third flush inc active_io and tries to flush, but is blocked because\n 'mddev->flush_bio' is not NULL (set by T2).\nT4. mddev_suspend() is called and waits for active_io dec to 0 which is inc\n by T3.\n\n T1\t\tT2\t\tT3\t\tT4\n (flush 1)\t(flush 2)\t(third 3)\t(suspend)\n md_submit_flush_data\n mddev->flush_bio = NULL;\n .\n .\t \tmd_flush_request\n .\t \t mddev->flush_bio = bio\n .\t \t queue submit_flushes\n .\t\t .\n .\t\t .\t\tmd_handle_request\n .\t\t .\t\t active_io + 1\n .\t\t .\t\t md_flush_request\n .\t\t .\t\t wait !mddev->flush_bio\n .\t\t .\n .\t\t .\t\t\t\tmddev_suspend\n .\t\t .\t\t\t\t wait !active_io\n .\t\t .\n .\t\t submit_flushes\n .\t\t queue_work md_submit_flush_data\n .\t\t //md_submit_flush_data is already running (T1)\n .\n md_handle_request\n wait resume\n\nThe root issue is non-atomic inc/dec of active_io during flush process.\nactive_io is dec before md_submit_flush_data is queued, and inc soon\nafter md_submit_flush_data() run.\n md_flush_request\n active_io + 1\n submit_flushes\n active_io - 1\n md_submit_flush_data\n md_handle_request\n active_io + 1\n make_request\n active_io - 1\n\nIf active_io is dec after md_handle_request() instead of within\nsubmit_flushes(), make_request() can be called directly intead of\nmd_handle_request() in md_submit_flush_data(), and active_io will\nonly inc and dec once in the whole flush process. Deadlock will be\nfixed.\n\nAdditionally, the only difference between fixing the issue and before is\nthat there is no return error handling of make_request(). But after\nprevious patch cleaned md_write_start(), make_requst() only return error\nin raid5_make_request() by dm-raid, see commit 41425f96d7aa ("dm-raid456,\nmd/raid456: fix a deadlock for dm-raid456 while io concurrent with\nreshape)". Since dm always splits data and flush operation into two\nseparate io, io size of flush submitted by dm always is 0, make_request()\nwill not be called in md_submit_flush_data(). To prevent future\nmodifications from introducing issues, add WARN_ON to ensure\nmake_request() no error is returned in this context.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-43855 was patched at 2024-08-21

455. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43859) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: f2fs: fix to truncate preallocated blocks in f2fs_file_open() chenyuwen reports a f2fs bug as below: Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 0000000000000011 fscrypt_set_bio_crypt_ctx+0x78/0x1e8 f2fs_grab_read_bio+0x78/0x208 f2fs_submit_page_read+0x44/0x154 f2fs_get_read_data_page+0x288/0x5f4 f2fs_get_lock_data_page+0x60/0x190 truncate_partial_data_page+0x108/0x4fc f2fs_do_truncate_blocks+0x344/0x5f0 f2fs_truncate_blocks+0x6c/0x134 f2fs_truncate+0xd8/0x200 f2fs_iget+0x20c/0x5ac do_garbage_collect+0x5d0/0xf6c f2fs_gc+0x22c/0x6a4 f2fs_disable_checkpoint+0xc8/0x310 f2fs_fill_super+0x14bc/0x1764 mount_bdev+0x1b4/0x21c f2fs_mount+0x20/0x30 legacy_get_tree+0x50/0xbc vfs_get_tree+0x5c/0x1b0 do_new_mount+0x298/0x4cc path_mount+0x33c/0x5fc __arm64_sys_mount+0xcc/0x15c invoke_syscall+0x60/0x150 el0_svc_common+0xb8/0xf8 do_el0_svc+0x28/0xa0 el0_svc+0x24/0x84 el0t_64_sync_handler+0x88/0xec It is because inode.i_crypt_info is not initialized during below path: - mount - f2fs_fill_super - f2fs_disable_checkpoint - f2fs_gc - f2fs_iget - f2fs_truncate So, let's relocate truncation of preallocated blocks to f2fs_file_open(), after fscrypt_file_open().', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nf2fs: fix to truncate preallocated blocks in f2fs_file_open()\n\nchenyuwen reports a f2fs bug as below:\n\nUnable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 0000000000000011\n fscrypt_set_bio_crypt_ctx+0x78/0x1e8\n f2fs_grab_read_bio+0x78/0x208\n f2fs_submit_page_read+0x44/0x154\n f2fs_get_read_data_page+0x288/0x5f4\n f2fs_get_lock_data_page+0x60/0x190\n truncate_partial_data_page+0x108/0x4fc\n f2fs_do_truncate_blocks+0x344/0x5f0\n f2fs_truncate_blocks+0x6c/0x134\n f2fs_truncate+0xd8/0x200\n f2fs_iget+0x20c/0x5ac\n do_garbage_collect+0x5d0/0xf6c\n f2fs_gc+0x22c/0x6a4\n f2fs_disable_checkpoint+0xc8/0x310\n f2fs_fill_super+0x14bc/0x1764\n mount_bdev+0x1b4/0x21c\n f2fs_mount+0x20/0x30\n legacy_get_tree+0x50/0xbc\n vfs_get_tree+0x5c/0x1b0\n do_new_mount+0x298/0x4cc\n path_mount+0x33c/0x5fc\n __arm64_sys_mount+0xcc/0x15c\n invoke_syscall+0x60/0x150\n el0_svc_common+0xb8/0xf8\n do_el0_svc+0x28/0xa0\n el0_svc+0x24/0x84\n el0t_64_sync_handler+0x88/0xec\n\nIt is because inode.i_crypt_info is not initialized during below path:\n- mount\n - f2fs_fill_super\n - f2fs_disable_checkpoint\n - f2fs_gc\n - f2fs_iget\n - f2fs_truncate\n\nSo, let's relocate truncation of preallocated blocks to f2fs_file_open(),\nafter fscrypt_file_open().', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-43859 was patched at 2024-08-21

456. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43863) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/vmwgfx: Fix a deadlock in dma buf fence polling Introduce a version of the fence ops that on release doesn't remove the fence from the pending list, and thus doesn't require a lock to fix poll->fence wait->fence unref deadlocks. vmwgfx overwrites the wait callback to iterate over the list of all fences and update their status, to do that it holds a lock to prevent the list modifcations from other threads. The fence destroy callback both deletes the fence and removes it from the list of pending fences, for which it holds a lock. dma buf polling cb unrefs a fence after it's been signaled: so the poll calls the wait, which signals the fences, which are being destroyed. The destruction tries to acquire the lock on the pending fences list which it can never get because it's held by the wait from which it was called. Old bug, but not a lot of userspace apps were using dma-buf polling interfaces. Fix those, in particular this fixes KDE stalls/deadlock.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/vmwgfx: Fix a deadlock in dma buf fence polling\n\nIntroduce a version of the fence ops that on release doesn't remove\nthe fence from the pending list, and thus doesn't require a lock to\nfix poll->fence wait->fence unref deadlocks.\n\nvmwgfx overwrites the wait callback to iterate over the list of all\nfences and update their status, to do that it holds a lock to prevent\nthe list modifcations from other threads. The fence destroy callback\nboth deletes the fence and removes it from the list of pending\nfences, for which it holds a lock.\n\ndma buf polling cb unrefs a fence after it's been signaled: so the poll\ncalls the wait, which signals the fences, which are being destroyed.\nThe destruction tries to acquire the lock on the pending fences list\nwhich it can never get because it's held by the wait from which it\nwas called.\n\nOld bug, but not a lot of userspace apps were using dma-buf polling\ninterfaces. Fix those, in particular this fixes KDE stalls/deadlock.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-43863 was patched at 2024-08-21

457. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43866) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/mlx5: Always drain health in shutdown callback There is no point in recovery during device shutdown. if health work started need to wait for it to avoid races and NULL pointer access. Hence, drain health WQ on shutdown callback.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet/mlx5: Always drain health in shutdown callback\n\nThere is no point in recovery during device shutdown. if health\nwork started need to wait for it to avoid races and NULL pointer\naccess.\n\nHence, drain health WQ on shutdown callback.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-43866 was patched at 2024-08-21

458. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43869) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: perf: Fix event leak upon exec and file release The perf pending task work is never waited upon the matching event release. In the case of a child event, released via free_event() directly, this can potentially result in a leaked event, such as in the following scenario that doesn't even require a weak IRQ work implementation to trigger: schedule() prepare_task_switch() =======> <NMI> perf_event_overflow() event->pending_sigtrap = ... irq_work_queue(&event->pending_irq) <======= </NMI> perf_event_task_sched_out() event_sched_out() event->pending_sigtrap = 0; atomic_long_inc_not_zero(&event->refcount) task_work_add(&event->pending_task) finish_lock_switch() =======> <IRQ> perf_pending_irq() //do nothing, rely on pending task work <======= </IRQ> begin_new_exec() perf_event_exit_task() perf_event_exit_event() // If is child event free_event() WARN(atomic_long_cmpxchg(&event->refcount, 1, 0) != 1) // event is leaked Similar scenarios can also happen with perf_event_remove_on_exec() or simply against concurrent perf_event_release(). Fix this with synchonizing against the possibly remaining pending task work while freeing the event, just like is done with remaining pending IRQ work. This means that the pending task callback neither need nor should hold a reference to the event, preventing it from ever beeing freed.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nperf: Fix event leak upon exec and file release\n\nThe perf pending task work is never waited upon the matching event\nrelease. In the case of a child event, released via free_event()\ndirectly, this can potentially result in a leaked event, such as in the\nfollowing scenario that doesn't even require a weak IRQ work\nimplementation to trigger:\n\nschedule()\n prepare_task_switch()\n=======> <NMI>\n perf_event_overflow()\n event->pending_sigtrap = ...\n irq_work_queue(&event->pending_irq)\n<======= </NMI>\n perf_event_task_sched_out()\n event_sched_out()\n event->pending_sigtrap = 0;\n atomic_long_inc_not_zero(&event->refcount)\n task_work_add(&event->pending_task)\n finish_lock_switch()\n=======> <IRQ>\n perf_pending_irq()\n //do nothing, rely on pending task work\n<======= </IRQ>\n\nbegin_new_exec()\n perf_event_exit_task()\n perf_event_exit_event()\n // If is child event\n free_event()\n WARN(atomic_long_cmpxchg(&event->refcount, 1, 0) != 1)\n // event is leaked\n\nSimilar scenarios can also happen with perf_event_remove_on_exec() or\nsimply against concurrent perf_event_release().\n\nFix this with synchonizing against the possibly remaining pending task\nwork while freeing the event, just like is done with remaining pending\nIRQ work. This means that the pending task callback neither need nor\nshould hold a reference to the event, preventing it from ever beeing\nfreed.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-43869 was patched at 2024-08-21

459. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43870) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: perf: Fix event leak upon exit When a task is scheduled out, pending sigtrap deliveries are deferred to the target task upon resume to userspace via task_work. However failures while adding an event's callback to the task_work engine are ignored. And since the last call for events exit happen after task work is eventually closed, there is a small window during which pending sigtrap can be queued though ignored, leaking the event refcount addition such as in the following scenario: TASK A ----- do_exit() exit_task_work(tsk); <IRQ> perf_event_overflow() event->pending_sigtrap = pending_id; irq_work_queue(&event->pending_irq); </IRQ> =========> PREEMPTION: TASK A -> TASK B event_sched_out() event->pending_sigtrap = 0; atomic_long_inc_not_zero(&event->refcount) // FAILS: task work has exited task_work_add(&event->pending_task) [...] <IRQ WORK> perf_pending_irq() // early return: event->oncpu = -1 </IRQ WORK> [...] =========> TASK B -> TASK A perf_event_exit_task(tsk) perf_event_exit_event() free_event() WARN(atomic_long_cmpxchg(&event->refcount, 1, 0) != 1) // leak event due to unexpected refcount == 2 As a result the event is never released while the task exits. Fix this with appropriate task_work_add()'s error handling.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nperf: Fix event leak upon exit\n\nWhen a task is scheduled out, pending sigtrap deliveries are deferred\nto the target task upon resume to userspace via task_work.\n\nHowever failures while adding an event's callback to the task_work\nengine are ignored. And since the last call for events exit happen\nafter task work is eventually closed, there is a small window during\nwhich pending sigtrap can be queued though ignored, leaking the event\nrefcount addition such as in the following scenario:\n\n TASK A\n -----\n\n do_exit()\n exit_task_work(tsk);\n\n <IRQ>\n perf_event_overflow()\n event->pending_sigtrap = pending_id;\n irq_work_queue(&event->pending_irq);\n </IRQ>\n =========> PREEMPTION: TASK A -> TASK B\n event_sched_out()\n event->pending_sigtrap = 0;\n atomic_long_inc_not_zero(&event->refcount)\n // FAILS: task work has exited\n task_work_add(&event->pending_task)\n [...]\n <IRQ WORK>\n perf_pending_irq()\n // early return: event->oncpu = -1\n </IRQ WORK>\n [...]\n =========> TASK B -> TASK A\n perf_event_exit_task(tsk)\n perf_event_exit_event()\n free_event()\n WARN(atomic_long_cmpxchg(&event->refcount, 1, 0) != 1)\n // leak event due to unexpected refcount == 2\n\nAs a result the event is never released while the task exits.\n\nFix this with appropriate task_work_add()'s error handling.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-43870 was patched at 2024-08-21

460. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43873) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: vhost/vsock: always initialize seqpacket_allow There are two issues around seqpacket_allow: 1. seqpacket_allow is not initialized when socket is created. Thus if features are never set, it will be read uninitialized. 2. if VIRTIO_VSOCK_F_SEQPACKET is set and then cleared, then seqpacket_allow will not be cleared appropriately (existing apps I know about don't usually do this but it's legal and there's no way to be sure no one relies on this). To fix: \t- initialize seqpacket_allow after allocation \t- set it unconditionally in set_features', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nvhost/vsock: always initialize seqpacket_allow\n\nThere are two issues around seqpacket_allow:\n1. seqpacket_allow is not initialized when socket is\n created. Thus if features are never set, it will be\n read uninitialized.\n2. if VIRTIO_VSOCK_F_SEQPACKET is set and then cleared,\n then seqpacket_allow will not be cleared appropriately\n (existing apps I know about don't usually do this but\n it's legal and there's no way to be sure no one relies\n on this).\n\nTo fix:\n\t- initialize seqpacket_allow after allocation\n\t- set it unconditionally in set_features', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-43873 was patched at 2024-08-21

461. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43875) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: PCI: endpoint: Clean up error handling in vpci_scan_bus() Smatch complains about inconsistent NULL checking in vpci_scan_bus(): drivers/pci/endpoint/functions/pci-epf-vntb.c:1024 vpci_scan_bus() error: we previously assumed 'vpci_bus' could be null (see line 1021) Instead of printing an error message and then crashing we should return an error code and clean up. Also the NULL check is reversed so it prints an error for success instead of failure.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nPCI: endpoint: Clean up error handling in vpci_scan_bus()\n\nSmatch complains about inconsistent NULL checking in vpci_scan_bus():\n\n drivers/pci/endpoint/functions/pci-epf-vntb.c:1024 vpci_scan_bus() error: we previously assumed 'vpci_bus' could be null (see line 1021)\n\nInstead of printing an error message and then crashing we should return\nan error code and clean up.\n\nAlso the NULL check is reversed so it prints an error for success\ninstead of failure.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-43875 was patched at 2024-08-21

462. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43876) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: PCI: rcar: Demote WARN() to dev_warn_ratelimited() in rcar_pcie_wakeup() Avoid large backtrace, it is sufficient to warn the user that there has been a link problem. Either the link has failed and the system is in need of maintenance, or the link continues to work and user has been informed. The message from the warning can be looked up in the sources. This makes an actual link issue less verbose. First of all, this controller has a limitation in that the controller driver has to assist the hardware with transition to L1 link state by writing L1IATN to PMCTRL register, the L1 and L0 link state switching is not fully automatic on this controller. In case of an ASMedia ASM1062 PCIe SATA controller which does not support ASPM, on entry to suspend or during platform pm_test, the SATA controller enters D3hot state and the link enters L1 state. If the SATA controller wakes up before rcar_pcie_wakeup() was called and returns to D0, the link returns to L0 before the controller driver even started its transition to L1 link state. At this point, the SATA controller did send an PM_ENTER_L1 DLLP to the PCIe controller and the PCIe controller received it, and the PCIe controller did set PMSR PMEL1RX bit. Once rcar_pcie_wakeup() is called, if the link is already back in L0 state and PMEL1RX bit is set, the controller driver has no way to determine if it should perform the link transition to L1 state, or treat the link as if it is in L0 state. Currently the driver attempts to perform the transition to L1 link state unconditionally, which in this specific case fails with a PMSR L1FAEG poll timeout, however the link still works as it is already back in L0 state. Reduce this warning verbosity. In case the link is really broken, the rcar_pcie_config_access() would fail, otherwise it will succeed and any system with this controller and ASM1062 can suspend without generating a backtrace.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nPCI: rcar: Demote WARN() to dev_warn_ratelimited() in rcar_pcie_wakeup()\n\nAvoid large backtrace, it is sufficient to warn the user that there has\nbeen a link problem. Either the link has failed and the system is in need\nof maintenance, or the link continues to work and user has been informed.\nThe message from the warning can be looked up in the sources.\n\nThis makes an actual link issue less verbose.\n\nFirst of all, this controller has a limitation in that the controller\ndriver has to assist the hardware with transition to L1 link state by\nwriting L1IATN to PMCTRL register, the L1 and L0 link state switching\nis not fully automatic on this controller.\n\nIn case of an ASMedia ASM1062 PCIe SATA controller which does not support\nASPM, on entry to suspend or during platform pm_test, the SATA controller\nenters D3hot state and the link enters L1 state. If the SATA controller\nwakes up before rcar_pcie_wakeup() was called and returns to D0, the link\nreturns to L0 before the controller driver even started its transition to\nL1 link state. At this point, the SATA controller did send an PM_ENTER_L1\nDLLP to the PCIe controller and the PCIe controller received it, and the\nPCIe controller did set PMSR PMEL1RX bit.\n\nOnce rcar_pcie_wakeup() is called, if the link is already back in L0 state\nand PMEL1RX bit is set, the controller driver has no way to determine if\nit should perform the link transition to L1 state, or treat the link as if\nit is in L0 state. Currently the driver attempts to perform the transition\nto L1 link state unconditionally, which in this specific case fails with a\nPMSR L1FAEG poll timeout, however the link still works as it is already\nback in L0 state.\n\nReduce this warning verbosity. In case the link is really broken, the\nrcar_pcie_config_access() would fail, otherwise it will succeed and any\nsystem with this controller and ASM1062 can suspend without generating\na backtrace.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-43876 was patched at 2024-08-21

463. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43877) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: media: pci: ivtv: Add check for DMA map result In case DMA fails, 'dma->SG_length' is 0. This value is later used to access 'dma->SGarray[dma->SG_length - 1]', which will cause out of bounds access. Add check to return early on invalid value. Adjust warnings accordingly. Found by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmedia: pci: ivtv: Add check for DMA map result\n\nIn case DMA fails, 'dma->SG_length' is 0. This value is later used to\naccess 'dma->SGarray[dma->SG_length - 1]', which will cause out of\nbounds access.\n\nAdd check to return early on invalid value. Adjust warnings accordingly.\n\nFound by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-43877 was patched at 2024-08-21

464. Memory Corruption - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-34161) - Low [172]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'When NGINX Plus or NGINX OSS are configured to use the HTTP/3 QUIC module and the network infrastructure supports a Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of 4096 or greater without fragmentation, undisclosed QUIC packets can cause NGINX worker processes to leak previously freed memory.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'When NGINX Plus or NGINX OSS are configured to use the HTTP/3 QUIC module and the network infrastructure supports a Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of 4096 or greater without fragmentation, undisclosed QUIC packets can cause NGINX worker processes to leak previously freed memory.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

redos: CVE-2024-34161 was patched at 2024-07-25

465. Memory Corruption - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-35200) - Low [172]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'When NGINX Plus or NGINX OSS are configured to use the HTTP/3 QUIC module, undisclosed HTTP/3 requests can cause NGINX worker processes to terminate.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'When NGINX Plus or NGINX OSS are configured to use the HTTP/3 QUIC module, undisclosed HTTP/3 requests can cause NGINX worker processes to terminate.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

redos: CVE-2024-35200 was patched at 2024-07-25

466. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Perl (CVE-2023-20584) - Low [171]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'IOMMU improperly handles certain special address ranges with invalid device table entries (DTEs), which may allow an attacker with privileges and a compromised Hypervisor to induce DTE faults to bypass RMP checks in SEV-SNP, potentially leading to a loss of guest integrity.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'IOMMU improperly handles certain special address\nranges with invalid device table entries (DTEs), which may allow an attacker\nwith privileges and a compromised Hypervisor to\ninduce DTE faults to bypass RMP checks in SEV-SNP, potentially leading to a\nloss of guest integrity.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Perl is a family of two high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming languages
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2023-20584 was patched at 2024-08-21

467. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Perl (CVE-2024-29069) - Low [171]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In snapd versions prior to 2.62, snapd failed to properly check the destination of symbolic links when extracting a snap. The snap format is a squashfs file-system image and so can contain symbolic links and other file types. Various file entries within the snap squashfs image (such as icons and desktop files etc) are directly read by snapd when it is extracted. An attacker who could convince a user to install a malicious snap which contained symbolic links at these paths could then cause snapd to write out the contents of the symbolic link destination into a world-readable directory. This in-turn could allow an unprivileged user to gain access to privileged information.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In snapd versions prior to 2.62, snapd failed to properly check the\ndestination of symbolic links when extracting a snap. The snap format \nis a squashfs file-system image and so can contain symbolic links and\nother file types. Various file entries within the snap squashfs image\n(such as icons and desktop files etc) are directly read by snapd when\nit is extracted. An attacker who could convince a user to install a\nmalicious snap which contained symbolic links at these paths could then \ncause snapd to write out the contents of the symbolic link destination\ninto a world-readable directory. This in-turn could allow an unprivileged\nuser to gain access to privileged information.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Perl is a family of two high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming languages
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-29069 was patched at 2024-08-01

ubuntu: CVE-2024-29069 was patched at 2024-08-01

468. Cross Site Scripting - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-43359) - Low [166]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'ZoneMinder is a free, open source closed-circuit television software application. ZoneMinder has a cross-site scripting vulnerability in the montagereview via the displayinterval, speed, and scale parameters. This vulnerability is fixed in 1.36.34 and 1.37.61.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'ZoneMinder is a free, open source closed-circuit television software application. ZoneMinder has a cross-site scripting vulnerability in the montagereview via the displayinterval, speed, and scale parameters. This vulnerability is fixed in 1.36.34 and 1.37.61.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.815Cross Site Scripting
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-43359 was patched at 2024-08-21

469. Unknown Vulnerability Type - TLS (CVE-2024-2660) - Low [166]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Vault and Vault Enterprise TLS certificates auth method did not correctly validate OCSP responses when one or more OCSP sources were configured. Fixed in Vault 1.16.0 and Vault Enterprise 1.16.1, 1.15.7, and 1.14.11.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Vault and Vault Enterprise TLS certificates auth method did not correctly validate OCSP responses when one or more OCSP sources were configured. Fixed in Vault 1.16.0 and Vault Enterprise 1.16.1, 1.15.7, and 1.14.11.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514TLS
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.4. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

redos: CVE-2024-2660 was patched at 2024-08-05

470. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2023-52887) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: can: j1939: enhanced error handling for tightly received RTS messages in xtp_rx_rts_session_new This patch enhances error handling in scenarios with RTS (Request to Send) messages arriving closely. It replaces the less informative WARN_ON_ONCE backtraces with a new error handling method. This provides clearer error messages and allows for the early termination of problematic sessions. Previously, sessions were only released at the end of j1939_xtp_rx_rts(). Potentially this could be reproduced with something like: testj1939 -r vcan0:0x80 & while true; do \t# send first RTS \tcansend vcan0 18EC8090#1014000303002301; \t# send second RTS \tcansend vcan0 18EC8090#1014000303002301; \t# send abort \tcansend vcan0 18EC8090#ff00000000002301; done', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: can: j1939: enhanced error handling for tightly received RTS messages in xtp_rx_rts_session_new\n\nThis patch enhances error handling in scenarios with RTS (Request to\nSend) messages arriving closely. It replaces the less informative WARN_ON_ONCE\nbacktraces with a new error handling method. This provides clearer error\nmessages and allows for the early termination of problematic sessions.\nPreviously, sessions were only released at the end of j1939_xtp_rx_rts().\n\nPotentially this could be reproduced with something like:\ntestj1939 -r vcan0:0x80 &\nwhile true; do\n\t# send first RTS\n\tcansend vcan0 18EC8090#1014000303002301;\n\t# send second RTS\n\tcansend vcan0 18EC8090#1014000303002301;\n\t# send abort\n\tcansend vcan0 18EC8090#ff00000000002301;\ndone', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2023-52887 was patched at 2024-08-01

471. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35846) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mm: zswap: fix shrinker NULL crash with cgroup_disable=memory Christian reports a NULL deref in zswap that he bisected down to the zswap shrinker. The issue also cropped up in the bug trackers of libguestfs [1] and the Red Hat bugzilla [2]. The problem is that when memcg is disabled with the boot time flag, the zswap shrinker might get called with sc->memcg == NULL. This is okay in many places, like the lruvec operations. But it crashes in memcg_page_state() - which is only used due to the non-node accounting of cgroup's the zswap memory to begin with. Nhat spotted that the memcg can be NULL in the memcg-disabled case, and I was then able to reproduce the crash locally as well. [1] [2]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmm: zswap: fix shrinker NULL crash with cgroup_disable=memory\n\nChristian reports a NULL deref in zswap that he bisected down to the zswap\nshrinker. The issue also cropped up in the bug trackers of libguestfs [1]\nand the Red Hat bugzilla [2].\n\nThe problem is that when memcg is disabled with the boot time flag, the\nzswap shrinker might get called with sc->memcg == NULL. This is okay in\nmany places, like the lruvec operations. But it crashes in\nmemcg_page_state() - which is only used due to the non-node accounting of\ncgroup's the zswap memory to begin with.\n\nNhat spotted that the memcg can be NULL in the memcg-disabled case, and I\nwas then able to reproduce the crash locally as well.\n\n[1]\n[2]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35846 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

472. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35859) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: block: fix module reference leakage from bdev_open_by_dev error path At the time bdev_may_open() is called, module reference is grabbed already, hence module reference should be released if bdev_may_open() failed. This problem is found by code review.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nblock: fix module reference leakage from bdev_open_by_dev error path\n\nAt the time bdev_may_open() is called, module reference is grabbed\nalready, hence module reference should be released if bdev_may_open()\nfailed.\n\nThis problem is found by code review.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35859 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

473. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35994) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: firmware: qcom: uefisecapp: Fix memory related IO errors and crashes It turns out that while the QSEECOM APP_SEND command has specific fields for request and response buffers, uefisecapp expects them both to be in a single memory region. Failure to adhere to this has (so far) resulted in either no response being written to the response buffer (causing an EIO to be emitted down the line), the SCM call to fail with EINVAL (i.e., directly from TZ/firmware), or the device to be hard-reset. While this issue can be triggered deterministically, in the current form it seems to happen rather sporadically (which is why it has gone unnoticed during earlier testing). This is likely due to the two kzalloc() calls (for request and response) being directly after each other. Which means that those likely return consecutive regions most of the time, especially when not much else is going on in the system. Fix this by allocating a single memory region for both request and response buffers, properly aligning both structs inside it. This unfortunately also means that the qcom_scm_qseecom_app_send() interface needs to be restructured, as it should no longer map the DMA regions separately. Therefore, move the responsibility of DMA allocation (or mapping) to the caller.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nfirmware: qcom: uefisecapp: Fix memory related IO errors and crashes\n\nIt turns out that while the QSEECOM APP_SEND command has specific fields\nfor request and response buffers, uefisecapp expects them both to be in\na single memory region. Failure to adhere to this has (so far) resulted\nin either no response being written to the response buffer (causing an\nEIO to be emitted down the line), the SCM call to fail with EINVAL\n(i.e., directly from TZ/firmware), or the device to be hard-reset.\n\nWhile this issue can be triggered deterministically, in the current form\nit seems to happen rather sporadically (which is why it has gone\nunnoticed during earlier testing). This is likely due to the two\nkzalloc() calls (for request and response) being directly after each\nother. Which means that those likely return consecutive regions most of\nthe time, especially when not much else is going on in the system.\n\nFix this by allocating a single memory region for both request and\nresponse buffers, properly aligning both structs inside it. This\nunfortunately also means that the qcom_scm_qseecom_app_send() interface\nneeds to be restructured, as it should no longer map the DMA regions\nseparately. Therefore, move the responsibility of DMA allocation (or\nmapping) to the caller.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35994 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

474. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36001) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: netfs: Fix the pre-flush when appending to a file in writethrough mode In netfs_perform_write(), when the file is marked NETFS_ICTX_WRITETHROUGH or O_*SYNC or RWF_*SYNC was specified, write-through caching is performed on a buffered file. When setting up for write-through, we flush any conflicting writes in the region and wait for the write to complete, failing if there's a write error to return. The issue arises if we're writing at or above the EOF position because we skip the flush and - more importantly - the wait. This becomes a problem if there's a partial folio at the end of the file that is being written out and we want to make a write to it too. Both the already-running write and the write we start both want to clear the writeback mark, but whoever is second causes a warning looking something like: ------------[ cut here ]------------ R=00000012: folio 11 is not under writeback WARNING: CPU: 34 PID: 654 at fs/netfs/write_collect.c:105 ... CPU: 34 PID: 654 Comm: kworker/u386:27 Tainted: G S ... ... Workqueue: events_unbound netfs_write_collection_worker ... RIP: 0010:netfs_writeback_lookup_folio Fix this by making the flush-and-wait unconditional. It will do nothing if there are no folios in the pagecache and will return quickly if there are no folios in the region specified. Further, move the WBC attachment above the flush call as the flush is going to attach a WBC and detach it again if it is not present - and since we need one anyway we might as well share it.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnetfs: Fix the pre-flush when appending to a file in writethrough mode\n\nIn netfs_perform_write(), when the file is marked NETFS_ICTX_WRITETHROUGH\nor O_*SYNC or RWF_*SYNC was specified, write-through caching is performed\non a buffered file. When setting up for write-through, we flush any\nconflicting writes in the region and wait for the write to complete,\nfailing if there's a write error to return.\n\nThe issue arises if we're writing at or above the EOF position because we\nskip the flush and - more importantly - the wait. This becomes a problem\nif there's a partial folio at the end of the file that is being written out\nand we want to make a write to it too. Both the already-running write and\nthe write we start both want to clear the writeback mark, but whoever is\nsecond causes a warning looking something like:\n\n ------------[ cut here ]------------\n R=00000012: folio 11 is not under writeback\n WARNING: CPU: 34 PID: 654 at fs/netfs/write_collect.c:105\n ...\n CPU: 34 PID: 654 Comm: kworker/u386:27 Tainted: G S ...\n ...\n Workqueue: events_unbound netfs_write_collection_worker\n ...\n RIP: 0010:netfs_writeback_lookup_folio\n\nFix this by making the flush-and-wait unconditional. It will do nothing if\nthere are no folios in the pagecache and will return quickly if there are\nno folios in the region specified.\n\nFurther, move the WBC attachment above the flush call as the flush is going\nto attach a WBC and detach it again if it is not present - and since we\nneed one anyway we might as well share it.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

ubuntu: CVE-2024-36001 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

475. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36002) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: dpll: fix dpll_pin_on_pin_register() for multiple parent pins In scenario where pin is registered with multiple parent pins via dpll_pin_on_pin_register(..), all belonging to the same dpll device. A second call to dpll_pin_on_pin_unregister(..) would cause a call trace, as it tries to use already released registration resources (due to fix introduced in b446631f355e). In this scenario pin was registered twice, so resources are not yet expected to be release until each registered pin/pin pair is unregistered. Currently, the following crash/call trace is produced when ice driver is removed on the system with installed E810T NIC which includes dpll device: WARNING: CPU: 51 PID: 9155 at drivers/dpll/dpll_core.c:809 dpll_pin_ops+0x20/0x30 RIP: 0010:dpll_pin_ops+0x20/0x30 Call Trace: ? __warn+0x7f/0x130 ? dpll_pin_ops+0x20/0x30 dpll_msg_add_pin_freq+0x37/0x1d0 dpll_cmd_pin_get_one+0x1c0/0x400 ? __nlmsg_put+0x63/0x80 dpll_pin_event_send+0x93/0x140 dpll_pin_on_pin_unregister+0x3f/0x100 ice_dpll_deinit_pins+0xa1/0x230 [ice] ice_remove+0xf1/0x210 [ice] Fix by adding a parent pointer as a cookie when creating a registration, also when searching for it. For the regular pins pass NULL, this allows to create separated registration for each parent the pin is registered with.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndpll: fix dpll_pin_on_pin_register() for multiple parent pins\n\nIn scenario where pin is registered with multiple parent pins via\ndpll_pin_on_pin_register(..), all belonging to the same dpll device.\nA second call to dpll_pin_on_pin_unregister(..) would cause a call trace,\nas it tries to use already released registration resources (due to fix\nintroduced in b446631f355e). In this scenario pin was registered twice,\nso resources are not yet expected to be release until each registered\npin/pin pair is unregistered.\n\nCurrently, the following crash/call trace is produced when ice driver is\nremoved on the system with installed E810T NIC which includes dpll device:\n\nWARNING: CPU: 51 PID: 9155 at drivers/dpll/dpll_core.c:809 dpll_pin_ops+0x20/0x30\nRIP: 0010:dpll_pin_ops+0x20/0x30\nCall Trace:\n ? __warn+0x7f/0x130\n ? dpll_pin_ops+0x20/0x30\n dpll_msg_add_pin_freq+0x37/0x1d0\n dpll_cmd_pin_get_one+0x1c0/0x400\n ? __nlmsg_put+0x63/0x80\n dpll_pin_event_send+0x93/0x140\n dpll_pin_on_pin_unregister+0x3f/0x100\n ice_dpll_deinit_pins+0xa1/0x230 [ice]\n ice_remove+0xf1/0x210 [ice]\n\nFix by adding a parent pointer as a cookie when creating a registration,\nalso when searching for it. For the regular pins pass NULL, this allows to\ncreate separated registration for each parent the pin is registered with.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

ubuntu: CVE-2024-36002 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

476. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36010) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: igb: Fix string truncation warnings in igb_set_fw_version Commit 1978d3ead82c ("intel: fix string truncation warnings") fixes '-Wformat-truncation=' warnings in igb_main.c by using kasprintf. drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igb/igb_main.c:3092:53: warning:‘%d’ directive output may be truncated writing between 1 and 5 bytes into a region of size between 1 and 13 [-Wformat-truncation=] 3092 | "%d.%d, 0x%08x, %d.%d.%d", | ^~ drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igb/igb_main.c:3092:34: note:directive argument in the range [0, 65535] 3092 | "%d.%d, 0x%08x, %d.%d.%d", | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igb/igb_main.c:3092:34: note:directive argument in the range [0, 65535] drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igb/igb_main.c:3090:25: note:‘snprintf’ output between 23 and 43 bytes into a destination of size 32 kasprintf() returns a pointer to dynamically allocated memory which can be NULL upon failure. Fix this warning by using a larger space for adapter->fw_version, and then fall back and continue to use snprintf.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nigb: Fix string truncation warnings in igb_set_fw_version\n\nCommit 1978d3ead82c ("intel: fix string truncation warnings")\nfixes '-Wformat-truncation=' warnings in igb_main.c by using kasprintf.\n\ndrivers/net/ethernet/intel/igb/igb_main.c:3092:53: warning:‘%d’ directive output may be truncated writing between 1 and 5 bytes into a region of size between 1 and 13 [-Wformat-truncation=]\n 3092 | "%d.%d, 0x%08x, %d.%d.%d",\n | ^~\ndrivers/net/ethernet/intel/igb/igb_main.c:3092:34: note:directive argument in the range [0, 65535]\n 3092 | "%d.%d, 0x%08x, %d.%d.%d",\n | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ndrivers/net/ethernet/intel/igb/igb_main.c:3092:34: note:directive argument in the range [0, 65535]\ndrivers/net/ethernet/intel/igb/igb_main.c:3090:25: note:‘snprintf’ output between 23 and 43 bytes into a destination of size 32\n\nkasprintf() returns a pointer to dynamically allocated memory\nwhich can be NULL upon failure.\n\nFix this warning by using a larger space for adapter->fw_version,\nand then fall back and continue to use snprintf.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

almalinux: CVE-2024-36010 was patched at 2024-08-08

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-36010 was patched at 2024-08-08

redhat: CVE-2024-36010 was patched at 2024-08-08

477. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36892) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mm/slub: avoid zeroing outside-object freepointer for single free Commit 284f17ac13fe ("mm/slub: handle bulk and single object freeing separately") splits single and bulk object freeing in two functions slab_free() and slab_free_bulk() which leads slab_free() to call slab_free_hook() directly instead of slab_free_freelist_hook(). If `init_on_free` is set, slab_free_hook() zeroes the object. Afterward, if `slub_debug=F` and `CONFIG_SLAB_FREELIST_HARDENED` are set, the do_slab_free() slowpath executes freelist consistency checks and try to decode a zeroed freepointer which leads to a "Freepointer corrupt" detection in check_object(). During bulk free, slab_free_freelist_hook() isn't affected as it always sets it objects freepointer using set_freepointer() to maintain its reconstructed freelist after `init_on_free`. For single free, object's freepointer thus needs to be avoided when stored outside the object if `init_on_free` is set. The freepointer left as is, check_object() may later detect an invalid pointer value due to objects overflow. To reproduce, set `slub_debug=FU init_on_free=1 log_level=7` on the command line of a kernel build with `CONFIG_SLAB_FREELIST_HARDENED=y`. dmesg sample log: [ 10.708715] ============================================================================= [ 10.710323] BUG kmalloc-rnd-05-32 (Tainted: G B T ): Freepointer corrupt [ 10.712695] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ 10.712695] [ 10.712695] Slab 0xffffd8bdc400d580 objects=32 used=4 fp=0xffff9d9a80356f80 flags=0x200000000000a00(workingset|slab|node=0|zone=2) [ 10.716698] Object 0xffff9d9a80356600 @offset=1536 fp=0x7ee4f480ce0ecd7c [ 10.716698] [ 10.716698] Bytes b4 ffff9d9a803565f0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ [ 10.720703] Object ffff9d9a80356600: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ [ 10.720703] Object ffff9d9a80356610: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ [ 10.724696] Padding ffff9d9a8035666c: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ [ 10.724696] Padding ffff9d9a8035667c: 00 00 00 00 .... [ 10.724696] FIX kmalloc-rnd-05-32: Object at 0xffff9d9a80356600 not freed', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmm/slub: avoid zeroing outside-object freepointer for single free\n\nCommit 284f17ac13fe ("mm/slub: handle bulk and single object freeing\nseparately") splits single and bulk object freeing in two functions\nslab_free() and slab_free_bulk() which leads slab_free() to call\nslab_free_hook() directly instead of slab_free_freelist_hook().\n\nIf `init_on_free` is set, slab_free_hook() zeroes the object.\nAfterward, if `slub_debug=F` and `CONFIG_SLAB_FREELIST_HARDENED` are\nset, the do_slab_free() slowpath executes freelist consistency\nchecks and try to decode a zeroed freepointer which leads to a\n"Freepointer corrupt" detection in check_object().\n\nDuring bulk free, slab_free_freelist_hook() isn't affected as it always\nsets it objects freepointer using set_freepointer() to maintain its\nreconstructed freelist after `init_on_free`.\n\nFor single free, object's freepointer thus needs to be avoided when\nstored outside the object if `init_on_free` is set. The freepointer left\nas is, check_object() may later detect an invalid pointer value due to\nobjects overflow.\n\nTo reproduce, set `slub_debug=FU init_on_free=1 log_level=7` on the\ncommand line of a kernel build with `CONFIG_SLAB_FREELIST_HARDENED=y`.\n\ndmesg sample log:\n[ 10.708715] =============================================================================\n[ 10.710323] BUG kmalloc-rnd-05-32 (Tainted: G B T ): Freepointer corrupt\n[ 10.712695] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[ 10.712695]\n[ 10.712695] Slab 0xffffd8bdc400d580 objects=32 used=4 fp=0xffff9d9a80356f80 flags=0x200000000000a00(workingset|slab|node=0|zone=2)\n[ 10.716698] Object 0xffff9d9a80356600 @offset=1536 fp=0x7ee4f480ce0ecd7c\n[ 10.716698]\n[ 10.716698] Bytes b4 ffff9d9a803565f0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................\n[ 10.720703] Object ffff9d9a80356600: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................\n[ 10.720703] Object ffff9d9a80356610: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................\n[ 10.724696] Padding ffff9d9a8035666c: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................\n[ 10.724696] Padding ffff9d9a8035667c: 00 00 00 00 ....\n[ 10.724696] FIX kmalloc-rnd-05-32: Object at 0xffff9d9a80356600 not freed', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

ubuntu: CVE-2024-36892 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

478. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36935) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ice: ensure the copied buf is NUL terminated Currently, we allocate a count-sized kernel buffer and copy count bytes from userspace to that buffer. Later, we use sscanf on this buffer but we don't ensure that the string is terminated inside the buffer, this can lead to OOB read when using sscanf. Fix this issue by using memdup_user_nul instead of memdup_user.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nice: ensure the copied buf is NUL terminated\n\nCurrently, we allocate a count-sized kernel buffer and copy count bytes\nfrom userspace to that buffer. Later, we use sscanf on this buffer but we\ndon't ensure that the string is terminated inside the buffer, this can lead\nto OOB read when using sscanf. Fix this issue by using memdup_user_nul\ninstead of memdup_user.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

ubuntu: CVE-2024-36935 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

479. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36936) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: efi/unaccepted: touch soft lockup during memory accept Commit 50e782a86c98 ("efi/unaccepted: Fix soft lockups caused by parallel memory acceptance") has released the spinlock so other CPUs can do memory acceptance in parallel and not triggers softlockup on other CPUs. However the softlock up was intermittent shown up if the memory of the TD guest is large, and the timeout of softlockup is set to 1 second: RIP: 0010:_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore Call Trace: ? __hrtimer_run_queues <IRQ> ? hrtimer_interrupt ? watchdog_timer_fn ? __sysvec_apic_timer_interrupt ? __pfx_watchdog_timer_fn ? sysvec_apic_timer_interrupt </IRQ> ? __hrtimer_run_queues <TASK> ? hrtimer_interrupt ? asm_sysvec_apic_timer_interrupt ? _raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore ? __sysvec_apic_timer_interrupt ? sysvec_apic_timer_interrupt accept_memory try_to_accept_memory do_huge_pmd_anonymous_page get_page_from_freelist __handle_mm_fault __alloc_pages __folio_alloc ? __tdx_hypercall handle_mm_fault vma_alloc_folio do_user_addr_fault do_huge_pmd_anonymous_page exc_page_fault ? __do_huge_pmd_anonymous_page asm_exc_page_fault __handle_mm_fault When the local irq is enabled at the end of accept_memory(), the softlockup detects that the watchdog on single CPU has not been fed for a while. That is to say, even other CPUs will not be blocked by spinlock, the current CPU might be stunk with local irq disabled for a while, which hurts not only nmi watchdog but also softlockup. Chao Gao pointed out that the memory accept could be time costly and there was similar report before. Thus to avoid any softlocup detection during this stage, give the softlockup a flag to skip the timeout check at the end of accept_memory(), by invoking touch_softlockup_watchdog().', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nefi/unaccepted: touch soft lockup during memory accept\n\nCommit 50e782a86c98 ("efi/unaccepted: Fix soft lockups caused by\nparallel memory acceptance") has released the spinlock so other CPUs can\ndo memory acceptance in parallel and not triggers softlockup on other\nCPUs.\n\nHowever the softlock up was intermittent shown up if the memory of the\nTD guest is large, and the timeout of softlockup is set to 1 second:\n\n RIP: 0010:_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore\n Call Trace:\n ? __hrtimer_run_queues\n <IRQ>\n ? hrtimer_interrupt\n ? watchdog_timer_fn\n ? __sysvec_apic_timer_interrupt\n ? __pfx_watchdog_timer_fn\n ? sysvec_apic_timer_interrupt\n </IRQ>\n ? __hrtimer_run_queues\n <TASK>\n ? hrtimer_interrupt\n ? asm_sysvec_apic_timer_interrupt\n ? _raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore\n ? __sysvec_apic_timer_interrupt\n ? sysvec_apic_timer_interrupt\n accept_memory\n try_to_accept_memory\n do_huge_pmd_anonymous_page\n get_page_from_freelist\n __handle_mm_fault\n __alloc_pages\n __folio_alloc\n ? __tdx_hypercall\n handle_mm_fault\n vma_alloc_folio\n do_user_addr_fault\n do_huge_pmd_anonymous_page\n exc_page_fault\n ? __do_huge_pmd_anonymous_page\n asm_exc_page_fault\n __handle_mm_fault\n\nWhen the local irq is enabled at the end of accept_memory(), the\nsoftlockup detects that the watchdog on single CPU has not been fed for\na while. That is to say, even other CPUs will not be blocked by\nspinlock, the current CPU might be stunk with local irq disabled for a\nwhile, which hurts not only nmi watchdog but also softlockup.\n\nChao Gao pointed out that the memory accept could be time costly and\nthere was similar report before. Thus to avoid any softlocup detection\nduring this stage, give the softlockup a flag to skip the timeout check\nat the end of accept_memory(), by invoking touch_softlockup_watchdog().', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

ubuntu: CVE-2024-36936 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

480. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36943) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: fs/proc/task_mmu: fix loss of young/dirty bits during pagemap scan make_uffd_wp_pte() was previously doing: pte = ptep_get(ptep); ptep_modify_prot_start(ptep); pte = pte_mkuffd_wp(pte); ptep_modify_prot_commit(ptep, pte); But if another thread accessed or dirtied the pte between the first 2 calls, this could lead to loss of that information. Since ptep_modify_prot_start() gets and clears atomically, the following is the correct pattern and prevents any possible race. Any access after the first call would see an invalid pte and cause a fault: pte = ptep_modify_prot_start(ptep); pte = pte_mkuffd_wp(pte); ptep_modify_prot_commit(ptep, pte);', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nfs/proc/task_mmu: fix loss of young/dirty bits during pagemap scan\n\nmake_uffd_wp_pte() was previously doing:\n\n pte = ptep_get(ptep);\n ptep_modify_prot_start(ptep);\n pte = pte_mkuffd_wp(pte);\n ptep_modify_prot_commit(ptep, pte);\n\nBut if another thread accessed or dirtied the pte between the first 2\ncalls, this could lead to loss of that information. Since\nptep_modify_prot_start() gets and clears atomically, the following is the\ncorrect pattern and prevents any possible race. Any access after the\nfirst call would see an invalid pte and cause a fault:\n\n pte = ptep_modify_prot_start(ptep);\n pte = pte_mkuffd_wp(pte);\n ptep_modify_prot_commit(ptep, pte);', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

ubuntu: CVE-2024-36943 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

481. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36956) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: thermal/debugfs: Free all thermal zone debug memory on zone removal Because thermal_debug_tz_remove() does not free all memory allocated for thermal zone diagnostics, some of that memory becomes unreachable after freeing the thermal zone's struct thermal_debugfs object. Address this by making thermal_debug_tz_remove() free all of the memory in question. Cc :6.8+ <> # 6.8+', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nthermal/debugfs: Free all thermal zone debug memory on zone removal\n\nBecause thermal_debug_tz_remove() does not free all memory allocated for\nthermal zone diagnostics, some of that memory becomes unreachable after\nfreeing the thermal zone's struct thermal_debugfs object.\n\nAddress this by making thermal_debug_tz_remove() free all of the memory\nin question.\n\nCc :6.8+ <> # 6.8+', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

ubuntu: CVE-2024-36956 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

482. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36958) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: NFSD: Fix nfsd4_encode_fattr4() crasher Ensure that args.acl is initialized early. It is used in an unconditional call to kfree() on the way out of nfsd4_encode_fattr4().', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nNFSD: Fix nfsd4_encode_fattr4() crasher\n\nEnsure that args.acl is initialized early. It is used in an\nunconditional call to kfree() on the way out of\nnfsd4_encode_fattr4().', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

ubuntu: CVE-2024-36958 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

483. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36961) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: thermal/debugfs: Fix two locking issues with thermal zone debug With the current thermal zone locking arrangement in the debugfs code, user space can open the "mitigations" file for a thermal zone before the zone's debugfs pointer is set which will result in a NULL pointer dereference in tze_seq_start(). Moreover, thermal_debug_tz_remove() is not called under the thermal zone lock, so it can run in parallel with the other functions accessing the thermal zone's struct thermal_debugfs object. Then, it may clear tz->debugfs after one of those functions has checked it and the struct thermal_debugfs object may be freed prematurely. To address the first problem, pass a pointer to the thermal zone's struct thermal_debugfs object to debugfs_create_file() in thermal_debug_tz_add() and make tze_seq_start(), tze_seq_next(), tze_seq_stop(), and tze_seq_show() retrieve it from s->private instead of a pointer to the thermal zone object. This will ensure that tz_debugfs will be valid across the "mitigations" file accesses until thermal_debugfs_remove_id() called by thermal_debug_tz_remove() removes that file. To address the second problem, use tz->lock in thermal_debug_tz_remove() around the tz->debugfs value check (in case the same thermal zone is removed at the same time in two different threads) and its reset to NULL. Cc :6.8+ <> # 6.8+', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nthermal/debugfs: Fix two locking issues with thermal zone debug\n\nWith the current thermal zone locking arrangement in the debugfs code,\nuser space can open the "mitigations" file for a thermal zone before\nthe zone's debugfs pointer is set which will result in a NULL pointer\ndereference in tze_seq_start().\n\nMoreover, thermal_debug_tz_remove() is not called under the thermal\nzone lock, so it can run in parallel with the other functions accessing\nthe thermal zone's struct thermal_debugfs object. Then, it may clear\ntz->debugfs after one of those functions has checked it and the\nstruct thermal_debugfs object may be freed prematurely.\n\nTo address the first problem, pass a pointer to the thermal zone's\nstruct thermal_debugfs object to debugfs_create_file() in\nthermal_debug_tz_add() and make tze_seq_start(), tze_seq_next(),\ntze_seq_stop(), and tze_seq_show() retrieve it from s->private\ninstead of a pointer to the thermal zone object. This will ensure\nthat tz_debugfs will be valid across the "mitigations" file accesses\nuntil thermal_debugfs_remove_id() called by thermal_debug_tz_remove()\nremoves that file.\n\nTo address the second problem, use tz->lock in thermal_debug_tz_remove()\naround the tz->debugfs value check (in case the same thermal zone is\nremoved at the same time in two different threads) and its reset to NULL.\n\nCc :6.8+ <> # 6.8+', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

ubuntu: CVE-2024-36961 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

484. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41013) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: xfs: don't walk off the end of a directory data block This adds sanity checks for xfs_dir2_data_unused and xfs_dir2_data_entry to make sure don't stray beyond valid memory region. Before patching, the loop simply checks that the start offset of the dup and dep is within the range. So in a crafted image, if last entry is xfs_dir2_data_unused, we can change dup->length to dup->length-1 and leave 1 byte of space. In the next traversal, this space will be considered as dup or dep. We may encounter an out of bound read when accessing the fixed members. In the patch, we make sure that the remaining bytes large enough to hold an unused entry before accessing xfs_dir2_data_unused and xfs_dir2_data_unused is XFS_DIR2_DATA_ALIGN byte aligned. We also make sure that the remaining bytes large enough to hold a dirent with a single-byte name before accessing xfs_dir2_data_entry.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nxfs: don't walk off the end of a directory data block\n\nThis adds sanity checks for xfs_dir2_data_unused and xfs_dir2_data_entry\nto make sure don't stray beyond valid memory region. Before patching, the\nloop simply checks that the start offset of the dup and dep is within the\nrange. So in a crafted image, if last entry is xfs_dir2_data_unused, we\ncan change dup->length to dup->length-1 and leave 1 byte of space. In the\nnext traversal, this space will be considered as dup or dep. We may\nencounter an out of bound read when accessing the fixed members.\n\nIn the patch, we make sure that the remaining bytes large enough to hold\nan unused entry before accessing xfs_dir2_data_unused and\nxfs_dir2_data_unused is XFS_DIR2_DATA_ALIGN byte aligned. We also make\nsure that the remaining bytes large enough to hold a dirent with a\nsingle-byte name before accessing xfs_dir2_data_entry.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-41013 was patched at 2024-08-01

485. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41015) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ocfs2: add bounds checking to ocfs2_check_dir_entry() This adds sanity checks for ocfs2_dir_entry to make sure all members of ocfs2_dir_entry don't stray beyond valid memory region.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nocfs2: add bounds checking to ocfs2_check_dir_entry()\n\nThis adds sanity checks for ocfs2_dir_entry to make sure all members of\nocfs2_dir_entry don't stray beyond valid memory region.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-41015 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

486. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41016) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ocfs2: strict bound check before memcmp in ocfs2_xattr_find_entry() xattr in ocfs2 maybe 'non-indexed', which saved with additional space requested. It's better to check if the memory is out of bound before memcmp, although this possibility mainly comes from crafted poisonous images.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nocfs2: strict bound check before memcmp in ocfs2_xattr_find_entry()\n\nxattr in ocfs2 maybe 'non-indexed', which saved with additional space\nrequested. It's better to check if the memory is out of bound before\nmemcmp, although this possibility mainly comes from crafted poisonous\nimages.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-41016 was patched at 2024-08-01

487. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41017) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: jfs: don't walk off the end of ealist Add a check before visiting the members of ea to make sure each ea stays within the ealist.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\njfs: don't walk off the end of ealist\n\nAdd a check before visiting the members of ea to\nmake sure each ea stays within the ealist.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-41017 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

488. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41019) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: fs/ntfs3: Validate ff offset This adds sanity checks for ff offset. There is a check on rt->first_free at first, but walking through by ff without any check. If the second ff is a large offset. We may encounter an out-of-bound read.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nfs/ntfs3: Validate ff offset\n\nThis adds sanity checks for ff offset. There is a check\non rt->first_free at first, but walking through by ff\nwithout any check. If the second ff is a large offset.\nWe may encounter an out-of-bound read.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-41019 was patched at 2024-08-01

489. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41020) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: filelock: Fix fcntl/close race recovery compat path When I wrote commit 3cad1bc01041 ("filelock: Remove locks reliably when fcntl/close race is detected"), I missed that there are two copies of the code I was patching: The normal version, and the version for 64-bit offsets on 32-bit kernels. Thanks to Greg KH for stumbling over this while doing the stable backport... Apply exactly the same fix to the compat path for 32-bit kernels.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nfilelock: Fix fcntl/close race recovery compat path\n\nWhen I wrote commit 3cad1bc01041 ("filelock: Remove locks reliably when\nfcntl/close race is detected"), I missed that there are two copies of the\ncode I was patching: The normal version, and the version for 64-bit offsets\non 32-bit kernels.\nThanks to Greg KH for stumbling over this while doing the stable\nbackport...\n\nApply exactly the same fix to the compat path for 32-bit kernels.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-41020 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

490. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41022) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/amdgpu: Fix signedness bug in sdma_v4_0_process_trap_irq() The "instance" variable needs to be signed for the error handling to work.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/amdgpu: Fix signedness bug in sdma_v4_0_process_trap_irq()\n\nThe "instance" variable needs to be signed for the error handling to work.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-41022 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

491. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41034) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nilfs2: fix kernel bug on rename operation of broken directory Syzbot reported that in rename directory operation on broken directory on nilfs2, __block_write_begin_int() called to prepare block write may fail BUG_ON check for access exceeding the folio/page size. This is because nilfs_dotdot(), which gets parent directory reference entry ("..") of the directory to be moved or renamed, does not check consistency enough, and may return location exceeding folio/page size for broken directories. Fix this issue by checking required directory entries ("." and "..") in the first chunk of the directory in nilfs_dotdot().', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnilfs2: fix kernel bug on rename operation of broken directory\n\nSyzbot reported that in rename directory operation on broken directory on\nnilfs2, __block_write_begin_int() called to prepare block write may fail\nBUG_ON check for access exceeding the folio/page size.\n\nThis is because nilfs_dotdot(), which gets parent directory reference\nentry ("..") of the directory to be moved or renamed, does not check\nconsistency enough, and may return location exceeding folio/page size for\nbroken directories.\n\nFix this issue by checking required directory entries ("." and "..") in\nthe first chunk of the directory in nilfs_dotdot().', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-41034 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

492. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41035) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: USB: core: Fix duplicate endpoint bug by clearing reserved bits in the descriptor Syzbot has identified a bug in usbcore (see the Closes: tag below) caused by our assumption that the reserved bits in an endpoint descriptor's bEndpointAddress field will always be 0. As a result of the bug, the endpoint_is_duplicate() routine in config.c (and possibly other routines as well) may believe that two descriptors are for distinct endpoints, even though they have the same direction and endpoint number. This can lead to confusion, including the bug identified by syzbot (two descriptors with matching endpoint numbers and directions, where one was interrupt and the other was bulk). To fix the bug, we will clear the reserved bits in bEndpointAddress when we parse the descriptor. (Note that both the USB-2.0 and USB-3.1 specs say these bits are "Reserved, reset to zero".) This requires us to make a copy of the descriptor earlier in usb_parse_endpoint() and use the copy instead of the original when checking for duplicates.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nUSB: core: Fix duplicate endpoint bug by clearing reserved bits in the descriptor\n\nSyzbot has identified a bug in usbcore (see the Closes: tag below)\ncaused by our assumption that the reserved bits in an endpoint\ndescriptor's bEndpointAddress field will always be 0. As a result of\nthe bug, the endpoint_is_duplicate() routine in config.c (and possibly\nother routines as well) may believe that two descriptors are for\ndistinct endpoints, even though they have the same direction and\nendpoint number. This can lead to confusion, including the bug\nidentified by syzbot (two descriptors with matching endpoint numbers\nand directions, where one was interrupt and the other was bulk).\n\nTo fix the bug, we will clear the reserved bits in bEndpointAddress\nwhen we parse the descriptor. (Note that both the USB-2.0 and USB-3.1\nspecs say these bits are "Reserved, reset to zero".) This requires us\nto make a copy of the descriptor earlier in usb_parse_endpoint() and\nuse the copy instead of the original when checking for duplicates.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-41035 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

493. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41041) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: udp: Set SOCK_RCU_FREE earlier in udp_lib_get_port(). syzkaller triggered the warning [0] in udp_v4_early_demux(). In udp_v[46]_early_demux() and sk_lookup(), we do not touch the refcount of the looked-up sk and use sock_pfree() as skb->destructor, so we check SOCK_RCU_FREE to ensure that the sk is safe to access during the RCU grace period. Currently, SOCK_RCU_FREE is flagged for a bound socket after being put into the hash table. Moreover, the SOCK_RCU_FREE check is done too early in udp_v[46]_early_demux() and sk_lookup(), so there could be a small race window: CPU1 CPU2 ---- ---- udp_v4_early_demux() udp_lib_get_port() | |- hlist_add_head_rcu() |- sk = __udp4_lib_demux_lookup() | |- DEBUG_NET_WARN_ON_ONCE(sk_is_refcounted(sk)); `- sock_set_flag(sk, SOCK_RCU_FREE) We had the same bug in TCP and fixed it in commit 871019b22d1b ("net: set SOCK_RCU_FREE before inserting socket into hashtable"). Let's apply the same fix for UDP. [0]: WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 11198 at net/ipv4/udp.c:2599 udp_v4_early_demux+0x481/0xb70 net/ipv4/udp.c:2599 Modules linked in: CPU: 0 PID: 11198 Comm: syz-executor.1 Not tainted 6.9.0-g93bda33046e7 #13 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 04/01/2014 RIP: 0010:udp_v4_early_demux+0x481/0xb70 net/ipv4/udp.c:2599 Code: c5 7a 15 fe bb 01 00 00 00 44 89 e9 31 ff d3 e3 81 e3 bf ef ff ff 89 de e8 2c 74 15 fe 85 db 0f 85 02 06 00 00 e8 9f 7a 15 fe <0f> 0b e8 98 7a 15 fe 49 8d 7e 60 e8 4f 39 2f fe 49 c7 46 60 20 52 RSP: 0018:ffffc9000ce3fa58 EFLAGS: 00010293 RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: 0000000000000000 RCX: ffffffff8318c92c RDX: ffff888036ccde00 RSI: ffffffff8318c2f1 RDI: 0000000000000001 RBP: ffff88805a2dd6e0 R08: 0000000000000001 R09: 0000000000000000 R10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0001ffffffffffff R12: ffff88805a2dd680 R13: 0000000000000007 R14: ffff88800923f900 R15: ffff88805456004e FS: 00007fc449127640(0000) GS:ffff88807dc00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 00007fc449126e38 CR3: 000000003de4b002 CR4: 0000000000770ef0 DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000600 PKRU: 55555554 Call Trace: <TASK> ip_rcv_finish_core.constprop.0+0xbdd/0xd20 net/ipv4/ip_input.c:349 ip_rcv_finish+0xda/0x150 net/ipv4/ip_input.c:447 NF_HOOK include/linux/netfilter.h:314 [inline] NF_HOOK include/linux/netfilter.h:308 [inline] ip_rcv+0x16c/0x180 net/ipv4/ip_input.c:569 __netif_receive_skb_one_core+0xb3/0xe0 net/core/dev.c:5624 __netif_receive_skb+0x21/0xd0 net/core/dev.c:5738 netif_receive_skb_internal net/core/dev.c:5824 [inline] netif_receive_skb+0x271/0x300 net/core/dev.c:5884 tun_rx_batched drivers/net/tun.c:1549 [inline] tun_get_user+0x24db/0x2c50 drivers/net/tun.c:2002 tun_chr_write_iter+0x107/0x1a0 drivers/net/tun.c:2048 new_sync_write fs/read_write.c:497 [inline] vfs_write+0x76f/0x8d0 fs/read_write.c:590 ksys_write+0xbf/0x190 fs/read_write.c:643 __do_sys_write fs/read_write.c:655 [inline] __se_sys_write fs/read_write.c:652 [inline] __x64_sys_write+0x41/0x50 fs/read_write.c:652 x64_sys_call+0xe66/0x1990 arch/x86/include/generated/asm/syscalls_64.h:2 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline] do_syscall_64+0x4b/0x110 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x4b/0x53 RIP: 0033:0x7fc44a68bc1f Code: 89 54 24 18 48 89 74 24 10 89 7c 24 08 e8 e9 cf f5 ff 48 8b 54 24 18 48 8b 74 24 10 41 89 c0 8b 7c 24 08 b8 01 00 00 00 0f 05 <48> 3d 00 f0 ff ff 77 31 44 89 c7 48 89 44 24 08 e8 3c d0 f5 ff 48 RSP: 002b:00007fc449126c90 EFLAGS: 00000293 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000001 RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 00000000004bc050 RCX: 00007fc44a68bc1f R ---truncated---', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nudp: Set SOCK_RCU_FREE earlier in udp_lib_get_port().\n\nsyzkaller triggered the warning [0] in udp_v4_early_demux().\n\nIn udp_v[46]_early_demux() and sk_lookup(), we do not touch the refcount\nof the looked-up sk and use sock_pfree() as skb->destructor, so we check\nSOCK_RCU_FREE to ensure that the sk is safe to access during the RCU grace\nperiod.\n\nCurrently, SOCK_RCU_FREE is flagged for a bound socket after being put\ninto the hash table. Moreover, the SOCK_RCU_FREE check is done too early\nin udp_v[46]_early_demux() and sk_lookup(), so there could be a small race\nwindow:\n\n CPU1 CPU2\n ---- ----\n udp_v4_early_demux() udp_lib_get_port()\n | |- hlist_add_head_rcu()\n |- sk = __udp4_lib_demux_lookup() |\n |- DEBUG_NET_WARN_ON_ONCE(sk_is_refcounted(sk));\n `- sock_set_flag(sk, SOCK_RCU_FREE)\n\nWe had the same bug in TCP and fixed it in commit 871019b22d1b ("net:\nset SOCK_RCU_FREE before inserting socket into hashtable").\n\nLet's apply the same fix for UDP.\n\n[0]:\nWARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 11198 at net/ipv4/udp.c:2599 udp_v4_early_demux+0x481/0xb70 net/ipv4/udp.c:2599\nModules linked in:\nCPU: 0 PID: 11198 Comm: syz-executor.1 Not tainted 6.9.0-g93bda33046e7 #13\nHardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 04/01/2014\nRIP: 0010:udp_v4_early_demux+0x481/0xb70 net/ipv4/udp.c:2599\nCode: c5 7a 15 fe bb 01 00 00 00 44 89 e9 31 ff d3 e3 81 e3 bf ef ff ff 89 de e8 2c 74 15 fe 85 db 0f 85 02 06 00 00 e8 9f 7a 15 fe <0f> 0b e8 98 7a 15 fe 49 8d 7e 60 e8 4f 39 2f fe 49 c7 46 60 20 52\nRSP: 0018:ffffc9000ce3fa58 EFLAGS: 00010293\nRAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: 0000000000000000 RCX: ffffffff8318c92c\nRDX: ffff888036ccde00 RSI: ffffffff8318c2f1 RDI: 0000000000000001\nRBP: ffff88805a2dd6e0 R08: 0000000000000001 R09: 0000000000000000\nR10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0001ffffffffffff R12: ffff88805a2dd680\nR13: 0000000000000007 R14: ffff88800923f900 R15: ffff88805456004e\nFS: 00007fc449127640(0000) GS:ffff88807dc00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\nCS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\nCR2: 00007fc449126e38 CR3: 000000003de4b002 CR4: 0000000000770ef0\nDR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000\nDR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000600\nPKRU: 55555554\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n ip_rcv_finish_core.constprop.0+0xbdd/0xd20 net/ipv4/ip_input.c:349\n ip_rcv_finish+0xda/0x150 net/ipv4/ip_input.c:447\n NF_HOOK include/linux/netfilter.h:314 [inline]\n NF_HOOK include/linux/netfilter.h:308 [inline]\n ip_rcv+0x16c/0x180 net/ipv4/ip_input.c:569\n __netif_receive_skb_one_core+0xb3/0xe0 net/core/dev.c:5624\n __netif_receive_skb+0x21/0xd0 net/core/dev.c:5738\n netif_receive_skb_internal net/core/dev.c:5824 [inline]\n netif_receive_skb+0x271/0x300 net/core/dev.c:5884\n tun_rx_batched drivers/net/tun.c:1549 [inline]\n tun_get_user+0x24db/0x2c50 drivers/net/tun.c:2002\n tun_chr_write_iter+0x107/0x1a0 drivers/net/tun.c:2048\n new_sync_write fs/read_write.c:497 [inline]\n vfs_write+0x76f/0x8d0 fs/read_write.c:590\n ksys_write+0xbf/0x190 fs/read_write.c:643\n __do_sys_write fs/read_write.c:655 [inline]\n __se_sys_write fs/read_write.c:652 [inline]\n __x64_sys_write+0x41/0x50 fs/read_write.c:652\n x64_sys_call+0xe66/0x1990 arch/x86/include/generated/asm/syscalls_64.h:2\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0x4b/0x110 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x4b/0x53\nRIP: 0033:0x7fc44a68bc1f\nCode: 89 54 24 18 48 89 74 24 10 89 7c 24 08 e8 e9 cf f5 ff 48 8b 54 24 18 48 8b 74 24 10 41 89 c0 8b 7c 24 08 b8 01 00 00 00 0f 05 <48> 3d 00 f0 ff ff 77 31 44 89 c7 48 89 44 24 08 e8 3c d0 f5 ff 48\nRSP: 002b:00007fc449126c90 EFLAGS: 00000293 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000001\nRAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 00000000004bc050 RCX: 00007fc44a68bc1f\nR\n---truncated---', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-41041 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

494. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41042) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: netfilter: nf_tables: prefer nft_chain_validate nft_chain_validate already performs loop detection because a cycle will result in a call stack overflow (ctx->level >= NFT_JUMP_STACK_SIZE). It also follows maps via ->validate callback in nft_lookup, so there appears no reason to iterate the maps again. nf_tables_check_loops() and all its helper functions can be removed. This improves ruleset load time significantly, from 23s down to 12s. This also fixes a crash bug. Old loop detection code can result in unbounded recursion: BUG: TASK stack guard page was hit at .... Oops: stack guard page: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN CPU: 4 PID: 1539 Comm: nft Not tainted 6.10.0-rc5+ #1 [..] with a suitable ruleset during validation of register stores. I can't see any actual reason to attempt to check for this from nft_validate_register_store(), at this point the transaction is still in progress, so we don't have a full picture of the rule graph. For nf-next it might make sense to either remove it or make this depend on table->validate_state in case we could catch an error earlier (for improved error reporting to userspace).', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnetfilter: nf_tables: prefer nft_chain_validate\n\nnft_chain_validate already performs loop detection because a cycle will\nresult in a call stack overflow (ctx->level >= NFT_JUMP_STACK_SIZE).\n\nIt also follows maps via ->validate callback in nft_lookup, so there\nappears no reason to iterate the maps again.\n\nnf_tables_check_loops() and all its helper functions can be removed.\nThis improves ruleset load time significantly, from 23s down to 12s.\n\nThis also fixes a crash bug. Old loop detection code can result in\nunbounded recursion:\n\nBUG: TASK stack guard page was hit at ....\nOops: stack guard page: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN\nCPU: 4 PID: 1539 Comm: nft Not tainted 6.10.0-rc5+ #1\n[..]\n\nwith a suitable ruleset during validation of register stores.\n\nI can't see any actual reason to attempt to check for this from\nnft_validate_register_store(), at this point the transaction is still in\nprogress, so we don't have a full picture of the rule graph.\n\nFor nf-next it might make sense to either remove it or make this depend\non table->validate_state in case we could catch an error earlier\n(for improved error reporting to userspace).', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-41042 was patched at 2024-08-01

495. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41044) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ppp: reject claimed-as-LCP but actually malformed packets Since 'ppp_async_encode()' assumes valid LCP packets (with code from 1 to 7 inclusive), add 'ppp_check_packet()' to ensure that LCP packet has an actual body beyond PPP_LCP header bytes, and reject claimed-as-LCP but actually malformed data otherwise.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nppp: reject claimed-as-LCP but actually malformed packets\n\nSince 'ppp_async_encode()' assumes valid LCP packets (with code\nfrom 1 to 7 inclusive), add 'ppp_check_packet()' to ensure that\nLCP packet has an actual body beyond PPP_LCP header bytes, and\nreject claimed-as-LCP but actually malformed data otherwise.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-41044 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

496. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41045) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bpf: Defer work in bpf_timer_cancel_and_free Currently, the same case as previous patch (two timer callbacks trying to cancel each other) can be invoked through bpf_map_update_elem as well, or more precisely, freeing map elements containing timers. Since this relies on hrtimer_cancel as well, it is prone to the same deadlock situation as the previous patch. It would be sufficient to use hrtimer_try_to_cancel to fix this problem, as the timer cannot be enqueued after async_cancel_and_free. Once async_cancel_and_free has been done, the timer must be reinitialized before it can be armed again. The callback running in parallel trying to arm the timer will fail, and freeing bpf_hrtimer without waiting is sufficient (given kfree_rcu), and bpf_timer_cb will return HRTIMER_NORESTART, preventing the timer from being rearmed again. However, there exists a UAF scenario where the callback arms the timer before entering this function, such that if cancellation fails (due to timer callback invoking this routine, or the target timer callback running concurrently). In such a case, if the timer expiration is significantly far in the future, the RCU grace period expiration happening before it will free the bpf_hrtimer state and along with it the struct hrtimer, that is enqueued. Hence, it is clear cancellation needs to occur after async_cancel_and_free, and yet it cannot be done inline due to deadlock issues. We thus modify bpf_timer_cancel_and_free to defer work to the global workqueue, adding a work_struct alongside rcu_head (both used at _different_ points of time, so can share space). Update existing code comments to reflect the new state of affairs.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbpf: Defer work in bpf_timer_cancel_and_free\n\nCurrently, the same case as previous patch (two timer callbacks trying\nto cancel each other) can be invoked through bpf_map_update_elem as\nwell, or more precisely, freeing map elements containing timers. Since\nthis relies on hrtimer_cancel as well, it is prone to the same deadlock\nsituation as the previous patch.\n\nIt would be sufficient to use hrtimer_try_to_cancel to fix this problem,\nas the timer cannot be enqueued after async_cancel_and_free. Once\nasync_cancel_and_free has been done, the timer must be reinitialized\nbefore it can be armed again. The callback running in parallel trying to\narm the timer will fail, and freeing bpf_hrtimer without waiting is\nsufficient (given kfree_rcu), and bpf_timer_cb will return\nHRTIMER_NORESTART, preventing the timer from being rearmed again.\n\nHowever, there exists a UAF scenario where the callback arms the timer\nbefore entering this function, such that if cancellation fails (due to\ntimer callback invoking this routine, or the target timer callback\nrunning concurrently). In such a case, if the timer expiration is\nsignificantly far in the future, the RCU grace period expiration\nhappening before it will free the bpf_hrtimer state and along with it\nthe struct hrtimer, that is enqueued.\n\nHence, it is clear cancellation needs to occur after\nasync_cancel_and_free, and yet it cannot be done inline due to deadlock\nissues. We thus modify bpf_timer_cancel_and_free to defer work to the\nglobal workqueue, adding a work_struct alongside rcu_head (both used at\n_different_ points of time, so can share space).\n\nUpdate existing code comments to reflect the new state of affairs.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-41045 was patched at 2024-08-01

497. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41046) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: ethernet: lantiq_etop: fix double free in detach The number of the currently released descriptor is never incremented which results in the same skb being released multiple times.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: ethernet: lantiq_etop: fix double free in detach\n\nThe number of the currently released descriptor is never incremented\nwhich results in the same skb being released multiple times.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-41046 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

498. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41055) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mm: prevent derefencing NULL ptr in pfn_section_valid() Commit 5ec8e8ea8b77 ("mm/sparsemem: fix race in accessing memory_section->usage") changed pfn_section_valid() to add a READ_ONCE() call around "ms->usage" to fix a race with section_deactivate() where ms->usage can be cleared. The READ_ONCE() call, by itself, is not enough to prevent NULL pointer dereference. We need to check its value before dereferencing it.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmm: prevent derefencing NULL ptr in pfn_section_valid()\n\nCommit 5ec8e8ea8b77 ("mm/sparsemem: fix race in accessing\nmemory_section->usage") changed pfn_section_valid() to add a READ_ONCE()\ncall around "ms->usage" to fix a race with section_deactivate() where\nms->usage can be cleared. The READ_ONCE() call, by itself, is not enough\nto prevent NULL pointer dereference. We need to check its value before\ndereferencing it.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-41055 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

499. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41059) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: hfsplus: fix uninit-value in copy_name [syzbot reported] BUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in sized_strscpy+0xc4/0x160 sized_strscpy+0xc4/0x160 copy_name+0x2af/0x320 fs/hfsplus/xattr.c:411 hfsplus_listxattr+0x11e9/0x1a50 fs/hfsplus/xattr.c:750 vfs_listxattr fs/xattr.c:493 [inline] listxattr+0x1f3/0x6b0 fs/xattr.c:840 path_listxattr fs/xattr.c:864 [inline] __do_sys_listxattr fs/xattr.c:876 [inline] __se_sys_listxattr fs/xattr.c:873 [inline] __x64_sys_listxattr+0x16b/0x2f0 fs/xattr.c:873 x64_sys_call+0x2ba0/0x3b50 arch/x86/include/generated/asm/syscalls_64.h:195 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline] do_syscall_64+0xcf/0x1e0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f Uninit was created at: slab_post_alloc_hook mm/slub.c:3877 [inline] slab_alloc_node mm/slub.c:3918 [inline] kmalloc_trace+0x57b/0xbe0 mm/slub.c:4065 kmalloc include/linux/slab.h:628 [inline] hfsplus_listxattr+0x4cc/0x1a50 fs/hfsplus/xattr.c:699 vfs_listxattr fs/xattr.c:493 [inline] listxattr+0x1f3/0x6b0 fs/xattr.c:840 path_listxattr fs/xattr.c:864 [inline] __do_sys_listxattr fs/xattr.c:876 [inline] __se_sys_listxattr fs/xattr.c:873 [inline] __x64_sys_listxattr+0x16b/0x2f0 fs/xattr.c:873 x64_sys_call+0x2ba0/0x3b50 arch/x86/include/generated/asm/syscalls_64.h:195 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline] do_syscall_64+0xcf/0x1e0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f [Fix] When allocating memory to strbuf, initialize memory to 0.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nhfsplus: fix uninit-value in copy_name\n\n[syzbot reported]\nBUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in sized_strscpy+0xc4/0x160\n sized_strscpy+0xc4/0x160\n copy_name+0x2af/0x320 fs/hfsplus/xattr.c:411\n hfsplus_listxattr+0x11e9/0x1a50 fs/hfsplus/xattr.c:750\n vfs_listxattr fs/xattr.c:493 [inline]\n listxattr+0x1f3/0x6b0 fs/xattr.c:840\n path_listxattr fs/xattr.c:864 [inline]\n __do_sys_listxattr fs/xattr.c:876 [inline]\n __se_sys_listxattr fs/xattr.c:873 [inline]\n __x64_sys_listxattr+0x16b/0x2f0 fs/xattr.c:873\n x64_sys_call+0x2ba0/0x3b50 arch/x86/include/generated/asm/syscalls_64.h:195\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0xcf/0x1e0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f\n\nUninit was created at:\n slab_post_alloc_hook mm/slub.c:3877 [inline]\n slab_alloc_node mm/slub.c:3918 [inline]\n kmalloc_trace+0x57b/0xbe0 mm/slub.c:4065\n kmalloc include/linux/slab.h:628 [inline]\n hfsplus_listxattr+0x4cc/0x1a50 fs/hfsplus/xattr.c:699\n vfs_listxattr fs/xattr.c:493 [inline]\n listxattr+0x1f3/0x6b0 fs/xattr.c:840\n path_listxattr fs/xattr.c:864 [inline]\n __do_sys_listxattr fs/xattr.c:876 [inline]\n __se_sys_listxattr fs/xattr.c:873 [inline]\n __x64_sys_listxattr+0x16b/0x2f0 fs/xattr.c:873\n x64_sys_call+0x2ba0/0x3b50 arch/x86/include/generated/asm/syscalls_64.h:195\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0xcf/0x1e0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f\n[Fix]\nWhen allocating memory to strbuf, initialize memory to 0.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-41059 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

500. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41063) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: Bluetooth: hci_core: cancel all works upon hci_unregister_dev() syzbot is reporting that calling hci_release_dev() from hci_error_reset() due to hci_dev_put() from hci_error_reset() can cause deadlock at destroy_workqueue(), for hci_error_reset() is called from hdev->req_workqueue which destroy_workqueue() needs to flush. We need to make sure that hdev->{rx_work,cmd_work,tx_work} which are queued into hdev->workqueue and hdev->{power_on,error_reset} which are queued into hdev->req_workqueue are no longer running by the moment destroy_workqueue(hdev->workqueue); destroy_workqueue(hdev->req_workqueue); are called from hci_release_dev(). Call cancel_work_sync() on these work items from hci_unregister_dev() as soon as hdev->list is removed from hci_dev_list.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nBluetooth: hci_core: cancel all works upon hci_unregister_dev()\n\nsyzbot is reporting that calling hci_release_dev() from hci_error_reset()\ndue to hci_dev_put() from hci_error_reset() can cause deadlock at\ndestroy_workqueue(), for hci_error_reset() is called from\nhdev->req_workqueue which destroy_workqueue() needs to flush.\n\nWe need to make sure that hdev->{rx_work,cmd_work,tx_work} which are\nqueued into hdev->workqueue and hdev->{power_on,error_reset} which are\nqueued into hdev->req_workqueue are no longer running by the moment\n\n destroy_workqueue(hdev->workqueue);\n destroy_workqueue(hdev->req_workqueue);\n\nare called from hci_release_dev().\n\nCall cancel_work_sync() on these work items from hci_unregister_dev()\nas soon as hdev->list is removed from hci_dev_list.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-41063 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

501. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41065) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: powerpc/pseries: Whitelist dtl slub object for copying to userspace Reading the dispatch trace log from /sys/kernel/debug/powerpc/dtl/cpu-* results in a BUG() when the config CONFIG_HARDENED_USERCOPY is enabled as shown below. kernel BUG at mm/usercopy.c:102! Oops: Exception in kernel mode, sig: 5 [#1] LE PAGE_SIZE=64K MMU=Radix SMP NR_CPUS=2048 NUMA pSeries Modules linked in: xfs libcrc32c dm_service_time sd_mod t10_pi sg ibmvfc scsi_transport_fc ibmveth pseries_wdt dm_multipath dm_mirror dm_region_hash dm_log dm_mod fuse CPU: 27 PID: 1815 Comm: python3 Not tainted 6.10.0-rc3 #85 Hardware name: IBM,9040-MRX POWER10 (raw) 0x800200 0xf000006 of:IBM,FW1060.00 (NM1060_042) hv:phyp pSeries NIP: c0000000005d23d4 LR: c0000000005d23d0 CTR: 00000000006ee6f8 REGS: c000000120c078c0 TRAP: 0700 Not tainted (6.10.0-rc3) MSR: 8000000000029033 <SF,EE,ME,IR,DR,RI,LE> CR: 2828220f XER: 0000000e CFAR: c0000000001fdc80 IRQMASK: 0 [ ... GPRs omitted ... ] NIP [c0000000005d23d4] usercopy_abort+0x78/0xb0 LR [c0000000005d23d0] usercopy_abort+0x74/0xb0 Call Trace: usercopy_abort+0x74/0xb0 (unreliable) __check_heap_object+0xf8/0x120 check_heap_object+0x218/0x240 __check_object_size+0x84/0x1a4 dtl_file_read+0x17c/0x2c4 full_proxy_read+0x8c/0x110 vfs_read+0xdc/0x3a0 ksys_read+0x84/0x144 system_call_exception+0x124/0x330 system_call_vectored_common+0x15c/0x2ec --- interrupt: 3000 at 0x7fff81f3ab34 Commit 6d07d1cd300f ("usercopy: Restrict non-usercopy caches to size 0") requires that only whitelisted areas in slab/slub objects can be copied to userspace when usercopy hardening is enabled using CONFIG_HARDENED_USERCOPY. Dtl contains hypervisor dispatch events which are expected to be read by privileged users. Hence mark this safe for user access. Specify useroffset=0 and usersize=DISPATCH_LOG_BYTES to whitelist the entire object.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\npowerpc/pseries: Whitelist dtl slub object for copying to userspace\n\nReading the dispatch trace log from /sys/kernel/debug/powerpc/dtl/cpu-*\nresults in a BUG() when the config CONFIG_HARDENED_USERCOPY is enabled as\nshown below.\n\n kernel BUG at mm/usercopy.c:102!\n Oops: Exception in kernel mode, sig: 5 [#1]\n LE PAGE_SIZE=64K MMU=Radix SMP NR_CPUS=2048 NUMA pSeries\n Modules linked in: xfs libcrc32c dm_service_time sd_mod t10_pi sg ibmvfc\n scsi_transport_fc ibmveth pseries_wdt dm_multipath dm_mirror dm_region_hash dm_log dm_mod fuse\n CPU: 27 PID: 1815 Comm: python3 Not tainted 6.10.0-rc3 #85\n Hardware name: IBM,9040-MRX POWER10 (raw) 0x800200 0xf000006 of:IBM,FW1060.00 (NM1060_042) hv:phyp pSeries\n NIP: c0000000005d23d4 LR: c0000000005d23d0 CTR: 00000000006ee6f8\n REGS: c000000120c078c0 TRAP: 0700 Not tainted (6.10.0-rc3)\n MSR: 8000000000029033 <SF,EE,ME,IR,DR,RI,LE> CR: 2828220f XER: 0000000e\n CFAR: c0000000001fdc80 IRQMASK: 0\n [ ... GPRs omitted ... ]\n NIP [c0000000005d23d4] usercopy_abort+0x78/0xb0\n LR [c0000000005d23d0] usercopy_abort+0x74/0xb0\n Call Trace:\n usercopy_abort+0x74/0xb0 (unreliable)\n __check_heap_object+0xf8/0x120\n check_heap_object+0x218/0x240\n __check_object_size+0x84/0x1a4\n dtl_file_read+0x17c/0x2c4\n full_proxy_read+0x8c/0x110\n vfs_read+0xdc/0x3a0\n ksys_read+0x84/0x144\n system_call_exception+0x124/0x330\n system_call_vectored_common+0x15c/0x2ec\n --- interrupt: 3000 at 0x7fff81f3ab34\n\nCommit 6d07d1cd300f ("usercopy: Restrict non-usercopy caches to size 0")\nrequires that only whitelisted areas in slab/slub objects can be copied to\nuserspace when usercopy hardening is enabled using CONFIG_HARDENED_USERCOPY.\nDtl contains hypervisor dispatch events which are expected to be read by\nprivileged users. Hence mark this safe for user access.\nSpecify useroffset=0 and usersize=DISPATCH_LOG_BYTES to whitelist the\nentire object.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-41065 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

502. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41067) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: btrfs: scrub: handle RST lookup error correctly [BUG] When running btrfs/060 with forced RST feature, it would crash the following ASSERT() inside scrub_read_endio(): \tASSERT(sector_nr < stripe->nr_sectors); Before that, we would have tree dump from btrfs_get_raid_extent_offset(), as we failed to find the RST entry for the range. [CAUSE] Inside scrub_submit_extent_sector_read() every time we allocated a new bbio we immediately called btrfs_map_block() to make sure there was some RST range covering the scrub target. But if btrfs_map_block() fails, we immediately call endio for the bbio, while the bbio is newly allocated, it's completely empty. Then inside scrub_read_endio(), we go through the bvecs to find the sector number (as bi_sector is no longer reliable if the bio is submitted to lower layers). And since the bio is empty, such bvecs iteration would not find any sector matching the sector, and return sector_nr == stripe->nr_sectors, triggering the ASSERT(). [FIX] Instead of calling btrfs_map_block() after allocating a new bbio, call btrfs_map_block() first. Since our only objective of calling btrfs_map_block() is only to update stripe_len, there is really no need to do that after btrfs_alloc_bio(). This new timing would avoid the problem of handling empty bbio completely, and in fact fixes a possible race window for the old code, where if the submission thread is the only owner of the pending_io, the scrub would never finish (since we didn't decrease the pending_io counter). Although the root cause of RST lookup failure still needs to be addressed.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbtrfs: scrub: handle RST lookup error correctly\n\n[BUG]\nWhen running btrfs/060 with forced RST feature, it would crash the\nfollowing ASSERT() inside scrub_read_endio():\n\n\tASSERT(sector_nr < stripe->nr_sectors);\n\nBefore that, we would have tree dump from\nbtrfs_get_raid_extent_offset(), as we failed to find the RST entry for\nthe range.\n\n[CAUSE]\nInside scrub_submit_extent_sector_read() every time we allocated a new\nbbio we immediately called btrfs_map_block() to make sure there was some\nRST range covering the scrub target.\n\nBut if btrfs_map_block() fails, we immediately call endio for the bbio,\nwhile the bbio is newly allocated, it's completely empty.\n\nThen inside scrub_read_endio(), we go through the bvecs to find\nthe sector number (as bi_sector is no longer reliable if the bio is\nsubmitted to lower layers).\n\nAnd since the bio is empty, such bvecs iteration would not find any\nsector matching the sector, and return sector_nr == stripe->nr_sectors,\ntriggering the ASSERT().\n\n[FIX]\nInstead of calling btrfs_map_block() after allocating a new bbio, call\nbtrfs_map_block() first.\n\nSince our only objective of calling btrfs_map_block() is only to update\nstripe_len, there is really no need to do that after btrfs_alloc_bio().\n\nThis new timing would avoid the problem of handling empty bbio\ncompletely, and in fact fixes a possible race window for the old code,\nwhere if the submission thread is the only owner of the pending_io, the\nscrub would never finish (since we didn't decrease the pending_io\ncounter).\n\nAlthough the root cause of RST lookup failure still needs to be\naddressed.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-41067 was patched at 2024-08-01

503. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41068) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: s390/sclp: Fix sclp_init() cleanup on failure If sclp_init() fails it only partially cleans up: if there are multiple failing calls to sclp_init() sclp_state_change_event will be added several times to sclp_reg_list, which results in the following warning: ------------[ cut here ]------------ list_add double add: new=000003ffe1598c10, prev=000003ffe1598bf0, next=000003ffe1598c10. WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 1 at lib/list_debug.c:35 __list_add_valid_or_report+0xde/0xf8 CPU: 0 PID: 1 Comm: swapper/0 Not tainted 6.10.0-rc3 Krnl PSW : 0404c00180000000 000003ffe0d6076a (__list_add_valid_or_report+0xe2/0xf8) R:0 T:1 IO:0 EX:0 Key:0 M:1 W:0 P:0 AS:3 CC:0 PM:0 RI:0 EA:3 ... Call Trace: [<000003ffe0d6076a>] __list_add_valid_or_report+0xe2/0xf8 ([<000003ffe0d60766>] __list_add_valid_or_report+0xde/0xf8) [<000003ffe0a8d37e>] sclp_init+0x40e/0x450 [<000003ffe00009f2>] do_one_initcall+0x42/0x1e0 [<000003ffe15b77a6>] do_initcalls+0x126/0x150 [<000003ffe15b7a0a>] kernel_init_freeable+0x1ba/0x1f8 [<000003ffe0d6650e>] kernel_init+0x2e/0x180 [<000003ffe000301c>] __ret_from_fork+0x3c/0x60 [<000003ffe0d759ca>] ret_from_fork+0xa/0x30 Fix this by removing sclp_state_change_event from sclp_reg_list when sclp_init() fails.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ns390/sclp: Fix sclp_init() cleanup on failure\n\nIf sclp_init() fails it only partially cleans up: if there are multiple\nfailing calls to sclp_init() sclp_state_change_event will be added several\ntimes to sclp_reg_list, which results in the following warning:\n\n------------[ cut here ]------------\nlist_add double add: new=000003ffe1598c10, prev=000003ffe1598bf0, next=000003ffe1598c10.\nWARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 1 at lib/list_debug.c:35 __list_add_valid_or_report+0xde/0xf8\nCPU: 0 PID: 1 Comm: swapper/0 Not tainted 6.10.0-rc3\nKrnl PSW : 0404c00180000000 000003ffe0d6076a (__list_add_valid_or_report+0xe2/0xf8)\n R:0 T:1 IO:0 EX:0 Key:0 M:1 W:0 P:0 AS:3 CC:0 PM:0 RI:0 EA:3\n...\nCall Trace:\n [<000003ffe0d6076a>] __list_add_valid_or_report+0xe2/0xf8\n([<000003ffe0d60766>] __list_add_valid_or_report+0xde/0xf8)\n [<000003ffe0a8d37e>] sclp_init+0x40e/0x450\n [<000003ffe00009f2>] do_one_initcall+0x42/0x1e0\n [<000003ffe15b77a6>] do_initcalls+0x126/0x150\n [<000003ffe15b7a0a>] kernel_init_freeable+0x1ba/0x1f8\n [<000003ffe0d6650e>] kernel_init+0x2e/0x180\n [<000003ffe000301c>] __ret_from_fork+0x3c/0x60\n [<000003ffe0d759ca>] ret_from_fork+0xa/0x30\n\nFix this by removing sclp_state_change_event from sclp_reg_list when\nsclp_init() fails.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-41068 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

504. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41071) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: mac80211: Avoid address calculations via out of bounds array indexing req->n_channels must be set before req->channels[] can be used. This patch fixes one of the issues encountered in [1]. [ 83.964255] UBSAN: array-index-out-of-bounds in net/mac80211/scan.c:364:4 [ 83.964258] index 0 is out of range for type 'struct ieee80211_channel *[]' [...] [ 83.964264] Call Trace: [ 83.964267] <TASK> [ 83.964269] dump_stack_lvl+0x3f/0xc0 [ 83.964274] __ubsan_handle_out_of_bounds+0xec/0x110 [ 83.964278] ieee80211_prep_hw_scan+0x2db/0x4b0 [ 83.964281] __ieee80211_start_scan+0x601/0x990 [ 83.964291] nl80211_trigger_scan+0x874/0x980 [ 83.964295] genl_family_rcv_msg_doit+0xe8/0x160 [ 83.964298] genl_rcv_msg+0x240/0x270 [...] [1]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nwifi: mac80211: Avoid address calculations via out of bounds array indexing\n\nreq->n_channels must be set before req->channels[] can be used.\n\nThis patch fixes one of the issues encountered in [1].\n\n[ 83.964255] UBSAN: array-index-out-of-bounds in net/mac80211/scan.c:364:4\n[ 83.964258] index 0 is out of range for type 'struct ieee80211_channel *[]'\n[...]\n[ 83.964264] Call Trace:\n[ 83.964267] <TASK>\n[ 83.964269] dump_stack_lvl+0x3f/0xc0\n[ 83.964274] __ubsan_handle_out_of_bounds+0xec/0x110\n[ 83.964278] ieee80211_prep_hw_scan+0x2db/0x4b0\n[ 83.964281] __ieee80211_start_scan+0x601/0x990\n[ 83.964291] nl80211_trigger_scan+0x874/0x980\n[ 83.964295] genl_family_rcv_msg_doit+0xe8/0x160\n[ 83.964298] genl_rcv_msg+0x240/0x270\n[...]\n\n[1]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-41071 was patched at 2024-08-01

505. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41072) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: cfg80211: wext: add extra SIOCSIWSCAN data check In 'cfg80211_wext_siwscan()', add extra check whether number of channels passed via 'ioctl(sock, SIOCSIWSCAN, ...)' doesn't exceed IW_MAX_FREQUENCIES and reject invalid request with -EINVAL otherwise.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nwifi: cfg80211: wext: add extra SIOCSIWSCAN data check\n\nIn 'cfg80211_wext_siwscan()', add extra check whether number of\nchannels passed via 'ioctl(sock, SIOCSIWSCAN, ...)' doesn't exceed\nIW_MAX_FREQUENCIES and reject invalid request with -EINVAL otherwise.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-41072 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

506. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41077) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: null_blk: fix validation of block size Block size should be between 512 and PAGE_SIZE and be a power of 2. The current check does not validate this, so update the check. Without this patch, null_blk would Oops due to a null pointer deref when loaded with bs=1536 [1]. [axboe: remove unnecessary braces and != 0 check]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnull_blk: fix validation of block size\n\nBlock size should be between 512 and PAGE_SIZE and be a power of 2. The current\ncheck does not validate this, so update the check.\n\nWithout this patch, null_blk would Oops due to a null pointer deref when\nloaded with bs=1536 [1].\n\n\n[axboe: remove unnecessary braces and != 0 check]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-41077 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

507. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41078) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: btrfs: qgroup: fix quota root leak after quota disable failure If during the quota disable we fail when cleaning the quota tree or when deleting the root from the root tree, we jump to the 'out' label without ever dropping the reference on the quota root, resulting in a leak of the root since fs_info->quota_root is no longer pointing to the root (we have set it to NULL just before those steps). Fix this by always doing a btrfs_put_root() call under the 'out' label. This is a problem that exists since qgroups were first added in 2012 by commit bed92eae26cc ("Btrfs: qgroup implementation and prototypes"), but back then we missed a kfree on the quota root and free_extent_buffer() calls on its root and commit root nodes, since back then roots were not yet reference counted.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbtrfs: qgroup: fix quota root leak after quota disable failure\n\nIf during the quota disable we fail when cleaning the quota tree or when\ndeleting the root from the root tree, we jump to the 'out' label without\never dropping the reference on the quota root, resulting in a leak of the\nroot since fs_info->quota_root is no longer pointing to the root (we have\nset it to NULL just before those steps).\n\nFix this by always doing a btrfs_put_root() call under the 'out' label.\nThis is a problem that exists since qgroups were first added in 2012 by\ncommit bed92eae26cc ("Btrfs: qgroup implementation and prototypes"), but\nback then we missed a kfree on the quota root and free_extent_buffer()\ncalls on its root and commit root nodes, since back then roots were not\nyet reference counted.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-41078 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

508. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41080) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: io_uring: fix possible deadlock in io_register_iowq_max_workers() The io_register_iowq_max_workers() function calls io_put_sq_data(), which acquires the sqd->lock without releasing the uring_lock. Similar to the commit 009ad9f0c6ee ("io_uring: drop ctx->uring_lock before acquiring sqd->lock"), this can lead to a potential deadlock situation. To resolve this issue, the uring_lock is released before calling io_put_sq_data(), and then it is re-acquired after the function call. This change ensures that the locks are acquired in the correct order, preventing the possibility of a deadlock.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nio_uring: fix possible deadlock in io_register_iowq_max_workers()\n\nThe io_register_iowq_max_workers() function calls io_put_sq_data(),\nwhich acquires the sqd->lock without releasing the uring_lock.\nSimilar to the commit 009ad9f0c6ee ("io_uring: drop ctx->uring_lock\nbefore acquiring sqd->lock"), this can lead to a potential deadlock\nsituation.\n\nTo resolve this issue, the uring_lock is released before calling\nio_put_sq_data(), and then it is re-acquired after the function call.\n\nThis change ensures that the locks are acquired in the correct\norder, preventing the possibility of a deadlock.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-41080 was patched at 2024-08-01

509. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41081) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ila: block BH in ila_output() As explained in commit 1378817486d6 ("tipc: block BH before using dst_cache"), net/core/dst_cache.c helpers need to be called with BH disabled. ila_output() is called from lwtunnel_output() possibly from process context, and under rcu_read_lock(). We might be interrupted by a softirq, re-enter ila_output() and corrupt dst_cache data structures. Fix the race by using local_bh_disable().', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nila: block BH in ila_output()\n\nAs explained in commit 1378817486d6 ("tipc: block BH\nbefore using dst_cache"), net/core/dst_cache.c\nhelpers need to be called with BH disabled.\n\nila_output() is called from lwtunnel_output()\npossibly from process context, and under rcu_read_lock().\n\nWe might be interrupted by a softirq, re-enter ila_output()\nand corrupt dst_cache data structures.\n\nFix the race by using local_bh_disable().', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-41081 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

510. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41082) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nvme-fabrics: use reserved tag for reg read/write command In some scenarios, if too many commands are issued by nvme command in the same time by user tasks, this may exhaust all tags of admin_q. If a reset (nvme reset or IO timeout) occurs before these commands finish, reconnect routine may fail to update nvme regs due to insufficient tags, which will cause kernel hang forever. In order to workaround this issue, maybe we can let reg_read32()/reg_read64()/reg_write32() use reserved tags. This maybe safe for nvmf: 1. For the disable ctrl path, we will not issue connect command 2. For the enable ctrl / fw activate path, since connect and reg_xx() are called serially. So the reserved tags may still be enough while reg_xx() use reserved tags.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnvme-fabrics: use reserved tag for reg read/write command\n\nIn some scenarios, if too many commands are issued by nvme command in\nthe same time by user tasks, this may exhaust all tags of admin_q. If\na reset (nvme reset or IO timeout) occurs before these commands finish,\nreconnect routine may fail to update nvme regs due to insufficient tags,\nwhich will cause kernel hang forever. In order to workaround this issue,\nmaybe we can let reg_read32()/reg_read64()/reg_write32() use reserved\ntags. This maybe safe for nvmf:\n\n1. For the disable ctrl path, we will not issue connect command\n2. For the enable ctrl / fw activate path, since connect and reg_xx()\n are called serially.\n\nSo the reserved tags may still be enough while reg_xx() use reserved tags.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-41082 was patched at 2024-08-01

511. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41090) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: tap: add missing verification for short frame The cited commit missed to check against the validity of the frame length in the tap_get_user_xdp() path, which could cause a corrupted skb to be sent downstack. Even before the skb is transmitted, the tap_get_user_xdp()-->skb_set_network_header() may assume the size is more than ETH_HLEN. Once transmitted, this could either cause out-of-bound access beyond the actual length, or confuse the underlayer with incorrect or inconsistent header length in the skb metadata. In the alternative path, tap_get_user() already prohibits short frame which has the length less than Ethernet header size from being transmitted. This is to drop any frame shorter than the Ethernet header size just like how tap_get_user() does. CVE: CVE-2024-41090', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ntap: add missing verification for short frame\n\nThe cited commit missed to check against the validity of the frame length\nin the tap_get_user_xdp() path, which could cause a corrupted skb to be\nsent downstack. Even before the skb is transmitted, the\ntap_get_user_xdp()-->skb_set_network_header() may assume the size is more\nthan ETH_HLEN. Once transmitted, this could either cause out-of-bound\naccess beyond the actual length, or confuse the underlayer with incorrect\nor inconsistent header length in the skb metadata.\n\nIn the alternative path, tap_get_user() already prohibits short frame which\nhas the length less than Ethernet header size from being transmitted.\n\nThis is to drop any frame shorter than the Ethernet header size just like\nhow tap_get_user() does.\n\nCVE: CVE-2024-41090', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-41090 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-41090 was patched at 2024-07-23, 2024-08-05, 2024-08-12

redhat: CVE-2024-41090 was patched at 2024-08-13, 2024-08-19

512. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41091) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: tun: add missing verification for short frame The cited commit missed to check against the validity of the frame length in the tun_xdp_one() path, which could cause a corrupted skb to be sent downstack. Even before the skb is transmitted, the tun_xdp_one-->eth_type_trans() may access the Ethernet header although it can be less than ETH_HLEN. Once transmitted, this could either cause out-of-bound access beyond the actual length, or confuse the underlayer with incorrect or inconsistent header length in the skb metadata. In the alternative path, tun_get_user() already prohibits short frame which has the length less than Ethernet header size from being transmitted for IFF_TAP. This is to drop any frame shorter than the Ethernet header size just like how tun_get_user() does. CVE: CVE-2024-41091', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ntun: add missing verification for short frame\n\nThe cited commit missed to check against the validity of the frame length\nin the tun_xdp_one() path, which could cause a corrupted skb to be sent\ndownstack. Even before the skb is transmitted, the\ntun_xdp_one-->eth_type_trans() may access the Ethernet header although it\ncan be less than ETH_HLEN. Once transmitted, this could either cause\nout-of-bound access beyond the actual length, or confuse the underlayer\nwith incorrect or inconsistent header length in the skb metadata.\n\nIn the alternative path, tun_get_user() already prohibits short frame which\nhas the length less than Ethernet header size from being transmitted for\nIFF_TAP.\n\nThis is to drop any frame shorter than the Ethernet header size just like\nhow tun_get_user() does.\n\nCVE: CVE-2024-41091', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-41091 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-41091 was patched at 2024-07-23, 2024-08-05, 2024-08-12

redhat: CVE-2024-41091 was patched at 2024-08-13, 2024-08-19

513. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41097) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: usb: atm: cxacru: fix endpoint checking in cxacru_bind() Syzbot is still reporting quite an old issue [1] that occurs due to incomplete checking of present usb endpoints. As such, wrong endpoints types may be used at urb sumbitting stage which in turn triggers a warning in usb_submit_urb(). Fix the issue by verifying that required endpoint types are present for both in and out endpoints, taking into account cmd endpoint type. Unfortunately, this patch has not been tested on real hardware. [1] Syzbot report: usb 1-1: BOGUS urb xfer, pipe 1 != type 3 WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 8667 at drivers/usb/core/urb.c:502 usb_submit_urb+0xed2/0x18a0 drivers/usb/core/urb.c:502 Modules linked in: CPU: 0 PID: 8667 Comm: kworker/0:4 Not tainted 5.14.0-rc4-syzkaller #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/2011 Workqueue: usb_hub_wq hub_event RIP: 0010:usb_submit_urb+0xed2/0x18a0 drivers/usb/core/urb.c:502 ... Call Trace: cxacru_cm+0x3c0/0x8e0 drivers/usb/atm/cxacru.c:649 cxacru_card_status+0x22/0xd0 drivers/usb/atm/cxacru.c:760 cxacru_bind+0x7ac/0x11a0 drivers/usb/atm/cxacru.c:1209 usbatm_usb_probe+0x321/0x1ae0 drivers/usb/atm/usbatm.c:1055 cxacru_usb_probe+0xdf/0x1e0 drivers/usb/atm/cxacru.c:1363 usb_probe_interface+0x315/0x7f0 drivers/usb/core/driver.c:396 call_driver_probe drivers/base/dd.c:517 [inline] really_probe+0x23c/0xcd0 drivers/base/dd.c:595 __driver_probe_device+0x338/0x4d0 drivers/base/dd.c:747 driver_probe_device+0x4c/0x1a0 drivers/base/dd.c:777 __device_attach_driver+0x20b/0x2f0 drivers/base/dd.c:894 bus_for_each_drv+0x15f/0x1e0 drivers/base/bus.c:427 __device_attach+0x228/0x4a0 drivers/base/dd.c:965 bus_probe_device+0x1e4/0x290 drivers/base/bus.c:487 device_add+0xc2f/0x2180 drivers/base/core.c:3354 usb_set_configuration+0x113a/0x1910 drivers/usb/core/message.c:2170 usb_generic_driver_probe+0xba/0x100 drivers/usb/core/generic.c:238 usb_probe_device+0xd9/0x2c0 drivers/usb/core/driver.c:293', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nusb: atm: cxacru: fix endpoint checking in cxacru_bind()\n\nSyzbot is still reporting quite an old issue [1] that occurs due to\nincomplete checking of present usb endpoints. As such, wrong\nendpoints types may be used at urb sumbitting stage which in turn\ntriggers a warning in usb_submit_urb().\n\nFix the issue by verifying that required endpoint types are present\nfor both in and out endpoints, taking into account cmd endpoint type.\n\nUnfortunately, this patch has not been tested on real hardware.\n\n[1] Syzbot report:\nusb 1-1: BOGUS urb xfer, pipe 1 != type 3\nWARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 8667 at drivers/usb/core/urb.c:502 usb_submit_urb+0xed2/0x18a0 drivers/usb/core/urb.c:502\nModules linked in:\nCPU: 0 PID: 8667 Comm: kworker/0:4 Not tainted 5.14.0-rc4-syzkaller #0\nHardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/2011\nWorkqueue: usb_hub_wq hub_event\nRIP: 0010:usb_submit_urb+0xed2/0x18a0 drivers/usb/core/urb.c:502\n...\nCall Trace:\n cxacru_cm+0x3c0/0x8e0 drivers/usb/atm/cxacru.c:649\n cxacru_card_status+0x22/0xd0 drivers/usb/atm/cxacru.c:760\n cxacru_bind+0x7ac/0x11a0 drivers/usb/atm/cxacru.c:1209\n usbatm_usb_probe+0x321/0x1ae0 drivers/usb/atm/usbatm.c:1055\n cxacru_usb_probe+0xdf/0x1e0 drivers/usb/atm/cxacru.c:1363\n usb_probe_interface+0x315/0x7f0 drivers/usb/core/driver.c:396\n call_driver_probe drivers/base/dd.c:517 [inline]\n really_probe+0x23c/0xcd0 drivers/base/dd.c:595\n __driver_probe_device+0x338/0x4d0 drivers/base/dd.c:747\n driver_probe_device+0x4c/0x1a0 drivers/base/dd.c:777\n __device_attach_driver+0x20b/0x2f0 drivers/base/dd.c:894\n bus_for_each_drv+0x15f/0x1e0 drivers/base/bus.c:427\n __device_attach+0x228/0x4a0 drivers/base/dd.c:965\n bus_probe_device+0x1e4/0x290 drivers/base/bus.c:487\n device_add+0xc2f/0x2180 drivers/base/core.c:3354\n usb_set_configuration+0x113a/0x1910 drivers/usb/core/message.c:2170\n usb_generic_driver_probe+0xba/0x100 drivers/usb/core/generic.c:238\n usb_probe_device+0xd9/0x2c0 drivers/usb/core/driver.c:293', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-41097 was patched at 2024-08-01

514. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42084) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ftruncate: pass a signed offset The old ftruncate() syscall, using the 32-bit off_t misses a sign extension when called in compat mode on 64-bit architectures. As a result, passing a negative length accidentally succeeds in truncating to file size between 2GiB and 4GiB. Changing the type of the compat syscall to the signed compat_off_t changes the behavior so it instead returns -EINVAL. The native entry point, the truncate() syscall and the corresponding loff_t based variants are all correct already and do not suffer from this mistake.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nftruncate: pass a signed offset\n\nThe old ftruncate() syscall, using the 32-bit off_t misses a sign\nextension when called in compat mode on 64-bit architectures. As a\nresult, passing a negative length accidentally succeeds in truncating\nto file size between 2GiB and 4GiB.\n\nChanging the type of the compat syscall to the signed compat_off_t\nchanges the behavior so it instead returns -EINVAL.\n\nThe native entry point, the truncate() syscall and the corresponding\nloff_t based variants are all correct already and do not suffer\nfrom this mistake.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42084 was patched at 2024-08-01

515. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42086) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: iio: chemical: bme680: Fix overflows in compensate() functions There are cases in the compensate functions of the driver that there could be overflows of variables due to bit shifting ops. These implications were initially discussed here [1] and they were mentioned in log message of Commit 1b3bd8592780 ("iio: chemical: Add support for Bosch BME680 sensor"). [1]:', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\niio: chemical: bme680: Fix overflows in compensate() functions\n\nThere are cases in the compensate functions of the driver that\nthere could be overflows of variables due to bit shifting ops.\nThese implications were initially discussed here [1] and they\nwere mentioned in log message of Commit 1b3bd8592780 ("iio:\nchemical: Add support for Bosch BME680 sensor").\n\n[1]:', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42086 was patched at 2024-08-01

516. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42087) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/panel: ilitek-ili9881c: Fix warning with GPIO controllers that sleep The ilitek-ili9881c controls the reset GPIO using the non-sleeping gpiod_set_value() function. This complains loudly when the GPIO controller needs to sleep. As the caller can sleep, use gpiod_set_value_cansleep() to fix the issue.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/panel: ilitek-ili9881c: Fix warning with GPIO controllers that sleep\n\nThe ilitek-ili9881c controls the reset GPIO using the non-sleeping\ngpiod_set_value() function. This complains loudly when the GPIO\ncontroller needs to sleep. As the caller can sleep, use\ngpiod_set_value_cansleep() to fix the issue.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42087 was patched at 2024-08-01

517. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42089) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ASoC: fsl-asoc-card: set priv->pdev before using it priv->pdev pointer was set after being used in fsl_asoc_card_audmux_init(). Move this assignment at the start of the probe function, so sub-functions can correctly use pdev through priv. fsl_asoc_card_audmux_init() dereferences priv->pdev to get access to the dev struct, used with dev_err macros. As priv is zero-initialised, there would be a NULL pointer dereference. Note that if priv->dev is dereferenced before assignment but never used, for example if there is no error to be printed, the driver won't crash probably due to compiler optimisations.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nASoC: fsl-asoc-card: set priv->pdev before using it\n\npriv->pdev pointer was set after being used in\nfsl_asoc_card_audmux_init().\nMove this assignment at the start of the probe function, so\nsub-functions can correctly use pdev through priv.\n\nfsl_asoc_card_audmux_init() dereferences priv->pdev to get access to the\ndev struct, used with dev_err macros.\nAs priv is zero-initialised, there would be a NULL pointer dereference.\nNote that if priv->dev is dereferenced before assignment but never used,\nfor example if there is no error to be printed, the driver won't crash\nprobably due to compiler optimisations.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42089 was patched at 2024-08-01

518. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42090) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: pinctrl: fix deadlock in create_pinctrl() when handling -EPROBE_DEFER In create_pinctrl(), pinctrl_maps_mutex is acquired before calling add_setting(). If add_setting() returns -EPROBE_DEFER, create_pinctrl() calls pinctrl_free(). However, pinctrl_free() attempts to acquire pinctrl_maps_mutex, which is already held by create_pinctrl(), leading to a potential deadlock. This patch resolves the issue by releasing pinctrl_maps_mutex before calling pinctrl_free(), preventing the deadlock. This bug was discovered and resolved using Coverity Static Analysis Security Testing (SAST) by Synopsys, Inc.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\npinctrl: fix deadlock in create_pinctrl() when handling -EPROBE_DEFER\n\nIn create_pinctrl(), pinctrl_maps_mutex is acquired before calling\nadd_setting(). If add_setting() returns -EPROBE_DEFER, create_pinctrl()\ncalls pinctrl_free(). However, pinctrl_free() attempts to acquire\npinctrl_maps_mutex, which is already held by create_pinctrl(), leading to\na potential deadlock.\n\nThis patch resolves the issue by releasing pinctrl_maps_mutex before\ncalling pinctrl_free(), preventing the deadlock.\n\nThis bug was discovered and resolved using Coverity Static Analysis\nSecurity Testing (SAST) by Synopsys, Inc.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42090 was patched at 2024-08-01

519. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42091) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/xe: Check pat.ops before dumping PAT settings We may leave pat.ops unset when running on brand new platform or when running as a VF. While the former is unlikely, the latter is valid (future) use case and will cause NPD when someone will try to dump PAT settings by debugfs. It's better to check pointer to pat.ops instead of specific .dump hook, as we have this hook always defined for every .ops variant.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/xe: Check pat.ops before dumping PAT settings\n\nWe may leave pat.ops unset when running on brand new platform or\nwhen running as a VF. While the former is unlikely, the latter\nis valid (future) use case and will cause NPD when someone will\ntry to dump PAT settings by debugfs.\n\nIt's better to check pointer to pat.ops instead of specific .dump\nhook, as we have this hook always defined for every .ops variant.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-42091 was patched at 2024-08-01

520. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42092) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: gpio: davinci: Validate the obtained number of IRQs Value of pdata->gpio_unbanked is taken from Device Tree. In case of broken DT due to any error this value can be any. Without this value validation there can be out of chips->irqs array boundaries access in davinci_gpio_probe(). Validate the obtained nirq value so that it won't exceed the maximum number of IRQs per bank. Found by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ngpio: davinci: Validate the obtained number of IRQs\n\nValue of pdata->gpio_unbanked is taken from Device Tree. In case of broken\nDT due to any error this value can be any. Without this value validation\nthere can be out of chips->irqs array boundaries access in\ndavinci_gpio_probe().\n\nValidate the obtained nirq value so that it won't exceed the maximum\nnumber of IRQs per bank.\n\nFound by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42092 was patched at 2024-08-01

521. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42093) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/dpaa2: Avoid explicit cpumask var allocation on stack For CONFIG_CPUMASK_OFFSTACK=y kernel, explicit allocation of cpumask variable on stack is not recommended since it can cause potential stack overflow. Instead, kernel code should always use *cpumask_var API(s) to allocate cpumask var in config-neutral way, leaving allocation strategy to CONFIG_CPUMASK_OFFSTACK. Use *cpumask_var API(s) to address it.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet/dpaa2: Avoid explicit cpumask var allocation on stack\n\nFor CONFIG_CPUMASK_OFFSTACK=y kernel, explicit allocation of cpumask\nvariable on stack is not recommended since it can cause potential stack\noverflow.\n\nInstead, kernel code should always use *cpumask_var API(s) to allocate\ncpumask var in config-neutral way, leaving allocation strategy to\nCONFIG_CPUMASK_OFFSTACK.\n\nUse *cpumask_var API(s) to address it.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-42093 was patched at 2024-08-01

522. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42094) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/iucv: Avoid explicit cpumask var allocation on stack For CONFIG_CPUMASK_OFFSTACK=y kernel, explicit allocation of cpumask variable on stack is not recommended since it can cause potential stack overflow. Instead, kernel code should always use *cpumask_var API(s) to allocate cpumask var in config-neutral way, leaving allocation strategy to CONFIG_CPUMASK_OFFSTACK. Use *cpumask_var API(s) to address it.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet/iucv: Avoid explicit cpumask var allocation on stack\n\nFor CONFIG_CPUMASK_OFFSTACK=y kernel, explicit allocation of cpumask\nvariable on stack is not recommended since it can cause potential stack\noverflow.\n\nInstead, kernel code should always use *cpumask_var API(s) to allocate\ncpumask var in config-neutral way, leaving allocation strategy to\nCONFIG_CPUMASK_OFFSTACK.\n\nUse *cpumask_var API(s) to address it.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42094 was patched at 2024-08-01

523. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42095) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: serial: 8250_omap: Implementation of Errata i2310 As per Errata i2310[0], Erroneous timeout can be triggered, if this Erroneous interrupt is not cleared then it may leads to storm of interrupts, therefore apply Errata i2310 solution. [0] page 23', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nserial: 8250_omap: Implementation of Errata i2310\n\nAs per Errata i2310[0], Erroneous timeout can be triggered,\nif this Erroneous interrupt is not cleared then it may leads\nto storm of interrupts, therefore apply Errata i2310 solution.\n\n[0] page 23', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-42095 was patched at 2024-08-01

524. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42096) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: x86: stop playing stack games in profile_pc() The 'profile_pc()' function is used for timer-based profiling, which isn't really all that relevant any more to begin with, but it also ends up making assumptions based on the stack layout that aren't necessarily valid. Basically, the code tries to account the time spent in spinlocks to the caller rather than the spinlock, and while I support that as a concept, it's not worth the code complexity or the KASAN warnings when no serious profiling is done using timers anyway these days. And the code really does depend on stack layout that is only true in the simplest of cases. We've lost the comment at some point (I think when the 32-bit and 64-bit code was unified), but it used to say: \tAssume the lock function has either no stack frame or a copy \tof eflags from PUSHF. which explains why it just blindly loads a word or two straight off the stack pointer and then takes a minimal look at the values to just check if they might be eflags or the return pc: \tEflags always has bits 22 and up cleared unlike kernel addresses but that basic stack layout assumption assumes that there isn't any lock debugging etc going on that would complicate the code and cause a stack frame. It causes KASAN unhappiness reported for years by syzkaller [1] and others [2]. With no real practical reason for this any more, just remove the code. Just for historical interest, here's some background commits relating to this code from 2006: 0cb91a229364 ("i386: Account spinlocks to the caller during profiling for !FP kernels") 31679f38d886 ("Simplify profile_pc on x86-64") and a code unification from 2009: ef4512882dbe ("x86: time_32/64.c unify profile_pc") but the basics of this thing actually goes back to before the git tree.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nx86: stop playing stack games in profile_pc()\n\nThe 'profile_pc()' function is used for timer-based profiling, which\nisn't really all that relevant any more to begin with, but it also ends\nup making assumptions based on the stack layout that aren't necessarily\nvalid.\n\nBasically, the code tries to account the time spent in spinlocks to the\ncaller rather than the spinlock, and while I support that as a concept,\nit's not worth the code complexity or the KASAN warnings when no serious\nprofiling is done using timers anyway these days.\n\nAnd the code really does depend on stack layout that is only true in the\nsimplest of cases. We've lost the comment at some point (I think when\nthe 32-bit and 64-bit code was unified), but it used to say:\n\n\tAssume the lock function has either no stack frame or a copy\n\tof eflags from PUSHF.\n\nwhich explains why it just blindly loads a word or two straight off the\nstack pointer and then takes a minimal look at the values to just check\nif they might be eflags or the return pc:\n\n\tEflags always has bits 22 and up cleared unlike kernel addresses\n\nbut that basic stack layout assumption assumes that there isn't any lock\ndebugging etc going on that would complicate the code and cause a stack\nframe.\n\nIt causes KASAN unhappiness reported for years by syzkaller [1] and\nothers [2].\n\nWith no real practical reason for this any more, just remove the code.\n\nJust for historical interest, here's some background commits relating to\nthis code from 2006:\n\n 0cb91a229364 ("i386: Account spinlocks to the caller during profiling for !FP kernels")\n 31679f38d886 ("Simplify profile_pc on x86-64")\n\nand a code unification from 2009:\n\n ef4512882dbe ("x86: time_32/64.c unify profile_pc")\n\nbut the basics of this thing actually goes back to before the git tree.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42096 was patched at 2024-08-01

525. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42097) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ALSA: emux: improve patch ioctl data validation In load_data(), make the validation of and skipping over the main info block match that in load_guspatch(). In load_guspatch(), add checking that the specified patch length matches the actually supplied data, like load_data() already did.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nALSA: emux: improve patch ioctl data validation\n\nIn load_data(), make the validation of and skipping over the main info\nblock match that in load_guspatch().\n\nIn load_guspatch(), add checking that the specified patch length matches\nthe actually supplied data, like load_data() already did.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42097 was patched at 2024-08-01

526. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42101) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/nouveau: fix null pointer dereference in nouveau_connector_get_modes In nouveau_connector_get_modes(), the return value of drm_mode_duplicate() is assigned to mode, which will lead to a possible NULL pointer dereference on failure of drm_mode_duplicate(). Add a check to avoid npd.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/nouveau: fix null pointer dereference in nouveau_connector_get_modes\n\nIn nouveau_connector_get_modes(), the return value of drm_mode_duplicate()\nis assigned to mode, which will lead to a possible NULL pointer\ndereference on failure of drm_mode_duplicate(). Add a check to avoid npd.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42101 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

527. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42106) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: inet_diag: Initialize pad field in struct inet_diag_req_v2 KMSAN reported uninit-value access in raw_lookup() [1]. Diag for raw sockets uses the pad field in struct inet_diag_req_v2 for the underlying protocol. This field corresponds to the sdiag_raw_protocol field in struct inet_diag_req_raw. inet_diag_get_exact_compat() converts inet_diag_req to inet_diag_req_v2, but leaves the pad field uninitialized. So the issue occurs when raw_lookup() accesses the sdiag_raw_protocol field. Fix this by initializing the pad field in inet_diag_get_exact_compat(). Also, do the same fix in inet_diag_dump_compat() to avoid the similar issue in the future. [1] BUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in raw_lookup net/ipv4/raw_diag.c:49 [inline] BUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in raw_sock_get+0x657/0x800 net/ipv4/raw_diag.c:71 raw_lookup net/ipv4/raw_diag.c:49 [inline] raw_sock_get+0x657/0x800 net/ipv4/raw_diag.c:71 raw_diag_dump_one+0xa1/0x660 net/ipv4/raw_diag.c:99 inet_diag_cmd_exact+0x7d9/0x980 inet_diag_get_exact_compat net/ipv4/inet_diag.c:1404 [inline] inet_diag_rcv_msg_compat+0x469/0x530 net/ipv4/inet_diag.c:1426 sock_diag_rcv_msg+0x23d/0x740 net/core/sock_diag.c:282 netlink_rcv_skb+0x537/0x670 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2564 sock_diag_rcv+0x35/0x40 net/core/sock_diag.c:297 netlink_unicast_kernel net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1335 [inline] netlink_unicast+0xe74/0x1240 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1361 netlink_sendmsg+0x10c6/0x1260 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1905 sock_sendmsg_nosec net/socket.c:730 [inline] __sock_sendmsg+0x332/0x3d0 net/socket.c:745 ____sys_sendmsg+0x7f0/0xb70 net/socket.c:2585 ___sys_sendmsg+0x271/0x3b0 net/socket.c:2639 __sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2668 [inline] __do_sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2677 [inline] __se_sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2675 [inline] __x64_sys_sendmsg+0x27e/0x4a0 net/socket.c:2675 x64_sys_call+0x135e/0x3ce0 arch/x86/include/generated/asm/syscalls_64.h:47 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline] do_syscall_64+0xd9/0x1e0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f Uninit was stored to memory at: raw_sock_get+0x650/0x800 net/ipv4/raw_diag.c:71 raw_diag_dump_one+0xa1/0x660 net/ipv4/raw_diag.c:99 inet_diag_cmd_exact+0x7d9/0x980 inet_diag_get_exact_compat net/ipv4/inet_diag.c:1404 [inline] inet_diag_rcv_msg_compat+0x469/0x530 net/ipv4/inet_diag.c:1426 sock_diag_rcv_msg+0x23d/0x740 net/core/sock_diag.c:282 netlink_rcv_skb+0x537/0x670 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2564 sock_diag_rcv+0x35/0x40 net/core/sock_diag.c:297 netlink_unicast_kernel net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1335 [inline] netlink_unicast+0xe74/0x1240 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1361 netlink_sendmsg+0x10c6/0x1260 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1905 sock_sendmsg_nosec net/socket.c:730 [inline] __sock_sendmsg+0x332/0x3d0 net/socket.c:745 ____sys_sendmsg+0x7f0/0xb70 net/socket.c:2585 ___sys_sendmsg+0x271/0x3b0 net/socket.c:2639 __sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2668 [inline] __do_sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2677 [inline] __se_sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2675 [inline] __x64_sys_sendmsg+0x27e/0x4a0 net/socket.c:2675 x64_sys_call+0x135e/0x3ce0 arch/x86/include/generated/asm/syscalls_64.h:47 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline] do_syscall_64+0xd9/0x1e0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f Local variable req.i created at: inet_diag_get_exact_compat net/ipv4/inet_diag.c:1396 [inline] inet_diag_rcv_msg_compat+0x2a6/0x530 net/ipv4/inet_diag.c:1426 sock_diag_rcv_msg+0x23d/0x740 net/core/sock_diag.c:282 CPU: 1 PID: 8888 Comm: syz-executor.6 Not tainted 6.10.0-rc4-00217-g35bb670d65fc #32 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 1.16.3-2.fc40 04/01/2014', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ninet_diag: Initialize pad field in struct inet_diag_req_v2\n\nKMSAN reported uninit-value access in raw_lookup() [1]. Diag for raw\nsockets uses the pad field in struct inet_diag_req_v2 for the\nunderlying protocol. This field corresponds to the sdiag_raw_protocol\nfield in struct inet_diag_req_raw.\n\ninet_diag_get_exact_compat() converts inet_diag_req to\ninet_diag_req_v2, but leaves the pad field uninitialized. So the issue\noccurs when raw_lookup() accesses the sdiag_raw_protocol field.\n\nFix this by initializing the pad field in\ninet_diag_get_exact_compat(). Also, do the same fix in\ninet_diag_dump_compat() to avoid the similar issue in the future.\n\n[1]\nBUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in raw_lookup net/ipv4/raw_diag.c:49 [inline]\nBUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in raw_sock_get+0x657/0x800 net/ipv4/raw_diag.c:71\n raw_lookup net/ipv4/raw_diag.c:49 [inline]\n raw_sock_get+0x657/0x800 net/ipv4/raw_diag.c:71\n raw_diag_dump_one+0xa1/0x660 net/ipv4/raw_diag.c:99\n inet_diag_cmd_exact+0x7d9/0x980\n inet_diag_get_exact_compat net/ipv4/inet_diag.c:1404 [inline]\n inet_diag_rcv_msg_compat+0x469/0x530 net/ipv4/inet_diag.c:1426\n sock_diag_rcv_msg+0x23d/0x740 net/core/sock_diag.c:282\n netlink_rcv_skb+0x537/0x670 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2564\n sock_diag_rcv+0x35/0x40 net/core/sock_diag.c:297\n netlink_unicast_kernel net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1335 [inline]\n netlink_unicast+0xe74/0x1240 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1361\n netlink_sendmsg+0x10c6/0x1260 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1905\n sock_sendmsg_nosec net/socket.c:730 [inline]\n __sock_sendmsg+0x332/0x3d0 net/socket.c:745\n ____sys_sendmsg+0x7f0/0xb70 net/socket.c:2585\n ___sys_sendmsg+0x271/0x3b0 net/socket.c:2639\n __sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2668 [inline]\n __do_sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2677 [inline]\n __se_sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2675 [inline]\n __x64_sys_sendmsg+0x27e/0x4a0 net/socket.c:2675\n x64_sys_call+0x135e/0x3ce0 arch/x86/include/generated/asm/syscalls_64.h:47\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0xd9/0x1e0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f\n\nUninit was stored to memory at:\n raw_sock_get+0x650/0x800 net/ipv4/raw_diag.c:71\n raw_diag_dump_one+0xa1/0x660 net/ipv4/raw_diag.c:99\n inet_diag_cmd_exact+0x7d9/0x980\n inet_diag_get_exact_compat net/ipv4/inet_diag.c:1404 [inline]\n inet_diag_rcv_msg_compat+0x469/0x530 net/ipv4/inet_diag.c:1426\n sock_diag_rcv_msg+0x23d/0x740 net/core/sock_diag.c:282\n netlink_rcv_skb+0x537/0x670 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2564\n sock_diag_rcv+0x35/0x40 net/core/sock_diag.c:297\n netlink_unicast_kernel net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1335 [inline]\n netlink_unicast+0xe74/0x1240 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1361\n netlink_sendmsg+0x10c6/0x1260 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1905\n sock_sendmsg_nosec net/socket.c:730 [inline]\n __sock_sendmsg+0x332/0x3d0 net/socket.c:745\n ____sys_sendmsg+0x7f0/0xb70 net/socket.c:2585\n ___sys_sendmsg+0x271/0x3b0 net/socket.c:2639\n __sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2668 [inline]\n __do_sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2677 [inline]\n __se_sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2675 [inline]\n __x64_sys_sendmsg+0x27e/0x4a0 net/socket.c:2675\n x64_sys_call+0x135e/0x3ce0 arch/x86/include/generated/asm/syscalls_64.h:47\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0xd9/0x1e0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f\n\nLocal variable req.i created at:\n inet_diag_get_exact_compat net/ipv4/inet_diag.c:1396 [inline]\n inet_diag_rcv_msg_compat+0x2a6/0x530 net/ipv4/inet_diag.c:1426\n sock_diag_rcv_msg+0x23d/0x740 net/core/sock_diag.c:282\n\nCPU: 1 PID: 8888 Comm: syz-executor.6 Not tainted 6.10.0-rc4-00217-g35bb670d65fc #32\nHardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 1.16.3-2.fc40 04/01/2014', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42106 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

528. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42107) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ice: Don't process extts if PTP is disabled The ice_ptp_extts_event() function can race with ice_ptp_release() and result in a NULL pointer dereference which leads to a kernel panic. Panic occurs because the ice_ptp_extts_event() function calls ptp_clock_event() with a NULL pointer. The ice driver has already released the PTP clock by the time the interrupt for the next external timestamp event occurs. To fix this, modify the ice_ptp_extts_event() function to check the PTP state and bail early if PTP is not ready.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nice: Don't process extts if PTP is disabled\n\nThe ice_ptp_extts_event() function can race with ice_ptp_release() and\nresult in a NULL pointer dereference which leads to a kernel panic.\n\nPanic occurs because the ice_ptp_extts_event() function calls\nptp_clock_event() with a NULL pointer. The ice driver has already\nreleased the PTP clock by the time the interrupt for the next external\ntimestamp event occurs.\n\nTo fix this, modify the ice_ptp_extts_event() function to check the\nPTP state and bail early if PTP is not ready.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-42107 was patched at 2024-08-01

529. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42114) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: cfg80211: restrict NL80211_ATTR_TXQ_QUANTUM values syzbot is able to trigger softlockups, setting NL80211_ATTR_TXQ_QUANTUM to 2^31. We had a similar issue in sch_fq, fixed with commit d9e15a273306 ("pkt_sched: fq: do not accept silly TCA_FQ_QUANTUM") watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#1 stuck for 26s! [kworker/1:0:24] Modules linked in: irq event stamp: 131135 hardirqs last enabled at (131134): [<ffff80008ae8778c>] __exit_to_kernel_mode arch/arm64/kernel/entry-common.c:85 [inline] hardirqs last enabled at (131134): [<ffff80008ae8778c>] exit_to_kernel_mode+0xdc/0x10c arch/arm64/kernel/entry-common.c:95 hardirqs last disabled at (131135): [<ffff80008ae85378>] __el1_irq arch/arm64/kernel/entry-common.c:533 [inline] hardirqs last disabled at (131135): [<ffff80008ae85378>] el1_interrupt+0x24/0x68 arch/arm64/kernel/entry-common.c:551 softirqs last enabled at (125892): [<ffff80008907e82c>] neigh_hh_init net/core/neighbour.c:1538 [inline] softirqs last enabled at (125892): [<ffff80008907e82c>] neigh_resolve_output+0x268/0x658 net/core/neighbour.c:1553 softirqs last disabled at (125896): [<ffff80008904166c>] local_bh_disable+0x10/0x34 include/linux/bottom_half.h:19 CPU: 1 PID: 24 Comm: kworker/1:0 Not tainted 6.9.0-rc7-syzkaller-gfda5695d692c #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 03/27/2024 Workqueue: mld mld_ifc_work pstate: 80400005 (Nzcv daif +PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--) pc : __list_del include/linux/list.h:195 [inline] pc : __list_del_entry include/linux/list.h:218 [inline] pc : list_move_tail include/linux/list.h:310 [inline] pc : fq_tin_dequeue include/net/fq_impl.h:112 [inline] pc : ieee80211_tx_dequeue+0x6b8/0x3b4c net/mac80211/tx.c:3854 lr : __list_del_entry include/linux/list.h:218 [inline] lr : list_move_tail include/linux/list.h:310 [inline] lr : fq_tin_dequeue include/net/fq_impl.h:112 [inline] lr : ieee80211_tx_dequeue+0x67c/0x3b4c net/mac80211/tx.c:3854 sp : ffff800093d36700 x29: ffff800093d36a60 x28: ffff800093d36960 x27: dfff800000000000 x26: ffff0000d800ad50 x25: ffff0000d800abe0 x24: ffff0000d800abf0 x23: ffff0000e0032468 x22: ffff0000e00324d4 x21: ffff0000d800abf0 x20: ffff0000d800abf8 x19: ffff0000d800abf0 x18: ffff800093d363c0 x17: 000000000000d476 x16: ffff8000805519dc x15: ffff7000127a6cc8 x14: 1ffff000127a6cc8 x13: 0000000000000004 x12: ffffffffffffffff x11: ffff7000127a6cc8 x10: 0000000000ff0100 x9 : 0000000000000000 x8 : 0000000000000000 x7 : 0000000000000000 x6 : 0000000000000000 x5 : ffff80009287aa08 x4 : 0000000000000008 x3 : ffff80008034c7fc x2 : ffff0000e0032468 x1 : 00000000da0e46b8 x0 : ffff0000e0032470 Call trace: __list_del include/linux/list.h:195 [inline] __list_del_entry include/linux/list.h:218 [inline] list_move_tail include/linux/list.h:310 [inline] fq_tin_dequeue include/net/fq_impl.h:112 [inline] ieee80211_tx_dequeue+0x6b8/0x3b4c net/mac80211/tx.c:3854 wake_tx_push_queue net/mac80211/util.c:294 [inline] ieee80211_handle_wake_tx_queue+0x118/0x274 net/mac80211/util.c:315 drv_wake_tx_queue net/mac80211/driver-ops.h:1350 [inline] schedule_and_wake_txq net/mac80211/driver-ops.h:1357 [inline] ieee80211_queue_skb+0x18e8/0x2244 net/mac80211/tx.c:1664 ieee80211_tx+0x260/0x400 net/mac80211/tx.c:1966 ieee80211_xmit+0x278/0x354 net/mac80211/tx.c:2062 __ieee80211_subif_start_xmit+0xab8/0x122c net/mac80211/tx.c:4338 ieee80211_subif_start_xmit+0xe0/0x438 net/mac80211/tx.c:4532 __netdev_start_xmit include/linux/netdevice.h:4903 [inline] netdev_start_xmit include/linux/netdevice.h:4917 [inline] xmit_one net/core/dev.c:3531 [inline] dev_hard_start_xmit+0x27c/0x938 net/core/dev.c:3547 __dev_queue_xmit+0x1678/0x33fc net/core/dev.c:4341 dev_queue_xmit include/linux/netdevice.h:3091 [inline] neigh_resolve_output+0x558/0x658 net/core/neighbour.c:1563 neigh_output include/net/neighbour.h:542 [inline] ip6_fini ---truncated---', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nwifi: cfg80211: restrict NL80211_ATTR_TXQ_QUANTUM values\n\nsyzbot is able to trigger softlockups, setting NL80211_ATTR_TXQ_QUANTUM\nto 2^31.\n\nWe had a similar issue in sch_fq, fixed with commit\nd9e15a273306 ("pkt_sched: fq: do not accept silly TCA_FQ_QUANTUM")\n\nwatchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#1 stuck for 26s! [kworker/1:0:24]\nModules linked in:\nirq event stamp: 131135\n hardirqs last enabled at (131134): [<ffff80008ae8778c>] __exit_to_kernel_mode arch/arm64/kernel/entry-common.c:85 [inline]\n hardirqs last enabled at (131134): [<ffff80008ae8778c>] exit_to_kernel_mode+0xdc/0x10c arch/arm64/kernel/entry-common.c:95\n hardirqs last disabled at (131135): [<ffff80008ae85378>] __el1_irq arch/arm64/kernel/entry-common.c:533 [inline]\n hardirqs last disabled at (131135): [<ffff80008ae85378>] el1_interrupt+0x24/0x68 arch/arm64/kernel/entry-common.c:551\n softirqs last enabled at (125892): [<ffff80008907e82c>] neigh_hh_init net/core/neighbour.c:1538 [inline]\n softirqs last enabled at (125892): [<ffff80008907e82c>] neigh_resolve_output+0x268/0x658 net/core/neighbour.c:1553\n softirqs last disabled at (125896): [<ffff80008904166c>] local_bh_disable+0x10/0x34 include/linux/bottom_half.h:19\nCPU: 1 PID: 24 Comm: kworker/1:0 Not tainted 6.9.0-rc7-syzkaller-gfda5695d692c #0\nHardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 03/27/2024\nWorkqueue: mld mld_ifc_work\npstate: 80400005 (Nzcv daif +PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--)\n pc : __list_del include/linux/list.h:195 [inline]\n pc : __list_del_entry include/linux/list.h:218 [inline]\n pc : list_move_tail include/linux/list.h:310 [inline]\n pc : fq_tin_dequeue include/net/fq_impl.h:112 [inline]\n pc : ieee80211_tx_dequeue+0x6b8/0x3b4c net/mac80211/tx.c:3854\n lr : __list_del_entry include/linux/list.h:218 [inline]\n lr : list_move_tail include/linux/list.h:310 [inline]\n lr : fq_tin_dequeue include/net/fq_impl.h:112 [inline]\n lr : ieee80211_tx_dequeue+0x67c/0x3b4c net/mac80211/tx.c:3854\nsp : ffff800093d36700\nx29: ffff800093d36a60 x28: ffff800093d36960 x27: dfff800000000000\nx26: ffff0000d800ad50 x25: ffff0000d800abe0 x24: ffff0000d800abf0\nx23: ffff0000e0032468 x22: ffff0000e00324d4 x21: ffff0000d800abf0\nx20: ffff0000d800abf8 x19: ffff0000d800abf0 x18: ffff800093d363c0\nx17: 000000000000d476 x16: ffff8000805519dc x15: ffff7000127a6cc8\nx14: 1ffff000127a6cc8 x13: 0000000000000004 x12: ffffffffffffffff\nx11: ffff7000127a6cc8 x10: 0000000000ff0100 x9 : 0000000000000000\nx8 : 0000000000000000 x7 : 0000000000000000 x6 : 0000000000000000\nx5 : ffff80009287aa08 x4 : 0000000000000008 x3 : ffff80008034c7fc\nx2 : ffff0000e0032468 x1 : 00000000da0e46b8 x0 : ffff0000e0032470\nCall trace:\n __list_del include/linux/list.h:195 [inline]\n __list_del_entry include/linux/list.h:218 [inline]\n list_move_tail include/linux/list.h:310 [inline]\n fq_tin_dequeue include/net/fq_impl.h:112 [inline]\n ieee80211_tx_dequeue+0x6b8/0x3b4c net/mac80211/tx.c:3854\n wake_tx_push_queue net/mac80211/util.c:294 [inline]\n ieee80211_handle_wake_tx_queue+0x118/0x274 net/mac80211/util.c:315\n drv_wake_tx_queue net/mac80211/driver-ops.h:1350 [inline]\n schedule_and_wake_txq net/mac80211/driver-ops.h:1357 [inline]\n ieee80211_queue_skb+0x18e8/0x2244 net/mac80211/tx.c:1664\n ieee80211_tx+0x260/0x400 net/mac80211/tx.c:1966\n ieee80211_xmit+0x278/0x354 net/mac80211/tx.c:2062\n __ieee80211_subif_start_xmit+0xab8/0x122c net/mac80211/tx.c:4338\n ieee80211_subif_start_xmit+0xe0/0x438 net/mac80211/tx.c:4532\n __netdev_start_xmit include/linux/netdevice.h:4903 [inline]\n netdev_start_xmit include/linux/netdevice.h:4917 [inline]\n xmit_one net/core/dev.c:3531 [inline]\n dev_hard_start_xmit+0x27c/0x938 net/core/dev.c:3547\n __dev_queue_xmit+0x1678/0x33fc net/core/dev.c:4341\n dev_queue_xmit include/linux/netdevice.h:3091 [inline]\n neigh_resolve_output+0x558/0x658 net/core/neighbour.c:1563\n neigh_output include/net/neighbour.h:542 [inline]\n ip6_fini\n---truncated---', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-42114 was patched at 2024-08-01

530. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42115) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: jffs2: Fix potential illegal address access in jffs2_free_inode During the stress testing of the jffs2 file system,the following abnormal printouts were found: [ 2430.649000] Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 0069696969696948 [ 2430.649622] Mem abort info: [ 2430.649829] ESR = 0x96000004 [ 2430.650115] EC = 0x25: DABT (current EL), IL = 32 bits [ 2430.650564] SET = 0, FnV = 0 [ 2430.650795] EA = 0, S1PTW = 0 [ 2430.651032] FSC = 0x04: level 0 translation fault [ 2430.651446] Data abort info: [ 2430.651683] ISV = 0, ISS = 0x00000004 [ 2430.652001] CM = 0, WnR = 0 [ 2430.652558] [0069696969696948] address between user and kernel address ranges [ 2430.653265] Internal error: Oops: 96000004 [#1] PREEMPT SMP [ 2430.654512] CPU: 2 PID: 20919 Comm: cat Not tainted 5.15.25-g512f31242bf6 #33 [ 2430.655008] Hardware name: linux,dummy-virt (DT) [ 2430.655517] pstate: 20000005 (nzCv daif -PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--) [ 2430.656142] pc : kfree+0x78/0x348 [ 2430.656630] lr : jffs2_free_inode+0x24/0x48 [ 2430.657051] sp : ffff800009eebd10 [ 2430.657355] x29: ffff800009eebd10 x28: 0000000000000001 x27: 0000000000000000 [ 2430.658327] x26: ffff000038f09d80 x25: 0080000000000000 x24: ffff800009d38000 [ 2430.658919] x23: 5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a x22: ffff000038f09d80 x21: ffff8000084f0d14 [ 2430.659434] x20: ffff0000bf9a6ac0 x19: 0169696969696940 x18: 0000000000000000 [ 2430.659969] x17: ffff8000b6506000 x16: ffff800009eec000 x15: 0000000000004000 [ 2430.660637] x14: 0000000000000000 x13: 00000001000820a1 x12: 00000000000d1b19 [ 2430.661345] x11: 0004000800000000 x10: 0000000000000001 x9 : ffff8000084f0d14 [ 2430.662025] x8 : ffff0000bf9a6b40 x7 : ffff0000bf9a6b48 x6 : 0000000003470302 [ 2430.662695] x5 : ffff00002e41dcc0 x4 : ffff0000bf9aa3b0 x3 : 0000000003470342 [ 2430.663486] x2 : 0000000000000000 x1 : ffff8000084f0d14 x0 : fffffc0000000000 [ 2430.664217] Call trace: [ 2430.664528] kfree+0x78/0x348 [ 2430.664855] jffs2_free_inode+0x24/0x48 [ 2430.665233] i_callback+0x24/0x50 [ 2430.665528] rcu_do_batch+0x1ac/0x448 [ 2430.665892] rcu_core+0x28c/0x3c8 [ 2430.666151] rcu_core_si+0x18/0x28 [ 2430.666473] __do_softirq+0x138/0x3cc [ 2430.666781] irq_exit+0xf0/0x110 [ 2430.667065] handle_domain_irq+0x6c/0x98 [ 2430.667447] gic_handle_irq+0xac/0xe8 [ 2430.667739] call_on_irq_stack+0x28/0x54 The parameter passed to kfree was 5a5a5a5a, which corresponds to the target field of the jffs_inode_info structure. It was found that all variables in the jffs_inode_info structure were 5a5a5a5a, except for the first member sem. It is suspected that these variables are not initialized because they were set to 5a5a5a5a during memory testing, which is meant to detect uninitialized memory.The sem variable is initialized in the function jffs2_i_init_once, while other members are initialized in the function jffs2_init_inode_info. The function jffs2_init_inode_info is called after iget_locked, but in the iget_locked function, the destroy_inode process is triggered, which releases the inode and consequently, the target member of the inode is not initialized.In concurrent high pressure scenarios, iget_locked may enter the destroy_inode branch as described in the code. Since the destroy_inode functionality of jffs2 only releases the target, the fix method is to set target to NULL in jffs2_i_init_once.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\njffs2: Fix potential illegal address access in jffs2_free_inode\n\nDuring the stress testing of the jffs2 file system,the following\nabnormal printouts were found:\n[ 2430.649000] Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 0069696969696948\n[ 2430.649622] Mem abort info:\n[ 2430.649829] ESR = 0x96000004\n[ 2430.650115] EC = 0x25: DABT (current EL), IL = 32 bits\n[ 2430.650564] SET = 0, FnV = 0\n[ 2430.650795] EA = 0, S1PTW = 0\n[ 2430.651032] FSC = 0x04: level 0 translation fault\n[ 2430.651446] Data abort info:\n[ 2430.651683] ISV = 0, ISS = 0x00000004\n[ 2430.652001] CM = 0, WnR = 0\n[ 2430.652558] [0069696969696948] address between user and kernel address ranges\n[ 2430.653265] Internal error: Oops: 96000004 [#1] PREEMPT SMP\n[ 2430.654512] CPU: 2 PID: 20919 Comm: cat Not tainted 5.15.25-g512f31242bf6 #33\n[ 2430.655008] Hardware name: linux,dummy-virt (DT)\n[ 2430.655517] pstate: 20000005 (nzCv daif -PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--)\n[ 2430.656142] pc : kfree+0x78/0x348\n[ 2430.656630] lr : jffs2_free_inode+0x24/0x48\n[ 2430.657051] sp : ffff800009eebd10\n[ 2430.657355] x29: ffff800009eebd10 x28: 0000000000000001 x27: 0000000000000000\n[ 2430.658327] x26: ffff000038f09d80 x25: 0080000000000000 x24: ffff800009d38000\n[ 2430.658919] x23: 5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a x22: ffff000038f09d80 x21: ffff8000084f0d14\n[ 2430.659434] x20: ffff0000bf9a6ac0 x19: 0169696969696940 x18: 0000000000000000\n[ 2430.659969] x17: ffff8000b6506000 x16: ffff800009eec000 x15: 0000000000004000\n[ 2430.660637] x14: 0000000000000000 x13: 00000001000820a1 x12: 00000000000d1b19\n[ 2430.661345] x11: 0004000800000000 x10: 0000000000000001 x9 : ffff8000084f0d14\n[ 2430.662025] x8 : ffff0000bf9a6b40 x7 : ffff0000bf9a6b48 x6 : 0000000003470302\n[ 2430.662695] x5 : ffff00002e41dcc0 x4 : ffff0000bf9aa3b0 x3 : 0000000003470342\n[ 2430.663486] x2 : 0000000000000000 x1 : ffff8000084f0d14 x0 : fffffc0000000000\n[ 2430.664217] Call trace:\n[ 2430.664528] kfree+0x78/0x348\n[ 2430.664855] jffs2_free_inode+0x24/0x48\n[ 2430.665233] i_callback+0x24/0x50\n[ 2430.665528] rcu_do_batch+0x1ac/0x448\n[ 2430.665892] rcu_core+0x28c/0x3c8\n[ 2430.666151] rcu_core_si+0x18/0x28\n[ 2430.666473] __do_softirq+0x138/0x3cc\n[ 2430.666781] irq_exit+0xf0/0x110\n[ 2430.667065] handle_domain_irq+0x6c/0x98\n[ 2430.667447] gic_handle_irq+0xac/0xe8\n[ 2430.667739] call_on_irq_stack+0x28/0x54\nThe parameter passed to kfree was 5a5a5a5a, which corresponds to the target field of\nthe jffs_inode_info structure. It was found that all variables in the jffs_inode_info\nstructure were 5a5a5a5a, except for the first member sem. It is suspected that these\nvariables are not initialized because they were set to 5a5a5a5a during memory testing,\nwhich is meant to detect uninitialized memory.The sem variable is initialized in the\nfunction jffs2_i_init_once, while other members are initialized in\nthe function jffs2_init_inode_info.\n\nThe function jffs2_init_inode_info is called after iget_locked,\nbut in the iget_locked function, the destroy_inode process is triggered,\nwhich releases the inode and consequently, the target member of the inode\nis not initialized.In concurrent high pressure scenarios, iget_locked\nmay enter the destroy_inode branch as described in the code.\n\nSince the destroy_inode functionality of jffs2 only releases the target,\nthe fix method is to set target to NULL in jffs2_i_init_once.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42115 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

531. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42117) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/amd/display: ASSERT when failing to find index by plane/stream id [WHY] find_disp_cfg_idx_by_plane_id and find_disp_cfg_idx_by_stream_id returns an array index and they return -1 when not found; however, -1 is not a valid index number. [HOW] When this happens, call ASSERT(), and return a positive number (which is fewer than callers' array size) instead. This fixes 4 OVERRUN and 2 NEGATIVE_RETURNS issues reported by Coverity.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/amd/display: ASSERT when failing to find index by plane/stream id\n\n[WHY]\nfind_disp_cfg_idx_by_plane_id and find_disp_cfg_idx_by_stream_id returns\nan array index and they return -1 when not found; however, -1 is not a\nvalid index number.\n\n[HOW]\nWhen this happens, call ASSERT(), and return a positive number (which is\nfewer than callers' array size) instead.\n\nThis fixes 4 OVERRUN and 2 NEGATIVE_RETURNS issues reported by Coverity.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-42117 was patched at 2024-08-01

532. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42118) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/amd/display: Do not return negative stream id for array [WHY] resource_stream_to_stream_idx returns an array index and it return -1 when not found; however, -1 is not a valid array index number. [HOW] When this happens, call ASSERT(), and return a zero instead. This fixes an OVERRUN and an NEGATIVE_RETURNS issues reported by Coverity.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/amd/display: Do not return negative stream id for array\n\n[WHY]\nresource_stream_to_stream_idx returns an array index and it return -1\nwhen not found; however, -1 is not a valid array index number.\n\n[HOW]\nWhen this happens, call ASSERT(), and return a zero instead.\n\nThis fixes an OVERRUN and an NEGATIVE_RETURNS issues reported by Coverity.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-42118 was patched at 2024-08-01

533. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42119) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/amd/display: Skip finding free audio for unknown engine_id [WHY] ENGINE_ID_UNKNOWN = -1 and can not be used as an array index. Plus, it also means it is uninitialized and does not need free audio. [HOW] Skip and return NULL. This fixes 2 OVERRUN issues reported by Coverity.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/amd/display: Skip finding free audio for unknown engine_id\n\n[WHY]\nENGINE_ID_UNKNOWN = -1 and can not be used as an array index. Plus, it\nalso means it is uninitialized and does not need free audio.\n\n[HOW]\nSkip and return NULL.\n\nThis fixes 2 OVERRUN issues reported by Coverity.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42119 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

534. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42120) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/amd/display: Check pipe offset before setting vblank pipe_ctx has a size of MAX_PIPES so checking its index before accessing the array. This fixes an OVERRUN issue reported by Coverity.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/amd/display: Check pipe offset before setting vblank\n\npipe_ctx has a size of MAX_PIPES so checking its index before accessing\nthe array.\n\nThis fixes an OVERRUN issue reported by Coverity.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-42120 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

535. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42121) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/amd/display: Check index msg_id before read or write [WHAT] msg_id is used as an array index and it cannot be a negative value, and therefore cannot be equal to MOD_HDCP_MESSAGE_ID_INVALID (-1). [HOW] Check whether msg_id is valid before reading and setting. This fixes 4 OVERRUN issues reported by Coverity.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/amd/display: Check index msg_id before read or write\n\n[WHAT]\nmsg_id is used as an array index and it cannot be a negative value, and\ntherefore cannot be equal to MOD_HDCP_MESSAGE_ID_INVALID (-1).\n\n[HOW]\nCheck whether msg_id is valid before reading and setting.\n\nThis fixes 4 OVERRUN issues reported by Coverity.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-42121 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

536. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42122) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/amd/display: Add NULL pointer check for kzalloc [Why & How] Check return pointer of kzalloc before using it.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/amd/display: Add NULL pointer check for kzalloc\n\n[Why & How]\nCheck return pointer of kzalloc before using it.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-42122 was patched at 2024-08-01

537. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42123) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/amdgpu: fix double free err_addr pointer warnings In amdgpu_umc_bad_page_polling_timeout, the amdgpu_umc_handle_bad_pages will be run many times so that double free err_addr in some special case. So set the err_addr to NULL to avoid the warnings.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/amdgpu: fix double free err_addr pointer warnings\n\nIn amdgpu_umc_bad_page_polling_timeout, the amdgpu_umc_handle_bad_pages\nwill be run many times so that double free err_addr in some special case.\nSo set the err_addr to NULL to avoid the warnings.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-42123 was patched at 2024-08-01

538. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42124) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: qedf: Make qedf_execute_tmf() non-preemptible Stop calling smp_processor_id() from preemptible code in qedf_execute_tmf90. This results in BUG_ON() when running an RT kernel. [ 659.343280] BUG: using smp_processor_id() in preemptible [00000000] code: sg_reset/3646 [ 659.343282] caller is qedf_execute_tmf+0x8b/0x360 [qedf]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nscsi: qedf: Make qedf_execute_tmf() non-preemptible\n\nStop calling smp_processor_id() from preemptible code in\nqedf_execute_tmf90. This results in BUG_ON() when running an RT kernel.\n\n[ 659.343280] BUG: using smp_processor_id() in preemptible [00000000] code: sg_reset/3646\n[ 659.343282] caller is qedf_execute_tmf+0x8b/0x360 [qedf]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-42124 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

539. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42125) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: rtw89: fw: scan offload prohibit all 6 GHz channel if no 6 GHz sband We have some policy via BIOS to block uses of 6 GHz. In this case, 6 GHz sband will be NULL even if it is WiFi 7 chip. So, add NULL handling here to avoid crash.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nwifi: rtw89: fw: scan offload prohibit all 6 GHz channel if no 6 GHz sband\n\nWe have some policy via BIOS to block uses of 6 GHz. In this case, 6 GHz\nsband will be NULL even if it is WiFi 7 chip. So, add NULL handling here\nto avoid crash.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-42125 was patched at 2024-08-01

540. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42126) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: powerpc: Avoid nmi_enter/nmi_exit in real mode interrupt. nmi_enter()/nmi_exit() touches per cpu variables which can lead to kernel crash when invoked during real mode interrupt handling (e.g. early HMI/MCE interrupt handler) if percpu allocation comes from vmalloc area. Early HMI/MCE handlers are called through DEFINE_INTERRUPT_HANDLER_NMI() wrapper which invokes nmi_enter/nmi_exit calls. We don't see any issue when percpu allocation is from the embedded first chunk. However with CONFIG_NEED_PER_CPU_PAGE_FIRST_CHUNK enabled there are chances where percpu allocation can come from the vmalloc area. With kernel command line "percpu_alloc=page" we can force percpu allocation to come from vmalloc area and can see kernel crash in machine_check_early: [ 1.215714] NIP [c000000000e49eb4] rcu_nmi_enter+0x24/0x110 [ 1.215717] LR [c0000000000461a0] machine_check_early+0xf0/0x2c0 [ 1.215719] --- interrupt: 200 [ 1.215720] [c000000fffd73180] [0000000000000000] 0x0 (unreliable) [ 1.215722] [c000000fffd731b0] [0000000000000000] 0x0 [ 1.215724] [c000000fffd73210] [c000000000008364] machine_check_early_common+0x134/0x1f8 Fix this by avoiding use of nmi_enter()/nmi_exit() in real mode if percpu first chunk is not embedded.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\npowerpc: Avoid nmi_enter/nmi_exit in real mode interrupt.\n\nnmi_enter()/nmi_exit() touches per cpu variables which can lead to kernel\ncrash when invoked during real mode interrupt handling (e.g. early HMI/MCE\ninterrupt handler) if percpu allocation comes from vmalloc area.\n\nEarly HMI/MCE handlers are called through DEFINE_INTERRUPT_HANDLER_NMI()\nwrapper which invokes nmi_enter/nmi_exit calls. We don't see any issue when\npercpu allocation is from the embedded first chunk. However with\nCONFIG_NEED_PER_CPU_PAGE_FIRST_CHUNK enabled there are chances where percpu\nallocation can come from the vmalloc area.\n\nWith kernel command line "percpu_alloc=page" we can force percpu allocation\nto come from vmalloc area and can see kernel crash in machine_check_early:\n\n[ 1.215714] NIP [c000000000e49eb4] rcu_nmi_enter+0x24/0x110\n[ 1.215717] LR [c0000000000461a0] machine_check_early+0xf0/0x2c0\n[ 1.215719] --- interrupt: 200\n[ 1.215720] [c000000fffd73180] [0000000000000000] 0x0 (unreliable)\n[ 1.215722] [c000000fffd731b0] [0000000000000000] 0x0\n[ 1.215724] [c000000fffd73210] [c000000000008364] machine_check_early_common+0x134/0x1f8\n\nFix this by avoiding use of nmi_enter()/nmi_exit() in real mode if percpu\nfirst chunk is not embedded.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-42126 was patched at 2024-08-01

541. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42127) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/lima: fix shared irq handling on driver remove lima uses a shared interrupt, so the interrupt handlers must be prepared to be called at any time. At driver removal time, the clocks are disabled early and the interrupts stay registered until the very end of the remove process due to the devm usage. This is potentially a bug as the interrupts access device registers which assumes clocks are enabled. A crash can be triggered by removing the driver in a kernel with CONFIG_DEBUG_SHIRQ enabled. This patch frees the interrupts at each lima device finishing callback so that the handlers are already unregistered by the time we fully disable clocks.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/lima: fix shared irq handling on driver remove\n\nlima uses a shared interrupt, so the interrupt handlers must be prepared\nto be called at any time. At driver removal time, the clocks are\ndisabled early and the interrupts stay registered until the very end of\nthe remove process due to the devm usage.\nThis is potentially a bug as the interrupts access device registers\nwhich assumes clocks are enabled. A crash can be triggered by removing\nthe driver in a kernel with CONFIG_DEBUG_SHIRQ enabled.\nThis patch frees the interrupts at each lima device finishing callback\nso that the handlers are already unregistered by the time we fully\ndisable clocks.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-42127 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

542. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42129) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: leds: mlxreg: Use devm_mutex_init() for mutex initialization In this driver LEDs are registered using devm_led_classdev_register() so they are automatically unregistered after module's remove() is done. led_classdev_unregister() calls module's led_set_brightness() to turn off the LEDs and that callback uses mutex which was destroyed already in module's remove() so use devm API instead.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nleds: mlxreg: Use devm_mutex_init() for mutex initialization\n\nIn this driver LEDs are registered using devm_led_classdev_register()\nso they are automatically unregistered after module's remove() is done.\nled_classdev_unregister() calls module's led_set_brightness() to turn off\nthe LEDs and that callback uses mutex which was destroyed already\nin module's remove() so use devm API instead.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-42129 was patched at 2024-08-01

543. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42131) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mm: avoid overflows in dirty throttling logic The dirty throttling logic is interspersed with assumptions that dirty limits in PAGE_SIZE units fit into 32-bit (so that various multiplications fit into 64-bits). If limits end up being larger, we will hit overflows, possible divisions by 0 etc. Fix these problems by never allowing so large dirty limits as they have dubious practical value anyway. For dirty_bytes / dirty_background_bytes interfaces we can just refuse to set so large limits. For dirty_ratio / dirty_background_ratio it isn't so simple as the dirty limit is computed from the amount of available memory which can change due to memory hotplug etc. So when converting dirty limits from ratios to numbers of pages, we just don't allow the result to exceed UINT_MAX. This is root-only triggerable problem which occurs when the operator sets dirty limits to >16 TB.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmm: avoid overflows in dirty throttling logic\n\nThe dirty throttling logic is interspersed with assumptions that dirty\nlimits in PAGE_SIZE units fit into 32-bit (so that various multiplications\nfit into 64-bits). If limits end up being larger, we will hit overflows,\npossible divisions by 0 etc. Fix these problems by never allowing so\nlarge dirty limits as they have dubious practical value anyway. For\ndirty_bytes / dirty_background_bytes interfaces we can just refuse to set\nso large limits. For dirty_ratio / dirty_background_ratio it isn't so\nsimple as the dirty limit is computed from the amount of available memory\nwhich can change due to memory hotplug etc. So when converting dirty\nlimits from ratios to numbers of pages, we just don't allow the result to\nexceed UINT_MAX.\n\nThis is root-only triggerable problem which occurs when the operator\nsets dirty limits to >16 TB.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42131 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

544. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42134) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: virtio-pci: Check if is_avq is NULL [bug] In the virtio_pci_common.c function vp_del_vqs, vp_dev->is_avq is involved to determine whether it is admin virtqueue, but this function vp_dev->is_avq may be empty. For installations, virtio_pci_legacy does not assign a value to vp_dev->is_avq. [fix] Check whether it is vp_dev->is_avq before use. [test] Test with virsh Attach device Before this patch, the following command would crash the guest system After applying the patch, everything seems to be working fine.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nvirtio-pci: Check if is_avq is NULL\n\n[bug]\nIn the virtio_pci_common.c function vp_del_vqs, vp_dev->is_avq is involved\nto determine whether it is admin virtqueue, but this function vp_dev->is_avq\n may be empty. For installations, virtio_pci_legacy does not assign a value\n to vp_dev->is_avq.\n\n[fix]\nCheck whether it is vp_dev->is_avq before use.\n\n[test]\nTest with virsh Attach device\nBefore this patch, the following command would crash the guest system\n\nAfter applying the patch, everything seems to be working fine.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-42134 was patched at 2024-08-01

ubuntu: CVE-2024-42134 was patched at 2024-08-08, 2024-08-09, 2024-08-12, 2024-08-13

545. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42139) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ice: Fix improper extts handling Extts events are disabled and enabled by the application ts2phc. However, in case where the driver is removed when the application is running, a specific extts event remains enabled and can cause a kernel crash. As a side effect, when the driver is reloaded and application is started again, remaining extts event for the channel from a previous run will keep firing and the message "extts on unexpected channel" might be printed to the user. To avoid that, extts events shall be disabled when PTP is released.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nice: Fix improper extts handling\n\nExtts events are disabled and enabled by the application ts2phc.\nHowever, in case where the driver is removed when the application is\nrunning, a specific extts event remains enabled and can cause a kernel\ncrash.\nAs a side effect, when the driver is reloaded and application is started\nagain, remaining extts event for the channel from a previous run will\nkeep firing and the message "extts on unexpected channel" might be\nprinted to the user.\n\nTo avoid that, extts events shall be disabled when PTP is released.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-42139 was patched at 2024-08-01

546. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42143) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: orangefs: fix out-of-bounds fsid access Arnd Bergmann sent a patch to fsdevel, he says: "orangefs_statfs() copies two consecutive fields of the superblock into the statfs structure, which triggers a warning from the string fortification helpers" Jan Kara suggested an alternate way to do the patch to make it more readable. I ran both ideas through xfstests and both seem fine. This patch is based on Jan Kara's suggestion.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\norangefs: fix out-of-bounds fsid access\n\nArnd Bergmann sent a patch to fsdevel, he says:\n\n"orangefs_statfs() copies two consecutive fields of the superblock into\nthe statfs structure, which triggers a warning from the string fortification\nhelpers"\n\nJan Kara suggested an alternate way to do the patch to make it more readable.\n\nI ran both ideas through xfstests and both seem fine. This patch\nis based on Jan Kara's suggestion.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42143 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

547. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42145) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: IB/core: Implement a limit on UMAD receive List The existing behavior of ib_umad, which maintains received MAD packets in an unbounded list, poses a risk of uncontrolled growth. As user-space applications extract packets from this list, the rate of extraction may not match the rate of incoming packets, leading to potential list overflow. To address this, we introduce a limit to the size of the list. After considering typical scenarios, such as OpenSM processing, which can handle approximately 100k packets per second, and the 1-second retry timeout for most packets, we set the list size limit to 200k. Packets received beyond this limit are dropped, assuming they are likely timed out by the time they are handled by user-space. Notably, packets queued on the receive list due to reasons like timed-out sends are preserved even when the list is full.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nIB/core: Implement a limit on UMAD receive List\n\nThe existing behavior of ib_umad, which maintains received MAD\npackets in an unbounded list, poses a risk of uncontrolled growth.\nAs user-space applications extract packets from this list, the rate\nof extraction may not match the rate of incoming packets, leading\nto potential list overflow.\n\nTo address this, we introduce a limit to the size of the list. After\nconsidering typical scenarios, such as OpenSM processing, which can\nhandle approximately 100k packets per second, and the 1-second retry\ntimeout for most packets, we set the list size limit to 200k. Packets\nreceived beyond this limit are dropped, assuming they are likely timed\nout by the time they are handled by user-space.\n\nNotably, packets queued on the receive list due to reasons like\ntimed-out sends are preserved even when the list is full.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42145 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

548. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42146) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/xe: Add outer runtime_pm protection to xe_live_ktest@xe_dma_buf Any kunit doing any memory access should get their own runtime_pm outer references since they don't use the standard driver API entries. In special this dma_buf from the same driver. Found by pre-merge CI on adding WARN calls for unprotected inner callers: <6> [318.639739] # xe_dma_buf_kunit: running xe_test_dmabuf_import_same_driver <4> [318.639957] ------------[ cut here ]------------ <4> [318.639967] xe 0000:4d:00.0: Missing outer runtime PM protection <4> [318.640049] WARNING: CPU: 117 PID: 3832 at drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_pm.c:533 xe_pm_runtime_get_noresume+0x48/0x60 [xe]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/xe: Add outer runtime_pm protection to xe_live_ktest@xe_dma_buf\n\nAny kunit doing any memory access should get their own runtime_pm\nouter references since they don't use the standard driver API\nentries. In special this dma_buf from the same driver.\n\nFound by pre-merge CI on adding WARN calls for unprotected\ninner callers:\n\n<6> [318.639739] # xe_dma_buf_kunit: running xe_test_dmabuf_import_same_driver\n<4> [318.639957] ------------[ cut here ]------------\n<4> [318.639967] xe 0000:4d:00.0: Missing outer runtime PM protection\n<4> [318.640049] WARNING: CPU: 117 PID: 3832 at drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_pm.c:533 xe_pm_runtime_get_noresume+0x48/0x60 [xe]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-42146 was patched at 2024-08-01

549. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42148) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bnx2x: Fix multiple UBSAN array-index-out-of-bounds Fix UBSAN warnings that occur when using a system with 32 physical cpu cores or more, or when the user defines a number of Ethernet queues greater than or equal to FP_SB_MAX_E1x using the num_queues module parameter. Currently there is a read/write out of bounds that occurs on the array "struct stats_query_entry query" present inside the "bnx2x_fw_stats_req" struct in "drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x.h". Looking at the definition of the "struct stats_query_entry query" array: struct stats_query_entry query[FP_SB_MAX_E1x+ BNX2X_FIRST_QUEUE_QUERY_IDX]; FP_SB_MAX_E1x is defined as the maximum number of fast path interrupts and has a value of 16, while BNX2X_FIRST_QUEUE_QUERY_IDX has a value of 3 meaning the array has a total size of 19. Since accesses to "struct stats_query_entry query" are offset-ted by BNX2X_FIRST_QUEUE_QUERY_IDX, that means that the total number of Ethernet queues should not exceed FP_SB_MAX_E1x (16). However one of these queues is reserved for FCOE and thus the number of Ethernet queues should be set to [FP_SB_MAX_E1x -1] (15) if FCOE is enabled or [FP_SB_MAX_E1x] (16) if it is not. This is also described in a comment in the source code in drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x.h just above the Macro definition of FP_SB_MAX_E1x. Below is the part of this explanation that it important for this patch /* * The total number of L2 queues, MSIX vectors and HW contexts (CIDs) is * control by the number of fast-path status blocks supported by the * device (HW/FW). Each fast-path status block (FP-SB) aka non-default * status block represents an independent interrupts context that can * serve a regular L2 networking queue. However special L2 queues such * as the FCoE queue do not require a FP-SB and other components like * the CNIC may consume FP-SB reducing the number of possible L2 queues * * If the maximum number of FP-SB available is X then: * a. If CNIC is supported it consumes 1 FP-SB thus the max number of * regular L2 queues is Y=X-1 * b. In MF mode the actual number of L2 queues is Y= (X-1/MF_factor) * c. If the FCoE L2 queue is supported the actual number of L2 queues * is Y+1 * d. The number of irqs (MSIX vectors) is either Y+1 (one extra for * slow-path interrupts) or Y+2 if CNIC is supported (one additional * FP interrupt context for the CNIC). * e. The number of HW context (CID count) is always X or X+1 if FCoE * L2 queue is supported. The cid for the FCoE L2 queue is always X. */ However this driver also supports NICs that use the E2 controller which can handle more queues due to having more FP-SB represented by FP_SB_MAX_E2. Looking at the commits when the E2 support was added, it was originally using the E1x parameters: commit f2e0899f0f27 ("bnx2x: Add 57712 support"). Back then FP_SB_MAX_E2 was set to 16 the same as E1x. However the driver was later updated to take full advantage of the E2 instead of having it be limited to the capabilities of the E1x. But as far as we can tell, the array "stats_query_entry query" was still limited to using the FP-SB available to the E1x cards as part of an oversignt when the driver was updated to take full advantage of the E2, and now with the driver being aware of the greater queue size supported by E2 NICs, it causes the UBSAN warnings seen in the stack traces below. This patch increases the size of the "stats_query_entry query" array by replacing FP_SB_MAX_E1x with FP_SB_MAX_E2 to be large enough to handle both types of NICs. Stack traces: UBSAN: array-index-out-of-bounds in drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_stats.c:1529:11 index 20 is out of range for type 'stats_query_entry [19]' CPU: 12 PID: 858 Comm: systemd-network Not tainted 6.9.0-060900rc7-generic \t #202405052133 Hardware name: HP ProLiant DL360 Gen9/ProLiant DL360 ---truncated---', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbnx2x: Fix multiple UBSAN array-index-out-of-bounds\n\nFix UBSAN warnings that occur when using a system with 32 physical\ncpu cores or more, or when the user defines a number of Ethernet\nqueues greater than or equal to FP_SB_MAX_E1x using the num_queues\nmodule parameter.\n\nCurrently there is a read/write out of bounds that occurs on the array\n"struct stats_query_entry query" present inside the "bnx2x_fw_stats_req"\nstruct in "drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x.h".\nLooking at the definition of the "struct stats_query_entry query" array:\n\nstruct stats_query_entry query[FP_SB_MAX_E1x+\n BNX2X_FIRST_QUEUE_QUERY_IDX];\n\nFP_SB_MAX_E1x is defined as the maximum number of fast path interrupts and\nhas a value of 16, while BNX2X_FIRST_QUEUE_QUERY_IDX has a value of 3\nmeaning the array has a total size of 19.\nSince accesses to "struct stats_query_entry query" are offset-ted by\nBNX2X_FIRST_QUEUE_QUERY_IDX, that means that the total number of Ethernet\nqueues should not exceed FP_SB_MAX_E1x (16). However one of these queues\nis reserved for FCOE and thus the number of Ethernet queues should be set\nto [FP_SB_MAX_E1x -1] (15) if FCOE is enabled or [FP_SB_MAX_E1x] (16) if\nit is not.\n\nThis is also described in a comment in the source code in\ndrivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x.h just above the Macro definition\nof FP_SB_MAX_E1x. Below is the part of this explanation that it important\nfor this patch\n\n/*\n * The total number of L2 queues, MSIX vectors and HW contexts (CIDs) is\n * control by the number of fast-path status blocks supported by the\n * device (HW/FW). Each fast-path status block (FP-SB) aka non-default\n * status block represents an independent interrupts context that can\n * serve a regular L2 networking queue. However special L2 queues such\n * as the FCoE queue do not require a FP-SB and other components like\n * the CNIC may consume FP-SB reducing the number of possible L2 queues\n *\n * If the maximum number of FP-SB available is X then:\n * a. If CNIC is supported it consumes 1 FP-SB thus the max number of\n * regular L2 queues is Y=X-1\n * b. In MF mode the actual number of L2 queues is Y= (X-1/MF_factor)\n * c. If the FCoE L2 queue is supported the actual number of L2 queues\n * is Y+1\n * d. The number of irqs (MSIX vectors) is either Y+1 (one extra for\n * slow-path interrupts) or Y+2 if CNIC is supported (one additional\n * FP interrupt context for the CNIC).\n * e. The number of HW context (CID count) is always X or X+1 if FCoE\n * L2 queue is supported. The cid for the FCoE L2 queue is always X.\n */\n\nHowever this driver also supports NICs that use the E2 controller which can\nhandle more queues due to having more FP-SB represented by FP_SB_MAX_E2.\nLooking at the commits when the E2 support was added, it was originally\nusing the E1x parameters: commit f2e0899f0f27 ("bnx2x: Add 57712 support").\nBack then FP_SB_MAX_E2 was set to 16 the same as E1x. However the driver\nwas later updated to take full advantage of the E2 instead of having it be\nlimited to the capabilities of the E1x. But as far as we can tell, the\narray "stats_query_entry query" was still limited to using the FP-SB\navailable to the E1x cards as part of an oversignt when the driver was\nupdated to take full advantage of the E2, and now with the driver being\naware of the greater queue size supported by E2 NICs, it causes the UBSAN\nwarnings seen in the stack traces below.\n\nThis patch increases the size of the "stats_query_entry query" array by\nreplacing FP_SB_MAX_E1x with FP_SB_MAX_E2 to be large enough to handle\nboth types of NICs.\n\nStack traces:\n\nUBSAN: array-index-out-of-bounds in\n drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_stats.c:1529:11\nindex 20 is out of range for type 'stats_query_entry [19]'\nCPU: 12 PID: 858 Comm: systemd-network Not tainted 6.9.0-060900rc7-generic\n\t #202405052133\nHardware name: HP ProLiant DL360 Gen9/ProLiant DL360 \n---truncated---', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42148 was patched at 2024-08-01, 2024-08-12

550. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42151) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bpf: mark bpf_dummy_struct_ops.test_1 parameter as nullable Test case dummy_st_ops/dummy_init_ret_value passes NULL as the first parameter of the test_1() function. Mark this parameter as nullable to make verifier aware of such possibility. Otherwise, NULL check in the test_1() code: SEC("struct_ops/test_1") int BPF_PROG(test_1, struct bpf_dummy_ops_state *state) { if (!state) return ...; ... access state ... } Might be removed by verifier, thus triggering NULL pointer dereference under certain conditions.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbpf: mark bpf_dummy_struct_ops.test_1 parameter as nullable\n\nTest case dummy_st_ops/dummy_init_ret_value passes NULL as the first\nparameter of the test_1() function. Mark this parameter as nullable to\nmake verifier aware of such possibility.\nOtherwise, NULL check in the test_1() code:\n\n SEC("struct_ops/test_1")\n int BPF_PROG(test_1, struct bpf_dummy_ops_state *state)\n {\n if (!state)\n return ...;\n\n ... access state ...\n }\n\nMight be removed by verifier, thus triggering NULL pointer dereference\nunder certain conditions.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-42151 was patched at 2024-08-01

551. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42252) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: closures: Change BUG_ON() to WARN_ON() If a BUG_ON() can be hit in the wild, it shouldn't be a BUG_ON() For reference, this has popped up once in the CI, and we'll need more info to debug it: 03240 ------------[ cut here ]------------ 03240 kernel BUG at lib/closure.c:21! 03240 kernel BUG at lib/closure.c:21! 03240 Internal error: Oops - BUG: 00000000f2000800 [#1] SMP 03240 Modules linked in: 03240 CPU: 15 PID: 40534 Comm: kworker/u80:1 Not tainted 6.10.0-rc4-ktest-ga56da69799bd #25570 03240 Hardware name: linux,dummy-virt (DT) 03240 Workqueue: btree_update btree_interior_update_work 03240 pstate: 00001005 (nzcv daif -PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT +SSBS BTYPE=--) 03240 pc : closure_put+0x224/0x2a0 03240 lr : closure_put+0x24/0x2a0 03240 sp : ffff0000d12071c0 03240 x29: ffff0000d12071c0 x28: dfff800000000000 x27: ffff0000d1207360 03240 x26: 0000000000000040 x25: 0000000000000040 x24: 0000000000000040 03240 x23: ffff0000c1f20180 x22: 0000000000000000 x21: ffff0000c1f20168 03240 x20: 0000000040000000 x19: ffff0000c1f20140 x18: 0000000000000001 03240 x17: 0000000000003aa0 x16: 0000000000003ad0 x15: 1fffe0001c326974 03240 x14: 0000000000000a1e x13: 0000000000000000 x12: 1fffe000183e402d 03240 x11: ffff6000183e402d x10: dfff800000000000 x9 : ffff6000183e402e 03240 x8 : 0000000000000001 x7 : 00009fffe7c1bfd3 x6 : ffff0000c1f2016b 03240 x5 : ffff0000c1f20168 x4 : ffff6000183e402e x3 : ffff800081391954 03240 x2 : 0000000000000001 x1 : 0000000000000000 x0 : 00000000a8000000 03240 Call trace: 03240 closure_put+0x224/0x2a0 03240 bch2_check_for_deadlock+0x910/0x1028 03240 bch2_six_check_for_deadlock+0x1c/0x30 03240 six_lock_slowpath.isra.0+0x29c/0xed0 03240 six_lock_ip_waiter+0xa8/0xf8 03240 __bch2_btree_node_lock_write+0x14c/0x298 03240 bch2_trans_lock_write+0x6d4/0xb10 03240 __bch2_trans_commit+0x135c/0x5520 03240 btree_interior_update_work+0x1248/0x1c10 03240 process_scheduled_works+0x53c/0xd90 03240 worker_thread+0x370/0x8c8 03240 kthread+0x258/0x2e8 03240 ret_from_fork+0x10/0x20 03240 Code: aa1303e0 d63f0020 a94363f7 17ffff8c (d4210000) 03240 ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]--- 03240 Kernel panic - not syncing: Oops - BUG: Fatal exception 03240 SMP: stopping secondary CPUs 03241 SMP: failed to stop secondary CPUs 13,15 03241 Kernel Offset: disabled 03241 CPU features: 0x00,00000003,80000008,4240500b 03241 Memory Limit: none 03241 ---[ end Kernel panic - not syncing: Oops - BUG: Fatal exception ]--- 03246 ========= FAILED TIMEOUT copygc_torture_no_checksum in 7200s', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nclosures: Change BUG_ON() to WARN_ON()\n\nIf a BUG_ON() can be hit in the wild, it shouldn't be a BUG_ON()\n\nFor reference, this has popped up once in the CI, and we'll need more\ninfo to debug it:\n\n03240 ------------[ cut here ]------------\n03240 kernel BUG at lib/closure.c:21!\n03240 kernel BUG at lib/closure.c:21!\n03240 Internal error: Oops - BUG: 00000000f2000800 [#1] SMP\n03240 Modules linked in:\n03240 CPU: 15 PID: 40534 Comm: kworker/u80:1 Not tainted 6.10.0-rc4-ktest-ga56da69799bd #25570\n03240 Hardware name: linux,dummy-virt (DT)\n03240 Workqueue: btree_update btree_interior_update_work\n03240 pstate: 00001005 (nzcv daif -PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT +SSBS BTYPE=--)\n03240 pc : closure_put+0x224/0x2a0\n03240 lr : closure_put+0x24/0x2a0\n03240 sp : ffff0000d12071c0\n03240 x29: ffff0000d12071c0 x28: dfff800000000000 x27: ffff0000d1207360\n03240 x26: 0000000000000040 x25: 0000000000000040 x24: 0000000000000040\n03240 x23: ffff0000c1f20180 x22: 0000000000000000 x21: ffff0000c1f20168\n03240 x20: 0000000040000000 x19: ffff0000c1f20140 x18: 0000000000000001\n03240 x17: 0000000000003aa0 x16: 0000000000003ad0 x15: 1fffe0001c326974\n03240 x14: 0000000000000a1e x13: 0000000000000000 x12: 1fffe000183e402d\n03240 x11: ffff6000183e402d x10: dfff800000000000 x9 : ffff6000183e402e\n03240 x8 : 0000000000000001 x7 : 00009fffe7c1bfd3 x6 : ffff0000c1f2016b\n03240 x5 : ffff0000c1f20168 x4 : ffff6000183e402e x3 : ffff800081391954\n03240 x2 : 0000000000000001 x1 : 0000000000000000 x0 : 00000000a8000000\n03240 Call trace:\n03240 closure_put+0x224/0x2a0\n03240 bch2_check_for_deadlock+0x910/0x1028\n03240 bch2_six_check_for_deadlock+0x1c/0x30\n03240 six_lock_slowpath.isra.0+0x29c/0xed0\n03240 six_lock_ip_waiter+0xa8/0xf8\n03240 __bch2_btree_node_lock_write+0x14c/0x298\n03240 bch2_trans_lock_write+0x6d4/0xb10\n03240 __bch2_trans_commit+0x135c/0x5520\n03240 btree_interior_update_work+0x1248/0x1c10\n03240 process_scheduled_works+0x53c/0xd90\n03240 worker_thread+0x370/0x8c8\n03240 kthread+0x258/0x2e8\n03240 ret_from_fork+0x10/0x20\n03240 Code: aa1303e0 d63f0020 a94363f7 17ffff8c (d4210000)\n03240 ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]---\n03240 Kernel panic - not syncing: Oops - BUG: Fatal exception\n03240 SMP: stopping secondary CPUs\n03241 SMP: failed to stop secondary CPUs 13,15\n03241 Kernel Offset: disabled\n03241 CPU features: 0x00,00000003,80000008,4240500b\n03241 Memory Limit: none\n03241 ---[ end Kernel panic - not syncing: Oops - BUG: Fatal exception ]---\n03246 ========= FAILED TIMEOUT copygc_torture_no_checksum in 7200s', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-42252 was patched at 2024-08-21

552. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42259) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/i915/gem: Fix Virtual Memory mapping boundaries calculation Calculating the size of the mapped area as the lesser value between the requested size and the actual size does not consider the partial mapping offset. This can cause page fault access. Fix the calculation of the starting and ending addresses, the total size is now deduced from the difference between the end and start addresses. Additionally, the calculations have been rewritten in a clearer and more understandable form. [Joonas: Add Requires: tag] Requires: 60a2066c5005 ("drm/i915/gem: Adjust vma offset for framebuffer mmap offset") (cherry picked from commit 97b6784753da06d9d40232328efc5c5367e53417)', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/i915/gem: Fix Virtual Memory mapping boundaries calculation\n\nCalculating the size of the mapped area as the lesser value\nbetween the requested size and the actual size does not consider\nthe partial mapping offset. This can cause page fault access.\n\nFix the calculation of the starting and ending addresses, the\ntotal size is now deduced from the difference between the end and\nstart addresses.\n\nAdditionally, the calculations have been rewritten in a clearer\nand more understandable form.\n\n[Joonas: Add Requires: tag]\nRequires: 60a2066c5005 ("drm/i915/gem: Adjust vma offset for framebuffer mmap offset")\n(cherry picked from commit 97b6784753da06d9d40232328efc5c5367e53417)', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42259 was patched at 2024-08-21

553. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42265) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: protect the fetch of ->fd[fd] in do_dup2() from mispredictions both callers have verified that fd is not greater than ->max_fds; however, misprediction might end up with tofree = fdt->fd[fd]; being speculatively executed. That's wrong for the same reasons why it's wrong in close_fd()/file_close_fd_locked(); the same solution applies - array_index_nospec(fd, fdt->max_fds) could differ from fd only in case of speculative execution on mispredicted path.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nprotect the fetch of ->fd[fd] in do_dup2() from mispredictions\n\nboth callers have verified that fd is not greater than ->max_fds;\nhowever, misprediction might end up with\n tofree = fdt->fd[fd];\nbeing speculatively executed. That's wrong for the same reasons\nwhy it's wrong in close_fd()/file_close_fd_locked(); the same\nsolution applies - array_index_nospec(fd, fdt->max_fds) could differ\nfrom fd only in case of speculative execution on mispredicted path.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42265 was patched at 2024-08-21

554. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42267) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: riscv/mm: Add handling for VM_FAULT_SIGSEGV in mm_fault_error() Handle VM_FAULT_SIGSEGV in the page fault path so that we correctly kill the process and we don't BUG() the kernel.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nriscv/mm: Add handling for VM_FAULT_SIGSEGV in mm_fault_error()\n\nHandle VM_FAULT_SIGSEGV in the page fault path so that we correctly\nkill the process and we don't BUG() the kernel.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-42267 was patched at 2024-08-21

555. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42272) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: sched: act_ct: take care of padding in struct zones_ht_key Blamed commit increased lookup key size from 2 bytes to 16 bytes, because zones_ht_key got a struct net pointer. Make sure rhashtable_lookup() is not using the padding bytes which are not initialized. BUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in rht_ptr_rcu include/linux/rhashtable.h:376 [inline] BUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in __rhashtable_lookup include/linux/rhashtable.h:607 [inline] BUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in rhashtable_lookup include/linux/rhashtable.h:646 [inline] BUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in rhashtable_lookup_fast include/linux/rhashtable.h:672 [inline] BUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in tcf_ct_flow_table_get+0x611/0x2260 net/sched/act_ct.c:329 rht_ptr_rcu include/linux/rhashtable.h:376 [inline] __rhashtable_lookup include/linux/rhashtable.h:607 [inline] rhashtable_lookup include/linux/rhashtable.h:646 [inline] rhashtable_lookup_fast include/linux/rhashtable.h:672 [inline] tcf_ct_flow_table_get+0x611/0x2260 net/sched/act_ct.c:329 tcf_ct_init+0xa67/0x2890 net/sched/act_ct.c:1408 tcf_action_init_1+0x6cc/0xb30 net/sched/act_api.c:1425 tcf_action_init+0x458/0xf00 net/sched/act_api.c:1488 tcf_action_add net/sched/act_api.c:2061 [inline] tc_ctl_action+0x4be/0x19d0 net/sched/act_api.c:2118 rtnetlink_rcv_msg+0x12fc/0x1410 net/core/rtnetlink.c:6647 netlink_rcv_skb+0x375/0x650 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2550 rtnetlink_rcv+0x34/0x40 net/core/rtnetlink.c:6665 netlink_unicast_kernel net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1331 [inline] netlink_unicast+0xf52/0x1260 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1357 netlink_sendmsg+0x10da/0x11e0 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1901 sock_sendmsg_nosec net/socket.c:730 [inline] __sock_sendmsg+0x30f/0x380 net/socket.c:745 ____sys_sendmsg+0x877/0xb60 net/socket.c:2597 ___sys_sendmsg+0x28d/0x3c0 net/socket.c:2651 __sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2680 [inline] __do_sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2689 [inline] __se_sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2687 [inline] __x64_sys_sendmsg+0x307/0x4a0 net/socket.c:2687 x64_sys_call+0x2dd6/0x3c10 arch/x86/include/generated/asm/syscalls_64.h:47 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline] do_syscall_64+0xcd/0x1e0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f Local variable key created at: tcf_ct_flow_table_get+0x4a/0x2260 net/sched/act_ct.c:324 tcf_ct_init+0xa67/0x2890 net/sched/act_ct.c:1408', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nsched: act_ct: take care of padding in struct zones_ht_key\n\nBlamed commit increased lookup key size from 2 bytes to 16 bytes,\nbecause zones_ht_key got a struct net pointer.\n\nMake sure rhashtable_lookup() is not using the padding bytes\nwhich are not initialized.\n\n BUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in rht_ptr_rcu include/linux/rhashtable.h:376 [inline]\n BUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in __rhashtable_lookup include/linux/rhashtable.h:607 [inline]\n BUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in rhashtable_lookup include/linux/rhashtable.h:646 [inline]\n BUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in rhashtable_lookup_fast include/linux/rhashtable.h:672 [inline]\n BUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in tcf_ct_flow_table_get+0x611/0x2260 net/sched/act_ct.c:329\n rht_ptr_rcu include/linux/rhashtable.h:376 [inline]\n __rhashtable_lookup include/linux/rhashtable.h:607 [inline]\n rhashtable_lookup include/linux/rhashtable.h:646 [inline]\n rhashtable_lookup_fast include/linux/rhashtable.h:672 [inline]\n tcf_ct_flow_table_get+0x611/0x2260 net/sched/act_ct.c:329\n tcf_ct_init+0xa67/0x2890 net/sched/act_ct.c:1408\n tcf_action_init_1+0x6cc/0xb30 net/sched/act_api.c:1425\n tcf_action_init+0x458/0xf00 net/sched/act_api.c:1488\n tcf_action_add net/sched/act_api.c:2061 [inline]\n tc_ctl_action+0x4be/0x19d0 net/sched/act_api.c:2118\n rtnetlink_rcv_msg+0x12fc/0x1410 net/core/rtnetlink.c:6647\n netlink_rcv_skb+0x375/0x650 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2550\n rtnetlink_rcv+0x34/0x40 net/core/rtnetlink.c:6665\n netlink_unicast_kernel net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1331 [inline]\n netlink_unicast+0xf52/0x1260 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1357\n netlink_sendmsg+0x10da/0x11e0 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1901\n sock_sendmsg_nosec net/socket.c:730 [inline]\n __sock_sendmsg+0x30f/0x380 net/socket.c:745\n ____sys_sendmsg+0x877/0xb60 net/socket.c:2597\n ___sys_sendmsg+0x28d/0x3c0 net/socket.c:2651\n __sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2680 [inline]\n __do_sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2689 [inline]\n __se_sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2687 [inline]\n __x64_sys_sendmsg+0x307/0x4a0 net/socket.c:2687\n x64_sys_call+0x2dd6/0x3c10 arch/x86/include/generated/asm/syscalls_64.h:47\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0xcd/0x1e0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f\n\nLocal variable key created at:\n tcf_ct_flow_table_get+0x4a/0x2260 net/sched/act_ct.c:324\n tcf_ct_init+0xa67/0x2890 net/sched/act_ct.c:1408', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-42272 was patched at 2024-08-21

556. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42276) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nvme-pci: add missing condition check for existence of mapped data nvme_map_data() is called when request has physical segments, hence the nvme_unmap_data() should have same condition to avoid dereference.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnvme-pci: add missing condition check for existence of mapped data\n\nnvme_map_data() is called when request has physical segments, hence\nthe nvme_unmap_data() should have same condition to avoid dereference.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-42276 was patched at 2024-08-21

557. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42280) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mISDN: Fix a use after free in hfcmulti_tx() Don't dereference *sp after calling dev_kfree_skb(*sp).', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmISDN: Fix a use after free in hfcmulti_tx()\n\nDon't dereference *sp after calling dev_kfree_skb(*sp).', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42280 was patched at 2024-08-21

558. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42281) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bpf: Fix a segment issue when downgrading gso_size Linearize the skb when downgrading gso_size because it may trigger a BUG_ON() later when the skb is segmented as described in [1,2].', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbpf: Fix a segment issue when downgrading gso_size\n\nLinearize the skb when downgrading gso_size because it may trigger a\nBUG_ON() later when the skb is segmented as described in [1,2].', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-42281 was patched at 2024-08-21

559. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42286) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: qla2xxx: validate nvme_local_port correctly The driver load failed with error message, qla2xxx [0000:04:00.0]-ffff:0: register_localport failed: ret=ffffffef and with a kernel crash, \tBUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 0000000000000070 \tWorkqueue: events_unbound qla_register_fcport_fn [qla2xxx] \tRIP: 0010:nvme_fc_register_remoteport+0x16/0x430 [nvme_fc] \tRSP: 0018:ffffaaa040eb3d98 EFLAGS: 00010282 \tRAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffff9dfb46b78c00 RCX: 0000000000000000 \tRDX: ffff9dfb46b78da8 RSI: ffffaaa040eb3e08 RDI: 0000000000000000 \tRBP: ffff9dfb612a0a58 R08: ffffffffaf1d6270 R09: 3a34303a30303030 \tR10: 34303a303030305b R11: 2078787832616c71 R12: ffff9dfb46b78dd4 \tR13: ffff9dfb46b78c24 R14: ffff9dfb41525300 R15: ffff9dfb46b78da8 \tFS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff9dfc67c00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 \tCS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 \tCR2: 0000000000000070 CR3: 000000018da10004 CR4: 00000000000206f0 \tCall Trace: \tqla_nvme_register_remote+0xeb/0x1f0 [qla2xxx] \t? qla2x00_dfs_create_rport+0x231/0x270 [qla2xxx] \tqla2x00_update_fcport+0x2a1/0x3c0 [qla2xxx] \tqla_register_fcport_fn+0x54/0xc0 [qla2xxx] Exit the qla_nvme_register_remote() function when qla_nvme_register_hba() fails and correctly validate nvme_local_port.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nscsi: qla2xxx: validate nvme_local_port correctly\n\nThe driver load failed with error message,\n\nqla2xxx [0000:04:00.0]-ffff:0: register_localport failed: ret=ffffffef\n\nand with a kernel crash,\n\n\tBUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 0000000000000070\n\tWorkqueue: events_unbound qla_register_fcport_fn [qla2xxx]\n\tRIP: 0010:nvme_fc_register_remoteport+0x16/0x430 [nvme_fc]\n\tRSP: 0018:ffffaaa040eb3d98 EFLAGS: 00010282\n\tRAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffff9dfb46b78c00 RCX: 0000000000000000\n\tRDX: ffff9dfb46b78da8 RSI: ffffaaa040eb3e08 RDI: 0000000000000000\n\tRBP: ffff9dfb612a0a58 R08: ffffffffaf1d6270 R09: 3a34303a30303030\n\tR10: 34303a303030305b R11: 2078787832616c71 R12: ffff9dfb46b78dd4\n\tR13: ffff9dfb46b78c24 R14: ffff9dfb41525300 R15: ffff9dfb46b78da8\n\tFS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff9dfc67c00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\n\tCS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\n\tCR2: 0000000000000070 CR3: 000000018da10004 CR4: 00000000000206f0\n\tCall Trace:\n\tqla_nvme_register_remote+0xeb/0x1f0 [qla2xxx]\n\t? qla2x00_dfs_create_rport+0x231/0x270 [qla2xxx]\n\tqla2x00_update_fcport+0x2a1/0x3c0 [qla2xxx]\n\tqla_register_fcport_fn+0x54/0xc0 [qla2xxx]\n\nExit the qla_nvme_register_remote() function when qla_nvme_register_hba()\nfails and correctly validate nvme_local_port.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42286 was patched at 2024-08-21

560. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42289) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: qla2xxx: During vport delete send async logout explicitly During vport delete, it is observed that during unload we hit a crash because of stale entries in outstanding command array. For all these stale I/O entries, eh_abort was issued and aborted (fast_fail_io = 2009h) but I/Os could not complete while vport delete is in process of deleting. BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 000000000000001c #PF: supervisor read access in kernel mode #PF: error_code(0x0000) - not-present page PGD 0 P4D 0 Oops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP NOPTI Workqueue: qla2xxx_wq qla_do_work [qla2xxx] RIP: 0010:dma_direct_unmap_sg+0x51/0x1e0 RSP: 0018:ffffa1e1e150fc68 EFLAGS: 00010046 RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: 0000000000000021 RCX: 0000000000000001 RDX: 0000000000000021 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: ffff8ce208a7a0d0 RBP: ffff8ce208a7a0d0 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: ffff8ce378aac9c8 R10: ffff8ce378aac8a0 R11: ffffa1e1e150f9d8 R12: 0000000000000000 R13: 0000000000000000 R14: ffff8ce378aac9c8 R15: 0000000000000000 FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff8d217f000000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 000000000000001c CR3: 0000002089acc000 CR4: 0000000000350ee0 Call Trace: <TASK> qla2xxx_qpair_sp_free_dma+0x417/0x4e0 ? qla2xxx_qpair_sp_compl+0x10d/0x1a0 ? qla2x00_status_entry+0x768/0x2830 ? newidle_balance+0x2f0/0x430 ? dequeue_entity+0x100/0x3c0 ? qla24xx_process_response_queue+0x6a1/0x19e0 ? __schedule+0x2d5/0x1140 ? qla_do_work+0x47/0x60 ? process_one_work+0x267/0x440 ? process_one_work+0x440/0x440 ? worker_thread+0x2d/0x3d0 ? process_one_work+0x440/0x440 ? kthread+0x156/0x180 ? set_kthread_struct+0x50/0x50 ? ret_from_fork+0x22/0x30 </TASK> Send out async logout explicitly for all the ports during vport delete.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nscsi: qla2xxx: During vport delete send async logout explicitly\n\nDuring vport delete, it is observed that during unload we hit a crash\nbecause of stale entries in outstanding command array. For all these stale\nI/O entries, eh_abort was issued and aborted (fast_fail_io = 2009h) but\nI/Os could not complete while vport delete is in process of deleting.\n\n BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 000000000000001c\n #PF: supervisor read access in kernel mode\n #PF: error_code(0x0000) - not-present page\n PGD 0 P4D 0\n Oops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP NOPTI\n Workqueue: qla2xxx_wq qla_do_work [qla2xxx]\n RIP: 0010:dma_direct_unmap_sg+0x51/0x1e0\n RSP: 0018:ffffa1e1e150fc68 EFLAGS: 00010046\n RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: 0000000000000021 RCX: 0000000000000001\n RDX: 0000000000000021 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: ffff8ce208a7a0d0\n RBP: ffff8ce208a7a0d0 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: ffff8ce378aac9c8\n R10: ffff8ce378aac8a0 R11: ffffa1e1e150f9d8 R12: 0000000000000000\n R13: 0000000000000000 R14: ffff8ce378aac9c8 R15: 0000000000000000\n FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff8d217f000000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\n CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\n CR2: 000000000000001c CR3: 0000002089acc000 CR4: 0000000000350ee0\n Call Trace:\n <TASK>\n qla2xxx_qpair_sp_free_dma+0x417/0x4e0\n ? qla2xxx_qpair_sp_compl+0x10d/0x1a0\n ? qla2x00_status_entry+0x768/0x2830\n ? newidle_balance+0x2f0/0x430\n ? dequeue_entity+0x100/0x3c0\n ? qla24xx_process_response_queue+0x6a1/0x19e0\n ? __schedule+0x2d5/0x1140\n ? qla_do_work+0x47/0x60\n ? process_one_work+0x267/0x440\n ? process_one_work+0x440/0x440\n ? worker_thread+0x2d/0x3d0\n ? process_one_work+0x440/0x440\n ? kthread+0x156/0x180\n ? set_kthread_struct+0x50/0x50\n ? ret_from_fork+0x22/0x30\n </TASK>\n\nSend out async logout explicitly for all the ports during vport delete.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42289 was patched at 2024-08-21

561. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42290) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: irqchip/imx-irqsteer: Handle runtime power management correctly The power domain is automatically activated from clk_prepare(). However, on certain platforms like i.MX8QM and i.MX8QXP, the power-on handling invokes sleeping functions, which triggers the 'scheduling while atomic' bug in the context switch path during device probing: BUG: scheduling while atomic: kworker/u13:1/48/0x00000002 Call trace: __schedule_bug+0x54/0x6c __schedule+0x7f0/0xa94 schedule+0x5c/0xc4 schedule_preempt_disabled+0x24/0x40 __mutex_lock.constprop.0+0x2c0/0x540 __mutex_lock_slowpath+0x14/0x20 mutex_lock+0x48/0x54 clk_prepare_lock+0x44/0xa0 clk_prepare+0x20/0x44 imx_irqsteer_resume+0x28/0xe0 pm_generic_runtime_resume+0x2c/0x44 __genpd_runtime_resume+0x30/0x80 genpd_runtime_resume+0xc8/0x2c0 __rpm_callback+0x48/0x1d8 rpm_callback+0x6c/0x78 rpm_resume+0x490/0x6b4 __pm_runtime_resume+0x50/0x94 irq_chip_pm_get+0x2c/0xa0 __irq_do_set_handler+0x178/0x24c irq_set_chained_handler_and_data+0x60/0xa4 mxc_gpio_probe+0x160/0x4b0 Cure this by implementing the irq_bus_lock/sync_unlock() interrupt chip callbacks and handle power management in them as they are invoked from non-atomic context. [ tglx: Rewrote change log, added Fixes tag ]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nirqchip/imx-irqsteer: Handle runtime power management correctly\n\nThe power domain is automatically activated from clk_prepare(). However, on\ncertain platforms like i.MX8QM and i.MX8QXP, the power-on handling invokes\nsleeping functions, which triggers the 'scheduling while atomic' bug in the\ncontext switch path during device probing:\n\n BUG: scheduling while atomic: kworker/u13:1/48/0x00000002\n Call trace:\n __schedule_bug+0x54/0x6c\n __schedule+0x7f0/0xa94\n schedule+0x5c/0xc4\n schedule_preempt_disabled+0x24/0x40\n __mutex_lock.constprop.0+0x2c0/0x540\n __mutex_lock_slowpath+0x14/0x20\n mutex_lock+0x48/0x54\n clk_prepare_lock+0x44/0xa0\n clk_prepare+0x20/0x44\n imx_irqsteer_resume+0x28/0xe0\n pm_generic_runtime_resume+0x2c/0x44\n __genpd_runtime_resume+0x30/0x80\n genpd_runtime_resume+0xc8/0x2c0\n __rpm_callback+0x48/0x1d8\n rpm_callback+0x6c/0x78\n rpm_resume+0x490/0x6b4\n __pm_runtime_resume+0x50/0x94\n irq_chip_pm_get+0x2c/0xa0\n __irq_do_set_handler+0x178/0x24c\n irq_set_chained_handler_and_data+0x60/0xa4\n mxc_gpio_probe+0x160/0x4b0\n\nCure this by implementing the irq_bus_lock/sync_unlock() interrupt chip\ncallbacks and handle power management in them as they are invoked from\nnon-atomic context.\n\n[ tglx: Rewrote change log, added Fixes tag ]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-42290 was patched at 2024-08-21

562. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42292) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: kobject_uevent: Fix OOB access within zap_modalias_env() zap_modalias_env() wrongly calculates size of memory block to move, so will cause OOB memory access issue if variable MODALIAS is not the last one within its @env parameter, fixed by correcting size to memmove.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nkobject_uevent: Fix OOB access within zap_modalias_env()\n\nzap_modalias_env() wrongly calculates size of memory block to move, so\nwill cause OOB memory access issue if variable MODALIAS is not the last\none within its @env parameter, fixed by correcting size to memmove.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42292 was patched at 2024-08-21

563. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42295) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nilfs2: handle inconsistent state in nilfs_btnode_create_block() Syzbot reported that a buffer state inconsistency was detected in nilfs_btnode_create_block(), triggering a kernel bug. It is not appropriate to treat this inconsistency as a bug; it can occur if the argument block address (the buffer index of the newly created block) is a virtual block number and has been reallocated due to corruption of the bitmap used to manage its allocation state. So, modify nilfs_btnode_create_block() and its callers to treat it as a possible filesystem error, rather than triggering a kernel bug.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnilfs2: handle inconsistent state in nilfs_btnode_create_block()\n\nSyzbot reported that a buffer state inconsistency was detected in\nnilfs_btnode_create_block(), triggering a kernel bug.\n\nIt is not appropriate to treat this inconsistency as a bug; it can occur\nif the argument block address (the buffer index of the newly created\nblock) is a virtual block number and has been reallocated due to\ncorruption of the bitmap used to manage its allocation state.\n\nSo, modify nilfs_btnode_create_block() and its callers to treat it as a\npossible filesystem error, rather than triggering a kernel bug.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42295 was patched at 2024-08-21

564. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42297) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: f2fs: fix to don't dirty inode for readonly filesystem syzbot reports f2fs bug as below: kernel BUG at fs/f2fs/inode.c:933! RIP: 0010:f2fs_evict_inode+0x1576/0x1590 fs/f2fs/inode.c:933 Call Trace: evict+0x2a4/0x620 fs/inode.c:664 dispose_list fs/inode.c:697 [inline] evict_inodes+0x5f8/0x690 fs/inode.c:747 generic_shutdown_super+0x9d/0x2c0 fs/super.c:675 kill_block_super+0x44/0x90 fs/super.c:1667 kill_f2fs_super+0x303/0x3b0 fs/f2fs/super.c:4894 deactivate_locked_super+0xc1/0x130 fs/super.c:484 cleanup_mnt+0x426/0x4c0 fs/namespace.c:1256 task_work_run+0x24a/0x300 kernel/task_work.c:180 ptrace_notify+0x2cd/0x380 kernel/signal.c:2399 ptrace_report_syscall include/linux/ptrace.h:411 [inline] ptrace_report_syscall_exit include/linux/ptrace.h:473 [inline] syscall_exit_work kernel/entry/common.c:251 [inline] syscall_exit_to_user_mode_prepare kernel/entry/common.c:278 [inline] __syscall_exit_to_user_mode_work kernel/entry/common.c:283 [inline] syscall_exit_to_user_mode+0x15c/0x280 kernel/entry/common.c:296 do_syscall_64+0x50/0x110 arch/x86/entry/common.c:88 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x63/0x6b The root cause is: - do_sys_open - f2fs_lookup - __f2fs_find_entry - f2fs_i_depth_write - f2fs_mark_inode_dirty_sync - f2fs_dirty_inode - set_inode_flag(inode, FI_DIRTY_INODE) - umount - kill_f2fs_super - kill_block_super - generic_shutdown_super - sync_filesystem : sb is readonly, skip sync_filesystem() - evict_inodes - iput - f2fs_evict_inode - f2fs_bug_on(sbi, is_inode_flag_set(inode, FI_DIRTY_INODE)) : trigger kernel panic When we try to repair i_current_depth in readonly filesystem, let's skip dirty inode to avoid panic in later f2fs_evict_inode().', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nf2fs: fix to don't dirty inode for readonly filesystem\n\nsyzbot reports f2fs bug as below:\n\nkernel BUG at fs/f2fs/inode.c:933!\nRIP: 0010:f2fs_evict_inode+0x1576/0x1590 fs/f2fs/inode.c:933\nCall Trace:\n evict+0x2a4/0x620 fs/inode.c:664\n dispose_list fs/inode.c:697 [inline]\n evict_inodes+0x5f8/0x690 fs/inode.c:747\n generic_shutdown_super+0x9d/0x2c0 fs/super.c:675\n kill_block_super+0x44/0x90 fs/super.c:1667\n kill_f2fs_super+0x303/0x3b0 fs/f2fs/super.c:4894\n deactivate_locked_super+0xc1/0x130 fs/super.c:484\n cleanup_mnt+0x426/0x4c0 fs/namespace.c:1256\n task_work_run+0x24a/0x300 kernel/task_work.c:180\n ptrace_notify+0x2cd/0x380 kernel/signal.c:2399\n ptrace_report_syscall include/linux/ptrace.h:411 [inline]\n ptrace_report_syscall_exit include/linux/ptrace.h:473 [inline]\n syscall_exit_work kernel/entry/common.c:251 [inline]\n syscall_exit_to_user_mode_prepare kernel/entry/common.c:278 [inline]\n __syscall_exit_to_user_mode_work kernel/entry/common.c:283 [inline]\n syscall_exit_to_user_mode+0x15c/0x280 kernel/entry/common.c:296\n do_syscall_64+0x50/0x110 arch/x86/entry/common.c:88\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x63/0x6b\n\nThe root cause is:\n- do_sys_open\n - f2fs_lookup\n - __f2fs_find_entry\n - f2fs_i_depth_write\n - f2fs_mark_inode_dirty_sync\n - f2fs_dirty_inode\n - set_inode_flag(inode, FI_DIRTY_INODE)\n\n- umount\n - kill_f2fs_super\n - kill_block_super\n - generic_shutdown_super\n - sync_filesystem\n : sb is readonly, skip sync_filesystem()\n - evict_inodes\n - iput\n - f2fs_evict_inode\n - f2fs_bug_on(sbi, is_inode_flag_set(inode, FI_DIRTY_INODE))\n : trigger kernel panic\n\nWhen we try to repair i_current_depth in readonly filesystem, let's\nskip dirty inode to avoid panic in later f2fs_evict_inode().', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42297 was patched at 2024-08-21

565. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42301) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: dev/parport: fix the array out-of-bounds risk Fixed array out-of-bounds issues caused by sprintf by replacing it with snprintf for safer data copying, ensuring the destination buffer is not overflowed. Below is the stack trace I encountered during the actual issue: [ 66.575408s] [pid:5118,cpu4,QThread,4]Kernel panic - not syncing: stack-protector: Kernel stack is corrupted in: do_hardware_base_addr+0xcc/0xd0 [parport] [ 66.575408s] [pid:5118,cpu4,QThread,5]CPU: 4 PID: 5118 Comm: QThread Tainted: G S W O 5.10.97-arm64-desktop #7100.57021.2 [ 66.575439s] [pid:5118,cpu4,QThread,6]TGID: 5087 Comm: EFileApp [ 66.575439s] [pid:5118,cpu4,QThread,7]Hardware name: HUAWEI HUAWEI QingYun PGUX-W515x-B081/SP1PANGUXM, BIOS 1.00.07 04/29/2024 [ 66.575439s] [pid:5118,cpu4,QThread,8]Call trace: [ 66.575469s] [pid:5118,cpu4,QThread,9] dump_backtrace+0x0/0x1c0 [ 66.575469s] [pid:5118,cpu4,QThread,0] show_stack+0x14/0x20 [ 66.575469s] [pid:5118,cpu4,QThread,1] dump_stack+0xd4/0x10c [ 66.575500s] [pid:5118,cpu4,QThread,2] panic+0x1d8/0x3bc [ 66.575500s] [pid:5118,cpu4,QThread,3] __stack_chk_fail+0x2c/0x38 [ 66.575500s] [pid:5118,cpu4,QThread,4] do_hardware_base_addr+0xcc/0xd0 [parport]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndev/parport: fix the array out-of-bounds risk\n\nFixed array out-of-bounds issues caused by sprintf\nby replacing it with snprintf for safer data copying,\nensuring the destination buffer is not overflowed.\n\nBelow is the stack trace I encountered during the actual issue:\n\n[ 66.575408s] [pid:5118,cpu4,QThread,4]Kernel panic - not syncing: stack-protector:\nKernel stack is corrupted in: do_hardware_base_addr+0xcc/0xd0 [parport]\n[ 66.575408s] [pid:5118,cpu4,QThread,5]CPU: 4 PID: 5118 Comm:\nQThread Tainted: G S W O 5.10.97-arm64-desktop #7100.57021.2\n[ 66.575439s] [pid:5118,cpu4,QThread,6]TGID: 5087 Comm: EFileApp\n[ 66.575439s] [pid:5118,cpu4,QThread,7]Hardware name: HUAWEI HUAWEI QingYun\nPGUX-W515x-B081/SP1PANGUXM, BIOS 1.00.07 04/29/2024\n[ 66.575439s] [pid:5118,cpu4,QThread,8]Call trace:\n[ 66.575469s] [pid:5118,cpu4,QThread,9] dump_backtrace+0x0/0x1c0\n[ 66.575469s] [pid:5118,cpu4,QThread,0] show_stack+0x14/0x20\n[ 66.575469s] [pid:5118,cpu4,QThread,1] dump_stack+0xd4/0x10c\n[ 66.575500s] [pid:5118,cpu4,QThread,2] panic+0x1d8/0x3bc\n[ 66.575500s] [pid:5118,cpu4,QThread,3] __stack_chk_fail+0x2c/0x38\n[ 66.575500s] [pid:5118,cpu4,QThread,4] do_hardware_base_addr+0xcc/0xd0 [parport]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42301 was patched at 2024-08-21

566. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42305) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ext4: check dot and dotdot of dx_root before making dir indexed Syzbot reports a issue as follows: ============================================ BUG: unable to handle page fault for address: ffffed11022e24fe PGD 23ffee067 P4D 23ffee067 PUD 0 Oops: Oops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN PTI CPU: 0 PID: 5079 Comm: syz-executor306 Not tainted 6.10.0-rc5-g55027e689933 #0 Call Trace: <TASK> make_indexed_dir+0xdaf/0x13c0 fs/ext4/namei.c:2341 ext4_add_entry+0x222a/0x25d0 fs/ext4/namei.c:2451 ext4_rename fs/ext4/namei.c:3936 [inline] ext4_rename2+0x26e5/0x4370 fs/ext4/namei.c:4214 [...] ============================================ The immediate cause of this problem is that there is only one valid dentry for the block to be split during do_split, so split==0 results in out of bounds accesses to the map triggering the issue. do_split unsigned split dx_make_map count = 1 split = count/2 = 0; continued = hash2 == map[split - 1].hash; ---> map[4294967295] The maximum length of a filename is 255 and the minimum block size is 1024, so it is always guaranteed that the number of entries is greater than or equal to 2 when do_split() is called. But syzbot's crafted image has no dot and dotdot in dir, and the dentry distribution in dirblock is as follows: bus dentry1 hole dentry2 free |xx--|xx-------------|...............|xx-------------|...............| 0 12 (8+248)=256 268 256 524 (8+256)=264 788 236 1024 So when renaming dentry1 increases its name_len length by 1, neither hole nor free is sufficient to hold the new dentry, and make_indexed_dir() is called. In make_indexed_dir() it is assumed that the first two entries of the dirblock must be dot and dotdot, so bus and dentry1 are left in dx_root because they are treated as dot and dotdot, and only dentry2 is moved to the new leaf block. That's why count is equal to 1. Therefore add the ext4_check_dx_root() helper function to add more sanity checks to dot and dotdot before starting the conversion to avoid the above issue.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\next4: check dot and dotdot of dx_root before making dir indexed\n\nSyzbot reports a issue as follows:\n============================================\nBUG: unable to handle page fault for address: ffffed11022e24fe\nPGD 23ffee067 P4D 23ffee067 PUD 0\nOops: Oops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN PTI\nCPU: 0 PID: 5079 Comm: syz-executor306 Not tainted 6.10.0-rc5-g55027e689933 #0\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n make_indexed_dir+0xdaf/0x13c0 fs/ext4/namei.c:2341\n ext4_add_entry+0x222a/0x25d0 fs/ext4/namei.c:2451\n ext4_rename fs/ext4/namei.c:3936 [inline]\n ext4_rename2+0x26e5/0x4370 fs/ext4/namei.c:4214\n[...]\n============================================\n\nThe immediate cause of this problem is that there is only one valid dentry\nfor the block to be split during do_split, so split==0 results in out of\nbounds accesses to the map triggering the issue.\n\n do_split\n unsigned split\n dx_make_map\n count = 1\n split = count/2 = 0;\n continued = hash2 == map[split - 1].hash;\n ---> map[4294967295]\n\nThe maximum length of a filename is 255 and the minimum block size is 1024,\nso it is always guaranteed that the number of entries is greater than or\nequal to 2 when do_split() is called.\n\nBut syzbot's crafted image has no dot and dotdot in dir, and the dentry\ndistribution in dirblock is as follows:\n\n bus dentry1 hole dentry2 free\n|xx--|xx-------------|...............|xx-------------|...............|\n0 12 (8+248)=256 268 256 524 (8+256)=264 788 236 1024\n\nSo when renaming dentry1 increases its name_len length by 1, neither hole\nnor free is sufficient to hold the new dentry, and make_indexed_dir() is\ncalled.\n\nIn make_indexed_dir() it is assumed that the first two entries of the\ndirblock must be dot and dotdot, so bus and dentry1 are left in dx_root\nbecause they are treated as dot and dotdot, and only dentry2 is moved\nto the new leaf block. That's why count is equal to 1.\n\nTherefore add the ext4_check_dx_root() helper function to add more sanity\nchecks to dot and dotdot before starting the conversion to avoid the above\nissue.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42305 was patched at 2024-08-21

567. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42306) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: udf: Avoid using corrupted block bitmap buffer When the filesystem block bitmap is corrupted, we detect the corruption while loading the bitmap and fail the allocation with error. However the next allocation from the same bitmap will notice the bitmap buffer is already loaded and tries to allocate from the bitmap with mixed results (depending on the exact nature of the bitmap corruption). Fix the problem by using BH_verified bit to indicate whether the bitmap is valid or not.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nudf: Avoid using corrupted block bitmap buffer\n\nWhen the filesystem block bitmap is corrupted, we detect the corruption\nwhile loading the bitmap and fail the allocation with error. However the\nnext allocation from the same bitmap will notice the bitmap buffer is\nalready loaded and tries to allocate from the bitmap with mixed results\n(depending on the exact nature of the bitmap corruption). Fix the\nproblem by using BH_verified bit to indicate whether the bitmap is valid\nor not.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-42306 was patched at 2024-08-21

568. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42308) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/amd/display: Check for NULL pointer [why & how] Need to make sure plane_state is initialized before accessing its members. (cherry picked from commit 295d91cbc700651782a60572f83c24861607b648)', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/amd/display: Check for NULL pointer\n\n[why & how]\nNeed to make sure plane_state is initialized\nbefore accessing its members.\n\n(cherry picked from commit 295d91cbc700651782a60572f83c24861607b648)', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-42308 was patched at 2024-08-21

569. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42309) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/gma500: fix null pointer dereference in psb_intel_lvds_get_modes In psb_intel_lvds_get_modes(), the return value of drm_mode_duplicate() is assigned to mode, which will lead to a possible NULL pointer dereference on failure of drm_mode_duplicate(). Add a check to avoid npd.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/gma500: fix null pointer dereference in psb_intel_lvds_get_modes\n\nIn psb_intel_lvds_get_modes(), the return value of drm_mode_duplicate() is\nassigned to mode, which will lead to a possible NULL pointer dereference\non failure of drm_mode_duplicate(). Add a check to avoid npd.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42309 was patched at 2024-08-21

570. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42310) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/gma500: fix null pointer dereference in cdv_intel_lvds_get_modes In cdv_intel_lvds_get_modes(), the return value of drm_mode_duplicate() is assigned to mode, which will lead to a NULL pointer dereference on failure of drm_mode_duplicate(). Add a check to avoid npd.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/gma500: fix null pointer dereference in cdv_intel_lvds_get_modes\n\nIn cdv_intel_lvds_get_modes(), the return value of drm_mode_duplicate()\nis assigned to mode, which will lead to a NULL pointer dereference on\nfailure of drm_mode_duplicate(). Add a check to avoid npd.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42310 was patched at 2024-08-21

571. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42311) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: hfs: fix to initialize fields of hfs_inode_info after hfs_alloc_inode() Syzbot reports uninitialized value access issue as below: loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 64 ===================================================== BUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in hfs_revalidate_dentry+0x307/0x3f0 fs/hfs/sysdep.c:30 hfs_revalidate_dentry+0x307/0x3f0 fs/hfs/sysdep.c:30 d_revalidate fs/namei.c:862 [inline] lookup_fast+0x89e/0x8e0 fs/namei.c:1649 walk_component fs/namei.c:2001 [inline] link_path_walk+0x817/0x1480 fs/namei.c:2332 path_lookupat+0xd9/0x6f0 fs/namei.c:2485 filename_lookup+0x22e/0x740 fs/namei.c:2515 user_path_at_empty+0x8b/0x390 fs/namei.c:2924 user_path_at include/linux/namei.h:57 [inline] do_mount fs/namespace.c:3689 [inline] __do_sys_mount fs/namespace.c:3898 [inline] __se_sys_mount+0x66b/0x810 fs/namespace.c:3875 __x64_sys_mount+0xe4/0x140 fs/namespace.c:3875 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline] do_syscall_64+0xcf/0x1e0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x63/0x6b BUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in hfs_ext_read_extent fs/hfs/extent.c:196 [inline] BUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in hfs_get_block+0x92d/0x1620 fs/hfs/extent.c:366 hfs_ext_read_extent fs/hfs/extent.c:196 [inline] hfs_get_block+0x92d/0x1620 fs/hfs/extent.c:366 block_read_full_folio+0x4ff/0x11b0 fs/buffer.c:2271 hfs_read_folio+0x55/0x60 fs/hfs/inode.c:39 filemap_read_folio+0x148/0x4f0 mm/filemap.c:2426 do_read_cache_folio+0x7c8/0xd90 mm/filemap.c:3553 do_read_cache_page mm/filemap.c:3595 [inline] read_cache_page+0xfb/0x2f0 mm/filemap.c:3604 read_mapping_page include/linux/pagemap.h:755 [inline] hfs_btree_open+0x928/0x1ae0 fs/hfs/btree.c:78 hfs_mdb_get+0x260c/0x3000 fs/hfs/mdb.c:204 hfs_fill_super+0x1fb1/0x2790 fs/hfs/super.c:406 mount_bdev+0x628/0x920 fs/super.c:1359 hfs_mount+0xcd/0xe0 fs/hfs/super.c:456 legacy_get_tree+0x167/0x2e0 fs/fs_context.c:610 vfs_get_tree+0xdc/0x5d0 fs/super.c:1489 do_new_mount+0x7a9/0x16f0 fs/namespace.c:3145 path_mount+0xf98/0x26a0 fs/namespace.c:3475 do_mount fs/namespace.c:3488 [inline] __do_sys_mount fs/namespace.c:3697 [inline] __se_sys_mount+0x919/0x9e0 fs/namespace.c:3674 __ia32_sys_mount+0x15b/0x1b0 fs/namespace.c:3674 do_syscall_32_irqs_on arch/x86/entry/common.c:112 [inline] __do_fast_syscall_32+0xa2/0x100 arch/x86/entry/common.c:178 do_fast_syscall_32+0x37/0x80 arch/x86/entry/common.c:203 do_SYSENTER_32+0x1f/0x30 arch/x86/entry/common.c:246 entry_SYSENTER_compat_after_hwframe+0x70/0x82 Uninit was created at: __alloc_pages+0x9a6/0xe00 mm/page_alloc.c:4590 __alloc_pages_node include/linux/gfp.h:238 [inline] alloc_pages_node include/linux/gfp.h:261 [inline] alloc_slab_page mm/slub.c:2190 [inline] allocate_slab mm/slub.c:2354 [inline] new_slab+0x2d7/0x1400 mm/slub.c:2407 ___slab_alloc+0x16b5/0x3970 mm/slub.c:3540 __slab_alloc mm/slub.c:3625 [inline] __slab_alloc_node mm/slub.c:3678 [inline] slab_alloc_node mm/slub.c:3850 [inline] kmem_cache_alloc_lru+0x64d/0xb30 mm/slub.c:3879 alloc_inode_sb include/linux/fs.h:3018 [inline] hfs_alloc_inode+0x5a/0xc0 fs/hfs/super.c:165 alloc_inode+0x83/0x440 fs/inode.c:260 new_inode_pseudo fs/inode.c:1005 [inline] new_inode+0x38/0x4f0 fs/inode.c:1031 hfs_new_inode+0x61/0x1010 fs/hfs/inode.c:186 hfs_mkdir+0x54/0x250 fs/hfs/dir.c:228 vfs_mkdir+0x49a/0x700 fs/namei.c:4126 do_mkdirat+0x529/0x810 fs/namei.c:4149 __do_sys_mkdirat fs/namei.c:4164 [inline] __se_sys_mkdirat fs/namei.c:4162 [inline] __x64_sys_mkdirat+0xc8/0x120 fs/namei.c:4162 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline] do_syscall_64+0xcf/0x1e0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x63/0x6b It missed to initialize .tz_secondswest, .cached_start and .cached_blocks fields in struct hfs_inode_info after hfs_alloc_inode(), fix it.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nhfs: fix to initialize fields of hfs_inode_info after hfs_alloc_inode()\n\nSyzbot reports uninitialized value access issue as below:\n\nloop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 64\n=====================================================\nBUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in hfs_revalidate_dentry+0x307/0x3f0 fs/hfs/sysdep.c:30\n hfs_revalidate_dentry+0x307/0x3f0 fs/hfs/sysdep.c:30\n d_revalidate fs/namei.c:862 [inline]\n lookup_fast+0x89e/0x8e0 fs/namei.c:1649\n walk_component fs/namei.c:2001 [inline]\n link_path_walk+0x817/0x1480 fs/namei.c:2332\n path_lookupat+0xd9/0x6f0 fs/namei.c:2485\n filename_lookup+0x22e/0x740 fs/namei.c:2515\n user_path_at_empty+0x8b/0x390 fs/namei.c:2924\n user_path_at include/linux/namei.h:57 [inline]\n do_mount fs/namespace.c:3689 [inline]\n __do_sys_mount fs/namespace.c:3898 [inline]\n __se_sys_mount+0x66b/0x810 fs/namespace.c:3875\n __x64_sys_mount+0xe4/0x140 fs/namespace.c:3875\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0xcf/0x1e0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x63/0x6b\n\nBUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in hfs_ext_read_extent fs/hfs/extent.c:196 [inline]\nBUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in hfs_get_block+0x92d/0x1620 fs/hfs/extent.c:366\n hfs_ext_read_extent fs/hfs/extent.c:196 [inline]\n hfs_get_block+0x92d/0x1620 fs/hfs/extent.c:366\n block_read_full_folio+0x4ff/0x11b0 fs/buffer.c:2271\n hfs_read_folio+0x55/0x60 fs/hfs/inode.c:39\n filemap_read_folio+0x148/0x4f0 mm/filemap.c:2426\n do_read_cache_folio+0x7c8/0xd90 mm/filemap.c:3553\n do_read_cache_page mm/filemap.c:3595 [inline]\n read_cache_page+0xfb/0x2f0 mm/filemap.c:3604\n read_mapping_page include/linux/pagemap.h:755 [inline]\n hfs_btree_open+0x928/0x1ae0 fs/hfs/btree.c:78\n hfs_mdb_get+0x260c/0x3000 fs/hfs/mdb.c:204\n hfs_fill_super+0x1fb1/0x2790 fs/hfs/super.c:406\n mount_bdev+0x628/0x920 fs/super.c:1359\n hfs_mount+0xcd/0xe0 fs/hfs/super.c:456\n legacy_get_tree+0x167/0x2e0 fs/fs_context.c:610\n vfs_get_tree+0xdc/0x5d0 fs/super.c:1489\n do_new_mount+0x7a9/0x16f0 fs/namespace.c:3145\n path_mount+0xf98/0x26a0 fs/namespace.c:3475\n do_mount fs/namespace.c:3488 [inline]\n __do_sys_mount fs/namespace.c:3697 [inline]\n __se_sys_mount+0x919/0x9e0 fs/namespace.c:3674\n __ia32_sys_mount+0x15b/0x1b0 fs/namespace.c:3674\n do_syscall_32_irqs_on arch/x86/entry/common.c:112 [inline]\n __do_fast_syscall_32+0xa2/0x100 arch/x86/entry/common.c:178\n do_fast_syscall_32+0x37/0x80 arch/x86/entry/common.c:203\n do_SYSENTER_32+0x1f/0x30 arch/x86/entry/common.c:246\n entry_SYSENTER_compat_after_hwframe+0x70/0x82\n\nUninit was created at:\n __alloc_pages+0x9a6/0xe00 mm/page_alloc.c:4590\n __alloc_pages_node include/linux/gfp.h:238 [inline]\n alloc_pages_node include/linux/gfp.h:261 [inline]\n alloc_slab_page mm/slub.c:2190 [inline]\n allocate_slab mm/slub.c:2354 [inline]\n new_slab+0x2d7/0x1400 mm/slub.c:2407\n ___slab_alloc+0x16b5/0x3970 mm/slub.c:3540\n __slab_alloc mm/slub.c:3625 [inline]\n __slab_alloc_node mm/slub.c:3678 [inline]\n slab_alloc_node mm/slub.c:3850 [inline]\n kmem_cache_alloc_lru+0x64d/0xb30 mm/slub.c:3879\n alloc_inode_sb include/linux/fs.h:3018 [inline]\n hfs_alloc_inode+0x5a/0xc0 fs/hfs/super.c:165\n alloc_inode+0x83/0x440 fs/inode.c:260\n new_inode_pseudo fs/inode.c:1005 [inline]\n new_inode+0x38/0x4f0 fs/inode.c:1031\n hfs_new_inode+0x61/0x1010 fs/hfs/inode.c:186\n hfs_mkdir+0x54/0x250 fs/hfs/dir.c:228\n vfs_mkdir+0x49a/0x700 fs/namei.c:4126\n do_mkdirat+0x529/0x810 fs/namei.c:4149\n __do_sys_mkdirat fs/namei.c:4164 [inline]\n __se_sys_mkdirat fs/namei.c:4162 [inline]\n __x64_sys_mkdirat+0xc8/0x120 fs/namei.c:4162\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0xcf/0x1e0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x63/0x6b\n\nIt missed to initialize .tz_secondswest, .cached_start and .cached_blocks\nfields in struct hfs_inode_info after hfs_alloc_inode(), fix it.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42311 was patched at 2024-08-21

572. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42312) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: sysctl: always initialize i_uid/i_gid Always initialize i_uid/i_gid inside the sysfs core so set_ownership() can safely skip setting them. Commit 5ec27ec735ba ("fs/proc/proc_sysctl.c: fix the default values of i_uid/i_gid on /proc/sys inodes.") added defaults for i_uid/i_gid when set_ownership() was not implemented. It also missed adjusting net_ctl_set_ownership() to use the same default values in case the computation of a better value failed.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nsysctl: always initialize i_uid/i_gid\n\nAlways initialize i_uid/i_gid inside the sysfs core so set_ownership()\ncan safely skip setting them.\n\nCommit 5ec27ec735ba ("fs/proc/proc_sysctl.c: fix the default values of\ni_uid/i_gid on /proc/sys inodes.") added defaults for i_uid/i_gid when\nset_ownership() was not implemented. It also missed adjusting\nnet_ctl_set_ownership() to use the same default values in case the\ncomputation of a better value failed.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-42312 was patched at 2024-08-21

573. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42313) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: media: venus: fix use after free in vdec_close There appears to be a possible use after free with vdec_close(). The firmware will add buffer release work to the work queue through HFI callbacks as a normal part of decoding. Randomly closing the decoder device from userspace during normal decoding can incur a read after free for inst. Fix it by cancelling the work in vdec_close.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmedia: venus: fix use after free in vdec_close\n\nThere appears to be a possible use after free with vdec_close().\nThe firmware will add buffer release work to the work queue through\nHFI callbacks as a normal part of decoding. Randomly closing the\ndecoder device from userspace during normal decoding can incur\na read after free for inst.\n\nFix it by cancelling the work in vdec_close.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-42313 was patched at 2024-08-21

574. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42317) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mm/huge_memory: avoid PMD-size page cache if needed xarray can't support arbitrary page cache size. the largest and supported page cache size is defined as MAX_PAGECACHE_ORDER by commit 099d90642a71 ("mm/filemap: make MAX_PAGECACHE_ORDER acceptable to xarray"). However, it's possible to have 512MB page cache in the huge memory's collapsing path on ARM64 system whose base page size is 64KB. 512MB page cache is breaking the limitation and a warning is raised when the xarray entry is split as shown in the following example. [root@dhcp-10-26-1-207 ~]# cat /proc/1/smaps | grep KernelPageSize KernelPageSize: 64 kB [root@dhcp-10-26-1-207 ~]# cat /tmp/test.c : int main(int argc, char **argv) { \tconst char *filename = TEST_XFS_FILENAME; \tint fd = 0; \tvoid *buf = (void *)-1, *p; \tint pgsize = getpagesize(); \tint ret = 0; \tif (pgsize != 0x10000) { \t\tfprintf(stdout, "System with 64KB base page size is required!\\n"); \t\treturn -EPERM; \t} \tsystem("echo 0 > /sys/devices/virtual/bdi/253:0/read_ahead_kb"); \tsystem("echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches"); \t/* Open the xfs file */ \tfd = open(filename, O_RDONLY); \tassert(fd > 0); \t/* Create VMA */ \tbuf = mmap(NULL, TEST_MEM_SIZE, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); \tassert(buf != (void *)-1); \tfprintf(stdout, "mapped buffer at 0x%p\\n", buf); \t/* Populate VMA */ \tret = madvise(buf, TEST_MEM_SIZE, MADV_NOHUGEPAGE); \tassert(ret == 0); \tret = madvise(buf, TEST_MEM_SIZE, MADV_POPULATE_READ); \tassert(ret == 0); \t/* Collapse VMA */ \tret = madvise(buf, TEST_MEM_SIZE, MADV_HUGEPAGE); \tassert(ret == 0); \tret = madvise(buf, TEST_MEM_SIZE, MADV_COLLAPSE); \tif (ret) { \t\tfprintf(stdout, "Error %d to madvise(MADV_COLLAPSE)\\n", errno); \t\tgoto out; \t} \t/* Split xarray entry. Write permission is needed */ \tmunmap(buf, TEST_MEM_SIZE); \tbuf = (void *)-1; \tclose(fd); \tfd = open(filename, O_RDWR); \tassert(fd > 0); \tfallocate(fd, FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE | FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE, \t\t TEST_MEM_SIZE - pgsize, pgsize); out: \tif (buf != (void *)-1) \t\tmunmap(buf, TEST_MEM_SIZE); \tif (fd > 0) \t\tclose(fd); \treturn ret; } [root@dhcp-10-26-1-207 ~]# gcc /tmp/test.c -o /tmp/test [root@dhcp-10-26-1-207 ~]# /tmp/test ------------[ cut here ]------------ WARNING: CPU: 25 PID: 7560 at lib/xarray.c:1025 xas_split_alloc+0xf8/0x128 Modules linked in: nft_fib_inet nft_fib_ipv4 nft_fib_ipv6 nft_fib \\ nft_reject_inet nf_reject_ipv4 nf_reject_ipv6 nft_reject nft_ct \\ nft_chain_nat nf_nat nf_conntrack nf_defrag_ipv6 nf_defrag_ipv4 \\ ip_set rfkill nf_tables nfnetlink vfat fat virtio_balloon drm fuse \\ xfs libcrc32c crct10dif_ce ghash_ce sha2_ce sha256_arm64 virtio_net \\ sha1_ce net_failover virtio_blk virtio_console failover dimlib virtio_mmio CPU: 25 PID: 7560 Comm: test Kdump: loaded Not tainted 6.10.0-rc7-gavin+ #9 Hardware name: QEMU KVM Virtual Machine, BIOS edk2-20240524-1.el9 05/24/2024 pstate: 83400005 (Nzcv daif +PAN -UAO +TCO +DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--) pc : xas_split_alloc+0xf8/0x128 lr : split_huge_page_to_list_to_order+0x1c4/0x780 sp : ffff8000ac32f660 x29: ffff8000ac32f660 x28: ffff0000e0969eb0 x27: ffff8000ac32f6c0 x26: 0000000000000c40 x25: ffff0000e0969eb0 x24: 000000000000000d x23: ffff8000ac32f6c0 x22: ffffffdfc0700000 x21: 0000000000000000 x20: 0000000000000000 x19: ffffffdfc0700000 x18: 0000000000000000 x17: 0000000000000000 x16: ffffd5f3708ffc70 x15: 0000000000000000 x14: 0000000000000000 x13: 0000000000000000 x12: 0000000000000000 x11: ffffffffffffffc0 x10: 0000000000000040 x9 : ffffd5f3708e692c x8 : 0000000000000003 x7 : 0000000000000000 x6 : ffff0000e0969eb8 x5 : ffffd5f37289e378 x4 : 0000000000000000 x3 : 0000000000000c40 x2 : 000000000000000d x1 : 000000000000000c x0 : 0000000000000000 Call trace: xas_split_alloc+0xf8/0x128 split_huge_page_to_list_to_order+0x1c4/0x780 truncate_inode_partial_folio+0xdc/0x160 truncate_inode_pages_range+0x1b4/0x4a8 truncate_pagecache_range+0x84/0xa ---truncated---', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmm/huge_memory: avoid PMD-size page cache if needed\n\nxarray can't support arbitrary page cache size. the largest and supported\npage cache size is defined as MAX_PAGECACHE_ORDER by commit 099d90642a71\n("mm/filemap: make MAX_PAGECACHE_ORDER acceptable to xarray"). However,\nit's possible to have 512MB page cache in the huge memory's collapsing\npath on ARM64 system whose base page size is 64KB. 512MB page cache is\nbreaking the limitation and a warning is raised when the xarray entry is\nsplit as shown in the following example.\n\n[root@dhcp-10-26-1-207 ~]# cat /proc/1/smaps | grep KernelPageSize\nKernelPageSize: 64 kB\n[root@dhcp-10-26-1-207 ~]# cat /tmp/test.c\n :\nint main(int argc, char **argv)\n{\n\tconst char *filename = TEST_XFS_FILENAME;\n\tint fd = 0;\n\tvoid *buf = (void *)-1, *p;\n\tint pgsize = getpagesize();\n\tint ret = 0;\n\n\tif (pgsize != 0x10000) {\n\t\tfprintf(stdout, "System with 64KB base page size is required!\\n");\n\t\treturn -EPERM;\n\t}\n\n\tsystem("echo 0 > /sys/devices/virtual/bdi/253:0/read_ahead_kb");\n\tsystem("echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches");\n\n\t/* Open the xfs file */\n\tfd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);\n\tassert(fd > 0);\n\n\t/* Create VMA */\n\tbuf = mmap(NULL, TEST_MEM_SIZE, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);\n\tassert(buf != (void *)-1);\n\tfprintf(stdout, "mapped buffer at 0x%p\\n", buf);\n\n\t/* Populate VMA */\n\tret = madvise(buf, TEST_MEM_SIZE, MADV_NOHUGEPAGE);\n\tassert(ret == 0);\n\tret = madvise(buf, TEST_MEM_SIZE, MADV_POPULATE_READ);\n\tassert(ret == 0);\n\n\t/* Collapse VMA */\n\tret = madvise(buf, TEST_MEM_SIZE, MADV_HUGEPAGE);\n\tassert(ret == 0);\n\tret = madvise(buf, TEST_MEM_SIZE, MADV_COLLAPSE);\n\tif (ret) {\n\t\tfprintf(stdout, "Error %d to madvise(MADV_COLLAPSE)\\n", errno);\n\t\tgoto out;\n\t}\n\n\t/* Split xarray entry. Write permission is needed */\n\tmunmap(buf, TEST_MEM_SIZE);\n\tbuf = (void *)-1;\n\tclose(fd);\n\tfd = open(filename, O_RDWR);\n\tassert(fd > 0);\n\tfallocate(fd, FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE | FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE,\n \t\t TEST_MEM_SIZE - pgsize, pgsize);\nout:\n\tif (buf != (void *)-1)\n\t\tmunmap(buf, TEST_MEM_SIZE);\n\tif (fd > 0)\n\t\tclose(fd);\n\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\n[root@dhcp-10-26-1-207 ~]# gcc /tmp/test.c -o /tmp/test\n[root@dhcp-10-26-1-207 ~]# /tmp/test\n ------------[ cut here ]------------\n WARNING: CPU: 25 PID: 7560 at lib/xarray.c:1025 xas_split_alloc+0xf8/0x128\n Modules linked in: nft_fib_inet nft_fib_ipv4 nft_fib_ipv6 nft_fib \\\n nft_reject_inet nf_reject_ipv4 nf_reject_ipv6 nft_reject nft_ct \\\n nft_chain_nat nf_nat nf_conntrack nf_defrag_ipv6 nf_defrag_ipv4 \\\n ip_set rfkill nf_tables nfnetlink vfat fat virtio_balloon drm fuse \\\n xfs libcrc32c crct10dif_ce ghash_ce sha2_ce sha256_arm64 virtio_net \\\n sha1_ce net_failover virtio_blk virtio_console failover dimlib virtio_mmio\n CPU: 25 PID: 7560 Comm: test Kdump: loaded Not tainted 6.10.0-rc7-gavin+ #9\n Hardware name: QEMU KVM Virtual Machine, BIOS edk2-20240524-1.el9 05/24/2024\n pstate: 83400005 (Nzcv daif +PAN -UAO +TCO +DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--)\n pc : xas_split_alloc+0xf8/0x128\n lr : split_huge_page_to_list_to_order+0x1c4/0x780\n sp : ffff8000ac32f660\n x29: ffff8000ac32f660 x28: ffff0000e0969eb0 x27: ffff8000ac32f6c0\n x26: 0000000000000c40 x25: ffff0000e0969eb0 x24: 000000000000000d\n x23: ffff8000ac32f6c0 x22: ffffffdfc0700000 x21: 0000000000000000\n x20: 0000000000000000 x19: ffffffdfc0700000 x18: 0000000000000000\n x17: 0000000000000000 x16: ffffd5f3708ffc70 x15: 0000000000000000\n x14: 0000000000000000 x13: 0000000000000000 x12: 0000000000000000\n x11: ffffffffffffffc0 x10: 0000000000000040 x9 : ffffd5f3708e692c\n x8 : 0000000000000003 x7 : 0000000000000000 x6 : ffff0000e0969eb8\n x5 : ffffd5f37289e378 x4 : 0000000000000000 x3 : 0000000000000c40\n x2 : 000000000000000d x1 : 000000000000000c x0 : 0000000000000000\n Call trace:\n xas_split_alloc+0xf8/0x128\n split_huge_page_to_list_to_order+0x1c4/0x780\n truncate_inode_partial_folio+0xdc/0x160\n truncate_inode_pages_range+0x1b4/0x4a8\n truncate_pagecache_range+0x84/0xa\n---truncated---', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-42317 was patched at 2024-08-21

575. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-42319) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mailbox: mtk-cmdq: Move devm_mbox_controller_register() after devm_pm_runtime_enable() When mtk-cmdq unbinds, a WARN_ON message with condition pm_runtime_get_sync() < 0 occurs. According to the call tracei below: cmdq_mbox_shutdown mbox_free_channel mbox_controller_unregister __devm_mbox_controller_unregister ... The root cause can be deduced to be calling pm_runtime_get_sync() after calling pm_runtime_disable() as observed below: 1. CMDQ driver uses devm_mbox_controller_register() in cmdq_probe() to bind the cmdq device to the mbox_controller, so devm_mbox_controller_unregister() will automatically unregister the device bound to the mailbox controller when the device-managed resource is removed. That means devm_mbox_controller_unregister() and cmdq_mbox_shoutdown() will be called after cmdq_remove(). 2. CMDQ driver also uses devm_pm_runtime_enable() in cmdq_probe() after devm_mbox_controller_register(), so that devm_pm_runtime_disable() will be called after cmdq_remove(), but before devm_mbox_controller_unregister(). To fix this problem, cmdq_probe() needs to move devm_mbox_controller_register() after devm_pm_runtime_enable() to make devm_pm_runtime_disable() be called after devm_mbox_controller_unregister().', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmailbox: mtk-cmdq: Move devm_mbox_controller_register() after devm_pm_runtime_enable()\n\nWhen mtk-cmdq unbinds, a WARN_ON message with condition\npm_runtime_get_sync() < 0 occurs.\n\nAccording to the call tracei below:\n cmdq_mbox_shutdown\n mbox_free_channel\n mbox_controller_unregister\n __devm_mbox_controller_unregister\n ...\n\nThe root cause can be deduced to be calling pm_runtime_get_sync() after\ncalling pm_runtime_disable() as observed below:\n1. CMDQ driver uses devm_mbox_controller_register() in cmdq_probe()\n to bind the cmdq device to the mbox_controller, so\n devm_mbox_controller_unregister() will automatically unregister\n the device bound to the mailbox controller when the device-managed\n resource is removed. That means devm_mbox_controller_unregister()\n and cmdq_mbox_shoutdown() will be called after cmdq_remove().\n2. CMDQ driver also uses devm_pm_runtime_enable() in cmdq_probe() after\n devm_mbox_controller_register(), so that devm_pm_runtime_disable()\n will be called after cmdq_remove(), but before\n devm_mbox_controller_unregister().\n\nTo fix this problem, cmdq_probe() needs to move\ndevm_mbox_controller_register() after devm_pm_runtime_enable() to make\ndevm_pm_runtime_disable() be called after\ndevm_mbox_controller_unregister().', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-42319 was patched at 2024-08-21

576. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43819) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: kvm: s390: Reject memory region operations for ucontrol VMs This change rejects the KVM_SET_USER_MEMORY_REGION and KVM_SET_USER_MEMORY_REGION2 ioctls when called on a ucontrol VM. This is necessary since ucontrol VMs have kvm->arch.gmap set to 0 and would thus result in a null pointer dereference further in. Memory management needs to be performed in userspace and using the ioctls KVM_S390_UCAS_MAP and KVM_S390_UCAS_UNMAP. Also improve s390 specific documentation for KVM_SET_USER_MEMORY_REGION and KVM_SET_USER_MEMORY_REGION2. [ commit message spelling fix, subject prefix fix]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nkvm: s390: Reject memory region operations for ucontrol VMs\n\nThis change rejects the KVM_SET_USER_MEMORY_REGION and\nKVM_SET_USER_MEMORY_REGION2 ioctls when called on a ucontrol VM.\nThis is necessary since ucontrol VMs have kvm->arch.gmap set to 0 and\nwould thus result in a null pointer dereference further in.\nMemory management needs to be performed in userspace and using the\nioctls KVM_S390_UCAS_MAP and KVM_S390_UCAS_UNMAP.\n\nAlso improve s390 specific documentation for KVM_SET_USER_MEMORY_REGION\nand KVM_SET_USER_MEMORY_REGION2.\n\n[ commit message spelling fix, subject prefix fix]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-43819 was patched at 2024-08-21

577. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43824) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: PCI: endpoint: pci-epf-test: Make use of cached 'epc_features' in pci_epf_test_core_init() Instead of getting the epc_features from pci_epc_get_features() API, use the cached pci_epf_test::epc_features value to avoid the NULL check. Since the NULL check is already performed in pci_epf_test_bind(), having one more check in pci_epf_test_core_init() is redundant and it is not possible to hit the NULL pointer dereference. Also with commit a01e7214bef9 ("PCI: endpoint: Remove "core_init_notifier" flag"), 'epc_features' got dereferenced without the NULL check, leading to the following false positive Smatch warning: drivers/pci/endpoint/functions/pci-epf-test.c:784 pci_epf_test_core_init() error: we previously assumed 'epc_features' could be null (see line 747) Thus, remove the redundant NULL check and also use the epc_features:: {msix_capable/msi_capable} flags directly to avoid local variables. [kwilczynski: commit log]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nPCI: endpoint: pci-epf-test: Make use of cached 'epc_features' in pci_epf_test_core_init()\n\nInstead of getting the epc_features from pci_epc_get_features() API, use\nthe cached pci_epf_test::epc_features value to avoid the NULL check. Since\nthe NULL check is already performed in pci_epf_test_bind(), having one more\ncheck in pci_epf_test_core_init() is redundant and it is not possible to\nhit the NULL pointer dereference.\n\nAlso with commit a01e7214bef9 ("PCI: endpoint: Remove "core_init_notifier"\nflag"), 'epc_features' got dereferenced without the NULL check, leading to\nthe following false positive Smatch warning:\n\n drivers/pci/endpoint/functions/pci-epf-test.c:784 pci_epf_test_core_init() error: we previously assumed 'epc_features' could be null (see line 747)\n\nThus, remove the redundant NULL check and also use the epc_features::\n{msix_capable/msi_capable} flags directly to avoid local variables.\n\n[kwilczynski: commit log]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-43824 was patched at 2024-08-21

578. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43829) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/qxl: Add check for drm_cvt_mode Add check for the return value of drm_cvt_mode() and return the error if it fails in order to avoid NULL pointer dereference.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/qxl: Add check for drm_cvt_mode\n\nAdd check for the return value of drm_cvt_mode() and return the error if\nit fails in order to avoid NULL pointer dereference.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-43829 was patched at 2024-08-21

579. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43830) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: leds: trigger: Unregister sysfs attributes before calling deactivate() Triggers which have trigger specific sysfs attributes typically store related data in trigger-data allocated by the activate() callback and freed by the deactivate() callback. Calling device_remove_groups() after calling deactivate() leaves a window where the sysfs attributes show/store functions could be called after deactivation and then operate on the just freed trigger-data. Move the device_remove_groups() call to before deactivate() to close this race window. This also makes the deactivation path properly do things in reverse order of the activation path which calls the activate() callback before calling device_add_groups().', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nleds: trigger: Unregister sysfs attributes before calling deactivate()\n\nTriggers which have trigger specific sysfs attributes typically store\nrelated data in trigger-data allocated by the activate() callback and\nfreed by the deactivate() callback.\n\nCalling device_remove_groups() after calling deactivate() leaves a window\nwhere the sysfs attributes show/store functions could be called after\ndeactivation and then operate on the just freed trigger-data.\n\nMove the device_remove_groups() call to before deactivate() to close\nthis race window.\n\nThis also makes the deactivation path properly do things in reverse order\nof the activation path which calls the activate() callback before calling\ndevice_add_groups().', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-43830 was patched at 2024-08-21

580. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43834) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: xdp: fix invalid wait context of page_pool_destroy() If the driver uses a page pool, it creates a page pool with page_pool_create(). The reference count of page pool is 1 as default. A page pool will be destroyed only when a reference count reaches 0. page_pool_destroy() is used to destroy page pool, it decreases a reference count. When a page pool is destroyed, ->disconnect() is called, which is mem_allocator_disconnect(). This function internally acquires mutex_lock(). If the driver uses XDP, it registers a memory model with xdp_rxq_info_reg_mem_model(). The xdp_rxq_info_reg_mem_model() internally increases a page pool reference count if a memory model is a page pool. Now the reference count is 2. To destroy a page pool, the driver should call both page_pool_destroy() and xdp_unreg_mem_model(). The xdp_unreg_mem_model() internally calls page_pool_destroy(). Only page_pool_destroy() decreases a reference count. If a driver calls page_pool_destroy() then xdp_unreg_mem_model(), we will face an invalid wait context warning. Because xdp_unreg_mem_model() calls page_pool_destroy() with rcu_read_lock(). The page_pool_destroy() internally acquires mutex_lock(). Splat looks like: ============================= [ BUG: Invalid wait context ] 6.10.0-rc6+ #4 Tainted: G W ----------------------------- ethtool/1806 is trying to lock: ffffffff90387b90 (mem_id_lock){+.+.}-{4:4}, at: mem_allocator_disconnect+0x73/0x150 other info that might help us debug this: context-{5:5} 3 locks held by ethtool/1806: stack backtrace: CPU: 0 PID: 1806 Comm: ethtool Tainted: G W 6.10.0-rc6+ #4 f916f41f172891c800f2fed Hardware name: ASUS System Product Name/PRIME Z690-P D4, BIOS 0603 11/01/2021 Call Trace: <TASK> dump_stack_lvl+0x7e/0xc0 __lock_acquire+0x1681/0x4de0 ? _printk+0x64/0xe0 ? __pfx_mark_lock.part.0+0x10/0x10 ? __pfx___lock_acquire+0x10/0x10 lock_acquire+0x1b3/0x580 ? mem_allocator_disconnect+0x73/0x150 ? __wake_up_klogd.part.0+0x16/0xc0 ? __pfx_lock_acquire+0x10/0x10 ? dump_stack_lvl+0x91/0xc0 __mutex_lock+0x15c/0x1690 ? mem_allocator_disconnect+0x73/0x150 ? __pfx_prb_read_valid+0x10/0x10 ? mem_allocator_disconnect+0x73/0x150 ? __pfx_llist_add_batch+0x10/0x10 ? console_unlock+0x193/0x1b0 ? lockdep_hardirqs_on+0xbe/0x140 ? __pfx___mutex_lock+0x10/0x10 ? tick_nohz_tick_stopped+0x16/0x90 ? __irq_work_queue_local+0x1e5/0x330 ? irq_work_queue+0x39/0x50 ? __wake_up_klogd.part.0+0x79/0xc0 ? mem_allocator_disconnect+0x73/0x150 mem_allocator_disconnect+0x73/0x150 ? __pfx_mem_allocator_disconnect+0x10/0x10 ? mark_held_locks+0xa5/0xf0 ? rcu_is_watching+0x11/0xb0 page_pool_release+0x36e/0x6d0 page_pool_destroy+0xd7/0x440 xdp_unreg_mem_model+0x1a7/0x2a0 ? __pfx_xdp_unreg_mem_model+0x10/0x10 ? kfree+0x125/0x370 ? bnxt_free_ring.isra.0+0x2eb/0x500 ? bnxt_free_mem+0x5ac/0x2500 xdp_rxq_info_unreg+0x4a/0xd0 bnxt_free_mem+0x1356/0x2500 bnxt_close_nic+0xf0/0x3b0 ? __pfx_bnxt_close_nic+0x10/0x10 ? ethnl_parse_bit+0x2c6/0x6d0 ? __pfx___nla_validate_parse+0x10/0x10 ? __pfx_ethnl_parse_bit+0x10/0x10 bnxt_set_features+0x2a8/0x3e0 __netdev_update_features+0x4dc/0x1370 ? ethnl_parse_bitset+0x4ff/0x750 ? __pfx_ethnl_parse_bitset+0x10/0x10 ? __pfx___netdev_update_features+0x10/0x10 ? mark_held_locks+0xa5/0xf0 ? _raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore+0x42/0x70 ? __pm_runtime_resume+0x7d/0x110 ethnl_set_features+0x32d/0xa20 To fix this problem, it uses rhashtable_lookup_fast() instead of rhashtable_lookup() with rcu_read_lock(). Using xa without rcu_read_lock() here is safe. xa is freed by __xdp_mem_allocator_rcu_free() and this is called by call_rcu() of mem_xa_remove(). The mem_xa_remove() is called by page_pool_destroy() if a reference count reaches 0. The xa is already protected by the reference count mechanism well in the control plane. So removing rcu_read_lock() for page_pool_destroy() is safe.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nxdp: fix invalid wait context of page_pool_destroy()\n\nIf the driver uses a page pool, it creates a page pool with\npage_pool_create().\nThe reference count of page pool is 1 as default.\nA page pool will be destroyed only when a reference count reaches 0.\npage_pool_destroy() is used to destroy page pool, it decreases a\nreference count.\nWhen a page pool is destroyed, ->disconnect() is called, which is\nmem_allocator_disconnect().\nThis function internally acquires mutex_lock().\n\nIf the driver uses XDP, it registers a memory model with\nxdp_rxq_info_reg_mem_model().\nThe xdp_rxq_info_reg_mem_model() internally increases a page pool\nreference count if a memory model is a page pool.\nNow the reference count is 2.\n\nTo destroy a page pool, the driver should call both page_pool_destroy()\nand xdp_unreg_mem_model().\nThe xdp_unreg_mem_model() internally calls page_pool_destroy().\nOnly page_pool_destroy() decreases a reference count.\n\nIf a driver calls page_pool_destroy() then xdp_unreg_mem_model(), we\nwill face an invalid wait context warning.\nBecause xdp_unreg_mem_model() calls page_pool_destroy() with\nrcu_read_lock().\nThe page_pool_destroy() internally acquires mutex_lock().\n\nSplat looks like:\n=============================\n[ BUG: Invalid wait context ]\n6.10.0-rc6+ #4 Tainted: G W\n-----------------------------\nethtool/1806 is trying to lock:\nffffffff90387b90 (mem_id_lock){+.+.}-{4:4}, at: mem_allocator_disconnect+0x73/0x150\nother info that might help us debug this:\ncontext-{5:5}\n3 locks held by ethtool/1806:\nstack backtrace:\nCPU: 0 PID: 1806 Comm: ethtool Tainted: G W 6.10.0-rc6+ #4 f916f41f172891c800f2fed\nHardware name: ASUS System Product Name/PRIME Z690-P D4, BIOS 0603 11/01/2021\nCall Trace:\n<TASK>\ndump_stack_lvl+0x7e/0xc0\n__lock_acquire+0x1681/0x4de0\n? _printk+0x64/0xe0\n? __pfx_mark_lock.part.0+0x10/0x10\n? __pfx___lock_acquire+0x10/0x10\nlock_acquire+0x1b3/0x580\n? mem_allocator_disconnect+0x73/0x150\n? __wake_up_klogd.part.0+0x16/0xc0\n? __pfx_lock_acquire+0x10/0x10\n? dump_stack_lvl+0x91/0xc0\n__mutex_lock+0x15c/0x1690\n? mem_allocator_disconnect+0x73/0x150\n? __pfx_prb_read_valid+0x10/0x10\n? mem_allocator_disconnect+0x73/0x150\n? __pfx_llist_add_batch+0x10/0x10\n? console_unlock+0x193/0x1b0\n? lockdep_hardirqs_on+0xbe/0x140\n? __pfx___mutex_lock+0x10/0x10\n? tick_nohz_tick_stopped+0x16/0x90\n? __irq_work_queue_local+0x1e5/0x330\n? irq_work_queue+0x39/0x50\n? __wake_up_klogd.part.0+0x79/0xc0\n? mem_allocator_disconnect+0x73/0x150\nmem_allocator_disconnect+0x73/0x150\n? __pfx_mem_allocator_disconnect+0x10/0x10\n? mark_held_locks+0xa5/0xf0\n? rcu_is_watching+0x11/0xb0\npage_pool_release+0x36e/0x6d0\npage_pool_destroy+0xd7/0x440\nxdp_unreg_mem_model+0x1a7/0x2a0\n? __pfx_xdp_unreg_mem_model+0x10/0x10\n? kfree+0x125/0x370\n? bnxt_free_ring.isra.0+0x2eb/0x500\n? bnxt_free_mem+0x5ac/0x2500\nxdp_rxq_info_unreg+0x4a/0xd0\nbnxt_free_mem+0x1356/0x2500\nbnxt_close_nic+0xf0/0x3b0\n? __pfx_bnxt_close_nic+0x10/0x10\n? ethnl_parse_bit+0x2c6/0x6d0\n? __pfx___nla_validate_parse+0x10/0x10\n? __pfx_ethnl_parse_bit+0x10/0x10\nbnxt_set_features+0x2a8/0x3e0\n__netdev_update_features+0x4dc/0x1370\n? ethnl_parse_bitset+0x4ff/0x750\n? __pfx_ethnl_parse_bitset+0x10/0x10\n? __pfx___netdev_update_features+0x10/0x10\n? mark_held_locks+0xa5/0xf0\n? _raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore+0x42/0x70\n? __pm_runtime_resume+0x7d/0x110\nethnl_set_features+0x32d/0xa20\n\nTo fix this problem, it uses rhashtable_lookup_fast() instead of\nrhashtable_lookup() with rcu_read_lock().\nUsing xa without rcu_read_lock() here is safe.\nxa is freed by __xdp_mem_allocator_rcu_free() and this is called by\ncall_rcu() of mem_xa_remove().\nThe mem_xa_remove() is called by page_pool_destroy() if a reference\ncount reaches 0.\nThe xa is already protected by the reference count mechanism well in the\ncontrol plane.\nSo removing rcu_read_lock() for page_pool_destroy() is safe.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-43834 was patched at 2024-08-21

581. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43835) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: virtio_net: Fix napi_skb_cache_put warning After the commit bdacf3e34945 ("net: Use nested-BH locking for napi_alloc_cache.") was merged, the following warning began to appear: \t WARNING: CPU: 5 PID: 1 at net/core/skbuff.c:1451 napi_skb_cache_put+0x82/0x4b0 \t __warn+0x12f/0x340 \t napi_skb_cache_put+0x82/0x4b0 \t napi_skb_cache_put+0x82/0x4b0 \t report_bug+0x165/0x370 \t handle_bug+0x3d/0x80 \t exc_invalid_op+0x1a/0x50 \t asm_exc_invalid_op+0x1a/0x20 \t __free_old_xmit+0x1c8/0x510 \t napi_skb_cache_put+0x82/0x4b0 \t __free_old_xmit+0x1c8/0x510 \t __free_old_xmit+0x1c8/0x510 \t __pfx___free_old_xmit+0x10/0x10 The issue arises because virtio is assuming it's running in NAPI context even when it's not, such as in the netpoll case. To resolve this, modify virtnet_poll_tx() to only set NAPI when budget is available. Same for virtnet_poll_cleantx(), which always assumed that it was in a NAPI context.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nvirtio_net: Fix napi_skb_cache_put warning\n\nAfter the commit bdacf3e34945 ("net: Use nested-BH locking for\nnapi_alloc_cache.") was merged, the following warning began to appear:\n\n\t WARNING: CPU: 5 PID: 1 at net/core/skbuff.c:1451 napi_skb_cache_put+0x82/0x4b0\n\n\t __warn+0x12f/0x340\n\t napi_skb_cache_put+0x82/0x4b0\n\t napi_skb_cache_put+0x82/0x4b0\n\t report_bug+0x165/0x370\n\t handle_bug+0x3d/0x80\n\t exc_invalid_op+0x1a/0x50\n\t asm_exc_invalid_op+0x1a/0x20\n\t __free_old_xmit+0x1c8/0x510\n\t napi_skb_cache_put+0x82/0x4b0\n\t __free_old_xmit+0x1c8/0x510\n\t __free_old_xmit+0x1c8/0x510\n\t __pfx___free_old_xmit+0x10/0x10\n\nThe issue arises because virtio is assuming it's running in NAPI context\neven when it's not, such as in the netpoll case.\n\nTo resolve this, modify virtnet_poll_tx() to only set NAPI when budget\nis available. Same for virtnet_poll_cleantx(), which always assumed that\nit was in a NAPI context.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-43835 was patched at 2024-08-21

582. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43839) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bna: adjust 'name' buf size of bna_tcb and bna_ccb structures To have enough space to write all possible sprintf() args. Currently 'name' size is 16, but the first '%s' specifier may already need at least 16 characters, since 'bnad->netdev->name' is used there. For '%d' specifiers, assume that they require: * 1 char for 'tx_id + tx_info->tcb[i]->id' sum, BNAD_MAX_TXQ_PER_TX is 8 * 2 chars for 'rx_id + rx_info->rx_ctrl[i].ccb->id', BNAD_MAX_RXP_PER_RX is 16 And replace sprintf with snprintf. Detected using the static analysis tool - Svace.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbna: adjust 'name' buf size of bna_tcb and bna_ccb structures\n\nTo have enough space to write all possible sprintf() args. Currently\n'name' size is 16, but the first '%s' specifier may already need at\nleast 16 characters, since 'bnad->netdev->name' is used there.\n\nFor '%d' specifiers, assume that they require:\n * 1 char for 'tx_id + tx_info->tcb[i]->id' sum, BNAD_MAX_TXQ_PER_TX is 8\n * 2 chars for 'rx_id + rx_info->rx_ctrl[i].ccb->id', BNAD_MAX_RXP_PER_RX\n is 16\n\nAnd replace sprintf with snprintf.\n\nDetected using the static analysis tool - Svace.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-43839 was patched at 2024-08-21

583. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43840) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bpf, arm64: Fix trampoline for BPF_TRAMP_F_CALL_ORIG When BPF_TRAMP_F_CALL_ORIG is set, the trampoline calls __bpf_tramp_enter() and __bpf_tramp_exit() functions, passing them the struct bpf_tramp_image *im pointer as an argument in R0. The trampoline generation code uses emit_addr_mov_i64() to emit instructions for moving the bpf_tramp_image address into R0, but emit_addr_mov_i64() assumes the address to be in the vmalloc() space and uses only 48 bits. Because bpf_tramp_image is allocated using kzalloc(), its address can use more than 48-bits, in this case the trampoline will pass an invalid address to __bpf_tramp_enter/exit() causing a kernel crash. Fix this by using emit_a64_mov_i64() in place of emit_addr_mov_i64() as it can work with addresses that are greater than 48-bits.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbpf, arm64: Fix trampoline for BPF_TRAMP_F_CALL_ORIG\n\nWhen BPF_TRAMP_F_CALL_ORIG is set, the trampoline calls\n__bpf_tramp_enter() and __bpf_tramp_exit() functions, passing them\nthe struct bpf_tramp_image *im pointer as an argument in R0.\n\nThe trampoline generation code uses emit_addr_mov_i64() to emit\ninstructions for moving the bpf_tramp_image address into R0, but\nemit_addr_mov_i64() assumes the address to be in the vmalloc() space\nand uses only 48 bits. Because bpf_tramp_image is allocated using\nkzalloc(), its address can use more than 48-bits, in this case the\ntrampoline will pass an invalid address to __bpf_tramp_enter/exit()\ncausing a kernel crash.\n\nFix this by using emit_a64_mov_i64() in place of emit_addr_mov_i64()\nas it can work with addresses that are greater than 48-bits.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-43840 was patched at 2024-08-21

584. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43841) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: virt_wifi: avoid reporting connection success with wrong SSID When user issues a connection with a different SSID than the one virt_wifi has advertised, the __cfg80211_connect_result() will trigger the warning: WARN_ON(bss_not_found). The issue is because the connection code in virt_wifi does not check the SSID from user space (it only checks the BSSID), and virt_wifi will call cfg80211_connect_result() with WLAN_STATUS_SUCCESS even if the SSID is different from the one virt_wifi has advertised. Eventually cfg80211 won't be able to find the cfg80211_bss and generate the warning. Fixed it by checking the SSID (from user space) in the connection code.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nwifi: virt_wifi: avoid reporting connection success with wrong SSID\n\nWhen user issues a connection with a different SSID than the one\nvirt_wifi has advertised, the __cfg80211_connect_result() will\ntrigger the warning: WARN_ON(bss_not_found).\n\nThe issue is because the connection code in virt_wifi does not\ncheck the SSID from user space (it only checks the BSSID), and\nvirt_wifi will call cfg80211_connect_result() with WLAN_STATUS_SUCCESS\neven if the SSID is different from the one virt_wifi has advertised.\nEventually cfg80211 won't be able to find the cfg80211_bss and generate\nthe warning.\n\nFixed it by checking the SSID (from user space) in the connection code.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-43841 was patched at 2024-08-21

585. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43846) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: lib: objagg: Fix general protection fault The library supports aggregation of objects into other objects only if the parent object does not have a parent itself. That is, nesting is not supported. Aggregation happens in two cases: Without and with hints, where hints are a pre-computed recommendation on how to aggregate the provided objects. Nesting is not possible in the first case due to a check that prevents it, but in the second case there is no check because the assumption is that nesting cannot happen when creating objects based on hints. The violation of this assumption leads to various warnings and eventually to a general protection fault [1]. Before fixing the root cause, error out when nesting happens and warn. [1] general protection fault, probably for non-canonical address 0xdead000000000d90: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP PTI CPU: 1 PID: 1083 Comm: kworker/1:9 Tainted: G W 6.9.0-rc6-custom-gd9b4f1cca7fb #7 Hardware name: Mellanox Technologies Ltd. MSN3700/VMOD0005, BIOS 5.11 01/06/2019 Workqueue: mlxsw_core mlxsw_sp_acl_tcam_vregion_rehash_work RIP: 0010:mlxsw_sp_acl_erp_bf_insert+0x25/0x80 [...] Call Trace: <TASK> mlxsw_sp_acl_atcam_entry_add+0x256/0x3c0 mlxsw_sp_acl_tcam_entry_create+0x5e/0xa0 mlxsw_sp_acl_tcam_vchunk_migrate_one+0x16b/0x270 mlxsw_sp_acl_tcam_vregion_rehash_work+0xbe/0x510 process_one_work+0x151/0x370 worker_thread+0x2cb/0x3e0 kthread+0xd0/0x100 ret_from_fork+0x34/0x50 ret_from_fork_asm+0x1a/0x30 </TASK>', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nlib: objagg: Fix general protection fault\n\nThe library supports aggregation of objects into other objects only if\nthe parent object does not have a parent itself. That is, nesting is not\nsupported.\n\nAggregation happens in two cases: Without and with hints, where hints\nare a pre-computed recommendation on how to aggregate the provided\nobjects.\n\nNesting is not possible in the first case due to a check that prevents\nit, but in the second case there is no check because the assumption is\nthat nesting cannot happen when creating objects based on hints. The\nviolation of this assumption leads to various warnings and eventually to\na general protection fault [1].\n\nBefore fixing the root cause, error out when nesting happens and warn.\n\n[1]\ngeneral protection fault, probably for non-canonical address 0xdead000000000d90: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP PTI\nCPU: 1 PID: 1083 Comm: kworker/1:9 Tainted: G W 6.9.0-rc6-custom-gd9b4f1cca7fb #7\nHardware name: Mellanox Technologies Ltd. MSN3700/VMOD0005, BIOS 5.11 01/06/2019\nWorkqueue: mlxsw_core mlxsw_sp_acl_tcam_vregion_rehash_work\nRIP: 0010:mlxsw_sp_acl_erp_bf_insert+0x25/0x80\n[...]\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n mlxsw_sp_acl_atcam_entry_add+0x256/0x3c0\n mlxsw_sp_acl_tcam_entry_create+0x5e/0xa0\n mlxsw_sp_acl_tcam_vchunk_migrate_one+0x16b/0x270\n mlxsw_sp_acl_tcam_vregion_rehash_work+0xbe/0x510\n process_one_work+0x151/0x370\n worker_thread+0x2cb/0x3e0\n kthread+0xd0/0x100\n ret_from_fork+0x34/0x50\n ret_from_fork_asm+0x1a/0x30\n </TASK>', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-43846 was patched at 2024-08-21

586. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43849) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: soc: qcom: pdr: protect locator_addr with the main mutex If the service locator server is restarted fast enough, the PDR can rewrite locator_addr fields concurrently. Protect them by placing modification of those fields under the main pdr->lock.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nsoc: qcom: pdr: protect locator_addr with the main mutex\n\nIf the service locator server is restarted fast enough, the PDR can\nrewrite locator_addr fields concurrently. Protect them by placing\nmodification of those fields under the main pdr->lock.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-43849 was patched at 2024-08-21

587. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43856) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: dma: fix call order in dmam_free_coherent dmam_free_coherent() frees a DMA allocation, which makes the freed vaddr available for reuse, then calls devres_destroy() to remove and free the data structure used to track the DMA allocation. Between the two calls, it is possible for a concurrent task to make an allocation with the same vaddr and add it to the devres list. If this happens, there will be two entries in the devres list with the same vaddr and devres_destroy() can free the wrong entry, triggering the WARN_ON() in dmam_match. Fix by destroying the devres entry before freeing the DMA allocation. kokonut //net/encryption http://sponge2/b9145fe6-0f72-4325-ac2f-a84d81075b03', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndma: fix call order in dmam_free_coherent\n\ndmam_free_coherent() frees a DMA allocation, which makes the\nfreed vaddr available for reuse, then calls devres_destroy()\nto remove and free the data structure used to track the DMA\nallocation. Between the two calls, it is possible for a\nconcurrent task to make an allocation with the same vaddr\nand add it to the devres list.\n\nIf this happens, there will be two entries in the devres list\nwith the same vaddr and devres_destroy() can free the wrong\nentry, triggering the WARN_ON() in dmam_match.\n\nFix by destroying the devres entry before freeing the DMA\nallocation.\n\n kokonut //net/encryption\n http://sponge2/b9145fe6-0f72-4325-ac2f-a84d81075b03', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-43856 was patched at 2024-08-21

588. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43858) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: jfs: Fix array-index-out-of-bounds in diFree', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\njfs: Fix array-index-out-of-bounds in diFree', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-43858 was patched at 2024-08-21

589. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43860) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: remoteproc: imx_rproc: Skip over memory region when node value is NULL In imx_rproc_addr_init() "nph = of_count_phandle_with_args()" just counts number of phandles. But phandles may be empty. So of_parse_phandle() in the parsing loop (0 < a < nph) may return NULL which is later dereferenced. Adjust this issue by adding NULL-return check. Found by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE. [Fixed title to fit within the prescribed 70-75 charcters]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nremoteproc: imx_rproc: Skip over memory region when node value is NULL\n\nIn imx_rproc_addr_init() "nph = of_count_phandle_with_args()" just counts\nnumber of phandles. But phandles may be empty. So of_parse_phandle() in\nthe parsing loop (0 < a < nph) may return NULL which is later dereferenced.\nAdjust this issue by adding NULL-return check.\n\nFound by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.\n\n[Fixed title to fit within the prescribed 70-75 charcters]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-43860 was patched at 2024-08-21

590. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43867) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/nouveau: prime: fix refcount underflow Calling nouveau_bo_ref() on a nouveau_bo without initializing it (and hence the backing ttm_bo) leads to a refcount underflow. Instead of calling nouveau_bo_ref() in the unwind path of drm_gem_object_init(), clean things up manually. (cherry picked from commit 1b93f3e89d03cfc576636e195466a0d728ad8de5)', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/nouveau: prime: fix refcount underflow\n\nCalling nouveau_bo_ref() on a nouveau_bo without initializing it (and\nhence the backing ttm_bo) leads to a refcount underflow.\n\nInstead of calling nouveau_bo_ref() in the unwind path of\ndrm_gem_object_init(), clean things up manually.\n\n(cherry picked from commit 1b93f3e89d03cfc576636e195466a0d728ad8de5)', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-43867 was patched at 2024-08-21

591. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43868) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: riscv/purgatory: align riscv_kernel_entry When alignment handling is delegated to the kernel, everything must be word-aligned in purgatory, since the trap handler is then set to the kexec one. Without the alignment, hitting the exception would ultimately crash. On other occasions, the kernel's handler would take care of exceptions. This has been tested on a JH7110 SoC with oreboot and its SBI delegating unaligned access exceptions and the kernel configured to handle them.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nriscv/purgatory: align riscv_kernel_entry\n\nWhen alignment handling is delegated to the kernel, everything must be\nword-aligned in purgatory, since the trap handler is then set to the\nkexec one. Without the alignment, hitting the exception would\nultimately crash. On other occasions, the kernel's handler would take\ncare of exceptions.\nThis has been tested on a JH7110 SoC with oreboot and its SBI delegating\nunaligned access exceptions and the kernel configured to handle them.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-43868 was patched at 2024-08-21

592. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43872) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: RDMA/hns: Fix soft lockup under heavy CEQE load CEQEs are handled in interrupt handler currently. This may cause the CPU core staying in interrupt context too long and lead to soft lockup under heavy load. Handle CEQEs in BH workqueue and set an upper limit for the number of CEQE handled by a single call of work handler.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nRDMA/hns: Fix soft lockup under heavy CEQE load\n\nCEQEs are handled in interrupt handler currently. This may cause the\nCPU core staying in interrupt context too long and lead to soft lockup\nunder heavy load.\n\nHandle CEQEs in BH workqueue and set an upper limit for the number of\nCEQE handled by a single call of work handler.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-43872 was patched at 2024-08-21

593. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43879) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: cfg80211: handle 2x996 RU allocation in cfg80211_calculate_bitrate_he() Currently NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_RU_ALLOC_2x996 is not handled in cfg80211_calculate_bitrate_he(), leading to below warning: kernel: invalid HE MCS: bw:6, ru:6 kernel: WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 2312 at net/wireless/util.c:1501 cfg80211_calculate_bitrate_he+0x22b/0x270 [cfg80211] Fix it by handling 2x996 RU allocation in the same way as 160 MHz bandwidth.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nwifi: cfg80211: handle 2x996 RU allocation in cfg80211_calculate_bitrate_he()\n\nCurrently NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_RU_ALLOC_2x996 is not handled in\ncfg80211_calculate_bitrate_he(), leading to below warning:\n\nkernel: invalid HE MCS: bw:6, ru:6\nkernel: WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 2312 at net/wireless/util.c:1501 cfg80211_calculate_bitrate_he+0x22b/0x270 [cfg80211]\n\nFix it by handling 2x996 RU allocation in the same way as 160 MHz bandwidth.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13709

debian: CVE-2024-43879 was patched at 2024-08-21

594. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-43880) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mlxsw: spectrum_acl_erp: Fix object nesting warning ACLs in Spectrum-2 and newer ASICs can reside in the algorithmic TCAM (A-TCAM) or in the ordinary circuit TCAM (C-TCAM). The former can contain more ACLs (i.e., tc filters), but the number of masks in each region (i.e., tc chain) is limited. In order to mitigate the effects of the above limitation, the device allows filters to share a single mask if their masks only differ in up to 8 consecutive bits. For example, dst_ip/25 can be represented using dst_ip/24 with a delta of 1 bit. The C-TCAM does not have a limit on the number of masks being used (and therefore does not support mask aggregation), but can contain a limited number of filters. The driver uses the "objagg" library to perform the mask aggregation by passing it objects that consist of the filter's mask and whether the filter is to be inserted into the A-TCAM or the C-TCAM since filters in different TCAMs cannot share a mask. The set of created objects is dependent on the insertion order of the filters and is not necessarily optimal. Therefore, the driver will periodically ask the library to compute a more optimal set ("hints") by looking at all the existing objects. When the library asks the driver whether two objects can be aggregated the driver only compares the provided masks and ignores the A-TCAM / C-TCAM indication. This is the right thing to do since the goal is to move as many filters as possible to the A-TCAM. The driver also forbids two identical masks from being aggregated since this can only happen if one was intentionally put in the C-TCAM to avoid a conflict in the A-TCAM. The above can result in the following set of hints: H1: {mask X, A-TCAM} -> H2: {mask Y, A-TCAM} // X is Y + delta H3: {mask Y, C-TCAM} -> H4: {mask Z, A-TCAM} // Y is Z + delta After getting the hints from the library the driver will start migrating filters from one region to another while consulting the computed hints and instructing the device to perform a lookup in both regions during the transition. Assuming a filter with mask X is being migrated into the A-TCAM in the new region, the hints lookup will return H1. Since H2 is the parent of H1, the library will try to find the object associated with it and create it if necessary in which case another hints lookup (recursive) will be performed. This hints lookup for {mask Y, A-TCAM} will either return H2 or H3 since the driver passes the library an object comparison function that ignores the A-TCAM / C-TCAM indication. This can eventually lead to nested objects which are not supported by the library [1]. Fix by removing the object comparison function from both the driver and the library as the driver was the only user. That way the lookup will only return exact matches. I do not have a reliable reproducer that can reproduce the issue in a timely manner, but before the fix the issue would reproduce in several minutes and with the fix it does not reproduce in over an hour. Note that the current usefulness of the hints is limited because they include the C-TCAM indication and represent aggregation that cannot actually happen. This will be addressed in net-next. [1] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 153 at lib/objagg.c:170 objagg_obj_parent_assign+0xb5/0xd0 Modules linked in: CPU: 0 PID: 153 Comm: kworker/0:18 Not tainted 6.9.0-rc6-custom-g70fbc2c1c38b #42 Hardware name: Mellanox Technologies Ltd. MSN3700C/VMOD0008, BIOS 5.11 10/10/2018 Workqueue: mlxsw_core mlxsw_sp_acl_tcam_vregion_rehash_work RIP: 0010:objagg_obj_parent_assign+0xb5/0xd0 [...] Call Trace: <TASK> __objagg_obj_get+0x2bb/0x580 objagg_obj_get+0xe/0x80 mlxsw_sp_acl_erp_mask_get+0xb5/0xf0 mlxsw_sp_acl_atcam_entry_add+0xe8/0x3c0 mlxsw_sp_acl_tcam_entry_create+0x5e/0xa0 mlxsw_sp_acl_tcam_vchunk_migrate_one+0x16b/0x270 mlxsw_sp_acl_tcam_vregion_rehash_work+0xbe/0x510 process_one_work+0x151/0x370', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmlxsw: spectrum_acl_erp: Fix object nesting warning\n\nACLs in Spectrum-2 and newer ASICs can reside in the algorithmic TCAM\n(A-TCAM) or in the ordinary circuit TCAM (C-TCAM). The former can\ncontain more ACLs (i.e., tc filters), but the number of masks in each\nregion (i.e., tc chain) is limited.\n\nIn order to mitigate the effects of the above limitation, the device\nallows filters to share a single mask if their masks only differ in up\nto 8 consecutive bits. For example, dst_ip/25 can be represented using\ndst_ip/24 with a delta of 1 bit. The C-TCAM does not have a limit on the\nnumber of masks being used (and therefore does not support mask\naggregation), but can contain a limited number of filters.\n\nThe driver uses the "objagg" library to perform the mask aggregation by\npassing it objects that consist of the filter's mask and whether the\nfilter is to be inserted into the A-TCAM or the C-TCAM since filters in\ndifferent TCAMs cannot share a mask.\n\nThe set of created objects is dependent on the insertion order of the\nfilters and is not necessarily optimal. Therefore, the driver will\nperiodically ask the library to compute a more optimal set ("hints") by\nlooking at all the existing objects.\n\nWhen the library asks the driver whether two objects can be aggregated\nthe driver only compares the provided masks and ignores the A-TCAM /\nC-TCAM indication. This is the right thing to do since the goal is to\nmove as many filters as possible to the A-TCAM. The driver also forbids\ntwo identical masks from being aggregated since this can only happen if\none was intentionally put in the C-TCAM to avoid a conflict in the\nA-TCAM.\n\nThe above can result in the following set of hints:\n\nH1: {mask X, A-TCAM} -> H2: {mask Y, A-TCAM} // X is Y + delta\nH3: {mask Y, C-TCAM} -> H4: {mask Z, A-TCAM} // Y is Z + delta\n\nAfter getting the hints from the library the driver will start migrating\nfilters from one region to another while consulting the computed hints\nand instructing the device to perform a lookup in both regions during\nthe transition.\n\nAssuming a filter with mask X is being migrated into the A-TCAM in the\nnew region, the hints lookup will return H1. Since H2 is the parent of\nH1, the library will try to find the object associated with it and\ncreate it if necessary in which case another hints lookup (recursive)\nwill be performed. This hints lookup for {mask Y, A-TCAM} will either\nreturn H2 or H3 since the driver passes the library an object comparison\nfunction that ignores the A-TCAM / C-TCAM indication.\n\nThis can eventually lead to nested objects which are not supported by\nthe library [1].\n\nFix by removing the object comparison function from both the driver and\nthe library as the driver was the only user. That way the lookup will\nonly return exact matches.\n\nI do not have a reliable reproducer that can reproduce the issue in a\ntimely manner, but before the fix the issue would reproduce in several\nminutes and with the fix it does not reproduce in over an hour.\n\nNote that the current usefulness of the hints is limited because they\ninclude the C-TCAM indication and represent aggregation that cannot\nactually happen. This will be addressed in net-next.\n\n[1]\nWARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 153 at lib/objagg.c:170 objagg_obj_parent_assign+0xb5/0xd0\nModules linked in:\nCPU: 0 PID: 153 Comm: kworker/0:18 Not tainted 6.9.0-rc6-custom-g70fbc2c1c38b #42\nHardware name: Mellanox Technologies Ltd. MSN3700C/VMOD0008, BIOS 5.11 10/10/2018\nWorkqueue: mlxsw_core mlxsw_sp_acl_tcam_vregion_rehash_work\nRIP: 0010:objagg_obj_parent_assign+0xb5/0xd0\n[...]\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n __objagg_obj_get+0x2bb/0x580\n objagg_obj_get+0xe/0x80\n mlxsw_sp_acl_erp_mask_get+0xb5/0xf0\n mlxsw_sp_acl_atcam_entry_add+0xe8/0x3c0\n mlxsw_sp_acl_tcam_entry_create+0x5e/0xa0\n mlxsw_sp_acl_tcam_vchunk_migrate_one+0x16b/0x270\n mlxsw_sp_acl_tcam_vregion_rehash_work+0xbe/0x510\n process_one_work+0x151/0x370', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-43880 was patched at 2024-08-21

595. Memory Corruption - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-43374) - Low [160]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'The UNIX editor Vim prior to version 9.1.0678 has a use-after-free error in argument list handling. When adding a new file to the argument list, this triggers `Buf*` autocommands. If in such an autocommand the buffer that was just opened is closed (including the window where it is shown), this causes the window structure to be freed which contains a reference to the argument list that we are actually modifying. Once the autocommands are completed, the references to the window and argument list are no longer valid and as such cause an use-after-free. Impact is low since the user must either intentionally add some unusual autocommands that wipe a buffer during creation (either manually or by sourcing a malicious plugin), but it will crash Vim. The issue has been fixed as of Vim patch v9.1.0678.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'The UNIX editor Vim prior to version 9.1.0678 has a use-after-free error in argument list handling. When adding a new file to the argument list, this triggers `Buf*` autocommands. If in such an autocommand the buffer that was just opened is closed (including the window where it is shown), this causes the window structure to be freed which contains a reference to the argument list that we are actually modifying. Once the autocommands are completed, the references to the window and argument list are no longer valid and as such cause an use-after-free. Impact is low since the user must either intentionally add some unusual autocommands that wipe a buffer during creation (either manually or by sourcing a malicious plugin), but it will crash Vim. The issue has been fixed as of Vim patch v9.1.0678.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-43374 was patched at 2024-08-21

596. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-6600) - Low [157]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Due to large allocation checks in Angle for GLSL shaders being too lenient an out-of-bounds access could occur when allocating more than 8192 ints in private shader memory on mac OS. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 128, Firefox ESR < 115.13, Thunderbird < 115.13, and Thunderbird < 128.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Due to large allocation checks in Angle for GLSL shaders being too lenient an out-of-bounds access could occur when allocating more than 8192 ints in private shader memory on mac OS. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 128, Firefox ESR < 115.13, Thunderbird < 115.13, and Thunderbird < 128.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

ubuntu: CVE-2024-6600 was patched at 2024-07-22

597. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Safari (CVE-2024-40789) - Low [157]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'An out-of-bounds access issue was addressed with improved bounds checking. This issue is fixed in iOS 16.7.9 and iPadOS 16.7.9, Safari 17.6, iOS 17.6 and iPadOS 17.6, watchOS 10.6, tvOS 17.6, visionOS 1.3, macOS Sonoma 14.6. Processing maliciously crafted web content may lead to an unexpected process crash.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'An out-of-bounds access issue was addressed with improved bounds checking. This issue is fixed in iOS 16.7.9 and iPadOS 16.7.9, Safari 17.6, iOS 17.6 and iPadOS 17.6, watchOS 10.6, tvOS 17.6, visionOS 1.3, macOS Sonoma 14.6. Processing maliciously crafted web content may lead to an unexpected process crash.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Safari is a web browser developed by Apple. It is built into Apple's operating systems, including macOS, iOS, iPadOS and their upcoming VisionOS, and uses Apple's open-source browser engine WebKit, which was derived from KHTML.
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.17805

debian: CVE-2024-40789 was patched at 2024-08-21

598. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48867) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: dmaengine: idxd: Prevent use after free on completion memory On driver unload any pending descriptors are flushed at the time the interrupt is freed: idxd_dmaengine_drv_remove() -> \tdrv_disable_wq() -> \t\tidxd_wq_free_irq() -> \t\t\tidxd_flush_pending_descs(). If there are any descriptors present that need to be flushed this flow triggers a "not present" page fault as below: BUG: unable to handle page fault for address: ff391c97c70c9040 #PF: supervisor read access in kernel mode #PF: error_code(0x0000) - not-present page The address that triggers the fault is the address of the descriptor that was freed moments earlier via: drv_disable_wq()->idxd_wq_free_resources() Fix the use after free by freeing the descriptors after any possible usage. This is done after idxd_wq_reset() to ensure that the memory remains accessible during possible completion writes by the device.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndmaengine: idxd: Prevent use after free on completion memory\n\nOn driver unload any pending descriptors are flushed at the\ntime the interrupt is freed:\nidxd_dmaengine_drv_remove() ->\n\tdrv_disable_wq() ->\n\t\tidxd_wq_free_irq() ->\n\t\t\tidxd_flush_pending_descs().\n\nIf there are any descriptors present that need to be flushed this\nflow triggers a "not present" page fault as below:\n\n BUG: unable to handle page fault for address: ff391c97c70c9040\n #PF: supervisor read access in kernel mode\n #PF: error_code(0x0000) - not-present page\n\nThe address that triggers the fault is the address of the\ndescriptor that was freed moments earlier via:\ndrv_disable_wq()->idxd_wq_free_resources()\n\nFix the use after free by freeing the descriptors after any possible\nusage. This is done after idxd_wq_reset() to ensure that the memory\nremains accessible during possible completion writes by the device.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48867 was patched at 2024-08-21

599. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48868) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: dmaengine: idxd: Let probe fail when workqueue cannot be enabled The workqueue is enabled when the appropriate driver is loaded and disabled when the driver is removed. When the driver is removed it assumes that the workqueue was enabled successfully and proceeds to free allocations made during workqueue enabling. Failure during workqueue enabling does not prevent the driver from being loaded. This is because the error path within drv_enable_wq() returns success unless a second failure is encountered during the error path. By returning success it is possible to load the driver even if the workqueue cannot be enabled and allocations that do not exist are attempted to be freed during driver remove. Some examples of problematic flows: (a) idxd_dmaengine_drv_probe() -> drv_enable_wq() -> idxd_wq_request_irq(): In above flow, if idxd_wq_request_irq() fails then idxd_wq_unmap_portal() is called on error exit path, but drv_enable_wq() returns 0 because idxd_wq_disable() succeeds. The driver is thus loaded successfully. idxd_dmaengine_drv_remove()->drv_disable_wq()->idxd_wq_unmap_portal() Above flow on driver unload triggers the WARN in devm_iounmap() because the device resource has already been removed during error path of drv_enable_wq(). (b) idxd_dmaengine_drv_probe() -> drv_enable_wq() -> idxd_wq_request_irq(): In above flow, if idxd_wq_request_irq() fails then idxd_wq_init_percpu_ref() is never called to initialize the percpu counter, yet the driver loads successfully because drv_enable_wq() returns 0. idxd_dmaengine_drv_remove()->__idxd_wq_quiesce()->percpu_ref_kill(): Above flow on driver unload triggers a BUG when attempting to drop the initial ref of the uninitialized percpu ref: BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000010 Fix the drv_enable_wq() error path by returning the original error that indicates failure of workqueue enabling. This ensures that the probe fails when an error is encountered and the driver remove paths are only attempted when the workqueue was enabled successfully.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndmaengine: idxd: Let probe fail when workqueue cannot be enabled\n\nThe workqueue is enabled when the appropriate driver is loaded and\ndisabled when the driver is removed. When the driver is removed it\nassumes that the workqueue was enabled successfully and proceeds to\nfree allocations made during workqueue enabling.\n\nFailure during workqueue enabling does not prevent the driver from\nbeing loaded. This is because the error path within drv_enable_wq()\nreturns success unless a second failure is encountered\nduring the error path. By returning success it is possible to load\nthe driver even if the workqueue cannot be enabled and\nallocations that do not exist are attempted to be freed during\ndriver remove.\n\nSome examples of problematic flows:\n(a)\n\n idxd_dmaengine_drv_probe() -> drv_enable_wq() -> idxd_wq_request_irq():\n In above flow, if idxd_wq_request_irq() fails then\n idxd_wq_unmap_portal() is called on error exit path, but\n drv_enable_wq() returns 0 because idxd_wq_disable() succeeds. The\n driver is thus loaded successfully.\n\n idxd_dmaengine_drv_remove()->drv_disable_wq()->idxd_wq_unmap_portal()\n Above flow on driver unload triggers the WARN in devm_iounmap() because\n the device resource has already been removed during error path of\n drv_enable_wq().\n\n(b)\n\n idxd_dmaengine_drv_probe() -> drv_enable_wq() -> idxd_wq_request_irq():\n In above flow, if idxd_wq_request_irq() fails then\n idxd_wq_init_percpu_ref() is never called to initialize the percpu\n counter, yet the driver loads successfully because drv_enable_wq()\n returns 0.\n\n idxd_dmaengine_drv_remove()->__idxd_wq_quiesce()->percpu_ref_kill():\n Above flow on driver unload triggers a BUG when attempting to drop the\n initial ref of the uninitialized percpu ref:\n BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000010\n\nFix the drv_enable_wq() error path by returning the original error that\nindicates failure of workqueue enabling. This ensures that the probe\nfails when an error is encountered and the driver remove paths are only\nattempted when the workqueue was enabled successfully.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48868 was patched at 2024-08-21

600. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48870) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: tty: fix possible null-ptr-defer in spk_ttyio_release Run the following tests on the qemu platform: syzkaller:~# modprobe speakup_audptr input: Speakup as /devices/virtual/input/input4 initialized device: /dev/synth, node (MAJOR 10, MINOR 125) speakup 3.1.6: initialized synth name on entry is: (null) synth probe spk_ttyio_initialise_ldisc failed because tty_kopen_exclusive returned failed (errno -16), then remove the module, we will get a null-ptr-defer problem, as follow: syzkaller:~# modprobe -r speakup_audptr releasing synth audptr BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000080 #PF: supervisor write access in kernel mode #PF: error_code(0x0002) - not-present page PGD 0 P4D 0 Oops: 0002 [#1] PREEMPT SMP PTI CPU: 2 PID: 204 Comm: modprobe Not tainted 6.1.0-rc6-dirty #1 RIP: 0010:mutex_lock+0x14/0x30 Call Trace: <TASK> spk_ttyio_release+0x19/0x70 [speakup] synth_release.part.6+0xac/0xc0 [speakup] synth_remove+0x56/0x60 [speakup] __x64_sys_delete_module+0x156/0x250 ? fpregs_assert_state_consistent+0x1d/0x50 do_syscall_64+0x37/0x90 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x63/0xcd </TASK> Modules linked in: speakup_audptr(-) speakup Dumping ftrace buffer: in_synth->dev was not initialized during modprobe, so we add check for in_synth->dev to fix this bug.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ntty: fix possible null-ptr-defer in spk_ttyio_release\n\nRun the following tests on the qemu platform:\n\nsyzkaller:~# modprobe speakup_audptr\n input: Speakup as /devices/virtual/input/input4\n initialized device: /dev/synth, node (MAJOR 10, MINOR 125)\n speakup 3.1.6: initialized\n synth name on entry is: (null)\n synth probe\n\nspk_ttyio_initialise_ldisc failed because tty_kopen_exclusive returned\nfailed (errno -16), then remove the module, we will get a null-ptr-defer\nproblem, as follow:\n\nsyzkaller:~# modprobe -r speakup_audptr\n releasing synth audptr\n BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000080\n #PF: supervisor write access in kernel mode\n #PF: error_code(0x0002) - not-present page\n PGD 0 P4D 0\n Oops: 0002 [#1] PREEMPT SMP PTI\n CPU: 2 PID: 204 Comm: modprobe Not tainted 6.1.0-rc6-dirty #1\n RIP: 0010:mutex_lock+0x14/0x30\n Call Trace:\n <TASK>\n spk_ttyio_release+0x19/0x70 [speakup]\n synth_release.part.6+0xac/0xc0 [speakup]\n synth_remove+0x56/0x60 [speakup]\n __x64_sys_delete_module+0x156/0x250\n ? fpregs_assert_state_consistent+0x1d/0x50\n do_syscall_64+0x37/0x90\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x63/0xcd\n </TASK>\n Modules linked in: speakup_audptr(-) speakup\n Dumping ftrace buffer:\n\nin_synth->dev was not initialized during modprobe, so we add check\nfor in_synth->dev to fix this bug.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48870 was patched at 2024-08-21

601. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48871) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: tty: serial: qcom-geni-serial: fix slab-out-of-bounds on RX FIFO buffer Driver's probe allocates memory for RX FIFO (port->rx_fifo) based on default RX FIFO depth, e.g. 16. Later during serial startup the qcom_geni_serial_port_setup() updates the RX FIFO depth (port->rx_fifo_depth) to match real device capabilities, e.g. to 32. The RX UART handle code will read "port->rx_fifo_depth" number of words into "port->rx_fifo" buffer, thus exceeding the bounds. This can be observed in certain configurations with Qualcomm Bluetooth HCI UART device and KASAN: Bluetooth: hci0: QCA Product ID :0x00000010 Bluetooth: hci0: QCA SOC Version :0x400a0200 Bluetooth: hci0: QCA ROM Version :0x00000200 Bluetooth: hci0: QCA Patch Version:0x00000d2b Bluetooth: hci0: QCA controller version 0x02000200 Bluetooth: hci0: QCA Downloading qca/htbtfw20.tlv bluetooth hci0: Direct firmware load for qca/htbtfw20.tlv failed with error -2 Bluetooth: hci0: QCA Failed to request file: qca/htbtfw20.tlv (-2) Bluetooth: hci0: QCA Failed to download patch (-2) ================================================================== BUG: KASAN: slab-out-of-bounds in handle_rx_uart+0xa8/0x18c Write of size 4 at addr ffff279347d578c0 by task swapper/0/0 CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Not tainted 6.1.0-rt5-00350-gb2450b7e00be-dirty #26 Hardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. Robotics RB5 (DT) Call trace: dump_backtrace.part.0+0xe0/0xf0 show_stack+0x18/0x40 dump_stack_lvl+0x8c/0xb8 print_report+0x188/0x488 kasan_report+0xb4/0x100 __asan_store4+0x80/0xa4 handle_rx_uart+0xa8/0x18c qcom_geni_serial_handle_rx+0x84/0x9c qcom_geni_serial_isr+0x24c/0x760 __handle_irq_event_percpu+0x108/0x500 handle_irq_event+0x6c/0x110 handle_fasteoi_irq+0x138/0x2cc generic_handle_domain_irq+0x48/0x64 If the RX FIFO depth changes after probe, be sure to resize the buffer.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ntty: serial: qcom-geni-serial: fix slab-out-of-bounds on RX FIFO buffer\n\nDriver's probe allocates memory for RX FIFO (port->rx_fifo) based on\ndefault RX FIFO depth, e.g. 16. Later during serial startup the\nqcom_geni_serial_port_setup() updates the RX FIFO depth\n(port->rx_fifo_depth) to match real device capabilities, e.g. to 32.\n\nThe RX UART handle code will read "port->rx_fifo_depth" number of words\ninto "port->rx_fifo" buffer, thus exceeding the bounds. This can be\nobserved in certain configurations with Qualcomm Bluetooth HCI UART\ndevice and KASAN:\n\n Bluetooth: hci0: QCA Product ID :0x00000010\n Bluetooth: hci0: QCA SOC Version :0x400a0200\n Bluetooth: hci0: QCA ROM Version :0x00000200\n Bluetooth: hci0: QCA Patch Version:0x00000d2b\n Bluetooth: hci0: QCA controller version 0x02000200\n Bluetooth: hci0: QCA Downloading qca/htbtfw20.tlv\n bluetooth hci0: Direct firmware load for qca/htbtfw20.tlv failed with error -2\n Bluetooth: hci0: QCA Failed to request file: qca/htbtfw20.tlv (-2)\n Bluetooth: hci0: QCA Failed to download patch (-2)\n ==================================================================\n BUG: KASAN: slab-out-of-bounds in handle_rx_uart+0xa8/0x18c\n Write of size 4 at addr ffff279347d578c0 by task swapper/0/0\n\n CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Not tainted 6.1.0-rt5-00350-gb2450b7e00be-dirty #26\n Hardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. Robotics RB5 (DT)\n Call trace:\n dump_backtrace.part.0+0xe0/0xf0\n show_stack+0x18/0x40\n dump_stack_lvl+0x8c/0xb8\n print_report+0x188/0x488\n kasan_report+0xb4/0x100\n __asan_store4+0x80/0xa4\n handle_rx_uart+0xa8/0x18c\n qcom_geni_serial_handle_rx+0x84/0x9c\n qcom_geni_serial_isr+0x24c/0x760\n __handle_irq_event_percpu+0x108/0x500\n handle_irq_event+0x6c/0x110\n handle_fasteoi_irq+0x138/0x2cc\n generic_handle_domain_irq+0x48/0x64\n\nIf the RX FIFO depth changes after probe, be sure to resize the buffer.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48871 was patched at 2024-08-21

602. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48875) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: mac80211: sdata can be NULL during AMPDU start ieee80211_tx_ba_session_handle_start() may get NULL for sdata when a deauthentication is ongoing. Here a trace triggering the race with the hostapd test multi_ap_fronthaul_on_ap: (gdb) list *drv_ampdu_action+0x46 0x8b16 is in drv_ampdu_action (net/mac80211/driver-ops.c:396). 391 int ret = -EOPNOTSUPP; 392 393 might_sleep(); 394 395 sdata = get_bss_sdata(sdata); 396 if (!check_sdata_in_driver(sdata)) 397 return -EIO; 398 399 trace_drv_ampdu_action(local, sdata, params); 400 wlan0: moving STA 02:00:00:00:03:00 to state 3 wlan0: associated wlan0: deauthenticating from 02:00:00:00:03:00 by local choice (Reason: 3=DEAUTH_LEAVING) wlan3.sta1: Open BA session requested for 02:00:00:00:00:00 tid 0 wlan3.sta1: dropped frame to 02:00:00:00:00:00 (unauthorized port) wlan0: moving STA 02:00:00:00:03:00 to state 2 wlan0: moving STA 02:00:00:00:03:00 to state 1 wlan0: Removed STA 02:00:00:00:03:00 wlan0: Destroyed STA 02:00:00:00:03:00 BUG: unable to handle page fault for address: fffffffffffffb48 PGD 11814067 P4D 11814067 PUD 11816067 PMD 0 Oops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP PTI CPU: 2 PID: 133397 Comm: kworker/u16:1 Tainted: G W 6.1.0-rc8-wt+ #59 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (Q35 + ICH9, 2009), BIOS 1.16.0-20220807_005459-localhost 04/01/2014 Workqueue: phy3 ieee80211_ba_session_work [mac80211] RIP: 0010:drv_ampdu_action+0x46/0x280 [mac80211] Code: 53 48 89 f3 be 89 01 00 00 e8 d6 43 bf ef e8 21 46 81 f0 83 bb a0 1b 00 00 04 75 0e 48 8b 9b 28 0d 00 00 48 81 eb 10 0e 00 00 <8b> 93 58 09 00 00 f6 c2 20 0f 84 3b 01 00 00 8b 05 dd 1c 0f 00 85 RSP: 0018:ffffc900025ebd20 EFLAGS: 00010287 RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: fffffffffffff1f0 RCX: ffff888102228240 RDX: 0000000080000000 RSI: ffffffff918c5de0 RDI: ffff888102228b40 RBP: ffffc900025ebd40 R08: 0000000000000001 R09: 0000000000000001 R10: 0000000000000001 R11: 0000000000000000 R12: ffff888118c18ec0 R13: 0000000000000000 R14: ffffc900025ebd60 R15: ffff888018b7efb8 FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff88817a600000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: fffffffffffffb48 CR3: 0000000105228006 CR4: 0000000000170ee0 Call Trace: <TASK> ieee80211_tx_ba_session_handle_start+0xd0/0x190 [mac80211] ieee80211_ba_session_work+0xff/0x2e0 [mac80211] process_one_work+0x29f/0x620 worker_thread+0x4d/0x3d0 ? process_one_work+0x620/0x620 kthread+0xfb/0x120 ? kthread_complete_and_exit+0x20/0x20 ret_from_fork+0x22/0x30 </TASK>', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nwifi: mac80211: sdata can be NULL during AMPDU start\n\nieee80211_tx_ba_session_handle_start() may get NULL for sdata when a\ndeauthentication is ongoing.\n\nHere a trace triggering the race with the hostapd test\nmulti_ap_fronthaul_on_ap:\n\n(gdb) list *drv_ampdu_action+0x46\n0x8b16 is in drv_ampdu_action (net/mac80211/driver-ops.c:396).\n391 int ret = -EOPNOTSUPP;\n392\n393 might_sleep();\n394\n395 sdata = get_bss_sdata(sdata);\n396 if (!check_sdata_in_driver(sdata))\n397 return -EIO;\n398\n399 trace_drv_ampdu_action(local, sdata, params);\n400\n\nwlan0: moving STA 02:00:00:00:03:00 to state 3\nwlan0: associated\nwlan0: deauthenticating from 02:00:00:00:03:00 by local choice (Reason: 3=DEAUTH_LEAVING)\nwlan3.sta1: Open BA session requested for 02:00:00:00:00:00 tid 0\nwlan3.sta1: dropped frame to 02:00:00:00:00:00 (unauthorized port)\nwlan0: moving STA 02:00:00:00:03:00 to state 2\nwlan0: moving STA 02:00:00:00:03:00 to state 1\nwlan0: Removed STA 02:00:00:00:03:00\nwlan0: Destroyed STA 02:00:00:00:03:00\nBUG: unable to handle page fault for address: fffffffffffffb48\nPGD 11814067 P4D 11814067 PUD 11816067 PMD 0\nOops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP PTI\nCPU: 2 PID: 133397 Comm: kworker/u16:1 Tainted: G W 6.1.0-rc8-wt+ #59\nHardware name: QEMU Standard PC (Q35 + ICH9, 2009), BIOS 1.16.0-20220807_005459-localhost 04/01/2014\nWorkqueue: phy3 ieee80211_ba_session_work [mac80211]\nRIP: 0010:drv_ampdu_action+0x46/0x280 [mac80211]\nCode: 53 48 89 f3 be 89 01 00 00 e8 d6 43 bf ef e8 21 46 81 f0 83 bb a0 1b 00 00 04 75 0e 48 8b 9b 28 0d 00 00 48 81 eb 10 0e 00 00 <8b> 93 58 09 00 00 f6 c2 20 0f 84 3b 01 00 00 8b 05 dd 1c 0f 00 85\nRSP: 0018:ffffc900025ebd20 EFLAGS: 00010287\nRAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: fffffffffffff1f0 RCX: ffff888102228240\nRDX: 0000000080000000 RSI: ffffffff918c5de0 RDI: ffff888102228b40\nRBP: ffffc900025ebd40 R08: 0000000000000001 R09: 0000000000000001\nR10: 0000000000000001 R11: 0000000000000000 R12: ffff888118c18ec0\nR13: 0000000000000000 R14: ffffc900025ebd60 R15: ffff888018b7efb8\nFS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff88817a600000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\nCS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\nCR2: fffffffffffffb48 CR3: 0000000105228006 CR4: 0000000000170ee0\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n ieee80211_tx_ba_session_handle_start+0xd0/0x190 [mac80211]\n ieee80211_ba_session_work+0xff/0x2e0 [mac80211]\n process_one_work+0x29f/0x620\n worker_thread+0x4d/0x3d0\n ? process_one_work+0x620/0x620\n kthread+0xfb/0x120\n ? kthread_complete_and_exit+0x20/0x20\n ret_from_fork+0x22/0x30\n </TASK>', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48875 was patched at 2024-08-21

603. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48876) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: mac80211: fix initialization of rx->link and rx->link_sta There are some codepaths that do not initialize rx->link_sta properly. This causes a crash in places which assume that rx->link_sta is valid if rx->sta is valid. One known instance is triggered by __ieee80211_rx_h_amsdu being called from fast-rx. It results in a crash like this one: BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 00000000000000a8 #PF: supervisor write access in kernel mode #PF: error_code(0x0002) - not-present page PGD 0 P4D 0 Oops: 0002 [#1] PREEMPT SMP PTI CPU: 1 PID: 506 Comm: mt76-usb-rx phy Tainted: G E 6.1.0-debian64x+1.7 #3 Hardware name: ZOTAC ZBOX-ID92/ZBOX-IQ01/ZBOX-ID92/ZBOX-IQ01, BIOS B220P007 05/21/2014 RIP: 0010:ieee80211_deliver_skb+0x62/0x1f0 [mac80211] Code: 00 48 89 04 24 e8 9e a7 c3 df 89 c0 48 03 1c c5 a0 ea 39 a1 4c 01 6b 08 48 ff 03 48 83 7d 28 00 74 11 48 8b 45 30 48 63 55 44 <48> 83 84 d0 a8 00 00 00 01 41 8b 86 c0 11 00 00 8d 50 fd 83 fa 01 RSP: 0018:ffff999040803b10 EFLAGS: 00010286 RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffffb9903f496480 RCX: 0000000000000000 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: 0000000000000000 RBP: ffff999040803ce0 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000 R10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0000000000000000 R12: ffff8d21828ac900 R13: 000000000000004a R14: ffff8d2198ed89c0 R15: ffff8d2198ed8000 FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff8d24afe80000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 00000000000000a8 CR3: 0000000429810002 CR4: 00000000001706e0 Call Trace: <TASK> __ieee80211_rx_h_amsdu+0x1b5/0x240 [mac80211] ? ieee80211_prepare_and_rx_handle+0xcdd/0x1320 [mac80211] ? __local_bh_enable_ip+0x3b/0xa0 ieee80211_prepare_and_rx_handle+0xcdd/0x1320 [mac80211] ? prepare_transfer+0x109/0x1a0 [xhci_hcd] ieee80211_rx_list+0xa80/0xda0 [mac80211] mt76_rx_complete+0x207/0x2e0 [mt76] mt76_rx_poll_complete+0x357/0x5a0 [mt76] mt76u_rx_worker+0x4f5/0x600 [mt76_usb] ? mt76_get_min_avg_rssi+0x140/0x140 [mt76] __mt76_worker_fn+0x50/0x80 [mt76] kthread+0xed/0x120 ? kthread_complete_and_exit+0x20/0x20 ret_from_fork+0x22/0x30 Since the initialization of rx->link and rx->link_sta is rather convoluted and duplicated in many places, clean it up by using a helper function to set it. [remove unnecessary rx->sta->sta.mlo check]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nwifi: mac80211: fix initialization of rx->link and rx->link_sta\n\nThere are some codepaths that do not initialize rx->link_sta properly. This\ncauses a crash in places which assume that rx->link_sta is valid if rx->sta\nis valid.\nOne known instance is triggered by __ieee80211_rx_h_amsdu being called from\nfast-rx. It results in a crash like this one:\n\n BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 00000000000000a8\n #PF: supervisor write access in kernel mode\n #PF: error_code(0x0002) - not-present page PGD 0 P4D 0\n Oops: 0002 [#1] PREEMPT SMP PTI\n CPU: 1 PID: 506 Comm: mt76-usb-rx phy Tainted: G E 6.1.0-debian64x+1.7 #3\n Hardware name: ZOTAC ZBOX-ID92/ZBOX-IQ01/ZBOX-ID92/ZBOX-IQ01, BIOS B220P007 05/21/2014\n RIP: 0010:ieee80211_deliver_skb+0x62/0x1f0 [mac80211]\n Code: 00 48 89 04 24 e8 9e a7 c3 df 89 c0 48 03 1c c5 a0 ea 39 a1 4c 01 6b 08 48 ff 03 48\n 83 7d 28 00 74 11 48 8b 45 30 48 63 55 44 <48> 83 84 d0 a8 00 00 00 01 41 8b 86 c0\n 11 00 00 8d 50 fd 83 fa 01\n RSP: 0018:ffff999040803b10 EFLAGS: 00010286\n RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffffb9903f496480 RCX: 0000000000000000\n RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: 0000000000000000\n RBP: ffff999040803ce0 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000\n R10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0000000000000000 R12: ffff8d21828ac900\n R13: 000000000000004a R14: ffff8d2198ed89c0 R15: ffff8d2198ed8000\n FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff8d24afe80000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\n CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\n CR2: 00000000000000a8 CR3: 0000000429810002 CR4: 00000000001706e0\n Call Trace:\n <TASK>\n __ieee80211_rx_h_amsdu+0x1b5/0x240 [mac80211]\n ? ieee80211_prepare_and_rx_handle+0xcdd/0x1320 [mac80211]\n ? __local_bh_enable_ip+0x3b/0xa0\n ieee80211_prepare_and_rx_handle+0xcdd/0x1320 [mac80211]\n ? prepare_transfer+0x109/0x1a0 [xhci_hcd]\n ieee80211_rx_list+0xa80/0xda0 [mac80211]\n mt76_rx_complete+0x207/0x2e0 [mt76]\n mt76_rx_poll_complete+0x357/0x5a0 [mt76]\n mt76u_rx_worker+0x4f5/0x600 [mt76_usb]\n ? mt76_get_min_avg_rssi+0x140/0x140 [mt76]\n __mt76_worker_fn+0x50/0x80 [mt76]\n kthread+0xed/0x120\n ? kthread_complete_and_exit+0x20/0x20\n ret_from_fork+0x22/0x30\n\nSince the initialization of rx->link and rx->link_sta is rather convoluted\nand duplicated in many places, clean it up by using a helper function to\nset it.\n\n[remove unnecessary rx->sta->sta.mlo check]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48876 was patched at 2024-08-21

604. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48877) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: f2fs: let's avoid panic if extent_tree is not created This patch avoids the below panic. pc : __lookup_extent_tree+0xd8/0x760 lr : f2fs_do_write_data_page+0x104/0x87c sp : ffffffc010cbb3c0 x29: ffffffc010cbb3e0 x28: 0000000000000000 x27: ffffff8803e7f020 x26: ffffff8803e7ed40 x25: ffffff8803e7f020 x24: ffffffc010cbb460 x23: ffffffc010cbb480 x22: 0000000000000000 x21: 0000000000000000 x20: ffffffff22e90900 x19: 0000000000000000 x18: ffffffc010c5d080 x17: 0000000000000000 x16: 0000000000000020 x15: ffffffdb1acdbb88 x14: ffffff888759e2b0 x13: 0000000000000000 x12: ffffff802da49000 x11: 000000000a001200 x10: ffffff8803e7ed40 x9 : ffffff8023195800 x8 : ffffff802da49078 x7 : 0000000000000001 x6 : 0000000000000000 x5 : 0000000000000006 x4 : ffffffc010cbba28 x3 : 0000000000000000 x2 : ffffffc010cbb480 x1 : 0000000000000000 x0 : ffffff8803e7ed40 Call trace: __lookup_extent_tree+0xd8/0x760 f2fs_do_write_data_page+0x104/0x87c f2fs_write_single_data_page+0x420/0xb60 f2fs_write_cache_pages+0x418/0xb1c __f2fs_write_data_pages+0x428/0x58c f2fs_write_data_pages+0x30/0x40 do_writepages+0x88/0x190 __writeback_single_inode+0x48/0x448 writeback_sb_inodes+0x468/0x9e8 __writeback_inodes_wb+0xb8/0x2a4 wb_writeback+0x33c/0x740 wb_do_writeback+0x2b4/0x400 wb_workfn+0xe4/0x34c process_one_work+0x24c/0x5bc worker_thread+0x3e8/0xa50 kthread+0x150/0x1b4', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nf2fs: let's avoid panic if extent_tree is not created\n\nThis patch avoids the below panic.\n\npc : __lookup_extent_tree+0xd8/0x760\nlr : f2fs_do_write_data_page+0x104/0x87c\nsp : ffffffc010cbb3c0\nx29: ffffffc010cbb3e0 x28: 0000000000000000\nx27: ffffff8803e7f020 x26: ffffff8803e7ed40\nx25: ffffff8803e7f020 x24: ffffffc010cbb460\nx23: ffffffc010cbb480 x22: 0000000000000000\nx21: 0000000000000000 x20: ffffffff22e90900\nx19: 0000000000000000 x18: ffffffc010c5d080\nx17: 0000000000000000 x16: 0000000000000020\nx15: ffffffdb1acdbb88 x14: ffffff888759e2b0\nx13: 0000000000000000 x12: ffffff802da49000\nx11: 000000000a001200 x10: ffffff8803e7ed40\nx9 : ffffff8023195800 x8 : ffffff802da49078\nx7 : 0000000000000001 x6 : 0000000000000000\nx5 : 0000000000000006 x4 : ffffffc010cbba28\nx3 : 0000000000000000 x2 : ffffffc010cbb480\nx1 : 0000000000000000 x0 : ffffff8803e7ed40\nCall trace:\n __lookup_extent_tree+0xd8/0x760\n f2fs_do_write_data_page+0x104/0x87c\n f2fs_write_single_data_page+0x420/0xb60\n f2fs_write_cache_pages+0x418/0xb1c\n __f2fs_write_data_pages+0x428/0x58c\n f2fs_write_data_pages+0x30/0x40\n do_writepages+0x88/0x190\n __writeback_single_inode+0x48/0x448\n writeback_sb_inodes+0x468/0x9e8\n __writeback_inodes_wb+0xb8/0x2a4\n wb_writeback+0x33c/0x740\n wb_do_writeback+0x2b4/0x400\n wb_workfn+0xe4/0x34c\n process_one_work+0x24c/0x5bc\n worker_thread+0x3e8/0xa50\n kthread+0x150/0x1b4', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48877 was patched at 2024-08-21

605. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48879) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: efi: fix NULL-deref in init error path In cases where runtime services are not supported or have been disabled, the runtime services workqueue will never have been allocated. Do not try to destroy the workqueue unconditionally in the unlikely event that EFI initialisation fails to avoid dereferencing a NULL pointer.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nefi: fix NULL-deref in init error path\n\nIn cases where runtime services are not supported or have been disabled,\nthe runtime services workqueue will never have been allocated.\n\nDo not try to destroy the workqueue unconditionally in the unlikely\nevent that EFI initialisation fails to avoid dereferencing a NULL\npointer.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48879 was patched at 2024-08-21

606. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48880) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: platform/surface: aggregator: Add missing call to ssam_request_sync_free() Although rare, ssam_request_sync_init() can fail. In that case, the request should be freed via ssam_request_sync_free(). Currently it is leaked instead. Fix this.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nplatform/surface: aggregator: Add missing call to ssam_request_sync_free()\n\nAlthough rare, ssam_request_sync_init() can fail. In that case, the\nrequest should be freed via ssam_request_sync_free(). Currently it is\nleaked instead. Fix this.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48880 was patched at 2024-08-21

607. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48881) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: platform/x86/amd: Fix refcount leak in amd_pmc_probe pci_get_domain_bus_and_slot() takes reference, the caller should release the reference by calling pci_dev_put() after use. Call pci_dev_put() in the error path to fix this.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nplatform/x86/amd: Fix refcount leak in amd_pmc_probe\n\npci_get_domain_bus_and_slot() takes reference, the caller should release\nthe reference by calling pci_dev_put() after use. Call pci_dev_put() in\nthe error path to fix this.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48881 was patched at 2024-08-21

608. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48882) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/mlx5e: Fix macsec possible null dereference when updating MAC security entity (SecY) Upon updating MAC security entity (SecY) in hw offload path, the macsec security association (SA) initialization routine is called. In case of extended packet number (epn) is enabled the salt and ssci attributes are retrieved using the MACsec driver rx_sa context which is unavailable when updating a SecY property such as encoding-sa hence the null dereference. Fix by using the provided SA to set those attributes.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet/mlx5e: Fix macsec possible null dereference when updating MAC security entity (SecY)\n\nUpon updating MAC security entity (SecY) in hw offload path, the macsec\nsecurity association (SA) initialization routine is called. In case of\nextended packet number (epn) is enabled the salt and ssci attributes are\nretrieved using the MACsec driver rx_sa context which is unavailable when\nupdating a SecY property such as encoding-sa hence the null dereference.\nFix by using the provided SA to set those attributes.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48882 was patched at 2024-08-21

609. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48883) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/mlx5e: IPoIB, Block PKEY interfaces with less rx queues than parent A user is able to configure an arbitrary number of rx queues when creating an interface via netlink. This doesn't work for child PKEY interfaces because the child interface uses the parent receive channels. Although the child shares the parent's receive channels, the number of rx queues is important for the channel_stats array: the parent's rx channel index is used to access the child's channel_stats. So the array has to be at least as large as the parent's rx queue size for the counting to work correctly and to prevent out of bound accesses. This patch checks for the mentioned scenario and returns an error when trying to create the interface. The error is propagated to the user.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet/mlx5e: IPoIB, Block PKEY interfaces with less rx queues than parent\n\nA user is able to configure an arbitrary number of rx queues when\ncreating an interface via netlink. This doesn't work for child PKEY\ninterfaces because the child interface uses the parent receive channels.\n\nAlthough the child shares the parent's receive channels, the number of\nrx queues is important for the channel_stats array: the parent's rx\nchannel index is used to access the child's channel_stats. So the array\nhas to be at least as large as the parent's rx queue size for the\ncounting to work correctly and to prevent out of bound accesses.\n\nThis patch checks for the mentioned scenario and returns an error when\ntrying to create the interface. The error is propagated to the user.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48883 was patched at 2024-08-21

610. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48884) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/mlx5: Fix command stats access after free Command may fail while driver is reloading and can't accept FW commands till command interface is reinitialized. Such command failure is being logged to command stats. This results in NULL pointer access as command stats structure is being freed and reallocated during mlx5 devlink reload (see kernel log below). Fix it by making command stats statically allocated on driver probe. Kernel log: [ 2394.808802] BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at 000000000002a9c0 [ 2394.810610] PGD 0 P4D 0 [ 2394.811811] Oops: 0002 [#1] SMP NOPTI ... [ 2394.815482] RIP: 0010:native_queued_spin_lock_slowpath+0x183/0x1d0 ... [ 2394.829505] Call Trace: [ 2394.830667] _raw_spin_lock_irq+0x23/0x26 [ 2394.831858] cmd_status_err+0x55/0x110 [mlx5_core] [ 2394.833020] mlx5_access_reg+0xe7/0x150 [mlx5_core] [ 2394.834175] mlx5_query_port_ptys+0x78/0xa0 [mlx5_core] [ 2394.835337] mlx5e_ethtool_get_link_ksettings+0x74/0x590 [mlx5_core] [ 2394.836454] ? kmem_cache_alloc_trace+0x140/0x1c0 [ 2394.837562] __rh_call_get_link_ksettings+0x33/0x100 [ 2394.838663] ? __rtnl_unlock+0x25/0x50 [ 2394.839755] __ethtool_get_link_ksettings+0x72/0x150 [ 2394.840862] duplex_show+0x6e/0xc0 [ 2394.841963] dev_attr_show+0x1c/0x40 [ 2394.843048] sysfs_kf_seq_show+0x9b/0x100 [ 2394.844123] seq_read+0x153/0x410 [ 2394.845187] vfs_read+0x91/0x140 [ 2394.846226] ksys_read+0x4f/0xb0 [ 2394.847234] do_syscall_64+0x5b/0x1a0 [ 2394.848228] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x65/0xca', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet/mlx5: Fix command stats access after free\n\nCommand may fail while driver is reloading and can't accept FW commands\ntill command interface is reinitialized. Such command failure is being\nlogged to command stats. This results in NULL pointer access as command\nstats structure is being freed and reallocated during mlx5 devlink\nreload (see kernel log below).\n\nFix it by making command stats statically allocated on driver probe.\n\nKernel log:\n[ 2394.808802] BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at 000000000002a9c0\n[ 2394.810610] PGD 0 P4D 0\n[ 2394.811811] Oops: 0002 [#1] SMP NOPTI\n...\n[ 2394.815482] RIP: 0010:native_queued_spin_lock_slowpath+0x183/0x1d0\n...\n[ 2394.829505] Call Trace:\n[ 2394.830667] _raw_spin_lock_irq+0x23/0x26\n[ 2394.831858] cmd_status_err+0x55/0x110 [mlx5_core]\n[ 2394.833020] mlx5_access_reg+0xe7/0x150 [mlx5_core]\n[ 2394.834175] mlx5_query_port_ptys+0x78/0xa0 [mlx5_core]\n[ 2394.835337] mlx5e_ethtool_get_link_ksettings+0x74/0x590 [mlx5_core]\n[ 2394.836454] ? kmem_cache_alloc_trace+0x140/0x1c0\n[ 2394.837562] __rh_call_get_link_ksettings+0x33/0x100\n[ 2394.838663] ? __rtnl_unlock+0x25/0x50\n[ 2394.839755] __ethtool_get_link_ksettings+0x72/0x150\n[ 2394.840862] duplex_show+0x6e/0xc0\n[ 2394.841963] dev_attr_show+0x1c/0x40\n[ 2394.843048] sysfs_kf_seq_show+0x9b/0x100\n[ 2394.844123] seq_read+0x153/0x410\n[ 2394.845187] vfs_read+0x91/0x140\n[ 2394.846226] ksys_read+0x4f/0xb0\n[ 2394.847234] do_syscall_64+0x5b/0x1a0\n[ 2394.848228] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x65/0xca', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48884 was patched at 2024-08-21

611. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48886) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ice: Add check for kzalloc Add the check for the return value of kzalloc in order to avoid NULL pointer dereference. Moreover, use the goto-label to share the clean code.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nice: Add check for kzalloc\n\nAdd the check for the return value of kzalloc in order to avoid\nNULL pointer dereference.\nMoreover, use the goto-label to share the clean code.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48886 was patched at 2024-08-21

612. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48887) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/vmwgfx: Remove rcu locks from user resources User resource lookups used rcu to avoid two extra atomics. Unfortunately the rcu paths were buggy and it was easy to make the driver crash by submitting command buffers from two different threads. Because the lookups never show up in performance profiles replace them with a regular spin lock which fixes the races in accesses to those shared resources. Fixes kernel oops'es in IGT's vmwgfx execution_buffer stress test and seen crashes with apps using shared resources.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/vmwgfx: Remove rcu locks from user resources\n\nUser resource lookups used rcu to avoid two extra atomics. Unfortunately\nthe rcu paths were buggy and it was easy to make the driver crash by\nsubmitting command buffers from two different threads. Because the\nlookups never show up in performance profiles replace them with a\nregular spin lock which fixes the races in accesses to those shared\nresources.\n\nFixes kernel oops'es in IGT's vmwgfx execution_buffer stress test and\nseen crashes with apps using shared resources.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48887 was patched at 2024-08-21

613. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48889) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ASoC: Intel: sof-nau8825: fix module alias overflow The maximum name length for a platform_device_id entry is 20 characters including the trailing NUL byte. The sof_nau8825.c file exceeds that, which causes an obscure error message: sound/soc/intel/boards/snd-soc-sof_nau8825.mod.c:35:45: error: illegal character encoding in string literal [-Werror,-Winvalid-source-encoding] MODULE_ALIAS("platform:adl_max98373_nau8825<U+0018><AA>"); ^~~~ include/linux/module.h:168:49: note: expanded from macro 'MODULE_ALIAS' ^~~~~~ include/linux/module.h:165:56: note: expanded from macro 'MODULE_INFO' ^~~~ include/linux/moduleparam.h:26:47: note: expanded from macro '__MODULE_INFO' = __MODULE_INFO_PREFIX __stringify(tag) "=" info I could not figure out how to make the module handling robust enough to handle this better, but as a quick fix, using slightly shorter names that are still unique avoids the build issue.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nASoC: Intel: sof-nau8825: fix module alias overflow\n\nThe maximum name length for a platform_device_id entry is 20 characters\nincluding the trailing NUL byte. The sof_nau8825.c file exceeds that,\nwhich causes an obscure error message:\n\nsound/soc/intel/boards/snd-soc-sof_nau8825.mod.c:35:45: error: illegal character encoding in string literal [-Werror,-Winvalid-source-encoding]\nMODULE_ALIAS("platform:adl_max98373_nau8825<U+0018><AA>");\n ^~~~\ninclude/linux/module.h:168:49: note: expanded from macro 'MODULE_ALIAS'\n ^~~~~~\ninclude/linux/module.h:165:56: note: expanded from macro 'MODULE_INFO'\n ^~~~\ninclude/linux/moduleparam.h:26:47: note: expanded from macro '__MODULE_INFO'\n = __MODULE_INFO_PREFIX __stringify(tag) "=" info\n\nI could not figure out how to make the module handling robust enough\nto handle this better, but as a quick fix, using slightly shorter\nnames that are still unique avoids the build issue.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48889 was patched at 2024-08-21

614. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48891) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: regulator: da9211: Use irq handler when ready If the system does not come from reset (like when it is kexec()), the regulator might have an IRQ waiting for us. If we enable the IRQ handler before its structures are ready, we crash. This patch fixes: [ 1.141839] Unable to handle kernel read from unreadable memory at virtual address 0000000000000078 [ 1.316096] Call trace: [ 1.316101] blocking_notifier_call_chain+0x20/0xa8 [ 1.322757] cpu cpu0: dummy supplies not allowed for exclusive requests [ 1.327823] regulator_notifier_call_chain+0x1c/0x2c [ 1.327825] da9211_irq_handler+0x68/0xf8 [ 1.327829] irq_thread+0x11c/0x234 [ 1.327833] kthread+0x13c/0x154', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nregulator: da9211: Use irq handler when ready\n\nIf the system does not come from reset (like when it is kexec()), the\nregulator might have an IRQ waiting for us.\n\nIf we enable the IRQ handler before its structures are ready, we crash.\n\nThis patch fixes:\n\n[ 1.141839] Unable to handle kernel read from unreadable memory at virtual address 0000000000000078\n[ 1.316096] Call trace:\n[ 1.316101] blocking_notifier_call_chain+0x20/0xa8\n[ 1.322757] cpu cpu0: dummy supplies not allowed for exclusive requests\n[ 1.327823] regulator_notifier_call_chain+0x1c/0x2c\n[ 1.327825] da9211_irq_handler+0x68/0xf8\n[ 1.327829] irq_thread+0x11c/0x234\n[ 1.327833] kthread+0x13c/0x154', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48891 was patched at 2024-08-21

615. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48893) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/i915/gt: Cleanup partial engine discovery failures If we abort driver initialisation in the middle of gt/engine discovery, some engines will be fully setup and some not. Those incompletely setup engines only have 'engine->release == NULL' and so will leak any of the common objects allocated. v2: - Drop the destroy_pinned_context() helper for now. It's not really worth it with just a single callsite at the moment. (Janusz)', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/i915/gt: Cleanup partial engine discovery failures\n\nIf we abort driver initialisation in the middle of gt/engine discovery,\nsome engines will be fully setup and some not. Those incompletely setup\nengines only have 'engine->release == NULL' and so will leak any of the\ncommon objects allocated.\n\nv2:\n - Drop the destroy_pinned_context() helper for now. It's not really\n worth it with just a single callsite at the moment. (Janusz)', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48893 was patched at 2024-08-21

616. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48894) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Don't unregister on shutdown Similar to SMMUv2, this driver calls iommu_device_unregister() from the shutdown path, which removes the IOMMU groups with no coordination whatsoever with their users - shutdown methods are optional in device drivers. This can lead to NULL pointer dereferences in those drivers' DMA API calls, or worse. Instead of calling the full arm_smmu_device_remove() from arm_smmu_device_shutdown(), let's pick only the relevant function call - arm_smmu_device_disable() - more or less the reverse of arm_smmu_device_reset() - and call just that from the shutdown path.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\niommu/arm-smmu-v3: Don't unregister on shutdown\n\nSimilar to SMMUv2, this driver calls iommu_device_unregister() from the\nshutdown path, which removes the IOMMU groups with no coordination\nwhatsoever with their users - shutdown methods are optional in device\ndrivers. This can lead to NULL pointer dereferences in those drivers'\nDMA API calls, or worse.\n\nInstead of calling the full arm_smmu_device_remove() from\narm_smmu_device_shutdown(), let's pick only the relevant function call -\narm_smmu_device_disable() - more or less the reverse of\narm_smmu_device_reset() - and call just that from the shutdown path.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48894 was patched at 2024-08-21

617. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48895) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: iommu/arm-smmu: Don't unregister on shutdown Michael Walle says he noticed the following stack trace while performing a shutdown with "reboot -f". He suggests he got "lucky" and just hit the correct spot for the reboot while there was a packet transmission in flight. Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 0000000000000098 CPU: 0 PID: 23 Comm: kworker/0:1 Not tainted 6.1.0-rc5-00088-gf3600ff8e322 #1930 Hardware name: Kontron KBox A-230-LS (DT) pc : iommu_get_dma_domain+0x14/0x20 lr : iommu_dma_map_page+0x9c/0x254 Call trace: iommu_get_dma_domain+0x14/0x20 dma_map_page_attrs+0x1ec/0x250 enetc_start_xmit+0x14c/0x10b0 enetc_xmit+0x60/0xdc dev_hard_start_xmit+0xb8/0x210 sch_direct_xmit+0x11c/0x420 __dev_queue_xmit+0x354/0xb20 ip6_finish_output2+0x280/0x5b0 __ip6_finish_output+0x15c/0x270 ip6_output+0x78/0x15c NF_HOOK.constprop.0+0x50/0xd0 mld_sendpack+0x1bc/0x320 mld_ifc_work+0x1d8/0x4dc process_one_work+0x1e8/0x460 worker_thread+0x178/0x534 kthread+0xe0/0xe4 ret_from_fork+0x10/0x20 Code: d503201f f9416800 d503233f d50323bf (f9404c00) ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]--- Kernel panic - not syncing: Oops: Fatal exception in interrupt This appears to be reproducible when the board has a fixed IP address, is ping flooded from another host, and "reboot -f" is used. The following is one more manifestation of the issue: $ reboot -f kvm: exiting hardware virtualization cfg80211: failed to load regulatory.db arm-smmu 5000000.iommu: disabling translation sdhci-esdhc 2140000.mmc: Removing from iommu group 11 sdhci-esdhc 2150000.mmc: Removing from iommu group 12 fsl-edma 22c0000.dma-controller: Removing from iommu group 17 dwc3 3100000.usb: Removing from iommu group 9 dwc3 3110000.usb: Removing from iommu group 10 ahci-qoriq 3200000.sata: Removing from iommu group 2 fsl-qdma 8380000.dma-controller: Removing from iommu group 20 platform f080000.display: Removing from iommu group 0 etnaviv-gpu f0c0000.gpu: Removing from iommu group 1 etnaviv etnaviv: Removing from iommu group 1 caam_jr 8010000.jr: Removing from iommu group 13 caam_jr 8020000.jr: Removing from iommu group 14 caam_jr 8030000.jr: Removing from iommu group 15 caam_jr 8040000.jr: Removing from iommu group 16 fsl_enetc 0000:00:00.0: Removing from iommu group 4 arm-smmu 5000000.iommu: Blocked unknown Stream ID 0x429; boot with "arm-smmu.disable_bypass=0" to allow, but this may have security implications arm-smmu 5000000.iommu: GFSR 0x80000002, GFSYNR0 0x00000002, GFSYNR1 0x00000429, GFSYNR2 0x00000000 fsl_enetc 0000:00:00.1: Removing from iommu group 5 arm-smmu 5000000.iommu: Blocked unknown Stream ID 0x429; boot with "arm-smmu.disable_bypass=0" to allow, but this may have security implications arm-smmu 5000000.iommu: GFSR 0x80000002, GFSYNR0 0x00000002, GFSYNR1 0x00000429, GFSYNR2 0x00000000 arm-smmu 5000000.iommu: Blocked unknown Stream ID 0x429; boot with "arm-smmu.disable_bypass=0" to allow, but this may have security implications arm-smmu 5000000.iommu: GFSR 0x80000002, GFSYNR0 0x00000000, GFSYNR1 0x00000429, GFSYNR2 0x00000000 fsl_enetc 0000:00:00.2: Removing from iommu group 6 fsl_enetc_mdio 0000:00:00.3: Removing from iommu group 8 mscc_felix 0000:00:00.5: Removing from iommu group 3 fsl_enetc 0000:00:00.6: Removing from iommu group 7 pcieport 0001:00:00.0: Removing from iommu group 18 arm-smmu 5000000.iommu: Blocked unknown Stream ID 0x429; boot with "arm-smmu.disable_bypass=0" to allow, but this may have security implications arm-smmu 5000000.iommu: GFSR 0x00000002, GFSYNR0 0x00000000, GFSYNR1 0x00000429, GFSYNR2 0x00000000 pcieport 0002:00:00.0: Removing from iommu group 19 Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000000000000a8 pc : iommu_get_dma_domain+0x14/0x20 lr : iommu_dma_unmap_page+0x38/0xe0 Call trace: iommu_get_dma_domain+0x14/0x20 dma_unmap_page_attrs+0x38/0x1d0 en ---truncated---', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\niommu/arm-smmu: Don't unregister on shutdown\n\nMichael Walle says he noticed the following stack trace while performing\na shutdown with "reboot -f". He suggests he got "lucky" and just hit the\ncorrect spot for the reboot while there was a packet transmission in\nflight.\n\nUnable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 0000000000000098\nCPU: 0 PID: 23 Comm: kworker/0:1 Not tainted 6.1.0-rc5-00088-gf3600ff8e322 #1930\nHardware name: Kontron KBox A-230-LS (DT)\npc : iommu_get_dma_domain+0x14/0x20\nlr : iommu_dma_map_page+0x9c/0x254\nCall trace:\n iommu_get_dma_domain+0x14/0x20\n dma_map_page_attrs+0x1ec/0x250\n enetc_start_xmit+0x14c/0x10b0\n enetc_xmit+0x60/0xdc\n dev_hard_start_xmit+0xb8/0x210\n sch_direct_xmit+0x11c/0x420\n __dev_queue_xmit+0x354/0xb20\n ip6_finish_output2+0x280/0x5b0\n __ip6_finish_output+0x15c/0x270\n ip6_output+0x78/0x15c\n NF_HOOK.constprop.0+0x50/0xd0\n mld_sendpack+0x1bc/0x320\n mld_ifc_work+0x1d8/0x4dc\n process_one_work+0x1e8/0x460\n worker_thread+0x178/0x534\n kthread+0xe0/0xe4\n ret_from_fork+0x10/0x20\nCode: d503201f f9416800 d503233f d50323bf (f9404c00)\n---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]---\nKernel panic - not syncing: Oops: Fatal exception in interrupt\n\nThis appears to be reproducible when the board has a fixed IP address,\nis ping flooded from another host, and "reboot -f" is used.\n\nThe following is one more manifestation of the issue:\n\n$ reboot -f\nkvm: exiting hardware virtualization\ncfg80211: failed to load regulatory.db\narm-smmu 5000000.iommu: disabling translation\nsdhci-esdhc 2140000.mmc: Removing from iommu group 11\nsdhci-esdhc 2150000.mmc: Removing from iommu group 12\nfsl-edma 22c0000.dma-controller: Removing from iommu group 17\ndwc3 3100000.usb: Removing from iommu group 9\ndwc3 3110000.usb: Removing from iommu group 10\nahci-qoriq 3200000.sata: Removing from iommu group 2\nfsl-qdma 8380000.dma-controller: Removing from iommu group 20\nplatform f080000.display: Removing from iommu group 0\netnaviv-gpu f0c0000.gpu: Removing from iommu group 1\netnaviv etnaviv: Removing from iommu group 1\ncaam_jr 8010000.jr: Removing from iommu group 13\ncaam_jr 8020000.jr: Removing from iommu group 14\ncaam_jr 8030000.jr: Removing from iommu group 15\ncaam_jr 8040000.jr: Removing from iommu group 16\nfsl_enetc 0000:00:00.0: Removing from iommu group 4\narm-smmu 5000000.iommu: Blocked unknown Stream ID 0x429; boot with "arm-smmu.disable_bypass=0" to allow, but this may have security implications\narm-smmu 5000000.iommu: GFSR 0x80000002, GFSYNR0 0x00000002, GFSYNR1 0x00000429, GFSYNR2 0x00000000\nfsl_enetc 0000:00:00.1: Removing from iommu group 5\narm-smmu 5000000.iommu: Blocked unknown Stream ID 0x429; boot with "arm-smmu.disable_bypass=0" to allow, but this may have security implications\narm-smmu 5000000.iommu: GFSR 0x80000002, GFSYNR0 0x00000002, GFSYNR1 0x00000429, GFSYNR2 0x00000000\narm-smmu 5000000.iommu: Blocked unknown Stream ID 0x429; boot with "arm-smmu.disable_bypass=0" to allow, but this may have security implications\narm-smmu 5000000.iommu: GFSR 0x80000002, GFSYNR0 0x00000000, GFSYNR1 0x00000429, GFSYNR2 0x00000000\nfsl_enetc 0000:00:00.2: Removing from iommu group 6\nfsl_enetc_mdio 0000:00:00.3: Removing from iommu group 8\nmscc_felix 0000:00:00.5: Removing from iommu group 3\nfsl_enetc 0000:00:00.6: Removing from iommu group 7\npcieport 0001:00:00.0: Removing from iommu group 18\narm-smmu 5000000.iommu: Blocked unknown Stream ID 0x429; boot with "arm-smmu.disable_bypass=0" to allow, but this may have security implications\narm-smmu 5000000.iommu: GFSR 0x00000002, GFSYNR0 0x00000000, GFSYNR1 0x00000429, GFSYNR2 0x00000000\npcieport 0002:00:00.0: Removing from iommu group 19\nUnable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000000000000a8\npc : iommu_get_dma_domain+0x14/0x20\nlr : iommu_dma_unmap_page+0x38/0xe0\nCall trace:\n iommu_get_dma_domain+0x14/0x20\n dma_unmap_page_attrs+0x38/0x1d0\n en\n---truncated---', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48895 was patched at 2024-08-21

618. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48896) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ixgbe: fix pci device refcount leak As the comment of pci_get_domain_bus_and_slot() says, it returns a PCI device with refcount incremented, when finish using it, the caller must decrement the reference count by calling pci_dev_put(). In ixgbe_get_first_secondary_devfn() and ixgbe_x550em_a_has_mii(), pci_dev_put() is called to avoid leak.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nixgbe: fix pci device refcount leak\n\nAs the comment of pci_get_domain_bus_and_slot() says, it\nreturns a PCI device with refcount incremented, when finish\nusing it, the caller must decrement the reference count by\ncalling pci_dev_put().\n\nIn ixgbe_get_first_secondary_devfn() and ixgbe_x550em_a_has_mii(),\npci_dev_put() is called to avoid leak.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48896 was patched at 2024-08-21

619. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48897) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: arm64/mm: fix incorrect file_map_count for invalid pmd The page table check trigger BUG_ON() unexpectedly when split hugepage: ------------[ cut here ]------------ kernel BUG at mm/page_table_check.c:119! Internal error: Oops - BUG: 00000000f2000800 [#1] SMP Dumping ftrace buffer: (ftrace buffer empty) Modules linked in: CPU: 7 PID: 210 Comm: transhuge-stres Not tainted 6.1.0-rc3+ #748 Hardware name: linux,dummy-virt (DT) pstate: 20000005 (nzCv daif -PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--) pc : page_table_check_set.isra.0+0x398/0x468 lr : page_table_check_set.isra.0+0x1c0/0x468 [...] Call trace: page_table_check_set.isra.0+0x398/0x468 __page_table_check_pte_set+0x160/0x1c0 __split_huge_pmd_locked+0x900/0x1648 __split_huge_pmd+0x28c/0x3b8 unmap_page_range+0x428/0x858 unmap_single_vma+0xf4/0x1c8 zap_page_range+0x2b0/0x410 madvise_vma_behavior+0xc44/0xe78 do_madvise+0x280/0x698 __arm64_sys_madvise+0x90/0xe8 invoke_syscall.constprop.0+0xdc/0x1d8 do_el0_svc+0xf4/0x3f8 el0_svc+0x58/0x120 el0t_64_sync_handler+0xb8/0xc0 el0t_64_sync+0x19c/0x1a0 [...] On arm64, pmd_leaf() will return true even if the pmd is invalid due to pmd_present_invalid() check. So in pmdp_invalidate() the file_map_count will not only decrease once but also increase once. Then in set_pte_at(), the file_map_count increase again, and so trigger BUG_ON() unexpectedly. Add !pmd_present_invalid() check in pmd_user_accessible_page() to fix the problem.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\narm64/mm: fix incorrect file_map_count for invalid pmd\n\nThe page table check trigger BUG_ON() unexpectedly when split hugepage:\n\n ------------[ cut here ]------------\n kernel BUG at mm/page_table_check.c:119!\n Internal error: Oops - BUG: 00000000f2000800 [#1] SMP\n Dumping ftrace buffer:\n (ftrace buffer empty)\n Modules linked in:\n CPU: 7 PID: 210 Comm: transhuge-stres Not tainted 6.1.0-rc3+ #748\n Hardware name: linux,dummy-virt (DT)\n pstate: 20000005 (nzCv daif -PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--)\n pc : page_table_check_set.isra.0+0x398/0x468\n lr : page_table_check_set.isra.0+0x1c0/0x468\n[...]\n Call trace:\n page_table_check_set.isra.0+0x398/0x468\n __page_table_check_pte_set+0x160/0x1c0\n __split_huge_pmd_locked+0x900/0x1648\n __split_huge_pmd+0x28c/0x3b8\n unmap_page_range+0x428/0x858\n unmap_single_vma+0xf4/0x1c8\n zap_page_range+0x2b0/0x410\n madvise_vma_behavior+0xc44/0xe78\n do_madvise+0x280/0x698\n __arm64_sys_madvise+0x90/0xe8\n invoke_syscall.constprop.0+0xdc/0x1d8\n do_el0_svc+0xf4/0x3f8\n el0_svc+0x58/0x120\n el0t_64_sync_handler+0xb8/0xc0\n el0t_64_sync+0x19c/0x1a0\n[...]\n\nOn arm64, pmd_leaf() will return true even if the pmd is invalid due to\npmd_present_invalid() check. So in pmdp_invalidate() the file_map_count\nwill not only decrease once but also increase once. Then in set_pte_at(),\nthe file_map_count increase again, and so trigger BUG_ON() unexpectedly.\n\nAdd !pmd_present_invalid() check in pmd_user_accessible_page() to fix the\nproblem.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2022-48897 was patched at 2024-08-21

620. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2023-52893) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: gsmi: fix null-deref in gsmi_get_variable We can get EFI variables without fetching the attribute, so we must allow for that in gsmi. commit 859748255b43 ("efi: pstore: Omit efivars caching EFI varstore access layer") added a new get_variable call with attr=NULL, which triggers panic in gsmi.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ngsmi: fix null-deref in gsmi_get_variable\n\nWe can get EFI variables without fetching the attribute, so we must\nallow for that in gsmi.\n\ncommit 859748255b43 ("efi: pstore: Omit efivars caching EFI varstore\naccess layer") added a new get_variable call with attr=NULL, which\ntriggers panic in gsmi.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2023-52893 was patched at 2024-08-21

621. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2023-52894) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: usb: gadget: f_ncm: fix potential NULL ptr deref in ncm_bitrate() In Google internal bug 265639009 we've received an (as yet) unreproducible crash report from an aarch64 GKI 5.10.149-android13 running device. AFAICT the source code is at: The call stack is: ncm_close() -> ncm_notify() -> ncm_do_notify() with the crash at: ncm_do_notify+0x98/0x270 Code: 79000d0b b9000a6c f940012a f9400269 (b9405d4b) Which I believe disassembles to (I don't know ARM assembly, but it looks sane enough to me...): // halfword (16-bit) store presumably to event->wLength (at offset 6 of struct usb_cdc_notification) 0B 0D 00 79 strh w11, [x8, #6] // word (32-bit) store presumably to req->Length (at offset 8 of struct usb_request) 6C 0A 00 B9 str w12, [x19, #8] // x10 (NULL) was read here from offset 0 of valid pointer x9 // IMHO we're reading 'cdev->gadget' and getting NULL // gadget is indeed at offset 0 of struct usb_composite_dev 2A 01 40 F9 ldr x10, [x9] // loading req->buf pointer, which is at offset 0 of struct usb_request 69 02 40 F9 ldr x9, [x19] // x10 is null, crash, appears to be attempt to read cdev->gadget->max_speed 4B 5D 40 B9 ldr w11, [x10, #0x5c] which seems to line up with ncm_do_notify() case NCM_NOTIFY_SPEED code fragment: event->wLength = cpu_to_le16(8); req->length = NCM_STATUS_BYTECOUNT; /* SPEED_CHANGE data is up/down speeds in bits/sec */ data = req->buf + sizeof *event; data[0] = cpu_to_le32(ncm_bitrate(cdev->gadget)); My analysis of registers and NULL ptr deref crash offset (Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 000000000000005c) heavily suggests that the crash is due to 'cdev->gadget' being NULL when executing: data[0] = cpu_to_le32(ncm_bitrate(cdev->gadget)); which calls: ncm_bitrate(NULL) which then calls: gadget_is_superspeed(NULL) which reads ((struct usb_gadget *)NULL)->max_speed and hits a panic. AFAICT, if I'm counting right, the offset of max_speed is indeed 0x5C. (remember there's a GKI KABI reservation of 16 bytes in struct work_struct) It's not at all clear to me how this is all supposed to work... but returning 0 seems much better than panic-ing...', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nusb: gadget: f_ncm: fix potential NULL ptr deref in ncm_bitrate()\n\nIn Google internal bug 265639009 we've received an (as yet) unreproducible\ncrash report from an aarch64 GKI 5.10.149-android13 running device.\n\nAFAICT the source code is at:\n\n\nThe call stack is:\n ncm_close() -> ncm_notify() -> ncm_do_notify()\nwith the crash at:\n ncm_do_notify+0x98/0x270\nCode: 79000d0b b9000a6c f940012a f9400269 (b9405d4b)\n\nWhich I believe disassembles to (I don't know ARM assembly, but it looks sane enough to me...):\n\n // halfword (16-bit) store presumably to event->wLength (at offset 6 of struct usb_cdc_notification)\n 0B 0D 00 79 strh w11, [x8, #6]\n\n // word (32-bit) store presumably to req->Length (at offset 8 of struct usb_request)\n 6C 0A 00 B9 str w12, [x19, #8]\n\n // x10 (NULL) was read here from offset 0 of valid pointer x9\n // IMHO we're reading 'cdev->gadget' and getting NULL\n // gadget is indeed at offset 0 of struct usb_composite_dev\n 2A 01 40 F9 ldr x10, [x9]\n\n // loading req->buf pointer, which is at offset 0 of struct usb_request\n 69 02 40 F9 ldr x9, [x19]\n\n // x10 is null, crash, appears to be attempt to read cdev->gadget->max_speed\n 4B 5D 40 B9 ldr w11, [x10, #0x5c]\n\nwhich seems to line up with ncm_do_notify() case NCM_NOTIFY_SPEED code fragment:\n\n event->wLength = cpu_to_le16(8);\n req->length = NCM_STATUS_BYTECOUNT;\n\n /* SPEED_CHANGE data is up/down speeds in bits/sec */\n data = req->buf + sizeof *event;\n data[0] = cpu_to_le32(ncm_bitrate(cdev->gadget));\n\nMy analysis of registers and NULL ptr deref crash offset\n (Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 000000000000005c)\nheavily suggests that the crash is due to 'cdev->gadget' being NULL when executing:\n data[0] = cpu_to_le32(ncm_bitrate(cdev->gadget));\nwhich calls:\n ncm_bitrate(NULL)\nwhich then calls:\n gadget_is_superspeed(NULL)\nwhich reads\n ((struct usb_gadget *)NULL)->max_speed\nand hits a panic.\n\nAFAICT, if I'm counting right, the offset of max_speed is indeed 0x5C.\n(remember there's a GKI KABI reservation of 16 bytes in struct work_struct)\n\nIt's not at all clear to me how this is all supposed to work...\nbut returning 0 seems much better than panic-ing...', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2023-52894 was patched at 2024-08-21

622. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2023-52895) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: io_uring/poll: don't reissue in case of poll race on multishot request A previous commit fixed a poll race that can occur, but it's only applicable for multishot requests. For a multishot request, we can safely ignore a spurious wakeup, as we never leave the waitqueue to begin with. A blunt reissue of a multishot armed request can cause us to leak a buffer, if they are ring provided. While this seems like a bug in itself, it's not really defined behavior to reissue a multishot request directly. It's less efficient to do so as well, and not required to rearm anything like it is for singleshot poll requests.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nio_uring/poll: don't reissue in case of poll race on multishot request\n\nA previous commit fixed a poll race that can occur, but it's only\napplicable for multishot requests. For a multishot request, we can safely\nignore a spurious wakeup, as we never leave the waitqueue to begin with.\n\nA blunt reissue of a multishot armed request can cause us to leak a\nbuffer, if they are ring provided. While this seems like a bug in itself,\nit's not really defined behavior to reissue a multishot request directly.\nIt's less efficient to do so as well, and not required to rearm anything\nlike it is for singleshot poll requests.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2023-52895 was patched at 2024-08-21

623. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2023-52896) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: btrfs: fix race between quota rescan and disable leading to NULL pointer deref If we have one task trying to start the quota rescan worker while another one is trying to disable quotas, we can end up hitting a race that results in the quota rescan worker doing a NULL pointer dereference. The steps for this are the following: 1) Quotas are enabled; 2) Task A calls the quota rescan ioctl and enters btrfs_qgroup_rescan(). It calls qgroup_rescan_init() which returns 0 (success) and then joins a transaction and commits it; 3) Task B calls the quota disable ioctl and enters btrfs_quota_disable(). It clears the bit BTRFS_FS_QUOTA_ENABLED from fs_info->flags and calls btrfs_qgroup_wait_for_completion(), which returns immediately since the rescan worker is not yet running. Then it starts a transaction and locks fs_info->qgroup_ioctl_lock; 4) Task A queues the rescan worker, by calling btrfs_queue_work(); 5) The rescan worker starts, and calls rescan_should_stop() at the start of its while loop, which results in 0 iterations of the loop, since the flag BTRFS_FS_QUOTA_ENABLED was cleared from fs_info->flags by task B at step 3); 6) Task B sets fs_info->quota_root to NULL; 7) The rescan worker tries to start a transaction and uses fs_info->quota_root as the root argument for btrfs_start_transaction(). This results in a NULL pointer dereference down the call chain of btrfs_start_transaction(). The stack trace is something like the one reported in Link tag below: general protection fault, probably for non-canonical address 0xdffffc0000000041: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN KASAN: null-ptr-deref in range [0x0000000000000208-0x000000000000020f] CPU: 1 PID: 34 Comm: kworker/u4:2 Not tainted 6.1.0-syzkaller-13872-gb6bb9676f216 #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 10/26/2022 Workqueue: btrfs-qgroup-rescan btrfs_work_helper RIP: 0010:start_transaction+0x48/0x10f0 fs/btrfs/transaction.c:564 Code: 48 89 fb 48 (...) RSP: 0018:ffffc90000ab7ab0 EFLAGS: 00010206 RAX: 0000000000000041 RBX: 0000000000000208 RCX: ffff88801779ba80 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000001 RDI: 0000000000000000 RBP: dffffc0000000000 R08: 0000000000000001 R09: fffff52000156f5d R10: fffff52000156f5d R11: 1ffff92000156f5c R12: 0000000000000000 R13: 0000000000000001 R14: 0000000000000001 R15: 0000000000000003 FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff8880b9900000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 00007f2bea75b718 CR3: 000000001d0cc000 CR4: 00000000003506e0 DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 Call Trace: <TASK> btrfs_qgroup_rescan_worker+0x3bb/0x6a0 fs/btrfs/qgroup.c:3402 btrfs_work_helper+0x312/0x850 fs/btrfs/async-thread.c:280 process_one_work+0x877/0xdb0 kernel/workqueue.c:2289 worker_thread+0xb14/0x1330 kernel/workqueue.c:2436 kthread+0x266/0x300 kernel/kthread.c:376 ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x30 arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:308 </TASK> Modules linked in: So fix this by having the rescan worker function not attempt to start a transaction if it didn't do any rescan work.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbtrfs: fix race between quota rescan and disable leading to NULL pointer deref\n\nIf we have one task trying to start the quota rescan worker while another\none is trying to disable quotas, we can end up hitting a race that results\nin the quota rescan worker doing a NULL pointer dereference. The steps for\nthis are the following:\n\n1) Quotas are enabled;\n\n2) Task A calls the quota rescan ioctl and enters btrfs_qgroup_rescan().\n It calls qgroup_rescan_init() which returns 0 (success) and then joins a\n transaction and commits it;\n\n3) Task B calls the quota disable ioctl and enters btrfs_quota_disable().\n It clears the bit BTRFS_FS_QUOTA_ENABLED from fs_info->flags and calls\n btrfs_qgroup_wait_for_completion(), which returns immediately since the\n rescan worker is not yet running.\n Then it starts a transaction and locks fs_info->qgroup_ioctl_lock;\n\n4) Task A queues the rescan worker, by calling btrfs_queue_work();\n\n5) The rescan worker starts, and calls rescan_should_stop() at the start\n of its while loop, which results in 0 iterations of the loop, since\n the flag BTRFS_FS_QUOTA_ENABLED was cleared from fs_info->flags by\n task B at step 3);\n\n6) Task B sets fs_info->quota_root to NULL;\n\n7) The rescan worker tries to start a transaction and uses\n fs_info->quota_root as the root argument for btrfs_start_transaction().\n This results in a NULL pointer dereference down the call chain of\n btrfs_start_transaction(). The stack trace is something like the one\n reported in Link tag below:\n\n general protection fault, probably for non-canonical address 0xdffffc0000000041: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN\n KASAN: null-ptr-deref in range [0x0000000000000208-0x000000000000020f]\n CPU: 1 PID: 34 Comm: kworker/u4:2 Not tainted 6.1.0-syzkaller-13872-gb6bb9676f216 #0\n Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 10/26/2022\n Workqueue: btrfs-qgroup-rescan btrfs_work_helper\n RIP: 0010:start_transaction+0x48/0x10f0 fs/btrfs/transaction.c:564\n Code: 48 89 fb 48 (...)\n RSP: 0018:ffffc90000ab7ab0 EFLAGS: 00010206\n RAX: 0000000000000041 RBX: 0000000000000208 RCX: ffff88801779ba80\n RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000001 RDI: 0000000000000000\n RBP: dffffc0000000000 R08: 0000000000000001 R09: fffff52000156f5d\n R10: fffff52000156f5d R11: 1ffff92000156f5c R12: 0000000000000000\n R13: 0000000000000001 R14: 0000000000000001 R15: 0000000000000003\n FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff8880b9900000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\n CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\n CR2: 00007f2bea75b718 CR3: 000000001d0cc000 CR4: 00000000003506e0\n DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000\n DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400\n Call Trace:\n <TASK>\n btrfs_qgroup_rescan_worker+0x3bb/0x6a0 fs/btrfs/qgroup.c:3402\n btrfs_work_helper+0x312/0x850 fs/btrfs/async-thread.c:280\n process_one_work+0x877/0xdb0 kernel/workqueue.c:2289\n worker_thread+0xb14/0x1330 kernel/workqueue.c:2436\n kthread+0x266/0x300 kernel/kthread.c:376\n ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x30 arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:308\n </TASK>\n Modules linked in:\n\nSo fix this by having the rescan worker function not attempt to start a\ntransaction if it didn't do any rescan work.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2023-52896 was patched at 2024-08-21

624. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2023-52897) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: btrfs: qgroup: do not warn on record without old_roots populated [BUG] There are some reports from the mailing list that since v6.1 kernel, the WARN_ON() inside btrfs_qgroup_account_extent() gets triggered during rescan: WARNING: CPU: 3 PID: 6424 at fs/btrfs/qgroup.c:2756 btrfs_qgroup_account_extents+0x1ae/0x260 [btrfs] CPU: 3 PID: 6424 Comm: snapperd Tainted: P OE 6.1.2-1-default #1 openSUSE Tumbleweed 05c7a1b1b61d5627475528f71f50444637b5aad7 RIP: 0010:btrfs_qgroup_account_extents+0x1ae/0x260 [btrfs] Call Trace: <TASK> btrfs_commit_transaction+0x30c/0xb40 [btrfs c39c9c546c241c593f03bd6d5f39ea1b676250f6] ? start_transaction+0xc3/0x5b0 [btrfs c39c9c546c241c593f03bd6d5f39ea1b676250f6] btrfs_qgroup_rescan+0x42/0xc0 [btrfs c39c9c546c241c593f03bd6d5f39ea1b676250f6] btrfs_ioctl+0x1ab9/0x25c0 [btrfs c39c9c546c241c593f03bd6d5f39ea1b676250f6] ? __rseq_handle_notify_resume+0xa9/0x4a0 ? mntput_no_expire+0x4a/0x240 ? __seccomp_filter+0x319/0x4d0 __x64_sys_ioctl+0x90/0xd0 do_syscall_64+0x5b/0x80 ? syscall_exit_to_user_mode+0x17/0x40 ? do_syscall_64+0x67/0x80 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x63/0xcd RIP: 0033:0x7fd9b790d9bf </TASK> [CAUSE] Since commit e15e9f43c7ca ("btrfs: introduce BTRFS_QGROUP_RUNTIME_FLAG_NO_ACCOUNTING to skip qgroup accounting"), if our qgroup is already in inconsistent state, we will no longer do the time-consuming backref walk. This can leave some qgroup records without a valid old_roots ulist. Normally this is fine, as btrfs_qgroup_account_extents() would also skip those records if we have NO_ACCOUNTING flag set. But there is a small window, if we have NO_ACCOUNTING flag set, and inserted some qgroup_record without a old_roots ulist, but then the user triggered a qgroup rescan. During btrfs_qgroup_rescan(), we firstly clear NO_ACCOUNTING flag, then commit current transaction. And since we have a qgroup_record with old_roots = NULL, we trigger the WARN_ON() during btrfs_qgroup_account_extents(). [FIX] Unfortunately due to the introduction of NO_ACCOUNTING flag, the assumption that every qgroup_record would have its old_roots populated is no longer correct. Fix the false alerts and drop the WARN_ON().', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbtrfs: qgroup: do not warn on record without old_roots populated\n\n[BUG]\nThere are some reports from the mailing list that since v6.1 kernel, the\nWARN_ON() inside btrfs_qgroup_account_extent() gets triggered during\nrescan:\n\n WARNING: CPU: 3 PID: 6424 at fs/btrfs/qgroup.c:2756 btrfs_qgroup_account_extents+0x1ae/0x260 [btrfs]\n CPU: 3 PID: 6424 Comm: snapperd Tainted: P OE 6.1.2-1-default #1 openSUSE Tumbleweed 05c7a1b1b61d5627475528f71f50444637b5aad7\n RIP: 0010:btrfs_qgroup_account_extents+0x1ae/0x260 [btrfs]\n Call Trace:\n <TASK>\n btrfs_commit_transaction+0x30c/0xb40 [btrfs c39c9c546c241c593f03bd6d5f39ea1b676250f6]\n ? start_transaction+0xc3/0x5b0 [btrfs c39c9c546c241c593f03bd6d5f39ea1b676250f6]\n btrfs_qgroup_rescan+0x42/0xc0 [btrfs c39c9c546c241c593f03bd6d5f39ea1b676250f6]\n btrfs_ioctl+0x1ab9/0x25c0 [btrfs c39c9c546c241c593f03bd6d5f39ea1b676250f6]\n ? __rseq_handle_notify_resume+0xa9/0x4a0\n ? mntput_no_expire+0x4a/0x240\n ? __seccomp_filter+0x319/0x4d0\n __x64_sys_ioctl+0x90/0xd0\n do_syscall_64+0x5b/0x80\n ? syscall_exit_to_user_mode+0x17/0x40\n ? do_syscall_64+0x67/0x80\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x63/0xcd\n RIP: 0033:0x7fd9b790d9bf\n </TASK>\n\n[CAUSE]\nSince commit e15e9f43c7ca ("btrfs: introduce\nBTRFS_QGROUP_RUNTIME_FLAG_NO_ACCOUNTING to skip qgroup accounting"), if\nour qgroup is already in inconsistent state, we will no longer do the\ntime-consuming backref walk.\n\nThis can leave some qgroup records without a valid old_roots ulist.\nNormally this is fine, as btrfs_qgroup_account_extents() would also skip\nthose records if we have NO_ACCOUNTING flag set.\n\nBut there is a small window, if we have NO_ACCOUNTING flag set, and\ninserted some qgroup_record without a old_roots ulist, but then the user\ntriggered a qgroup rescan.\n\nDuring btrfs_qgroup_rescan(), we firstly clear NO_ACCOUNTING flag, then\ncommit current transaction.\n\nAnd since we have a qgroup_record with old_roots = NULL, we trigger the\nWARN_ON() during btrfs_qgroup_account_extents().\n\n[FIX]\nUnfortunately due to the introduction of NO_ACCOUNTING flag, the\nassumption that every qgroup_record would have its old_roots populated\nis no longer correct.\n\nFix the false alerts and drop the WARN_ON().', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2023-52897 was patched at 2024-08-21

625. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2023-52898) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: xhci: Fix null pointer dereference when host dies Make sure xhci_free_dev() and xhci_kill_endpoint_urbs() do not race and cause null pointer dereference when host suddenly dies. Usb core may call xhci_free_dev() which frees the xhci->devs[slot_id] virt device at the same time that xhci_kill_endpoint_urbs() tries to loop through all the device's endpoints, checking if there are any cancelled urbs left to give back. hold the xhci spinlock while freeing the virt device', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nxhci: Fix null pointer dereference when host dies\n\nMake sure xhci_free_dev() and xhci_kill_endpoint_urbs() do not race\nand cause null pointer dereference when host suddenly dies.\n\nUsb core may call xhci_free_dev() which frees the xhci->devs[slot_id]\nvirt device at the same time that xhci_kill_endpoint_urbs() tries to\nloop through all the device's endpoints, checking if there are any\ncancelled urbs left to give back.\n\nhold the xhci spinlock while freeing the virt device', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2023-52898 was patched at 2024-08-21

626. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2023-52899) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: Add exception protection processing for vd in axi_chan_handle_err function Since there is no protection for vd, a kernel panic will be triggered here in exceptional cases. You can refer to the processing of axi_chan_block_xfer_complete function The triggered kernel panic is as follows: [ 67.848444] Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 0000000000000060 [ 67.848447] Mem abort info: [ 67.848449] ESR = 0x96000004 [ 67.848451] EC = 0x25: DABT (current EL), IL = 32 bits [ 67.848454] SET = 0, FnV = 0 [ 67.848456] EA = 0, S1PTW = 0 [ 67.848458] Data abort info: [ 67.848460] ISV = 0, ISS = 0x00000004 [ 67.848462] CM = 0, WnR = 0 [ 67.848465] user pgtable: 4k pages, 48-bit VAs, pgdp=00000800c4c0b000 [ 67.848468] [0000000000000060] pgd=0000000000000000, p4d=0000000000000000 [ 67.848472] Internal error: Oops: 96000004 [#1] SMP [ 67.848475] Modules linked in: dmatest [ 67.848479] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Not tainted 5.10.100-emu_x2rc+ #11 [ 67.848483] pstate: 62000085 (nZCv daIf -PAN -UAO +TCO BTYPE=--) [ 67.848487] pc : axi_chan_handle_err+0xc4/0x230 [ 67.848491] lr : axi_chan_handle_err+0x30/0x230 [ 67.848493] sp : ffff0803fe55ae50 [ 67.848495] x29: ffff0803fe55ae50 x28: ffff800011212200 [ 67.848500] x27: ffff0800c42c0080 x26: ffff0800c097c080 [ 67.848504] x25: ffff800010d33880 x24: ffff80001139d850 [ 67.848508] x23: ffff0800c097c168 x22: 0000000000000000 [ 67.848512] x21: 0000000000000080 x20: 0000000000002000 [ 67.848517] x19: ffff0800c097c080 x18: 0000000000000000 [ 67.848521] x17: 0000000000000000 x16: 0000000000000000 [ 67.848525] x15: 0000000000000000 x14: 0000000000000000 [ 67.848529] x13: 0000000000000000 x12: 0000000000000040 [ 67.848533] x11: ffff0800c0400248 x10: ffff0800c040024a [ 67.848538] x9 : ffff800010576cd4 x8 : ffff0800c0400270 [ 67.848542] x7 : 0000000000000000 x6 : ffff0800c04003e0 [ 67.848546] x5 : ffff0800c0400248 x4 : ffff0800c4294480 [ 67.848550] x3 : dead000000000100 x2 : dead000000000122 [ 67.848555] x1 : 0000000000000100 x0 : ffff0800c097c168 [ 67.848559] Call trace: [ 67.848562] axi_chan_handle_err+0xc4/0x230 [ 67.848566] dw_axi_dma_interrupt+0xf4/0x590 [ 67.848569] __handle_irq_event_percpu+0x60/0x220 [ 67.848573] handle_irq_event+0x64/0x120 [ 67.848576] handle_fasteoi_irq+0xc4/0x220 [ 67.848580] __handle_domain_irq+0x80/0xe0 [ 67.848583] gic_handle_irq+0xc0/0x138 [ 67.848585] el1_irq+0xc8/0x180 [ 67.848588] arch_cpu_idle+0x14/0x2c [ 67.848591] default_idle_call+0x40/0x16c [ 67.848594] do_idle+0x1f0/0x250 [ 67.848597] cpu_startup_entry+0x2c/0x60 [ 67.848600] rest_init+0xc0/0xcc [ 67.848603] arch_call_rest_init+0x14/0x1c [ 67.848606] start_kernel+0x4cc/0x500 [ 67.848610] Code: eb0002ff 9a9f12d6 f2fbd5a2 f2fbd5a3 (a94602c1) [ 67.848613] ---[ end trace 585a97036f88203a ]---', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nAdd exception protection processing for vd in axi_chan_handle_err function\n\nSince there is no protection for vd, a kernel panic will be\ntriggered here in exceptional cases.\n\nYou can refer to the processing of axi_chan_block_xfer_complete function\n\nThe triggered kernel panic is as follows:\n\n[ 67.848444] Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 0000000000000060\n[ 67.848447] Mem abort info:\n[ 67.848449] ESR = 0x96000004\n[ 67.848451] EC = 0x25: DABT (current EL), IL = 32 bits\n[ 67.848454] SET = 0, FnV = 0\n[ 67.848456] EA = 0, S1PTW = 0\n[ 67.848458] Data abort info:\n[ 67.848460] ISV = 0, ISS = 0x00000004\n[ 67.848462] CM = 0, WnR = 0\n[ 67.848465] user pgtable: 4k pages, 48-bit VAs, pgdp=00000800c4c0b000\n[ 67.848468] [0000000000000060] pgd=0000000000000000, p4d=0000000000000000\n[ 67.848472] Internal error: Oops: 96000004 [#1] SMP\n[ 67.848475] Modules linked in: dmatest\n[ 67.848479] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Not tainted 5.10.100-emu_x2rc+ #11\n[ 67.848483] pstate: 62000085 (nZCv daIf -PAN -UAO +TCO BTYPE=--)\n[ 67.848487] pc : axi_chan_handle_err+0xc4/0x230\n[ 67.848491] lr : axi_chan_handle_err+0x30/0x230\n[ 67.848493] sp : ffff0803fe55ae50\n[ 67.848495] x29: ffff0803fe55ae50 x28: ffff800011212200\n[ 67.848500] x27: ffff0800c42c0080 x26: ffff0800c097c080\n[ 67.848504] x25: ffff800010d33880 x24: ffff80001139d850\n[ 67.848508] x23: ffff0800c097c168 x22: 0000000000000000\n[ 67.848512] x21: 0000000000000080 x20: 0000000000002000\n[ 67.848517] x19: ffff0800c097c080 x18: 0000000000000000\n[ 67.848521] x17: 0000000000000000 x16: 0000000000000000\n[ 67.848525] x15: 0000000000000000 x14: 0000000000000000\n[ 67.848529] x13: 0000000000000000 x12: 0000000000000040\n[ 67.848533] x11: ffff0800c0400248 x10: ffff0800c040024a\n[ 67.848538] x9 : ffff800010576cd4 x8 : ffff0800c0400270\n[ 67.848542] x7 : 0000000000000000 x6 : ffff0800c04003e0\n[ 67.848546] x5 : ffff0800c0400248 x4 : ffff0800c4294480\n[ 67.848550] x3 : dead000000000100 x2 : dead000000000122\n[ 67.848555] x1 : 0000000000000100 x0 : ffff0800c097c168\n[ 67.848559] Call trace:\n[ 67.848562] axi_chan_handle_err+0xc4/0x230\n[ 67.848566] dw_axi_dma_interrupt+0xf4/0x590\n[ 67.848569] __handle_irq_event_percpu+0x60/0x220\n[ 67.848573] handle_irq_event+0x64/0x120\n[ 67.848576] handle_fasteoi_irq+0xc4/0x220\n[ 67.848580] __handle_domain_irq+0x80/0xe0\n[ 67.848583] gic_handle_irq+0xc0/0x138\n[ 67.848585] el1_irq+0xc8/0x180\n[ 67.848588] arch_cpu_idle+0x14/0x2c\n[ 67.848591] default_idle_call+0x40/0x16c\n[ 67.848594] do_idle+0x1f0/0x250\n[ 67.848597] cpu_startup_entry+0x2c/0x60\n[ 67.848600] rest_init+0xc0/0xcc\n[ 67.848603] arch_call_rest_init+0x14/0x1c\n[ 67.848606] start_kernel+0x4cc/0x500\n[ 67.848610] Code: eb0002ff 9a9f12d6 f2fbd5a2 f2fbd5a3 (a94602c1)\n[ 67.848613] ---[ end trace 585a97036f88203a ]---', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2023-52899 was patched at 2024-08-21

627. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2023-52900) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nilfs2: fix general protection fault in nilfs_btree_insert() If nilfs2 reads a corrupted disk image and tries to reads a b-tree node block by calling __nilfs_btree_get_block() against an invalid virtual block address, it returns -ENOENT because conversion of the virtual block address to a disk block address fails. However, this return value is the same as the internal code that b-tree lookup routines return to indicate that the block being searched does not exist, so functions that operate on that b-tree may misbehave. When nilfs_btree_insert() receives this spurious 'not found' code from nilfs_btree_do_lookup(), it misunderstands that the 'not found' check was successful and continues the insert operation using incomplete lookup path data, causing the following crash: general protection fault, probably for non-canonical address 0xdffffc0000000005: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN KASAN: null-ptr-deref in range [0x0000000000000028-0x000000000000002f] ... RIP: 0010:nilfs_btree_get_nonroot_node fs/nilfs2/btree.c:418 [inline] RIP: 0010:nilfs_btree_prepare_insert fs/nilfs2/btree.c:1077 [inline] RIP: 0010:nilfs_btree_insert+0x6d3/0x1c10 fs/nilfs2/btree.c:1238 Code: bc 24 80 00 00 00 4c 89 f8 48 c1 e8 03 42 80 3c 28 00 74 08 4c 89 ff e8 4b 02 92 fe 4d 8b 3f 49 83 c7 28 4c 89 f8 48 c1 e8 03 <42> 80 3c 28 00 74 08 4c 89 ff e8 2e 02 92 fe 4d 8b 3f 49 83 c7 02 ... Call Trace: <TASK> nilfs_bmap_do_insert fs/nilfs2/bmap.c:121 [inline] nilfs_bmap_insert+0x20d/0x360 fs/nilfs2/bmap.c:147 nilfs_get_block+0x414/0x8d0 fs/nilfs2/inode.c:101 __block_write_begin_int+0x54c/0x1a80 fs/buffer.c:1991 __block_write_begin fs/buffer.c:2041 [inline] block_write_begin+0x93/0x1e0 fs/buffer.c:2102 nilfs_write_begin+0x9c/0x110 fs/nilfs2/inode.c:261 generic_perform_write+0x2e4/0x5e0 mm/filemap.c:3772 __generic_file_write_iter+0x176/0x400 mm/filemap.c:3900 generic_file_write_iter+0xab/0x310 mm/filemap.c:3932 call_write_iter include/linux/fs.h:2186 [inline] new_sync_write fs/read_write.c:491 [inline] vfs_write+0x7dc/0xc50 fs/read_write.c:584 ksys_write+0x177/0x2a0 fs/read_write.c:637 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline] do_syscall_64+0x3d/0xb0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x63/0xcd ... </TASK> This patch fixes the root cause of this problem by replacing the error code that __nilfs_btree_get_block() returns on block address conversion failure from -ENOENT to another internal code -EINVAL which means that the b-tree metadata is corrupted. By returning -EINVAL, it propagates without glitches, and for all relevant b-tree operations, functions in the upper bmap layer output an error message indicating corrupted b-tree metadata via nilfs_bmap_convert_error(), and code -EIO will be eventually returned as it should be.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnilfs2: fix general protection fault in nilfs_btree_insert()\n\nIf nilfs2 reads a corrupted disk image and tries to reads a b-tree node\nblock by calling __nilfs_btree_get_block() against an invalid virtual\nblock address, it returns -ENOENT because conversion of the virtual block\naddress to a disk block address fails. However, this return value is the\nsame as the internal code that b-tree lookup routines return to indicate\nthat the block being searched does not exist, so functions that operate on\nthat b-tree may misbehave.\n\nWhen nilfs_btree_insert() receives this spurious 'not found' code from\nnilfs_btree_do_lookup(), it misunderstands that the 'not found' check was\nsuccessful and continues the insert operation using incomplete lookup path\ndata, causing the following crash:\n\n general protection fault, probably for non-canonical address\n 0xdffffc0000000005: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN\n KASAN: null-ptr-deref in range [0x0000000000000028-0x000000000000002f]\n ...\n RIP: 0010:nilfs_btree_get_nonroot_node fs/nilfs2/btree.c:418 [inline]\n RIP: 0010:nilfs_btree_prepare_insert fs/nilfs2/btree.c:1077 [inline]\n RIP: 0010:nilfs_btree_insert+0x6d3/0x1c10 fs/nilfs2/btree.c:1238\n Code: bc 24 80 00 00 00 4c 89 f8 48 c1 e8 03 42 80 3c 28 00 74 08 4c 89\n ff e8 4b 02 92 fe 4d 8b 3f 49 83 c7 28 4c 89 f8 48 c1 e8 03 <42> 80 3c\n 28 00 74 08 4c 89 ff e8 2e 02 92 fe 4d 8b 3f 49 83 c7 02\n ...\n Call Trace:\n <TASK>\n nilfs_bmap_do_insert fs/nilfs2/bmap.c:121 [inline]\n nilfs_bmap_insert+0x20d/0x360 fs/nilfs2/bmap.c:147\n nilfs_get_block+0x414/0x8d0 fs/nilfs2/inode.c:101\n __block_write_begin_int+0x54c/0x1a80 fs/buffer.c:1991\n __block_write_begin fs/buffer.c:2041 [inline]\n block_write_begin+0x93/0x1e0 fs/buffer.c:2102\n nilfs_write_begin+0x9c/0x110 fs/nilfs2/inode.c:261\n generic_perform_write+0x2e4/0x5e0 mm/filemap.c:3772\n __generic_file_write_iter+0x176/0x400 mm/filemap.c:3900\n generic_file_write_iter+0xab/0x310 mm/filemap.c:3932\n call_write_iter include/linux/fs.h:2186 [inline]\n new_sync_write fs/read_write.c:491 [inline]\n vfs_write+0x7dc/0xc50 fs/read_write.c:584\n ksys_write+0x177/0x2a0 fs/read_write.c:637\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0x3d/0xb0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x63/0xcd\n ...\n </TASK>\n\nThis patch fixes the root cause of this problem by replacing the error\ncode that __nilfs_btree_get_block() returns on block address conversion\nfailure from -ENOENT to another internal code -EINVAL which means that the\nb-tree metadata is corrupted.\n\nBy returning -EINVAL, it propagates without glitches, and for all relevant\nb-tree operations, functions in the upper bmap layer output an error\nmessage indicating corrupted b-tree metadata via\nnilfs_bmap_convert_error(), and code -EIO will be eventually returned as\nit should be.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2023-52900 was patched at 2024-08-21

628. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2023-52901) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: usb: xhci: Check endpoint is valid before dereferencing it When the host controller is not responding, all URBs queued to all endpoints need to be killed. This can cause a kernel panic if we dereference an invalid endpoint. Fix this by using xhci_get_virt_ep() helper to find the endpoint and checking if the endpoint is valid before dereferencing it. [233311.853271] xhci-hcd xHCI host controller not responding, assume dead [233311.853393] Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000000000000e8 [233311.853964] pc : xhci_hc_died+0x10c/0x270 [233311.853971] lr : xhci_hc_died+0x1ac/0x270 [233311.854077] Call trace: [233311.854085] xhci_hc_died+0x10c/0x270 [233311.854093] xhci_stop_endpoint_command_watchdog+0x100/0x1a4 [233311.854105] call_timer_fn+0x50/0x2d4 [233311.854112] expire_timers+0xac/0x2e4 [233311.854118] run_timer_softirq+0x300/0xabc [233311.854127] __do_softirq+0x148/0x528 [233311.854135] irq_exit+0x194/0x1a8 [233311.854143] __handle_domain_irq+0x164/0x1d0 [233311.854149] gic_handle_irq.22273+0x10c/0x188 [233311.854156] el1_irq+0xfc/0x1a8 [233311.854175] lpm_cpuidle_enter+0x25c/0x418 [msm_pm] [233311.854185] cpuidle_enter_state+0x1f0/0x764 [233311.854194] do_idle+0x594/0x6ac [233311.854201] cpu_startup_entry+0x7c/0x80 [233311.854209] secondary_start_kernel+0x170/0x198', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nusb: xhci: Check endpoint is valid before dereferencing it\n\nWhen the host controller is not responding, all URBs queued to all\nendpoints need to be killed. This can cause a kernel panic if we\ndereference an invalid endpoint.\n\nFix this by using xhci_get_virt_ep() helper to find the endpoint and\nchecking if the endpoint is valid before dereferencing it.\n\n[233311.853271] xhci-hcd xHCI host controller not responding, assume dead\n[233311.853393] Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000000000000e8\n\n[233311.853964] pc : xhci_hc_died+0x10c/0x270\n[233311.853971] lr : xhci_hc_died+0x1ac/0x270\n\n[233311.854077] Call trace:\n[233311.854085] xhci_hc_died+0x10c/0x270\n[233311.854093] xhci_stop_endpoint_command_watchdog+0x100/0x1a4\n[233311.854105] call_timer_fn+0x50/0x2d4\n[233311.854112] expire_timers+0xac/0x2e4\n[233311.854118] run_timer_softirq+0x300/0xabc\n[233311.854127] __do_softirq+0x148/0x528\n[233311.854135] irq_exit+0x194/0x1a8\n[233311.854143] __handle_domain_irq+0x164/0x1d0\n[233311.854149] gic_handle_irq.22273+0x10c/0x188\n[233311.854156] el1_irq+0xfc/0x1a8\n[233311.854175] lpm_cpuidle_enter+0x25c/0x418 [msm_pm]\n[233311.854185] cpuidle_enter_state+0x1f0/0x764\n[233311.854194] do_idle+0x594/0x6ac\n[233311.854201] cpu_startup_entry+0x7c/0x80\n[233311.854209] secondary_start_kernel+0x170/0x198', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2023-52901 was patched at 2024-08-21

629. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2023-52903) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: io_uring: lock overflowing for IOPOLL syzbot reports an issue with overflow filling for IOPOLL: WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 28 at io_uring/io_uring.c:734 io_cqring_event_overflow+0x1c0/0x230 io_uring/io_uring.c:734 CPU: 0 PID: 28 Comm: kworker/u4:1 Not tainted 6.2.0-rc3-syzkaller-16369-g358a161a6a9e #0 Workqueue: events_unbound io_ring_exit_work Call trace: \xa0io_cqring_event_overflow+0x1c0/0x230 io_uring/io_uring.c:734 \xa0io_req_cqe_overflow+0x5c/0x70 io_uring/io_uring.c:773 \xa0io_fill_cqe_req io_uring/io_uring.h:168 [inline] \xa0io_do_iopoll+0x474/0x62c io_uring/rw.c:1065 \xa0io_iopoll_try_reap_events+0x6c/0x108 io_uring/io_uring.c:1513 \xa0io_uring_try_cancel_requests+0x13c/0x258 io_uring/io_uring.c:3056 \xa0io_ring_exit_work+0xec/0x390 io_uring/io_uring.c:2869 \xa0process_one_work+0x2d8/0x504 kernel/workqueue.c:2289 \xa0worker_thread+0x340/0x610 kernel/workqueue.c:2436 \xa0kthread+0x12c/0x158 kernel/kthread.c:376 \xa0ret_from_fork+0x10/0x20 arch/arm64/kernel/entry.S:863 There is no real problem for normal IOPOLL as flush is also called with uring_lock taken, but it's getting more complicated for IOPOLL|SQPOLL, for which __io_cqring_overflow_flush() happens from the CQ waiting path.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nio_uring: lock overflowing for IOPOLL\n\nsyzbot reports an issue with overflow filling for IOPOLL:\n\nWARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 28 at io_uring/io_uring.c:734 io_cqring_event_overflow+0x1c0/0x230 io_uring/io_uring.c:734\nCPU: 0 PID: 28 Comm: kworker/u4:1 Not tainted 6.2.0-rc3-syzkaller-16369-g358a161a6a9e #0\nWorkqueue: events_unbound io_ring_exit_work\nCall trace:\n\xa0io_cqring_event_overflow+0x1c0/0x230 io_uring/io_uring.c:734\n\xa0io_req_cqe_overflow+0x5c/0x70 io_uring/io_uring.c:773\n\xa0io_fill_cqe_req io_uring/io_uring.h:168 [inline]\n\xa0io_do_iopoll+0x474/0x62c io_uring/rw.c:1065\n\xa0io_iopoll_try_reap_events+0x6c/0x108 io_uring/io_uring.c:1513\n\xa0io_uring_try_cancel_requests+0x13c/0x258 io_uring/io_uring.c:3056\n\xa0io_ring_exit_work+0xec/0x390 io_uring/io_uring.c:2869\n\xa0process_one_work+0x2d8/0x504 kernel/workqueue.c:2289\n\xa0worker_thread+0x340/0x610 kernel/workqueue.c:2436\n\xa0kthread+0x12c/0x158 kernel/kthread.c:376\n\xa0ret_from_fork+0x10/0x20 arch/arm64/kernel/entry.S:863\n\nThere is no real problem for normal IOPOLL as flush is also called with\nuring_lock taken, but it's getting more complicated for IOPOLL|SQPOLL,\nfor which __io_cqring_overflow_flush() happens from the CQ waiting path.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2023-52903 was patched at 2024-08-21

630. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2023-52904) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ALSA: usb-audio: Fix possible NULL pointer dereference in snd_usb_pcm_has_fixed_rate() The subs function argument may be NULL, so do not use it before the NULL check.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nALSA: usb-audio: Fix possible NULL pointer dereference in snd_usb_pcm_has_fixed_rate()\n\nThe subs function argument may be NULL, so do not use it before the NULL check.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2023-52904 was patched at 2024-08-21

631. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2023-52905) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: octeontx2-pf: Fix resource leakage in VF driver unbind resources allocated like mcam entries to support the Ntuple feature and hash tables for the tc feature are not getting freed in driver unbind. This patch fixes the issue.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nocteontx2-pf: Fix resource leakage in VF driver unbind\n\nresources allocated like mcam entries to support the Ntuple feature\nand hash tables for the tc feature are not getting freed in driver\nunbind. This patch fixes the issue.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2023-52905 was patched at 2024-08-21

632. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2023-52906) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/sched: act_mpls: Fix warning during failed attribute validation The 'TCA_MPLS_LABEL' attribute is of 'NLA_U32' type, but has a validation type of 'NLA_VALIDATE_FUNCTION'. This is an invalid combination according to the comment above 'struct nla_policy': " Meaning of `validate' field, use via NLA_POLICY_VALIDATE_FN: NLA_BINARY Validation function called for the attribute. All other Unused - but note that it's a union " This can trigger the warning [1] in nla_get_range_unsigned() when validation of the attribute fails. Despite being of 'NLA_U32' type, the associated 'min'/'max' fields in the policy are negative as they are aliased by the 'validate' field. Fix by changing the attribute type to 'NLA_BINARY' which is consistent with the above comment and all other users of NLA_POLICY_VALIDATE_FN(). As a result, move the length validation to the validation function. No regressions in MPLS tests: # ./ -f tc-tests/actions/mpls.json [...] # echo $? 0 [1] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 17743 at lib/nlattr.c:118 nla_get_range_unsigned+0x1d8/0x1e0 lib/nlattr.c:117 Modules linked in: CPU: 0 PID: 17743 Comm: syz-executor.0 Not tainted 6.1.0-rc8 #3 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 04/01/2014 RIP: 0010:nla_get_range_unsigned+0x1d8/0x1e0 lib/nlattr.c:117 [...] Call Trace: <TASK> __netlink_policy_dump_write_attr+0x23d/0x990 net/netlink/policy.c:310 netlink_policy_dump_write_attr+0x22/0x30 net/netlink/policy.c:411 netlink_ack_tlv_fill net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2454 [inline] netlink_ack+0x546/0x760 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2506 netlink_rcv_skb+0x1b7/0x240 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2546 rtnetlink_rcv+0x18/0x20 net/core/rtnetlink.c:6109 netlink_unicast_kernel net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1319 [inline] netlink_unicast+0x5e9/0x6b0 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1345 netlink_sendmsg+0x739/0x860 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1921 sock_sendmsg_nosec net/socket.c:714 [inline] sock_sendmsg net/socket.c:734 [inline] ____sys_sendmsg+0x38f/0x500 net/socket.c:2482 ___sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2536 [inline] __sys_sendmsg+0x197/0x230 net/socket.c:2565 __do_sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2574 [inline] __se_sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2572 [inline] __x64_sys_sendmsg+0x42/0x50 net/socket.c:2572 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline] do_syscall_64+0x2b/0x70 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x63/0xcd', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet/sched: act_mpls: Fix warning during failed attribute validation\n\nThe 'TCA_MPLS_LABEL' attribute is of 'NLA_U32' type, but has a\nvalidation type of 'NLA_VALIDATE_FUNCTION'. This is an invalid\ncombination according to the comment above 'struct nla_policy':\n\n"\nMeaning of `validate' field, use via NLA_POLICY_VALIDATE_FN:\n NLA_BINARY Validation function called for the attribute.\n All other Unused - but note that it's a union\n"\n\nThis can trigger the warning [1] in nla_get_range_unsigned() when\nvalidation of the attribute fails. Despite being of 'NLA_U32' type, the\nassociated 'min'/'max' fields in the policy are negative as they are\naliased by the 'validate' field.\n\nFix by changing the attribute type to 'NLA_BINARY' which is consistent\nwith the above comment and all other users of NLA_POLICY_VALIDATE_FN().\nAs a result, move the length validation to the validation function.\n\nNo regressions in MPLS tests:\n\n # ./ -f tc-tests/actions/mpls.json\n [...]\n # echo $?\n 0\n\n[1]\nWARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 17743 at lib/nlattr.c:118\nnla_get_range_unsigned+0x1d8/0x1e0 lib/nlattr.c:117\nModules linked in:\nCPU: 0 PID: 17743 Comm: syz-executor.0 Not tainted 6.1.0-rc8 #3\nHardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS\ 04/01/2014\nRIP: 0010:nla_get_range_unsigned+0x1d8/0x1e0 lib/nlattr.c:117\n[...]\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n __netlink_policy_dump_write_attr+0x23d/0x990 net/netlink/policy.c:310\n netlink_policy_dump_write_attr+0x22/0x30 net/netlink/policy.c:411\n netlink_ack_tlv_fill net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2454 [inline]\n netlink_ack+0x546/0x760 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2506\n netlink_rcv_skb+0x1b7/0x240 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2546\n rtnetlink_rcv+0x18/0x20 net/core/rtnetlink.c:6109\n netlink_unicast_kernel net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1319 [inline]\n netlink_unicast+0x5e9/0x6b0 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1345\n netlink_sendmsg+0x739/0x860 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1921\n sock_sendmsg_nosec net/socket.c:714 [inline]\n sock_sendmsg net/socket.c:734 [inline]\n ____sys_sendmsg+0x38f/0x500 net/socket.c:2482\n ___sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2536 [inline]\n __sys_sendmsg+0x197/0x230 net/socket.c:2565\n __do_sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2574 [inline]\n __se_sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2572 [inline]\n __x64_sys_sendmsg+0x42/0x50 net/socket.c:2572\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0x2b/0x70 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x63/0xcd', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2023-52906 was patched at 2024-08-21

633. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2023-52908) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/amdgpu: Fix potential NULL dereference Fix potential NULL dereference, in the case when "man", the resource manager might be NULL, when/if we print debug information.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/amdgpu: Fix potential NULL dereference\n\nFix potential NULL dereference, in the case when "man", the resource manager\nmight be NULL, when/if we print debug information.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2023-52908 was patched at 2024-08-21

634. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2023-52909) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nfsd: fix handling of cached open files in nfsd4_open codepath Commit fb70bf124b05 ("NFSD: Instantiate a struct file when creating a regular NFSv4 file") added the ability to cache an open fd over a compound. There are a couple of problems with the way this currently works: It's racy, as a newly-created nfsd_file can end up with its PENDING bit cleared while the nf is hashed, and the nf_file pointer is still zeroed out. Other tasks can find it in this state and they expect to see a valid nf_file, and can oops if nf_file is NULL. Also, there is no guarantee that we'll end up creating a new nfsd_file if one is already in the hash. If an extant entry is in the hash with a valid nf_file, nfs4_get_vfs_file will clobber its nf_file pointer with the value of op_file and the old nf_file will leak. Fix both issues by making a new nfsd_file_acquirei_opened variant that takes an optional file pointer. If one is present when this is called, we'll take a new reference to it instead of trying to open the file. If the nfsd_file already has a valid nf_file, we'll just ignore the optional file and pass the nfsd_file back as-is. Also rework the tracepoints a bit to allow for an "opened" variant and don't try to avoid counting acquisitions in the case where we already have a cached open file.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnfsd: fix handling of cached open files in nfsd4_open codepath\n\nCommit fb70bf124b05 ("NFSD: Instantiate a struct file when creating a\nregular NFSv4 file") added the ability to cache an open fd over a\ncompound. There are a couple of problems with the way this currently\nworks:\n\nIt's racy, as a newly-created nfsd_file can end up with its PENDING bit\ncleared while the nf is hashed, and the nf_file pointer is still zeroed\nout. Other tasks can find it in this state and they expect to see a\nvalid nf_file, and can oops if nf_file is NULL.\n\nAlso, there is no guarantee that we'll end up creating a new nfsd_file\nif one is already in the hash. If an extant entry is in the hash with a\nvalid nf_file, nfs4_get_vfs_file will clobber its nf_file pointer with\nthe value of op_file and the old nf_file will leak.\n\nFix both issues by making a new nfsd_file_acquirei_opened variant that\ntakes an optional file pointer. If one is present when this is called,\nwe'll take a new reference to it instead of trying to open the file. If\nthe nfsd_file already has a valid nf_file, we'll just ignore the\noptional file and pass the nfsd_file back as-is.\n\nAlso rework the tracepoints a bit to allow for an "opened" variant and\ndon't try to avoid counting acquisitions in the case where we already\nhave a cached open file.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2023-52909 was patched at 2024-08-21

635. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2023-52910) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: iommu/iova: Fix alloc iova overflows issue In __alloc_and_insert_iova_range, there is an issue that retry_pfn overflows. The value of iovad->anchor.pfn_hi is ~0UL, then when iovad->cached_node is iovad->anchor, curr_iova->pfn_hi + 1 will overflow. As a result, if the retry logic is executed, low_pfn is updated to 0, and then new_pfn < low_pfn returns false to make the allocation successful. This issue occurs in the following two situations: 1. The first iova size exceeds the domain size. When initializing iova domain, iovad->cached_node is assigned as iovad->anchor. For example, the iova domain size is 10M, start_pfn is 0x1_F000_0000, and the iova size allocated for the first time is 11M. The following is the log information, new->pfn_lo is smaller than iovad->cached_node. Example log as follows: [ 223.798112][T1705487] sh: [name:iova&]__alloc_and_insert_iova_range start_pfn:0x1f0000,retry_pfn:0x0,size:0xb00,limit_pfn:0x1f0a00 [ 223.799590][T1705487] sh: [name:iova&]__alloc_and_insert_iova_range success start_pfn:0x1f0000,new->pfn_lo:0x1efe00,new->pfn_hi:0x1f08ff 2. The node with the largest iova->pfn_lo value in the iova domain is deleted, iovad->cached_node will be updated to iovad->anchor, and then the alloc iova size exceeds the maximum iova size that can be allocated in the domain. After judging that retry_pfn is less than limit_pfn, call retry_pfn+1 to fix the overflow issue.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\niommu/iova: Fix alloc iova overflows issue\n\nIn __alloc_and_insert_iova_range, there is an issue that retry_pfn\noverflows. The value of iovad->anchor.pfn_hi is ~0UL, then when\niovad->cached_node is iovad->anchor, curr_iova->pfn_hi + 1 will\noverflow. As a result, if the retry logic is executed, low_pfn is\nupdated to 0, and then new_pfn < low_pfn returns false to make the\nallocation successful.\n\nThis issue occurs in the following two situations:\n1. The first iova size exceeds the domain size. When initializing\niova domain, iovad->cached_node is assigned as iovad->anchor. For\nexample, the iova domain size is 10M, start_pfn is 0x1_F000_0000,\nand the iova size allocated for the first time is 11M. The\nfollowing is the log information, new->pfn_lo is smaller than\niovad->cached_node.\n\nExample log as follows:\n[ 223.798112][T1705487] sh: [name:iova&]__alloc_and_insert_iova_range\nstart_pfn:0x1f0000,retry_pfn:0x0,size:0xb00,limit_pfn:0x1f0a00\n[ 223.799590][T1705487] sh: [name:iova&]__alloc_and_insert_iova_range\nsuccess start_pfn:0x1f0000,new->pfn_lo:0x1efe00,new->pfn_hi:0x1f08ff\n\n2. The node with the largest iova->pfn_lo value in the iova domain\nis deleted, iovad->cached_node will be updated to iovad->anchor,\nand then the alloc iova size exceeds the maximum iova size that can\nbe allocated in the domain.\n\nAfter judging that retry_pfn is less than limit_pfn, call retry_pfn+1\nto fix the overflow issue.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2023-52910 was patched at 2024-08-21

636. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2023-52911) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/msm: another fix for the headless Adreno GPU Fix another oops reproducible when rebooting the board with the Adreno GPU working in the headless mode (e.g. iMX platforms). Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000000 when read [00000000] *pgd=74936831, *pte=00000000, *ppte=00000000 Internal error: Oops: 17 [#1] ARM CPU: 0 PID: 51 Comm: reboot Not tainted 6.2.0-rc1-dirty #11 Hardware name: Freescale i.MX53 (Device Tree Support) PC is at msm_atomic_commit_tail+0x50/0x970 LR is at commit_tail+0x9c/0x188 pc : [<c06aa430>] lr : [<c067a214>] psr: 600e0013 sp : e0851d30 ip : ee4eb7eb fp : 00090acc r10: 00000058 r9 : c2193014 r8 : c4310000 r7 : c4759380 r6 : 07bef61d r5 : 00000000 r4 : 00000000 r3 : c44cc440 r2 : 00000000 r1 : 00000000 r0 : 00000000 Flags: nZCv IRQs on FIQs on Mode SVC_32 ISA ARM Segment none Control: 10c5387d Table: 74910019 DAC: 00000051 Register r0 information: NULL pointer Register r1 information: NULL pointer Register r2 information: NULL pointer Register r3 information: slab kmalloc-1k start c44cc400 pointer offset 64 size 1024 Register r4 information: NULL pointer Register r5 information: NULL pointer Register r6 information: non-paged memory Register r7 information: slab kmalloc-128 start c4759380 pointer offset 0 size 128 Register r8 information: slab kmalloc-2k start c4310000 pointer offset 0 size 2048 Register r9 information: non-slab/vmalloc memory Register r10 information: non-paged memory Register r11 information: non-paged memory Register r12 information: non-paged memory Process reboot (pid: 51, stack limit = 0xc80046d9) Stack: (0xe0851d30 to 0xe0852000) 1d20: c4759380 fbd77200 000005ff 002b9c70 1d40: c4759380 c4759380 00000000 07bef61d 00000600 c0d6fe7c c2193014 00000058 1d60: 00090acc c067a214 00000000 c4759380 c4310000 00000000 c44cc854 c067a89c 1d80: 00000000 00000000 00000000 c4310468 00000000 c4759380 c4310000 c4310468 1da0: c4310470 c0643258 c4759380 00000000 00000000 c0c4ee24 00000000 c44cc810 1dc0: 00000000 c0c4ee24 00000000 c44cc810 00000000 0347d2a8 e0851e00 e0851e00 1de0: c4759380 c067ad20 c4310000 00000000 c44cc810 c27f8718 c44cc854 c067adb8 1e00: c4933000 00000002 00000001 00000000 00000000 c2130850 00000000 c2130854 1e20: c25fc488 00000000 c0ff162c 00000000 00000001 00000002 00000000 00000000 1e40: c43102c0 c43102c0 00000000 0347d2a8 c44cc810 c44cc814 c2133da8 c06d1a60 1e60: 00000000 00000000 00079028 c2012f24 fee1dead c4933000 00000058 c01431e4 1e80: 01234567 c0143a20 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 1ea0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 1ec0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 1ee0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 1f00: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 1f20: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 1f40: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 1f60: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 1f80: 00000000 00000000 00000000 0347d2a8 00000002 00000004 00000078 00000058 1fa0: c010028c c0100060 00000002 00000004 fee1dead 28121969 01234567 00079028 1fc0: 00000002 00000004 00000078 00000058 0002fdc5 00000000 00000000 00090acc 1fe0: 00000058 becc9c64 b6e97e05 b6e0e5f6 600e0030 fee1dead 00000000 00000000 msm_atomic_commit_tail from commit_tail+0x9c/0x188 commit_tail from drm_atomic_helper_commit+0x160/0x188 drm_atomic_helper_commit from drm_atomic_commit+0xac/0xe0 drm_atomic_commit from drm_atomic_helper_disable_all+0x1b0/0x1c0 drm_atomic_helper_disable_all from drm_atomic_helper_shutdown+0x88/0x140 drm_atomic_helper_shutdown from device_shutdown+0x16c/0x240 device_shutdown from kernel_restart+0x38/0x90 kernel_restart from __do_sys_reboot+0x ---truncated---', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/msm: another fix for the headless Adreno GPU\n\nFix another oops reproducible when rebooting the board with the Adreno\nGPU working in the headless mode (e.g. iMX platforms).\n\nUnable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000000 when read\n[00000000] *pgd=74936831, *pte=00000000, *ppte=00000000\nInternal error: Oops: 17 [#1] ARM\nCPU: 0 PID: 51 Comm: reboot Not tainted 6.2.0-rc1-dirty #11\nHardware name: Freescale i.MX53 (Device Tree Support)\nPC is at msm_atomic_commit_tail+0x50/0x970\nLR is at commit_tail+0x9c/0x188\npc : [<c06aa430>] lr : [<c067a214>] psr: 600e0013\nsp : e0851d30 ip : ee4eb7eb fp : 00090acc\nr10: 00000058 r9 : c2193014 r8 : c4310000\nr7 : c4759380 r6 : 07bef61d r5 : 00000000 r4 : 00000000\nr3 : c44cc440 r2 : 00000000 r1 : 00000000 r0 : 00000000\nFlags: nZCv IRQs on FIQs on Mode SVC_32 ISA ARM Segment none\nControl: 10c5387d Table: 74910019 DAC: 00000051\nRegister r0 information: NULL pointer\nRegister r1 information: NULL pointer\nRegister r2 information: NULL pointer\nRegister r3 information: slab kmalloc-1k start c44cc400 pointer offset 64 size 1024\nRegister r4 information: NULL pointer\nRegister r5 information: NULL pointer\nRegister r6 information: non-paged memory\nRegister r7 information: slab kmalloc-128 start c4759380 pointer offset 0 size 128\nRegister r8 information: slab kmalloc-2k start c4310000 pointer offset 0 size 2048\nRegister r9 information: non-slab/vmalloc memory\nRegister r10 information: non-paged memory\nRegister r11 information: non-paged memory\nRegister r12 information: non-paged memory\nProcess reboot (pid: 51, stack limit = 0xc80046d9)\nStack: (0xe0851d30 to 0xe0852000)\n1d20: c4759380 fbd77200 000005ff 002b9c70\n1d40: c4759380 c4759380 00000000 07bef61d 00000600 c0d6fe7c c2193014 00000058\n1d60: 00090acc c067a214 00000000 c4759380 c4310000 00000000 c44cc854 c067a89c\n1d80: 00000000 00000000 00000000 c4310468 00000000 c4759380 c4310000 c4310468\n1da0: c4310470 c0643258 c4759380 00000000 00000000 c0c4ee24 00000000 c44cc810\n1dc0: 00000000 c0c4ee24 00000000 c44cc810 00000000 0347d2a8 e0851e00 e0851e00\n1de0: c4759380 c067ad20 c4310000 00000000 c44cc810 c27f8718 c44cc854 c067adb8\n1e00: c4933000 00000002 00000001 00000000 00000000 c2130850 00000000 c2130854\n1e20: c25fc488 00000000 c0ff162c 00000000 00000001 00000002 00000000 00000000\n1e40: c43102c0 c43102c0 00000000 0347d2a8 c44cc810 c44cc814 c2133da8 c06d1a60\n1e60: 00000000 00000000 00079028 c2012f24 fee1dead c4933000 00000058 c01431e4\n1e80: 01234567 c0143a20 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000\n1ea0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000\n1ec0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000\n1ee0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000\n1f00: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000\n1f20: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000\n1f40: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000\n1f60: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000\n1f80: 00000000 00000000 00000000 0347d2a8 00000002 00000004 00000078 00000058\n1fa0: c010028c c0100060 00000002 00000004 fee1dead 28121969 01234567 00079028\n1fc0: 00000002 00000004 00000078 00000058 0002fdc5 00000000 00000000 00090acc\n1fe0: 00000058 becc9c64 b6e97e05 b6e0e5f6 600e0030 fee1dead 00000000 00000000\n msm_atomic_commit_tail from commit_tail+0x9c/0x188\n commit_tail from drm_atomic_helper_commit+0x160/0x188\n drm_atomic_helper_commit from drm_atomic_commit+0xac/0xe0\n drm_atomic_commit from drm_atomic_helper_disable_all+0x1b0/0x1c0\n drm_atomic_helper_disable_all from drm_atomic_helper_shutdown+0x88/0x140\n drm_atomic_helper_shutdown from device_shutdown+0x16c/0x240\n device_shutdown from kernel_restart+0x38/0x90\n kernel_restart from __do_sys_reboot+0x\n---truncated---', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2023-52911 was patched at 2024-08-21

637. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2023-52912) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/amdgpu: Fixed bug on error when unloading amdgpu Fixed bug on error when unloading amdgpu. The error message is as follows: [ 377.706202] kernel BUG at drivers/gpu/drm/drm_buddy.c:278! [ 377.706215] invalid opcode: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP NOPTI [ 377.706222] CPU: 4 PID: 8610 Comm: modprobe Tainted: G IOE 6.0.0-thomas #1 [ 377.706231] Hardware name: ASUS System Product Name/PRIME Z390-A, BIOS 2004 11/02/2021 [ 377.706238] RIP: 0010:drm_buddy_free_block+0x26/0x30 [drm_buddy] [ 377.706264] Code: 00 00 00 90 0f 1f 44 00 00 48 8b 0e 89 c8 25 00 0c 00 00 3d 00 04 00 00 75 10 48 8b 47 18 48 d3 e0 48 01 47 28 e9 fa fe ff ff <0f> 0b 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 0f 1f 44 00 00 41 54 55 48 89 f5 53 [ 377.706282] RSP: 0018:ffffad2dc4683cb8 EFLAGS: 00010287 [ 377.706289] RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffff8b1743bd5138 RCX: 0000000000000000 [ 377.706297] RDX: ffff8b1743bd5160 RSI: ffff8b1743bd5c78 RDI: ffff8b16d1b25f70 [ 377.706304] RBP: ffff8b1743bd59e0 R08: 0000000000000001 R09: 0000000000000001 [ 377.706311] R10: ffff8b16c8572400 R11: ffffad2dc4683cf0 R12: ffff8b16d1b25f70 [ 377.706318] R13: ffff8b16d1b25fd0 R14: ffff8b1743bd59c0 R15: ffff8b16d1b25f70 [ 377.706325] FS: 00007fec56c72c40(0000) GS:ffff8b1836500000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 [ 377.706334] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 [ 377.706340] CR2: 00007f9b88c1ba50 CR3: 0000000110450004 CR4: 00000000003706e0 [ 377.706347] DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 [ 377.706354] DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 [ 377.706361] Call Trace: [ 377.706365] <TASK> [ 377.706369] drm_buddy_free_list+0x2a/0x60 [drm_buddy] [ 377.706376] amdgpu_vram_mgr_fini+0xea/0x180 [amdgpu] [ 377.706572] amdgpu_ttm_fini+0x12e/0x1a0 [amdgpu] [ 377.706650] amdgpu_bo_fini+0x22/0x90 [amdgpu] [ 377.706727] gmc_v11_0_sw_fini+0x26/0x30 [amdgpu] [ 377.706821] amdgpu_device_fini_sw+0xa1/0x3c0 [amdgpu] [ 377.706897] amdgpu_driver_release_kms+0x12/0x30 [amdgpu] [ 377.706975] drm_dev_release+0x20/0x40 [drm] [ 377.707006] release_nodes+0x35/0xb0 [ 377.707014] devres_release_all+0x8b/0xc0 [ 377.707020] device_unbind_cleanup+0xe/0x70 [ 377.707027] device_release_driver_internal+0xee/0x160 [ 377.707033] driver_detach+0x44/0x90 [ 377.707039] bus_remove_driver+0x55/0xe0 [ 377.707045] pci_unregister_driver+0x3b/0x90 [ 377.707052] amdgpu_exit+0x11/0x6c [amdgpu] [ 377.707194] __x64_sys_delete_module+0x142/0x2b0 [ 377.707201] ? fpregs_assert_state_consistent+0x22/0x50 [ 377.707208] ? exit_to_user_mode_prepare+0x3e/0x190 [ 377.707215] do_syscall_64+0x38/0x90 [ 377.707221] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x63/0xcd', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/amdgpu: Fixed bug on error when unloading amdgpu\n\nFixed bug on error when unloading amdgpu.\n\nThe error message is as follows:\n[ 377.706202] kernel BUG at drivers/gpu/drm/drm_buddy.c:278!\n[ 377.706215] invalid opcode: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP NOPTI\n[ 377.706222] CPU: 4 PID: 8610 Comm: modprobe Tainted: G IOE 6.0.0-thomas #1\n[ 377.706231] Hardware name: ASUS System Product Name/PRIME Z390-A, BIOS 2004 11/02/2021\n[ 377.706238] RIP: 0010:drm_buddy_free_block+0x26/0x30 [drm_buddy]\n[ 377.706264] Code: 00 00 00 90 0f 1f 44 00 00 48 8b 0e 89 c8 25 00 0c 00 00 3d 00 04 00 00 75 10 48 8b 47 18 48 d3 e0 48 01 47 28 e9 fa fe ff ff <0f> 0b 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 0f 1f 44 00 00 41 54 55 48 89 f5 53\n[ 377.706282] RSP: 0018:ffffad2dc4683cb8 EFLAGS: 00010287\n[ 377.706289] RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffff8b1743bd5138 RCX: 0000000000000000\n[ 377.706297] RDX: ffff8b1743bd5160 RSI: ffff8b1743bd5c78 RDI: ffff8b16d1b25f70\n[ 377.706304] RBP: ffff8b1743bd59e0 R08: 0000000000000001 R09: 0000000000000001\n[ 377.706311] R10: ffff8b16c8572400 R11: ffffad2dc4683cf0 R12: ffff8b16d1b25f70\n[ 377.706318] R13: ffff8b16d1b25fd0 R14: ffff8b1743bd59c0 R15: ffff8b16d1b25f70\n[ 377.706325] FS: 00007fec56c72c40(0000) GS:ffff8b1836500000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\n[ 377.706334] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\n[ 377.706340] CR2: 00007f9b88c1ba50 CR3: 0000000110450004 CR4: 00000000003706e0\n[ 377.706347] DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000\n[ 377.706354] DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400\n[ 377.706361] Call Trace:\n[ 377.706365] <TASK>\n[ 377.706369] drm_buddy_free_list+0x2a/0x60 [drm_buddy]\n[ 377.706376] amdgpu_vram_mgr_fini+0xea/0x180 [amdgpu]\n[ 377.706572] amdgpu_ttm_fini+0x12e/0x1a0 [amdgpu]\n[ 377.706650] amdgpu_bo_fini+0x22/0x90 [amdgpu]\n[ 377.706727] gmc_v11_0_sw_fini+0x26/0x30 [amdgpu]\n[ 377.706821] amdgpu_device_fini_sw+0xa1/0x3c0 [amdgpu]\n[ 377.706897] amdgpu_driver_release_kms+0x12/0x30 [amdgpu]\n[ 377.706975] drm_dev_release+0x20/0x40 [drm]\n[ 377.707006] release_nodes+0x35/0xb0\n[ 377.707014] devres_release_all+0x8b/0xc0\n[ 377.707020] device_unbind_cleanup+0xe/0x70\n[ 377.707027] device_release_driver_internal+0xee/0x160\n[ 377.707033] driver_detach+0x44/0x90\n[ 377.707039] bus_remove_driver+0x55/0xe0\n[ 377.707045] pci_unregister_driver+0x3b/0x90\n[ 377.707052] amdgpu_exit+0x11/0x6c [amdgpu]\n[ 377.707194] __x64_sys_delete_module+0x142/0x2b0\n[ 377.707201] ? fpregs_assert_state_consistent+0x22/0x50\n[ 377.707208] ? exit_to_user_mode_prepare+0x3e/0x190\n[ 377.707215] do_syscall_64+0x38/0x90\n[ 377.707221] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x63/0xcd', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2023-52912 was patched at 2024-08-21

638. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2023-52913) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/i915: Fix potential context UAFs gem_context_register() makes the context visible to userspace, and which point a separate thread can trigger the I915_GEM_CONTEXT_DESTROY ioctl. So we need to ensure that nothing uses the ctx ptr after this. And we need to ensure that adding the ctx to the xarray is the *last* thing that gem_context_register() does with the ctx pointer. [tursulin: Stable and fixes tags add/tidy.] (cherry picked from commit bed4b455cf5374e68879be56971c1da563bcd90c)', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/i915: Fix potential context UAFs\n\ngem_context_register() makes the context visible to userspace, and which\npoint a separate thread can trigger the I915_GEM_CONTEXT_DESTROY ioctl.\nSo we need to ensure that nothing uses the ctx ptr after this. And we\nneed to ensure that adding the ctx to the xarray is the *last* thing\nthat gem_context_register() does with the ctx pointer.\n\n[tursulin: Stable and fixes tags add/tidy.]\n(cherry picked from commit bed4b455cf5374e68879be56971c1da563bcd90c)', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2023-52913 was patched at 2024-08-21

639. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2023-52914) - Low [150]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: io_uring/poll: add hash if ready poll request can't complete inline If we don't, then we may lose access to it completely, leading to a request leak. This will eventually stall the ring exit process as well.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nio_uring/poll: add hash if ready poll request can't complete inline\n\nIf we don't, then we may lose access to it completely, leading to a\nrequest leak. This will eventually stall the ring exit process as\nwell.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2023-52914 was patched at 2024-08-21

640. Unknown Vulnerability Type - PHP (CVE-2024-23091) - Low [145]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Weak password hashing using MD5 in funzioni.php in HotelDruid before 1.32 allows an attacker to obtain plaintext passwords from hash values.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Weak password hashing using MD5 in funzioni.php in HotelDruid before 1.32 allows an attacker to obtain plaintext passwords from hash values.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814PHP is a general-purpose scripting language geared towards web development. It was originally created by Danish-Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf in 1993 and released in 1995.
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-23091 was patched at 2024-08-01

641. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Safari (CVE-2024-40794) - Low [145]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'This issue was addressed through improved state management. This issue is fixed in macOS Sonoma 14.6, iOS 17.6 and iPadOS 17.6, Safari 17.6. Private Browsing tabs may be accessed without authentication.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'This issue was addressed through improved state management. This issue is fixed in macOS Sonoma 14.6, iOS 17.6 and iPadOS 17.6, Safari 17.6. Private Browsing tabs may be accessed without authentication.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Safari is a web browser developed by Apple. It is built into Apple's operating systems, including macOS, iOS, iPadOS and their upcoming VisionOS, and uses Apple's open-source browser engine WebKit, which was derived from KHTML.
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

debian: CVE-2024-40794 was patched at 2024-08-21

642. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-6714) - Low [130]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'An issue was discovered in provd before version 0.1.5 with a setuid binary, which allows a local attacker to escalate their privilege.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'An issue was discovered in provd before version 0.1.5 with a setuid binary, which allows a local attacker to escalate their privilege.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

ubuntu: CVE-2024-6714 was patched at 2024-07-24

643. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-29073) - Low [107]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'An vulnerability in the handling of Latex exists in Ankitects Anki 24.04. When Latex is sanitized to prevent unsafe commands, the verbatim package, which comes installed by default in many Latex distributions, has been overlooked. A specially crafted flashcard can lead to an arbitrary file read. An attacker can share a flashcard to trigger this vulnerability.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'An vulnerability in the handling of Latex exists in Ankitects Anki 24.04. When Latex is sanitized to prevent unsafe commands, the verbatim package, which comes installed by default in many Latex distributions, has been overlooked. A specially crafted flashcard can lead to an arbitrary file read. An attacker can share a flashcard to trigger this vulnerability.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.410EPSS Probability is 0.00087, EPSS Percentile is 0.37703

debian: CVE-2024-29073 was patched at 2024-08-01

644. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-36460) - Low [107]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'The front-end audit log allows viewing of unprotected plaintext passwords, where the passwords are displayed in plain text.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'The front-end audit log allows viewing of unprotected plaintext passwords, where the passwords are displayed in plain text.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 8.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2024-36460 was patched at 2024-08-21

645. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-1724) - Low [95]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In snapd versions prior to 2.62, when using AppArmor for enforcement of sandbox permissions, snapd failed to restrict writes to the $HOME/bin path. In Ubuntu, when this path exists, it is automatically added to the users PATH. An attacker who could convince a user to install a malicious snap which used the 'home' plug could use this vulnerability to install arbitrary scripts into the users PATH which may then be run by the user outside of the expected snap sandbox and hence allow them to escape confinement.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In snapd versions prior to 2.62, when using AppArmor for enforcement of \nsandbox permissions, snapd failed to restrict writes to the $HOME/bin\npath. In Ubuntu, when this path exists, it is automatically added to\nthe users PATH. An attacker who could convince a user to install a\nmalicious snap which used the 'home' plug could use this vulnerability\nto install arbitrary scripts into the users PATH which may then be run\nby the user outside of the expected snap sandbox and hence allow them\nto escape confinement.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

debian: CVE-2024-1724 was patched at 2024-08-01

ubuntu: CVE-2024-1724 was patched at 2024-08-01

646. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-31079) - Low [83]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'When NGINX Plus or NGINX OSS are configured to use the HTTP/3 QUIC module, undisclosed HTTP/3 requests can cause NGINX worker processes to terminate or cause\xa0other potential impact. This attack requires that a request be specifically timed during the connection draining process, which the attacker has no visibility and limited influence over.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'When NGINX Plus or NGINX OSS are configured to use the HTTP/3 QUIC module, undisclosed HTTP/3 requests can cause NGINX worker processes to terminate or cause\xa0other potential impact. This attack requires that a request be specifically timed during the connection draining process, which the attacker has no visibility and limited influence over.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16364

redos: CVE-2024-31079 was patched at 2024-07-25

647. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-29296) - Low [71]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'A user enumeration vulnerability was found in Portainer CE 2.19.4. This issue occurs during user authentication process, where a difference in response time could allow a remote unauthenticated user to determine if a username is valid or not.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'A user enumeration vulnerability was found in Portainer CE 2.19.4. This issue occurs during user authentication process, where a difference in response time could allow a remote unauthenticated user to determine if a username is valid or not.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

redos: CVE-2024-29296 was patched at 2024-08-16

648. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-3653) - Low [71]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'A vulnerability was found in Undertow. This issue requires enabling the learning-push handler in the server's config, which is disabled by default, leaving the maxAge config in the handler unconfigured. The default is -1, which makes the handler vulnerable. If someone overwrites that config, the server is not subject to the attack. The attacker needs to be able to reach the server with a normal HTTP request.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'A vulnerability was found in Undertow. This issue requires enabling the learning-push handler in the server's config, which is disabled by default, leaving the maxAge config in the handler unconfigured. The default is -1, which makes the handler vulnerable. If someone overwrites that config, the server is not subject to the attack. The attacker needs to be able to reach the server with a normal HTTP request.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10865

redhat: CVE-2024-3653 was patched at 2024-08-08

649. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2023-31356) - Low [59]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Incomplete system memory cleanup in SEV firmware could allow a privileged attacker to corrupt guest private memory, potentially resulting in a loss of data integrity.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Incomplete system memory cleanup in SEV firmware could\nallow a privileged attacker to corrupt guest private memory, potentially\nresulting in a loss of data integrity.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.410CVSS Base Score is 4.4. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

debian: CVE-2023-31356 was patched at 2024-08-21

650. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2023-52651) - Low [11]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Rejected reason: This CVE ID has been rejected or withdrawn by its CVE Numbering Authority.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Rejected reason: This CVE ID has been rejected or withdrawn by its CVE Numbering Authority.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

oraclelinux: CVE-2023-52651 was patched at 2024-08-14

redhat: CVE-2023-52651 was patched at 2024-08-14

651. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2023-52756) - Low [11]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Rejected reason: This CVE ID has been rejected or withdrawn by its CVE Numbering Authority.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Rejected reason: This CVE ID has been rejected or withdrawn by its CVE Numbering Authority.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

almalinux: CVE-2023-52756 was patched at 2024-08-08

oraclelinux: CVE-2023-52756 was patched at 2024-08-08

redhat: CVE-2023-52756 was patched at 2024-08-08

652. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-26908) - Low [11]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Rejected reason: This CVE ID has been rejected or withdrawn by its CVE Numbering Authority.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Rejected reason: This CVE ID has been rejected or withdrawn by its CVE Numbering Authority.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

almalinux: CVE-2024-26908 was patched at 2024-08-08

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-26908 was patched at 2024-08-08

redhat: CVE-2024-26908 was patched at 2024-07-24, 2024-07-29, 2024-08-08

653. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-35876) - Low [11]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Rejected reason: This CVE ID has been rejected or withdrawn by its CVE Numbering Authority.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Rejected reason: This CVE ID has been rejected or withdrawn by its CVE Numbering Authority.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

almalinux: CVE-2024-35876 was patched at 2024-08-08

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-35876 was patched at 2024-08-08

redhat: CVE-2024-35876 was patched at 2024-08-08

654. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-38391) - Low [11]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Rejected reason: This CVE ID has been rejected or withdrawn by its CVE Numbering Authority.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Rejected reason: This CVE ID has been rejected or withdrawn by its CVE Numbering Authority.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09526

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-38391 was patched at 2024-08-14

655. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-22034) - Low [0]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': '', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual " "that will use it when announcing a new security problem. When the candidate has been " "publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2024-22034 was patched at 2024-08-21

656. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-31145) - Low [0]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': '', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual " "that will use it when announcing a new security problem. When the candidate has been " "publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2024-31145 was patched at 2024-08-21

657. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-31146) - Low [0]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': '', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual " "that will use it when announcing a new security problem. When the candidate has been " "publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2024-31146 was patched at 2024-08-21

658. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-7730) - Low [0]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': '', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual " "that will use it when announcing a new security problem. When the candidate has been " "publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2024-7730 was patched at 2024-08-21

Exploitation in the wild detected (12)

Remote Code Execution (2)

Information Disclosure (1)

Command Injection (1)

Denial of Service (2)

Code Injection (4)

Authentication Bypass (2)

Public exploit exists, but exploitation in the wild is NOT detected (32)

Code Injection (2)

Command Injection (4)

Remote Code Execution (2)

Authentication Bypass (6)

Denial of Service (8)

Cross Site Scripting (3)

Memory Corruption (3)

Security Feature Bypass (1)

Open Redirect (1)

Unknown Vulnerability Type (2)

Other Vulnerabilities (614)

Authentication Bypass (21)

Code Injection (9)

Command Injection (5)

Remote Code Execution (26)

Security Feature Bypass (27)

Elevation of Privilege (6)

Cross Site Scripting (21)

Information Disclosure (7)

Denial of Service (51)

Incorrect Calculation (7)

Memory Corruption (106)

Unknown Vulnerability Type (326)

Path Traversal (1)

Spoofing (1)