Report Name: Linux Patch Wednesday July 2024
Generated: 2024-07-18 13:49:21

Vulristics Vulnerability Scores
Basic Vulnerability Scores

Product NamePrevalenceUCHMLAComment
Apache HTTP Server0.93238Apache HTTP Server is a free and open-source web server that delivers web content through the internet
HTTP/20.911HTTP/2 is a major revision of the HTTP network protocol used by the World Wide Web
Linux Kernel0.93148347498The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
Chromium0.811112Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
MIT Kerberos 50.822Kerberos is a computer-network authentication protocol that works on the basis of tickets to allow nodes communicating over a non-secure network to prove their identity to one another in a secure manner
Mozilla Firefox0.812921Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
Node.js0.81124Node.js is a cross-platform, open-source server environment that can run on Windows, Linux, Unix, macOS, and more
OpenSSH0.81113OpenSSH is a suite of secure networking utilities based on the Secure Shell protocol, which provides a secure channel over an unsecured network in a client–server architecture
OpenSSL0.8112A software library for applications that secure communications over computer networks against eavesdropping or need to identify the party at the other end
RADIUS Protocol0.811Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service is a networking protocol that provides centralized authentication, authorization, and accounting management for users who connect and use a network service
Secure Boot0.8112Secure boot is a security standard developed by members of the PC industry to help make sure that a device boots using only software that is trusted by the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)
.NET Core and Visual Studio0.711.NET Core and Visual Studio
.NET and Visual Studio0.7112.NET and Visual Studio
Apache Tomcat0.711Apache Tomcat is a free and open-source implementation of the Jakarta Servlet, Jakarta Expression Language, and WebSocket technologies
Curl0.711Curl is a command-line tool for transferring data specified with URL syntax
FFmpeg0.7112FFmpeg is a free and open-source software project consisting of a suite of libraries and programs for handling video, audio, and other multimedia files and streams
QEMU0.7123QEMU is a generic and open source machine & userspace emulator and virtualizer
AdminerEvo0.622AdminerEvo is a web-based database management interface, with a focus on security, user experience, performance, functionality and size
Exim0.611Exim is a mail transfer agent (MTA) used on Unix-like operating systems
Nextcloud0.6189Nextcloud server is a self hosted personal cloud system
Oracle Java SE0.61236Oracle Java SE
PHP Secure Communications Library0.611phpseclib provides pure-PHP implementations of SSH2, SFTP, RSA, DSA, Elliptic Curves, AES, ChaCha20, X. 509, CSR, CRL, SPKAC
Perl0.6123Perl is a family of two high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming languages
Python0.62417Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language
ReCAPTCHA0.611reCAPTCHA is a security service that protects your websites from fraud and abuse owned by Google
phpLDAPadmin0.611phpLDAPadmin is a web based LDAP data management tool for system administrators
389 Directory Server0.522389 Directory Server is a highly usable, fully featured, reliable and secure LDAP server implementation
7-Zip0.51127-Zip is a free and open-source file archiver, a utility used to place groups of files within compressed containers known as "archives"
Certifi collection0.511Certifi is a carefully curated collection of Root Certificates for validating the trustworthiness of SSL certificates while verifying the identity of TLS hosts
Cinder0.511Product detected by a:openstack:cinder (exists in CPE dict)
Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange0.511Product detected by a:diffie-hellman_key_exchange_project:diffie-hellman_key_exchange (exists in CPE dict)
Eclipse IDE0.511Product detected by a:eclipse:eclipse_ide (exists in CPE dict)
Go Project0.511Go is an open source project developed by a team at Google and many contributors from the open source community
OpenTelemetry0.511OpenTelemetry is a collection of APIs, SDKs, and tools. Use it to instrument, generate, collect, and export telemetry data (metrics, logs and traces) to help you analyze your software's performance and behavior
Poppler0.511Product detected by a:freedesktop:poppler (exists in CPE dict)
Setuptools0.511Setuptools is a fully-featured, actively-maintained, and stable library designed to facilitate packaging Python projects
Suricata0.51214Product detected by a:oisf:suricata (exists in CPE dict)
Xrdp0.511xrdp is an open source remote desktop protocol server
ZNC0.511ZNC is an advanced IRC bouncer that is left connected so an IRC client can disconnect/reconnect without losing the chat session
arm-trusted-firmware0.511Product detected by o:rensas:arm-trusted-firmware (does NOT exist in CPE dict)
qt0.511Product detected by a:qt:qt (exists in CPE dict)
rcar_gen30.511Product detected by a:renesas:rcar_gen3 (does NOT exist in CPE dict)
retryablehttp0.511Product detected by a:hashicorp:retryablehttp (does NOT exist in CPE dict)
youtube-dl0.511youtube-dl is a free and open source software tool for downloading video and audio from YouTube and over 1,000 other video hosting websites
GPAC0.444GPAC is an Open Source multimedia framework for research and academic purposes; the project covers different aspects of multimedia, with a focus on presentation technologies (graphics, animation and interactivity)
LLDP0.411LLDP is an industry standard protocol designed to supplant proprietary Link-Layer protocols such as Extreme's EDP (Extreme Discovery Protocol) and CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol)
Artifex Ghostscript0.3145Artifex Ghostscript is an interpreter for the PostScript® language and PDF files
Unknown Product0334275Unknown Product

Vulnerability Types

Vulnerability TypeCriticalityUCHMLA
Remote Code Execution1.01710119
Authentication Bypass0.982911
Code Injection0.9722
Command Injection0.97246
XXE Injection0.9711
Security Feature Bypass0.9410317
Elevation of Privilege0.8522
Arbitrary File Reading0.8311
Information Disclosure0.831438
Cross Site Scripting0.8336
Denial of Service0.7446757
Path Traversal0.7134
Incorrect Calculation0.5617
Memory Corruption0.5121478158
Unknown Vulnerability Type010395405




Urgent (0)

Critical (2)

1. Memory Corruption - OpenSSH (CVE-2024-6387) - Critical [639]

Description: A security regression (CVE-2006-5051) was discovered in OpenSSH's server (sshd). There is a race condition which can lead sshd to handle some signals in an unsafe manner. An unauthenticated, remote attacker may be able to trigger it by failing to authenticate within a set time period.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:SARDINE-WEB:CVE-2024-6387_CHECK, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:INVADERSLABS:REGRESSHION-CVE-2024-6387-, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:3YUJW7NJAI:CVE-2024-6387, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:AHLFORS:CVE-2024-6387, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:BIGB0X:CVE-2024-6387, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:ZENZUE:CVE-2024-6387-MITIGATION, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:SXLMNWB:CVE-2024-6387, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:JOCKER2410:CVE-2024-6387_POC, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:SMS2056:CVE-2024-6387, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:FILIPI86:CVE-2024-6387-VULNERABILITY-CHECKER, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:ZGIMSZHD61:CVE-2024-6387-POC, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:HADESNULL123:CVE-2024-6387_CHECK, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:COGNISYSGROUP:CVE-2024-6387-CHECKER, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:DEVARSHISHIMPI:CVE-2024-6387-CHECK, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:N1CKS0N:TEST_CVE-2024-6387, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:ACRONO:CVE-2024-6387-POC, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:SHAMO0:CVE-2024-6387_POC, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:HSSMO:CVE-2024-6387_AIMADE, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:GRUPOORUSS:CVE-2024-6387-TESTER, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:DIMAMEND:CVE-2024-6387-POC, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:TURBOBIT:CVE-2024-6387-OPENSSH-VULNERABILITY-CHECKER, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:ACHUX21:CHECKER-CVE-2024-6387, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:RICKGEEX:CVE-2024-6387-CHECKER, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:T3RRY327:CVE-2024-6387-POC, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:MRMTWOJ:CVE-2024-6387, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:SIBERIANHACKER:CVE-2024-6387-FINDER, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:KUBOTA:CVE-2024-6387-VULNERABILITY-CHECKER, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:PARADESSIA:CVE-2024-6387-NMAP, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:THEMEHACKERS:CVE-2024-6387, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:LALA-AMBER:CVE-2024-6387, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:L0N3M4N:CVE-2024-6387, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:ASTERICTNL-LVDW:CVE-2024-6387, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:XAITAX:CVE-2024-6387_CHECK, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:TAM-K592:CVE-2024-6387, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:EDSONJT81:CVE-2024-6387_CHECK, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:TH3GOKUL:CVE-2024-6387, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:THEGENETIC:CVE-2024-6387-EXPLOIT, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:0X4D31:CVE-2024-6387_HASSH, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:K4T3PR0:CVE-2024-6387-CHECK, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:D0RB:CVE-2024-6387, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:RUMOCHNAYA:OPENSSH-CVE-2024-6387.SH, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:R4TW1Z:CVE-2024-6387, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:THATNOTEASY:CVE-2024-6387, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:MUYUANLOVE:CVE-2024-6387FIXSHELL, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:LFLARE:CVE-2024-6387-POC, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:SECWITHMOH:CVE-2024-6387, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:7ETSUO:CVE-2024-6387-POC, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:SEGURMATICA:CVE-2024-6387-CHECK, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:MRR0B0T19:CVE-2024-6387-EXPLOIT-POC, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:SHYRWALL:CVE-2024-6387-POC, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:K4T3PR0:CVE-2024-6387-POC, Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:SYMBOLEXE:CVE-2024-6387, Vulners:PublicExploit:1337DAY-ID-39674, Vulners:PublicExploit:PACKETSTORM:179290, BDU:PublicExploit websites
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814OpenSSH is a suite of secure networking utilities based on the Secure Shell protocol, which provides a secure channel over an unsecured network in a client–server architecture
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 8.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile1.010EPSS Probability is 0.36866, EPSS Percentile is 0.97224

almalinux: CVE-2024-6387 was patched at 2024-07-03

debian: CVE-2024-6387 was patched at 2024-07-01, 2024-07-16

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-6387 was patched at 2024-07-01, 2024-07-04

redhat: CVE-2024-6387 was patched at 2024-07-03, 2024-07-05, 2024-07-08

redos: CVE-2024-6387 was patched at 2024-07-04

ubuntu: CVE-2024-6387 was patched at 2024-07-01

2. Remote Code Execution - ZNC (CVE-2024-39844) - Critical [607]

Description: In ZNC before 1.9.1, remote code execution can occur in modtcl via a KICK.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:PH1NS:CVE-2024-39844 website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514ZNC is an advanced IRC bouncer that is left connected so an IRC client can disconnect/reconnect without losing the chat session
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 9.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-39844 was patched at 2024-07-03, 2024-07-16

High (23)

3. Denial of Service - OpenTelemetry (CVE-2023-45142) - High [565]

Description: OpenTelemetry-Go Contrib is a collection of third-party packages for OpenTelemetry-Go. A handler wrapper out of the box adds labels `http.user_agent` and `http.method` that have unbound cardinality. It leads to the server's potential memory exhaustion when many malicious requests are sent to it. HTTP header User-Agent or HTTP method for requests can be easily set by an attacker to be random and long. The library internally uses `httpconv.ServerRequest` that records every value for HTTP `method` and `User-Agent`. In order to be affected, a program has to use the `otelhttp.NewHandler` wrapper and not filter any unknown HTTP methods or User agents on the level of CDN, LB, previous middleware, etc. Version 0.44.0 fixed this issue when the values collected for attribute `http.request.method` were changed to be restricted to a set of well-known values and other high cardinality attributes were removed. As a workaround to stop being affected, `otelhttp.WithFilter()` can be used, but it requires manual careful configuration to not log certain requests entirely. For convenience and safe usage of this library, it should by default mark with the label `unknown` non-standard HTTP methods and User agents to show that such requests were made but do not increase cardinality. In case someone wants to stay with the current behavior, library API should allow to enable it.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on BDU:PublicExploit website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514OpenTelemetry is a collection of APIs, SDKs, and tools. Use it to instrument, generate, collect, and export telemetry data (metrics, logs and traces) to help you analyze your software's performance and behavior
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.510EPSS Probability is 0.00116, EPSS Percentile is 0.45862

redhat: CVE-2023-45142 was patched at 2024-06-26

4. Security Feature Bypass - Exim (CVE-2024-39929) - High [546]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Exim through 4.97.1 misparses a multiline RFC 2231 header filename, and thus remote attackers can bypass a $mime_filename extension-blocking protection mechanism, and potentially deliver executable attachments to the mailboxes of end users.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Exim through 4.97.1 misparses a multiline RFC 2231 header filename, and thus remote attackers can bypass a $mime_filename extension-blocking protection mechanism, and potentially deliver executable attachments to the mailboxes of end users.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on BDU:PublicExploit website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Exim is a mail transfer agent (MTA) used on Unix-like operating systems
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.4. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-39929 was patched at 2024-07-10, 2024-07-16

redos: CVE-2024-39929 was patched at 2024-07-13

5. XXE Injection - Eclipse IDE (CVE-2023-4218) - High [542]

Description: In Eclipse IDE versions < 2023-09 (4.29) some files with xml content are parsed vulnerable against all sorts of XXE attacks. The user just needs to open any evil project or update an open project with a vulnerable file (for example for review a foreign repository or patch).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715XXE Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:eclipse:eclipse_ide (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.0. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.16519

redos: CVE-2023-4218 was patched at 2024-07-04

6. Authentication Bypass - RADIUS Protocol (CVE-2024-3596) - High [534]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'RADIUS Protocol under RFC 2865 is susceptible to forgery attacks by a local attacker who can modify any valid Response (Access-Accept, Access-Reject, or Access-Challenge) to any other response using a chosen-prefix collision attack against MD5 Response Authenticator signature.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'RADIUS Protocol under RFC 2865 is susceptible to forgery attacks by a local attacker who can modify any valid Response (Access-Accept, Access-Reject, or Access-Challenge) to any other response using a chosen-prefix collision attack against MD5 Response Authenticator signature.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on BDU:PublicExploit website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service is a networking protocol that provides centralized authentication, authorization, and accounting management for users who connect and use a network service
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-3596 was patched at 2024-07-16

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35968 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

7. Denial of Service - Suricata (CVE-2024-38536) - High [529]

Description: Suricata is a network Intrusion Detection System, Intrusion Prevention System and Network Security Monitoring engine. A memory allocation failure due to `http.memcap` being reached leads to a NULL-ptr reference leading to a crash. Upgrade to 7.0.6.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:oisf:suricata (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00053, EPSS Percentile is 0.21648

debian: CVE-2024-38536 was patched at 2024-07-16

8. Denial of Service - QEMU (CVE-2024-3567) - High [527]

Description: A flaw was found in QEMU. An assertion failure was present in the update_sctp_checksum() function in hw/net/net_tx_pkt.c when trying to calculate the checksum of a short-sized fragmented packet. This flaw allows a malicious guest to crash QEMU and cause a denial of service condition.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on, BDU:PublicExploit websites
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714QEMU is a generic and open source machine & userspace emulator and virtualizer
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05058

redos: CVE-2024-3567 was patched at 2024-06-27

9. Security Feature Bypass - Nextcloud (CVE-2024-22403) - High [522]

Description: Nextcloud server is a self hosted personal cloud system. In affected versions OAuth codes did not expire. When an attacker would get access to an authorization code they could authenticate at any time using the code. As of version 28.0.0 OAuth codes are invalidated after 10 minutes and will no longer be authenticated. To exploit this vulnerability an attacker would need to intercept an OAuth code from a user session. It is recommended that the Nextcloud Server is upgraded to 28.0.0. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on BDU:PublicExploit website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Nextcloud server is a self hosted personal cloud system
CVSS Base Score0.310CVSS Base Score is 3.0. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00051, EPSS Percentile is 0.20304

redos: CVE-2024-22403 was patched at 2024-06-27

10. Memory Corruption - 7-Zip (CVE-2023-52168) - High [494]

Description: The NtfsHandler.cpp NTFS handler in 7-Zip before 24.01 (for 7zz) contains a heap-based buffer overflow that allows an attacker to overwrite two bytes at multiple offsets beyond the allocated buffer size: buffer+512*i-2, for i=9, i=10, i=11, etc.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on BDU:PublicExploit website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.5147-Zip is a free and open-source file archiver, a utility used to place groups of files within compressed containers known as "archives"
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 8.4. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2023-52168 was patched at 2024-07-16

redos: CVE-2023-52168 was patched at 2024-07-13

11. Security Feature Bypass - Python (CVE-2020-15801) - High [463]

Description: In Python 3.8.4, sys.path restrictions specified in a python38._pth file are ignored, allowing code to be loaded from arbitrary locations. The <executable-name>._pth file (e.g., the python._pth file) is not affected.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 9.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.710EPSS Probability is 0.00295, EPSS Percentile is 0.69589

redos: CVE-2020-15801 was patched at 2024-07-04

12. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48711) - High [453]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: tipc: improve size validations for received domain records The function tipc_mon_rcv() allows a node to receive and process domain_record structs from peer nodes to track their views of the network topology. This patch verifies that the number of members in a received domain record does not exceed the limit defined by MAX_MON_DOMAIN, something that may otherwise lead to a stack overflow. tipc_mon_rcv() is called from the function tipc_link_proto_rcv(), where we are reading a 32 bit message data length field into a uint16. To avert any risk of bit overflow, we add an extra sanity check for this in that function. We cannot see that happen with the current code, but future designers being unaware of this risk, may introduce it by allowing delivery of very large (> 64k) sk buffers from the bearer layer. This potential problem was identified by Eric Dumazet. This fixes CVE-2022-0435

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists1.017The existence of a publicly available exploit is mentioned on Vulners:PublicExploit:GitHub:WLSWOTMD:CVE-2022-0435 website
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2022-48711 was patched at 2024-06-30

13. Remote Code Execution - Apache HTTP Server (CVE-2024-38475) - High [447]

Description: Improper escaping of output in mod_rewrite in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 and earlier allows an attacker to map URLs to filesystem locations that are permitted to be served by the server but are not intentionally/directly reachable by any URL, resulting in code execution or source code disclosure. Substitutions in server context that use a backreferences or variables as the first segment of the substitution are affected.  Some unsafe RewiteRules will be broken by this change and the rewrite flag "UnsafePrefixStat" can be used to opt back in once ensuring the substitution is appropriately constrained.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914Apache HTTP Server is a free and open-source web server that delivers web content through the internet
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 9.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-38475 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

ubuntu: CVE-2024-38475 was patched at 2024-07-08

14. Remote Code Execution - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38605) - High [447]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ALSA: core: Fix NULL module pointer assignment at card init The commit 81033c6b584b ("ALSA: core: Warn on empty module") introduced a WARN_ON() for a NULL module pointer passed at snd_card object creation, and it also wraps the code around it with '#ifdef MODULE'. This works in most cases, but the devils are always in details. "MODULE" is defined when the target code (i.e. the sound core) is built as a module; but this doesn't mean that the caller is also built-in or not. Namely, when only the sound core is built-in (CONFIG_SND=y) while the driver is a module (CONFIG_SND_USB_AUDIO=m), the passed module pointer is ignored even if it's non-NULL, and card->module remains as NULL. This would result in the missing module reference up/down at the device open/close, leading to a race with the code execution after the module removal. For addressing the bug, move the assignment of card->module again out of ifdef. The WARN_ON() is still wrapped with ifdef because the module can be really NULL when all sound drivers are built-in. Note that we keep 'ifdef MODULE' for WARN_ON(), otherwise it would lead to a false-positive NULL module check. Admittedly it won't catch perfectly, i.e. no check is performed when CONFIG_SND=y. But, it's no real problem as it's only for debugging, and the condition is pretty rare.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-38605 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

15. Remote Code Execution - .NET and Visual Studio (CVE-2024-35264) - High [438]

Description: .NET and Visual Studio Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714.NET and Visual Studio
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 8.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.410EPSS Probability is 0.00091, EPSS Percentile is 0.39444

almalinux: CVE-2024-35264 was patched at 2024-07-10

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-35264 was patched at 2024-07-10

redhat: CVE-2024-35264 was patched at 2024-07-10

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35264 was patched at 2024-07-10

16. Command Injection - Apache HTTP Server (CVE-2024-38472) - High [430]

Description: SSRF in Apache HTTP Server on Windows allows to potentially leak NTML hashes to a malicious server via SSRF and malicious requests or content Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.60 which fixes this issue.  Note: Existing configurations that access UNC paths will have to configure new directive "UNCList" to allow access during request processing.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Command Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914Apache HTTP Server is a free and open-source web server that delivers web content through the internet
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-38472 was patched at 2024-07-16

17. Command Injection - Apache HTTP Server (CVE-2024-39573) - High [430]

Description: Potential SSRF in mod_rewrite in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 and earlier allows an attacker to cause unsafe RewriteRules to unexpectedly setup URL's to be handled by mod_proxy. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.60, which fixes this issue.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Command Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914Apache HTTP Server is a free and open-source web server that delivers web content through the internet
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-39573 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

ubuntu: CVE-2024-39573 was patched at 2024-07-08

18. Remote Code Execution - OpenSSH (CVE-2024-6409) - High [419]

Description: A race condition vulnerability was discovered in how signals are handled by OpenSSH's server (sshd). If a remote attacker does not authenticate within a set time period, then sshd's SIGALRM handler is called asynchronously. However, this signal handler calls various functions that are not async-signal-safe, for example, syslog(). As a consequence of a successful attack, in the worst case scenario, an attacker may be able to perform a remote code execution (RCE) as an unprivileged user running the sshd server.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814OpenSSH is a suite of secure networking utilities based on the Secure Shell protocol, which provides a secure channel over an unsecured network in a client–server architecture
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 7.0. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.17474

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-6409 was patched at 2024-07-10

redhat: CVE-2024-6409 was patched at 2024-07-10

19. Remote Code Execution - Secure Boot (CVE-2024-6287) - High [419]

Description: Incorrect Calculation vulnerability in Renesas arm-trusted-firmware allows Local Execution of Code. When checking whether a new image invades/overlaps with a previously loaded image the code neglects to consider a few cases. that could An attacker to bypass memory range restriction and overwrite an already loaded image partly or completely, which could result in code execution and bypass of secure boot.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Secure boot is a security standard developed by members of the PC industry to help make sure that a device boots using only software that is trusted by the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-6287 was patched at 2024-06-30

20. Denial of Service - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48716) - High [417]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix incorrect used of portid Mixer controls have the channel id in mixer->reg, which is not same as port id. port id should be derived from chan_info array. So fix this. Without this, its possible that we could corrupt struct wcd938x_sdw_priv by accessing port_map array out of range with channel id instead of port id.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 9.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48716 was patched at 2024-06-30

21. Remote Code Execution - Python (CVE-2024-39705) - High [409]

Description: NLTK through 3.8.1 allows remote code execution if untrusted packages have pickled Python code, and the integrated data package download functionality is used. This affects, for example, averaged_perceptron_tagger and punkt.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 9.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-39705 was patched at 2024-06-30

22. Security Feature Bypass - Curl (CVE-2024-5261) - High [408]

Description: Improper Certificate Validation vulnerability in LibreOffice "LibreOfficeKit" mode disables TLS certification verification LibreOfficeKit can be used for accessing LibreOffice functionality through C/C++. Typically this is used by third party components to reuse LibreOffice as a library to convert, view or otherwise interact with documents. LibreOffice internally makes use of "curl" to fetch remote resources such as images hosted on webservers. In affected versions of LibreOffice, when used in LibreOfficeKit mode only, then curl's TLS certification verification was disabled (CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER of false) In the fixed versions curl operates in LibreOfficeKit mode the same as in standard mode with CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER of true. This issue affects LibreOffice before version 24.2.4.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714Curl is a command-line tool for transferring data specified with URL syntax
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 10.0. According to Vulners data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

ubuntu: CVE-2024-5261 was patched at 2024-07-04

23. Remote Code Execution - Node.js (CVE-2024-22020) - High [407]

Description: A security flaw in Node.js allows a bypass of network import restrictions. By embedding non-network imports in data URLs, an attacker can execute arbitrary code, compromising system security. Verified on various platforms, the vulnerability is mitigated by forbidding data URLs in network imports. Exploiting this flaw can violate network import security, posing a risk to developers and servers.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Node.js is a cross-platform, open-source server environment that can run on Windows, Linux, Unix, macOS, and more
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-22020 was patched at 2024-07-16

24. Authentication Bypass - Oracle Java SE (CVE-2024-21147) - High [405]

Description: Vulnerability in the Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition product of Oracle Java SE (component: Hotspot). Supported versions that are affected are Oracle Java SE: 8u411, 8u411-perf, 11.0.23, 17.0.11, 21.0.3, 22.0.1; Oracle GraalVM for JDK: 17.0.11, 21.0.3, 22.0.1; Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition: 20.3.14 and 21.3.10. Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized creation, deletion or modification access to critical data or all Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition accessible data as well as unauthorized access to critical data or complete access to all Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition accessible data. Note: This vulnerability can be exploited by using APIs in the specified Component, e.g., through a web service which supplies data to the APIs. This vulnerability also applies to Java deployments, typically in clients running sandboxed Java Web Start applications or sandboxed Java applets, that load and run untrusted code (e.g., code that comes from the internet) and rely on the Java sandbox for security. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 7.4 (Confidentiality and Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:N).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Oracle Java SE
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 7.4. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.410EPSS Probability is 0.00091, EPSS Percentile is 0.39444

redhat: CVE-2024-21147 was patched at 2024-07-17

25. Information Disclosure - OpenSSL (CVE-2024-5535) - High [400]

Description: Issue summary: Calling the OpenSSL API function SSL_select_next_proto with an empty supported client protocols buffer may cause a crash or memory contents to be sent to the peer. Impact summary: A buffer overread can have a range of potential consequences such as unexpected application beahviour or a crash. In particular this issue could result in up to 255 bytes of arbitrary private data from memory being sent to the peer leading to a loss of confidentiality. However, only applications that directly call the SSL_select_next_proto function with a 0 length list of supported client protocols are affected by this issue. This would normally never be a valid scenario and is typically not under attacker control but may occur by accident in the case of a configuration or programming error in the calling application. The OpenSSL API function SSL_select_next_proto is typically used by TLS applications that support ALPN (Application Layer Protocol Negotiation) or NPN (Next Protocol Negotiation). NPN is older, was never standardised and is deprecated in favour of ALPN. We believe that ALPN is significantly more widely deployed than NPN. The SSL_select_next_proto function accepts a list of protocols from the server and a list of protocols from the client and returns the first protocol that appears in the server list that also appears in the client list. In the case of no overlap between the two lists it returns the first item in the client list. In either case it will signal whether an overlap between the two lists was found. In the case where SSL_select_next_proto is called with a zero length client list it fails to notice this condition and returns the memory immediately following the client list pointer (and reports that there was no overlap in the lists). This function is typically called from a server side application callback for ALPN or a client side application callback for NPN. In the case of ALPN the list of protocols supplied by the client is guaranteed by libssl to never be zero in length. The list of server protocols comes from the application and should never normally be expected to be of zero length. In this case if the SSL_select_next_proto function has been called as expected (with the list supplied by the client passed in the client/client_len parameters), then the application will not be vulnerable to this issue. If the application has accidentally been configured with a zero length server list, and has accidentally passed that zero length server list in the client/client_len parameters, and has additionally failed to correctly handle a "no overlap" response (which would normally result in a handshake failure in ALPN) then it will be vulnerable to this problem. In the case of NPN, the protocol permits the client to opportunistically select a protocol when there is no overlap. OpenSSL returns the first client protocol in the no overlap case in support of this. The list of client protocols comes from the application and should never normally be expected to be of zero length. However if the SSL_select_next_proto function is accidentally called with a client_len of 0 then an invalid memory pointer will be returned instead. If the application uses this output as the opportunistic protocol then the loss of confidentiality will occur. This issue has been assessed as Low severity because applications are most likely to be vulnerable if they are using NPN instead of ALPN - but NPN is not widely used. It also requires an application configuration or programming error. Finally, this issue would not typically be under attacker control making active exploitation unlikely. The FIPS modules in 3.3, 3.2, 3.1 and 3.0 are not affected by this issue. Due to the low severity of this issue we are not issuing new releases of OpenSSL at this time. The fix will be included in the next releases when they become available.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.8315Information Disclosure
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814A software library for applications that secure communications over computer networks against eavesdropping or need to identify the party at the other end
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 9.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-5535 was patched at 2024-06-30

Medium (256)

26. Denial of Service - Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange (CVE-2022-40735) - Medium [398]

Description: The Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Protocol allows use of long exponents that arguably make certain calculations unnecessarily expensive, because the 1996 van Oorschot and Wiener paper found that "(appropriately) short exponents" can be used when there are adequate subgroup constraints, and these short exponents can lead to less expensive calculations than for long exponents. This issue is different from CVE-2002-20001 because it is based on an observation about exponent size, rather than an observation about numbers that are not public keys. The specific situations in which calculation expense would constitute a server-side vulnerability depend on the protocol (e.g., TLS, SSH, or IKE) and the DHE implementation details. In general, there might be an availability concern because of server-side resource consumption from DHE modular-exponentiation calculations. Finally, it is possible for an attacker to exploit this vulnerability and CVE-2002-20001 together.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:diffie-hellman_key_exchange_project:diffie-hellman_key_exchange (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.810EPSS Probability is 0.01009, EPSS Percentile is 0.83859

ubuntu: CVE-2022-40735 was patched at 2024-06-27

27. Authentication Bypass - Nextcloud (CVE-2024-37882) - Medium [394]

Description: Nextcloud Server is a self hosted personal cloud system. A recipient of a share with read&share permissions could reshare the item with more permissions. It is recommended that the Nextcloud Server is upgraded to 26.0.13 or 27.1.8 or 28.0.4 and that the Nextcloud Enterprise Server is upgraded to 26.0.13 or 27.1.8 or 28.0.4.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Nextcloud server is a self hosted personal cloud system
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 8.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

redos: CVE-2024-37882 was patched at 2024-06-27

28. Denial of Service - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-4440) - Medium [394]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: x86/xen: Drop USERGS_SYSRET64 paravirt call commit afd30525a659ac0ae0904f0cb4a2ca75522c3123 upstream. USERGS_SYSRET64 is used to return from a syscall via SYSRET, but a Xen PV guest will nevertheless use the IRET hypercall, as there is no sysret PV hypercall defined. So instead of testing all the prerequisites for doing a sysret and then mangling the stack for Xen PV again for doing an iret just use the iret exit from the beginning. This can easily be done via an ALTERNATIVE like it is done for the sysenter compat case already. It should be noted that this drops the optimization in Xen for not restoring a few registers when returning to user mode, but it seems as if the saved instructions in the kernel more than compensate for this drop (a kernel build in a Xen PV guest was slightly faster with this patch applied). While at it remove the stale sysret32 remnants. [ pawan: Brad Spengler and Salvatore Bonaccorso <> reported a problem with the 5.10 backport commit edc702b4a820 ("x86/entry_64: Add VERW just before userspace transition"). When CONFIG_PARAVIRT_XXL=y, CLEAR_CPU_BUFFERS is not executed in syscall_return_via_sysret path as USERGS_SYSRET64 is runtime patched to: .cpu_usergs_sysret64 = { 0x0f, 0x01, 0xf8, 0x48, 0x0f, 0x07 }, // swapgs; sysretq which is missing CLEAR_CPU_BUFFERS. It turns out dropping USERGS_SYSRET64 simplifies the code, allowing CLEAR_CPU_BUFFERS to be explicitly added to syscall_return_via_sysret path. Below is with CONFIG_PARAVIRT_XXL=y and this patch applied: syscall_return_via_sysret: ... <+342>: swapgs <+345>: xchg %ax,%ax <+347>: verw -0x1a2(%rip) <------ <+354>: sysretq ]

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2021-4440 was patched at 2024-06-30

29. Denial of Service - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48748) - Medium [394]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: bridge: vlan: fix memory leak in __allowed_ingress When using per-vlan state, if vlan snooping and stats are disabled, untagged or priority-tagged ingress frame will go to check pvid state. If the port state is forwarding and the pvid state is not learning/forwarding, untagged or priority-tagged frame will be dropped but skb memory is not freed. Should free skb when __allowed_ingress returns false.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48748 was patched at 2024-06-30

30. Denial of Service - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38616) - Medium [394]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: carl9170: re-fix fortified-memset warning The carl9170_tx_release() function sometimes triggers a fortified-memset warning in my randconfig builds: In file included from include/linux/string.h:254, from drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/tx.c:40: In function 'fortify_memset_chk', inlined from 'carl9170_tx_release' at drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/tx.c:283:2, inlined from 'kref_put' at include/linux/kref.h:65:3, inlined from 'carl9170_tx_put_skb' at drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/tx.c:342:9: include/linux/fortify-string.h:493:25: error: call to '__write_overflow_field' declared with attribute warning: detected write beyond size of field (1st parameter); maybe use struct_group()? [-Werror=attribute-warning] 493 | __write_overflow_field(p_size_field, size); Kees previously tried to avoid this by using memset_after(), but it seems this does not fully address the problem. I noticed that the memset_after() here is done on a different part of the union (status) than the original cast was from (rate_driver_data), which may confuse the compiler. Unfortunately, the memset_after() trick does not work on driver_rates[] because that is part of an anonymous struct, and I could not get struct_group() to do this either. Using two separate memset() calls on the two members does address the warning though.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 8.2. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38616 was patched at 2024-06-30

31. Authentication Bypass - Nextcloud (CVE-2024-37313) - Medium [382]

Description: Nextcloud server is a self hosted personal cloud system. Under some circumstance it was possible to bypass the second factor of 2FA after successfully providing the user credentials. It is recommended that the Nextcloud Server is upgraded to 26.0.13, 27.1.8 or 28.0.4 and Nextcloud Enterprise Server is upgraded to,,,,, 26.0.13, 27.1.8 or 28.0.4.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Nextcloud server is a self hosted personal cloud system
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 7.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

redos: CVE-2024-37313 was patched at 2024-06-27

32. Denial of Service - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39479) - Medium [382]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/i915/hwmon: Get rid of devm When both hwmon and hwmon drvdata (on which hwmon depends) are device managed resources, the expectation, on device unbind, is that hwmon will be released before drvdata. However, in i915 there are two separate code paths, which both release either drvdata or hwmon and either can be released before the other. These code paths (for device unbind) are as follows (see also the bug referenced below): Call Trace: release_nodes+0x11/0x70 devres_release_group+0xb2/0x110 component_unbind_all+0x8d/0xa0 component_del+0xa5/0x140 intel_pxp_tee_component_fini+0x29/0x40 [i915] intel_pxp_fini+0x33/0x80 [i915] i915_driver_remove+0x4c/0x120 [i915] i915_pci_remove+0x19/0x30 [i915] pci_device_remove+0x32/0xa0 device_release_driver_internal+0x19c/0x200 unbind_store+0x9c/0xb0 and Call Trace: release_nodes+0x11/0x70 devres_release_all+0x8a/0xc0 device_unbind_cleanup+0x9/0x70 device_release_driver_internal+0x1c1/0x200 unbind_store+0x9c/0xb0 This means that in i915, if use devm, we cannot gurantee that hwmon will always be released before drvdata. Which means that we have a uaf if hwmon sysfs is accessed when drvdata has been released but hwmon hasn't. The only way out of this seems to be do get rid of devm_ and release/free everything explicitly during device unbind. v2: Change commit message and other minor code changes v3: Cleanup from i915_hwmon_register on error (Armin Wolf) v4: Eliminate potential static analyzer warning (Rodrigo) Eliminate fetch_and_zero (Jani) v5: Restore previous logic for ddat_gt->hwmon_dev error return (Andi)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05058

debian: CVE-2024-39479 was patched at 2024-07-16

33. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38541) - Medium [382]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: of: module: add buffer overflow check in of_modalias() In of_modalias(), if the buffer happens to be too small even for the 1st snprintf() call, the len parameter will become negative and str parameter (if not NULL initially) will point beyond the buffer's end. Add the buffer overflow check after the 1st snprintf() call and fix such check after the strlen() call (accounting for the terminating NUL char).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 9.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38541 was patched at 2024-06-30

34. Remote Code Execution - Setuptools (CVE-2024-6345) - Medium [380]

Description: A vulnerability in the package_index module of pypa/setuptools versions up to 69.1.1 allows for remote code execution via its download functions. These functions, which are used to download packages from URLs provided by users or retrieved from package index servers, are susceptible to code injection. If these functions are exposed to user-controlled inputs, such as package URLs, they can execute arbitrary commands on the system. The issue is fixed in version 70.0.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Setuptools is a fully-featured, actively-maintained, and stable library designed to facilitate packaging Python projects
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-6345 was patched at 2024-07-16

35. Denial of Service - .NET and Visual Studio (CVE-2024-38095) - Medium [372]

Description: .NET and Visual Studio Denial of Service Vulnerability

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714.NET and Visual Studio
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00063, EPSS Percentile is 0.27545

almalinux: CVE-2024-38095 was patched at 2024-07-09, 2024-07-10

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-38095 was patched at 2024-07-09, 2024-07-10

redhat: CVE-2024-38095 was patched at 2024-07-09, 2024-07-10

ubuntu: CVE-2024-38095 was patched at 2024-07-10

36. Authentication Bypass - Nextcloud (CVE-2023-49792) - Medium [370]

Description: Nextcloud Server provides data storage for Nextcloud, an open source cloud platform. In Nextcloud Server prior to versions 26.0.9 and 27.1.4; as well as Nextcloud Enterprise Server prior to versions,,, 26.0.9, and 27.1.4; when a (reverse) proxy is configured as trusted proxy the server could be tricked into reading a wrong remote address for an attacker, allowing them executing authentication attempts than intended. Nextcloud Server versions 26.0.9 and 27.1.4 and Nextcloud Enterprise Server versions,,, 26.0.9, and 27.1.4 contain a patch for this issue. No known workarounds are available.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Nextcloud server is a self hosted personal cloud system
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00068, EPSS Percentile is 0.303

redos: CVE-2023-49792 was patched at 2024-06-27

37. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38612) - Medium [370]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ipv6: sr: fix invalid unregister error path The error path of seg6_init() is wrong in case CONFIG_IPV6_SEG6_LWTUNNEL is not defined. In that case if seg6_hmac_init() fails, the genl_unregister_family() isn't called. This issue exist since commit 46738b1317e1 ("ipv6: sr: add option to control lwtunnel support"), and commit 5559cea2d5aa ("ipv6: sr: fix possible use-after-free and null-ptr-deref") replaced unregister_pernet_subsys() with genl_unregister_family() in this error path.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 9.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38612 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

38. Command Injection - AdminerEvo (CVE-2023-45195) - Medium [368]

Description: Adminer and AdminerEvo are vulnerable to SSRF via database connection fields. This could allow an unauthenticated remote attacker to enumerate or access systems the attacker would not otherwise have access to. Adminer is no longer supported, but this issue was fixed in AdminerEvo version 4.8.4.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Command Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614AdminerEvo is a web-based database management interface, with a focus on security, user experience, performance, functionality and size
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.9. According to Vulners data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2023-45195 was patched at 2024-06-30

39. Command Injection - phpLDAPadmin (CVE-2016-15039) - Medium [368]

Description: A vulnerability classified as critical was found in mhuertos phpLDAPadmin up to 665dbc2690ebeb5392d38f1fece0a654225a0b38. Affected by this vulnerability is the function makeHttpRequest of the file htdocs/js/ajax_functions.js. The manipulation leads to http request smuggling. The attack can be launched remotely. This product does not use versioning. This is why information about affected and unaffected releases are unavailable. The patch is named dd6e9583a2eb2ca085583765e8a63df5904cb036. It is recommended to apply a patch to fix this issue. The associated identifier of this vulnerability is VDB-270523.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Command Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614phpLDAPadmin is a web based LDAP data management tool for system administrators
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2016-15039 was patched at 2024-07-16

40. Denial of Service - Node.js (CVE-2024-37890) - Medium [365]

Description: ws is an open source WebSocket client and server for Node.js. A request with a number of headers exceeding theserver.maxHeadersCount threshold could be used to crash a ws server. The vulnerability was fixed in ws@8.17.1 (e55e510) and backported to ws@7.5.10 (22c2876), ws@6.2.3 (eeb76d3), and ws@5.2.4 (4abd8f6). In vulnerable versions of ws, the issue can be mitigated in the following ways: 1. Reduce the maximum allowed length of the request headers using the --max-http-header-size=size and/or the maxHeaderSize options so that no more headers than the server.maxHeadersCount limit can be sent. 2. Set server.maxHeadersCount to 0 so that no limit is applied.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Node.js is a cross-platform, open-source server environment that can run on Windows, Linux, Unix, macOS, and more
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-37890 was patched at 2024-06-30

41. Memory Corruption - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-6602) - Medium [365]

Description: A mismatch between allocator and deallocator could have lead to memory corruption. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 128, Firefox ESR < 115.13, Thunderbird < 115.13, and Thunderbird < 128.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 9.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-6602 was patched at 2024-07-10, 2024-07-16

ubuntu: CVE-2024-6602 was patched at 2024-07-10

42. Memory Corruption - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-6606) - Medium [365]

Description: Clipboard code failed to check the index on an array access. This could have lead to an out-of-bounds read. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 128 and Thunderbird < 128.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 9.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-6606 was patched at 2024-07-10

43. Information Disclosure - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-6612) - Medium [364]

Description: CSP violations generated links in the console tab of the developer tools, pointing to the violating resource. This caused a DNS prefetch which leaked that a CSP violation happened. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 128 and Thunderbird < 128.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.8315Information Disclosure
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-6612 was patched at 2024-07-10

44. Security Feature Bypass - Certifi collection (CVE-2024-39689) - Medium [363]

Description: Certifi is a curated collection of Root Certificates for validating the trustworthiness of SSL certificates while verifying the identity of TLS hosts. Certifi starting in 2021.05.30 and prior to 2024.07.4 recognized root certificates from `GLOBALTRUST`. Certifi 2024.07.04 removes root certificates from `GLOBALTRUST` from the root store. These are in the process of being removed from Mozilla's trust store. `GLOBALTRUST`'s root certificates are being removed pursuant to an investigation which identified "long-running and unresolved compliance issues."

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Certifi is a carefully curated collection of Root Certificates for validating the trustworthiness of SSL certificates while verifying the identity of TLS hosts
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16049

debian: CVE-2024-39689 was patched at 2024-07-16

45. Denial of Service - .NET Core and Visual Studio (CVE-2024-30105) - Medium [360]

Description: .NET Core and Visual Studio Denial of Service Vulnerability

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714.NET Core and Visual Studio
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.17374

almalinux: CVE-2024-30105 was patched at 2024-07-10

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-30105 was patched at 2024-07-10

redhat: CVE-2024-30105 was patched at 2024-07-10

ubuntu: CVE-2024-30105 was patched at 2024-07-10

46. Authentication Bypass - Nextcloud (CVE-2023-49791) - Medium [358]

Description: Nextcloud Server provides data storage for Nextcloud, an open source cloud platform. In Nextcloud Server prior to versions 26.0.9 and 27.1.4; as well as Nextcloud Enterprise Server prior to versions,,, 26.0.9, and 27.1.4; when an attacker manages to get access to an active session of another user via another way, they could delete and modify workflows by sending calls directly to the API bypassing the password confirmation shown in the UI. Nextcloud Server versions 26.0.9 and 27.1.4 and Nextcloud Enterprise Server versions,,, 26.0.9, and 27.1.4 contain a patch for this issue. No known workarounds are available.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Nextcloud server is a self hosted personal cloud system
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.4. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00053, EPSS Percentile is 0.21897

redos: CVE-2023-49791 was patched at 2024-06-27

47. Authentication Bypass - Nextcloud (CVE-2024-37317) - Medium [358]

Description: The Nextcloud Notes app is a distraction free notes taking app for Nextcloud. If an attacker managed to share a folder called `Notes/` with a newly created user before they logged in, the Notes app would use that folder store the personal notes. It is recommended that the Nextcloud Notes app is upgraded to 4.9.3.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Nextcloud server is a self hosted personal cloud system
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.6. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

redos: CVE-2024-37317 was patched at 2024-06-28

48. Denial of Service - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36288) - Medium [358]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: SUNRPC: Fix loop termination condition in gss_free_in_token_pages() The in_token->pages[] array is not NULL terminated. This results in the following KASAN splat: KASAN: maybe wild-memory-access in range [0x04a2013400000008-0x04a201340000000f]

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05058

debian: CVE-2024-36288 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

49. Denial of Service - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39472) - Medium [358]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: xfs: fix log recovery buffer allocation for the legacy h_size fixup Commit a70f9fe52daa ("xfs: detect and handle invalid iclog size set by mkfs") added a fixup for incorrect h_size values used for the initial umount record in old xfsprogs versions. Later commit 0c771b99d6c9 ("xfs: clean up calculation of LR header blocks") cleaned up the log reover buffer calculation, but stoped using the fixed up h_size value to size the log recovery buffer, which can lead to an out of bounds access when the incorrect h_size does not come from the old mkfs tool, but a fuzzer. Fix this by open coding xlog_logrec_hblks and taking the fixed h_size into account for this calculation.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-39472 was patched at 2024-07-16

50. Denial of Service - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39474) - Medium [358]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mm/vmalloc: fix vmalloc which may return null if called with __GFP_NOFAIL commit a421ef303008 ("mm: allow !GFP_KERNEL allocations for kvmalloc") includes support for __GFP_NOFAIL, but it presents a conflict with commit dd544141b9eb ("vmalloc: back off when the current task is OOM-killed"). A possible scenario is as follows: process-a __vmalloc_node_range(GFP_KERNEL | __GFP_NOFAIL) __vmalloc_area_node() vm_area_alloc_pages() --> oom-killer send SIGKILL to process-a if (fatal_signal_pending(current)) break; --> return NULL; To fix this, do not check fatal_signal_pending() in vm_area_alloc_pages() if __GFP_NOFAIL set. This issue occurred during OPLUS KASAN TEST. Below is part of the log -> oom-killer sends signal to process [65731.222840] [ T1308] oom-kill:constraint=CONSTRAINT_NONE,nodemask=(null),cpuset=/,mems_allowed=0,global_oom,task_memcg=/apps/uid_10198,task=gs.intelligence,pid=32454,uid=10198 [65731.259685] [T32454] Call trace: [65731.259698] [T32454] dump_backtrace+0xf4/0x118 [65731.259734] [T32454] show_stack+0x18/0x24 [65731.259756] [T32454] dump_stack_lvl+0x60/0x7c [65731.259781] [T32454] dump_stack+0x18/0x38 [65731.259800] [T32454] mrdump_common_die+0x250/0x39c [mrdump] [65731.259936] [T32454] ipanic_die+0x20/0x34 [mrdump] [65731.260019] [T32454] atomic_notifier_call_chain+0xb4/0xfc [65731.260047] [T32454] notify_die+0x114/0x198 [65731.260073] [T32454] die+0xf4/0x5b4 [65731.260098] [T32454] die_kernel_fault+0x80/0x98 [65731.260124] [T32454] __do_kernel_fault+0x160/0x2a8 [65731.260146] [T32454] do_bad_area+0x68/0x148 [65731.260174] [T32454] do_mem_abort+0x151c/0x1b34 [65731.260204] [T32454] el1_abort+0x3c/0x5c [65731.260227] [T32454] el1h_64_sync_handler+0x54/0x90 [65731.260248] [T32454] el1h_64_sync+0x68/0x6c [65731.260269] [T32454] z_erofs_decompress_queue+0x7f0/0x2258 --> be->decompressed_pages = kvcalloc(be->nr_pages, sizeof(struct page *), GFP_KERNEL | __GFP_NOFAIL); kernel panic by NULL pointer dereference. erofs assume kvmalloc with __GFP_NOFAIL never return NULL. [65731.260293] [T32454] z_erofs_runqueue+0xf30/0x104c [65731.260314] [T32454] z_erofs_readahead+0x4f0/0x968 [65731.260339] [T32454] read_pages+0x170/0xadc [65731.260364] [T32454] page_cache_ra_unbounded+0x874/0xf30 [65731.260388] [T32454] page_cache_ra_order+0x24c/0x714 [65731.260411] [T32454] filemap_fault+0xbf0/0x1a74 [65731.260437] [T32454] __do_fault+0xd0/0x33c [65731.260462] [T32454] handle_mm_fault+0xf74/0x3fe0 [65731.260486] [T32454] do_mem_abort+0x54c/0x1b34 [65731.260509] [T32454] el0_da+0x44/0x94 [65731.260531] [T32454] el0t_64_sync_handler+0x98/0xb4 [65731.260553] [T32454] el0t_64_sync+0x198/0x19c

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05058

debian: CVE-2024-39474 was patched at 2024-07-16

51. Denial of Service - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39478) - Medium [358]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: crypto: starfive - Do not free stack buffer RSA text data uses variable length buffer allocated in software stack. Calling kfree on it causes undefined behaviour in subsequent operations.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-39478 was patched at 2024-07-16

52. Denial of Service - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39482) - Medium [358]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bcache: fix variable length array abuse in btree_iter btree_iter is used in two ways: either allocated on the stack with a fixed size MAX_BSETS, or from a mempool with a dynamic size based on the specific cache set. Previously, the struct had a fixed-length array of size MAX_BSETS which was indexed out-of-bounds for the dynamically-sized iterators, which causes UBSAN to complain. This patch uses the same approach as in bcachefs's sort_iter and splits the iterator into a btree_iter with a flexible array member and a btree_iter_stack which embeds a btree_iter as well as a fixed-length data array.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05058

debian: CVE-2024-39482 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

53. Denial of Service - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39484) - Medium [358]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mmc: davinci: Don't strip remove function when driver is builtin Using __exit for the remove function results in the remove callback being discarded with CONFIG_MMC_DAVINCI=y. When such a device gets unbound (e.g. using sysfs or hotplug), the driver is just removed without the cleanup being performed. This results in resource leaks. Fix it by compiling in the remove callback unconditionally. This also fixes a W=1 modpost warning: WARNING: modpost: drivers/mmc/host/davinci_mmc: section mismatch in reference: davinci_mmcsd_driver+0x10 (section: .data) -> davinci_mmcsd_remove (section: .exit.text)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05058

debian: CVE-2024-39484 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

54. Authentication Bypass - Xrdp (CVE-2024-39917) - Medium [353]

Description: xrdp is an open source RDP server. xrdp versions prior to 0.10.0 have a vulnerability that allows attackers to make an infinite number of login attempts. The number of max login attempts is supposed to be limited by a configuration parameter `MaxLoginRetry` in `/etc/xrdp/sesman.ini`. However, this mechanism was not effectively working. As a result, xrdp allows an infinite number of login attempts.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514xrdp is an open source remote desktop protocol server
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 7.2. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-39917 was patched at 2024-07-16

55. Remote Code Execution - Git (CVE-2024-6257) - Medium [352]

Description: HashiCorp’s go-getter library can be coerced into executing Git update on an existing maliciously modified Git Configuration, potentially leading to arbitrary code execution.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common0.414Git
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 8.4. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-6257 was patched at 2024-06-30

56. Remote Code Execution - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-26818) - Medium [352]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: tools/rtla: Fix clang warning about mount_point var size clang is reporting this warning: $ make HOSTCC=clang CC=clang LLVM_IAS=1 [...] clang -O -g -DVERSION=\"6.8.0-rc3\" -flto=auto -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS $(pkg-config --cflags libtracefs) -c -o src/utils.o src/utils.c src/utils.c:548:66: warning: 'fscanf' may overflow; destination buffer in argument 3 has size 1024, but the corresponding specifier may require size 1025 [-Wfortify-source] 548 | while (fscanf(fp, "%*s %" STR(MAX_PATH) "s %99s %*s %*d %*d\n", mount_point, type) == 2) { | ^ Increase mount_point variable size to MAX_PATH+1 to avoid the overflow.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-26818 was patched at 2024-07-12, 2024-07-16, 2024-07-17

57. Denial of Service - Suricata (CVE-2024-38535) - Medium [351]

Description: Suricata is a network Intrusion Detection System, Intrusion Prevention System and Network Security Monitoring engine. Suricata can run out of memory when parsing crafted HTTP/2 traffic. Upgrade to 6.0.20 or 7.0.6.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:oisf:suricata (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.410EPSS Probability is 0.00088, EPSS Percentile is 0.38169

debian: CVE-2024-38535 was patched at 2024-07-16

58. Security Feature Bypass - Poppler (CVE-2024-6239) - Medium [351]

Description: A flaw was found in the Poppler's Pdfinfo utility. This issue occurs when using -dests parameter with pdfinfo utility. By using certain malformed input files, an attacker could cause the utility to crash, leading to a denial of service.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:freedesktop:poppler (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.17374

debian: CVE-2024-6239 was patched at 2024-06-30

59. Denial of Service - Apache Tomcat (CVE-2024-34750) - Medium [348]

Description: Improper Handling of Exceptional Conditions, Uncontrolled Resource Consumption vulnerability in Apache Tomcat. When processing an HTTP/2 stream, Tomcat did not handle some cases of excessive HTTP headers correctly. This led to a miscounting of active HTTP/2 streams which in turn led to the use of an incorrect infinite timeout which allowed connections to remain open which should have been closed. This issue affects Apache Tomcat: from 11.0.0-M1 through 11.0.0-M20, from 10.1.0-M1 through 10.1.24, from 9.0.0-M1 through 9.0.89. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 11.0.0-M21, 10.1.25 or 9.0.90, which fixes the issue.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714Apache Tomcat is a free and open-source implementation of the Jakarta Servlet, Jakarta Expression Language, and WebSocket technologies
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-34750 was patched at 2024-07-16

60. Denial of Service - QEMU (CVE-2024-4467) - Medium [348]

Description: A flaw was found in the QEMU disk image utility (qemu-img) 'info' command. A specially crafted image file containing a `json:{}` value describing block devices in QMP could cause the qemu-img process on the host to consume large amounts of memory or CPU time, leading to denial of service or read/write to an existing external file.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714QEMU is a generic and open source machine & userspace emulator and virtualizer
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

almalinux: CVE-2024-4467 was patched at 2024-07-02, 2024-07-09

debian: CVE-2024-4467 was patched at 2024-07-16

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-4467 was patched at 2024-07-02, 2024-07-12

redhat: CVE-2024-4467 was patched at 2024-07-02, 2024-07-08, 2024-07-09

61. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48754) - Medium [346]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: phylib: fix potential use-after-free Commit bafbdd527d56 ("phylib: Add device reset GPIO support") added call to phy_device_reset(phydev) after the put_device() call in phy_detach(). The comment before the put_device() call says that the phydev might go away with put_device(). Fix potential use-after-free by calling phy_device_reset() before put_device().

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 8.4. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2022-48754 was patched at 2024-06-30

62. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38573) - Medium [346]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: cppc_cpufreq: Fix possible null pointer dereference cppc_cpufreq_get_rate() and hisi_cppc_cpufreq_get_rate() can be called from different places with various parameters. So cpufreq_cpu_get() can return null as 'policy' in some circumstances. Fix this bug by adding null return check. Found by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-38573 was patched at 2024-06-30

63. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38667) - Medium [346]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: riscv: prevent pt_regs corruption for secondary idle threads Top of the kernel thread stack should be reserved for pt_regs. However this is not the case for the idle threads of the secondary boot harts. Their stacks overlap with their pt_regs, so both may get corrupted. Similar issue has been fixed for the primary hart, see c7cdd96eca28 ("riscv: prevent stack corruption by reserving task_pt_regs(p) early"). However that fix was not propagated to the secondary harts. The problem has been noticed in some CPU hotplug tests with V enabled. The function smp_callin stored several registers on stack, corrupting top of pt_regs structure including status field. As a result, kernel attempted to save or restore inexistent V context.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05058

debian: CVE-2024-38667 was patched at 2024-06-30

64. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39277) - Medium [346]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: dma-mapping: benchmark: handle NUMA_NO_NODE correctly cpumask_of_node() can be called for NUMA_NO_NODE inside do_map_benchmark() resulting in the following sanitizer report: UBSAN: array-index-out-of-bounds in ./arch/x86/include/asm/topology.h:72:28 index -1 is out of range for type 'cpumask [64][1]' CPU: 1 PID: 990 Comm: dma_map_benchma Not tainted 6.9.0-rc6 #29 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) Call Trace: <TASK> dump_stack_lvl (lib/dump_stack.c:117) ubsan_epilogue (lib/ubsan.c:232) __ubsan_handle_out_of_bounds (lib/ubsan.c:429) cpumask_of_node (arch/x86/include/asm/topology.h:72) [inline] do_map_benchmark (kernel/dma/map_benchmark.c:104) map_benchmark_ioctl (kernel/dma/map_benchmark.c:246) full_proxy_unlocked_ioctl (fs/debugfs/file.c:333) __x64_sys_ioctl (fs/ioctl.c:890) do_syscall_64 (arch/x86/entry/common.c:83) entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:130) Use cpumask_of_node() in place when binding a kernel thread to a cpuset of a particular node. Note that the provided node id is checked inside map_benchmark_ioctl(). It's just a NUMA_NO_NODE case which is not handled properly later. Found by Linux Verification Center (

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05058

debian: CVE-2024-39277 was patched at 2024-06-30

65. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39480) - Medium [346]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: kdb: Fix buffer overflow during tab-complete Currently, when the user attempts symbol completion with the Tab key, kdb will use strncpy() to insert the completed symbol into the command buffer. Unfortunately it passes the size of the source buffer rather than the destination to strncpy() with predictably horrible results. Most obviously if the command buffer is already full but cp, the cursor position, is in the middle of the buffer, then we will write past the end of the supplied buffer. Fix this by replacing the dubious strncpy() calls with memmove()/memcpy() calls plus explicit boundary checks to make sure we have enough space before we start moving characters around.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05058

debian: CVE-2024-39480 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

66. Memory Corruption - Chromium (CVE-2024-6290) - Medium [341]

Description: Use after free in Dawn in Google Chrome prior to 126.0.6478.126 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-6290 was patched at 2024-06-25, 2024-06-30

67. Memory Corruption - Chromium (CVE-2024-6291) - Medium [341]

Description: Use after free in Swiftshader in Google Chrome prior to 126.0.6478.126 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-6291 was patched at 2024-06-25, 2024-06-30

68. Memory Corruption - Chromium (CVE-2024-6292) - Medium [341]

Description: Use after free in Dawn in Google Chrome prior to 126.0.6478.126 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-6292 was patched at 2024-06-25, 2024-06-30

69. Memory Corruption - Chromium (CVE-2024-6293) - Medium [341]

Description: Use after free in Dawn in Google Chrome prior to 126.0.6478.126 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-6293 was patched at 2024-06-25, 2024-06-30

70. Remote Code Execution - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48744) - Medium [340]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/mlx5e: Avoid field-overflowing memcpy() In preparation for FORTIFY_SOURCE performing compile-time and run-time field bounds checking for memcpy(), memmove(), and memset(), avoid intentionally writing across neighboring fields. Use flexible arrays instead of zero-element arrays (which look like they are always overflowing) and split the cross-field memcpy() into two halves that can be appropriately bounds-checked by the compiler. We were doing: #define ETH_HLEN 14 #define VLAN_HLEN 4 ... #define MLX5E_XDP_MIN_INLINE (ETH_HLEN + VLAN_HLEN) ... struct mlx5e_tx_wqe *wqe = mlx5_wq_cyc_get_wqe(wq, pi); ... struct mlx5_wqe_eth_seg *eseg = &wqe->eth; struct mlx5_wqe_data_seg *dseg = wqe->data; ... memcpy(eseg->inline_hdr.start, xdptxd->data, MLX5E_XDP_MIN_INLINE); target is wqe->eth.inline_hdr.start (which the compiler sees as being 2 bytes in size), but copying 18, intending to write across start (really vlan_tci, 2 bytes). The remaining 16 bytes get written into wqe->data[0], covering byte_count (4 bytes), lkey (4 bytes), and addr (8 bytes). struct mlx5e_tx_wqe { struct mlx5_wqe_ctrl_seg ctrl; /* 0 16 */ struct mlx5_wqe_eth_seg eth; /* 16 16 */ struct mlx5_wqe_data_seg data[]; /* 32 0 */ /* size: 32, cachelines: 1, members: 3 */ /* last cacheline: 32 bytes */ }; struct mlx5_wqe_eth_seg { u8 swp_outer_l4_offset; /* 0 1 */ u8 swp_outer_l3_offset; /* 1 1 */ u8 swp_inner_l4_offset; /* 2 1 */ u8 swp_inner_l3_offset; /* 3 1 */ u8 cs_flags; /* 4 1 */ u8 swp_flags; /* 5 1 */ __be16 mss; /* 6 2 */ __be32 flow_table_metadata; /* 8 4 */ union { struct { __be16 sz; /* 12 2 */ u8 start[2]; /* 14 2 */ } inline_hdr; /* 12 4 */ struct { __be16 type; /* 12 2 */ __be16 vlan_tci; /* 14 2 */ } insert; /* 12 4 */ __be32 trailer; /* 12 4 */ }; /* 12 4 */ /* size: 16, cachelines: 1, members: 9 */ /* last cacheline: 16 bytes */ }; struct mlx5_wqe_data_seg { __be32 byte_count; /* 0 4 */ __be32 lkey; /* 4 4 */ __be64 addr; /* 8 8 */ /* size: 16, cachelines: 1, members: 3 */ /* last cacheline: 16 bytes */ }; So, split the memcpy() so the compiler can reason about the buffer sizes. "pahole" shows no size nor member offset changes to struct mlx5e_tx_wqe nor struct mlx5e_umr_wqe. "objdump -d" shows no meaningful object code changes (i.e. only source line number induced differences and optimizations).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2022-48744 was patched at 2024-06-30

71. Command Injection - Apache HTTP Server (CVE-2024-38476) - Medium [335]

Description: Vulnerability in core of Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 and earlier are vulnerably to information disclosure, SSRF or local script execution via backend applications whose response headers are malicious or exploitable. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.60, which fixes this issue.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Command Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914Apache HTTP Server is a free and open-source web server that delivers web content through the internet
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-38476 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

ubuntu: CVE-2024-38476 was patched at 2024-07-08

72. Authentication Bypass - Nextcloud (CVE-2024-37315) - Medium [334]

Description: Nextcloud Server is a self hosted personal cloud system. An attacker with read-only access to a file is able to restore older versions of a document when the files_versions app is enabled. It is recommended that the Nextcloud Server is upgraded to 26.0.12, 27.1.7 or 28.0.3 and that the Nextcloud Enterprise Server is upgraded to,,, 26.0.12, 27.1.7 or 28.0.3.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Nextcloud server is a self hosted personal cloud system
CVSS Base Score0.310CVSS Base Score is 3.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

redos: CVE-2024-37315 was patched at 2024-06-27

73. Authentication Bypass - Nextcloud (CVE-2024-37884) - Medium [334]

Description: Nextcloud Server is a self hosted personal cloud system. A malicious user was able to send delete requests for old versions of files they only got shared with read permissions. It is recommended that the Nextcloud Server is upgraded to 26.0.12 or 27.1.7 or 28.0.3 and that the Nextcloud Enterprise Server is upgraded to 26.0.12 or 27.1.7 or 28.0.3.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Nextcloud server is a self hosted personal cloud system
CVSS Base Score0.310CVSS Base Score is 3.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

redos: CVE-2024-37884 was patched at 2024-06-27

74. Authentication Bypass - Nextcloud (CVE-2024-37887) - Medium [334]

Description: Nextcloud Server is a self hosted personal cloud system. Private shared calendar events' recurrence exceptions can be read by sharees. It is recommended that the Nextcloud Server is upgraded to 27.1.10 or 28.0.6 or 29.0.1 and that the Nextcloud Enterprise Server is upgraded to 27.1.10 or 28.0.6 or 29.0.1.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9815Authentication Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Nextcloud server is a self hosted personal cloud system
CVSS Base Score0.310CVSS Base Score is 3.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

redos: CVE-2024-37887 was patched at 2024-06-27

75. Denial of Service - Python (CVE-2023-6507) - Medium [332]

Description: An issue was found in CPython 3.12.0 `subprocess` module on POSIX platforms. The issue was fixed in CPython 3.12.1 and does not affect other stable releases. When using the `extra_groups=` parameter with an empty list as a value (ie `extra_groups=[]`) the logic regressed to not call `setgroups(0, NULL)` before calling `exec()`, thus not dropping the original processes' groups before starting the new process. There is no issue when the parameter isn't used or when any value is used besides an empty list. This issue only impacts CPython processes run with sufficient privilege to make the `setgroups` system call (typically `root`).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.0006, EPSS Percentile is 0.26121

ubuntu: CVE-2023-6507 was patched at 2024-07-11

76. Memory Corruption - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-6603) - Medium [329]

Description: In an out-of-memory scenario an allocation could fail but free would have been called on the pointer afterwards leading to memory corruption. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 128, Firefox ESR < 115.13, Thunderbird < 115.13, and Thunderbird < 128.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 7.4. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-6603 was patched at 2024-07-10, 2024-07-16

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-6603 was patched at 2024-07-11

redhat: CVE-2024-6603 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-17

ubuntu: CVE-2024-6603 was patched at 2024-07-10

77. Denial of Service - Suricata (CVE-2024-38534) - Medium [327]

Description: Suricata is a network Intrusion Detection System, Intrusion Prevention System and Network Security Monitoring engine. Crafted modbus traffic can lead to unlimited resource accumulation within a flow. Upgrade to 7.0.6. Set a limited stream.reassembly.depth to reduce the issue.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:oisf:suricata (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00056, EPSS Percentile is 0.2358

debian: CVE-2024-38534 was patched at 2024-07-16

78. Denial of Service - QEMU (CVE-2024-6505) - Medium [324]

Description: A flaw was found in the virtio-net device in QEMU. When enabling the RSS feature on the virtio-net network card, the indirections_table data within RSS becomes controllable. Setting excessively large values may cause an index out-of-bounds issue, potentially resulting in heap overflow access. This flaw allows a privileged user in the guest to crash the QEMU process on the host.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714QEMU is a generic and open source machine & userspace emulator and virtualizer
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.0. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13748

debian: CVE-2024-6505 was patched at 2024-07-16

79. Incorrect Calculation - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39475) - Medium [322]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: fbdev: savage: Handle err return when savagefb_check_var failed The commit 04e5eac8f3ab("fbdev: savage: Error out if pixclock equals zero") checks the value of pixclock to avoid divide-by-zero error. However the function savagefb_probe doesn't handle the error return of savagefb_check_var. When pixclock is 0, it will cause divide-by-zero error.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Incorrect Calculation
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05058

debian: CVE-2024-39475 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

80. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-26986) - Medium [322]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/amdkfd: Fix memory leak in create_process failure Fix memory leak due to a leaked mmget reference on an error handling code path that is triggered when attempting to create KFD processes while a GPU reset is in progress.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05058

ubuntu: CVE-2024-26986 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

81. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35972) - Medium [322]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bnxt_en: Fix possible memory leak in bnxt_rdma_aux_device_init() If ulp = kzalloc() fails, the allocated edev will leak because it is not properly assigned and the cleanup path will not be able to free it. Fix it by assigning it properly immediately after allocation.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05058

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35972 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

82. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39292) - Medium [322]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: um: Add winch to winch_handlers before registering winch IRQ Registering a winch IRQ is racy, an interrupt may occur before the winch is added to the winch_handlers list. If that happens, register_winch_irq() adds to that list a winch that is scheduled to be (or has already been) freed, causing a panic later in winch_cleanup(). Avoid the race by adding the winch to the winch_handlers list before registering the IRQ, and rolling back if um_request_irq() fails.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05058

debian: CVE-2024-39292 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

83. Security Feature Bypass - Git (CVE-2024-6284) - Medium [322]

Description: In  IP addresses were encoded in the wrong byte order, resulting in an nftables configuration which does not work as intended (might block or not block the desired addresses). This issue affects: The bug was fixed in the next released version:

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.414Git
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.3. According to Vulners data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-6284 was patched at 2024-07-16

84. Denial of Service - AdminerEvo (CVE-2023-45196) - Medium [320]

Description: Adminer and AdminerEvo allow an unauthenticated remote attacker to cause a denial of service by connecting to an attacker-controlled service that responds with HTTP redirects. The denial of service is subject to PHP configuration limits. Adminer is no longer supported, but this issue was fixed in AdminerEvo version 4.8.4.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614AdminerEvo is a web-based database management interface, with a focus on security, user experience, performance, functionality and size
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.9. According to Vulners data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2023-45196 was patched at 2024-06-30

85. Arbitrary File Reading - Artifex Ghostscript (CVE-2024-29511) - Medium [317]

Description: Artifex Ghostscript before 10.03.1, when Tesseract is used for OCR, has a directory traversal issue that allows arbitrary file reading (and writing of error messages to arbitrary files) via OCRLanguage. For example, exploitation can use debug_file /tmp/out and user_patterns_file /etc/passwd.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.8315Arbitrary File Reading
Vulnerable Product is Common0.314Artifex Ghostscript is an interpreter for the PostScript® language and PDF files
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-29511 was patched at 2024-07-16

ubuntu: CVE-2024-29511 was patched at 2024-07-15

86. Memory Corruption - Secure Boot (CVE-2024-6564) - Medium [317]

Description: Buffer overflow in "rcar_dev_init" due to using due to using untrusted data (rcar_image_number) as a loop counter before verifying it against RCAR_MAX_BL3X_IMAGE. This could lead to a full bypass of secure boot.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Secure boot is a security standard developed by members of the PC industry to help make sure that a device boots using only software that is trusted by the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.7. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-6564 was patched at 2024-07-16

87. Path Traversal - youtube-dl (CVE-2024-38519) - Medium [315]

Description: `yt-dlp` and `youtube-dl` are command-line audio/video downloaders. Prior to the fixed versions, `yt-dlp` and `youtube-dl` do not limit the extensions of downloaded files, which could lead to arbitrary filenames being created in the download folder (and path traversal on Windows). Since `yt-dlp` and `youtube-dl` also read config from the working directory (and on Windows executables will be executed from the `yt-dlp` or `youtube-dl` directory), this could lead to arbitrary code being executed. `yt-dlp` version 2024.07.01 fixes this issue by whitelisting the allowed extensions. `youtube-dl` fixes this issue in commit `d42a222` on the `master` branch and in nightly builds tagged 2024-07-03 or later. This might mean some very uncommon extensions might not get downloaded, however it will also limit the possible exploitation surface. In addition to upgrading, have `.%(ext)s` at the end of the output template and make sure the user trusts the websites that they are downloading from. Also, make sure to never download to a directory within PATH or other sensitive locations like one's user directory, `system32`, or other binaries locations. For users who are not able to upgrade, keep the default output template (`-o "%(title)s [%(id)s].%(ext)s`); make sure the extension of the media to download is a common video/audio/sub/... one; try to avoid the generic extractor; and/or use `--ignore-config --config-location ...` to not load config from common locations.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Path Traversal
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514youtube-dl is a free and open source software tool for downloading video and audio from YouTube and over 1,000 other video hosting websites
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38519 was patched at 2024-07-16

88. Remote Code Execution - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-38999) - Medium [309]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'jrburke requirejs v2.3.6 was discovered to contain a prototype pollution via the function s.contexts._.configure. This vulnerability allows attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a Denial of Service (DoS) via injecting arbitrary properties.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'jrburke requirejs v2.3.6 was discovered to contain a prototype pollution via the function s.contexts._.configure. This vulnerability allows attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a Denial of Service (DoS) via injecting arbitrary properties.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 10.0. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-38999 was patched at 2024-07-16

89. Denial of Service - Python (CVE-2024-5569) - Medium [308]

Description: A Denial of Service (DoS) vulnerability exists in the jaraco/zipp library, affecting all versions prior to 3.19.1. The vulnerability is triggered when processing a specially crafted zip file that leads to an infinite loop. This issue also impacts the zipfile module of CPython, as features from the third-party zipp library are later merged into CPython, and the affected code is identical in both projects. The infinite loop can be initiated through the use of functions affecting the `Path` module in both zipp and zipfile, such as `joinpath`, the overloaded division operator, and `iterdir`. Although the infinite loop is not resource exhaustive, it prevents the application from responding. The vulnerability was addressed in version 3.19.1 of jaraco/zipp.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.2. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-5569 was patched at 2024-07-16

90. Code Injection - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-39331) - Medium [304]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In Emacs before 29.4, org-link-expand-abbrev in lisp/ol.el expands a %(...) link abbrev even when it specifies an unsafe function, such as shell-command-to-string. This affects Org Mode before 9.7.5.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In Emacs before 29.4, org-link-expand-abbrev in lisp/ol.el expands a %(...) link abbrev even when it specifies an unsafe function, such as shell-command-to-string. This affects Org Mode before 9.7.5.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Code Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 9.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-39331 was patched at 2024-06-25, 2024-06-30

redos: CVE-2024-39331 was patched at 2024-07-16

91. Memory Corruption - FFmpeg (CVE-2024-32228) - Medium [301]

Description: FFmpeg 7.0 is vulnerable to Buffer Overflow. There is a SEGV at libavcodec/hevcdec.c:2947:22 in hevc_frame_end.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714FFmpeg is a free and open-source software project consisting of a suite of libraries and programs for handling video, audio, and other multimedia files and streams
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.6. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-32228 was patched at 2024-07-16

92. Denial of Service - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48721) - Medium [298]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/smc: Forward wakeup to smc socket waitqueue after fallback When we replace TCP with SMC and a fallback occurs, there may be some socket waitqueue entries remaining in smc socket->wq, such as eppoll_entries inserted by userspace applications. After the fallback, data flows over TCP/IP and only clcsocket->wq will be woken up. Applications can't be notified by the entries which were inserted in smc socket->wq before fallback. So we need a mechanism to wake up smc socket->wq at the same time if some entries remaining in it. The current workaround is to transfer the entries from smc socket->wq to clcsock->wq during the fallback. But this may cause a crash like this: general protection fault, probably for non-canonical address 0xdead000000000100: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP PTI CPU: 3 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/3 Kdump: loaded Tainted: G E 5.16.0+ #107 RIP: 0010:__wake_up_common+0x65/0x170 Call Trace: <IRQ> __wake_up_common_lock+0x7a/0xc0 sock_def_readable+0x3c/0x70 tcp_data_queue+0x4a7/0xc40 tcp_rcv_established+0x32f/0x660 ? sk_filter_trim_cap+0xcb/0x2e0 tcp_v4_do_rcv+0x10b/0x260 tcp_v4_rcv+0xd2a/0xde0 ip_protocol_deliver_rcu+0x3b/0x1d0 ip_local_deliver_finish+0x54/0x60 ip_local_deliver+0x6a/0x110 ? tcp_v4_early_demux+0xa2/0x140 ? tcp_v4_early_demux+0x10d/0x140 ip_sublist_rcv_finish+0x49/0x60 ip_sublist_rcv+0x19d/0x230 ip_list_rcv+0x13e/0x170 __netif_receive_skb_list_core+0x1c2/0x240 netif_receive_skb_list_internal+0x1e6/0x320 napi_complete_done+0x11d/0x190 mlx5e_napi_poll+0x163/0x6b0 [mlx5_core] __napi_poll+0x3c/0x1b0 net_rx_action+0x27c/0x300 __do_softirq+0x114/0x2d2 irq_exit_rcu+0xb4/0xe0 common_interrupt+0xba/0xe0 </IRQ> <TASK> The crash is caused by privately transferring waitqueue entries from smc socket->wq to clcsock->wq. The owners of these entries, such as epoll, have no idea that the entries have been transferred to a different socket wait queue and still use original waitqueue spinlock (smc socket->wq.wait.lock) to make the entries operation exclusive, but it doesn't work. The operations to the entries, such as removing from the waitqueue (now is clcsock->wq after fallback), may cause a crash when clcsock waitqueue is being iterated over at the moment. This patch tries to fix this by no longer transferring wait queue entries privately, but introducing own implementations of clcsock's callback functions in fallback situation. The callback functions will forward the wakeup to smc socket->wq if clcsock->wq is actually woken up and smc socket->wq has remaining entries.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48721 was patched at 2024-06-30

93. Denial of Service - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35980) - Medium [298]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: arm64: tlb: Fix TLBI RANGE operand KVM/arm64 relies on TLBI RANGE feature to flush TLBs when the dirty pages are collected by VMM and the page table entries become write protected during live migration. Unfortunately, the operand passed to the TLBI RANGE instruction isn't correctly sorted out due to the commit 117940aa6e5f ("KVM: arm64: Define kvm_tlb_flush_vmid_range()"). It leads to crash on the destination VM after live migration because TLBs aren't flushed completely and some of the dirty pages are missed. For example, I have a VM where 8GB memory is assigned, starting from 0x40000000 (1GB). Note that the host has 4KB as the base page size. In the middile of migration, kvm_tlb_flush_vmid_range() is executed to flush TLBs. It passes MAX_TLBI_RANGE_PAGES as the argument to __kvm_tlb_flush_vmid_range() and __flush_s2_tlb_range_op(). SCALE#3 and NUM#31, corresponding to MAX_TLBI_RANGE_PAGES, isn't supported by __TLBI_RANGE_NUM(). In this specific case, -1 has been returned from __TLBI_RANGE_NUM() for SCALE#3/2/1/0 and rejected by the loop in the __flush_tlb_range_op() until the variable @scale underflows and becomes -9, 0xffff708000040000 is set as the operand. The operand is wrong since it's sorted out by __TLBI_VADDR_RANGE() according to invalid @scale and @num. Fix it by extending __TLBI_RANGE_NUM() to support the combination of SCALE#3 and NUM#31. With the changes, [-1 31] instead of [-1 30] can be returned from the macro, meaning the TLBs for 0x200000 pages in the above example can be flushed in one shoot with SCALE#3 and NUM#31. The macro TLBI_RANGE_MASK is dropped since no one uses it any more. The comments are also adjusted accordingly.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35980 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

94. Denial of Service - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41009) - Medium [298]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bpf: Fix overrunning reservations in ringbuf The BPF ring buffer internally is implemented as a power-of-2 sized circular buffer, with two logical and ever-increasing counters: consumer_pos is the consumer counter to show which logical position the consumer consumed the data, and producer_pos which is the producer counter denoting the amount of data reserved by all producers. Each time a record is reserved, the producer that "owns" the record will successfully advance producer counter. In user space each time a record is read, the consumer of the data advanced the consumer counter once it finished processing. Both counters are stored in separate pages so that from user space, the producer counter is read-only and the consumer counter is read-write. One aspect that simplifies and thus speeds up the implementation of both producers and consumers is how the data area is mapped twice contiguously back-to-back in the virtual memory, allowing to not take any special measures for samples that have to wrap around at the end of the circular buffer data area, because the next page after the last data page would be first data page again, and thus the sample will still appear completely contiguous in virtual memory. Each record has a struct bpf_ringbuf_hdr { u32 len; u32 pg_off; } header for book-keeping the length and offset, and is inaccessible to the BPF program. Helpers like bpf_ringbuf_reserve() return `(void *)hdr + BPF_RINGBUF_HDR_SZ` for the BPF program to use. Bing-Jhong and Muhammad reported that it is however possible to make a second allocated memory chunk overlapping with the first chunk and as a result, the BPF program is now able to edit first chunk's header. For example, consider the creation of a BPF_MAP_TYPE_RINGBUF map with size of 0x4000. Next, the consumer_pos is modified to 0x3000 /before/ a call to bpf_ringbuf_reserve() is made. This will allocate a chunk A, which is in [0x0,0x3008], and the BPF program is able to edit [0x8,0x3008]. Now, lets allocate a chunk B with size 0x3000. This will succeed because consumer_pos was edited ahead of time to pass the `new_prod_pos - cons_pos > rb->mask` check. Chunk B will be in range [0x3008,0x6010], and the BPF program is able to edit [0x3010,0x6010]. Due to the ring buffer memory layout mentioned earlier, the ranges [0x0,0x4000] and [0x4000,0x8000] point to the same data pages. This means that chunk B at [0x4000,0x4008] is chunk A's header. bpf_ringbuf_submit() / bpf_ringbuf_discard() use the header's pg_off to then locate the bpf_ringbuf itself via bpf_ringbuf_restore_from_rec(). Once chunk B modified chunk A's header, then bpf_ringbuf_commit() refers to the wrong page and could cause a crash. Fix it by calculating the oldest pending_pos and check whether the range from the oldest outstanding record to the newest would span beyond the ring buffer size. If that is the case, then reject the request. We've tested with the ring buffer benchmark in BPF selftests (./benchs/ before/after the fix and while it seems a bit slower on some benchmarks, it is still not significantly enough to matter.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-41009 was patched at 2024-07-17

95. Remote Code Execution - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-38448) - Medium [297]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'htags in GNU Global through 6.6.12 allows code execution in situations where dbpath (aka -d) is untrusted, because shell metacharacters may be used.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'htags in GNU Global through 6.6.12 allows code execution in situations where dbpath (aka -d) is untrusted, because shell metacharacters may be used.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 9.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-38448 was patched at 2024-06-30

96. Denial of Service - Oracle Java SE (CVE-2024-21138) - Medium [296]

Description: Vulnerability in the Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition product of Oracle Java SE (component: Hotspot). Supported versions that are affected are Oracle Java SE: 8u411, 8u411-perf, 11.0.23, 17.0.11, 21.0.3, 22.0.1; Oracle GraalVM for JDK: 17.0.11, 21.0.3, 22.0.1; Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition: 20.3.14 and 21.3.10. Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a partial denial of service (partial DOS) of Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition. Note: This vulnerability can be exploited by using APIs in the specified Component, e.g., through a web service which supplies data to the APIs. This vulnerability also applies to Java deployments, typically in clients running sandboxed Java Web Start applications or sandboxed Java applets, that load and run untrusted code (e.g., code that comes from the internet) and rely on the Java sandbox for security. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 3.7 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:L).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Oracle Java SE
CVSS Base Score0.410CVSS Base Score is 3.7. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.17374

redhat: CVE-2024-21138 was patched at 2024-07-17

97. Denial of Service - Oracle Java SE (CVE-2024-21144) - Medium [296]

Description: Vulnerability in the Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition product of Oracle Java SE (component: Concurrency). Supported versions that are affected are Oracle Java SE: 8u411, 8u411-perf, 11.0.23; Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition: 20.3.14 and 21.3.10. Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a partial denial of service (partial DOS) of Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition. Note: This vulnerability applies to Java deployments, typically in clients running sandboxed Java Web Start applications or sandboxed Java applets, that load and run untrusted code (e.g., code that comes from the internet) and rely on the Java sandbox for security. This vulnerability does not apply to Java deployments, typically in servers, that load and run only trusted code (e.g., code installed by an administrator). CVSS 3.1 Base Score 3.7 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:L).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Oracle Java SE
CVSS Base Score0.410CVSS Base Score is 3.7. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.17374

redhat: CVE-2024-21144 was patched at 2024-07-17

98. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38623) - Medium [292]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: fs/ntfs3: Use variable length array instead of fixed size Should fix smatch warning: \tntfs_set_label() error: __builtin_memcpy() 'uni->name' too small (20 vs 256)', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nfs/ntfs3: Use variable length array instead of fixed size\n\nShould fix smatch warning:\n\tntfs_set_label() error: __builtin_memcpy() 'uni->name' too small (20 vs 256)', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 9.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38623 was patched at 2024-06-30

99. Denial of Service - 389 Directory Server (CVE-2024-5953) - Medium [291]

Description: A denial of service vulnerability was found in the 389-ds-base LDAP server. This issue may allow an authenticated user to cause a server denial of service while attempting to log in with a user with a malformed hash in their password.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514389 Directory Server is a highly usable, fully featured, reliable and secure LDAP server implementation
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.7. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-5953 was patched at 2024-06-30

100. Denial of Service - 389 Directory Server (CVE-2024-6237) - Medium [291]

Description: A flaw was found in the 389 Directory Server. This flaw allows an unauthenticated user to cause a systematic server crash while sending a specific extended search request, leading to a denial of service.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514389 Directory Server is a highly usable, fully featured, reliable and secure LDAP server implementation
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00053, EPSS Percentile is 0.21874

debian: CVE-2024-6237 was patched at 2024-07-16

101. Remote Code Execution - Perl (CVE-2024-27629) - Medium [290]

Description: An issue in dc2niix before v.1.0.20240202 allows a local attacker to execute arbitrary code via the generated file name is not properly escaped and injected into a system call when certain types of compression are used.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Perl is a family of two high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming languages
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-27629 was patched at 2024-06-30

102. Denial of Service - Apache HTTP Server (CVE-2024-38477) - Medium [286]

Description: null pointer dereference in mod_proxy in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 and earlier allows an attacker to crash the server via a malicious request. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.60, which fixes this issue.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914Apache HTTP Server is a free and open-source web server that delivers web content through the internet
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-38477 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

ubuntu: CVE-2024-38477 was patched at 2024-07-08

103. Denial of Service - HTTP/2 (CVE-2024-36387) - Medium [286]

Description: Serving WebSocket protocol upgrades over a HTTP/2 connection could result in a Null Pointer dereference, leading to a crash of the server process, degrading performance.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914HTTP/2 is a major revision of the HTTP network protocol used by the World Wide Web
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-36387 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

ubuntu: CVE-2024-36387 was patched at 2024-07-08

104. Denial of Service - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48795) - Medium [286]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: parisc: Fix data TLB miss in sba_unmap_sg Rolf Eike Beer reported the following bug: [1274934.746891] Bad Address (null pointer deref?): Code=15 (Data TLB miss fault) at addr 0000004140000018 [1274934.746891] CPU: 3 PID: 5549 Comm: cmake Not tainted 5.15.4-gentoo-parisc64 #4 [1274934.746891] Hardware name: 9000/785/C8000 [1274934.746891] [1274934.746891] YZrvWESTHLNXBCVMcbcbcbcbOGFRQPDI [1274934.746891] PSW: 00001000000001001111111000001110 Not tainted [1274934.746891] r00-03 000000ff0804fe0e 0000000040bc9bc0 00000000406760e4 0000004140000000 [1274934.746891] r04-07 0000000040b693c0 0000004140000000 000000004a2b08b0 0000000000000001 [1274934.746891] r08-11 0000000041f98810 0000000000000000 000000004a0a7000 0000000000000001 [1274934.746891] r12-15 0000000040bddbc0 0000000040c0cbc0 0000000040bddbc0 0000000040bddbc0 [1274934.746891] r16-19 0000000040bde3c0 0000000040bddbc0 0000000040bde3c0 0000000000000007 [1274934.746891] r20-23 0000000000000006 000000004a368950 0000000000000000 0000000000000001 [1274934.746891] r24-27 0000000000001fff 000000000800000e 000000004a1710f0 0000000040b693c0 [1274934.746891] r28-31 0000000000000001 0000000041f988b0 0000000041f98840 000000004a171118 [1274934.746891] sr00-03 00000000066e5800 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 00000000066e5800 [1274934.746891] sr04-07 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 [1274934.746891] [1274934.746891] IASQ: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 IAOQ: 00000000406760e8 00000000406760ec [1274934.746891] IIR: 48780030 ISR: 0000000000000000 IOR: 0000004140000018 [1274934.746891] CPU: 3 CR30: 00000040e3a9c000 CR31: ffffffffffffffff [1274934.746891] ORIG_R28: 0000000040acdd58 [1274934.746891] IAOQ[0]: sba_unmap_sg+0xb0/0x118 [1274934.746891] IAOQ[1]: sba_unmap_sg+0xb4/0x118 [1274934.746891] RP(r2): sba_unmap_sg+0xac/0x118 [1274934.746891] Backtrace: [1274934.746891] [<00000000402740cc>] dma_unmap_sg_attrs+0x6c/0x70 [1274934.746891] [<000000004074d6bc>] scsi_dma_unmap+0x54/0x60 [1274934.746891] [<00000000407a3488>] mptscsih_io_done+0x150/0xd70 [1274934.746891] [<0000000040798600>] mpt_interrupt+0x168/0xa68 [1274934.746891] [<0000000040255a48>] __handle_irq_event_percpu+0xc8/0x278 [1274934.746891] [<0000000040255c34>] handle_irq_event_percpu+0x3c/0xd8 [1274934.746891] [<000000004025ecb4>] handle_percpu_irq+0xb4/0xf0 [1274934.746891] [<00000000402548e0>] generic_handle_irq+0x50/0x70 [1274934.746891] [<000000004019a254>] call_on_stack+0x18/0x24 [1274934.746891] [1274934.746891] Kernel panic - not syncing: Bad Address (null pointer deref?) The bug is caused by overrunning the sglist and incorrectly testing sg_dma_len(sglist) before nents. Normally this doesn't cause a crash, but in this case sglist crossed a page boundary. This occurs in the following code: while (sg_dma_len(sglist) && nents--) { The fix is simply to test nents first and move the decrement of nents into the loop.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2022-48795 was patched at 2024-07-16

105. Denial of Service - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-27006) - Medium [286]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: thermal/debugfs: Add missing count increment to thermal_debug_tz_trip_up() The count field in struct trip_stats, representing the number of times the zone temperature was above the trip point, needs to be incremented in thermal_debug_tz_trip_up(), for two reasons. First, if a trip point is crossed on the way up for the first time, thermal_debug_update_temp() called from update_temperature() does not see it because it has not been added to trips_crossed[] array in the thermal zone's struct tz_debugfs object yet. Therefore, when thermal_debug_tz_trip_up() is called after that, the trip point's count value is 0, and the attempt to divide by it during the average temperature computation leads to a divide error which causes the kernel to crash. Setting the count to 1 before the division by incrementing it fixes this problem. Second, if a trip point is crossed on the way up, but it has been crossed on the way up already before, its count value needs to be incremented to make a record of the fact that the zone temperature is above the trip now. Without doing that, if the mitigations applied after crossing the trip cause the zone temperature to drop below its threshold, the count will not be updated for this episode at all and the average temperature in the trip statistics record will be somewhat higher than it should be. Cc :6.8+ <> # 6.8+

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

ubuntu: CVE-2024-27006 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

106. Remote Code Execution - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-27628) - Medium [285]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Buffer Overflow vulnerability in DCMTK v.3.6.8 allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code via the EctEnhancedCT method component.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Buffer Overflow vulnerability in DCMTK v.3.6.8 allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code via the EctEnhancedCT method component.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 8.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-27628 was patched at 2024-06-30

107. Remote Code Execution - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-36600) - Medium [285]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Buffer Overflow Vulnerability in libcdio v2.1.0 allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code via a crafted ISO 9660 image file.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Buffer Overflow Vulnerability in libcdio v2.1.0 allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code via a crafted ISO 9660 image file.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 8.4. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

redos: CVE-2024-36600 was patched at 2024-06-26

ubuntu: CVE-2024-36600 was patched at 2024-06-28

108. Remote Code Execution - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-38998) - Medium [285]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'jrburke requirejs v2.3.6 was discovered to contain a prototype pollution via the function config. This vulnerability allows attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a Denial of Service (DoS) via injecting arbitrary properties.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'jrburke requirejs v2.3.6 was discovered to contain a prototype pollution via the function config. This vulnerability allows attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a Denial of Service (DoS) via injecting arbitrary properties.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 8.4. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-38998 was patched at 2024-07-16

109. Memory Corruption - Python (CVE-2024-0397) - Medium [284]

Description: A defect was discovered in the Python “ssl” module where there is a memory race condition with the ssl.SSLContext methods “cert_store_stats()” and “get_ca_certs()”. The race condition can be triggered if the methods are called at the same time as certificates are loaded into the SSLContext, such as during the TLS handshake with a certificate directory configured. This issue is fixed in CPython 3.10.14, 3.11.9, 3.12.3, and 3.13.0a5.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 7.4. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-0397 was patched at 2024-06-30

110. Code Injection - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-6655) - Medium [280]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'A flaw was found in the GTK library. Under certain conditions, it is possible for a library to be injected into a GTK application from the current working directory.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'A flaw was found in the GTK library. Under certain conditions, it is possible for a library to be injected into a GTK application from the current working directory.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Code Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 7.0. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-6655 was patched at 2024-07-16

ubuntu: CVE-2024-6655 was patched at 2024-07-16

111. Incorrect Calculation - rcar_gen3 (CVE-2024-6285) - Medium [279]

Description: Integer Underflow (Wrap or Wraparound) vulnerability in Renesas arm-trusted-firmware. An integer underflow in image range check calculations could lead to bypassing address restrictions and loading of images to unallowed addresses.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Incorrect Calculation
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:renesas:rcar_gen3 (does NOT exist in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-6285 was patched at 2024-06-30

112. Memory Corruption - arm-trusted-firmware (CVE-2024-6563) - Medium [279]

Description: Buffer Copy without Checking Size of Input ('Classic Buffer Overflow') vulnerability in Renesas arm-trusted-firmware allows Local Execution of Code. This vulnerability is associated with program files https://github.Com/renesas-rcar/arm-trusted-firmware/blob/rcar_gen3_v2.5/drivers/renesas/common/io/i... https://github.Com/renesas-rcar/arm-trusted-firmware/blob/rcar_gen3_v2.5/drivers/renesas/common/io/io_rcar.C . In line 313 "addr_loaded_cnt" is checked not to be "CHECK_IMAGE_AREA_CNT" (5) or larger, this check does not halt the function. Immediately after (line 317) there will be an overflow in the buffer and the value of "dst" will be written to the area immediately after the buffer, which is "addr_loaded_cnt". This will allow an attacker to freely control the value of "addr_loaded_cnt" and thus control the destination of the write immediately after (line 318). The write in line 318 will then be fully controlled by said attacker, with whichever address and whichever value ("len") they desire.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by o:rensas:arm-trusted-firmware (does NOT exist in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-6563 was patched at 2024-07-16

113. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-6611) - Medium [276]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'A nested iframe, triggering a cross-site navigation, could send SameSite=Strict or Lax cookies. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 128 and Thunderbird < 128.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'A nested iframe, triggering a cross-site navigation, could send SameSite=Strict or Lax cookies. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 128 and Thunderbird < 128.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 9.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-6611 was patched at 2024-07-10

114. Security Feature Bypass - Python (CVE-2024-4032) - Medium [272]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'The “ipaddress” module contained incorrect information about whether certain IPv4 and IPv6 addresses were designated as “globally reachable” or “private”. This affected the is_private and is_global properties of the ipaddress.IPv4Address, ipaddress.IPv4Network, ipaddress.IPv6Address, and ipaddress.IPv6Network classes, where values wouldn’t be returned in accordance with the latest information from the IANA Special-Purpose Address Registries. CPython 3.12.4 and 3.13.0a6 contain updated information from these registries and thus have the intended behavior.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'The “ipaddress” module contained incorrect information about whether certain IPv4 and IPv6 addresses were designated as “globally reachable” or “private”. This affected the is_private and is_global properties of the ipaddress.IPv4Address, ipaddress.IPv4Network, ipaddress.IPv6Address, and ipaddress.IPv6Network classes, where values wouldn’t be returned in accordance with the latest information from the IANA Special-Purpose Address Registries.\n\nCPython 3.12.4 and 3.13.0a6 contain updated information from these registries and thus have the intended behavior.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.14567

debian: CVE-2024-4032 was patched at 2024-06-30

115. Security Feature Bypass - ReCAPTCHA (CVE-2024-34009) - Medium [272]

Description: Insufficient checks whether ReCAPTCHA was enabled made it possible to bypass the checks on the login page. This did not affect other pages where ReCAPTCHA is utilized.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614reCAPTCHA is a security service that protects your websites from fraud and abuse owned by Google
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

redos: CVE-2024-34009 was patched at 2024-07-01

116. Elevation of Privilege - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-38517) - Medium [270]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Tencent RapidJSON is vulnerable to privilege escalation due to an integer underflow in the `GenericReader::ParseNumber()` function of `include/rapidjson/reader.h` when parsing JSON text from a stream. An attacker needs to send the victim a crafted file which needs to be opened; this triggers the integer underflow vulnerability (when the file is parsed), leading to elevation of privilege.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Tencent RapidJSON is vulnerable to privilege escalation due to an integer underflow in the `GenericReader::ParseNumber()` function of `include/rapidjson/reader.h` when parsing JSON text from a stream. An attacker needs to send the victim a crafted file which needs to be opened; this triggers the integer underflow vulnerability (when the file is parsed), leading to elevation of privilege.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.8515Elevation of Privilege
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38517 was patched at 2024-07-16

117. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48747) - Medium [269]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: block: Fix wrong offset in bio_truncate() bio_truncate() clears the buffer outside of last block of bdev, however current bio_truncate() is using the wrong offset of page. So it can return the uninitialized data. This happened when both of truncated/corrupted FS and userspace (via bdev) are trying to read the last of bdev.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nblock: Fix wrong offset in bio_truncate()\n\nbio_truncate() clears the buffer outside of last block of bdev, however\ncurrent bio_truncate() is using the wrong offset of page. So it can\nreturn the uninitialized data.\n\nThis happened when both of truncated/corrupted FS and userspace (via\nbdev) are trying to read the last of bdev.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48747 was patched at 2024-06-30

118. Command Injection - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-34580) - Medium [268]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Apache XML Security for C++ through 2.0.4 implements the XML Signature Syntax and Processing (XMLDsig) specification without protection against an SSRF payload in a KeyInfo element. NOTE: the supplier disputes this CVE Record on the grounds that they are implementing the specification "correctly" and are not "at fault."', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Apache XML Security for C++ through 2.0.4 implements the XML Signature Syntax and Processing (XMLDsig) specification without protection against an SSRF payload in a KeyInfo element. NOTE: the supplier disputes this CVE Record on the grounds that they are implementing the specification "correctly" and are not "at fault."', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.9715Command Injection
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00062, EPSS Percentile is 0.26854

debian: CVE-2024-34580 was patched at 2024-06-30

119. Security Feature Bypass - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-34001) - Medium [267]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Actions in the admin preset tool did not include the necessary token to prevent a CSRF risk.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Actions in the admin preset tool did not include the necessary token to prevent a CSRF risk.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 8.4. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

redos: CVE-2024-34001 was patched at 2024-07-01

120. Security Feature Bypass - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-37794) - Medium [267]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Improper input validation in CVC5 Solver v1.1.3 allows attackers to cause a Denial of Service (DoS) via a crafted SMT2 input file.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Improper input validation in CVC5 Solver v1.1.3 allows attackers to cause a Denial of Service (DoS) via a crafted SMT2 input file.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-37794 was patched at 2024-06-30

121. Incorrect Calculation - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40994) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ptp: fix integer overflow in max_vclocks_store On 32bit systems, the "4 * max" multiply can overflow. Use kcalloc() to do the allocation to prevent this.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Incorrect Calculation
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40994 was patched at 2024-07-16

122. Incorrect Calculation - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40996) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bpf: Avoid splat in pskb_pull_reason syzkaller builds (CONFIG_DEBUG_NET=y) frequently trigger a debug hint in pskb_may_pull. We'd like to retain this debug check because it might hint at integer overflows and other issues (kernel code should pull headers, not huge value). In bpf case, this splat isn't interesting at all: such (nonsensical) bpf programs are typically generated by a fuzzer anyway. Do what Eric suggested and suppress such warning. For CONFIG_DEBUG_NET=n we don't need the extra check because pskb_may_pull will do the right thing: return an error without the WARN() backtrace.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Incorrect Calculation
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40996 was patched at 2024-07-16

123. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47585) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: btrfs: fix memory leak in __add_inode_ref() Line 1169 (#3) allocates a memory chunk for victim_name by kmalloc(), but when the function returns in line 1184 (#4) victim_name allocated by line 1169 (#3) is not freed, which will lead to a memory leak. There is a similar snippet of code in this function as allocating a memory chunk for victim_name in line 1104 (#1) as well as releasing the memory in line 1116 (#2). We should kfree() victim_name when the return value of backref_in_log() is less than zero and before the function returns in line 1184 (#4). 1057 static inline int __add_inode_ref(struct btrfs_trans_handle *trans, 1058 struct btrfs_root *root, 1059 struct btrfs_path *path, 1060 struct btrfs_root *log_root, 1061 struct btrfs_inode *dir, 1062 struct btrfs_inode *inode, 1063 u64 inode_objectid, u64 parent_objectid, 1064 u64 ref_index, char *name, int namelen, 1065 int *search_done) 1066 { 1104 victim_name = kmalloc(victim_name_len, GFP_NOFS); // #1: kmalloc (victim_name-1) 1105 if (!victim_name) 1106 return -ENOMEM; 1112 ret = backref_in_log(log_root, &search_key, 1113 parent_objectid, victim_name, 1114 victim_name_len); 1115 if (ret < 0) { 1116 kfree(victim_name); // #2: kfree (victim_name-1) 1117 return ret; 1118 } else if (!ret) { 1169 victim_name = kmalloc(victim_name_len, GFP_NOFS); // #3: kmalloc (victim_name-2) 1170 if (!victim_name) 1171 return -ENOMEM; 1180 ret = backref_in_log(log_root, &search_key, 1181 parent_objectid, victim_name, 1182 victim_name_len); 1183 if (ret < 0) { 1184 return ret; // #4: missing kfree (victim_name-2) 1185 } else if (!ret) { 1241 return 0; 1242 }

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2021-47585 was patched at 2024-06-30

124. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47596) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: hns3: fix use-after-free bug in hclgevf_send_mbx_msg Currently, the hns3_remove function firstly uninstall client instance, and then uninstall acceletion engine device. The netdevice is freed in client instance uninstall process, but acceletion engine device uninstall process still use it to trace runtime information. This causes a use after free problem. So fixes it by check the instance register state to avoid use after free.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2021-47596 was patched at 2024-06-30

redhat: CVE-2021-47596 was patched at 2024-07-15

125. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48712) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ext4: fix error handling in ext4_fc_record_modified_inode() Current code does not fully takes care of krealloc() error case, which could lead to silent memory corruption or a kernel bug. This patch fixes that. Also it cleans up some duplicated error handling logic from various functions in fast_commit.c file.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48712 was patched at 2024-06-30

126. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48726) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: RDMA/ucma: Protect mc during concurrent multicast leaves Partially revert the commit mentioned in the Fixes line to make sure that allocation and erasing multicast struct are locked. BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in ucma_cleanup_multicast drivers/infiniband/core/ucma.c:491 [inline] BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in ucma_destroy_private_ctx+0x914/0xb70 drivers/infiniband/core/ucma.c:579 Read of size 8 at addr ffff88801bb74b00 by task syz-executor.1/25529 CPU: 0 PID: 25529 Comm: syz-executor.1 Not tainted 5.16.0-rc7-syzkaller #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/2011 Call Trace: __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:88 [inline] dump_stack_lvl+0xcd/0x134 lib/dump_stack.c:106 print_address_description.constprop.0.cold+0x8d/0x320 mm/kasan/report.c:247 __kasan_report mm/kasan/report.c:433 [inline] kasan_report.cold+0x83/0xdf mm/kasan/report.c:450 ucma_cleanup_multicast drivers/infiniband/core/ucma.c:491 [inline] ucma_destroy_private_ctx+0x914/0xb70 drivers/infiniband/core/ucma.c:579 ucma_destroy_id+0x1e6/0x280 drivers/infiniband/core/ucma.c:614 ucma_write+0x25c/0x350 drivers/infiniband/core/ucma.c:1732 vfs_write+0x28e/0xae0 fs/read_write.c:588 ksys_write+0x1ee/0x250 fs/read_write.c:643 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline] do_syscall_64+0x35/0xb0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae Currently the xarray search can touch a concurrently freeing mc as the xa_for_each() is not surrounded by any lock. Rather than hold the lock for a full scan hold it only for the effected items, which is usually an empty list.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48726 was patched at 2024-06-30

127. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48733) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: btrfs: fix use-after-free after failure to create a snapshot At ioctl.c:create_snapshot(), we allocate a pending snapshot structure and then attach it to the transaction's list of pending snapshots. After that we call btrfs_commit_transaction(), and if that returns an error we jump to 'fail' label, where we kfree() the pending snapshot structure. This can result in a later use-after-free of the pending snapshot: 1) We allocated the pending snapshot and added it to the transaction's list of pending snapshots; 2) We call btrfs_commit_transaction(), and it fails either at the first call to btrfs_run_delayed_refs() or btrfs_start_dirty_block_groups(). In both cases, we don't abort the transaction and we release our transaction handle. We jump to the 'fail' label and free the pending snapshot structure. We return with the pending snapshot still in the transaction's list; 3) Another task commits the transaction. This time there's no error at all, and then during the transaction commit it accesses a pointer to the pending snapshot structure that the snapshot creation task has already freed, resulting in a user-after-free. This issue could actually be detected by smatch, which produced the following warning: fs/btrfs/ioctl.c:843 create_snapshot() warn: '&pending_snapshot->list' not removed from list So fix this by not having the snapshot creation ioctl directly add the pending snapshot to the transaction's list. Instead add the pending snapshot to the transaction handle, and then at btrfs_commit_transaction() we add the snapshot to the list only when we can guarantee that any error returned after that point will result in a transaction abort, in which case the ioctl code can safely free the pending snapshot and no one can access it anymore.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48733 was patched at 2024-06-30

128. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48745) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/mlx5: Use del_timer_sync in fw reset flow of halting poll Substitute del_timer() with del_timer_sync() in fw reset polling deactivation flow, in order to prevent a race condition which occurs when del_timer() is called and timer is deactivated while another process is handling the timer interrupt. A situation that led to the following call trace: RIP: 0010:run_timer_softirq+0x137/0x420 <IRQ> recalibrate_cpu_khz+0x10/0x10 ktime_get+0x3e/0xa0 ? sched_clock_cpu+0xb/0xc0 __do_softirq+0xf5/0x2ea irq_exit_rcu+0xc1/0xf0 sysvec_apic_timer_interrupt+0x9e/0xc0 asm_sysvec_apic_timer_interrupt+0x12/0x20 </IRQ>

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48745 was patched at 2024-06-30

129. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48763) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: KVM: x86: Forcibly leave nested virt when SMM state is toggled Forcibly leave nested virtualization operation if userspace toggles SMM state via KVM_SET_VCPU_EVENTS or KVM_SYNC_X86_EVENTS. If userspace forces the vCPU out of SMM while it's post-VMXON and then injects an SMI, vmx_enter_smm() will overwrite vmx->nested.smm.vmxon and end up with both vmxon=false and smm.vmxon=false, but all other nVMX state allocated. Don't attempt to gracefully handle the transition as (a) most transitions are nonsencial, e.g. forcing SMM while L2 is running, (b) there isn't sufficient information to handle all transitions, e.g. SVM wants access to the SMRAM save state, and (c) KVM_SET_VCPU_EVENTS must precede KVM_SET_NESTED_STATE during state restore as the latter disallows putting the vCPU into L2 if SMM is active, and disallows tagging the vCPU as being post-VMXON in SMM if SMM is not active. Abuse of KVM_SET_VCPU_EVENTS manifests as a WARN and memory leak in nVMX due to failure to free vmcs01's shadow VMCS, but the bug goes far beyond just a memory leak, e.g. toggling SMM on while L2 is active puts the vCPU in an architecturally impossible state. WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 3606 at free_loaded_vmcs arch/x86/kvm/vmx/vmx.c:2665 [inline] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 3606 at free_loaded_vmcs+0x158/0x1a0 arch/x86/kvm/vmx/vmx.c:2656 Modules linked in: CPU: 1 PID: 3606 Comm: syz-executor725 Not tainted 5.17.0-rc1-syzkaller #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/2011 RIP: 0010:free_loaded_vmcs arch/x86/kvm/vmx/vmx.c:2665 [inline] RIP: 0010:free_loaded_vmcs+0x158/0x1a0 arch/x86/kvm/vmx/vmx.c:2656 Code: <0f> 0b eb b3 e8 8f 4d 9f 00 e9 f7 fe ff ff 48 89 df e8 92 4d 9f 00 Call Trace: <TASK> kvm_arch_vcpu_destroy+0x72/0x2f0 arch/x86/kvm/x86.c:11123 kvm_vcpu_destroy arch/x86/kvm/../../../virt/kvm/kvm_main.c:441 [inline] kvm_destroy_vcpus+0x11f/0x290 arch/x86/kvm/../../../virt/kvm/kvm_main.c:460 kvm_free_vcpus arch/x86/kvm/x86.c:11564 [inline] kvm_arch_destroy_vm+0x2e8/0x470 arch/x86/kvm/x86.c:11676 kvm_destroy_vm arch/x86/kvm/../../../virt/kvm/kvm_main.c:1217 [inline] kvm_put_kvm+0x4fa/0xb00 arch/x86/kvm/../../../virt/kvm/kvm_main.c:1250 kvm_vm_release+0x3f/0x50 arch/x86/kvm/../../../virt/kvm/kvm_main.c:1273 __fput+0x286/0x9f0 fs/file_table.c:311 task_work_run+0xdd/0x1a0 kernel/task_work.c:164 exit_task_work include/linux/task_work.h:32 [inline] do_exit+0xb29/0x2a30 kernel/exit.c:806 do_group_exit+0xd2/0x2f0 kernel/exit.c:935 get_signal+0x4b0/0x28c0 kernel/signal.c:2862 arch_do_signal_or_restart+0x2a9/0x1c40 arch/x86/kernel/signal.c:868 handle_signal_work kernel/entry/common.c:148 [inline] exit_to_user_mode_loop kernel/entry/common.c:172 [inline] exit_to_user_mode_prepare+0x17d/0x290 kernel/entry/common.c:207 __syscall_exit_to_user_mode_work kernel/entry/common.c:289 [inline] syscall_exit_to_user_mode+0x19/0x60 kernel/entry/common.c:300 do_syscall_64+0x42/0xb0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:86 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae </TASK>

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48763 was patched at 2024-06-30

130. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48768) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: tracing/histogram: Fix a potential memory leak for kstrdup() kfree() is missing on an error path to free the memory allocated by kstrdup(): p = param = kstrdup(data->params[i], GFP_KERNEL); So it is better to free it via kfree(p).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48768 was patched at 2024-06-30

131. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48789) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nvme-tcp: fix possible use-after-free in transport error_recovery work While nvme_tcp_submit_async_event_work is checking the ctrl and queue state before preparing the AER command and scheduling io_work, in order to fully prevent a race where this check is not reliable the error recovery work must flush async_event_work before continuing to destroy the admin queue after setting the ctrl state to RESETTING such that there is no race .submit_async_event and the error recovery handler itself changing the ctrl state.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48789 was patched at 2024-07-16

132. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48791) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: pm8001: Fix use-after-free for aborted TMF sas_task Currently a use-after-free may occur if a TMF sas_task is aborted before we handle the IO completion in mpi_ssp_completion(). The abort occurs due to timeout. When the timeout occurs, the SAS_TASK_STATE_ABORTED flag is set and the sas_task is freed in pm8001_exec_internal_tmf_task(). However, if the I/O completion occurs later, the I/O completion still thinks that the sas_task is available. Fix this by clearing the ccb->task if the TMF times out - the I/O completion handler does nothing if this pointer is cleared.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48791 was patched at 2024-07-16

133. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48792) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: pm8001: Fix use-after-free for aborted SSP/STP sas_task Currently a use-after-free may occur if a sas_task is aborted by the upper layer before we handle the I/O completion in mpi_ssp_completion() or mpi_sata_completion(). In this case, the following are the two steps in handling those I/O completions: - Call complete() to inform the upper layer handler of completion of the I/O. - Release driver resources associated with the sas_task in pm8001_ccb_task_free() call. When complete() is called, the upper layer may free the sas_task. As such, we should not touch the associated sas_task afterwards, but we do so in the pm8001_ccb_task_free() call. Fix by swapping the complete() and pm8001_ccb_task_free() calls ordering.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48792 was patched at 2024-07-16

134. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48796) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: iommu: Fix potential use-after-free during probe Kasan has reported the following use after free on dev->iommu. when a device probe fails and it is in process of freeing dev->iommu in dev_iommu_free function, a deferred_probe_work_func runs in parallel and tries to access dev->iommu->fwspec in of_iommu_configure path thus causing use after free. BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in of_iommu_configure+0xb4/0x4a4 Read of size 8 at addr ffffff87a2f1acb8 by task kworker/u16:2/153 Workqueue: events_unbound deferred_probe_work_func Call trace: dump_backtrace+0x0/0x33c show_stack+0x18/0x24 dump_stack_lvl+0x16c/0x1e0 print_address_description+0x84/0x39c __kasan_report+0x184/0x308 kasan_report+0x50/0x78 __asan_load8+0xc0/0xc4 of_iommu_configure+0xb4/0x4a4 of_dma_configure_id+0x2fc/0x4d4 platform_dma_configure+0x40/0x5c really_probe+0x1b4/0xb74 driver_probe_device+0x11c/0x228 __device_attach_driver+0x14c/0x304 bus_for_each_drv+0x124/0x1b0 __device_attach+0x25c/0x334 device_initial_probe+0x24/0x34 bus_probe_device+0x78/0x134 deferred_probe_work_func+0x130/0x1a8 process_one_work+0x4c8/0x970 worker_thread+0x5c8/0xaec kthread+0x1f8/0x220 ret_from_fork+0x10/0x18 Allocated by task 1: ____kasan_kmalloc+0xd4/0x114 __kasan_kmalloc+0x10/0x1c kmem_cache_alloc_trace+0xe4/0x3d4 __iommu_probe_device+0x90/0x394 probe_iommu_group+0x70/0x9c bus_for_each_dev+0x11c/0x19c bus_iommu_probe+0xb8/0x7d4 bus_set_iommu+0xcc/0x13c arm_smmu_bus_init+0x44/0x130 [arm_smmu] arm_smmu_device_probe+0xb88/0xc54 [arm_smmu] platform_drv_probe+0xe4/0x13c really_probe+0x2c8/0xb74 driver_probe_device+0x11c/0x228 device_driver_attach+0xf0/0x16c __driver_attach+0x80/0x320 bus_for_each_dev+0x11c/0x19c driver_attach+0x38/0x48 bus_add_driver+0x1dc/0x3a4 driver_register+0x18c/0x244 __platform_driver_register+0x88/0x9c init_module+0x64/0xff4 [arm_smmu] do_one_initcall+0x17c/0x2f0 do_init_module+0xe8/0x378 load_module+0x3f80/0x4a40 __se_sys_finit_module+0x1a0/0x1e4 __arm64_sys_finit_module+0x44/0x58 el0_svc_common+0x100/0x264 do_el0_svc+0x38/0xa4 el0_svc+0x20/0x30 el0_sync_handler+0x68/0xac el0_sync+0x160/0x180 Freed by task 1: kasan_set_track+0x4c/0x84 kasan_set_free_info+0x28/0x4c ____kasan_slab_free+0x120/0x15c __kasan_slab_free+0x18/0x28 slab_free_freelist_hook+0x204/0x2fc kfree+0xfc/0x3a4 __iommu_probe_device+0x284/0x394 probe_iommu_group+0x70/0x9c bus_for_each_dev+0x11c/0x19c bus_iommu_probe+0xb8/0x7d4 bus_set_iommu+0xcc/0x13c arm_smmu_bus_init+0x44/0x130 [arm_smmu] arm_smmu_device_probe+0xb88/0xc54 [arm_smmu] platform_drv_probe+0xe4/0x13c really_probe+0x2c8/0xb74 driver_probe_device+0x11c/0x228 device_driver_attach+0xf0/0x16c __driver_attach+0x80/0x320 bus_for_each_dev+0x11c/0x19c driver_attach+0x38/0x48 bus_add_driver+0x1dc/0x3a4 driver_register+0x18c/0x244 __platform_driver_register+0x88/0x9c init_module+0x64/0xff4 [arm_smmu] do_one_initcall+0x17c/0x2f0 do_init_module+0xe8/0x378 load_module+0x3f80/0x4a40 __se_sys_finit_module+0x1a0/0x1e4 __arm64_sys_finit_module+0x44/0x58 el0_svc_common+0x100/0x264 do_el0_svc+0x38/0xa4 el0_svc+0x20/0x30 el0_sync_handler+0x68/0xac el0_sync+0x160/0x180 Fix this by setting dev->iommu to NULL first and then freeing dev_iommu structure in dev_iommu_free function.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48796 was patched at 2024-07-16

135. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48801) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: iio: buffer: Fix file related error handling in IIO_BUFFER_GET_FD_IOCTL If we fail to copy the just created file descriptor to userland, we try to clean up by putting back 'fd' and freeing 'ib'. The code uses put_unused_fd() for the former which is wrong, as the file descriptor was already published by fd_install() which gets called internally by anon_inode_getfd(). This makes the error handling code leaving a half cleaned up file descriptor table around and a partially destructed 'file' object, allowing userland to play use-after-free tricks on us, by abusing the still usable fd and making the code operate on a dangling 'file->private_data' pointer. Instead of leaving the kernel in a partially corrupted state, don't attempt to explicitly clean up and leave this to the process exit path that'll release any still valid fds, including the one created by the previous call to anon_inode_getfd(). Simply return -EFAULT to indicate the error.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48801 was patched at 2024-07-16

136. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48821) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: misc: fastrpc: avoid double fput() on failed usercopy If the copy back to userland fails for the FASTRPC_IOCTL_ALLOC_DMA_BUFF ioctl(), we shouldn't assume that 'buf->dmabuf' is still valid. In fact, dma_buf_fd() called fd_install() before, i.e. "consumed" one reference, leaving us with none. Calling dma_buf_put() will therefore put a reference we no longer own, leading to a valid file descritor table entry for an already released 'file' object which is a straight use-after-free. Simply avoid calling dma_buf_put() and rely on the process exit code to do the necessary cleanup, if needed, i.e. if the file descriptor is still valid.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48821 was patched at 2024-07-16

137. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48842) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ice: Fix race condition during interface enslave Commit 5dbbbd01cbba83 ("ice: Avoid RTNL lock when re-creating auxiliary device") changes a process of re-creation of aux device so ice_plug_aux_dev() is called from ice_service_task() context. This unfortunately opens a race window that can result in dead-lock when interface has left LAG and immediately enters LAG again. Reproducer: ``` #!/bin/sh ip link add lag0 type bond mode 1 miimon 100 ip link set lag0 for n in {1..10}; do echo Cycle: $n ip link set ens7f0 master lag0 sleep 1 ip link set ens7f0 nomaster done ``` This results in: [20976.208697] Workqueue: ice ice_service_task [ice] [20976.213422] Call Trace: [20976.215871] __schedule+0x2d1/0x830 [20976.219364] schedule+0x35/0xa0 [20976.222510] schedule_preempt_disabled+0xa/0x10 [20976.227043] __mutex_lock.isra.7+0x310/0x420 [20976.235071] enum_all_gids_of_dev_cb+0x1c/0x100 [ib_core] [20976.251215] ib_enum_roce_netdev+0xa4/0xe0 [ib_core] [20976.256192] ib_cache_setup_one+0x33/0xa0 [ib_core] [20976.261079] ib_register_device+0x40d/0x580 [ib_core] [20976.266139] irdma_ib_register_device+0x129/0x250 [irdma] [20976.281409] irdma_probe+0x2c1/0x360 [irdma] [20976.285691] auxiliary_bus_probe+0x45/0x70 [20976.289790] really_probe+0x1f2/0x480 [20976.298509] driver_probe_device+0x49/0xc0 [20976.302609] bus_for_each_drv+0x79/0xc0 [20976.306448] __device_attach+0xdc/0x160 [20976.310286] bus_probe_device+0x9d/0xb0 [20976.314128] device_add+0x43c/0x890 [20976.321287] __auxiliary_device_add+0x43/0x60 [20976.325644] ice_plug_aux_dev+0xb2/0x100 [ice] [20976.330109] ice_service_task+0xd0c/0xed0 [ice] [20976.342591] process_one_work+0x1a7/0x360 [20976.350536] worker_thread+0x30/0x390 [20976.358128] kthread+0x10a/0x120 [20976.365547] ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x40 ... [20976.438030] task:ip state:D stack: 0 pid:213658 ppid:213627 flags:0x00004084 [20976.446469] Call Trace: [20976.448921] __schedule+0x2d1/0x830 [20976.452414] schedule+0x35/0xa0 [20976.455559] schedule_preempt_disabled+0xa/0x10 [20976.460090] __mutex_lock.isra.7+0x310/0x420 [20976.464364] device_del+0x36/0x3c0 [20976.467772] ice_unplug_aux_dev+0x1a/0x40 [ice] [20976.472313] ice_lag_event_handler+0x2a2/0x520 [ice] [20976.477288] notifier_call_chain+0x47/0x70 [20976.481386] __netdev_upper_dev_link+0x18b/0x280 [20976.489845] bond_enslave+0xe05/0x1790 [bonding] [20976.494475] do_setlink+0x336/0xf50 [20976.502517] __rtnl_newlink+0x529/0x8b0 [20976.543441] rtnl_newlink+0x43/0x60 [20976.546934] rtnetlink_rcv_msg+0x2b1/0x360 [20976.559238] netlink_rcv_skb+0x4c/0x120 [20976.563079] netlink_unicast+0x196/0x230 [20976.567005] netlink_sendmsg+0x204/0x3d0 [20976.570930] sock_sendmsg+0x4c/0x50 [20976.574423] ____sys_sendmsg+0x1eb/0x250 [20976.586807] ___sys_sendmsg+0x7c/0xc0 [20976.606353] __sys_sendmsg+0x57/0xa0 [20976.609930] do_syscall_64+0x5b/0x1a0 [20976.613598] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x65/0xca 1. Command 'ip link ... set nomaster' causes that ice_plug_aux_dev() is called from ice_service_task() context, aux device is created and associated device->lock is taken. 2. Command 'ip link ... set master...' calls ice's notifier under RTNL lock and that notifier calls ice_unplug_aux_dev(). That function tries to take aux device->lock but this is already taken by ice_plug_aux_dev() in step 1 3. Later ice_plug_aux_dev() tries to take RTNL lock but this is already taken in step 2 4. Dead-lock The patch fixes this issue by following changes: - Bit ICE_FLAG_PLUG_AUX_DEV is kept to be set during ice_plug_aux_dev() call in ice_service_task() - The bit is checked in ice_clear_rdma_cap() and only if it is not set then ice_unplug_aux_dev() is called. If it is set (in other words plugging of aux device was requested and ice_plug_aux_dev() is potentially running) then the function only clears the ---truncated---

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48842 was patched at 2024-07-16

138. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48846) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: block: release rq qos structures for queue without disk blkcg_init_queue() may add rq qos structures to request queue, previously blk_cleanup_queue() calls rq_qos_exit() to release them, but commit 8e141f9eb803 ("block: drain file system I/O on del_gendisk") moves rq_qos_exit() into del_gendisk(), so memory leak is caused because queues may not have disk, such as un-present scsi luns, nvme admin queue, ... Fixes the issue by adding rq_qos_exit() to blk_cleanup_queue() back. BTW, v5.18 won't need this patch any more since we move blkcg_init_queue()/blkcg_exit_queue() into disk allocation/release handler, and patches have been in for-5.18/block.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48846 was patched at 2024-07-16

139. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48847) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: watch_queue: Fix filter limit check In watch_queue_set_filter(), there are a couple of places where we check that the filter type value does not exceed what the type_filter bitmap can hold. One place calculates the number of bits by: if (tf[i].type >= sizeof(wfilter->type_filter) * 8) which is fine, but the second does: if (tf[i].type >= sizeof(wfilter->type_filter) * BITS_PER_LONG) which is not. This can lead to a couple of out-of-bounds writes due to a too-large type: (1) __set_bit() on wfilter->type_filter (2) Writing more elements in wfilter->filters[] than we allocated. Fix this by just using the proper WATCH_TYPE__NR instead, which is the number of types we actually know about. The bug may cause an oops looking something like: BUG: KASAN: slab-out-of-bounds in watch_queue_set_filter+0x659/0x740 Write of size 4 at addr ffff88800d2c66bc by task watch_queue_oob/611 ... Call Trace: <TASK> dump_stack_lvl+0x45/0x59 print_address_description.constprop.0+0x1f/0x150 ... kasan_report.cold+0x7f/0x11b ... watch_queue_set_filter+0x659/0x740 ... __x64_sys_ioctl+0x127/0x190 do_syscall_64+0x43/0x90 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae Allocated by task 611: kasan_save_stack+0x1e/0x40 __kasan_kmalloc+0x81/0xa0 watch_queue_set_filter+0x23a/0x740 __x64_sys_ioctl+0x127/0x190 do_syscall_64+0x43/0x90 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae The buggy address belongs to the object at ffff88800d2c66a0 which belongs to the cache kmalloc-32 of size 32 The buggy address is located 28 bytes inside of 32-byte region [ffff88800d2c66a0, ffff88800d2c66c0)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48847 was patched at 2024-07-16

140. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48858) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/mlx5: Fix a race on command flush flow Fix a refcount use after free warning due to a race on command entry. Such race occurs when one of the commands releases its last refcount and frees its index and entry while another process running command flush flow takes refcount to this command entry. The process which handles commands flush may see this command as needed to be flushed if the other process released its refcount but didn't release the index yet. Fix it by adding the needed spin lock. It fixes the following warning trace: refcount_t: addition on 0; use-after-free. WARNING: CPU: 11 PID: 540311 at lib/refcount.c:25 refcount_warn_saturate+0x80/0xe0 ... RIP: 0010:refcount_warn_saturate+0x80/0xe0 ... Call Trace: <TASK> mlx5_cmd_trigger_completions+0x293/0x340 [mlx5_core] mlx5_cmd_flush+0x3a/0xf0 [mlx5_core] enter_error_state+0x44/0x80 [mlx5_core] mlx5_fw_fatal_reporter_err_work+0x37/0xe0 [mlx5_core] process_one_work+0x1be/0x390 worker_thread+0x4d/0x3d0 ? rescuer_thread+0x350/0x350 kthread+0x141/0x160 ? set_kthread_struct+0x40/0x40 ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x30 </TASK>

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48858 was patched at 2024-07-16

141. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48861) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: vdpa: fix use-after-free on vp_vdpa_remove When vp_vdpa driver is unbind, vp_vdpa is freed in vdpa_unregister_device and then vp_vdpa->mdev.pci_dev is dereferenced in vp_modern_remove, triggering use-after-free. Call Trace of unbinding driver free vp_vdpa : do_syscall_64 vfs_write kernfs_fop_write_iter device_release_driver_internal pci_device_remove vp_vdpa_remove vdpa_unregister_device kobject_release device_release kfree Call Trace of dereference vp_vdpa->mdev.pci_dev: vp_modern_remove pci_release_selected_regions pci_release_region pci_resource_len pci_resource_end (dev)->resource[(bar)].end

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48861 was patched at 2024-07-16

142. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48863) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mISDN: Fix memory leak in dsp_pipeline_build() dsp_pipeline_build() allocates dup pointer by kstrdup(cfg), but then it updates dup variable by strsep(&dup, "|"). As a result when it calls kfree(dup), the dup variable contains NULL. Found by Linux Driver Verification project ( with SVACE.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48863 was patched at 2024-07-16

143. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-26716) - Medium [263]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: usb: core: Prevent null pointer dereference in update_port_device_state Currently, the function update_port_device_state gets the usb_hub from udev->parent by calling usb_hub_to_struct_hub. However, in case the actconfig or the maxchild is 0, the usb_hub would be NULL and upon further accessing to get port_dev would result in null pointer dereference. Fix this by introducing an if check after the usb_hub is populated.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nusb: core: Prevent null pointer dereference in update_port_device_state\n\nCurrently, the function update_port_device_state gets the usb_hub from\nudev->parent by calling usb_hub_to_struct_hub.\nHowever, in case the actconfig or the maxchild is 0, the usb_hub would\nbe NULL and upon further accessing to get port_dev would result in null\npointer dereference.\n\nFix this by introducing an if check after the usb_hub is populated.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-26716 was patched at 2024-07-12, 2024-07-16, 2024-07-17

144. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-26734) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: devlink: fix possible use-after-free and memory leaks in devlink_init() The pernet operations structure for the subsystem must be registered before registering the generic netlink family. Make an unregister in case of unsuccessful registration.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-26734 was patched at 2024-07-12, 2024-07-16, 2024-07-17

145. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-26831) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/handshake: Fix handshake_req_destroy_test1 Recently, handshake_req_destroy_test1 started failing: Expected handshake_req_destroy_test == req, but handshake_req_destroy_test == 0000000000000000 req == 0000000060f99b40 not ok 11 req_destroy works This is because "sock_release(sock)" was replaced with "fput(filp)" to address a memory leak. Note that sock_release() is synchronous but fput() usually delays the final close and clean-up. The delay is not consequential in the other cases that were changed but handshake_req_destroy_test1 is testing that handshake_req_cancel() followed by closing the file actually does call the ->hp_destroy method. Thus the PTR_EQ test at the end has to be sure that the final close is complete before it checks the pointer. We cannot use a completion here because if ->hp_destroy is never called (ie, there is an API bug) then the test will hang. Reported by: Guenter Roeck <>

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-26831 was patched at 2024-07-12, 2024-07-16, 2024-07-17

146. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35882) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: SUNRPC: Fix a slow server-side memory leak with RPC-over-TCP Jan Schunk reports that his small NFS servers suffer from memory exhaustion after just a few days. A bisect shows that commit e18e157bb5c8 ("SUNRPC: Send RPC message on TCP with a single sock_sendmsg() call") is the first bad commit. That commit assumed that sock_sendmsg() releases all the pages in the underlying bio_vec array, but the reality is that it doesn't. svc_xprt_release() releases the rqst's response pages, but the record marker page fragment isn't one of those, so it is never released. This is a narrow fix that can be applied to stable kernels. A more extensive fix is in the works.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35882 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

147. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35883) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: spi: mchp-pci1xxx: Fix a possible null pointer dereference in pci1xxx_spi_probe In function pci1xxxx_spi_probe, there is a potential null pointer that may be caused by a failed memory allocation by the function devm_kzalloc. Hence, a null pointer check needs to be added to prevent null pointer dereferencing later in the code. To fix this issue, spi_bus->spi_int[iter] should be checked. The memory allocated by devm_kzalloc will be automatically released, so just directly return -ENOMEM without worrying about memory leaks.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35883 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

148. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35911) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ice: fix memory corruption bug with suspend and rebuild The ice driver would previously panic after suspend. This is caused from the driver *only* calling the ice_vsi_free_q_vectors() function by itself, when it is suspending. Since commit b3e7b3a6ee92 ("ice: prevent NULL pointer deref during reload") the driver has zeroed out num_q_vectors, and only restored it in ice_vsi_cfg_def(). This further causes the ice_rebuild() function to allocate a zero length buffer, after which num_q_vectors is updated, and then the new value of num_q_vectors is used to index into the zero length buffer, which corrupts memory. The fix entails making sure all the code referencing num_q_vectors only does so after it has been reset via ice_vsi_cfg_def(). I didn't perform a full bisect, but I was able to test against 6.1.77 kernel and that ice driver works fine for suspend/resume with no panic, so sometime since then, this problem was introduced. Also clean up an un-needed init of a local variable in the function being modified. PANIC from 6.8.0-rc1: [1026674.915596] PM: suspend exit [1026675.664697] ice 0000:17:00.1: PTP reset successful [1026675.664707] ice 0000:17:00.1: 2755 msecs passed between update to cached PHC time [1026675.667660] ice 0000:b1:00.0: PTP reset successful [1026675.675944] ice 0000:b1:00.0: 2832 msecs passed between update to cached PHC time [1026677.137733] ixgbe 0000:31:00.0 ens787: NIC Link is Up 1 Gbps, Flow Control: None [1026677.190201] BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000010 [1026677.192753] ice 0000:17:00.0: PTP reset successful [1026677.192764] ice 0000:17:00.0: 4548 msecs passed between update to cached PHC time [1026677.197928] #PF: supervisor read access in kernel mode [1026677.197933] #PF: error_code(0x0000) - not-present page [1026677.197937] PGD 1557a7067 P4D 0 [1026677.212133] ice 0000:b1:00.1: PTP reset successful [1026677.212143] ice 0000:b1:00.1: 4344 msecs passed between update to cached PHC time [1026677.212575] [1026677.243142] Oops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP NOPTI [1026677.247918] CPU: 23 PID: 42790 Comm: kworker/23:0 Kdump: loaded Tainted: G W 6.8.0-rc1+ #1 [1026677.257989] Hardware name: Intel Corporation M50CYP2SBSTD/M50CYP2SBSTD, BIOS SE5C620.86B.01.01.0005.2202160810 02/16/2022 [1026677.269367] Workqueue: ice ice_service_task [ice] [1026677.274592] RIP: 0010:ice_vsi_rebuild_set_coalesce+0x130/0x1e0 [ice] [1026677.281421] Code: 0f 84 3a ff ff ff 41 0f b7 74 ec 02 66 89 b0 22 02 00 00 81 e6 ff 1f 00 00 e8 ec fd ff ff e9 35 ff ff ff 48 8b 43 30 49 63 ed <41> 0f b7 34 24 41 83 c5 01 48 8b 3c e8 66 89 b7 aa 02 00 00 81 e6 [1026677.300877] RSP: 0018:ff3be62a6399bcc0 EFLAGS: 00010202 [1026677.306556] RAX: ff28691e28980828 RBX: ff28691e41099828 RCX: 0000000000188000 [1026677.314148] RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000010 RDI: ff28691e41099828 [1026677.321730] RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000 [1026677.329311] R10: 0000000000000007 R11: ffffffffffffffc0 R12: 0000000000000010 [1026677.336896] R13: 0000000000000000 R14: 0000000000000000 R15: ff28691e0eaa81a0 [1026677.344472] FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ff28693cbffc0000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 [1026677.353000] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 [1026677.359195] CR2: 0000000000000010 CR3: 0000000128df4001 CR4: 0000000000771ef0 [1026677.366779] DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 [1026677.374369] DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 [1026677.381952] PKRU: 55555554 [1026677.385116] Call Trace: [1026677.388023] <TASK> [1026677.390589] ? __die+0x20/0x70 [1026677.394105] ? page_fault_oops+0x82/0x160 [1026677.398576] ? do_user_addr_fault+0x65/0x6a0 [1026677.403307] ? exc_page_fault+0x6a/0x150 [1026677.407694] ? asm_exc_page_fault+0x22/0x30 [1026677.412349] ? ice_vsi_rebuild_set_coalesce+0x130/0x1e0 [ice] [1026677.4186 ---truncated---

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35911 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

149. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35977) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: platform/chrome: cros_ec_uart: properly fix race condition The cros_ec_uart_probe() function calls devm_serdev_device_open() before it calls serdev_device_set_client_ops(). This can trigger a NULL pointer dereference: BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000000 ... Call Trace: <TASK> ... ? ttyport_receive_buf A simplified version of crashing code is as follows: static inline size_t serdev_controller_receive_buf(struct serdev_controller *ctrl, const u8 *data, size_t count) { struct serdev_device *serdev = ctrl->serdev; if (!serdev || !serdev->ops->receive_buf) // CRASH! return 0; return serdev->ops->receive_buf(serdev, data, count); } It assumes that if SERPORT_ACTIVE is set and serdev exists, serdev->ops will also exist. This conflicts with the existing cros_ec_uart_probe() logic, as it first calls devm_serdev_device_open() (which sets SERPORT_ACTIVE), and only later sets serdev->ops via serdev_device_set_client_ops(). Commit 01f95d42b8f4 ("platform/chrome: cros_ec_uart: fix race condition") attempted to fix a similar race condition, but while doing so, made the window of error for this race condition to happen much wider. Attempt to fix the race condition again, making sure we fully setup before calling devm_serdev_device_open().

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35977 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

150. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35979) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: raid1: fix use-after-free for original bio in raid1_write_request() r1_bio->bios[] is used to record new bios that will be issued to underlying disks, however, in raid1_write_request(), r1_bio->bios[] will set to the original bio temporarily. Meanwhile, if blocked rdev is set, free_r1bio() will be called causing that all r1_bio->bios[] to be freed: raid1_write_request() r1_bio = alloc_r1bio(mddev, bio); -> r1_bio->bios[] is NULL for (i = 0; i < disks; i++) -> for each rdev in conf // first rdev is normal r1_bio->bios[0] = bio; -> set to original bio // second rdev is blocked if (test_bit(Blocked, &rdev->flags)) break if (blocked_rdev) free_r1bio() put_all_bios() bio_put(r1_bio->bios[0]) -> original bio is freed Test scripts: mdadm -CR /dev/md0 -l1 -n4 /dev/sd[abcd] --assume-clean fio -filename=/dev/md0 -ioengine=libaio -rw=write -bs=4k -numjobs=1 \ -iodepth=128 -name=test -direct=1 echo blocked > /sys/block/md0/md/rd2/state Test result: BUG bio-264 (Not tainted): Object already free ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Allocated in mempool_alloc_slab+0x24/0x50 age=1 cpu=1 pid=869 kmem_cache_alloc+0x324/0x480 mempool_alloc_slab+0x24/0x50 mempool_alloc+0x6e/0x220 bio_alloc_bioset+0x1af/0x4d0 blkdev_direct_IO+0x164/0x8a0 blkdev_write_iter+0x309/0x440 aio_write+0x139/0x2f0 io_submit_one+0x5ca/0xb70 __do_sys_io_submit+0x86/0x270 __x64_sys_io_submit+0x22/0x30 do_syscall_64+0xb1/0x210 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x6c/0x74 Freed in mempool_free_slab+0x1f/0x30 age=1 cpu=1 pid=869 kmem_cache_free+0x28c/0x550 mempool_free_slab+0x1f/0x30 mempool_free+0x40/0x100 bio_free+0x59/0x80 bio_put+0xf0/0x220 free_r1bio+0x74/0xb0 raid1_make_request+0xadf/0x1150 md_handle_request+0xc7/0x3b0 md_submit_bio+0x76/0x130 __submit_bio+0xd8/0x1d0 submit_bio_noacct_nocheck+0x1eb/0x5c0 submit_bio_noacct+0x169/0xd40 submit_bio+0xee/0x1d0 blkdev_direct_IO+0x322/0x8a0 blkdev_write_iter+0x309/0x440 aio_write+0x139/0x2f0 Since that bios for underlying disks are not allocated yet, fix this problem by using mempool_free() directly to free the r1_bio.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35979 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

151. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36018) - Medium [263]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nouveau/uvmm: fix addr/range calcs for remap operations dEQP-VK.sparse_resources.image_rebind.2d_array.r64i.128_128_8 was causing a remap operation like the below. op_remap: prev: 0000003fffed0000 00000000000f0000 00000000a5abd18a 0000000000000000 op_remap: next: op_remap: unmap: 0000003fffed0000 0000000000100000 0 op_map: map: 0000003ffffc0000 0000000000010000 000000005b1ba33c 00000000000e0000 This was resulting in an unmap operation from 0x3fffed0000+0xf0000, 0x100000 which was corrupting the pagetables and oopsing the kernel. Fixes the prev + unmap range calcs to use start/end and map back to addr/range.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnouveau/uvmm: fix addr/range calcs for remap operations\n\ndEQP-VK.sparse_resources.image_rebind.2d_array.r64i.128_128_8\nwas causing a remap operation like the below.\n\nop_remap: prev: 0000003fffed0000 00000000000f0000 00000000a5abd18a 0000000000000000\nop_remap: next:\nop_remap: unmap: 0000003fffed0000 0000000000100000 0\nop_map: map: 0000003ffffc0000 0000000000010000 000000005b1ba33c 00000000000e0000\n\nThis was resulting in an unmap operation from 0x3fffed0000+0xf0000, 0x100000\nwhich was corrupting the pagetables and oopsing the kernel.\n\nFixes the prev + unmap range calcs to use start/end and map back to addr/range.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-36018 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

152. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36019) - Medium [263]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: regmap: maple: Fix cache corruption in regcache_maple_drop() When keeping the upper end of a cache block entry, the entry[] array must be indexed by the offset from the base register of the block, i.e. max - mas.index. The code was indexing entry[] by only the register address, leading to an out-of-bounds access that copied some part of the kernel memory over the cache contents. This bug was not detected by the regmap KUnit test because it only tests with a block of registers starting at 0, so mas.index == 0.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nregmap: maple: Fix cache corruption in regcache_maple_drop()\n\nWhen keeping the upper end of a cache block entry, the entry[] array\nmust be indexed by the offset from the base register of the block,\ni.e. max - mas.index.\n\nThe code was indexing entry[] by only the register address, leading\nto an out-of-bounds access that copied some part of the kernel\nmemory over the cache contents.\n\nThis bug was not detected by the regmap KUnit test because it only\ntests with a block of registers starting at 0, so mas.index == 0.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-36019 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

153. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36979) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: bridge: mst: fix vlan use-after-free syzbot reported a suspicious rcu usage[1] in bridge's mst code. While fixing it I noticed that nothing prevents a vlan to be freed while walking the list from the same path (br forward delay timer). Fix the rcu usage and also make sure we are not accessing freed memory by making br_mst_vlan_set_state use rcu read lock. [1] WARNING: suspicious RCU usage 6.9.0-rc6-syzkaller #0 Not tainted ----------------------------- net/bridge/br_private.h:1599 suspicious rcu_dereference_protected() usage! ... stack backtrace: CPU: 1 PID: 8017 Comm: syz-executor.1 Not tainted 6.9.0-rc6-syzkaller #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 03/27/2024 Call Trace: <IRQ> __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:88 [inline] dump_stack_lvl+0x241/0x360 lib/dump_stack.c:114 lockdep_rcu_suspicious+0x221/0x340 kernel/locking/lockdep.c:6712 nbp_vlan_group net/bridge/br_private.h:1599 [inline] br_mst_set_state+0x1ea/0x650 net/bridge/br_mst.c:105 br_set_state+0x28a/0x7b0 net/bridge/br_stp.c:47 br_forward_delay_timer_expired+0x176/0x440 net/bridge/br_stp_timer.c:88 call_timer_fn+0x18e/0x650 kernel/time/timer.c:1793 expire_timers kernel/time/timer.c:1844 [inline] __run_timers kernel/time/timer.c:2418 [inline] __run_timer_base+0x66a/0x8e0 kernel/time/timer.c:2429 run_timer_base kernel/time/timer.c:2438 [inline] run_timer_softirq+0xb7/0x170 kernel/time/timer.c:2448 __do_softirq+0x2c6/0x980 kernel/softirq.c:554 invoke_softirq kernel/softirq.c:428 [inline] __irq_exit_rcu+0xf2/0x1c0 kernel/softirq.c:633 irq_exit_rcu+0x9/0x30 kernel/softirq.c:645 instr_sysvec_apic_timer_interrupt arch/x86/kernel/apic/apic.c:1043 [inline] sysvec_apic_timer_interrupt+0xa6/0xc0 arch/x86/kernel/apic/apic.c:1043 </IRQ> <TASK> asm_sysvec_apic_timer_interrupt+0x1a/0x20 arch/x86/include/asm/idtentry.h:702 RIP: 0010:lock_acquire+0x264/0x550 kernel/locking/lockdep.c:5758 Code: 2b 00 74 08 4c 89 f7 e8 ba d1 84 00 f6 44 24 61 02 0f 85 85 01 00 00 41 f7 c7 00 02 00 00 74 01 fb 48 c7 44 24 40 0e 36 e0 45 <4b> c7 44 25 00 00 00 00 00 43 c7 44 25 09 00 00 00 00 43 c7 44 25 RSP: 0018:ffffc90013657100 EFLAGS: 00000206 RAX: 0000000000000001 RBX: 1ffff920026cae2c RCX: 0000000000000001 RDX: dffffc0000000000 RSI: ffffffff8bcaca00 RDI: ffffffff8c1eaa60 RBP: ffffc90013657260 R08: ffffffff92efe507 R09: 1ffffffff25dfca0 R10: dffffc0000000000 R11: fffffbfff25dfca1 R12: 1ffff920026cae28 R13: dffffc0000000000 R14: ffffc90013657160 R15: 0000000000000246

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-36979 was patched at 2024-06-30

154. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38554) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ax25: Fix reference count leak issue of net_device There is a reference count leak issue of the object "net_device" in ax25_dev_device_down(). When the ax25 device is shutting down, the ax25_dev_device_down() drops the reference count of net_device one or zero times depending on if we goto unlock_put or not, which will cause memory leak. In order to solve the above issue, decrease the reference count of net_device after dev->ax25_ptr is set to null.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38554 was patched at 2024-06-30

155. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38561) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: kunit: Fix kthread reference There is a race condition when a kthread finishes after the deadline and before the call to kthread_stop(), which may lead to use after free.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38561 was patched at 2024-06-30

156. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38570) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: gfs2: Fix potential glock use-after-free on unmount When a DLM lockspace is released and there ares still locks in that lockspace, DLM will unlock those locks automatically. Commit fb6791d100d1b started exploiting this behavior to speed up filesystem unmount: gfs2 would simply free glocks it didn't want to unlock and then release the lockspace. This didn't take the bast callbacks for asynchronous lock contention notifications into account, which remain active until until a lock is unlocked or its lockspace is released. To prevent those callbacks from accessing deallocated objects, put the glocks that should not be unlocked on the sd_dead_glocks list, release the lockspace, and only then free those glocks. As an additional measure, ignore unexpected ast and bast callbacks if the receiving glock is dead.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38570 was patched at 2024-06-30

157. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38576) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: rcu: Fix buffer overflow in print_cpu_stall_info() The rcuc-starvation output from print_cpu_stall_info() might overflow the buffer if there is a huge difference in jiffies difference. The situation might seem improbable, but computers sometimes get very confused about time, which can result in full-sized integers, and, in this case, buffer overflow. Also, the unsigned jiffies difference is printed using %ld, which is normally for signed integers. This is intentional for debugging purposes, but it is not obvious from the code. This commit therefore changes sprintf() to snprintf() and adds a clarifying comment about intention of %ld format. Found by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38576 was patched at 2024-06-30

158. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38577) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: rcu-tasks: Fix show_rcu_tasks_trace_gp_kthread buffer overflow There is a possibility of buffer overflow in show_rcu_tasks_trace_gp_kthread() if counters, passed to sprintf() are huge. Counter numbers, needed for this are unrealistically high, but buffer overflow is still possible. Use snprintf() with buffer size instead of sprintf(). Found by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38577 was patched at 2024-06-30

159. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38581) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/amdgpu/mes: fix use-after-free issue Delete fence fallback timer to fix the ramdom use-after-free issue. v2: move to amdgpu_mes.c

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38581 was patched at 2024-06-30

160. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38602) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ax25: Fix reference count leak issues of ax25_dev The ax25_addr_ax25dev() and ax25_dev_device_down() exist a reference count leak issue of the object "ax25_dev". Memory leak issue in ax25_addr_ax25dev(): The reference count of the object "ax25_dev" can be increased multiple times in ax25_addr_ax25dev(). This will cause a memory leak. Memory leak issues in ax25_dev_device_down(): The reference count of ax25_dev is set to 1 in ax25_dev_device_up() and then increase the reference count when ax25_dev is added to ax25_dev_list. As a result, the reference count of ax25_dev is 2. But when the device is shutting down. The ax25_dev_device_down() drops the reference count once or twice depending on if we goto unlock_put or not, which will cause memory leak. As for the issue of ax25_addr_ax25dev(), it is impossible for one pointer to be on a list twice. So add a break in ax25_addr_ax25dev(). As for the issue of ax25_dev_device_down(), increase the reference count of ax25_dev once in ax25_dev_device_up() and decrease the reference count of ax25_dev after it is removed from the ax25_dev_list.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38602 was patched at 2024-06-30

161. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38603) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drivers/perf: hisi: hns3: Actually use devm_add_action_or_reset() pci_alloc_irq_vectors() allocates an irq vector. When devm_add_action() fails, the irq vector is not freed, which leads to a memory leak. Replace the devm_add_action with devm_add_action_or_reset to ensure the irq vector can be destroyed when it fails.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38603 was patched at 2024-06-30

162. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38628) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: usb: gadget: u_audio: Fix race condition use of controls after free during gadget unbind. Hang on to the control IDs instead of pointers since those are correctly handled with locks.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38628 was patched at 2024-06-30

163. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38630) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: watchdog: cpu5wdt.c: Fix use-after-free bug caused by cpu5wdt_trigger When the cpu5wdt module is removing, the origin code uses del_timer() to de-activate the timer. If the timer handler is running, del_timer() could not stop it and will return directly. If the port region is released by release_region() and then the timer handler cpu5wdt_trigger() calls outb() to write into the region that is released, the use-after-free bug will happen. Change del_timer() to timer_shutdown_sync() in order that the timer handler could be finished before the port region is released.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38630 was patched at 2024-06-30

164. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38632) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: vfio/pci: fix potential memory leak in vfio_intx_enable() If vfio_irq_ctx_alloc() failed will lead to 'name' memory leak.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38632 was patched at 2024-06-30

165. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39463) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: 9p: add missing locking around taking dentry fid list Fix a use-after-free on dentry's d_fsdata fid list when a thread looks up a fid through dentry while another thread unlinks it: UAF thread: refcount_t: addition on 0; use-after-free. p9_fid_get linux/./include/net/9p/client.h:262 v9fs_fid_find+0x236/0x280 linux/fs/9p/fid.c:129 v9fs_fid_lookup_with_uid linux/fs/9p/fid.c:181 v9fs_fid_lookup+0xbf/0xc20 linux/fs/9p/fid.c:314 v9fs_vfs_getattr_dotl+0xf9/0x360 linux/fs/9p/vfs_inode_dotl.c:400 vfs_statx+0xdd/0x4d0 linux/fs/stat.c:248 Freed by: p9_fid_destroy (inlined) p9_client_clunk+0xb0/0xe0 linux/net/9p/client.c:1456 p9_fid_put linux/./include/net/9p/client.h:278 v9fs_dentry_release+0xb5/0x140 linux/fs/9p/vfs_dentry.c:55 v9fs_remove+0x38f/0x620 linux/fs/9p/vfs_inode.c:518 vfs_unlink+0x29a/0x810 linux/fs/namei.c:4335 The problem is that d_fsdata was not accessed under d_lock, because d_release() normally is only called once the dentry is otherwise no longer accessible but since we also call it explicitly in v9fs_remove that lock is required: move the hlist out of the dentry under lock then unref its fids once they are no longer accessible.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-39463 was patched at 2024-06-30

166. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39487) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bonding: Fix out-of-bounds read in bond_option_arp_ip_targets_set() In function bond_option_arp_ip_targets_set(), if newval->string is an empty string, newval->string+1 will point to the byte after the string, causing an out-of-bound read. BUG: KASAN: slab-out-of-bounds in strlen+0x7d/0xa0 lib/string.c:418 Read of size 1 at addr ffff8881119c4781 by task syz-executor665/8107 CPU: 1 PID: 8107 Comm: syz-executor665 Not tainted 6.7.0-rc7 #1 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 1.15.0-1 04/01/2014 Call Trace: <TASK> __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:88 [inline] dump_stack_lvl+0xd9/0x150 lib/dump_stack.c:106 print_address_description mm/kasan/report.c:364 [inline] print_report+0xc1/0x5e0 mm/kasan/report.c:475 kasan_report+0xbe/0xf0 mm/kasan/report.c:588 strlen+0x7d/0xa0 lib/string.c:418 __fortify_strlen include/linux/fortify-string.h:210 [inline] in4_pton+0xa3/0x3f0 net/core/utils.c:130 bond_option_arp_ip_targets_set+0xc2/0x910 drivers/net/bonding/bond_options.c:1201 __bond_opt_set+0x2a4/0x1030 drivers/net/bonding/bond_options.c:767 __bond_opt_set_notify+0x48/0x150 drivers/net/bonding/bond_options.c:792 bond_opt_tryset_rtnl+0xda/0x160 drivers/net/bonding/bond_options.c:817 bonding_sysfs_store_option+0xa1/0x120 drivers/net/bonding/bond_sysfs.c:156 dev_attr_store+0x54/0x80 drivers/base/core.c:2366 sysfs_kf_write+0x114/0x170 fs/sysfs/file.c:136 kernfs_fop_write_iter+0x337/0x500 fs/kernfs/file.c:334 call_write_iter include/linux/fs.h:2020 [inline] new_sync_write fs/read_write.c:491 [inline] vfs_write+0x96a/0xd80 fs/read_write.c:584 ksys_write+0x122/0x250 fs/read_write.c:637 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline] do_syscall_64+0x40/0x110 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x63/0x6b ---[ end trace ]--- Fix it by adding a check of string length before using it.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-39487 was patched at 2024-07-16

167. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39490) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ipv6: sr: fix missing sk_buff release in seg6_input_core The seg6_input() function is responsible for adding the SRH into a packet, delegating the operation to the seg6_input_core(). This function uses the skb_cow_head() to ensure that there is sufficient headroom in the sk_buff for accommodating the link-layer header. In the event that the skb_cow_header() function fails, the seg6_input_core() catches the error but it does not release the sk_buff, which will result in a memory leak. This issue was introduced in commit af3b5158b89d ("ipv6: sr: fix BUG due to headroom too small after SRH push") and persists even after commit 7a3f5b0de364 ("netfilter: add netfilter hooks to SRv6 data plane"), where the entire seg6_input() code was refactored to deal with netfilter hooks. The proposed patch addresses the identified memory leak by requiring the seg6_input_core() function to release the sk_buff in the event that skb_cow_head() fails.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-39490 was patched at 2024-07-16

168. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39494) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ima: Fix use-after-free on a dentry's -> can change on rename and the earlier value can be freed; there are conditions sufficient to stabilize it (->d_lock on dentry, ->d_lock on its parent, ->i_rwsem exclusive on the parent's inode, rename_lock), but none of those are met at any of the sites. Take a stable snapshot of the name instead.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-39494 was patched at 2024-07-16

169. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39496) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: btrfs: zoned: fix use-after-free due to race with dev replace While loading a zone's info during creation of a block group, we can race with a device replace operation and then trigger a use-after-free on the device that was just replaced (source device of the replace operation). This happens because at btrfs_load_zone_info() we extract a device from the chunk map into a local variable and then use the device while not under the protection of the device replace rwsem. So if there's a device replace operation happening when we extract the device and that device is the source of the replace operation, we will trigger a use-after-free if before we finish using the device the replace operation finishes and frees the device. Fix this by enlarging the critical section under the protection of the device replace rwsem so that all uses of the device are done inside the critical section.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-39496 was patched at 2024-07-16

170. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39510) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: cachefiles: fix slab-use-after-free in cachefiles_ondemand_daemon_read() We got the following issue in a fuzz test of randomly issuing the restore command: ================================================================== BUG: KASAN: slab-use-after-free in cachefiles_ondemand_daemon_read+0xb41/0xb60 Read of size 8 at addr ffff888122e84088 by task ondemand-04-dae/963 CPU: 13 PID: 963 Comm: ondemand-04-dae Not tainted 6.8.0-dirty #564 Call Trace: kasan_report+0x93/0xc0 cachefiles_ondemand_daemon_read+0xb41/0xb60 vfs_read+0x169/0xb50 ksys_read+0xf5/0x1e0 Allocated by task 116: kmem_cache_alloc+0x140/0x3a0 cachefiles_lookup_cookie+0x140/0xcd0 fscache_cookie_state_machine+0x43c/0x1230 [...] Freed by task 792: kmem_cache_free+0xfe/0x390 cachefiles_put_object+0x241/0x480 fscache_cookie_state_machine+0x5c8/0x1230 [...] ================================================================== Following is the process that triggers the issue: mount | daemon_thread1 | daemon_thread2 ------------------------------------------------------------ cachefiles_withdraw_cookie cachefiles_ondemand_clean_object(object) cachefiles_ondemand_send_req REQ_A = kzalloc(sizeof(*req) + data_len) wait_for_completion(&REQ_A->done) cachefiles_daemon_read cachefiles_ondemand_daemon_read REQ_A = cachefiles_ondemand_select_req msg->object_id = req->object->ondemand->ondemand_id ------ restore ------ cachefiles_ondemand_restore xas_for_each(&xas, req, ULONG_MAX) xas_set_mark(&xas, CACHEFILES_REQ_NEW) cachefiles_daemon_read cachefiles_ondemand_daemon_read REQ_A = cachefiles_ondemand_select_req copy_to_user(_buffer, msg, n) xa_erase(&cache->reqs, id) complete(&REQ_A->done) ------ close(fd) ------ cachefiles_ondemand_fd_release cachefiles_put_object cachefiles_put_object kmem_cache_free(cachefiles_object_jar, object) REQ_A->object->ondemand->ondemand_id // object UAF !!! When we see the request within xa_lock, req->object must not have been freed yet, so grab the reference count of object before xa_unlock to avoid the above issue.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-39510 was patched at 2024-07-16

171. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40899) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: cachefiles: fix slab-use-after-free in cachefiles_ondemand_get_fd() We got the following issue in a fuzz test of randomly issuing the restore command: ================================================================== BUG: KASAN: slab-use-after-free in cachefiles_ondemand_daemon_read+0x609/0xab0 Write of size 4 at addr ffff888109164a80 by task ondemand-04-dae/4962 CPU: 11 PID: 4962 Comm: ondemand-04-dae Not tainted 6.8.0-rc7-dirty #542 Call Trace: kasan_report+0x94/0xc0 cachefiles_ondemand_daemon_read+0x609/0xab0 vfs_read+0x169/0xb50 ksys_read+0xf5/0x1e0 Allocated by task 626: __kmalloc+0x1df/0x4b0 cachefiles_ondemand_send_req+0x24d/0x690 cachefiles_create_tmpfile+0x249/0xb30 cachefiles_create_file+0x6f/0x140 cachefiles_look_up_object+0x29c/0xa60 cachefiles_lookup_cookie+0x37d/0xca0 fscache_cookie_state_machine+0x43c/0x1230 [...] Freed by task 626: kfree+0xf1/0x2c0 cachefiles_ondemand_send_req+0x568/0x690 cachefiles_create_tmpfile+0x249/0xb30 cachefiles_create_file+0x6f/0x140 cachefiles_look_up_object+0x29c/0xa60 cachefiles_lookup_cookie+0x37d/0xca0 fscache_cookie_state_machine+0x43c/0x1230 [...] ================================================================== Following is the process that triggers the issue: mount | daemon_thread1 | daemon_thread2 ------------------------------------------------------------ cachefiles_ondemand_init_object cachefiles_ondemand_send_req REQ_A = kzalloc(sizeof(*req) + data_len) wait_for_completion(&REQ_A->done) cachefiles_daemon_read cachefiles_ondemand_daemon_read REQ_A = cachefiles_ondemand_select_req cachefiles_ondemand_get_fd copy_to_user(_buffer, msg, n) process_open_req(REQ_A) ------ restore ------ cachefiles_ondemand_restore xas_for_each(&xas, req, ULONG_MAX) xas_set_mark(&xas, CACHEFILES_REQ_NEW); cachefiles_daemon_read cachefiles_ondemand_daemon_read REQ_A = cachefiles_ondemand_select_req write(devfd, ("copen %u,%llu", msg->msg_id, size)); cachefiles_ondemand_copen xa_erase(&cache->reqs, id) complete(&REQ_A->done) kfree(REQ_A) cachefiles_ondemand_get_fd(REQ_A) fd = get_unused_fd_flags file = anon_inode_getfile fd_install(fd, file) load = (void *)REQ_A->; load->fd = fd; // load UAF !!! This issue is caused by issuing a restore command when the daemon is still alive, which results in a request being processed multiple times thus triggering a UAF. So to avoid this problem, add an additional reference count to cachefiles_req, which is held while waiting and reading, and then released when the waiting and reading is over. Note that since there is only one reference count for waiting, we need to avoid the same request being completed multiple times, so we can only complete the request if it is successfully removed from the xarray.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40899 was patched at 2024-07-16

172. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40900) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: cachefiles: remove requests from xarray during flushing requests Even with CACHEFILES_DEAD set, we can still read the requests, so in the following concurrency the request may be used after it has been freed: mount | daemon_thread1 | daemon_thread2 ------------------------------------------------------------ cachefiles_ondemand_init_object cachefiles_ondemand_send_req REQ_A = kzalloc(sizeof(*req) + data_len) wait_for_completion(&REQ_A->done) cachefiles_daemon_read cachefiles_ondemand_daemon_read // close dev fd cachefiles_flush_reqs complete(&REQ_A->done) kfree(REQ_A) xa_lock(&cache->reqs); cachefiles_ondemand_select_req req->msg.opcode != CACHEFILES_OP_READ // req use-after-free !!! xa_unlock(&cache->reqs); xa_destroy(&cache->reqs) Hence remove requests from cache->reqs when flushing them to avoid accessing freed requests.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40900 was patched at 2024-07-16

173. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40903) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: usb: typec: tcpm: fix use-after-free case in tcpm_register_source_caps There could be a potential use-after-free case in tcpm_register_source_caps(). This could happen when: * new (say invalid) source caps are advertised * the existing source caps are unregistered * tcpm_register_source_caps() returns with an error as usb_power_delivery_register_capabilities() fails This causes port->partner_source_caps to hold on to the now freed source caps. Reset port->partner_source_caps value to NULL after unregistering existing source caps.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40903 was patched at 2024-07-16

174. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40910) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ax25: Fix refcount imbalance on inbound connections When releasing a socket in ax25_release(), we call netdev_put() to decrease the refcount on the associated ax.25 device. However, the execution path for accepting an incoming connection never calls netdev_hold(). This imbalance leads to refcount errors, and ultimately to kernel crashes. A typical call trace for the above situation will start with one of the following errors: refcount_t: decrement hit 0; leaking memory. refcount_t: underflow; use-after-free. And will then have a trace like: Call Trace: <TASK> ? show_regs+0x64/0x70 ? __warn+0x83/0x120 ? refcount_warn_saturate+0xb2/0x100 ? report_bug+0x158/0x190 ? prb_read_valid+0x20/0x30 ? handle_bug+0x3e/0x70 ? exc_invalid_op+0x1c/0x70 ? asm_exc_invalid_op+0x1f/0x30 ? refcount_warn_saturate+0xb2/0x100 ? refcount_warn_saturate+0xb2/0x100 ax25_release+0x2ad/0x360 __sock_release+0x35/0xa0 sock_close+0x19/0x20 [...] On reboot (or any attempt to remove the interface), the kernel gets stuck in an infinite loop: unregister_netdevice: waiting for ax0 to become free. Usage count = 0 This patch corrects these issues by ensuring that we call netdev_hold() and ax25_dev_hold() for new connections in ax25_accept(). This makes the logic leading to ax25_accept() match the logic for ax25_bind(): in both cases we increment the refcount, which is ultimately decremented in ax25_release().

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40910 was patched at 2024-07-16

175. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40918) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: parisc: Try to fix random segmentation faults in package builds PA-RISC systems with PA8800 and PA8900 processors have had problems with random segmentation faults for many years. Systems with earlier processors are much more stable. Systems with PA8800 and PA8900 processors have a large L2 cache which needs per page flushing for decent performance when a large range is flushed. The combined cache in these systems is also more sensitive to non-equivalent aliases than the caches in earlier systems. The majority of random segmentation faults that I have looked at appear to be memory corruption in memory allocated using mmap and malloc. My first attempt at fixing the random faults didn't work. On reviewing the cache code, I realized that there were two issues which the existing code didn't handle correctly. Both relate to cache move-in. Another issue is that the present bit in PTEs is racy. 1) PA-RISC caches have a mind of their own and they can speculatively load data and instructions for a page as long as there is a entry in the TLB for the page which allows move-in. TLBs are local to each CPU. Thus, the TLB entry for a page must be purged before flushing the page. This is particularly important on SMP systems. In some of the flush routines, the flush routine would be called and then the TLB entry would be purged. This was because the flush routine needed the TLB entry to do the flush. 2) My initial approach to trying the fix the random faults was to try and use flush_cache_page_if_present for all flush operations. This actually made things worse and led to a couple of hardware lockups. It finally dawned on me that some lines weren't being flushed because the pte check code was racy. This resulted in random inequivalent mappings to physical pages. The __flush_cache_page tmpalias flush sets up its own TLB entry and it doesn't need the existing TLB entry. As long as we can find the pte pointer for the vm page, we can get the pfn and physical address of the page. We can also purge the TLB entry for the page before doing the flush. Further, __flush_cache_page uses a special TLB entry that inhibits cache move-in. When switching page mappings, we need to ensure that lines are removed from the cache. It is not sufficient to just flush the lines to memory as they may come back. This made it clear that we needed to implement all the required flush operations using tmpalias routines. This includes flushes for user and kernel pages. After modifying the code to use tmpalias flushes, it became clear that the random segmentation faults were not fully resolved. The frequency of faults was worse on systems with a 64 MB L2 (PA8900) and systems with more CPUs (rp4440). The warning that I added to flush_cache_page_if_present to detect pages that couldn't be flushed triggered frequently on some systems. Helge and I looked at the pages that couldn't be flushed and found that the PTE was either cleared or for a swap page. Ignoring pages that were swapped out seemed okay but pages with cleared PTEs seemed problematic. I looked at routines related to pte_clear and noticed ptep_clear_flush. The default implementation just flushes the TLB entry. However, it was obvious that on parisc we need to flush the cache page as well. If we don't flush the cache page, stale lines will be left in the cache and cause random corruption. Once a PTE is cleared, there is no way to find the physical address associated with the PTE and flush the associated page at a later time. I implemented an updated change with a parisc specific version of ptep_clear_flush. It fixed the random data corruption on Helge's rp4440 and rp3440, as well as on my c8000. At this point, I realized that I could restore the code where we only flush in flush_cache_page_if_present if the page has been accessed. However, for this, we also need to flush the cache when the accessed bit is cleared in ---truncated---

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40918 was patched at 2024-07-16

176. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40920) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: bridge: mst: fix suspicious rcu usage in br_mst_set_state I converted br_mst_set_state to RCU to avoid a vlan use-after-free but forgot to change the vlan group dereference helper. Switch to vlan group RCU deref helper to fix the suspicious rcu usage warning.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40920 was patched at 2024-07-16

177. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40954) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: do not leave a dangling sk pointer, when socket creation fails It is possible to trigger a use-after-free by: * attaching an fentry probe to __sock_release() and the probe calling the bpf_get_socket_cookie() helper * running traceroute -I on a freshly booted VM A KASAN enabled kernel will log something like below (decoded and stripped): ================================================================== BUG: KASAN: slab-use-after-free in __sock_gen_cookie (./arch/x86/include/asm/atomic64_64.h:15 ./include/linux/atomic/atomic-arch-fallback.h:2583 ./include/linux/atomic/atomic-instrumented.h:1611 net/core/sock_diag.c:29) Read of size 8 at addr ffff888007110dd8 by task traceroute/299 CPU: 2 PID: 299 Comm: traceroute Tainted: G E 6.10.0-rc2+ #2 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 1.16.2-debian-1.16.2-1 04/01/2014 Call Trace: <TASK> dump_stack_lvl (lib/dump_stack.c:117 (discriminator 1)) print_report (mm/kasan/report.c:378 mm/kasan/report.c:488) ? __sock_gen_cookie (./arch/x86/include/asm/atomic64_64.h:15 ./include/linux/atomic/atomic-arch-fallback.h:2583 ./include/linux/atomic/atomic-instrumented.h:1611 net/core/sock_diag.c:29) kasan_report (mm/kasan/report.c:603) ? __sock_gen_cookie (./arch/x86/include/asm/atomic64_64.h:15 ./include/linux/atomic/atomic-arch-fallback.h:2583 ./include/linux/atomic/atomic-instrumented.h:1611 net/core/sock_diag.c:29) kasan_check_range (mm/kasan/generic.c:183 mm/kasan/generic.c:189) __sock_gen_cookie (./arch/x86/include/asm/atomic64_64.h:15 ./include/linux/atomic/atomic-arch-fallback.h:2583 ./include/linux/atomic/atomic-instrumented.h:1611 net/core/sock_diag.c:29) bpf_get_socket_ptr_cookie (./arch/x86/include/asm/preempt.h:94 ./include/linux/sock_diag.h:42 net/core/filter.c:5094 net/core/filter.c:5092) bpf_prog_875642cf11f1d139___sock_release+0x6e/0x8e bpf_trampoline_6442506592+0x47/0xaf __sock_release (net/socket.c:652) __sock_create (net/socket.c:1601) ... Allocated by task 299 on cpu 2 at 78.328492s: kasan_save_stack (mm/kasan/common.c:48) kasan_save_track (mm/kasan/common.c:68) __kasan_slab_alloc (mm/kasan/common.c:312 mm/kasan/common.c:338) kmem_cache_alloc_noprof (mm/slub.c:3941 mm/slub.c:4000 mm/slub.c:4007) sk_prot_alloc (net/core/sock.c:2075) sk_alloc (net/core/sock.c:2134) inet_create (net/ipv4/af_inet.c:327 net/ipv4/af_inet.c:252) __sock_create (net/socket.c:1572) __sys_socket (net/socket.c:1660 net/socket.c:1644 net/socket.c:1706) __x64_sys_socket (net/socket.c:1718) do_syscall_64 (arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83) entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:130) Freed by task 299 on cpu 2 at 78.328502s: kasan_save_stack (mm/kasan/common.c:48) kasan_save_track (mm/kasan/common.c:68) kasan_save_free_info (mm/kasan/generic.c:582) poison_slab_object (mm/kasan/common.c:242) __kasan_slab_free (mm/kasan/common.c:256) kmem_cache_free (mm/slub.c:4437 mm/slub.c:4511) __sk_destruct (net/core/sock.c:2117 net/core/sock.c:2208) inet_create (net/ipv4/af_inet.c:397 net/ipv4/af_inet.c:252) __sock_create (net/socket.c:1572) __sys_socket (net/socket.c:1660 net/socket.c:1644 net/socket.c:1706) __x64_sys_socket (net/socket.c:1718) do_syscall_64 (arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83) entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:130) Fix this by clearing the struct socket reference in sk_common_release() to cover all protocol families create functions, which may already attached the reference to the sk object with sock_init_data().

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40954 was patched at 2024-07-16

178. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40973) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: media: mtk-vcodec: potential null pointer deference in SCP The return value of devm_kzalloc() needs to be checked to avoid NULL pointer deference. This is similar to CVE-2022-3113.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40973 was patched at 2024-07-16

179. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40997) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: cpufreq: amd-pstate: fix memory leak on CPU EPP exit The cpudata memory from kzalloc() in amd_pstate_epp_cpu_init() is not freed in the analogous exit function, so fix that. [ rjw: Subject and changelog edits ]

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40997 was patched at 2024-07-16

180. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41001) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: io_uring/sqpoll: work around a potential audit memory leak kmemleak complains that there's a memory leak related to connect handling: unreferenced object 0xffff0001093bdf00 (size 128): comm "iou-sqp-455", pid 457, jiffies 4294894164 hex dump (first 32 bytes): 02 00 fa ea 7f 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ backtrace (crc 2e481b1a): [<00000000c0a26af4>] kmemleak_alloc+0x30/0x38 [<000000009c30bb45>] kmalloc_trace+0x228/0x358 [<000000009da9d39f>] __audit_sockaddr+0xd0/0x138 [<0000000089a93e34>] move_addr_to_kernel+0x1a0/0x1f8 [<000000000b4e80e6>] io_connect_prep+0x1ec/0x2d4 [<00000000abfbcd99>] io_submit_sqes+0x588/0x1e48 [<00000000e7c25e07>] io_sq_thread+0x8a4/0x10e4 [<00000000d999b491>] ret_from_fork+0x10/0x20 which can can happen if: 1) The command type does something on the prep side that triggers an audit call. 2) The thread hasn't done any operations before this that triggered an audit call inside ->issue(), where we have audit_uring_entry() and audit_uring_exit(). Work around this by issuing a blanket NOP operation before the SQPOLL does anything.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-41001 was patched at 2024-07-16

181. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41002) - Medium [263]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: crypto: hisilicon/sec - Fix memory leak for sec resource release The AIV is one of the SEC resources. When releasing resources, it need to release the AIV resources at the same time. Otherwise, memory leakage occurs. The aiv resource release is added to the sec resource release function.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-41002 was patched at 2024-07-16

182. Elevation of Privilege - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-39684) - Medium [258]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Tencent RapidJSON is vulnerable to privilege escalation due to an integer overflow in the `GenericReader::ParseNumber()` function of `include/rapidjson/reader.h` when parsing JSON text from a stream. An attacker needs to send the victim a crafted file which needs to be opened; this triggers the integer overflow vulnerability (when the file is parsed), leading to elevation of privilege.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Tencent RapidJSON is vulnerable to privilege escalation due to an integer overflow in the `GenericReader::ParseNumber()` function of `include/rapidjson/reader.h` when parsing JSON text from a stream. An attacker needs to send the victim a crafted file which needs to be opened; this triggers the integer overflow vulnerability (when the file is parsed), leading to elevation of privilege.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.8515Elevation of Privilege
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-39684 was patched at 2024-07-16

183. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-27021) - Medium [257]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: r8169: fix LED-related deadlock on module removal Binding devm_led_classdev_register() to the netdev is problematic because on module removal we get a RTNL-related deadlock. Fix this by avoiding the device-managed LED functions. Note: We can safely call led_classdev_unregister() for a LED even if registering it failed, because led_classdev_unregister() detects this and is a no-op in this case.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nr8169: fix LED-related deadlock on module removal\n\nBinding devm_led_classdev_register() to the netdev is problematic\nbecause on module removal we get a RTNL-related deadlock. Fix this\nby avoiding the device-managed LED functions.\n\nNote: We can safely call led_classdev_unregister() for a LED even\nif registering it failed, because led_classdev_unregister() detects\nthis and is a no-op in this case.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

ubuntu: CVE-2024-27021 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

184. Information Disclosure - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-22232) - Medium [255]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'A specially crafted url can be created which leads to a directory traversal in the salt file server. A malicious user can read an arbitrary file from a Salt master’s filesystem.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'A specially crafted url can be created which leads to a directory traversal in the salt file server.\nA malicious user can read an arbitrary file from a Salt master’s filesystem.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.8315Information Disclosure
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.7. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-22232 was patched at 2024-06-30

redos: CVE-2024-22232 was patched at 2024-06-26

185. Unknown Vulnerability Type - OpenSSH (CVE-2024-39894) - Medium [252]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'OpenSSH 9.5 through 9.7 before 9.8 sometimes allows timing attacks against echo-off password entry (e.g., for su and Sudo) because of an ObscureKeystrokeTiming logic error. Similarly, other timing attacks against keystroke entry could occur.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'OpenSSH 9.5 through 9.7 before 9.8 sometimes allows timing attacks against echo-off password entry (e.g., for su and Sudo) because of an ObscureKeystrokeTiming logic error. Similarly, other timing attacks against keystroke entry could occur.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814OpenSSH is a suite of secure networking utilities based on the Secure Shell protocol, which provides a secure channel over an unsecured network in a client–server architecture
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

redos: CVE-2024-39894 was patched at 2024-07-04

ubuntu: CVE-2024-39894 was patched at 2024-07-09

186. Incorrect Calculation - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48837) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: usb: gadget: rndis: prevent integer overflow in rndis_set_response() If "BufOffset" is very large the "BufOffset + 8" operation can have an integer overflow.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Incorrect Calculation
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2022-48837 was patched at 2024-07-16

187. Incorrect Calculation - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41000) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: block/ioctl: prefer different overflow check Running syzkaller with the newly reintroduced signed integer overflow sanitizer shows this report: [ 62.982337] ------------[ cut here ]------------ [ 62.985692] cgroup: Invalid name [ 62.986211] UBSAN: signed-integer-overflow in ../block/ioctl.c:36:46 [ 62.989370] 9pnet_fd: p9_fd_create_tcp (7343): problem connecting socket to [ 62.992992] 9223372036854775807 + 4095 cannot be represented in type 'long long' [ 62.997827] 9pnet_fd: p9_fd_create_tcp (7345): problem connecting socket to [ 62.999369] random: crng reseeded on system resumption [ 63.000634] GUP no longer grows the stack in syz-executor.2 (7353): 20002000-20003000 (20001000) [ 63.000668] CPU: 0 PID: 7353 Comm: syz-executor.2 Not tainted 6.8.0-rc2-00035-gb3ef86b5a957 #1 [ 63.000677] Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 1.16.3-debian-1.16.3-2 04/01/2014 [ 63.000682] Call Trace: [ 63.000686] <TASK> [ 63.000731] dump_stack_lvl+0x93/0xd0 [ 63.000919] __get_user_pages+0x903/0xd30 [ 63.001030] __gup_longterm_locked+0x153e/0x1ba0 [ 63.001041] ? _raw_read_unlock_irqrestore+0x17/0x50 [ 63.001072] ? try_get_folio+0x29c/0x2d0 [ 63.001083] internal_get_user_pages_fast+0x1119/0x1530 [ 63.001109] iov_iter_extract_pages+0x23b/0x580 [ 63.001206] bio_iov_iter_get_pages+0x4de/0x1220 [ 63.001235] iomap_dio_bio_iter+0x9b6/0x1410 [ 63.001297] __iomap_dio_rw+0xab4/0x1810 [ 63.001316] iomap_dio_rw+0x45/0xa0 [ 63.001328] ext4_file_write_iter+0xdde/0x1390 [ 63.001372] vfs_write+0x599/0xbd0 [ 63.001394] ksys_write+0xc8/0x190 [ 63.001403] do_syscall_64+0xd4/0x1b0 [ 63.001421] ? arch_exit_to_user_mode_prepare+0x3a/0x60 [ 63.001479] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x6f/0x77 [ 63.001535] RIP: 0033:0x7f7fd3ebf539 [ 63.001551] Code: 28 00 00 00 75 05 48 83 c4 28 c3 e8 f1 14 00 00 90 48 89 f8 48 89 f7 48 89 d6 48 89 ca 4d 89 c2 4d 89 c8 4c 8b 4c 24 08 0f 05 <48> 3d 01 f0 ff ff 73 01 c3 48 c7 c1 b8 ff ff ff f7 d8 64 89 01 48 [ 63.001562] RSP: 002b:00007f7fd32570c8 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000001 [ 63.001584] RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 00007f7fd3ff3f80 RCX: 00007f7fd3ebf539 [ 63.001590] RDX: 4db6d1e4f7e43360 RSI: 0000000020000000 RDI: 0000000000000004 [ 63.001595] RBP: 00007f7fd3f1e496 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000 [ 63.001599] R10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 0000000000000000 [ 63.001604] R13: 0000000000000006 R14: 00007f7fd3ff3f80 R15: 00007ffd415ad2b8 ... [ 63.018142] ---[ end trace ]--- Historically, the signed integer overflow sanitizer did not work in the kernel due to its interaction with `-fwrapv` but this has since been changed [1] in the newest version of Clang; It was re-enabled in the kernel with Commit 557f8c582a9ba8ab ("ubsan: Reintroduce signed overflow sanitizer"). Let's rework this overflow checking logic to not actually perform an overflow during the check itself, thus avoiding the UBSAN splat. [1]:

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Incorrect Calculation
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-41000 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

188. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47576) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: scsi_debug: Sanity check block descriptor length in resp_mode_select() In resp_mode_select() sanity check the block descriptor len to avoid UAF. BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in resp_mode_select+0xa4c/0xb40 drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c:2509 Read of size 1 at addr ffff888026670f50 by task scsicmd/15032 CPU: 1 PID: 15032 Comm: scsicmd Not tainted 5.15.0-01d0625 #15 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS Call Trace: <TASK> dump_stack_lvl+0x89/0xb5 lib/dump_stack.c:107 print_address_description.constprop.9+0x28/0x160 mm/kasan/report.c:257 kasan_report.cold.14+0x7d/0x117 mm/kasan/report.c:443 __asan_report_load1_noabort+0x14/0x20 mm/kasan/report_generic.c:306 resp_mode_select+0xa4c/0xb40 drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c:2509 schedule_resp+0x4af/0x1a10 drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c:5483 scsi_debug_queuecommand+0x8c9/0x1e70 drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c:7537 scsi_queue_rq+0x16b4/0x2d10 drivers/scsi/scsi_lib.c:1521 blk_mq_dispatch_rq_list+0xb9b/0x2700 block/blk-mq.c:1640 __blk_mq_sched_dispatch_requests+0x28f/0x590 block/blk-mq-sched.c:325 blk_mq_sched_dispatch_requests+0x105/0x190 block/blk-mq-sched.c:358 __blk_mq_run_hw_queue+0xe5/0x150 block/blk-mq.c:1762 __blk_mq_delay_run_hw_queue+0x4f8/0x5c0 block/blk-mq.c:1839 blk_mq_run_hw_queue+0x18d/0x350 block/blk-mq.c:1891 blk_mq_sched_insert_request+0x3db/0x4e0 block/blk-mq-sched.c:474 blk_execute_rq_nowait+0x16b/0x1c0 block/blk-exec.c:63 sg_common_write.isra.18+0xeb3/0x2000 drivers/scsi/sg.c:837 sg_new_write.isra.19+0x570/0x8c0 drivers/scsi/sg.c:775 sg_ioctl_common+0x14d6/0x2710 drivers/scsi/sg.c:941 sg_ioctl+0xa2/0x180 drivers/scsi/sg.c:1166 __x64_sys_ioctl+0x19d/0x220 fs/ioctl.c:52 do_syscall_64+0x3a/0x80 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:113

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2021-47576 was patched at 2024-06-30

189. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47586) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: stmmac: dwmac-rk: fix oob read in rk_gmac_setup KASAN reports an out-of-bounds read in rk_gmac_setup on the line: while (ops->regs[i]) { This happens for most platforms since the regs flexible array member is empty, so the memory after the ops structure is being read here. It seems that mostly this happens to contain zero anyway, so we get lucky and everything still works. To avoid adding redundant data to nearly all the ops structures, add a new flag to indicate whether the regs field is valid and avoid this loop when it is not.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2021-47586 was patched at 2024-06-30

190. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47589) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: igbvf: fix double free in `igbvf_probe` In `igbvf_probe`, if register_netdev() fails, the program will go to label err_hw_init, and then to label err_ioremap. In free_netdev() which is just below label err_ioremap, there is `list_for_each_entry_safe` and `netif_napi_del` which aims to delete all entries in `dev->napi_list`. The program has added an entry `adapter->rx_ring->napi` which is added by `netif_napi_add` in igbvf_alloc_queues(). However, adapter->rx_ring has been freed below label err_hw_init. So this a UAF. In terms of how to patch the problem, we can refer to igbvf_remove() and delete the entry before `adapter->rx_ring`. The KASAN logs are as follows: [ 35.126075] BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in free_netdev+0x1fd/0x450 [ 35.127170] Read of size 8 at addr ffff88810126d990 by task modprobe/366 [ 35.128360] [ 35.128643] CPU: 1 PID: 366 Comm: modprobe Not tainted 5.15.0-rc2+ #14 [ 35.129789] Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (Q35 + ICH9, 2009), BIOS 04/01/2014 [ 35.131749] Call Trace: [ 35.132199] dump_stack_lvl+0x59/0x7b [ 35.132865] print_address_description+0x7c/0x3b0 [ 35.133707] ? free_netdev+0x1fd/0x450 [ 35.134378] __kasan_report+0x160/0x1c0 [ 35.135063] ? free_netdev+0x1fd/0x450 [ 35.135738] kasan_report+0x4b/0x70 [ 35.136367] free_netdev+0x1fd/0x450 [ 35.137006] igbvf_probe+0x121d/0x1a10 [igbvf] [ 35.137808] ? igbvf_vlan_rx_add_vid+0x100/0x100 [igbvf] [ 35.138751] local_pci_probe+0x13c/0x1f0 [ 35.139461] pci_device_probe+0x37e/0x6c0 [ 35.165526] [ 35.165806] Allocated by task 366: [ 35.166414] ____kasan_kmalloc+0xc4/0xf0 [ 35.167117] foo_kmem_cache_alloc_trace+0x3c/0x50 [igbvf] [ 35.168078] igbvf_probe+0x9c5/0x1a10 [igbvf] [ 35.168866] local_pci_probe+0x13c/0x1f0 [ 35.169565] pci_device_probe+0x37e/0x6c0 [ 35.179713] [ 35.179993] Freed by task 366: [ 35.180539] kasan_set_track+0x4c/0x80 [ 35.181211] kasan_set_free_info+0x1f/0x40 [ 35.181942] ____kasan_slab_free+0x103/0x140 [ 35.182703] kfree+0xe3/0x250 [ 35.183239] igbvf_probe+0x1173/0x1a10 [igbvf] [ 35.184040] local_pci_probe+0x13c/0x1f0

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2021-47589 was patched at 2024-06-30

191. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47604) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: vduse: check that offset is within bounds in get_config() This condition checks "len" but it does not check "offset" and that could result in an out of bounds read if "offset > dev->config_size". The problem is that since both variables are unsigned the "dev->config_size - offset" subtraction would result in a very high unsigned value. I think these checks might not be necessary because "len" and "offset" are supposed to already have been validated using the vhost_vdpa_config_validate() function. But I do not know the code perfectly, and I like to be safe.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2021-47604 was patched at 2024-06-30

192. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47605) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: vduse: fix memory corruption in vduse_dev_ioctl() The "config.offset" comes from the user. There needs to a check to prevent it being out of bounds. The "config.offset" and "dev->config_size" variables are both type u32. So if the offset if out of bounds then the "dev->config_size - config.offset" subtraction results in a very high u32 value. The out of bounds offset can result in memory corruption.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2021-47605 was patched at 2024-06-30

193. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47609) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: firmware: arm_scpi: Fix string overflow in SCPI genpd driver Without the bound checks for scpi_pd->name, it could result in the buffer overflow when copying the SCPI device name from the corresponding device tree node as the name string is set at maximum size of 30. Let us fix it by using devm_kasprintf so that the string buffer is allocated dynamically.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2021-47609 was patched at 2024-06-30

194. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47613) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: i2c: virtio: fix completion handling The driver currently assumes that the notify callback is only received when the device is done with all the queued buffers. However, this is not true, since the notify callback could be called without any of the queued buffers being completed (for example, with virtio-pci and shared interrupts) or with only some of the buffers being completed (since the driver makes them available to the device in multiple separate virtqueue_add_sgs() calls). This can lead to incorrect data on the I2C bus or memory corruption in the guest if the device operates on buffers which are have been freed by the driver. (The WARN_ON in the driver is also triggered.) BUG kmalloc-128 (Tainted: G W ): Poison overwritten First byte 0x0 instead of 0x6b Allocated in i2cdev_ioctl_rdwr+0x9d/0x1de age=243 cpu=0 pid=28 memdup_user+0x2e/0xbd i2cdev_ioctl_rdwr+0x9d/0x1de i2cdev_ioctl+0x247/0x2ed vfs_ioctl+0x21/0x30 sys_ioctl+0xb18/0xb41 Freed in i2cdev_ioctl_rdwr+0x1bb/0x1de age=68 cpu=0 pid=28 kfree+0x1bd/0x1cc i2cdev_ioctl_rdwr+0x1bb/0x1de i2cdev_ioctl+0x247/0x2ed vfs_ioctl+0x21/0x30 sys_ioctl+0xb18/0xb41 Fix this by calling virtio_get_buf() from the notify handler like other virtio drivers and by actually waiting for all the buffers to be completed.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2021-47613 was patched at 2024-06-30

195. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47616) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: RDMA: Fix use-after-free in rxe_queue_cleanup On error handling path in rxe_qp_from_init() qp->sq.queue is freed and then rxe_create_qp() will drop last reference to this object. qp clean up function will try to free this queue one time and it causes UAF bug. Fix it by zeroing queue pointer after freeing queue in rxe_qp_from_init().

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2021-47616 was patched at 2024-06-30

196. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48724) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: iommu/vt-d: Fix potential memory leak in intel_setup_irq_remapping() After commit e3beca48a45b ("irqdomain/treewide: Keep firmware node unconditionally allocated"). For tear down scenario, fn is only freed after fail to allocate ir_domain, though it also should be freed in case dmar_enable_qi returns error. Besides free fn, irq_domain and ir_msi_domain need to be removed as well if intel_setup_irq_remapping fails to enable queued invalidation. Improve the rewinding path by add out_free_ir_domain and out_free_fwnode lables per Baolu's suggestion.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2022-48724 was patched at 2024-06-30

197. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48742) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: rtnetlink: make sure to refresh master_dev/m_ops in __rtnl_newlink() While looking at one unrelated syzbot bug, I found the replay logic in __rtnl_newlink() to potentially trigger use-after-free. It is better to clear master_dev and m_ops inside the loop, in case we have to replay it.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2022-48742 was patched at 2024-06-30

198. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48753) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: block: fix memory leak in disk_register_independent_access_ranges kobject_init_and_add() takes reference even when it fails. According to the doc of kobject_init_and_add() If this function returns an error, kobject_put() must be called to properly clean up the memory associated with the object. Fix this issue by adding kobject_put(). Callback function blk_ia_ranges_sysfs_release() in kobject_put() can handle the pointer "iars" properly.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2022-48753 was patched at 2024-06-30

199. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48764) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: KVM: x86: Free kvm_cpuid_entry2 array on post-KVM_RUN KVM_SET_CPUID{,2} Free the "struct kvm_cpuid_entry2" array on successful post-KVM_RUN KVM_SET_CPUID{,2} to fix a memory leak, the callers of kvm_set_cpuid() free the array only on failure. BUG: memory leak unreferenced object 0xffff88810963a800 (size 2048): comm "syz-executor025", pid 3610, jiffies 4294944928 (age 8.080s) hex dump (first 32 bytes): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0d 00 00 00 ................ 47 65 6e 75 6e 74 65 6c 69 6e 65 49 00 00 00 00 GenuntelineI.... backtrace: [<ffffffff814948ee>] kmalloc_node include/linux/slab.h:604 [inline] [<ffffffff814948ee>] kvmalloc_node+0x3e/0x100 mm/util.c:580 [<ffffffff814950f2>] kvmalloc include/linux/slab.h:732 [inline] [<ffffffff814950f2>] vmemdup_user+0x22/0x100 mm/util.c:199 [<ffffffff8109f5ff>] kvm_vcpu_ioctl_set_cpuid2+0x8f/0xf0 arch/x86/kvm/cpuid.c:423 [<ffffffff810711b9>] kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl+0xb99/0x1e60 arch/x86/kvm/x86.c:5251 [<ffffffff8103e92d>] kvm_vcpu_ioctl+0x4ad/0x950 arch/x86/kvm/../../../virt/kvm/kvm_main.c:4066 [<ffffffff815afacc>] vfs_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:51 [inline] [<ffffffff815afacc>] __do_sys_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:874 [inline] [<ffffffff815afacc>] __se_sys_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:860 [inline] [<ffffffff815afacc>] __x64_sys_ioctl+0xfc/0x140 fs/ioctl.c:860 [<ffffffff844a3335>] do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline] [<ffffffff844a3335>] do_syscall_64+0x35/0xb0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80 [<ffffffff84600068>] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2022-48764 was patched at 2024-06-30

200. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48771) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/vmwgfx: Fix stale file descriptors on failed usercopy A failing usercopy of the fence_rep object will lead to a stale entry in the file descriptor table as put_unused_fd() won't release it. This enables userland to refer to a dangling 'file' object through that still valid file descriptor, leading to all kinds of use-after-free exploitation scenarios. Fix this by deferring the call to fd_install() until after the usercopy has succeeded.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2022-48771 was patched at 2024-06-30

201. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48775) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: Drivers: hv: vmbus: Fix memory leak in vmbus_add_channel_kobj kobject_init_and_add() takes reference even when it fails. According to the doc of kobject_init_and_add()? If this function returns an error, kobject_put() must be called to properly clean up the memory associated with the object. Fix memory leak by calling kobject_put().

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2022-48775 was patched at 2024-07-16

202. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48779) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: mscc: ocelot: fix use-after-free in ocelot_vlan_del() ocelot_vlan_member_del() will free the struct ocelot_bridge_vlan, so if this is the same as the port's pvid_vlan which we access afterwards, what we're accessing is freed memory. Fix the bug by determining whether to clear ocelot_port->pvid_vlan prior to calling ocelot_vlan_member_del().

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2022-48779 was patched at 2024-07-16

203. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48787) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: iwlwifi: fix use-after-free If no firmware was present at all (or, presumably, all of the firmware files failed to parse), we end up unbinding by calling device_release_driver(), which calls remove(), which then in iwlwifi calls iwl_drv_stop(), freeing the 'drv' struct. However the new code I added will still erroneously access it after it was freed. Set 'failure=false' in this case to avoid the access, all data was already freed anyway.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2022-48787 was patched at 2024-07-16

204. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48788) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nvme-rdma: fix possible use-after-free in transport error_recovery work While nvme_rdma_submit_async_event_work is checking the ctrl and queue state before preparing the AER command and scheduling io_work, in order to fully prevent a race where this check is not reliable the error recovery work must flush async_event_work before continuing to destroy the admin queue after setting the ctrl state to RESETTING such that there is no race .submit_async_event and the error recovery handler itself changing the ctrl state.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2022-48788 was patched at 2024-07-16

205. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48790) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nvme: fix a possible use-after-free in controller reset during load Unlike .queue_rq, in .submit_async_event drivers may not check the ctrl readiness for AER submission. This may lead to a use-after-free condition that was observed with nvme-tcp. The race condition may happen in the following scenario: 1. driver executes its reset_ctrl_work 2. -> nvme_stop_ctrl - flushes ctrl async_event_work 3. ctrl sends AEN which is received by the host, which in turn schedules AEN handling 4. teardown admin queue (which releases the queue socket) 5. AEN processed, submits another AER, calling the driver to submit 6. driver attempts to send the cmd ==> use-after-free In order to fix that, add ctrl state check to validate the ctrl is actually able to accept the AER submission. This addresses the above race in controller resets because the driver during teardown should: 1. change ctrl state to RESETTING 2. flush async_event_work (as well as other async work elements) So after 1,2, any other AER command will find the ctrl state to be RESETTING and bail out without submitting the AER.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2022-48790 was patched at 2024-07-16

206. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48809) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: fix a memleak when uncloning an skb dst and its metadata When uncloning an skb dst and its associated metadata, a new dst+metadata is allocated and later replaces the old one in the skb. This is helpful to have a non-shared dst+metadata attached to a specific skb. The issue is the uncloned dst+metadata is initialized with a refcount of 1, which is increased to 2 before attaching it to the skb. When tun_dst_unclone returns, the dst+metadata is only referenced from a single place (the skb) while its refcount is 2. Its refcount will never drop to 0 (when the skb is consumed), leading to a memory leak. Fix this by removing the call to dst_hold in tun_dst_unclone, as the dst+metadata refcount is already 1.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2022-48809 was patched at 2024-07-16

207. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48822) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: usb: f_fs: Fix use-after-free for epfile Consider a case where ffs_func_eps_disable is called from ffs_func_disable as part of composition switch and at the same time ffs_epfile_release get called from userspace. ffs_epfile_release will free up the read buffer and call ffs_data_closed which in turn destroys ffs->epfiles and mark it as NULL. While this was happening the driver has already initialized the local epfile in ffs_func_eps_disable which is now freed and waiting to acquire the spinlock. Once spinlock is acquired the driver proceeds with the stale value of epfile and tries to free the already freed read buffer causing use-after-free. Following is the illustration of the race: CPU1 CPU2 ffs_func_eps_disable epfiles (local copy) ffs_epfile_release ffs_data_closed if (last file closed) ffs_data_reset ffs_data_clear ffs_epfiles_destroy spin_lock dereference epfiles Fix this races by taking epfiles local copy & assigning it under spinlock and if epfiles(local) is null then update it in ffs->epfiles then finally destroy it. Extending the scope further from the race, protecting the ep related structures, and concurrent accesses.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2022-48822 was patched at 2024-07-16

208. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48838) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: usb: gadget: Fix use-after-free bug by not setting udc->dev.driver The syzbot fuzzer found a use-after-free bug: BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in dev_uevent+0x712/0x780 drivers/base/core.c:2320 Read of size 8 at addr ffff88802b934098 by task udevd/3689 CPU: 2 PID: 3689 Comm: udevd Not tainted 5.17.0-rc4-syzkaller-00229-g4f12b742eb2b #0 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (Q35 + ICH9, 2009), BIOS 1.14.0-2 04/01/2014 Call Trace: <TASK> __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:88 [inline] dump_stack_lvl+0xcd/0x134 lib/dump_stack.c:106 print_address_description.constprop.0.cold+0x8d/0x303 mm/kasan/report.c:255 __kasan_report mm/kasan/report.c:442 [inline] kasan_report.cold+0x83/0xdf mm/kasan/report.c:459 dev_uevent+0x712/0x780 drivers/base/core.c:2320 uevent_show+0x1b8/0x380 drivers/base/core.c:2391 dev_attr_show+0x4b/0x90 drivers/base/core.c:2094 Although the bug manifested in the driver core, the real cause was a race with the gadget core. dev_uevent() does: if (dev->driver) add_uevent_var(env, "DRIVER=%s", dev->driver->name); and between the test and the dereference of dev->driver, the gadget core sets dev->driver to NULL. The race wouldn't occur if the gadget core registered its devices on a real bus, using the standard synchronization techniques of the driver core. However, it's not necessary to make such a large change in order to fix this bug; all we need to do is make sure that udc->dev.driver is always NULL. In fact, there is no reason for udc->dev.driver ever to be set to anything, let alone to the value it currently gets: the address of the gadget's driver. After all, a gadget driver only knows how to manage a gadget, not how to manage a UDC. This patch simply removes the statements in the gadget core that touch udc->dev.driver.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2022-48838 was patched at 2024-07-16

209. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48857) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: NFC: port100: fix use-after-free in port100_send_complete Syzbot reported UAF in port100_send_complete(). The root case is in missing usb_kill_urb() calls on error handling path of ->probe function. port100_send_complete() accesses devm allocated memory which will be freed on probe failure. We should kill this urbs before returning an error from probe function to prevent reported use-after-free Fail log: BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in port100_send_complete+0x16e/0x1a0 drivers/nfc/port100.c:935 Read of size 1 at addr ffff88801bb59540 by task ksoftirqd/2/26 ... Call Trace: <TASK> __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:88 [inline] dump_stack_lvl+0xcd/0x134 lib/dump_stack.c:106 print_address_description.constprop.0.cold+0x8d/0x303 mm/kasan/report.c:255 __kasan_report mm/kasan/report.c:442 [inline] kasan_report.cold+0x83/0xdf mm/kasan/report.c:459 port100_send_complete+0x16e/0x1a0 drivers/nfc/port100.c:935 __usb_hcd_giveback_urb+0x2b0/0x5c0 drivers/usb/core/hcd.c:1670 ... Allocated by task 1255: kasan_save_stack+0x1e/0x40 mm/kasan/common.c:38 kasan_set_track mm/kasan/common.c:45 [inline] set_alloc_info mm/kasan/common.c:436 [inline] ____kasan_kmalloc mm/kasan/common.c:515 [inline] ____kasan_kmalloc mm/kasan/common.c:474 [inline] __kasan_kmalloc+0xa6/0xd0 mm/kasan/common.c:524 alloc_dr drivers/base/devres.c:116 [inline] devm_kmalloc+0x96/0x1d0 drivers/base/devres.c:823 devm_kzalloc include/linux/device.h:209 [inline] port100_probe+0x8a/0x1320 drivers/nfc/port100.c:1502 Freed by task 1255: kasan_save_stack+0x1e/0x40 mm/kasan/common.c:38 kasan_set_track+0x21/0x30 mm/kasan/common.c:45 kasan_set_free_info+0x20/0x30 mm/kasan/generic.c:370 ____kasan_slab_free mm/kasan/common.c:366 [inline] ____kasan_slab_free+0xff/0x140 mm/kasan/common.c:328 kasan_slab_free include/linux/kasan.h:236 [inline] __cache_free mm/slab.c:3437 [inline] kfree+0xf8/0x2b0 mm/slab.c:3794 release_nodes+0x112/0x1a0 drivers/base/devres.c:501 devres_release_all+0x114/0x190 drivers/base/devres.c:530 really_probe+0x626/0xcc0 drivers/base/dd.c:670

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2022-48857 was patched at 2024-07-16

210. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2023-52885) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: SUNRPC: Fix UAF in svc_tcp_listen_data_ready() After the listener svc_sock is freed, and before invoking svc_tcp_accept() for the established child sock, there is a window that the newsock retaining a freed listener svc_sock in sk_user_data which cloning from parent. In the race window, if data is received on the newsock, we will observe use-after-free report in svc_tcp_listen_data_ready(). Reproduce by two tasks: 1. while :; do rpc.nfsd 0 ; rpc.nfsd; done 2. while :; do echo "" | ncat -4 2049 ; done KASAN report: ================================================================== BUG: KASAN: slab-use-after-free in svc_tcp_listen_data_ready+0x1cf/0x1f0 [sunrpc] Read of size 8 at addr ffff888139d96228 by task nc/102553 CPU: 7 PID: 102553 Comm: nc Not tainted 6.3.0+ #18 Hardware name: VMware, Inc. VMware Virtual Platform/440BX Desktop Reference Platform, BIOS 6.00 11/12/2020 Call Trace: <IRQ> dump_stack_lvl+0x33/0x50 print_address_description.constprop.0+0x27/0x310 print_report+0x3e/0x70 kasan_report+0xae/0xe0 svc_tcp_listen_data_ready+0x1cf/0x1f0 [sunrpc] tcp_data_queue+0x9f4/0x20e0 tcp_rcv_established+0x666/0x1f60 tcp_v4_do_rcv+0x51c/0x850 tcp_v4_rcv+0x23fc/0x2e80 ip_protocol_deliver_rcu+0x62/0x300 ip_local_deliver_finish+0x267/0x350 ip_local_deliver+0x18b/0x2d0 ip_rcv+0x2fb/0x370 __netif_receive_skb_one_core+0x166/0x1b0 process_backlog+0x24c/0x5e0 __napi_poll+0xa2/0x500 net_rx_action+0x854/0xc90 __do_softirq+0x1bb/0x5de do_softirq+0xcb/0x100 </IRQ> <TASK> ... </TASK> Allocated by task 102371: kasan_save_stack+0x1e/0x40 kasan_set_track+0x21/0x30 __kasan_kmalloc+0x7b/0x90 svc_setup_socket+0x52/0x4f0 [sunrpc] svc_addsock+0x20d/0x400 [sunrpc] __write_ports_addfd+0x209/0x390 [nfsd] write_ports+0x239/0x2c0 [nfsd] nfsctl_transaction_write+0xac/0x110 [nfsd] vfs_write+0x1c3/0xae0 ksys_write+0xed/0x1c0 do_syscall_64+0x38/0x90 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x72/0xdc Freed by task 102551: kasan_save_stack+0x1e/0x40 kasan_set_track+0x21/0x30 kasan_save_free_info+0x2a/0x50 __kasan_slab_free+0x106/0x190 __kmem_cache_free+0x133/0x270 svc_xprt_free+0x1e2/0x350 [sunrpc] svc_xprt_destroy_all+0x25a/0x440 [sunrpc] nfsd_put+0x125/0x240 [nfsd] nfsd_svc+0x2cb/0x3c0 [nfsd] write_threads+0x1ac/0x2a0 [nfsd] nfsctl_transaction_write+0xac/0x110 [nfsd] vfs_write+0x1c3/0xae0 ksys_write+0xed/0x1c0 do_syscall_64+0x38/0x90 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x72/0xdc Fix the UAF by simply doing nothing in svc_tcp_listen_data_ready() if state != TCP_LISTEN, that will avoid dereferencing svsk for all child socket.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2023-52885 was patched at 2024-07-16

211. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2023-52886) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: USB: core: Fix race by not overwriting udev->descriptor in hub_port_init() Syzbot reported an out-of-bounds read in sysfs.c:read_descriptors(): BUG: KASAN: slab-out-of-bounds in read_descriptors+0x263/0x280 drivers/usb/core/sysfs.c:883 Read of size 8 at addr ffff88801e78b8c8 by task udevd/5011 CPU: 0 PID: 5011 Comm: udevd Not tainted 6.4.0-rc6-syzkaller-00195-g40f71e7cd3c6 #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 05/27/2023 Call Trace: <TASK> __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:88 [inline] dump_stack_lvl+0xd9/0x150 lib/dump_stack.c:106 print_address_description.constprop.0+0x2c/0x3c0 mm/kasan/report.c:351 print_report mm/kasan/report.c:462 [inline] kasan_report+0x11c/0x130 mm/kasan/report.c:572 read_descriptors+0x263/0x280 drivers/usb/core/sysfs.c:883 ... Allocated by task 758: ... __do_kmalloc_node mm/slab_common.c:966 [inline] __kmalloc+0x5e/0x190 mm/slab_common.c:979 kmalloc include/linux/slab.h:563 [inline] kzalloc include/linux/slab.h:680 [inline] usb_get_configuration+0x1f7/0x5170 drivers/usb/core/config.c:887 usb_enumerate_device drivers/usb/core/hub.c:2407 [inline] usb_new_device+0x12b0/0x19d0 drivers/usb/core/hub.c:2545 As analyzed by Khazhy Kumykov, the cause of this bug is a race between read_descriptors() and hub_port_init(): The first routine uses a field in udev->descriptor, not expecting it to change, while the second overwrites it. Prior to commit 45bf39f8df7f ("USB: core: Don't hold device lock while reading the "descriptors" sysfs file") this race couldn't occur, because the routines were mutually exclusive thanks to the device locking. Removing that locking from read_descriptors() exposed it to the race. The best way to fix the bug is to keep hub_port_init() from changing udev->descriptor once udev has been initialized and registered. Drivers expect the descriptors stored in the kernel to be immutable; we should not undermine this expectation. In fact, this change should have been made long ago. So now hub_port_init() will take an additional argument, specifying a buffer in which to store the device descriptor it reads. (If udev has not yet been initialized, the buffer pointer will be NULL and then hub_port_init() will store the device descriptor in udev as before.) This eliminates the data race responsible for the out-of-bounds read. The changes to hub_port_init() appear more extensive than they really are, because of indentation changes resulting from an attempt to avoid writing to other parts of the usb_device structure after it has been initialized. Similar changes should be made to the code that reads the BOS descriptor, but that can be handled in a separate patch later on. This patch is sufficient to fix the bug found by syzbot.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2023-52886 was patched at 2024-07-16

212. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-26991) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: KVM: x86/mmu: x86: Don't overflow lpage_info when checking attributes Fix KVM_SET_MEMORY_ATTRIBUTES to not overflow lpage_info array and trigger KASAN splat, as seen in the private_mem_conversions_test selftest. When memory attributes are set on a GFN range, that range will have specific properties applied to the TDP. A huge page cannot be used when the attributes are inconsistent, so they are disabled for those the specific huge pages. For internal KVM reasons, huge pages are also not allowed to span adjacent memslots regardless of whether the backing memory could be mapped as huge. What GFNs support which huge page sizes is tracked by an array of arrays 'lpage_info' on the memslot, of ‘kvm_lpage_info’ structs. Each index of lpage_info contains a vmalloc allocated array of these for a specific supported page size. The kvm_lpage_info denotes whether a specific huge page (GFN and page size) on the memslot is supported. These arrays include indices for unaligned head and tail huge pages. Preventing huge pages from spanning adjacent memslot is covered by incrementing the count in head and tail kvm_lpage_info when the memslot is allocated, but disallowing huge pages for memory that has mixed attributes has to be done in a more complicated way. During the KVM_SET_MEMORY_ATTRIBUTES ioctl KVM updates lpage_info for each memslot in the range that has mismatched attributes. KVM does this a memslot at a time, and marks a special bit, KVM_LPAGE_MIXED_FLAG, in the kvm_lpage_info for any huge page. This bit is essentially a permanently elevated count. So huge pages will not be mapped for the GFN at that page size if the count is elevated in either case: a huge head or tail page unaligned to the memslot or if KVM_LPAGE_MIXED_FLAG is set because it has mixed attributes. To determine whether a huge page has consistent attributes, the KVM_SET_MEMORY_ATTRIBUTES operation checks an xarray to make sure it consistently has the incoming attribute. Since level - 1 huge pages are aligned to level huge pages, it employs an optimization. As long as the level - 1 huge pages are checked first, it can just check these and assume that if each level - 1 huge page contained within the level sized huge page is not mixed, then the level size huge page is not mixed. This optimization happens in the helper hugepage_has_attrs(). Unfortunately, although the kvm_lpage_info array representing page size 'level' will contain an entry for an unaligned tail page of size level, the array for level - 1 will not contain an entry for each GFN at page size level. The level - 1 array will only contain an index for any unaligned region covered by level - 1 huge page size, which can be a smaller region. So this causes the optimization to overflow the level - 1 kvm_lpage_info and perform a vmalloc out of bounds read. In some cases of head and tail pages where an overflow could happen, callers skip the operation completely as KVM_LPAGE_MIXED_FLAG is not required to prevent huge pages as discussed earlier. But for memslots that are smaller than the 1GB page size, it does call hugepage_has_attrs(). In this case the huge page is both the head and tail page. The issue can be observed simply by compiling the kernel with CONFIG_KASAN_VMALLOC and running the selftest “private_mem_conversions_test”, which produces the output like the following: BUG: KASAN: vmalloc-out-of-bounds in hugepage_has_attrs+0x7e/0x110 Read of size 4 at addr ffffc900000a3008 by task private_mem_con/169 Call Trace: dump_stack_lvl print_report ? __virt_addr_valid ? hugepage_has_attrs ? hugepage_has_attrs kasan_report ? hugepage_has_attrs hugepage_has_attrs kvm_arch_post_set_memory_attributes kvm_vm_ioctl It is a little ambiguous whether the unaligned head page (in the bug case also the tail page) should be expected to have KVM_LPAGE_MIXED_FLAG set. It is not functionally required, as the unal ---truncated---

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

ubuntu: CVE-2024-26991 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

213. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-27007) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: userfaultfd: change src_folio after ensuring it's unpinned in UFFDIO_MOVE Commit d7a08838ab74 ("mm: userfaultfd: fix unexpected change to src_folio when UFFDIO_MOVE fails") moved the src_folio->{mapping, index} changing to after clearing the page-table and ensuring that it's not pinned. This avoids failure of swapout+migration and possibly memory corruption. However, the commit missed fixing it in the huge-page case.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

ubuntu: CVE-2024-27007 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

214. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36978) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: sched: sch_multiq: fix possible OOB write in multiq_tune() q->bands will be assigned to qopt->bands to execute subsequent code logic after kmalloc. So the old q->bands should not be used in kmalloc. Otherwise, an out-of-bounds write will occur.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-36978 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

215. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38548) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm: bridge: cdns-mhdp8546: Fix possible null pointer dereference In cdns_mhdp_atomic_enable(), the return value of drm_mode_duplicate() is assigned to mhdp_state->current_mode, and there is a dereference of it in drm_mode_set_name(), which will lead to a NULL pointer dereference on failure of drm_mode_duplicate(). Fix this bug add a check of mhdp_state->current_mode.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-38548 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

216. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38550) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ASoC: kirkwood: Fix potential NULL dereference In kirkwood_dma_hw_params() mv_mbus_dram_info() returns NULL if CONFIG_PLAT_ORION macro is not defined. Fix this bug by adding NULL check. Found by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-38550 was patched at 2024-06-30

217. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38552) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/amd/display: Fix potential index out of bounds in color transformation function Fixes index out of bounds issue in the color transformation function. The issue could occur when the index 'i' exceeds the number of transfer function points (TRANSFER_FUNC_POINTS). The fix adds a check to ensure 'i' is within bounds before accessing the transfer function points. If 'i' is out of bounds, an error message is logged and the function returns false to indicate an error. Reported by smatch: drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/../display/dc/dcn10/dcn10_cm_common.c:405 cm_helper_translate_curve_to_hw_format() error: buffer overflow 'output_tf->' 1025 <= s32max drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/../display/dc/dcn10/dcn10_cm_common.c:406 cm_helper_translate_curve_to_hw_format() error: buffer overflow 'output_tf->' 1025 <= s32max drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/../display/dc/dcn10/dcn10_cm_common.c:407 cm_helper_translate_curve_to_hw_format() error: buffer overflow 'output_tf->' 1025 <= s32max

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38552 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

218. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38555) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/mlx5: Discard command completions in internal error Fix use after free when FW completion arrives while device is in internal error state. Avoid calling completion handler in this case, since the device will flush the command interface and trigger all completions manually. Kernel log: ------------[ cut here ]------------ refcount_t: underflow; use-after-free. ... RIP: 0010:refcount_warn_saturate+0xd8/0xe0 ... Call Trace: <IRQ> ? __warn+0x79/0x120 ? refcount_warn_saturate+0xd8/0xe0 ? report_bug+0x17c/0x190 ? handle_bug+0x3c/0x60 ? exc_invalid_op+0x14/0x70 ? asm_exc_invalid_op+0x16/0x20 ? refcount_warn_saturate+0xd8/0xe0 cmd_ent_put+0x13b/0x160 [mlx5_core] mlx5_cmd_comp_handler+0x5f9/0x670 [mlx5_core] cmd_comp_notifier+0x1f/0x30 [mlx5_core] notifier_call_chain+0x35/0xb0 atomic_notifier_call_chain+0x16/0x20 mlx5_eq_async_int+0xf6/0x290 [mlx5_core] notifier_call_chain+0x35/0xb0 atomic_notifier_call_chain+0x16/0x20 irq_int_handler+0x19/0x30 [mlx5_core] __handle_irq_event_percpu+0x4b/0x160 handle_irq_event+0x2e/0x80 handle_edge_irq+0x98/0x230 __common_interrupt+0x3b/0xa0 common_interrupt+0x7b/0xa0 </IRQ> <TASK> asm_common_interrupt+0x22/0x40

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-38555 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

219. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38583) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nilfs2: fix use-after-free of timer for log writer thread Patch series "nilfs2: fix log writer related issues". This bug fix series covers three nilfs2 log writer-related issues, including a timer use-after-free issue and potential deadlock issue on unmount, and a potential freeze issue in event synchronization found during their analysis. Details are described in each commit log. This patch (of 3): A use-after-free issue has been reported regarding the timer sc_timer on the nilfs_sc_info structure. The problem is that even though it is used to wake up a sleeping log writer thread, sc_timer is not shut down until the nilfs_sc_info structure is about to be freed, and is used regardless of the thread's lifetime. Fix this issue by limiting the use of sc_timer only while the log writer thread is alive.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38583 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

220. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38588) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ftrace: Fix possible use-after-free issue in ftrace_location() KASAN reports a bug: BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in ftrace_location+0x90/0x120 Read of size 8 at addr ffff888141d40010 by task insmod/424 CPU: 8 PID: 424 Comm: insmod Tainted: G W 6.9.0-rc2+ [...] Call Trace: <TASK> dump_stack_lvl+0x68/0xa0 print_report+0xcf/0x610 kasan_report+0xb5/0xe0 ftrace_location+0x90/0x120 register_kprobe+0x14b/0xa40 kprobe_init+0x2d/0xff0 [kprobe_example] do_one_initcall+0x8f/0x2d0 do_init_module+0x13a/0x3c0 load_module+0x3082/0x33d0 init_module_from_file+0xd2/0x130 __x64_sys_finit_module+0x306/0x440 do_syscall_64+0x68/0x140 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x71/0x79 The root cause is that, in lookup_rec(), ftrace record of some address is being searched in ftrace pages of some module, but those ftrace pages at the same time is being freed in ftrace_release_mod() as the corresponding module is being deleted: CPU1 | CPU2 register_kprobes() { | delete_module() { check_kprobe_address_safe() { | arch_check_ftrace_location() { | ftrace_location() { | lookup_rec() // USE! | ftrace_release_mod() // Free! To fix this issue: 1. Hold rcu lock as accessing ftrace pages in ftrace_location_range(); 2. Use ftrace_location_range() instead of lookup_rec() in ftrace_location(); 3. Call synchronize_rcu() before freeing any ftrace pages both in ftrace_process_locs()/ftrace_release_mod()/ftrace_free_mem().

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-38588 was patched at 2024-06-30

221. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38596) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: af_unix: Fix data races in unix_release_sock/unix_stream_sendmsg A data-race condition has been identified in af_unix. In one data path, the write function unix_release_sock() atomically writes to sk->sk_shutdown using WRITE_ONCE. However, on the reader side, unix_stream_sendmsg() does not read it atomically. Consequently, this issue is causing the following KCSAN splat to occur: BUG: KCSAN: data-race in unix_release_sock / unix_stream_sendmsg write (marked) to 0xffff88867256ddbb of 1 bytes by task 7270 on cpu 28: unix_release_sock (net/unix/af_unix.c:640) unix_release (net/unix/af_unix.c:1050) sock_close (net/socket.c:659 net/socket.c:1421) __fput (fs/file_table.c:422) __fput_sync (fs/file_table.c:508) __se_sys_close (fs/open.c:1559 fs/open.c:1541) __x64_sys_close (fs/open.c:1541) x64_sys_call (arch/x86/entry/syscall_64.c:33) do_syscall_64 (arch/x86/entry/common.c:?) entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:130) read to 0xffff88867256ddbb of 1 bytes by task 989 on cpu 14: unix_stream_sendmsg (net/unix/af_unix.c:2273) __sock_sendmsg (net/socket.c:730 net/socket.c:745) ____sys_sendmsg (net/socket.c:2584) __sys_sendmmsg (net/socket.c:2638 net/socket.c:2724) __x64_sys_sendmmsg (net/socket.c:2753 net/socket.c:2750 net/socket.c:2750) x64_sys_call (arch/x86/entry/syscall_64.c:33) do_syscall_64 (arch/x86/entry/common.c:?) entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:130) value changed: 0x01 -> 0x03 The line numbers are related to commit dd5a440a31fa ("Linux 6.9-rc7"). Commit e1d09c2c2f57 ("af_unix: Fix data races around sk->sk_shutdown.") addressed a comparable issue in the past regarding sk->sk_shutdown. However, it overlooked resolving this particular data path. This patch only offending unix_stream_sendmsg() function, since the other reads seem to be protected by unix_state_lock() as discussed in

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38596 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

222. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38608) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/mlx5e: Fix netif state handling mlx5e_suspend cleans resources only if netif_device_present() returns true. However, mlx5e_resume changes the state of netif, via mlx5e_nic_enable, only if reg_state == NETREG_REGISTERED. In the below case, the above leads to NULL-ptr Oops[1] and memory leaks: mlx5e_probe _mlx5e_resume mlx5e_attach_netdev mlx5e_nic_enable <-- netdev not reg, not calling netif_device_attach() register_netdev <-- failed for some reason. ERROR_FLOW: _mlx5e_suspend <-- netif_device_present return false, resources aren't freed :( Hence, clean resources in this case as well. [1] BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000000 PGD 0 P4D 0 Oops: 0010 [#1] SMP CPU: 2 PID: 9345 Comm: test-ovs-ct-gen Not tainted 6.5.0_for_upstream_min_debug_2023_09_05_16_01 #1 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (Q35 + ICH9, 2009), BIOS 04/01/2014 RIP: 0010:0x0 Code: Unable to access opcode bytes at0xffffffffffffffd6. RSP: 0018:ffff888178aaf758 EFLAGS: 00010246 Call Trace: <TASK> ? __die+0x20/0x60 ? page_fault_oops+0x14c/0x3c0 ? exc_page_fault+0x75/0x140 ? asm_exc_page_fault+0x22/0x30 notifier_call_chain+0x35/0xb0 blocking_notifier_call_chain+0x3d/0x60 mlx5_blocking_notifier_call_chain+0x22/0x30 [mlx5_core] mlx5_core_uplink_netdev_event_replay+0x3e/0x60 [mlx5_core] mlx5_mdev_netdev_track+0x53/0x60 [mlx5_ib] mlx5_ib_roce_init+0xc3/0x340 [mlx5_ib] __mlx5_ib_add+0x34/0xd0 [mlx5_ib] mlx5r_probe+0xe1/0x210 [mlx5_ib] ? auxiliary_match_id+0x6a/0x90 auxiliary_bus_probe+0x38/0x80 ? driver_sysfs_add+0x51/0x80 really_probe+0xc9/0x3e0 ? driver_probe_device+0x90/0x90 __driver_probe_device+0x80/0x160 driver_probe_device+0x1e/0x90 __device_attach_driver+0x7d/0x100 bus_for_each_drv+0x80/0xd0 __device_attach+0xbc/0x1f0 bus_probe_device+0x86/0xa0 device_add+0x637/0x840 __auxiliary_device_add+0x3b/0xa0 add_adev+0xc9/0x140 [mlx5_core] mlx5_rescan_drivers_locked+0x22a/0x310 [mlx5_core] mlx5_register_device+0x53/0xa0 [mlx5_core] mlx5_init_one_devl_locked+0x5c4/0x9c0 [mlx5_core] mlx5_init_one+0x3b/0x60 [mlx5_core] probe_one+0x44c/0x730 [mlx5_core] local_pci_probe+0x3e/0x90 pci_device_probe+0xbf/0x210 ? kernfs_create_link+0x5d/0xa0 ? sysfs_do_create_link_sd+0x60/0xc0 really_probe+0xc9/0x3e0 ? driver_probe_device+0x90/0x90 __driver_probe_device+0x80/0x160 driver_probe_device+0x1e/0x90 __device_attach_driver+0x7d/0x100 bus_for_each_drv+0x80/0xd0 __device_attach+0xbc/0x1f0 pci_bus_add_device+0x54/0x80 pci_iov_add_virtfn+0x2e6/0x320 sriov_enable+0x208/0x420 mlx5_core_sriov_configure+0x9e/0x200 [mlx5_core] sriov_numvfs_store+0xae/0x1a0 kernfs_fop_write_iter+0x10c/0x1a0 vfs_write+0x291/0x3c0 ksys_write+0x5f/0xe0 do_syscall_64+0x3d/0x90 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x46/0xb0 CR2: 0000000000000000 ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]---

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-38608 was patched at 2024-06-30

223. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38610) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drivers/virt/acrn: fix PFNMAP PTE checks in acrn_vm_ram_map() Patch series "mm: follow_pte() improvements and acrn follow_pte() fixes". Patch #1 fixes a bunch of issues I spotted in the acrn driver. It compiles, that's all I know. I'll appreciate some review and testing from acrn folks. Patch #2+#3 improve follow_pte(), passing a VMA instead of the MM, adding more sanity checks, and improving the documentation. Gave it a quick test on x86-64 using VM_PAT that ends up using follow_pte(). This patch (of 3): We currently miss handling various cases, resulting in a dangerous follow_pte() (previously follow_pfn()) usage. (1) We're not checking PTE write permissions. Maybe we should simply always require pte_write() like we do for pin_user_pages_fast(FOLL_WRITE)? Hard to tell, so let's check for ACRN_MEM_ACCESS_WRITE for now. (2) We're not rejecting refcounted pages. As we are not using MMU notifiers, messing with refcounted pages is dangerous and can result in use-after-free. Let's make sure to reject them. (3) We are only looking at the first PTE of a bigger range. We only lookup a single PTE, but memmap->len may span a larger area. Let's loop over all involved PTEs and make sure the PFN range is actually contiguous. Reject everything else: it couldn't have worked either way, and rather made use access PFNs we shouldn't be accessing.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-38610 was patched at 2024-06-30

224. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38619) - Medium [251]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: usb-storage: alauda: Check whether the media is initialized The member "uzonesize" of struct alauda_info will remain 0 if alauda_init_media() fails, potentially causing divide errors in alauda_read_data() and alauda_write_lba(). - Add a member "media_initialized" to struct alauda_info. - Change a condition in alauda_check_media() to ensure the first initialization. - Add an error check for the return value of alauda_init_media().', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nusb-storage: alauda: Check whether the media is initialized\n\nThe member "uzonesize" of struct alauda_info will remain 0\nif alauda_init_media() fails, potentially causing divide errors\nin alauda_read_data() and alauda_write_lba().\n- Add a member "media_initialized" to struct alauda_info.\n- Change a condition in alauda_check_media() to ensure the\n first initialization.\n- Add an error check for the return value of alauda_init_media().', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38619 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

225. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38621) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: media: stk1160: fix bounds checking in stk1160_copy_video() The subtract in this condition is reversed. The ->length is the length of the buffer. The ->bytesused is how many bytes we have copied thus far. When the condition is reversed that means the result of the subtraction is always negative but since it's unsigned then the result is a very high positive value. That means the overflow check is never true. Additionally, the ->bytesused doesn't actually work for this purpose because we're not writing to "buf->mem + buf->bytesused". Instead, the math to calculate the destination where we are writing is a bit involved. You calculate the number of full lines already written, multiply by two, skip a line if necessary so that we start on an odd numbered line, and add the offset into the line. To fix this buffer overflow, just take the actual destination where we are writing, if the offset is already out of bounds print an error and return. Otherwise, write up to buf->length bytes.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38621 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

226. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39471) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/amdgpu: add error handle to avoid out-of-bounds if the sdma_v4_0_irq_id_to_seq return -EINVAL, the process should be stop to avoid out-of-bounds read, so directly return -EINVAL.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-39471 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

227. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39493) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: crypto: qat - Fix ADF_DEV_RESET_SYNC memory leak Using completion_done to determine whether the caller has gone away only works after a complete call. Furthermore it's still possible that the caller has not yet called wait_for_completion, resulting in another potential UAF. Fix this by making the caller use cancel_work_sync and then freeing the memory safely.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-39493 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

228. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39495) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: greybus: Fix use-after-free bug in gb_interface_release due to race condition. In gb_interface_create, &intf->mode_switch_completion is bound with gb_interface_mode_switch_work. Then it will be started by gb_interface_request_mode_switch. Here is the relevant code. if (!queue_work(system_long_wq, &intf->mode_switch_work)) { ... } If we call gb_interface_release to make cleanup, there may be an unfinished work. This function will call kfree to free the object "intf". However, if gb_interface_mode_switch_work is scheduled to run after kfree, it may cause use-after-free error as gb_interface_mode_switch_work will use the object "intf". The possible execution flow that may lead to the issue is as follows: CPU0 CPU1 | gb_interface_create | gb_interface_request_mode_switch gb_interface_release | kfree(intf) (free) | | gb_interface_mode_switch_work | mutex_lock(&intf->mutex) (use) Fix it by canceling the work before kfree.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-39495 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

229. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39501) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drivers: core: synchronize really_probe() and dev_uevent() Synchronize the dev->driver usage in really_probe() and dev_uevent(). These can run in different threads, what can result in the following race condition for dev->driver uninitialization: Thread #1: ========== really_probe() { ... probe_failed: ... device_unbind_cleanup(dev) { ... dev->driver = NULL; // <= Failed probe sets dev->driver to NULL ... } ... } Thread #2: ========== dev_uevent() { ... if (dev->driver) // If dev->driver is NULLed from really_probe() from here on, // after above check, the system crashes add_uevent_var(env, "DRIVER=%s", dev->driver->name); ... } really_probe() holds the lock, already. So nothing needs to be done there. dev_uevent() is called with lock held, often, too. But not always. What implies that we can't add any locking in dev_uevent() itself. So fix this race by adding the lock to the non-protected path. This is the path where above race is observed: dev_uevent+0x235/0x380 uevent_show+0x10c/0x1f0 <= Add lock here dev_attr_show+0x3a/0xa0 sysfs_kf_seq_show+0x17c/0x250 kernfs_seq_show+0x7c/0x90 seq_read_iter+0x2d7/0x940 kernfs_fop_read_iter+0xc6/0x310 vfs_read+0x5bc/0x6b0 ksys_read+0xeb/0x1b0 __x64_sys_read+0x42/0x50 x64_sys_call+0x27ad/0x2d30 do_syscall_64+0xcd/0x1d0 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f Similar cases are reported by syzkaller in But these are regarding the *initialization* of dev->driver dev->driver = drv; As this switches dev->driver to non-NULL these reports can be considered to be false-positives (which should be "fixed" by this commit, as well, though). The same issue was reported and tried to be fixed back in 2015 in already.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-39501 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

230. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39503) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: netfilter: ipset: Fix race between namespace cleanup and gc in the list:set type Lion Ackermann reported that there is a race condition between namespace cleanup in ipset and the garbage collection of the list:set type. The namespace cleanup can destroy the list:set type of sets while the gc of the set type is waiting to run in rcu cleanup. The latter uses data from the destroyed set which thus leads use after free. The patch contains the following parts: - When destroying all sets, first remove the garbage collectors, then wait if needed and then destroy the sets. - Fix the badly ordered "wait then remove gc" for the destroy a single set case. - Fix the missing rcu locking in the list:set type in the userspace test case. - Use proper RCU list handlings in the list:set type. The patch depends on c1193d9bbbd3 (netfilter: ipset: Add list flush to cancel_gc).

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-39503 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

231. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40902) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: jfs: xattr: fix buffer overflow for invalid xattr When an xattr size is not what is expected, it is printed out to the kernel log in hex format as a form of debugging. But when that xattr size is bigger than the expected size, printing it out can cause an access off the end of the buffer. Fix this all up by properly restricting the size of the debug hex dump in the kernel log.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-40902 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

232. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40932) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/exynos/vidi: fix memory leak in .get_modes() The duplicated EDID is never freed. Fix it.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-40932 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

233. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40934) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: HID: logitech-dj: Fix memory leak in logi_dj_recv_switch_to_dj_mode() Fix a memory leak on logi_dj_recv_send_report() error path.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-40934 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

234. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40958) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: netns: Make get_net_ns() handle zero refcount net Syzkaller hit a warning: refcount_t: addition on 0; use-after-free. WARNING: CPU: 3 PID: 7890 at lib/refcount.c:25 refcount_warn_saturate+0xdf/0x1d0 Modules linked in: CPU: 3 PID: 7890 Comm: tun Not tainted 6.10.0-rc3-00100-gcaa4f9578aba-dirty #310 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 1.15.0-1 04/01/2014 RIP: 0010:refcount_warn_saturate+0xdf/0x1d0 Code: 41 49 04 31 ff 89 de e8 9f 1e cd fe 84 db 75 9c e8 76 26 cd fe c6 05 b6 41 49 04 01 90 48 c7 c7 b8 8e 25 86 e8 d2 05 b5 fe 90 <0f> 0b 90 90 e9 79 ff ff ff e8 53 26 cd fe 0f b6 1 RSP: 0018:ffff8881067b7da0 EFLAGS: 00010286 RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: 0000000000000000 RCX: ffffffff811c72ac RDX: ffff8881026a2140 RSI: ffffffff811c72b5 RDI: 0000000000000001 RBP: ffff8881067b7db0 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 205b5d3730353139 R10: 0000000000000000 R11: 205d303938375420 R12: ffff8881086500c4 R13: ffff8881086500c4 R14: ffff8881086500b0 R15: ffff888108650040 FS: 00007f5b2961a4c0(0000) GS:ffff88823bd00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 000055d7ed36fd18 CR3: 00000001482f6000 CR4: 00000000000006f0 DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 Call Trace: <TASK> ? show_regs+0xa3/0xc0 ? __warn+0xa5/0x1c0 ? refcount_warn_saturate+0xdf/0x1d0 ? report_bug+0x1fc/0x2d0 ? refcount_warn_saturate+0xdf/0x1d0 ? handle_bug+0xa1/0x110 ? exc_invalid_op+0x3c/0xb0 ? asm_exc_invalid_op+0x1f/0x30 ? __warn_printk+0xcc/0x140 ? __warn_printk+0xd5/0x140 ? refcount_warn_saturate+0xdf/0x1d0 get_net_ns+0xa4/0xc0 ? __pfx_get_net_ns+0x10/0x10 open_related_ns+0x5a/0x130 __tun_chr_ioctl+0x1616/0x2370 ? __sanitizer_cov_trace_switch+0x58/0xa0 ? __sanitizer_cov_trace_const_cmp2+0x1c/0x30 ? __pfx_tun_chr_ioctl+0x10/0x10 tun_chr_ioctl+0x2f/0x40 __x64_sys_ioctl+0x11b/0x160 x64_sys_call+0x1211/0x20d0 do_syscall_64+0x9e/0x1d0 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f RIP: 0033:0x7f5b28f165d7 Code: b3 66 90 48 8b 05 b1 48 2d 00 64 c7 00 26 00 00 00 48 c7 c0 ff ff ff ff c3 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 b8 10 00 00 00 0f 05 <48> 3d 01 f0 ff ff 73 01 c3 48 8b 0d 81 48 2d 00 8 RSP: 002b:00007ffc2b59c5e8 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000010 RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 0000000000000000 RCX: 00007f5b28f165d7 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 00000000000054e3 RDI: 0000000000000003 RBP: 00007ffc2b59c650 R08: 00007f5b291ed8c0 R09: 00007f5b2961a4c0 R10: 0000000029690010 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 0000000000400730 R13: 00007ffc2b59cf40 R14: 0000000000000000 R15: 0000000000000000 </TASK> Kernel panic - not syncing: kernel: panic_on_warn set ... This is trigger as below: ns0 ns1 tun_set_iff() //dev is tun0 tun->dev = dev //ip link set tun0 netns ns1 put_net() //ref is 0 __tun_chr_ioctl() //TUNGETDEVNETNS net = dev_net(tun->dev); open_related_ns(&net->ns, get_net_ns); //ns1 get_net_ns() get_net() //addition on 0 Use maybe_get_net() in get_net_ns in case net's ref is zero to fix this

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-40958 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

235. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40976) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/lima: mask irqs in timeout path before hard reset There is a race condition in which a rendering job might take just long enough to trigger the drm sched job timeout handler but also still complete before the hard reset is done by the timeout handler. This runs into race conditions not expected by the timeout handler. In some very specific cases it currently may result in a refcount imbalance on lima_pm_idle, with a stack dump such as: [10136.669170] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 0 at drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_devfreq.c:205 lima_devfreq_record_idle+0xa0/0xb0 ... [10136.669459] pc : lima_devfreq_record_idle+0xa0/0xb0 ... [10136.669628] Call trace: [10136.669634] lima_devfreq_record_idle+0xa0/0xb0 [10136.669646] lima_sched_pipe_task_done+0x5c/0xb0 [10136.669656] lima_gp_irq_handler+0xa8/0x120 [10136.669666] __handle_irq_event_percpu+0x48/0x160 [10136.669679] handle_irq_event+0x4c/0xc0 We can prevent that race condition entirely by masking the irqs at the beginning of the timeout handler, at which point we give up on waiting for that job entirely. The irqs will be enabled again at the next hard reset which is already done as a recovery by the timeout handler.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-40976 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

236. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41005) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: netpoll: Fix race condition in netpoll_owner_active KCSAN detected a race condition in netpoll: BUG: KCSAN: data-race in net_rx_action / netpoll_send_skb write (marked) to 0xffff8881164168b0 of 4 bytes by interrupt on cpu 10: net_rx_action (./include/linux/netpoll.h:90 net/core/dev.c:6712 net/core/dev.c:6822) <snip> read to 0xffff8881164168b0 of 4 bytes by task 1 on cpu 2: netpoll_send_skb (net/core/netpoll.c:319 net/core/netpoll.c:345 net/core/netpoll.c:393) netpoll_send_udp (net/core/netpoll.c:?) <snip> value changed: 0x0000000a -> 0xffffffff This happens because netpoll_owner_active() needs to check if the current CPU is the owner of the lock, touching napi->poll_owner non atomically. The ->poll_owner field contains the current CPU holding the lock. Use an atomic read to check if the poll owner is the current CPU.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-41005 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

237. Memory Corruption - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41006) - Medium [251]

Description: In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: netrom: Fix a memory leak in nr_heartbeat_expiry() syzbot reported a memory leak in nr_create() [0]. Commit 409db27e3a2e ("netrom: Fix use-after-free of a listening socket.") added sock_hold() to the nr_heartbeat_expiry() function, where a) a socket has a SOCK_DESTROY flag or b) a listening socket has a SOCK_DEAD flag. But in the case "a," when the SOCK_DESTROY flag is set, the file descriptor has already been closed and the nr_release() function has been called. So it makes no sense to hold the reference count because no one will call another nr_destroy_socket() and put it as in the case "b." nr_connect nr_establish_data_link nr_start_heartbeat nr_release switch (nr->state) case NR_STATE_3 nr->state = NR_STATE_2 sock_set_flag(sk, SOCK_DESTROY); nr_rx_frame nr_process_rx_frame switch (nr->state) case NR_STATE_2 nr_state2_machine() nr_disconnect() nr_sk(sk)->state = NR_STATE_0 sock_set_flag(sk, SOCK_DEAD) nr_heartbeat_expiry switch (nr->state) case NR_STATE_0 if (sock_flag(sk, SOCK_DESTROY) || (sk->sk_state == TCP_LISTEN && sock_flag(sk, SOCK_DEAD))) sock_hold() // ( !!! ) nr_destroy_socket() To fix the memory leak, let's call sock_hold() only for a listening socket. Found by InfoTeCS on behalf of Linux Verification Center ( with Syzkaller. [0]:

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-41006 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

238. Cross Site Scripting - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-6307) - Medium [250]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'WordPress Core is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via the HTML API in various versions prior to 6.5.5 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping on URLs. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with contributor-level access and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'WordPress Core is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via the HTML API in various versions prior to 6.5.5 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping on URLs. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with contributor-level access and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.815Cross Site Scripting
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.4. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.310EPSS Probability is 0.00068, EPSS Percentile is 0.30327

debian: CVE-2024-6307 was patched at 2024-06-30

239. Memory Corruption - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-6601) - Medium [246]

Description: A race condition could lead to a cross-origin container obtaining permissions of the top-level origin. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 128, Firefox ESR < 115.13, Thunderbird < 115.13, and Thunderbird < 128.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-6601 was patched at 2024-07-10, 2024-07-16

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-6601 was patched at 2024-07-11

redhat: CVE-2024-6601 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-17

ubuntu: CVE-2024-6601 was patched at 2024-07-10

240. Memory Corruption - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-6604) - Medium [246]

Description: Memory safety bugs present in Firefox 127, Firefox ESR 115.12, and Thunderbird 115.12. Some of these bugs showed evidence of memory corruption and we presume that with enough effort some of these could have been exploited to run arbitrary code. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 128, Firefox ESR < 115.13, Thunderbird < 115.13, and Thunderbird < 128.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-6604 was patched at 2024-07-10, 2024-07-16

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-6604 was patched at 2024-07-11

redhat: CVE-2024-6604 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-17

ubuntu: CVE-2024-6604 was patched at 2024-07-10

241. Memory Corruption - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-6615) - Medium [246]

Description: Memory safety bugs present in Firefox 127 and Thunderbird 127. Some of these bugs showed evidence of memory corruption and we presume that with enough effort some of these could have been exploited to run arbitrary code. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 128 and Thunderbird < 128.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-6615 was patched at 2024-07-10

242. Denial of Service - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-24791) - Medium [244]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'The net/http HTTP/1.1 client mishandled the case where a server responds to a request with an "Expect: 100-continue" header with a non-informational (200 or higher) status. This mishandling could leave a client connection in an invalid state, where the next request sent on the connection will fail. An attacker sending a request to a net/http/httputil.ReverseProxy proxy can exploit this mishandling to cause a denial of service by sending "Expect: 100-continue" requests which elicit a non-informational response from the backend. Each such request leaves the proxy with an invalid connection, and causes one subsequent request using that connection to fail.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'The net/http HTTP/1.1 client mishandled the case where a server responds to a request with an "Expect: 100-continue" header with a non-informational (200 or higher) status. This mishandling could leave a client connection in an invalid state, where the next request sent on the connection will fail. An attacker sending a request to a net/http/httputil.ReverseProxy proxy can exploit this mishandling to cause a denial of service by sending "Expect: 100-continue" requests which elicit a non-informational response from the backend. Each such request leaves the proxy with an invalid connection, and causes one subsequent request using that connection to fail.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-24791 was patched at 2024-07-16

243. Denial of Service - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-37298) - Medium [244]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'gorilla/schema converts structs to and from form values. Prior to version 1.4.1 Running `schema.Decoder.Decode()` on a struct that has a field of type `[]struct{...}` opens it up to malicious attacks regarding memory allocations, taking advantage of the sparse slice functionality. Any use of `schema.Decoder.Decode()` on a struct with arrays of other structs could be vulnerable to this memory exhaustion vulnerability. Version 1.4.1 contains a patch for the issue.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'gorilla/schema converts structs to and from form values. Prior to version 1.4.1 Running `schema.Decoder.Decode()` on a struct that has a field of type `[]struct{...}` opens it up to malicious attacks regarding memory allocations, taking advantage of the sparse slice functionality. Any use of `schema.Decoder.Decode()` on a struct with arrays of other structs could be vulnerable to this memory exhaustion vulnerability. Version 1.4.1 contains a patch for the issue.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-37298 was patched at 2024-07-16

244. Denial of Service - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-38875) - Medium [244]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'An issue was discovered in Django 4.2 before 4.2.14 and 5.0 before 5.0.7. urlize and urlizetrunc were subject to a potential denial of service attack via certain inputs with a very large number of brackets.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'An issue was discovered in Django 4.2 before 4.2.14 and 5.0 before 5.0.7. urlize and urlizetrunc were subject to a potential denial of service attack via certain inputs with a very large number of brackets.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38875 was patched at 2024-07-16

ubuntu: CVE-2024-38875 was patched at 2024-07-09, 2024-07-11

245. Denial of Service - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-6716) - Medium [244]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'A flaw was found in libtiff. This flaw allows an attacker to create a crafted tiff file, forcing libtiff to allocate memory indefinitely. This issue can result in a denial of service of the system consuming libtiff due to memory starvation.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'A flaw was found in libtiff. This flaw allows an attacker to create a crafted tiff file, forcing libtiff to allocate memory indefinitely. This issue can result in a denial of service of the system consuming libtiff due to memory starvation.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-6716 was patched at 2024-07-16

246. Security Feature Bypass - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-33996) - Medium [244]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Incorrect validation of allowed event types in a calendar web service made it possible for some users to create events with types/audiences they did not have permission to publish to.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Incorrect validation of allowed event types in a calendar web service made it possible for some users to create events with types/audiences they did not have permission to publish to.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.2. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

redos: CVE-2024-33996 was patched at 2024-07-01

247. Denial of Service - GPAC (CVE-2024-6061) - Medium [239]

Description: A vulnerability has been found in GPAC 2.5-DEV-rev228-g11067ea92-master and classified as problematic. Affected by this vulnerability is the function isoffin_process of the file src/filters/isoffin_read.c of the component MP4Box. The manipulation leads to infinite loop. It is possible to launch the attack on the local host. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. The identifier of the patch is 20c0f29139a82779b86453ce7f68d0681ec7624c. It is recommended to apply a patch to fix this issue. The identifier VDB-268789 was assigned to this vulnerability.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.414GPAC is an Open Source multimedia framework for research and academic purposes; the project covers different aspects of multimedia, with a focus on presentation technologies (graphics, animation and interactivity)
CVSS Base Score0.310CVSS Base Score is 3.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-6061 was patched at 2024-06-30

248. Denial of Service - LLDP (CVE-2024-6501) - Medium [239]

Description: A flaw was found in NetworkManager. When a system running NetworkManager with DEBUG logs enabled and an interface eth1 configured with LLDP enabled, a malicious user could inject a malformed LLDP packet. NetworkManager would crash, leading to a denial of service.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common0.414LLDP is an industry standard protocol designed to supplant proprietary Link-Layer protocols such as Extreme's EDP (Extreme Discovery Protocol) and CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol)
CVSS Base Score0.310CVSS Base Score is 3.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-6501 was patched at 2024-07-16

249. Cross Site Scripting - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-21520) - Medium [238]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Versions of the package djangorestframework before 3.15.2 are vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting (XSS) via the break_long_headers template filter due to improper input sanitization before splitting and joining with <br> tags.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Versions of the package djangorestframework before 3.15.2 are vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting (XSS) via the break_long_headers template filter due to improper input sanitization before splitting and joining with <br> tags.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.815Cross Site Scripting
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.1. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-21520 was patched at 2024-06-30

250. Cross Site Scripting - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-31111) - Medium [238]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Automattic WordPress allows Stored XSS.This issue affects WordPress: from 6.5 through 6.5.4, from 6.4 through 6.4.4, from 6.3 through 6.3.4, from 6.2 through 6.2.5, from 6.1 through 6.1.6, from 6.0 through 6.0.8, from 5.9 through 5.9.9.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Automattic WordPress allows Stored XSS.This issue affects WordPress: from 6.5 through 6.5.4, from 6.4 through 6.4.4, from 6.3 through 6.3.4, from 6.2 through 6.2.5, from 6.1 through 6.1.6, from 6.0 through 6.0.8, from 5.9 through 5.9.9.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.815Cross Site Scripting
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-31111 was patched at 2024-06-30

251. Unknown Vulnerability Type - qt (CVE-2024-39936) - Medium [238]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'An issue was discovered in HTTP2 in Qt before 5.15.18, 6.x before 6.2.13, 6.3.x through 6.5.x before 6.5.7, and 6.6.x through 6.7.x before 6.7.3. Code to make security-relevant decisions about an established connection may execute too early, because the encrypted() signal has not yet been emitted and processed..', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'An issue was discovered in HTTP2 in Qt before 5.15.18, 6.x before 6.2.13, 6.3.x through 6.5.x before 6.5.7, and 6.6.x through 6.7.x before 6.7.3. Code to make security-relevant decisions about an established connection may execute too early, because the encrypted() signal has not yet been emitted and processed..', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:qt:qt (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.910CVSS Base Score is 8.6. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.410EPSS Probability is 0.00087, EPSS Percentile is 0.37504

debian: CVE-2024-39936 was patched at 2024-07-16

252. Memory Corruption - Chromium (CVE-2024-6772) - Medium [234]

Description: Inappropriate implementation in V8 in Google Chrome prior to 126.0.6478.182 allowed a remote attacker to perform out of bounds memory access via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-6772 was patched at 2024-07-16

253. Memory Corruption - Chromium (CVE-2024-6773) - Medium [234]

Description: Inappropriate implementation in V8 in Google Chrome prior to 126.0.6478.182 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-6773 was patched at 2024-07-16

254. Memory Corruption - Chromium (CVE-2024-6774) - Medium [234]

Description: Use after free in Screen Capture in Google Chrome prior to 126.0.6478.182 allowed a remote attacker who convinced a user to engage in specific UI gestures to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-6774 was patched at 2024-07-16

255. Memory Corruption - Chromium (CVE-2024-6775) - Medium [234]

Description: Use after free in Media Stream in Google Chrome prior to 126.0.6478.182 allowed a remote attacker who convinced a user to engage in specific UI gestures to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-6775 was patched at 2024-07-16

256. Memory Corruption - Chromium (CVE-2024-6776) - Medium [234]

Description: Use after free in Audio in Google Chrome prior to 126.0.6478.182 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-6776 was patched at 2024-07-16

257. Memory Corruption - Chromium (CVE-2024-6777) - Medium [234]

Description: Use after free in Navigation in Google Chrome prior to 126.0.6478.182 allowed an attacker who convinced a user to install a malicious extension to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted Chrome Extension. (Chromium security severity: High)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-6777 was patched at 2024-07-16

258. Memory Corruption - Chromium (CVE-2024-6779) - Medium [234]

Description: Out of bounds memory access in V8 in Google Chrome prior to 126.0.6478.182 allowed a remote attacker to potentially perform a sandbox escape via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-6779 was patched at 2024-07-16

259. Memory Corruption - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-5694) - Medium [234]

Description: An attacker could have caused a use-after-free in the JavaScript engine to read memory in the JavaScript string section of the heap. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 127.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

ubuntu: CVE-2024-5694 was patched at 2024-07-03

260. Memory Corruption - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-5695) - Medium [234]

Description: If an out-of-memory condition occurs at a specific point using allocations in the probabilistic heap checker, an assertion could have been triggered, and in rarer situations, memory corruption could have occurred. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 127.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

ubuntu: CVE-2024-5695 was patched at 2024-07-03

261. Memory Corruption - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-5701) - Medium [234]

Description: Memory safety bugs present in Firefox 126. Some of these bugs showed evidence of memory corruption and we presume that with enough effort some of these could have been exploited to run arbitrary code. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 127.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

ubuntu: CVE-2024-5701 was patched at 2024-07-03

262. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38780) - Medium [233]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: dma-buf/sw-sync: don't enable IRQ from sync_print_obj() Since commit a6aa8fca4d79 ("dma-buf/sw-sync: Reduce irqsave/irqrestore from known context") by error replaced spin_unlock_irqrestore() with spin_unlock_irq() for both sync_debugfs_show() and sync_print_obj() despite sync_print_obj() is called from sync_debugfs_show(), lockdep complains inconsistent lock state warning. Use plain spin_{lock,unlock}() for sync_print_obj(), for sync_debugfs_show() is already using spin_{lock,unlock}_irq().', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndma-buf/sw-sync: don't enable IRQ from sync_print_obj()\n\nSince commit a6aa8fca4d79 ("dma-buf/sw-sync: Reduce irqsave/irqrestore from\nknown context") by error replaced spin_unlock_irqrestore() with\nspin_unlock_irq() for both sync_debugfs_show() and sync_print_obj() despite\nsync_print_obj() is called from sync_debugfs_show(), lockdep complains\ninconsistent lock state warning.\n\nUse plain spin_{lock,unlock}() for sync_print_obj(), for\nsync_debugfs_show() is already using spin_{lock,unlock}_irq().', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05058

debian: CVE-2024-38780 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

263. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39476) - Medium [233]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: md/raid5: fix deadlock that raid5d() wait for itself to clear MD_SB_CHANGE_PENDING Xiao reported that lvm2 test can hang with small possibility, the root cause is exactly the same as commit bed9e27baf52 ("Revert "md/raid5: Wait for MD_SB_CHANGE_PENDING in raid5d"") However, Dan reported another hang after that, and junxiao investigated the problem and found out that this is caused by plugged bio can't issue from raid5d(). Current implementation in raid5d() has a weird dependence: 1) md_check_recovery() from raid5d() must hold 'reconfig_mutex' to clear MD_SB_CHANGE_PENDING; 2) raid5d() handles IO in a deadloop, until all IO are issued; 3) IO from raid5d() must wait for MD_SB_CHANGE_PENDING to be cleared; This behaviour is introduce before v2.6, and for consequence, if other context hold 'reconfig_mutex', and md_check_recovery() can't update super_block, then raid5d() will waste one cpu 100% by the deadloop, until 'reconfig_mutex' is released. Refer to the implementation from raid1 and raid10, fix this problem by skipping issue IO if MD_SB_CHANGE_PENDING is still set after md_check_recovery(), daemon thread will be woken up when 'reconfig_mutex' is released. Meanwhile, the hang problem will be fixed as well.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmd/raid5: fix deadlock that raid5d() wait for itself to clear MD_SB_CHANGE_PENDING\n\nXiao reported that lvm2 test can hang with\nsmall possibility, the root cause is exactly the same as commit\nbed9e27baf52 ("Revert "md/raid5: Wait for MD_SB_CHANGE_PENDING in raid5d"")\n\nHowever, Dan reported another hang after that, and junxiao investigated\nthe problem and found out that this is caused by plugged bio can't issue\nfrom raid5d().\n\nCurrent implementation in raid5d() has a weird dependence:\n\n1) md_check_recovery() from raid5d() must hold 'reconfig_mutex' to clear\n MD_SB_CHANGE_PENDING;\n2) raid5d() handles IO in a deadloop, until all IO are issued;\n3) IO from raid5d() must wait for MD_SB_CHANGE_PENDING to be cleared;\n\nThis behaviour is introduce before v2.6, and for consequence, if other\ncontext hold 'reconfig_mutex', and md_check_recovery() can't update\nsuper_block, then raid5d() will waste one cpu 100% by the deadloop, until\n'reconfig_mutex' is released.\n\nRefer to the implementation from raid1 and raid10, fix this problem by\nskipping issue IO if MD_SB_CHANGE_PENDING is still set after\nmd_check_recovery(), daemon thread will be woken up when 'reconfig_mutex'\nis released. Meanwhile, the hang problem will be fixed as well.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05058

debian: CVE-2024-39476 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

264. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39481) - Medium [233]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: media: mc: Fix graph walk in media_pipeline_start The graph walk tries to follow all links, even if they are not between pads. This causes a crash with, e.g. a MEDIA_LNK_FL_ANCILLARY_LINK link. Fix this by allowing the walk to proceed only for MEDIA_LNK_FL_DATA_LINK links.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmedia: mc: Fix graph walk in media_pipeline_start\n\nThe graph walk tries to follow all links, even if they are not between\npads. This causes a crash with, e.g. a MEDIA_LNK_FL_ANCILLARY_LINK link.\n\nFix this by allowing the walk to proceed only for MEDIA_LNK_FL_DATA_LINK\nlinks.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00042, EPSS Percentile is 0.05058

debian: CVE-2024-39481 was patched at 2024-07-16

265. Denial of Service - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-37795) - Medium [232]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'A segmentation fault in CVC5 Solver v1.1.3 allows attackers to cause a Denial of Service (DoS) via a crafted SMT-LIB input file containing the `set-logic` command with specific formatting errors.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'A segmentation fault in CVC5 Solver v1.1.3 allows attackers to cause a Denial of Service (DoS) via a crafted SMT-LIB input file containing the `set-logic` command with specific formatting errors.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-37795 was patched at 2024-06-30

266. Denial of Service - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-39134) - Medium [232]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'A Stack Buffer Overflow vulnerability in zziplibv 0.13.77 allows attackers to cause a denial of service via the __zzip_fetch_disk_trailer() function at /zzip/zip.c.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'A Stack Buffer Overflow vulnerability in zziplibv 0.13.77 allows attackers to cause a denial of service via the __zzip_fetch_disk_trailer() function at /zzip/zip.c.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-39134 was patched at 2024-06-30

267. Memory Corruption - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-38441) - Medium [232]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Netatalk before 3.2.1 has an off-by-one error and resultant heap-based buffer overflow because of setting ibuf[len] to '\\0' in FPMapName in afp_mapname in etc/afpd/directory.c. 2.4.1 and 3.1.19 are also fixed versions.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Netatalk before 3.2.1 has an off-by-one error and resultant heap-based buffer overflow because of setting ibuf[len] to '\\0' in FPMapName in afp_mapname in etc/afpd/directory.c. 2.4.1 and 3.1.19 are also fixed versions.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score1.010CVSS Base Score is 9.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38441 was patched at 2024-06-30

268. Security Feature Bypass - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-39312) - Medium [232]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Botan is a C++ cryptography library. X.509 certificates can identify elliptic curves using either an object identifier or using explicit encoding of the parameters. A bug in the parsing of name constraint extensions in X.509 certificates meant that if the extension included both permitted subtrees and excluded subtrees, only the permitted subtree would be checked. If a certificate included a name which was permitted by the permitted subtree but also excluded by excluded subtree, it would be accepted. Fixed in versions 3.5.0 and 2.19.5.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Botan is a C++ cryptography library. X.509 certificates can identify elliptic curves using either an object identifier or using explicit encoding of the parameters. A bug in the parsing of name constraint extensions in X.509 certificates meant that if the extension included both permitted subtrees and excluded subtrees, only the permitted subtree would be checked. If a certificate included a name which was permitted by the permitted subtree but also excluded by excluded subtree, it would be accepted. Fixed in versions 3.5.0 and 2.19.5.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-39312 was patched at 2024-07-16

269. Information Disclosure - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-34003) - Medium [231]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In a shared hosting environment that has been misconfigured to allow access to other users' content, a Moodle user with both access to restore workshop modules and direct access to the web server outside of the Moodle webroot could execute a local file include.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In a shared hosting environment that has been misconfigured to allow access to other users' content, a Moodle user with both access to restore workshop modules and direct access to the web server outside of the Moodle webroot could execute a local file include.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.8315Information Disclosure
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.9. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

redos: CVE-2024-34003 was patched at 2024-07-01

270. Memory Corruption - GPAC (CVE-2024-6064) - Medium [227]

Description: A vulnerability was found in GPAC 2.5-DEV-rev228-g11067ea92-master. It has been declared as problematic. This vulnerability affects the function xmt_node_end of the file src/scene_manager/loader_xmt.c of the component MP4Box. The manipulation leads to use after free. Local access is required to approach this attack. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. The name of the patch is f4b3e4d2f91bc1749e7a924a8ab171af03a355a8/c1b9c794bad8f262c56f3cf690567980d96662f5. It is recommended to apply a patch to fix this issue. The identifier of this vulnerability is VDB-268792.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.414GPAC is an Open Source multimedia framework for research and academic purposes; the project covers different aspects of multimedia, with a focus on presentation technologies (graphics, animation and interactivity)
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-6064 was patched at 2024-06-30

271. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38662) - Medium [221]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bpf: Allow delete from sockmap/sockhash only if update is allowed We have seen an influx of syzkaller reports where a BPF program attached to a tracepoint triggers a locking rule violation by performing a map_delete on a sockmap/sockhash. We don't intend to support this artificial use scenario. Extend the existing verifier allowed-program-type check for updating sockmap/sockhash to also cover deleting from a map. From now on only BPF programs which were previously allowed to update sockmap/sockhash can delete from these map types.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbpf: Allow delete from sockmap/sockhash only if update is allowed\n\nWe have seen an influx of syzkaller reports where a BPF program attached to\na tracepoint triggers a locking rule violation by performing a map_delete\non a sockmap/sockhash.\n\nWe don't intend to support this artificial use scenario. Extend the\nexisting verifier allowed-program-type check for updating sockmap/sockhash\nto also cover deleting from a map.\n\nFrom now on only BPF programs which were previously allowed to update\nsockmap/sockhash can delete from these map types.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.7. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.10161

debian: CVE-2024-38662 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

272. Denial of Service - Unknown Product (CVE-2023-39329) - Medium [220]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'A flaw was found in OpenJPEG. A resource exhaustion can occur in the opj_t1_decode_cblks function in tcd.c through a crafted image file, causing a denial of service.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'A flaw was found in OpenJPEG. A resource exhaustion can occur in the opj_t1_decode_cblks function in tcd.c through a crafted image file, causing a denial of service.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2023-39329 was patched at 2024-07-16

273. Denial of Service - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-38949) - Medium [220]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Heap Buffer Overflow vulnerability in Libde265 v1.0.15 allows attackers to crash the application via crafted payload to display444as420 function at', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Heap Buffer Overflow vulnerability in Libde265 v1.0.15 allows attackers to crash the application via crafted payload to display444as420 function at', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-38949 was patched at 2024-06-30

274. Security Feature Bypass - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-38531) - Medium [220]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Nix is a package manager for Linux and other Unix systems that makes package management reliable and reproducible. A build process has access to and can change the permissions of the build directory. After creating a setuid binary in a globally accessible location, a malicious local user can assume the permissions of a Nix daemon worker and hijack all future builds. This issue was patched in version(s) 2.23.1, 2.22.2, 2.21.3, 2.20.7, 2.19.5 and 2.18.4.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Nix is a package manager for Linux and other Unix systems that makes package management reliable and reproducible. A build process has access to and can change the permissions of the build directory. After creating a setuid binary in a globally accessible location, a malicious local user can assume the permissions of a Nix daemon worker and hijack all future builds. This issue was patched in version(s) 2.23.1, 2.22.2, 2.21.3, 2.20.7, 2.19.5 and 2.18.4.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.410CVSS Base Score is 3.6. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-38531 was patched at 2024-06-30

275. Information Disclosure - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-40630) - Medium [219]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'OpenImageIO is a toolset for reading, writing, and manipulating image files of any image file format relevant to VFX / animation via a format-agnostic API with a feature set, scalability, and robustness needed for feature film production. In affected versions there is a bug in the heif input functionality of OpenImageIO. Specifically, in `HeifInput::seek_subimage()`. In the worst case, this can lead to an information disclosure vulnerability, particularly for programs that directly use the `ImageInput` APIs. This bug has been addressed in commit `0a2dcb4c` which is included in the release. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this issue.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'OpenImageIO is a toolset for reading, writing, and manipulating image files of any image file format relevant to VFX / animation via a format-agnostic API with a feature set, scalability, and robustness needed for feature film production. In affected versions there is a bug in the heif input functionality of OpenImageIO. Specifically, in `HeifInput::seek_subimage()`. In the worst case, this can lead to an information disclosure vulnerability, particularly for programs that directly use the `ImageInput` APIs. This bug has been addressed in commit `0a2dcb4c` which is included in the release. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this issue.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.8315Information Disclosure
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.410CVSS Base Score is 4.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40630 was patched at 2024-07-16

276. Spoofing - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-5698) - Medium [216]

Description: By manipulating the fullscreen feature while opening a data-list, an attacker could have overlaid a text box over the address bar. This could have led to user confusion and possible spoofing attacks. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 127.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.415Spoofing
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

ubuntu: CVE-2024-5698 was patched at 2024-07-03

277. Denial of Service - Unknown Product (CVE-2023-39328) - Medium [208]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'A vulnerability was found in OpenJPEG similar to CVE-2019-6988. This flaw allows an attacker to bypass existing protections and cause an application crash through a maliciously crafted file.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'A vulnerability was found in OpenJPEG similar to CVE-2019-6988. This flaw allows an attacker to bypass existing protections and cause an application crash through a maliciously crafted file.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 5.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2023-39328 was patched at 2024-07-16

278. Denial of Service - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-34702) - Medium [208]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Botan is a C++ cryptography library. X.509 certificates can identify elliptic curves using either an object identifier or using explicit encoding of the parameters. Prior to 3.5.0 and 2.19.5, checking name constraints in X.509 certificates is quadratic in the number of names and name constraints. An attacker who presented a certificate chain which contained a very large number of names in the SubjectAlternativeName, signed by a CA certificate which contained a large number of name constraints, could cause a denial of service. The problem has been addressed in Botan 3.5.0 and a partial backport has also been applied and is included in Botan 2.19.5.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Botan is a C++ cryptography library. X.509 certificates can identify elliptic curves using either an object identifier or using explicit encoding of the parameters. Prior to 3.5.0 and 2.19.5, checking name constraints in X.509 certificates is quadratic in the number of names and name constraints. An attacker who presented a certificate chain which contained a very large number of names in the SubjectAlternativeName, signed by a CA certificate which contained a large number of name constraints, could cause a denial of service. The problem has been addressed in Botan 3.5.0 and a partial backport has also been applied and is included in Botan 2.19.5.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.17474

debian: CVE-2024-34702 was patched at 2024-07-16

279. Denial of Service - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-37894) - Medium [208]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Squid is a caching proxy for the Web supporting HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and more. Due to an Out-of-bounds Write error when assigning ESI variables, Squid is susceptible to a Memory Corruption error. This error can lead to a Denial of Service attack.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Squid is a caching proxy for the Web supporting HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and more. Due to an Out-of-bounds Write error when assigning ESI variables, Squid is susceptible to a Memory Corruption error. This error can lead to a Denial of Service attack.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-37894 was patched at 2024-06-30

280. Memory Corruption - GPAC (CVE-2024-6062) - Medium [203]

Description: A vulnerability was found in GPAC 2.5-DEV-rev228-g11067ea92-master and classified as problematic. Affected by this issue is the function swf_svg_add_iso_sample of the file src/filters/load_text.c of the component MP4Box. The manipulation leads to null pointer dereference. The attack needs to be approached locally. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. The patch is identified as 31e499d310a48bd17c8b055a0bfe0fe35887a7cd. It is recommended to apply a patch to fix this issue. VDB-268790 is the identifier assigned to this vulnerability.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.414GPAC is an Open Source multimedia framework for research and academic purposes; the project covers different aspects of multimedia, with a focus on presentation technologies (graphics, animation and interactivity)
CVSS Base Score0.310CVSS Base Score is 3.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-6062 was patched at 2024-06-30

281. Memory Corruption - GPAC (CVE-2024-6063) - Medium [203]

Description: A vulnerability was found in GPAC 2.5-DEV-rev228-g11067ea92-master. It has been classified as problematic. This affects the function m2tsdmx_on_event of the file src/filters/dmx_m2ts.c of the component MP4Box. The manipulation leads to null pointer dereference. An attack has to be approached locally. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. The patch is named 8767ed0a77c4b02287db3723e92c2169f67c85d5. It is recommended to apply a patch to fix this issue. The associated identifier of this vulnerability is VDB-268791.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.414GPAC is an Open Source multimedia framework for research and academic purposes; the project covers different aspects of multimedia, with a focus on presentation technologies (graphics, animation and interactivity)
CVSS Base Score0.310CVSS Base Score is 3.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-6063 was patched at 2024-06-30

Low (424)

282. Memory Corruption - 7-Zip (CVE-2023-52169) - Low [196]

Description: The NtfsHandler.cpp NTFS handler in 7-Zip before 24.01 (for 7zz) contains an out-of-bounds read that allows an attacker to read beyond the intended buffer. The bytes read beyond the intended buffer are presented as a part of a filename listed in the file system image. This has security relevance in some known web-service use cases where untrusted users can upload files and have them extracted by a server-side 7-Zip process.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.5147-Zip is a free and open-source file archiver, a utility used to place groups of files within compressed containers known as "archives"
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2023-52169 was patched at 2024-07-16

redos: CVE-2023-52169 was patched at 2024-07-13

283. Memory Corruption - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-32760) - Low [196]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'When NGINX Plus or NGINX OSS are configured to use the HTTP/3 QUIC module, undisclosed HTTP/3 encoder instructions can cause NGINX worker processes to terminate or cause or other potential impact.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'When NGINX Plus or NGINX OSS are configured to use the HTTP/3 QUIC module, undisclosed HTTP/3 encoder instructions can cause NGINX worker processes to terminate or cause or other potential impact.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

redos: CVE-2024-32760 was patched at 2024-07-03

284. Path Traversal - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-22231) - Low [196]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Syndic cache directory creation is vulnerable to a directory traversal attack in salt project which can lead\xa0a malicious attacker to create an arbitrary directory on a Salt master.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Syndic cache directory creation is vulnerable to a directory traversal attack in salt project which can lead\xa0a malicious attacker to create an arbitrary directory on a Salt master.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Path Traversal
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.0. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-22231 was patched at 2024-06-30

redos: CVE-2024-22231 was patched at 2024-06-26

285. Path Traversal - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-32111) - Low [196]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal') vulnerability in Automattic WordPress allows Relative Path Traversal.This issue affects WordPress: from 6.5 through 6.5.4, from 6.4 through 6.4.4, from 6.3 through 6.3.4, from 6.2 through 6.2.5, from 6.1 through 6.1.6, from 6.0 through 6.0.8, from 5.9 through 5.9.9, from 5.8 through 5.8.9, from 5.7 through 5.7.11, from 5.6 through 5.6.13, from 5.5 through 5.5.14, from 5.4 through 5.4.15, from 5.3 through 5.3.17, from 5.2 through 5.2.20, from 5.1 through 5.1.18, from 5.0 through 5.0.21, from 4.9 through 4.9.25, from 4.8 through 4.8.24, from 4.7 through 4.7.28, from 4.6 through 4.6.28, from 4.5 through 4.5.31, from 4.4 through 4.4.32, from 4.3 through 4.3.33, from 4.2 through 4.2.37, from 4.1 through 4.1.40.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal') vulnerability in Automattic WordPress allows Relative Path Traversal.This issue affects WordPress: from 6.5 through 6.5.4, from 6.4 through 6.4.4, from 6.3 through 6.3.4, from 6.2 through 6.2.5, from 6.1 through 6.1.6, from 6.0 through 6.0.8, from 5.9 through 5.9.9, from 5.8 through 5.8.9, from 5.7 through 5.7.11, from 5.6 through 5.6.13, from 5.5 through 5.5.14, from 5.4 through 5.4.15, from 5.3 through 5.3.17, from 5.2 through 5.2.20, from 5.1 through 5.1.18, from 5.0 through 5.0.21, from 4.9 through 4.9.25, from 4.8 through 4.8.24, from 4.7 through 4.7.28, from 4.6 through 4.6.28, from 4.5 through 4.5.31, from 4.4 through 4.4.32, from 4.3 through 4.3.33, from 4.2 through 4.2.37, from 4.1 through 4.1.40.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Path Traversal
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.0. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10827

debian: CVE-2024-32111 was patched at 2024-06-30

286. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Cinder (CVE-2024-32498) - Low [190]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'An issue was discovered in OpenStack Cinder through 24.0.0, Glance before 28.0.2, and Nova before 29.0.3. Arbitrary file access can occur via custom QCOW2 external data. By supplying a crafted QCOW2 image that references a specific data file path, an authenticated user may convince systems to return a copy of that file's contents from the server, resulting in unauthorized access to potentially sensitive data. All Cinder and Nova deployments are affected; only Glance deployments with image conversion enabled are affected.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'An issue was discovered in OpenStack Cinder through 24.0.0, Glance before 28.0.2, and Nova before 29.0.3. Arbitrary file access can occur via custom QCOW2 external data. By supplying a crafted QCOW2 image that references a specific data file path, an authenticated user may convince systems to return a copy of that file's contents from the server, resulting in unauthorized access to potentially sensitive data. All Cinder and Nova deployments are affected; only Glance deployments with image conversion enabled are affected.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:openstack:cinder (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 6.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00049, EPSS Percentile is 0.1854

debian: CVE-2024-32498 was patched at 2024-07-16

redhat: CVE-2024-32498 was patched at 2024-07-02, 2024-07-09

ubuntu: CVE-2024-32498 was patched at 2024-07-08

287. Denial of Service - Unknown Product (CVE-2023-39327) - Low [184]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'A flaw was found in OpenJPEG. Maliciously constructed pictures can cause the program to enter a large loop and continuously print warning messages on the terminal.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'A flaw was found in OpenJPEG. Maliciously constructed pictures can cause the program to enter a large loop and continuously print warning messages on the terminal.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.410CVSS Base Score is 4.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2023-39327 was patched at 2024-07-16

288. Denial of Service - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-39133) - Low [184]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Heap Buffer Overflow vulnerability in zziplib v0.13.77 allows attackers to cause a denial of service via the __zzip_parse_root_directory() function at /zzip/zip.c.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Heap Buffer Overflow vulnerability in zziplib v0.13.77 allows attackers to cause a denial of service via the __zzip_parse_root_directory() function at /zzip/zip.c.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.410CVSS Base Score is 4.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-39133 was patched at 2024-06-30

289. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Oracle Java SE (CVE-2024-21140) - Low [183]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Vulnerability in the Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition product of Oracle Java SE (component: Hotspot). Supported versions that are affected are Oracle Java SE: 8u411, 8u411-perf, 11.0.23, 17.0.11, 21.0.3, 22.0.1; Oracle GraalVM for JDK: 17.0.11, 21.0.3, 22.0.1; Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition: 20.3.14 and 21.3.10. Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition accessible data as well as unauthorized read access to a subset of Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition accessible data. Note: This vulnerability can be exploited by using APIs in the specified Component, e.g., through a web service which supplies data to the APIs. This vulnerability also applies to Java deployments, typically in clients running sandboxed Java Web Start applications or sandboxed Java applets, that load and run untrusted code (e.g., code that comes from the internet) and rely on the Java sandbox for security. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.8 (Confidentiality and Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:L/A:N).', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Vulnerability in the Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition product of Oracle Java SE (component: Hotspot). Supported versions that are affected are Oracle Java SE: 8u411, 8u411-perf, 11.0.23, 17.0.11, 21.0.3, 22.0.1; Oracle GraalVM for JDK: 17.0.11, 21.0.3, 22.0.1; Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition: 20.3.14 and 21.3.10. Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition accessible data as well as unauthorized read access to a subset of Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition accessible data. Note: This vulnerability can be exploited by using APIs in the specified Component, e.g., through a web service which supplies data to the APIs. This vulnerability also applies to Java deployments, typically in clients running sandboxed Java Web Start applications or sandboxed Java applets, that load and run untrusted code (e.g., code that comes from the internet) and rely on the Java sandbox for security. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.8 (Confidentiality and Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:L/A:N).', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Oracle Java SE
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.17374

redhat: CVE-2024-21140 was patched at 2024-07-17

290. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Perl (CVE-2024-39900) - Low [183]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'OpenSearch Dashboards Reports allows ‘Report Owner’ export and share reports from OpenSearch Dashboards. An issue in the OpenSearch reporting plugin allows unintended access to private tenant resources like notebooks. The system did not properly check if the user was the resource author when accessing resources in a private tenant, leading to potential data being revealed. The patches are included in OpenSearch 2.14.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'OpenSearch Dashboards Reports allows ‘Report Owner’ export and share reports from OpenSearch Dashboards. An issue in the OpenSearch reporting plugin allows unintended access to private tenant resources like notebooks. The system did not properly check if the user was the resource author when accessing resources in a private tenant, leading to potential data being revealed. The patches are included in OpenSearch 2.14.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Perl is a family of two high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming languages
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.4. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

redos: CVE-2024-39900 was patched at 2024-07-16

291. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Perl (CVE-2024-39901) - Low [183]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'OpenSearch Observability is collection of plugins and applications that visualize data-driven events. An issue in the OpenSearch observability plugins allows unintended access to private tenant resources like notebooks. The system did not properly check if the user was the resource author when accessing resources in a private tenant, leading to potential data being revealed. The patches are included in OpenSearch 2.14.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'OpenSearch Observability is collection of plugins and applications that visualize data-driven events. An issue in the OpenSearch observability plugins allows unintended access to private tenant resources like notebooks. The system did not properly check if the user was the resource author when accessing resources in a private tenant, leading to potential data being revealed. The patches are included in OpenSearch 2.14.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Perl is a family of two high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming languages
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.4. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

redos: CVE-2024-39901 was patched at 2024-07-16

292. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Node.js (CVE-2024-22018) - Low [180]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'A vulnerability has been identified in Node.js, affecting users of the experimental permission model when the --allow-fs-read flag is used. This flaw arises from an inadequate permission model that fails to restrict file stats through the fs.lstat API. As a result, malicious actors can retrieve stats from files that they do not have explicit read access to. This vulnerability affects all users using the experimental permission model in Node.js 20 and Node.js 21. Please note that at the time this CVE was issued, the permission model is an experimental feature of Node.js.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'A vulnerability has been identified in Node.js, affecting users of the experimental permission model when the --allow-fs-read flag is used.\nThis flaw arises from an inadequate permission model that fails to restrict file stats through the fs.lstat API. As a result, malicious actors can retrieve stats from files that they do not have explicit read access to.\nThis vulnerability affects all users using the experimental permission model in Node.js 20 and Node.js 21.\nPlease note that at the time this CVE was issued, the permission model is an experimental feature of Node.js.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Node.js is a cross-platform, open-source server environment that can run on Windows, Linux, Unix, macOS, and more
CVSS Base Score0.310CVSS Base Score is 2.9. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-22018 was patched at 2024-07-16

293. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Node.js (CVE-2024-38372) - Low [180]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Undici is an HTTP/1.1 client, written from scratch for Node.js. Depending on network and process conditions of a `fetch()` request, `response.arrayBuffer()` might include portion of memory from the Node.js process. This has been patched in v6.19.2.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Undici is an HTTP/1.1 client, written from scratch for Node.js. Depending on network and process conditions of a `fetch()` request, `response.arrayBuffer()` might include portion of memory from the Node.js process. This has been patched in v6.19.2.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Node.js is a cross-platform, open-source server environment that can run on Windows, Linux, Unix, macOS, and more
CVSS Base Score0.210CVSS Base Score is 2.0. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38372 was patched at 2024-07-16

294. Remote Code Execution - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-29421) - Low [178]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'xmedcon 0.23.0 and fixed in v.0.24.0 is vulnerable to Buffer Overflow via libs/dicom/basic.c which allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'xmedcon 0.23.0 and fixed in v.0.24.0 is vulnerable to Buffer Overflow via libs/dicom/basic.c which allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type1.015Remote Code Execution
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2024-29421 was patched at 2024-07-16

295. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2016-20022) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel before 4.8, usb_parse_endpoint in drivers/usb/core/config.c does not validate the wMaxPacketSize field of an endpoint descriptor. NOTE: This vulnerability only affects products that are no longer supported by the supplier.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel before 4.8, usb_parse_endpoint in drivers/usb/core/config.c does not validate the wMaxPacketSize field of an endpoint descriptor. NOTE: This vulnerability only affects products that are no longer supported by the supplier.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2016-20022 was patched at 2024-06-30

296. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47578) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: scsi_debug: Don't call kcalloc() if size arg is zero If the size arg to kcalloc() is zero, it returns ZERO_SIZE_PTR. Because of that, for a following NULL pointer check to work on the returned pointer, kcalloc() must not be called with the size arg equal to zero. Return early without error before the kcalloc() call if size arg is zero. BUG: KASAN: null-ptr-deref in memcpy include/linux/fortify-string.h:191 [inline] BUG: KASAN: null-ptr-deref in sg_copy_buffer+0x138/0x240 lib/scatterlist.c:974 Write of size 4 at addr 0000000000000010 by task syz-executor.1/22789 CPU: 1 PID: 22789 Comm: syz-executor.1 Not tainted 5.15.0-syzk #1 Hardware name: Red Hat KVM, BIOS 1.13.0-2 Call Trace: __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:88 [inline] dump_stack_lvl+0x89/0xb5 lib/dump_stack.c:106 __kasan_report mm/kasan/report.c:446 [inline] kasan_report.cold.14+0x112/0x117 mm/kasan/report.c:459 check_region_inline mm/kasan/generic.c:183 [inline] kasan_check_range+0x1a3/0x210 mm/kasan/generic.c:189 memcpy+0x3b/0x60 mm/kasan/shadow.c:66 memcpy include/linux/fortify-string.h:191 [inline] sg_copy_buffer+0x138/0x240 lib/scatterlist.c:974 do_dout_fetch drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c:2954 [inline] do_dout_fetch drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c:2946 [inline] resp_verify+0x49e/0x930 drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c:4276 schedule_resp+0x4d8/0x1a70 drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c:5478 scsi_debug_queuecommand+0x8c9/0x1ec0 drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c:7533 scsi_dispatch_cmd drivers/scsi/scsi_lib.c:1520 [inline] scsi_queue_rq+0x16b0/0x2d40 drivers/scsi/scsi_lib.c:1699 blk_mq_dispatch_rq_list+0xb9b/0x2700 block/blk-mq.c:1639 __blk_mq_sched_dispatch_requests+0x28f/0x590 block/blk-mq-sched.c:325 blk_mq_sched_dispatch_requests+0x105/0x190 block/blk-mq-sched.c:358 __blk_mq_run_hw_queue+0xe5/0x150 block/blk-mq.c:1761 __blk_mq_delay_run_hw_queue+0x4f8/0x5c0 block/blk-mq.c:1838 blk_mq_run_hw_queue+0x18d/0x350 block/blk-mq.c:1891 blk_mq_sched_insert_request+0x3db/0x4e0 block/blk-mq-sched.c:474 blk_execute_rq_nowait+0x16b/0x1c0 block/blk-exec.c:62 blk_execute_rq+0xdb/0x360 block/blk-exec.c:102 sg_scsi_ioctl drivers/scsi/scsi_ioctl.c:621 [inline] scsi_ioctl+0x8bb/0x15c0 drivers/scsi/scsi_ioctl.c:930 sg_ioctl_common+0x172d/0x2710 drivers/scsi/sg.c:1112 sg_ioctl+0xa2/0x180 drivers/scsi/sg.c:1165 vfs_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:51 [inline] __do_sys_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:874 [inline] __se_sys_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:860 [inline] __x64_sys_ioctl+0x19d/0x220 fs/ioctl.c:860 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline] do_syscall_64+0x3a/0x80 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nscsi: scsi_debug: Don't call kcalloc() if size arg is zero\n\nIf the size arg to kcalloc() is zero, it returns ZERO_SIZE_PTR. Because of\nthat, for a following NULL pointer check to work on the returned pointer,\nkcalloc() must not be called with the size arg equal to zero. Return early\nwithout error before the kcalloc() call if size arg is zero.\n\nBUG: KASAN: null-ptr-deref in memcpy include/linux/fortify-string.h:191 [inline]\nBUG: KASAN: null-ptr-deref in sg_copy_buffer+0x138/0x240 lib/scatterlist.c:974\nWrite of size 4 at addr 0000000000000010 by task syz-executor.1/22789\n\nCPU: 1 PID: 22789 Comm: syz-executor.1 Not tainted 5.15.0-syzk #1\nHardware name: Red Hat KVM, BIOS 1.13.0-2\nCall Trace:\n __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:88 [inline]\n dump_stack_lvl+0x89/0xb5 lib/dump_stack.c:106\n __kasan_report mm/kasan/report.c:446 [inline]\n kasan_report.cold.14+0x112/0x117 mm/kasan/report.c:459\n check_region_inline mm/kasan/generic.c:183 [inline]\n kasan_check_range+0x1a3/0x210 mm/kasan/generic.c:189\n memcpy+0x3b/0x60 mm/kasan/shadow.c:66\n memcpy include/linux/fortify-string.h:191 [inline]\n sg_copy_buffer+0x138/0x240 lib/scatterlist.c:974\n do_dout_fetch drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c:2954 [inline]\n do_dout_fetch drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c:2946 [inline]\n resp_verify+0x49e/0x930 drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c:4276\n schedule_resp+0x4d8/0x1a70 drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c:5478\n scsi_debug_queuecommand+0x8c9/0x1ec0 drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c:7533\n scsi_dispatch_cmd drivers/scsi/scsi_lib.c:1520 [inline]\n scsi_queue_rq+0x16b0/0x2d40 drivers/scsi/scsi_lib.c:1699\n blk_mq_dispatch_rq_list+0xb9b/0x2700 block/blk-mq.c:1639\n __blk_mq_sched_dispatch_requests+0x28f/0x590 block/blk-mq-sched.c:325\n blk_mq_sched_dispatch_requests+0x105/0x190 block/blk-mq-sched.c:358\n __blk_mq_run_hw_queue+0xe5/0x150 block/blk-mq.c:1761\n __blk_mq_delay_run_hw_queue+0x4f8/0x5c0 block/blk-mq.c:1838\n blk_mq_run_hw_queue+0x18d/0x350 block/blk-mq.c:1891\n blk_mq_sched_insert_request+0x3db/0x4e0 block/blk-mq-sched.c:474\n blk_execute_rq_nowait+0x16b/0x1c0 block/blk-exec.c:62\n blk_execute_rq+0xdb/0x360 block/blk-exec.c:102\n sg_scsi_ioctl drivers/scsi/scsi_ioctl.c:621 [inline]\n scsi_ioctl+0x8bb/0x15c0 drivers/scsi/scsi_ioctl.c:930\n sg_ioctl_common+0x172d/0x2710 drivers/scsi/sg.c:1112\n sg_ioctl+0xa2/0x180 drivers/scsi/sg.c:1165\n vfs_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:51 [inline]\n __do_sys_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:874 [inline]\n __se_sys_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:860 [inline]\n __x64_sys_ioctl+0x19d/0x220 fs/ioctl.c:860\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0x3a/0x80 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2021-47578 was patched at 2024-06-30

297. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47579) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ovl: fix warning in ovl_create_real() Syzbot triggered the following warning in ovl_workdir_create() -> ovl_create_real(): \tif (!err && WARN_ON(!newdentry->d_inode)) { The reason is that the cgroup2 filesystem returns from mkdir without instantiating the new dentry. Weird filesystems such as this will be rejected by overlayfs at a later stage during setup, but to prevent such a warning, call ovl_mkdir_real() directly from ovl_workdir_create() and reject this case early.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\novl: fix warning in ovl_create_real()\n\nSyzbot triggered the following warning in ovl_workdir_create() ->\novl_create_real():\n\n\tif (!err && WARN_ON(!newdentry->d_inode)) {\n\nThe reason is that the cgroup2 filesystem returns from mkdir without\ninstantiating the new dentry.\n\nWeird filesystems such as this will be rejected by overlayfs at a later\nstage during setup, but to prevent such a warning, call ovl_mkdir_real()\ndirectly from ovl_workdir_create() and reject this case early.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2021-47579 was patched at 2024-06-30

298. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47580) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: scsi_debug: Fix type in min_t to avoid stack OOB Change min_t() to use type "u32" instead of type "int" to avoid stack out of bounds. With min_t() type "int" the values get sign extended and the larger value gets used causing stack out of bounds. BUG: KASAN: stack-out-of-bounds in memcpy include/linux/fortify-string.h:191 [inline] BUG: KASAN: stack-out-of-bounds in sg_copy_buffer+0x1de/0x240 lib/scatterlist.c:976 Read of size 127 at addr ffff888072607128 by task syz-executor.7/18707 CPU: 1 PID: 18707 Comm: syz-executor.7 Not tainted 5.15.0-syzk #1 Hardware name: Red Hat KVM, BIOS 1.13.0-2 Call Trace: __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:88 [inline] dump_stack_lvl+0x89/0xb5 lib/dump_stack.c:106 print_address_description.constprop.9+0x28/0x160 mm/kasan/report.c:256 __kasan_report mm/kasan/report.c:442 [inline] kasan_report.cold.14+0x7d/0x117 mm/kasan/report.c:459 check_region_inline mm/kasan/generic.c:183 [inline] kasan_check_range+0x1a3/0x210 mm/kasan/generic.c:189 memcpy+0x23/0x60 mm/kasan/shadow.c:65 memcpy include/linux/fortify-string.h:191 [inline] sg_copy_buffer+0x1de/0x240 lib/scatterlist.c:976 sg_copy_from_buffer+0x33/0x40 lib/scatterlist.c:1000 fill_from_dev_buffer.part.34+0x82/0x130 drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c:1162 fill_from_dev_buffer drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c:1888 [inline] resp_readcap16+0x365/0x3b0 drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c:1887 schedule_resp+0x4d8/0x1a70 drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c:5478 scsi_debug_queuecommand+0x8c9/0x1ec0 drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c:7533 scsi_dispatch_cmd drivers/scsi/scsi_lib.c:1520 [inline] scsi_queue_rq+0x16b0/0x2d40 drivers/scsi/scsi_lib.c:1699 blk_mq_dispatch_rq_list+0xb9b/0x2700 block/blk-mq.c:1639 __blk_mq_sched_dispatch_requests+0x28f/0x590 block/blk-mq-sched.c:325 blk_mq_sched_dispatch_requests+0x105/0x190 block/blk-mq-sched.c:358 __blk_mq_run_hw_queue+0xe5/0x150 block/blk-mq.c:1761 __blk_mq_delay_run_hw_queue+0x4f8/0x5c0 block/blk-mq.c:1838 blk_mq_run_hw_queue+0x18d/0x350 block/blk-mq.c:1891 blk_mq_sched_insert_request+0x3db/0x4e0 block/blk-mq-sched.c:474 blk_execute_rq_nowait+0x16b/0x1c0 block/blk-exec.c:62 sg_common_write.isra.18+0xeb3/0x2000 drivers/scsi/sg.c:836 sg_new_write.isra.19+0x570/0x8c0 drivers/scsi/sg.c:774 sg_ioctl_common+0x14d6/0x2710 drivers/scsi/sg.c:939 sg_ioctl+0xa2/0x180 drivers/scsi/sg.c:1165 vfs_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:51 [inline] __do_sys_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:874 [inline] __se_sys_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:860 [inline] __x64_sys_ioctl+0x19d/0x220 fs/ioctl.c:860 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline] do_syscall_64+0x3a/0x80 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nscsi: scsi_debug: Fix type in min_t to avoid stack OOB\n\nChange min_t() to use type "u32" instead of type "int" to avoid stack out\nof bounds. With min_t() type "int" the values get sign extended and the\nlarger value gets used causing stack out of bounds.\n\nBUG: KASAN: stack-out-of-bounds in memcpy include/linux/fortify-string.h:191 [inline]\nBUG: KASAN: stack-out-of-bounds in sg_copy_buffer+0x1de/0x240 lib/scatterlist.c:976\nRead of size 127 at addr ffff888072607128 by task syz-executor.7/18707\n\nCPU: 1 PID: 18707 Comm: syz-executor.7 Not tainted 5.15.0-syzk #1\nHardware name: Red Hat KVM, BIOS 1.13.0-2\nCall Trace:\n __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:88 [inline]\n dump_stack_lvl+0x89/0xb5 lib/dump_stack.c:106\n print_address_description.constprop.9+0x28/0x160 mm/kasan/report.c:256\n __kasan_report mm/kasan/report.c:442 [inline]\n kasan_report.cold.14+0x7d/0x117 mm/kasan/report.c:459\n check_region_inline mm/kasan/generic.c:183 [inline]\n kasan_check_range+0x1a3/0x210 mm/kasan/generic.c:189\n memcpy+0x23/0x60 mm/kasan/shadow.c:65\n memcpy include/linux/fortify-string.h:191 [inline]\n sg_copy_buffer+0x1de/0x240 lib/scatterlist.c:976\n sg_copy_from_buffer+0x33/0x40 lib/scatterlist.c:1000\n fill_from_dev_buffer.part.34+0x82/0x130 drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c:1162\n fill_from_dev_buffer drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c:1888 [inline]\n resp_readcap16+0x365/0x3b0 drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c:1887\n schedule_resp+0x4d8/0x1a70 drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c:5478\n scsi_debug_queuecommand+0x8c9/0x1ec0 drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c:7533\n scsi_dispatch_cmd drivers/scsi/scsi_lib.c:1520 [inline]\n scsi_queue_rq+0x16b0/0x2d40 drivers/scsi/scsi_lib.c:1699\n blk_mq_dispatch_rq_list+0xb9b/0x2700 block/blk-mq.c:1639\n __blk_mq_sched_dispatch_requests+0x28f/0x590 block/blk-mq-sched.c:325\n blk_mq_sched_dispatch_requests+0x105/0x190 block/blk-mq-sched.c:358\n __blk_mq_run_hw_queue+0xe5/0x150 block/blk-mq.c:1761\n __blk_mq_delay_run_hw_queue+0x4f8/0x5c0 block/blk-mq.c:1838\n blk_mq_run_hw_queue+0x18d/0x350 block/blk-mq.c:1891\n blk_mq_sched_insert_request+0x3db/0x4e0 block/blk-mq-sched.c:474\n blk_execute_rq_nowait+0x16b/0x1c0 block/blk-exec.c:62\n sg_common_write.isra.18+0xeb3/0x2000 drivers/scsi/sg.c:836\n sg_new_write.isra.19+0x570/0x8c0 drivers/scsi/sg.c:774\n sg_ioctl_common+0x14d6/0x2710 drivers/scsi/sg.c:939\n sg_ioctl+0xa2/0x180 drivers/scsi/sg.c:1165\n vfs_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:51 [inline]\n __do_sys_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:874 [inline]\n __se_sys_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:860 [inline]\n __x64_sys_ioctl+0x19d/0x220 fs/ioctl.c:860\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0x3a/0x80 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2021-47580 was patched at 2024-06-30

299. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47583) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: media: mxl111sf: change mutex_init() location Syzbot reported, that mxl111sf_ctrl_msg() uses uninitialized mutex. The problem was in wrong mutex_init() location. Previous mutex_init(&state->msg_lock) call was in ->init() function, but dvb_usbv2_init() has this order of calls: \tdvb_usbv2_init() \t dvb_usbv2_adapter_init() \t dvb_usbv2_adapter_frontend_init() \t props->frontend_attach() \t props->init() Since mxl111sf_* devices call mxl111sf_ctrl_msg() in ->frontend_attach() internally we need to initialize state->msg_lock before frontend_attach(). To achieve it, ->probe() call added to all mxl111sf_* devices, which will simply initiaize mutex.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmedia: mxl111sf: change mutex_init() location\n\nSyzbot reported, that mxl111sf_ctrl_msg() uses uninitialized\nmutex. The problem was in wrong mutex_init() location.\n\nPrevious mutex_init(&state->msg_lock) call was in ->init() function, but\ndvb_usbv2_init() has this order of calls:\n\n\tdvb_usbv2_init()\n\t dvb_usbv2_adapter_init()\n\t dvb_usbv2_adapter_frontend_init()\n\t props->frontend_attach()\n\n\t props->init()\n\nSince mxl111sf_* devices call mxl111sf_ctrl_msg() in ->frontend_attach()\ninternally we need to initialize state->msg_lock before\nfrontend_attach(). To achieve it, ->probe() call added to all mxl111sf_*\ndevices, which will simply initiaize mutex.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2021-47583 was patched at 2024-06-30

300. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47584) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: iocost: Fix divide-by-zero on donation from low hweight cgroup The donation calculation logic assumes that the donor has non-zero after-donation hweight, so the lowest active hweight a donating cgroup can have is 2 so that it can donate 1 while keeping the other 1 for itself. Earlier, we only donated from cgroups with sizable surpluses so this condition was always true. However, with the precise donation algorithm implemented, f1de2439ec43 ("blk-iocost: revamp donation amount determination") made the donation amount calculation exact enabling even low hweight cgroups to donate. This means that in rare occasions, a cgroup with active hweight of 1 can enter donation calculation triggering the following warning and then a divide-by-zero oops. WARNING: CPU: 4 PID: 0 at block/blk-iocost.c:1928 transfer_surpluses.cold+0x0/0x53 [884/94867] ... RIP: 0010:transfer_surpluses.cold+0x0/0x53 Code: 92 ff 48 c7 c7 28 d1 ab b5 65 48 8b 34 25 00 ae 01 00 48 81 c6 90 06 00 00 e8 8b 3f fe ff 48 c7 c0 ea ff ff ff e9 95 ff 92 ff <0f> 0b 48 c7 c7 30 da ab b5 e8 71 3f fe ff 4c 89 e8 4d 85 ed 74 0 4 ... Call Trace: <IRQ> ioc_timer_fn+0x1043/0x1390 call_timer_fn+0xa1/0x2c0 __run_timers.part.0+0x1ec/0x2e0 run_timer_softirq+0x35/0x70 ... iocg: invalid donation weights in /a/b: active=1 donating=1 after=0 Fix it by excluding cgroups w/ active hweight < 2 from donating. Excluding these extreme low hweight donations shouldn't affect work conservation in any meaningful way.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\niocost: Fix divide-by-zero on donation from low hweight cgroup\n\nThe donation calculation logic assumes that the donor has non-zero\nafter-donation hweight, so the lowest active hweight a donating cgroup can\nhave is 2 so that it can donate 1 while keeping the other 1 for itself.\nEarlier, we only donated from cgroups with sizable surpluses so this\ncondition was always true. However, with the precise donation algorithm\nimplemented, f1de2439ec43 ("blk-iocost: revamp donation amount\ndetermination") made the donation amount calculation exact enabling even low\nhweight cgroups to donate.\n\nThis means that in rare occasions, a cgroup with active hweight of 1 can\nenter donation calculation triggering the following warning and then a\ndivide-by-zero oops.\n\n WARNING: CPU: 4 PID: 0 at block/blk-iocost.c:1928 transfer_surpluses.cold+0x0/0x53 [884/94867]\n ...\n RIP: 0010:transfer_surpluses.cold+0x0/0x53\n Code: 92 ff 48 c7 c7 28 d1 ab b5 65 48 8b 34 25 00 ae 01 00 48 81 c6 90 06 00 00 e8 8b 3f fe ff 48 c7 c0 ea ff ff ff e9 95 ff 92 ff <0f> 0b 48 c7 c7 30 da ab b5 e8 71 3f fe ff 4c 89 e8 4d 85 ed 74 0\n4\n ...\n Call Trace:\n <IRQ>\n ioc_timer_fn+0x1043/0x1390\n call_timer_fn+0xa1/0x2c0\n __run_timers.part.0+0x1ec/0x2e0\n run_timer_softirq+0x35/0x70\n ...\n iocg: invalid donation weights in /a/b: active=1 donating=1 after=0\n\nFix it by excluding cgroups w/ active hweight < 2 from donating. Excluding\nthese extreme low hweight donations shouldn't affect work conservation in\nany meaningful way.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2021-47584 was patched at 2024-06-30

301. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47593) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mptcp: clear 'kern' flag from fallback sockets The mptcp ULP extension relies on sk->sk_sock_kern being set correctly: It prevents setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_ULP, "mptcp", 6); from working for plain tcp sockets (any userspace-exposed socket). But in case of fallback, accept() can return a plain tcp sk. In such case, sk is still tagged as 'kernel' and setsockopt will work. This will crash the kernel, The subflow extension has a NULL ctx->conn mptcp socket: BUG: KASAN: null-ptr-deref in subflow_data_ready+0x181/0x2b0 Call Trace: tcp_data_ready+0xf8/0x370 [..]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmptcp: clear 'kern' flag from fallback sockets\n\nThe mptcp ULP extension relies on sk->sk_sock_kern being set correctly:\nIt prevents setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_ULP, "mptcp", 6); from\nworking for plain tcp sockets (any userspace-exposed socket).\n\nBut in case of fallback, accept() can return a plain tcp sk.\nIn such case, sk is still tagged as 'kernel' and setsockopt will work.\n\nThis will crash the kernel, The subflow extension has a NULL ctx->conn\nmptcp socket:\n\nBUG: KASAN: null-ptr-deref in subflow_data_ready+0x181/0x2b0\nCall Trace:\n tcp_data_ready+0xf8/0x370\n [..]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2021-47593 was patched at 2024-06-30

302. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47595) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/sched: sch_ets: don't remove idle classes from the round-robin list Shuang reported that the following script: 1) tc qdisc add dev ddd0 handle 10: parent 1: ets bands 8 strict 4 priomap 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 2) mausezahn ddd0 -A -B -c 0 -a own -b 00:c1:a0:c1:a0:00 -t udp & 3) tc qdisc change dev ddd0 handle 10: ets bands 4 strict 2 quanta 2500 2500 priomap 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 crashes systematically when line 2) is commented: list_del corruption, ffff8e028404bd30->next is LIST_POISON1 (dead000000000100) ------------[ cut here ]------------ kernel BUG at lib/list_debug.c:47! invalid opcode: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP NOPTI CPU: 0 PID: 954 Comm: tc Not tainted 5.16.0-rc4+ #478 Hardware name: Red Hat KVM, BIOS 1.11.1-4.module+el8.1.0+4066+0f1aadab 04/01/2014 RIP: 0010:__list_del_entry_valid.cold.1+0x12/0x47 Code: fe ff 0f 0b 48 89 c1 4c 89 c6 48 c7 c7 08 42 1b 87 e8 1d c5 fe ff 0f 0b 48 89 fe 48 89 c2 48 c7 c7 98 42 1b 87 e8 09 c5 fe ff <0f> 0b 48 c7 c7 48 43 1b 87 e8 fb c4 fe ff 0f 0b 48 89 f2 48 89 fe RSP: 0018:ffffae46807a3888 EFLAGS: 00010246 RAX: 000000000000004e RBX: 0000000000000007 RCX: 0000000000000202 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: ffffffff871ac536 RDI: 00000000ffffffff RBP: ffffae46807a3a10 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: c0000000ffff7fff R10: 0000000000000001 R11: ffffae46807a36a8 R12: ffff8e028404b800 R13: ffff8e028404bd30 R14: dead000000000100 R15: ffff8e02fafa2400 FS: 00007efdc92e4480(0000) GS:ffff8e02fb600000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 0000000000682f48 CR3: 00000001058be000 CR4: 0000000000350ef0 Call Trace: <TASK> ets_qdisc_change+0x58b/0xa70 [sch_ets] tc_modify_qdisc+0x323/0x880 rtnetlink_rcv_msg+0x169/0x4a0 netlink_rcv_skb+0x50/0x100 netlink_unicast+0x1a5/0x280 netlink_sendmsg+0x257/0x4d0 sock_sendmsg+0x5b/0x60 ____sys_sendmsg+0x1f2/0x260 ___sys_sendmsg+0x7c/0xc0 __sys_sendmsg+0x57/0xa0 do_syscall_64+0x3a/0x80 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae RIP: 0033:0x7efdc8031338 Code: 89 02 48 c7 c0 ff ff ff ff eb b5 0f 1f 80 00 00 00 00 f3 0f 1e fa 48 8d 05 25 43 2c 00 8b 00 85 c0 75 17 b8 2e 00 00 00 0f 05 <48> 3d 00 f0 ff ff 77 58 c3 0f 1f 80 00 00 00 00 41 54 41 89 d4 55 RSP: 002b:00007ffdf1ce9828 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 000000000000002e RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 0000000061b37a97 RCX: 00007efdc8031338 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 00007ffdf1ce9890 RDI: 0000000000000003 RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000001 R09: 000000000078a940 R10: 000000000000000c R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 0000000000000001 R13: 0000000000688880 R14: 0000000000000000 R15: 0000000000000000 </TASK> Modules linked in: sch_ets sch_tbf dummy rfkill iTCO_wdt iTCO_vendor_support intel_rapl_msr intel_rapl_common joydev pcspkr i2c_i801 virtio_balloon i2c_smbus lpc_ich ip_tables xfs libcrc32c crct10dif_pclmul crc32_pclmul crc32c_intel serio_raw ghash_clmulni_intel ahci libahci libata virtio_blk virtio_console virtio_net net_failover failover sunrpc dm_mirror dm_region_hash dm_log dm_mod [last unloaded: sch_ets] ---[ end trace f35878d1912655c2 ]--- RIP: 0010:__list_del_entry_valid.cold.1+0x12/0x47 Code: fe ff 0f 0b 48 89 c1 4c 89 c6 48 c7 c7 08 42 1b 87 e8 1d c5 fe ff 0f 0b 48 89 fe 48 89 c2 48 c7 c7 98 42 1b 87 e8 09 c5 fe ff <0f> 0b 48 c7 c7 48 43 1b 87 e8 fb c4 fe ff 0f 0b 48 89 f2 48 89 fe RSP: 0018:ffffae46807a3888 EFLAGS: 00010246 RAX: 000000000000004e RBX: 0000000000000007 RCX: 0000000000000202 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: ffffffff871ac536 RDI: 00000000ffffffff RBP: ffffae46807a3a10 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: c0000000ffff7fff R10: 0000000000000001 R11: ffffae46807a36a8 R12: ffff8e028404b800 R13: ffff8e028404bd30 R14: dead000000000100 R15: ffff8e02fafa2400 FS: 00007efdc92e4480(0000) GS:ffff8e02fb600000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 000000000 ---truncated---', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet/sched: sch_ets: don't remove idle classes from the round-robin list\n\nShuang reported that the following script:\n\n 1) tc qdisc add dev ddd0 handle 10: parent 1: ets bands 8 strict 4 priomap 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7\n 2) mausezahn ddd0 -A -B -c 0 -a own -b 00:c1:a0:c1:a0:00 -t udp &\n 3) tc qdisc change dev ddd0 handle 10: ets bands 4 strict 2 quanta 2500 2500 priomap 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3\n\ncrashes systematically when line 2) is commented:\n\n list_del corruption, ffff8e028404bd30->next is LIST_POISON1 (dead000000000100)\n ------------[ cut here ]------------\n kernel BUG at lib/list_debug.c:47!\n invalid opcode: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP NOPTI\n CPU: 0 PID: 954 Comm: tc Not tainted 5.16.0-rc4+ #478\n Hardware name: Red Hat KVM, BIOS 1.11.1-4.module+el8.1.0+4066+0f1aadab 04/01/2014\n RIP: 0010:__list_del_entry_valid.cold.1+0x12/0x47\n Code: fe ff 0f 0b 48 89 c1 4c 89 c6 48 c7 c7 08 42 1b 87 e8 1d c5 fe ff 0f 0b 48 89 fe 48 89 c2 48 c7 c7 98 42 1b 87 e8 09 c5 fe ff <0f> 0b 48 c7 c7 48 43 1b 87 e8 fb c4 fe ff 0f 0b 48 89 f2 48 89 fe\n RSP: 0018:ffffae46807a3888 EFLAGS: 00010246\n RAX: 000000000000004e RBX: 0000000000000007 RCX: 0000000000000202\n RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: ffffffff871ac536 RDI: 00000000ffffffff\n RBP: ffffae46807a3a10 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: c0000000ffff7fff\n R10: 0000000000000001 R11: ffffae46807a36a8 R12: ffff8e028404b800\n R13: ffff8e028404bd30 R14: dead000000000100 R15: ffff8e02fafa2400\n FS: 00007efdc92e4480(0000) GS:ffff8e02fb600000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\n CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\n CR2: 0000000000682f48 CR3: 00000001058be000 CR4: 0000000000350ef0\n Call Trace:\n <TASK>\n ets_qdisc_change+0x58b/0xa70 [sch_ets]\n tc_modify_qdisc+0x323/0x880\n rtnetlink_rcv_msg+0x169/0x4a0\n netlink_rcv_skb+0x50/0x100\n netlink_unicast+0x1a5/0x280\n netlink_sendmsg+0x257/0x4d0\n sock_sendmsg+0x5b/0x60\n ____sys_sendmsg+0x1f2/0x260\n ___sys_sendmsg+0x7c/0xc0\n __sys_sendmsg+0x57/0xa0\n do_syscall_64+0x3a/0x80\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae\n RIP: 0033:0x7efdc8031338\n Code: 89 02 48 c7 c0 ff ff ff ff eb b5 0f 1f 80 00 00 00 00 f3 0f 1e fa 48 8d 05 25 43 2c 00 8b 00 85 c0 75 17 b8 2e 00 00 00 0f 05 <48> 3d 00 f0 ff ff 77 58 c3 0f 1f 80 00 00 00 00 41 54 41 89 d4 55\n RSP: 002b:00007ffdf1ce9828 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 000000000000002e\n RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 0000000061b37a97 RCX: 00007efdc8031338\n RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 00007ffdf1ce9890 RDI: 0000000000000003\n RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000001 R09: 000000000078a940\n R10: 000000000000000c R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 0000000000000001\n R13: 0000000000688880 R14: 0000000000000000 R15: 0000000000000000\n </TASK>\n Modules linked in: sch_ets sch_tbf dummy rfkill iTCO_wdt iTCO_vendor_support intel_rapl_msr intel_rapl_common joydev pcspkr i2c_i801 virtio_balloon i2c_smbus lpc_ich ip_tables xfs libcrc32c crct10dif_pclmul crc32_pclmul crc32c_intel serio_raw ghash_clmulni_intel ahci libahci libata virtio_blk virtio_console virtio_net net_failover failover sunrpc dm_mirror dm_region_hash dm_log dm_mod [last unloaded: sch_ets]\n ---[ end trace f35878d1912655c2 ]---\n RIP: 0010:__list_del_entry_valid.cold.1+0x12/0x47\n Code: fe ff 0f 0b 48 89 c1 4c 89 c6 48 c7 c7 08 42 1b 87 e8 1d c5 fe ff 0f 0b 48 89 fe 48 89 c2 48 c7 c7 98 42 1b 87 e8 09 c5 fe ff <0f> 0b 48 c7 c7 48 43 1b 87 e8 fb c4 fe ff 0f 0b 48 89 f2 48 89 fe\n RSP: 0018:ffffae46807a3888 EFLAGS: 00010246\n RAX: 000000000000004e RBX: 0000000000000007 RCX: 0000000000000202\n RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: ffffffff871ac536 RDI: 00000000ffffffff\n RBP: ffffae46807a3a10 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: c0000000ffff7fff\n R10: 0000000000000001 R11: ffffae46807a36a8 R12: ffff8e028404b800\n R13: ffff8e028404bd30 R14: dead000000000100 R15: ffff8e02fafa2400\n FS: 00007efdc92e4480(0000) GS:ffff8e02fb600000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\n CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\n CR2: 000000000\n---truncated---', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2021-47595 was patched at 2024-06-30

303. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47597) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: inet_diag: fix kernel-infoleak for UDP sockets KMSAN reported a kernel-infoleak [1], that can exploited by unpriv users. After analysis it turned out UDP was not initializing r->idiag_expires. Other users of inet_sk_diag_fill() might make the same mistake in the future, so fix this in inet_sk_diag_fill(). [1] BUG: KMSAN: kernel-infoleak in instrument_copy_to_user include/linux/instrumented.h:121 [inline] BUG: KMSAN: kernel-infoleak in copyout lib/iov_iter.c:156 [inline] BUG: KMSAN: kernel-infoleak in _copy_to_iter+0x69d/0x25c0 lib/iov_iter.c:670 instrument_copy_to_user include/linux/instrumented.h:121 [inline] copyout lib/iov_iter.c:156 [inline] _copy_to_iter+0x69d/0x25c0 lib/iov_iter.c:670 copy_to_iter include/linux/uio.h:155 [inline] simple_copy_to_iter+0xf3/0x140 net/core/datagram.c:519 __skb_datagram_iter+0x2cb/0x1280 net/core/datagram.c:425 skb_copy_datagram_iter+0xdc/0x270 net/core/datagram.c:533 skb_copy_datagram_msg include/linux/skbuff.h:3657 [inline] netlink_recvmsg+0x660/0x1c60 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1974 sock_recvmsg_nosec net/socket.c:944 [inline] sock_recvmsg net/socket.c:962 [inline] sock_read_iter+0x5a9/0x630 net/socket.c:1035 call_read_iter include/linux/fs.h:2156 [inline] new_sync_read fs/read_write.c:400 [inline] vfs_read+0x1631/0x1980 fs/read_write.c:481 ksys_read+0x28c/0x520 fs/read_write.c:619 __do_sys_read fs/read_write.c:629 [inline] __se_sys_read fs/read_write.c:627 [inline] __x64_sys_read+0xdb/0x120 fs/read_write.c:627 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:51 [inline] do_syscall_64+0x54/0xd0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:82 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae Uninit was created at: slab_post_alloc_hook mm/slab.h:524 [inline] slab_alloc_node mm/slub.c:3251 [inline] __kmalloc_node_track_caller+0xe0c/0x1510 mm/slub.c:4974 kmalloc_reserve net/core/skbuff.c:354 [inline] __alloc_skb+0x545/0xf90 net/core/skbuff.c:426 alloc_skb include/linux/skbuff.h:1126 [inline] netlink_dump+0x3d5/0x16a0 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2245 __netlink_dump_start+0xd1c/0xee0 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2370 netlink_dump_start include/linux/netlink.h:254 [inline] inet_diag_handler_cmd+0x2e7/0x400 net/ipv4/inet_diag.c:1343 sock_diag_rcv_msg+0x24a/0x620 netlink_rcv_skb+0x447/0x800 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2491 sock_diag_rcv+0x63/0x80 net/core/sock_diag.c:276 netlink_unicast_kernel net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1319 [inline] netlink_unicast+0x1095/0x1360 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1345 netlink_sendmsg+0x16f3/0x1870 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1916 sock_sendmsg_nosec net/socket.c:704 [inline] sock_sendmsg net/socket.c:724 [inline] sock_write_iter+0x594/0x690 net/socket.c:1057 do_iter_readv_writev+0xa7f/0xc70 do_iter_write+0x52c/0x1500 fs/read_write.c:851 vfs_writev fs/read_write.c:924 [inline] do_writev+0x63f/0xe30 fs/read_write.c:967 __do_sys_writev fs/read_write.c:1040 [inline] __se_sys_writev fs/read_write.c:1037 [inline] __x64_sys_writev+0xe5/0x120 fs/read_write.c:1037 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:51 [inline] do_syscall_64+0x54/0xd0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:82 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae Bytes 68-71 of 312 are uninitialized Memory access of size 312 starts at ffff88812ab54000 Data copied to user address 0000000020001440 CPU: 1 PID: 6365 Comm: syz-executor801 Not tainted 5.16.0-rc3-syzkaller #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/2011', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ninet_diag: fix kernel-infoleak for UDP sockets\n\nKMSAN reported a kernel-infoleak [1], that can exploited\nby unpriv users.\n\nAfter analysis it turned out UDP was not initializing\nr->idiag_expires. Other users of inet_sk_diag_fill()\nmight make the same mistake in the future, so fix this\nin inet_sk_diag_fill().\n\n[1]\nBUG: KMSAN: kernel-infoleak in instrument_copy_to_user include/linux/instrumented.h:121 [inline]\nBUG: KMSAN: kernel-infoleak in copyout lib/iov_iter.c:156 [inline]\nBUG: KMSAN: kernel-infoleak in _copy_to_iter+0x69d/0x25c0 lib/iov_iter.c:670\n instrument_copy_to_user include/linux/instrumented.h:121 [inline]\n copyout lib/iov_iter.c:156 [inline]\n _copy_to_iter+0x69d/0x25c0 lib/iov_iter.c:670\n copy_to_iter include/linux/uio.h:155 [inline]\n simple_copy_to_iter+0xf3/0x140 net/core/datagram.c:519\n __skb_datagram_iter+0x2cb/0x1280 net/core/datagram.c:425\n skb_copy_datagram_iter+0xdc/0x270 net/core/datagram.c:533\n skb_copy_datagram_msg include/linux/skbuff.h:3657 [inline]\n netlink_recvmsg+0x660/0x1c60 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1974\n sock_recvmsg_nosec net/socket.c:944 [inline]\n sock_recvmsg net/socket.c:962 [inline]\n sock_read_iter+0x5a9/0x630 net/socket.c:1035\n call_read_iter include/linux/fs.h:2156 [inline]\n new_sync_read fs/read_write.c:400 [inline]\n vfs_read+0x1631/0x1980 fs/read_write.c:481\n ksys_read+0x28c/0x520 fs/read_write.c:619\n __do_sys_read fs/read_write.c:629 [inline]\n __se_sys_read fs/read_write.c:627 [inline]\n __x64_sys_read+0xdb/0x120 fs/read_write.c:627\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:51 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0x54/0xd0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:82\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae\n\nUninit was created at:\n slab_post_alloc_hook mm/slab.h:524 [inline]\n slab_alloc_node mm/slub.c:3251 [inline]\n __kmalloc_node_track_caller+0xe0c/0x1510 mm/slub.c:4974\n kmalloc_reserve net/core/skbuff.c:354 [inline]\n __alloc_skb+0x545/0xf90 net/core/skbuff.c:426\n alloc_skb include/linux/skbuff.h:1126 [inline]\n netlink_dump+0x3d5/0x16a0 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2245\n __netlink_dump_start+0xd1c/0xee0 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2370\n netlink_dump_start include/linux/netlink.h:254 [inline]\n inet_diag_handler_cmd+0x2e7/0x400 net/ipv4/inet_diag.c:1343\n sock_diag_rcv_msg+0x24a/0x620\n netlink_rcv_skb+0x447/0x800 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2491\n sock_diag_rcv+0x63/0x80 net/core/sock_diag.c:276\n netlink_unicast_kernel net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1319 [inline]\n netlink_unicast+0x1095/0x1360 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1345\n netlink_sendmsg+0x16f3/0x1870 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1916\n sock_sendmsg_nosec net/socket.c:704 [inline]\n sock_sendmsg net/socket.c:724 [inline]\n sock_write_iter+0x594/0x690 net/socket.c:1057\n do_iter_readv_writev+0xa7f/0xc70\n do_iter_write+0x52c/0x1500 fs/read_write.c:851\n vfs_writev fs/read_write.c:924 [inline]\n do_writev+0x63f/0xe30 fs/read_write.c:967\n __do_sys_writev fs/read_write.c:1040 [inline]\n __se_sys_writev fs/read_write.c:1037 [inline]\n __x64_sys_writev+0xe5/0x120 fs/read_write.c:1037\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:51 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0x54/0xd0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:82\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae\n\nBytes 68-71 of 312 are uninitialized\nMemory access of size 312 starts at ffff88812ab54000\nData copied to user address 0000000020001440\n\nCPU: 1 PID: 6365 Comm: syz-executor801 Not tainted 5.16.0-rc3-syzkaller #0\nHardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/2011', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2021-47597 was patched at 2024-06-30

304. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47598) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: sch_cake: do not call cake_destroy() from cake_init() qdiscs are not supposed to call their own destroy() method from init(), because core stack already does that. syzbot was able to trigger use after free: DEBUG_LOCKS_WARN_ON(lock->magic != lock) WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 21902 at kernel/locking/mutex.c:586 __mutex_lock_common kernel/locking/mutex.c:586 [inline] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 21902 at kernel/locking/mutex.c:586 __mutex_lock+0x9ec/0x12f0 kernel/locking/mutex.c:740 Modules linked in: CPU: 0 PID: 21902 Comm: syz-executor189 Not tainted 5.16.0-rc4-syzkaller #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/2011 RIP: 0010:__mutex_lock_common kernel/locking/mutex.c:586 [inline] RIP: 0010:__mutex_lock+0x9ec/0x12f0 kernel/locking/mutex.c:740 Code: 08 84 d2 0f 85 19 08 00 00 8b 05 97 38 4b 04 85 c0 0f 85 27 f7 ff ff 48 c7 c6 20 00 ac 89 48 c7 c7 a0 fe ab 89 e8 bf 76 ba ff <0f> 0b e9 0d f7 ff ff 48 8b 44 24 40 48 8d b8 c8 08 00 00 48 89 f8 RSP: 0018:ffffc9000627f290 EFLAGS: 00010282 RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: 0000000000000000 RCX: 0000000000000000 RDX: ffff88802315d700 RSI: ffffffff815f1db8 RDI: fffff52000c4fe44 RBP: ffff88818f28e000 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000 R10: ffffffff815ebb5e R11: 0000000000000000 R12: 0000000000000000 R13: dffffc0000000000 R14: ffffc9000627f458 R15: 0000000093c30000 FS: 0000555556abc400(0000) GS:ffff8880b9c00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 00007fda689c3303 CR3: 000000001cfbb000 CR4: 0000000000350ef0 Call Trace: <TASK> tcf_chain0_head_change_cb_del+0x2e/0x3d0 net/sched/cls_api.c:810 tcf_block_put_ext net/sched/cls_api.c:1381 [inline] tcf_block_put_ext net/sched/cls_api.c:1376 [inline] tcf_block_put+0xbc/0x130 net/sched/cls_api.c:1394 cake_destroy+0x3f/0x80 net/sched/sch_cake.c:2695 qdisc_create.constprop.0+0x9da/0x10f0 net/sched/sch_api.c:1293 tc_modify_qdisc+0x4c5/0x1980 net/sched/sch_api.c:1660 rtnetlink_rcv_msg+0x413/0xb80 net/core/rtnetlink.c:5571 netlink_rcv_skb+0x153/0x420 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2496 netlink_unicast_kernel net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1319 [inline] netlink_unicast+0x533/0x7d0 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1345 netlink_sendmsg+0x904/0xdf0 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1921 sock_sendmsg_nosec net/socket.c:704 [inline] sock_sendmsg+0xcf/0x120 net/socket.c:724 ____sys_sendmsg+0x6e8/0x810 net/socket.c:2409 ___sys_sendmsg+0xf3/0x170 net/socket.c:2463 __sys_sendmsg+0xe5/0x1b0 net/socket.c:2492 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline] do_syscall_64+0x35/0xb0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae RIP: 0033:0x7f1bb06badb9 Code: Unable to access opcode bytes at RIP 0x7f1bb06bad8f. RSP: 002b:00007fff3012a658 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 000000000000002e RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 0000000000000003 RCX: 00007f1bb06badb9 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 00000000200007c0 RDI: 0000000000000003 RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000003 R09: 0000000000000003 R10: 0000000000000003 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 00007fff3012a688 R13: 00007fff3012a6a0 R14: 00007fff3012a6e0 R15: 00000000000013c2 </TASK>', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nsch_cake: do not call cake_destroy() from cake_init()\n\nqdiscs are not supposed to call their own destroy() method\nfrom init(), because core stack already does that.\n\nsyzbot was able to trigger use after free:\n\nDEBUG_LOCKS_WARN_ON(lock->magic != lock)\nWARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 21902 at kernel/locking/mutex.c:586 __mutex_lock_common kernel/locking/mutex.c:586 [inline]\nWARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 21902 at kernel/locking/mutex.c:586 __mutex_lock+0x9ec/0x12f0 kernel/locking/mutex.c:740\nModules linked in:\nCPU: 0 PID: 21902 Comm: syz-executor189 Not tainted 5.16.0-rc4-syzkaller #0\nHardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/2011\nRIP: 0010:__mutex_lock_common kernel/locking/mutex.c:586 [inline]\nRIP: 0010:__mutex_lock+0x9ec/0x12f0 kernel/locking/mutex.c:740\nCode: 08 84 d2 0f 85 19 08 00 00 8b 05 97 38 4b 04 85 c0 0f 85 27 f7 ff ff 48 c7 c6 20 00 ac 89 48 c7 c7 a0 fe ab 89 e8 bf 76 ba ff <0f> 0b e9 0d f7 ff ff 48 8b 44 24 40 48 8d b8 c8 08 00 00 48 89 f8\nRSP: 0018:ffffc9000627f290 EFLAGS: 00010282\nRAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: 0000000000000000 RCX: 0000000000000000\nRDX: ffff88802315d700 RSI: ffffffff815f1db8 RDI: fffff52000c4fe44\nRBP: ffff88818f28e000 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000\nR10: ffffffff815ebb5e R11: 0000000000000000 R12: 0000000000000000\nR13: dffffc0000000000 R14: ffffc9000627f458 R15: 0000000093c30000\nFS: 0000555556abc400(0000) GS:ffff8880b9c00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\nCS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\nCR2: 00007fda689c3303 CR3: 000000001cfbb000 CR4: 0000000000350ef0\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n tcf_chain0_head_change_cb_del+0x2e/0x3d0 net/sched/cls_api.c:810\n tcf_block_put_ext net/sched/cls_api.c:1381 [inline]\n tcf_block_put_ext net/sched/cls_api.c:1376 [inline]\n tcf_block_put+0xbc/0x130 net/sched/cls_api.c:1394\n cake_destroy+0x3f/0x80 net/sched/sch_cake.c:2695\n qdisc_create.constprop.0+0x9da/0x10f0 net/sched/sch_api.c:1293\n tc_modify_qdisc+0x4c5/0x1980 net/sched/sch_api.c:1660\n rtnetlink_rcv_msg+0x413/0xb80 net/core/rtnetlink.c:5571\n netlink_rcv_skb+0x153/0x420 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2496\n netlink_unicast_kernel net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1319 [inline]\n netlink_unicast+0x533/0x7d0 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1345\n netlink_sendmsg+0x904/0xdf0 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1921\n sock_sendmsg_nosec net/socket.c:704 [inline]\n sock_sendmsg+0xcf/0x120 net/socket.c:724\n ____sys_sendmsg+0x6e8/0x810 net/socket.c:2409\n ___sys_sendmsg+0xf3/0x170 net/socket.c:2463\n __sys_sendmsg+0xe5/0x1b0 net/socket.c:2492\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0x35/0xb0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae\nRIP: 0033:0x7f1bb06badb9\nCode: Unable to access opcode bytes at RIP 0x7f1bb06bad8f.\nRSP: 002b:00007fff3012a658 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 000000000000002e\nRAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 0000000000000003 RCX: 00007f1bb06badb9\nRDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 00000000200007c0 RDI: 0000000000000003\nRBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000003 R09: 0000000000000003\nR10: 0000000000000003 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 00007fff3012a688\nR13: 00007fff3012a6a0 R14: 00007fff3012a6e0 R15: 00000000000013c2\n </TASK>', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2021-47598 was patched at 2024-06-30

305. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47601) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: tee: amdtee: fix an IS_ERR() vs NULL bug The __get_free_pages() function does not return error pointers it returns NULL so fix this condition to avoid a NULL dereference.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ntee: amdtee: fix an IS_ERR() vs NULL bug\n\nThe __get_free_pages() function does not return error pointers it returns\nNULL so fix this condition to avoid a NULL dereference.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2021-47601 was patched at 2024-06-30

306. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47602) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mac80211: track only QoS data frames for admission control For admission control, obviously all of that only works for QoS data frames, otherwise we cannot even access the QoS field in the header. Syzbot reported (see below) an uninitialized value here due to a status of a non-QoS nullfunc packet, which isn't even long enough to contain the QoS header. Fix this to only do anything for QoS data packets.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmac80211: track only QoS data frames for admission control\n\nFor admission control, obviously all of that only works for\nQoS data frames, otherwise we cannot even access the QoS\nfield in the header.\n\nSyzbot reported (see below) an uninitialized value here due\nto a status of a non-QoS nullfunc packet, which isn't even\nlong enough to contain the QoS header.\n\nFix this to only do anything for QoS data packets.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2021-47602 was patched at 2024-06-30

307. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47611) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mac80211: validate extended element ID is present Before attempting to parse an extended element, verify that the extended element ID is present.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmac80211: validate extended element ID is present\n\nBefore attempting to parse an extended element, verify that\nthe extended element ID is present.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2021-47611 was patched at 2024-06-30

308. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47615) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: RDMA/mlx5: Fix releasing unallocated memory in dereg MR flow For the case of IB_MR_TYPE_DM the mr does doesn't have a umem, even though it is a user MR. This causes function mlx5_free_priv_descs() to think that it is a kernel MR, leading to wrongly accessing mr->descs that will get wrong values in the union which leads to attempt to release resources that were not allocated in the first place. For example: DMA-API: mlx5_core 0000:08:00.1: device driver tries to free DMA memory it has not allocated [device address=0x0000000000000000] [size=0 bytes] WARNING: CPU: 8 PID: 1021 at kernel/dma/debug.c:961 check_unmap+0x54f/0x8b0 RIP: 0010:check_unmap+0x54f/0x8b0 Call Trace: debug_dma_unmap_page+0x57/0x60 mlx5_free_priv_descs+0x57/0x70 [mlx5_ib] mlx5_ib_dereg_mr+0x1fb/0x3d0 [mlx5_ib] ib_dereg_mr_user+0x60/0x140 [ib_core] uverbs_destroy_uobject+0x59/0x210 [ib_uverbs] uobj_destroy+0x3f/0x80 [ib_uverbs] ib_uverbs_cmd_verbs+0x435/0xd10 [ib_uverbs] ? uverbs_finalize_object+0x50/0x50 [ib_uverbs] ? lock_acquire+0xc4/0x2e0 ? lock_acquired+0x12/0x380 ? lock_acquire+0xc4/0x2e0 ? lock_acquire+0xc4/0x2e0 ? ib_uverbs_ioctl+0x7c/0x140 [ib_uverbs] ? lock_release+0x28a/0x400 ib_uverbs_ioctl+0xc0/0x140 [ib_uverbs] ? ib_uverbs_ioctl+0x7c/0x140 [ib_uverbs] __x64_sys_ioctl+0x7f/0xb0 do_syscall_64+0x38/0x90 Fix it by reorganizing the dereg flow and mlx5_ib_mr structure: - Move the ib_umem field into the user MRs structure in the union as it's applicable only there. - Function mlx5_ib_dereg_mr() will now call mlx5_free_priv_descs() only in case there isn't udata, which indicates that this isn't a user MR.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nRDMA/mlx5: Fix releasing unallocated memory in dereg MR flow\n\nFor the case of IB_MR_TYPE_DM the mr does doesn't have a umem, even though\nit is a user MR. This causes function mlx5_free_priv_descs() to think that\nit is a kernel MR, leading to wrongly accessing mr->descs that will get\nwrong values in the union which leads to attempt to release resources that\nwere not allocated in the first place.\n\nFor example:\n DMA-API: mlx5_core 0000:08:00.1: device driver tries to free DMA memory it has not allocated [device address=0x0000000000000000] [size=0 bytes]\n WARNING: CPU: 8 PID: 1021 at kernel/dma/debug.c:961 check_unmap+0x54f/0x8b0\n RIP: 0010:check_unmap+0x54f/0x8b0\n Call Trace:\n debug_dma_unmap_page+0x57/0x60\n mlx5_free_priv_descs+0x57/0x70 [mlx5_ib]\n mlx5_ib_dereg_mr+0x1fb/0x3d0 [mlx5_ib]\n ib_dereg_mr_user+0x60/0x140 [ib_core]\n uverbs_destroy_uobject+0x59/0x210 [ib_uverbs]\n uobj_destroy+0x3f/0x80 [ib_uverbs]\n ib_uverbs_cmd_verbs+0x435/0xd10 [ib_uverbs]\n ? uverbs_finalize_object+0x50/0x50 [ib_uverbs]\n ? lock_acquire+0xc4/0x2e0\n ? lock_acquired+0x12/0x380\n ? lock_acquire+0xc4/0x2e0\n ? lock_acquire+0xc4/0x2e0\n ? ib_uverbs_ioctl+0x7c/0x140 [ib_uverbs]\n ? lock_release+0x28a/0x400\n ib_uverbs_ioctl+0xc0/0x140 [ib_uverbs]\n ? ib_uverbs_ioctl+0x7c/0x140 [ib_uverbs]\n __x64_sys_ioctl+0x7f/0xb0\n do_syscall_64+0x38/0x90\n\nFix it by reorganizing the dereg flow and mlx5_ib_mr structure:\n - Move the ib_umem field into the user MRs structure in the union as it's\n applicable only there.\n - Function mlx5_ib_dereg_mr() will now call mlx5_free_priv_descs() only\n in case there isn't udata, which indicates that this isn't a user MR.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2021-47615 was patched at 2024-06-30

309. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47618) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ARM: 9170/1: fix panic when kasan and kprobe are enabled arm32 uses software to simulate the instruction replaced by kprobe. some instructions may be simulated by constructing assembly functions. therefore, before executing instruction simulation, it is necessary to construct assembly function execution environment in C language through binding registers. after kasan is enabled, the register binding relationship will be destroyed, resulting in instruction simulation errors and causing kernel panic. the kprobe emulate instruction function is distributed in three files: actions-common.c actions-arm.c actions-thumb.c, so disable KASAN when compiling these files. for example, use kprobe insert on cap_capable+20 after kasan enabled, the cap_capable assembly code is as follows: <cap_capable>: e92d47f0\tpush\t{r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, lr} e1a05000\tmov\tr5, r0 e280006c\tadd\tr0, r0, #108 ; 0x6c e1a04001\tmov\tr4, r1 e1a06002\tmov\tr6, r2 e59fa090\tldr\tsl, [pc, #144] ; ebfc7bf8\tbl\tc03aa4b4 <__asan_load4> e595706c\tldr\tr7, [r5, #108] ; 0x6c e2859014\tadd\tr9, r5, #20 ...... The emulate_ldr assembly code after enabling kasan is as follows: c06f1384 <emulate_ldr>: e92d47f0\tpush\t{r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, lr} e282803c\tadd\tr8, r2, #60 ; 0x3c e1a05000\tmov\tr5, r0 e7e37855\tubfx\tr7, r5, #16, #4 e1a00008\tmov\tr0, r8 e1a09001\tmov\tr9, r1 e1a04002\tmov\tr4, r2 ebf35462\tbl\tc03c6530 <__asan_load4> e357000f\tcmp\tr7, #15 e7e36655\tubfx\tr6, r5, #12, #4 e205a00f\tand\tsl, r5, #15 0a000001\tbeq\tc06f13bc <emulate_ldr+0x38> e0840107\tadd\tr0, r4, r7, lsl #2 ebf3545c\tbl\tc03c6530 <__asan_load4> e084010a\tadd\tr0, r4, sl, lsl #2 ebf3545a\tbl\tc03c6530 <__asan_load4> e2890010\tadd\tr0, r9, #16 ebf35458\tbl\tc03c6530 <__asan_load4> e5990010\tldr\tr0, [r9, #16] e12fff30\tblx\tr0 e356000f\tcm\tr6, #15 1a000014\tbne\tc06f1430 <emulate_ldr+0xac> e1a06000\tmov\tr6, r0 e2840040\tadd\tr0, r4, #64 ; 0x40 ...... when running in emulate_ldr to simulate the ldr instruction, panic occurred, and the log is as follows: Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000090 pgd = ecb46400 [00000090] *pgd=2e0fa003, *pmd=00000000 Internal error: Oops: 206 [#1] SMP ARM PC is at cap_capable+0x14/0xb0 LR is at emulate_ldr+0x50/0xc0 psr: 600d0293 sp : ecd63af8 ip : 00000004 fp : c0a7c30c r10: 00000000 r9 : c30897f4 r8 : ecd63cd4 r7 : 0000000f r6 : 0000000a r5 : e59fa090 r4 : ecd63c98 r3 : c06ae294 r2 : 00000000 r1 : b7611300 r0 : bf4ec008 Flags: nZCv IRQs off FIQs on Mode SVC_32 ISA ARM Segment user Control: 32c5387d Table: 2d546400 DAC: 55555555 Process bash (pid: 1643, stack limit = 0xecd60190) (cap_capable) from (kprobe_handler+0x218/0x340) (kprobe_handler) from (kprobe_trap_handler+0x24/0x48) (kprobe_trap_handler) from (do_undefinstr+0x13c/0x364) (do_undefinstr) from (__und_svc_finish+0x0/0x30) (__und_svc_finish) from (cap_capable+0x18/0xb0) (cap_capable) from (cap_vm_enough_memory+0x38/0x48) (cap_vm_enough_memory) from (security_vm_enough_memory_mm+0x48/0x6c) (security_vm_enough_memory_mm) from (copy_process.constprop.5+0x16b4/0x25c8) (copy_process.constprop.5) from (_do_fork+0xe8/0x55c) (_do_fork) from (SyS_clone+0x1c/0x24) (SyS_clone) from (__sys_trace_return+0x0/0x10) Code: 0050a0e1 6c0080e2 0140a0e1 0260a0e1 (f801f0e7)', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nARM: 9170/1: fix panic when kasan and kprobe are enabled\n\narm32 uses software to simulate the instruction replaced\nby kprobe. some instructions may be simulated by constructing\nassembly functions. therefore, before executing instruction\nsimulation, it is necessary to construct assembly function\nexecution environment in C language through binding registers.\nafter kasan is enabled, the register binding relationship will\nbe destroyed, resulting in instruction simulation errors and\ncausing kernel panic.\n\nthe kprobe emulate instruction function is distributed in three\nfiles: actions-common.c actions-arm.c actions-thumb.c, so disable\nKASAN when compiling these files.\n\nfor example, use kprobe insert on cap_capable+20 after kasan\nenabled, the cap_capable assembly code is as follows:\n<cap_capable>:\ne92d47f0\tpush\t{r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, lr}\ne1a05000\tmov\tr5, r0\ne280006c\tadd\tr0, r0, #108 ; 0x6c\ne1a04001\tmov\tr4, r1\ne1a06002\tmov\tr6, r2\ne59fa090\tldr\tsl, [pc, #144] ;\nebfc7bf8\tbl\tc03aa4b4 <__asan_load4>\ne595706c\tldr\tr7, [r5, #108] ; 0x6c\ne2859014\tadd\tr9, r5, #20\n......\nThe emulate_ldr assembly code after enabling kasan is as follows:\nc06f1384 <emulate_ldr>:\ne92d47f0\tpush\t{r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, lr}\ne282803c\tadd\tr8, r2, #60 ; 0x3c\ne1a05000\tmov\tr5, r0\ne7e37855\tubfx\tr7, r5, #16, #4\ne1a00008\tmov\tr0, r8\ne1a09001\tmov\tr9, r1\ne1a04002\tmov\tr4, r2\nebf35462\tbl\tc03c6530 <__asan_load4>\ne357000f\tcmp\tr7, #15\ne7e36655\tubfx\tr6, r5, #12, #4\ne205a00f\tand\tsl, r5, #15\n0a000001\tbeq\tc06f13bc <emulate_ldr+0x38>\ne0840107\tadd\tr0, r4, r7, lsl #2\nebf3545c\tbl\tc03c6530 <__asan_load4>\ne084010a\tadd\tr0, r4, sl, lsl #2\nebf3545a\tbl\tc03c6530 <__asan_load4>\ne2890010\tadd\tr0, r9, #16\nebf35458\tbl\tc03c6530 <__asan_load4>\ne5990010\tldr\tr0, [r9, #16]\ne12fff30\tblx\tr0\ne356000f\tcm\tr6, #15\n1a000014\tbne\tc06f1430 <emulate_ldr+0xac>\ne1a06000\tmov\tr6, r0\ne2840040\tadd\tr0, r4, #64 ; 0x40\n......\n\nwhen running in emulate_ldr to simulate the ldr instruction, panic\noccurred, and the log is as follows:\nUnable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address\n00000090\npgd = ecb46400\n[00000090] *pgd=2e0fa003, *pmd=00000000\nInternal error: Oops: 206 [#1] SMP ARM\nPC is at cap_capable+0x14/0xb0\nLR is at emulate_ldr+0x50/0xc0\npsr: 600d0293 sp : ecd63af8 ip : 00000004 fp : c0a7c30c\nr10: 00000000 r9 : c30897f4 r8 : ecd63cd4\nr7 : 0000000f r6 : 0000000a r5 : e59fa090 r4 : ecd63c98\nr3 : c06ae294 r2 : 00000000 r1 : b7611300 r0 : bf4ec008\nFlags: nZCv IRQs off FIQs on Mode SVC_32 ISA ARM Segment user\nControl: 32c5387d Table: 2d546400 DAC: 55555555\nProcess bash (pid: 1643, stack limit = 0xecd60190)\n(cap_capable) from (kprobe_handler+0x218/0x340)\n(kprobe_handler) from (kprobe_trap_handler+0x24/0x48)\n(kprobe_trap_handler) from (do_undefinstr+0x13c/0x364)\n(do_undefinstr) from (__und_svc_finish+0x0/0x30)\n(__und_svc_finish) from (cap_capable+0x18/0xb0)\n(cap_capable) from (cap_vm_enough_memory+0x38/0x48)\n(cap_vm_enough_memory) from\n(security_vm_enough_memory_mm+0x48/0x6c)\n(security_vm_enough_memory_mm) from\n(copy_process.constprop.5+0x16b4/0x25c8)\n(copy_process.constprop.5) from (_do_fork+0xe8/0x55c)\n(_do_fork) from (SyS_clone+0x1c/0x24)\n(SyS_clone) from (__sys_trace_return+0x0/0x10)\nCode: 0050a0e1 6c0080e2 0140a0e1 0260a0e1 (f801f0e7)', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2021-47618 was patched at 2024-06-30

310. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47622) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: ufs: Fix a deadlock in the error handler The following deadlock has been observed on a test setup: - All tags allocated - The SCSI error handler calls ufshcd_eh_host_reset_handler() - ufshcd_eh_host_reset_handler() queues work that calls ufshcd_err_handler() - ufshcd_err_handler() locks up as follows: Workqueue: ufs_eh_wq_0 ufshcd_err_handler.cfi_jt Call trace: __switch_to+0x298/0x5d8 __schedule+0x6cc/0xa94 schedule+0x12c/0x298 blk_mq_get_tag+0x210/0x480 __blk_mq_alloc_request+0x1c8/0x284 blk_get_request+0x74/0x134 ufshcd_exec_dev_cmd+0x68/0x640 ufshcd_verify_dev_init+0x68/0x35c ufshcd_probe_hba+0x12c/0x1cb8 ufshcd_host_reset_and_restore+0x88/0x254 ufshcd_reset_and_restore+0xd0/0x354 ufshcd_err_handler+0x408/0xc58 process_one_work+0x24c/0x66c worker_thread+0x3e8/0xa4c kthread+0x150/0x1b4 ret_from_fork+0x10/0x30 Fix this lockup by making ufshcd_exec_dev_cmd() allocate a reserved request.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nscsi: ufs: Fix a deadlock in the error handler\n\nThe following deadlock has been observed on a test setup:\n\n - All tags allocated\n\n - The SCSI error handler calls ufshcd_eh_host_reset_handler()\n\n - ufshcd_eh_host_reset_handler() queues work that calls\n ufshcd_err_handler()\n\n - ufshcd_err_handler() locks up as follows:\n\nWorkqueue: ufs_eh_wq_0 ufshcd_err_handler.cfi_jt\nCall trace:\n __switch_to+0x298/0x5d8\n __schedule+0x6cc/0xa94\n schedule+0x12c/0x298\n blk_mq_get_tag+0x210/0x480\n __blk_mq_alloc_request+0x1c8/0x284\n blk_get_request+0x74/0x134\n ufshcd_exec_dev_cmd+0x68/0x640\n ufshcd_verify_dev_init+0x68/0x35c\n ufshcd_probe_hba+0x12c/0x1cb8\n ufshcd_host_reset_and_restore+0x88/0x254\n ufshcd_reset_and_restore+0xd0/0x354\n ufshcd_err_handler+0x408/0xc58\n process_one_work+0x24c/0x66c\n worker_thread+0x3e8/0xa4c\n kthread+0x150/0x1b4\n ret_from_fork+0x10/0x30\n\nFix this lockup by making ufshcd_exec_dev_cmd() allocate a reserved\nrequest.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2021-47622 was patched at 2024-07-16

311. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47623) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: powerpc/fixmap: Fix VM debug warning on unmap Unmapping a fixmap entry is done by calling __set_fixmap() with FIXMAP_PAGE_CLEAR as flags. Today, powerpc __set_fixmap() calls map_kernel_page(). map_kernel_page() is not happy when called a second time for the same page. \tWARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 1 at arch/powerpc/mm/pgtable.c:194 set_pte_at+0xc/0x1e8 \tCPU: 0 PID: 1 Comm: swapper Not tainted 5.16.0-rc3-s3k-dev-01993-g350ff07feb7d-dirty #682 \tNIP: c0017cd4 LR: c00187f0 CTR: 00000010 \tREGS: e1011d50 TRAP: 0700 Not tainted (5.16.0-rc3-s3k-dev-01993-g350ff07feb7d-dirty) \tMSR: 00029032 <EE,ME,IR,DR,RI> CR: 42000208 XER: 00000000 \tGPR00: c0165fec e1011e10 c14c0000 c0ee2550 ff800000 c0f3d000 00000000 c001686c \tGPR08: 00001000 b00045a9 00000001 c0f58460 c0f50000 00000000 c0007e10 00000000 \tGPR16: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 \tGPR24: 00000000 00000000 c0ee2550 00000000 c0f57000 00000ff8 00000000 ff800000 \tNIP [c0017cd4] set_pte_at+0xc/0x1e8 \tLR [c00187f0] map_kernel_page+0x9c/0x100 \tCall Trace: \t[e1011e10] [c0736c68] vsnprintf+0x358/0x6c8 (unreliable) \t[e1011e30] [c0165fec] __set_fixmap+0x30/0x44 \t[e1011e40] [c0c13bdc] early_iounmap+0x11c/0x170 \t[e1011e70] [c0c06cb0] ioremap_legacy_serial_console+0x88/0xc0 \t[e1011e90] [c0c03634] do_one_initcall+0x80/0x178 \t[e1011ef0] [c0c0385c] kernel_init_freeable+0xb4/0x250 \t[e1011f20] [c0007e34] kernel_init+0x24/0x140 \t[e1011f30] [c0016268] ret_from_kernel_thread+0x5c/0x64 \tInstruction dump: \t7fe3fb78 48019689 80010014 7c630034 83e1000c 5463d97e 7c0803a6 38210010 \t4e800020 81250000 712a0001 41820008 <0fe00000> 9421ffe0 93e1001c 48000030 Implement unmap_kernel_page() which clears an existing pte.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\npowerpc/fixmap: Fix VM debug warning on unmap\n\nUnmapping a fixmap entry is done by calling __set_fixmap()\nwith FIXMAP_PAGE_CLEAR as flags.\n\nToday, powerpc __set_fixmap() calls map_kernel_page().\n\nmap_kernel_page() is not happy when called a second time\nfor the same page.\n\n\tWARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 1 at arch/powerpc/mm/pgtable.c:194 set_pte_at+0xc/0x1e8\n\tCPU: 0 PID: 1 Comm: swapper Not tainted 5.16.0-rc3-s3k-dev-01993-g350ff07feb7d-dirty #682\n\tNIP: c0017cd4 LR: c00187f0 CTR: 00000010\n\tREGS: e1011d50 TRAP: 0700 Not tainted (5.16.0-rc3-s3k-dev-01993-g350ff07feb7d-dirty)\n\tMSR: 00029032 <EE,ME,IR,DR,RI> CR: 42000208 XER: 00000000\n\n\tGPR00: c0165fec e1011e10 c14c0000 c0ee2550 ff800000 c0f3d000 00000000 c001686c\n\tGPR08: 00001000 b00045a9 00000001 c0f58460 c0f50000 00000000 c0007e10 00000000\n\tGPR16: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000\n\tGPR24: 00000000 00000000 c0ee2550 00000000 c0f57000 00000ff8 00000000 ff800000\n\tNIP [c0017cd4] set_pte_at+0xc/0x1e8\n\tLR [c00187f0] map_kernel_page+0x9c/0x100\n\tCall Trace:\n\t[e1011e10] [c0736c68] vsnprintf+0x358/0x6c8 (unreliable)\n\t[e1011e30] [c0165fec] __set_fixmap+0x30/0x44\n\t[e1011e40] [c0c13bdc] early_iounmap+0x11c/0x170\n\t[e1011e70] [c0c06cb0] ioremap_legacy_serial_console+0x88/0xc0\n\t[e1011e90] [c0c03634] do_one_initcall+0x80/0x178\n\t[e1011ef0] [c0c0385c] kernel_init_freeable+0xb4/0x250\n\t[e1011f20] [c0007e34] kernel_init+0x24/0x140\n\t[e1011f30] [c0016268] ret_from_kernel_thread+0x5c/0x64\n\tInstruction dump:\n\t7fe3fb78 48019689 80010014 7c630034 83e1000c 5463d97e 7c0803a6 38210010\n\t4e800020 81250000 712a0001 41820008 <0fe00000> 9421ffe0 93e1001c 48000030\n\nImplement unmap_kernel_page() which clears an existing pte.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2021-47623 was patched at 2024-07-16

312. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47624) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/sunrpc: fix reference count leaks in rpc_sysfs_xprt_state_change The refcount leak issues take place in an error handling path. When the 3rd argument buf doesn't match with "offline", "online" or "remove", the function simply returns -EINVAL and forgets to decrease the reference count of a rpc_xprt object and a rpc_xprt_switch object increased by rpc_sysfs_xprt_kobj_get_xprt() and rpc_sysfs_xprt_kobj_get_xprt_switch(), causing reference count leaks of both unused objects. Fix this issue by jumping to the error handling path labelled with out_put when buf matches none of "offline", "online" or "remove".', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet/sunrpc: fix reference count leaks in rpc_sysfs_xprt_state_change\n\nThe refcount leak issues take place in an error handling path. When the\n3rd argument buf doesn't match with "offline", "online" or "remove", the\nfunction simply returns -EINVAL and forgets to decrease the reference\ncount of a rpc_xprt object and a rpc_xprt_switch object increased by\nrpc_sysfs_xprt_kobj_get_xprt() and\nrpc_sysfs_xprt_kobj_get_xprt_switch(), causing reference count leaks of\nboth unused objects.\n\nFix this issue by jumping to the error handling path labelled with\nout_put when buf matches none of "offline", "online" or "remove".', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2021-47624 was patched at 2024-07-16

313. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48713) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: perf/x86/intel/pt: Fix crash with stop filters in single-range mode Add a check for !buf->single before calling pt_buffer_region_size in a place where a missing check can cause a kernel crash. Fixes a bug introduced by commit 670638477aed ("perf/x86/intel/pt: Opportunistically use single range output mode"), which added a support for PT single-range output mode. Since that commit if a PT stop filter range is hit while tracing, the kernel will crash because of a null pointer dereference in pt_handle_status due to calling pt_buffer_region_size without a ToPA configured. The commit which introduced single-range mode guarded almost all uses of the ToPA buffer variables with checks of the buf->single variable, but missed the case where tracing was stopped by the PT hardware, which happens when execution hits a configured stop filter. Tested that hitting a stop filter while PT recording successfully records a trace with this patch but crashes without this patch.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nperf/x86/intel/pt: Fix crash with stop filters in single-range mode\n\nAdd a check for !buf->single before calling pt_buffer_region_size in a\nplace where a missing check can cause a kernel crash.\n\nFixes a bug introduced by commit 670638477aed ("perf/x86/intel/pt:\nOpportunistically use single range output mode"), which added a\nsupport for PT single-range output mode. Since that commit if a PT\nstop filter range is hit while tracing, the kernel will crash because\nof a null pointer dereference in pt_handle_status due to calling\npt_buffer_region_size without a ToPA configured.\n\nThe commit which introduced single-range mode guarded almost all uses of\nthe ToPA buffer variables with checks of the buf->single variable, but\nmissed the case where tracing was stopped by the PT hardware, which\nhappens when execution hits a configured stop filter.\n\nTested that hitting a stop filter while PT recording successfully\nrecords a trace with this patch but crashes without this patch.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48713 was patched at 2024-06-30

314. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48714) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bpf: Use VM_MAP instead of VM_ALLOC for ringbuf After commit 2fd3fb0be1d1 ("kasan, vmalloc: unpoison VM_ALLOC pages after mapping"), non-VM_ALLOC mappings will be marked as accessible in __get_vm_area_node() when KASAN is enabled. But now the flag for ringbuf area is VM_ALLOC, so KASAN will complain out-of-bound access after vmap() returns. Because the ringbuf area is created by mapping allocated pages, so use VM_MAP instead. After the change, info in /proc/vmallocinfo also changes from [start]-[end] 24576 ringbuf_map_alloc+0x171/0x290 vmalloc user to [start]-[end] 24576 ringbuf_map_alloc+0x171/0x290 vmap user', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbpf: Use VM_MAP instead of VM_ALLOC for ringbuf\n\nAfter commit 2fd3fb0be1d1 ("kasan, vmalloc: unpoison VM_ALLOC pages\nafter mapping"), non-VM_ALLOC mappings will be marked as accessible\nin __get_vm_area_node() when KASAN is enabled. But now the flag for\nringbuf area is VM_ALLOC, so KASAN will complain out-of-bound access\nafter vmap() returns. Because the ringbuf area is created by mapping\nallocated pages, so use VM_MAP instead.\n\nAfter the change, info in /proc/vmallocinfo also changes from\n [start]-[end] 24576 ringbuf_map_alloc+0x171/0x290 vmalloc user\nto\n [start]-[end] 24576 ringbuf_map_alloc+0x171/0x290 vmap user', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48714 was patched at 2024-06-30

315. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48718) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm: mxsfb: Fix NULL pointer dereference mxsfb should not ever dereference the NULL pointer which drm_atomic_get_new_bridge_state is allowed to return. Assume a fixed format instead.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm: mxsfb: Fix NULL pointer dereference\n\nmxsfb should not ever dereference the NULL pointer which\ndrm_atomic_get_new_bridge_state is allowed to return.\nAssume a fixed format instead.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48718 was patched at 2024-06-30

316. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48720) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: macsec: Fix offload support for NETDEV_UNREGISTER event Current macsec netdev notify handler handles NETDEV_UNREGISTER event by releasing relevant SW resources only, this causes resources leak in case of macsec HW offload, as the underlay driver was not notified to clean it's macsec offload resources. Fix by calling the underlay driver to clean it's relevant resources by moving offload handling from macsec_dellink() to macsec_common_dellink() when handling NETDEV_UNREGISTER event.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: macsec: Fix offload support for NETDEV_UNREGISTER event\n\nCurrent macsec netdev notify handler handles NETDEV_UNREGISTER event by\nreleasing relevant SW resources only, this causes resources leak in case\nof macsec HW offload, as the underlay driver was not notified to clean\nit's macsec offload resources.\n\nFix by calling the underlay driver to clean it's relevant resources\nby moving offload handling from macsec_dellink() to macsec_common_dellink()\nwhen handling NETDEV_UNREGISTER event.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48720 was patched at 2024-06-30

317. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48723) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: spi: uniphier: fix reference count leak in uniphier_spi_probe() The issue happens in several error paths in uniphier_spi_probe(). When either dma_get_slave_caps() or devm_spi_register_master() returns an error code, the function forgets to decrease the refcount of both `dma_rx` and `dma_tx` objects, which may lead to refcount leaks. Fix it by decrementing the reference count of specific objects in those error paths.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nspi: uniphier: fix reference count leak in uniphier_spi_probe()\n\nThe issue happens in several error paths in uniphier_spi_probe().\nWhen either dma_get_slave_caps() or devm_spi_register_master() returns\nan error code, the function forgets to decrease the refcount of both\n`dma_rx` and `dma_tx` objects, which may lead to refcount leaks.\n\nFix it by decrementing the reference count of specific objects in\nthose error paths.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48723 was patched at 2024-06-30

318. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48725) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: RDMA/siw: Fix refcounting leak in siw_create_qp() The atomic_inc() needs to be paired with an atomic_dec() on the error path.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nRDMA/siw: Fix refcounting leak in siw_create_qp()\n\nThe atomic_inc() needs to be paired with an atomic_dec() on the error\npath.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48725 was patched at 2024-06-30

319. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48727) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: KVM: arm64: Avoid consuming a stale esr value when SError occur When any exception other than an IRQ occurs, the CPU updates the ESR_EL2 register with the exception syndrome. An SError may also become pending, and will be synchronised by KVM. KVM notes the exception type, and whether an SError was synchronised in exit_code. When an exception other than an IRQ occurs, fixup_guest_exit() updates vcpu->arch.fault.esr_el2 from the hardware register. When an SError was synchronised, the vcpu esr value is used to determine if the exception was due to an HVC. If so, ELR_EL2 is moved back one instruction. This is so that KVM can process the SError first, and re-execute the HVC if the guest survives the SError. But if an IRQ synchronises an SError, the vcpu's esr value is stale. If the previous non-IRQ exception was an HVC, KVM will corrupt ELR_EL2, causing an unrelated guest instruction to be executed twice. Check ARM_EXCEPTION_CODE() before messing with ELR_EL2, IRQs don't update this register so don't need to check.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nKVM: arm64: Avoid consuming a stale esr value when SError occur\n\nWhen any exception other than an IRQ occurs, the CPU updates the ESR_EL2\nregister with the exception syndrome. An SError may also become pending,\nand will be synchronised by KVM. KVM notes the exception type, and whether\nan SError was synchronised in exit_code.\n\nWhen an exception other than an IRQ occurs, fixup_guest_exit() updates\nvcpu->arch.fault.esr_el2 from the hardware register. When an SError was\nsynchronised, the vcpu esr value is used to determine if the exception\nwas due to an HVC. If so, ELR_EL2 is moved back one instruction. This\nis so that KVM can process the SError first, and re-execute the HVC if\nthe guest survives the SError.\n\nBut if an IRQ synchronises an SError, the vcpu's esr value is stale.\nIf the previous non-IRQ exception was an HVC, KVM will corrupt ELR_EL2,\ncausing an unrelated guest instruction to be executed twice.\n\nCheck ARM_EXCEPTION_CODE() before messing with ELR_EL2, IRQs don't\nupdate this register so don't need to check.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48727 was patched at 2024-06-30

320. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48728) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: IB/hfi1: Fix AIP early init panic An early failure in hfi1_ipoib_setup_rn() can lead to the following panic: BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 00000000000001b0 PGD 0 P4D 0 Oops: 0002 [#1] SMP NOPTI Workqueue: events work_for_cpu_fn RIP: 0010:try_to_grab_pending+0x2b/0x140 Code: 1f 44 00 00 41 55 41 54 55 48 89 d5 53 48 89 fb 9c 58 0f 1f 44 00 00 48 89 c2 fa 66 0f 1f 44 00 00 48 89 55 00 40 84 f6 75 77 <f0> 48 0f ba 2b 00 72 09 31 c0 5b 5d 41 5c 41 5d c3 48 89 df e8 6c RSP: 0018:ffffb6b3cf7cfa48 EFLAGS: 00010046 RAX: 0000000000000246 RBX: 00000000000001b0 RCX: 0000000000000000 RDX: 0000000000000246 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: 00000000000001b0 RBP: ffffb6b3cf7cfa70 R08: 0000000000000f09 R09: 0000000000000001 R10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0000000000000001 R12: 0000000000000000 R13: ffffb6b3cf7cfa90 R14: ffffffff9b2fbfc0 R15: ffff8a4fdf244690 FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff8a527f400000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 00000000000001b0 CR3: 00000017e2410003 CR4: 00000000007706f0 DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 PKRU: 55555554 Call Trace: __cancel_work_timer+0x42/0x190 ? dev_printk_emit+0x4e/0x70 iowait_cancel_work+0x15/0x30 [hfi1] hfi1_ipoib_txreq_deinit+0x5a/0x220 [hfi1] ? dev_err+0x6c/0x90 hfi1_ipoib_netdev_dtor+0x15/0x30 [hfi1] hfi1_ipoib_setup_rn+0x10e/0x150 [hfi1] rdma_init_netdev+0x5a/0x80 [ib_core] ? hfi1_ipoib_free_rdma_netdev+0x20/0x20 [hfi1] ipoib_intf_init+0x6c/0x350 [ib_ipoib] ipoib_intf_alloc+0x5c/0xc0 [ib_ipoib] ipoib_add_one+0xbe/0x300 [ib_ipoib] add_client_context+0x12c/0x1a0 [ib_core] enable_device_and_get+0xdc/0x1d0 [ib_core] ib_register_device+0x572/0x6b0 [ib_core] rvt_register_device+0x11b/0x220 [rdmavt] hfi1_register_ib_device+0x6b4/0x770 [hfi1] do_init_one.isra.20+0x3e3/0x680 [hfi1] local_pci_probe+0x41/0x90 work_for_cpu_fn+0x16/0x20 process_one_work+0x1a7/0x360 ? create_worker+0x1a0/0x1a0 worker_thread+0x1cf/0x390 ? create_worker+0x1a0/0x1a0 kthread+0x116/0x130 ? kthread_flush_work_fn+0x10/0x10 ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x40 The panic happens in hfi1_ipoib_txreq_deinit() because there is a NULL deref when hfi1_ipoib_netdev_dtor() is called in this error case. hfi1_ipoib_txreq_init() and hfi1_ipoib_rxq_init() are self unwinding so fix by adjusting the error paths accordingly. Other changes: - hfi1_ipoib_free_rdma_netdev() is deleted including the free_netdev() since the netdev core code deletes calls free_netdev() - The switch to the accelerated entrances is moved to the success path.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nIB/hfi1: Fix AIP early init panic\n\nAn early failure in hfi1_ipoib_setup_rn() can lead to the following panic:\n\n BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 00000000000001b0\n PGD 0 P4D 0\n Oops: 0002 [#1] SMP NOPTI\n Workqueue: events work_for_cpu_fn\n RIP: 0010:try_to_grab_pending+0x2b/0x140\n Code: 1f 44 00 00 41 55 41 54 55 48 89 d5 53 48 89 fb 9c 58 0f 1f 44 00 00 48 89 c2 fa 66 0f 1f 44 00 00 48 89 55 00 40 84 f6 75 77 <f0> 48 0f ba 2b 00 72 09 31 c0 5b 5d 41 5c 41 5d c3 48 89 df e8 6c\n RSP: 0018:ffffb6b3cf7cfa48 EFLAGS: 00010046\n RAX: 0000000000000246 RBX: 00000000000001b0 RCX: 0000000000000000\n RDX: 0000000000000246 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: 00000000000001b0\n RBP: ffffb6b3cf7cfa70 R08: 0000000000000f09 R09: 0000000000000001\n R10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0000000000000001 R12: 0000000000000000\n R13: ffffb6b3cf7cfa90 R14: ffffffff9b2fbfc0 R15: ffff8a4fdf244690\n FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff8a527f400000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\n CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\n CR2: 00000000000001b0 CR3: 00000017e2410003 CR4: 00000000007706f0\n DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000\n DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400\n PKRU: 55555554\n Call Trace:\n __cancel_work_timer+0x42/0x190\n ? dev_printk_emit+0x4e/0x70\n iowait_cancel_work+0x15/0x30 [hfi1]\n hfi1_ipoib_txreq_deinit+0x5a/0x220 [hfi1]\n ? dev_err+0x6c/0x90\n hfi1_ipoib_netdev_dtor+0x15/0x30 [hfi1]\n hfi1_ipoib_setup_rn+0x10e/0x150 [hfi1]\n rdma_init_netdev+0x5a/0x80 [ib_core]\n ? hfi1_ipoib_free_rdma_netdev+0x20/0x20 [hfi1]\n ipoib_intf_init+0x6c/0x350 [ib_ipoib]\n ipoib_intf_alloc+0x5c/0xc0 [ib_ipoib]\n ipoib_add_one+0xbe/0x300 [ib_ipoib]\n add_client_context+0x12c/0x1a0 [ib_core]\n enable_device_and_get+0xdc/0x1d0 [ib_core]\n ib_register_device+0x572/0x6b0 [ib_core]\n rvt_register_device+0x11b/0x220 [rdmavt]\n hfi1_register_ib_device+0x6b4/0x770 [hfi1]\n do_init_one.isra.20+0x3e3/0x680 [hfi1]\n local_pci_probe+0x41/0x90\n work_for_cpu_fn+0x16/0x20\n process_one_work+0x1a7/0x360\n ? create_worker+0x1a0/0x1a0\n worker_thread+0x1cf/0x390\n ? create_worker+0x1a0/0x1a0\n kthread+0x116/0x130\n ? kthread_flush_work_fn+0x10/0x10\n ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x40\n\nThe panic happens in hfi1_ipoib_txreq_deinit() because there is a NULL\nderef when hfi1_ipoib_netdev_dtor() is called in this error case.\n\nhfi1_ipoib_txreq_init() and hfi1_ipoib_rxq_init() are self unwinding so\nfix by adjusting the error paths accordingly.\n\nOther changes:\n- hfi1_ipoib_free_rdma_netdev() is deleted including the free_netdev()\n since the netdev core code deletes calls free_netdev()\n- The switch to the accelerated entrances is moved to the success path.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48728 was patched at 2024-06-30

321. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48730) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: dma-buf: heaps: Fix potential spectre v1 gadget It appears like nr could be a Spectre v1 gadget as it's supplied by a user and used as an array index. Prevent the contents of kernel memory from being leaked to userspace via speculative execution by using array_index_nospec. [sumits: added fixes and cc: stable tags]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndma-buf: heaps: Fix potential spectre v1 gadget\n\nIt appears like nr could be a Spectre v1 gadget as it's supplied by a\nuser and used as an array index. Prevent the contents\nof kernel memory from being leaked to userspace via speculative\nexecution by using array_index_nospec.\n\n [sumits: added fixes and cc: stable tags]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48730 was patched at 2024-06-30

322. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48731) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mm/kmemleak: avoid scanning potential huge holes When using devm_request_free_mem_region() and devm_memremap_pages() to add ZONE_DEVICE memory, if requested free mem region's end pfn were huge(e.g., 0x400000000), the node_end_pfn() will be also huge (see move_pfn_range_to_zone()). Thus it creates a huge hole between node_start_pfn() and node_end_pfn(). We found on some AMD APUs, amdkfd requested such a free mem region and created a huge hole. In such a case, following code snippet was just doing busy test_bit() looping on the huge hole. for (pfn = start_pfn; pfn < end_pfn; pfn++) { \tstruct page *page = pfn_to_online_page(pfn); \t\tif (!page) \t\t\tcontinue; \t... } So we got a soft lockup: watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#6 stuck for 26s! [bash:1221] CPU: 6 PID: 1221 Comm: bash Not tainted 5.15.0-custom #1 RIP: 0010:pfn_to_online_page+0x5/0xd0 Call Trace: ? kmemleak_scan+0x16a/0x440 kmemleak_write+0x306/0x3a0 ? common_file_perm+0x72/0x170 full_proxy_write+0x5c/0x90 vfs_write+0xb9/0x260 ksys_write+0x67/0xe0 __x64_sys_write+0x1a/0x20 do_syscall_64+0x3b/0xc0 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae I did some tests with the patch. (1) amdgpu module unloaded before the patch: real 0m0.976s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.968s after the patch: real 0m0.981s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.973s (2) amdgpu module loaded before the patch: real 0m35.365s user 0m0.000s sys 0m35.354s after the patch: real 0m1.049s user 0m0.000s sys 0m1.042s', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmm/kmemleak: avoid scanning potential huge holes\n\nWhen using devm_request_free_mem_region() and devm_memremap_pages() to\nadd ZONE_DEVICE memory, if requested free mem region's end pfn were\nhuge(e.g., 0x400000000), the node_end_pfn() will be also huge (see\nmove_pfn_range_to_zone()). Thus it creates a huge hole between\nnode_start_pfn() and node_end_pfn().\n\nWe found on some AMD APUs, amdkfd requested such a free mem region and\ncreated a huge hole. In such a case, following code snippet was just\ndoing busy test_bit() looping on the huge hole.\n\n for (pfn = start_pfn; pfn < end_pfn; pfn++) {\n\tstruct page *page = pfn_to_online_page(pfn);\n\t\tif (!page)\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t...\n }\n\nSo we got a soft lockup:\n\n watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#6 stuck for 26s! [bash:1221]\n CPU: 6 PID: 1221 Comm: bash Not tainted 5.15.0-custom #1\n RIP: 0010:pfn_to_online_page+0x5/0xd0\n Call Trace:\n ? kmemleak_scan+0x16a/0x440\n kmemleak_write+0x306/0x3a0\n ? common_file_perm+0x72/0x170\n full_proxy_write+0x5c/0x90\n vfs_write+0xb9/0x260\n ksys_write+0x67/0xe0\n __x64_sys_write+0x1a/0x20\n do_syscall_64+0x3b/0xc0\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae\n\nI did some tests with the patch.\n\n(1) amdgpu module unloaded\n\nbefore the patch:\n\n real 0m0.976s\n user 0m0.000s\n sys 0m0.968s\n\nafter the patch:\n\n real 0m0.981s\n user 0m0.000s\n sys 0m0.973s\n\n(2) amdgpu module loaded\n\nbefore the patch:\n\n real 0m35.365s\n user 0m0.000s\n sys 0m35.354s\n\nafter the patch:\n\n real 0m1.049s\n user 0m0.000s\n sys 0m1.042s', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48731 was patched at 2024-06-30

323. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48734) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: btrfs: fix deadlock between quota disable and qgroup rescan worker Quota disable ioctl starts a transaction before waiting for the qgroup rescan worker completes. However, this wait can be infinite and results in deadlock because of circular dependency among the quota disable ioctl, the qgroup rescan worker and the other task with transaction such as block group relocation task. The deadlock happens with the steps following: 1) Task A calls ioctl to disable quota. It starts a transaction and waits for qgroup rescan worker completes. 2) Task B such as block group relocation task starts a transaction and joins to the transaction that task A started. Then task B commits to the transaction. In this commit, task B waits for a commit by task A. 3) Task C as the qgroup rescan worker starts its job and starts a transaction. In this transaction start, task C waits for completion of the transaction that task A started and task B committed. This deadlock was found with fstests test case btrfs/115 and a zoned null_blk device. The test case enables and disables quota, and the block group reclaim was triggered during the quota disable by chance. The deadlock was also observed by running quota enable and disable in parallel with 'btrfs balance' command on regular null_blk devices. An example report of the deadlock: [372.469894] INFO: task kworker/u16:6:103 blocked for more than 122 seconds. [372.479944] Not tainted 5.16.0-rc8 #7 [372.485067] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message. [372.493898] task:kworker/u16:6 state:D stack: 0 pid: 103 ppid: 2 flags:0x00004000 [372.503285] Workqueue: btrfs-qgroup-rescan btrfs_work_helper [btrfs] [372.510782] Call Trace: [372.514092] <TASK> [372.521684] __schedule+0xb56/0x4850 [372.530104] ? io_schedule_timeout+0x190/0x190 [372.538842] ? lockdep_hardirqs_on+0x7e/0x100 [372.547092] ? _raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore+0x3e/0x60 [372.555591] schedule+0xe0/0x270 [372.561894] btrfs_commit_transaction+0x18bb/0x2610 [btrfs] [372.570506] ? btrfs_apply_pending_changes+0x50/0x50 [btrfs] [372.578875] ? free_unref_page+0x3f2/0x650 [372.585484] ? finish_wait+0x270/0x270 [372.591594] ? release_extent_buffer+0x224/0x420 [btrfs] [372.599264] btrfs_qgroup_rescan_worker+0xc13/0x10c0 [btrfs] [372.607157] ? lock_release+0x3a9/0x6d0 [372.613054] ? btrfs_qgroup_account_extent+0xda0/0xda0 [btrfs] [372.620960] ? do_raw_spin_lock+0x11e/0x250 [372.627137] ? rwlock_bug.part.0+0x90/0x90 [372.633215] ? lock_is_held_type+0xe4/0x140 [372.639404] btrfs_work_helper+0x1ae/0xa90 [btrfs] [372.646268] process_one_work+0x7e9/0x1320 [372.652321] ? lock_release+0x6d0/0x6d0 [372.658081] ? pwq_dec_nr_in_flight+0x230/0x230 [372.664513] ? rwlock_bug.part.0+0x90/0x90 [372.670529] worker_thread+0x59e/0xf90 [372.676172] ? process_one_work+0x1320/0x1320 [372.682440] kthread+0x3b9/0x490 [372.687550] ? _raw_spin_unlock_irq+0x24/0x50 [372.693811] ? set_kthread_struct+0x100/0x100 [372.700052] ret_from_fork+0x22/0x30 [372.705517] </TASK> [372.709747] INFO: task btrfs-transacti:2347 blocked for more than 123 seconds. [372.729827] Not tainted 5.16.0-rc8 #7 [372.745907] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message. [372.767106] task:btrfs-transacti state:D stack: 0 pid: 2347 ppid: 2 flags:0x00004000 [372.787776] Call Trace: [372.801652] <TASK> [372.812961] __schedule+0xb56/0x4850 [372.830011] ? io_schedule_timeout+0x190/0x190 [372.852547] ? lockdep_hardirqs_on+0x7e/0x100 [372.871761] ? _raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore+0x3e/0x60 [372.886792] schedule+0xe0/0x270 [372.901685] wait_current_trans+0x22c/0x310 [btrfs] [372.919743] ? btrfs_put_transaction+0x3d0/0x3d0 [btrfs] [372.938923] ? finish_wait+0x270/0x270 [372.959085] ? join_transaction+0xc7 ---truncated---', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbtrfs: fix deadlock between quota disable and qgroup rescan worker\n\nQuota disable ioctl starts a transaction before waiting for the qgroup\nrescan worker completes. However, this wait can be infinite and results\nin deadlock because of circular dependency among the quota disable\nioctl, the qgroup rescan worker and the other task with transaction such\nas block group relocation task.\n\nThe deadlock happens with the steps following:\n\n1) Task A calls ioctl to disable quota. It starts a transaction and\n waits for qgroup rescan worker completes.\n2) Task B such as block group relocation task starts a transaction and\n joins to the transaction that task A started. Then task B commits to\n the transaction. In this commit, task B waits for a commit by task A.\n3) Task C as the qgroup rescan worker starts its job and starts a\n transaction. In this transaction start, task C waits for completion\n of the transaction that task A started and task B committed.\n\nThis deadlock was found with fstests test case btrfs/115 and a zoned\nnull_blk device. The test case enables and disables quota, and the\nblock group reclaim was triggered during the quota disable by chance.\nThe deadlock was also observed by running quota enable and disable in\nparallel with 'btrfs balance' command on regular null_blk devices.\n\nAn example report of the deadlock:\n\n [372.469894] INFO: task kworker/u16:6:103 blocked for more than 122 seconds.\n [372.479944] Not tainted 5.16.0-rc8 #7\n [372.485067] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.\n [372.493898] task:kworker/u16:6 state:D stack: 0 pid: 103 ppid: 2 flags:0x00004000\n [372.503285] Workqueue: btrfs-qgroup-rescan btrfs_work_helper [btrfs]\n [372.510782] Call Trace:\n [372.514092] <TASK>\n [372.521684] __schedule+0xb56/0x4850\n [372.530104] ? io_schedule_timeout+0x190/0x190\n [372.538842] ? lockdep_hardirqs_on+0x7e/0x100\n [372.547092] ? _raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore+0x3e/0x60\n [372.555591] schedule+0xe0/0x270\n [372.561894] btrfs_commit_transaction+0x18bb/0x2610 [btrfs]\n [372.570506] ? btrfs_apply_pending_changes+0x50/0x50 [btrfs]\n [372.578875] ? free_unref_page+0x3f2/0x650\n [372.585484] ? finish_wait+0x270/0x270\n [372.591594] ? release_extent_buffer+0x224/0x420 [btrfs]\n [372.599264] btrfs_qgroup_rescan_worker+0xc13/0x10c0 [btrfs]\n [372.607157] ? lock_release+0x3a9/0x6d0\n [372.613054] ? btrfs_qgroup_account_extent+0xda0/0xda0 [btrfs]\n [372.620960] ? do_raw_spin_lock+0x11e/0x250\n [372.627137] ? rwlock_bug.part.0+0x90/0x90\n [372.633215] ? lock_is_held_type+0xe4/0x140\n [372.639404] btrfs_work_helper+0x1ae/0xa90 [btrfs]\n [372.646268] process_one_work+0x7e9/0x1320\n [372.652321] ? lock_release+0x6d0/0x6d0\n [372.658081] ? pwq_dec_nr_in_flight+0x230/0x230\n [372.664513] ? rwlock_bug.part.0+0x90/0x90\n [372.670529] worker_thread+0x59e/0xf90\n [372.676172] ? process_one_work+0x1320/0x1320\n [372.682440] kthread+0x3b9/0x490\n [372.687550] ? _raw_spin_unlock_irq+0x24/0x50\n [372.693811] ? set_kthread_struct+0x100/0x100\n [372.700052] ret_from_fork+0x22/0x30\n [372.705517] </TASK>\n [372.709747] INFO: task btrfs-transacti:2347 blocked for more than 123 seconds.\n [372.729827] Not tainted 5.16.0-rc8 #7\n [372.745907] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.\n [372.767106] task:btrfs-transacti state:D stack: 0 pid: 2347 ppid: 2 flags:0x00004000\n [372.787776] Call Trace:\n [372.801652] <TASK>\n [372.812961] __schedule+0xb56/0x4850\n [372.830011] ? io_schedule_timeout+0x190/0x190\n [372.852547] ? lockdep_hardirqs_on+0x7e/0x100\n [372.871761] ? _raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore+0x3e/0x60\n [372.886792] schedule+0xe0/0x270\n [372.901685] wait_current_trans+0x22c/0x310 [btrfs]\n [372.919743] ? btrfs_put_transaction+0x3d0/0x3d0 [btrfs]\n [372.938923] ? finish_wait+0x270/0x270\n [372.959085] ? join_transaction+0xc7\n---truncated---', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48734 was patched at 2024-06-30

324. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48735) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ALSA: hda: Fix UAF of leds class devs at unbinding The LED class devices that are created by HD-audio codec drivers are registered via devm_led_classdev_register() and associated with the HD-audio codec device. Unfortunately, it turned out that the devres release doesn't work for this case; namely, since the codec resource release happens before the devm call chain, it triggers a NULL dereference or a UAF for a stale set_brightness_delay callback. For fixing the bug, this patch changes the LED class device register and unregister in a manual manner without devres, keeping the instances in hda_gen_spec.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nALSA: hda: Fix UAF of leds class devs at unbinding\n\nThe LED class devices that are created by HD-audio codec drivers are\nregistered via devm_led_classdev_register() and associated with the\nHD-audio codec device. Unfortunately, it turned out that the devres\nrelease doesn't work for this case; namely, since the codec resource\nrelease happens before the devm call chain, it triggers a NULL\ndereference or a UAF for a stale set_brightness_delay callback.\n\nFor fixing the bug, this patch changes the LED class device register\nand unregister in a manual manner without devres, keeping the\ninstances in hda_gen_spec.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48735 was patched at 2024-06-30

325. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48739) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ASoC: hdmi-codec: Fix OOB memory accesses Correct size of iec_status array by changing it to the size of status array of the struct snd_aes_iec958. This fixes out-of-bounds slab read accesses made by memcpy() of the hdmi-codec driver. This problem is reported by KASAN.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nASoC: hdmi-codec: Fix OOB memory accesses\n\nCorrect size of iec_status array by changing it to the size of status\narray of the struct snd_aes_iec958. This fixes out-of-bounds slab\nread accesses made by memcpy() of the hdmi-codec driver. This problem\nis reported by KASAN.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48739 was patched at 2024-06-30

326. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48740) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: selinux: fix double free of cond_list on error paths On error path from cond_read_list() and duplicate_policydb_cond_list() the cond_list_destroy() gets called a second time in caller functions, resulting in NULL pointer deref. Fix this by resetting the cond_list_len to 0 in cond_list_destroy(), making subsequent calls a noop. Also consistently reset the cond_list pointer to NULL after freeing. [PM: fix line lengths in the description]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nselinux: fix double free of cond_list on error paths\n\nOn error path from cond_read_list() and duplicate_policydb_cond_list()\nthe cond_list_destroy() gets called a second time in caller functions,\nresulting in NULL pointer deref. Fix this by resetting the\ncond_list_len to 0 in cond_list_destroy(), making subsequent calls a\nnoop.\n\nAlso consistently reset the cond_list pointer to NULL after freeing.\n\n[PM: fix line lengths in the description]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48740 was patched at 2024-06-30

327. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48741) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ovl: fix NULL pointer dereference in copy up warning This patch is fixing a NULL pointer dereference to get a recently introduced warning message working.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\novl: fix NULL pointer dereference in copy up warning\n\nThis patch is fixing a NULL pointer dereference to get a recently\nintroduced warning message working.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48741 was patched at 2024-06-30

328. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48746) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/mlx5e: Fix handling of wrong devices during bond netevent Current implementation of bond netevent handler only check if the handled netdev is VF representor and it missing a check if the VF representor is on the same phys device of the bond handling the netevent. Fix by adding the missing check and optimizing the check if the netdev is VF representor so it will not access uninitialized private data and crashes. BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 000000000000036c PGD 0 P4D 0 Oops: 0000 [#1] SMP NOPTI Workqueue: eth3bond0 bond_mii_monitor [bonding] RIP: 0010:mlx5e_is_uplink_rep+0xc/0x50 [mlx5_core] RSP: 0018:ffff88812d69fd60 EFLAGS: 00010282 RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffff8881cf800000 RCX: 0000000000000000 RDX: ffff88812d69fe10 RSI: 000000000000001b RDI: ffff8881cf800880 RBP: ffff8881cf800000 R08: 00000445cabccf2b R09: 0000000000000008 R10: 0000000000000004 R11: 0000000000000008 R12: ffff88812d69fe10 R13: 00000000fffffffe R14: ffff88820c0f9000 R15: 0000000000000000 FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff88846fb00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 000000000000036c CR3: 0000000103d80006 CR4: 0000000000370ea0 DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 Call Trace: mlx5e_eswitch_uplink_rep+0x31/0x40 [mlx5_core] mlx5e_rep_is_lag_netdev+0x94/0xc0 [mlx5_core] mlx5e_rep_esw_bond_netevent+0xeb/0x3d0 [mlx5_core] raw_notifier_call_chain+0x41/0x60 call_netdevice_notifiers_info+0x34/0x80 netdev_lower_state_changed+0x4e/0xa0 bond_mii_monitor+0x56b/0x640 [bonding] process_one_work+0x1b9/0x390 worker_thread+0x4d/0x3d0 ? rescuer_thread+0x350/0x350 kthread+0x124/0x150 ? set_kthread_struct+0x40/0x40 ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x30', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet/mlx5e: Fix handling of wrong devices during bond netevent\n\nCurrent implementation of bond netevent handler only check if\nthe handled netdev is VF representor and it missing a check if\nthe VF representor is on the same phys device of the bond handling\nthe netevent.\n\nFix by adding the missing check and optimizing the check if\nthe netdev is VF representor so it will not access uninitialized\nprivate data and crashes.\n\nBUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 000000000000036c\nPGD 0 P4D 0\nOops: 0000 [#1] SMP NOPTI\nWorkqueue: eth3bond0 bond_mii_monitor [bonding]\nRIP: 0010:mlx5e_is_uplink_rep+0xc/0x50 [mlx5_core]\nRSP: 0018:ffff88812d69fd60 EFLAGS: 00010282\nRAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffff8881cf800000 RCX: 0000000000000000\nRDX: ffff88812d69fe10 RSI: 000000000000001b RDI: ffff8881cf800880\nRBP: ffff8881cf800000 R08: 00000445cabccf2b R09: 0000000000000008\nR10: 0000000000000004 R11: 0000000000000008 R12: ffff88812d69fe10\nR13: 00000000fffffffe R14: ffff88820c0f9000 R15: 0000000000000000\nFS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff88846fb00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\nCS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\nCR2: 000000000000036c CR3: 0000000103d80006 CR4: 0000000000370ea0\nDR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000\nDR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400\nCall Trace:\n mlx5e_eswitch_uplink_rep+0x31/0x40 [mlx5_core]\n mlx5e_rep_is_lag_netdev+0x94/0xc0 [mlx5_core]\n mlx5e_rep_esw_bond_netevent+0xeb/0x3d0 [mlx5_core]\n raw_notifier_call_chain+0x41/0x60\n call_netdevice_notifiers_info+0x34/0x80\n netdev_lower_state_changed+0x4e/0xa0\n bond_mii_monitor+0x56b/0x640 [bonding]\n process_one_work+0x1b9/0x390\n worker_thread+0x4d/0x3d0\n ? rescuer_thread+0x350/0x350\n kthread+0x124/0x150\n ? set_kthread_struct+0x40/0x40\n ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x30', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48746 was patched at 2024-06-30

329. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48749) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/msm/dpu: invalid parameter check in dpu_setup_dspp_pcc The function performs a check on the "ctx" input parameter, however, it is used before the check. Initialize the "base" variable after the sanity check to avoid a possible NULL pointer dereference. Addresses-Coverity-ID: 1493866 ("Null pointer dereference")', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/msm/dpu: invalid parameter check in dpu_setup_dspp_pcc\n\nThe function performs a check on the "ctx" input parameter, however, it\nis used before the check.\n\nInitialize the "base" variable after the sanity check to avoid a\npossible NULL pointer dereference.\n\nAddresses-Coverity-ID: 1493866 ("Null pointer dereference")', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48749 was patched at 2024-06-30

330. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48751) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/smc: Transitional solution for clcsock race issue We encountered a crash in smc_setsockopt() and it is caused by accessing smc->clcsock after clcsock was released. BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000020 #PF: supervisor read access in kernel mode #PF: error_code(0x0000) - not-present page PGD 0 P4D 0 Oops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP PTI CPU: 1 PID: 50309 Comm: nginx Kdump: loaded Tainted: G E 5.16.0-rc4+ #53 RIP: 0010:smc_setsockopt+0x59/0x280 [smc] Call Trace: <TASK> __sys_setsockopt+0xfc/0x190 __x64_sys_setsockopt+0x20/0x30 do_syscall_64+0x34/0x90 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae RIP: 0033:0x7f16ba83918e </TASK> This patch tries to fix it by holding clcsock_release_lock and checking whether clcsock has already been released before access. In case that a crash of the same reason happens in smc_getsockopt() or smc_switch_to_fallback(), this patch also checkes smc->clcsock in them too. And the caller of smc_switch_to_fallback() will identify whether fallback succeeds according to the return value.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet/smc: Transitional solution for clcsock race issue\n\nWe encountered a crash in smc_setsockopt() and it is caused by\naccessing smc->clcsock after clcsock was released.\n\n BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000020\n #PF: supervisor read access in kernel mode\n #PF: error_code(0x0000) - not-present page\n PGD 0 P4D 0\n Oops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP PTI\n CPU: 1 PID: 50309 Comm: nginx Kdump: loaded Tainted: G E 5.16.0-rc4+ #53\n RIP: 0010:smc_setsockopt+0x59/0x280 [smc]\n Call Trace:\n <TASK>\n __sys_setsockopt+0xfc/0x190\n __x64_sys_setsockopt+0x20/0x30\n do_syscall_64+0x34/0x90\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae\n RIP: 0033:0x7f16ba83918e\n </TASK>\n\nThis patch tries to fix it by holding clcsock_release_lock and\nchecking whether clcsock has already been released before access.\n\nIn case that a crash of the same reason happens in smc_getsockopt()\nor smc_switch_to_fallback(), this patch also checkes smc->clcsock\nin them too. And the caller of smc_switch_to_fallback() will identify\nwhether fallback succeeds according to the return value.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48751 was patched at 2024-06-30

331. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48752) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: powerpc/perf: Fix power_pmu_disable to call clear_pmi_irq_pending only if PMI is pending Running selftest with CONFIG_PPC_IRQ_SOFT_MASK_DEBUG enabled in kernel triggered below warning: [ 172.851380] ------------[ cut here ]------------ [ 172.851391] WARNING: CPU: 8 PID: 2901 at arch/powerpc/include/asm/hw_irq.h:246 power_pmu_disable+0x270/0x280 [ 172.851402] Modules linked in: dm_mod bonding nft_ct nf_conntrack nf_defrag_ipv6 nf_defrag_ipv4 ip_set nf_tables rfkill nfnetlink sunrpc xfs libcrc32c pseries_rng xts vmx_crypto uio_pdrv_genirq uio sch_fq_codel ip_tables ext4 mbcache jbd2 sd_mod t10_pi sg ibmvscsi ibmveth scsi_transport_srp fuse [ 172.851442] CPU: 8 PID: 2901 Comm: lost_exception_ Not tainted 5.16.0-rc5-03218-g798527287598 #2 [ 172.851451] NIP: c00000000013d600 LR: c00000000013d5a4 CTR: c00000000013b180 [ 172.851458] REGS: c000000017687860 TRAP: 0700 Not tainted (5.16.0-rc5-03218-g798527287598) [ 172.851465] MSR: 8000000000029033 <SF,EE,ME,IR,DR,RI,LE> CR: 48004884 XER: 20040000 [ 172.851482] CFAR: c00000000013d5b4 IRQMASK: 1 [ 172.851482] GPR00: c00000000013d5a4 c000000017687b00 c000000002a10600 0000000000000004 [ 172.851482] GPR04: 0000000082004000 c0000008ba08f0a8 0000000000000000 00000008b7ed0000 [ 172.851482] GPR08: 00000000446194f6 0000000000008000 c00000000013b118 c000000000d58e68 [ 172.851482] GPR12: c00000000013d390 c00000001ec54a80 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 [ 172.851482] GPR16: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 c000000015d5c708 c0000000025396d0 [ 172.851482] GPR20: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 c00000000a3bbf40 0000000000000003 [ 172.851482] GPR24: 0000000000000000 c0000008ba097400 c0000000161e0d00 c00000000a3bb600 [ 172.851482] GPR28: c000000015d5c700 0000000000000001 0000000082384090 c0000008ba0020d8 [ 172.851549] NIP [c00000000013d600] power_pmu_disable+0x270/0x280 [ 172.851557] LR [c00000000013d5a4] power_pmu_disable+0x214/0x280 [ 172.851565] Call Trace: [ 172.851568] [c000000017687b00] [c00000000013d5a4] power_pmu_disable+0x214/0x280 (unreliable) [ 172.851579] [c000000017687b40] [c0000000003403ac] perf_pmu_disable+0x4c/0x60 [ 172.851588] [c000000017687b60] [c0000000003445e4] __perf_event_task_sched_out+0x1d4/0x660 [ 172.851596] [c000000017687c50] [c000000000d1175c] __schedule+0xbcc/0x12a0 [ 172.851602] [c000000017687d60] [c000000000d11ea8] schedule+0x78/0x140 [ 172.851608] [c000000017687d90] [c0000000001a8080] sys_sched_yield+0x20/0x40 [ 172.851615] [c000000017687db0] [c0000000000334dc] system_call_exception+0x18c/0x380 [ 172.851622] [c000000017687e10] [c00000000000c74c] system_call_common+0xec/0x268 The warning indicates that MSR_EE being set(interrupt enabled) when there was an overflown PMC detected. This could happen in power_pmu_disable since it runs under interrupt soft disable condition ( local_irq_save ) and not with interrupts hard disabled. commit 2c9ac51b850d ("powerpc/perf: Fix PMU callbacks to clear pending PMI before resetting an overflown PMC") intended to clear PMI pending bit in Paca when disabling the PMU. It could happen that PMC gets overflown while code is in power_pmu_disable callback function. Hence add a check to see if PMI pending bit is set in Paca before clearing it via clear_pmi_pending.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\npowerpc/perf: Fix power_pmu_disable to call clear_pmi_irq_pending only if PMI is pending\n\nRunning selftest with CONFIG_PPC_IRQ_SOFT_MASK_DEBUG enabled in kernel\ntriggered below warning:\n\n[ 172.851380] ------------[ cut here ]------------\n[ 172.851391] WARNING: CPU: 8 PID: 2901 at arch/powerpc/include/asm/hw_irq.h:246 power_pmu_disable+0x270/0x280\n[ 172.851402] Modules linked in: dm_mod bonding nft_ct nf_conntrack nf_defrag_ipv6 nf_defrag_ipv4 ip_set nf_tables rfkill nfnetlink sunrpc xfs libcrc32c pseries_rng xts vmx_crypto uio_pdrv_genirq uio sch_fq_codel ip_tables ext4 mbcache jbd2 sd_mod t10_pi sg ibmvscsi ibmveth scsi_transport_srp fuse\n[ 172.851442] CPU: 8 PID: 2901 Comm: lost_exception_ Not tainted 5.16.0-rc5-03218-g798527287598 #2\n[ 172.851451] NIP: c00000000013d600 LR: c00000000013d5a4 CTR: c00000000013b180\n[ 172.851458] REGS: c000000017687860 TRAP: 0700 Not tainted (5.16.0-rc5-03218-g798527287598)\n[ 172.851465] MSR: 8000000000029033 <SF,EE,ME,IR,DR,RI,LE> CR: 48004884 XER: 20040000\n[ 172.851482] CFAR: c00000000013d5b4 IRQMASK: 1\n[ 172.851482] GPR00: c00000000013d5a4 c000000017687b00 c000000002a10600 0000000000000004\n[ 172.851482] GPR04: 0000000082004000 c0000008ba08f0a8 0000000000000000 00000008b7ed0000\n[ 172.851482] GPR08: 00000000446194f6 0000000000008000 c00000000013b118 c000000000d58e68\n[ 172.851482] GPR12: c00000000013d390 c00000001ec54a80 0000000000000000 0000000000000000\n[ 172.851482] GPR16: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 c000000015d5c708 c0000000025396d0\n[ 172.851482] GPR20: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 c00000000a3bbf40 0000000000000003\n[ 172.851482] GPR24: 0000000000000000 c0000008ba097400 c0000000161e0d00 c00000000a3bb600\n[ 172.851482] GPR28: c000000015d5c700 0000000000000001 0000000082384090 c0000008ba0020d8\n[ 172.851549] NIP [c00000000013d600] power_pmu_disable+0x270/0x280\n[ 172.851557] LR [c00000000013d5a4] power_pmu_disable+0x214/0x280\n[ 172.851565] Call Trace:\n[ 172.851568] [c000000017687b00] [c00000000013d5a4] power_pmu_disable+0x214/0x280 (unreliable)\n[ 172.851579] [c000000017687b40] [c0000000003403ac] perf_pmu_disable+0x4c/0x60\n[ 172.851588] [c000000017687b60] [c0000000003445e4] __perf_event_task_sched_out+0x1d4/0x660\n[ 172.851596] [c000000017687c50] [c000000000d1175c] __schedule+0xbcc/0x12a0\n[ 172.851602] [c000000017687d60] [c000000000d11ea8] schedule+0x78/0x140\n[ 172.851608] [c000000017687d90] [c0000000001a8080] sys_sched_yield+0x20/0x40\n[ 172.851615] [c000000017687db0] [c0000000000334dc] system_call_exception+0x18c/0x380\n[ 172.851622] [c000000017687e10] [c00000000000c74c] system_call_common+0xec/0x268\n\nThe warning indicates that MSR_EE being set(interrupt enabled) when\nthere was an overflown PMC detected. This could happen in\npower_pmu_disable since it runs under interrupt soft disable\ncondition ( local_irq_save ) and not with interrupts hard disabled.\ncommit 2c9ac51b850d ("powerpc/perf: Fix PMU callbacks to clear\npending PMI before resetting an overflown PMC") intended to clear\nPMI pending bit in Paca when disabling the PMU. It could happen\nthat PMC gets overflown while code is in power_pmu_disable\ncallback function. Hence add a check to see if PMI pending bit\nis set in Paca before clearing it via clear_pmi_pending.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48752 was patched at 2024-06-30

332. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48755) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: powerpc64/bpf: Limit 'ldbrx' to processors compliant with ISA v2.06 Johan reported the below crash with test_bpf on ppc64 e5500: test_bpf: #296 ALU_END_FROM_LE 64: 0x0123456789abcdef -> 0x67452301 jited:1 Oops: Exception in kernel mode, sig: 4 [#1] BE PAGE_SIZE=4K SMP NR_CPUS=24 QEMU e500 Modules linked in: test_bpf(+) CPU: 0 PID: 76 Comm: insmod Not tainted 5.14.0-03771-g98c2059e008a-dirty #1 NIP: 8000000000061c3c LR: 80000000006dea64 CTR: 8000000000061c18 REGS: c0000000032d3420 TRAP: 0700 Not tainted (5.14.0-03771-g98c2059e008a-dirty) MSR: 0000000080089000 <EE,ME> CR: 88002822 XER: 20000000 IRQMASK: 0 <...> NIP [8000000000061c3c] 0x8000000000061c3c LR [80000000006dea64] .__run_one+0x104/0x17c [test_bpf] Call Trace: .__run_one+0x60/0x17c [test_bpf] (unreliable) .test_bpf_init+0x6a8/0xdc8 [test_bpf] .do_one_initcall+0x6c/0x28c .do_init_module+0x68/0x28c .load_module+0x2460/0x2abc .__do_sys_init_module+0x120/0x18c .system_call_exception+0x110/0x1b8 system_call_common+0xf0/0x210 --- interrupt: c00 at 0x101d0acc <...> ---[ end trace 47b2bf19090bb3d0 ]--- Illegal instruction The illegal instruction turned out to be 'ldbrx' emitted for BPF_FROM_[L|B]E, which was only introduced in ISA v2.06. Guard use of the same and implement an alternative approach for older processors.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\npowerpc64/bpf: Limit 'ldbrx' to processors compliant with ISA v2.06\n\nJohan reported the below crash with test_bpf on ppc64 e5500:\n\n test_bpf: #296 ALU_END_FROM_LE 64: 0x0123456789abcdef -> 0x67452301 jited:1\n Oops: Exception in kernel mode, sig: 4 [#1]\n BE PAGE_SIZE=4K SMP NR_CPUS=24 QEMU e500\n Modules linked in: test_bpf(+)\n CPU: 0 PID: 76 Comm: insmod Not tainted 5.14.0-03771-g98c2059e008a-dirty #1\n NIP: 8000000000061c3c LR: 80000000006dea64 CTR: 8000000000061c18\n REGS: c0000000032d3420 TRAP: 0700 Not tainted (5.14.0-03771-g98c2059e008a-dirty)\n MSR: 0000000080089000 <EE,ME> CR: 88002822 XER: 20000000 IRQMASK: 0\n <...>\n NIP [8000000000061c3c] 0x8000000000061c3c\n LR [80000000006dea64] .__run_one+0x104/0x17c [test_bpf]\n Call Trace:\n .__run_one+0x60/0x17c [test_bpf] (unreliable)\n .test_bpf_init+0x6a8/0xdc8 [test_bpf]\n .do_one_initcall+0x6c/0x28c\n .do_init_module+0x68/0x28c\n .load_module+0x2460/0x2abc\n .__do_sys_init_module+0x120/0x18c\n .system_call_exception+0x110/0x1b8\n system_call_common+0xf0/0x210\n --- interrupt: c00 at 0x101d0acc\n <...>\n ---[ end trace 47b2bf19090bb3d0 ]---\n\n Illegal instruction\n\nThe illegal instruction turned out to be 'ldbrx' emitted for\nBPF_FROM_[L|B]E, which was only introduced in ISA v2.06. Guard use of\nthe same and implement an alternative approach for older processors.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48755 was patched at 2024-06-30

333. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48761) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: usb: xhci-plat: fix crash when suspend if remote wake enable Crashed at i.mx8qm platform when suspend if enable remote wakeup Internal error: synchronous external abort: 96000210 [#1] PREEMPT SMP Modules linked in: CPU: 2 PID: 244 Comm: kworker/u12:6 Not tainted 5.15.5-dirty #12 Hardware name: Freescale i.MX8QM MEK (DT) Workqueue: events_unbound async_run_entry_fn pstate: 600000c5 (nZCv daIF -PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--) pc : xhci_disable_hub_port_wake.isra.62+0x60/0xf8 lr : xhci_disable_hub_port_wake.isra.62+0x34/0xf8 sp : ffff80001394bbf0 x29: ffff80001394bbf0 x28: 0000000000000000 x27: ffff00081193b578 x26: ffff00081193b570 x25: 0000000000000000 x24: 0000000000000000 x23: ffff00081193a29c x22: 0000000000020001 x21: 0000000000000001 x20: 0000000000000000 x19: ffff800014e90490 x18: 0000000000000000 x17: 0000000000000000 x16: 0000000000000000 x15: 0000000000000000 x14: 0000000000000000 x13: 0000000000000002 x12: 0000000000000000 x11: 0000000000000000 x10: 0000000000000960 x9 : ffff80001394baa0 x8 : ffff0008145d1780 x7 : ffff0008f95b8e80 x6 : 000000001853b453 x5 : 0000000000000496 x4 : 0000000000000000 x3 : ffff00081193a29c x2 : 0000000000000001 x1 : 0000000000000000 x0 : ffff000814591620 Call trace: xhci_disable_hub_port_wake.isra.62+0x60/0xf8 xhci_suspend+0x58/0x510 xhci_plat_suspend+0x50/0x78 platform_pm_suspend+0x2c/0x78 dpm_run_callback.isra.25+0x50/0xe8 __device_suspend+0x108/0x3c0 The basic flow: \t1. run time suspend call xhci_suspend, xhci parent devices gate the clock. 2. echo mem >/sys/power/state, system _device_suspend call xhci_suspend 3. xhci_suspend call xhci_disable_hub_port_wake, which access register, \t but clock already gated by run time suspend. This problem was hidden by power domain driver, which call run time resume before it. But the below commit remove it and make this issue happen. \tcommit c1df456d0f06e ("PM: domains: Don't runtime resume devices at genpd_prepare()") This patch call run time resume before suspend to make sure clock is on before access register. Testeb-by: Abel Vesa <>', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nusb: xhci-plat: fix crash when suspend if remote wake enable\n\nCrashed at i.mx8qm platform when suspend if enable remote wakeup\n\nInternal error: synchronous external abort: 96000210 [#1] PREEMPT SMP\nModules linked in:\nCPU: 2 PID: 244 Comm: kworker/u12:6 Not tainted 5.15.5-dirty #12\nHardware name: Freescale i.MX8QM MEK (DT)\nWorkqueue: events_unbound async_run_entry_fn\npstate: 600000c5 (nZCv daIF -PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--)\npc : xhci_disable_hub_port_wake.isra.62+0x60/0xf8\nlr : xhci_disable_hub_port_wake.isra.62+0x34/0xf8\nsp : ffff80001394bbf0\nx29: ffff80001394bbf0 x28: 0000000000000000 x27: ffff00081193b578\nx26: ffff00081193b570 x25: 0000000000000000 x24: 0000000000000000\nx23: ffff00081193a29c x22: 0000000000020001 x21: 0000000000000001\nx20: 0000000000000000 x19: ffff800014e90490 x18: 0000000000000000\nx17: 0000000000000000 x16: 0000000000000000 x15: 0000000000000000\nx14: 0000000000000000 x13: 0000000000000002 x12: 0000000000000000\nx11: 0000000000000000 x10: 0000000000000960 x9 : ffff80001394baa0\nx8 : ffff0008145d1780 x7 : ffff0008f95b8e80 x6 : 000000001853b453\nx5 : 0000000000000496 x4 : 0000000000000000 x3 : ffff00081193a29c\nx2 : 0000000000000001 x1 : 0000000000000000 x0 : ffff000814591620\nCall trace:\n xhci_disable_hub_port_wake.isra.62+0x60/0xf8\n xhci_suspend+0x58/0x510\n xhci_plat_suspend+0x50/0x78\n platform_pm_suspend+0x2c/0x78\n dpm_run_callback.isra.25+0x50/0xe8\n __device_suspend+0x108/0x3c0\n\nThe basic flow:\n\t1. run time suspend call xhci_suspend, xhci parent devices gate the clock.\n 2. echo mem >/sys/power/state, system _device_suspend call xhci_suspend\n 3. xhci_suspend call xhci_disable_hub_port_wake, which access register,\n\t but clock already gated by run time suspend.\n\nThis problem was hidden by power domain driver, which call run time resume before it.\n\nBut the below commit remove it and make this issue happen.\n\tcommit c1df456d0f06e ("PM: domains: Don't runtime resume devices at genpd_prepare()")\n\nThis patch call run time resume before suspend to make sure clock is on\nbefore access register.\n\nTesteb-by: Abel Vesa <>', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48761 was patched at 2024-06-30

334. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48765) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: KVM: LAPIC: Also cancel preemption timer during SET_LAPIC The below warning is splatting during guest reboot. ------------[ cut here ]------------ WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 1931 at arch/x86/kvm/x86.c:10322 kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_run+0x874/0x880 [kvm] CPU: 0 PID: 1931 Comm: qemu-system-x86 Tainted: G I 5.17.0-rc1+ #5 RIP: 0010:kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_run+0x874/0x880 [kvm] Call Trace: <TASK> kvm_vcpu_ioctl+0x279/0x710 [kvm] __x64_sys_ioctl+0x83/0xb0 do_syscall_64+0x3b/0xc0 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae RIP: 0033:0x7fd39797350b This can be triggered by not exposing tsc-deadline mode and doing a reboot in the guest. The lapic_shutdown() function which is called in sys_reboot path will not disarm the flying timer, it just masks LVTT. lapic_shutdown() clears APIC state w/ LVT_MASKED and timer-mode bit is 0, this can trigger timer-mode switch between tsc-deadline and oneshot/periodic, which can result in preemption timer be cancelled in apic_update_lvtt(). However, We can't depend on this when not exposing tsc-deadline mode and oneshot/periodic modes emulated by preemption timer. Qemu will synchronise states around reset, let's cancel preemption timer under KVM_SET_LAPIC.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nKVM: LAPIC: Also cancel preemption timer during SET_LAPIC\n\nThe below warning is splatting during guest reboot.\n\n ------------[ cut here ]------------\n WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 1931 at arch/x86/kvm/x86.c:10322 kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_run+0x874/0x880 [kvm]\n CPU: 0 PID: 1931 Comm: qemu-system-x86 Tainted: G I 5.17.0-rc1+ #5\n RIP: 0010:kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_run+0x874/0x880 [kvm]\n Call Trace:\n <TASK>\n kvm_vcpu_ioctl+0x279/0x710 [kvm]\n __x64_sys_ioctl+0x83/0xb0\n do_syscall_64+0x3b/0xc0\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae\n RIP: 0033:0x7fd39797350b\n\nThis can be triggered by not exposing tsc-deadline mode and doing a reboot in\nthe guest. The lapic_shutdown() function which is called in sys_reboot path\nwill not disarm the flying timer, it just masks LVTT. lapic_shutdown() clears\nAPIC state w/ LVT_MASKED and timer-mode bit is 0, this can trigger timer-mode\nswitch between tsc-deadline and oneshot/periodic, which can result in preemption\ntimer be cancelled in apic_update_lvtt(). However, We can't depend on this when\nnot exposing tsc-deadline mode and oneshot/periodic modes emulated by preemption\ntimer. Qemu will synchronise states around reset, let's cancel preemption timer\nunder KVM_SET_LAPIC.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48765 was patched at 2024-06-30

335. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48767) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ceph: properly put ceph_string reference after async create attempt The reference acquired by try_prep_async_create is currently leaked. Ensure we put it.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nceph: properly put ceph_string reference after async create attempt\n\nThe reference acquired by try_prep_async_create is currently leaked.\nEnsure we put it.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48767 was patched at 2024-06-30

336. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48769) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: efi: runtime: avoid EFIv2 runtime services on Apple x86 machines Aditya reports [0] that his recent MacbookPro crashes in the firmware when using the variable services at runtime. The culprit appears to be a call to QueryVariableInfo(), which we did not use to call on Apple x86 machines in the past as they only upgraded from EFI v1.10 to EFI v2.40 firmware fairly recently, and QueryVariableInfo() (along with UpdateCapsule() et al) was added in EFI v2.00. The only runtime service introduced in EFI v2.00 that we actually use in Linux is QueryVariableInfo(), as the capsule based ones are optional, generally not used at runtime (all the LVFS/fwupd firmware update infrastructure uses helper EFI programs that invoke capsule update at boot time, not runtime), and not implemented by Apple machines in the first place. QueryVariableInfo() is used to 'safely' set variables, i.e., only when there is enough space. This prevents machines with buggy firmwares from corrupting their NVRAMs when they run out of space. Given that Apple machines have been using EFI v1.10 services only for the longest time (the EFI v2.0 spec was released in 2006, and Linux support for the newly introduced runtime services was added in 2011, but the MacbookPro12,1 released in 2015 still claims to be EFI v1.10 only), let's avoid the EFI v2.0 ones on all Apple x86 machines. [0]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nefi: runtime: avoid EFIv2 runtime services on Apple x86 machines\n\nAditya reports [0] that his recent MacbookPro crashes in the firmware\nwhen using the variable services at runtime. The culprit appears to be a\ncall to QueryVariableInfo(), which we did not use to call on Apple x86\nmachines in the past as they only upgraded from EFI v1.10 to EFI v2.40\nfirmware fairly recently, and QueryVariableInfo() (along with\nUpdateCapsule() et al) was added in EFI v2.00.\n\nThe only runtime service introduced in EFI v2.00 that we actually use in\nLinux is QueryVariableInfo(), as the capsule based ones are optional,\ngenerally not used at runtime (all the LVFS/fwupd firmware update\ninfrastructure uses helper EFI programs that invoke capsule update at\nboot time, not runtime), and not implemented by Apple machines in the\nfirst place. QueryVariableInfo() is used to 'safely' set variables,\ni.e., only when there is enough space. This prevents machines with buggy\nfirmwares from corrupting their NVRAMs when they run out of space.\n\nGiven that Apple machines have been using EFI v1.10 services only for\nthe longest time (the EFI v2.0 spec was released in 2006, and Linux\nsupport for the newly introduced runtime services was added in 2011, but\nthe MacbookPro12,1 released in 2015 still claims to be EFI v1.10 only),\nlet's avoid the EFI v2.0 ones on all Apple x86 machines.\n\n[0]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48769 was patched at 2024-06-30

337. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48770) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bpf: Guard against accessing NULL pt_regs in bpf_get_task_stack() task_pt_regs() can return NULL on powerpc for kernel threads. This is then used in __bpf_get_stack() to check for user mode, resulting in a kernel oops. Guard against this by checking return value of task_pt_regs() before trying to obtain the call chain.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbpf: Guard against accessing NULL pt_regs in bpf_get_task_stack()\n\ntask_pt_regs() can return NULL on powerpc for kernel threads. This is\nthen used in __bpf_get_stack() to check for user mode, resulting in a\nkernel oops. Guard against this by checking return value of\ntask_pt_regs() before trying to obtain the call chain.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48770 was patched at 2024-06-30

338. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48773) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: xprtrdma: fix pointer derefs in error cases of rpcrdma_ep_create If there are failures then we must not leave the non-NULL pointers with the error value, otherwise `rpcrdma_ep_destroy` gets confused and tries free them, resulting in an Oops.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nxprtrdma: fix pointer derefs in error cases of rpcrdma_ep_create\n\nIf there are failures then we must not leave the non-NULL pointers with\nthe error value, otherwise `rpcrdma_ep_destroy` gets confused and tries\nfree them, resulting in an Oops.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48773 was patched at 2024-07-16

339. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48774) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: dmaengine: ptdma: Fix the error handling path in pt_core_init() In order to free resources correctly in the error handling path of pt_core_init(), 2 goto's have to be switched. Otherwise, some resources will leak and we will try to release things that have not been allocated yet. Also move a dev_err() to a place where it is more meaningful.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndmaengine: ptdma: Fix the error handling path in pt_core_init()\n\nIn order to free resources correctly in the error handling path of\npt_core_init(), 2 goto's have to be switched. Otherwise, some resources\nwill leak and we will try to release things that have not been allocated\nyet.\n\nAlso move a dev_err() to a place where it is more meaningful.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48774 was patched at 2024-07-16

340. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48776) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mtd: parsers: qcom: Fix missing free for pparts in cleanup Mtdpart doesn't free pparts when a cleanup function is declared. Add missing free for pparts in cleanup function for smem to fix the leak.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmtd: parsers: qcom: Fix missing free for pparts in cleanup\n\nMtdpart doesn't free pparts when a cleanup function is declared.\nAdd missing free for pparts in cleanup function for smem to fix the\nleak.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48776 was patched at 2024-07-16

341. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48777) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mtd: parsers: qcom: Fix kernel panic on skipped partition In the event of a skipped partition (case when the entry name is empty) the kernel panics in the cleanup function as the name entry is NULL. Rework the parser logic by first checking the real partition number and then allocate the space and set the data for the valid partitions. The logic was also fundamentally wrong as with a skipped partition, the parts number returned was incorrect by not decreasing it for the skipped partitions.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmtd: parsers: qcom: Fix kernel panic on skipped partition\n\nIn the event of a skipped partition (case when the entry name is empty)\nthe kernel panics in the cleanup function as the name entry is NULL.\nRework the parser logic by first checking the real partition number and\nthen allocate the space and set the data for the valid partitions.\n\nThe logic was also fundamentally wrong as with a skipped partition, the\nparts number returned was incorrect by not decreasing it for the skipped\npartitions.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48777 was patched at 2024-07-16

342. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48778) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mtd: rawnand: gpmi: don't leak PM reference in error path If gpmi_nfc_apply_timings() fails, the PM runtime usage counter must be dropped.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmtd: rawnand: gpmi: don't leak PM reference in error path\n\nIf gpmi_nfc_apply_timings() fails, the PM runtime usage counter must be\ndropped.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48778 was patched at 2024-07-16

343. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48780) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/smc: Avoid overwriting the copies of clcsock callback functions The callback functions of clcsock will be saved and replaced during the fallback. But if the fallback happens more than once, then the copies of these callback functions will be overwritten incorrectly, resulting in a loop call issue: clcsk->sk_error_report |- smc_fback_error_report() <------------------------------| |- smc_fback_forward_wakeup() | (loop) |- clcsock_callback() (incorrectly overwritten) | |- smc->clcsk_error_report() ------------------| So this patch fixes the issue by saving these function pointers only once in the fallback and avoiding overwriting.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet/smc: Avoid overwriting the copies of clcsock callback functions\n\nThe callback functions of clcsock will be saved and replaced during\nthe fallback. But if the fallback happens more than once, then the\ncopies of these callback functions will be overwritten incorrectly,\nresulting in a loop call issue:\n\nclcsk->sk_error_report\n |- smc_fback_error_report() <------------------------------|\n |- smc_fback_forward_wakeup() | (loop)\n |- clcsock_callback() (incorrectly overwritten) |\n |- smc->clcsk_error_report() ------------------|\n\nSo this patch fixes the issue by saving these function pointers only\nonce in the fallback and avoiding overwriting.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48780 was patched at 2024-07-16

344. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48783) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: fix use after free in gswip_remove() of_node_put(priv->ds->slave_mii_bus->dev.of_node) should be done before mdiobus_free(priv->ds->slave_mii_bus).', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: dsa: lantiq_gswip: fix use after free in gswip_remove()\n\nof_node_put(priv->ds->slave_mii_bus->dev.of_node) should be\ndone before mdiobus_free(priv->ds->slave_mii_bus).', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48783 was patched at 2024-07-16

345. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48784) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: cfg80211: fix race in netlink owner interface destruction My previous fix here to fix the deadlock left a race where the exact same deadlock (see the original commit referenced below) can still happen if cfg80211_destroy_ifaces() already runs while nl80211_netlink_notify() is still marking some interfaces as nl_owner_dead. The race happens because we have two loops here - first we dev_close() all the netdevs, and then we destroy them. If we also have two netdevs (first one need only be a wdev though) then we can find one during the first iteration, close it, and go to the second iteration -- but then find two, and try to destroy also the one we didn't close yet. Fix this by only iterating once.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ncfg80211: fix race in netlink owner interface destruction\n\nMy previous fix here to fix the deadlock left a race where\nthe exact same deadlock (see the original commit referenced\nbelow) can still happen if cfg80211_destroy_ifaces() already\nruns while nl80211_netlink_notify() is still marking some\ninterfaces as nl_owner_dead.\n\nThe race happens because we have two loops here - first we\ndev_close() all the netdevs, and then we destroy them. If we\nalso have two netdevs (first one need only be a wdev though)\nthen we can find one during the first iteration, close it,\nand go to the second iteration -- but then find two, and try\nto destroy also the one we didn't close yet.\n\nFix this by only iterating once.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48784 was patched at 2024-07-16

346. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48785) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ipv6: mcast: use rcu-safe version of ipv6_get_lladdr() Some time ago 8965779d2c0e ("ipv6,mcast: always hold idev->lock before mca_lock") switched ipv6_get_lladdr() to __ipv6_get_lladdr(), which is rcu-unsafe version. That was OK, because idev->lock was held for these codepaths. In 88e2ca308094 ("mld: convert ifmcaddr6 to RCU") these external locks were removed, so we probably need to restore the original rcu-safe call. Otherwise, we occasionally get a machine crashed/stalled with the following in dmesg: [ 3405.966610][T230589] general protection fault, probably for non-canonical address 0xdead00000000008c: 0000 [#1] SMP NOPTI [ 3405.982083][T230589] CPU: 44 PID: 230589 Comm: kworker/44:3 Tainted: G O 5.15.19-cloudflare-2022.2.1 #1 [ 3405.998061][T230589] Hardware name: SUPA-COOL-SERV [ 3406.009552][T230589] Workqueue: mld mld_ifc_work [ 3406.017224][T230589] RIP: 0010:__ipv6_get_lladdr+0x34/0x60 [ 3406.025780][T230589] Code: 57 10 48 83 c7 08 48 89 e5 48 39 d7 74 3e 48 8d 82 38 ff ff ff eb 13 48 8b 90 d0 00 00 00 48 8d 82 38 ff ff ff 48 39 d7 74 22 <66> 83 78 32 20 77 1b 75 e4 89 ca 23 50 2c 75 dd 48 8b 50 08 48 8b [ 3406.055748][T230589] RSP: 0018:ffff94e4b3fc3d10 EFLAGS: 00010202 [ 3406.065617][T230589] RAX: dead00000000005a RBX: ffff94e4b3fc3d30 RCX: 0000000000000040 [ 3406.077477][T230589] RDX: dead000000000122 RSI: ffff94e4b3fc3d30 RDI: ffff8c3a31431008 [ 3406.089389][T230589] RBP: ffff94e4b3fc3d10 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000 [ 3406.101445][T230589] R10: ffff8c3a31430000 R11: 000000000000000b R12: ffff8c2c37887100 [ 3406.113553][T230589] R13: ffff8c3a39537000 R14: 00000000000005dc R15: ffff8c3a31431000 [ 3406.125730][T230589] FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff8c3b9fc80000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 [ 3406.138992][T230589] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 [ 3406.149895][T230589] CR2: 00007f0dfea1db60 CR3: 000000387b5f2000 CR4: 0000000000350ee0 [ 3406.162421][T230589] Call Trace: [ 3406.170235][T230589] <TASK> [ 3406.177736][T230589] mld_newpack+0xfe/0x1a0 [ 3406.186686][T230589] add_grhead+0x87/0xa0 [ 3406.195498][T230589] add_grec+0x485/0x4e0 [ 3406.204310][T230589] ? newidle_balance+0x126/0x3f0 [ 3406.214024][T230589] mld_ifc_work+0x15d/0x450 [ 3406.223279][T230589] process_one_work+0x1e6/0x380 [ 3406.232982][T230589] worker_thread+0x50/0x3a0 [ 3406.242371][T230589] ? rescuer_thread+0x360/0x360 [ 3406.252175][T230589] kthread+0x127/0x150 [ 3406.261197][T230589] ? set_kthread_struct+0x40/0x40 [ 3406.271287][T230589] ret_from_fork+0x22/0x30 [ 3406.280812][T230589] </TASK> [ 3406.288937][T230589] Modules linked in: ... [last unloaded: kheaders] [ 3406.476714][T230589] ---[ end trace 3525a7655f2f3b9e ]---', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nipv6: mcast: use rcu-safe version of ipv6_get_lladdr()\n\nSome time ago 8965779d2c0e ("ipv6,mcast: always hold idev->lock before mca_lock")\nswitched ipv6_get_lladdr() to __ipv6_get_lladdr(), which is rcu-unsafe\nversion. That was OK, because idev->lock was held for these codepaths.\n\nIn 88e2ca308094 ("mld: convert ifmcaddr6 to RCU") these external locks were\nremoved, so we probably need to restore the original rcu-safe call.\n\nOtherwise, we occasionally get a machine crashed/stalled with the following\nin dmesg:\n\n[ 3405.966610][T230589] general protection fault, probably for non-canonical address 0xdead00000000008c: 0000 [#1] SMP NOPTI\n[ 3405.982083][T230589] CPU: 44 PID: 230589 Comm: kworker/44:3 Tainted: G O 5.15.19-cloudflare-2022.2.1 #1\n[ 3405.998061][T230589] Hardware name: SUPA-COOL-SERV\n[ 3406.009552][T230589] Workqueue: mld mld_ifc_work\n[ 3406.017224][T230589] RIP: 0010:__ipv6_get_lladdr+0x34/0x60\n[ 3406.025780][T230589] Code: 57 10 48 83 c7 08 48 89 e5 48 39 d7 74 3e 48 8d 82 38 ff ff ff eb 13 48 8b 90 d0 00 00 00 48 8d 82 38 ff ff ff 48 39 d7 74 22 <66> 83 78 32 20 77 1b 75 e4 89 ca 23 50 2c 75 dd 48 8b 50 08 48 8b\n[ 3406.055748][T230589] RSP: 0018:ffff94e4b3fc3d10 EFLAGS: 00010202\n[ 3406.065617][T230589] RAX: dead00000000005a RBX: ffff94e4b3fc3d30 RCX: 0000000000000040\n[ 3406.077477][T230589] RDX: dead000000000122 RSI: ffff94e4b3fc3d30 RDI: ffff8c3a31431008\n[ 3406.089389][T230589] RBP: ffff94e4b3fc3d10 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000\n[ 3406.101445][T230589] R10: ffff8c3a31430000 R11: 000000000000000b R12: ffff8c2c37887100\n[ 3406.113553][T230589] R13: ffff8c3a39537000 R14: 00000000000005dc R15: ffff8c3a31431000\n[ 3406.125730][T230589] FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff8c3b9fc80000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\n[ 3406.138992][T230589] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\n[ 3406.149895][T230589] CR2: 00007f0dfea1db60 CR3: 000000387b5f2000 CR4: 0000000000350ee0\n[ 3406.162421][T230589] Call Trace:\n[ 3406.170235][T230589] <TASK>\n[ 3406.177736][T230589] mld_newpack+0xfe/0x1a0\n[ 3406.186686][T230589] add_grhead+0x87/0xa0\n[ 3406.195498][T230589] add_grec+0x485/0x4e0\n[ 3406.204310][T230589] ? newidle_balance+0x126/0x3f0\n[ 3406.214024][T230589] mld_ifc_work+0x15d/0x450\n[ 3406.223279][T230589] process_one_work+0x1e6/0x380\n[ 3406.232982][T230589] worker_thread+0x50/0x3a0\n[ 3406.242371][T230589] ? rescuer_thread+0x360/0x360\n[ 3406.252175][T230589] kthread+0x127/0x150\n[ 3406.261197][T230589] ? set_kthread_struct+0x40/0x40\n[ 3406.271287][T230589] ret_from_fork+0x22/0x30\n[ 3406.280812][T230589] </TASK>\n[ 3406.288937][T230589] Modules linked in: ... [last unloaded: kheaders]\n[ 3406.476714][T230589] ---[ end trace 3525a7655f2f3b9e ]---', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48785 was patched at 2024-07-16

347. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48793) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: KVM: x86: nSVM: fix potential NULL derefernce on nested migration Turns out that due to review feedback and/or rebases I accidentally moved the call to nested_svm_load_cr3 to be too early, before the NPT is enabled, which is very wrong to do. KVM can't even access guest memory at that point as nested NPT is needed for that, and of course it won't initialize the walk_mmu, which is main issue the patch was addressing. Fix this for real.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nKVM: x86: nSVM: fix potential NULL derefernce on nested migration\n\nTurns out that due to review feedback and/or rebases\nI accidentally moved the call to nested_svm_load_cr3 to be too early,\nbefore the NPT is enabled, which is very wrong to do.\n\nKVM can't even access guest memory at that point as nested NPT\nis needed for that, and of course it won't initialize the walk_mmu,\nwhich is main issue the patch was addressing.\n\nFix this for real.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48793 was patched at 2024-07-16

348. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48797) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mm: don't try to NUMA-migrate COW pages that have other uses Oded Gabbay reports that enabling NUMA balancing causes corruption with his Gaudi accelerator test load: "All the details are in the bug, but the bottom line is that somehow, this patch causes corruption when the numa balancing feature is enabled AND we don't use process affinity AND we use GUP to pin pages so our accelerator can DMA to/from system memory. Either disabling numa balancing, using process affinity to bind to specific numa-node or reverting this patch causes the bug to disappear" and Oded bisected the issue to commit 09854ba94c6a ("mm: do_wp_page() simplification"). Now, the NUMA balancing shouldn't actually be changing the writability of a page, and as such shouldn't matter for COW. But it appears it does. Suspicious. However, regardless of that, the condition for enabling NUMA faults in change_pte_range() is nonsensical. It uses "page_mapcount(page)" to decide if a COW page should be NUMA-protected or not, and that makes absolutely no sense. The number of mappings a page has is irrelevant: not only does GUP get a reference to a page as in Oded's case, but the other mappings migth be paged out and the only reference to them would be in the page count. Since we should never try to NUMA-balance a page that we can't move anyway due to other references, just fix the code to use 'page_count()'. Oded confirms that that fixes his issue. Now, this does imply that something in NUMA balancing ends up changing page protections (other than the obvious one of making the page inaccessible to get the NUMA faulting information). Otherwise the COW simplification wouldn't matter - since doing the GUP on the page would make sure it's writable. The cause of that permission change would be good to figure out too, since it clearly results in spurious COW events - but fixing the nonsensical test that just happened to work before is obviously the CorrectThing(tm) to do regardless.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmm: don't try to NUMA-migrate COW pages that have other uses\n\nOded Gabbay reports that enabling NUMA balancing causes corruption with\nhis Gaudi accelerator test load:\n\n "All the details are in the bug, but the bottom line is that somehow,\n this patch causes corruption when the numa balancing feature is\n enabled AND we don't use process affinity AND we use GUP to pin pages\n so our accelerator can DMA to/from system memory.\n\n Either disabling numa balancing, using process affinity to bind to\n specific numa-node or reverting this patch causes the bug to\n disappear"\n\nand Oded bisected the issue to commit 09854ba94c6a ("mm: do_wp_page()\nsimplification").\n\nNow, the NUMA balancing shouldn't actually be changing the writability\nof a page, and as such shouldn't matter for COW. But it appears it\ndoes. Suspicious.\n\nHowever, regardless of that, the condition for enabling NUMA faults in\nchange_pte_range() is nonsensical. It uses "page_mapcount(page)" to\ndecide if a COW page should be NUMA-protected or not, and that makes\nabsolutely no sense.\n\nThe number of mappings a page has is irrelevant: not only does GUP get a\nreference to a page as in Oded's case, but the other mappings migth be\npaged out and the only reference to them would be in the page count.\n\nSince we should never try to NUMA-balance a page that we can't move\nanyway due to other references, just fix the code to use 'page_count()'.\nOded confirms that that fixes his issue.\n\nNow, this does imply that something in NUMA balancing ends up changing\npage protections (other than the obvious one of making the page\ninaccessible to get the NUMA faulting information). Otherwise the COW\nsimplification wouldn't matter - since doing the GUP on the page would\nmake sure it's writable.\n\nThe cause of that permission change would be good to figure out too,\nsince it clearly results in spurious COW events - but fixing the\nnonsensical test that just happened to work before is obviously the\nCorrectThing(tm) to do regardless.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48797 was patched at 2024-07-16

349. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48798) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: s390/cio: verify the driver availability for path_event call If no driver is attached to a device or the driver does not provide the path_event function, an FCES path-event on this device could end up in a kernel-panic. Verify the driver availability before the path_event function call.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ns390/cio: verify the driver availability for path_event call\n\nIf no driver is attached to a device or the driver does not provide the\npath_event function, an FCES path-event on this device could end up in a\nkernel-panic. Verify the driver availability before the path_event\nfunction call.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48798 was patched at 2024-07-16

350. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48802) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: fs/proc: task_mmu.c: don't read mapcount for migration entry The syzbot reported the below BUG: kernel BUG at include/linux/page-flags.h:785! invalid opcode: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN CPU: 1 PID: 4392 Comm: syz-executor560 Not tainted 5.16.0-rc6-syzkaller #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/2011 RIP: 0010:PageDoubleMap include/linux/page-flags.h:785 [inline] RIP: 0010:__page_mapcount+0x2d2/0x350 mm/util.c:744 Call Trace: page_mapcount include/linux/mm.h:837 [inline] smaps_account+0x470/0xb10 fs/proc/task_mmu.c:466 smaps_pte_entry fs/proc/task_mmu.c:538 [inline] smaps_pte_range+0x611/0x1250 fs/proc/task_mmu.c:601 walk_pmd_range mm/pagewalk.c:128 [inline] walk_pud_range mm/pagewalk.c:205 [inline] walk_p4d_range mm/pagewalk.c:240 [inline] walk_pgd_range mm/pagewalk.c:277 [inline] __walk_page_range+0xe23/0x1ea0 mm/pagewalk.c:379 walk_page_vma+0x277/0x350 mm/pagewalk.c:530 smap_gather_stats.part.0+0x148/0x260 fs/proc/task_mmu.c:768 smap_gather_stats fs/proc/task_mmu.c:741 [inline] show_smap+0xc6/0x440 fs/proc/task_mmu.c:822 seq_read_iter+0xbb0/0x1240 fs/seq_file.c:272 seq_read+0x3e0/0x5b0 fs/seq_file.c:162 vfs_read+0x1b5/0x600 fs/read_write.c:479 ksys_read+0x12d/0x250 fs/read_write.c:619 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline] do_syscall_64+0x35/0xb0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae The reproducer was trying to read /proc/$PID/smaps when calling MADV_FREE at the mean time. MADV_FREE may split THPs if it is called for partial THP. It may trigger the below race: CPU A CPU B ----- ----- smaps walk: MADV_FREE: page_mapcount() PageCompound() split_huge_page() page = compound_head(page) PageDoubleMap(page) When calling PageDoubleMap() this page is not a tail page of THP anymore so the BUG is triggered. This could be fixed by elevated refcount of the page before calling mapcount, but that would prevent it from counting migration entries, and it seems overkilling because the race just could happen when PMD is split so all PTE entries of tail pages are actually migration entries, and smaps_account() does treat migration entries as mapcount == 1 as Kirill pointed out. Add a new parameter for smaps_account() to tell this entry is migration entry then skip calling page_mapcount(). Don't skip getting mapcount for device private entries since they do track references with mapcount. Pagemap also has the similar issue although it was not reported. Fixed it as well. [ v4] Link: [ avoid unused variable warning in pagemap_pmd_range()] Link:', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nfs/proc: task_mmu.c: don't read mapcount for migration entry\n\nThe syzbot reported the below BUG:\n\n kernel BUG at include/linux/page-flags.h:785!\n invalid opcode: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN\n CPU: 1 PID: 4392 Comm: syz-executor560 Not tainted 5.16.0-rc6-syzkaller #0\n Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/2011\n RIP: 0010:PageDoubleMap include/linux/page-flags.h:785 [inline]\n RIP: 0010:__page_mapcount+0x2d2/0x350 mm/util.c:744\n Call Trace:\n page_mapcount include/linux/mm.h:837 [inline]\n smaps_account+0x470/0xb10 fs/proc/task_mmu.c:466\n smaps_pte_entry fs/proc/task_mmu.c:538 [inline]\n smaps_pte_range+0x611/0x1250 fs/proc/task_mmu.c:601\n walk_pmd_range mm/pagewalk.c:128 [inline]\n walk_pud_range mm/pagewalk.c:205 [inline]\n walk_p4d_range mm/pagewalk.c:240 [inline]\n walk_pgd_range mm/pagewalk.c:277 [inline]\n __walk_page_range+0xe23/0x1ea0 mm/pagewalk.c:379\n walk_page_vma+0x277/0x350 mm/pagewalk.c:530\n smap_gather_stats.part.0+0x148/0x260 fs/proc/task_mmu.c:768\n smap_gather_stats fs/proc/task_mmu.c:741 [inline]\n show_smap+0xc6/0x440 fs/proc/task_mmu.c:822\n seq_read_iter+0xbb0/0x1240 fs/seq_file.c:272\n seq_read+0x3e0/0x5b0 fs/seq_file.c:162\n vfs_read+0x1b5/0x600 fs/read_write.c:479\n ksys_read+0x12d/0x250 fs/read_write.c:619\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0x35/0xb0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae\n\nThe reproducer was trying to read /proc/$PID/smaps when calling\nMADV_FREE at the mean time. MADV_FREE may split THPs if it is called\nfor partial THP. It may trigger the below race:\n\n CPU A CPU B\n ----- -----\n smaps walk: MADV_FREE:\n page_mapcount()\n PageCompound()\n split_huge_page()\n page = compound_head(page)\n PageDoubleMap(page)\n\nWhen calling PageDoubleMap() this page is not a tail page of THP anymore\nso the BUG is triggered.\n\nThis could be fixed by elevated refcount of the page before calling\nmapcount, but that would prevent it from counting migration entries, and\nit seems overkilling because the race just could happen when PMD is\nsplit so all PTE entries of tail pages are actually migration entries,\nand smaps_account() does treat migration entries as mapcount == 1 as\nKirill pointed out.\n\nAdd a new parameter for smaps_account() to tell this entry is migration\nentry then skip calling page_mapcount(). Don't skip getting mapcount\nfor device private entries since they do track references with mapcount.\n\nPagemap also has the similar issue although it was not reported. Fixed\nit as well.\n\n[ v4]\n Link:\n[ avoid unused variable warning in pagemap_pmd_range()]\n Link:', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48802 was patched at 2024-07-16

351. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48803) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: phy: ti: Fix missing sentinel for clk_div_table _get_table_maxdiv() tries to access "clk_div_table" array out of bound defined in phy-j721e-wiz.c. Add a sentinel entry to prevent the following global-out-of-bounds error reported by enabling KASAN. [ 9.552392] BUG: KASAN: global-out-of-bounds in _get_maxdiv+0xc0/0x148 [ 9.558948] Read of size 4 at addr ffff8000095b25a4 by task kworker/u4:1/38 [ 9.565926] [ 9.567441] CPU: 1 PID: 38 Comm: kworker/u4:1 Not tainted 5.16.0-116492-gdaadb3bd0e8d-dirty #360 [ 9.576242] Hardware name: Texas Instruments J721e EVM (DT) [ 9.581832] Workqueue: events_unbound deferred_probe_work_func [ 9.587708] Call trace: [ 9.590174] dump_backtrace+0x20c/0x218 [ 9.594038] show_stack+0x18/0x68 [ 9.597375] dump_stack_lvl+0x9c/0xd8 [ 9.601062] print_address_description.constprop.0+0x78/0x334 [ 9.606830] kasan_report+0x1f0/0x260 [ 9.610517] __asan_load4+0x9c/0xd8 [ 9.614030] _get_maxdiv+0xc0/0x148 [ 9.617540] divider_determine_rate+0x88/0x488 [ 9.622005] divider_round_rate_parent+0xc8/0x124 [ 9.626729] wiz_clk_div_round_rate+0x54/0x68 [ 9.631113] clk_core_determine_round_nolock+0x124/0x158 [ 9.636448] clk_core_round_rate_nolock+0x68/0x138 [ 9.641260] clk_core_set_rate_nolock+0x268/0x3a8 [ 9.645987] clk_set_rate+0x50/0xa8 [ 9.649499] cdns_sierra_phy_init+0x88/0x248 [ 9.653794] phy_init+0x98/0x108 [ 9.657046] cdns_pcie_enable_phy+0xa0/0x170 [ 9.661340] cdns_pcie_init_phy+0x250/0x2b0 [ 9.665546] j721e_pcie_probe+0x4b8/0x798 [ 9.669579] platform_probe+0x8c/0x108 [ 9.673350] really_probe+0x114/0x630 [ 9.677037] __driver_probe_device+0x18c/0x220 [ 9.681505] driver_probe_device+0xac/0x150 [ 9.685712] __device_attach_driver+0xec/0x170 [ 9.690178] bus_for_each_drv+0xf0/0x158 [ 9.694124] __device_attach+0x184/0x210 [ 9.698070] device_initial_probe+0x14/0x20 [ 9.702277] bus_probe_device+0xec/0x100 [ 9.706223] deferred_probe_work_func+0x124/0x180 [ 9.710951] process_one_work+0x4b0/0xbc0 [ 9.714983] worker_thread+0x74/0x5d0 [ 9.718668] kthread+0x214/0x230 [ 9.721919] ret_from_fork+0x10/0x20 [ 9.725520] [ 9.727032] The buggy address belongs to the variable: [ 9.732183] clk_div_table+0x24/0x440', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nphy: ti: Fix missing sentinel for clk_div_table\n\n_get_table_maxdiv() tries to access "clk_div_table" array out of bound\ndefined in phy-j721e-wiz.c. Add a sentinel entry to prevent\nthe following global-out-of-bounds error reported by enabling KASAN.\n\n[ 9.552392] BUG: KASAN: global-out-of-bounds in _get_maxdiv+0xc0/0x148\n[ 9.558948] Read of size 4 at addr ffff8000095b25a4 by task kworker/u4:1/38\n[ 9.565926]\n[ 9.567441] CPU: 1 PID: 38 Comm: kworker/u4:1 Not tainted 5.16.0-116492-gdaadb3bd0e8d-dirty #360\n[ 9.576242] Hardware name: Texas Instruments J721e EVM (DT)\n[ 9.581832] Workqueue: events_unbound deferred_probe_work_func\n[ 9.587708] Call trace:\n[ 9.590174] dump_backtrace+0x20c/0x218\n[ 9.594038] show_stack+0x18/0x68\n[ 9.597375] dump_stack_lvl+0x9c/0xd8\n[ 9.601062] print_address_description.constprop.0+0x78/0x334\n[ 9.606830] kasan_report+0x1f0/0x260\n[ 9.610517] __asan_load4+0x9c/0xd8\n[ 9.614030] _get_maxdiv+0xc0/0x148\n[ 9.617540] divider_determine_rate+0x88/0x488\n[ 9.622005] divider_round_rate_parent+0xc8/0x124\n[ 9.626729] wiz_clk_div_round_rate+0x54/0x68\n[ 9.631113] clk_core_determine_round_nolock+0x124/0x158\n[ 9.636448] clk_core_round_rate_nolock+0x68/0x138\n[ 9.641260] clk_core_set_rate_nolock+0x268/0x3a8\n[ 9.645987] clk_set_rate+0x50/0xa8\n[ 9.649499] cdns_sierra_phy_init+0x88/0x248\n[ 9.653794] phy_init+0x98/0x108\n[ 9.657046] cdns_pcie_enable_phy+0xa0/0x170\n[ 9.661340] cdns_pcie_init_phy+0x250/0x2b0\n[ 9.665546] j721e_pcie_probe+0x4b8/0x798\n[ 9.669579] platform_probe+0x8c/0x108\n[ 9.673350] really_probe+0x114/0x630\n[ 9.677037] __driver_probe_device+0x18c/0x220\n[ 9.681505] driver_probe_device+0xac/0x150\n[ 9.685712] __device_attach_driver+0xec/0x170\n[ 9.690178] bus_for_each_drv+0xf0/0x158\n[ 9.694124] __device_attach+0x184/0x210\n[ 9.698070] device_initial_probe+0x14/0x20\n[ 9.702277] bus_probe_device+0xec/0x100\n[ 9.706223] deferred_probe_work_func+0x124/0x180\n[ 9.710951] process_one_work+0x4b0/0xbc0\n[ 9.714983] worker_thread+0x74/0x5d0\n[ 9.718668] kthread+0x214/0x230\n[ 9.721919] ret_from_fork+0x10/0x20\n[ 9.725520]\n[ 9.727032] The buggy address belongs to the variable:\n[ 9.732183] clk_div_table+0x24/0x440', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48803 was patched at 2024-07-16

352. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48806) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: eeprom: ee1004: limit i2c reads to I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX Commit effa453168a7 ("i2c: i801: Don't silently correct invalid transfer size") revealed that ee1004_eeprom_read() did not properly limit how many bytes to read at once. In particular, i2c_smbus_read_i2c_block_data_or_emulated() takes the length to read as an u8. If count == 256 after taking into account the offset and page boundary, the cast to u8 overflows. And this is common when user space tries to read the entire EEPROM at once. To fix it, limit each read to I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX (32) bytes, already the maximum length i2c_smbus_read_i2c_block_data_or_emulated() allows.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\neeprom: ee1004: limit i2c reads to I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX\n\nCommit effa453168a7 ("i2c: i801: Don't silently correct invalid transfer\nsize") revealed that ee1004_eeprom_read() did not properly limit how\nmany bytes to read at once.\n\nIn particular, i2c_smbus_read_i2c_block_data_or_emulated() takes the\nlength to read as an u8. If count == 256 after taking into account the\noffset and page boundary, the cast to u8 overflows. And this is common\nwhen user space tries to read the entire EEPROM at once.\n\nTo fix it, limit each read to I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX (32) bytes, already\nthe maximum length i2c_smbus_read_i2c_block_data_or_emulated() allows.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48806 was patched at 2024-07-16

353. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48807) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ice: Fix KASAN error in LAG NETDEV_UNREGISTER handler Currently, the same handler is called for both a NETDEV_BONDING_INFO LAG unlink notification as for a NETDEV_UNREGISTER call. This is causing a problem though, since the netdev_notifier_info passed has a different structure depending on which event is passed. The problem manifests as a call trace from a BUG: KASAN stack-out-of-bounds error. Fix this by creating a handler specific to NETDEV_UNREGISTER that only is passed valid elements in the netdev_notifier_info struct for the NETDEV_UNREGISTER event. Also included is the removal of an unbalanced dev_put on the peer_netdev and related braces.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nice: Fix KASAN error in LAG NETDEV_UNREGISTER handler\n\nCurrently, the same handler is called for both a NETDEV_BONDING_INFO\nLAG unlink notification as for a NETDEV_UNREGISTER call. This is\ncausing a problem though, since the netdev_notifier_info passed has\na different structure depending on which event is passed. The problem\nmanifests as a call trace from a BUG: KASAN stack-out-of-bounds error.\n\nFix this by creating a handler specific to NETDEV_UNREGISTER that only\nis passed valid elements in the netdev_notifier_info struct for the\nNETDEV_UNREGISTER event.\n\nAlso included is the removal of an unbalanced dev_put on the peer_netdev\nand related braces.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48807 was patched at 2024-07-16

354. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48808) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: dsa: fix panic when DSA master device unbinds on shutdown Rafael reports that on a system with LX2160A and Marvell DSA switches, if a reboot occurs while the DSA master (dpaa2-eth) is up, the following panic can be seen: systemd-shutdown[1]: Rebooting. Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 00a0000800000041 [00a0000800000041] address between user and kernel address ranges Internal error: Oops: 96000004 [#1] PREEMPT SMP CPU: 6 PID: 1 Comm: systemd-shutdow Not tainted 5.16.5-00042-g8f5585009b24 #32 pc : dsa_slave_netdevice_event+0x130/0x3e4 lr : raw_notifier_call_chain+0x50/0x6c Call trace: dsa_slave_netdevice_event+0x130/0x3e4 raw_notifier_call_chain+0x50/0x6c call_netdevice_notifiers_info+0x54/0xa0 __dev_close_many+0x50/0x130 dev_close_many+0x84/0x120 unregister_netdevice_many+0x130/0x710 unregister_netdevice_queue+0x8c/0xd0 unregister_netdev+0x20/0x30 dpaa2_eth_remove+0x68/0x190 fsl_mc_driver_remove+0x20/0x5c __device_release_driver+0x21c/0x220 device_release_driver_internal+0xac/0xb0 device_links_unbind_consumers+0xd4/0x100 __device_release_driver+0x94/0x220 device_release_driver+0x28/0x40 bus_remove_device+0x118/0x124 device_del+0x174/0x420 fsl_mc_device_remove+0x24/0x40 __fsl_mc_device_remove+0xc/0x20 device_for_each_child+0x58/0xa0 dprc_remove+0x90/0xb0 fsl_mc_driver_remove+0x20/0x5c __device_release_driver+0x21c/0x220 device_release_driver+0x28/0x40 bus_remove_device+0x118/0x124 device_del+0x174/0x420 fsl_mc_bus_remove+0x80/0x100 fsl_mc_bus_shutdown+0xc/0x1c platform_shutdown+0x20/0x30 device_shutdown+0x154/0x330 __do_sys_reboot+0x1cc/0x250 __arm64_sys_reboot+0x20/0x30 invoke_syscall.constprop.0+0x4c/0xe0 do_el0_svc+0x4c/0x150 el0_svc+0x24/0xb0 el0t_64_sync_handler+0xa8/0xb0 el0t_64_sync+0x178/0x17c It can be seen from the stack trace that the problem is that the deregistration of the master causes a dev_close(), which gets notified as NETDEV_GOING_DOWN to dsa_slave_netdevice_event(). But dsa_switch_shutdown() has already run, and this has unregistered the DSA slave interfaces, and yet, the NETDEV_GOING_DOWN handler attempts to call dev_close_many() on those slave interfaces, leading to the problem. The previous attempt to avoid the NETDEV_GOING_DOWN on the master after dsa_switch_shutdown() was called seems improper. Unregistering the slave interfaces is unnecessary and unhelpful. Instead, after the slaves have stopped being uppers of the DSA master, we can now reset to NULL the master->dsa_ptr pointer, which will make DSA start ignoring all future notifier events on the master.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: dsa: fix panic when DSA master device unbinds on shutdown\n\nRafael reports that on a system with LX2160A and Marvell DSA switches,\nif a reboot occurs while the DSA master (dpaa2-eth) is up, the following\npanic can be seen:\n\nsystemd-shutdown[1]: Rebooting.\nUnable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 00a0000800000041\n[00a0000800000041] address between user and kernel address ranges\nInternal error: Oops: 96000004 [#1] PREEMPT SMP\nCPU: 6 PID: 1 Comm: systemd-shutdow Not tainted 5.16.5-00042-g8f5585009b24 #32\npc : dsa_slave_netdevice_event+0x130/0x3e4\nlr : raw_notifier_call_chain+0x50/0x6c\nCall trace:\n dsa_slave_netdevice_event+0x130/0x3e4\n raw_notifier_call_chain+0x50/0x6c\n call_netdevice_notifiers_info+0x54/0xa0\n __dev_close_many+0x50/0x130\n dev_close_many+0x84/0x120\n unregister_netdevice_many+0x130/0x710\n unregister_netdevice_queue+0x8c/0xd0\n unregister_netdev+0x20/0x30\n dpaa2_eth_remove+0x68/0x190\n fsl_mc_driver_remove+0x20/0x5c\n __device_release_driver+0x21c/0x220\n device_release_driver_internal+0xac/0xb0\n device_links_unbind_consumers+0xd4/0x100\n __device_release_driver+0x94/0x220\n device_release_driver+0x28/0x40\n bus_remove_device+0x118/0x124\n device_del+0x174/0x420\n fsl_mc_device_remove+0x24/0x40\n __fsl_mc_device_remove+0xc/0x20\n device_for_each_child+0x58/0xa0\n dprc_remove+0x90/0xb0\n fsl_mc_driver_remove+0x20/0x5c\n __device_release_driver+0x21c/0x220\n device_release_driver+0x28/0x40\n bus_remove_device+0x118/0x124\n device_del+0x174/0x420\n fsl_mc_bus_remove+0x80/0x100\n fsl_mc_bus_shutdown+0xc/0x1c\n platform_shutdown+0x20/0x30\n device_shutdown+0x154/0x330\n __do_sys_reboot+0x1cc/0x250\n __arm64_sys_reboot+0x20/0x30\n invoke_syscall.constprop.0+0x4c/0xe0\n do_el0_svc+0x4c/0x150\n el0_svc+0x24/0xb0\n el0t_64_sync_handler+0xa8/0xb0\n el0t_64_sync+0x178/0x17c\n\nIt can be seen from the stack trace that the problem is that the\nderegistration of the master causes a dev_close(), which gets notified\nas NETDEV_GOING_DOWN to dsa_slave_netdevice_event().\nBut dsa_switch_shutdown() has already run, and this has unregistered the\nDSA slave interfaces, and yet, the NETDEV_GOING_DOWN handler attempts to\ncall dev_close_many() on those slave interfaces, leading to the problem.\n\nThe previous attempt to avoid the NETDEV_GOING_DOWN on the master after\ndsa_switch_shutdown() was called seems improper. Unregistering the slave\ninterfaces is unnecessary and unhelpful. Instead, after the slaves have\nstopped being uppers of the DSA master, we can now reset to NULL the\nmaster->dsa_ptr pointer, which will make DSA start ignoring all future\nnotifier events on the master.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48808 was patched at 2024-07-16

355. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48811) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ibmvnic: don't release napi in __ibmvnic_open() If __ibmvnic_open() encounters an error such as when setting link state, it calls release_resources() which frees the napi structures needlessly. Instead, have __ibmvnic_open() only clean up the work it did so far (i.e. disable napi and irqs) and leave the rest to the callers. If caller of __ibmvnic_open() is ibmvnic_open(), it should release the resources immediately. If the caller is do_reset() or do_hard_reset(), they will release the resources on the next reset. This fixes following crash that occurred when running the drmgr command several times to add/remove a vnic interface: \t[102056] ibmvnic 30000003 env3: Disabling rx_scrq[6] irq \t[102056] ibmvnic 30000003 env3: Disabling rx_scrq[7] irq \t[102056] ibmvnic 30000003 env3: Replenished 8 pools \tKernel attempted to read user page (10) - exploit attempt? (uid: 0) \tBUG: Kernel NULL pointer dereference on read at 0x00000010 \tFaulting instruction address: 0xc000000000a3c840 \tOops: Kernel access of bad area, sig: 11 [#1] \tLE PAGE_SIZE=64K MMU=Radix SMP NR_CPUS=2048 NUMA pSeries \t... \tCPU: 9 PID: 102056 Comm: kworker/9:2 Kdump: loaded Not tainted 5.16.0-rc5-autotest-g6441998e2e37 #1 \tWorkqueue: events_long __ibmvnic_reset [ibmvnic] \tNIP: c000000000a3c840 LR: c0080000029b5378 CTR: c000000000a3c820 \tREGS: c0000000548e37e0 TRAP: 0300 Not tainted (5.16.0-rc5-autotest-g6441998e2e37) \tMSR: 8000000000009033 <SF,EE,ME,IR,DR,RI,LE> CR: 28248484 XER: 00000004 \tCFAR: c0080000029bdd24 DAR: 0000000000000010 DSISR: 40000000 IRQMASK: 0 \tGPR00: c0080000029b55d0 c0000000548e3a80 c0000000028f0200 0000000000000000 \t... \tNIP [c000000000a3c840] napi_enable+0x20/0xc0 \tLR [c0080000029b5378] __ibmvnic_open+0xf0/0x430 [ibmvnic] \tCall Trace: \t[c0000000548e3a80] [0000000000000006] 0x6 (unreliable) \t[c0000000548e3ab0] [c0080000029b55d0] __ibmvnic_open+0x348/0x430 [ibmvnic] \t[c0000000548e3b40] [c0080000029bcc28] __ibmvnic_reset+0x500/0xdf0 [ibmvnic] \t[c0000000548e3c60] [c000000000176228] process_one_work+0x288/0x570 \t[c0000000548e3d00] [c000000000176588] worker_thread+0x78/0x660 \t[c0000000548e3da0] [c0000000001822f0] kthread+0x1c0/0x1d0 \t[c0000000548e3e10] [c00000000000cf64] ret_from_kernel_thread+0x5c/0x64 \tInstruction dump: \t7d2948f8 792307e0 4e800020 60000000 3c4c01eb 384239e0 f821ffd1 39430010 \t38a0fff6 e92d1100 f9210028 39200000 <e9030010> f9010020 60420000 e9210020 \t---[ end trace 5f8033b08fd27706 ]---', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nibmvnic: don't release napi in __ibmvnic_open()\n\nIf __ibmvnic_open() encounters an error such as when setting link state,\nit calls release_resources() which frees the napi structures needlessly.\nInstead, have __ibmvnic_open() only clean up the work it did so far (i.e.\ndisable napi and irqs) and leave the rest to the callers.\n\nIf caller of __ibmvnic_open() is ibmvnic_open(), it should release the\nresources immediately. If the caller is do_reset() or do_hard_reset(),\nthey will release the resources on the next reset.\n\nThis fixes following crash that occurred when running the drmgr command\nseveral times to add/remove a vnic interface:\n\n\t[102056] ibmvnic 30000003 env3: Disabling rx_scrq[6] irq\n\t[102056] ibmvnic 30000003 env3: Disabling rx_scrq[7] irq\n\t[102056] ibmvnic 30000003 env3: Replenished 8 pools\n\tKernel attempted to read user page (10) - exploit attempt? (uid: 0)\n\tBUG: Kernel NULL pointer dereference on read at 0x00000010\n\tFaulting instruction address: 0xc000000000a3c840\n\tOops: Kernel access of bad area, sig: 11 [#1]\n\tLE PAGE_SIZE=64K MMU=Radix SMP NR_CPUS=2048 NUMA pSeries\n\t...\n\tCPU: 9 PID: 102056 Comm: kworker/9:2 Kdump: loaded Not tainted 5.16.0-rc5-autotest-g6441998e2e37 #1\n\tWorkqueue: events_long __ibmvnic_reset [ibmvnic]\n\tNIP: c000000000a3c840 LR: c0080000029b5378 CTR: c000000000a3c820\n\tREGS: c0000000548e37e0 TRAP: 0300 Not tainted (5.16.0-rc5-autotest-g6441998e2e37)\n\tMSR: 8000000000009033 <SF,EE,ME,IR,DR,RI,LE> CR: 28248484 XER: 00000004\n\tCFAR: c0080000029bdd24 DAR: 0000000000000010 DSISR: 40000000 IRQMASK: 0\n\tGPR00: c0080000029b55d0 c0000000548e3a80 c0000000028f0200 0000000000000000\n\t...\n\tNIP [c000000000a3c840] napi_enable+0x20/0xc0\n\tLR [c0080000029b5378] __ibmvnic_open+0xf0/0x430 [ibmvnic]\n\tCall Trace:\n\t[c0000000548e3a80] [0000000000000006] 0x6 (unreliable)\n\t[c0000000548e3ab0] [c0080000029b55d0] __ibmvnic_open+0x348/0x430 [ibmvnic]\n\t[c0000000548e3b40] [c0080000029bcc28] __ibmvnic_reset+0x500/0xdf0 [ibmvnic]\n\t[c0000000548e3c60] [c000000000176228] process_one_work+0x288/0x570\n\t[c0000000548e3d00] [c000000000176588] worker_thread+0x78/0x660\n\t[c0000000548e3da0] [c0000000001822f0] kthread+0x1c0/0x1d0\n\t[c0000000548e3e10] [c00000000000cf64] ret_from_kernel_thread+0x5c/0x64\n\tInstruction dump:\n\t7d2948f8 792307e0 4e800020 60000000 3c4c01eb 384239e0 f821ffd1 39430010\n\t38a0fff6 e92d1100 f9210028 39200000 <e9030010> f9010020 60420000 e9210020\n\t---[ end trace 5f8033b08fd27706 ]---', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48811 was patched at 2024-07-16

356. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48812) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: don't use devres for mdiobus As explained in commits: 74b6d7d13307 ("net: dsa: realtek: register the MDIO bus under devres") 5135e96a3dd2 ("net: dsa: don't allocate the slave_mii_bus using devres") mdiobus_free() will panic when called from devm_mdiobus_free() <- devres_release_all() <- __device_release_driver(), and that mdiobus was not previously unregistered. The GSWIP switch is a platform device, so the initial set of constraints that I thought would cause this (I2C or SPI buses which call ->remove on ->shutdown) do not apply. But there is one more which applies here. If the DSA master itself is on a bus that calls ->remove from ->shutdown (like dpaa2-eth, which is on the fsl-mc bus), there is a device link between the switch and the DSA master, and device_links_unbind_consumers() will unbind the GSWIP switch driver on shutdown. So the same treatment must be applied to all DSA switch drivers, which is: either use devres for both the mdiobus allocation and registration, or don't use devres at all. The gswip driver has the code structure in place for orderly mdiobus removal, so just replace devm_mdiobus_alloc() with the non-devres variant, and add manual free where necessary, to ensure that we don't let devres free a still-registered bus.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: dsa: lantiq_gswip: don't use devres for mdiobus\n\nAs explained in commits:\n74b6d7d13307 ("net: dsa: realtek: register the MDIO bus under devres")\n5135e96a3dd2 ("net: dsa: don't allocate the slave_mii_bus using devres")\n\nmdiobus_free() will panic when called from devm_mdiobus_free() <-\ndevres_release_all() <- __device_release_driver(), and that mdiobus was\nnot previously unregistered.\n\nThe GSWIP switch is a platform device, so the initial set of constraints\nthat I thought would cause this (I2C or SPI buses which call ->remove on\n->shutdown) do not apply. But there is one more which applies here.\n\nIf the DSA master itself is on a bus that calls ->remove from ->shutdown\n(like dpaa2-eth, which is on the fsl-mc bus), there is a device link\nbetween the switch and the DSA master, and device_links_unbind_consumers()\nwill unbind the GSWIP switch driver on shutdown.\n\nSo the same treatment must be applied to all DSA switch drivers, which\nis: either use devres for both the mdiobus allocation and registration,\nor don't use devres at all.\n\nThe gswip driver has the code structure in place for orderly mdiobus\nremoval, so just replace devm_mdiobus_alloc() with the non-devres\nvariant, and add manual free where necessary, to ensure that we don't\nlet devres free a still-registered bus.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48812 was patched at 2024-07-16

357. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48813) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: dsa: felix: don't use devres for mdiobus As explained in commits: 74b6d7d13307 ("net: dsa: realtek: register the MDIO bus under devres") 5135e96a3dd2 ("net: dsa: don't allocate the slave_mii_bus using devres") mdiobus_free() will panic when called from devm_mdiobus_free() <- devres_release_all() <- __device_release_driver(), and that mdiobus was not previously unregistered. The Felix VSC9959 switch is a PCI device, so the initial set of constraints that I thought would cause this (I2C or SPI buses which call ->remove on ->shutdown) do not apply. But there is one more which applies here. If the DSA master itself is on a bus that calls ->remove from ->shutdown (like dpaa2-eth, which is on the fsl-mc bus), there is a device link between the switch and the DSA master, and device_links_unbind_consumers() will unbind the felix switch driver on shutdown. So the same treatment must be applied to all DSA switch drivers, which is: either use devres for both the mdiobus allocation and registration, or don't use devres at all. The felix driver has the code structure in place for orderly mdiobus removal, so just replace devm_mdiobus_alloc_size() with the non-devres variant, and add manual free where necessary, to ensure that we don't let devres free a still-registered bus.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: dsa: felix: don't use devres for mdiobus\n\nAs explained in commits:\n74b6d7d13307 ("net: dsa: realtek: register the MDIO bus under devres")\n5135e96a3dd2 ("net: dsa: don't allocate the slave_mii_bus using devres")\n\nmdiobus_free() will panic when called from devm_mdiobus_free() <-\ndevres_release_all() <- __device_release_driver(), and that mdiobus was\nnot previously unregistered.\n\nThe Felix VSC9959 switch is a PCI device, so the initial set of\nconstraints that I thought would cause this (I2C or SPI buses which call\n->remove on ->shutdown) do not apply. But there is one more which\napplies here.\n\nIf the DSA master itself is on a bus that calls ->remove from ->shutdown\n(like dpaa2-eth, which is on the fsl-mc bus), there is a device link\nbetween the switch and the DSA master, and device_links_unbind_consumers()\nwill unbind the felix switch driver on shutdown.\n\nSo the same treatment must be applied to all DSA switch drivers, which\nis: either use devres for both the mdiobus allocation and registration,\nor don't use devres at all.\n\nThe felix driver has the code structure in place for orderly mdiobus\nremoval, so just replace devm_mdiobus_alloc_size() with the non-devres\nvariant, and add manual free where necessary, to ensure that we don't\nlet devres free a still-registered bus.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48813 was patched at 2024-07-16

358. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48814) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: dsa: seville: register the mdiobus under devres As explained in commits: 74b6d7d13307 ("net: dsa: realtek: register the MDIO bus under devres") 5135e96a3dd2 ("net: dsa: don't allocate the slave_mii_bus using devres") mdiobus_free() will panic when called from devm_mdiobus_free() <- devres_release_all() <- __device_release_driver(), and that mdiobus was not previously unregistered. The Seville VSC9959 switch is a platform device, so the initial set of constraints that I thought would cause this (I2C or SPI buses which call ->remove on ->shutdown) do not apply. But there is one more which applies here. If the DSA master itself is on a bus that calls ->remove from ->shutdown (like dpaa2-eth, which is on the fsl-mc bus), there is a device link between the switch and the DSA master, and device_links_unbind_consumers() will unbind the seville switch driver on shutdown. So the same treatment must be applied to all DSA switch drivers, which is: either use devres for both the mdiobus allocation and registration, or don't use devres at all. The seville driver has a code structure that could accommodate both the mdiobus_unregister and mdiobus_free calls, but it has an external dependency upon mscc_miim_setup() from mdio-mscc-miim.c, which calls devm_mdiobus_alloc_size() on its behalf. So rather than restructuring that, and exporting yet one more symbol mscc_miim_teardown(), let's work with devres and replace of_mdiobus_register with the devres variant. When we use all-devres, we can ensure that devres doesn't free a still-registered bus (it either runs both callbacks, or none).', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: dsa: seville: register the mdiobus under devres\n\nAs explained in commits:\n74b6d7d13307 ("net: dsa: realtek: register the MDIO bus under devres")\n5135e96a3dd2 ("net: dsa: don't allocate the slave_mii_bus using devres")\n\nmdiobus_free() will panic when called from devm_mdiobus_free() <-\ndevres_release_all() <- __device_release_driver(), and that mdiobus was\nnot previously unregistered.\n\nThe Seville VSC9959 switch is a platform device, so the initial set of\nconstraints that I thought would cause this (I2C or SPI buses which call\n->remove on ->shutdown) do not apply. But there is one more which\napplies here.\n\nIf the DSA master itself is on a bus that calls ->remove from ->shutdown\n(like dpaa2-eth, which is on the fsl-mc bus), there is a device link\nbetween the switch and the DSA master, and device_links_unbind_consumers()\nwill unbind the seville switch driver on shutdown.\n\nSo the same treatment must be applied to all DSA switch drivers, which\nis: either use devres for both the mdiobus allocation and registration,\nor don't use devres at all.\n\nThe seville driver has a code structure that could accommodate both the\nmdiobus_unregister and mdiobus_free calls, but it has an external\ndependency upon mscc_miim_setup() from mdio-mscc-miim.c, which calls\ndevm_mdiobus_alloc_size() on its behalf. So rather than restructuring\nthat, and exporting yet one more symbol mscc_miim_teardown(), let's work\nwith devres and replace of_mdiobus_register with the devres variant.\nWhen we use all-devres, we can ensure that devres doesn't free a\nstill-registered bus (it either runs both callbacks, or none).', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48814 was patched at 2024-07-16

359. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48815) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: dsa: bcm_sf2: don't use devres for mdiobus As explained in commits: 74b6d7d13307 ("net: dsa: realtek: register the MDIO bus under devres") 5135e96a3dd2 ("net: dsa: don't allocate the slave_mii_bus using devres") mdiobus_free() will panic when called from devm_mdiobus_free() <- devres_release_all() <- __device_release_driver(), and that mdiobus was not previously unregistered. The Starfighter 2 is a platform device, so the initial set of constraints that I thought would cause this (I2C or SPI buses which call ->remove on ->shutdown) do not apply. But there is one more which applies here. If the DSA master itself is on a bus that calls ->remove from ->shutdown (like dpaa2-eth, which is on the fsl-mc bus), there is a device link between the switch and the DSA master, and device_links_unbind_consumers() will unbind the bcm_sf2 switch driver on shutdown. So the same treatment must be applied to all DSA switch drivers, which is: either use devres for both the mdiobus allocation and registration, or don't use devres at all. The bcm_sf2 driver has the code structure in place for orderly mdiobus removal, so just replace devm_mdiobus_alloc() with the non-devres variant, and add manual free where necessary, to ensure that we don't let devres free a still-registered bus.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: dsa: bcm_sf2: don't use devres for mdiobus\n\nAs explained in commits:\n74b6d7d13307 ("net: dsa: realtek: register the MDIO bus under devres")\n5135e96a3dd2 ("net: dsa: don't allocate the slave_mii_bus using devres")\n\nmdiobus_free() will panic when called from devm_mdiobus_free() <-\ndevres_release_all() <- __device_release_driver(), and that mdiobus was\nnot previously unregistered.\n\nThe Starfighter 2 is a platform device, so the initial set of\nconstraints that I thought would cause this (I2C or SPI buses which call\n->remove on ->shutdown) do not apply. But there is one more which\napplies here.\n\nIf the DSA master itself is on a bus that calls ->remove from ->shutdown\n(like dpaa2-eth, which is on the fsl-mc bus), there is a device link\nbetween the switch and the DSA master, and device_links_unbind_consumers()\nwill unbind the bcm_sf2 switch driver on shutdown.\n\nSo the same treatment must be applied to all DSA switch drivers, which\nis: either use devres for both the mdiobus allocation and registration,\nor don't use devres at all.\n\nThe bcm_sf2 driver has the code structure in place for orderly mdiobus\nremoval, so just replace devm_mdiobus_alloc() with the non-devres\nvariant, and add manual free where necessary, to ensure that we don't\nlet devres free a still-registered bus.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48815 was patched at 2024-07-16

360. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48817) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: dsa: ar9331: register the mdiobus under devres As explained in commits: 74b6d7d13307 ("net: dsa: realtek: register the MDIO bus under devres") 5135e96a3dd2 ("net: dsa: don't allocate the slave_mii_bus using devres") mdiobus_free() will panic when called from devm_mdiobus_free() <- devres_release_all() <- __device_release_driver(), and that mdiobus was not previously unregistered. The ar9331 is an MDIO device, so the initial set of constraints that I thought would cause this (I2C or SPI buses which call ->remove on ->shutdown) do not apply. But there is one more which applies here. If the DSA master itself is on a bus that calls ->remove from ->shutdown (like dpaa2-eth, which is on the fsl-mc bus), there is a device link between the switch and the DSA master, and device_links_unbind_consumers() will unbind the ar9331 switch driver on shutdown. So the same treatment must be applied to all DSA switch drivers, which is: either use devres for both the mdiobus allocation and registration, or don't use devres at all. The ar9331 driver doesn't have a complex code structure for mdiobus removal, so just replace of_mdiobus_register with the devres variant in order to be all-devres and ensure that we don't free a still-registered bus.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: dsa: ar9331: register the mdiobus under devres\n\nAs explained in commits:\n74b6d7d13307 ("net: dsa: realtek: register the MDIO bus under devres")\n5135e96a3dd2 ("net: dsa: don't allocate the slave_mii_bus using devres")\n\nmdiobus_free() will panic when called from devm_mdiobus_free() <-\ndevres_release_all() <- __device_release_driver(), and that mdiobus was\nnot previously unregistered.\n\nThe ar9331 is an MDIO device, so the initial set of constraints that I\nthought would cause this (I2C or SPI buses which call ->remove on\n->shutdown) do not apply. But there is one more which applies here.\n\nIf the DSA master itself is on a bus that calls ->remove from ->shutdown\n(like dpaa2-eth, which is on the fsl-mc bus), there is a device link\nbetween the switch and the DSA master, and device_links_unbind_consumers()\nwill unbind the ar9331 switch driver on shutdown.\n\nSo the same treatment must be applied to all DSA switch drivers, which\nis: either use devres for both the mdiobus allocation and registration,\nor don't use devres at all.\n\nThe ar9331 driver doesn't have a complex code structure for mdiobus\nremoval, so just replace of_mdiobus_register with the devres variant in\norder to be all-devres and ensure that we don't free a still-registered\nbus.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48817 was patched at 2024-07-16

361. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48818) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: don't use devres for mdiobus As explained in commits: 74b6d7d13307 ("net: dsa: realtek: register the MDIO bus under devres") 5135e96a3dd2 ("net: dsa: don't allocate the slave_mii_bus using devres") mdiobus_free() will panic when called from devm_mdiobus_free() <- devres_release_all() <- __device_release_driver(), and that mdiobus was not previously unregistered. The mv88e6xxx is an MDIO device, so the initial set of constraints that I thought would cause this (I2C or SPI buses which call ->remove on ->shutdown) do not apply. But there is one more which applies here. If the DSA master itself is on a bus that calls ->remove from ->shutdown (like dpaa2-eth, which is on the fsl-mc bus), there is a device link between the switch and the DSA master, and device_links_unbind_consumers() will unbind the Marvell switch driver on shutdown. systemd-shutdown[1]: Powering off. mv88e6085 0x0000000008b96000:00 sw_gl0: Link is Down fsl-mc dpbp.9: Removing from iommu group 7 fsl-mc dpbp.8: Removing from iommu group 7 ------------[ cut here ]------------ kernel BUG at drivers/net/phy/mdio_bus.c:677! Internal error: Oops - BUG: 0 [#1] PREEMPT SMP Modules linked in: CPU: 0 PID: 1 Comm: systemd-shutdow Not tainted 5.16.5-00040-gdc05f73788e5 #15 pc : mdiobus_free+0x44/0x50 lr : devm_mdiobus_free+0x10/0x20 Call trace: mdiobus_free+0x44/0x50 devm_mdiobus_free+0x10/0x20 devres_release_all+0xa0/0x100 __device_release_driver+0x190/0x220 device_release_driver_internal+0xac/0xb0 device_links_unbind_consumers+0xd4/0x100 __device_release_driver+0x4c/0x220 device_release_driver_internal+0xac/0xb0 device_links_unbind_consumers+0xd4/0x100 __device_release_driver+0x94/0x220 device_release_driver+0x28/0x40 bus_remove_device+0x118/0x124 device_del+0x174/0x420 fsl_mc_device_remove+0x24/0x40 __fsl_mc_device_remove+0xc/0x20 device_for_each_child+0x58/0xa0 dprc_remove+0x90/0xb0 fsl_mc_driver_remove+0x20/0x5c __device_release_driver+0x21c/0x220 device_release_driver+0x28/0x40 bus_remove_device+0x118/0x124 device_del+0x174/0x420 fsl_mc_bus_remove+0x80/0x100 fsl_mc_bus_shutdown+0xc/0x1c platform_shutdown+0x20/0x30 device_shutdown+0x154/0x330 kernel_power_off+0x34/0x6c __do_sys_reboot+0x15c/0x250 __arm64_sys_reboot+0x20/0x30 invoke_syscall.constprop.0+0x4c/0xe0 do_el0_svc+0x4c/0x150 el0_svc+0x24/0xb0 el0t_64_sync_handler+0xa8/0xb0 el0t_64_sync+0x178/0x17c So the same treatment must be applied to all DSA switch drivers, which is: either use devres for both the mdiobus allocation and registration, or don't use devres at all. The Marvell driver already has a good structure for mdiobus removal, so just plug in mdiobus_free and get rid of devres.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: dsa: mv88e6xxx: don't use devres for mdiobus\n\nAs explained in commits:\n74b6d7d13307 ("net: dsa: realtek: register the MDIO bus under devres")\n5135e96a3dd2 ("net: dsa: don't allocate the slave_mii_bus using devres")\n\nmdiobus_free() will panic when called from devm_mdiobus_free() <-\ndevres_release_all() <- __device_release_driver(), and that mdiobus was\nnot previously unregistered.\n\nThe mv88e6xxx is an MDIO device, so the initial set of constraints that\nI thought would cause this (I2C or SPI buses which call ->remove on\n->shutdown) do not apply. But there is one more which applies here.\n\nIf the DSA master itself is on a bus that calls ->remove from ->shutdown\n(like dpaa2-eth, which is on the fsl-mc bus), there is a device link\nbetween the switch and the DSA master, and device_links_unbind_consumers()\nwill unbind the Marvell switch driver on shutdown.\n\nsystemd-shutdown[1]: Powering off.\nmv88e6085 0x0000000008b96000:00 sw_gl0: Link is Down\nfsl-mc dpbp.9: Removing from iommu group 7\nfsl-mc dpbp.8: Removing from iommu group 7\n------------[ cut here ]------------\nkernel BUG at drivers/net/phy/mdio_bus.c:677!\nInternal error: Oops - BUG: 0 [#1] PREEMPT SMP\nModules linked in:\nCPU: 0 PID: 1 Comm: systemd-shutdow Not tainted 5.16.5-00040-gdc05f73788e5 #15\npc : mdiobus_free+0x44/0x50\nlr : devm_mdiobus_free+0x10/0x20\nCall trace:\n mdiobus_free+0x44/0x50\n devm_mdiobus_free+0x10/0x20\n devres_release_all+0xa0/0x100\n __device_release_driver+0x190/0x220\n device_release_driver_internal+0xac/0xb0\n device_links_unbind_consumers+0xd4/0x100\n __device_release_driver+0x4c/0x220\n device_release_driver_internal+0xac/0xb0\n device_links_unbind_consumers+0xd4/0x100\n __device_release_driver+0x94/0x220\n device_release_driver+0x28/0x40\n bus_remove_device+0x118/0x124\n device_del+0x174/0x420\n fsl_mc_device_remove+0x24/0x40\n __fsl_mc_device_remove+0xc/0x20\n device_for_each_child+0x58/0xa0\n dprc_remove+0x90/0xb0\n fsl_mc_driver_remove+0x20/0x5c\n __device_release_driver+0x21c/0x220\n device_release_driver+0x28/0x40\n bus_remove_device+0x118/0x124\n device_del+0x174/0x420\n fsl_mc_bus_remove+0x80/0x100\n fsl_mc_bus_shutdown+0xc/0x1c\n platform_shutdown+0x20/0x30\n device_shutdown+0x154/0x330\n kernel_power_off+0x34/0x6c\n __do_sys_reboot+0x15c/0x250\n __arm64_sys_reboot+0x20/0x30\n invoke_syscall.constprop.0+0x4c/0xe0\n do_el0_svc+0x4c/0x150\n el0_svc+0x24/0xb0\n el0t_64_sync_handler+0xa8/0xb0\n el0t_64_sync+0x178/0x17c\n\nSo the same treatment must be applied to all DSA switch drivers, which\nis: either use devres for both the mdiobus allocation and registration,\nor don't use devres at all.\n\nThe Marvell driver already has a good structure for mdiobus removal, so\njust plug in mdiobus_free and get rid of devres.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48818 was patched at 2024-07-16

362. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48820) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: phy: stm32: fix a refcount leak in stm32_usbphyc_pll_enable() This error path needs to decrement "usbphyc->n_pll_cons.counter" before returning.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nphy: stm32: fix a refcount leak in stm32_usbphyc_pll_enable()\n\nThis error path needs to decrement "usbphyc->n_pll_cons.counter" before\nreturning.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48820 was patched at 2024-07-16

363. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48823) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: qedf: Fix refcount issue when LOGO is received during TMF Hung task call trace was seen during LOGO processing. [ 974.309060] [0000:00:00.0]:[qedf_eh_device_reset:868]: 1:0:2:0: LUN RESET Issued... [ 974.309065] [0000:00:00.0]:[qedf_initiate_tmf:2422]: tm_flags 0x10 sc_cmd 00000000c16b930f op = 0x2a target_id = 0x2 lun=0 [ 974.309178] [0000:00:00.0]:[qedf_initiate_tmf:2431]: portid=016900 tm_flags =LUN RESET [ 974.309222] [0000:00:00.0]:[qedf_initiate_tmf:2438]: orig io_req = 00000000ec78df8f xid = 0x180 ref_cnt = 1. [ 974.309625] host1: rport 016900: Received LOGO request while in state Ready [ 974.309627] host1: rport 016900: Delete port [ 974.309642] host1: rport 016900: work event 3 [ 974.309644] host1: rport 016900: lld callback ev 3 [ 974.313243] [0000:61:00.2]:[qedf_execute_tmf:2383]:1: fcport is uploading, not executing flush. [ 974.313295] [0000:61:00.2]:[qedf_execute_tmf:2400]:1: task mgmt command success... [ 984.031088] INFO: task jbd2/dm-15-8:7645 blocked for more than 120 seconds. [ 984.031136] Not tainted 4.18.0-305.el8.x86_64 #1 [ 984.031166] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message. [ 984.031209] jbd2/dm-15-8 D 0 7645 2 0x80004080 [ 984.031212] Call Trace: [ 984.031222] __schedule+0x2c4/0x700 [ 984.031230] ? unfreeze_partials.isra.83+0x16e/0x1a0 [ 984.031233] ? bit_wait_timeout+0x90/0x90 [ 984.031235] schedule+0x38/0xa0 [ 984.031238] io_schedule+0x12/0x40 [ 984.031240] bit_wait_io+0xd/0x50 [ 984.031243] __wait_on_bit+0x6c/0x80 [ 984.031248] ? free_buffer_head+0x21/0x50 [ 984.031251] out_of_line_wait_on_bit+0x91/0xb0 [ 984.031257] ? init_wait_var_entry+0x50/0x50 [ 984.031268] jbd2_journal_commit_transaction+0x112e/0x19f0 [jbd2] [ 984.031280] kjournald2+0xbd/0x270 [jbd2] [ 984.031284] ? finish_wait+0x80/0x80 [ 984.031291] ? commit_timeout+0x10/0x10 [jbd2] [ 984.031294] kthread+0x116/0x130 [ 984.031300] ? kthread_flush_work_fn+0x10/0x10 [ 984.031305] ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x40 There was a ref count issue when LOGO is received during TMF. This leads to one of the I/Os hanging with the driver. Fix the ref count.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nscsi: qedf: Fix refcount issue when LOGO is received during TMF\n\nHung task call trace was seen during LOGO processing.\n\n[ 974.309060] [0000:00:00.0]:[qedf_eh_device_reset:868]: 1:0:2:0: LUN RESET Issued...\n[ 974.309065] [0000:00:00.0]:[qedf_initiate_tmf:2422]: tm_flags 0x10 sc_cmd 00000000c16b930f op = 0x2a target_id = 0x2 lun=0\n[ 974.309178] [0000:00:00.0]:[qedf_initiate_tmf:2431]: portid=016900 tm_flags =LUN RESET\n[ 974.309222] [0000:00:00.0]:[qedf_initiate_tmf:2438]: orig io_req = 00000000ec78df8f xid = 0x180 ref_cnt = 1.\n[ 974.309625] host1: rport 016900: Received LOGO request while in state Ready\n[ 974.309627] host1: rport 016900: Delete port\n[ 974.309642] host1: rport 016900: work event 3\n[ 974.309644] host1: rport 016900: lld callback ev 3\n[ 974.313243] [0000:61:00.2]:[qedf_execute_tmf:2383]:1: fcport is uploading, not executing flush.\n[ 974.313295] [0000:61:00.2]:[qedf_execute_tmf:2400]:1: task mgmt command success...\n[ 984.031088] INFO: task jbd2/dm-15-8:7645 blocked for more than 120 seconds.\n[ 984.031136] Not tainted 4.18.0-305.el8.x86_64 #1\n\n[ 984.031166] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.\n[ 984.031209] jbd2/dm-15-8 D 0 7645 2 0x80004080\n[ 984.031212] Call Trace:\n[ 984.031222] __schedule+0x2c4/0x700\n[ 984.031230] ? unfreeze_partials.isra.83+0x16e/0x1a0\n[ 984.031233] ? bit_wait_timeout+0x90/0x90\n[ 984.031235] schedule+0x38/0xa0\n[ 984.031238] io_schedule+0x12/0x40\n[ 984.031240] bit_wait_io+0xd/0x50\n[ 984.031243] __wait_on_bit+0x6c/0x80\n[ 984.031248] ? free_buffer_head+0x21/0x50\n[ 984.031251] out_of_line_wait_on_bit+0x91/0xb0\n[ 984.031257] ? init_wait_var_entry+0x50/0x50\n[ 984.031268] jbd2_journal_commit_transaction+0x112e/0x19f0 [jbd2]\n[ 984.031280] kjournald2+0xbd/0x270 [jbd2]\n[ 984.031284] ? finish_wait+0x80/0x80\n[ 984.031291] ? commit_timeout+0x10/0x10 [jbd2]\n[ 984.031294] kthread+0x116/0x130\n[ 984.031300] ? kthread_flush_work_fn+0x10/0x10\n[ 984.031305] ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x40\n\nThere was a ref count issue when LOGO is received during TMF. This leads to\none of the I/Os hanging with the driver. Fix the ref count.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48823 was patched at 2024-07-16

364. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48824) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: myrs: Fix crash in error case In myrs_detect(), cs->disable_intr is NULL when privdata->hw_init() fails with non-zero. In this case, myrs_cleanup(cs) will call a NULL ptr and crash the kernel. [ 1.105606] myrs 0000:00:03.0: Unknown Initialization Error 5A [ 1.105872] myrs 0000:00:03.0: Failed to initialize Controller [ 1.106082] BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000000 [ 1.110774] Call Trace: [ 1.110950] myrs_cleanup+0xe4/0x150 [myrs] [ 1.111135] myrs_probe.cold+0x91/0x56a [myrs] [ 1.111302] ? DAC960_GEM_intr_handler+0x1f0/0x1f0 [myrs] [ 1.111500] local_pci_probe+0x48/0x90', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nscsi: myrs: Fix crash in error case\n\nIn myrs_detect(), cs->disable_intr is NULL when privdata->hw_init() fails\nwith non-zero. In this case, myrs_cleanup(cs) will call a NULL ptr and\ncrash the kernel.\n\n[ 1.105606] myrs 0000:00:03.0: Unknown Initialization Error 5A\n[ 1.105872] myrs 0000:00:03.0: Failed to initialize Controller\n[ 1.106082] BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000000\n[ 1.110774] Call Trace:\n[ 1.110950] myrs_cleanup+0xe4/0x150 [myrs]\n[ 1.111135] myrs_probe.cold+0x91/0x56a [myrs]\n[ 1.111302] ? DAC960_GEM_intr_handler+0x1f0/0x1f0 [myrs]\n[ 1.111500] local_pci_probe+0x48/0x90', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48824 was patched at 2024-07-16

365. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48825) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: qedf: Add stag_work to all the vports Call trace seen when creating NPIV ports, only 32 out of 64 show online. stag work was not initialized for vport, hence initialize the stag work. WARNING: CPU: 8 PID: 645 at kernel/workqueue.c:1635 __queue_delayed_work+0x68/0x80 CPU: 8 PID: 645 Comm: kworker/8:1 Kdump: loaded Tainted: G IOE --------- -- 4.18.0-348.el8.x86_64 #1 Hardware name: Dell Inc. PowerEdge MX740c/0177V9, BIOS 2.12.2 07/09/2021 Workqueue: events fc_lport_timeout [libfc] RIP: 0010:__queue_delayed_work+0x68/0x80 Code: 89 b2 88 00 00 00 44 89 82 90 00 00 00 48 01 c8 48 89 42 50 41 81 f8 00 20 00 00 75 1d e9 60 24 07 00 44 89 c7 e9 98 f6 ff ff <0f> 0b eb c5 0f 0b eb a1 0f 0b eb a7 0f 0b eb ac 44 89 c6 e9 40 23 RSP: 0018:ffffae514bc3be40 EFLAGS: 00010006 RAX: ffff8d25d6143750 RBX: 0000000000000202 RCX: 0000000000000002 RDX: ffff8d2e31383748 RSI: ffff8d25c000d600 RDI: ffff8d2e31383788 RBP: ffff8d2e31380de0 R08: 0000000000002000 R09: ffff8d2e31383750 R10: ffffffffc0c957e0 R11: ffff8d2624800000 R12: ffff8d2e31380a58 R13: ffff8d2d915eb000 R14: ffff8d25c499b5c0 R15: ffff8d2e31380e18 FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff8d2d1fb00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 000055fd0484b8b8 CR3: 00000008ffc10006 CR4: 00000000007706e0 DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 PKRU: 55555554 Call Trace: queue_delayed_work_on+0x36/0x40 qedf_elsct_send+0x57/0x60 [qedf] fc_lport_enter_flogi+0x90/0xc0 [libfc] fc_lport_timeout+0xb7/0x140 [libfc] process_one_work+0x1a7/0x360 ? create_worker+0x1a0/0x1a0 worker_thread+0x30/0x390 ? create_worker+0x1a0/0x1a0 kthread+0x116/0x130 ? kthread_flush_work_fn+0x10/0x10 ret_from_fork+0x35/0x40 ---[ end trace 008f00f722f2c2ff ]-- Initialize stag work for all the vports.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nscsi: qedf: Add stag_work to all the vports\n\nCall trace seen when creating NPIV ports, only 32 out of 64 show online.\nstag work was not initialized for vport, hence initialize the stag work.\n\nWARNING: CPU: 8 PID: 645 at kernel/workqueue.c:1635 __queue_delayed_work+0x68/0x80\nCPU: 8 PID: 645 Comm: kworker/8:1 Kdump: loaded Tainted: G IOE --------- --\n 4.18.0-348.el8.x86_64 #1\nHardware name: Dell Inc. PowerEdge MX740c/0177V9, BIOS 2.12.2 07/09/2021\nWorkqueue: events fc_lport_timeout [libfc]\nRIP: 0010:__queue_delayed_work+0x68/0x80\nCode: 89 b2 88 00 00 00 44 89 82 90 00 00 00 48 01 c8 48 89 42 50 41 81\nf8 00 20 00 00 75 1d e9 60 24 07 00 44 89 c7 e9 98 f6 ff ff <0f> 0b eb\nc5 0f 0b eb a1 0f 0b eb a7 0f 0b eb ac 44 89 c6 e9 40 23\nRSP: 0018:ffffae514bc3be40 EFLAGS: 00010006\nRAX: ffff8d25d6143750 RBX: 0000000000000202 RCX: 0000000000000002\nRDX: ffff8d2e31383748 RSI: ffff8d25c000d600 RDI: ffff8d2e31383788\nRBP: ffff8d2e31380de0 R08: 0000000000002000 R09: ffff8d2e31383750\nR10: ffffffffc0c957e0 R11: ffff8d2624800000 R12: ffff8d2e31380a58\nR13: ffff8d2d915eb000 R14: ffff8d25c499b5c0 R15: ffff8d2e31380e18\nFS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff8d2d1fb00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\nCS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\nCR2: 000055fd0484b8b8 CR3: 00000008ffc10006 CR4: 00000000007706e0\nDR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000\nDR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400\nPKRU: 55555554\nCall Trace:\n queue_delayed_work_on+0x36/0x40\n qedf_elsct_send+0x57/0x60 [qedf]\n fc_lport_enter_flogi+0x90/0xc0 [libfc]\n fc_lport_timeout+0xb7/0x140 [libfc]\n process_one_work+0x1a7/0x360\n ? create_worker+0x1a0/0x1a0\n worker_thread+0x30/0x390\n ? create_worker+0x1a0/0x1a0\n kthread+0x116/0x130\n ? kthread_flush_work_fn+0x10/0x10\n ret_from_fork+0x35/0x40\n ---[ end trace 008f00f722f2c2ff ]--\n\nInitialize stag work for all the vports.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48825 was patched at 2024-07-16

366. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48826) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/vc4: Fix deadlock on DSI device attach error DSI device attach to DSI host will be done with host device's lock held. Un-registering host in "device attach" error path (ex: probe retry) will result in deadlock with below call trace and non operational DSI display. Startup Call trace: [ 35.043036] rt_mutex_slowlock.constprop.21+0x184/0x1b8 [ 35.043048] mutex_lock_nested+0x7c/0xc8 [ 35.043060] device_del+0x4c/0x3e8 [ 35.043075] device_unregister+0x20/0x40 [ 35.043082] mipi_dsi_remove_device_fn+0x18/0x28 [ 35.043093] device_for_each_child+0x68/0xb0 [ 35.043105] mipi_dsi_host_unregister+0x40/0x90 [ 35.043115] vc4_dsi_host_attach+0xf0/0x120 [vc4] [ 35.043199] mipi_dsi_attach+0x30/0x48 [ 35.043209] tc358762_probe+0x128/0x164 [tc358762] [ 35.043225] mipi_dsi_drv_probe+0x28/0x38 [ 35.043234] really_probe+0xc0/0x318 [ 35.043244] __driver_probe_device+0x80/0xe8 [ 35.043254] driver_probe_device+0xb8/0x118 [ 35.043263] __device_attach_driver+0x98/0xe8 [ 35.043273] bus_for_each_drv+0x84/0xd8 [ 35.043281] __device_attach+0xf0/0x150 [ 35.043290] device_initial_probe+0x1c/0x28 [ 35.043300] bus_probe_device+0xa4/0xb0 [ 35.043308] deferred_probe_work_func+0xa0/0xe0 [ 35.043318] process_one_work+0x254/0x700 [ 35.043330] worker_thread+0x4c/0x448 [ 35.043339] kthread+0x19c/0x1a8 [ 35.043348] ret_from_fork+0x10/0x20 Shutdown Call trace: [ 365.565417] Call trace: [ 365.565423] __switch_to+0x148/0x200 [ 365.565452] __schedule+0x340/0x9c8 [ 365.565467] schedule+0x48/0x110 [ 365.565479] schedule_timeout+0x3b0/0x448 [ 365.565496] wait_for_completion+0xac/0x138 [ 365.565509] __flush_work+0x218/0x4e0 [ 365.565523] flush_work+0x1c/0x28 [ 365.565536] wait_for_device_probe+0x68/0x158 [ 365.565550] device_shutdown+0x24/0x348 [ 365.565561] kernel_restart_prepare+0x40/0x50 [ 365.565578] kernel_restart+0x20/0x70 [ 365.565591] __do_sys_reboot+0x10c/0x220 [ 365.565605] __arm64_sys_reboot+0x2c/0x38 [ 365.565619] invoke_syscall+0x4c/0x110 [ 365.565634] el0_svc_common.constprop.3+0xfc/0x120 [ 365.565648] do_el0_svc+0x2c/0x90 [ 365.565661] el0_svc+0x4c/0xf0 [ 365.565671] el0t_64_sync_handler+0x90/0xb8 [ 365.565682] el0t_64_sync+0x180/0x184', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/vc4: Fix deadlock on DSI device attach error\n\nDSI device attach to DSI host will be done with host device's lock\nheld.\n\nUn-registering host in "device attach" error path (ex: probe retry)\nwill result in deadlock with below call trace and non operational\nDSI display.\n\nStartup Call trace:\n[ 35.043036] rt_mutex_slowlock.constprop.21+0x184/0x1b8\n[ 35.043048] mutex_lock_nested+0x7c/0xc8\n[ 35.043060] device_del+0x4c/0x3e8\n[ 35.043075] device_unregister+0x20/0x40\n[ 35.043082] mipi_dsi_remove_device_fn+0x18/0x28\n[ 35.043093] device_for_each_child+0x68/0xb0\n[ 35.043105] mipi_dsi_host_unregister+0x40/0x90\n[ 35.043115] vc4_dsi_host_attach+0xf0/0x120 [vc4]\n[ 35.043199] mipi_dsi_attach+0x30/0x48\n[ 35.043209] tc358762_probe+0x128/0x164 [tc358762]\n[ 35.043225] mipi_dsi_drv_probe+0x28/0x38\n[ 35.043234] really_probe+0xc0/0x318\n[ 35.043244] __driver_probe_device+0x80/0xe8\n[ 35.043254] driver_probe_device+0xb8/0x118\n[ 35.043263] __device_attach_driver+0x98/0xe8\n[ 35.043273] bus_for_each_drv+0x84/0xd8\n[ 35.043281] __device_attach+0xf0/0x150\n[ 35.043290] device_initial_probe+0x1c/0x28\n[ 35.043300] bus_probe_device+0xa4/0xb0\n[ 35.043308] deferred_probe_work_func+0xa0/0xe0\n[ 35.043318] process_one_work+0x254/0x700\n[ 35.043330] worker_thread+0x4c/0x448\n[ 35.043339] kthread+0x19c/0x1a8\n[ 35.043348] ret_from_fork+0x10/0x20\n\nShutdown Call trace:\n[ 365.565417] Call trace:\n[ 365.565423] __switch_to+0x148/0x200\n[ 365.565452] __schedule+0x340/0x9c8\n[ 365.565467] schedule+0x48/0x110\n[ 365.565479] schedule_timeout+0x3b0/0x448\n[ 365.565496] wait_for_completion+0xac/0x138\n[ 365.565509] __flush_work+0x218/0x4e0\n[ 365.565523] flush_work+0x1c/0x28\n[ 365.565536] wait_for_device_probe+0x68/0x158\n[ 365.565550] device_shutdown+0x24/0x348\n[ 365.565561] kernel_restart_prepare+0x40/0x50\n[ 365.565578] kernel_restart+0x20/0x70\n[ 365.565591] __do_sys_reboot+0x10c/0x220\n[ 365.565605] __arm64_sys_reboot+0x2c/0x38\n[ 365.565619] invoke_syscall+0x4c/0x110\n[ 365.565634] el0_svc_common.constprop.3+0xfc/0x120\n[ 365.565648] do_el0_svc+0x2c/0x90\n[ 365.565661] el0_svc+0x4c/0xf0\n[ 365.565671] el0t_64_sync_handler+0x90/0xb8\n[ 365.565682] el0t_64_sync+0x180/0x184', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48826 was patched at 2024-07-16

367. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48827) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: NFSD: Fix the behavior of READ near OFFSET_MAX Dan Aloni reports: > Due to commit 8cfb9015280d ("NFS: Always provide aligned buffers to > the RPC read layers") on the client, a read of 0xfff is aligned up > to server rsize of 0x1000. > > As a result, in a test where the server has a file of size > 0x7fffffffffffffff, and the client tries to read from the offset > 0x7ffffffffffff000, the read causes loff_t overflow in the server > and it returns an NFS code of EINVAL to the client. The client as > a result indefinitely retries the request. The Linux NFS client does not handle NFS?ERR_INVAL, even though all NFS specifications permit servers to return that status code for a READ. Instead of NFS?ERR_INVAL, have out-of-range READ requests succeed and return a short result. Set the EOF flag in the result to prevent the client from retrying the READ request. This behavior appears to be consistent with Solaris NFS servers. Note that NFSv3 and NFSv4 use u64 offset values on the wire. These must be converted to loff_t internally before use -- an implicit type cast is not adequate for this purpose. Otherwise VFS checks against sb->s_maxbytes do not work properly.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nNFSD: Fix the behavior of READ near OFFSET_MAX\n\nDan Aloni reports:\n> Due to commit 8cfb9015280d ("NFS: Always provide aligned buffers to\n> the RPC read layers") on the client, a read of 0xfff is aligned up\n> to server rsize of 0x1000.\n>\n> As a result, in a test where the server has a file of size\n> 0x7fffffffffffffff, and the client tries to read from the offset\n> 0x7ffffffffffff000, the read causes loff_t overflow in the server\n> and it returns an NFS code of EINVAL to the client. The client as\n> a result indefinitely retries the request.\n\nThe Linux NFS client does not handle NFS?ERR_INVAL, even though all\nNFS specifications permit servers to return that status code for a\nREAD.\n\nInstead of NFS?ERR_INVAL, have out-of-range READ requests succeed\nand return a short result. Set the EOF flag in the result to prevent\nthe client from retrying the READ request. This behavior appears to\nbe consistent with Solaris NFS servers.\n\nNote that NFSv3 and NFSv4 use u64 offset values on the wire. These\nmust be converted to loff_t internally before use -- an implicit\ntype cast is not adequate for this purpose. Otherwise VFS checks\nagainst sb->s_maxbytes do not work properly.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48827 was patched at 2024-07-16

368. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48828) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: NFSD: Fix ia_size underflow iattr::ia_size is a loff_t, which is a signed 64-bit type. NFSv3 and NFSv4 both define file size as an unsigned 64-bit type. Thus there is a range of valid file size values an NFS client can send that is already larger than Linux can handle. Currently decode_fattr4() dumps a full u64 value into ia_size. If that value happens to be larger than S64_MAX, then ia_size underflows. I'm about to fix up the NFSv3 behavior as well, so let's catch the underflow in the common code path: nfsd_setattr().', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nNFSD: Fix ia_size underflow\n\niattr::ia_size is a loff_t, which is a signed 64-bit type. NFSv3 and\nNFSv4 both define file size as an unsigned 64-bit type. Thus there\nis a range of valid file size values an NFS client can send that is\nalready larger than Linux can handle.\n\nCurrently decode_fattr4() dumps a full u64 value into ia_size. If\nthat value happens to be larger than S64_MAX, then ia_size\nunderflows. I'm about to fix up the NFSv3 behavior as well, so let's\ncatch the underflow in the common code path: nfsd_setattr().', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48828 was patched at 2024-07-16

369. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48829) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: NFSD: Fix NFSv3 SETATTR/CREATE's handling of large file sizes iattr::ia_size is a loff_t, so these NFSv3 procedures must be careful to deal with incoming client size values that are larger than s64_max without corrupting the value. Silently capping the value results in storing a different value than the client passed in which is unexpected behavior, so remove the min_t() check in decode_sattr3(). Note that RFC 1813 permits only the WRITE procedure to return NFS3ERR_FBIG. We believe that NFSv3 reference implementations also return NFS3ERR_FBIG when ia_size is too large.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nNFSD: Fix NFSv3 SETATTR/CREATE's handling of large file sizes\n\niattr::ia_size is a loff_t, so these NFSv3 procedures must be\ncareful to deal with incoming client size values that are larger\nthan s64_max without corrupting the value.\n\nSilently capping the value results in storing a different value\nthan the client passed in which is unexpected behavior, so remove\nthe min_t() check in decode_sattr3().\n\nNote that RFC 1813 permits only the WRITE procedure to return\nNFS3ERR_FBIG. We believe that NFSv3 reference implementations\nalso return NFS3ERR_FBIG when ia_size is too large.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48829 was patched at 2024-07-16

370. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48830) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: can: isotp: fix potential CAN frame reception race in isotp_rcv() When receiving a CAN frame the current code logic does not consider concurrently receiving processes which do not show up in real world usage. Ziyang Xuan writes: The following syz problem is one of the scenarios. so->rx.len is changed by isotp_rcv_ff() during isotp_rcv_cf(), so->rx.len equals 0 before alloc_skb() and equals 4096 after alloc_skb(). That will trigger skb_over_panic() in skb_put(). ======================================================= CPU: 1 PID: 19 Comm: ksoftirqd/1 Not tainted 5.16.0-rc8-syzkaller #0 RIP: 0010:skb_panic+0x16c/0x16e net/core/skbuff.c:113 Call Trace: <TASK> skb_over_panic net/core/skbuff.c:118 [inline] skb_put.cold+0x24/0x24 net/core/skbuff.c:1990 isotp_rcv_cf net/can/isotp.c:570 [inline] isotp_rcv+0xa38/0x1e30 net/can/isotp.c:668 deliver net/can/af_can.c:574 [inline] can_rcv_filter+0x445/0x8d0 net/can/af_can.c:635 can_receive+0x31d/0x580 net/can/af_can.c:665 can_rcv+0x120/0x1c0 net/can/af_can.c:696 __netif_receive_skb_one_core+0x114/0x180 net/core/dev.c:5465 __netif_receive_skb+0x24/0x1b0 net/core/dev.c:5579 Therefore we make sure the state changes and data structures stay consistent at CAN frame reception time by adding a spin_lock in isotp_rcv(). This fixes the issue reported by syzkaller but does not affect real world operation.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ncan: isotp: fix potential CAN frame reception race in isotp_rcv()\n\nWhen receiving a CAN frame the current code logic does not consider\nconcurrently receiving processes which do not show up in real world\nusage.\n\nZiyang Xuan writes:\n\nThe following syz problem is one of the scenarios. so->rx.len is\nchanged by isotp_rcv_ff() during isotp_rcv_cf(), so->rx.len equals\n0 before alloc_skb() and equals 4096 after alloc_skb(). That will\ntrigger skb_over_panic() in skb_put().\n\n=======================================================\nCPU: 1 PID: 19 Comm: ksoftirqd/1 Not tainted 5.16.0-rc8-syzkaller #0\nRIP: 0010:skb_panic+0x16c/0x16e net/core/skbuff.c:113\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n skb_over_panic net/core/skbuff.c:118 [inline]\n skb_put.cold+0x24/0x24 net/core/skbuff.c:1990\n isotp_rcv_cf net/can/isotp.c:570 [inline]\n isotp_rcv+0xa38/0x1e30 net/can/isotp.c:668\n deliver net/can/af_can.c:574 [inline]\n can_rcv_filter+0x445/0x8d0 net/can/af_can.c:635\n can_receive+0x31d/0x580 net/can/af_can.c:665\n can_rcv+0x120/0x1c0 net/can/af_can.c:696\n __netif_receive_skb_one_core+0x114/0x180 net/core/dev.c:5465\n __netif_receive_skb+0x24/0x1b0 net/core/dev.c:5579\n\nTherefore we make sure the state changes and data structures stay\nconsistent at CAN frame reception time by adding a spin_lock in\nisotp_rcv(). This fixes the issue reported by syzkaller but does not\naffect real world operation.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48830 was patched at 2024-07-16

371. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48831) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ima: fix reference leak in asymmetric_verify() Don't leak a reference to the key if its algorithm is unknown.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nima: fix reference leak in asymmetric_verify()\n\nDon't leak a reference to the key if its algorithm is unknown.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48831 was patched at 2024-07-16

372. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48833) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: btrfs: skip reserved bytes warning on unmount after log cleanup failure After the recent changes made by commit c2e39305299f01 ("btrfs: clear extent buffer uptodate when we fail to write it") and its followup fix, commit 651740a5024117 ("btrfs: check WRITE_ERR when trying to read an extent buffer"), we can now end up not cleaning up space reservations of log tree extent buffers after a transaction abort happens, as well as not cleaning up still dirty extent buffers. This happens because if writeback for a log tree extent buffer failed, then we have cleared the bit EXTENT_BUFFER_UPTODATE from the extent buffer and we have also set the bit EXTENT_BUFFER_WRITE_ERR on it. Later on, when trying to free the log tree with free_log_tree(), which iterates over the tree, we can end up getting an -EIO error when trying to read a node or a leaf, since read_extent_buffer_pages() returns -EIO if an extent buffer does not have EXTENT_BUFFER_UPTODATE set and has the EXTENT_BUFFER_WRITE_ERR bit set. Getting that -EIO means that we return immediately as we can not iterate over the entire tree. In that case we never update the reserved space for an extent buffer in the respective block group and space_info object. When this happens we get the following traces when unmounting the fs: [174957.284509] BTRFS: error (device dm-0) in cleanup_transaction:1913: errno=-5 IO failure [174957.286497] BTRFS: error (device dm-0) in free_log_tree:3420: errno=-5 IO failure [174957.399379] ------------[ cut here ]------------ [174957.402497] WARNING: CPU: 2 PID: 3206883 at fs/btrfs/block-group.c:127 btrfs_put_block_group+0x77/0xb0 [btrfs] [174957.407523] Modules linked in: btrfs overlay dm_zero (...) [174957.424917] CPU: 2 PID: 3206883 Comm: umount Tainted: G W 5.16.0-rc5-btrfs-next-109 #1 [174957.426689] Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 04/01/2014 [174957.428716] RIP: 0010:btrfs_put_block_group+0x77/0xb0 [btrfs] [174957.429717] Code: 21 48 8b bd (...) [174957.432867] RSP: 0018:ffffb70d41cffdd0 EFLAGS: 00010206 [174957.433632] RAX: 0000000000000001 RBX: ffff8b09c3848000 RCX: ffff8b0758edd1c8 [174957.434689] RDX: 0000000000000001 RSI: ffffffffc0b467e7 RDI: ffff8b0758edd000 [174957.436068] RBP: ffff8b0758edd000 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000 [174957.437114] R10: 0000000000000246 R11: 0000000000000000 R12: ffff8b09c3848148 [174957.438140] R13: ffff8b09c3848198 R14: ffff8b0758edd188 R15: dead000000000100 [174957.439317] FS: 00007f328fb82800(0000) GS:ffff8b0a2d200000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 [174957.440402] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 [174957.441164] CR2: 00007fff13563e98 CR3: 0000000404f4e005 CR4: 0000000000370ee0 [174957.442117] DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 [174957.443076] DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 [174957.443948] Call Trace: [174957.444264] <TASK> [174957.444538] btrfs_free_block_groups+0x255/0x3c0 [btrfs] [174957.445238] close_ctree+0x301/0x357 [btrfs] [174957.445803] ? call_rcu+0x16c/0x290 [174957.446250] generic_shutdown_super+0x74/0x120 [174957.446832] kill_anon_super+0x14/0x30 [174957.447305] btrfs_kill_super+0x12/0x20 [btrfs] [174957.447890] deactivate_locked_super+0x31/0xa0 [174957.448440] cleanup_mnt+0x147/0x1c0 [174957.448888] task_work_run+0x5c/0xa0 [174957.449336] exit_to_user_mode_prepare+0x1e5/0x1f0 [174957.449934] syscall_exit_to_user_mode+0x16/0x40 [174957.450512] do_syscall_64+0x48/0xc0 [174957.450980] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae [174957.451605] RIP: 0033:0x7f328fdc4a97 [174957.452059] Code: 03 0c 00 f7 (...) [174957.454320] RSP: 002b:00007fff13564ec8 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 00000000000000a6 [174957.455262] RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: 00007f328feea264 RCX: 00007f328fdc4a97 [174957.456131] RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 00000000000000 ---truncated---', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbtrfs: skip reserved bytes warning on unmount after log cleanup failure\n\nAfter the recent changes made by commit c2e39305299f01 ("btrfs: clear\nextent buffer uptodate when we fail to write it") and its followup fix,\ncommit 651740a5024117 ("btrfs: check WRITE_ERR when trying to read an\nextent buffer"), we can now end up not cleaning up space reservations of\nlog tree extent buffers after a transaction abort happens, as well as not\ncleaning up still dirty extent buffers.\n\nThis happens because if writeback for a log tree extent buffer failed,\nthen we have cleared the bit EXTENT_BUFFER_UPTODATE from the extent buffer\nand we have also set the bit EXTENT_BUFFER_WRITE_ERR on it. Later on,\nwhen trying to free the log tree with free_log_tree(), which iterates\nover the tree, we can end up getting an -EIO error when trying to read\na node or a leaf, since read_extent_buffer_pages() returns -EIO if an\nextent buffer does not have EXTENT_BUFFER_UPTODATE set and has the\nEXTENT_BUFFER_WRITE_ERR bit set. Getting that -EIO means that we return\nimmediately as we can not iterate over the entire tree.\n\nIn that case we never update the reserved space for an extent buffer in\nthe respective block group and space_info object.\n\nWhen this happens we get the following traces when unmounting the fs:\n\n[174957.284509] BTRFS: error (device dm-0) in cleanup_transaction:1913: errno=-5 IO failure\n[174957.286497] BTRFS: error (device dm-0) in free_log_tree:3420: errno=-5 IO failure\n[174957.399379] ------------[ cut here ]------------\n[174957.402497] WARNING: CPU: 2 PID: 3206883 at fs/btrfs/block-group.c:127 btrfs_put_block_group+0x77/0xb0 [btrfs]\n[174957.407523] Modules linked in: btrfs overlay dm_zero (...)\n[174957.424917] CPU: 2 PID: 3206883 Comm: umount Tainted: G W 5.16.0-rc5-btrfs-next-109 #1\n[174957.426689] Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 04/01/2014\n[174957.428716] RIP: 0010:btrfs_put_block_group+0x77/0xb0 [btrfs]\n[174957.429717] Code: 21 48 8b bd (...)\n[174957.432867] RSP: 0018:ffffb70d41cffdd0 EFLAGS: 00010206\n[174957.433632] RAX: 0000000000000001 RBX: ffff8b09c3848000 RCX: ffff8b0758edd1c8\n[174957.434689] RDX: 0000000000000001 RSI: ffffffffc0b467e7 RDI: ffff8b0758edd000\n[174957.436068] RBP: ffff8b0758edd000 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000\n[174957.437114] R10: 0000000000000246 R11: 0000000000000000 R12: ffff8b09c3848148\n[174957.438140] R13: ffff8b09c3848198 R14: ffff8b0758edd188 R15: dead000000000100\n[174957.439317] FS: 00007f328fb82800(0000) GS:ffff8b0a2d200000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\n[174957.440402] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\n[174957.441164] CR2: 00007fff13563e98 CR3: 0000000404f4e005 CR4: 0000000000370ee0\n[174957.442117] DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000\n[174957.443076] DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400\n[174957.443948] Call Trace:\n[174957.444264] <TASK>\n[174957.444538] btrfs_free_block_groups+0x255/0x3c0 [btrfs]\n[174957.445238] close_ctree+0x301/0x357 [btrfs]\n[174957.445803] ? call_rcu+0x16c/0x290\n[174957.446250] generic_shutdown_super+0x74/0x120\n[174957.446832] kill_anon_super+0x14/0x30\n[174957.447305] btrfs_kill_super+0x12/0x20 [btrfs]\n[174957.447890] deactivate_locked_super+0x31/0xa0\n[174957.448440] cleanup_mnt+0x147/0x1c0\n[174957.448888] task_work_run+0x5c/0xa0\n[174957.449336] exit_to_user_mode_prepare+0x1e5/0x1f0\n[174957.449934] syscall_exit_to_user_mode+0x16/0x40\n[174957.450512] do_syscall_64+0x48/0xc0\n[174957.450980] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae\n[174957.451605] RIP: 0033:0x7f328fdc4a97\n[174957.452059] Code: 03 0c 00 f7 (...)\n[174957.454320] RSP: 002b:00007fff13564ec8 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 00000000000000a6\n[174957.455262] RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: 00007f328feea264 RCX: 00007f328fdc4a97\n[174957.456131] RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 00000000000000\n---truncated---', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48833 was patched at 2024-07-16

373. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48834) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: usb: usbtmc: Fix bug in pipe direction for control transfers The syzbot fuzzer reported a minor bug in the usbtmc driver: usb 5-1: BOGUS control dir, pipe 80001e80 doesn't match bRequestType 0 WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 3813 at drivers/usb/core/urb.c:412 usb_submit_urb+0x13a5/0x1970 drivers/usb/core/urb.c:410 Modules linked in: CPU: 0 PID: 3813 Comm: syz-executor122 Not tainted 5.17.0-rc5-syzkaller-00306-g2293be58d6a1 #0 ... Call Trace: <TASK> usb_start_wait_urb+0x113/0x530 drivers/usb/core/message.c:58 usb_internal_control_msg drivers/usb/core/message.c:102 [inline] usb_control_msg+0x2a5/0x4b0 drivers/usb/core/message.c:153 usbtmc_ioctl_request drivers/usb/class/usbtmc.c:1947 [inline] The problem is that usbtmc_ioctl_request() uses usb_rcvctrlpipe() for all of its transfers, whether they are in or out. It's easy to fix.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nusb: usbtmc: Fix bug in pipe direction for control transfers\n\nThe syzbot fuzzer reported a minor bug in the usbtmc driver:\n\nusb 5-1: BOGUS control dir, pipe 80001e80 doesn't match bRequestType 0\nWARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 3813 at drivers/usb/core/urb.c:412\nusb_submit_urb+0x13a5/0x1970 drivers/usb/core/urb.c:410\nModules linked in:\nCPU: 0 PID: 3813 Comm: syz-executor122 Not tainted\n5.17.0-rc5-syzkaller-00306-g2293be58d6a1 #0\n...\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n usb_start_wait_urb+0x113/0x530 drivers/usb/core/message.c:58\n usb_internal_control_msg drivers/usb/core/message.c:102 [inline]\n usb_control_msg+0x2a5/0x4b0 drivers/usb/core/message.c:153\n usbtmc_ioctl_request drivers/usb/class/usbtmc.c:1947 [inline]\n\nThe problem is that usbtmc_ioctl_request() uses usb_rcvctrlpipe() for\nall of its transfers, whether they are in or out. It's easy to fix.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48834 was patched at 2024-07-16

374. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48835) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: mpt3sas: Page fault in reply q processing A page fault was encountered in mpt3sas on a LUN reset error path: [ 145.763216] mpt3sas_cm1: Task abort tm failed: handle(0x0002),timeout(30) tr_method(0x0) smid(3) msix_index(0) [ 145.778932] scsi 1:0:0:0: task abort: FAILED scmd(0x0000000024ba29a2) [ 145.817307] scsi 1:0:0:0: attempting device reset! scmd(0x0000000024ba29a2) [ 145.827253] scsi 1:0:0:0: [sg1] tag#2 CDB: Receive Diagnostic 1c 01 01 ff fc 00 [ 145.837617] scsi target1:0:0: handle(0x0002), sas_address(0x500605b0000272b9), phy(0) [ 145.848598] scsi target1:0:0: enclosure logical id(0x500605b0000272b8), slot(0) [ 149.858378] mpt3sas_cm1: Poll ReplyDescriptor queues for completion of smid(0), task_type(0x05), handle(0x0002) [ 149.875202] BUG: unable to handle page fault for address: 00000007fffc445d [ 149.885617] #PF: supervisor read access in kernel mode [ 149.894346] #PF: error_code(0x0000) - not-present page [ 149.903123] PGD 0 P4D 0 [ 149.909387] Oops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP NOPTI [ 149.917417] CPU: 24 PID: 3512 Comm: scsi_eh_1 Kdump: loaded Tainted: G S O 5.10.89-altav-1 #1 [ 149.934327] Hardware name: DDN 200NVX2 /200NVX2-MB , BIOS ATHG2.2.02.01 09/10/2021 [ 149.951871] RIP: 0010:_base_process_reply_queue+0x4b/0x900 [mpt3sas] [ 149.961889] Code: 0f 84 22 02 00 00 8d 48 01 49 89 fd 48 8d 57 38 f0 0f b1 4f 38 0f 85 d8 01 00 00 49 8b 45 10 45 31 e4 41 8b 55 0c 48 8d 1c d0 <0f> b6 03 83 e0 0f 3c 0f 0f 85 a2 00 00 00 e9 e6 01 00 00 0f b7 ee [ 149.991952] RSP: 0018:ffffc9000f1ebcb8 EFLAGS: 00010246 [ 150.000937] RAX: 0000000000000055 RBX: 00000007fffc445d RCX: 000000002548f071 [ 150.011841] RDX: 00000000ffff8881 RSI: 0000000000000001 RDI: ffff888125ed50d8 [ 150.022670] RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: c0000000ffff7fff [ 150.033445] R10: ffffc9000f1ebb68 R11: ffffc9000f1ebb60 R12: 0000000000000000 [ 150.044204] R13: ffff888125ed50d8 R14: 0000000000000080 R15: 34cdc00034cdea80 [ 150.054963] FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff88dfaf200000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 [ 150.066715] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 [ 150.076078] CR2: 00000007fffc445d CR3: 000000012448a006 CR4: 0000000000770ee0 [ 150.086887] DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 [ 150.097670] DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 [ 150.108323] PKRU: 55555554 [ 150.114690] Call Trace: [ 150.120497] ? printk+0x48/0x4a [ 150.127049] mpt3sas_scsih_issue_tm.cold.114+0x2e/0x2b3 [mpt3sas] [ 150.136453] mpt3sas_scsih_issue_locked_tm+0x86/0xb0 [mpt3sas] [ 150.145759] scsih_dev_reset+0xea/0x300 [mpt3sas] [ 150.153891] scsi_eh_ready_devs+0x541/0x9e0 [scsi_mod] [ 150.162206] ? __scsi_host_match+0x20/0x20 [scsi_mod] [ 150.170406] ? scsi_try_target_reset+0x90/0x90 [scsi_mod] [ 150.178925] ? blk_mq_tagset_busy_iter+0x45/0x60 [ 150.186638] ? scsi_try_target_reset+0x90/0x90 [scsi_mod] [ 150.195087] scsi_error_handler+0x3a5/0x4a0 [scsi_mod] [ 150.203206] ? __schedule+0x1e9/0x610 [ 150.209783] ? scsi_eh_get_sense+0x210/0x210 [scsi_mod] [ 150.217924] kthread+0x12e/0x150 [ 150.224041] ? kthread_worker_fn+0x130/0x130 [ 150.231206] ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x30 This is caused by mpt3sas_base_sync_reply_irqs() using an invalid reply_q pointer outside of the list_for_each_entry() loop. At the end of the full list traversal the pointer is invalid. Move the _base_process_reply_queue() call inside of the loop.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nscsi: mpt3sas: Page fault in reply q processing\n\nA page fault was encountered in mpt3sas on a LUN reset error path:\n\n[ 145.763216] mpt3sas_cm1: Task abort tm failed: handle(0x0002),timeout(30) tr_method(0x0) smid(3) msix_index(0)\n[ 145.778932] scsi 1:0:0:0: task abort: FAILED scmd(0x0000000024ba29a2)\n[ 145.817307] scsi 1:0:0:0: attempting device reset! scmd(0x0000000024ba29a2)\n[ 145.827253] scsi 1:0:0:0: [sg1] tag#2 CDB: Receive Diagnostic 1c 01 01 ff fc 00\n[ 145.837617] scsi target1:0:0: handle(0x0002), sas_address(0x500605b0000272b9), phy(0)\n[ 145.848598] scsi target1:0:0: enclosure logical id(0x500605b0000272b8), slot(0)\n[ 149.858378] mpt3sas_cm1: Poll ReplyDescriptor queues for completion of smid(0), task_type(0x05), handle(0x0002)\n[ 149.875202] BUG: unable to handle page fault for address: 00000007fffc445d\n[ 149.885617] #PF: supervisor read access in kernel mode\n[ 149.894346] #PF: error_code(0x0000) - not-present page\n[ 149.903123] PGD 0 P4D 0\n[ 149.909387] Oops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP NOPTI\n[ 149.917417] CPU: 24 PID: 3512 Comm: scsi_eh_1 Kdump: loaded Tainted: G S O 5.10.89-altav-1 #1\n[ 149.934327] Hardware name: DDN 200NVX2 /200NVX2-MB , BIOS ATHG2.2.02.01 09/10/2021\n[ 149.951871] RIP: 0010:_base_process_reply_queue+0x4b/0x900 [mpt3sas]\n[ 149.961889] Code: 0f 84 22 02 00 00 8d 48 01 49 89 fd 48 8d 57 38 f0 0f b1 4f 38 0f 85 d8 01 00 00 49 8b 45 10 45 31 e4 41 8b 55 0c 48 8d 1c d0 <0f> b6 03 83 e0 0f 3c 0f 0f 85 a2 00 00 00 e9 e6 01 00 00 0f b7 ee\n[ 149.991952] RSP: 0018:ffffc9000f1ebcb8 EFLAGS: 00010246\n[ 150.000937] RAX: 0000000000000055 RBX: 00000007fffc445d RCX: 000000002548f071\n[ 150.011841] RDX: 00000000ffff8881 RSI: 0000000000000001 RDI: ffff888125ed50d8\n[ 150.022670] RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: c0000000ffff7fff\n[ 150.033445] R10: ffffc9000f1ebb68 R11: ffffc9000f1ebb60 R12: 0000000000000000\n[ 150.044204] R13: ffff888125ed50d8 R14: 0000000000000080 R15: 34cdc00034cdea80\n[ 150.054963] FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff88dfaf200000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\n[ 150.066715] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\n[ 150.076078] CR2: 00000007fffc445d CR3: 000000012448a006 CR4: 0000000000770ee0\n[ 150.086887] DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000\n[ 150.097670] DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400\n[ 150.108323] PKRU: 55555554\n[ 150.114690] Call Trace:\n[ 150.120497] ? printk+0x48/0x4a\n[ 150.127049] mpt3sas_scsih_issue_tm.cold.114+0x2e/0x2b3 [mpt3sas]\n[ 150.136453] mpt3sas_scsih_issue_locked_tm+0x86/0xb0 [mpt3sas]\n[ 150.145759] scsih_dev_reset+0xea/0x300 [mpt3sas]\n[ 150.153891] scsi_eh_ready_devs+0x541/0x9e0 [scsi_mod]\n[ 150.162206] ? __scsi_host_match+0x20/0x20 [scsi_mod]\n[ 150.170406] ? scsi_try_target_reset+0x90/0x90 [scsi_mod]\n[ 150.178925] ? blk_mq_tagset_busy_iter+0x45/0x60\n[ 150.186638] ? scsi_try_target_reset+0x90/0x90 [scsi_mod]\n[ 150.195087] scsi_error_handler+0x3a5/0x4a0 [scsi_mod]\n[ 150.203206] ? __schedule+0x1e9/0x610\n[ 150.209783] ? scsi_eh_get_sense+0x210/0x210 [scsi_mod]\n[ 150.217924] kthread+0x12e/0x150\n[ 150.224041] ? kthread_worker_fn+0x130/0x130\n[ 150.231206] ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x30\n\nThis is caused by mpt3sas_base_sync_reply_irqs() using an invalid reply_q\npointer outside of the list_for_each_entry() loop. At the end of the full\nlist traversal the pointer is invalid.\n\nMove the _base_process_reply_queue() call inside of the loop.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48835 was patched at 2024-07-16

375. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48840) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: iavf: Fix hang during reboot/shutdown Recent commit 974578017fc1 ("iavf: Add waiting so the port is initialized in remove") adds a wait-loop at the beginning of iavf_remove() to ensure that port initialization is finished prior unregistering net device. This causes a regression in reboot/shutdown scenario because in this case callback iavf_shutdown() is called and this callback detaches the device, makes it down if it is running and sets its state to __IAVF_REMOVE. Later shutdown callback of associated PF driver (e.g. ice_shutdown) is called. That callback calls among other things sriov_disable() that calls indirectly iavf_remove() (see stack trace below). As the adapter state is already __IAVF_REMOVE then the mentioned loop is end-less and shutdown process hangs. The patch fixes this by checking adapter's state at the beginning of iavf_remove() and skips the rest of the function if the adapter is already in remove state (shutdown is in progress). Reproducer: 1. Create VF on PF driven by ice or i40e driver 2. Ensure that the VF is bound to iavf driver 3. Reboot [52625.981294] sysrq: SysRq : Show Blocked State [52625.988377] task:reboot state:D stack: 0 pid:17359 ppid: 1 f2 [52625.996732] Call Trace: [52625.999187] __schedule+0x2d1/0x830 [52626.007400] schedule+0x35/0xa0 [52626.010545] schedule_hrtimeout_range_clock+0x83/0x100 [52626.020046] usleep_range+0x5b/0x80 [52626.023540] iavf_remove+0x63/0x5b0 [iavf] [52626.027645] pci_device_remove+0x3b/0xc0 [52626.031572] device_release_driver_internal+0x103/0x1f0 [52626.036805] pci_stop_bus_device+0x72/0xa0 [52626.040904] pci_stop_and_remove_bus_device+0xe/0x20 [52626.045870] pci_iov_remove_virtfn+0xba/0x120 [52626.050232] sriov_disable+0x2f/0xe0 [52626.053813] ice_free_vfs+0x7c/0x340 [ice] [52626.057946] ice_remove+0x220/0x240 [ice] [52626.061967] ice_shutdown+0x16/0x50 [ice] [52626.065987] pci_device_shutdown+0x34/0x60 [52626.070086] device_shutdown+0x165/0x1c5 [52626.074011] kernel_restart+0xe/0x30 [52626.077593] __do_sys_reboot+0x1d2/0x210 [52626.093815] do_syscall_64+0x5b/0x1a0 [52626.097483] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x65/0xca', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\niavf: Fix hang during reboot/shutdown\n\nRecent commit 974578017fc1 ("iavf: Add waiting so the port is\ninitialized in remove") adds a wait-loop at the beginning of\niavf_remove() to ensure that port initialization is finished\nprior unregistering net device. This causes a regression\nin reboot/shutdown scenario because in this case callback\niavf_shutdown() is called and this callback detaches the device,\nmakes it down if it is running and sets its state to __IAVF_REMOVE.\nLater shutdown callback of associated PF driver (e.g. ice_shutdown)\nis called. That callback calls among other things sriov_disable()\nthat calls indirectly iavf_remove() (see stack trace below).\nAs the adapter state is already __IAVF_REMOVE then the mentioned\nloop is end-less and shutdown process hangs.\n\nThe patch fixes this by checking adapter's state at the beginning\nof iavf_remove() and skips the rest of the function if the adapter\nis already in remove state (shutdown is in progress).\n\nReproducer:\n1. Create VF on PF driven by ice or i40e driver\n2. Ensure that the VF is bound to iavf driver\n3. Reboot\n\n[52625.981294] sysrq: SysRq : Show Blocked State\n[52625.988377] task:reboot state:D stack: 0 pid:17359 ppid: 1 f2\n[52625.996732] Call Trace:\n[52625.999187] __schedule+0x2d1/0x830\n[52626.007400] schedule+0x35/0xa0\n[52626.010545] schedule_hrtimeout_range_clock+0x83/0x100\n[52626.020046] usleep_range+0x5b/0x80\n[52626.023540] iavf_remove+0x63/0x5b0 [iavf]\n[52626.027645] pci_device_remove+0x3b/0xc0\n[52626.031572] device_release_driver_internal+0x103/0x1f0\n[52626.036805] pci_stop_bus_device+0x72/0xa0\n[52626.040904] pci_stop_and_remove_bus_device+0xe/0x20\n[52626.045870] pci_iov_remove_virtfn+0xba/0x120\n[52626.050232] sriov_disable+0x2f/0xe0\n[52626.053813] ice_free_vfs+0x7c/0x340 [ice]\n[52626.057946] ice_remove+0x220/0x240 [ice]\n[52626.061967] ice_shutdown+0x16/0x50 [ice]\n[52626.065987] pci_device_shutdown+0x34/0x60\n[52626.070086] device_shutdown+0x165/0x1c5\n[52626.074011] kernel_restart+0xe/0x30\n[52626.077593] __do_sys_reboot+0x1d2/0x210\n[52626.093815] do_syscall_64+0x5b/0x1a0\n[52626.097483] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x65/0xca', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48840 was patched at 2024-07-16

376. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48843) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/vrr: Set VRR capable prop only if it is attached to connector VRR capable property is not attached by default to the connector It is attached only if VRR is supported. So if the driver tries to call drm core set prop function without it being attached that causes NULL dereference.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/vrr: Set VRR capable prop only if it is attached to connector\n\nVRR capable property is not attached by default to the connector\nIt is attached only if VRR is supported.\nSo if the driver tries to call drm core set prop function without\nit being attached that causes NULL dereference.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48843 was patched at 2024-07-16

377. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48844) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: Bluetooth: hci_core: Fix leaking sent_cmd skb sent_cmd memory is not freed before freeing hci_dev causing it to leak it contents.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nBluetooth: hci_core: Fix leaking sent_cmd skb\n\nsent_cmd memory is not freed before freeing hci_dev causing it to leak\nit contents.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48844 was patched at 2024-07-16

378. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48849) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/amdgpu: bypass tiling flag check in virtual display case (v2) vkms leverages common amdgpu framebuffer creation, and also as it does not support FB modifier, there is no need to check tiling flags when initing framebuffer when virtual display is enabled. This can fix below calltrace: amdgpu 0000:00:08.0: GFX9+ requires FB check based on format modifier WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 1023 at drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_display.c:1150 amdgpu_display_framebuffer_init+0x8e7/0xb40 [amdgpu] v2: check adev->enable_virtual_display instead as vkms can be \tenabled in bare metal as well.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/amdgpu: bypass tiling flag check in virtual display case (v2)\n\nvkms leverages common amdgpu framebuffer creation, and\nalso as it does not support FB modifier, there is no need\nto check tiling flags when initing framebuffer when virtual\ndisplay is enabled.\n\nThis can fix below calltrace:\n\namdgpu 0000:00:08.0: GFX9+ requires FB check based on format modifier\nWARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 1023 at drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_display.c:1150 amdgpu_display_framebuffer_init+0x8e7/0xb40 [amdgpu]\n\nv2: check adev->enable_virtual_display instead as vkms can be\n\tenabled in bare metal as well.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48849 was patched at 2024-07-16

379. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48852) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/vc4: hdmi: Unregister codec device on unbind On bind we will register the HDMI codec device but we don't unregister it on unbind, leading to a device leakage. Unregister our device at unbind.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/vc4: hdmi: Unregister codec device on unbind\n\nOn bind we will register the HDMI codec device but we don't unregister\nit on unbind, leading to a device leakage. Unregister our device at\nunbind.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48852 was patched at 2024-07-16

380. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48859) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: marvell: prestera: Add missing of_node_put() in prestera_switch_set_base_mac_addr This node pointer is returned by of_find_compatible_node() with refcount incremented. Calling of_node_put() to aovid the refcount leak.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: marvell: prestera: Add missing of_node_put() in prestera_switch_set_base_mac_addr\n\nThis node pointer is returned by of_find_compatible_node() with\nrefcount incremented. Calling of_node_put() to aovid the refcount leak.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48859 was patched at 2024-07-16

381. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48862) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: vhost: fix hung thread due to erroneous iotlb entries In vhost_iotlb_add_range_ctx(), range size can overflow to 0 when start is 0 and last is ULONG_MAX. One instance where it can happen is when userspace sends an IOTLB message with iova=size=uaddr=0 (vhost_process_iotlb_msg). So, an entry with size = 0, start = 0, last = ULONG_MAX ends up in the iotlb. Next time a packet is sent, iotlb_access_ok() loops indefinitely due to that erroneous entry. \tCall Trace: \t <TASK> \t iotlb_access_ok+0x21b/0x3e0 drivers/vhost/vhost.c:1340 \t vq_meta_prefetch+0xbc/0x280 drivers/vhost/vhost.c:1366 \t vhost_transport_do_send_pkt+0xe0/0xfd0 drivers/vhost/vsock.c:104 \t vhost_worker+0x23d/0x3d0 drivers/vhost/vhost.c:372 \t kthread+0x2e9/0x3a0 kernel/kthread.c:377 \t ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x30 arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:295 \t </TASK> Reported by syzbot at: \t To fix this, do two things: 1. Return -EINVAL in vhost_chr_write_iter() when userspace asks to map a range with size 0. 2. Fix vhost_iotlb_add_range_ctx() to handle the range [0, ULONG_MAX] by splitting it into two entries.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nvhost: fix hung thread due to erroneous iotlb entries\n\nIn vhost_iotlb_add_range_ctx(), range size can overflow to 0 when\nstart is 0 and last is ULONG_MAX. One instance where it can happen\nis when userspace sends an IOTLB message with iova=size=uaddr=0\n(vhost_process_iotlb_msg). So, an entry with size = 0, start = 0,\nlast = ULONG_MAX ends up in the iotlb. Next time a packet is sent,\niotlb_access_ok() loops indefinitely due to that erroneous entry.\n\n\tCall Trace:\n\t <TASK>\n\t iotlb_access_ok+0x21b/0x3e0 drivers/vhost/vhost.c:1340\n\t vq_meta_prefetch+0xbc/0x280 drivers/vhost/vhost.c:1366\n\t vhost_transport_do_send_pkt+0xe0/0xfd0 drivers/vhost/vsock.c:104\n\t vhost_worker+0x23d/0x3d0 drivers/vhost/vhost.c:372\n\t kthread+0x2e9/0x3a0 kernel/kthread.c:377\n\t ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x30 arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:295\n\t </TASK>\n\nReported by syzbot at:\n\t\n\nTo fix this, do two things:\n\n1. Return -EINVAL in vhost_chr_write_iter() when userspace asks to map\n a range with size 0.\n2. Fix vhost_iotlb_add_range_ctx() to handle the range [0, ULONG_MAX]\n by splitting it into two entries.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48862 was patched at 2024-07-16

382. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48864) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: vdpa/mlx5: add validation for VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_MQ_VQ_PAIRS_SET command When control vq receives a VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_MQ_VQ_PAIRS_SET command request from the driver, presently there is no validation against the number of queue pairs to configure, or even if multiqueue had been negotiated or not is unverified. This may lead to kernel panic due to uninitialized resource for the queues were there any bogus request sent down by untrusted driver. Tie up the loose ends there.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nvdpa/mlx5: add validation for VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_MQ_VQ_PAIRS_SET command\n\nWhen control vq receives a VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_MQ_VQ_PAIRS_SET command\nrequest from the driver, presently there is no validation against the\nnumber of queue pairs to configure, or even if multiqueue had been\nnegotiated or not is unverified. This may lead to kernel panic due to\nuninitialized resource for the queues were there any bogus request\nsent down by untrusted driver. Tie up the loose ends there.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48864 was patched at 2024-07-16

383. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48865) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: tipc: fix kernel panic when enabling bearer When enabling a bearer on a node, a kernel panic is observed: [ 4.498085] RIP: 0010:tipc_mon_prep+0x4e/0x130 [tipc] ... [ 4.520030] Call Trace: [ 4.520689] <IRQ> [ 4.521236] tipc_link_build_proto_msg+0x375/0x750 [tipc] [ 4.522654] tipc_link_build_state_msg+0x48/0xc0 [tipc] [ 4.524034] __tipc_node_link_up+0xd7/0x290 [tipc] [ 4.525292] tipc_rcv+0x5da/0x730 [tipc] [ 4.526346] ? __netif_receive_skb_core+0xb7/0xfc0 [ 4.527601] tipc_l2_rcv_msg+0x5e/0x90 [tipc] [ 4.528737] __netif_receive_skb_list_core+0x20b/0x260 [ 4.530068] netif_receive_skb_list_internal+0x1bf/0x2e0 [ 4.531450] ? dev_gro_receive+0x4c2/0x680 [ 4.532512] napi_complete_done+0x6f/0x180 [ 4.533570] virtnet_poll+0x29c/0x42e [virtio_net] ... The node in question is receiving activate messages in another thread after changing bearer status to allow message sending/ receiving in current thread: thread 1 | thread 2 -------- | -------- | tipc_enable_bearer() | test_and_set_bit_lock() | tipc_bearer_xmit_skb() | | tipc_l2_rcv_msg() | tipc_rcv() | __tipc_node_link_up() | tipc_link_build_state_msg() | tipc_link_build_proto_msg() | tipc_mon_prep() | { | ... | // null-pointer dereference | u16 gen = mon->dom_gen; | ... | } // Not being executed yet | tipc_mon_create() | { | ... | // allocate | mon = kzalloc(); | ... | } | Monitoring pointer in thread 2 is dereferenced before monitoring data is allocated in thread 1. This causes kernel panic. This commit fixes it by allocating the monitoring data before enabling the bearer to receive messages.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ntipc: fix kernel panic when enabling bearer\n\nWhen enabling a bearer on a node, a kernel panic is observed:\n\n[ 4.498085] RIP: 0010:tipc_mon_prep+0x4e/0x130 [tipc]\n...\n[ 4.520030] Call Trace:\n[ 4.520689] <IRQ>\n[ 4.521236] tipc_link_build_proto_msg+0x375/0x750 [tipc]\n[ 4.522654] tipc_link_build_state_msg+0x48/0xc0 [tipc]\n[ 4.524034] __tipc_node_link_up+0xd7/0x290 [tipc]\n[ 4.525292] tipc_rcv+0x5da/0x730 [tipc]\n[ 4.526346] ? __netif_receive_skb_core+0xb7/0xfc0\n[ 4.527601] tipc_l2_rcv_msg+0x5e/0x90 [tipc]\n[ 4.528737] __netif_receive_skb_list_core+0x20b/0x260\n[ 4.530068] netif_receive_skb_list_internal+0x1bf/0x2e0\n[ 4.531450] ? dev_gro_receive+0x4c2/0x680\n[ 4.532512] napi_complete_done+0x6f/0x180\n[ 4.533570] virtnet_poll+0x29c/0x42e [virtio_net]\n...\n\nThe node in question is receiving activate messages in another\nthread after changing bearer status to allow message sending/\nreceiving in current thread:\n\n thread 1 | thread 2\n -------- | --------\n |\ntipc_enable_bearer() |\n test_and_set_bit_lock() |\n tipc_bearer_xmit_skb() |\n | tipc_l2_rcv_msg()\n | tipc_rcv()\n | __tipc_node_link_up()\n | tipc_link_build_state_msg()\n | tipc_link_build_proto_msg()\n | tipc_mon_prep()\n | {\n | ...\n | // null-pointer dereference\n | u16 gen = mon->dom_gen;\n | ...\n | }\n // Not being executed yet |\n tipc_mon_create() |\n { |\n ... |\n // allocate |\n mon = kzalloc(); |\n ... |\n } |\n\nMonitoring pointer in thread 2 is dereferenced before monitoring data\nis allocated in thread 1. This causes kernel panic.\n\nThis commit fixes it by allocating the monitoring data before enabling\nthe bearer to receive messages.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48865 was patched at 2024-07-16

384. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48866) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: HID: hid-thrustmaster: fix OOB read in thrustmaster_interrupts Syzbot reported an slab-out-of-bounds Read in thrustmaster_probe() bug. The root case is in missing validation check of actual number of endpoints. Code should not blindly access usb_host_interface::endpoint array, since it may contain less endpoints than code expects. Fix it by adding missing validaion check and print an error if number of endpoints do not match expected number', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nHID: hid-thrustmaster: fix OOB read in thrustmaster_interrupts\n\nSyzbot reported an slab-out-of-bounds Read in thrustmaster_probe() bug.\nThe root case is in missing validation check of actual number of endpoints.\n\nCode should not blindly access usb_host_interface::endpoint array, since\nit may contain less endpoints than code expects.\n\nFix it by adding missing validaion check and print an error if\nnumber of endpoints do not match expected number', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-48866 was patched at 2024-07-16

385. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2023-52884) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: Input: cyapa - add missing input core locking to suspend/resume functions Grab input->mutex during suspend/resume functions like it is done in other input drivers. This fixes the following warning during system suspend/resume cycle on Samsung Exynos5250-based Snow Chromebook: ------------[ cut here ]------------ WARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 1680 at drivers/input/input.c:2291 input_device_enabled+0x68/0x6c Modules linked in: ... CPU: 1 PID: 1680 Comm: kworker/u4:12 Tainted: G W 6.6.0-rc5-next-20231009 #14109 Hardware name: Samsung Exynos (Flattened Device Tree) Workqueue: events_unbound async_run_entry_fn unwind_backtrace from show_stack+0x10/0x14 show_stack from dump_stack_lvl+0x58/0x70 dump_stack_lvl from __warn+0x1a8/0x1cc __warn from warn_slowpath_fmt+0x18c/0x1b4 warn_slowpath_fmt from input_device_enabled+0x68/0x6c input_device_enabled from cyapa_gen3_set_power_mode+0x13c/0x1dc cyapa_gen3_set_power_mode from cyapa_reinitialize+0x10c/0x15c cyapa_reinitialize from cyapa_resume+0x48/0x98 cyapa_resume from dpm_run_callback+0x90/0x298 dpm_run_callback from device_resume+0xb4/0x258 device_resume from async_resume+0x20/0x64 async_resume from async_run_entry_fn+0x40/0x15c async_run_entry_fn from process_scheduled_works+0xbc/0x6a8 process_scheduled_works from worker_thread+0x188/0x454 worker_thread from kthread+0x108/0x140 kthread from ret_from_fork+0x14/0x28 Exception stack(0xf1625fb0 to 0xf1625ff8) ... ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]--- ... ------------[ cut here ]------------ WARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 1680 at drivers/input/input.c:2291 input_device_enabled+0x68/0x6c Modules linked in: ... CPU: 1 PID: 1680 Comm: kworker/u4:12 Tainted: G W 6.6.0-rc5-next-20231009 #14109 Hardware name: Samsung Exynos (Flattened Device Tree) Workqueue: events_unbound async_run_entry_fn unwind_backtrace from show_stack+0x10/0x14 show_stack from dump_stack_lvl+0x58/0x70 dump_stack_lvl from __warn+0x1a8/0x1cc __warn from warn_slowpath_fmt+0x18c/0x1b4 warn_slowpath_fmt from input_device_enabled+0x68/0x6c input_device_enabled from cyapa_gen3_set_power_mode+0x13c/0x1dc cyapa_gen3_set_power_mode from cyapa_reinitialize+0x10c/0x15c cyapa_reinitialize from cyapa_resume+0x48/0x98 cyapa_resume from dpm_run_callback+0x90/0x298 dpm_run_callback from device_resume+0xb4/0x258 device_resume from async_resume+0x20/0x64 async_resume from async_run_entry_fn+0x40/0x15c async_run_entry_fn from process_scheduled_works+0xbc/0x6a8 process_scheduled_works from worker_thread+0x188/0x454 worker_thread from kthread+0x108/0x140 kthread from ret_from_fork+0x14/0x28 Exception stack(0xf1625fb0 to 0xf1625ff8) ... ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]---', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nInput: cyapa - add missing input core locking to suspend/resume functions\n\nGrab input->mutex during suspend/resume functions like it is done in\nother input drivers. This fixes the following warning during system\nsuspend/resume cycle on Samsung Exynos5250-based Snow Chromebook:\n\n------------[ cut here ]------------\nWARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 1680 at drivers/input/input.c:2291 input_device_enabled+0x68/0x6c\nModules linked in: ...\nCPU: 1 PID: 1680 Comm: kworker/u4:12 Tainted: G W 6.6.0-rc5-next-20231009 #14109\nHardware name: Samsung Exynos (Flattened Device Tree)\nWorkqueue: events_unbound async_run_entry_fn\n unwind_backtrace from show_stack+0x10/0x14\n show_stack from dump_stack_lvl+0x58/0x70\n dump_stack_lvl from __warn+0x1a8/0x1cc\n __warn from warn_slowpath_fmt+0x18c/0x1b4\n warn_slowpath_fmt from input_device_enabled+0x68/0x6c\n input_device_enabled from cyapa_gen3_set_power_mode+0x13c/0x1dc\n cyapa_gen3_set_power_mode from cyapa_reinitialize+0x10c/0x15c\n cyapa_reinitialize from cyapa_resume+0x48/0x98\n cyapa_resume from dpm_run_callback+0x90/0x298\n dpm_run_callback from device_resume+0xb4/0x258\n device_resume from async_resume+0x20/0x64\n async_resume from async_run_entry_fn+0x40/0x15c\n async_run_entry_fn from process_scheduled_works+0xbc/0x6a8\n process_scheduled_works from worker_thread+0x188/0x454\n worker_thread from kthread+0x108/0x140\n kthread from ret_from_fork+0x14/0x28\nException stack(0xf1625fb0 to 0xf1625ff8)\n...\n---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]---\n...\n------------[ cut here ]------------\nWARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 1680 at drivers/input/input.c:2291 input_device_enabled+0x68/0x6c\nModules linked in: ...\nCPU: 1 PID: 1680 Comm: kworker/u4:12 Tainted: G W 6.6.0-rc5-next-20231009 #14109\nHardware name: Samsung Exynos (Flattened Device Tree)\nWorkqueue: events_unbound async_run_entry_fn\n unwind_backtrace from show_stack+0x10/0x14\n show_stack from dump_stack_lvl+0x58/0x70\n dump_stack_lvl from __warn+0x1a8/0x1cc\n __warn from warn_slowpath_fmt+0x18c/0x1b4\n warn_slowpath_fmt from input_device_enabled+0x68/0x6c\n input_device_enabled from cyapa_gen3_set_power_mode+0x13c/0x1dc\n cyapa_gen3_set_power_mode from cyapa_reinitialize+0x10c/0x15c\n cyapa_reinitialize from cyapa_resume+0x48/0x98\n cyapa_resume from dpm_run_callback+0x90/0x298\n dpm_run_callback from device_resume+0xb4/0x258\n device_resume from async_resume+0x20/0x64\n async_resume from async_run_entry_fn+0x40/0x15c\n async_run_entry_fn from process_scheduled_works+0xbc/0x6a8\n process_scheduled_works from worker_thread+0x188/0x454\n worker_thread from kthread+0x108/0x140\n kthread from ret_from_fork+0x14/0x28\nException stack(0xf1625fb0 to 0xf1625ff8)\n...\n---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]---', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2023-52884 was patched at 2024-06-30

386. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-26666) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: mac80211: fix RCU use in TDLS fast-xmit This looks up the link under RCU protection, but isn't guaranteed to actually have protection. Fix that.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nwifi: mac80211: fix RCU use in TDLS fast-xmit\n\nThis looks up the link under RCU protection, but isn't\nguaranteed to actually have protection. Fix that.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-26666 was patched at 2024-07-12, 2024-07-16, 2024-07-17

387. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-26674) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: x86/lib: Revert to _ASM_EXTABLE_UA() for {get,put}_user() fixups During memory error injection test on kernels >= v6.4, the kernel panics like below. However, this issue couldn't be reproduced on kernels <= v6.3. mce: [Hardware Error]: CPU 296: Machine Check Exception: f Bank 1: bd80000000100134 mce: [Hardware Error]: RIP 10:<ffffffff821b9776> {__get_user_nocheck_4+0x6/0x20} mce: [Hardware Error]: TSC 411a93533ed ADDR 346a8730040 MISC 86 mce: [Hardware Error]: PROCESSOR 0:a06d0 TIME 1706000767 SOCKET 1 APIC 211 microcode 80001490 mce: [Hardware Error]: Run the above through 'mcelog --ascii' mce: [Hardware Error]: Machine check: Data load in unrecoverable area of kernel Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal local machine check The MCA code can recover from an in-kernel #MC if the fixup type is EX_TYPE_UACCESS, explicitly indicating that the kernel is attempting to access userspace memory. However, if the fixup type is EX_TYPE_DEFAULT the only thing that is raised for an in-kernel #MC is a panic. ex_handler_uaccess() would warn if users gave a non-canonical addresses (with bit 63 clear) to {get, put}_user(), which was unexpected. Therefore, commit b19b74bc99b1 ("x86/mm: Rework address range check in get_user() and put_user()") replaced _ASM_EXTABLE_UA() with _ASM_EXTABLE() for {get, put}_user() fixups. However, the new fixup type EX_TYPE_DEFAULT results in a panic. Commit 6014bc27561f ("x86-64: make access_ok() independent of LAM") added the check gp_fault_address_ok() right before the WARN_ONCE() in ex_handler_uaccess() to not warn about non-canonical user addresses due to LAM. With that in place, revert back to _ASM_EXTABLE_UA() for {get,put}_user() exception fixups in order to be able to handle in-kernel MCEs correctly again. [ bp: Massage commit message. ]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nx86/lib: Revert to _ASM_EXTABLE_UA() for {get,put}_user() fixups\n\nDuring memory error injection test on kernels >= v6.4, the kernel panics\nlike below. However, this issue couldn't be reproduced on kernels <= v6.3.\n\n mce: [Hardware Error]: CPU 296: Machine Check Exception: f Bank 1: bd80000000100134\n mce: [Hardware Error]: RIP 10:<ffffffff821b9776> {__get_user_nocheck_4+0x6/0x20}\n mce: [Hardware Error]: TSC 411a93533ed ADDR 346a8730040 MISC 86\n mce: [Hardware Error]: PROCESSOR 0:a06d0 TIME 1706000767 SOCKET 1 APIC 211 microcode 80001490\n mce: [Hardware Error]: Run the above through 'mcelog --ascii'\n mce: [Hardware Error]: Machine check: Data load in unrecoverable area of kernel\n Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal local machine check\n\nThe MCA code can recover from an in-kernel #MC if the fixup type is\nEX_TYPE_UACCESS, explicitly indicating that the kernel is attempting to\naccess userspace memory. However, if the fixup type is EX_TYPE_DEFAULT\nthe only thing that is raised for an in-kernel #MC is a panic.\n\nex_handler_uaccess() would warn if users gave a non-canonical addresses\n(with bit 63 clear) to {get, put}_user(), which was unexpected.\n\nTherefore, commit\n\n b19b74bc99b1 ("x86/mm: Rework address range check in get_user() and put_user()")\n\nreplaced _ASM_EXTABLE_UA() with _ASM_EXTABLE() for {get, put}_user()\nfixups. However, the new fixup type EX_TYPE_DEFAULT results in a panic.\n\nCommit\n\n 6014bc27561f ("x86-64: make access_ok() independent of LAM")\n\nadded the check gp_fault_address_ok() right before the WARN_ONCE() in\nex_handler_uaccess() to not warn about non-canonical user addresses due\nto LAM.\n\nWith that in place, revert back to _ASM_EXTABLE_UA() for {get,put}_user()\nexception fixups in order to be able to handle in-kernel MCEs correctly\nagain.\n\n [ bp: Massage commit message. ]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-26674 was patched at 2024-07-12, 2024-07-16, 2024-07-17

388. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-26703) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: tracing/timerlat: Move hrtimer_init to timerlat_fd open() Currently, the timerlat's hrtimer is initialized at the first read of timerlat_fd, and destroyed at close(). It works, but it causes an error if the user program open() and close() the file without reading. Here's an example: # echo NO_OSNOISE_WORKLOAD > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/osnoise/options # echo timerlat > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/current_tracer # cat <<EOF > ./ # !/usr/bin/env python3 timerlat_fd = open("/sys/kernel/tracing/osnoise/per_cpu/cpu0/timerlat_fd", 'r') timerlat_fd.close(); EOF # ./taskset -c 0 ./ <BOOM> BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000010 #PF: supervisor read access in kernel mode #PF: error_code(0x0000) - not-present page PGD 0 P4D 0 Oops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP NOPTI CPU: 1 PID: 2673 Comm: python3 Not tainted 6.6.13-200.fc39.x86_64 #1 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (Q35 + ICH9, 2009), BIOS 1.16.3-1.fc39 04/01/2014 RIP: 0010:hrtimer_active+0xd/0x50 Code: 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 0f 1f 40 00 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 f3 0f 1e fa 0f 1f 44 00 00 48 8b 57 30 <8b> 42 10 a8 01 74 09 f3 90 8b 42 10 a8 01 75 f7 80 7f 38 00 75 1d RSP: 0018:ffffb031009b7e10 EFLAGS: 00010286 RAX: 000000000002db00 RBX: ffff9118f786db08 RCX: 0000000000000000 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: ffff9117a0e64400 RDI: ffff9118f786db08 RBP: ffff9118f786db80 R08: ffff9117a0ddd420 R09: ffff9117804d4f70 R10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0000000000000000 R12: ffff9118f786db08 R13: ffff91178fdd5e20 R14: ffff9117840978c0 R15: 0000000000000000 FS: 00007f2ffbab1740(0000) GS:ffff9118f7840000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 0000000000000010 CR3: 00000001b402e000 CR4: 0000000000750ee0 PKRU: 55555554 Call Trace: <TASK> ? __die+0x23/0x70 ? page_fault_oops+0x171/0x4e0 ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0x7f ? avc_has_extended_perms+0x237/0x520 ? exc_page_fault+0x7f/0x180 ? asm_exc_page_fault+0x26/0x30 ? hrtimer_active+0xd/0x50 hrtimer_cancel+0x15/0x40 timerlat_fd_release+0x48/0xe0 __fput+0xf5/0x290 __x64_sys_close+0x3d/0x80 do_syscall_64+0x60/0x90 ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0x7f ? __x64_sys_ioctl+0x72/0xd0 ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0x7f ? syscall_exit_to_user_mode+0x2b/0x40 ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0x7f ? do_syscall_64+0x6c/0x90 ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0x7f ? exit_to_user_mode_prepare+0x142/0x1f0 ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0x7f ? syscall_exit_to_user_mode+0x2b/0x40 ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0x7f ? do_syscall_64+0x6c/0x90 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x6e/0xd8 RIP: 0033:0x7f2ffb321594 Code: 00 f7 d8 64 89 01 48 83 c8 ff c3 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 90 f3 0f 1e fa 80 3d d5 cd 0d 00 00 74 13 b8 03 00 00 00 0f 05 <48> 3d 00 f0 ff ff 77 3c c3 0f 1f 00 55 48 89 e5 48 83 ec 10 89 7d RSP: 002b:00007ffe8d8eef18 EFLAGS: 00000202 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000003 RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 00007f2ffba4e668 RCX: 00007f2ffb321594 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: 0000000000000003 RBP: 00007ffe8d8eef40 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000 R10: 55c926e3167eae79 R11: 0000000000000202 R12: 0000000000000003 R13: 00007ffe8d8ef030 R14: 0000000000000000 R15: 00007f2ffba4e668 </TASK> CR2: 0000000000000010 ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]--- Move hrtimer_init to timerlat_fd open() to avoid this problem.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ntracing/timerlat: Move hrtimer_init to timerlat_fd open()\n\nCurrently, the timerlat's hrtimer is initialized at the first read of\ntimerlat_fd, and destroyed at close(). It works, but it causes an error\nif the user program open() and close() the file without reading.\n\nHere's an example:\n\n # echo NO_OSNOISE_WORKLOAD > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/osnoise/options\n # echo timerlat > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/current_tracer\n\n # cat <<EOF > ./\n # !/usr/bin/env python3\n\n timerlat_fd = open("/sys/kernel/tracing/osnoise/per_cpu/cpu0/timerlat_fd", 'r')\n timerlat_fd.close();\n EOF\n\n # ./taskset -c 0 ./\n<BOOM>\n\n BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000010\n #PF: supervisor read access in kernel mode\n #PF: error_code(0x0000) - not-present page\n PGD 0 P4D 0\n Oops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP NOPTI\n CPU: 1 PID: 2673 Comm: python3 Not tainted 6.6.13-200.fc39.x86_64 #1\n Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (Q35 + ICH9, 2009), BIOS 1.16.3-1.fc39 04/01/2014\n RIP: 0010:hrtimer_active+0xd/0x50\n Code: 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 0f 1f 40 00 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 f3 0f 1e fa 0f 1f 44 00 00 48 8b 57 30 <8b> 42 10 a8 01 74 09 f3 90 8b 42 10 a8 01 75 f7 80 7f 38 00 75 1d\n RSP: 0018:ffffb031009b7e10 EFLAGS: 00010286\n RAX: 000000000002db00 RBX: ffff9118f786db08 RCX: 0000000000000000\n RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: ffff9117a0e64400 RDI: ffff9118f786db08\n RBP: ffff9118f786db80 R08: ffff9117a0ddd420 R09: ffff9117804d4f70\n R10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0000000000000000 R12: ffff9118f786db08\n R13: ffff91178fdd5e20 R14: ffff9117840978c0 R15: 0000000000000000\n FS: 00007f2ffbab1740(0000) GS:ffff9118f7840000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\n CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\n CR2: 0000000000000010 CR3: 00000001b402e000 CR4: 0000000000750ee0\n PKRU: 55555554\n Call Trace:\n <TASK>\n ? __die+0x23/0x70\n ? page_fault_oops+0x171/0x4e0\n ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0x7f\n ? avc_has_extended_perms+0x237/0x520\n ? exc_page_fault+0x7f/0x180\n ? asm_exc_page_fault+0x26/0x30\n ? hrtimer_active+0xd/0x50\n hrtimer_cancel+0x15/0x40\n timerlat_fd_release+0x48/0xe0\n __fput+0xf5/0x290\n __x64_sys_close+0x3d/0x80\n do_syscall_64+0x60/0x90\n ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0x7f\n ? __x64_sys_ioctl+0x72/0xd0\n ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0x7f\n ? syscall_exit_to_user_mode+0x2b/0x40\n ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0x7f\n ? do_syscall_64+0x6c/0x90\n ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0x7f\n ? exit_to_user_mode_prepare+0x142/0x1f0\n ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0x7f\n ? syscall_exit_to_user_mode+0x2b/0x40\n ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0x7f\n ? do_syscall_64+0x6c/0x90\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x6e/0xd8\n RIP: 0033:0x7f2ffb321594\n Code: 00 f7 d8 64 89 01 48 83 c8 ff c3 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 90 f3 0f 1e fa 80 3d d5 cd 0d 00 00 74 13 b8 03 00 00 00 0f 05 <48> 3d 00 f0 ff ff 77 3c c3 0f 1f 00 55 48 89 e5 48 83 ec 10 89 7d\n RSP: 002b:00007ffe8d8eef18 EFLAGS: 00000202 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000003\n RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 00007f2ffba4e668 RCX: 00007f2ffb321594\n RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: 0000000000000003\n RBP: 00007ffe8d8eef40 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000\n R10: 55c926e3167eae79 R11: 0000000000000202 R12: 0000000000000003\n R13: 00007ffe8d8ef030 R14: 0000000000000000 R15: 00007f2ffba4e668\n </TASK>\n CR2: 0000000000000010\n ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]---\n\nMove hrtimer_init to timerlat_fd open() to avoid this problem.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-26703 was patched at 2024-07-12, 2024-07-16, 2024-07-17

389. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-26708) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mptcp: really cope with fastopen race Fastopen and PM-trigger subflow shutdown can race, as reported by syzkaller. In my first attempt to close such race, I missed the fact that the subflow status can change again before the subflow_state_change callback is invoked. Address the issue additionally copying with all the states directly reachable from TCP_FIN_WAIT1.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmptcp: really cope with fastopen race\n\nFastopen and PM-trigger subflow shutdown can race, as reported by\nsyzkaller.\n\nIn my first attempt to close such race, I missed the fact that\nthe subflow status can change again before the subflow_state_change\ncallback is invoked.\n\nAddress the issue additionally copying with all the states directly\nreachable from TCP_FIN_WAIT1.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-26708 was patched at 2024-07-12, 2024-07-16, 2024-07-17

390. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-26711) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: iio: adc: ad4130: zero-initialize clock init data The clk_init_data struct does not have all its members initialized, causing issues when trying to expose the internal clock on the CLK pin. Fix this by zero-initializing the clk_init_data struct.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\niio: adc: ad4130: zero-initialize clock init data\n\nThe clk_init_data struct does not have all its members\ninitialized, causing issues when trying to expose the internal\nclock on the CLK pin.\n\nFix this by zero-initializing the clk_init_data struct.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-26711 was patched at 2024-07-12, 2024-07-16, 2024-07-17

391. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-26824) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: crypto: algif_hash - Remove bogus SGL free on zero-length error path When a zero-length message is hashed by algif_hash, and an error is triggered, it tries to free an SG list that was never allocated in the first place. Fix this by not freeing the SG list on the zero-length error path.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ncrypto: algif_hash - Remove bogus SGL free on zero-length error path\n\nWhen a zero-length message is hashed by algif_hash, and an error\nis triggered, it tries to free an SG list that was never allocated\nin the first place. Fix this by not freeing the SG list on the\nzero-length error path.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-26824 was patched at 2024-07-12, 2024-07-16, 2024-07-17

392. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-26990) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: KVM: x86/mmu: Write-protect L2 SPTEs in TDP MMU when clearing dirty status Check kvm_mmu_page_ad_need_write_protect() when deciding whether to write-protect or clear D-bits on TDP MMU SPTEs, so that the TDP MMU accounts for any role-specific reasons for disabling D-bit dirty logging. Specifically, TDP MMU SPTEs must be write-protected when the TDP MMU is being used to run an L2 (i.e. L1 has disabled EPT) and PML is enabled. KVM always disables PML when running L2, even when L1 and L2 GPAs are in the some domain, so failing to write-protect TDP MMU SPTEs will cause writes made by L2 to not be reflected in the dirty log. [sean: massage shortlog and changelog, tweak ternary op formatting]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nKVM: x86/mmu: Write-protect L2 SPTEs in TDP MMU when clearing dirty status\n\nCheck kvm_mmu_page_ad_need_write_protect() when deciding whether to\nwrite-protect or clear D-bits on TDP MMU SPTEs, so that the TDP MMU\naccounts for any role-specific reasons for disabling D-bit dirty logging.\n\nSpecifically, TDP MMU SPTEs must be write-protected when the TDP MMU is\nbeing used to run an L2 (i.e. L1 has disabled EPT) and PML is enabled.\nKVM always disables PML when running L2, even when L1 and L2 GPAs are in\nthe some domain, so failing to write-protect TDP MMU SPTEs will cause\nwrites made by L2 to not be reflected in the dirty log.\n\n[sean: massage shortlog and changelog, tweak ternary op formatting]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-26990 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

393. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-26998) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: serial: core: Clearing the circular buffer before NULLifying it The circular buffer is NULLified in uart_tty_port_shutdown() under the spin lock. However, the PM or other timer based callbacks may still trigger after this event without knowning that buffer pointer is not valid. Since the serial code is a bit inconsistent in checking the buffer state (some rely on the head-tail positions, some on the buffer pointer), it's better to have both aligned, i.e. buffer pointer to be NULL and head-tail possitions to be the same, meaning it's empty. This will prevent asynchronous calls to dereference NULL pointer as reported recently in 8250 case: BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 00000cf5 Workqueue: pm pm_runtime_work EIP: serial8250_tx_chars (drivers/tty/serial/8250/8250_port.c:1809) ... ? serial8250_tx_chars (drivers/tty/serial/8250/8250_port.c:1809) __start_tx (drivers/tty/serial/8250/8250_port.c:1551) serial8250_start_tx (drivers/tty/serial/8250/8250_port.c:1654) serial_port_runtime_suspend (include/linux/serial_core.h:667 drivers/tty/serial/serial_port.c:63) __rpm_callback (drivers/base/power/runtime.c:393) ? serial_port_remove (drivers/tty/serial/serial_port.c:50) rpm_suspend (drivers/base/power/runtime.c:447) The proposed change will prevent ->start_tx() to be called during suspend on shut down port.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nserial: core: Clearing the circular buffer before NULLifying it\n\nThe circular buffer is NULLified in uart_tty_port_shutdown()\nunder the spin lock. However, the PM or other timer based callbacks\nmay still trigger after this event without knowning that buffer pointer\nis not valid. Since the serial code is a bit inconsistent in checking\nthe buffer state (some rely on the head-tail positions, some on the\nbuffer pointer), it's better to have both aligned, i.e. buffer pointer\nto be NULL and head-tail possitions to be the same, meaning it's empty.\nThis will prevent asynchronous calls to dereference NULL pointer as\nreported recently in 8250 case:\n\n BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 00000cf5\n Workqueue: pm pm_runtime_work\n EIP: serial8250_tx_chars (drivers/tty/serial/8250/8250_port.c:1809)\n ...\n ? serial8250_tx_chars (drivers/tty/serial/8250/8250_port.c:1809)\n __start_tx (drivers/tty/serial/8250/8250_port.c:1551)\n serial8250_start_tx (drivers/tty/serial/8250/8250_port.c:1654)\n serial_port_runtime_suspend (include/linux/serial_core.h:667 drivers/tty/serial/serial_port.c:63)\n __rpm_callback (drivers/base/power/runtime.c:393)\n ? serial_port_remove (drivers/tty/serial/serial_port.c:50)\n rpm_suspend (drivers/base/power/runtime.c:447)\n\nThe proposed change will prevent ->start_tx() to be called during\nsuspend on shut down port.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-26998 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

394. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-33619) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: efi: libstub: only free priv.runtime_map when allocated priv.runtime_map is only allocated when efi_novamap is not set. Otherwise, it is an uninitialized value. In the error path, it is freed unconditionally. Avoid passing an uninitialized value to free_pool. Free priv.runtime_map only when it was allocated. This bug was discovered and resolved using Coverity Static Analysis Security Testing (SAST) by Synopsys, Inc.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nefi: libstub: only free priv.runtime_map when allocated\n\npriv.runtime_map is only allocated when efi_novamap is not set.\nOtherwise, it is an uninitialized value. In the error path, it is freed\nunconditionally. Avoid passing an uninitialized value to free_pool.\nFree priv.runtime_map only when it was allocated.\n\nThis bug was discovered and resolved using Coverity Static Analysis\nSecurity Testing (SAST) by Synopsys, Inc.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-33619 was patched at 2024-06-30

395. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-34777) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: dma-mapping: benchmark: fix node id validation While validating node ids in map_benchmark_ioctl(), node_possible() may be provided with invalid argument outside of [0,MAX_NUMNODES-1] range leading to: BUG: KASAN: wild-memory-access in map_benchmark_ioctl (kernel/dma/map_benchmark.c:214) Read of size 8 at addr 1fffffff8ccb6398 by task dma_map_benchma/971 CPU: 7 PID: 971 Comm: dma_map_benchma Not tainted 6.9.0-rc6 #37 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) Call Trace: <TASK> dump_stack_lvl (lib/dump_stack.c:117) kasan_report (mm/kasan/report.c:603) kasan_check_range (mm/kasan/generic.c:189) variable_test_bit (arch/x86/include/asm/bitops.h:227) [inline] arch_test_bit (arch/x86/include/asm/bitops.h:239) [inline] _test_bit at (include/asm-generic/bitops/instrumented-non-atomic.h:142) [inline] node_state (include/linux/nodemask.h:423) [inline] map_benchmark_ioctl (kernel/dma/map_benchmark.c:214) full_proxy_unlocked_ioctl (fs/debugfs/file.c:333) __x64_sys_ioctl (fs/ioctl.c:890) do_syscall_64 (arch/x86/entry/common.c:83) entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:130) Compare node ids with sane bounds first. NUMA_NO_NODE is considered a special valid case meaning that benchmarking kthreads won't be bound to a cpuset of a given node. Found by Linux Verification Center (', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndma-mapping: benchmark: fix node id validation\n\nWhile validating node ids in map_benchmark_ioctl(), node_possible() may\nbe provided with invalid argument outside of [0,MAX_NUMNODES-1] range\nleading to:\n\nBUG: KASAN: wild-memory-access in map_benchmark_ioctl (kernel/dma/map_benchmark.c:214)\nRead of size 8 at addr 1fffffff8ccb6398 by task dma_map_benchma/971\nCPU: 7 PID: 971 Comm: dma_map_benchma Not tainted 6.9.0-rc6 #37\nHardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\ndump_stack_lvl (lib/dump_stack.c:117)\nkasan_report (mm/kasan/report.c:603)\nkasan_check_range (mm/kasan/generic.c:189)\nvariable_test_bit (arch/x86/include/asm/bitops.h:227) [inline]\narch_test_bit (arch/x86/include/asm/bitops.h:239) [inline]\n_test_bit at (include/asm-generic/bitops/instrumented-non-atomic.h:142) [inline]\nnode_state (include/linux/nodemask.h:423) [inline]\nmap_benchmark_ioctl (kernel/dma/map_benchmark.c:214)\nfull_proxy_unlocked_ioctl (fs/debugfs/file.c:333)\n__x64_sys_ioctl (fs/ioctl.c:890)\ndo_syscall_64 (arch/x86/entry/common.c:83)\nentry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:130)\n\nCompare node ids with sane bounds first. NUMA_NO_NODE is considered a\nspecial valid case meaning that benchmarking kthreads won't be bound to a\ncpuset of a given node.\n\nFound by Linux Verification Center (', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-34777 was patched at 2024-06-30

396. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35880) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: io_uring/kbuf: hold io_buffer_list reference over mmap If we look up the kbuf, ensure that it doesn't get unregistered until after we're done with it. Since we're inside mmap, we cannot safely use the io_uring lock. Rely on the fact that we can lookup the buffer list under RCU now and grab a reference to it, preventing it from being unregistered until we're done with it. The lookup returns the io_buffer_list directly with it referenced.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nio_uring/kbuf: hold io_buffer_list reference over mmap\n\nIf we look up the kbuf, ensure that it doesn't get unregistered until\nafter we're done with it. Since we're inside mmap, we cannot safely use\nthe io_uring lock. Rely on the fact that we can lookup the buffer list\nunder RCU now and grab a reference to it, preventing it from being\nunregistered until we're done with it. The lookup returns the\nio_buffer_list directly with it referenced.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35880 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

397. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35901) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: mana: Fix Rx DMA datasize and skb_over_panic mana_get_rxbuf_cfg() aligns the RX buffer's DMA datasize to be multiple of 64. So a packet slightly bigger than mtu+14, say 1536, can be received and cause skb_over_panic. Sample dmesg: [ 5325.237162] skbuff: skb_over_panic: text:ffffffffc043277a len:1536 put:1536 head:ff1100018b517000 data:ff1100018b517100 tail:0x700 end:0x6ea dev:<NULL> [ 5325.243689] ------------[ cut here ]------------ [ 5325.245748] kernel BUG at net/core/skbuff.c:192! [ 5325.247838] invalid opcode: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP NOPTI [ 5325.258374] RIP: 0010:skb_panic+0x4f/0x60 [ 5325.302941] Call Trace: [ 5325.304389] <IRQ> [ 5325.315794] ? skb_panic+0x4f/0x60 [ 5325.317457] ? asm_exc_invalid_op+0x1f/0x30 [ 5325.319490] ? skb_panic+0x4f/0x60 [ 5325.321161] skb_put+0x4e/0x50 [ 5325.322670] mana_poll+0x6fa/0xb50 [mana] [ 5325.324578] __napi_poll+0x33/0x1e0 [ 5325.326328] net_rx_action+0x12e/0x280 As discussed internally, this alignment is not necessary. To fix this bug, remove it from the code. So oversized packets will be marked as CQE_RX_TRUNCATED by NIC, and dropped.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: mana: Fix Rx DMA datasize and skb_over_panic\n\nmana_get_rxbuf_cfg() aligns the RX buffer's DMA datasize to be\nmultiple of 64. So a packet slightly bigger than mtu+14, say 1536,\ncan be received and cause skb_over_panic.\n\nSample dmesg:\n[ 5325.237162] skbuff: skb_over_panic: text:ffffffffc043277a len:1536 put:1536 head:ff1100018b517000 data:ff1100018b517100 tail:0x700 end:0x6ea dev:<NULL>\n[ 5325.243689] ------------[ cut here ]------------\n[ 5325.245748] kernel BUG at net/core/skbuff.c:192!\n[ 5325.247838] invalid opcode: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP NOPTI\n[ 5325.258374] RIP: 0010:skb_panic+0x4f/0x60\n[ 5325.302941] Call Trace:\n[ 5325.304389] <IRQ>\n[ 5325.315794] ? skb_panic+0x4f/0x60\n[ 5325.317457] ? asm_exc_invalid_op+0x1f/0x30\n[ 5325.319490] ? skb_panic+0x4f/0x60\n[ 5325.321161] skb_put+0x4e/0x50\n[ 5325.322670] mana_poll+0x6fa/0xb50 [mana]\n[ 5325.324578] __napi_poll+0x33/0x1e0\n[ 5325.326328] net_rx_action+0x12e/0x280\n\nAs discussed internally, this alignment is not necessary. To fix\nthis bug, remove it from the code. So oversized packets will be\nmarked as CQE_RX_TRUNCATED by NIC, and dropped.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35901 was patched at 2024-07-04, 2024-07-11, 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

398. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35903) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: x86/bpf: Fix IP after emitting call depth accounting Adjust the IP passed to `emit_patch` so it calculates the correct offset for the CALL instruction if `x86_call_depth_emit_accounting` emits code. Otherwise we will skip some instructions and most likely crash.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nx86/bpf: Fix IP after emitting call depth accounting\n\nAdjust the IP passed to `emit_patch` so it calculates the correct offset\nfor the CALL instruction if `x86_call_depth_emit_accounting` emits code.\nOtherwise we will skip some instructions and most likely crash.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35903 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

399. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35917) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: s390/bpf: Fix bpf_plt pointer arithmetic Kui-Feng Lee reported a crash on s390x triggered by the dummy_st_ops/dummy_init_ptr_arg test [1]: [<0000000000000002>] 0x2 [<00000000009d5cde>] bpf_struct_ops_test_run+0x156/0x250 [<000000000033145a>] __sys_bpf+0xa1a/0xd00 [<00000000003319dc>] __s390x_sys_bpf+0x44/0x50 [<0000000000c4382c>] __do_syscall+0x244/0x300 [<0000000000c59a40>] system_call+0x70/0x98 This is caused by GCC moving memcpy() after assignments in bpf_jit_plt(), resulting in NULL pointers being written instead of the return and the target addresses. Looking at the GCC internals, the reordering is allowed because the alias analysis thinks that the memcpy() destination and the assignments' left-hand-sides are based on different objects: new_plt and bpf_plt_ret/bpf_plt_target respectively, and therefore they cannot alias. This is in turn due to a violation of the C standard: When two pointers are subtracted, both shall point to elements of the same array object, or one past the last element of the array object ... From the C's perspective, bpf_plt_ret and bpf_plt are distinct objects and cannot be subtracted. In the practical terms, doing so confuses the GCC's alias analysis. The code was written this way in order to let the C side know a few offsets defined in the assembly. While nice, this is by no means necessary. Fix the noncompliance by hardcoding these offsets. [1]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ns390/bpf: Fix bpf_plt pointer arithmetic\n\nKui-Feng Lee reported a crash on s390x triggered by the\ndummy_st_ops/dummy_init_ptr_arg test [1]:\n\n [<0000000000000002>] 0x2\n [<00000000009d5cde>] bpf_struct_ops_test_run+0x156/0x250\n [<000000000033145a>] __sys_bpf+0xa1a/0xd00\n [<00000000003319dc>] __s390x_sys_bpf+0x44/0x50\n [<0000000000c4382c>] __do_syscall+0x244/0x300\n [<0000000000c59a40>] system_call+0x70/0x98\n\nThis is caused by GCC moving memcpy() after assignments in\nbpf_jit_plt(), resulting in NULL pointers being written instead of\nthe return and the target addresses.\n\nLooking at the GCC internals, the reordering is allowed because the\nalias analysis thinks that the memcpy() destination and the assignments'\nleft-hand-sides are based on different objects: new_plt and\nbpf_plt_ret/bpf_plt_target respectively, and therefore they cannot\nalias.\n\nThis is in turn due to a violation of the C standard:\n\n When two pointers are subtracted, both shall point to elements of the\n same array object, or one past the last element of the array object\n ...\n\nFrom the C's perspective, bpf_plt_ret and bpf_plt are distinct objects\nand cannot be subtracted. In the practical terms, doing so confuses the\nGCC's alias analysis.\n\nThe code was written this way in order to let the C side know a few\noffsets defined in the assembly. While nice, this is by no means\nnecessary. Fix the noncompliance by hardcoding these offsets.\n\n[1]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35917 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

400. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35919) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: media: mediatek: vcodec: adding lock to protect encoder context list Add a lock for the ctx_list, to avoid accessing a NULL pointer within the 'vpu_enc_ipi_handler' function when the ctx_list has been deleted due to an unexpected behavior on the SCP IP block.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmedia: mediatek: vcodec: adding lock to protect encoder context list\n\nAdd a lock for the ctx_list, to avoid accessing a NULL pointer\nwithin the 'vpu_enc_ipi_handler' function when the ctx_list has\nbeen deleted due to an unexpected behavior on the SCP IP block.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35919 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

401. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35920) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: media: mediatek: vcodec: adding lock to protect decoder context list Add a lock for the ctx_list, to avoid accessing a NULL pointer within the 'vpu_dec_ipi_handler' function when the ctx_list has been deleted due to an unexpected behavior on the SCP IP block. Hardware name: Google juniper sku16 board (DT) pstate: 20400005 (nzCv daif +PAN -UAO -TCO BTYPE=--) pc : vpu_dec_ipi_handler+0x58/0x1f8 [mtk_vcodec_dec] lr : scp_ipi_handler+0xd0/0x194 [mtk_scp] sp : ffffffc0131dbbd0 x29: ffffffc0131dbbd0 x28: 0000000000000000 x27: ffffff9bb277f348 x26: ffffff9bb242ad00 x25: ffffffd2d440d3b8 x24: ffffffd2a13ff1d4 x23: ffffff9bb7fe85a0 x22: ffffffc0133fbdb0 x21: 0000000000000010 x20: ffffff9b050ea328 x19: ffffffc0131dbc08 x18: 0000000000001000 x17: 0000000000000000 x16: ffffffd2d461c6e0 x15: 0000000000000242 x14: 000000000000018f x13: 000000000000004d x12: 0000000000000000 x11: 0000000000000001 x10: fffffffffffffff0 x9 : ffffff9bb6e793a8 x8 : 0000000000000000 x7 : 0000000000000000 x6 : 000000000000003f x5 : 0000000000000040 x4 : fffffffffffffff0 x3 : 0000000000000020 x2 : ffffff9bb6e79080 x1 : 0000000000000010 x0 : ffffffc0131dbc08 Call trace: vpu_dec_ipi_handler+0x58/0x1f8 [mtk_vcodec_dec (HASH:6c3f 2)] scp_ipi_handler+0xd0/0x194 [mtk_scp (HASH:7046 3)] mt8183_scp_irq_handler+0x44/0x88 [mtk_scp (HASH:7046 3)] scp_irq_handler+0x48/0x90 [mtk_scp (HASH:7046 3)] irq_thread_fn+0x38/0x94 irq_thread+0x100/0x1c0 kthread+0x140/0x1fc ret_from_fork+0x10/0x30 Code: 54000088 f94ca50a eb14015f 54000060 (f9400108) ---[ end trace ace43ce36cbd5c93 ]--- Kernel panic - not syncing: Oops: Fatal exception SMP: stopping secondary CPUs Kernel Offset: 0x12c4000000 from 0xffffffc010000000 PHYS_OFFSET: 0xffffffe580000000 CPU features: 0x08240002,2188200c Memory Limit: none', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmedia: mediatek: vcodec: adding lock to protect decoder context list\n\nAdd a lock for the ctx_list, to avoid accessing a NULL pointer\nwithin the 'vpu_dec_ipi_handler' function when the ctx_list has\nbeen deleted due to an unexpected behavior on the SCP IP block.\n\nHardware name: Google juniper sku16 board (DT)\npstate: 20400005 (nzCv daif +PAN -UAO -TCO BTYPE=--)\npc : vpu_dec_ipi_handler+0x58/0x1f8 [mtk_vcodec_dec]\nlr : scp_ipi_handler+0xd0/0x194 [mtk_scp]\nsp : ffffffc0131dbbd0\nx29: ffffffc0131dbbd0 x28: 0000000000000000\nx27: ffffff9bb277f348 x26: ffffff9bb242ad00\nx25: ffffffd2d440d3b8 x24: ffffffd2a13ff1d4\nx23: ffffff9bb7fe85a0 x22: ffffffc0133fbdb0\nx21: 0000000000000010 x20: ffffff9b050ea328\nx19: ffffffc0131dbc08 x18: 0000000000001000\nx17: 0000000000000000 x16: ffffffd2d461c6e0\nx15: 0000000000000242 x14: 000000000000018f\nx13: 000000000000004d x12: 0000000000000000\nx11: 0000000000000001 x10: fffffffffffffff0\nx9 : ffffff9bb6e793a8 x8 : 0000000000000000\nx7 : 0000000000000000 x6 : 000000000000003f\nx5 : 0000000000000040 x4 : fffffffffffffff0\nx3 : 0000000000000020 x2 : ffffff9bb6e79080\nx1 : 0000000000000010 x0 : ffffffc0131dbc08\nCall trace:\nvpu_dec_ipi_handler+0x58/0x1f8 [mtk_vcodec_dec (HASH:6c3f 2)]\nscp_ipi_handler+0xd0/0x194 [mtk_scp (HASH:7046 3)]\nmt8183_scp_irq_handler+0x44/0x88 [mtk_scp (HASH:7046 3)]\nscp_irq_handler+0x48/0x90 [mtk_scp (HASH:7046 3)]\nirq_thread_fn+0x38/0x94\nirq_thread+0x100/0x1c0\nkthread+0x140/0x1fc\nret_from_fork+0x10/0x30\nCode: 54000088 f94ca50a eb14015f 54000060 (f9400108)\n---[ end trace ace43ce36cbd5c93 ]---\nKernel panic - not syncing: Oops: Fatal exception\nSMP: stopping secondary CPUs\nKernel Offset: 0x12c4000000 from 0xffffffc010000000\nPHYS_OFFSET: 0xffffffe580000000\nCPU features: 0x08240002,2188200c\nMemory Limit: none', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35920 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

402. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35921) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: media: mediatek: vcodec: Fix oops when HEVC init fails The stateless HEVC decoder saves the instance pointer in the context regardless if the initialization worked or not. This caused a use after free, when the pointer is freed in case of a failure in the deinit function. Only store the instance pointer when the initialization was successful, to solve this issue. Hardware name: Acer Tomato (rev3 - 4) board (DT) pstate: 80400009 (Nzcv daif +PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--) pc : vcodec_vpu_send_msg+0x4c/0x190 [mtk_vcodec_dec] lr : vcodec_send_ap_ipi+0x78/0x170 [mtk_vcodec_dec] sp : ffff80008750bc20 x29: ffff80008750bc20 x28: ffff1299f6d70000 x27: 0000000000000000 x26: 0000000000000000 x25: 0000000000000000 x24: 0000000000000000 x23: ffff80008750bc98 x22: 000000000000a003 x21: ffffd45c4cfae000 x20: 0000000000000010 x19: ffff1299fd668310 x18: 000000000000001a x17: 000000040044ffff x16: ffffd45cb15dc648 x15: 0000000000000000 x14: ffff1299c08da1c0 x13: ffffd45cb1f87a10 x12: ffffd45cb2f5fe80 x11: 0000000000000001 x10: 0000000000001b30 x9 : ffffd45c4d12b488 x8 : 1fffe25339380d81 x7 : 0000000000000001 x6 : ffff1299c9c06c00 x5 : 0000000000000132 x4 : 0000000000000000 x3 : 0000000000000000 x2 : 0000000000000010 x1 : ffff80008750bc98 x0 : 0000000000000000 Call trace: vcodec_vpu_send_msg+0x4c/0x190 [mtk_vcodec_dec] vcodec_send_ap_ipi+0x78/0x170 [mtk_vcodec_dec] vpu_dec_deinit+0x1c/0x30 [mtk_vcodec_dec] vdec_hevc_slice_deinit+0x30/0x98 [mtk_vcodec_dec] vdec_if_deinit+0x38/0x68 [mtk_vcodec_dec] mtk_vcodec_dec_release+0x20/0x40 [mtk_vcodec_dec] fops_vcodec_release+0x64/0x118 [mtk_vcodec_dec] v4l2_release+0x7c/0x100 __fput+0x80/0x2d8 __fput_sync+0x58/0x70 __arm64_sys_close+0x40/0x90 invoke_syscall+0x50/0x128 el0_svc_common.constprop.0+0x48/0xf0 do_el0_svc+0x24/0x38 el0_svc+0x38/0xd8 el0t_64_sync_handler+0xc0/0xc8 el0t_64_sync+0x1a8/0x1b0 Code: d503201f f9401660 b900127f b900227f (f9400400)', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmedia: mediatek: vcodec: Fix oops when HEVC init fails\n\nThe stateless HEVC decoder saves the instance pointer in the context\nregardless if the initialization worked or not. This caused a use after\nfree, when the pointer is freed in case of a failure in the deinit\nfunction.\nOnly store the instance pointer when the initialization was successful,\nto solve this issue.\n\n Hardware name: Acer Tomato (rev3 - 4) board (DT)\n pstate: 80400009 (Nzcv daif +PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--)\n pc : vcodec_vpu_send_msg+0x4c/0x190 [mtk_vcodec_dec]\n lr : vcodec_send_ap_ipi+0x78/0x170 [mtk_vcodec_dec]\n sp : ffff80008750bc20\n x29: ffff80008750bc20 x28: ffff1299f6d70000 x27: 0000000000000000\n x26: 0000000000000000 x25: 0000000000000000 x24: 0000000000000000\n x23: ffff80008750bc98 x22: 000000000000a003 x21: ffffd45c4cfae000\n x20: 0000000000000010 x19: ffff1299fd668310 x18: 000000000000001a\n x17: 000000040044ffff x16: ffffd45cb15dc648 x15: 0000000000000000\n x14: ffff1299c08da1c0 x13: ffffd45cb1f87a10 x12: ffffd45cb2f5fe80\n x11: 0000000000000001 x10: 0000000000001b30 x9 : ffffd45c4d12b488\n x8 : 1fffe25339380d81 x7 : 0000000000000001 x6 : ffff1299c9c06c00\n x5 : 0000000000000132 x4 : 0000000000000000 x3 : 0000000000000000\n x2 : 0000000000000010 x1 : ffff80008750bc98 x0 : 0000000000000000\n Call trace:\n vcodec_vpu_send_msg+0x4c/0x190 [mtk_vcodec_dec]\n vcodec_send_ap_ipi+0x78/0x170 [mtk_vcodec_dec]\n vpu_dec_deinit+0x1c/0x30 [mtk_vcodec_dec]\n vdec_hevc_slice_deinit+0x30/0x98 [mtk_vcodec_dec]\n vdec_if_deinit+0x38/0x68 [mtk_vcodec_dec]\n mtk_vcodec_dec_release+0x20/0x40 [mtk_vcodec_dec]\n fops_vcodec_release+0x64/0x118 [mtk_vcodec_dec]\n v4l2_release+0x7c/0x100\n __fput+0x80/0x2d8\n __fput_sync+0x58/0x70\n __arm64_sys_close+0x40/0x90\n invoke_syscall+0x50/0x128\n el0_svc_common.constprop.0+0x48/0xf0\n do_el0_svc+0x24/0x38\n el0_svc+0x38/0xd8\n el0t_64_sync_handler+0xc0/0xc8\n el0t_64_sync+0x1a8/0x1b0\n Code: d503201f f9401660 b900127f b900227f (f9400400)', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35921 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

403. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35953) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: accel/ivpu: Fix deadlock in context_xa ivpu_device->context_xa is locked both in kernel thread and IRQ context. It requires XA_FLAGS_LOCK_IRQ flag to be passed during initialization otherwise the lock could be acquired from a thread and interrupted by an IRQ that locks it for the second time causing the deadlock. This deadlock was reported by lockdep and observed in internal tests.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\naccel/ivpu: Fix deadlock in context_xa\n\nivpu_device->context_xa is locked both in kernel thread and IRQ context.\nIt requires XA_FLAGS_LOCK_IRQ flag to be passed during initialization\notherwise the lock could be acquired from a thread and interrupted by\nan IRQ that locks it for the second time causing the deadlock.\n\nThis deadlock was reported by lockdep and observed in internal tests.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35953 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

404. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35954) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: sg: Avoid sg device teardown race sg_remove_sfp_usercontext() must not use sg_device_destroy() after calling scsi_device_put(). sg_device_destroy() is accessing the parent scsi_device request_queue which will already be set to NULL when the preceding call to scsi_device_put() removed the last reference to the parent scsi_device. The resulting NULL pointer exception will then crash the kernel.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nscsi: sg: Avoid sg device teardown race\n\nsg_remove_sfp_usercontext() must not use sg_device_destroy() after calling\nscsi_device_put().\n\nsg_device_destroy() is accessing the parent scsi_device request_queue which\nwill already be set to NULL when the preceding call to scsi_device_put()\nremoved the last reference to the parent scsi_device.\n\nThe resulting NULL pointer exception will then crash the kernel.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35954 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

405. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35975) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: octeontx2-pf: Fix transmit scheduler resource leak Inorder to support shaping and scheduling, Upon class creation Netdev driver allocates trasmit schedulers. The previous patch which added support for Round robin scheduling has a bug due to which driver is not freeing transmit schedulers post class deletion. This patch fixes the same.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nocteontx2-pf: Fix transmit scheduler resource leak\n\nInorder to support shaping and scheduling, Upon class creation\nNetdev driver allocates trasmit schedulers.\n\nThe previous patch which added support for Round robin scheduling has\na bug due to which driver is not freeing transmit schedulers post\nclass deletion.\n\nThis patch fixes the same.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35975 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

406. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35985) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: sched/eevdf: Prevent vlag from going out of bounds in reweight_eevdf() It was possible to have pick_eevdf() return NULL, which then causes a NULL-deref. This turned out to be due to entity_eligible() returning falsely negative because of a s64 multiplcation overflow. Specifically, reweight_eevdf() computes the vlag without considering the limit placed upon vlag as update_entity_lag() does, and then the scaling multiplication (remember that weight is 20bit fixed point) can overflow. This then leads to the new vruntime being weird which then causes the above entity_eligible() to go side-ways and claim nothing is eligible. Thus limit the range of vlag accordingly. All this was quite rare, but fatal when it does happen.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nsched/eevdf: Prevent vlag from going out of bounds in reweight_eevdf()\n\nIt was possible to have pick_eevdf() return NULL, which then causes a\nNULL-deref. This turned out to be due to entity_eligible() returning\nfalsely negative because of a s64 multiplcation overflow.\n\nSpecifically, reweight_eevdf() computes the vlag without considering\nthe limit placed upon vlag as update_entity_lag() does, and then the\nscaling multiplication (remember that weight is 20bit fixed point) can\noverflow. This then leads to the new vruntime being weird which then\ncauses the above entity_eligible() to go side-ways and claim nothing\nis eligible.\n\nThus limit the range of vlag accordingly.\n\nAll this was quite rare, but fatal when it does happen.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35985 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

407. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36244) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/sched: taprio: extend minimum interval restriction to entire cycle too It is possible for syzbot to side-step the restriction imposed by the blamed commit in the Fixes: tag, because the taprio UAPI permits a cycle-time different from (and potentially shorter than) the sum of entry intervals. We need one more restriction, which is that the cycle time itself must be larger than N * ETH_ZLEN bit times, where N is the number of schedule entries. This restriction needs to apply regardless of whether the cycle time came from the user or was the implicit, auto-calculated value, so we move the existing "cycle == 0" check outside the "if "(!new->cycle_time)" branch. This way covers both conditions and scenarios. Add a selftest which illustrates the issue triggered by syzbot.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet/sched: taprio: extend minimum interval restriction to entire cycle too\n\nIt is possible for syzbot to side-step the restriction imposed by the\nblamed commit in the Fixes: tag, because the taprio UAPI permits a\ncycle-time different from (and potentially shorter than) the sum of\nentry intervals.\n\nWe need one more restriction, which is that the cycle time itself must\nbe larger than N * ETH_ZLEN bit times, where N is the number of schedule\nentries. This restriction needs to apply regardless of whether the cycle\ntime came from the user or was the implicit, auto-calculated value, so\nwe move the existing "cycle == 0" check outside the "if "(!new->cycle_time)"\nbranch. This way covers both conditions and scenarios.\n\nAdd a selftest which illustrates the issue triggered by syzbot.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-36244 was patched at 2024-06-30

408. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36479) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: fpga: bridge: add owner module and take its refcount The current implementation of the fpga bridge assumes that the low-level module registers a driver for the parent device and uses its owner pointer to take the module's refcount. This approach is problematic since it can lead to a null pointer dereference while attempting to get the bridge if the parent device does not have a driver. To address this problem, add a module owner pointer to the fpga_bridge struct and use it to take the module's refcount. Modify the function for registering a bridge to take an additional owner module parameter and rename it to avoid conflicts. Use the old function name for a helper macro that automatically sets the module that registers the bridge as the owner. This ensures compatibility with existing low-level control modules and reduces the chances of registering a bridge without setting the owner. Also, update the documentation to keep it consistent with the new interface for registering an fpga bridge. Other changes: opportunistically move put_device() from __fpga_bridge_get() to fpga_bridge_get() and of_fpga_bridge_get() to improve code clarity since the bridge device is taken in these functions.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nfpga: bridge: add owner module and take its refcount\n\nThe current implementation of the fpga bridge assumes that the low-level\nmodule registers a driver for the parent device and uses its owner pointer\nto take the module's refcount. This approach is problematic since it can\nlead to a null pointer dereference while attempting to get the bridge if\nthe parent device does not have a driver.\n\nTo address this problem, add a module owner pointer to the fpga_bridge\nstruct and use it to take the module's refcount. Modify the function for\nregistering a bridge to take an additional owner module parameter and\nrename it to avoid conflicts. Use the old function name for a helper macro\nthat automatically sets the module that registers the bridge as the owner.\nThis ensures compatibility with existing low-level control modules and\nreduces the chances of registering a bridge without setting the owner.\n\nAlso, update the documentation to keep it consistent with the new interface\nfor registering an fpga bridge.\n\nOther changes: opportunistically move put_device() from __fpga_bridge_get()\nto fpga_bridge_get() and of_fpga_bridge_get() to improve code clarity since\nthe bridge device is taken in these functions.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-36479 was patched at 2024-06-30

409. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36484) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: relax socket state check at accept time. Christoph reported the following splat: WARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 772 at net/ipv4/af_inet.c:761 __inet_accept+0x1f4/0x4a0 Modules linked in: CPU: 1 PID: 772 Comm: syz-executor510 Not tainted 6.9.0-rc7-g7da7119fe22b #56 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 1.11.0-2.el7 04/01/2014 RIP: 0010:__inet_accept+0x1f4/0x4a0 net/ipv4/af_inet.c:759 Code: 04 38 84 c0 0f 85 87 00 00 00 41 c7 04 24 03 00 00 00 48 83 c4 10 5b 41 5c 41 5d 41 5e 41 5f 5d c3 cc cc cc cc e8 ec b7 da fd <0f> 0b e9 7f fe ff ff e8 e0 b7 da fd 0f 0b e9 fe fe ff ff 89 d9 80 RSP: 0018:ffffc90000c2fc58 EFLAGS: 00010293 RAX: ffffffff836bdd14 RBX: 0000000000000000 RCX: ffff888104668000 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: 0000000000000000 RBP: dffffc0000000000 R08: ffffffff836bdb89 R09: fffff52000185f64 R10: dffffc0000000000 R11: fffff52000185f64 R12: dffffc0000000000 R13: 1ffff92000185f98 R14: ffff88810754d880 R15: ffff8881007b7800 FS: 000000001c772880(0000) GS:ffff88811b280000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 00007fb9fcf2e178 CR3: 00000001045d2002 CR4: 0000000000770ef0 DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 PKRU: 55555554 Call Trace: <TASK> inet_accept+0x138/0x1d0 net/ipv4/af_inet.c:786 do_accept+0x435/0x620 net/socket.c:1929 __sys_accept4_file net/socket.c:1969 [inline] __sys_accept4+0x9b/0x110 net/socket.c:1999 __do_sys_accept net/socket.c:2016 [inline] __se_sys_accept net/socket.c:2013 [inline] __x64_sys_accept+0x7d/0x90 net/socket.c:2013 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline] do_syscall_64+0x58/0x100 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x76/0x7e RIP: 0033:0x4315f9 Code: fd ff 48 81 c4 80 00 00 00 e9 f1 fe ff ff 0f 1f 00 48 89 f8 48 89 f7 48 89 d6 48 89 ca 4d 89 c2 4d 89 c8 4c 8b 4c 24 08 0f 05 <48> 3d 01 f0 ff ff 0f 83 ab b4 fd ff c3 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 RSP: 002b:00007ffdb26d9c78 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 000000000000002b RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 0000000000400300 RCX: 00000000004315f9 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: 0000000000000004 RBP: 00000000006e1018 R08: 0000000000400300 R09: 0000000000400300 R10: 0000000000400300 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 0000000000000000 R13: 000000000040cdf0 R14: 000000000040ce80 R15: 0000000000000055 </TASK> The reproducer invokes shutdown() before entering the listener status. After commit 94062790aedb ("tcp: defer shutdown(SEND_SHUTDOWN) for TCP_SYN_RECV sockets"), the above causes the child to reach the accept syscall in FIN_WAIT1 status. Eric noted we can relax the existing assertion in __inet_accept()', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: relax socket state check at accept time.\n\nChristoph reported the following splat:\n\nWARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 772 at net/ipv4/af_inet.c:761 __inet_accept+0x1f4/0x4a0\nModules linked in:\nCPU: 1 PID: 772 Comm: syz-executor510 Not tainted 6.9.0-rc7-g7da7119fe22b #56\nHardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 1.11.0-2.el7 04/01/2014\nRIP: 0010:__inet_accept+0x1f4/0x4a0 net/ipv4/af_inet.c:759\nCode: 04 38 84 c0 0f 85 87 00 00 00 41 c7 04 24 03 00 00 00 48 83 c4 10 5b 41 5c 41 5d 41 5e 41 5f 5d c3 cc cc cc cc e8 ec b7 da fd <0f> 0b e9 7f fe ff ff e8 e0 b7 da fd 0f 0b e9 fe fe ff ff 89 d9 80\nRSP: 0018:ffffc90000c2fc58 EFLAGS: 00010293\nRAX: ffffffff836bdd14 RBX: 0000000000000000 RCX: ffff888104668000\nRDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: 0000000000000000\nRBP: dffffc0000000000 R08: ffffffff836bdb89 R09: fffff52000185f64\nR10: dffffc0000000000 R11: fffff52000185f64 R12: dffffc0000000000\nR13: 1ffff92000185f98 R14: ffff88810754d880 R15: ffff8881007b7800\nFS: 000000001c772880(0000) GS:ffff88811b280000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\nCS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\nCR2: 00007fb9fcf2e178 CR3: 00000001045d2002 CR4: 0000000000770ef0\nDR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000\nDR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400\nPKRU: 55555554\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n inet_accept+0x138/0x1d0 net/ipv4/af_inet.c:786\n do_accept+0x435/0x620 net/socket.c:1929\n __sys_accept4_file net/socket.c:1969 [inline]\n __sys_accept4+0x9b/0x110 net/socket.c:1999\n __do_sys_accept net/socket.c:2016 [inline]\n __se_sys_accept net/socket.c:2013 [inline]\n __x64_sys_accept+0x7d/0x90 net/socket.c:2013\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0x58/0x100 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x76/0x7e\nRIP: 0033:0x4315f9\nCode: fd ff 48 81 c4 80 00 00 00 e9 f1 fe ff ff 0f 1f 00 48 89 f8 48 89 f7 48 89 d6 48 89 ca 4d 89 c2 4d 89 c8 4c 8b 4c 24 08 0f 05 <48> 3d 01 f0 ff ff 0f 83 ab b4 fd ff c3 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00\nRSP: 002b:00007ffdb26d9c78 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 000000000000002b\nRAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 0000000000400300 RCX: 00000000004315f9\nRDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: 0000000000000004\nRBP: 00000000006e1018 R08: 0000000000400300 R09: 0000000000400300\nR10: 0000000000400300 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 0000000000000000\nR13: 000000000040cdf0 R14: 000000000040ce80 R15: 0000000000000055\n </TASK>\n\nThe reproducer invokes shutdown() before entering the listener status.\nAfter commit 94062790aedb ("tcp: defer shutdown(SEND_SHUTDOWN) for\nTCP_SYN_RECV sockets"), the above causes the child to reach the accept\nsyscall in FIN_WAIT1 status.\n\nEric noted we can relax the existing assertion in __inet_accept()', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-36484 was patched at 2024-06-30

410. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36973) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: misc: microchip: pci1xxxx: fix double free in the error handling of gp_aux_bus_probe() When auxiliary_device_add() returns error and then calls auxiliary_device_uninit(), callback function gp_auxiliary_device_release() calls ida_free() and kfree(aux_device_wrapper) to free memory. We should't call them again in the error handling path. Fix this by skipping the redundant cleanup functions.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmisc: microchip: pci1xxxx: fix double free in the error handling of gp_aux_bus_probe()\n\nWhen auxiliary_device_add() returns error and then calls\nauxiliary_device_uninit(), callback function\ngp_auxiliary_device_release() calls ida_free() and\nkfree(aux_device_wrapper) to free memory. We should't\ncall them again in the error handling path.\n\nFix this by skipping the redundant cleanup functions.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-36973 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-16

411. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36977) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: usb: dwc3: Wait unconditionally after issuing EndXfer command Currently all controller IP/revisions except DWC3_usb3 >= 310a wait 1ms unconditionally for ENDXFER completion when IOC is not set. This is because DWC_usb3 controller revisions >= 3.10a supports GUCTL2[14: Rst_actbitlater] bit which allows polling CMDACT bit to know whether ENDXFER command is completed. Consider a case where an IN request was queued, and parallelly soft_disconnect was called (due to ffs_epfile_release). This eventually calls stop_active_transfer with IOC cleared, hence send_gadget_ep_cmd() skips waiting for CMDACT cleared during EndXfer. For DWC3 controllers with revisions >= 310a, we don't forcefully wait for 1ms either, and we proceed by unmapping the requests. If ENDXFER didn't complete by this time, it leads to SMMU faults since the controller would still be accessing those requests. Fix this by ensuring ENDXFER completion by adding 1ms delay in __dwc3_stop_active_transfer() unconditionally.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nusb: dwc3: Wait unconditionally after issuing EndXfer command\n\nCurrently all controller IP/revisions except DWC3_usb3 >= 310a\nwait 1ms unconditionally for ENDXFER completion when IOC is not\nset. This is because DWC_usb3 controller revisions >= 3.10a\nsupports GUCTL2[14: Rst_actbitlater] bit which allows polling\nCMDACT bit to know whether ENDXFER command is completed.\n\nConsider a case where an IN request was queued, and parallelly\nsoft_disconnect was called (due to ffs_epfile_release). This\neventually calls stop_active_transfer with IOC cleared, hence\nsend_gadget_ep_cmd() skips waiting for CMDACT cleared during\nEndXfer. For DWC3 controllers with revisions >= 310a, we don't\nforcefully wait for 1ms either, and we proceed by unmapping the\nrequests. If ENDXFER didn't complete by this time, it leads to\nSMMU faults since the controller would still be accessing those\nrequests.\n\nFix this by ensuring ENDXFER completion by adding 1ms delay in\n__dwc3_stop_active_transfer() unconditionally.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-36977 was patched at 2024-06-30

412. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-37021) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: fpga: manager: add owner module and take its refcount The current implementation of the fpga manager assumes that the low-level module registers a driver for the parent device and uses its owner pointer to take the module's refcount. This approach is problematic since it can lead to a null pointer dereference while attempting to get the manager if the parent device does not have a driver. To address this problem, add a module owner pointer to the fpga_manager struct and use it to take the module's refcount. Modify the functions for registering the manager to take an additional owner module parameter and rename them to avoid conflicts. Use the old function names for helper macros that automatically set the module that registers the manager as the owner. This ensures compatibility with existing low-level control modules and reduces the chances of registering a manager without setting the owner. Also, update the documentation to keep it consistent with the new interface for registering an fpga manager. Other changes: opportunistically move put_device() from __fpga_mgr_get() to fpga_mgr_get() and of_fpga_mgr_get() to improve code clarity since the manager device is taken in these functions.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nfpga: manager: add owner module and take its refcount\n\nThe current implementation of the fpga manager assumes that the low-level\nmodule registers a driver for the parent device and uses its owner pointer\nto take the module's refcount. This approach is problematic since it can\nlead to a null pointer dereference while attempting to get the manager if\nthe parent device does not have a driver.\n\nTo address this problem, add a module owner pointer to the fpga_manager\nstruct and use it to take the module's refcount. Modify the functions for\nregistering the manager to take an additional owner module parameter and\nrename them to avoid conflicts. Use the old function names for helper\nmacros that automatically set the module that registers the manager as the\nowner. This ensures compatibility with existing low-level control modules\nand reduces the chances of registering a manager without setting the owner.\n\nAlso, update the documentation to keep it consistent with the new interface\nfor registering an fpga manager.\n\nOther changes: opportunistically move put_device() from __fpga_mgr_get() to\nfpga_mgr_get() and of_fpga_mgr_get() to improve code clarity since the\nmanager device is taken in these functions.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-37021 was patched at 2024-06-30

413. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-37354) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: btrfs: fix crash on racing fsync and size-extending write into prealloc We have been seeing crashes on duplicate keys in btrfs_set_item_key_safe(): BTRFS critical (device vdb): slot 4 key (450 108 8192) new key (450 108 8192) ------------[ cut here ]------------ kernel BUG at fs/btrfs/ctree.c:2620! invalid opcode: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP PTI CPU: 0 PID: 3139 Comm: xfs_io Kdump: loaded Not tainted 6.9.0 #6 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 1.16.3-2.fc40 04/01/2014 RIP: 0010:btrfs_set_item_key_safe+0x11f/0x290 [btrfs] With the following stack trace: #0 btrfs_set_item_key_safe (fs/btrfs/ctree.c:2620:4) #1 btrfs_drop_extents (fs/btrfs/file.c:411:4) #2 log_one_extent (fs/btrfs/tree-log.c:4732:9) #3 btrfs_log_changed_extents (fs/btrfs/tree-log.c:4955:9) #4 btrfs_log_inode (fs/btrfs/tree-log.c:6626:9) #5 btrfs_log_inode_parent (fs/btrfs/tree-log.c:7070:8) #6 btrfs_log_dentry_safe (fs/btrfs/tree-log.c:7171:8) #7 btrfs_sync_file (fs/btrfs/file.c:1933:8) #8 vfs_fsync_range (fs/sync.c:188:9) #9 vfs_fsync (fs/sync.c:202:9) #10 do_fsync (fs/sync.c:212:9) #11 __do_sys_fdatasync (fs/sync.c:225:9) #12 __se_sys_fdatasync (fs/sync.c:223:1) #13 __x64_sys_fdatasync (fs/sync.c:223:1) #14 do_syscall_x64 (arch/x86/entry/common.c:52:14) #15 do_syscall_64 (arch/x86/entry/common.c:83:7) #16 entry_SYSCALL_64+0xaf/0x14c (arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:121) So we're logging a changed extent from fsync, which is splitting an extent in the log tree. But this split part already exists in the tree, triggering the BUG(). This is the state of the log tree at the time of the crash, dumped with drgn ( to get more details than btrfs_print_leaf() gives us: >>> print_extent_buffer(prog.crashed_thread().stack_trace()[0]["eb"]) leaf 33439744 level 0 items 72 generation 9 owner 18446744073709551610 leaf 33439744 flags 0x100000000000000 fs uuid e5bd3946-400c-4223-8923-190ef1f18677 chunk uuid d58cb17e-6d02-494a-829a-18b7d8a399da item 0 key (450 INODE_ITEM 0) itemoff 16123 itemsize 160 generation 7 transid 9 size 8192 nbytes 8473563889606862198 block group 0 mode 100600 links 1 uid 0 gid 0 rdev 0 sequence 204 flags 0x10(PREALLOC) atime 1716417703.220000000 (2024-05-22 15:41:43) ctime 1716417704.983333333 (2024-05-22 15:41:44) mtime 1716417704.983333333 (2024-05-22 15:41:44) otime 17592186044416.000000000 (559444-03-08 01:40:16) item 1 key (450 INODE_REF 256) itemoff 16110 itemsize 13 index 195 namelen 3 name: 193 item 2 key (450 XATTR_ITEM 1640047104) itemoff 16073 itemsize 37 location key (0 UNKNOWN.0 0) type XATTR transid 7 data_len 1 name_len 6 name: user.a data a item 3 key (450 EXTENT_DATA 0) itemoff 16020 itemsize 53 generation 9 type 1 (regular) extent data disk byte 303144960 nr 12288 extent data offset 0 nr 4096 ram 12288 extent compression 0 (none) item 4 key (450 EXTENT_DATA 4096) itemoff 15967 itemsize 53 generation 9 type 2 (prealloc) prealloc data disk byte 303144960 nr 12288 prealloc data offset 4096 nr 8192 item 5 key (450 EXTENT_DATA 8192) itemoff 15914 itemsize 53 generation 9 type 2 (prealloc) prealloc data disk byte 303144960 nr 12288 prealloc data offset 8192 nr 4096 ... So the real problem happened earlier: notice that items 4 (4k-12k) and 5 (8k-12k) overlap. Both are prealloc extents. Item 4 straddles i_size and item 5 starts at i_size. Here is the state of ---truncated---', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbtrfs: fix crash on racing fsync and size-extending write into prealloc\n\nWe have been seeing crashes on duplicate keys in\nbtrfs_set_item_key_safe():\n\n BTRFS critical (device vdb): slot 4 key (450 108 8192) new key (450 108 8192)\n ------------[ cut here ]------------\n kernel BUG at fs/btrfs/ctree.c:2620!\n invalid opcode: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP PTI\n CPU: 0 PID: 3139 Comm: xfs_io Kdump: loaded Not tainted 6.9.0 #6\n Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 1.16.3-2.fc40 04/01/2014\n RIP: 0010:btrfs_set_item_key_safe+0x11f/0x290 [btrfs]\n\nWith the following stack trace:\n\n #0 btrfs_set_item_key_safe (fs/btrfs/ctree.c:2620:4)\n #1 btrfs_drop_extents (fs/btrfs/file.c:411:4)\n #2 log_one_extent (fs/btrfs/tree-log.c:4732:9)\n #3 btrfs_log_changed_extents (fs/btrfs/tree-log.c:4955:9)\n #4 btrfs_log_inode (fs/btrfs/tree-log.c:6626:9)\n #5 btrfs_log_inode_parent (fs/btrfs/tree-log.c:7070:8)\n #6 btrfs_log_dentry_safe (fs/btrfs/tree-log.c:7171:8)\n #7 btrfs_sync_file (fs/btrfs/file.c:1933:8)\n #8 vfs_fsync_range (fs/sync.c:188:9)\n #9 vfs_fsync (fs/sync.c:202:9)\n #10 do_fsync (fs/sync.c:212:9)\n #11 __do_sys_fdatasync (fs/sync.c:225:9)\n #12 __se_sys_fdatasync (fs/sync.c:223:1)\n #13 __x64_sys_fdatasync (fs/sync.c:223:1)\n #14 do_syscall_x64 (arch/x86/entry/common.c:52:14)\n #15 do_syscall_64 (arch/x86/entry/common.c:83:7)\n #16 entry_SYSCALL_64+0xaf/0x14c (arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:121)\n\nSo we're logging a changed extent from fsync, which is splitting an\nextent in the log tree. But this split part already exists in the tree,\ntriggering the BUG().\n\nThis is the state of the log tree at the time of the crash, dumped with\ndrgn (\nto get more details than btrfs_print_leaf() gives us:\n\n >>> print_extent_buffer(prog.crashed_thread().stack_trace()[0]["eb"])\n leaf 33439744 level 0 items 72 generation 9 owner 18446744073709551610\n leaf 33439744 flags 0x100000000000000\n fs uuid e5bd3946-400c-4223-8923-190ef1f18677\n chunk uuid d58cb17e-6d02-494a-829a-18b7d8a399da\n item 0 key (450 INODE_ITEM 0) itemoff 16123 itemsize 160\n generation 7 transid 9 size 8192 nbytes 8473563889606862198\n block group 0 mode 100600 links 1 uid 0 gid 0 rdev 0\n sequence 204 flags 0x10(PREALLOC)\n atime 1716417703.220000000 (2024-05-22 15:41:43)\n ctime 1716417704.983333333 (2024-05-22 15:41:44)\n mtime 1716417704.983333333 (2024-05-22 15:41:44)\n otime 17592186044416.000000000 (559444-03-08 01:40:16)\n item 1 key (450 INODE_REF 256) itemoff 16110 itemsize 13\n index 195 namelen 3 name: 193\n item 2 key (450 XATTR_ITEM 1640047104) itemoff 16073 itemsize 37\n location key (0 UNKNOWN.0 0) type XATTR\n transid 7 data_len 1 name_len 6\n name: user.a\n data a\n item 3 key (450 EXTENT_DATA 0) itemoff 16020 itemsize 53\n generation 9 type 1 (regular)\n extent data disk byte 303144960 nr 12288\n extent data offset 0 nr 4096 ram 12288\n extent compression 0 (none)\n item 4 key (450 EXTENT_DATA 4096) itemoff 15967 itemsize 53\n generation 9 type 2 (prealloc)\n prealloc data disk byte 303144960 nr 12288\n prealloc data offset 4096 nr 8192\n item 5 key (450 EXTENT_DATA 8192) itemoff 15914 itemsize 53\n generation 9 type 2 (prealloc)\n prealloc data disk byte 303144960 nr 12288\n prealloc data offset 8192 nr 4096\n ...\n\nSo the real problem happened earlier: notice that items 4 (4k-12k) and 5\n(8k-12k) overlap. Both are prealloc extents. Item 4 straddles i_size and\nitem 5 starts at i_size.\n\nHere is the state of \n---truncated---', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-37354 was patched at 2024-06-30

414. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38388) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ALSA: hda/cs_dsp_ctl: Use private_free for control cleanup Use the control private_free callback to free the associated data block. This ensures that the memory won't leak, whatever way the control gets destroyed. The original implementation didn't actually remove the ALSA controls in hda_cs_dsp_control_remove(). It only freed the internal tracking structure. This meant it was possible to remove/unload the amp driver while leaving its ALSA controls still present in the soundcard. Obviously attempting to access them could cause segfaults or at least dereferencing stale pointers.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nALSA: hda/cs_dsp_ctl: Use private_free for control cleanup\n\nUse the control private_free callback to free the associated data\nblock. This ensures that the memory won't leak, whatever way the\ncontrol gets destroyed.\n\nThe original implementation didn't actually remove the ALSA\ncontrols in hda_cs_dsp_control_remove(). It only freed the internal\ntracking structure. This meant it was possible to remove/unload the\namp driver while leaving its ALSA controls still present in the\nsoundcard. Obviously attempting to access them could cause segfaults\nor at least dereferencing stale pointers.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38388 was patched at 2024-06-30

415. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38390) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/msm/a6xx: Avoid a nullptr dereference when speedbin setting fails Calling a6xx_destroy() before adreno_gpu_init() leads to a null pointer dereference on: msm_gpu_cleanup() : platform_set_drvdata(gpu->pdev, NULL); as gpu->pdev is only assigned in: a6xx_gpu_init() |_ adreno_gpu_init |_ msm_gpu_init() Instead of relying on handwavy null checks down the cleanup chain, explicitly de-allocate the LLC data and free a6xx_gpu instead. Patchwork:', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/msm/a6xx: Avoid a nullptr dereference when speedbin setting fails\n\nCalling a6xx_destroy() before adreno_gpu_init() leads to a null pointer\ndereference on:\n\nmsm_gpu_cleanup() : platform_set_drvdata(gpu->pdev, NULL);\n\nas gpu->pdev is only assigned in:\n\na6xx_gpu_init()\n|_ adreno_gpu_init\n |_ msm_gpu_init()\n\nInstead of relying on handwavy null checks down the cleanup chain,\nexplicitly de-allocate the LLC data and free a6xx_gpu instead.\n\nPatchwork:', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38390 was patched at 2024-06-30

416. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38394) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Mismatches in interpreting USB authorization policy between GNOME Settings Daemon (GSD) through 46.0 and the Linux kernel's underlying device matching logic allow a physically proximate attacker to access some unintended Linux kernel USB functionality, such as USB device-specific kernel modules and filesystem implementations. NOTE: the GSD supplier indicates that consideration of a mitigation for this within GSD would be in the context of "a new feature, not a CVE."', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Mismatches in interpreting USB authorization policy between GNOME Settings Daemon (GSD) through 46.0 and the Linux kernel's underlying device matching logic allow a physically proximate attacker to access some unintended Linux kernel USB functionality, such as USB device-specific kernel modules and filesystem implementations. NOTE: the GSD supplier indicates that consideration of a mitigation for this within GSD would be in the context of "a new feature, not a CVE."', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38394 was patched at 2024-06-30

417. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38538) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: bridge: xmit: make sure we have at least eth header len bytes syzbot triggered an uninit value[1] error in bridge device's xmit path by sending a short (less than ETH_HLEN bytes) skb. To fix it check if we can actually pull that amount instead of assuming. Tested with dropwatch: drop at: br_dev_xmit+0xb93/0x12d0 [bridge] (0xffffffffc06739b3) origin: software timestamp: Mon May 13 11:31:53 2024 778214037 nsec protocol: 0x88a8 length: 2 original length: 2 drop reason: PKT_TOO_SMALL [1] BUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in br_dev_xmit+0x61d/0x1cb0 net/bridge/br_device.c:65 br_dev_xmit+0x61d/0x1cb0 net/bridge/br_device.c:65 __netdev_start_xmit include/linux/netdevice.h:4903 [inline] netdev_start_xmit include/linux/netdevice.h:4917 [inline] xmit_one net/core/dev.c:3531 [inline] dev_hard_start_xmit+0x247/0xa20 net/core/dev.c:3547 __dev_queue_xmit+0x34db/0x5350 net/core/dev.c:4341 dev_queue_xmit include/linux/netdevice.h:3091 [inline] __bpf_tx_skb net/core/filter.c:2136 [inline] __bpf_redirect_common net/core/filter.c:2180 [inline] __bpf_redirect+0x14a6/0x1620 net/core/filter.c:2187 ____bpf_clone_redirect net/core/filter.c:2460 [inline] bpf_clone_redirect+0x328/0x470 net/core/filter.c:2432 ___bpf_prog_run+0x13fe/0xe0f0 kernel/bpf/core.c:1997 __bpf_prog_run512+0xb5/0xe0 kernel/bpf/core.c:2238 bpf_dispatcher_nop_func include/linux/bpf.h:1234 [inline] __bpf_prog_run include/linux/filter.h:657 [inline] bpf_prog_run include/linux/filter.h:664 [inline] bpf_test_run+0x499/0xc30 net/bpf/test_run.c:425 bpf_prog_test_run_skb+0x14ea/0x1f20 net/bpf/test_run.c:1058 bpf_prog_test_run+0x6b7/0xad0 kernel/bpf/syscall.c:4269 __sys_bpf+0x6aa/0xd90 kernel/bpf/syscall.c:5678 __do_sys_bpf kernel/bpf/syscall.c:5767 [inline] __se_sys_bpf kernel/bpf/syscall.c:5765 [inline] __x64_sys_bpf+0xa0/0xe0 kernel/bpf/syscall.c:5765 x64_sys_call+0x96b/0x3b50 arch/x86/include/generated/asm/syscalls_64.h:322 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline] do_syscall_64+0xcf/0x1e0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: bridge: xmit: make sure we have at least eth header len bytes\n\nsyzbot triggered an uninit value[1] error in bridge device's xmit path\nby sending a short (less than ETH_HLEN bytes) skb. To fix it check if\nwe can actually pull that amount instead of assuming.\n\nTested with dropwatch:\n drop at: br_dev_xmit+0xb93/0x12d0 [bridge] (0xffffffffc06739b3)\n origin: software\n timestamp: Mon May 13 11:31:53 2024 778214037 nsec\n protocol: 0x88a8\n length: 2\n original length: 2\n drop reason: PKT_TOO_SMALL\n\n[1]\nBUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in br_dev_xmit+0x61d/0x1cb0 net/bridge/br_device.c:65\n br_dev_xmit+0x61d/0x1cb0 net/bridge/br_device.c:65\n __netdev_start_xmit include/linux/netdevice.h:4903 [inline]\n netdev_start_xmit include/linux/netdevice.h:4917 [inline]\n xmit_one net/core/dev.c:3531 [inline]\n dev_hard_start_xmit+0x247/0xa20 net/core/dev.c:3547\n __dev_queue_xmit+0x34db/0x5350 net/core/dev.c:4341\n dev_queue_xmit include/linux/netdevice.h:3091 [inline]\n __bpf_tx_skb net/core/filter.c:2136 [inline]\n __bpf_redirect_common net/core/filter.c:2180 [inline]\n __bpf_redirect+0x14a6/0x1620 net/core/filter.c:2187\n ____bpf_clone_redirect net/core/filter.c:2460 [inline]\n bpf_clone_redirect+0x328/0x470 net/core/filter.c:2432\n ___bpf_prog_run+0x13fe/0xe0f0 kernel/bpf/core.c:1997\n __bpf_prog_run512+0xb5/0xe0 kernel/bpf/core.c:2238\n bpf_dispatcher_nop_func include/linux/bpf.h:1234 [inline]\n __bpf_prog_run include/linux/filter.h:657 [inline]\n bpf_prog_run include/linux/filter.h:664 [inline]\n bpf_test_run+0x499/0xc30 net/bpf/test_run.c:425\n bpf_prog_test_run_skb+0x14ea/0x1f20 net/bpf/test_run.c:1058\n bpf_prog_test_run+0x6b7/0xad0 kernel/bpf/syscall.c:4269\n __sys_bpf+0x6aa/0xd90 kernel/bpf/syscall.c:5678\n __do_sys_bpf kernel/bpf/syscall.c:5767 [inline]\n __se_sys_bpf kernel/bpf/syscall.c:5765 [inline]\n __x64_sys_bpf+0xa0/0xe0 kernel/bpf/syscall.c:5765\n x64_sys_call+0x96b/0x3b50 arch/x86/include/generated/asm/syscalls_64.h:322\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0xcf/0x1e0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38538 was patched at 2024-06-30

418. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38540) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bnxt_re: avoid shift undefined behavior in bnxt_qplib_alloc_init_hwq Undefined behavior is triggered when bnxt_qplib_alloc_init_hwq is called with hwq_attr->aux_depth != 0 and hwq_attr->aux_stride == 0. In that case, "roundup_pow_of_two(hwq_attr->aux_stride)" gets called. roundup_pow_of_two is documented as undefined for 0. Fix it in the one caller that had this combination. The undefined behavior was detected by UBSAN: UBSAN: shift-out-of-bounds in ./include/linux/log2.h:57:13 shift exponent 64 is too large for 64-bit type 'long unsigned int' CPU: 24 PID: 1075 Comm: (udev-worker) Not tainted 6.9.0-rc6+ #4 Hardware name: Abacus electric, s.r.o. - Super Server/H12SSW-iN, BIOS 2.7 10/25/2023 Call Trace: <TASK> dump_stack_lvl+0x5d/0x80 ubsan_epilogue+0x5/0x30 __ubsan_handle_shift_out_of_bounds.cold+0x61/0xec __roundup_pow_of_two+0x25/0x35 [bnxt_re] bnxt_qplib_alloc_init_hwq+0xa1/0x470 [bnxt_re] bnxt_qplib_create_qp+0x19e/0x840 [bnxt_re] bnxt_re_create_qp+0x9b1/0xcd0 [bnxt_re] ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0xfbef5 ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0xfbef5 ? __kmalloc+0x1b6/0x4f0 ? create_qp.part.0+0x128/0x1c0 [ib_core] ? __pfx_bnxt_re_create_qp+0x10/0x10 [bnxt_re] create_qp.part.0+0x128/0x1c0 [ib_core] ib_create_qp_kernel+0x50/0xd0 [ib_core] create_mad_qp+0x8e/0xe0 [ib_core] ? __pfx_qp_event_handler+0x10/0x10 [ib_core] ib_mad_init_device+0x2be/0x680 [ib_core] add_client_context+0x10d/0x1a0 [ib_core] enable_device_and_get+0xe0/0x1d0 [ib_core] ib_register_device+0x53c/0x630 [ib_core] ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0xfbef5 bnxt_re_probe+0xbd8/0xe50 [bnxt_re] ? __pfx_bnxt_re_probe+0x10/0x10 [bnxt_re] auxiliary_bus_probe+0x49/0x80 ? driver_sysfs_add+0x57/0xc0 really_probe+0xde/0x340 ? pm_runtime_barrier+0x54/0x90 ? __pfx___driver_attach+0x10/0x10 __driver_probe_device+0x78/0x110 driver_probe_device+0x1f/0xa0 __driver_attach+0xba/0x1c0 bus_for_each_dev+0x8f/0xe0 bus_add_driver+0x146/0x220 driver_register+0x72/0xd0 __auxiliary_driver_register+0x6e/0xd0 ? __pfx_bnxt_re_mod_init+0x10/0x10 [bnxt_re] bnxt_re_mod_init+0x3e/0xff0 [bnxt_re] ? __pfx_bnxt_re_mod_init+0x10/0x10 [bnxt_re] do_one_initcall+0x5b/0x310 do_init_module+0x90/0x250 init_module_from_file+0x86/0xc0 idempotent_init_module+0x121/0x2b0 __x64_sys_finit_module+0x5e/0xb0 do_syscall_64+0x82/0x160 ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0xfbef5 ? syscall_exit_to_user_mode_prepare+0x149/0x170 ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0xfbef5 ? syscall_exit_to_user_mode+0x75/0x230 ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0xfbef5 ? do_syscall_64+0x8e/0x160 ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0xfbef5 ? __count_memcg_events+0x69/0x100 ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0xfbef5 ? count_memcg_events.constprop.0+0x1a/0x30 ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0xfbef5 ? handle_mm_fault+0x1f0/0x300 ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0xfbef5 ? do_user_addr_fault+0x34e/0x640 ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0xfbef5 ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0xfbef5 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x76/0x7e RIP: 0033:0x7f4e5132821d Code: ff c3 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 90 f3 0f 1e fa 48 89 f8 48 89 f7 48 89 d6 48 89 ca 4d 89 c2 4d 89 c8 4c 8b 4c 24 08 0f 05 <48> 3d 01 f0 ff ff 73 01 c3 48 8b 0d e3 db 0c 00 f7 d8 64 89 01 48 RSP: 002b:00007ffca9c906a8 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000139 RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 0000563ec8a8f130 RCX: 00007f4e5132821d RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 00007f4e518fa07d RDI: 000000000000003b RBP: 00007ffca9c90760 R08: 00007f4e513f6b20 R09: 00007ffca9c906f0 R10: 0000563ec8a8faa0 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 00007f4e518fa07d R13: 0000000000020000 R14: 0000563ec8409e90 R15: 0000563ec8a8fa60 </TASK> ---[ end trace ]---', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbnxt_re: avoid shift undefined behavior in bnxt_qplib_alloc_init_hwq\n\nUndefined behavior is triggered when bnxt_qplib_alloc_init_hwq is called\nwith hwq_attr->aux_depth != 0 and hwq_attr->aux_stride == 0.\nIn that case, "roundup_pow_of_two(hwq_attr->aux_stride)" gets called.\nroundup_pow_of_two is documented as undefined for 0.\n\nFix it in the one caller that had this combination.\n\nThe undefined behavior was detected by UBSAN:\n UBSAN: shift-out-of-bounds in ./include/linux/log2.h:57:13\n shift exponent 64 is too large for 64-bit type 'long unsigned int'\n CPU: 24 PID: 1075 Comm: (udev-worker) Not tainted 6.9.0-rc6+ #4\n Hardware name: Abacus electric, s.r.o. - Super Server/H12SSW-iN, BIOS 2.7 10/25/2023\n Call Trace:\n <TASK>\n dump_stack_lvl+0x5d/0x80\n ubsan_epilogue+0x5/0x30\n __ubsan_handle_shift_out_of_bounds.cold+0x61/0xec\n __roundup_pow_of_two+0x25/0x35 [bnxt_re]\n bnxt_qplib_alloc_init_hwq+0xa1/0x470 [bnxt_re]\n bnxt_qplib_create_qp+0x19e/0x840 [bnxt_re]\n bnxt_re_create_qp+0x9b1/0xcd0 [bnxt_re]\n ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0xfbef5\n ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0xfbef5\n ? __kmalloc+0x1b6/0x4f0\n ? create_qp.part.0+0x128/0x1c0 [ib_core]\n ? __pfx_bnxt_re_create_qp+0x10/0x10 [bnxt_re]\n create_qp.part.0+0x128/0x1c0 [ib_core]\n ib_create_qp_kernel+0x50/0xd0 [ib_core]\n create_mad_qp+0x8e/0xe0 [ib_core]\n ? __pfx_qp_event_handler+0x10/0x10 [ib_core]\n ib_mad_init_device+0x2be/0x680 [ib_core]\n add_client_context+0x10d/0x1a0 [ib_core]\n enable_device_and_get+0xe0/0x1d0 [ib_core]\n ib_register_device+0x53c/0x630 [ib_core]\n ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0xfbef5\n bnxt_re_probe+0xbd8/0xe50 [bnxt_re]\n ? __pfx_bnxt_re_probe+0x10/0x10 [bnxt_re]\n auxiliary_bus_probe+0x49/0x80\n ? driver_sysfs_add+0x57/0xc0\n really_probe+0xde/0x340\n ? pm_runtime_barrier+0x54/0x90\n ? __pfx___driver_attach+0x10/0x10\n __driver_probe_device+0x78/0x110\n driver_probe_device+0x1f/0xa0\n __driver_attach+0xba/0x1c0\n bus_for_each_dev+0x8f/0xe0\n bus_add_driver+0x146/0x220\n driver_register+0x72/0xd0\n __auxiliary_driver_register+0x6e/0xd0\n ? __pfx_bnxt_re_mod_init+0x10/0x10 [bnxt_re]\n bnxt_re_mod_init+0x3e/0xff0 [bnxt_re]\n ? __pfx_bnxt_re_mod_init+0x10/0x10 [bnxt_re]\n do_one_initcall+0x5b/0x310\n do_init_module+0x90/0x250\n init_module_from_file+0x86/0xc0\n idempotent_init_module+0x121/0x2b0\n __x64_sys_finit_module+0x5e/0xb0\n do_syscall_64+0x82/0x160\n ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0xfbef5\n ? syscall_exit_to_user_mode_prepare+0x149/0x170\n ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0xfbef5\n ? syscall_exit_to_user_mode+0x75/0x230\n ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0xfbef5\n ? do_syscall_64+0x8e/0x160\n ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0xfbef5\n ? __count_memcg_events+0x69/0x100\n ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0xfbef5\n ? count_memcg_events.constprop.0+0x1a/0x30\n ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0xfbef5\n ? handle_mm_fault+0x1f0/0x300\n ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0xfbef5\n ? do_user_addr_fault+0x34e/0x640\n ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0xfbef5\n ? srso_alias_return_thunk+0x5/0xfbef5\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x76/0x7e\n RIP: 0033:0x7f4e5132821d\n Code: ff c3 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 90 f3 0f 1e fa 48 89 f8 48 89 f7 48 89 d6 48 89 ca 4d 89 c2 4d 89 c8 4c 8b 4c 24 08 0f 05 <48> 3d 01 f0 ff ff 73 01 c3 48 8b 0d e3 db 0c 00 f7 d8 64 89 01 48\n RSP: 002b:00007ffca9c906a8 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000139\n RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 0000563ec8a8f130 RCX: 00007f4e5132821d\n RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 00007f4e518fa07d RDI: 000000000000003b\n RBP: 00007ffca9c90760 R08: 00007f4e513f6b20 R09: 00007ffca9c906f0\n R10: 0000563ec8a8faa0 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 00007f4e518fa07d\n R13: 0000000000020000 R14: 0000563ec8409e90 R15: 0000563ec8a8fa60\n </TASK>\n ---[ end trace ]---', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38540 was patched at 2024-06-30

419. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38543) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: lib/test_hmm.c: handle src_pfns and dst_pfns allocation failure The kcalloc() in dmirror_device_evict_chunk() will return null if the physical memory has run out. As a result, if src_pfns or dst_pfns is dereferenced, the null pointer dereference bug will happen. Moreover, the device is going away. If the kcalloc() fails, the pages mapping a chunk could not be evicted. So add a __GFP_NOFAIL flag in kcalloc(). Finally, as there is no need to have physically contiguous memory, Switch kcalloc() to kvcalloc() in order to avoid failing allocations.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nlib/test_hmm.c: handle src_pfns and dst_pfns allocation failure\n\nThe kcalloc() in dmirror_device_evict_chunk() will return null if the\nphysical memory has run out. As a result, if src_pfns or dst_pfns is\ndereferenced, the null pointer dereference bug will happen.\n\nMoreover, the device is going away. If the kcalloc() fails, the pages\nmapping a chunk could not be evicted. So add a __GFP_NOFAIL flag in\nkcalloc().\n\nFinally, as there is no need to have physically contiguous memory, Switch\nkcalloc() to kvcalloc() in order to avoid failing allocations.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38543 was patched at 2024-06-30

420. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38544) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: RDMA/rxe: Fix seg fault in rxe_comp_queue_pkt In rxe_comp_queue_pkt() an incoming response packet skb is enqueued to the resp_pkts queue and then a decision is made whether to run the completer task inline or schedule it. Finally the skb is dereferenced to bump a 'hw' performance counter. This is wrong because if the completer task is already running in a separate thread it may have already processed the skb and freed it which can cause a seg fault. This has been observed infrequently in testing at high scale. This patch fixes this by changing the order of enqueuing the packet until after the counter is accessed.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nRDMA/rxe: Fix seg fault in rxe_comp_queue_pkt\n\nIn rxe_comp_queue_pkt() an incoming response packet skb is enqueued to the\nresp_pkts queue and then a decision is made whether to run the completer\ntask inline or schedule it. Finally the skb is dereferenced to bump a 'hw'\nperformance counter. This is wrong because if the completer task is\nalready running in a separate thread it may have already processed the skb\nand freed it which can cause a seg fault. This has been observed\ninfrequently in testing at high scale.\n\nThis patch fixes this by changing the order of enqueuing the packet until\nafter the counter is accessed.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38544 was patched at 2024-06-30

421. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38545) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: RDMA/hns: Fix UAF for cq async event The refcount of CQ is not protected by locks. When CQ asynchronous events and CQ destruction are concurrent, CQ may have been released, which will cause UAF. Use the xa_lock() to protect the CQ refcount.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nRDMA/hns: Fix UAF for cq async event\n\nThe refcount of CQ is not protected by locks. When CQ asynchronous\nevents and CQ destruction are concurrent, CQ may have been released,\nwhich will cause UAF.\n\nUse the xa_lock() to protect the CQ refcount.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38545 was patched at 2024-06-30

422. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38553) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: fec: remove .ndo_poll_controller to avoid deadlocks There is a deadlock issue found in sungem driver, please refer to the commit ac0a230f719b ("eth: sungem: remove .ndo_poll_controller to avoid deadlocks"). The root cause of the issue is that netpoll is in atomic context and disable_irq() is called by .ndo_poll_controller interface of sungem driver, however, disable_irq() might sleep. After analyzing the implementation of fec_poll_controller(), the fec driver should have the same issue. Due to the fec driver uses NAPI for TX completions, the .ndo_poll_controller is unnecessary to be implemented in the fec driver, so fec_poll_controller() can be safely removed.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: fec: remove .ndo_poll_controller to avoid deadlocks\n\nThere is a deadlock issue found in sungem driver, please refer to the\ncommit ac0a230f719b ("eth: sungem: remove .ndo_poll_controller to avoid\ndeadlocks"). The root cause of the issue is that netpoll is in atomic\ncontext and disable_irq() is called by .ndo_poll_controller interface\nof sungem driver, however, disable_irq() might sleep. After analyzing\nthe implementation of fec_poll_controller(), the fec driver should have\nthe same issue. Due to the fec driver uses NAPI for TX completions, the\n.ndo_poll_controller is unnecessary to be implemented in the fec driver,\nso fec_poll_controller() can be safely removed.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38553 was patched at 2024-06-30

423. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38556) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/mlx5: Add a timeout to acquire the command queue semaphore Prevent forced completion handling on an entry that has not yet been assigned an index, causing an out of bounds access on idx = -22. Instead of waiting indefinitely for the sem, blocking flow now waits for index to be allocated or a sem acquisition timeout before beginning the timer for FW completion. Kernel log example: mlx5_core 0000:06:00.0: wait_func_handle_exec_timeout:1128:(pid 185911): cmd[-22]: CREATE_UCTX(0xa04) No done completion', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet/mlx5: Add a timeout to acquire the command queue semaphore\n\nPrevent forced completion handling on an entry that has not yet been\nassigned an index, causing an out of bounds access on idx = -22.\nInstead of waiting indefinitely for the sem, blocking flow now waits for\nindex to be allocated or a sem acquisition timeout before beginning the\ntimer for FW completion.\n\nKernel log example:\nmlx5_core 0000:06:00.0: wait_func_handle_exec_timeout:1128:(pid 185911): cmd[-22]: CREATE_UCTX(0xa04) No done completion', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38556 was patched at 2024-06-30

424. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38557) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/mlx5: Reload only IB representors upon lag disable/enable On lag disable, the bond IB device along with all of its representors are destroyed, and then the slaves' representors get reloaded. In case the slave IB representor load fails, the eswitch error flow unloads all representors, including ethernet representors, where the netdevs get detached and removed from lag bond. Such flow is inaccurate as the lag driver is not responsible for loading/unloading ethernet representors. Furthermore, the flow described above begins by holding lag lock to prevent bond changes during disable flow. However, when reaching the ethernet representors detachment from lag, the lag lock is required again, triggering the following deadlock: Call trace: __switch_to+0xf4/0x148 __schedule+0x2c8/0x7d0 schedule+0x50/0xe0 schedule_preempt_disabled+0x18/0x28 __mutex_lock.isra.13+0x2b8/0x570 __mutex_lock_slowpath+0x1c/0x28 mutex_lock+0x4c/0x68 mlx5_lag_remove_netdev+0x3c/0x1a0 [mlx5_core] mlx5e_uplink_rep_disable+0x70/0xa0 [mlx5_core] mlx5e_detach_netdev+0x6c/0xb0 [mlx5_core] mlx5e_netdev_change_profile+0x44/0x138 [mlx5_core] mlx5e_netdev_attach_nic_profile+0x28/0x38 [mlx5_core] mlx5e_vport_rep_unload+0x184/0x1b8 [mlx5_core] mlx5_esw_offloads_rep_load+0xd8/0xe0 [mlx5_core] mlx5_eswitch_reload_reps+0x74/0xd0 [mlx5_core] mlx5_disable_lag+0x130/0x138 [mlx5_core] mlx5_lag_disable_change+0x6c/0x70 [mlx5_core] // hold ldev->lock mlx5_devlink_eswitch_mode_set+0xc0/0x410 [mlx5_core] devlink_nl_cmd_eswitch_set_doit+0xdc/0x180 genl_family_rcv_msg_doit.isra.17+0xe8/0x138 genl_rcv_msg+0xe4/0x220 netlink_rcv_skb+0x44/0x108 genl_rcv+0x40/0x58 netlink_unicast+0x198/0x268 netlink_sendmsg+0x1d4/0x418 sock_sendmsg+0x54/0x60 __sys_sendto+0xf4/0x120 __arm64_sys_sendto+0x30/0x40 el0_svc_common+0x8c/0x120 do_el0_svc+0x30/0xa0 el0_svc+0x20/0x30 el0_sync_handler+0x90/0xb8 el0_sync+0x160/0x180 Thus, upon lag enable/disable, load and unload only the IB representors of the slaves preventing the deadlock mentioned above. While at it, refactor the mlx5_esw_offloads_rep_load() function to have a static helper method for its internal logic, in symmetry with the representor unload design.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet/mlx5: Reload only IB representors upon lag disable/enable\n\nOn lag disable, the bond IB device along with all of its\nrepresentors are destroyed, and then the slaves' representors get reloaded.\n\nIn case the slave IB representor load fails, the eswitch error flow\nunloads all representors, including ethernet representors, where the\nnetdevs get detached and removed from lag bond. Such flow is inaccurate\nas the lag driver is not responsible for loading/unloading ethernet\nrepresentors. Furthermore, the flow described above begins by holding\nlag lock to prevent bond changes during disable flow. However, when\nreaching the ethernet representors detachment from lag, the lag lock is\nrequired again, triggering the following deadlock:\n\nCall trace:\n__switch_to+0xf4/0x148\n__schedule+0x2c8/0x7d0\nschedule+0x50/0xe0\nschedule_preempt_disabled+0x18/0x28\n__mutex_lock.isra.13+0x2b8/0x570\n__mutex_lock_slowpath+0x1c/0x28\nmutex_lock+0x4c/0x68\nmlx5_lag_remove_netdev+0x3c/0x1a0 [mlx5_core]\nmlx5e_uplink_rep_disable+0x70/0xa0 [mlx5_core]\nmlx5e_detach_netdev+0x6c/0xb0 [mlx5_core]\nmlx5e_netdev_change_profile+0x44/0x138 [mlx5_core]\nmlx5e_netdev_attach_nic_profile+0x28/0x38 [mlx5_core]\nmlx5e_vport_rep_unload+0x184/0x1b8 [mlx5_core]\nmlx5_esw_offloads_rep_load+0xd8/0xe0 [mlx5_core]\nmlx5_eswitch_reload_reps+0x74/0xd0 [mlx5_core]\nmlx5_disable_lag+0x130/0x138 [mlx5_core]\nmlx5_lag_disable_change+0x6c/0x70 [mlx5_core] // hold ldev->lock\nmlx5_devlink_eswitch_mode_set+0xc0/0x410 [mlx5_core]\ndevlink_nl_cmd_eswitch_set_doit+0xdc/0x180\ngenl_family_rcv_msg_doit.isra.17+0xe8/0x138\ngenl_rcv_msg+0xe4/0x220\nnetlink_rcv_skb+0x44/0x108\ngenl_rcv+0x40/0x58\nnetlink_unicast+0x198/0x268\nnetlink_sendmsg+0x1d4/0x418\nsock_sendmsg+0x54/0x60\n__sys_sendto+0xf4/0x120\n__arm64_sys_sendto+0x30/0x40\nel0_svc_common+0x8c/0x120\ndo_el0_svc+0x30/0xa0\nel0_svc+0x20/0x30\nel0_sync_handler+0x90/0xb8\nel0_sync+0x160/0x180\n\nThus, upon lag enable/disable, load and unload only the IB representors\nof the slaves preventing the deadlock mentioned above.\n\nWhile at it, refactor the mlx5_esw_offloads_rep_load() function to have\na static helper method for its internal logic, in symmetry with the\nrepresentor unload design.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38557 was patched at 2024-06-30

425. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38564) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bpf: Add BPF_PROG_TYPE_CGROUP_SKB attach type enforcement in BPF_LINK_CREATE bpf_prog_attach uses attach_type_to_prog_type to enforce proper attach type for BPF_PROG_TYPE_CGROUP_SKB. link_create uses bpf_prog_get and relies on bpf_prog_attach_check_attach_type to properly verify prog_type <> attach_type association. Add missing attach_type enforcement for the link_create case. Otherwise, it's currently possible to attach cgroup_skb prog types to other cgroup hooks.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbpf: Add BPF_PROG_TYPE_CGROUP_SKB attach type enforcement in BPF_LINK_CREATE\n\nbpf_prog_attach uses attach_type_to_prog_type to enforce proper\nattach type for BPF_PROG_TYPE_CGROUP_SKB. link_create uses\nbpf_prog_get and relies on bpf_prog_attach_check_attach_type\nto properly verify prog_type <> attach_type association.\n\nAdd missing attach_type enforcement for the link_create case.\nOtherwise, it's currently possible to attach cgroup_skb prog\ntypes to other cgroup hooks.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38564 was patched at 2024-06-30

426. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38568) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drivers/perf: hisi: hns3: Fix out-of-bound access when valid event group The perf tool allows users to create event groups through following cmd [1], but the driver does not check whether the array index is out of bounds when writing data to the event_group array. If the number of events in an event_group is greater than HNS3_PMU_MAX_HW_EVENTS, the memory write overflow of event_group array occurs. Add array index check to fix the possible array out of bounds violation, and return directly when write new events are written to array bounds. There are 9 different events in an event_group. [1] perf stat -e '{pmu/event1/, ... ,pmu/event9/}', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrivers/perf: hisi: hns3: Fix out-of-bound access when valid event group\n\nThe perf tool allows users to create event groups through following\ncmd [1], but the driver does not check whether the array index is out\nof bounds when writing data to the event_group array. If the number of\nevents in an event_group is greater than HNS3_PMU_MAX_HW_EVENTS, the\nmemory write overflow of event_group array occurs.\n\nAdd array index check to fix the possible array out of bounds violation,\nand return directly when write new events are written to array bounds.\n\nThere are 9 different events in an event_group.\n[1] perf stat -e '{pmu/event1/, ... ,pmu/event9/}', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38568 was patched at 2024-06-30

427. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38569) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drivers/perf: hisi_pcie: Fix out-of-bound access when valid event group The perf tool allows users to create event groups through following cmd [1], but the driver does not check whether the array index is out of bounds when writing data to the event_group array. If the number of events in an event_group is greater than HISI_PCIE_MAX_COUNTERS, the memory write overflow of event_group array occurs. Add array index check to fix the possible array out of bounds violation, and return directly when write new events are written to array bounds. There are 9 different events in an event_group. [1] perf stat -e '{pmu/event1/, ... ,pmu/event9/}'', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrivers/perf: hisi_pcie: Fix out-of-bound access when valid event group\n\nThe perf tool allows users to create event groups through following\ncmd [1], but the driver does not check whether the array index is out of\nbounds when writing data to the event_group array. If the number of events\nin an event_group is greater than HISI_PCIE_MAX_COUNTERS, the memory write\noverflow of event_group array occurs.\n\nAdd array index check to fix the possible array out of bounds violation,\nand return directly when write new events are written to array bounds.\n\nThere are 9 different events in an event_group.\n[1] perf stat -e '{pmu/event1/, ... ,pmu/event9/}'', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38569 was patched at 2024-06-30

428. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38575) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: brcmfmac: pcie: handle randbuf allocation failure The kzalloc() in brcmf_pcie_download_fw_nvram() will return null if the physical memory has run out. As a result, if we use get_random_bytes() to generate random bytes in the randbuf, the null pointer dereference bug will happen. In order to prevent allocation failure, this patch adds a separate function using buffer on kernel stack to generate random bytes in the randbuf, which could prevent the kernel stack from overflow.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nwifi: brcmfmac: pcie: handle randbuf allocation failure\n\nThe kzalloc() in brcmf_pcie_download_fw_nvram() will return null\nif the physical memory has run out. As a result, if we use\nget_random_bytes() to generate random bytes in the randbuf, the\nnull pointer dereference bug will happen.\n\nIn order to prevent allocation failure, this patch adds a separate\nfunction using buffer on kernel stack to generate random bytes in\nthe randbuf, which could prevent the kernel stack from overflow.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38575 was patched at 2024-06-30

429. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38580) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: epoll: be better about file lifetimes epoll can call out to vfs_poll() with a file pointer that may race with the last 'fput()'. That would make f_count go down to zero, and while the ep->mtx locking means that the resulting file pointer tear-down will be blocked until the poll returns, it means that f_count is already dead, and any use of it won't actually get a reference to the file any more: it's dead regardless. Make sure we have a valid ref on the file pointer before we call down to vfs_poll() from the epoll routines.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nepoll: be better about file lifetimes\n\nepoll can call out to vfs_poll() with a file pointer that may race with\nthe last 'fput()'. That would make f_count go down to zero, and while\nthe ep->mtx locking means that the resulting file pointer tear-down will\nbe blocked until the poll returns, it means that f_count is already\ndead, and any use of it won't actually get a reference to the file any\nmore: it's dead regardless.\n\nMake sure we have a valid ref on the file pointer before we call down to\nvfs_poll() from the epoll routines.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38580 was patched at 2024-06-30

430. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38585) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: tools/nolibc/stdlib: fix memory error in realloc() Pass user_p_len to memcpy() instead of heap->len to prevent realloc() from copying an extra sizeof(heap) bytes from beyond the allocated region.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ntools/nolibc/stdlib: fix memory error in realloc()\n\nPass user_p_len to memcpy() instead of heap->len to prevent realloc()\nfrom copying an extra sizeof(heap) bytes from beyond the allocated\nregion.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38585 was patched at 2024-06-30

431. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38594) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: stmmac: move the EST lock to struct stmmac_priv Reinitialize the whole EST structure would also reset the mutex lock which is embedded in the EST structure, and then trigger the following warning. To address this, move the lock to struct stmmac_priv. We also need to reacquire the mutex lock when doing this initialization. DEBUG_LOCKS_WARN_ON(lock->magic != lock) WARNING: CPU: 3 PID: 505 at kernel/locking/mutex.c:587 __mutex_lock+0xd84/0x1068 Modules linked in: CPU: 3 PID: 505 Comm: tc Not tainted 6.9.0-rc6-00053-g0106679839f7-dirty #29 Hardware name: NXP i.MX8MPlus EVK board (DT) pstate: 60000005 (nZCv daif -PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--) pc : __mutex_lock+0xd84/0x1068 lr : __mutex_lock+0xd84/0x1068 sp : ffffffc0864e3570 x29: ffffffc0864e3570 x28: ffffffc0817bdc78 x27: 0000000000000003 x26: ffffff80c54f1808 x25: ffffff80c9164080 x24: ffffffc080d723ac x23: 0000000000000000 x22: 0000000000000002 x21: 0000000000000000 x20: 0000000000000000 x19: ffffffc083bc3000 x18: ffffffffffffffff x17: ffffffc08117b080 x16: 0000000000000002 x15: ffffff80d2d40000 x14: 00000000000002da x13: ffffff80d2d404b8 x12: ffffffc082b5a5c8 x11: ffffffc082bca680 x10: ffffffc082bb2640 x9 : ffffffc082bb2698 x8 : 0000000000017fe8 x7 : c0000000ffffefff x6 : 0000000000000001 x5 : ffffff8178fe0d48 x4 : 0000000000000000 x3 : 0000000000000027 x2 : ffffff8178fe0d50 x1 : 0000000000000000 x0 : 0000000000000000 Call trace: __mutex_lock+0xd84/0x1068 mutex_lock_nested+0x28/0x34 tc_setup_taprio+0x118/0x68c stmmac_setup_tc+0x50/0xf0 taprio_change+0x868/0xc9c', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: stmmac: move the EST lock to struct stmmac_priv\n\nReinitialize the whole EST structure would also reset the mutex\nlock which is embedded in the EST structure, and then trigger\nthe following warning. To address this, move the lock to struct\nstmmac_priv. We also need to reacquire the mutex lock when doing\nthis initialization.\n\nDEBUG_LOCKS_WARN_ON(lock->magic != lock)\nWARNING: CPU: 3 PID: 505 at kernel/locking/mutex.c:587 __mutex_lock+0xd84/0x1068\n Modules linked in:\n CPU: 3 PID: 505 Comm: tc Not tainted 6.9.0-rc6-00053-g0106679839f7-dirty #29\n Hardware name: NXP i.MX8MPlus EVK board (DT)\n pstate: 60000005 (nZCv daif -PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--)\n pc : __mutex_lock+0xd84/0x1068\n lr : __mutex_lock+0xd84/0x1068\n sp : ffffffc0864e3570\n x29: ffffffc0864e3570 x28: ffffffc0817bdc78 x27: 0000000000000003\n x26: ffffff80c54f1808 x25: ffffff80c9164080 x24: ffffffc080d723ac\n x23: 0000000000000000 x22: 0000000000000002 x21: 0000000000000000\n x20: 0000000000000000 x19: ffffffc083bc3000 x18: ffffffffffffffff\n x17: ffffffc08117b080 x16: 0000000000000002 x15: ffffff80d2d40000\n x14: 00000000000002da x13: ffffff80d2d404b8 x12: ffffffc082b5a5c8\n x11: ffffffc082bca680 x10: ffffffc082bb2640 x9 : ffffffc082bb2698\n x8 : 0000000000017fe8 x7 : c0000000ffffefff x6 : 0000000000000001\n x5 : ffffff8178fe0d48 x4 : 0000000000000000 x3 : 0000000000000027\n x2 : ffffff8178fe0d50 x1 : 0000000000000000 x0 : 0000000000000000\n Call trace:\n __mutex_lock+0xd84/0x1068\n mutex_lock_nested+0x28/0x34\n tc_setup_taprio+0x118/0x68c\n stmmac_setup_tc+0x50/0xf0\n taprio_change+0x868/0xc9c', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38594 was patched at 2024-06-30

432. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38611) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: media: i2c: et8ek8: Don't strip remove function when driver is builtin Using __exit for the remove function results in the remove callback being discarded with CONFIG_VIDEO_ET8EK8=y. When such a device gets unbound (e.g. using sysfs or hotplug), the driver is just removed without the cleanup being performed. This results in resource leaks. Fix it by compiling in the remove callback unconditionally. This also fixes a W=1 modpost warning: \tWARNING: modpost: drivers/media/i2c/et8ek8/et8ek8: section mismatch in reference: et8ek8_i2c_driver+0x10 (section: .data) -> et8ek8_remove (section: .exit.text)', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmedia: i2c: et8ek8: Don't strip remove function when driver is builtin\n\nUsing __exit for the remove function results in the remove callback\nbeing discarded with CONFIG_VIDEO_ET8EK8=y. When such a device gets\nunbound (e.g. using sysfs or hotplug), the driver is just removed\nwithout the cleanup being performed. This results in resource leaks. Fix\nit by compiling in the remove callback unconditionally.\n\nThis also fixes a W=1 modpost warning:\n\n\tWARNING: modpost: drivers/media/i2c/et8ek8/et8ek8: section mismatch in reference: et8ek8_i2c_driver+0x10 (section: .data) -> et8ek8_remove (section: .exit.text)', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38611 was patched at 2024-06-30

433. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38620) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: Bluetooth: HCI: Remove HCI_AMP support Since BT_HS has been remove HCI_AMP controllers no longer has any use so remove it along with the capability of creating AMP controllers. Since we no longer need to differentiate between AMP and Primary controllers, as only HCI_PRIMARY is left, this also remove hdev->dev_type altogether.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nBluetooth: HCI: Remove HCI_AMP support\n\nSince BT_HS has been remove HCI_AMP controllers no longer has any use so\nremove it along with the capability of creating AMP controllers.\n\nSince we no longer need to differentiate between AMP and Primary\ncontrollers, as only HCI_PRIMARY is left, this also remove\nhdev->dev_type altogether.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38620 was patched at 2024-06-30

434. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38622) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/msm/dpu: Add callback function pointer check before its call In dpu_core_irq_callback_handler() callback function pointer is compared to NULL, but then callback function is unconditionally called by this pointer. Fix this bug by adding conditional return. Found by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE. Patchwork:', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/msm/dpu: Add callback function pointer check before its call\n\nIn dpu_core_irq_callback_handler() callback function pointer is compared to NULL,\nbut then callback function is unconditionally called by this pointer.\nFix this bug by adding conditional return.\n\nFound by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.\n\nPatchwork:', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38622 was patched at 2024-06-30

435. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38624) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: fs/ntfs3: Use 64 bit variable to avoid 32 bit overflow For example, in the expression: \tvbo = 2 * vbo + skip', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nfs/ntfs3: Use 64 bit variable to avoid 32 bit overflow\n\nFor example, in the expression:\n\tvbo = 2 * vbo + skip', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38624 was patched at 2024-06-30

436. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38625) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: fs/ntfs3: Check 'folio' pointer for NULL It can be NULL if bmap is called.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nfs/ntfs3: Check 'folio' pointer for NULL\n\nIt can be NULL if bmap is called.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38625 was patched at 2024-06-30

437. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38636) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: f2fs: multidev: fix to recognize valid zero block address As reported by Yi Zhang in mailing list [1], kernel warning was catched during zbd/010 test as below: ./check zbd/010 zbd/010 (test gap zone support with F2FS) [failed] runtime ... 3.752s something found in dmesg: [ 4378.146781] run blktests zbd/010 at 2024-02-18 11:31:13 [ 4378.192349] null_blk: module loaded [ 4378.209860] null_blk: disk nullb0 created [ 4378.413285] scsi_debug:sdebug_driver_probe: scsi_debug: trim poll_queues to 0. poll_q/nr_hw = (0/1) [ 4378.422334] scsi host15: scsi_debug: version 0191 [20210520] dev_size_mb=1024, opts=0x0, submit_queues=1, statistics=0 [ 4378.434922] scsi 15:0:0:0: Direct-Access-ZBC Linux scsi_debug 0191 PQ: 0 ANSI: 7 [ 4378.443343] scsi 15:0:0:0: Power-on or device reset occurred [ 4378.449371] sd 15:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg5 type 20 [ 4378.449418] sd 15:0:0:0: [sdf] Host-managed zoned block device ... (See '/mnt/tests/' WARNING: CPU: 22 PID: 44011 at fs/iomap/iter.c:51 CPU: 22 PID: 44011 Comm: fio Not tainted 6.8.0-rc3+ #1 RIP: 0010:iomap_iter+0x32b/0x350 Call Trace: <TASK> __iomap_dio_rw+0x1df/0x830 f2fs_file_read_iter+0x156/0x3d0 [f2fs] aio_read+0x138/0x210 io_submit_one+0x188/0x8c0 __x64_sys_io_submit+0x8c/0x1a0 do_syscall_64+0x86/0x170 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x6e/0x76 Shinichiro Kawasaki helps to analyse this issue and proposes a potential fixing patch in [2]. Quoted from reply of Shinichiro Kawasaki: "I confirmed that the trigger commit is dbf8e63f48af as Yi reported. I took a look in the commit, but it looks fine to me. So I thought the cause is not in the commit diff. I found the WARN is printed when the f2fs is set up with multiple devices, and read requests are mapped to the very first block of the second device in the direct read path. In this case, f2fs_map_blocks() and f2fs_map_blocks_cached() modify map->m_pblk as the physical block address from each block device. It becomes zero when it is mapped to the first block of the device. However, f2fs_iomap_begin() assumes that map->m_pblk is the physical block address of the whole f2fs, across the all block devices. It compares map->m_pblk against NULL_ADDR == 0, then go into the unexpected branch and sets the invalid iomap->length. The WARN catches the invalid iomap->length. This WARN is printed even for non-zoned block devices, by following steps. - Create two (non-zoned) null_blk devices memory backed with 128MB size each: nullb0 and nullb1. # mkfs.f2fs /dev/nullb0 -c /dev/nullb1 # mount -t f2fs /dev/nullb0 "${mount_dir}" # dd if=/dev/zero of="${mount_dir}/test.dat" bs=1M count=192 # dd if="${mount_dir}/test.dat" of=/dev/null bs=1M count=192 iflag=direct ..." So, the root cause of this issue is: when multi-devices feature is on, f2fs_map_blocks() may return zero blkaddr in non-primary device, which is a verified valid block address, however, f2fs_iomap_begin() treats it as an invalid block address, and then it triggers the warning in iomap framework code. Finally, as discussed, we decide to use a more simple and direct way that checking (map.m_flags & F2FS_MAP_MAPPED) condition instead of (map.m_pblk != NULL_ADDR) to fix this issue. Thanks a lot for the effort of Yi Zhang and Shinichiro Kawasaki on this issue. [1] [2]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nf2fs: multidev: fix to recognize valid zero block address\n\nAs reported by Yi Zhang in mailing list [1], kernel warning was catched\nduring zbd/010 test as below:\n\n./check zbd/010\nzbd/010 (test gap zone support with F2FS) [failed]\n runtime ... 3.752s\n something found in dmesg:\n [ 4378.146781] run blktests zbd/010 at 2024-02-18 11:31:13\n [ 4378.192349] null_blk: module loaded\n [ 4378.209860] null_blk: disk nullb0 created\n [ 4378.413285] scsi_debug:sdebug_driver_probe: scsi_debug: trim\npoll_queues to 0. poll_q/nr_hw = (0/1)\n [ 4378.422334] scsi host15: scsi_debug: version 0191 [20210520]\n dev_size_mb=1024, opts=0x0, submit_queues=1, statistics=0\n [ 4378.434922] scsi 15:0:0:0: Direct-Access-ZBC Linux\nscsi_debug 0191 PQ: 0 ANSI: 7\n [ 4378.443343] scsi 15:0:0:0: Power-on or device reset occurred\n [ 4378.449371] sd 15:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg5 type 20\n [ 4378.449418] sd 15:0:0:0: [sdf] Host-managed zoned block device\n ...\n (See '/mnt/tests/'\n\nWARNING: CPU: 22 PID: 44011 at fs/iomap/iter.c:51\nCPU: 22 PID: 44011 Comm: fio Not tainted 6.8.0-rc3+ #1\nRIP: 0010:iomap_iter+0x32b/0x350\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n __iomap_dio_rw+0x1df/0x830\n f2fs_file_read_iter+0x156/0x3d0 [f2fs]\n aio_read+0x138/0x210\n io_submit_one+0x188/0x8c0\n __x64_sys_io_submit+0x8c/0x1a0\n do_syscall_64+0x86/0x170\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x6e/0x76\n\nShinichiro Kawasaki helps to analyse this issue and proposes a potential\nfixing patch in [2].\n\nQuoted from reply of Shinichiro Kawasaki:\n\n"I confirmed that the trigger commit is dbf8e63f48af as Yi reported. I took a\nlook in the commit, but it looks fine to me. So I thought the cause is not\nin the commit diff.\n\nI found the WARN is printed when the f2fs is set up with multiple devices,\nand read requests are mapped to the very first block of the second device in the\ndirect read path. In this case, f2fs_map_blocks() and f2fs_map_blocks_cached()\nmodify map->m_pblk as the physical block address from each block device. It\nbecomes zero when it is mapped to the first block of the device. However,\nf2fs_iomap_begin() assumes that map->m_pblk is the physical block address of the\nwhole f2fs, across the all block devices. It compares map->m_pblk against\nNULL_ADDR == 0, then go into the unexpected branch and sets the invalid\niomap->length. The WARN catches the invalid iomap->length.\n\nThis WARN is printed even for non-zoned block devices, by following steps.\n\n - Create two (non-zoned) null_blk devices memory backed with 128MB size each:\n nullb0 and nullb1.\n # mkfs.f2fs /dev/nullb0 -c /dev/nullb1\n # mount -t f2fs /dev/nullb0 "${mount_dir}"\n # dd if=/dev/zero of="${mount_dir}/test.dat" bs=1M count=192\n # dd if="${mount_dir}/test.dat" of=/dev/null bs=1M count=192 iflag=direct\n\n..."\n\nSo, the root cause of this issue is: when multi-devices feature is on,\nf2fs_map_blocks() may return zero blkaddr in non-primary device, which is\na verified valid block address, however, f2fs_iomap_begin() treats it as\nan invalid block address, and then it triggers the warning in iomap\nframework code.\n\nFinally, as discussed, we decide to use a more simple and direct way that\nchecking (map.m_flags & F2FS_MAP_MAPPED) condition instead of\n(map.m_pblk != NULL_ADDR) to fix this issue.\n\nThanks a lot for the effort of Yi Zhang and Shinichiro Kawasaki on this\nissue.\n\n[1]\n[2]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38636 was patched at 2024-06-30

438. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39298) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mm/memory-failure: fix handling of dissolved but not taken off from buddy pages When I did memory failure tests recently, below panic occurs: page: refcount:0 mapcount:0 mapping:0000000000000000 index:0x0 pfn:0x8cee00 flags: 0x6fffe0000000000(node=1|zone=2|lastcpupid=0x7fff) raw: 06fffe0000000000 dead000000000100 dead000000000122 0000000000000000 raw: 0000000000000000 0000000000000009 00000000ffffffff 0000000000000000 page dumped because: VM_BUG_ON_PAGE(!PageBuddy(page)) ------------[ cut here ]------------ kernel BUG at include/linux/page-flags.h:1009! invalid opcode: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP NOPTI RIP: 0010:__del_page_from_free_list+0x151/0x180 RSP: 0018:ffffa49c90437998 EFLAGS: 00000046 RAX: 0000000000000035 RBX: 0000000000000009 RCX: ffff8dd8dfd1c9c8 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000027 RDI: ffff8dd8dfd1c9c0 RBP: ffffd901233b8000 R08: ffffffffab5511f8 R09: 0000000000008c69 R10: 0000000000003c15 R11: ffffffffab5511f8 R12: ffff8dd8fffc0c80 R13: 0000000000000001 R14: ffff8dd8fffc0c80 R15: 0000000000000009 FS: 00007ff916304740(0000) GS:ffff8dd8dfd00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 000055eae50124c8 CR3: 00000008479e0000 CR4: 00000000000006f0 Call Trace: <TASK> __rmqueue_pcplist+0x23b/0x520 get_page_from_freelist+0x26b/0xe40 __alloc_pages_noprof+0x113/0x1120 __folio_alloc_noprof+0x11/0xb0 alloc_buddy_hugetlb_folio.isra.0+0x5a/0x130 __alloc_fresh_hugetlb_folio+0xe7/0x140 alloc_pool_huge_folio+0x68/0x100 set_max_huge_pages+0x13d/0x340 hugetlb_sysctl_handler_common+0xe8/0x110 proc_sys_call_handler+0x194/0x280 vfs_write+0x387/0x550 ksys_write+0x64/0xe0 do_syscall_64+0xc2/0x1d0 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f RIP: 0033:0x7ff916114887 RSP: 002b:00007ffec8a2fd78 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000001 RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 000055eae500e350 RCX: 00007ff916114887 RDX: 0000000000000004 RSI: 000055eae500e390 RDI: 0000000000000003 RBP: 000055eae50104c0 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 000055eae50104c0 R10: 0000000000000077 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 0000000000000004 R13: 0000000000000004 R14: 00007ff916216b80 R15: 00007ff916216a00 </TASK> Modules linked in: mce_inject hwpoison_inject ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]--- And before the panic, there had an warning about bad page state: BUG: Bad page state in process page-types pfn:8cee00 page: refcount:0 mapcount:0 mapping:0000000000000000 index:0x0 pfn:0x8cee00 flags: 0x6fffe0000000000(node=1|zone=2|lastcpupid=0x7fff) page_type: 0xffffff7f(buddy) raw: 06fffe0000000000 ffffd901241c0008 ffffd901240f8008 0000000000000000 raw: 0000000000000000 0000000000000009 00000000ffffff7f 0000000000000000 page dumped because: nonzero mapcount Modules linked in: mce_inject hwpoison_inject CPU: 8 PID: 154211 Comm: page-types Not tainted 6.9.0-rc4-00499-g5544ec3178e2-dirty #22 Call Trace: <TASK> dump_stack_lvl+0x83/0xa0 bad_page+0x63/0xf0 free_unref_page+0x36e/0x5c0 unpoison_memory+0x50b/0x630 simple_attr_write_xsigned.constprop.0.isra.0+0xb3/0x110 debugfs_attr_write+0x42/0x60 full_proxy_write+0x5b/0x80 vfs_write+0xcd/0x550 ksys_write+0x64/0xe0 do_syscall_64+0xc2/0x1d0 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f RIP: 0033:0x7f189a514887 RSP: 002b:00007ffdcd899718 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000001 RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 0000000000000000 RCX: 00007f189a514887 RDX: 0000000000000009 RSI: 00007ffdcd899730 RDI: 0000000000000003 RBP: 00007ffdcd8997a0 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 00007ffdcd8994b2 R10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 00007ffdcda199a8 R13: 0000000000404af1 R14: 000000000040ad78 R15: 00007f189a7a5040 </TASK> The root cause should be the below race: memory_failure try_memory_failure_hugetlb me_huge_page __page_handle_poison dissolve_free_hugetlb_folio drain_all_pages -- Buddy page can be isolated e.g. for compaction. take_page_off_buddy -- Failed as page is not in the ---truncated---', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmm/memory-failure: fix handling of dissolved but not taken off from buddy pages\n\nWhen I did memory failure tests recently, below panic occurs:\n\npage: refcount:0 mapcount:0 mapping:0000000000000000 index:0x0 pfn:0x8cee00\nflags: 0x6fffe0000000000(node=1|zone=2|lastcpupid=0x7fff)\nraw: 06fffe0000000000 dead000000000100 dead000000000122 0000000000000000\nraw: 0000000000000000 0000000000000009 00000000ffffffff 0000000000000000\npage dumped because: VM_BUG_ON_PAGE(!PageBuddy(page))\n------------[ cut here ]------------\nkernel BUG at include/linux/page-flags.h:1009!\ninvalid opcode: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP NOPTI\nRIP: 0010:__del_page_from_free_list+0x151/0x180\nRSP: 0018:ffffa49c90437998 EFLAGS: 00000046\nRAX: 0000000000000035 RBX: 0000000000000009 RCX: ffff8dd8dfd1c9c8\nRDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000027 RDI: ffff8dd8dfd1c9c0\nRBP: ffffd901233b8000 R08: ffffffffab5511f8 R09: 0000000000008c69\nR10: 0000000000003c15 R11: ffffffffab5511f8 R12: ffff8dd8fffc0c80\nR13: 0000000000000001 R14: ffff8dd8fffc0c80 R15: 0000000000000009\nFS: 00007ff916304740(0000) GS:ffff8dd8dfd00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\nCS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\nCR2: 000055eae50124c8 CR3: 00000008479e0000 CR4: 00000000000006f0\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n __rmqueue_pcplist+0x23b/0x520\n get_page_from_freelist+0x26b/0xe40\n __alloc_pages_noprof+0x113/0x1120\n __folio_alloc_noprof+0x11/0xb0\n alloc_buddy_hugetlb_folio.isra.0+0x5a/0x130\n __alloc_fresh_hugetlb_folio+0xe7/0x140\n alloc_pool_huge_folio+0x68/0x100\n set_max_huge_pages+0x13d/0x340\n hugetlb_sysctl_handler_common+0xe8/0x110\n proc_sys_call_handler+0x194/0x280\n vfs_write+0x387/0x550\n ksys_write+0x64/0xe0\n do_syscall_64+0xc2/0x1d0\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f\nRIP: 0033:0x7ff916114887\nRSP: 002b:00007ffec8a2fd78 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000001\nRAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 000055eae500e350 RCX: 00007ff916114887\nRDX: 0000000000000004 RSI: 000055eae500e390 RDI: 0000000000000003\nRBP: 000055eae50104c0 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 000055eae50104c0\nR10: 0000000000000077 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 0000000000000004\nR13: 0000000000000004 R14: 00007ff916216b80 R15: 00007ff916216a00\n </TASK>\nModules linked in: mce_inject hwpoison_inject\n---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]---\n\nAnd before the panic, there had an warning about bad page state:\n\nBUG: Bad page state in process page-types pfn:8cee00\npage: refcount:0 mapcount:0 mapping:0000000000000000 index:0x0 pfn:0x8cee00\nflags: 0x6fffe0000000000(node=1|zone=2|lastcpupid=0x7fff)\npage_type: 0xffffff7f(buddy)\nraw: 06fffe0000000000 ffffd901241c0008 ffffd901240f8008 0000000000000000\nraw: 0000000000000000 0000000000000009 00000000ffffff7f 0000000000000000\npage dumped because: nonzero mapcount\nModules linked in: mce_inject hwpoison_inject\nCPU: 8 PID: 154211 Comm: page-types Not tainted 6.9.0-rc4-00499-g5544ec3178e2-dirty #22\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n dump_stack_lvl+0x83/0xa0\n bad_page+0x63/0xf0\n free_unref_page+0x36e/0x5c0\n unpoison_memory+0x50b/0x630\n simple_attr_write_xsigned.constprop.0.isra.0+0xb3/0x110\n debugfs_attr_write+0x42/0x60\n full_proxy_write+0x5b/0x80\n vfs_write+0xcd/0x550\n ksys_write+0x64/0xe0\n do_syscall_64+0xc2/0x1d0\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f\nRIP: 0033:0x7f189a514887\nRSP: 002b:00007ffdcd899718 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000001\nRAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 0000000000000000 RCX: 00007f189a514887\nRDX: 0000000000000009 RSI: 00007ffdcd899730 RDI: 0000000000000003\nRBP: 00007ffdcd8997a0 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 00007ffdcd8994b2\nR10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 00007ffdcda199a8\nR13: 0000000000404af1 R14: 000000000040ad78 R15: 00007f189a7a5040\n </TASK>\n\nThe root cause should be the below race:\n\n memory_failure\n try_memory_failure_hugetlb\n me_huge_page\n __page_handle_poison\n dissolve_free_hugetlb_folio\n drain_all_pages -- Buddy page can be isolated e.g. for compaction.\n take_page_off_buddy -- Failed as page is not in the \n---truncated---', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-39298 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-16

439. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39371) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: io_uring: check for non-NULL file pointer in io_file_can_poll() In earlier kernels, it was possible to trigger a NULL pointer dereference off the forced async preparation path, if no file had been assigned. The trace leading to that looks as follows: BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 00000000000000b0 PGD 0 P4D 0 Oops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP CPU: 67 PID: 1633 Comm: buf-ring-invali Not tainted 6.8.0-rc3+ #1 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS unknown 2/2/2022 RIP: 0010:io_buffer_select+0xc3/0x210 Code: 00 00 48 39 d1 0f 82 ae 00 00 00 48 81 4b 48 00 00 01 00 48 89 73 70 0f b7 50 0c 66 89 53 42 85 ed 0f 85 d2 00 00 00 48 8b 13 <48> 8b 92 b0 00 00 00 48 83 7a 40 00 0f 84 21 01 00 00 4c 8b 20 5b RSP: 0018:ffffb7bec38c7d88 EFLAGS: 00010246 RAX: ffff97af2be61000 RBX: ffff97af234f1700 RCX: 0000000000000040 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: ffff97aecfb04820 RDI: ffff97af234f1700 RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000200030 R09: 0000000000000020 R10: ffffb7bec38c7dc8 R11: 000000000000c000 R12: ffffb7bec38c7db8 R13: ffff97aecfb05800 R14: ffff97aecfb05800 R15: ffff97af2be5e000 FS: 00007f852f74b740(0000) GS:ffff97b1eeec0000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 00000000000000b0 CR3: 000000016deab005 CR4: 0000000000370ef0 Call Trace: <TASK> ? __die+0x1f/0x60 ? page_fault_oops+0x14d/0x420 ? do_user_addr_fault+0x61/0x6a0 ? exc_page_fault+0x6c/0x150 ? asm_exc_page_fault+0x22/0x30 ? io_buffer_select+0xc3/0x210 __io_import_iovec+0xb5/0x120 io_readv_prep_async+0x36/0x70 io_queue_sqe_fallback+0x20/0x260 io_submit_sqes+0x314/0x630 __do_sys_io_uring_enter+0x339/0xbc0 ? __do_sys_io_uring_register+0x11b/0xc50 ? vm_mmap_pgoff+0xce/0x160 do_syscall_64+0x5f/0x180 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x46/0x4e RIP: 0033:0x55e0a110a67e Code: ba cc 00 00 00 45 31 c0 44 0f b6 92 d0 00 00 00 31 d2 41 b9 08 00 00 00 41 83 e2 01 41 c1 e2 04 41 09 c2 b8 aa 01 00 00 0f 05 <c3> 90 89 30 eb a9 0f 1f 40 00 48 8b 42 20 8b 00 a8 06 75 af 85 f6 because the request is marked forced ASYNC and has a bad file fd, and hence takes the forced async prep path. Current kernels with the request async prep cleaned up can no longer hit this issue, but for ease of backporting, let's add this safety check in here too as it really doesn't hurt. For both cases, this will inevitably end with a CQE posted with -EBADF.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nio_uring: check for non-NULL file pointer in io_file_can_poll()\n\nIn earlier kernels, it was possible to trigger a NULL pointer\ndereference off the forced async preparation path, if no file had\nbeen assigned. The trace leading to that looks as follows:\n\nBUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 00000000000000b0\nPGD 0 P4D 0\nOops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP\nCPU: 67 PID: 1633 Comm: buf-ring-invali Not tainted 6.8.0-rc3+ #1\nHardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS unknown 2/2/2022\nRIP: 0010:io_buffer_select+0xc3/0x210\nCode: 00 00 48 39 d1 0f 82 ae 00 00 00 48 81 4b 48 00 00 01 00 48 89 73 70 0f b7 50 0c 66 89 53 42 85 ed 0f 85 d2 00 00 00 48 8b 13 <48> 8b 92 b0 00 00 00 48 83 7a 40 00 0f 84 21 01 00 00 4c 8b 20 5b\nRSP: 0018:ffffb7bec38c7d88 EFLAGS: 00010246\nRAX: ffff97af2be61000 RBX: ffff97af234f1700 RCX: 0000000000000040\nRDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: ffff97aecfb04820 RDI: ffff97af234f1700\nRBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000200030 R09: 0000000000000020\nR10: ffffb7bec38c7dc8 R11: 000000000000c000 R12: ffffb7bec38c7db8\nR13: ffff97aecfb05800 R14: ffff97aecfb05800 R15: ffff97af2be5e000\nFS: 00007f852f74b740(0000) GS:ffff97b1eeec0000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\nCS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\nCR2: 00000000000000b0 CR3: 000000016deab005 CR4: 0000000000370ef0\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n ? __die+0x1f/0x60\n ? page_fault_oops+0x14d/0x420\n ? do_user_addr_fault+0x61/0x6a0\n ? exc_page_fault+0x6c/0x150\n ? asm_exc_page_fault+0x22/0x30\n ? io_buffer_select+0xc3/0x210\n __io_import_iovec+0xb5/0x120\n io_readv_prep_async+0x36/0x70\n io_queue_sqe_fallback+0x20/0x260\n io_submit_sqes+0x314/0x630\n __do_sys_io_uring_enter+0x339/0xbc0\n ? __do_sys_io_uring_register+0x11b/0xc50\n ? vm_mmap_pgoff+0xce/0x160\n do_syscall_64+0x5f/0x180\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x46/0x4e\nRIP: 0033:0x55e0a110a67e\nCode: ba cc 00 00 00 45 31 c0 44 0f b6 92 d0 00 00 00 31 d2 41 b9 08 00 00 00 41 83 e2 01 41 c1 e2 04 41 09 c2 b8 aa 01 00 00 0f 05 <c3> 90 89 30 eb a9 0f 1f 40 00 48 8b 42 20 8b 00 a8 06 75 af 85 f6\n\nbecause the request is marked forced ASYNC and has a bad file fd, and\nhence takes the forced async prep path.\n\nCurrent kernels with the request async prep cleaned up can no longer hit\nthis issue, but for ease of backporting, let's add this safety check in\nhere too as it really doesn't hurt. For both cases, this will inevitably\nend with a CQE posted with -EBADF.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-39371 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-16

440. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39466) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: thermal/drivers/qcom/lmh: Check for SCM availability at probe Up until now, the necessary scm availability check has not been performed, leading to possible null pointer dereferences (which did happen for me on RB1). Fix that.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nthermal/drivers/qcom/lmh: Check for SCM availability at probe\n\nUp until now, the necessary scm availability check has not been\nperformed, leading to possible null pointer dereferences (which did\nhappen for me on RB1).\n\nFix that.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-39466 was patched at 2024-06-30

441. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39497) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/shmem-helper: Fix BUG_ON() on mmap(PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE) Lack of check for copy-on-write (COW) mapping in drm_gem_shmem_mmap allows users to call mmap with PROT_WRITE and MAP_PRIVATE flag causing a kernel panic due to BUG_ON in vmf_insert_pfn_prot: BUG_ON((vma->vm_flags & VM_PFNMAP) && is_cow_mapping(vma->vm_flags)); Return -EINVAL early if COW mapping is detected. This bug affects all drm drivers using default shmem helpers. It can be reproduced by this simple example: void *ptr = mmap(0, size, PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, mmap_offset); ptr[0] = 0;', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/shmem-helper: Fix BUG_ON() on mmap(PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE)\n\nLack of check for copy-on-write (COW) mapping in drm_gem_shmem_mmap\nallows users to call mmap with PROT_WRITE and MAP_PRIVATE flag\ncausing a kernel panic due to BUG_ON in vmf_insert_pfn_prot:\nBUG_ON((vma->vm_flags & VM_PFNMAP) && is_cow_mapping(vma->vm_flags));\n\nReturn -EINVAL early if COW mapping is detected.\n\nThis bug affects all drm drivers using default shmem helpers.\nIt can be reproduced by this simple example:\nvoid *ptr = mmap(0, size, PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, mmap_offset);\nptr[0] = 0;', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-39497 was patched at 2024-07-16

442. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39500) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: sock_map: avoid race between sock_map_close and sk_psock_put sk_psock_get will return NULL if the refcount of psock has gone to 0, which will happen when the last call of sk_psock_put is done. However, sk_psock_drop may not have finished yet, so the close callback will still point to sock_map_close despite psock being NULL. This can be reproduced with a thread deleting an element from the sock map, while the second one creates a socket, adds it to the map and closes it. That will trigger the WARN_ON_ONCE: ------------[ cut here ]------------ WARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 7220 at net/core/sock_map.c:1701 sock_map_close+0x2a2/0x2d0 net/core/sock_map.c:1701 Modules linked in: CPU: 1 PID: 7220 Comm: syz-executor380 Not tainted 6.9.0-syzkaller-07726-g3c999d1ae3c7 #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 04/02/2024 RIP: 0010:sock_map_close+0x2a2/0x2d0 net/core/sock_map.c:1701 Code: df e8 92 29 88 f8 48 8b 1b 48 89 d8 48 c1 e8 03 42 80 3c 20 00 74 08 48 89 df e8 79 29 88 f8 4c 8b 23 eb 89 e8 4f 15 23 f8 90 <0f> 0b 90 48 83 c4 08 5b 41 5c 41 5d 41 5e 41 5f 5d e9 13 26 3d 02 RSP: 0018:ffffc9000441fda8 EFLAGS: 00010293 RAX: ffffffff89731ae1 RBX: ffffffff94b87540 RCX: ffff888029470000 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: ffffffff8bcab5c0 RDI: ffffffff8c1faba0 RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: ffffffff92f9b61f R09: 1ffffffff25f36c3 R10: dffffc0000000000 R11: fffffbfff25f36c4 R12: ffffffff89731840 R13: ffff88804b587000 R14: ffff88804b587000 R15: ffffffff89731870 FS: 000055555e080380(0000) GS:ffff8880b9500000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 0000000000000000 CR3: 00000000207d4000 CR4: 0000000000350ef0 Call Trace: <TASK> unix_release+0x87/0xc0 net/unix/af_unix.c:1048 __sock_release net/socket.c:659 [inline] sock_close+0xbe/0x240 net/socket.c:1421 __fput+0x42b/0x8a0 fs/file_table.c:422 __do_sys_close fs/open.c:1556 [inline] __se_sys_close fs/open.c:1541 [inline] __x64_sys_close+0x7f/0x110 fs/open.c:1541 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline] do_syscall_64+0xf5/0x240 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f RIP: 0033:0x7fb37d618070 Code: 00 00 48 c7 c2 b8 ff ff ff f7 d8 64 89 02 b8 ff ff ff ff eb d4 e8 10 2c 00 00 80 3d 31 f0 07 00 00 74 17 b8 03 00 00 00 0f 05 <48> 3d 00 f0 ff ff 77 48 c3 0f 1f 80 00 00 00 00 48 83 ec 18 89 7c RSP: 002b:00007ffcd4a525d8 EFLAGS: 00000202 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000003 RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 0000000000000005 RCX: 00007fb37d618070 RDX: 0000000000000010 RSI: 00000000200001c0 RDI: 0000000000000004 RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000100000000 R09: 0000000100000000 R10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0000000000000202 R12: 0000000000000000 R13: 0000000000000000 R14: 0000000000000000 R15: 0000000000000000 </TASK> Use sk_psock, which will only check that the pointer is not been set to NULL yet, which should only happen after the callbacks are restored. If, then, a reference can still be gotten, we may call sk_psock_stop and cancel psock->work. As suggested by Paolo Abeni, reorder the condition so the control flow is less convoluted. After that change, the reproducer does not trigger the WARN_ON_ONCE anymore.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nsock_map: avoid race between sock_map_close and sk_psock_put\n\nsk_psock_get will return NULL if the refcount of psock has gone to 0, which\nwill happen when the last call of sk_psock_put is done. However,\nsk_psock_drop may not have finished yet, so the close callback will still\npoint to sock_map_close despite psock being NULL.\n\nThis can be reproduced with a thread deleting an element from the sock map,\nwhile the second one creates a socket, adds it to the map and closes it.\n\nThat will trigger the WARN_ON_ONCE:\n\n------------[ cut here ]------------\nWARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 7220 at net/core/sock_map.c:1701 sock_map_close+0x2a2/0x2d0 net/core/sock_map.c:1701\nModules linked in:\nCPU: 1 PID: 7220 Comm: syz-executor380 Not tainted 6.9.0-syzkaller-07726-g3c999d1ae3c7 #0\nHardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 04/02/2024\nRIP: 0010:sock_map_close+0x2a2/0x2d0 net/core/sock_map.c:1701\nCode: df e8 92 29 88 f8 48 8b 1b 48 89 d8 48 c1 e8 03 42 80 3c 20 00 74 08 48 89 df e8 79 29 88 f8 4c 8b 23 eb 89 e8 4f 15 23 f8 90 <0f> 0b 90 48 83 c4 08 5b 41 5c 41 5d 41 5e 41 5f 5d e9 13 26 3d 02\nRSP: 0018:ffffc9000441fda8 EFLAGS: 00010293\nRAX: ffffffff89731ae1 RBX: ffffffff94b87540 RCX: ffff888029470000\nRDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: ffffffff8bcab5c0 RDI: ffffffff8c1faba0\nRBP: 0000000000000000 R08: ffffffff92f9b61f R09: 1ffffffff25f36c3\nR10: dffffc0000000000 R11: fffffbfff25f36c4 R12: ffffffff89731840\nR13: ffff88804b587000 R14: ffff88804b587000 R15: ffffffff89731870\nFS: 000055555e080380(0000) GS:ffff8880b9500000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\nCS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\nCR2: 0000000000000000 CR3: 00000000207d4000 CR4: 0000000000350ef0\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n unix_release+0x87/0xc0 net/unix/af_unix.c:1048\n __sock_release net/socket.c:659 [inline]\n sock_close+0xbe/0x240 net/socket.c:1421\n __fput+0x42b/0x8a0 fs/file_table.c:422\n __do_sys_close fs/open.c:1556 [inline]\n __se_sys_close fs/open.c:1541 [inline]\n __x64_sys_close+0x7f/0x110 fs/open.c:1541\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0xf5/0x240 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f\nRIP: 0033:0x7fb37d618070\nCode: 00 00 48 c7 c2 b8 ff ff ff f7 d8 64 89 02 b8 ff ff ff ff eb d4 e8 10 2c 00 00 80 3d 31 f0 07 00 00 74 17 b8 03 00 00 00 0f 05 <48> 3d 00 f0 ff ff 77 48 c3 0f 1f 80 00 00 00 00 48 83 ec 18 89 7c\nRSP: 002b:00007ffcd4a525d8 EFLAGS: 00000202 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000003\nRAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 0000000000000005 RCX: 00007fb37d618070\nRDX: 0000000000000010 RSI: 00000000200001c0 RDI: 0000000000000004\nRBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000100000000 R09: 0000000100000000\nR10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0000000000000202 R12: 0000000000000000\nR13: 0000000000000000 R14: 0000000000000000 R15: 0000000000000000\n </TASK>\n\nUse sk_psock, which will only check that the pointer is not been set to\nNULL yet, which should only happen after the callbacks are restored. If,\nthen, a reference can still be gotten, we may call sk_psock_stop and cancel\npsock->work.\n\nAs suggested by Paolo Abeni, reorder the condition so the control flow is\nless convoluted.\n\nAfter that change, the reproducer does not trigger the WARN_ON_ONCE\nanymore.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-39500 was patched at 2024-07-16

443. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39507) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: hns3: fix kernel crash problem in concurrent scenario When link status change, the nic driver need to notify the roce driver to handle this event, but at this time, the roce driver may uninit, then cause kernel crash. To fix the problem, when link status change, need to check whether the roce registered, and when uninit, need to wait link update finish.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: hns3: fix kernel crash problem in concurrent scenario\n\nWhen link status change, the nic driver need to notify the roce\ndriver to handle this event, but at this time, the roce driver\nmay uninit, then cause kernel crash.\n\nTo fix the problem, when link status change, need to check\nwhether the roce registered, and when uninit, need to wait link\nupdate finish.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-39507 was patched at 2024-07-16

444. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39508) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: io_uring/io-wq: Use set_bit() and test_bit() at worker->flags Utilize set_bit() and test_bit() on worker->flags within io_uring/io-wq to address potential data races. The structure io_worker->flags may be accessed through various data paths, leading to concurrency issues. When KCSAN is enabled, it reveals data races occurring in io_worker_handle_work and io_wq_activate_free_worker functions. \t BUG: KCSAN: data-race in io_worker_handle_work / io_wq_activate_free_worker \t write to 0xffff8885c4246404 of 4 bytes by task 49071 on cpu 28: \t io_worker_handle_work (io_uring/io-wq.c:434 io_uring/io-wq.c:569) \t io_wq_worker (io_uring/io-wq.c:?) <snip> \t read to 0xffff8885c4246404 of 4 bytes by task 49024 on cpu 5: \t io_wq_activate_free_worker (io_uring/io-wq.c:? io_uring/io-wq.c:285) \t io_wq_enqueue (io_uring/io-wq.c:947) \t io_queue_iowq (io_uring/io_uring.c:524) \t io_req_task_submit (io_uring/io_uring.c:1511) \t io_handle_tw_list (io_uring/io_uring.c:1198) <snip> Line numbers against commit 18daea77cca6 ("Merge tag 'for-linus' of git://"). These races involve writes and reads to the same memory location by different tasks running on different CPUs. To mitigate this, refactor the code to use atomic operations such as set_bit(), test_bit(), and clear_bit() instead of basic "and" and "or" operations. This ensures thread-safe manipulation of worker flags. Also, move `create_index` to avoid holes in the structure.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nio_uring/io-wq: Use set_bit() and test_bit() at worker->flags\n\nUtilize set_bit() and test_bit() on worker->flags within io_uring/io-wq\nto address potential data races.\n\nThe structure io_worker->flags may be accessed through various data\npaths, leading to concurrency issues. When KCSAN is enabled, it reveals\ndata races occurring in io_worker_handle_work and\nio_wq_activate_free_worker functions.\n\n\t BUG: KCSAN: data-race in io_worker_handle_work / io_wq_activate_free_worker\n\t write to 0xffff8885c4246404 of 4 bytes by task 49071 on cpu 28:\n\t io_worker_handle_work (io_uring/io-wq.c:434 io_uring/io-wq.c:569)\n\t io_wq_worker (io_uring/io-wq.c:?)\n<snip>\n\n\t read to 0xffff8885c4246404 of 4 bytes by task 49024 on cpu 5:\n\t io_wq_activate_free_worker (io_uring/io-wq.c:? io_uring/io-wq.c:285)\n\t io_wq_enqueue (io_uring/io-wq.c:947)\n\t io_queue_iowq (io_uring/io_uring.c:524)\n\t io_req_task_submit (io_uring/io_uring.c:1511)\n\t io_handle_tw_list (io_uring/io_uring.c:1198)\n<snip>\n\nLine numbers against commit 18daea77cca6 ("Merge tag 'for-linus' of\ngit://").\n\nThese races involve writes and reads to the same memory location by\ndifferent tasks running on different CPUs. To mitigate this, refactor\nthe code to use atomic operations such as set_bit(), test_bit(), and\nclear_bit() instead of basic "and" and "or" operations. This ensures\nthread-safe manipulation of worker flags.\n\nAlso, move `create_index` to avoid holes in the structure.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-39508 was patched at 2024-07-16

445. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40906) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/mlx5: Always stop health timer during driver removal Currently, if teardown_hca fails to execute during driver removal, mlx5 does not stop the health timer. Afterwards, mlx5 continue with driver teardown. This may lead to a UAF bug, which results in page fault Oops[1], since the health timer invokes after resources were freed. Hence, stop the health monitor even if teardown_hca fails. [1] mlx5_core 0000:18:00.0: E-Switch: Unload vfs: mode(LEGACY), nvfs(0), necvfs(0), active vports(0) mlx5_core 0000:18:00.0: E-Switch: Disable: mode(LEGACY), nvfs(0), necvfs(0), active vports(0) mlx5_core 0000:18:00.0: E-Switch: Disable: mode(LEGACY), nvfs(0), necvfs(0), active vports(0) mlx5_core 0000:18:00.0: E-Switch: cleanup mlx5_core 0000:18:00.0: wait_func:1155:(pid 1967079): TEARDOWN_HCA(0x103) timeout. Will cause a leak of a command resource mlx5_core 0000:18:00.0: mlx5_function_close:1288:(pid 1967079): tear_down_hca failed, skip cleanup BUG: unable to handle page fault for address: ffffa26487064230 PGD 100c00067 P4D 100c00067 PUD 100e5a067 PMD 105ed7067 PTE 0 Oops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP PTI CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Tainted: G OE ------- --- 6.7.0-68.fc38.x86_64 #1 Hardware name: Intel Corporation S2600WFT/S2600WFT, BIOS SE5C620.86B.02.01.0013.121520200651 12/15/2020 RIP: 0010:ioread32be+0x34/0x60 RSP: 0018:ffffa26480003e58 EFLAGS: 00010292 RAX: ffffa26487064200 RBX: ffff9042d08161a0 RCX: ffff904c108222c0 RDX: 000000010bbf1b80 RSI: ffffffffc055ddb0 RDI: ffffa26487064230 RBP: ffff9042d08161a0 R08: 0000000000000022 R09: ffff904c108222e8 R10: 0000000000000004 R11: 0000000000000441 R12: ffffffffc055ddb0 R13: ffffa26487064200 R14: ffffa26480003f00 R15: ffff904c108222c0 FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff904c10800000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: ffffa26487064230 CR3: 00000002c4420006 CR4: 00000000007706f0 DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 PKRU: 55555554 Call Trace: <IRQ> ? __die+0x23/0x70 ? page_fault_oops+0x171/0x4e0 ? exc_page_fault+0x175/0x180 ? asm_exc_page_fault+0x26/0x30 ? __pfx_poll_health+0x10/0x10 [mlx5_core] ? __pfx_poll_health+0x10/0x10 [mlx5_core] ? ioread32be+0x34/0x60 mlx5_health_check_fatal_sensors+0x20/0x100 [mlx5_core] ? __pfx_poll_health+0x10/0x10 [mlx5_core] poll_health+0x42/0x230 [mlx5_core] ? __next_timer_interrupt+0xbc/0x110 ? __pfx_poll_health+0x10/0x10 [mlx5_core] call_timer_fn+0x21/0x130 ? __pfx_poll_health+0x10/0x10 [mlx5_core] __run_timers+0x222/0x2c0 run_timer_softirq+0x1d/0x40 __do_softirq+0xc9/0x2c8 __irq_exit_rcu+0xa6/0xc0 sysvec_apic_timer_interrupt+0x72/0x90 </IRQ> <TASK> asm_sysvec_apic_timer_interrupt+0x1a/0x20 RIP: 0010:cpuidle_enter_state+0xcc/0x440 ? cpuidle_enter_state+0xbd/0x440 cpuidle_enter+0x2d/0x40 do_idle+0x20d/0x270 cpu_startup_entry+0x2a/0x30 rest_init+0xd0/0xd0 arch_call_rest_init+0xe/0x30 start_kernel+0x709/0xa90 x86_64_start_reservations+0x18/0x30 x86_64_start_kernel+0x96/0xa0 secondary_startup_64_no_verify+0x18f/0x19b ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]---', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet/mlx5: Always stop health timer during driver removal\n\nCurrently, if teardown_hca fails to execute during driver removal, mlx5\ndoes not stop the health timer. Afterwards, mlx5 continue with driver\nteardown. This may lead to a UAF bug, which results in page fault\nOops[1], since the health timer invokes after resources were freed.\n\nHence, stop the health monitor even if teardown_hca fails.\n\n[1]\nmlx5_core 0000:18:00.0: E-Switch: Unload vfs: mode(LEGACY), nvfs(0), necvfs(0), active vports(0)\nmlx5_core 0000:18:00.0: E-Switch: Disable: mode(LEGACY), nvfs(0), necvfs(0), active vports(0)\nmlx5_core 0000:18:00.0: E-Switch: Disable: mode(LEGACY), nvfs(0), necvfs(0), active vports(0)\nmlx5_core 0000:18:00.0: E-Switch: cleanup\nmlx5_core 0000:18:00.0: wait_func:1155:(pid 1967079): TEARDOWN_HCA(0x103) timeout. Will cause a leak of a command resource\nmlx5_core 0000:18:00.0: mlx5_function_close:1288:(pid 1967079): tear_down_hca failed, skip cleanup\nBUG: unable to handle page fault for address: ffffa26487064230\nPGD 100c00067 P4D 100c00067 PUD 100e5a067 PMD 105ed7067 PTE 0\nOops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP PTI\nCPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Tainted: G OE ------- --- 6.7.0-68.fc38.x86_64 #1\nHardware name: Intel Corporation S2600WFT/S2600WFT, BIOS SE5C620.86B.02.01.0013.121520200651 12/15/2020\nRIP: 0010:ioread32be+0x34/0x60\nRSP: 0018:ffffa26480003e58 EFLAGS: 00010292\nRAX: ffffa26487064200 RBX: ffff9042d08161a0 RCX: ffff904c108222c0\nRDX: 000000010bbf1b80 RSI: ffffffffc055ddb0 RDI: ffffa26487064230\nRBP: ffff9042d08161a0 R08: 0000000000000022 R09: ffff904c108222e8\nR10: 0000000000000004 R11: 0000000000000441 R12: ffffffffc055ddb0\nR13: ffffa26487064200 R14: ffffa26480003f00 R15: ffff904c108222c0\nFS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff904c10800000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\nCS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\nCR2: ffffa26487064230 CR3: 00000002c4420006 CR4: 00000000007706f0\nDR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000\nDR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400\nPKRU: 55555554\nCall Trace:\n <IRQ>\n ? __die+0x23/0x70\n ? page_fault_oops+0x171/0x4e0\n ? exc_page_fault+0x175/0x180\n ? asm_exc_page_fault+0x26/0x30\n ? __pfx_poll_health+0x10/0x10 [mlx5_core]\n ? __pfx_poll_health+0x10/0x10 [mlx5_core]\n ? ioread32be+0x34/0x60\n mlx5_health_check_fatal_sensors+0x20/0x100 [mlx5_core]\n ? __pfx_poll_health+0x10/0x10 [mlx5_core]\n poll_health+0x42/0x230 [mlx5_core]\n ? __next_timer_interrupt+0xbc/0x110\n ? __pfx_poll_health+0x10/0x10 [mlx5_core]\n call_timer_fn+0x21/0x130\n ? __pfx_poll_health+0x10/0x10 [mlx5_core]\n __run_timers+0x222/0x2c0\n run_timer_softirq+0x1d/0x40\n __do_softirq+0xc9/0x2c8\n __irq_exit_rcu+0xa6/0xc0\n sysvec_apic_timer_interrupt+0x72/0x90\n </IRQ>\n <TASK>\n asm_sysvec_apic_timer_interrupt+0x1a/0x20\nRIP: 0010:cpuidle_enter_state+0xcc/0x440\n ? cpuidle_enter_state+0xbd/0x440\n cpuidle_enter+0x2d/0x40\n do_idle+0x20d/0x270\n cpu_startup_entry+0x2a/0x30\n rest_init+0xd0/0xd0\n arch_call_rest_init+0xe/0x30\n start_kernel+0x709/0xa90\n x86_64_start_reservations+0x18/0x30\n x86_64_start_kernel+0x96/0xa0\n secondary_startup_64_no_verify+0x18f/0x19b\n---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]---', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40906 was patched at 2024-07-16

446. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40908) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bpf: Set run context for rawtp test_run callback syzbot reported crash when rawtp program executed through the test_run interface calls bpf_get_attach_cookie helper or any other helper that touches task->bpf_ctx pointer. Setting the run context (task->bpf_ctx pointer) for test_run callback.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbpf: Set run context for rawtp test_run callback\n\nsyzbot reported crash when rawtp program executed through the\ntest_run interface calls bpf_get_attach_cookie helper or any\nother helper that touches task->bpf_ctx pointer.\n\nSetting the run context (task->bpf_ctx pointer) for test_run\ncallback.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40908 was patched at 2024-07-16

447. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40911) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: cfg80211: Lock wiphy in cfg80211_get_station Wiphy should be locked before calling rdev_get_station() (see lockdep assert in ieee80211_get_station()). This fixes the following kernel NULL dereference: Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 0000000000000050 Mem abort info: ESR = 0x0000000096000006 EC = 0x25: DABT (current EL), IL = 32 bits SET = 0, FnV = 0 EA = 0, S1PTW = 0 FSC = 0x06: level 2 translation fault Data abort info: ISV = 0, ISS = 0x00000006 CM = 0, WnR = 0 user pgtable: 4k pages, 48-bit VAs, pgdp=0000000003001000 [0000000000000050] pgd=0800000002dca003, p4d=0800000002dca003, pud=08000000028e9003, pmd=0000000000000000 Internal error: Oops: 0000000096000006 [#1] SMP Modules linked in: netconsole dwc3_meson_g12a dwc3_of_simple dwc3 ip_gre gre ath10k_pci ath10k_core ath9k ath9k_common ath9k_hw ath CPU: 0 PID: 1091 Comm: kworker/u8:0 Not tainted 6.4.0-02144-g565f9a3a7911-dirty #705 Hardware name: RPT (r1) (DT) Workqueue: bat_events batadv_v_elp_throughput_metric_update pstate: 60000005 (nZCv daif -PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--) pc : ath10k_sta_statistics+0x10/0x2dc [ath10k_core] lr : sta_set_sinfo+0xcc/0xbd4 sp : ffff000007b43ad0 x29: ffff000007b43ad0 x28: ffff0000071fa900 x27: ffff00000294ca98 x26: ffff000006830880 x25: ffff000006830880 x24: ffff00000294c000 x23: 0000000000000001 x22: ffff000007b43c90 x21: ffff800008898acc x20: ffff00000294c6e8 x19: ffff000007b43c90 x18: 0000000000000000 x17: 445946354d552d78 x16: 62661f7200000000 x15: 57464f445946354d x14: 0000000000000000 x13: 00000000000000e3 x12: d5f0acbcebea978e x11: 00000000000000e3 x10: 000000010048fe41 x9 : 0000000000000000 x8 : ffff000007b43d90 x7 : 000000007a1e2125 x6 : 0000000000000000 x5 : ffff0000024e0900 x4 : ffff800000a0250c x3 : ffff000007b43c90 x2 : ffff00000294ca98 x1 : ffff000006831920 x0 : 0000000000000000 Call trace: ath10k_sta_statistics+0x10/0x2dc [ath10k_core] sta_set_sinfo+0xcc/0xbd4 ieee80211_get_station+0x2c/0x44 cfg80211_get_station+0x80/0x154 batadv_v_elp_get_throughput+0x138/0x1fc batadv_v_elp_throughput_metric_update+0x1c/0xa4 process_one_work+0x1ec/0x414 worker_thread+0x70/0x46c kthread+0xdc/0xe0 ret_from_fork+0x10/0x20 Code: a9bb7bfd 910003fd a90153f3 f9411c40 (f9402814) This happens because STA has time to disconnect and reconnect before batadv_v_elp_throughput_metric_update() delayed work gets scheduled. In this situation, ath10k_sta_state() can be in the middle of resetting arsta data when the work queue get chance to be scheduled and ends up accessing it. Locking wiphy prevents that.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nwifi: cfg80211: Lock wiphy in cfg80211_get_station\n\nWiphy should be locked before calling rdev_get_station() (see lockdep\nassert in ieee80211_get_station()).\n\nThis fixes the following kernel NULL dereference:\n\n Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 0000000000000050\n Mem abort info:\n ESR = 0x0000000096000006\n EC = 0x25: DABT (current EL), IL = 32 bits\n SET = 0, FnV = 0\n EA = 0, S1PTW = 0\n FSC = 0x06: level 2 translation fault\n Data abort info:\n ISV = 0, ISS = 0x00000006\n CM = 0, WnR = 0\n user pgtable: 4k pages, 48-bit VAs, pgdp=0000000003001000\n [0000000000000050] pgd=0800000002dca003, p4d=0800000002dca003, pud=08000000028e9003, pmd=0000000000000000\n Internal error: Oops: 0000000096000006 [#1] SMP\n Modules linked in: netconsole dwc3_meson_g12a dwc3_of_simple dwc3 ip_gre gre ath10k_pci ath10k_core ath9k ath9k_common ath9k_hw ath\n CPU: 0 PID: 1091 Comm: kworker/u8:0 Not tainted 6.4.0-02144-g565f9a3a7911-dirty #705\n Hardware name: RPT (r1) (DT)\n Workqueue: bat_events batadv_v_elp_throughput_metric_update\n pstate: 60000005 (nZCv daif -PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--)\n pc : ath10k_sta_statistics+0x10/0x2dc [ath10k_core]\n lr : sta_set_sinfo+0xcc/0xbd4\n sp : ffff000007b43ad0\n x29: ffff000007b43ad0 x28: ffff0000071fa900 x27: ffff00000294ca98\n x26: ffff000006830880 x25: ffff000006830880 x24: ffff00000294c000\n x23: 0000000000000001 x22: ffff000007b43c90 x21: ffff800008898acc\n x20: ffff00000294c6e8 x19: ffff000007b43c90 x18: 0000000000000000\n x17: 445946354d552d78 x16: 62661f7200000000 x15: 57464f445946354d\n x14: 0000000000000000 x13: 00000000000000e3 x12: d5f0acbcebea978e\n x11: 00000000000000e3 x10: 000000010048fe41 x9 : 0000000000000000\n x8 : ffff000007b43d90 x7 : 000000007a1e2125 x6 : 0000000000000000\n x5 : ffff0000024e0900 x4 : ffff800000a0250c x3 : ffff000007b43c90\n x2 : ffff00000294ca98 x1 : ffff000006831920 x0 : 0000000000000000\n Call trace:\n ath10k_sta_statistics+0x10/0x2dc [ath10k_core]\n sta_set_sinfo+0xcc/0xbd4\n ieee80211_get_station+0x2c/0x44\n cfg80211_get_station+0x80/0x154\n batadv_v_elp_get_throughput+0x138/0x1fc\n batadv_v_elp_throughput_metric_update+0x1c/0xa4\n process_one_work+0x1ec/0x414\n worker_thread+0x70/0x46c\n kthread+0xdc/0xe0\n ret_from_fork+0x10/0x20\n Code: a9bb7bfd 910003fd a90153f3 f9411c40 (f9402814)\n\nThis happens because STA has time to disconnect and reconnect before\nbatadv_v_elp_throughput_metric_update() delayed work gets scheduled. In\nthis situation, ath10k_sta_state() can be in the middle of resetting\narsta data when the work queue get chance to be scheduled and ends up\naccessing it. Locking wiphy prevents that.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40911 was patched at 2024-07-16

448. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40913) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: cachefiles: defer exposing anon_fd until after copy_to_user() succeeds After installing the anonymous fd, we can now see it in userland and close it. However, at this point we may not have gotten the reference count of the cache, but we will put it during colse fd, so this may cause a cache UAF. So grab the cache reference count before fd_install(). In addition, by kernel convention, fd is taken over by the user land after fd_install(), and the kernel should not call close_fd() after that, i.e., it should call fd_install() after everything is ready, thus fd_install() is called after copy_to_user() succeeds.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ncachefiles: defer exposing anon_fd until after copy_to_user() succeeds\n\nAfter installing the anonymous fd, we can now see it in userland and close\nit. However, at this point we may not have gotten the reference count of\nthe cache, but we will put it during colse fd, so this may cause a cache\nUAF.\n\nSo grab the cache reference count before fd_install(). In addition, by\nkernel convention, fd is taken over by the user land after fd_install(),\nand the kernel should not call close_fd() after that, i.e., it should call\nfd_install() after everything is ready, thus fd_install() is called after\ncopy_to_user() succeeds.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40913 was patched at 2024-07-16

449. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40914) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mm/huge_memory: don't unpoison huge_zero_folio When I did memory failure tests recently, below panic occurs: kernel BUG at include/linux/mm.h:1135! invalid opcode: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP NOPTI CPU: 9 PID: 137 Comm: kswapd1 Not tainted 6.9.0-rc4-00491-gd5ce28f156fe-dirty #14 RIP: 0010:shrink_huge_zero_page_scan+0x168/0x1a0 RSP: 0018:ffff9933c6c57bd0 EFLAGS: 00000246 RAX: 000000000000003e RBX: 0000000000000000 RCX: ffff88f61fc5c9c8 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000027 RDI: ffff88f61fc5c9c0 RBP: ffffcd7c446b0000 R08: ffffffff9a9405f0 R09: 0000000000005492 R10: 00000000000030ea R11: ffffffff9a9405f0 R12: 0000000000000000 R13: 0000000000000000 R14: 0000000000000000 R15: ffff88e703c4ac00 FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff88f61fc40000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 000055f4da6e9878 CR3: 0000000c71048000 CR4: 00000000000006f0 Call Trace: <TASK> do_shrink_slab+0x14f/0x6a0 shrink_slab+0xca/0x8c0 shrink_node+0x2d0/0x7d0 balance_pgdat+0x33a/0x720 kswapd+0x1f3/0x410 kthread+0xd5/0x100 ret_from_fork+0x2f/0x50 ret_from_fork_asm+0x1a/0x30 </TASK> Modules linked in: mce_inject hwpoison_inject ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]--- RIP: 0010:shrink_huge_zero_page_scan+0x168/0x1a0 RSP: 0018:ffff9933c6c57bd0 EFLAGS: 00000246 RAX: 000000000000003e RBX: 0000000000000000 RCX: ffff88f61fc5c9c8 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000027 RDI: ffff88f61fc5c9c0 RBP: ffffcd7c446b0000 R08: ffffffff9a9405f0 R09: 0000000000005492 R10: 00000000000030ea R11: ffffffff9a9405f0 R12: 0000000000000000 R13: 0000000000000000 R14: 0000000000000000 R15: ffff88e703c4ac00 FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff88f61fc40000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 000055f4da6e9878 CR3: 0000000c71048000 CR4: 00000000000006f0 The root cause is that HWPoison flag will be set for huge_zero_folio without increasing the folio refcnt. But then unpoison_memory() will decrease the folio refcnt unexpectedly as it appears like a successfully hwpoisoned folio leading to VM_BUG_ON_PAGE(page_ref_count(page) == 0) when releasing huge_zero_folio. Skip unpoisoning huge_zero_folio in unpoison_memory() to fix this issue. We're not prepared to unpoison huge_zero_folio yet.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmm/huge_memory: don't unpoison huge_zero_folio\n\nWhen I did memory failure tests recently, below panic occurs:\n\n kernel BUG at include/linux/mm.h:1135!\n invalid opcode: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP NOPTI\n CPU: 9 PID: 137 Comm: kswapd1 Not tainted 6.9.0-rc4-00491-gd5ce28f156fe-dirty #14\n RIP: 0010:shrink_huge_zero_page_scan+0x168/0x1a0\n RSP: 0018:ffff9933c6c57bd0 EFLAGS: 00000246\n RAX: 000000000000003e RBX: 0000000000000000 RCX: ffff88f61fc5c9c8\n RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000027 RDI: ffff88f61fc5c9c0\n RBP: ffffcd7c446b0000 R08: ffffffff9a9405f0 R09: 0000000000005492\n R10: 00000000000030ea R11: ffffffff9a9405f0 R12: 0000000000000000\n R13: 0000000000000000 R14: 0000000000000000 R15: ffff88e703c4ac00\n FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff88f61fc40000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\n CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\n CR2: 000055f4da6e9878 CR3: 0000000c71048000 CR4: 00000000000006f0\n Call Trace:\n <TASK>\n do_shrink_slab+0x14f/0x6a0\n shrink_slab+0xca/0x8c0\n shrink_node+0x2d0/0x7d0\n balance_pgdat+0x33a/0x720\n kswapd+0x1f3/0x410\n kthread+0xd5/0x100\n ret_from_fork+0x2f/0x50\n ret_from_fork_asm+0x1a/0x30\n </TASK>\n Modules linked in: mce_inject hwpoison_inject\n ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]---\n RIP: 0010:shrink_huge_zero_page_scan+0x168/0x1a0\n RSP: 0018:ffff9933c6c57bd0 EFLAGS: 00000246\n RAX: 000000000000003e RBX: 0000000000000000 RCX: ffff88f61fc5c9c8\n RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000027 RDI: ffff88f61fc5c9c0\n RBP: ffffcd7c446b0000 R08: ffffffff9a9405f0 R09: 0000000000005492\n R10: 00000000000030ea R11: ffffffff9a9405f0 R12: 0000000000000000\n R13: 0000000000000000 R14: 0000000000000000 R15: ffff88e703c4ac00\n FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff88f61fc40000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\n CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\n CR2: 000055f4da6e9878 CR3: 0000000c71048000 CR4: 00000000000006f0\n\nThe root cause is that HWPoison flag will be set for huge_zero_folio\nwithout increasing the folio refcnt. But then unpoison_memory() will\ndecrease the folio refcnt unexpectedly as it appears like a successfully\nhwpoisoned folio leading to VM_BUG_ON_PAGE(page_ref_count(page) == 0) when\nreleasing huge_zero_folio.\n\nSkip unpoisoning huge_zero_folio in unpoison_memory() to fix this issue. \nWe're not prepared to unpoison huge_zero_folio yet.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40914 was patched at 2024-07-16

450. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40915) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: riscv: rewrite __kernel_map_pages() to fix sleeping in invalid context __kernel_map_pages() is a debug function which clears the valid bit in page table entry for deallocated pages to detect illegal memory accesses to freed pages. This function set/clear the valid bit using __set_memory(). __set_memory() acquires init_mm's semaphore, and this operation may sleep. This is problematic, because __kernel_map_pages() can be called in atomic context, and thus is illegal to sleep. An example warning that this causes: BUG: sleeping function called from invalid context at kernel/locking/rwsem.c:1578 in_atomic(): 1, irqs_disabled(): 0, non_block: 0, pid: 2, name: kthreadd preempt_count: 2, expected: 0 CPU: 0 PID: 2 Comm: kthreadd Not tainted 6.9.0-g1d4c6d784ef6 #37 Hardware name: riscv-virtio,qemu (DT) Call Trace: [<ffffffff800060dc>] dump_backtrace+0x1c/0x24 [<ffffffff8091ef6e>] show_stack+0x2c/0x38 [<ffffffff8092baf8>] dump_stack_lvl+0x5a/0x72 [<ffffffff8092bb24>] dump_stack+0x14/0x1c [<ffffffff8003b7ac>] __might_resched+0x104/0x10e [<ffffffff8003b7f4>] __might_sleep+0x3e/0x62 [<ffffffff8093276a>] down_write+0x20/0x72 [<ffffffff8000cf00>] __set_memory+0x82/0x2fa [<ffffffff8000d324>] __kernel_map_pages+0x5a/0xd4 [<ffffffff80196cca>] __alloc_pages_bulk+0x3b2/0x43a [<ffffffff8018ee82>] __vmalloc_node_range+0x196/0x6ba [<ffffffff80011904>] copy_process+0x72c/0x17ec [<ffffffff80012ab4>] kernel_clone+0x60/0x2fe [<ffffffff80012f62>] kernel_thread+0x82/0xa0 [<ffffffff8003552c>] kthreadd+0x14a/0x1be [<ffffffff809357de>] ret_from_fork+0xe/0x1c Rewrite this function with apply_to_existing_page_range(). It is fine to not have any locking, because __kernel_map_pages() works with pages being allocated/deallocated and those pages are not changed by anyone else in the meantime.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nriscv: rewrite __kernel_map_pages() to fix sleeping in invalid context\n\n__kernel_map_pages() is a debug function which clears the valid bit in page\ntable entry for deallocated pages to detect illegal memory accesses to\nfreed pages.\n\nThis function set/clear the valid bit using __set_memory(). __set_memory()\nacquires init_mm's semaphore, and this operation may sleep. This is\nproblematic, because __kernel_map_pages() can be called in atomic context,\nand thus is illegal to sleep. An example warning that this causes:\n\nBUG: sleeping function called from invalid context at kernel/locking/rwsem.c:1578\nin_atomic(): 1, irqs_disabled(): 0, non_block: 0, pid: 2, name: kthreadd\npreempt_count: 2, expected: 0\nCPU: 0 PID: 2 Comm: kthreadd Not tainted 6.9.0-g1d4c6d784ef6 #37\nHardware name: riscv-virtio,qemu (DT)\nCall Trace:\n[<ffffffff800060dc>] dump_backtrace+0x1c/0x24\n[<ffffffff8091ef6e>] show_stack+0x2c/0x38\n[<ffffffff8092baf8>] dump_stack_lvl+0x5a/0x72\n[<ffffffff8092bb24>] dump_stack+0x14/0x1c\n[<ffffffff8003b7ac>] __might_resched+0x104/0x10e\n[<ffffffff8003b7f4>] __might_sleep+0x3e/0x62\n[<ffffffff8093276a>] down_write+0x20/0x72\n[<ffffffff8000cf00>] __set_memory+0x82/0x2fa\n[<ffffffff8000d324>] __kernel_map_pages+0x5a/0xd4\n[<ffffffff80196cca>] __alloc_pages_bulk+0x3b2/0x43a\n[<ffffffff8018ee82>] __vmalloc_node_range+0x196/0x6ba\n[<ffffffff80011904>] copy_process+0x72c/0x17ec\n[<ffffffff80012ab4>] kernel_clone+0x60/0x2fe\n[<ffffffff80012f62>] kernel_thread+0x82/0xa0\n[<ffffffff8003552c>] kthreadd+0x14a/0x1be\n[<ffffffff809357de>] ret_from_fork+0xe/0x1c\n\nRewrite this function with apply_to_existing_page_range(). It is fine to\nnot have any locking, because __kernel_map_pages() works with pages being\nallocated/deallocated and those pages are not changed by anyone else in the\nmeantime.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40915 was patched at 2024-07-16

451. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40919) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bnxt_en: Adjust logging of firmware messages in case of released token in __hwrm_send() In case of token is released due to token->state == BNXT_HWRM_DEFERRED, released token (set to NULL) is used in log messages. This issue is expected to be prevented by HWRM_ERR_CODE_PF_UNAVAILABLE error code. But this error code is returned by recent firmware. So some firmware may not return it. This may lead to NULL pointer dereference. Adjust this issue by adding token pointer check. Found by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbnxt_en: Adjust logging of firmware messages in case of released token in __hwrm_send()\n\nIn case of token is released due to token->state == BNXT_HWRM_DEFERRED,\nreleased token (set to NULL) is used in log messages. This issue is\nexpected to be prevented by HWRM_ERR_CODE_PF_UNAVAILABLE error code. But\nthis error code is returned by recent firmware. So some firmware may not\nreturn it. This may lead to NULL pointer dereference.\nAdjust this issue by adding token pointer check.\n\nFound by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40919 was patched at 2024-07-16

452. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40921) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: bridge: mst: pass vlan group directly to br_mst_vlan_set_state Pass the already obtained vlan group pointer to br_mst_vlan_set_state() instead of dereferencing it again. Each caller has already correctly dereferenced it for their context. This change is required for the following suspicious RCU dereference fix. No functional changes intended.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: bridge: mst: pass vlan group directly to br_mst_vlan_set_state\n\nPass the already obtained vlan group pointer to br_mst_vlan_set_state()\ninstead of dereferencing it again. Each caller has already correctly\ndereferenced it for their context. This change is required for the\nfollowing suspicious RCU dereference fix. No functional changes\nintended.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40921 was patched at 2024-07-16

453. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40924) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/i915/dpt: Make DPT object unshrinkable In some scenarios, the DPT object gets shrunk but the actual framebuffer did not and thus its still there on the DPT's vm->bound_list. Then it tries to rewrite the PTEs via a stale CPU mapping. This causes panic. [vsyrjala: Add TODO comment] (cherry picked from commit 51064d471c53dcc8eddd2333c3f1c1d9131ba36c)', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/i915/dpt: Make DPT object unshrinkable\n\nIn some scenarios, the DPT object gets shrunk but\nthe actual framebuffer did not and thus its still\nthere on the DPT's vm->bound_list. Then it tries to\nrewrite the PTEs via a stale CPU mapping. This causes panic.\n\n[vsyrjala: Add TODO comment]\n(cherry picked from commit 51064d471c53dcc8eddd2333c3f1c1d9131ba36c)', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40924 was patched at 2024-07-16

454. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40927) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: xhci: Handle TD clearing for multiple streams case When multiple streams are in use, multiple TDs might be in flight when an endpoint is stopped. We need to issue a Set TR Dequeue Pointer for each, to ensure everything is reset properly and the caches cleared. Change the logic so that any N>1 TDs found active for different streams are deferred until after the first one is processed, calling xhci_invalidate_cancelled_tds() again from xhci_handle_cmd_set_deq() to queue another command until we are done with all of them. Also change the error/"should never happen" paths to ensure we at least clear any affected TDs, even if we can't issue a command to clear the hardware cache, and complain loudly with an xhci_warn() if this ever happens. This problem case dates back to commit e9df17eb1408 ("USB: xhci: Correct assumptions about number of rings per endpoint.") early on in the XHCI driver's life, when stream support was first added. It was then identified but not fixed nor made into a warning in commit 674f8438c121 ("xhci: split handling halted endpoints into two steps"), which added a FIXME comment for the problem case (without materially changing the behavior as far as I can tell, though the new logic made the problem more obvious). Then later, in commit 94f339147fc3 ("xhci: Fix failure to give back some cached cancelled URBs."), it was acknowledged again. [Mathias: commit 94f339147fc3 ("xhci: Fix failure to give back some cached cancelled URBs.") was a targeted regression fix to the previously mentioned patch. Users reported issues with usb stuck after unmounting/disconnecting UAS devices. This rolled back the TD clearing of multiple streams to its original state.] Apparently the commit author was aware of the problem (yet still chose to submit it): It was still mentioned as a FIXME, an xhci_dbg() was added to log the problem condition, and the remaining issue was mentioned in the commit description. The choice of making the log type xhci_dbg() for what is, at this point, a completely unhandled and known broken condition is puzzling and unfortunate, as it guarantees that no actual users would see the log in production, thereby making it nigh undebuggable (indeed, even if you turn on DEBUG, the message doesn't really hint at there being a problem at all). It took me *months* of random xHC crashes to finally find a reliable repro and be able to do a deep dive debug session, which could all have been avoided had this unhandled, broken condition been actually reported with a warning, as it should have been as a bug intentionally left in unfixed (never mind that it shouldn't have been left in at all). > Another fix to solve clearing the caches of all stream rings with > cancelled TDs is needed, but not as urgent. 3 years after that statement and 14 years after the original bug was introduced, I think it's finally time to fix it. And maybe next time let's not leave bugs unfixed (that are actually worse than the original bug), and let's actually get people to review kernel commits please. Fixes xHC crashes and IOMMU faults with UAS devices when handling errors/faults. Easiest repro is to use `hdparm` to mark an early sector (e.g. 1024) on a disk as bad, then `cat /dev/sdX > /dev/null` in a loop. At least in the case of JMicron controllers, the read errors end up having to cancel two TDs (for two queued requests to different streams) and the one that didn't get cleared properly ends up faulting the xHC entirely when it tries to access DMA pages that have since been unmapped, referred to by the stale TDs. This normally happens quickly (after two or three loops). After this fix, I left the `cat` in a loop running overnight and experienced no xHC failures, with all read errors recovered properly. Repro'd and tested on an Apple M1 Mac Mini (dwc3 host). On systems without an IOMMU, this bug would instead silently corrupt freed memory, making this a ---truncated---', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nxhci: Handle TD clearing for multiple streams case\n\nWhen multiple streams are in use, multiple TDs might be in flight when\nan endpoint is stopped. We need to issue a Set TR Dequeue Pointer for\neach, to ensure everything is reset properly and the caches cleared.\nChange the logic so that any N>1 TDs found active for different streams\nare deferred until after the first one is processed, calling\nxhci_invalidate_cancelled_tds() again from xhci_handle_cmd_set_deq() to\nqueue another command until we are done with all of them. Also change\nthe error/"should never happen" paths to ensure we at least clear any\naffected TDs, even if we can't issue a command to clear the hardware\ncache, and complain loudly with an xhci_warn() if this ever happens.\n\nThis problem case dates back to commit e9df17eb1408 ("USB: xhci: Correct\nassumptions about number of rings per endpoint.") early on in the XHCI\ndriver's life, when stream support was first added.\nIt was then identified but not fixed nor made into a warning in commit\n674f8438c121 ("xhci: split handling halted endpoints into two steps"),\nwhich added a FIXME comment for the problem case (without materially\nchanging the behavior as far as I can tell, though the new logic made\nthe problem more obvious).\n\nThen later, in commit 94f339147fc3 ("xhci: Fix failure to give back some\ncached cancelled URBs."), it was acknowledged again.\n\n[Mathias: commit 94f339147fc3 ("xhci: Fix failure to give back some cached\ncancelled URBs.") was a targeted regression fix to the previously mentioned\npatch. Users reported issues with usb stuck after unmounting/disconnecting\nUAS devices. This rolled back the TD clearing of multiple streams to its\noriginal state.]\n\nApparently the commit author was aware of the problem (yet still chose\nto submit it): It was still mentioned as a FIXME, an xhci_dbg() was\nadded to log the problem condition, and the remaining issue was mentioned\nin the commit description. The choice of making the log type xhci_dbg()\nfor what is, at this point, a completely unhandled and known broken\ncondition is puzzling and unfortunate, as it guarantees that no actual\nusers would see the log in production, thereby making it nigh\nundebuggable (indeed, even if you turn on DEBUG, the message doesn't\nreally hint at there being a problem at all).\n\nIt took me *months* of random xHC crashes to finally find a reliable\nrepro and be able to do a deep dive debug session, which could all have\nbeen avoided had this unhandled, broken condition been actually reported\nwith a warning, as it should have been as a bug intentionally left in\nunfixed (never mind that it shouldn't have been left in at all).\n\n> Another fix to solve clearing the caches of all stream rings with\n> cancelled TDs is needed, but not as urgent.\n\n3 years after that statement and 14 years after the original bug was\nintroduced, I think it's finally time to fix it. And maybe next time\nlet's not leave bugs unfixed (that are actually worse than the original\nbug), and let's actually get people to review kernel commits please.\n\nFixes xHC crashes and IOMMU faults with UAS devices when handling\nerrors/faults. Easiest repro is to use `hdparm` to mark an early sector\n(e.g. 1024) on a disk as bad, then `cat /dev/sdX > /dev/null` in a loop.\nAt least in the case of JMicron controllers, the read errors end up\nhaving to cancel two TDs (for two queued requests to different streams)\nand the one that didn't get cleared properly ends up faulting the xHC\nentirely when it tries to access DMA pages that have since been unmapped,\nreferred to by the stale TDs. This normally happens quickly (after two\nor three loops). After this fix, I left the `cat` in a loop running\novernight and experienced no xHC failures, with all read errors\nrecovered properly. Repro'd and tested on an Apple M1 Mac Mini\n(dwc3 host).\n\nOn systems without an IOMMU, this bug would instead silently corrupt\nfreed memory, making this a\n---truncated---', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40927 was patched at 2024-07-16

455. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40935) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: cachefiles: flush all requests after setting CACHEFILES_DEAD In ondemand mode, when the daemon is processing an open request, if the kernel flags the cache as CACHEFILES_DEAD, the cachefiles_daemon_write() will always return -EIO, so the daemon can't pass the copen to the kernel. Then the kernel process that is waiting for the copen triggers a hung_task. Since the DEAD state is irreversible, it can only be exited by closing /dev/cachefiles. Therefore, after calling cachefiles_io_error() to mark the cache as CACHEFILES_DEAD, if in ondemand mode, flush all requests to avoid the above hungtask. We may still be able to read some of the cached data before closing the fd of /dev/cachefiles. Note that this relies on the patch that adds reference counting to the req, otherwise it may UAF.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ncachefiles: flush all requests after setting CACHEFILES_DEAD\n\nIn ondemand mode, when the daemon is processing an open request, if the\nkernel flags the cache as CACHEFILES_DEAD, the cachefiles_daemon_write()\nwill always return -EIO, so the daemon can't pass the copen to the kernel.\nThen the kernel process that is waiting for the copen triggers a hung_task.\n\nSince the DEAD state is irreversible, it can only be exited by closing\n/dev/cachefiles. Therefore, after calling cachefiles_io_error() to mark\nthe cache as CACHEFILES_DEAD, if in ondemand mode, flush all requests to\navoid the above hungtask. We may still be able to read some of the cached\ndata before closing the fd of /dev/cachefiles.\n\nNote that this relies on the patch that adds reference counting to the req,\notherwise it may UAF.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40935 was patched at 2024-07-16

456. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40937) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: gve: Clear napi->skb before dev_kfree_skb_any() gve_rx_free_skb incorrectly leaves napi->skb referencing an skb after it is freed with dev_kfree_skb_any(). This can result in a subsequent call to napi_get_frags returning a dangling pointer. Fix this by clearing napi->skb before the skb is freed.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ngve: Clear napi->skb before dev_kfree_skb_any()\n\ngve_rx_free_skb incorrectly leaves napi->skb referencing an skb after it\nis freed with dev_kfree_skb_any(). This can result in a subsequent call\nto napi_get_frags returning a dangling pointer.\n\nFix this by clearing napi->skb before the skb is freed.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40937 was patched at 2024-07-16

457. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40938) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: landlock: Fix d_parent walk The WARN_ON_ONCE() in collect_domain_accesses() can be triggered when trying to link a root mount point. This cannot work in practice because this directory is mounted, but the VFS check is done after the call to security_path_link(). Do not use source directory's d_parent when the source directory is the mount point. [mic: Fix commit message]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nlandlock: Fix d_parent walk\n\nThe WARN_ON_ONCE() in collect_domain_accesses() can be triggered when\ntrying to link a root mount point. This cannot work in practice because\nthis directory is mounted, but the VFS check is done after the call to\nsecurity_path_link().\n\nDo not use source directory's d_parent when the source directory is the\nmount point.\n\n[mic: Fix commit message]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40938 was patched at 2024-07-16

458. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40939) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: wwan: iosm: Fix tainted pointer delete is case of region creation fail In case of region creation fail in ipc_devlink_create_region(), previously created regions delete process starts from tainted pointer which actually holds error code value. Fix this bug by decreasing region index before delete. Found by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: wwan: iosm: Fix tainted pointer delete is case of region creation fail\n\nIn case of region creation fail in ipc_devlink_create_region(), previously\ncreated regions delete process starts from tainted pointer which actually\nholds error code value.\nFix this bug by decreasing region index before delete.\n\nFound by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40939 was patched at 2024-07-16

459. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40940) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/mlx5: Fix tainted pointer delete is case of flow rules creation fail In case of flow rule creation fail in mlx5_lag_create_port_sel_table(), instead of previously created rules, the tainted pointer is deleted deveral times. Fix this bug by using correct flow rules pointers. Found by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet/mlx5: Fix tainted pointer delete is case of flow rules creation fail\n\nIn case of flow rule creation fail in mlx5_lag_create_port_sel_table(),\ninstead of previously created rules, the tainted pointer is deleted\ndeveral times.\nFix this bug by using correct flow rules pointers.\n\nFound by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40940 was patched at 2024-07-16

460. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40947) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ima: Avoid blocking in RCU read-side critical section A panic happens in ima_match_policy: BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 0000000000000010 PGD 42f873067 P4D 0 Oops: 0000 [#1] SMP NOPTI CPU: 5 PID: 1286325 Comm: Kdump: loaded Tainted: P Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 0.0.0 02/06/2015 RIP: 0010:ima_match_policy+0x84/0x450 Code: 49 89 fc 41 89 cf 31 ed 89 44 24 14 eb 1c 44 39 7b 18 74 26 41 83 ff 05 74 20 48 8b 1b 48 3b 1d f2 b9 f4 00 0f 84 9c 01 00 00 <44> 85 73 10 74 ea 44 8b 6b 14 41 f6 c5 01 75 d4 41 f6 c5 02 74 0f RSP: 0018:ff71570009e07a80 EFLAGS: 00010207 RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: 0000000000000000 RCX: 0000000000000200 RDX: ffffffffad8dc7c0 RSI: 0000000024924925 RDI: ff3e27850dea2000 RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: ffffffffabfce739 R10: ff3e27810cc42400 R11: 0000000000000000 R12: ff3e2781825ef970 R13: 00000000ff3e2785 R14: 000000000000000c R15: 0000000000000001 FS: 00007f5195b51740(0000) GS:ff3e278b12d40000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 0000000000000010 CR3: 0000000626d24002 CR4: 0000000000361ee0 DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 Call Trace: ima_get_action+0x22/0x30 process_measurement+0xb0/0x830 ? page_add_file_rmap+0x15/0x170 ? alloc_set_pte+0x269/0x4c0 ? prep_new_page+0x81/0x140 ? simple_xattr_get+0x75/0xa0 ? selinux_file_open+0x9d/0xf0 ima_file_check+0x64/0x90 path_openat+0x571/0x1720 do_filp_open+0x9b/0x110 ? page_counter_try_charge+0x57/0xc0 ? files_cgroup_alloc_fd+0x38/0x60 ? __alloc_fd+0xd4/0x250 ? do_sys_open+0x1bd/0x250 do_sys_open+0x1bd/0x250 do_syscall_64+0x5d/0x1d0 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x65/0xca Commit c7423dbdbc9e ("ima: Handle -ESTALE returned by ima_filter_rule_match()") introduced call to ima_lsm_copy_rule within a RCU read-side critical section which contains kmalloc with GFP_KERNEL. This implies a possible sleep and violates limitations of RCU read-side critical sections on non-PREEMPT systems. Sleeping within RCU read-side critical section might cause synchronize_rcu() returning early and break RCU protection, allowing a UAF to happen. The root cause of this issue could be described as follows: |\tThread A\t|\tThread B\t| |\t\t\t|ima_match_policy\t| |\t\t\t| rcu_read_lock\t| |ima_lsm_update_rule\t|\t\t\t| | synchronize_rcu\t|\t\t\t| |\t\t\t| kmalloc(GFP_KERNEL)| |\t\t\t| sleep\t\t| ==> synchronize_rcu returns early | kfree(entry)\t\t|\t\t\t| |\t\t\t| entry = entry->next| ==> UAF happens and entry now becomes NULL (or could be anything). |\t\t\t| entry->action\t| ==> Accessing entry might cause panic. To fix this issue, we are converting all kmalloc that is called within RCU read-side critical section to use GFP_ATOMIC. [PM: fixed missing comment, long lines, !CONFIG_IMA_LSM_RULES case]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nima: Avoid blocking in RCU read-side critical section\n\nA panic happens in ima_match_policy:\n\nBUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 0000000000000010\nPGD 42f873067 P4D 0\nOops: 0000 [#1] SMP NOPTI\nCPU: 5 PID: 1286325 Comm:\nKdump: loaded Tainted: P\nHardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996),\n BIOS 0.0.0 02/06/2015\nRIP: 0010:ima_match_policy+0x84/0x450\nCode: 49 89 fc 41 89 cf 31 ed 89 44 24 14 eb 1c 44 39\n 7b 18 74 26 41 83 ff 05 74 20 48 8b 1b 48 3b 1d\n f2 b9 f4 00 0f 84 9c 01 00 00 <44> 85 73 10 74 ea\n 44 8b 6b 14 41 f6 c5 01 75 d4 41 f6 c5 02 74 0f\nRSP: 0018:ff71570009e07a80 EFLAGS: 00010207\nRAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: 0000000000000000 RCX: 0000000000000200\nRDX: ffffffffad8dc7c0 RSI: 0000000024924925 RDI: ff3e27850dea2000\nRBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: ffffffffabfce739\nR10: ff3e27810cc42400 R11: 0000000000000000 R12: ff3e2781825ef970\nR13: 00000000ff3e2785 R14: 000000000000000c R15: 0000000000000001\nFS: 00007f5195b51740(0000)\nGS:ff3e278b12d40000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\nCS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\nCR2: 0000000000000010 CR3: 0000000626d24002 CR4: 0000000000361ee0\nDR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000\nDR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400\nCall Trace:\n ima_get_action+0x22/0x30\n process_measurement+0xb0/0x830\n ? page_add_file_rmap+0x15/0x170\n ? alloc_set_pte+0x269/0x4c0\n ? prep_new_page+0x81/0x140\n ? simple_xattr_get+0x75/0xa0\n ? selinux_file_open+0x9d/0xf0\n ima_file_check+0x64/0x90\n path_openat+0x571/0x1720\n do_filp_open+0x9b/0x110\n ? page_counter_try_charge+0x57/0xc0\n ? files_cgroup_alloc_fd+0x38/0x60\n ? __alloc_fd+0xd4/0x250\n ? do_sys_open+0x1bd/0x250\n do_sys_open+0x1bd/0x250\n do_syscall_64+0x5d/0x1d0\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x65/0xca\n\nCommit c7423dbdbc9e ("ima: Handle -ESTALE returned by\nima_filter_rule_match()") introduced call to ima_lsm_copy_rule within a\nRCU read-side critical section which contains kmalloc with GFP_KERNEL.\nThis implies a possible sleep and violates limitations of RCU read-side\ncritical sections on non-PREEMPT systems.\n\nSleeping within RCU read-side critical section might cause\nsynchronize_rcu() returning early and break RCU protection, allowing a\nUAF to happen.\n\nThe root cause of this issue could be described as follows:\n|\tThread A\t|\tThread B\t|\n|\t\t\t|ima_match_policy\t|\n|\t\t\t| rcu_read_lock\t|\n|ima_lsm_update_rule\t|\t\t\t|\n| synchronize_rcu\t|\t\t\t|\n|\t\t\t| kmalloc(GFP_KERNEL)|\n|\t\t\t| sleep\t\t|\n==> synchronize_rcu returns early\n| kfree(entry)\t\t|\t\t\t|\n|\t\t\t| entry = entry->next|\n==> UAF happens and entry now becomes NULL (or could be anything).\n|\t\t\t| entry->action\t|\n==> Accessing entry might cause panic.\n\nTo fix this issue, we are converting all kmalloc that is called within\nRCU read-side critical section to use GFP_ATOMIC.\n\n[PM: fixed missing comment, long lines, !CONFIG_IMA_LSM_RULES case]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40947 was patched at 2024-07-16

461. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40948) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mm/page_table_check: fix crash on ZONE_DEVICE Not all pages may apply to pgtable check. One example is ZONE_DEVICE pages: they map PFNs directly, and they don't allocate page_ext at all even if there's struct page around. One may reference devm_memremap_pages(). When both ZONE_DEVICE and page-table-check enabled, then try to map some dax memories, one can trigger kernel bug constantly now when the kernel was trying to inject some pfn maps on the dax device: kernel BUG at mm/page_table_check.c:55! While it's pretty legal to use set_pxx_at() for ZONE_DEVICE pages for page fault resolutions, skip all the checks if page_ext doesn't even exist in pgtable checker, which applies to ZONE_DEVICE but maybe more.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmm/page_table_check: fix crash on ZONE_DEVICE\n\nNot all pages may apply to pgtable check. One example is ZONE_DEVICE\npages: they map PFNs directly, and they don't allocate page_ext at all\neven if there's struct page around. One may reference\ndevm_memremap_pages().\n\nWhen both ZONE_DEVICE and page-table-check enabled, then try to map some\ndax memories, one can trigger kernel bug constantly now when the kernel\nwas trying to inject some pfn maps on the dax device:\n\n kernel BUG at mm/page_table_check.c:55!\n\nWhile it's pretty legal to use set_pxx_at() for ZONE_DEVICE pages for page\nfault resolutions, skip all the checks if page_ext doesn't even exist in\npgtable checker, which applies to ZONE_DEVICE but maybe more.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40948 was patched at 2024-07-16

462. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40953) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: KVM: Fix a data race on last_boosted_vcpu in kvm_vcpu_on_spin() Use {READ,WRITE}_ONCE() to access kvm->last_boosted_vcpu to ensure the loads and stores are atomic. In the extremely unlikely scenario the compiler tears the stores, it's theoretically possible for KVM to attempt to get a vCPU using an out-of-bounds index, e.g. if the write is split into multiple 8-bit stores, and is paired with a 32-bit load on a VM with 257 vCPUs: CPU0 CPU1 last_boosted_vcpu = 0xff; (last_boosted_vcpu = 0x100) last_boosted_vcpu[15:8] = 0x01; i = (last_boosted_vcpu = 0x1ff) last_boosted_vcpu[7:0] = 0x00; vcpu = kvm->vcpu_array[0x1ff]; As detected by KCSAN: BUG: KCSAN: data-race in kvm_vcpu_on_spin [kvm] / kvm_vcpu_on_spin [kvm] write to 0xffffc90025a92344 of 4 bytes by task 4340 on cpu 16: kvm_vcpu_on_spin (arch/x86/kvm/../../../virt/kvm/kvm_main.c:4112) kvm handle_pause (arch/x86/kvm/vmx/vmx.c:5929) kvm_intel vmx_handle_exit (arch/x86/kvm/vmx/vmx.c:? \t\t arch/x86/kvm/vmx/vmx.c:6606) kvm_intel vcpu_run (arch/x86/kvm/x86.c:11107 arch/x86/kvm/x86.c:11211) kvm kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_run (arch/x86/kvm/x86.c:?) kvm kvm_vcpu_ioctl (arch/x86/kvm/../../../virt/kvm/kvm_main.c:?) kvm __se_sys_ioctl (fs/ioctl.c:52 fs/ioctl.c:904 fs/ioctl.c:890) __x64_sys_ioctl (fs/ioctl.c:890) x64_sys_call (arch/x86/entry/syscall_64.c:33) do_syscall_64 (arch/x86/entry/common.c:?) entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:130) read to 0xffffc90025a92344 of 4 bytes by task 4342 on cpu 4: kvm_vcpu_on_spin (arch/x86/kvm/../../../virt/kvm/kvm_main.c:4069) kvm handle_pause (arch/x86/kvm/vmx/vmx.c:5929) kvm_intel vmx_handle_exit (arch/x86/kvm/vmx/vmx.c:? \t\t\tarch/x86/kvm/vmx/vmx.c:6606) kvm_intel vcpu_run (arch/x86/kvm/x86.c:11107 arch/x86/kvm/x86.c:11211) kvm kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_run (arch/x86/kvm/x86.c:?) kvm kvm_vcpu_ioctl (arch/x86/kvm/../../../virt/kvm/kvm_main.c:?) kvm __se_sys_ioctl (fs/ioctl.c:52 fs/ioctl.c:904 fs/ioctl.c:890) __x64_sys_ioctl (fs/ioctl.c:890) x64_sys_call (arch/x86/entry/syscall_64.c:33) do_syscall_64 (arch/x86/entry/common.c:?) entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:130) value changed: 0x00000012 -> 0x00000000', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nKVM: Fix a data race on last_boosted_vcpu in kvm_vcpu_on_spin()\n\nUse {READ,WRITE}_ONCE() to access kvm->last_boosted_vcpu to ensure the\nloads and stores are atomic. In the extremely unlikely scenario the\ncompiler tears the stores, it's theoretically possible for KVM to attempt\nto get a vCPU using an out-of-bounds index, e.g. if the write is split\ninto multiple 8-bit stores, and is paired with a 32-bit load on a VM with\n257 vCPUs:\n\n CPU0 CPU1\n last_boosted_vcpu = 0xff;\n\n (last_boosted_vcpu = 0x100)\n last_boosted_vcpu[15:8] = 0x01;\n i = (last_boosted_vcpu = 0x1ff)\n last_boosted_vcpu[7:0] = 0x00;\n\n vcpu = kvm->vcpu_array[0x1ff];\n\nAs detected by KCSAN:\n\n BUG: KCSAN: data-race in kvm_vcpu_on_spin [kvm] / kvm_vcpu_on_spin [kvm]\n\n write to 0xffffc90025a92344 of 4 bytes by task 4340 on cpu 16:\n kvm_vcpu_on_spin (arch/x86/kvm/../../../virt/kvm/kvm_main.c:4112) kvm\n handle_pause (arch/x86/kvm/vmx/vmx.c:5929) kvm_intel\n vmx_handle_exit (arch/x86/kvm/vmx/vmx.c:?\n\t\t arch/x86/kvm/vmx/vmx.c:6606) kvm_intel\n vcpu_run (arch/x86/kvm/x86.c:11107 arch/x86/kvm/x86.c:11211) kvm\n kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_run (arch/x86/kvm/x86.c:?) kvm\n kvm_vcpu_ioctl (arch/x86/kvm/../../../virt/kvm/kvm_main.c:?) kvm\n __se_sys_ioctl (fs/ioctl.c:52 fs/ioctl.c:904 fs/ioctl.c:890)\n __x64_sys_ioctl (fs/ioctl.c:890)\n x64_sys_call (arch/x86/entry/syscall_64.c:33)\n do_syscall_64 (arch/x86/entry/common.c:?)\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:130)\n\n read to 0xffffc90025a92344 of 4 bytes by task 4342 on cpu 4:\n kvm_vcpu_on_spin (arch/x86/kvm/../../../virt/kvm/kvm_main.c:4069) kvm\n handle_pause (arch/x86/kvm/vmx/vmx.c:5929) kvm_intel\n vmx_handle_exit (arch/x86/kvm/vmx/vmx.c:?\n\t\t\tarch/x86/kvm/vmx/vmx.c:6606) kvm_intel\n vcpu_run (arch/x86/kvm/x86.c:11107 arch/x86/kvm/x86.c:11211) kvm\n kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_run (arch/x86/kvm/x86.c:?) kvm\n kvm_vcpu_ioctl (arch/x86/kvm/../../../virt/kvm/kvm_main.c:?) kvm\n __se_sys_ioctl (fs/ioctl.c:52 fs/ioctl.c:904 fs/ioctl.c:890)\n __x64_sys_ioctl (fs/ioctl.c:890)\n x64_sys_call (arch/x86/entry/syscall_64.c:33)\n do_syscall_64 (arch/x86/entry/common.c:?)\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:130)\n\n value changed: 0x00000012 -> 0x00000000', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40953 was patched at 2024-07-16

463. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40956) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: dmaengine: idxd: Fix possible Use-After-Free in irq_process_work_list Use list_for_each_entry_safe() to allow iterating through the list and deleting the entry in the iteration process. The descriptor is freed via idxd_desc_complete() and there's a slight chance may cause issue for the list iterator when the descriptor is reused by another thread without it being deleted from the list.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndmaengine: idxd: Fix possible Use-After-Free in irq_process_work_list\n\nUse list_for_each_entry_safe() to allow iterating through the list and\ndeleting the entry in the iteration process. The descriptor is freed via\nidxd_desc_complete() and there's a slight chance may cause issue for\nthe list iterator when the descriptor is reused by another thread\nwithout it being deleted from the list.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40956 was patched at 2024-07-16

464. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40957) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: seg6: fix parameter passing when calling NF_HOOK() in End.DX4 and End.DX6 behaviors input_action_end_dx4() and input_action_end_dx6() are called NF_HOOK() for PREROUTING hook, in PREROUTING hook, we should passing a valid indev, and a NULL outdev to NF_HOOK(), otherwise may trigger a NULL pointer dereference, as below: [74830.647293] BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000090 [74830.655633] #PF: supervisor read access in kernel mode [74830.657888] #PF: error_code(0x0000) - not-present page [74830.659500] PGD 0 P4D 0 [74830.660450] Oops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP PTI ... [74830.664953] Hardware name: Red Hat KVM, BIOS 0.5.1 01/01/2011 [74830.666569] RIP: 0010:rpfilter_mt+0x44/0x15e [ipt_rpfilter] ... [74830.689725] Call Trace: [74830.690402] <IRQ> [74830.690953] ? show_trace_log_lvl+0x1c4/0x2df [74830.692020] ? show_trace_log_lvl+0x1c4/0x2df [74830.693095] ? ipt_do_table+0x286/0x710 [ip_tables] [74830.694275] ? __die_body.cold+0x8/0xd [74830.695205] ? page_fault_oops+0xac/0x140 [74830.696244] ? exc_page_fault+0x62/0x150 [74830.697225] ? asm_exc_page_fault+0x22/0x30 [74830.698344] ? rpfilter_mt+0x44/0x15e [ipt_rpfilter] [74830.699540] ipt_do_table+0x286/0x710 [ip_tables] [74830.700758] ? ip6_route_input+0x19d/0x240 [74830.701752] nf_hook_slow+0x3f/0xb0 [74830.702678] input_action_end_dx4+0x19b/0x1e0 [74830.703735] ? input_action_end_t+0xe0/0xe0 [74830.704734] seg6_local_input_core+0x2d/0x60 [74830.705782] lwtunnel_input+0x5b/0xb0 [74830.706690] __netif_receive_skb_one_core+0x63/0xa0 [74830.707825] process_backlog+0x99/0x140 [74830.709538] __napi_poll+0x2c/0x160 [74830.710673] net_rx_action+0x296/0x350 [74830.711860] __do_softirq+0xcb/0x2ac [74830.713049] do_softirq+0x63/0x90 input_action_end_dx4() passing a NULL indev to NF_HOOK(), and finally trigger a NULL dereference in rpfilter_mt()->rpfilter_is_loopback(): static bool rpfilter_is_loopback(const struct sk_buff *skb, \t const struct net_device *in) { // in is NULL return skb->pkt_type == PACKET_LOOPBACK || \t in->flags & IFF_LOOPBACK; }', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nseg6: fix parameter passing when calling NF_HOOK() in End.DX4 and End.DX6 behaviors\n\ninput_action_end_dx4() and input_action_end_dx6() are called NF_HOOK() for\nPREROUTING hook, in PREROUTING hook, we should passing a valid indev,\nand a NULL outdev to NF_HOOK(), otherwise may trigger a NULL pointer\ndereference, as below:\n\n [74830.647293] BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000090\n [74830.655633] #PF: supervisor read access in kernel mode\n [74830.657888] #PF: error_code(0x0000) - not-present page\n [74830.659500] PGD 0 P4D 0\n [74830.660450] Oops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP PTI\n ...\n [74830.664953] Hardware name: Red Hat KVM, BIOS 0.5.1 01/01/2011\n [74830.666569] RIP: 0010:rpfilter_mt+0x44/0x15e [ipt_rpfilter]\n ...\n [74830.689725] Call Trace:\n [74830.690402] <IRQ>\n [74830.690953] ? show_trace_log_lvl+0x1c4/0x2df\n [74830.692020] ? show_trace_log_lvl+0x1c4/0x2df\n [74830.693095] ? ipt_do_table+0x286/0x710 [ip_tables]\n [74830.694275] ? __die_body.cold+0x8/0xd\n [74830.695205] ? page_fault_oops+0xac/0x140\n [74830.696244] ? exc_page_fault+0x62/0x150\n [74830.697225] ? asm_exc_page_fault+0x22/0x30\n [74830.698344] ? rpfilter_mt+0x44/0x15e [ipt_rpfilter]\n [74830.699540] ipt_do_table+0x286/0x710 [ip_tables]\n [74830.700758] ? ip6_route_input+0x19d/0x240\n [74830.701752] nf_hook_slow+0x3f/0xb0\n [74830.702678] input_action_end_dx4+0x19b/0x1e0\n [74830.703735] ? input_action_end_t+0xe0/0xe0\n [74830.704734] seg6_local_input_core+0x2d/0x60\n [74830.705782] lwtunnel_input+0x5b/0xb0\n [74830.706690] __netif_receive_skb_one_core+0x63/0xa0\n [74830.707825] process_backlog+0x99/0x140\n [74830.709538] __napi_poll+0x2c/0x160\n [74830.710673] net_rx_action+0x296/0x350\n [74830.711860] __do_softirq+0xcb/0x2ac\n [74830.713049] do_softirq+0x63/0x90\n\ninput_action_end_dx4() passing a NULL indev to NF_HOOK(), and finally\ntrigger a NULL dereference in rpfilter_mt()->rpfilter_is_loopback():\n\n static bool\n rpfilter_is_loopback(const struct sk_buff *skb,\n \t const struct net_device *in)\n {\n // in is NULL\n return skb->pkt_type == PACKET_LOOPBACK ||\n \t in->flags & IFF_LOOPBACK;\n }', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40957 was patched at 2024-07-16

465. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40966) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: tty: add the option to have a tty reject a new ldisc ... and use it to limit the virtual terminals to just N_TTY. They are kind of special, and in particular, the "con_write()" routine violates the "writes cannot sleep" rule that some ldiscs rely on. This avoids the BUG: sleeping function called from invalid context at kernel/printk/printk.c:2659 when N_GSM has been attached to a virtual console, and gsmld_write() calls con_write() while holding a spinlock, and con_write() then tries to get the console lock.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ntty: add the option to have a tty reject a new ldisc\n\n... and use it to limit the virtual terminals to just N_TTY. They are\nkind of special, and in particular, the "con_write()" routine violates\nthe "writes cannot sleep" rule that some ldiscs rely on.\n\nThis avoids the\n\n BUG: sleeping function called from invalid context at kernel/printk/printk.c:2659\n\nwhen N_GSM has been attached to a virtual console, and gsmld_write()\ncalls con_write() while holding a spinlock, and con_write() then tries\nto get the console lock.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40966 was patched at 2024-07-16

466. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40967) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: serial: imx: Introduce timeout when waiting on transmitter empty By waiting at most 1 second for USR2_TXDC to be set, we avoid a potential deadlock. In case of the timeout, there is not much we can do, so we simply ignore the transmitter state and optimistically try to continue.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nserial: imx: Introduce timeout when waiting on transmitter empty\n\nBy waiting at most 1 second for USR2_TXDC to be set, we avoid a potential\ndeadlock.\n\nIn case of the timeout, there is not much we can do, so we simply ignore\nthe transmitter state and optimistically try to continue.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40967 was patched at 2024-07-16

467. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40969) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: f2fs: don't set RO when shutting down f2fs Shutdown does not check the error of thaw_super due to readonly, which causes a deadlock like below. f2fs_ioc_shutdown(F2FS_GOING_DOWN_FULLSYNC) issue_discard_thread - bdev_freeze - freeze_super - f2fs_stop_checkpoint() - f2fs_handle_critical_error - sb_start_write - set RO - waiting - bdev_thaw - thaw_super_locked - return -EINVAL, if sb_rdonly() - f2fs_stop_discard_thread -> wait for kthread_stop(discard_thread);', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nf2fs: don't set RO when shutting down f2fs\n\nShutdown does not check the error of thaw_super due to readonly, which\ncauses a deadlock like below.\n\nf2fs_ioc_shutdown(F2FS_GOING_DOWN_FULLSYNC) issue_discard_thread\n - bdev_freeze\n - freeze_super\n - f2fs_stop_checkpoint()\n - f2fs_handle_critical_error - sb_start_write\n - set RO - waiting\n - bdev_thaw\n - thaw_super_locked\n - return -EINVAL, if sb_rdonly()\n - f2fs_stop_discard_thread\n -> wait for kthread_stop(discard_thread);', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40969 was patched at 2024-07-16

468. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40970) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: Avoid hw_desc array overrun in dw-axi-dmac I have a use case where nr_buffers = 3 and in which each descriptor is composed by 3 segments, resulting in the DMA channel descs_allocated to be 9. Since axi_desc_put() handles the hw_desc considering the descs_allocated, this scenario would result in a kernel panic (hw_desc array will be overrun). To fix this, the proposal is to add a new member to the axi_dma_desc structure, where we keep the number of allocated hw_descs (axi_desc_alloc()) and use it in axi_desc_put() to handle the hw_desc array correctly. Additionally I propose to remove the axi_chan_start_first_queued() call after completing the transfer, since it was identified that unbalance can occur (started descriptors can be interrupted and transfer ignored due to DMA channel not being enabled).', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nAvoid hw_desc array overrun in dw-axi-dmac\n\nI have a use case where nr_buffers = 3 and in which each descriptor is composed by 3\nsegments, resulting in the DMA channel descs_allocated to be 9. Since axi_desc_put()\nhandles the hw_desc considering the descs_allocated, this scenario would result in a\nkernel panic (hw_desc array will be overrun).\n\nTo fix this, the proposal is to add a new member to the axi_dma_desc structure,\nwhere we keep the number of allocated hw_descs (axi_desc_alloc()) and use it in\naxi_desc_put() to handle the hw_desc array correctly.\n\nAdditionally I propose to remove the axi_chan_start_first_queued() call after completing\nthe transfer, since it was identified that unbalance can occur (started descriptors can\nbe interrupted and transfer ignored due to DMA channel not being enabled).', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40970 was patched at 2024-07-16

469. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40977) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: mt76: mt7921s: fix potential hung tasks during chip recovery During chip recovery (e.g. chip reset), there is a possible situation that kernel worker reset_work is holding the lock and waiting for kernel thread stat_worker to be parked, while stat_worker is waiting for the release of the same lock. It causes a deadlock resulting in the dumping of hung tasks messages and possible rebooting of the device. This patch prevents the execution of stat_worker during the chip recovery.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nwifi: mt76: mt7921s: fix potential hung tasks during chip recovery\n\nDuring chip recovery (e.g. chip reset), there is a possible situation that\nkernel worker reset_work is holding the lock and waiting for kernel thread\nstat_worker to be parked, while stat_worker is waiting for the release of\nthe same lock.\nIt causes a deadlock resulting in the dumping of hung tasks messages and\npossible rebooting of the device.\n\nThis patch prevents the execution of stat_worker during the chip recovery.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40977 was patched at 2024-07-16

470. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40982) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ssb: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference in ssb_device_uevent() The ssb_device_uevent() function first attempts to convert the 'dev' pointer to 'struct ssb_device *'. However, it mistakenly dereferences 'dev' before performing the NULL check, potentially leading to a NULL pointer dereference if 'dev' is NULL. To fix this issue, move the NULL check before dereferencing the 'dev' pointer, ensuring that the pointer is valid before attempting to use it. Found by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nssb: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference in ssb_device_uevent()\n\nThe ssb_device_uevent() function first attempts to convert the 'dev' pointer\nto 'struct ssb_device *'. However, it mistakenly dereferences 'dev' before\nperforming the NULL check, potentially leading to a NULL pointer\ndereference if 'dev' is NULL.\n\nTo fix this issue, move the NULL check before dereferencing the 'dev' pointer,\nensuring that the pointer is valid before attempting to use it.\n\nFound by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40982 was patched at 2024-07-16

471. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40989) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: KVM: arm64: Disassociate vcpus from redistributor region on teardown When tearing down a redistributor region, make sure we don't have any dangling pointer to that region stored in a vcpu.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nKVM: arm64: Disassociate vcpus from redistributor region on teardown\n\nWhen tearing down a redistributor region, make sure we don't have\nany dangling pointer to that region stored in a vcpu.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40989 was patched at 2024-07-16

472. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40998) - Low [173]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ext4: fix uninitialized ratelimit_state->lock access in __ext4_fill_super() In the following concurrency we will access the uninitialized rs->lock: ext4_fill_super ext4_register_sysfs // sysfs registered msg_ratelimit_interval_ms // Other processes modify rs->interval to // non-zero via msg_ratelimit_interval_ms ext4_orphan_cleanup ext4_msg(sb, KERN_INFO, "Errors on filesystem, " __ext4_msg ___ratelimit(&(EXT4_SB(sb)->s_msg_ratelimit_state) if (!rs->interval) // do nothing if interval is 0 return 1; raw_spin_trylock_irqsave(&rs->lock, flags) raw_spin_trylock(lock) _raw_spin_trylock __raw_spin_trylock spin_acquire(&lock->dep_map, 0, 1, _RET_IP_) lock_acquire __lock_acquire register_lock_class assign_lock_key dump_stack(); ratelimit_state_init(&sbi->s_msg_ratelimit_state, 5 * HZ, 10); raw_spin_lock_init(&rs->lock); // init rs->lock here and get the following dump_stack: ========================================================= INFO: trying to register non-static key. The code is fine but needs lockdep annotation, or maybe you didn't initialize this object before use? turning off the locking correctness validator. CPU: 12 PID: 753 Comm: mount Tainted: G E 6.7.0-rc6-next-20231222 #504 [...] Call Trace: dump_stack_lvl+0xc5/0x170 dump_stack+0x18/0x30 register_lock_class+0x740/0x7c0 __lock_acquire+0x69/0x13a0 lock_acquire+0x120/0x450 _raw_spin_trylock+0x98/0xd0 ___ratelimit+0xf6/0x220 __ext4_msg+0x7f/0x160 [ext4] ext4_orphan_cleanup+0x665/0x740 [ext4] __ext4_fill_super+0x21ea/0x2b10 [ext4] ext4_fill_super+0x14d/0x360 [ext4] [...] ========================================================= Normally interval is 0 until s_msg_ratelimit_state is initialized, so ___ratelimit() does nothing. But registering sysfs precedes initializing rs->lock, so it is possible to change rs->interval to a non-zero value via the msg_ratelimit_interval_ms interface of sysfs while rs->lock is uninitialized, and then a call to ext4_msg triggers the problem by accessing an uninitialized rs->lock. Therefore register sysfs after all initializations are complete to avoid such problems.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\next4: fix uninitialized ratelimit_state->lock access in __ext4_fill_super()\n\nIn the following concurrency we will access the uninitialized rs->lock:\n\next4_fill_super\n ext4_register_sysfs\n // sysfs registered msg_ratelimit_interval_ms\n // Other processes modify rs->interval to\n // non-zero via msg_ratelimit_interval_ms\n ext4_orphan_cleanup\n ext4_msg(sb, KERN_INFO, "Errors on filesystem, "\n __ext4_msg\n ___ratelimit(&(EXT4_SB(sb)->s_msg_ratelimit_state)\n if (!rs->interval) // do nothing if interval is 0\n return 1;\n raw_spin_trylock_irqsave(&rs->lock, flags)\n raw_spin_trylock(lock)\n _raw_spin_trylock\n __raw_spin_trylock\n spin_acquire(&lock->dep_map, 0, 1, _RET_IP_)\n lock_acquire\n __lock_acquire\n register_lock_class\n assign_lock_key\n dump_stack();\n ratelimit_state_init(&sbi->s_msg_ratelimit_state, 5 * HZ, 10);\n raw_spin_lock_init(&rs->lock);\n // init rs->lock here\n\nand get the following dump_stack:\n\n=========================================================\nINFO: trying to register non-static key.\nThe code is fine but needs lockdep annotation, or maybe\nyou didn't initialize this object before use?\nturning off the locking correctness validator.\nCPU: 12 PID: 753 Comm: mount Tainted: G E 6.7.0-rc6-next-20231222 #504\n[...]\nCall Trace:\n dump_stack_lvl+0xc5/0x170\n dump_stack+0x18/0x30\n register_lock_class+0x740/0x7c0\n __lock_acquire+0x69/0x13a0\n lock_acquire+0x120/0x450\n _raw_spin_trylock+0x98/0xd0\n ___ratelimit+0xf6/0x220\n __ext4_msg+0x7f/0x160 [ext4]\n ext4_orphan_cleanup+0x665/0x740 [ext4]\n __ext4_fill_super+0x21ea/0x2b10 [ext4]\n ext4_fill_super+0x14d/0x360 [ext4]\n[...]\n=========================================================\n\nNormally interval is 0 until s_msg_ratelimit_state is initialized, so\n___ratelimit() does nothing. But registering sysfs precedes initializing\nrs->lock, so it is possible to change rs->interval to a non-zero value\nvia the msg_ratelimit_interval_ms interface of sysfs while rs->lock is\nuninitialized, and then a call to ext4_msg triggers the problem by\naccessing an uninitialized rs->lock. Therefore register sysfs after all\ninitializations are complete to avoid such problems.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-40998 was patched at 2024-07-16

473. Denial of Service - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-6126) - Low [172]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'A flaw was found in the cockpit package. This flaw allows an authenticated user to kill any process when enabling the pam_env's user_readenv option, which leads to a denial of service (DoS) attack.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'A flaw was found in the cockpit package. This flaw allows an authenticated user to kill any process when enabling the pam_env's user_readenv option, which leads to a denial of service (DoS) attack.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.310CVSS Base Score is 3.2. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-6126 was patched at 2024-07-16

474. Memory Corruption - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-28820) - Low [172]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Buffer overflow in the extract_openvpn_cr function in openvpn-cr.c in openvpn-auth-ldap (aka the Three Rings Auth-LDAP plugin for OpenVPN) 2.0.4 allows attackers with a valid LDAP username and who can control the challenge/response password field to pass a string with more than 14 colons into this field and cause a buffer overflow.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Buffer overflow in the extract_openvpn_cr function in openvpn-cr.c in openvpn-auth-ldap (aka the Three Rings Auth-LDAP plugin for OpenVPN) 2.0.4 allows attackers with a valid LDAP username and who can control the challenge/response password field to pass a string with more than 14 colons into this field and cause a buffer overflow.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-28820 was patched at 2024-06-30

475. Security Feature Bypass - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-33999) - Low [172]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'The referrer URL used by MFA required additional sanitizing, rather than being used directly.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'The referrer URL used by MFA required additional sanitizing, rather than being used directly.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

redos: CVE-2024-33999 was patched at 2024-07-01

476. Security Feature Bypass - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-34007) - Low [172]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'The logout option within MFA did not include the necessary token to avoid the risk of users inadvertently being logged out via CSRF.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'The logout option within MFA did not include the necessary token to avoid the risk of users inadvertently being logged out via CSRF.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

redos: CVE-2024-34007 was patched at 2024-07-01

477. Security Feature Bypass - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-34008) - Low [172]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Actions in the admin management of analytics models did not include the necessary token to prevent a CSRF risk.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Actions in the admin management of analytics models did not include the necessary token to prevent a CSRF risk.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.915Security Feature Bypass
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

redos: CVE-2024-34008 was patched at 2024-07-01

478. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Oracle Java SE (CVE-2024-21131) - Low [171]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Vulnerability in the Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition product of Oracle Java SE (component: Hotspot). Supported versions that are affected are Oracle Java SE: 8u411, 8u411-perf, 11.0.23, 17.0.11, 21.0.3, 22.0.1; Oracle GraalVM for JDK: 17.0.11, 21.0.3, 22.0.1; Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition: 20.3.14 and 21.3.10. Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition accessible data. Note: This vulnerability can be exploited by using APIs in the specified Component, e.g., through a web service which supplies data to the APIs. This vulnerability also applies to Java deployments, typically in clients running sandboxed Java Web Start applications or sandboxed Java applets, that load and run untrusted code (e.g., code that comes from the internet) and rely on the Java sandbox for security. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 3.7 (Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:L/A:N).', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Vulnerability in the Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition product of Oracle Java SE (component: Hotspot). Supported versions that are affected are Oracle Java SE: 8u411, 8u411-perf, 11.0.23, 17.0.11, 21.0.3, 22.0.1; Oracle GraalVM for JDK: 17.0.11, 21.0.3, 22.0.1; Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition: 20.3.14 and 21.3.10. Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition accessible data. Note: This vulnerability can be exploited by using APIs in the specified Component, e.g., through a web service which supplies data to the APIs. This vulnerability also applies to Java deployments, typically in clients running sandboxed Java Web Start applications or sandboxed Java applets, that load and run untrusted code (e.g., code that comes from the internet) and rely on the Java sandbox for security. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 3.7 (Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:L/A:N).', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Oracle Java SE
CVSS Base Score0.410CVSS Base Score is 3.7. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00046, EPSS Percentile is 0.17374

redhat: CVE-2024-21131 was patched at 2024-07-17

479. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Oracle Java SE (CVE-2024-21145) - Low [171]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Vulnerability in the Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition product of Oracle Java SE (component: 2D). Supported versions that are affected are Oracle Java SE: 8u411, 8u411-perf, 11.0.23, 17.0.11, 21.0.3, 22.0.1; Oracle GraalVM for JDK: 17.0.11, 21.0.3, 22.0.1; Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition: 20.3.14 and 21.3.10. Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition accessible data as well as unauthorized read access to a subset of Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition accessible data. Note: This vulnerability can be exploited by using APIs in the specified Component, e.g., through a web service which supplies data to the APIs. This vulnerability also applies to Java deployments, typically in clients running sandboxed Java Web Start applications or sandboxed Java applets, that load and run untrusted code (e.g., code that comes from the internet) and rely on the Java sandbox for security. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.8 (Confidentiality and Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:L/A:N).', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Vulnerability in the Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition product of Oracle Java SE (component: 2D). Supported versions that are affected are Oracle Java SE: 8u411, 8u411-perf, 11.0.23, 17.0.11, 21.0.3, 22.0.1; Oracle GraalVM for JDK: 17.0.11, 21.0.3, 22.0.1; Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition: 20.3.14 and 21.3.10. Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition accessible data as well as unauthorized read access to a subset of Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition accessible data. Note: This vulnerability can be exploited by using APIs in the specified Component, e.g., through a web service which supplies data to the APIs. This vulnerability also applies to Java deployments, typically in clients running sandboxed Java Web Start applications or sandboxed Java applets, that load and run untrusted code (e.g., code that comes from the internet) and rely on the Java sandbox for security. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.8 (Confidentiality and Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:L/A:N).', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Oracle Java SE
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 4.8. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

redhat: CVE-2024-21145 was patched at 2024-07-17

480. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Suricata (CVE-2024-37151) - Low [166]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Suricata is a network Intrusion Detection System, Intrusion Prevention System and Network Security Monitoring engine. Mishandling of multiple fragmented packets using the same IP ID value can lead to packet reassembly failure, which can lead to policy bypass. Upgrade to 7.0.6 or 6.0.20. When using af-packet, enable `defrag` to reduce the scope of the problem.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Suricata is a network Intrusion Detection System, Intrusion Prevention System and Network Security Monitoring engine. \nMishandling of multiple fragmented packets using the same IP ID value can lead to packet reassembly failure, which can lead to policy bypass. Upgrade to 7.0.6 or 6.0.20. When using af-packet, enable `defrag` to reduce the scope of the problem.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:oisf:suricata (exists in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00054, EPSS Percentile is 0.22284

debian: CVE-2024-37151 was patched at 2024-07-16

481. Unknown Vulnerability Type - retryablehttp (CVE-2024-6104) - Low [166]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'go-retryablehttp prior to 0.7.7 did not sanitize urls when writing them to its log file. This could lead to go-retryablehttp writing sensitive HTTP basic auth credentials to its log file. This vulnerability, CVE-2024-6104, was fixed in go-retryablehttp 0.7.7.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'go-retryablehttp prior to 0.7.7 did not sanitize urls when writing them to its log file. This could lead to go-retryablehttp writing sensitive HTTP basic auth credentials to its log file. This vulnerability, CVE-2024-6104, was fixed in go-retryablehttp 0.7.7.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Product detected by a:hashicorp:retryablehttp (does NOT exist in CPE dict)
CVSS Base Score0.610CVSS Base Score is 6.0. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-6104 was patched at 2024-06-30

482. Memory Corruption - Artifex Ghostscript (CVE-2024-29506) - Low [163]

Description: Artifex Ghostscript before 10.03.0 has a stack-based buffer overflow in the pdfi_apply_filter() function via a long PDF filter name.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.314Artifex Ghostscript is an interpreter for the PostScript® language and PDF files
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-29506 was patched at 2024-07-16

ubuntu: CVE-2024-29506 was patched at 2024-07-15

483. Memory Corruption - Artifex Ghostscript (CVE-2024-29507) - Low [163]

Description: Artifex Ghostscript before 10.03.0 sometimes has a stack-based buffer overflow via the CIDFSubstPath and CIDFSubstFont parameters.

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common0.314Artifex Ghostscript is an interpreter for the PostScript® language and PDF files
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-29507 was patched at 2024-07-16

ubuntu: CVE-2024-29507 was patched at 2024-07-15

484. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Apache HTTP Server (CVE-2024-38473) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Encoding problem in mod_proxy in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 and earlier allows request URLs with incorrect encoding to be sent to backend services, potentially bypassing authentication via crafted requests. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.60, which fixes this issue.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Encoding problem in mod_proxy in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 and earlier allows request URLs with incorrect encoding to be sent to backend services, potentially bypassing authentication via crafted requests.\nUsers are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.60, which fixes this issue.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914Apache HTTP Server is a free and open-source web server that delivers web content through the internet
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-38473 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

ubuntu: CVE-2024-38473 was patched at 2024-07-08

485. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Apache HTTP Server (CVE-2024-38474) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Substitution encoding issue in mod_rewrite in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 and earlier allows attacker to execute scripts in directories permitted by the configuration but not directly reachable by any\xa0URL or source disclosure of scripts meant to only to be executed as CGI. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.60, which fixes this issue. Some RewriteRules that capture and substitute unsafely will now fail unless rewrite flag "UnsafeAllow3F" is specified.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Substitution encoding issue in mod_rewrite in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 and earlier allows attacker to execute scripts in\ndirectories permitted by the configuration but not directly reachable by any\xa0URL or source disclosure of scripts meant to only to be executed as CGI.\n\nUsers are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.60, which fixes this issue.\n\nSome RewriteRules that capture and substitute unsafely will now fail unless rewrite flag "UnsafeAllow3F" is specified.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914Apache HTTP Server is a free and open-source web server that delivers web content through the internet
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-38474 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

ubuntu: CVE-2024-38474 was patched at 2024-07-08

486. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Apache HTTP Server (CVE-2024-39884) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'A regression in the core of Apache HTTP Server 2.4.60 ignores some use of the legacy content-type based configuration of handlers.\xa0 \xa0"AddType" and similar configuration, under some circumstances where files are requested indirectly, result in source code disclosure of local content. For example, PHP scripts may be served instead of interpreted. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.61, which fixes this issue.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'A regression in the core of Apache HTTP Server 2.4.60 ignores some use of the legacy content-type based configuration of handlers.\xa0 \xa0"AddType" and similar configuration, under some circumstances where files are requested indirectly, result in source code disclosure of local content. For example, PHP scripts may be served instead of interpreted.\n\nUsers are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.61, which fixes this issue.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914Apache HTTP Server is a free and open-source web server that delivers web content through the internet
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

ubuntu: CVE-2024-39884 was patched at 2024-07-08

487. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-4439) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: isdn: cpai: check ctr->cnr to avoid array index out of bound The cmtp_add_connection() would add a cmtp session to a controller and run a kernel thread to process cmtp. \t__module_get(THIS_MODULE); \tsession->task = kthread_run(cmtp_session, session, "kcmtpd_ctr_%d", \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsession->num); During this process, the kernel thread would call detach_capi_ctr() to detach a register controller. if the controller was not attached yet, detach_capi_ctr() would trigger an array-index-out-bounds bug. [ 46.866069][ T6479] UBSAN: array-index-out-of-bounds in drivers/isdn/capi/kcapi.c:483:21 [ 46.867196][ T6479] index -1 is out of range for type 'capi_ctr *[32]' [ 46.867982][ T6479] CPU: 1 PID: 6479 Comm: kcmtpd_ctr_0 Not tainted 5.15.0-rc2+ #8 [ 46.869002][ T6479] Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 1.14.0-2 04/01/2014 [ 46.870107][ T6479] Call Trace: [ 46.870473][ T6479] dump_stack_lvl+0x57/0x7d [ 46.870974][ T6479] ubsan_epilogue+0x5/0x40 [ 46.871458][ T6479] __ubsan_handle_out_of_bounds.cold+0x43/0x48 [ 46.872135][ T6479] detach_capi_ctr+0x64/0xc0 [ 46.872639][ T6479] cmtp_session+0x5c8/0x5d0 [ 46.873131][ T6479] ? __init_waitqueue_head+0x60/0x60 [ 46.873712][ T6479] ? cmtp_add_msgpart+0x120/0x120 [ 46.874256][ T6479] kthread+0x147/0x170 [ 46.874709][ T6479] ? set_kthread_struct+0x40/0x40 [ 46.875248][ T6479] ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x30 [ 46.875773][ T6479]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nisdn: cpai: check ctr->cnr to avoid array index out of bound\n\nThe cmtp_add_connection() would add a cmtp session to a controller\nand run a kernel thread to process cmtp.\n\n\t__module_get(THIS_MODULE);\n\tsession->task = kthread_run(cmtp_session, session, "kcmtpd_ctr_%d",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsession->num);\n\nDuring this process, the kernel thread would call detach_capi_ctr()\nto detach a register controller. if the controller\nwas not attached yet, detach_capi_ctr() would\ntrigger an array-index-out-bounds bug.\n\n[ 46.866069][ T6479] UBSAN: array-index-out-of-bounds in\ndrivers/isdn/capi/kcapi.c:483:21\n[ 46.867196][ T6479] index -1 is out of range for type 'capi_ctr *[32]'\n[ 46.867982][ T6479] CPU: 1 PID: 6479 Comm: kcmtpd_ctr_0 Not tainted\n5.15.0-rc2+ #8\n[ 46.869002][ T6479] Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX,\n1996), BIOS 1.14.0-2 04/01/2014\n[ 46.870107][ T6479] Call Trace:\n[ 46.870473][ T6479] dump_stack_lvl+0x57/0x7d\n[ 46.870974][ T6479] ubsan_epilogue+0x5/0x40\n[ 46.871458][ T6479] __ubsan_handle_out_of_bounds.cold+0x43/0x48\n[ 46.872135][ T6479] detach_capi_ctr+0x64/0xc0\n[ 46.872639][ T6479] cmtp_session+0x5c8/0x5d0\n[ 46.873131][ T6479] ? __init_waitqueue_head+0x60/0x60\n[ 46.873712][ T6479] ? cmtp_add_msgpart+0x120/0x120\n[ 46.874256][ T6479] kthread+0x147/0x170\n[ 46.874709][ T6479] ? set_kthread_struct+0x40/0x40\n[ 46.875248][ T6479] ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x30\n[ 46.875773][ T6479]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2021-4439 was patched at 2024-06-30

488. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47577) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: io-wq: check for wq exit after adding new worker task_work We check IO_WQ_BIT_EXIT before attempting to create a new worker, and wq exit cancels pending work if we have any. But it's possible to have a race between the two, where creation checks exit finding it not set, but we're in the process of exiting. The exit side will cancel pending creation task_work, but there's a gap where we add task_work after we've canceled existing creations at exit time. Fix this by checking the EXIT bit post adding the creation task_work. If it's set, run the same cancelation that exit does.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nio-wq: check for wq exit after adding new worker task_work\n\nWe check IO_WQ_BIT_EXIT before attempting to create a new worker, and\nwq exit cancels pending work if we have any. But it's possible to have\na race between the two, where creation checks exit finding it not set,\nbut we're in the process of exiting. The exit side will cancel pending\ncreation task_work, but there's a gap where we add task_work after we've\ncanceled existing creations at exit time.\n\nFix this by checking the EXIT bit post adding the creation task_work.\nIf it's set, run the same cancelation that exit does.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2021-47577 was patched at 2024-06-30

489. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47582) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: USB: core: Make do_proc_control() and do_proc_bulk() killable The USBDEVFS_CONTROL and USBDEVFS_BULK ioctls invoke usb_start_wait_urb(), which contains an uninterruptible wait with a user-specified timeout value. If timeout value is very large and the device being accessed does not respond in a reasonable amount of time, the kernel will complain about "Task X blocked for more than N seconds", as found in testing by syzbot: INFO: task syz-executor.0:8700 blocked for more than 143 seconds. Not tainted 5.14.0-rc7-syzkaller #0 "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message. task:syz-executor.0 state:D stack:23192 pid: 8700 ppid: 8455 flags:0x00004004 Call Trace: context_switch kernel/sched/core.c:4681 [inline] __schedule+0xc07/0x11f0 kernel/sched/core.c:5938 schedule+0x14b/0x210 kernel/sched/core.c:6017 schedule_timeout+0x98/0x2f0 kernel/time/timer.c:1857 do_wait_for_common+0x2da/0x480 kernel/sched/completion.c:85 __wait_for_common kernel/sched/completion.c:106 [inline] wait_for_common kernel/sched/completion.c:117 [inline] wait_for_completion_timeout+0x46/0x60 kernel/sched/completion.c:157 usb_start_wait_urb+0x167/0x550 drivers/usb/core/message.c:63 do_proc_bulk+0x978/0x1080 drivers/usb/core/devio.c:1236 proc_bulk drivers/usb/core/devio.c:1273 [inline] usbdev_do_ioctl drivers/usb/core/devio.c:2547 [inline] usbdev_ioctl+0x3441/0x6b10 drivers/usb/core/devio.c:2713 ... To fix this problem, this patch replaces usbfs's calls to usb_control_msg() and usb_bulk_msg() with special-purpose code that does essentially the same thing (as recommended in the comment for usb_start_wait_urb()), except that it always uses a killable wait and it uses GFP_KERNEL rather than GFP_NOIO.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nUSB: core: Make do_proc_control() and do_proc_bulk() killable\n\nThe USBDEVFS_CONTROL and USBDEVFS_BULK ioctls invoke\nusb_start_wait_urb(), which contains an uninterruptible wait with a\nuser-specified timeout value. If timeout value is very large and the\ndevice being accessed does not respond in a reasonable amount of time,\nthe kernel will complain about "Task X blocked for more than N\nseconds", as found in testing by syzbot:\n\nINFO: task syz-executor.0:8700 blocked for more than 143 seconds.\n Not tainted 5.14.0-rc7-syzkaller #0\n"echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.\ntask:syz-executor.0 state:D stack:23192 pid: 8700 ppid: 8455 flags:0x00004004\nCall Trace:\n context_switch kernel/sched/core.c:4681 [inline]\n __schedule+0xc07/0x11f0 kernel/sched/core.c:5938\n schedule+0x14b/0x210 kernel/sched/core.c:6017\n schedule_timeout+0x98/0x2f0 kernel/time/timer.c:1857\n do_wait_for_common+0x2da/0x480 kernel/sched/completion.c:85\n __wait_for_common kernel/sched/completion.c:106 [inline]\n wait_for_common kernel/sched/completion.c:117 [inline]\n wait_for_completion_timeout+0x46/0x60 kernel/sched/completion.c:157\n usb_start_wait_urb+0x167/0x550 drivers/usb/core/message.c:63\n do_proc_bulk+0x978/0x1080 drivers/usb/core/devio.c:1236\n proc_bulk drivers/usb/core/devio.c:1273 [inline]\n usbdev_do_ioctl drivers/usb/core/devio.c:2547 [inline]\n usbdev_ioctl+0x3441/0x6b10 drivers/usb/core/devio.c:2713\n...\n\nTo fix this problem, this patch replaces usbfs's calls to\nusb_control_msg() and usb_bulk_msg() with special-purpose code that\ndoes essentially the same thing (as recommended in the comment for\nusb_start_wait_urb()), except that it always uses a killable wait and\nit uses GFP_KERNEL rather than GFP_NOIO.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2021-47582 was patched at 2024-06-30

490. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47587) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: systemport: Add global locking for descriptor lifecycle The descriptor list is a shared resource across all of the transmit queues, and the locking mechanism used today only protects concurrency across a given transmit queue between the transmit and reclaiming. This creates an opportunity for the SYSTEMPORT hardware to work on corrupted descriptors if we have multiple producers at once which is the case when using multiple transmit queues. This was particularly noticeable when using multiple flows/transmit queues and it showed up in interesting ways in that UDP packets would get a correct UDP header checksum being calculated over an incorrect packet length. Similarly TCP packets would get an equally correct checksum computed by the hardware over an incorrect packet length. The SYSTEMPORT hardware maintains an internal descriptor list that it re-arranges when the driver produces a new descriptor anytime it writes to the WRITE_PORT_{HI,LO} registers, there is however some delay in the hardware to re-organize its descriptors and it is possible that concurrent TX queues eventually break this internal allocation scheme to the point where the length/status part of the descriptor gets used for an incorrect data buffer. The fix is to impose a global serialization for all TX queues in the short section where we are writing to the WRITE_PORT_{HI,LO} registers which solves the corruption even with multiple concurrent TX queues being used.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: systemport: Add global locking for descriptor lifecycle\n\nThe descriptor list is a shared resource across all of the transmit queues, and\nthe locking mechanism used today only protects concurrency across a given\ntransmit queue between the transmit and reclaiming. This creates an opportunity\nfor the SYSTEMPORT hardware to work on corrupted descriptors if we have\nmultiple producers at once which is the case when using multiple transmit\nqueues.\n\nThis was particularly noticeable when using multiple flows/transmit queues and\nit showed up in interesting ways in that UDP packets would get a correct UDP\nheader checksum being calculated over an incorrect packet length. Similarly TCP\npackets would get an equally correct checksum computed by the hardware over an\nincorrect packet length.\n\nThe SYSTEMPORT hardware maintains an internal descriptor list that it re-arranges\nwhen the driver produces a new descriptor anytime it writes to the\nWRITE_PORT_{HI,LO} registers, there is however some delay in the hardware to\nre-organize its descriptors and it is possible that concurrent TX queues\neventually break this internal allocation scheme to the point where the\nlength/status part of the descriptor gets used for an incorrect data buffer.\n\nThe fix is to impose a global serialization for all TX queues in the short\nsection where we are writing to the WRITE_PORT_{HI,LO} registers which solves\nthe corruption even with multiple concurrent TX queues being used.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2021-47587 was patched at 2024-06-30

491. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47588) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: sit: do not call ipip6_dev_free() from sit_init_net() ipip6_dev_free is sit dev->priv_destructor, already called by register_netdevice() if something goes wrong. Alternative would be to make ipip6_dev_free() robust against multiple invocations, but other drivers do not implement this strategy. syzbot reported: dst_release underflow WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 5059 at net/core/dst.c:173 dst_release+0xd8/0xe0 net/core/dst.c:173 Modules linked in: CPU: 1 PID: 5059 Comm: syz-executor.4 Not tainted 5.16.0-rc5-syzkaller #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/2011 RIP: 0010:dst_release+0xd8/0xe0 net/core/dst.c:173 Code: 4c 89 f2 89 d9 31 c0 5b 41 5e 5d e9 da d5 44 f9 e8 1d 90 5f f9 c6 05 87 48 c6 05 01 48 c7 c7 80 44 99 8b 31 c0 e8 e8 67 29 f9 <0f> 0b eb 85 0f 1f 40 00 53 48 89 fb e8 f7 8f 5f f9 48 83 c3 a8 48 RSP: 0018:ffffc9000aa5faa0 EFLAGS: 00010246 RAX: d6894a925dd15a00 RBX: 00000000ffffffff RCX: 0000000000040000 RDX: ffffc90005e19000 RSI: 000000000003ffff RDI: 0000000000040000 RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: ffffffff816a1f42 R09: ffffed1017344f2c R10: ffffed1017344f2c R11: 0000000000000000 R12: 0000607f462b1358 R13: 1ffffffff1bfd305 R14: ffffe8ffffcb1358 R15: dffffc0000000000 FS: 00007f66c71a2700(0000) GS:ffff8880b9a00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 00007f88aaed5058 CR3: 0000000023e0f000 CR4: 00000000003506f0 DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 Call Trace: <TASK> dst_cache_destroy+0x107/0x1e0 net/core/dst_cache.c:160 ipip6_dev_free net/ipv6/sit.c:1414 [inline] sit_init_net+0x229/0x550 net/ipv6/sit.c:1936 ops_init+0x313/0x430 net/core/net_namespace.c:140 setup_net+0x35b/0x9d0 net/core/net_namespace.c:326 copy_net_ns+0x359/0x5c0 net/core/net_namespace.c:470 create_new_namespaces+0x4ce/0xa00 kernel/nsproxy.c:110 unshare_nsproxy_namespaces+0x11e/0x180 kernel/nsproxy.c:226 ksys_unshare+0x57d/0xb50 kernel/fork.c:3075 __do_sys_unshare kernel/fork.c:3146 [inline] __se_sys_unshare kernel/fork.c:3144 [inline] __x64_sys_unshare+0x34/0x40 kernel/fork.c:3144 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline] do_syscall_64+0x44/0xd0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae RIP: 0033:0x7f66c882ce99 Code: ff ff c3 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 0f 1f 40 00 48 89 f8 48 89 f7 48 89 d6 48 89 ca 4d 89 c2 4d 89 c8 4c 8b 4c 24 08 0f 05 <48> 3d 01 f0 ff ff 73 01 c3 48 c7 c1 bc ff ff ff f7 d8 64 89 01 48 RSP: 002b:00007f66c71a2168 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000110 RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 00007f66c893ff60 RCX: 00007f66c882ce99 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: 0000000048040200 RBP: 00007f66c8886ff1 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000 R10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 0000000000000000 R13: 00007fff6634832f R14: 00007f66c71a2300 R15: 0000000000022000 </TASK>', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nsit: do not call ipip6_dev_free() from sit_init_net()\n\nipip6_dev_free is sit dev->priv_destructor, already called\nby register_netdevice() if something goes wrong.\n\nAlternative would be to make ipip6_dev_free() robust against\nmultiple invocations, but other drivers do not implement this\nstrategy.\n\nsyzbot reported:\n\ndst_release underflow\nWARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 5059 at net/core/dst.c:173 dst_release+0xd8/0xe0 net/core/dst.c:173\nModules linked in:\nCPU: 1 PID: 5059 Comm: syz-executor.4 Not tainted 5.16.0-rc5-syzkaller #0\nHardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/2011\nRIP: 0010:dst_release+0xd8/0xe0 net/core/dst.c:173\nCode: 4c 89 f2 89 d9 31 c0 5b 41 5e 5d e9 da d5 44 f9 e8 1d 90 5f f9 c6 05 87 48 c6 05 01 48 c7 c7 80 44 99 8b 31 c0 e8 e8 67 29 f9 <0f> 0b eb 85 0f 1f 40 00 53 48 89 fb e8 f7 8f 5f f9 48 83 c3 a8 48\nRSP: 0018:ffffc9000aa5faa0 EFLAGS: 00010246\nRAX: d6894a925dd15a00 RBX: 00000000ffffffff RCX: 0000000000040000\nRDX: ffffc90005e19000 RSI: 000000000003ffff RDI: 0000000000040000\nRBP: 0000000000000000 R08: ffffffff816a1f42 R09: ffffed1017344f2c\nR10: ffffed1017344f2c R11: 0000000000000000 R12: 0000607f462b1358\nR13: 1ffffffff1bfd305 R14: ffffe8ffffcb1358 R15: dffffc0000000000\nFS: 00007f66c71a2700(0000) GS:ffff8880b9a00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\nCS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\nCR2: 00007f88aaed5058 CR3: 0000000023e0f000 CR4: 00000000003506f0\nDR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000\nDR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n dst_cache_destroy+0x107/0x1e0 net/core/dst_cache.c:160\n ipip6_dev_free net/ipv6/sit.c:1414 [inline]\n sit_init_net+0x229/0x550 net/ipv6/sit.c:1936\n ops_init+0x313/0x430 net/core/net_namespace.c:140\n setup_net+0x35b/0x9d0 net/core/net_namespace.c:326\n copy_net_ns+0x359/0x5c0 net/core/net_namespace.c:470\n create_new_namespaces+0x4ce/0xa00 kernel/nsproxy.c:110\n unshare_nsproxy_namespaces+0x11e/0x180 kernel/nsproxy.c:226\n ksys_unshare+0x57d/0xb50 kernel/fork.c:3075\n __do_sys_unshare kernel/fork.c:3146 [inline]\n __se_sys_unshare kernel/fork.c:3144 [inline]\n __x64_sys_unshare+0x34/0x40 kernel/fork.c:3144\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0x44/0xd0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae\nRIP: 0033:0x7f66c882ce99\nCode: ff ff c3 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 0f 1f 40 00 48 89 f8 48 89 f7 48 89 d6 48 89 ca 4d 89 c2 4d 89 c8 4c 8b 4c 24 08 0f 05 <48> 3d 01 f0 ff ff 73 01 c3 48 c7 c1 bc ff ff ff f7 d8 64 89 01 48\nRSP: 002b:00007f66c71a2168 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000110\nRAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 00007f66c893ff60 RCX: 00007f66c882ce99\nRDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: 0000000048040200\nRBP: 00007f66c8886ff1 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000\nR10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 0000000000000000\nR13: 00007fff6634832f R14: 00007f66c71a2300 R15: 0000000000022000\n </TASK>', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2021-47588 was patched at 2024-06-30

492. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47590) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mptcp: fix deadlock in __mptcp_push_pending() __mptcp_push_pending() may call mptcp_flush_join_list() with subflow socket lock held. If such call hits mptcp_sockopt_sync_all() then subsequently __mptcp_sockopt_sync() could try to lock the subflow socket for itself, causing a deadlock. sysrq: Show Blocked State task:ss-server state:D stack: 0 pid: 938 ppid: 1 flags:0x00000000 Call Trace: <TASK> __schedule+0x2d6/0x10c0 ? __mod_memcg_state+0x4d/0x70 ? csum_partial+0xd/0x20 ? _raw_spin_lock_irqsave+0x26/0x50 schedule+0x4e/0xc0 __lock_sock+0x69/0x90 ? do_wait_intr_irq+0xa0/0xa0 __lock_sock_fast+0x35/0x50 mptcp_sockopt_sync_all+0x38/0xc0 __mptcp_push_pending+0x105/0x200 mptcp_sendmsg+0x466/0x490 sock_sendmsg+0x57/0x60 __sys_sendto+0xf0/0x160 ? do_wait_intr_irq+0xa0/0xa0 ? fpregs_restore_userregs+0x12/0xd0 __x64_sys_sendto+0x20/0x30 do_syscall_64+0x38/0x90 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae RIP: 0033:0x7f9ba546c2d0 RSP: 002b:00007ffdc3b762d8 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 000000000000002c RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 00007f9ba56c8060 RCX: 00007f9ba546c2d0 RDX: 000000000000077a RSI: 0000000000e5e180 RDI: 0000000000000234 RBP: 0000000000cc57f0 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000 R10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 00007f9ba56c8060 R13: 0000000000b6ba60 R14: 0000000000cc7840 R15: 41d8685b1d7901b8 </TASK> Fix the issue by using __mptcp_flush_join_list() instead of plain mptcp_flush_join_list() inside __mptcp_push_pending(), as suggested by Florian. The sockopt sync will be deferred to the workqueue.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmptcp: fix deadlock in __mptcp_push_pending()\n\n__mptcp_push_pending() may call mptcp_flush_join_list() with subflow\nsocket lock held. If such call hits mptcp_sockopt_sync_all() then\nsubsequently __mptcp_sockopt_sync() could try to lock the subflow\nsocket for itself, causing a deadlock.\n\nsysrq: Show Blocked State\ntask:ss-server state:D stack: 0 pid: 938 ppid: 1 flags:0x00000000\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n __schedule+0x2d6/0x10c0\n ? __mod_memcg_state+0x4d/0x70\n ? csum_partial+0xd/0x20\n ? _raw_spin_lock_irqsave+0x26/0x50\n schedule+0x4e/0xc0\n __lock_sock+0x69/0x90\n ? do_wait_intr_irq+0xa0/0xa0\n __lock_sock_fast+0x35/0x50\n mptcp_sockopt_sync_all+0x38/0xc0\n __mptcp_push_pending+0x105/0x200\n mptcp_sendmsg+0x466/0x490\n sock_sendmsg+0x57/0x60\n __sys_sendto+0xf0/0x160\n ? do_wait_intr_irq+0xa0/0xa0\n ? fpregs_restore_userregs+0x12/0xd0\n __x64_sys_sendto+0x20/0x30\n do_syscall_64+0x38/0x90\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae\nRIP: 0033:0x7f9ba546c2d0\nRSP: 002b:00007ffdc3b762d8 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 000000000000002c\nRAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 00007f9ba56c8060 RCX: 00007f9ba546c2d0\nRDX: 000000000000077a RSI: 0000000000e5e180 RDI: 0000000000000234\nRBP: 0000000000cc57f0 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000\nR10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 00007f9ba56c8060\nR13: 0000000000b6ba60 R14: 0000000000cc7840 R15: 41d8685b1d7901b8\n </TASK>\n\nFix the issue by using __mptcp_flush_join_list() instead of plain\nmptcp_flush_join_list() inside __mptcp_push_pending(), as suggested by\nFlorian. The sockopt sync will be deferred to the workqueue.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2021-47590 was patched at 2024-06-30

493. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47591) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mptcp: remove tcp ulp setsockopt support TCP_ULP setsockopt cannot be used for mptcp because its already used internally to plumb subflow (tcp) sockets to the mptcp layer. syzbot managed to trigger a crash for mptcp connections that are in fallback mode: KASAN: null-ptr-deref in range [0x0000000000000020-0x0000000000000027] CPU: 1 PID: 1083 Comm: syz-executor.3 Not tainted 5.16.0-rc2-syzkaller #0 RIP: 0010:tls_build_proto net/tls/tls_main.c:776 [inline] [..] __tcp_set_ulp net/ipv4/tcp_ulp.c:139 [inline] tcp_set_ulp+0x428/0x4c0 net/ipv4/tcp_ulp.c:160 do_tcp_setsockopt+0x455/0x37c0 net/ipv4/tcp.c:3391 mptcp_setsockopt+0x1b47/0x2400 net/mptcp/sockopt.c:638 Remove support for TCP_ULP setsockopt.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmptcp: remove tcp ulp setsockopt support\n\nTCP_ULP setsockopt cannot be used for mptcp because its already\nused internally to plumb subflow (tcp) sockets to the mptcp layer.\n\nsyzbot managed to trigger a crash for mptcp connections that are\nin fallback mode:\n\nKASAN: null-ptr-deref in range [0x0000000000000020-0x0000000000000027]\nCPU: 1 PID: 1083 Comm: syz-executor.3 Not tainted 5.16.0-rc2-syzkaller #0\nRIP: 0010:tls_build_proto net/tls/tls_main.c:776 [inline]\n[..]\n __tcp_set_ulp net/ipv4/tcp_ulp.c:139 [inline]\n tcp_set_ulp+0x428/0x4c0 net/ipv4/tcp_ulp.c:160\n do_tcp_setsockopt+0x455/0x37c0 net/ipv4/tcp.c:3391\n mptcp_setsockopt+0x1b47/0x2400 net/mptcp/sockopt.c:638\n\nRemove support for TCP_ULP setsockopt.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2021-47591 was patched at 2024-06-30

494. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47592) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: stmmac: fix tc flower deletion for VLAN priority Rx steering To replicate the issue:- 1) Add 1 flower filter for VLAN Priority based frame steering:- $ IFDEVNAME=eth0 $ tc qdisc add dev $IFDEVNAME ingress $ tc qdisc add dev $IFDEVNAME root mqprio num_tc 8 \\ map 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \\ queues 1@0 1@1 1@2 1@3 1@4 1@5 1@6 1@7 hw 0 $ tc filter add dev $IFDEVNAME parent ffff: protocol 802.1Q \\ flower vlan_prio 0 hw_tc 0 2) Get the 'pref' id $ tc filter show dev $IFDEVNAME ingress 3) Delete a specific tc flower record (say pref 49151) $ tc filter del dev $IFDEVNAME parent ffff: pref 49151 From dmesg, we will observe kernel NULL pointer ooops [ 197.170464] BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000000 [ 197.171367] #PF: supervisor read access in kernel mode [ 197.171367] #PF: error_code(0x0000) - not-present page [ 197.171367] PGD 0 P4D 0 [ 197.171367] Oops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP NOPTI <snip> [ 197.171367] RIP: 0010:tc_setup_cls+0x20b/0x4a0 [stmmac] <snip> [ 197.171367] Call Trace: [ 197.171367] <TASK> [ 197.171367] ? __stmmac_disable_all_queues+0xa8/0xe0 [stmmac] [ 197.171367] stmmac_setup_tc_block_cb+0x70/0x110 [stmmac] [ 197.171367] tc_setup_cb_destroy+0xb3/0x180 [ 197.171367] fl_hw_destroy_filter+0x94/0xc0 [cls_flower] The above issue is due to previous incorrect implementation of tc_del_vlan_flow(), shown below, that uses flow_cls_offload_flow_rule() to get struct flow_rule *rule which is no longer valid for tc filter delete operation. struct flow_rule *rule = flow_cls_offload_flow_rule(cls); struct flow_dissector *dissector = rule->match.dissector; So, to ensure tc_del_vlan_flow() deletes the right VLAN cls record for earlier configured RX queue (configured by hw_tc) in tc_add_vlan_flow(), this patch introduces stmmac_rfs_entry as driver-side flow_cls_offload record for 'RX frame steering' tc flower, currently used for VLAN priority. The implementation has taken consideration for future extension to include other type RX frame steering such as EtherType based. v2: - Clean up overly extensive backtrace and rewrite git message to better explain the kernel NULL pointer issue.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: stmmac: fix tc flower deletion for VLAN priority Rx steering\n\nTo replicate the issue:-\n\n1) Add 1 flower filter for VLAN Priority based frame steering:-\n$ IFDEVNAME=eth0\n$ tc qdisc add dev $IFDEVNAME ingress\n$ tc qdisc add dev $IFDEVNAME root mqprio num_tc 8 \\\n map 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \\\n queues 1@0 1@1 1@2 1@3 1@4 1@5 1@6 1@7 hw 0\n$ tc filter add dev $IFDEVNAME parent ffff: protocol 802.1Q \\\n flower vlan_prio 0 hw_tc 0\n\n2) Get the 'pref' id\n$ tc filter show dev $IFDEVNAME ingress\n\n3) Delete a specific tc flower record (say pref 49151)\n$ tc filter del dev $IFDEVNAME parent ffff: pref 49151\n\nFrom dmesg, we will observe kernel NULL pointer ooops\n\n[ 197.170464] BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000000\n[ 197.171367] #PF: supervisor read access in kernel mode\n[ 197.171367] #PF: error_code(0x0000) - not-present page\n[ 197.171367] PGD 0 P4D 0\n[ 197.171367] Oops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP NOPTI\n\n<snip>\n\n[ 197.171367] RIP: 0010:tc_setup_cls+0x20b/0x4a0 [stmmac]\n\n<snip>\n\n[ 197.171367] Call Trace:\n[ 197.171367] <TASK>\n[ 197.171367] ? __stmmac_disable_all_queues+0xa8/0xe0 [stmmac]\n[ 197.171367] stmmac_setup_tc_block_cb+0x70/0x110 [stmmac]\n[ 197.171367] tc_setup_cb_destroy+0xb3/0x180\n[ 197.171367] fl_hw_destroy_filter+0x94/0xc0 [cls_flower]\n\nThe above issue is due to previous incorrect implementation of\ntc_del_vlan_flow(), shown below, that uses flow_cls_offload_flow_rule()\nto get struct flow_rule *rule which is no longer valid for tc filter\ndelete operation.\n\n struct flow_rule *rule = flow_cls_offload_flow_rule(cls);\n struct flow_dissector *dissector = rule->match.dissector;\n\nSo, to ensure tc_del_vlan_flow() deletes the right VLAN cls record for\nearlier configured RX queue (configured by hw_tc) in tc_add_vlan_flow(),\nthis patch introduces stmmac_rfs_entry as driver-side flow_cls_offload\nrecord for 'RX frame steering' tc flower, currently used for VLAN\npriority. The implementation has taken consideration for future extension\nto include other type RX frame steering such as EtherType based.\n\nv2:\n - Clean up overly extensive backtrace and rewrite git message to better\n explain the kernel NULL pointer issue.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2021-47592 was patched at 2024-06-30

495. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47594) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mptcp: never allow the PM to close a listener subflow Currently, when deleting an endpoint the netlink PM treverses all the local MPTCP sockets, regardless of their status. If an MPTCP listener socket is bound to the IP matching the delete endpoint, the listener TCP socket will be closed. That is unexpected, the PM should only affect data subflows. Additionally, syzbot was able to trigger a NULL ptr dereference due to the above: general protection fault, probably for non-canonical address 0xdffffc0000000003: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN KASAN: null-ptr-deref in range [0x0000000000000018-0x000000000000001f] CPU: 1 PID: 6550 Comm: syz-executor122 Not tainted 5.16.0-rc4-syzkaller #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/2011 RIP: 0010:__lock_acquire+0xd7d/0x54a0 kernel/locking/lockdep.c:4897 Code: 0f 0e 41 be 01 00 00 00 0f 86 c8 00 00 00 89 05 69 cc 0f 0e e9 bd 00 00 00 48 b8 00 00 00 00 00 fc ff df 48 89 da 48 c1 ea 03 <80> 3c 02 00 0f 85 f3 2f 00 00 48 81 3b 20 75 17 8f 0f 84 52 f3 ff RSP: 0018:ffffc90001f2f818 EFLAGS: 00010016 RAX: dffffc0000000000 RBX: 0000000000000018 RCX: 0000000000000000 RDX: 0000000000000003 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: 0000000000000001 RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000001 R09: 0000000000000001 R10: 0000000000000000 R11: 000000000000000a R12: 0000000000000000 R13: ffff88801b98d700 R14: 0000000000000000 R15: 0000000000000001 FS: 00007f177cd3d700(0000) GS:ffff8880b9d00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 00007f177cd1b268 CR3: 000000001dd55000 CR4: 0000000000350ee0 Call Trace: <TASK> lock_acquire kernel/locking/lockdep.c:5637 [inline] lock_acquire+0x1ab/0x510 kernel/locking/lockdep.c:5602 __raw_spin_lock_irqsave include/linux/spinlock_api_smp.h:110 [inline] _raw_spin_lock_irqsave+0x39/0x50 kernel/locking/spinlock.c:162 finish_wait+0xc0/0x270 kernel/sched/wait.c:400 inet_csk_wait_for_connect net/ipv4/inet_connection_sock.c:464 [inline] inet_csk_accept+0x7de/0x9d0 net/ipv4/inet_connection_sock.c:497 mptcp_accept+0xe5/0x500 net/mptcp/protocol.c:2865 inet_accept+0xe4/0x7b0 net/ipv4/af_inet.c:739 mptcp_stream_accept+0x2e7/0x10e0 net/mptcp/protocol.c:3345 do_accept+0x382/0x510 net/socket.c:1773 __sys_accept4_file+0x7e/0xe0 net/socket.c:1816 __sys_accept4+0xb0/0x100 net/socket.c:1846 __do_sys_accept net/socket.c:1864 [inline] __se_sys_accept net/socket.c:1861 [inline] __x64_sys_accept+0x71/0xb0 net/socket.c:1861 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline] do_syscall_64+0x35/0xb0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae RIP: 0033:0x7f177cd8b8e9 Code: 28 00 00 00 75 05 48 83 c4 28 c3 e8 b1 14 00 00 90 48 89 f8 48 89 f7 48 89 d6 48 89 ca 4d 89 c2 4d 89 c8 4c 8b 4c 24 08 0f 05 <48> 3d 01 f0 ff ff 73 01 c3 48 c7 c1 b8 ff ff ff f7 d8 64 89 01 48 RSP: 002b:00007f177cd3d308 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 000000000000002b RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 00007f177ce13408 RCX: 00007f177cd8b8e9 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: 0000000000000003 RBP: 00007f177ce13400 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000 R10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 00007f177ce1340c R13: 00007f177cde1004 R14: 6d705f706374706d R15: 0000000000022000 </TASK> Fix the issue explicitly skipping MPTCP socket in TCP_LISTEN status.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmptcp: never allow the PM to close a listener subflow\n\nCurrently, when deleting an endpoint the netlink PM treverses\nall the local MPTCP sockets, regardless of their status.\n\nIf an MPTCP listener socket is bound to the IP matching the\ndelete endpoint, the listener TCP socket will be closed.\nThat is unexpected, the PM should only affect data subflows.\n\nAdditionally, syzbot was able to trigger a NULL ptr dereference\ndue to the above:\n\ngeneral protection fault, probably for non-canonical address 0xdffffc0000000003: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN\nKASAN: null-ptr-deref in range [0x0000000000000018-0x000000000000001f]\nCPU: 1 PID: 6550 Comm: syz-executor122 Not tainted 5.16.0-rc4-syzkaller #0\nHardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/2011\nRIP: 0010:__lock_acquire+0xd7d/0x54a0 kernel/locking/lockdep.c:4897\nCode: 0f 0e 41 be 01 00 00 00 0f 86 c8 00 00 00 89 05 69 cc 0f 0e e9 bd 00 00 00 48 b8 00 00 00 00 00 fc ff df 48 89 da 48 c1 ea 03 <80> 3c 02 00 0f 85 f3 2f 00 00 48 81 3b 20 75 17 8f 0f 84 52 f3 ff\nRSP: 0018:ffffc90001f2f818 EFLAGS: 00010016\nRAX: dffffc0000000000 RBX: 0000000000000018 RCX: 0000000000000000\nRDX: 0000000000000003 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: 0000000000000001\nRBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000001 R09: 0000000000000001\nR10: 0000000000000000 R11: 000000000000000a R12: 0000000000000000\nR13: ffff88801b98d700 R14: 0000000000000000 R15: 0000000000000001\nFS: 00007f177cd3d700(0000) GS:ffff8880b9d00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\nCS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\nCR2: 00007f177cd1b268 CR3: 000000001dd55000 CR4: 0000000000350ee0\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n lock_acquire kernel/locking/lockdep.c:5637 [inline]\n lock_acquire+0x1ab/0x510 kernel/locking/lockdep.c:5602\n __raw_spin_lock_irqsave include/linux/spinlock_api_smp.h:110 [inline]\n _raw_spin_lock_irqsave+0x39/0x50 kernel/locking/spinlock.c:162\n finish_wait+0xc0/0x270 kernel/sched/wait.c:400\n inet_csk_wait_for_connect net/ipv4/inet_connection_sock.c:464 [inline]\n inet_csk_accept+0x7de/0x9d0 net/ipv4/inet_connection_sock.c:497\n mptcp_accept+0xe5/0x500 net/mptcp/protocol.c:2865\n inet_accept+0xe4/0x7b0 net/ipv4/af_inet.c:739\n mptcp_stream_accept+0x2e7/0x10e0 net/mptcp/protocol.c:3345\n do_accept+0x382/0x510 net/socket.c:1773\n __sys_accept4_file+0x7e/0xe0 net/socket.c:1816\n __sys_accept4+0xb0/0x100 net/socket.c:1846\n __do_sys_accept net/socket.c:1864 [inline]\n __se_sys_accept net/socket.c:1861 [inline]\n __x64_sys_accept+0x71/0xb0 net/socket.c:1861\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0x35/0xb0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae\nRIP: 0033:0x7f177cd8b8e9\nCode: 28 00 00 00 75 05 48 83 c4 28 c3 e8 b1 14 00 00 90 48 89 f8 48 89 f7 48 89 d6 48 89 ca 4d 89 c2 4d 89 c8 4c 8b 4c 24 08 0f 05 <48> 3d 01 f0 ff ff 73 01 c3 48 c7 c1 b8 ff ff ff f7 d8 64 89 01 48\nRSP: 002b:00007f177cd3d308 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 000000000000002b\nRAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 00007f177ce13408 RCX: 00007f177cd8b8e9\nRDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: 0000000000000003\nRBP: 00007f177ce13400 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000\nR10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 00007f177ce1340c\nR13: 00007f177cde1004 R14: 6d705f706374706d R15: 0000000000022000\n </TASK>\n\nFix the issue explicitly skipping MPTCP socket in TCP_LISTEN\nstatus.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2021-47594 was patched at 2024-06-30

496. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47599) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: btrfs: use latest_dev in btrfs_show_devname The test case btrfs/238 reports the warning below: WARNING: CPU: 3 PID: 481 at fs/btrfs/super.c:2509 btrfs_show_devname+0x104/0x1e8 [btrfs] CPU: 2 PID: 1 Comm: systemd Tainted: G W O 5.14.0-rc1-custom #72 Hardware name: QEMU QEMU Virtual Machine, BIOS 0.0.0 02/06/2015 Call trace: btrfs_show_devname+0x108/0x1b4 [btrfs] show_mountinfo+0x234/0x2c4 m_show+0x28/0x34 seq_read_iter+0x12c/0x3c4 vfs_read+0x29c/0x2c8 ksys_read+0x80/0xec __arm64_sys_read+0x28/0x34 invoke_syscall+0x50/0xf8 do_el0_svc+0x88/0x138 el0_svc+0x2c/0x8c el0t_64_sync_handler+0x84/0xe4 el0t_64_sync+0x198/0x19c Reason: While btrfs_prepare_sprout() moves the fs_devices::devices into fs_devices::seed_list, the btrfs_show_devname() searches for the devices and found none, leading to the warning as in above. Fix: latest_dev is updated according to the changes to the device list. That means we could use the latest_dev->name to show the device name in /proc/self/mounts, the pointer will be always valid as it's assigned before the device is deleted from the list in remove or replace. The RCU protection is sufficient as the device structure is freed after synchronization.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbtrfs: use latest_dev in btrfs_show_devname\n\nThe test case btrfs/238 reports the warning below:\n\n WARNING: CPU: 3 PID: 481 at fs/btrfs/super.c:2509 btrfs_show_devname+0x104/0x1e8 [btrfs]\n CPU: 2 PID: 1 Comm: systemd Tainted: G W O 5.14.0-rc1-custom #72\n Hardware name: QEMU QEMU Virtual Machine, BIOS 0.0.0 02/06/2015\n Call trace:\n btrfs_show_devname+0x108/0x1b4 [btrfs]\n show_mountinfo+0x234/0x2c4\n m_show+0x28/0x34\n seq_read_iter+0x12c/0x3c4\n vfs_read+0x29c/0x2c8\n ksys_read+0x80/0xec\n __arm64_sys_read+0x28/0x34\n invoke_syscall+0x50/0xf8\n do_el0_svc+0x88/0x138\n el0_svc+0x2c/0x8c\n el0t_64_sync_handler+0x84/0xe4\n el0t_64_sync+0x198/0x19c\n\nReason:\nWhile btrfs_prepare_sprout() moves the fs_devices::devices into\nfs_devices::seed_list, the btrfs_show_devname() searches for the devices\nand found none, leading to the warning as in above.\n\nFix:\nlatest_dev is updated according to the changes to the device list.\nThat means we could use the latest_dev->name to show the device name in\n/proc/self/mounts, the pointer will be always valid as it's assigned\nbefore the device is deleted from the list in remove or replace.\nThe RCU protection is sufficient as the device structure is freed after\nsynchronization.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2021-47599 was patched at 2024-06-30

497. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47600) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: dm btree remove: fix use after free in rebalance_children() Move dm_tm_unlock() after dm_tm_dec().', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndm btree remove: fix use after free in rebalance_children()\n\nMove dm_tm_unlock() after dm_tm_dec().', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2021-47600 was patched at 2024-06-30

498. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47603) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: audit: improve robustness of the audit queue handling If the audit daemon were ever to get stuck in a stopped state the kernel's kauditd_thread() could get blocked attempting to send audit records to the userspace audit daemon. With the kernel thread blocked it is possible that the audit queue could grow unbounded as certain audit record generating events must be exempt from the queue limits else the system enter a deadlock state. This patch resolves this problem by lowering the kernel thread's socket sending timeout from MAX_SCHEDULE_TIMEOUT to HZ/10 and tweaks the kauditd_send_queue() function to better manage the various audit queues when connection problems occur between the kernel and the audit daemon. With this patch, the backlog may temporarily grow beyond the defined limits when the audit daemon is stopped and the system is under heavy audit pressure, but kauditd_thread() will continue to make progress and drain the queues as it would for other connection problems. For example, with the audit daemon put into a stopped state and the system configured to audit every syscall it was still possible to shutdown the system without a kernel panic, deadlock, etc.; granted, the system was slow to shutdown but that is to be expected given the extreme pressure of recording every syscall. The timeout value of HZ/10 was chosen primarily through experimentation and this developer's "gut feeling". There is likely no one perfect value, but as this scenario is limited in scope (root privileges would be needed to send SIGSTOP to the audit daemon), it is likely not worth exposing this as a tunable at present. This can always be done at a later date if it proves necessary.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\naudit: improve robustness of the audit queue handling\n\nIf the audit daemon were ever to get stuck in a stopped state the\nkernel's kauditd_thread() could get blocked attempting to send audit\nrecords to the userspace audit daemon. With the kernel thread\nblocked it is possible that the audit queue could grow unbounded as\ncertain audit record generating events must be exempt from the queue\nlimits else the system enter a deadlock state.\n\nThis patch resolves this problem by lowering the kernel thread's\nsocket sending timeout from MAX_SCHEDULE_TIMEOUT to HZ/10 and tweaks\nthe kauditd_send_queue() function to better manage the various audit\nqueues when connection problems occur between the kernel and the\naudit daemon. With this patch, the backlog may temporarily grow\nbeyond the defined limits when the audit daemon is stopped and the\nsystem is under heavy audit pressure, but kauditd_thread() will\ncontinue to make progress and drain the queues as it would for other\nconnection problems. For example, with the audit daemon put into a\nstopped state and the system configured to audit every syscall it\nwas still possible to shutdown the system without a kernel panic,\ndeadlock, etc.; granted, the system was slow to shutdown but that is\nto be expected given the extreme pressure of recording every syscall.\n\nThe timeout value of HZ/10 was chosen primarily through\nexperimentation and this developer's "gut feeling". There is likely\nno one perfect value, but as this scenario is limited in scope (root\nprivileges would be needed to send SIGSTOP to the audit daemon), it\nis likely not worth exposing this as a tunable at present. This can\nalways be done at a later date if it proves necessary.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2021-47603 was patched at 2024-06-30

499. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47606) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: netlink: af_netlink: Prevent empty skb by adding a check on len. Adding a check on len parameter to avoid empty skb. This prevents a division error in netem_enqueue function which is caused when skb->len=0 and skb->data_len=0 in the randomized corruption step as shown below. skb->data[prandom_u32() % skb_headlen(skb)] ^= 1<<(prandom_u32() % 8); Crash Report: [ 343.170349] netdevsim netdevsim0 netdevsim3: set [1, 0] type 2 family 0 port 6081 - 0 [ 343.216110] netem: version 1.3 [ 343.235841] divide error: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN NOPTI [ 343.236680] CPU: 3 PID: 4288 Comm: reproducer Not tainted 5.16.0-rc1+ [ 343.237569] Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 1.11.0-2.el7 04/01/2014 [ 343.238707] RIP: 0010:netem_enqueue+0x1590/0x33c0 [sch_netem] [ 343.239499] Code: 89 85 58 ff ff ff e8 5f 5d e9 d3 48 8b b5 48 ff ff ff 8b 8d 50 ff ff ff 8b 85 58 ff ff ff 48 8b bd 70 ff ff ff 31 d2 2b 4f 74 <f7> f1 48 b8 00 00 00 00 00 fc ff df 49 01 d5 4c 89 e9 48 c1 e9 03 [ 343.241883] RSP: 0018:ffff88800bcd7368 EFLAGS: 00010246 [ 343.242589] RAX: 00000000ba7c0a9c RBX: 0000000000000001 RCX: 0000000000000000 [ 343.243542] RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: ffff88800f8edb10 RDI: ffff88800f8eda40 [ 343.244474] RBP: ffff88800bcd7458 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: ffffffff94fb8445 [ 343.245403] R10: ffffffff94fb8336 R11: ffffffff94fb8445 R12: 0000000000000000 [ 343.246355] R13: ffff88800a5a7000 R14: ffff88800a5b5800 R15: 0000000000000020 [ 343.247291] FS: 00007fdde2bd7700(0000) GS:ffff888109780000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 [ 343.248350] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 [ 343.249120] CR2: 00000000200000c0 CR3: 000000000ef4c000 CR4: 00000000000006e0 [ 343.250076] Call Trace: [ 343.250423] <TASK> [ 343.250713] ? memcpy+0x4d/0x60 [ 343.251162] ? netem_init+0xa0/0xa0 [sch_netem] [ 343.251795] ? __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc+0x21/0x60 [ 343.252443] netem_enqueue+0xe28/0x33c0 [sch_netem] [ 343.253102] ? stack_trace_save+0x87/0xb0 [ 343.253655] ? filter_irq_stacks+0xb0/0xb0 [ 343.254220] ? netem_init+0xa0/0xa0 [sch_netem] [ 343.254837] ? __kasan_check_write+0x14/0x20 [ 343.255418] ? _raw_spin_lock+0x88/0xd6 [ 343.255953] dev_qdisc_enqueue+0x50/0x180 [ 343.256508] __dev_queue_xmit+0x1a7e/0x3090 [ 343.257083] ? netdev_core_pick_tx+0x300/0x300 [ 343.257690] ? check_kcov_mode+0x10/0x40 [ 343.258219] ? _raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore+0x29/0x40 [ 343.258899] ? __kasan_init_slab_obj+0x24/0x30 [ 343.259529] ? setup_object.isra.71+0x23/0x90 [ 343.260121] ? new_slab+0x26e/0x4b0 [ 343.260609] ? kasan_poison+0x3a/0x50 [ 343.261118] ? kasan_unpoison+0x28/0x50 [ 343.261637] ? __kasan_slab_alloc+0x71/0x90 [ 343.262214] ? memcpy+0x4d/0x60 [ 343.262674] ? write_comp_data+0x2f/0x90 [ 343.263209] ? __kasan_check_write+0x14/0x20 [ 343.263802] ? __skb_clone+0x5d6/0x840 [ 343.264329] ? __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc+0x21/0x60 [ 343.264958] dev_queue_xmit+0x1c/0x20 [ 343.265470] netlink_deliver_tap+0x652/0x9c0 [ 343.266067] netlink_unicast+0x5a0/0x7f0 [ 343.266608] ? netlink_attachskb+0x860/0x860 [ 343.267183] ? __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc+0x21/0x60 [ 343.267820] ? write_comp_data+0x2f/0x90 [ 343.268367] netlink_sendmsg+0x922/0xe80 [ 343.268899] ? netlink_unicast+0x7f0/0x7f0 [ 343.269472] ? __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc+0x21/0x60 [ 343.270099] ? write_comp_data+0x2f/0x90 [ 343.270644] ? netlink_unicast+0x7f0/0x7f0 [ 343.271210] sock_sendmsg+0x155/0x190 [ 343.271721] ____sys_sendmsg+0x75f/0x8f0 [ 343.272262] ? kernel_sendmsg+0x60/0x60 [ 343.272788] ? write_comp_data+0x2f/0x90 [ 343.273332] ? write_comp_data+0x2f/0x90 [ 343.273869] ___sys_sendmsg+0x10f/0x190 [ 343.274405] ? sendmsg_copy_msghdr+0x80/0x80 [ 343.274984] ? slab_post_alloc_hook+0x70/0x230 [ 343.275597] ? futex_wait_setup+0x240/0x240 [ 343.276175] ? security_file_alloc+0x3e/0x170 [ 343.276779] ? write_comp_d ---truncated---', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: netlink: af_netlink: Prevent empty skb by adding a check on len.\n\nAdding a check on len parameter to avoid empty skb. This prevents a\ndivision error in netem_enqueue function which is caused when skb->len=0\nand skb->data_len=0 in the randomized corruption step as shown below.\n\nskb->data[prandom_u32() % skb_headlen(skb)] ^= 1<<(prandom_u32() % 8);\n\nCrash Report:\n[ 343.170349] netdevsim netdevsim0 netdevsim3: set [1, 0] type 2 family\n0 port 6081 - 0\n[ 343.216110] netem: version 1.3\n[ 343.235841] divide error: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN NOPTI\n[ 343.236680] CPU: 3 PID: 4288 Comm: reproducer Not tainted 5.16.0-rc1+\n[ 343.237569] Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996),\nBIOS 1.11.0-2.el7 04/01/2014\n[ 343.238707] RIP: 0010:netem_enqueue+0x1590/0x33c0 [sch_netem]\n[ 343.239499] Code: 89 85 58 ff ff ff e8 5f 5d e9 d3 48 8b b5 48 ff ff\nff 8b 8d 50 ff ff ff 8b 85 58 ff ff ff 48 8b bd 70 ff ff ff 31 d2 2b 4f\n74 <f7> f1 48 b8 00 00 00 00 00 fc ff df 49 01 d5 4c 89 e9 48 c1 e9 03\n[ 343.241883] RSP: 0018:ffff88800bcd7368 EFLAGS: 00010246\n[ 343.242589] RAX: 00000000ba7c0a9c RBX: 0000000000000001 RCX:\n0000000000000000\n[ 343.243542] RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: ffff88800f8edb10 RDI:\nffff88800f8eda40\n[ 343.244474] RBP: ffff88800bcd7458 R08: 0000000000000000 R09:\nffffffff94fb8445\n[ 343.245403] R10: ffffffff94fb8336 R11: ffffffff94fb8445 R12:\n0000000000000000\n[ 343.246355] R13: ffff88800a5a7000 R14: ffff88800a5b5800 R15:\n0000000000000020\n[ 343.247291] FS: 00007fdde2bd7700(0000) GS:ffff888109780000(0000)\nknlGS:0000000000000000\n[ 343.248350] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\n[ 343.249120] CR2: 00000000200000c0 CR3: 000000000ef4c000 CR4:\n00000000000006e0\n[ 343.250076] Call Trace:\n[ 343.250423] <TASK>\n[ 343.250713] ? memcpy+0x4d/0x60\n[ 343.251162] ? netem_init+0xa0/0xa0 [sch_netem]\n[ 343.251795] ? __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc+0x21/0x60\n[ 343.252443] netem_enqueue+0xe28/0x33c0 [sch_netem]\n[ 343.253102] ? stack_trace_save+0x87/0xb0\n[ 343.253655] ? filter_irq_stacks+0xb0/0xb0\n[ 343.254220] ? netem_init+0xa0/0xa0 [sch_netem]\n[ 343.254837] ? __kasan_check_write+0x14/0x20\n[ 343.255418] ? _raw_spin_lock+0x88/0xd6\n[ 343.255953] dev_qdisc_enqueue+0x50/0x180\n[ 343.256508] __dev_queue_xmit+0x1a7e/0x3090\n[ 343.257083] ? netdev_core_pick_tx+0x300/0x300\n[ 343.257690] ? check_kcov_mode+0x10/0x40\n[ 343.258219] ? _raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore+0x29/0x40\n[ 343.258899] ? __kasan_init_slab_obj+0x24/0x30\n[ 343.259529] ? setup_object.isra.71+0x23/0x90\n[ 343.260121] ? new_slab+0x26e/0x4b0\n[ 343.260609] ? kasan_poison+0x3a/0x50\n[ 343.261118] ? kasan_unpoison+0x28/0x50\n[ 343.261637] ? __kasan_slab_alloc+0x71/0x90\n[ 343.262214] ? memcpy+0x4d/0x60\n[ 343.262674] ? write_comp_data+0x2f/0x90\n[ 343.263209] ? __kasan_check_write+0x14/0x20\n[ 343.263802] ? __skb_clone+0x5d6/0x840\n[ 343.264329] ? __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc+0x21/0x60\n[ 343.264958] dev_queue_xmit+0x1c/0x20\n[ 343.265470] netlink_deliver_tap+0x652/0x9c0\n[ 343.266067] netlink_unicast+0x5a0/0x7f0\n[ 343.266608] ? netlink_attachskb+0x860/0x860\n[ 343.267183] ? __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc+0x21/0x60\n[ 343.267820] ? write_comp_data+0x2f/0x90\n[ 343.268367] netlink_sendmsg+0x922/0xe80\n[ 343.268899] ? netlink_unicast+0x7f0/0x7f0\n[ 343.269472] ? __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc+0x21/0x60\n[ 343.270099] ? write_comp_data+0x2f/0x90\n[ 343.270644] ? netlink_unicast+0x7f0/0x7f0\n[ 343.271210] sock_sendmsg+0x155/0x190\n[ 343.271721] ____sys_sendmsg+0x75f/0x8f0\n[ 343.272262] ? kernel_sendmsg+0x60/0x60\n[ 343.272788] ? write_comp_data+0x2f/0x90\n[ 343.273332] ? write_comp_data+0x2f/0x90\n[ 343.273869] ___sys_sendmsg+0x10f/0x190\n[ 343.274405] ? sendmsg_copy_msghdr+0x80/0x80\n[ 343.274984] ? slab_post_alloc_hook+0x70/0x230\n[ 343.275597] ? futex_wait_setup+0x240/0x240\n[ 343.276175] ? security_file_alloc+0x3e/0x170\n[ 343.276779] ? write_comp_d\n---truncated---', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2021-47606 was patched at 2024-06-30

500. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47607) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bpf: Fix kernel address leakage in atomic cmpxchg's r0 aux reg The implementation of BPF_CMPXCHG on a high level has the following parameters: .-[old-val] .-[new-val] BPF_R0 = cmpxchg{32,64}(DST_REG + insn->off, BPF_R0, SRC_REG) `-[mem-loc] `-[old-val] Given a BPF insn can only have two registers (dst, src), the R0 is fixed and used as an auxilliary register for input (old value) as well as output (returning old value from memory location). While the verifier performs a number of safety checks, it misses to reject unprivileged programs where R0 contains a pointer as old value. Through brute-forcing it takes about ~16sec on my machine to leak a kernel pointer with BPF_CMPXCHG. The PoC is basically probing for kernel addresses by storing the guessed address into the map slot as a scalar, and using the map value pointer as R0 while SRC_REG has a canary value to detect a matching address. Fix it by checking R0 for pointers, and reject if that's the case for unprivileged programs.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbpf: Fix kernel address leakage in atomic cmpxchg's r0 aux reg\n\nThe implementation of BPF_CMPXCHG on a high level has the following parameters:\n\n .-[old-val] .-[new-val]\n BPF_R0 = cmpxchg{32,64}(DST_REG + insn->off, BPF_R0, SRC_REG)\n `-[mem-loc] `-[old-val]\n\nGiven a BPF insn can only have two registers (dst, src), the R0 is fixed and\nused as an auxilliary register for input (old value) as well as output (returning\nold value from memory location). While the verifier performs a number of safety\nchecks, it misses to reject unprivileged programs where R0 contains a pointer as\nold value.\n\nThrough brute-forcing it takes about ~16sec on my machine to leak a kernel pointer\nwith BPF_CMPXCHG. The PoC is basically probing for kernel addresses by storing the\nguessed address into the map slot as a scalar, and using the map value pointer as\nR0 while SRC_REG has a canary value to detect a matching address.\n\nFix it by checking R0 for pointers, and reject if that's the case for unprivileged\nprograms.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2021-47607 was patched at 2024-06-30

501. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47608) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bpf: Fix kernel address leakage in atomic fetch The change in commit 37086bfdc737 ("bpf: Propagate stack bounds to registers in atomics w/ BPF_FETCH") around check_mem_access() handling is buggy since this would allow for unprivileged users to leak kernel pointers. For example, an atomic fetch/and with -1 on a stack destination which holds a spilled pointer will migrate the spilled register type into a scalar, which can then be exported out of the program (since scalar != pointer) by dumping it into a map value. The original implementation of XADD was preventing this situation by using a double call to check_mem_access() one with BPF_READ and a subsequent one with BPF_WRITE, in both cases passing -1 as a placeholder value instead of register as per XADD semantics since it didn't contain a value fetch. The BPF_READ also included a check in check_stack_read_fixed_off() which rejects the program if the stack slot is of __is_pointer_value() if dst_regno < 0. The latter is to distinguish whether we're dealing with a regular stack spill/ fill or some arithmetical operation which is disallowed on non-scalars, see also 6e7e63cbb023 ("bpf: Forbid XADD on spilled pointers for unprivileged users") for more context on check_mem_access() and its handling of placeholder value -1. One minimally intrusive option to fix the leak is for the BPF_FETCH case to initially check the BPF_READ case via check_mem_access() with -1 as register, followed by the actual load case with non-negative load_reg to propagate stack bounds to registers.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbpf: Fix kernel address leakage in atomic fetch\n\nThe change in commit 37086bfdc737 ("bpf: Propagate stack bounds to registers\nin atomics w/ BPF_FETCH") around check_mem_access() handling is buggy since\nthis would allow for unprivileged users to leak kernel pointers. For example,\nan atomic fetch/and with -1 on a stack destination which holds a spilled\npointer will migrate the spilled register type into a scalar, which can then\nbe exported out of the program (since scalar != pointer) by dumping it into\na map value.\n\nThe original implementation of XADD was preventing this situation by using\na double call to check_mem_access() one with BPF_READ and a subsequent one\nwith BPF_WRITE, in both cases passing -1 as a placeholder value instead of\nregister as per XADD semantics since it didn't contain a value fetch. The\nBPF_READ also included a check in check_stack_read_fixed_off() which rejects\nthe program if the stack slot is of __is_pointer_value() if dst_regno < 0.\nThe latter is to distinguish whether we're dealing with a regular stack spill/\nfill or some arithmetical operation which is disallowed on non-scalars, see\nalso 6e7e63cbb023 ("bpf: Forbid XADD on spilled pointers for unprivileged\nusers") for more context on check_mem_access() and its handling of placeholder\nvalue -1.\n\nOne minimally intrusive option to fix the leak is for the BPF_FETCH case to\ninitially check the BPF_READ case via check_mem_access() with -1 as register,\nfollowed by the actual load case with non-negative load_reg to propagate\nstack bounds to registers.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2021-47608 was patched at 2024-06-30

502. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47610) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/msm: Fix null ptr access msm_ioctl_gem_submit() Fix the below null pointer dereference in msm_ioctl_gem_submit(): 26545.260705: Call trace: 26545.263223: kref_put+0x1c/0x60 26545.266452: msm_ioctl_gem_submit+0x254/0x744 26545.270937: drm_ioctl_kernel+0xa8/0x124 26545.274976: drm_ioctl+0x21c/0x33c 26545.278478: drm_compat_ioctl+0xdc/0xf0 26545.282428: __arm64_compat_sys_ioctl+0xc8/0x100 26545.287169: el0_svc_common+0xf8/0x250 26545.291025: do_el0_svc_compat+0x28/0x54 26545.295066: el0_svc_compat+0x10/0x1c 26545.298838: el0_sync_compat_handler+0xa8/0xcc 26545.303403: el0_sync_compat+0x188/0x1c0 26545.307445: Code: d503201f d503201f 52800028 4b0803e8 (b8680008) 26545.318799: Kernel panic - not syncing: Oops: Fatal exception', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/msm: Fix null ptr access msm_ioctl_gem_submit()\n\nFix the below null pointer dereference in msm_ioctl_gem_submit():\n\n 26545.260705: Call trace:\n 26545.263223: kref_put+0x1c/0x60\n 26545.266452: msm_ioctl_gem_submit+0x254/0x744\n 26545.270937: drm_ioctl_kernel+0xa8/0x124\n 26545.274976: drm_ioctl+0x21c/0x33c\n 26545.278478: drm_compat_ioctl+0xdc/0xf0\n 26545.282428: __arm64_compat_sys_ioctl+0xc8/0x100\n 26545.287169: el0_svc_common+0xf8/0x250\n 26545.291025: do_el0_svc_compat+0x28/0x54\n 26545.295066: el0_svc_compat+0x10/0x1c\n 26545.298838: el0_sync_compat_handler+0xa8/0xcc\n 26545.303403: el0_sync_compat+0x188/0x1c0\n 26545.307445: Code: d503201f d503201f 52800028 4b0803e8 (b8680008)\n 26545.318799: Kernel panic - not syncing: Oops: Fatal exception', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2021-47610 was patched at 2024-06-30

503. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47612) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nfc: fix segfault in nfc_genl_dump_devices_done When kmalloc in nfc_genl_dump_devices() fails then nfc_genl_dump_devices_done() segfaults as below KASAN: null-ptr-deref in range [0x0000000000000008-0x000000000000000f] CPU: 0 PID: 25 Comm: kworker/0:1 Not tainted 5.16.0-rc4-01180-g2a987e65025e-dirty #5 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 1.14.0-6.fc35 04/01/2014 Workqueue: events netlink_sock_destruct_work RIP: 0010:klist_iter_exit+0x26/0x80 Call Trace: <TASK> class_dev_iter_exit+0x15/0x20 nfc_genl_dump_devices_done+0x3b/0x50 genl_lock_done+0x84/0xd0 netlink_sock_destruct+0x8f/0x270 __sk_destruct+0x64/0x3b0 sk_destruct+0xa8/0xd0 __sk_free+0x2e8/0x3d0 sk_free+0x51/0x90 netlink_sock_destruct_work+0x1c/0x20 process_one_work+0x411/0x710 worker_thread+0x6fd/0xa80', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnfc: fix segfault in nfc_genl_dump_devices_done\n\nWhen kmalloc in nfc_genl_dump_devices() fails then\nnfc_genl_dump_devices_done() segfaults as below\n\nKASAN: null-ptr-deref in range [0x0000000000000008-0x000000000000000f]\nCPU: 0 PID: 25 Comm: kworker/0:1 Not tainted 5.16.0-rc4-01180-g2a987e65025e-dirty #5\nHardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 1.14.0-6.fc35 04/01/2014\nWorkqueue: events netlink_sock_destruct_work\nRIP: 0010:klist_iter_exit+0x26/0x80\nCall Trace:\n<TASK>\nclass_dev_iter_exit+0x15/0x20\nnfc_genl_dump_devices_done+0x3b/0x50\ngenl_lock_done+0x84/0xd0\nnetlink_sock_destruct+0x8f/0x270\n__sk_destruct+0x64/0x3b0\nsk_destruct+0xa8/0xd0\n__sk_free+0x2e8/0x3d0\nsk_free+0x51/0x90\nnetlink_sock_destruct_work+0x1c/0x20\nprocess_one_work+0x411/0x710\nworker_thread+0x6fd/0xa80', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2021-47612 was patched at 2024-06-30

504. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47614) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: RDMA/irdma: Fix a user-after-free in add_pble_prm When irdma_hmc_sd_one fails, 'chunk' is freed while its still on the PBLE info list. Add the chunk entry to the PBLE info list only after successful setting of the SD in irdma_hmc_sd_one.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nRDMA/irdma: Fix a user-after-free in add_pble_prm\n\nWhen irdma_hmc_sd_one fails, 'chunk' is freed while its still on the PBLE\ninfo list.\n\nAdd the chunk entry to the PBLE info list only after successful setting of\nthe SD in irdma_hmc_sd_one.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2021-47614 was patched at 2024-06-30

505. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47617) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: PCI: pciehp: Fix infinite loop in IRQ handler upon power fault The Power Fault Detected bit in the Slot Status register differs from all other hotplug events in that it is sticky: It can only be cleared after turning off slot power. Per PCIe r5.0, sec. If a power controller detects a main power fault on the hot-plug slot, it must automatically set its internal main power fault latch [...]. The main power fault latch is cleared when software turns off power to the hot-plug slot. The stickiness used to cause interrupt storms and infinite loops which were fixed in 2009 by commits 5651c48cfafe ("PCI pciehp: fix power fault interrupt storm problem") and 99f0169c17f3 ("PCI: pciehp: enable software notification on empty slots"). Unfortunately in 2020 the infinite loop issue was inadvertently reintroduced by commit 8edf5332c393 ("PCI: pciehp: Fix MSI interrupt race"): The hardirq handler pciehp_isr() clears the PFD bit until pciehp's power_fault_detected flag is set. That happens in the IRQ thread pciehp_ist(), which never learns of the event because the hardirq handler is stuck in an infinite loop. Fix by setting the power_fault_detected flag already in the hardirq handler.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nPCI: pciehp: Fix infinite loop in IRQ handler upon power fault\n\nThe Power Fault Detected bit in the Slot Status register differs from\nall other hotplug events in that it is sticky: It can only be cleared\nafter turning off slot power. Per PCIe r5.0, sec.\n\n If a power controller detects a main power fault on the hot-plug slot,\n it must automatically set its internal main power fault latch [...].\n The main power fault latch is cleared when software turns off power to\n the hot-plug slot.\n\nThe stickiness used to cause interrupt storms and infinite loops which\nwere fixed in 2009 by commits 5651c48cfafe ("PCI pciehp: fix power fault\ninterrupt storm problem") and 99f0169c17f3 ("PCI: pciehp: enable\nsoftware notification on empty slots").\n\nUnfortunately in 2020 the infinite loop issue was inadvertently\nreintroduced by commit 8edf5332c393 ("PCI: pciehp: Fix MSI interrupt\nrace"): The hardirq handler pciehp_isr() clears the PFD bit until\npciehp's power_fault_detected flag is set. That happens in the IRQ\nthread pciehp_ist(), which never learns of the event because the hardirq\nhandler is stuck in an infinite loop. Fix by setting the\npower_fault_detected flag already in the hardirq handler.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2021-47617 was patched at 2024-06-30

506. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47619) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: i40e: Fix queues reservation for XDP When XDP was configured on a system with large number of CPUs and X722 NIC there was a call trace with NULL pointer dereference. i40e 0000:87:00.0: failed to get tracking for 256 queues for VSI 0 err -12 i40e 0000:87:00.0: setup of MAIN VSI failed BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000000 RIP: 0010:i40e_xdp+0xea/0x1b0 [i40e] Call Trace: ? i40e_reconfig_rss_queues+0x130/0x130 [i40e] dev_xdp_install+0x61/0xe0 dev_xdp_attach+0x18a/0x4c0 dev_change_xdp_fd+0x1e6/0x220 do_setlink+0x616/0x1030 ? ahci_port_stop+0x80/0x80 ? ata_qc_issue+0x107/0x1e0 ? lock_timer_base+0x61/0x80 ? __mod_timer+0x202/0x380 rtnl_setlink+0xe5/0x170 ? bpf_lsm_binder_transaction+0x10/0x10 ? security_capable+0x36/0x50 rtnetlink_rcv_msg+0x121/0x350 ? rtnl_calcit.isra.0+0x100/0x100 netlink_rcv_skb+0x50/0xf0 netlink_unicast+0x1d3/0x2a0 netlink_sendmsg+0x22a/0x440 sock_sendmsg+0x5e/0x60 __sys_sendto+0xf0/0x160 ? __sys_getsockname+0x7e/0xc0 ? _copy_from_user+0x3c/0x80 ? __sys_setsockopt+0xc8/0x1a0 __x64_sys_sendto+0x20/0x30 do_syscall_64+0x33/0x40 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae RIP: 0033:0x7f83fa7a39e0 This was caused by PF queue pile fragmentation due to flow director VSI queue being placed right after main VSI. Because of this main VSI was not able to resize its queue allocation for XDP resulting in no queues allocated for main VSI when XDP was turned on. Fix this by always allocating last queue in PF queue pile for a flow director VSI.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ni40e: Fix queues reservation for XDP\n\nWhen XDP was configured on a system with large number of CPUs\nand X722 NIC there was a call trace with NULL pointer dereference.\n\ni40e 0000:87:00.0: failed to get tracking for 256 queues for VSI 0 err -12\ni40e 0000:87:00.0: setup of MAIN VSI failed\n\nBUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000000\nRIP: 0010:i40e_xdp+0xea/0x1b0 [i40e]\nCall Trace:\n? i40e_reconfig_rss_queues+0x130/0x130 [i40e]\ndev_xdp_install+0x61/0xe0\ndev_xdp_attach+0x18a/0x4c0\ndev_change_xdp_fd+0x1e6/0x220\ndo_setlink+0x616/0x1030\n? ahci_port_stop+0x80/0x80\n? ata_qc_issue+0x107/0x1e0\n? lock_timer_base+0x61/0x80\n? __mod_timer+0x202/0x380\nrtnl_setlink+0xe5/0x170\n? bpf_lsm_binder_transaction+0x10/0x10\n? security_capable+0x36/0x50\nrtnetlink_rcv_msg+0x121/0x350\n? rtnl_calcit.isra.0+0x100/0x100\nnetlink_rcv_skb+0x50/0xf0\nnetlink_unicast+0x1d3/0x2a0\nnetlink_sendmsg+0x22a/0x440\nsock_sendmsg+0x5e/0x60\n__sys_sendto+0xf0/0x160\n? __sys_getsockname+0x7e/0xc0\n? _copy_from_user+0x3c/0x80\n? __sys_setsockopt+0xc8/0x1a0\n__x64_sys_sendto+0x20/0x30\ndo_syscall_64+0x33/0x40\nentry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae\nRIP: 0033:0x7f83fa7a39e0\n\nThis was caused by PF queue pile fragmentation due to\nflow director VSI queue being placed right after main VSI.\nBecause of this main VSI was not able to resize its\nqueue allocation for XDP resulting in no queues allocated\nfor main VSI when XDP was turned on.\n\nFix this by always allocating last queue in PF queue pile\nfor a flow director VSI.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2021-47619 was patched at 2024-06-30

507. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2021-47620) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: Bluetooth: refactor malicious adv data check Check for out-of-bound read was being performed at the end of while num_reports loop, and would fill journal with false positives. Added check to beginning of loop processing so that it doesn't get checked after ptr has been advanced.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nBluetooth: refactor malicious adv data check\n\nCheck for out-of-bound read was being performed at the end of while\nnum_reports loop, and would fill journal with false positives. Added\ncheck to beginning of loop processing so that it doesn't get checked\nafter ptr has been advanced.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2021-47620 was patched at 2024-06-30

508. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48715) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: bnx2fc: Make bnx2fc_recv_frame() mp safe Running tests with a debug kernel shows that bnx2fc_recv_frame() is modifying the per_cpu lport stats counters in a non-mpsafe way. Just boot a debug kernel and run the bnx2fc driver with the hardware enabled. [ 1391.699147] BUG: using smp_processor_id() in preemptible [00000000] code: bnx2fc_ [ 1391.699160] caller is bnx2fc_recv_frame+0xbf9/0x1760 [bnx2fc] [ 1391.699174] CPU: 2 PID: 4355 Comm: bnx2fc_l2_threa Kdump: loaded Tainted: G B [ 1391.699180] Hardware name: HP ProLiant DL120 G7, BIOS J01 07/01/2013 [ 1391.699183] Call Trace: [ 1391.699188] dump_stack_lvl+0x57/0x7d [ 1391.699198] check_preemption_disabled+0xc8/0xd0 [ 1391.699205] bnx2fc_recv_frame+0xbf9/0x1760 [bnx2fc] [ 1391.699215] ? do_raw_spin_trylock+0xb5/0x180 [ 1391.699221] ? bnx2fc_npiv_create_vports.isra.0+0x4e0/0x4e0 [bnx2fc] [ 1391.699229] ? bnx2fc_l2_rcv_thread+0xb7/0x3a0 [bnx2fc] [ 1391.699240] bnx2fc_l2_rcv_thread+0x1af/0x3a0 [bnx2fc] [ 1391.699250] ? bnx2fc_ulp_init+0xc0/0xc0 [bnx2fc] [ 1391.699258] kthread+0x364/0x420 [ 1391.699263] ? _raw_spin_unlock_irq+0x24/0x50 [ 1391.699268] ? set_kthread_struct+0x100/0x100 [ 1391.699273] ret_from_fork+0x22/0x30 Restore the old get_cpu/put_cpu code with some modifications to reduce the size of the critical section.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nscsi: bnx2fc: Make bnx2fc_recv_frame() mp safe\n\nRunning tests with a debug kernel shows that bnx2fc_recv_frame() is\nmodifying the per_cpu lport stats counters in a non-mpsafe way. Just boot\na debug kernel and run the bnx2fc driver with the hardware enabled.\n\n[ 1391.699147] BUG: using smp_processor_id() in preemptible [00000000] code: bnx2fc_\n[ 1391.699160] caller is bnx2fc_recv_frame+0xbf9/0x1760 [bnx2fc]\n[ 1391.699174] CPU: 2 PID: 4355 Comm: bnx2fc_l2_threa Kdump: loaded Tainted: G B\n[ 1391.699180] Hardware name: HP ProLiant DL120 G7, BIOS J01 07/01/2013\n[ 1391.699183] Call Trace:\n[ 1391.699188] dump_stack_lvl+0x57/0x7d\n[ 1391.699198] check_preemption_disabled+0xc8/0xd0\n[ 1391.699205] bnx2fc_recv_frame+0xbf9/0x1760 [bnx2fc]\n[ 1391.699215] ? do_raw_spin_trylock+0xb5/0x180\n[ 1391.699221] ? bnx2fc_npiv_create_vports.isra.0+0x4e0/0x4e0 [bnx2fc]\n[ 1391.699229] ? bnx2fc_l2_rcv_thread+0xb7/0x3a0 [bnx2fc]\n[ 1391.699240] bnx2fc_l2_rcv_thread+0x1af/0x3a0 [bnx2fc]\n[ 1391.699250] ? bnx2fc_ulp_init+0xc0/0xc0 [bnx2fc]\n[ 1391.699258] kthread+0x364/0x420\n[ 1391.699263] ? _raw_spin_unlock_irq+0x24/0x50\n[ 1391.699268] ? set_kthread_struct+0x100/0x100\n[ 1391.699273] ret_from_fork+0x22/0x30\n\nRestore the old get_cpu/put_cpu code with some modifications to reduce the\nsize of the critical section.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2022-48715 was patched at 2024-06-30

509. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48717) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ASoC: max9759: fix underflow in speaker_gain_control_put() Check for negative values of "priv->gain" to prevent an out of bounds access. The concern is that these might come from the user via: -> snd_ctl_elem_write_user() -> snd_ctl_elem_write() -> kctl->put()', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nASoC: max9759: fix underflow in speaker_gain_control_put()\n\nCheck for negative values of "priv->gain" to prevent an out of bounds\naccess. The concern is that these might come from the user via:\n -> snd_ctl_elem_write_user()\n -> snd_ctl_elem_write()\n -> kctl->put()', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2022-48717 was patched at 2024-06-30

510. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48719) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net, neigh: Do not trigger immediate probes on NUD_FAILED from neigh_managed_work syzkaller was able to trigger a deadlock for NTF_MANAGED entries [0]: kworker/0:16/14617 is trying to acquire lock: ffffffff8d4dd370 (&tbl->lock){++-.}-{2:2}, at: ___neigh_create+0x9e1/0x2990 net/core/neighbour.c:652 [...] but task is already holding lock: ffffffff8d4dd370 (&tbl->lock){++-.}-{2:2}, at: neigh_managed_work+0x35/0x250 net/core/neighbour.c:1572 The neighbor entry turned to NUD_FAILED state, where __neigh_event_send() triggered an immediate probe as per commit cd28ca0a3dd1 ("neigh: reduce arp latency") via neigh_probe() given table lock was held. One option to fix this situation is to defer the neigh_probe() back to the neigh_timer_handler() similarly as pre cd28ca0a3dd1. For the case of NTF_MANAGED, this deferral is acceptable given this only happens on actual failure state and regular / expected state is NUD_VALID with the entry already present. The fix adds a parameter to __neigh_event_send() in order to communicate whether immediate probe is allowed or disallowed. Existing call-sites of neigh_event_send() default as-is to immediate probe. However, the neigh_managed_work() disables it via use of neigh_event_send_probe(). [0] <TASK> __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:88 [inline] dump_stack_lvl+0xcd/0x134 lib/dump_stack.c:106 print_deadlock_bug kernel/locking/lockdep.c:2956 [inline] check_deadlock kernel/locking/lockdep.c:2999 [inline] validate_chain kernel/locking/lockdep.c:3788 [inline] __lock_acquire.cold+0x149/0x3ab kernel/locking/lockdep.c:5027 lock_acquire kernel/locking/lockdep.c:5639 [inline] lock_acquire+0x1ab/0x510 kernel/locking/lockdep.c:5604 __raw_write_lock_bh include/linux/rwlock_api_smp.h:202 [inline] _raw_write_lock_bh+0x2f/0x40 kernel/locking/spinlock.c:334 ___neigh_create+0x9e1/0x2990 net/core/neighbour.c:652 ip6_finish_output2+0x1070/0x14f0 net/ipv6/ip6_output.c:123 __ip6_finish_output net/ipv6/ip6_output.c:191 [inline] __ip6_finish_output+0x61e/0xe90 net/ipv6/ip6_output.c:170 ip6_finish_output+0x32/0x200 net/ipv6/ip6_output.c:201 NF_HOOK_COND include/linux/netfilter.h:296 [inline] ip6_output+0x1e4/0x530 net/ipv6/ip6_output.c:224 dst_output include/net/dst.h:451 [inline] NF_HOOK include/linux/netfilter.h:307 [inline] ndisc_send_skb+0xa99/0x17f0 net/ipv6/ndisc.c:508 ndisc_send_ns+0x3a9/0x840 net/ipv6/ndisc.c:650 ndisc_solicit+0x2cd/0x4f0 net/ipv6/ndisc.c:742 neigh_probe+0xc2/0x110 net/core/neighbour.c:1040 __neigh_event_send+0x37d/0x1570 net/core/neighbour.c:1201 neigh_event_send include/net/neighbour.h:470 [inline] neigh_managed_work+0x162/0x250 net/core/neighbour.c:1574 process_one_work+0x9ac/0x1650 kernel/workqueue.c:2307 worker_thread+0x657/0x1110 kernel/workqueue.c:2454 kthread+0x2e9/0x3a0 kernel/kthread.c:377 ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x30 arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:295 </TASK>', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet, neigh: Do not trigger immediate probes on NUD_FAILED from neigh_managed_work\n\nsyzkaller was able to trigger a deadlock for NTF_MANAGED entries [0]:\n\n kworker/0:16/14617 is trying to acquire lock:\n ffffffff8d4dd370 (&tbl->lock){++-.}-{2:2}, at: ___neigh_create+0x9e1/0x2990 net/core/neighbour.c:652\n [...]\n but task is already holding lock:\n ffffffff8d4dd370 (&tbl->lock){++-.}-{2:2}, at: neigh_managed_work+0x35/0x250 net/core/neighbour.c:1572\n\nThe neighbor entry turned to NUD_FAILED state, where __neigh_event_send()\ntriggered an immediate probe as per commit cd28ca0a3dd1 ("neigh: reduce\narp latency") via neigh_probe() given table lock was held.\n\nOne option to fix this situation is to defer the neigh_probe() back to\nthe neigh_timer_handler() similarly as pre cd28ca0a3dd1. For the case\nof NTF_MANAGED, this deferral is acceptable given this only happens on\nactual failure state and regular / expected state is NUD_VALID with the\nentry already present.\n\nThe fix adds a parameter to __neigh_event_send() in order to communicate\nwhether immediate probe is allowed or disallowed. Existing call-sites\nof neigh_event_send() default as-is to immediate probe. However, the\nneigh_managed_work() disables it via use of neigh_event_send_probe().\n\n[0] <TASK>\n __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:88 [inline]\n dump_stack_lvl+0xcd/0x134 lib/dump_stack.c:106\n print_deadlock_bug kernel/locking/lockdep.c:2956 [inline]\n check_deadlock kernel/locking/lockdep.c:2999 [inline]\n validate_chain kernel/locking/lockdep.c:3788 [inline]\n __lock_acquire.cold+0x149/0x3ab kernel/locking/lockdep.c:5027\n lock_acquire kernel/locking/lockdep.c:5639 [inline]\n lock_acquire+0x1ab/0x510 kernel/locking/lockdep.c:5604\n __raw_write_lock_bh include/linux/rwlock_api_smp.h:202 [inline]\n _raw_write_lock_bh+0x2f/0x40 kernel/locking/spinlock.c:334\n ___neigh_create+0x9e1/0x2990 net/core/neighbour.c:652\n ip6_finish_output2+0x1070/0x14f0 net/ipv6/ip6_output.c:123\n __ip6_finish_output net/ipv6/ip6_output.c:191 [inline]\n __ip6_finish_output+0x61e/0xe90 net/ipv6/ip6_output.c:170\n ip6_finish_output+0x32/0x200 net/ipv6/ip6_output.c:201\n NF_HOOK_COND include/linux/netfilter.h:296 [inline]\n ip6_output+0x1e4/0x530 net/ipv6/ip6_output.c:224\n dst_output include/net/dst.h:451 [inline]\n NF_HOOK include/linux/netfilter.h:307 [inline]\n ndisc_send_skb+0xa99/0x17f0 net/ipv6/ndisc.c:508\n ndisc_send_ns+0x3a9/0x840 net/ipv6/ndisc.c:650\n ndisc_solicit+0x2cd/0x4f0 net/ipv6/ndisc.c:742\n neigh_probe+0xc2/0x110 net/core/neighbour.c:1040\n __neigh_event_send+0x37d/0x1570 net/core/neighbour.c:1201\n neigh_event_send include/net/neighbour.h:470 [inline]\n neigh_managed_work+0x162/0x250 net/core/neighbour.c:1574\n process_one_work+0x9ac/0x1650 kernel/workqueue.c:2307\n worker_thread+0x657/0x1110 kernel/workqueue.c:2454\n kthread+0x2e9/0x3a0 kernel/kthread.c:377\n ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x30 arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:295\n </TASK>', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2022-48719 was patched at 2024-06-30

511. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48722) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: ieee802154: ca8210: Stop leaking skb's Upon error the ieee802154_xmit_complete() helper is not called. Only ieee802154_wake_queue() is called manually. We then leak the skb structure. Free the skb structure upon error before returning.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: ieee802154: ca8210: Stop leaking skb's\n\nUpon error the ieee802154_xmit_complete() helper is not called. Only\nieee802154_wake_queue() is called manually. We then leak the skb\nstructure.\n\nFree the skb structure upon error before returning.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2022-48722 was patched at 2024-06-30

512. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48729) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: IB/hfi1: Fix panic with larger ipoib send_queue_size When the ipoib send_queue_size is increased from the default the following panic happens: RIP: 0010:hfi1_ipoib_drain_tx_ring+0x45/0xf0 [hfi1] Code: 31 e4 eb 0f 8b 85 c8 02 00 00 41 83 c4 01 44 39 e0 76 60 8b 8d cc 02 00 00 44 89 e3 be 01 00 00 00 d3 e3 48 03 9d c0 02 00 00 <c7> 83 18 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 48 8b bb 30 01 00 00 e8 25 af a7 e0 RSP: 0018:ffffc9000798f4a0 EFLAGS: 00010286 RAX: 0000000000008000 RBX: ffffc9000aa0f000 RCX: 000000000000000f RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000001 RDI: 0000000000000000 RBP: ffff88810ff08000 R08: ffff88889476d900 R09: 0000000000000101 R10: 0000000000000000 R11: ffffc90006590ff8 R12: 0000000000000200 R13: ffffc9000798fba8 R14: 0000000000000000 R15: 0000000000000001 FS: 00007fd0f79cc3c0(0000) GS:ffff88885fb00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: ffffc9000aa0f118 CR3: 0000000889c84001 CR4: 00000000001706e0 Call Trace: <TASK> hfi1_ipoib_napi_tx_disable+0x45/0x60 [hfi1] hfi1_ipoib_dev_stop+0x18/0x80 [hfi1] ipoib_ib_dev_stop+0x1d/0x40 [ib_ipoib] ipoib_stop+0x48/0xc0 [ib_ipoib] __dev_close_many+0x9e/0x110 __dev_change_flags+0xd9/0x210 dev_change_flags+0x21/0x60 do_setlink+0x31c/0x10f0 ? __nla_validate_parse+0x12d/0x1a0 ? __nla_parse+0x21/0x30 ? inet6_validate_link_af+0x5e/0xf0 ? cpumask_next+0x1f/0x20 ? __snmp6_fill_stats64.isra.53+0xbb/0x140 ? __nla_validate_parse+0x47/0x1a0 __rtnl_newlink+0x530/0x910 ? pskb_expand_head+0x73/0x300 ? __kmalloc_node_track_caller+0x109/0x280 ? __nla_put+0xc/0x20 ? cpumask_next_and+0x20/0x30 ? update_sd_lb_stats.constprop.144+0xd3/0x820 ? _raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore+0x25/0x37 ? __wake_up_common_lock+0x87/0xc0 ? kmem_cache_alloc_trace+0x3d/0x3d0 rtnl_newlink+0x43/0x60 The issue happens when the shift that should have been a function of the txq item size mistakenly used the ring size. Fix by using the item size.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nIB/hfi1: Fix panic with larger ipoib send_queue_size\n\nWhen the ipoib send_queue_size is increased from the default the following\npanic happens:\n\n RIP: 0010:hfi1_ipoib_drain_tx_ring+0x45/0xf0 [hfi1]\n Code: 31 e4 eb 0f 8b 85 c8 02 00 00 41 83 c4 01 44 39 e0 76 60 8b 8d cc 02 00 00 44 89 e3 be 01 00 00 00 d3 e3 48 03 9d c0 02 00 00 <c7> 83 18 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 48 8b bb 30 01 00 00 e8 25 af a7 e0\n RSP: 0018:ffffc9000798f4a0 EFLAGS: 00010286\n RAX: 0000000000008000 RBX: ffffc9000aa0f000 RCX: 000000000000000f\n RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000001 RDI: 0000000000000000\n RBP: ffff88810ff08000 R08: ffff88889476d900 R09: 0000000000000101\n R10: 0000000000000000 R11: ffffc90006590ff8 R12: 0000000000000200\n R13: ffffc9000798fba8 R14: 0000000000000000 R15: 0000000000000001\n FS: 00007fd0f79cc3c0(0000) GS:ffff88885fb00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\n CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\n CR2: ffffc9000aa0f118 CR3: 0000000889c84001 CR4: 00000000001706e0\n Call Trace:\n <TASK>\n hfi1_ipoib_napi_tx_disable+0x45/0x60 [hfi1]\n hfi1_ipoib_dev_stop+0x18/0x80 [hfi1]\n ipoib_ib_dev_stop+0x1d/0x40 [ib_ipoib]\n ipoib_stop+0x48/0xc0 [ib_ipoib]\n __dev_close_many+0x9e/0x110\n __dev_change_flags+0xd9/0x210\n dev_change_flags+0x21/0x60\n do_setlink+0x31c/0x10f0\n ? __nla_validate_parse+0x12d/0x1a0\n ? __nla_parse+0x21/0x30\n ? inet6_validate_link_af+0x5e/0xf0\n ? cpumask_next+0x1f/0x20\n ? __snmp6_fill_stats64.isra.53+0xbb/0x140\n ? __nla_validate_parse+0x47/0x1a0\n __rtnl_newlink+0x530/0x910\n ? pskb_expand_head+0x73/0x300\n ? __kmalloc_node_track_caller+0x109/0x280\n ? __nla_put+0xc/0x20\n ? cpumask_next_and+0x20/0x30\n ? update_sd_lb_stats.constprop.144+0xd3/0x820\n ? _raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore+0x25/0x37\n ? __wake_up_common_lock+0x87/0xc0\n ? kmem_cache_alloc_trace+0x3d/0x3d0\n rtnl_newlink+0x43/0x60\n\nThe issue happens when the shift that should have been a function of the\ntxq item size mistakenly used the ring size.\n\nFix by using the item size.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2022-48729 was patched at 2024-06-30

513. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48732) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/nouveau: fix off by one in BIOS boundary checking Bounds checking when parsing init scripts embedded in the BIOS reject access to the last byte. This causes driver initialization to fail on Apple eMac's with GeForce 2 MX GPUs, leaving the system with no working console. This is probably only seen on OpenFirmware machines like PowerPC Macs because the BIOS image provided by OF is only the used parts of the ROM, not a power-of-two blocks read from PCI directly so PCs always have empty bytes at the end that are never accessed.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/nouveau: fix off by one in BIOS boundary checking\n\nBounds checking when parsing init scripts embedded in the BIOS reject\naccess to the last byte. This causes driver initialization to fail on\nApple eMac's with GeForce 2 MX GPUs, leaving the system with no working\nconsole.\n\nThis is probably only seen on OpenFirmware machines like PowerPC Macs\nbecause the BIOS image provided by OF is only the used parts of the ROM,\nnot a power-of-two blocks read from PCI directly so PCs always have\nempty bytes at the end that are never accessed.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2022-48732 was patched at 2024-06-30

514. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48738) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ASoC: ops: Reject out of bounds values in snd_soc_put_volsw() We don't currently validate that the values being set are within the range we advertised to userspace as being valid, do so and reject any values that are out of range.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nASoC: ops: Reject out of bounds values in snd_soc_put_volsw()\n\nWe don't currently validate that the values being set are within the range\nwe advertised to userspace as being valid, do so and reject any values\nthat are out of range.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2022-48738 was patched at 2024-06-30

515. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48743) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: amd-xgbe: Fix skb data length underflow There will be BUG_ON() triggered in include/linux/skbuff.h leading to intermittent kernel panic, when the skb length underflow is detected. Fix this by dropping the packet if such length underflows are seen because of inconsistencies in the hardware descriptors.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: amd-xgbe: Fix skb data length underflow\n\nThere will be BUG_ON() triggered in include/linux/skbuff.h leading to\nintermittent kernel panic, when the skb length underflow is detected.\n\nFix this by dropping the packet if such length underflows are seen\nbecause of inconsistencies in the hardware descriptors.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2022-48743 was patched at 2024-06-30

516. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48750) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: hwmon: (nct6775) Fix crash in clear_caseopen Paweł Marciniak reports the following crash, observed when clearing the chassis intrusion alarm. BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000028 PGD 0 P4D 0 Oops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP PTI CPU: 3 PID: 4815 Comm: bash Tainted: G S 5.16.2-200.fc35.x86_64 #1 Hardware name: To Be Filled By O.E.M. To Be Filled By O.E.M./Z97 Extreme4, BIOS P2.60A 05/03/2018 RIP: 0010:clear_caseopen+0x5a/0x120 [nct6775] Code: 68 70 e8 e9 32 b1 e3 85 c0 0f 85 d2 00 00 00 48 83 7c 24 ... RSP: 0018:ffffabcb02803dd8 EFLAGS: 00010246 RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: 0000000000000002 RCX: 0000000000000000 RDX: ffff8e8808192880 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: ffff8e87c7509a68 RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000001 R09: 000000000000000a R10: 000000000000000a R11: f000000000000000 R12: 000000000000001f R13: ffff8e87c7509828 R14: ffff8e87c7509a68 R15: ffff8e88494527a0 FS: 00007f4db9151740(0000) GS:ffff8e8ebfec0000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 0000000000000028 CR3: 0000000166b66001 CR4: 00000000001706e0 Call Trace: <TASK> kernfs_fop_write_iter+0x11c/0x1b0 new_sync_write+0x10b/0x180 vfs_write+0x209/0x2a0 ksys_write+0x4f/0xc0 do_syscall_64+0x3b/0x90 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae The problem is that the device passed to clear_caseopen() is the hwmon device, not the platform device, and the platform data is not set in the hwmon device. Store the pointer to sio_data in struct nct6775_data and get if from there if needed.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nhwmon: (nct6775) Fix crash in clear_caseopen\n\nPaweł Marciniak reports the following crash, observed when clearing\nthe chassis intrusion alarm.\n\nBUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000028\nPGD 0 P4D 0\nOops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP PTI\nCPU: 3 PID: 4815 Comm: bash Tainted: G S 5.16.2-200.fc35.x86_64 #1\nHardware name: To Be Filled By O.E.M. To Be Filled By O.E.M./Z97 Extreme4, BIOS P2.60A 05/03/2018\nRIP: 0010:clear_caseopen+0x5a/0x120 [nct6775]\nCode: 68 70 e8 e9 32 b1 e3 85 c0 0f 85 d2 00 00 00 48 83 7c 24 ...\nRSP: 0018:ffffabcb02803dd8 EFLAGS: 00010246\nRAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: 0000000000000002 RCX: 0000000000000000\nRDX: ffff8e8808192880 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: ffff8e87c7509a68\nRBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000001 R09: 000000000000000a\nR10: 000000000000000a R11: f000000000000000 R12: 000000000000001f\nR13: ffff8e87c7509828 R14: ffff8e87c7509a68 R15: ffff8e88494527a0\nFS: 00007f4db9151740(0000) GS:ffff8e8ebfec0000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\nCS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\nCR2: 0000000000000028 CR3: 0000000166b66001 CR4: 00000000001706e0\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n kernfs_fop_write_iter+0x11c/0x1b0\n new_sync_write+0x10b/0x180\n vfs_write+0x209/0x2a0\n ksys_write+0x4f/0xc0\n do_syscall_64+0x3b/0x90\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae\n\nThe problem is that the device passed to clear_caseopen() is the hwmon\ndevice, not the platform device, and the platform data is not set in the\nhwmon device. Store the pointer to sio_data in struct nct6775_data and\nget if from there if needed.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2022-48750 was patched at 2024-06-30

517. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48756) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/msm/dsi: invalid parameter check in msm_dsi_phy_enable The function performs a check on the "phy" input parameter, however, it is used before the check. Initialize the "dev" variable after the sanity check to avoid a possible NULL pointer dereference. Addresses-Coverity-ID: 1493860 ("Null pointer dereference")', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/msm/dsi: invalid parameter check in msm_dsi_phy_enable\n\nThe function performs a check on the "phy" input parameter, however, it\nis used before the check.\n\nInitialize the "dev" variable after the sanity check to avoid a possible\nNULL pointer dereference.\n\nAddresses-Coverity-ID: 1493860 ("Null pointer dereference")', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2022-48756 was patched at 2024-06-30

518. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48757) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: fix information leakage in /proc/net/ptype In one net namespace, after creating a packet socket without binding it to a device, users in other net namespaces can observe the new `packet_type` added by this packet socket by reading `/proc/net/ptype` file. This is minor information leakage as packet socket is namespace aware. Add a net pointer in `packet_type` to keep the net namespace of of corresponding packet socket. In `ptype_seq_show`, this net pointer must be checked when it is not NULL.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: fix information leakage in /proc/net/ptype\n\nIn one net namespace, after creating a packet socket without binding\nit to a device, users in other net namespaces can observe the new\n`packet_type` added by this packet socket by reading `/proc/net/ptype`\nfile. This is minor information leakage as packet socket is\nnamespace aware.\n\nAdd a net pointer in `packet_type` to keep the net namespace of\nof corresponding packet socket. In `ptype_seq_show`, this net pointer\nmust be checked when it is not NULL.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2022-48757 was patched at 2024-06-30

519. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48758) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: bnx2fc: Flush destroy_work queue before calling bnx2fc_interface_put() The bnx2fc_destroy() functions are removing the interface before calling destroy_work. This results multiple WARNings from sysfs_remove_group() as the controller rport device attributes are removed too early. Replace the fcoe_port's destroy_work queue. It's not needed. The problem is easily reproducible with the following steps. Example: $ dmesg -w & $ systemctl enable --now fcoe $ fipvlan -s -c ens2f1 $ fcoeadm -d ens2f1.802 [ 583.464488] host2: libfc: Link down on port (7500a1) [ 583.472651] bnx2fc: 7500a1 - rport not created Yet!! [ 583.490468] ------------[ cut here ]------------ [ 583.538725] sysfs group 'power' not found for kobject 'rport-2:0-0' [ 583.568814] WARNING: CPU: 3 PID: 192 at fs/sysfs/group.c:279 sysfs_remove_group+0x6f/0x80 [ 583.607130] Modules linked in: dm_service_time 8021q garp mrp stp llc bnx2fc cnic uio rpcsec_gss_krb5 auth_rpcgss nfsv4 ... [ 583.942994] CPU: 3 PID: 192 Comm: kworker/3:2 Kdump: loaded Not tainted 5.14.0-39.el9.x86_64 #1 [ 583.984105] Hardware name: HP ProLiant DL120 G7, BIOS J01 07/01/2013 [ 584.016535] Workqueue: fc_wq_2 fc_rport_final_delete [scsi_transport_fc] [ 584.050691] RIP: 0010:sysfs_remove_group+0x6f/0x80 [ 584.074725] Code: ff 5b 48 89 ef 5d 41 5c e9 ee c0 ff ff 48 89 ef e8 f6 b8 ff ff eb d1 49 8b 14 24 48 8b 33 48 c7 c7 ... [ 584.162586] RSP: 0018:ffffb567c15afdc0 EFLAGS: 00010282 [ 584.188225] RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffffffff8eec4220 RCX: 0000000000000000 [ 584.221053] RDX: ffff8c1586ce84c0 RSI: ffff8c1586cd7cc0 RDI: ffff8c1586cd7cc0 [ 584.255089] RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: ffffb567c15afc00 [ 584.287954] R10: ffffb567c15afbf8 R11: ffffffff8fbe7f28 R12: ffff8c1486326400 [ 584.322356] R13: ffff8c1486326480 R14: ffff8c1483a4a000 R15: 0000000000000004 [ 584.355379] FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff8c1586cc0000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 [ 584.394419] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 [ 584.421123] CR2: 00007fe95a6f7840 CR3: 0000000107674002 CR4: 00000000000606e0 [ 584.454888] Call Trace: [ 584.466108] device_del+0xb2/0x3e0 [ 584.481701] device_unregister+0x13/0x60 [ 584.501306] bsg_unregister_queue+0x5b/0x80 [ 584.522029] bsg_remove_queue+0x1c/0x40 [ 584.541884] fc_rport_final_delete+0xf3/0x1d0 [scsi_transport_fc] [ 584.573823] process_one_work+0x1e3/0x3b0 [ 584.592396] worker_thread+0x50/0x3b0 [ 584.609256] ? rescuer_thread+0x370/0x370 [ 584.628877] kthread+0x149/0x170 [ 584.643673] ? set_kthread_struct+0x40/0x40 [ 584.662909] ret_from_fork+0x22/0x30 [ 584.680002] ---[ end trace 53575ecefa942ece ]---', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nscsi: bnx2fc: Flush destroy_work queue before calling bnx2fc_interface_put()\n\nThe bnx2fc_destroy() functions are removing the interface before calling\ndestroy_work. This results multiple WARNings from sysfs_remove_group() as\nthe controller rport device attributes are removed too early.\n\nReplace the fcoe_port's destroy_work queue. It's not needed.\n\nThe problem is easily reproducible with the following steps.\n\nExample:\n\n $ dmesg -w &\n $ systemctl enable --now fcoe\n $ fipvlan -s -c ens2f1\n $ fcoeadm -d ens2f1.802\n [ 583.464488] host2: libfc: Link down on port (7500a1)\n [ 583.472651] bnx2fc: 7500a1 - rport not created Yet!!\n [ 583.490468] ------------[ cut here ]------------\n [ 583.538725] sysfs group 'power' not found for kobject 'rport-2:0-0'\n [ 583.568814] WARNING: CPU: 3 PID: 192 at fs/sysfs/group.c:279 sysfs_remove_group+0x6f/0x80\n [ 583.607130] Modules linked in: dm_service_time 8021q garp mrp stp llc bnx2fc cnic uio rpcsec_gss_krb5 auth_rpcgss nfsv4 ...\n [ 583.942994] CPU: 3 PID: 192 Comm: kworker/3:2 Kdump: loaded Not tainted 5.14.0-39.el9.x86_64 #1\n [ 583.984105] Hardware name: HP ProLiant DL120 G7, BIOS J01 07/01/2013\n [ 584.016535] Workqueue: fc_wq_2 fc_rport_final_delete [scsi_transport_fc]\n [ 584.050691] RIP: 0010:sysfs_remove_group+0x6f/0x80\n [ 584.074725] Code: ff 5b 48 89 ef 5d 41 5c e9 ee c0 ff ff 48 89 ef e8 f6 b8 ff ff eb d1 49 8b 14 24 48 8b 33 48 c7 c7 ...\n [ 584.162586] RSP: 0018:ffffb567c15afdc0 EFLAGS: 00010282\n [ 584.188225] RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffffffff8eec4220 RCX: 0000000000000000\n [ 584.221053] RDX: ffff8c1586ce84c0 RSI: ffff8c1586cd7cc0 RDI: ffff8c1586cd7cc0\n [ 584.255089] RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: ffffb567c15afc00\n [ 584.287954] R10: ffffb567c15afbf8 R11: ffffffff8fbe7f28 R12: ffff8c1486326400\n [ 584.322356] R13: ffff8c1486326480 R14: ffff8c1483a4a000 R15: 0000000000000004\n [ 584.355379] FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff8c1586cc0000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\n [ 584.394419] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\n [ 584.421123] CR2: 00007fe95a6f7840 CR3: 0000000107674002 CR4: 00000000000606e0\n [ 584.454888] Call Trace:\n [ 584.466108] device_del+0xb2/0x3e0\n [ 584.481701] device_unregister+0x13/0x60\n [ 584.501306] bsg_unregister_queue+0x5b/0x80\n [ 584.522029] bsg_remove_queue+0x1c/0x40\n [ 584.541884] fc_rport_final_delete+0xf3/0x1d0 [scsi_transport_fc]\n [ 584.573823] process_one_work+0x1e3/0x3b0\n [ 584.592396] worker_thread+0x50/0x3b0\n [ 584.609256] ? rescuer_thread+0x370/0x370\n [ 584.628877] kthread+0x149/0x170\n [ 584.643673] ? set_kthread_struct+0x40/0x40\n [ 584.662909] ret_from_fork+0x22/0x30\n [ 584.680002] ---[ end trace 53575ecefa942ece ]---', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2022-48758 was patched at 2024-06-30

520. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48759) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: rpmsg: char: Fix race between the release of rpmsg_ctrldev and cdev struct rpmsg_ctrldev contains a struct cdev. The current code frees the rpmsg_ctrldev struct in rpmsg_ctrldev_release_device(), but the cdev is a managed object, therefore its release is not predictable and the rpmsg_ctrldev could be freed before the cdev is entirely released, as in the backtrace below. [ 93.625603] ODEBUG: free active (active state 0) object type: timer_list hint: delayed_work_timer_fn+0x0/0x7c [ 93.636115] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 12 at lib/debugobjects.c:488 debug_print_object+0x13c/0x1b0 [ 93.644799] Modules linked in: veth xt_cgroup xt_MASQUERADE rfcomm algif_hash algif_skcipher af_alg uinput ip6table_nat fuse uvcvideo videobuf2_vmalloc venus_enc venus_dec videobuf2_dma_contig hci_uart btandroid btqca snd_soc_rt5682_i2c bluetooth qcom_spmi_temp_alarm snd_soc_rt5682v [ 93.715175] CPU: 0 PID: 12 Comm: kworker/0:1 Tainted: G B 5.4.163-lockdep #26 [ 93.723855] Hardware name: Google Lazor (rev3 - 8) with LTE (DT) [ 93.730055] Workqueue: events kobject_delayed_cleanup [ 93.735271] pstate: 60c00009 (nZCv daif +PAN +UAO) [ 93.740216] pc : debug_print_object+0x13c/0x1b0 [ 93.744890] lr : debug_print_object+0x13c/0x1b0 [ 93.749555] sp : ffffffacf5bc7940 [ 93.752978] x29: ffffffacf5bc7940 x28: dfffffd000000000 [ 93.758448] x27: ffffffacdb11a800 x26: dfffffd000000000 [ 93.763916] x25: ffffffd0734f856c x24: dfffffd000000000 [ 93.769389] x23: 0000000000000000 x22: ffffffd0733c35b0 [ 93.774860] x21: ffffffd0751994a0 x20: ffffffd075ec27c0 [ 93.780338] x19: ffffffd075199100 x18: 00000000000276e0 [ 93.785814] x17: 0000000000000000 x16: dfffffd000000000 [ 93.791291] x15: ffffffffffffffff x14: 6e6968207473696c [ 93.796768] x13: 0000000000000000 x12: ffffffd075e2b000 [ 93.802244] x11: 0000000000000001 x10: 0000000000000000 [ 93.807723] x9 : d13400dff1921900 x8 : d13400dff1921900 [ 93.813200] x7 : 0000000000000000 x6 : 0000000000000000 [ 93.818676] x5 : 0000000000000080 x4 : 0000000000000000 [ 93.824152] x3 : ffffffd0732a0fa4 x2 : 0000000000000001 [ 93.829628] x1 : ffffffacf5bc7580 x0 : 0000000000000061 [ 93.835104] Call trace: [ 93.837644] debug_print_object+0x13c/0x1b0 [ 93.841963] __debug_check_no_obj_freed+0x25c/0x3c0 [ 93.846987] debug_check_no_obj_freed+0x18/0x20 [ 93.851669] slab_free_freelist_hook+0xbc/0x1e4 [ 93.856346] kfree+0xfc/0x2f4 [ 93.859416] rpmsg_ctrldev_release_device+0x78/0xb8 [ 93.864445] device_release+0x84/0x168 [ 93.868310] kobject_cleanup+0x12c/0x298 [ 93.872356] kobject_delayed_cleanup+0x10/0x18 [ 93.876948] process_one_work+0x578/0x92c [ 93.881086] worker_thread+0x804/0xcf8 [ 93.884963] kthread+0x2a8/0x314 [ 93.888303] ret_from_fork+0x10/0x18 The cdev_device_add/del() API was created to address this issue (see commit '233ed09d7fda ("chardev: add helper function to register char devs with a struct device")'), use it instead of cdev add/del().', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nrpmsg: char: Fix race between the release of rpmsg_ctrldev and cdev\n\nstruct rpmsg_ctrldev contains a struct cdev. The current code frees\nthe rpmsg_ctrldev struct in rpmsg_ctrldev_release_device(), but the\ncdev is a managed object, therefore its release is not predictable\nand the rpmsg_ctrldev could be freed before the cdev is entirely\nreleased, as in the backtrace below.\n\n[ 93.625603] ODEBUG: free active (active state 0) object type: timer_list hint: delayed_work_timer_fn+0x0/0x7c\n[ 93.636115] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 12 at lib/debugobjects.c:488 debug_print_object+0x13c/0x1b0\n[ 93.644799] Modules linked in: veth xt_cgroup xt_MASQUERADE rfcomm algif_hash algif_skcipher af_alg uinput ip6table_nat fuse uvcvideo videobuf2_vmalloc venus_enc venus_dec videobuf2_dma_contig hci_uart btandroid btqca snd_soc_rt5682_i2c bluetooth qcom_spmi_temp_alarm snd_soc_rt5682v\n[ 93.715175] CPU: 0 PID: 12 Comm: kworker/0:1 Tainted: G B 5.4.163-lockdep #26\n[ 93.723855] Hardware name: Google Lazor (rev3 - 8) with LTE (DT)\n[ 93.730055] Workqueue: events kobject_delayed_cleanup\n[ 93.735271] pstate: 60c00009 (nZCv daif +PAN +UAO)\n[ 93.740216] pc : debug_print_object+0x13c/0x1b0\n[ 93.744890] lr : debug_print_object+0x13c/0x1b0\n[ 93.749555] sp : ffffffacf5bc7940\n[ 93.752978] x29: ffffffacf5bc7940 x28: dfffffd000000000\n[ 93.758448] x27: ffffffacdb11a800 x26: dfffffd000000000\n[ 93.763916] x25: ffffffd0734f856c x24: dfffffd000000000\n[ 93.769389] x23: 0000000000000000 x22: ffffffd0733c35b0\n[ 93.774860] x21: ffffffd0751994a0 x20: ffffffd075ec27c0\n[ 93.780338] x19: ffffffd075199100 x18: 00000000000276e0\n[ 93.785814] x17: 0000000000000000 x16: dfffffd000000000\n[ 93.791291] x15: ffffffffffffffff x14: 6e6968207473696c\n[ 93.796768] x13: 0000000000000000 x12: ffffffd075e2b000\n[ 93.802244] x11: 0000000000000001 x10: 0000000000000000\n[ 93.807723] x9 : d13400dff1921900 x8 : d13400dff1921900\n[ 93.813200] x7 : 0000000000000000 x6 : 0000000000000000\n[ 93.818676] x5 : 0000000000000080 x4 : 0000000000000000\n[ 93.824152] x3 : ffffffd0732a0fa4 x2 : 0000000000000001\n[ 93.829628] x1 : ffffffacf5bc7580 x0 : 0000000000000061\n[ 93.835104] Call trace:\n[ 93.837644] debug_print_object+0x13c/0x1b0\n[ 93.841963] __debug_check_no_obj_freed+0x25c/0x3c0\n[ 93.846987] debug_check_no_obj_freed+0x18/0x20\n[ 93.851669] slab_free_freelist_hook+0xbc/0x1e4\n[ 93.856346] kfree+0xfc/0x2f4\n[ 93.859416] rpmsg_ctrldev_release_device+0x78/0xb8\n[ 93.864445] device_release+0x84/0x168\n[ 93.868310] kobject_cleanup+0x12c/0x298\n[ 93.872356] kobject_delayed_cleanup+0x10/0x18\n[ 93.876948] process_one_work+0x578/0x92c\n[ 93.881086] worker_thread+0x804/0xcf8\n[ 93.884963] kthread+0x2a8/0x314\n[ 93.888303] ret_from_fork+0x10/0x18\n\nThe cdev_device_add/del() API was created to address this issue (see\ncommit '233ed09d7fda ("chardev: add helper function to register char\ndevs with a struct device")'), use it instead of cdev add/del().', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2022-48759 was patched at 2024-06-30

521. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48760) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: USB: core: Fix hang in usb_kill_urb by adding memory barriers The syzbot fuzzer has identified a bug in which processes hang waiting for usb_kill_urb() to return. It turns out the issue is not unlinking the URB; that works just fine. Rather, the problem arises when the wakeup notification that the URB has completed is not received. The reason is memory-access ordering on SMP systems. In outline form, usb_kill_urb() and __usb_hcd_giveback_urb() operating concurrently on different CPUs perform the following actions: CPU 0\t\t\t\t\tCPU 1 ----------------------------\t\t--------------------------------- usb_kill_urb():\t\t\t\t__usb_hcd_giveback_urb(): ...\t\t\t\t\t ... atomic_inc(&urb->reject);\t\t atomic_dec(&urb->use_count); ...\t\t\t\t\t ... wait_event(usb_kill_urb_queue, \tatomic_read(&urb->use_count) == 0); \t\t\t\t\t if (atomic_read(&urb->reject)) \t\t\t\t\t\twake_up(&usb_kill_urb_queue); Confining your attention to urb->reject and urb->use_count, you can see that the overall pattern of accesses on CPU 0 is: \twrite urb->reject, then read urb->use_count; whereas the overall pattern of accesses on CPU 1 is: \twrite urb->use_count, then read urb->reject. This pattern is referred to in memory-model circles as SB (for "Store Buffering"), and it is well known that without suitable enforcement of the desired order of accesses -- in the form of memory barriers -- it is entirely possible for one or both CPUs to execute their reads ahead of their writes. The end result will be that sometimes CPU 0 sees the old un-decremented value of urb->use_count while CPU 1 sees the old un-incremented value of urb->reject. Consequently CPU 0 ends up on the wait queue and never gets woken up, leading to the observed hang in usb_kill_urb(). The same pattern of accesses occurs in usb_poison_urb() and the failure pathway of usb_hcd_submit_urb(). The problem is fixed by adding suitable memory barriers. To provide proper memory-access ordering in the SB pattern, a full barrier is required on both CPUs. The atomic_inc() and atomic_dec() accesses themselves don't provide any memory ordering, but since they are present, we can use the optimized smp_mb__after_atomic() memory barrier in the various routines to obtain the desired effect. This patch adds the necessary memory barriers.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nUSB: core: Fix hang in usb_kill_urb by adding memory barriers\n\nThe syzbot fuzzer has identified a bug in which processes hang waiting\nfor usb_kill_urb() to return. It turns out the issue is not unlinking\nthe URB; that works just fine. Rather, the problem arises when the\nwakeup notification that the URB has completed is not received.\n\nThe reason is memory-access ordering on SMP systems. In outline form,\nusb_kill_urb() and __usb_hcd_giveback_urb() operating concurrently on\ndifferent CPUs perform the following actions:\n\nCPU 0\t\t\t\t\tCPU 1\n----------------------------\t\t---------------------------------\nusb_kill_urb():\t\t\t\t__usb_hcd_giveback_urb():\n ...\t\t\t\t\t ...\n atomic_inc(&urb->reject);\t\t atomic_dec(&urb->use_count);\n ...\t\t\t\t\t ...\n wait_event(usb_kill_urb_queue,\n\tatomic_read(&urb->use_count) == 0);\n\t\t\t\t\t if (atomic_read(&urb->reject))\n\t\t\t\t\t\twake_up(&usb_kill_urb_queue);\n\nConfining your attention to urb->reject and urb->use_count, you can\nsee that the overall pattern of accesses on CPU 0 is:\n\n\twrite urb->reject, then read urb->use_count;\n\nwhereas the overall pattern of accesses on CPU 1 is:\n\n\twrite urb->use_count, then read urb->reject.\n\nThis pattern is referred to in memory-model circles as SB (for "Store\nBuffering"), and it is well known that without suitable enforcement of\nthe desired order of accesses -- in the form of memory barriers -- it\nis entirely possible for one or both CPUs to execute their reads ahead\nof their writes. The end result will be that sometimes CPU 0 sees the\nold un-decremented value of urb->use_count while CPU 1 sees the old\nun-incremented value of urb->reject. Consequently CPU 0 ends up on\nthe wait queue and never gets woken up, leading to the observed hang\nin usb_kill_urb().\n\nThe same pattern of accesses occurs in usb_poison_urb() and the\nfailure pathway of usb_hcd_submit_urb().\n\nThe problem is fixed by adding suitable memory barriers. To provide\nproper memory-access ordering in the SB pattern, a full barrier is\nrequired on both CPUs. The atomic_inc() and atomic_dec() accesses\nthemselves don't provide any memory ordering, but since they are\npresent, we can use the optimized smp_mb__after_atomic() memory\nbarrier in the various routines to obtain the desired effect.\n\nThis patch adds the necessary memory barriers.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2022-48760 was patched at 2024-06-30

522. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48762) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: arm64: extable: fix load_unaligned_zeropad() reg indices In ex_handler_load_unaligned_zeropad() we erroneously extract the data and addr register indices from ex->type rather than ex->data. As ex->type will contain EX_TYPE_LOAD_UNALIGNED_ZEROPAD (i.e. 4): * We'll always treat X0 as the address register, since EX_DATA_REG_ADDR is extracted from bits [9:5]. Thus, we may attempt to dereference an arbitrary address as X0 may hold an arbitrary value. * We'll always treat X4 as the data register, since EX_DATA_REG_DATA is extracted from bits [4:0]. Thus we will corrupt X4 and cause arbitrary behaviour within load_unaligned_zeropad() and its caller. Fix this by extracting both values from ex->data as originally intended. On an MTE-enabled QEMU image we are hitting the following crash: Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 0000000000000000 Call trace: fixup_exception+0xc4/0x108 __do_kernel_fault+0x3c/0x268 do_tag_check_fault+0x3c/0x104 do_mem_abort+0x44/0xf4 el1_abort+0x40/0x64 el1h_64_sync_handler+0x60/0xa0 el1h_64_sync+0x7c/0x80 link_path_walk+0x150/0x344 path_openat+0xa0/0x7dc do_filp_open+0xb8/0x168 do_sys_openat2+0x88/0x17c __arm64_sys_openat+0x74/0xa0 invoke_syscall+0x48/0x148 el0_svc_common+0xb8/0xf8 do_el0_svc+0x28/0x88 el0_svc+0x24/0x84 el0t_64_sync_handler+0x88/0xec el0t_64_sync+0x1b4/0x1b8 Code: f8695a69 71007d1f 540000e0 927df12a (f940014a)', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\narm64: extable: fix load_unaligned_zeropad() reg indices\n\nIn ex_handler_load_unaligned_zeropad() we erroneously extract the data and\naddr register indices from ex->type rather than ex->data. As ex->type will\ncontain EX_TYPE_LOAD_UNALIGNED_ZEROPAD (i.e. 4):\n * We'll always treat X0 as the address register, since EX_DATA_REG_ADDR is\n extracted from bits [9:5]. Thus, we may attempt to dereference an\n arbitrary address as X0 may hold an arbitrary value.\n * We'll always treat X4 as the data register, since EX_DATA_REG_DATA is\n extracted from bits [4:0]. Thus we will corrupt X4 and cause arbitrary\n behaviour within load_unaligned_zeropad() and its caller.\n\nFix this by extracting both values from ex->data as originally intended.\n\nOn an MTE-enabled QEMU image we are hitting the following crash:\n Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 0000000000000000\n Call trace:\n fixup_exception+0xc4/0x108\n __do_kernel_fault+0x3c/0x268\n do_tag_check_fault+0x3c/0x104\n do_mem_abort+0x44/0xf4\n el1_abort+0x40/0x64\n el1h_64_sync_handler+0x60/0xa0\n el1h_64_sync+0x7c/0x80\n link_path_walk+0x150/0x344\n path_openat+0xa0/0x7dc\n do_filp_open+0xb8/0x168\n do_sys_openat2+0x88/0x17c\n __arm64_sys_openat+0x74/0xa0\n invoke_syscall+0x48/0x148\n el0_svc_common+0xb8/0xf8\n do_el0_svc+0x28/0x88\n el0_svc+0x24/0x84\n el0t_64_sync_handler+0x88/0xec\n el0t_64_sync+0x1b4/0x1b8\n Code: f8695a69 71007d1f 540000e0 927df12a (f940014a)', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2022-48762 was patched at 2024-06-30

523. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48766) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/amd/display: Wrap dcn301_calculate_wm_and_dlg for FPU. Mirrors the logic for dcn30. Cue lots of WARNs and some kernel panics without this fix.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/amd/display: Wrap dcn301_calculate_wm_and_dlg for FPU.\n\nMirrors the logic for dcn30. Cue lots of WARNs and some\nkernel panics without this fix.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2022-48766 was patched at 2024-06-30

524. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48772) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: media: lgdt3306a: Add a check against null-pointer-def The driver should check whether the client provides the platform_data. The following log reveals it: [ 29.610324] BUG: KASAN: null-ptr-deref in kmemdup+0x30/0x40 [ 29.610730] Read of size 40 at addr 0000000000000000 by task bash/414 [ 29.612820] Call Trace: [ 29.613030] <TASK> [ 29.613201] dump_stack_lvl+0x56/0x6f [ 29.613496] ? kmemdup+0x30/0x40 [ 29.613754] print_report.cold+0x494/0x6b7 [ 29.614082] ? kmemdup+0x30/0x40 [ 29.614340] kasan_report+0x8a/0x190 [ 29.614628] ? kmemdup+0x30/0x40 [ 29.614888] kasan_check_range+0x14d/0x1d0 [ 29.615213] memcpy+0x20/0x60 [ 29.615454] kmemdup+0x30/0x40 [ 29.615700] lgdt3306a_probe+0x52/0x310 [ 29.616339] i2c_device_probe+0x951/0xa90', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmedia: lgdt3306a: Add a check against null-pointer-def\n\nThe driver should check whether the client provides the platform_data.\n\nThe following log reveals it:\n\n[ 29.610324] BUG: KASAN: null-ptr-deref in kmemdup+0x30/0x40\n[ 29.610730] Read of size 40 at addr 0000000000000000 by task bash/414\n[ 29.612820] Call Trace:\n[ 29.613030] <TASK>\n[ 29.613201] dump_stack_lvl+0x56/0x6f\n[ 29.613496] ? kmemdup+0x30/0x40\n[ 29.613754] print_report.cold+0x494/0x6b7\n[ 29.614082] ? kmemdup+0x30/0x40\n[ 29.614340] kasan_report+0x8a/0x190\n[ 29.614628] ? kmemdup+0x30/0x40\n[ 29.614888] kasan_check_range+0x14d/0x1d0\n[ 29.615213] memcpy+0x20/0x60\n[ 29.615454] kmemdup+0x30/0x40\n[ 29.615700] lgdt3306a_probe+0x52/0x310\n[ 29.616339] i2c_device_probe+0x951/0xa90', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2022-48772 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

525. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48781) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: crypto: af_alg - get rid of alg_memory_allocated alg_memory_allocated does not seem to be really used. alg_proto does have a .memory_allocated field, but no corresponding .sysctl_mem. This means sk_has_account() returns true, but all sk_prot_mem_limits() users will trigger a NULL dereference [1]. THis was not a problem until SO_RESERVE_MEM addition. general protection fault, probably for non-canonical address 0xdffffc0000000001: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN KASAN: null-ptr-deref in range [0x0000000000000008-0x000000000000000f] CPU: 1 PID: 3591 Comm: syz-executor153 Not tainted 5.17.0-rc3-syzkaller-00316-gb81b1829e7e3 #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/2011 RIP: 0010:sk_prot_mem_limits include/net/sock.h:1523 [inline] RIP: 0010:sock_reserve_memory+0x1d7/0x330 net/core/sock.c:1000 Code: 08 00 74 08 48 89 ef e8 27 20 bb f9 4c 03 7c 24 10 48 8b 6d 00 48 83 c5 08 48 89 e8 48 c1 e8 03 48 b9 00 00 00 00 00 fc ff df <80> 3c 08 00 74 08 48 89 ef e8 fb 1f bb f9 48 8b 6d 00 4c 89 ff 48 RSP: 0018:ffffc90001f1fb68 EFLAGS: 00010202 RAX: 0000000000000001 RBX: ffff88814aabc000 RCX: dffffc0000000000 RDX: 0000000000000001 RSI: 0000000000000008 RDI: ffffffff90e18120 RBP: 0000000000000008 R08: dffffc0000000000 R09: fffffbfff21c3025 R10: fffffbfff21c3025 R11: 0000000000000000 R12: ffffffff8d109840 R13: 0000000000001002 R14: 0000000000000001 R15: 0000000000000001 FS: 0000555556e08300(0000) GS:ffff8880b9b00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 00007fc74416f130 CR3: 0000000073d9e000 CR4: 00000000003506e0 DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 Call Trace: <TASK> sock_setsockopt+0x14a9/0x3a30 net/core/sock.c:1446 __sys_setsockopt+0x5af/0x980 net/socket.c:2176 __do_sys_setsockopt net/socket.c:2191 [inline] __se_sys_setsockopt net/socket.c:2188 [inline] __x64_sys_setsockopt+0xb1/0xc0 net/socket.c:2188 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline] do_syscall_64+0x44/0xd0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae RIP: 0033:0x7fc7440fddc9 Code: 28 00 00 00 75 05 48 83 c4 28 c3 e8 51 15 00 00 90 48 89 f8 48 89 f7 48 89 d6 48 89 ca 4d 89 c2 4d 89 c8 4c 8b 4c 24 08 0f 05 <48> 3d 01 f0 ff ff 73 01 c3 48 c7 c1 c0 ff ff ff f7 d8 64 89 01 48 RSP: 002b:00007ffe98f07968 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000036 RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 0000000000000003 RCX: 00007fc7440fddc9 RDX: 0000000000000049 RSI: 0000000000000001 RDI: 0000000000000004 RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000004 R09: 00007ffe98f07990 R10: 0000000020000000 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 00007ffe98f0798c R13: 00007ffe98f079a0 R14: 00007ffe98f079e0 R15: 0000000000000000 </TASK> Modules linked in: ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]--- RIP: 0010:sk_prot_mem_limits include/net/sock.h:1523 [inline] RIP: 0010:sock_reserve_memory+0x1d7/0x330 net/core/sock.c:1000 Code: 08 00 74 08 48 89 ef e8 27 20 bb f9 4c 03 7c 24 10 48 8b 6d 00 48 83 c5 08 48 89 e8 48 c1 e8 03 48 b9 00 00 00 00 00 fc ff df <80> 3c 08 00 74 08 48 89 ef e8 fb 1f bb f9 48 8b 6d 00 4c 89 ff 48 RSP: 0018:ffffc90001f1fb68 EFLAGS: 00010202 RAX: 0000000000000001 RBX: ffff88814aabc000 RCX: dffffc0000000000 RDX: 0000000000000001 RSI: 0000000000000008 RDI: ffffffff90e18120 RBP: 0000000000000008 R08: dffffc0000000000 R09: fffffbfff21c3025 R10: fffffbfff21c3025 R11: 0000000000000000 R12: ffffffff8d109840 R13: 0000000000001002 R14: 0000000000000001 R15: 0000000000000001 FS: 0000555556e08300(0000) GS:ffff8880b9b00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 00007fc74416f130 CR3: 0000000073d9e000 CR4: 00000000003506e0 DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ncrypto: af_alg - get rid of alg_memory_allocated\n\nalg_memory_allocated does not seem to be really used.\n\nalg_proto does have a .memory_allocated field, but no\ncorresponding .sysctl_mem.\n\nThis means sk_has_account() returns true, but all sk_prot_mem_limits()\nusers will trigger a NULL dereference [1].\n\nTHis was not a problem until SO_RESERVE_MEM addition.\n\ngeneral protection fault, probably for non-canonical address 0xdffffc0000000001: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN\nKASAN: null-ptr-deref in range [0x0000000000000008-0x000000000000000f]\nCPU: 1 PID: 3591 Comm: syz-executor153 Not tainted 5.17.0-rc3-syzkaller-00316-gb81b1829e7e3 #0\nHardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/2011\nRIP: 0010:sk_prot_mem_limits include/net/sock.h:1523 [inline]\nRIP: 0010:sock_reserve_memory+0x1d7/0x330 net/core/sock.c:1000\nCode: 08 00 74 08 48 89 ef e8 27 20 bb f9 4c 03 7c 24 10 48 8b 6d 00 48 83 c5 08 48 89 e8 48 c1 e8 03 48 b9 00 00 00 00 00 fc ff df <80> 3c 08 00 74 08 48 89 ef e8 fb 1f bb f9 48 8b 6d 00 4c 89 ff 48\nRSP: 0018:ffffc90001f1fb68 EFLAGS: 00010202\nRAX: 0000000000000001 RBX: ffff88814aabc000 RCX: dffffc0000000000\nRDX: 0000000000000001 RSI: 0000000000000008 RDI: ffffffff90e18120\nRBP: 0000000000000008 R08: dffffc0000000000 R09: fffffbfff21c3025\nR10: fffffbfff21c3025 R11: 0000000000000000 R12: ffffffff8d109840\nR13: 0000000000001002 R14: 0000000000000001 R15: 0000000000000001\nFS: 0000555556e08300(0000) GS:ffff8880b9b00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\nCS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\nCR2: 00007fc74416f130 CR3: 0000000073d9e000 CR4: 00000000003506e0\nDR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000\nDR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n sock_setsockopt+0x14a9/0x3a30 net/core/sock.c:1446\n __sys_setsockopt+0x5af/0x980 net/socket.c:2176\n __do_sys_setsockopt net/socket.c:2191 [inline]\n __se_sys_setsockopt net/socket.c:2188 [inline]\n __x64_sys_setsockopt+0xb1/0xc0 net/socket.c:2188\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0x44/0xd0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae\nRIP: 0033:0x7fc7440fddc9\nCode: 28 00 00 00 75 05 48 83 c4 28 c3 e8 51 15 00 00 90 48 89 f8 48 89 f7 48 89 d6 48 89 ca 4d 89 c2 4d 89 c8 4c 8b 4c 24 08 0f 05 <48> 3d 01 f0 ff ff 73 01 c3 48 c7 c1 c0 ff ff ff f7 d8 64 89 01 48\nRSP: 002b:00007ffe98f07968 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000036\nRAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 0000000000000003 RCX: 00007fc7440fddc9\nRDX: 0000000000000049 RSI: 0000000000000001 RDI: 0000000000000004\nRBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000004 R09: 00007ffe98f07990\nR10: 0000000020000000 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 00007ffe98f0798c\nR13: 00007ffe98f079a0 R14: 00007ffe98f079e0 R15: 0000000000000000\n </TASK>\nModules linked in:\n---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]---\nRIP: 0010:sk_prot_mem_limits include/net/sock.h:1523 [inline]\nRIP: 0010:sock_reserve_memory+0x1d7/0x330 net/core/sock.c:1000\nCode: 08 00 74 08 48 89 ef e8 27 20 bb f9 4c 03 7c 24 10 48 8b 6d 00 48 83 c5 08 48 89 e8 48 c1 e8 03 48 b9 00 00 00 00 00 fc ff df <80> 3c 08 00 74 08 48 89 ef e8 fb 1f bb f9 48 8b 6d 00 4c 89 ff 48\nRSP: 0018:ffffc90001f1fb68 EFLAGS: 00010202\nRAX: 0000000000000001 RBX: ffff88814aabc000 RCX: dffffc0000000000\nRDX: 0000000000000001 RSI: 0000000000000008 RDI: ffffffff90e18120\nRBP: 0000000000000008 R08: dffffc0000000000 R09: fffffbfff21c3025\nR10: fffffbfff21c3025 R11: 0000000000000000 R12: ffffffff8d109840\nR13: 0000000000001002 R14: 0000000000000001 R15: 0000000000000001\nFS: 0000555556e08300(0000) GS:ffff8880b9b00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\nCS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\nCR2: 00007fc74416f130 CR3: 0000000073d9e000 CR4: 00000000003506e0\nDR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2022-48781 was patched at 2024-07-16

526. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48782) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mctp: fix use after free Clang static analysis reports this problem route.c:425:4: warning: Use of memory after it is freed trace_mctp_key_acquire(key); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When mctp_key_add() fails, key is freed but then is later used in trace_mctp_key_acquire(). Add an else statement to use the key only when mctp_key_add() is successful.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmctp: fix use after free\n\nClang static analysis reports this problem\nroute.c:425:4: warning: Use of memory after it is freed\n trace_mctp_key_acquire(key);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\nWhen mctp_key_add() fails, key is freed but then is later\nused in trace_mctp_key_acquire(). Add an else statement\nto use the key only when mctp_key_add() is successful.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2022-48782 was patched at 2024-07-16

527. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48786) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: vsock: remove vsock from connected table when connect is interrupted by a signal vsock_connect() expects that the socket could already be in the TCP_ESTABLISHED state when the connecting task wakes up with a signal pending. If this happens the socket will be in the connected table, and it is not removed when the socket state is reset. In this situation it's common for the process to retry connect(), and if the connection is successful the socket will be added to the connected table a second time, corrupting the list. Prevent this by calling vsock_remove_connected() if a signal is received while waiting for a connection. This is harmless if the socket is not in the connected table, and if it is in the table then removing it will prevent list corruption from a double add. Note for backporting: this patch requires d5afa82c977e ("vsock: correct removal of socket from the list"), which is in all current stable trees except 4.9.y.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nvsock: remove vsock from connected table when connect is interrupted by a signal\n\nvsock_connect() expects that the socket could already be in the\nTCP_ESTABLISHED state when the connecting task wakes up with a signal\npending. If this happens the socket will be in the connected table, and\nit is not removed when the socket state is reset. In this situation it's\ncommon for the process to retry connect(), and if the connection is\nsuccessful the socket will be added to the connected table a second\ntime, corrupting the list.\n\nPrevent this by calling vsock_remove_connected() if a signal is received\nwhile waiting for a connection. This is harmless if the socket is not in\nthe connected table, and if it is in the table then removing it will\nprevent list corruption from a double add.\n\nNote for backporting: this patch requires d5afa82c977e ("vsock: correct\nremoval of socket from the list"), which is in all current stable trees\nexcept 4.9.y.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2022-48786 was patched at 2024-07-16

528. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48794) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: ieee802154: at86rf230: Stop leaking skb's Upon error the ieee802154_xmit_complete() helper is not called. Only ieee802154_wake_queue() is called manually. In the Tx case we then leak the skb structure. Free the skb structure upon error before returning when appropriate. As the 'is_tx = 0' cannot be moved in the complete handler because of a possible race between the delay in switching to STATE_RX_AACK_ON and a new interrupt, we introduce an intermediate 'was_tx' boolean just for this purpose. There is no Fixes tag applying here, many changes have been made on this area and the issue kind of always existed.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: ieee802154: at86rf230: Stop leaking skb's\n\nUpon error the ieee802154_xmit_complete() helper is not called. Only\nieee802154_wake_queue() is called manually. In the Tx case we then leak\nthe skb structure.\n\nFree the skb structure upon error before returning when appropriate.\n\nAs the 'is_tx = 0' cannot be moved in the complete handler because of a\npossible race between the delay in switching to STATE_RX_AACK_ON and a\nnew interrupt, we introduce an intermediate 'was_tx' boolean just for\nthis purpose.\n\nThere is no Fixes tag applying here, many changes have been made on this\narea and the issue kind of always existed.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2022-48794 was patched at 2024-07-16

529. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48799) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: perf: Fix list corruption in perf_cgroup_switch() There's list corruption on cgrp_cpuctx_list. This happens on the following path: perf_cgroup_switch: list_for_each_entry(cgrp_cpuctx_list) cpu_ctx_sched_in ctx_sched_in ctx_pinned_sched_in merge_sched_in perf_cgroup_event_disable: remove the event from the list Use list_for_each_entry_safe() to allow removing an entry during iteration.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nperf: Fix list corruption in perf_cgroup_switch()\n\nThere's list corruption on cgrp_cpuctx_list. This happens on the\nfollowing path:\n\n perf_cgroup_switch: list_for_each_entry(cgrp_cpuctx_list)\n cpu_ctx_sched_in\n ctx_sched_in\n ctx_pinned_sched_in\n merge_sched_in\n perf_cgroup_event_disable: remove the event from the list\n\nUse list_for_each_entry_safe() to allow removing an entry during\niteration.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2022-48799 was patched at 2024-07-16

530. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48800) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mm: vmscan: remove deadlock due to throttling failing to make progress A soft lockup bug in kcompactd was reported in a private bugzilla with the following visible in dmesg; watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#33 stuck for 26s! [kcompactd0:479] watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#33 stuck for 52s! [kcompactd0:479] watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#33 stuck for 78s! [kcompactd0:479] watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#33 stuck for 104s! [kcompactd0:479] The machine had 256G of RAM with no swap and an earlier failed allocation indicated that node 0 where kcompactd was run was potentially unreclaimable; Node 0 active_anon:29355112kB inactive_anon:2913528kB active_file:0kB inactive_file:0kB unevictable:64kB isolated(anon):0kB isolated(file):0kB mapped:8kB dirty:0kB writeback:0kB shmem:26780kB shmem_thp: 0kB shmem_pmdmapped: 0kB anon_thp: 23480320kB writeback_tmp:0kB kernel_stack:2272kB pagetables:24500kB all_unreclaimable? yes Vlastimil Babka investigated a crash dump and found that a task migrating pages was trying to drain PCP lists; PID: 52922 TASK: ffff969f820e5000 CPU: 19 COMMAND: "kworker/u128:3" Call Trace: __schedule schedule schedule_timeout wait_for_completion __flush_work __drain_all_pages __alloc_pages_slowpath.constprop.114 __alloc_pages alloc_migration_target migrate_pages migrate_to_node do_migrate_pages cpuset_migrate_mm_workfn process_one_work worker_thread kthread ret_from_fork This failure is specific to CONFIG_PREEMPT=n builds. The root of the problem is that kcompact0 is not rescheduling on a CPU while a task that has isolated a large number of the pages from the LRU is waiting on kcompact0 to reschedule so the pages can be released. While shrink_inactive_list() only loops once around too_many_isolated, reclaim can continue without rescheduling if sc->skipped_deactivate == 1 which could happen if there was no file LRU and the inactive anon list was not low.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmm: vmscan: remove deadlock due to throttling failing to make progress\n\nA soft lockup bug in kcompactd was reported in a private bugzilla with\nthe following visible in dmesg;\n\n watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#33 stuck for 26s! [kcompactd0:479]\n watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#33 stuck for 52s! [kcompactd0:479]\n watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#33 stuck for 78s! [kcompactd0:479]\n watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#33 stuck for 104s! [kcompactd0:479]\n\nThe machine had 256G of RAM with no swap and an earlier failed\nallocation indicated that node 0 where kcompactd was run was potentially\nunreclaimable;\n\n Node 0 active_anon:29355112kB inactive_anon:2913528kB active_file:0kB\n inactive_file:0kB unevictable:64kB isolated(anon):0kB isolated(file):0kB\n mapped:8kB dirty:0kB writeback:0kB shmem:26780kB shmem_thp:\n 0kB shmem_pmdmapped: 0kB anon_thp: 23480320kB writeback_tmp:0kB\n kernel_stack:2272kB pagetables:24500kB all_unreclaimable? yes\n\nVlastimil Babka investigated a crash dump and found that a task\nmigrating pages was trying to drain PCP lists;\n\n PID: 52922 TASK: ffff969f820e5000 CPU: 19 COMMAND: "kworker/u128:3"\n Call Trace:\n __schedule\n schedule\n schedule_timeout\n wait_for_completion\n __flush_work\n __drain_all_pages\n __alloc_pages_slowpath.constprop.114\n __alloc_pages\n alloc_migration_target\n migrate_pages\n migrate_to_node\n do_migrate_pages\n cpuset_migrate_mm_workfn\n process_one_work\n worker_thread\n kthread\n ret_from_fork\n\nThis failure is specific to CONFIG_PREEMPT=n builds. The root of the\nproblem is that kcompact0 is not rescheduling on a CPU while a task that\nhas isolated a large number of the pages from the LRU is waiting on\nkcompact0 to reschedule so the pages can be released. While\nshrink_inactive_list() only loops once around too_many_isolated, reclaim\ncan continue without rescheduling if sc->skipped_deactivate == 1 which\ncould happen if there was no file LRU and the inactive anon list was not\nlow.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2022-48800 was patched at 2024-07-16

531. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48804) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: vt_ioctl: fix array_index_nospec in vt_setactivate array_index_nospec ensures that an out-of-bounds value is set to zero on the transient path. Decreasing the value by one afterwards causes a transient integer underflow. vsa.console should be decreased first and then sanitized with array_index_nospec. Kasper Acknowledgements: Jakob Koschel, Brian Johannesmeyer, Kaveh Razavi, Herbert Bos, Cristiano Giuffrida from the VUSec group at VU Amsterdam.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nvt_ioctl: fix array_index_nospec in vt_setactivate\n\narray_index_nospec ensures that an out-of-bounds value is set to zero\non the transient path. Decreasing the value by one afterwards causes\na transient integer underflow. vsa.console should be decreased first\nand then sanitized with array_index_nospec.\n\nKasper Acknowledgements: Jakob Koschel, Brian Johannesmeyer, Kaveh\nRazavi, Herbert Bos, Cristiano Giuffrida from the VUSec group at VU\nAmsterdam.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2022-48804 was patched at 2024-07-16

532. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48805) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: usb: ax88179_178a: Fix out-of-bounds accesses in RX fixup ax88179_rx_fixup() contains several out-of-bounds accesses that can be triggered by a malicious (or defective) USB device, in particular: - The metadata array (hdr_off..hdr_off+2*pkt_cnt) can be out of bounds, causing OOB reads and (on big-endian systems) OOB endianness flips. - A packet can overlap the metadata array, causing a later OOB endianness flip to corrupt data used by a cloned SKB that has already been handed off into the network stack. - A packet SKB can be constructed whose tail is far beyond its end, causing out-of-bounds heap data to be considered part of the SKB's data. I have tested that this can be used by a malicious USB device to send a bogus ICMPv6 Echo Request and receive an ICMPv6 Echo Reply in response that contains random kernel heap data. It's probably also possible to get OOB writes from this on a little-endian system somehow - maybe by triggering skb_cow() via IP options processing -, but I haven't tested that.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: usb: ax88179_178a: Fix out-of-bounds accesses in RX fixup\n\nax88179_rx_fixup() contains several out-of-bounds accesses that can be\ntriggered by a malicious (or defective) USB device, in particular:\n\n - The metadata array (hdr_off..hdr_off+2*pkt_cnt) can be out of bounds,\n causing OOB reads and (on big-endian systems) OOB endianness flips.\n - A packet can overlap the metadata array, causing a later OOB\n endianness flip to corrupt data used by a cloned SKB that has already\n been handed off into the network stack.\n - A packet SKB can be constructed whose tail is far beyond its end,\n causing out-of-bounds heap data to be considered part of the SKB's\n data.\n\nI have tested that this can be used by a malicious USB device to send a\nbogus ICMPv6 Echo Request and receive an ICMPv6 Echo Reply in response\nthat contains random kernel heap data.\nIt's probably also possible to get OOB writes from this on a\nlittle-endian system somehow - maybe by triggering skb_cow() via IP\noptions processing -, but I haven't tested that.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2022-48805 was patched at 2024-07-16

533. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48810) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ipmr,ip6mr: acquire RTNL before calling ip[6]mr_free_table() on failure path ip[6]mr_free_table() can only be called under RTNL lock. RTNL: assertion failed at net/core/dev.c (10367) WARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 5890 at net/core/dev.c:10367 unregister_netdevice_many+0x1246/0x1850 net/core/dev.c:10367 Modules linked in: CPU: 1 PID: 5890 Comm: syz-executor.2 Not tainted 5.16.0-syzkaller-11627-g422ee58dc0ef #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/2011 RIP: 0010:unregister_netdevice_many+0x1246/0x1850 net/core/dev.c:10367 Code: 0f 85 9b ee ff ff e8 69 07 4b fa ba 7f 28 00 00 48 c7 c6 00 90 ae 8a 48 c7 c7 40 90 ae 8a c6 05 6d b1 51 06 01 e8 8c 90 d8 01 <0f> 0b e9 70 ee ff ff e8 3e 07 4b fa 4c 89 e7 e8 86 2a 59 fa e9 ee RSP: 0018:ffffc900046ff6e0 EFLAGS: 00010286 RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: 0000000000000000 RCX: 0000000000000000 RDX: ffff888050f51d00 RSI: ffffffff815fa008 RDI: fffff520008dfece RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000 R10: ffffffff815f3d6e R11: 0000000000000000 R12: 00000000fffffff4 R13: dffffc0000000000 R14: ffffc900046ff750 R15: ffff88807b7dc000 FS: 00007f4ab736e700(0000) GS:ffff8880b9d00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 00007fee0b4f8990 CR3: 000000001e7d2000 CR4: 00000000003506e0 DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 Call Trace: <TASK> mroute_clean_tables+0x244/0xb40 net/ipv6/ip6mr.c:1509 ip6mr_free_table net/ipv6/ip6mr.c:389 [inline] ip6mr_rules_init net/ipv6/ip6mr.c:246 [inline] ip6mr_net_init net/ipv6/ip6mr.c:1306 [inline] ip6mr_net_init+0x3f0/0x4e0 net/ipv6/ip6mr.c:1298 ops_init+0xaf/0x470 net/core/net_namespace.c:140 setup_net+0x54f/0xbb0 net/core/net_namespace.c:331 copy_net_ns+0x318/0x760 net/core/net_namespace.c:475 create_new_namespaces+0x3f6/0xb20 kernel/nsproxy.c:110 copy_namespaces+0x391/0x450 kernel/nsproxy.c:178 copy_process+0x2e0c/0x7300 kernel/fork.c:2167 kernel_clone+0xe7/0xab0 kernel/fork.c:2555 __do_sys_clone+0xc8/0x110 kernel/fork.c:2672 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline] do_syscall_64+0x35/0xb0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae RIP: 0033:0x7f4ab89f9059 Code: Unable to access opcode bytes at RIP 0x7f4ab89f902f. RSP: 002b:00007f4ab736e118 EFLAGS: 00000206 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000038 RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 00007f4ab8b0bf60 RCX: 00007f4ab89f9059 RDX: 0000000020000280 RSI: 0000000020000270 RDI: 0000000040200000 RBP: 00007f4ab8a5308d R08: 0000000020000300 R09: 0000000020000300 R10: 00000000200002c0 R11: 0000000000000206 R12: 0000000000000000 R13: 00007ffc3977cc1f R14: 00007f4ab736e300 R15: 0000000000022000 </TASK>', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nipmr,ip6mr: acquire RTNL before calling ip[6]mr_free_table() on failure path\n\nip[6]mr_free_table() can only be called under RTNL lock.\n\nRTNL: assertion failed at net/core/dev.c (10367)\nWARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 5890 at net/core/dev.c:10367 unregister_netdevice_many+0x1246/0x1850 net/core/dev.c:10367\nModules linked in:\nCPU: 1 PID: 5890 Comm: syz-executor.2 Not tainted 5.16.0-syzkaller-11627-g422ee58dc0ef #0\nHardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/2011\nRIP: 0010:unregister_netdevice_many+0x1246/0x1850 net/core/dev.c:10367\nCode: 0f 85 9b ee ff ff e8 69 07 4b fa ba 7f 28 00 00 48 c7 c6 00 90 ae 8a 48 c7 c7 40 90 ae 8a c6 05 6d b1 51 06 01 e8 8c 90 d8 01 <0f> 0b e9 70 ee ff ff e8 3e 07 4b fa 4c 89 e7 e8 86 2a 59 fa e9 ee\nRSP: 0018:ffffc900046ff6e0 EFLAGS: 00010286\nRAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: 0000000000000000 RCX: 0000000000000000\nRDX: ffff888050f51d00 RSI: ffffffff815fa008 RDI: fffff520008dfece\nRBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000\nR10: ffffffff815f3d6e R11: 0000000000000000 R12: 00000000fffffff4\nR13: dffffc0000000000 R14: ffffc900046ff750 R15: ffff88807b7dc000\nFS: 00007f4ab736e700(0000) GS:ffff8880b9d00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\nCS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\nCR2: 00007fee0b4f8990 CR3: 000000001e7d2000 CR4: 00000000003506e0\nDR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000\nDR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n mroute_clean_tables+0x244/0xb40 net/ipv6/ip6mr.c:1509\n ip6mr_free_table net/ipv6/ip6mr.c:389 [inline]\n ip6mr_rules_init net/ipv6/ip6mr.c:246 [inline]\n ip6mr_net_init net/ipv6/ip6mr.c:1306 [inline]\n ip6mr_net_init+0x3f0/0x4e0 net/ipv6/ip6mr.c:1298\n ops_init+0xaf/0x470 net/core/net_namespace.c:140\n setup_net+0x54f/0xbb0 net/core/net_namespace.c:331\n copy_net_ns+0x318/0x760 net/core/net_namespace.c:475\n create_new_namespaces+0x3f6/0xb20 kernel/nsproxy.c:110\n copy_namespaces+0x391/0x450 kernel/nsproxy.c:178\n copy_process+0x2e0c/0x7300 kernel/fork.c:2167\n kernel_clone+0xe7/0xab0 kernel/fork.c:2555\n __do_sys_clone+0xc8/0x110 kernel/fork.c:2672\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0x35/0xb0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae\nRIP: 0033:0x7f4ab89f9059\nCode: Unable to access opcode bytes at RIP 0x7f4ab89f902f.\nRSP: 002b:00007f4ab736e118 EFLAGS: 00000206 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000038\nRAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 00007f4ab8b0bf60 RCX: 00007f4ab89f9059\nRDX: 0000000020000280 RSI: 0000000020000270 RDI: 0000000040200000\nRBP: 00007f4ab8a5308d R08: 0000000020000300 R09: 0000000020000300\nR10: 00000000200002c0 R11: 0000000000000206 R12: 0000000000000000\nR13: 00007ffc3977cc1f R14: 00007f4ab736e300 R15: 0000000000022000\n </TASK>', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2022-48810 was patched at 2024-07-16

534. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48816) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: SUNRPC: lock against ->sock changing during sysfs read ->sock can be set to NULL asynchronously unless ->recv_mutex is held. So it is important to hold that mutex. Otherwise a sysfs read can trigger an oops. Commit 17f09d3f619a ("SUNRPC: Check if the xprt is connected before handling sysfs reads") appears to attempt to fix this problem, but it only narrows the race window.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nSUNRPC: lock against ->sock changing during sysfs read\n\n->sock can be set to NULL asynchronously unless ->recv_mutex is held.\nSo it is important to hold that mutex. Otherwise a sysfs read can\ntrigger an oops.\nCommit 17f09d3f619a ("SUNRPC: Check if the xprt is connected before\nhandling sysfs reads") appears to attempt to fix this problem, but it\nonly narrows the race window.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2022-48816 was patched at 2024-07-16

535. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48819) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: tcp: take care of mixed splice()/sendmsg(MSG_ZEROCOPY) case syzbot found that mixing sendpage() and sendmsg(MSG_ZEROCOPY) calls over the same TCP socket would again trigger the infamous warning in inet_sock_destruct() \tWARN_ON(sk_forward_alloc_get(sk)); While Talal took into account a mix of regular copied data and MSG_ZEROCOPY one in the same skb, the sendpage() path has been forgotten. We want the charging to happen for sendpage(), because pages could be coming from a pipe. What is missing is the downgrading of pure zerocopy status to make sure sk_forward_alloc will stay synced. Add tcp_downgrade_zcopy_pure() helper so that we can use it from the two callers.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ntcp: take care of mixed splice()/sendmsg(MSG_ZEROCOPY) case\n\nsyzbot found that mixing sendpage() and sendmsg(MSG_ZEROCOPY)\ncalls over the same TCP socket would again trigger the\ninfamous warning in inet_sock_destruct()\n\n\tWARN_ON(sk_forward_alloc_get(sk));\n\nWhile Talal took into account a mix of regular copied data\nand MSG_ZEROCOPY one in the same skb, the sendpage() path\nhas been forgotten.\n\nWe want the charging to happen for sendpage(), because\npages could be coming from a pipe. What is missing is the\ndowngrading of pure zerocopy status to make sure\nsk_forward_alloc will stay synced.\n\nAdd tcp_downgrade_zcopy_pure() helper so that we can\nuse it from the two callers.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2022-48819 was patched at 2024-07-16

536. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48832) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: audit: don't deref the syscall args when checking the openat2 open_how::flags As reported by Jeff, dereferencing the openat2 syscall argument in audit_match_perm() to obtain the open_how::flags can result in an oops/page-fault. This patch fixes this by using the open_how struct that we store in the audit_context with audit_openat2_how(). Independent of this patch, Richard Guy Briggs posted a similar patch to the audit mailing list roughly 40 minutes after this patch was posted.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\naudit: don't deref the syscall args when checking the openat2 open_how::flags\n\nAs reported by Jeff, dereferencing the openat2 syscall argument in\naudit_match_perm() to obtain the open_how::flags can result in an\noops/page-fault. This patch fixes this by using the open_how struct\nthat we store in the audit_context with audit_openat2_how().\n\nIndependent of this patch, Richard Guy Briggs posted a similar patch\nto the audit mailing list roughly 40 minutes after this patch was\nposted.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2022-48832 was patched at 2024-07-16

537. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48836) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: Input: aiptek - properly check endpoint type Syzbot reported warning in usb_submit_urb() which is caused by wrong endpoint type. There was a check for the number of endpoints, but not for the type of endpoint. Fix it by replacing old desc.bNumEndpoints check with usb_find_common_endpoints() helper for finding endpoints Fail log: usb 5-1: BOGUS urb xfer, pipe 1 != type 3 WARNING: CPU: 2 PID: 48 at drivers/usb/core/urb.c:502 usb_submit_urb+0xed2/0x18a0 drivers/usb/core/urb.c:502 Modules linked in: CPU: 2 PID: 48 Comm: kworker/2:2 Not tainted 5.17.0-rc6-syzkaller-00226-g07ebd38a0da2 #0 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (Q35 + ICH9, 2009), BIOS 1.14.0-2 04/01/2014 Workqueue: usb_hub_wq hub_event ... Call Trace: <TASK> aiptek_open+0xd5/0x130 drivers/input/tablet/aiptek.c:830 input_open_device+0x1bb/0x320 drivers/input/input.c:629 kbd_connect+0xfe/0x160 drivers/tty/vt/keyboard.c:1593', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nInput: aiptek - properly check endpoint type\n\nSyzbot reported warning in usb_submit_urb() which is caused by wrong\nendpoint type. There was a check for the number of endpoints, but not\nfor the type of endpoint.\n\nFix it by replacing old desc.bNumEndpoints check with\nusb_find_common_endpoints() helper for finding endpoints\n\nFail log:\n\nusb 5-1: BOGUS urb xfer, pipe 1 != type 3\nWARNING: CPU: 2 PID: 48 at drivers/usb/core/urb.c:502 usb_submit_urb+0xed2/0x18a0 drivers/usb/core/urb.c:502\nModules linked in:\nCPU: 2 PID: 48 Comm: kworker/2:2 Not tainted 5.17.0-rc6-syzkaller-00226-g07ebd38a0da2 #0\nHardware name: QEMU Standard PC (Q35 + ICH9, 2009), BIOS 1.14.0-2 04/01/2014\nWorkqueue: usb_hub_wq hub_event\n...\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n aiptek_open+0xd5/0x130 drivers/input/tablet/aiptek.c:830\n input_open_device+0x1bb/0x320 drivers/input/input.c:629\n kbd_connect+0xfe/0x160 drivers/tty/vt/keyboard.c:1593', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2022-48836 was patched at 2024-07-16

538. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48839) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/packet: fix slab-out-of-bounds access in packet_recvmsg() syzbot found that when an AF_PACKET socket is using PACKET_COPY_THRESH and mmap operations, tpacket_rcv() is queueing skbs with garbage in skb->cb[], triggering a too big copy [1] Presumably, users of af_packet using mmap() already gets correct metadata from the mapped buffer, we can simply make sure to clear 12 bytes that might be copied to user space later. BUG: KASAN: stack-out-of-bounds in memcpy include/linux/fortify-string.h:225 [inline] BUG: KASAN: stack-out-of-bounds in packet_recvmsg+0x56c/0x1150 net/packet/af_packet.c:3489 Write of size 165 at addr ffffc9000385fb78 by task syz-executor233/3631 CPU: 0 PID: 3631 Comm: syz-executor233 Not tainted 5.17.0-rc7-syzkaller-02396-g0b3660695e80 #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/2011 Call Trace: <TASK> __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:88 [inline] dump_stack_lvl+0xcd/0x134 lib/dump_stack.c:106 print_address_description.constprop.0.cold+0xf/0x336 mm/kasan/report.c:255 __kasan_report mm/kasan/report.c:442 [inline] kasan_report.cold+0x83/0xdf mm/kasan/report.c:459 check_region_inline mm/kasan/generic.c:183 [inline] kasan_check_range+0x13d/0x180 mm/kasan/generic.c:189 memcpy+0x39/0x60 mm/kasan/shadow.c:66 memcpy include/linux/fortify-string.h:225 [inline] packet_recvmsg+0x56c/0x1150 net/packet/af_packet.c:3489 sock_recvmsg_nosec net/socket.c:948 [inline] sock_recvmsg net/socket.c:966 [inline] sock_recvmsg net/socket.c:962 [inline] ____sys_recvmsg+0x2c4/0x600 net/socket.c:2632 ___sys_recvmsg+0x127/0x200 net/socket.c:2674 __sys_recvmsg+0xe2/0x1a0 net/socket.c:2704 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline] do_syscall_64+0x35/0xb0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae RIP: 0033:0x7fdfd5954c29 Code: 28 00 00 00 75 05 48 83 c4 28 c3 e8 41 15 00 00 90 48 89 f8 48 89 f7 48 89 d6 48 89 ca 4d 89 c2 4d 89 c8 4c 8b 4c 24 08 0f 05 <48> 3d 01 f0 ff ff 73 01 c3 48 c7 c1 c0 ff ff ff f7 d8 64 89 01 48 RSP: 002b:00007ffcf8e71e48 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 000000000000002f RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 0000000000000003 RCX: 00007fdfd5954c29 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000020000500 RDI: 0000000000000005 RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 000000000000000d R09: 000000000000000d R10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 00007ffcf8e71e60 R13: 00000000000f4240 R14: 000000000000c1ff R15: 00007ffcf8e71e54 </TASK> addr ffffc9000385fb78 is located in stack of task syz-executor233/3631 at offset 32 in frame: ____sys_recvmsg+0x0/0x600 include/linux/uio.h:246 this frame has 1 object: [32, 160) 'addr' Memory state around the buggy address: ffffc9000385fa80: 00 04 f3 f3 f3 f3 f3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ffffc9000385fb00: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 f1 f1 f1 f1 00 >ffffc9000385fb80: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 f3 ^ ffffc9000385fc00: f3 f3 f3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 f1 ffffc9000385fc80: f1 f1 f1 00 f2 f2 f2 00 f2 f2 f2 00 00 00 00 00 ==================================================================', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet/packet: fix slab-out-of-bounds access in packet_recvmsg()\n\nsyzbot found that when an AF_PACKET socket is using PACKET_COPY_THRESH\nand mmap operations, tpacket_rcv() is queueing skbs with\ngarbage in skb->cb[], triggering a too big copy [1]\n\nPresumably, users of af_packet using mmap() already gets correct\nmetadata from the mapped buffer, we can simply make sure\nto clear 12 bytes that might be copied to user space later.\n\nBUG: KASAN: stack-out-of-bounds in memcpy include/linux/fortify-string.h:225 [inline]\nBUG: KASAN: stack-out-of-bounds in packet_recvmsg+0x56c/0x1150 net/packet/af_packet.c:3489\nWrite of size 165 at addr ffffc9000385fb78 by task syz-executor233/3631\n\nCPU: 0 PID: 3631 Comm: syz-executor233 Not tainted 5.17.0-rc7-syzkaller-02396-g0b3660695e80 #0\nHardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/2011\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:88 [inline]\n dump_stack_lvl+0xcd/0x134 lib/dump_stack.c:106\n print_address_description.constprop.0.cold+0xf/0x336 mm/kasan/report.c:255\n __kasan_report mm/kasan/report.c:442 [inline]\n kasan_report.cold+0x83/0xdf mm/kasan/report.c:459\n check_region_inline mm/kasan/generic.c:183 [inline]\n kasan_check_range+0x13d/0x180 mm/kasan/generic.c:189\n memcpy+0x39/0x60 mm/kasan/shadow.c:66\n memcpy include/linux/fortify-string.h:225 [inline]\n packet_recvmsg+0x56c/0x1150 net/packet/af_packet.c:3489\n sock_recvmsg_nosec net/socket.c:948 [inline]\n sock_recvmsg net/socket.c:966 [inline]\n sock_recvmsg net/socket.c:962 [inline]\n ____sys_recvmsg+0x2c4/0x600 net/socket.c:2632\n ___sys_recvmsg+0x127/0x200 net/socket.c:2674\n __sys_recvmsg+0xe2/0x1a0 net/socket.c:2704\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0x35/0xb0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae\nRIP: 0033:0x7fdfd5954c29\nCode: 28 00 00 00 75 05 48 83 c4 28 c3 e8 41 15 00 00 90 48 89 f8 48 89 f7 48 89 d6 48 89 ca 4d 89 c2 4d 89 c8 4c 8b 4c 24 08 0f 05 <48> 3d 01 f0 ff ff 73 01 c3 48 c7 c1 c0 ff ff ff f7 d8 64 89 01 48\nRSP: 002b:00007ffcf8e71e48 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 000000000000002f\nRAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 0000000000000003 RCX: 00007fdfd5954c29\nRDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000020000500 RDI: 0000000000000005\nRBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 000000000000000d R09: 000000000000000d\nR10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 00007ffcf8e71e60\nR13: 00000000000f4240 R14: 000000000000c1ff R15: 00007ffcf8e71e54\n </TASK>\n\naddr ffffc9000385fb78 is located in stack of task syz-executor233/3631 at offset 32 in frame:\n ____sys_recvmsg+0x0/0x600 include/linux/uio.h:246\n\nthis frame has 1 object:\n [32, 160) 'addr'\n\nMemory state around the buggy address:\n ffffc9000385fa80: 00 04 f3 f3 f3 f3 f3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00\n ffffc9000385fb00: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 f1 f1 f1 f1 00\n>ffffc9000385fb80: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 f3\n ^\n ffffc9000385fc00: f3 f3 f3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 f1\n ffffc9000385fc80: f1 f1 f1 00 f2 f2 f2 00 f2 f2 f2 00 00 00 00 00\n==================================================================', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2022-48839 was patched at 2024-07-16

539. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48841) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ice: fix NULL pointer dereference in ice_update_vsi_tx_ring_stats() It is possible to do NULL pointer dereference in routine that updates Tx ring stats. Currently only stats and bytes are updated when ring pointer is valid, but later on ring is accessed to propagate gathered Tx stats onto VSI stats. Change the existing logic to move to next ring when ring is NULL.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nice: fix NULL pointer dereference in ice_update_vsi_tx_ring_stats()\n\nIt is possible to do NULL pointer dereference in routine that updates\nTx ring stats. Currently only stats and bytes are updated when ring\npointer is valid, but later on ring is accessed to propagate gathered Tx\nstats onto VSI stats.\n\nChange the existing logic to move to next ring when ring is NULL.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2022-48841 was patched at 2024-07-16

540. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48845) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: MIPS: smp: fill in sibling and core maps earlier After enabling CONFIG_SCHED_CORE (landed during 5.14 cycle), 2-core 2-thread-per-core interAptiv (CPS-driven) started emitting the following: [ 0.025698] CPU1 revision is: 0001a120 (MIPS interAptiv (multi)) [ 0.048183] ------------[ cut here ]------------ [ 0.048187] WARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 0 at kernel/sched/core.c:6025 sched_core_cpu_starting+0x198/0x240 [ 0.048220] Modules linked in: [ 0.048233] CPU: 1 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/1 Not tainted 5.17.0-rc3+ #35 b7b319f24073fd9a3c2aa7ad15fb7993eec0b26f [ 0.048247] Stack : 817f0000 00000004 327804c8 810eb050 00000000 00000004 00000000 c314fdd1 [ 0.048278] 830cbd64 819c0000 81800000 817f0000 83070bf4 00000001 830cbd08 00000000 [ 0.048307] 00000000 00000000 815fcbc4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [ 0.048334] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 817f0000 00000000 00000000 817f6f34 [ 0.048361] 817f0000 818a3c00 817f0000 00000004 00000000 00000000 4dc33260 0018c933 [ 0.048389] ... [ 0.048396] Call Trace: [ 0.048399] [<8105a7bc>] show_stack+0x3c/0x140 [ 0.048424] [<8131c2a0>] dump_stack_lvl+0x60/0x80 [ 0.048440] [<8108b5c0>] __warn+0xc0/0xf4 [ 0.048454] [<8108b658>] warn_slowpath_fmt+0x64/0x10c [ 0.048467] [<810bd418>] sched_core_cpu_starting+0x198/0x240 [ 0.048483] [<810c6514>] sched_cpu_starting+0x14/0x80 [ 0.048497] [<8108c0f8>] cpuhp_invoke_callback_range+0x78/0x140 [ 0.048510] [<8108d914>] notify_cpu_starting+0x94/0x140 [ 0.048523] [<8106593c>] start_secondary+0xbc/0x280 [ 0.048539] [ 0.048543] ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]--- [ 0.048636] Synchronize counters for CPU 1: done. ...for each but CPU 0/boot. Basic debug printks right before the mentioned line say: [ 0.048170] CPU: 1, smt_mask: So smt_mask, which is sibling mask obviously, is empty when entering the function. This is critical, as sched_core_cpu_starting() calculates core-scheduling parameters only once per CPU start, and it's crucial to have all the parameters filled in at that moment (at least it uses cpu_smt_mask() which in fact is `&cpu_sibling_map[cpu]` on MIPS). A bit of debugging led me to that set_cpu_sibling_map() performing the actual map calculation, was being invocated after notify_cpu_start(), and exactly the latter function starts CPU HP callback round (sched_core_cpu_starting() is basically a CPU HP callback). While the flow is same on ARM64 (maps after the notifier, although before calling set_cpu_online()), x86 started calculating sibling maps earlier than starting the CPU HP callbacks in Linux 4.14 (see [0] for the reference). Neither me nor my brief tests couldn't find any potential caveats in calculating the maps right after performing delay calibration, but the WARN splat is now gone. The very same debug prints now yield exactly what I expected from them: [ 0.048433] CPU: 1, smt_mask: 0-1 [0]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nMIPS: smp: fill in sibling and core maps earlier\n\nAfter enabling CONFIG_SCHED_CORE (landed during 5.14 cycle),\n2-core 2-thread-per-core interAptiv (CPS-driven) started emitting\nthe following:\n\n[ 0.025698] CPU1 revision is: 0001a120 (MIPS interAptiv (multi))\n[ 0.048183] ------------[ cut here ]------------\n[ 0.048187] WARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 0 at kernel/sched/core.c:6025 sched_core_cpu_starting+0x198/0x240\n[ 0.048220] Modules linked in:\n[ 0.048233] CPU: 1 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/1 Not tainted 5.17.0-rc3+ #35 b7b319f24073fd9a3c2aa7ad15fb7993eec0b26f\n[ 0.048247] Stack : 817f0000 00000004 327804c8 810eb050 00000000 00000004 00000000 c314fdd1\n[ 0.048278] 830cbd64 819c0000 81800000 817f0000 83070bf4 00000001 830cbd08 00000000\n[ 0.048307] 00000000 00000000 815fcbc4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000\n[ 0.048334] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 817f0000 00000000 00000000 817f6f34\n[ 0.048361] 817f0000 818a3c00 817f0000 00000004 00000000 00000000 4dc33260 0018c933\n[ 0.048389] ...\n[ 0.048396] Call Trace:\n[ 0.048399] [<8105a7bc>] show_stack+0x3c/0x140\n[ 0.048424] [<8131c2a0>] dump_stack_lvl+0x60/0x80\n[ 0.048440] [<8108b5c0>] __warn+0xc0/0xf4\n[ 0.048454] [<8108b658>] warn_slowpath_fmt+0x64/0x10c\n[ 0.048467] [<810bd418>] sched_core_cpu_starting+0x198/0x240\n[ 0.048483] [<810c6514>] sched_cpu_starting+0x14/0x80\n[ 0.048497] [<8108c0f8>] cpuhp_invoke_callback_range+0x78/0x140\n[ 0.048510] [<8108d914>] notify_cpu_starting+0x94/0x140\n[ 0.048523] [<8106593c>] start_secondary+0xbc/0x280\n[ 0.048539]\n[ 0.048543] ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]---\n[ 0.048636] Synchronize counters for CPU 1: done.\n\n...for each but CPU 0/boot.\nBasic debug printks right before the mentioned line say:\n\n[ 0.048170] CPU: 1, smt_mask:\n\nSo smt_mask, which is sibling mask obviously, is empty when entering\nthe function.\nThis is critical, as sched_core_cpu_starting() calculates\ncore-scheduling parameters only once per CPU start, and it's crucial\nto have all the parameters filled in at that moment (at least it\nuses cpu_smt_mask() which in fact is `&cpu_sibling_map[cpu]` on\nMIPS).\n\nA bit of debugging led me to that set_cpu_sibling_map() performing\nthe actual map calculation, was being invocated after\nnotify_cpu_start(), and exactly the latter function starts CPU HP\ncallback round (sched_core_cpu_starting() is basically a CPU HP\ncallback).\nWhile the flow is same on ARM64 (maps after the notifier, although\nbefore calling set_cpu_online()), x86 started calculating sibling\nmaps earlier than starting the CPU HP callbacks in Linux 4.14 (see\n[0] for the reference). Neither me nor my brief tests couldn't find\nany potential caveats in calculating the maps right after performing\ndelay calibration, but the WARN splat is now gone.\nThe very same debug prints now yield exactly what I expected from\nthem:\n\n[ 0.048433] CPU: 1, smt_mask: 0-1\n\n[0]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2022-48845 was patched at 2024-07-16

541. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48848) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: tracing/osnoise: Do not unregister events twice Nicolas reported that using: # trace-cmd record -e all -M 10 -p osnoise --poll Resulted in the following kernel warning: ------------[ cut here ]------------ WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 1217 at kernel/tracepoint.c:404 tracepoint_probe_unregister+0x280/0x370 [...] CPU: 0 PID: 1217 Comm: trace-cmd Not tainted 5.17.0-rc6-next-20220307-nico+ #19 RIP: 0010:tracepoint_probe_unregister+0x280/0x370 [...] CR2: 00007ff919b29497 CR3: 0000000109da4005 CR4: 0000000000170ef0 Call Trace: <TASK> osnoise_workload_stop+0x36/0x90 tracing_set_tracer+0x108/0x260 tracing_set_trace_write+0x94/0xd0 ? __check_object_size.part.0+0x10a/0x150 ? selinux_file_permission+0x104/0x150 vfs_write+0xb5/0x290 ksys_write+0x5f/0xe0 do_syscall_64+0x3b/0x90 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae RIP: 0033:0x7ff919a18127 [...] ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]--- The warning complains about an attempt to unregister an unregistered tracepoint. This happens on trace-cmd because it first stops tracing, and then switches the tracer to nop. Which is equivalent to: # cd /sys/kernel/tracing/ # echo osnoise > current_tracer # echo 0 > tracing_on # echo nop > current_tracer The osnoise tracer stops the workload when no trace instance is actually collecting data. This can be caused both by disabling tracing or disabling the tracer itself. To avoid unregistering events twice, use the existing trace_osnoise_callback_enabled variable to check if the events (and the workload) are actually active before trying to deactivate them.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ntracing/osnoise: Do not unregister events twice\n\nNicolas reported that using:\n\n # trace-cmd record -e all -M 10 -p osnoise --poll\n\nResulted in the following kernel warning:\n\n ------------[ cut here ]------------\n WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 1217 at kernel/tracepoint.c:404 tracepoint_probe_unregister+0x280/0x370\n [...]\n CPU: 0 PID: 1217 Comm: trace-cmd Not tainted 5.17.0-rc6-next-20220307-nico+ #19\n RIP: 0010:tracepoint_probe_unregister+0x280/0x370\n [...]\n CR2: 00007ff919b29497 CR3: 0000000109da4005 CR4: 0000000000170ef0\n Call Trace:\n <TASK>\n osnoise_workload_stop+0x36/0x90\n tracing_set_tracer+0x108/0x260\n tracing_set_trace_write+0x94/0xd0\n ? __check_object_size.part.0+0x10a/0x150\n ? selinux_file_permission+0x104/0x150\n vfs_write+0xb5/0x290\n ksys_write+0x5f/0xe0\n do_syscall_64+0x3b/0x90\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae\n RIP: 0033:0x7ff919a18127\n [...]\n ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]---\n\nThe warning complains about an attempt to unregister an\nunregistered tracepoint.\n\nThis happens on trace-cmd because it first stops tracing, and\nthen switches the tracer to nop. Which is equivalent to:\n\n # cd /sys/kernel/tracing/\n # echo osnoise > current_tracer\n # echo 0 > tracing_on\n # echo nop > current_tracer\n\nThe osnoise tracer stops the workload when no trace instance\nis actually collecting data. This can be caused both by\ndisabling tracing or disabling the tracer itself.\n\nTo avoid unregistering events twice, use the existing\ntrace_osnoise_callback_enabled variable to check if the events\n(and the workload) are actually active before trying to\ndeactivate them.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2022-48848 was patched at 2024-07-16

542. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48850) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net-sysfs: add check for netdevice being present to speed_show When bringing down the netdevice or system shutdown, a panic can be triggered while accessing the sysfs path because the device is already removed. [ 755.549084] mlx5_core 0000:12:00.1: Shutdown was called [ 756.404455] mlx5_core 0000:12:00.0: Shutdown was called ... [ 757.937260] BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at (null) [ 758.031397] IP: [<ffffffff8ee11acb>] dma_pool_alloc+0x1ab/0x280 crash> bt ... PID: 12649 TASK: ffff8924108f2100 CPU: 1 COMMAND: "amsd" ... #9 [ffff89240e1a38b0] page_fault at ffffffff8f38c778 [exception RIP: dma_pool_alloc+0x1ab] RIP: ffffffff8ee11acb RSP: ffff89240e1a3968 RFLAGS: 00010046 RAX: 0000000000000246 RBX: ffff89243d874100 RCX: 0000000000001000 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000246 RDI: ffff89243d874090 RBP: ffff89240e1a39c0 R8: 000000000001f080 R9: ffff8905ffc03c00 R10: ffffffffc04680d4 R11: ffffffff8edde9fd R12: 00000000000080d0 R13: ffff89243d874090 R14: ffff89243d874080 R15: 0000000000000000 ORIG_RAX: ffffffffffffffff CS: 0010 SS: 0018 #10 [ffff89240e1a39c8] mlx5_alloc_cmd_msg at ffffffffc04680f3 [mlx5_core] #11 [ffff89240e1a3a18] cmd_exec at ffffffffc046ad62 [mlx5_core] #12 [ffff89240e1a3ab8] mlx5_cmd_exec at ffffffffc046b4fb [mlx5_core] #13 [ffff89240e1a3ae8] mlx5_core_access_reg at ffffffffc0475434 [mlx5_core] #14 [ffff89240e1a3b40] mlx5e_get_fec_caps at ffffffffc04a7348 [mlx5_core] #15 [ffff89240e1a3bb0] get_fec_supported_advertised at ffffffffc04992bf [mlx5_core] #16 [ffff89240e1a3c08] mlx5e_get_link_ksettings at ffffffffc049ab36 [mlx5_core] #17 [ffff89240e1a3ce8] __ethtool_get_link_ksettings at ffffffff8f25db46 #18 [ffff89240e1a3d48] speed_show at ffffffff8f277208 #19 [ffff89240e1a3dd8] dev_attr_show at ffffffff8f0b70e3 #20 [ffff89240e1a3df8] sysfs_kf_seq_show at ffffffff8eedbedf #21 [ffff89240e1a3e18] kernfs_seq_show at ffffffff8eeda596 #22 [ffff89240e1a3e28] seq_read at ffffffff8ee76d10 #23 [ffff89240e1a3e98] kernfs_fop_read at ffffffff8eedaef5 #24 [ffff89240e1a3ed8] vfs_read at ffffffff8ee4e3ff #25 [ffff89240e1a3f08] sys_read at ffffffff8ee4f27f #26 [ffff89240e1a3f50] system_call_fastpath at ffffffff8f395f92 crash> net_device.state ffff89443b0c0000 state = 0x5 (__LINK_STATE_START| __LINK_STATE_NOCARRIER) To prevent this scenario, we also make sure that the netdevice is present.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet-sysfs: add check for netdevice being present to speed_show\n\nWhen bringing down the netdevice or system shutdown, a panic can be\ntriggered while accessing the sysfs path because the device is already\nremoved.\n\n [ 755.549084] mlx5_core 0000:12:00.1: Shutdown was called\n [ 756.404455] mlx5_core 0000:12:00.0: Shutdown was called\n ...\n [ 757.937260] BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at (null)\n [ 758.031397] IP: [<ffffffff8ee11acb>] dma_pool_alloc+0x1ab/0x280\n\n crash> bt\n ...\n PID: 12649 TASK: ffff8924108f2100 CPU: 1 COMMAND: "amsd"\n ...\n #9 [ffff89240e1a38b0] page_fault at ffffffff8f38c778\n [exception RIP: dma_pool_alloc+0x1ab]\n RIP: ffffffff8ee11acb RSP: ffff89240e1a3968 RFLAGS: 00010046\n RAX: 0000000000000246 RBX: ffff89243d874100 RCX: 0000000000001000\n RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000246 RDI: ffff89243d874090\n RBP: ffff89240e1a39c0 R8: 000000000001f080 R9: ffff8905ffc03c00\n R10: ffffffffc04680d4 R11: ffffffff8edde9fd R12: 00000000000080d0\n R13: ffff89243d874090 R14: ffff89243d874080 R15: 0000000000000000\n ORIG_RAX: ffffffffffffffff CS: 0010 SS: 0018\n #10 [ffff89240e1a39c8] mlx5_alloc_cmd_msg at ffffffffc04680f3 [mlx5_core]\n #11 [ffff89240e1a3a18] cmd_exec at ffffffffc046ad62 [mlx5_core]\n #12 [ffff89240e1a3ab8] mlx5_cmd_exec at ffffffffc046b4fb [mlx5_core]\n #13 [ffff89240e1a3ae8] mlx5_core_access_reg at ffffffffc0475434 [mlx5_core]\n #14 [ffff89240e1a3b40] mlx5e_get_fec_caps at ffffffffc04a7348 [mlx5_core]\n #15 [ffff89240e1a3bb0] get_fec_supported_advertised at ffffffffc04992bf [mlx5_core]\n #16 [ffff89240e1a3c08] mlx5e_get_link_ksettings at ffffffffc049ab36 [mlx5_core]\n #17 [ffff89240e1a3ce8] __ethtool_get_link_ksettings at ffffffff8f25db46\n #18 [ffff89240e1a3d48] speed_show at ffffffff8f277208\n #19 [ffff89240e1a3dd8] dev_attr_show at ffffffff8f0b70e3\n #20 [ffff89240e1a3df8] sysfs_kf_seq_show at ffffffff8eedbedf\n #21 [ffff89240e1a3e18] kernfs_seq_show at ffffffff8eeda596\n #22 [ffff89240e1a3e28] seq_read at ffffffff8ee76d10\n #23 [ffff89240e1a3e98] kernfs_fop_read at ffffffff8eedaef5\n #24 [ffff89240e1a3ed8] vfs_read at ffffffff8ee4e3ff\n #25 [ffff89240e1a3f08] sys_read at ffffffff8ee4f27f\n #26 [ffff89240e1a3f50] system_call_fastpath at ffffffff8f395f92\n\n crash> net_device.state ffff89443b0c0000\n state = 0x5 (__LINK_STATE_START| __LINK_STATE_NOCARRIER)\n\nTo prevent this scenario, we also make sure that the netdevice is present.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2022-48850 was patched at 2024-07-16

543. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48851) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: staging: gdm724x: fix use after free in gdm_lte_rx() The netif_rx_ni() function frees the skb so we can't dereference it to save the skb->len.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nstaging: gdm724x: fix use after free in gdm_lte_rx()\n\nThe netif_rx_ni() function frees the skb so we can't dereference it to\nsave the skb->len.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2022-48851 was patched at 2024-07-16

544. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48853) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: swiotlb: fix info leak with DMA_FROM_DEVICE The problem I'm addressing was discovered by the LTP test covering cve-2018-1000204. A short description of what happens follows: 1) The test case issues a command code 00 (TEST UNIT READY) via the SG_IO interface with: dxfer_len == 524288, dxdfer_dir == SG_DXFER_FROM_DEV and a corresponding dxferp. The peculiar thing about this is that TUR is not reading from the device. 2) In sg_start_req() the invocation of blk_rq_map_user() effectively bounces the user-space buffer. As if the device was to transfer into it. Since commit a45b599ad808 ("scsi: sg: allocate with __GFP_ZERO in sg_build_indirect()") we make sure this first bounce buffer is allocated with GFP_ZERO. 3) For the rest of the story we keep ignoring that we have a TUR, so the device won't touch the buffer we prepare as if the we had a DMA_FROM_DEVICE type of situation. My setup uses a virtio-scsi device and the buffer allocated by SG is mapped by the function virtqueue_add_split() which uses DMA_FROM_DEVICE for the "in" sgs (here scatter-gather and not scsi generics). This mapping involves bouncing via the swiotlb (we need swiotlb to do virtio in protected guest like s390 Secure Execution, or AMD SEV). 4) When the SCSI TUR is done, we first copy back the content of the second (that is swiotlb) bounce buffer (which most likely contains some previous IO data), to the first bounce buffer, which contains all zeros. Then we copy back the content of the first bounce buffer to the user-space buffer. 5) The test case detects that the buffer, which it zero-initialized, ain't all zeros and fails. One can argue that this is an swiotlb problem, because without swiotlb we leak all zeros, and the swiotlb should be transparent in a sense that it does not affect the outcome (if all other participants are well behaved). Copying the content of the original buffer into the swiotlb buffer is the only way I can think of to make swiotlb transparent in such scenarios. So let's do just that if in doubt, but allow the driver to tell us that the whole mapped buffer is going to be overwritten, in which case we can preserve the old behavior and avoid the performance impact of the extra bounce.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nswiotlb: fix info leak with DMA_FROM_DEVICE\n\nThe problem I'm addressing was discovered by the LTP test covering\ncve-2018-1000204.\n\nA short description of what happens follows:\n1) The test case issues a command code 00 (TEST UNIT READY) via the SG_IO\n interface with: dxfer_len == 524288, dxdfer_dir == SG_DXFER_FROM_DEV\n and a corresponding dxferp. The peculiar thing about this is that TUR\n is not reading from the device.\n2) In sg_start_req() the invocation of blk_rq_map_user() effectively\n bounces the user-space buffer. As if the device was to transfer into\n it. Since commit a45b599ad808 ("scsi: sg: allocate with __GFP_ZERO in\n sg_build_indirect()") we make sure this first bounce buffer is\n allocated with GFP_ZERO.\n3) For the rest of the story we keep ignoring that we have a TUR, so the\n device won't touch the buffer we prepare as if the we had a\n DMA_FROM_DEVICE type of situation. My setup uses a virtio-scsi device\n and the buffer allocated by SG is mapped by the function\n virtqueue_add_split() which uses DMA_FROM_DEVICE for the "in" sgs (here\n scatter-gather and not scsi generics). This mapping involves bouncing\n via the swiotlb (we need swiotlb to do virtio in protected guest like\n s390 Secure Execution, or AMD SEV).\n4) When the SCSI TUR is done, we first copy back the content of the second\n (that is swiotlb) bounce buffer (which most likely contains some\n previous IO data), to the first bounce buffer, which contains all\n zeros. Then we copy back the content of the first bounce buffer to\n the user-space buffer.\n5) The test case detects that the buffer, which it zero-initialized,\n ain't all zeros and fails.\n\nOne can argue that this is an swiotlb problem, because without swiotlb\nwe leak all zeros, and the swiotlb should be transparent in a sense that\nit does not affect the outcome (if all other participants are well\nbehaved).\n\nCopying the content of the original buffer into the swiotlb buffer is\nthe only way I can think of to make swiotlb transparent in such\nscenarios. So let's do just that if in doubt, but allow the driver\nto tell us that the whole mapped buffer is going to be overwritten,\nin which case we can preserve the old behavior and avoid the performance\nimpact of the extra bounce.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2022-48853 was patched at 2024-07-16

545. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48854) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: arc_emac: Fix use after free in arc_mdio_probe() If bus->state is equal to MDIOBUS_ALLOCATED, mdiobus_free(bus) will free the "bus". But bus->name is still used in the next line, which will lead to a use after free. We can fix it by putting the name in a local variable and make the bus->name point to the rodata section "name",then use the name in the error message without referring to bus to avoid the uaf.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: arc_emac: Fix use after free in arc_mdio_probe()\n\nIf bus->state is equal to MDIOBUS_ALLOCATED, mdiobus_free(bus) will free\nthe "bus". But bus->name is still used in the next line, which will lead\nto a use after free.\n\nWe can fix it by putting the name in a local variable and make the\nbus->name point to the rodata section "name",then use the name in the\nerror message without referring to bus to avoid the uaf.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2022-48854 was patched at 2024-07-16

546. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48855) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: sctp: fix kernel-infoleak for SCTP sockets syzbot reported a kernel infoleak [1] of 4 bytes. After analysis, it turned out r->idiag_expires is not initialized if inet_sctp_diag_fill() calls inet_diag_msg_common_fill() Make sure to clear idiag_timer/idiag_retrans/idiag_expires and let inet_diag_msg_sctpasoc_fill() fill them again if needed. [1] BUG: KMSAN: kernel-infoleak in instrument_copy_to_user include/linux/instrumented.h:121 [inline] BUG: KMSAN: kernel-infoleak in copyout lib/iov_iter.c:154 [inline] BUG: KMSAN: kernel-infoleak in _copy_to_iter+0x6ef/0x25a0 lib/iov_iter.c:668 instrument_copy_to_user include/linux/instrumented.h:121 [inline] copyout lib/iov_iter.c:154 [inline] _copy_to_iter+0x6ef/0x25a0 lib/iov_iter.c:668 copy_to_iter include/linux/uio.h:162 [inline] simple_copy_to_iter+0xf3/0x140 net/core/datagram.c:519 __skb_datagram_iter+0x2d5/0x11b0 net/core/datagram.c:425 skb_copy_datagram_iter+0xdc/0x270 net/core/datagram.c:533 skb_copy_datagram_msg include/linux/skbuff.h:3696 [inline] netlink_recvmsg+0x669/0x1c80 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1977 sock_recvmsg_nosec net/socket.c:948 [inline] sock_recvmsg net/socket.c:966 [inline] __sys_recvfrom+0x795/0xa10 net/socket.c:2097 __do_sys_recvfrom net/socket.c:2115 [inline] __se_sys_recvfrom net/socket.c:2111 [inline] __x64_sys_recvfrom+0x19d/0x210 net/socket.c:2111 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:51 [inline] do_syscall_64+0x54/0xd0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:82 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae Uninit was created at: slab_post_alloc_hook mm/slab.h:737 [inline] slab_alloc_node mm/slub.c:3247 [inline] __kmalloc_node_track_caller+0xe0c/0x1510 mm/slub.c:4975 kmalloc_reserve net/core/skbuff.c:354 [inline] __alloc_skb+0x545/0xf90 net/core/skbuff.c:426 alloc_skb include/linux/skbuff.h:1158 [inline] netlink_dump+0x3e5/0x16c0 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2248 __netlink_dump_start+0xcf8/0xe90 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2373 netlink_dump_start include/linux/netlink.h:254 [inline] inet_diag_handler_cmd+0x2e7/0x400 net/ipv4/inet_diag.c:1341 sock_diag_rcv_msg+0x24a/0x620 netlink_rcv_skb+0x40c/0x7e0 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2494 sock_diag_rcv+0x63/0x80 net/core/sock_diag.c:277 netlink_unicast_kernel net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1317 [inline] netlink_unicast+0x1093/0x1360 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1343 netlink_sendmsg+0x14d9/0x1720 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1919 sock_sendmsg_nosec net/socket.c:705 [inline] sock_sendmsg net/socket.c:725 [inline] sock_write_iter+0x594/0x690 net/socket.c:1061 do_iter_readv_writev+0xa7f/0xc70 do_iter_write+0x52c/0x1500 fs/read_write.c:851 vfs_writev fs/read_write.c:924 [inline] do_writev+0x645/0xe00 fs/read_write.c:967 __do_sys_writev fs/read_write.c:1040 [inline] __se_sys_writev fs/read_write.c:1037 [inline] __x64_sys_writev+0xe5/0x120 fs/read_write.c:1037 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:51 [inline] do_syscall_64+0x54/0xd0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:82 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae Bytes 68-71 of 2508 are uninitialized Memory access of size 2508 starts at ffff888114f9b000 Data copied to user address 00007f7fe09ff2e0 CPU: 1 PID: 3478 Comm: syz-executor306 Not tainted 5.17.0-rc4-syzkaller #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/2011', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nsctp: fix kernel-infoleak for SCTP sockets\n\nsyzbot reported a kernel infoleak [1] of 4 bytes.\n\nAfter analysis, it turned out r->idiag_expires is not initialized\nif inet_sctp_diag_fill() calls inet_diag_msg_common_fill()\n\nMake sure to clear idiag_timer/idiag_retrans/idiag_expires\nand let inet_diag_msg_sctpasoc_fill() fill them again if needed.\n\n[1]\n\nBUG: KMSAN: kernel-infoleak in instrument_copy_to_user include/linux/instrumented.h:121 [inline]\nBUG: KMSAN: kernel-infoleak in copyout lib/iov_iter.c:154 [inline]\nBUG: KMSAN: kernel-infoleak in _copy_to_iter+0x6ef/0x25a0 lib/iov_iter.c:668\n instrument_copy_to_user include/linux/instrumented.h:121 [inline]\n copyout lib/iov_iter.c:154 [inline]\n _copy_to_iter+0x6ef/0x25a0 lib/iov_iter.c:668\n copy_to_iter include/linux/uio.h:162 [inline]\n simple_copy_to_iter+0xf3/0x140 net/core/datagram.c:519\n __skb_datagram_iter+0x2d5/0x11b0 net/core/datagram.c:425\n skb_copy_datagram_iter+0xdc/0x270 net/core/datagram.c:533\n skb_copy_datagram_msg include/linux/skbuff.h:3696 [inline]\n netlink_recvmsg+0x669/0x1c80 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1977\n sock_recvmsg_nosec net/socket.c:948 [inline]\n sock_recvmsg net/socket.c:966 [inline]\n __sys_recvfrom+0x795/0xa10 net/socket.c:2097\n __do_sys_recvfrom net/socket.c:2115 [inline]\n __se_sys_recvfrom net/socket.c:2111 [inline]\n __x64_sys_recvfrom+0x19d/0x210 net/socket.c:2111\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:51 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0x54/0xd0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:82\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae\n\nUninit was created at:\n slab_post_alloc_hook mm/slab.h:737 [inline]\n slab_alloc_node mm/slub.c:3247 [inline]\n __kmalloc_node_track_caller+0xe0c/0x1510 mm/slub.c:4975\n kmalloc_reserve net/core/skbuff.c:354 [inline]\n __alloc_skb+0x545/0xf90 net/core/skbuff.c:426\n alloc_skb include/linux/skbuff.h:1158 [inline]\n netlink_dump+0x3e5/0x16c0 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2248\n __netlink_dump_start+0xcf8/0xe90 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2373\n netlink_dump_start include/linux/netlink.h:254 [inline]\n inet_diag_handler_cmd+0x2e7/0x400 net/ipv4/inet_diag.c:1341\n sock_diag_rcv_msg+0x24a/0x620\n netlink_rcv_skb+0x40c/0x7e0 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2494\n sock_diag_rcv+0x63/0x80 net/core/sock_diag.c:277\n netlink_unicast_kernel net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1317 [inline]\n netlink_unicast+0x1093/0x1360 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1343\n netlink_sendmsg+0x14d9/0x1720 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1919\n sock_sendmsg_nosec net/socket.c:705 [inline]\n sock_sendmsg net/socket.c:725 [inline]\n sock_write_iter+0x594/0x690 net/socket.c:1061\n do_iter_readv_writev+0xa7f/0xc70\n do_iter_write+0x52c/0x1500 fs/read_write.c:851\n vfs_writev fs/read_write.c:924 [inline]\n do_writev+0x645/0xe00 fs/read_write.c:967\n __do_sys_writev fs/read_write.c:1040 [inline]\n __se_sys_writev fs/read_write.c:1037 [inline]\n __x64_sys_writev+0xe5/0x120 fs/read_write.c:1037\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:51 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0x54/0xd0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:82\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae\n\nBytes 68-71 of 2508 are uninitialized\nMemory access of size 2508 starts at ffff888114f9b000\nData copied to user address 00007f7fe09ff2e0\n\nCPU: 1 PID: 3478 Comm: syz-executor306 Not tainted 5.17.0-rc4-syzkaller #0\nHardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/2011', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2022-48855 was patched at 2024-07-16

547. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48856) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: gianfar: ethtool: Fix refcount leak in gfar_get_ts_info The of_find_compatible_node() function returns a node pointer with refcount incremented, We should use of_node_put() on it when done Add the missing of_node_put() to release the refcount.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ngianfar: ethtool: Fix refcount leak in gfar_get_ts_info\n\nThe of_find_compatible_node() function returns a node pointer with\nrefcount incremented, We should use of_node_put() on it when done\nAdd the missing of_node_put() to release the refcount.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2022-48856 was patched at 2024-07-16

548. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-48860) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ethernet: Fix error handling in xemaclite_of_probe This node pointer is returned by of_parse_phandle() with refcount incremented in this function. Calling of_node_put() to avoid the refcount leak. As the remove function do.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nethernet: Fix error handling in xemaclite_of_probe\n\nThis node pointer is returned by of_parse_phandle() with refcount\nincremented in this function. Calling of_node_put() to avoid the\nrefcount leak. As the remove function do.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2022-48860 was patched at 2024-07-16

549. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-26985) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/xe: Fix bo leak in intel_fb_bo_framebuffer_init Add a unreference bo in the error path, to prevent leaking a bo ref. Return 0 on success to clarify the success path. (cherry picked from commit a2f3d731be3893e730417ae3190760fcaffdf549)', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/xe: Fix bo leak in intel_fb_bo_framebuffer_init\n\nAdd a unreference bo in the error path, to prevent leaking a bo ref.\n\nReturn 0 on success to clarify the success path.\n\n(cherry picked from commit a2f3d731be3893e730417ae3190760fcaffdf549)', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

ubuntu: CVE-2024-26985 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

550. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-26995) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: usb: typec: tcpm: Correct the PDO counting in pd_set Off-by-one errors happen because nr_snk_pdo and nr_src_pdo are incorrectly added one. The index of the loop is equal to the number of PDOs to be updated when leaving the loop and it doesn't need to be added one. When doing the power negotiation, TCPM relies on the "nr_snk_pdo" as the size of the local sink PDO array to match the Source capabilities of the partner port. If the off-by-one overflow occurs, a wrong RDO might be sent and unexpected power transfer might happen such as over voltage or over current (than expected). "nr_src_pdo" is used to set the Rp level when the port is in Source role. It is also the array size of the local Source capabilities when filling up the buffer which will be sent as the Source PDOs (such as in Power Negotiation). If the off-by-one overflow occurs, a wrong Rp level might be set and wrong Source PDOs will be sent to the partner port. This could potentially cause over current or port resets.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nusb: typec: tcpm: Correct the PDO counting in pd_set\n\nOff-by-one errors happen because nr_snk_pdo and nr_src_pdo are\nincorrectly added one. The index of the loop is equal to the number of\nPDOs to be updated when leaving the loop and it doesn't need to be added\none.\n\nWhen doing the power negotiation, TCPM relies on the "nr_snk_pdo" as\nthe size of the local sink PDO array to match the Source capabilities\nof the partner port. If the off-by-one overflow occurs, a wrong RDO\nmight be sent and unexpected power transfer might happen such as over\nvoltage or over current (than expected).\n\n"nr_src_pdo" is used to set the Rp level when the port is in Source\nrole. It is also the array size of the local Source capabilities when\nfilling up the buffer which will be sent as the Source PDOs (such as\nin Power Negotiation). If the off-by-one overflow occurs, a wrong Rp\nlevel might be set and wrong Source PDOs will be sent to the partner\nport. This could potentially cause over current or port resets.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

ubuntu: CVE-2024-26995 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

551. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-31076) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: genirq/cpuhotplug, x86/vector: Prevent vector leak during CPU offline The absence of IRQD_MOVE_PCNTXT prevents immediate effectiveness of interrupt affinity reconfiguration via procfs. Instead, the change is deferred until the next instance of the interrupt being triggered on the original CPU. When the interrupt next triggers on the original CPU, the new affinity is enforced within __irq_move_irq(). A vector is allocated from the new CPU, but the old vector on the original CPU remains and is not immediately reclaimed. Instead, apicd->move_in_progress is flagged, and the reclaiming process is delayed until the next trigger of the interrupt on the new CPU. Upon the subsequent triggering of the interrupt on the new CPU, irq_complete_move() adds a task to the old CPU's vector_cleanup list if it remains online. Subsequently, the timer on the old CPU iterates over its vector_cleanup list, reclaiming old vectors. However, a rare scenario arises if the old CPU is outgoing before the interrupt triggers again on the new CPU. In that case irq_force_complete_move() is not invoked on the outgoing CPU to reclaim the old apicd->prev_vector because the interrupt isn't currently affine to the outgoing CPU, and irq_needs_fixup() returns false. Even though __vector_schedule_cleanup() is later called on the new CPU, it doesn't reclaim apicd->prev_vector; instead, it simply resets both apicd->move_in_progress and apicd->prev_vector to 0. As a result, the vector remains unreclaimed in vector_matrix, leading to a CPU vector leak. To address this issue, move the invocation of irq_force_complete_move() before the irq_needs_fixup() call to reclaim apicd->prev_vector, if the interrupt is currently or used to be affine to the outgoing CPU. Additionally, reclaim the vector in __vector_schedule_cleanup() as well, following a warning message, although theoretically it should never see apicd->move_in_progress with apicd->prev_cpu pointing to an offline CPU.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ngenirq/cpuhotplug, x86/vector: Prevent vector leak during CPU offline\n\nThe absence of IRQD_MOVE_PCNTXT prevents immediate effectiveness of\ninterrupt affinity reconfiguration via procfs. Instead, the change is\ndeferred until the next instance of the interrupt being triggered on the\noriginal CPU.\n\nWhen the interrupt next triggers on the original CPU, the new affinity is\nenforced within __irq_move_irq(). A vector is allocated from the new CPU,\nbut the old vector on the original CPU remains and is not immediately\nreclaimed. Instead, apicd->move_in_progress is flagged, and the reclaiming\nprocess is delayed until the next trigger of the interrupt on the new CPU.\n\nUpon the subsequent triggering of the interrupt on the new CPU,\nirq_complete_move() adds a task to the old CPU's vector_cleanup list if it\nremains online. Subsequently, the timer on the old CPU iterates over its\nvector_cleanup list, reclaiming old vectors.\n\nHowever, a rare scenario arises if the old CPU is outgoing before the\ninterrupt triggers again on the new CPU.\n\nIn that case irq_force_complete_move() is not invoked on the outgoing CPU\nto reclaim the old apicd->prev_vector because the interrupt isn't currently\naffine to the outgoing CPU, and irq_needs_fixup() returns false. Even\nthough __vector_schedule_cleanup() is later called on the new CPU, it\ndoesn't reclaim apicd->prev_vector; instead, it simply resets both\napicd->move_in_progress and apicd->prev_vector to 0.\n\nAs a result, the vector remains unreclaimed in vector_matrix, leading to a\nCPU vector leak.\n\nTo address this issue, move the invocation of irq_force_complete_move()\nbefore the irq_needs_fixup() call to reclaim apicd->prev_vector, if the\ninterrupt is currently or used to be affine to the outgoing CPU.\n\nAdditionally, reclaim the vector in __vector_schedule_cleanup() as well,\nfollowing a warning message, although theoretically it should never see\napicd->move_in_progress with apicd->prev_cpu pointing to an offline CPU.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-31076 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

552. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-33621) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ipvlan: Dont Use skb->sk in ipvlan_process_v{4,6}_outbound Raw packet from PF_PACKET socket ontop of an IPv6-backed ipvlan device will hit WARN_ON_ONCE() in sk_mc_loop() through sch_direct_xmit() path. WARNING: CPU: 2 PID: 0 at net/core/sock.c:775 sk_mc_loop+0x2d/0x70 Modules linked in: sch_netem ipvlan rfkill cirrus drm_shmem_helper sg drm_kms_helper CPU: 2 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/2 Kdump: loaded Not tainted 6.9.0+ #279 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 1.15.0-1 04/01/2014 RIP: 0010:sk_mc_loop+0x2d/0x70 Code: fa 0f 1f 44 00 00 65 0f b7 15 f7 96 a3 4f 31 c0 66 85 d2 75 26 48 85 ff 74 1c RSP: 0018:ffffa9584015cd78 EFLAGS: 00010212 RAX: 0000000000000011 RBX: ffff91e585793e00 RCX: 0000000002c6a001 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000040 RDI: ffff91e589c0f000 RBP: ffff91e5855bd100 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 3d00545216f43d00 R10: ffff91e584fdcc50 R11: 00000060dd8616f4 R12: ffff91e58132d000 R13: ffff91e584fdcc68 R14: ffff91e5869ce800 R15: ffff91e589c0f000 FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff91e898100000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 00007f788f7c44c0 CR3: 0000000008e1a000 CR4: 00000000000006f0 DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 Call Trace: <IRQ> ? __warn (kernel/panic.c:693) ? sk_mc_loop (net/core/sock.c:760) ? report_bug (lib/bug.c:201 lib/bug.c:219) ? handle_bug (arch/x86/kernel/traps.c:239) ? exc_invalid_op (arch/x86/kernel/traps.c:260 (discriminator 1)) ? asm_exc_invalid_op (./arch/x86/include/asm/idtentry.h:621) ? sk_mc_loop (net/core/sock.c:760) ip6_finish_output2 (net/ipv6/ip6_output.c:83 (discriminator 1)) ? nf_hook_slow (net/netfilter/core.c:626) ip6_finish_output (net/ipv6/ip6_output.c:222) ? __pfx_ip6_finish_output (net/ipv6/ip6_output.c:215) ipvlan_xmit_mode_l3 (drivers/net/ipvlan/ipvlan_core.c:602) ipvlan ipvlan_start_xmit (drivers/net/ipvlan/ipvlan_main.c:226) ipvlan dev_hard_start_xmit (net/core/dev.c:3594) sch_direct_xmit (net/sched/sch_generic.c:343) __qdisc_run (net/sched/sch_generic.c:416) net_tx_action (net/core/dev.c:5286) handle_softirqs (kernel/softirq.c:555) __irq_exit_rcu (kernel/softirq.c:589) sysvec_apic_timer_interrupt (arch/x86/kernel/apic/apic.c:1043) The warning triggers as this: packet_sendmsg packet_snd //skb->sk is packet sk __dev_queue_xmit __dev_xmit_skb //q->enqueue is not NULL __qdisc_run sch_direct_xmit dev_hard_start_xmit ipvlan_start_xmit ipvlan_xmit_mode_l3 //l3 mode ipvlan_process_outbound //vepa flag ipvlan_process_v6_outbound ip6_local_out __ip6_finish_output ip6_finish_output2 //multicast packet sk_mc_loop //sk->sk_family is AF_PACKET Call ip{6}_local_out() with NULL sk in ipvlan as other tunnels to fix this.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nipvlan: Dont Use skb->sk in ipvlan_process_v{4,6}_outbound\n\nRaw packet from PF_PACKET socket ontop of an IPv6-backed ipvlan device will\nhit WARN_ON_ONCE() in sk_mc_loop() through sch_direct_xmit() path.\n\nWARNING: CPU: 2 PID: 0 at net/core/sock.c:775 sk_mc_loop+0x2d/0x70\nModules linked in: sch_netem ipvlan rfkill cirrus drm_shmem_helper sg drm_kms_helper\nCPU: 2 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/2 Kdump: loaded Not tainted 6.9.0+ #279\nHardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 1.15.0-1 04/01/2014\nRIP: 0010:sk_mc_loop+0x2d/0x70\nCode: fa 0f 1f 44 00 00 65 0f b7 15 f7 96 a3 4f 31 c0 66 85 d2 75 26 48 85 ff 74 1c\nRSP: 0018:ffffa9584015cd78 EFLAGS: 00010212\nRAX: 0000000000000011 RBX: ffff91e585793e00 RCX: 0000000002c6a001\nRDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000040 RDI: ffff91e589c0f000\nRBP: ffff91e5855bd100 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 3d00545216f43d00\nR10: ffff91e584fdcc50 R11: 00000060dd8616f4 R12: ffff91e58132d000\nR13: ffff91e584fdcc68 R14: ffff91e5869ce800 R15: ffff91e589c0f000\nFS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff91e898100000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\nCS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\nCR2: 00007f788f7c44c0 CR3: 0000000008e1a000 CR4: 00000000000006f0\nDR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000\nDR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400\nCall Trace:\n<IRQ>\n ? __warn (kernel/panic.c:693)\n ? sk_mc_loop (net/core/sock.c:760)\n ? report_bug (lib/bug.c:201 lib/bug.c:219)\n ? handle_bug (arch/x86/kernel/traps.c:239)\n ? exc_invalid_op (arch/x86/kernel/traps.c:260 (discriminator 1))\n ? asm_exc_invalid_op (./arch/x86/include/asm/idtentry.h:621)\n ? sk_mc_loop (net/core/sock.c:760)\n ip6_finish_output2 (net/ipv6/ip6_output.c:83 (discriminator 1))\n ? nf_hook_slow (net/netfilter/core.c:626)\n ip6_finish_output (net/ipv6/ip6_output.c:222)\n ? __pfx_ip6_finish_output (net/ipv6/ip6_output.c:215)\n ipvlan_xmit_mode_l3 (drivers/net/ipvlan/ipvlan_core.c:602) ipvlan\n ipvlan_start_xmit (drivers/net/ipvlan/ipvlan_main.c:226) ipvlan\n dev_hard_start_xmit (net/core/dev.c:3594)\n sch_direct_xmit (net/sched/sch_generic.c:343)\n __qdisc_run (net/sched/sch_generic.c:416)\n net_tx_action (net/core/dev.c:5286)\n handle_softirqs (kernel/softirq.c:555)\n __irq_exit_rcu (kernel/softirq.c:589)\n sysvec_apic_timer_interrupt (arch/x86/kernel/apic/apic.c:1043)\n\nThe warning triggers as this:\npacket_sendmsg\n packet_snd //skb->sk is packet sk\n __dev_queue_xmit\n __dev_xmit_skb //q->enqueue is not NULL\n __qdisc_run\n sch_direct_xmit\n dev_hard_start_xmit\n ipvlan_start_xmit\n ipvlan_xmit_mode_l3 //l3 mode\n ipvlan_process_outbound //vepa flag\n ipvlan_process_v6_outbound\n ip6_local_out\n __ip6_finish_output\n ip6_finish_output2 //multicast packet\n sk_mc_loop //sk->sk_family is AF_PACKET\n\nCall ip{6}_local_out() with NULL sk in ipvlan as other tunnels to fix this.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-33621 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

553. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-33847) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: f2fs: compress: don't allow unaligned truncation on released compress inode f2fs image may be corrupted after below testcase: - mkfs.f2fs -O extra_attr,compression -f /dev/vdb - mount /dev/vdb /mnt/f2fs - touch /mnt/f2fs/file - f2fs_io setflags compression /mnt/f2fs/file - dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/f2fs/file bs=4k count=4 - f2fs_io release_cblocks /mnt/f2fs/file - truncate -s 8192 /mnt/f2fs/file - umount /mnt/f2fs - fsck.f2fs /dev/vdb [ASSERT] (fsck_chk_inode_blk:1256) --> ino: 0x5 has i_blocks: 0x00000002, but has 0x3 blocks [FSCK] valid_block_count matching with CP [Fail] [0x4, 0x5] [FSCK] other corrupted bugs [Fail] The reason is: partial truncation assume compressed inode has reserved blocks, after partial truncation, valid block count may change w/o .i_blocks and .total_valid_block_count update, result in corruption. This patch only allow cluster size aligned truncation on released compress inode for fixing.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nf2fs: compress: don't allow unaligned truncation on released compress inode\n\nf2fs image may be corrupted after below testcase:\n- mkfs.f2fs -O extra_attr,compression -f /dev/vdb\n- mount /dev/vdb /mnt/f2fs\n- touch /mnt/f2fs/file\n- f2fs_io setflags compression /mnt/f2fs/file\n- dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/f2fs/file bs=4k count=4\n- f2fs_io release_cblocks /mnt/f2fs/file\n- truncate -s 8192 /mnt/f2fs/file\n- umount /mnt/f2fs\n- fsck.f2fs /dev/vdb\n\n[ASSERT] (fsck_chk_inode_blk:1256) --> ino: 0x5 has i_blocks: 0x00000002, but has 0x3 blocks\n[FSCK] valid_block_count matching with CP [Fail] [0x4, 0x5]\n[FSCK] other corrupted bugs [Fail]\n\nThe reason is: partial truncation assume compressed inode has reserved\nblocks, after partial truncation, valid block count may change w/o\n.i_blocks and .total_valid_block_count update, result in corruption.\n\nThis patch only allow cluster size aligned truncation on released\ncompress inode for fixing.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-33847 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

554. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-34027) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: f2fs: compress: fix to cover {reserve,release}_compress_blocks() w/ cp_rwsem lock It needs to cover {reserve,release}_compress_blocks() w/ cp_rwsem lock to avoid racing with checkpoint, otherwise, filesystem metadata including blkaddr in dnode, inode fields and .total_valid_block_count may be corrupted after SPO case.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nf2fs: compress: fix to cover {reserve,release}_compress_blocks() w/ cp_rwsem lock\n\nIt needs to cover {reserve,release}_compress_blocks() w/ cp_rwsem lock\nto avoid racing with checkpoint, otherwise, filesystem metadata including\nblkaddr in dnode, inode fields and .total_valid_block_count may be\ncorrupted after SPO case.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-34027 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

555. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35247) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: fpga: region: add owner module and take its refcount The current implementation of the fpga region assumes that the low-level module registers a driver for the parent device and uses its owner pointer to take the module's refcount. This approach is problematic since it can lead to a null pointer dereference while attempting to get the region during programming if the parent device does not have a driver. To address this problem, add a module owner pointer to the fpga_region struct and use it to take the module's refcount. Modify the functions for registering a region to take an additional owner module parameter and rename them to avoid conflicts. Use the old function names for helper macros that automatically set the module that registers the region as the owner. This ensures compatibility with existing low-level control modules and reduces the chances of registering a region without setting the owner. Also, update the documentation to keep it consistent with the new interface for registering an fpga region.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nfpga: region: add owner module and take its refcount\n\nThe current implementation of the fpga region assumes that the low-level\nmodule registers a driver for the parent device and uses its owner pointer\nto take the module's refcount. This approach is problematic since it can\nlead to a null pointer dereference while attempting to get the region\nduring programming if the parent device does not have a driver.\n\nTo address this problem, add a module owner pointer to the fpga_region\nstruct and use it to take the module's refcount. Modify the functions for\nregistering a region to take an additional owner module parameter and\nrename them to avoid conflicts. Use the old function names for helper\nmacros that automatically set the module that registers the region as the\nowner. This ensures compatibility with existing low-level control modules\nand reduces the chances of registering a region without setting the owner.\n\nAlso, update the documentation to keep it consistent with the new interface\nfor registering an fpga region.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-35247 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

556. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35873) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: riscv: Fix vector state restore in rt_sigreturn() The RISC-V Vector specification states in "Appendix D: Calling Convention for Vector State" [1] that "Executing a system call causes all caller-saved vector registers (v0-v31, vl, vtype) and vstart to become unspecified.". In the RISC-V kernel this is called "discarding the vstate". Returning from a signal handler via the rt_sigreturn() syscall, vector discard is also performed. However, this is not an issue since the vector state should be restored from the sigcontext, and therefore not care about the vector discard. The "live state" is the actual vector register in the running context, and the "vstate" is the vector state of the task. A dirty live state, means that the vstate and live state are not in synch. When vectorized user_from_copy() was introduced, an bug sneaked in at the restoration code, related to the discard of the live state. An example when this go wrong: 1. A userland application is executing vector code 2. The application receives a signal, and the signal handler is entered. 3. The application returns from the signal handler, using the rt_sigreturn() syscall. 4. The live vector state is discarded upon entering the rt_sigreturn(), and the live state is marked as "dirty", indicating that the live state need to be synchronized with the current vstate. 5. rt_sigreturn() restores the vstate, except the Vector registers, from the sigcontext 6. rt_sigreturn() restores the Vector registers, from the sigcontext, and now the vectorized user_from_copy() is used. The dirty live state from the discard is saved to the vstate, making the vstate corrupt. 7. rt_sigreturn() returns to the application, which crashes due to corrupted vstate. Note that the vectorized user_from_copy() is invoked depending on the value of CONFIG_RISCV_ISA_V_UCOPY_THRESHOLD. Default is 768, which means that vlen has to be larger than 128b for this bug to trigger. The fix is simply to mark the live state as non-dirty/clean prior performing the vstate restore.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nriscv: Fix vector state restore in rt_sigreturn()\n\nThe RISC-V Vector specification states in "Appendix D: Calling\nConvention for Vector State" [1] that "Executing a system call causes\nall caller-saved vector registers (v0-v31, vl, vtype) and vstart to\nbecome unspecified.". In the RISC-V kernel this is called "discarding\nthe vstate".\n\nReturning from a signal handler via the rt_sigreturn() syscall, vector\ndiscard is also performed. However, this is not an issue since the\nvector state should be restored from the sigcontext, and therefore not\ncare about the vector discard.\n\nThe "live state" is the actual vector register in the running context,\nand the "vstate" is the vector state of the task. A dirty live state,\nmeans that the vstate and live state are not in synch.\n\nWhen vectorized user_from_copy() was introduced, an bug sneaked in at\nthe restoration code, related to the discard of the live state.\n\nAn example when this go wrong:\n\n 1. A userland application is executing vector code\n 2. The application receives a signal, and the signal handler is\n entered.\n 3. The application returns from the signal handler, using the\n rt_sigreturn() syscall.\n 4. The live vector state is discarded upon entering the\n rt_sigreturn(), and the live state is marked as "dirty", indicating\n that the live state need to be synchronized with the current\n vstate.\n 5. rt_sigreturn() restores the vstate, except the Vector registers,\n from the sigcontext\n 6. rt_sigreturn() restores the Vector registers, from the sigcontext,\n and now the vectorized user_from_copy() is used. The dirty live\n state from the discard is saved to the vstate, making the vstate\n corrupt.\n 7. rt_sigreturn() returns to the application, which crashes due to\n corrupted vstate.\n\nNote that the vectorized user_from_copy() is invoked depending on the\nvalue of CONFIG_RISCV_ISA_V_UCOPY_THRESHOLD. Default is 768, which\nmeans that vlen has to be larger than 128b for this bug to trigger.\n\nThe fix is simply to mark the live state as non-dirty/clean prior\nperforming the vstate restore.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35873 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

557. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35889) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: idpf: fix kernel panic on unknown packet types In the very rare case where a packet type is unknown to the driver, idpf_rx_process_skb_fields would return early without calling eth_type_trans to set the skb protocol / the network layer handler. This is especially problematic if tcpdump is running when such a packet is received, i.e. it would cause a kernel panic. Instead, call eth_type_trans for every single packet, even when the packet type is unknown.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nidpf: fix kernel panic on unknown packet types\n\nIn the very rare case where a packet type is unknown to the driver,\nidpf_rx_process_skb_fields would return early without calling\neth_type_trans to set the skb protocol / the network layer handler.\nThis is especially problematic if tcpdump is running when such a\npacket is received, i.e. it would cause a kernel panic.\n\nInstead, call eth_type_trans for every single packet, even when\nthe packet type is unknown.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35889 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

558. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35894) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mptcp: prevent BPF accessing lowat from a subflow socket. Alexei reported the following splat: WARNING: CPU: 32 PID: 3276 at net/mptcp/subflow.c:1430 subflow_data_ready+0x147/0x1c0 Modules linked in: dummy bpf_testmod(O) [last unloaded: bpf_test_no_cfi(O)] CPU: 32 PID: 3276 Comm: test_progs Tainted: GO 6.8.0-12873-g2c43c33bfd23 Call Trace: <TASK> mptcp_set_rcvlowat+0x79/0x1d0 sk_setsockopt+0x6c0/0x1540 __bpf_setsockopt+0x6f/0x90 bpf_sock_ops_setsockopt+0x3c/0x90 bpf_prog_509ce5db2c7f9981_bpf_test_sockopt_int+0xb4/0x11b bpf_prog_dce07e362d941d2b_bpf_test_socket_sockopt+0x12b/0x132 bpf_prog_348c9b5faaf10092_skops_sockopt+0x954/0xe86 __cgroup_bpf_run_filter_sock_ops+0xbc/0x250 tcp_connect+0x879/0x1160 tcp_v6_connect+0x50c/0x870 mptcp_connect+0x129/0x280 __inet_stream_connect+0xce/0x370 inet_stream_connect+0x36/0x50 bpf_trampoline_6442491565+0x49/0xef inet_stream_connect+0x5/0x50 __sys_connect+0x63/0x90 __x64_sys_connect+0x14/0x20 The root cause of the issue is that bpf allows accessing mptcp-level proto_ops from a tcp subflow scope. Fix the issue detecting the problematic call and preventing any action.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmptcp: prevent BPF accessing lowat from a subflow socket.\n\nAlexei reported the following splat:\n\n WARNING: CPU: 32 PID: 3276 at net/mptcp/subflow.c:1430 subflow_data_ready+0x147/0x1c0\n Modules linked in: dummy bpf_testmod(O) [last unloaded: bpf_test_no_cfi(O)]\n CPU: 32 PID: 3276 Comm: test_progs Tainted: GO 6.8.0-12873-g2c43c33bfd23\n Call Trace:\n <TASK>\n mptcp_set_rcvlowat+0x79/0x1d0\n sk_setsockopt+0x6c0/0x1540\n __bpf_setsockopt+0x6f/0x90\n bpf_sock_ops_setsockopt+0x3c/0x90\n bpf_prog_509ce5db2c7f9981_bpf_test_sockopt_int+0xb4/0x11b\n bpf_prog_dce07e362d941d2b_bpf_test_socket_sockopt+0x12b/0x132\n bpf_prog_348c9b5faaf10092_skops_sockopt+0x954/0xe86\n __cgroup_bpf_run_filter_sock_ops+0xbc/0x250\n tcp_connect+0x879/0x1160\n tcp_v6_connect+0x50c/0x870\n mptcp_connect+0x129/0x280\n __inet_stream_connect+0xce/0x370\n inet_stream_connect+0x36/0x50\n bpf_trampoline_6442491565+0x49/0xef\n inet_stream_connect+0x5/0x50\n __sys_connect+0x63/0x90\n __x64_sys_connect+0x14/0x20\n\nThe root cause of the issue is that bpf allows accessing mptcp-level\nproto_ops from a tcp subflow scope.\n\nFix the issue detecting the problematic call and preventing any action.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35894 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

559. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35913) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: pick the version of SESSION_PROTECTION_NOTIF When we want to know whether we should look for the mac_id or the link_id in struct iwl_mvm_session_prot_notif, we should look at the version of SESSION_PROTECTION_NOTIF. This causes WARNINGs: WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 11403 at drivers/net/wireless/intel/iwlwifi/mvm/time-event.c:959 iwl_mvm_rx_session_protect_notif+0x333/0x340 [iwlmvm] RIP: 0010:iwl_mvm_rx_session_protect_notif+0x333/0x340 [iwlmvm] Code: 00 49 c7 84 24 48 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 c6 84 24 78 07 00 00 ff 4c 89 f7 e8 e9 71 54 d9 e9 7d fd ff ff 0f 0b e9 23 fe ff ff <0f> 0b e9 1c fe ff ff 66 0f 1f 44 00 00 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 RSP: 0018:ffffb4bb00003d40 EFLAGS: 00010202 RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffff9ae63a361000 RCX: ffff9ae4a98b60d4 RDX: ffff9ae4588499c0 RSI: 0000000000000305 RDI: ffff9ae4a98b6358 RBP: ffffb4bb00003d68 R08: 0000000000000003 R09: 0000000000000010 R10: ffffb4bb00003d00 R11: 000000000000000f R12: ffff9ae441399050 R13: ffff9ae4761329e8 R14: 0000000000000001 R15: 0000000000000000 FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff9ae7af400000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 000055fb75680018 CR3: 00000003dae32006 CR4: 0000000000f70ef0 PKRU: 55555554 Call Trace: <IRQ> ? show_regs+0x69/0x80 ? __warn+0x8d/0x150 ? iwl_mvm_rx_session_protect_notif+0x333/0x340 [iwlmvm] ? report_bug+0x196/0x1c0 ? handle_bug+0x45/0x80 ? exc_invalid_op+0x1c/0xb0 ? asm_exc_invalid_op+0x1f/0x30 ? iwl_mvm_rx_session_protect_notif+0x333/0x340 [iwlmvm] iwl_mvm_rx_common+0x115/0x340 [iwlmvm] iwl_mvm_rx_mq+0xa6/0x100 [iwlmvm] iwl_pcie_rx_handle+0x263/0xa10 [iwlwifi] iwl_pcie_napi_poll_msix+0x32/0xd0 [iwlwifi]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nwifi: iwlwifi: mvm: pick the version of SESSION_PROTECTION_NOTIF\n\nWhen we want to know whether we should look for the mac_id or the\nlink_id in struct iwl_mvm_session_prot_notif, we should look at the\nversion of SESSION_PROTECTION_NOTIF.\n\nThis causes WARNINGs:\n\nWARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 11403 at drivers/net/wireless/intel/iwlwifi/mvm/time-event.c:959 iwl_mvm_rx_session_protect_notif+0x333/0x340 [iwlmvm]\nRIP: 0010:iwl_mvm_rx_session_protect_notif+0x333/0x340 [iwlmvm]\nCode: 00 49 c7 84 24 48 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 c6 84 24 78 07 00 00 ff 4c 89 f7 e8 e9 71 54 d9 e9 7d fd ff ff 0f 0b e9 23 fe ff ff <0f> 0b e9 1c fe ff ff 66 0f 1f 44 00 00 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90\nRSP: 0018:ffffb4bb00003d40 EFLAGS: 00010202\nRAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffff9ae63a361000 RCX: ffff9ae4a98b60d4\nRDX: ffff9ae4588499c0 RSI: 0000000000000305 RDI: ffff9ae4a98b6358\nRBP: ffffb4bb00003d68 R08: 0000000000000003 R09: 0000000000000010\nR10: ffffb4bb00003d00 R11: 000000000000000f R12: ffff9ae441399050\nR13: ffff9ae4761329e8 R14: 0000000000000001 R15: 0000000000000000\nFS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff9ae7af400000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\nCS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\nCR2: 000055fb75680018 CR3: 00000003dae32006 CR4: 0000000000f70ef0\nPKRU: 55555554\nCall Trace:\n <IRQ>\n ? show_regs+0x69/0x80\n ? __warn+0x8d/0x150\n ? iwl_mvm_rx_session_protect_notif+0x333/0x340 [iwlmvm]\n ? report_bug+0x196/0x1c0\n ? handle_bug+0x45/0x80\n ? exc_invalid_op+0x1c/0xb0\n ? asm_exc_invalid_op+0x1f/0x30\n ? iwl_mvm_rx_session_protect_notif+0x333/0x340 [iwlmvm]\n iwl_mvm_rx_common+0x115/0x340 [iwlmvm]\n iwl_mvm_rx_mq+0xa6/0x100 [iwlmvm]\n iwl_pcie_rx_handle+0x263/0xa10 [iwlwifi]\n iwl_pcie_napi_poll_msix+0x32/0xd0 [iwlwifi]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35913 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

560. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35914) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nfsd: Fix error cleanup path in nfsd_rename() Commit a8b0026847b8 ("rename(): avoid a deadlock in the case of parents having no common ancestor") added an error bail out path. However this path does not drop the remount protection that has been acquired. Fix the cleanup path to properly drop the remount protection.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnfsd: Fix error cleanup path in nfsd_rename()\n\nCommit a8b0026847b8 ("rename(): avoid a deadlock in the case of parents\nhaving no common ancestor") added an error bail out path. However this\npath does not drop the remount protection that has been acquired. Fix\nthe cleanup path to properly drop the remount protection.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35914 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

561. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35957) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: iommu/vt-d: Fix WARN_ON in iommu probe path Commit 1a75cc710b95 ("iommu/vt-d: Use rbtree to track iommu probed devices") adds all devices probed by the iommu driver in a rbtree indexed by the source ID of each device. It assumes that each device has a unique source ID. This assumption is incorrect and the VT-d spec doesn't state this requirement either. The reason for using a rbtree to track devices is to look up the device with PCI bus and devfunc in the paths of handling ATS invalidation time out error and the PRI I/O page faults. Both are PCI ATS feature related. Only track the devices that have PCI ATS capabilities in the rbtree to avoid unnecessary WARN_ON in the iommu probe path. Otherwise, on some platforms below kernel splat will be displayed and the iommu probe results in failure. WARNING: CPU: 3 PID: 166 at drivers/iommu/intel/iommu.c:158 intel_iommu_probe_device+0x319/0xd90 Call Trace: <TASK> ? __warn+0x7e/0x180 ? intel_iommu_probe_device+0x319/0xd90 ? report_bug+0x1f8/0x200 ? handle_bug+0x3c/0x70 ? exc_invalid_op+0x18/0x70 ? asm_exc_invalid_op+0x1a/0x20 ? intel_iommu_probe_device+0x319/0xd90 ? debug_mutex_init+0x37/0x50 __iommu_probe_device+0xf2/0x4f0 iommu_probe_device+0x22/0x70 iommu_bus_notifier+0x1e/0x40 notifier_call_chain+0x46/0x150 blocking_notifier_call_chain+0x42/0x60 bus_notify+0x2f/0x50 device_add+0x5ed/0x7e0 platform_device_add+0xf5/0x240 mfd_add_devices+0x3f9/0x500 ? preempt_count_add+0x4c/0xa0 ? up_write+0xa2/0x1b0 ? __debugfs_create_file+0xe3/0x150 intel_lpss_probe+0x49f/0x5b0 ? pci_conf1_write+0xa3/0xf0 intel_lpss_pci_probe+0xcf/0x110 [intel_lpss_pci] pci_device_probe+0x95/0x120 really_probe+0xd9/0x370 ? __pfx___driver_attach+0x10/0x10 __driver_probe_device+0x73/0x150 driver_probe_device+0x19/0xa0 __driver_attach+0xb6/0x180 ? __pfx___driver_attach+0x10/0x10 bus_for_each_dev+0x77/0xd0 bus_add_driver+0x114/0x210 driver_register+0x5b/0x110 ? __pfx_intel_lpss_pci_driver_init+0x10/0x10 [intel_lpss_pci] do_one_initcall+0x57/0x2b0 ? kmalloc_trace+0x21e/0x280 ? do_init_module+0x1e/0x210 do_init_module+0x5f/0x210 load_module+0x1d37/0x1fc0 ? init_module_from_file+0x86/0xd0 init_module_from_file+0x86/0xd0 idempotent_init_module+0x17c/0x230 __x64_sys_finit_module+0x56/0xb0 do_syscall_64+0x6e/0x140 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x71/0x79', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\niommu/vt-d: Fix WARN_ON in iommu probe path\n\nCommit 1a75cc710b95 ("iommu/vt-d: Use rbtree to track iommu probed\ndevices") adds all devices probed by the iommu driver in a rbtree\nindexed by the source ID of each device. It assumes that each device\nhas a unique source ID. This assumption is incorrect and the VT-d\nspec doesn't state this requirement either.\n\nThe reason for using a rbtree to track devices is to look up the device\nwith PCI bus and devfunc in the paths of handling ATS invalidation time\nout error and the PRI I/O page faults. Both are PCI ATS feature related.\n\nOnly track the devices that have PCI ATS capabilities in the rbtree to\navoid unnecessary WARN_ON in the iommu probe path. Otherwise, on some\nplatforms below kernel splat will be displayed and the iommu probe results\nin failure.\n\n WARNING: CPU: 3 PID: 166 at drivers/iommu/intel/iommu.c:158 intel_iommu_probe_device+0x319/0xd90\n Call Trace:\n <TASK>\n ? __warn+0x7e/0x180\n ? intel_iommu_probe_device+0x319/0xd90\n ? report_bug+0x1f8/0x200\n ? handle_bug+0x3c/0x70\n ? exc_invalid_op+0x18/0x70\n ? asm_exc_invalid_op+0x1a/0x20\n ? intel_iommu_probe_device+0x319/0xd90\n ? debug_mutex_init+0x37/0x50\n __iommu_probe_device+0xf2/0x4f0\n iommu_probe_device+0x22/0x70\n iommu_bus_notifier+0x1e/0x40\n notifier_call_chain+0x46/0x150\n blocking_notifier_call_chain+0x42/0x60\n bus_notify+0x2f/0x50\n device_add+0x5ed/0x7e0\n platform_device_add+0xf5/0x240\n mfd_add_devices+0x3f9/0x500\n ? preempt_count_add+0x4c/0xa0\n ? up_write+0xa2/0x1b0\n ? __debugfs_create_file+0xe3/0x150\n intel_lpss_probe+0x49f/0x5b0\n ? pci_conf1_write+0xa3/0xf0\n intel_lpss_pci_probe+0xcf/0x110 [intel_lpss_pci]\n pci_device_probe+0x95/0x120\n really_probe+0xd9/0x370\n ? __pfx___driver_attach+0x10/0x10\n __driver_probe_device+0x73/0x150\n driver_probe_device+0x19/0xa0\n __driver_attach+0xb6/0x180\n ? __pfx___driver_attach+0x10/0x10\n bus_for_each_dev+0x77/0xd0\n bus_add_driver+0x114/0x210\n driver_register+0x5b/0x110\n ? __pfx_intel_lpss_pci_driver_init+0x10/0x10 [intel_lpss_pci]\n do_one_initcall+0x57/0x2b0\n ? kmalloc_trace+0x21e/0x280\n ? do_init_module+0x1e/0x210\n do_init_module+0x5f/0x210\n load_module+0x1d37/0x1fc0\n ? init_module_from_file+0x86/0xd0\n init_module_from_file+0x86/0xd0\n idempotent_init_module+0x17c/0x230\n __x64_sys_finit_module+0x56/0xb0\n do_syscall_64+0x6e/0x140\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x71/0x79', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35957 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

562. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-35968) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: pds_core: Fix pdsc_check_pci_health function to use work thread When the driver notices fw_status == 0xff it tries to perform a PCI reset on itself via pci_reset_function() in the context of the driver's health thread. However, pdsc_reset_prepare calls pdsc_stop_health_thread(), which attempts to stop/flush the health thread. This results in a deadlock because the stop/flush will never complete since the driver called pci_reset_function() from the health thread context. Fix by changing the pdsc_check_pci_health_function() to queue a newly introduced pdsc_pci_reset_thread() on the pdsc's work queue. Unloading the driver in the fw_down/dead state uncovered another issue, which can be seen in the following trace: WARNING: CPU: 51 PID: 6914 at kernel/workqueue.c:1450 __queue_work+0x358/0x440 [...] RIP: 0010:__queue_work+0x358/0x440 [...] Call Trace: <TASK> ? __warn+0x85/0x140 ? __queue_work+0x358/0x440 ? report_bug+0xfc/0x1e0 ? handle_bug+0x3f/0x70 ? exc_invalid_op+0x17/0x70 ? asm_exc_invalid_op+0x1a/0x20 ? __queue_work+0x358/0x440 queue_work_on+0x28/0x30 pdsc_devcmd_locked+0x96/0xe0 [pds_core] pdsc_devcmd_reset+0x71/0xb0 [pds_core] pdsc_teardown+0x51/0xe0 [pds_core] pdsc_remove+0x106/0x200 [pds_core] pci_device_remove+0x37/0xc0 device_release_driver_internal+0xae/0x140 driver_detach+0x48/0x90 bus_remove_driver+0x6d/0xf0 pci_unregister_driver+0x2e/0xa0 pdsc_cleanup_module+0x10/0x780 [pds_core] __x64_sys_delete_module+0x142/0x2b0 ? syscall_trace_enter.isra.18+0x126/0x1a0 do_syscall_64+0x3b/0x90 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x72/0xdc RIP: 0033:0x7fbd9d03a14b [...] Fix this by preventing the devcmd reset if the FW is not running.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\npds_core: Fix pdsc_check_pci_health function to use work thread\n\nWhen the driver notices fw_status == 0xff it tries to perform a PCI\nreset on itself via pci_reset_function() in the context of the driver's\nhealth thread. However, pdsc_reset_prepare calls\npdsc_stop_health_thread(), which attempts to stop/flush the health\nthread. This results in a deadlock because the stop/flush will never\ncomplete since the driver called pci_reset_function() from the health\nthread context. Fix by changing the pdsc_check_pci_health_function()\nto queue a newly introduced pdsc_pci_reset_thread() on the pdsc's\nwork queue.\n\nUnloading the driver in the fw_down/dead state uncovered another issue,\nwhich can be seen in the following trace:\n\nWARNING: CPU: 51 PID: 6914 at kernel/workqueue.c:1450 __queue_work+0x358/0x440\n[...]\nRIP: 0010:__queue_work+0x358/0x440\n[...]\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n ? __warn+0x85/0x140\n ? __queue_work+0x358/0x440\n ? report_bug+0xfc/0x1e0\n ? handle_bug+0x3f/0x70\n ? exc_invalid_op+0x17/0x70\n ? asm_exc_invalid_op+0x1a/0x20\n ? __queue_work+0x358/0x440\n queue_work_on+0x28/0x30\n pdsc_devcmd_locked+0x96/0xe0 [pds_core]\n pdsc_devcmd_reset+0x71/0xb0 [pds_core]\n pdsc_teardown+0x51/0xe0 [pds_core]\n pdsc_remove+0x106/0x200 [pds_core]\n pci_device_remove+0x37/0xc0\n device_release_driver_internal+0xae/0x140\n driver_detach+0x48/0x90\n bus_remove_driver+0x6d/0xf0\n pci_unregister_driver+0x2e/0xa0\n pdsc_cleanup_module+0x10/0x780 [pds_core]\n __x64_sys_delete_module+0x142/0x2b0\n ? syscall_trace_enter.isra.18+0x126/0x1a0\n do_syscall_64+0x3b/0x90\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x72/0xdc\nRIP: 0033:0x7fbd9d03a14b\n[...]\n\nFix this by preventing the devcmd reset if the FW is not running.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

ubuntu: CVE-2024-35968 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

563. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36027) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: btrfs: zoned: do not flag ZEROOUT on non-dirty extent buffer Btrfs clears the content of an extent buffer marked as EXTENT_BUFFER_ZONED_ZEROOUT before the bio submission. This mechanism is introduced to prevent a write hole of an extent buffer, which is once allocated, marked dirty, but turns out unnecessary and cleaned up within one transaction operation. Currently, btrfs_clear_buffer_dirty() marks the extent buffer as EXTENT_BUFFER_ZONED_ZEROOUT, and skips the entry function. If this call happens while the buffer is under IO (with the WRITEBACK flag set, without the DIRTY flag), we can add the ZEROOUT flag and clear the buffer's content just before a bio submission. As a result: 1) it can lead to adding faulty delayed reference item which leads to a FS corrupted (EUCLEAN) error, and 2) it writes out cleared tree node on disk The former issue is previously discussed in [1]. The corruption happens when it runs a delayed reference update. So, on-disk data is safe. [1] The latter one can reach on-disk data. But, as that node is already processed by btrfs_clear_buffer_dirty(), that will be invalidated in the next transaction commit anyway. So, the chance of hitting the corruption is relatively small. Anyway, we should skip flagging ZEROOUT on a non-DIRTY extent buffer, to keep the content under IO intact.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbtrfs: zoned: do not flag ZEROOUT on non-dirty extent buffer\n\nBtrfs clears the content of an extent buffer marked as\nEXTENT_BUFFER_ZONED_ZEROOUT before the bio submission. This mechanism is\nintroduced to prevent a write hole of an extent buffer, which is once\nallocated, marked dirty, but turns out unnecessary and cleaned up within\none transaction operation.\n\nCurrently, btrfs_clear_buffer_dirty() marks the extent buffer as\nEXTENT_BUFFER_ZONED_ZEROOUT, and skips the entry function. If this call\nhappens while the buffer is under IO (with the WRITEBACK flag set,\nwithout the DIRTY flag), we can add the ZEROOUT flag and clear the\nbuffer's content just before a bio submission. As a result:\n\n1) it can lead to adding faulty delayed reference item which leads to a\n FS corrupted (EUCLEAN) error, and\n\n2) it writes out cleared tree node on disk\n\nThe former issue is previously discussed in [1]. The corruption happens\nwhen it runs a delayed reference update. So, on-disk data is safe.\n\n[1]\n\nThe latter one can reach on-disk data. But, as that node is already\nprocessed by btrfs_clear_buffer_dirty(), that will be invalidated in the\nnext transaction commit anyway. So, the chance of hitting the corruption\nis relatively small.\n\nAnyway, we should skip flagging ZEROOUT on a non-DIRTY extent buffer, to\nkeep the content under IO intact.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

ubuntu: CVE-2024-36027 was patched at 2024-07-11, 2024-07-16

564. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36270) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: netfilter: tproxy: bail out if IP has been disabled on the device syzbot reports: general protection fault, probably for non-canonical address 0xdffffc0000000003: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN PTI KASAN: null-ptr-deref in range [0x0000000000000018-0x000000000000001f] [..] RIP: 0010:nf_tproxy_laddr4+0xb7/0x340 net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_tproxy_ipv4.c:62 Call Trace: nft_tproxy_eval_v4 net/netfilter/nft_tproxy.c:56 [inline] nft_tproxy_eval+0xa9a/0x1a00 net/netfilter/nft_tproxy.c:168 __in_dev_get_rcu() can return NULL, so check for this.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnetfilter: tproxy: bail out if IP has been disabled on the device\n\nsyzbot reports:\ngeneral protection fault, probably for non-canonical address 0xdffffc0000000003: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN PTI\nKASAN: null-ptr-deref in range [0x0000000000000018-0x000000000000001f]\n[..]\nRIP: 0010:nf_tproxy_laddr4+0xb7/0x340 net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_tproxy_ipv4.c:62\nCall Trace:\n nft_tproxy_eval_v4 net/netfilter/nft_tproxy.c:56 [inline]\n nft_tproxy_eval+0xa9a/0x1a00 net/netfilter/nft_tproxy.c:168\n\n__in_dev_get_rcu() can return NULL, so check for this.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-36270 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

565. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36286) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: netfilter: nfnetlink_queue: acquire rcu_read_lock() in instance_destroy_rcu() syzbot reported that nf_reinject() could be called without rcu_read_lock() : WARNING: suspicious RCU usage 6.9.0-rc7-syzkaller-02060-g5c1672705a1a #0 Not tainted net/netfilter/nfnetlink_queue.c:263 suspicious rcu_dereference_check() usage! other info that might help us debug this: rcu_scheduler_active = 2, debug_locks = 1 2 locks held by syz-executor.4/13427: #0: ffffffff8e334f60 (rcu_callback){....}-{0:0}, at: rcu_lock_acquire include/linux/rcupdate.h:329 [inline] #0: ffffffff8e334f60 (rcu_callback){....}-{0:0}, at: rcu_do_batch kernel/rcu/tree.c:2190 [inline] #0: ffffffff8e334f60 (rcu_callback){....}-{0:0}, at: rcu_core+0xa86/0x1830 kernel/rcu/tree.c:2471 #1: ffff88801ca92958 (&inst->lock){+.-.}-{2:2}, at: spin_lock_bh include/linux/spinlock.h:356 [inline] #1: ffff88801ca92958 (&inst->lock){+.-.}-{2:2}, at: nfqnl_flush net/netfilter/nfnetlink_queue.c:405 [inline] #1: ffff88801ca92958 (&inst->lock){+.-.}-{2:2}, at: instance_destroy_rcu+0x30/0x220 net/netfilter/nfnetlink_queue.c:172 stack backtrace: CPU: 0 PID: 13427 Comm: syz-executor.4 Not tainted 6.9.0-rc7-syzkaller-02060-g5c1672705a1a #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 04/02/2024 Call Trace: <IRQ> __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:88 [inline] dump_stack_lvl+0x241/0x360 lib/dump_stack.c:114 lockdep_rcu_suspicious+0x221/0x340 kernel/locking/lockdep.c:6712 nf_reinject net/netfilter/nfnetlink_queue.c:323 [inline] nfqnl_reinject+0x6ec/0x1120 net/netfilter/nfnetlink_queue.c:397 nfqnl_flush net/netfilter/nfnetlink_queue.c:410 [inline] instance_destroy_rcu+0x1ae/0x220 net/netfilter/nfnetlink_queue.c:172 rcu_do_batch kernel/rcu/tree.c:2196 [inline] rcu_core+0xafd/0x1830 kernel/rcu/tree.c:2471 handle_softirqs+0x2d6/0x990 kernel/softirq.c:554 __do_softirq kernel/softirq.c:588 [inline] invoke_softirq kernel/softirq.c:428 [inline] __irq_exit_rcu+0xf4/0x1c0 kernel/softirq.c:637 irq_exit_rcu+0x9/0x30 kernel/softirq.c:649 instr_sysvec_apic_timer_interrupt arch/x86/kernel/apic/apic.c:1043 [inline] sysvec_apic_timer_interrupt+0xa6/0xc0 arch/x86/kernel/apic/apic.c:1043 </IRQ> <TASK>', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnetfilter: nfnetlink_queue: acquire rcu_read_lock() in instance_destroy_rcu()\n\nsyzbot reported that nf_reinject() could be called without rcu_read_lock() :\n\nWARNING: suspicious RCU usage\n6.9.0-rc7-syzkaller-02060-g5c1672705a1a #0 Not tainted\n\nnet/netfilter/nfnetlink_queue.c:263 suspicious rcu_dereference_check() usage!\n\nother info that might help us debug this:\n\nrcu_scheduler_active = 2, debug_locks = 1\n2 locks held by syz-executor.4/13427:\n #0: ffffffff8e334f60 (rcu_callback){....}-{0:0}, at: rcu_lock_acquire include/linux/rcupdate.h:329 [inline]\n #0: ffffffff8e334f60 (rcu_callback){....}-{0:0}, at: rcu_do_batch kernel/rcu/tree.c:2190 [inline]\n #0: ffffffff8e334f60 (rcu_callback){....}-{0:0}, at: rcu_core+0xa86/0x1830 kernel/rcu/tree.c:2471\n #1: ffff88801ca92958 (&inst->lock){+.-.}-{2:2}, at: spin_lock_bh include/linux/spinlock.h:356 [inline]\n #1: ffff88801ca92958 (&inst->lock){+.-.}-{2:2}, at: nfqnl_flush net/netfilter/nfnetlink_queue.c:405 [inline]\n #1: ffff88801ca92958 (&inst->lock){+.-.}-{2:2}, at: instance_destroy_rcu+0x30/0x220 net/netfilter/nfnetlink_queue.c:172\n\nstack backtrace:\nCPU: 0 PID: 13427 Comm: syz-executor.4 Not tainted 6.9.0-rc7-syzkaller-02060-g5c1672705a1a #0\nHardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 04/02/2024\nCall Trace:\n <IRQ>\n __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:88 [inline]\n dump_stack_lvl+0x241/0x360 lib/dump_stack.c:114\n lockdep_rcu_suspicious+0x221/0x340 kernel/locking/lockdep.c:6712\n nf_reinject net/netfilter/nfnetlink_queue.c:323 [inline]\n nfqnl_reinject+0x6ec/0x1120 net/netfilter/nfnetlink_queue.c:397\n nfqnl_flush net/netfilter/nfnetlink_queue.c:410 [inline]\n instance_destroy_rcu+0x1ae/0x220 net/netfilter/nfnetlink_queue.c:172\n rcu_do_batch kernel/rcu/tree.c:2196 [inline]\n rcu_core+0xafd/0x1830 kernel/rcu/tree.c:2471\n handle_softirqs+0x2d6/0x990 kernel/softirq.c:554\n __do_softirq kernel/softirq.c:588 [inline]\n invoke_softirq kernel/softirq.c:428 [inline]\n __irq_exit_rcu+0xf4/0x1c0 kernel/softirq.c:637\n irq_exit_rcu+0x9/0x30 kernel/softirq.c:649\n instr_sysvec_apic_timer_interrupt arch/x86/kernel/apic/apic.c:1043 [inline]\n sysvec_apic_timer_interrupt+0xa6/0xc0 arch/x86/kernel/apic/apic.c:1043\n </IRQ>\n <TASK>', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-36286 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

566. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36478) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: null_blk: fix null-ptr-dereference while configuring 'power' and 'submit_queues' Writing 'power' and 'submit_queues' concurrently will trigger kernel panic: Test script: modprobe null_blk nr_devices=0 mkdir -p /sys/kernel/config/nullb/nullb0 while true; do echo 1 > submit_queues; echo 4 > submit_queues; done & while true; do echo 1 > power; echo 0 > power; done Test result: BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000148 Oops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP RIP: 0010:__lock_acquire+0x41d/0x28f0 Call Trace: <TASK> lock_acquire+0x121/0x450 down_write+0x5f/0x1d0 simple_recursive_removal+0x12f/0x5c0 blk_mq_debugfs_unregister_hctxs+0x7c/0x100 blk_mq_update_nr_hw_queues+0x4a3/0x720 nullb_update_nr_hw_queues+0x71/0xf0 [null_blk] nullb_device_submit_queues_store+0x79/0xf0 [null_blk] configfs_write_iter+0x119/0x1e0 vfs_write+0x326/0x730 ksys_write+0x74/0x150 This is because del_gendisk() can concurrent with blk_mq_update_nr_hw_queues(): nullb_device_power_store\tnullb_apply_submit_queues null_del_dev del_gendisk \t\t\t\t nullb_update_nr_hw_queues \t\t\t\t if (!dev->nullb) \t\t\t\t // still set while gendisk is deleted \t\t\t\t return 0 \t\t\t\t blk_mq_update_nr_hw_queues dev->nullb = NULL Fix this problem by resuing the global mutex to protect nullb_device_power_store() and nullb_update_nr_hw_queues() from configfs.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnull_blk: fix null-ptr-dereference while configuring 'power' and 'submit_queues'\n\nWriting 'power' and 'submit_queues' concurrently will trigger kernel\npanic:\n\nTest script:\n\nmodprobe null_blk nr_devices=0\nmkdir -p /sys/kernel/config/nullb/nullb0\nwhile true; do echo 1 > submit_queues; echo 4 > submit_queues; done &\nwhile true; do echo 1 > power; echo 0 > power; done\n\nTest result:\n\nBUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000148\nOops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP\nRIP: 0010:__lock_acquire+0x41d/0x28f0\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n lock_acquire+0x121/0x450\n down_write+0x5f/0x1d0\n simple_recursive_removal+0x12f/0x5c0\n blk_mq_debugfs_unregister_hctxs+0x7c/0x100\n blk_mq_update_nr_hw_queues+0x4a3/0x720\n nullb_update_nr_hw_queues+0x71/0xf0 [null_blk]\n nullb_device_submit_queues_store+0x79/0xf0 [null_blk]\n configfs_write_iter+0x119/0x1e0\n vfs_write+0x326/0x730\n ksys_write+0x74/0x150\n\nThis is because del_gendisk() can concurrent with\nblk_mq_update_nr_hw_queues():\n\nnullb_device_power_store\tnullb_apply_submit_queues\n null_del_dev\n del_gendisk\n\t\t\t\t nullb_update_nr_hw_queues\n\t\t\t\t if (!dev->nullb)\n\t\t\t\t // still set while gendisk is deleted\n\t\t\t\t return 0\n\t\t\t\t blk_mq_update_nr_hw_queues\n dev->nullb = NULL\n\nFix this problem by resuing the global mutex to protect\nnullb_device_power_store() and nullb_update_nr_hw_queues() from configfs.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-36478 was patched at 2024-06-30

567. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36489) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: tls: fix missing memory barrier in tls_init In tls_init(), a write memory barrier is missing, and store-store reordering may cause NULL dereference in tls_{setsockopt,getsockopt}. CPU0 CPU1 ----- ----- // In tls_init() // In tls_ctx_create() ctx = kzalloc() ctx->sk_proto = READ_ONCE(sk->sk_prot) -(1) // In update_sk_prot() WRITE_ONCE(sk->sk_prot, tls_prots) -(2) // In sock_common_setsockopt() READ_ONCE(sk->sk_prot)->setsockopt() // In tls_{setsockopt,getsockopt}() ctx->sk_proto->setsockopt() -(3) In the above scenario, when (1) and (2) are reordered, (3) can observe the NULL value of ctx->sk_proto, causing NULL dereference. To fix it, we rely on rcu_assign_pointer() which implies the release barrier semantic. By moving rcu_assign_pointer() after ctx->sk_proto is initialized, we can ensure that ctx->sk_proto are visible when changing sk->sk_prot.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ntls: fix missing memory barrier in tls_init\n\nIn tls_init(), a write memory barrier is missing, and store-store\nreordering may cause NULL dereference in tls_{setsockopt,getsockopt}.\n\nCPU0 CPU1\n----- -----\n// In tls_init()\n// In tls_ctx_create()\nctx = kzalloc()\nctx->sk_proto = READ_ONCE(sk->sk_prot) -(1)\n\n// In update_sk_prot()\nWRITE_ONCE(sk->sk_prot, tls_prots) -(2)\n\n // In sock_common_setsockopt()\n READ_ONCE(sk->sk_prot)->setsockopt()\n\n // In tls_{setsockopt,getsockopt}()\n ctx->sk_proto->setsockopt() -(3)\n\nIn the above scenario, when (1) and (2) are reordered, (3) can observe\nthe NULL value of ctx->sk_proto, causing NULL dereference.\n\nTo fix it, we rely on rcu_assign_pointer() which implies the release\nbarrier semantic. By moving rcu_assign_pointer() after ctx->sk_proto is\ninitialized, we can ensure that ctx->sk_proto are visible when\nchanging sk->sk_prot.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-36489 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

568. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36974) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/sched: taprio: always validate TCA_TAPRIO_ATTR_PRIOMAP If one TCA_TAPRIO_ATTR_PRIOMAP attribute has been provided, taprio_parse_mqprio_opt() must validate it, or userspace can inject arbitrary data to the kernel, the second time taprio_change() is called. First call (with valid attributes) sets dev->num_tc to a non zero value. Second call (with arbitrary mqprio attributes) returns early from taprio_parse_mqprio_opt() and bad things can happen.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet/sched: taprio: always validate TCA_TAPRIO_ATTR_PRIOMAP\n\nIf one TCA_TAPRIO_ATTR_PRIOMAP attribute has been provided,\ntaprio_parse_mqprio_opt() must validate it, or userspace\ncan inject arbitrary data to the kernel, the second time\ntaprio_change() is called.\n\nFirst call (with valid attributes) sets dev->num_tc\nto a non zero value.\n\nSecond call (with arbitrary mqprio attributes)\nreturns early from taprio_parse_mqprio_opt()\nand bad things can happen.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-36974 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

569. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-36975) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: KEYS: trusted: Do not use WARN when encode fails When asn1_encode_sequence() fails, WARN is not the correct solution. 1. asn1_encode_sequence() is not an internal function (located in lib/asn1_encode.c). 2. Location is known, which makes the stack trace useless. 3. Results a crash if panic_on_warn is set. It is also noteworthy that the use of WARN is undocumented, and it should be avoided unless there is a carefully considered rationale to use it. Replace WARN with pr_err, and print the return value instead, which is only useful piece of information.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nKEYS: trusted: Do not use WARN when encode fails\n\nWhen asn1_encode_sequence() fails, WARN is not the correct solution.\n\n1. asn1_encode_sequence() is not an internal function (located\n in lib/asn1_encode.c).\n2. Location is known, which makes the stack trace useless.\n3. Results a crash if panic_on_warn is set.\n\nIt is also noteworthy that the use of WARN is undocumented, and it\nshould be avoided unless there is a carefully considered rationale to\nuse it.\n\nReplace WARN with pr_err, and print the return value instead, which is\nonly useful piece of information.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-36975 was patched at 2024-06-30

570. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-37078) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nilfs2: fix potential kernel bug due to lack of writeback flag waiting Destructive writes to a block device on which nilfs2 is mounted can cause a kernel bug in the folio/page writeback start routine or writeback end routine (__folio_start_writeback in the log below): kernel BUG at mm/page-writeback.c:3070! Oops: invalid opcode: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN PTI ... RIP: 0010:__folio_start_writeback+0xbaa/0x10e0 Code: 25 ff 0f 00 00 0f 84 18 01 00 00 e8 40 ca c6 ff e9 17 f6 ff ff e8 36 ca c6 ff 4c 89 f7 48 c7 c6 80 c0 12 84 e8 e7 b3 0f 00 90 <0f> 0b e8 1f ca c6 ff 4c 89 f7 48 c7 c6 a0 c6 12 84 e8 d0 b3 0f 00 ... Call Trace: <TASK> nilfs_segctor_do_construct+0x4654/0x69d0 [nilfs2] nilfs_segctor_construct+0x181/0x6b0 [nilfs2] nilfs_segctor_thread+0x548/0x11c0 [nilfs2] kthread+0x2f0/0x390 ret_from_fork+0x4b/0x80 ret_from_fork_asm+0x1a/0x30 </TASK> This is because when the log writer starts a writeback for segment summary blocks or a super root block that use the backing device's page cache, it does not wait for the ongoing folio/page writeback, resulting in an inconsistent writeback state. Fix this issue by waiting for ongoing writebacks when putting folios/pages on the backing device into writeback state.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnilfs2: fix potential kernel bug due to lack of writeback flag waiting\n\nDestructive writes to a block device on which nilfs2 is mounted can cause\na kernel bug in the folio/page writeback start routine or writeback end\nroutine (__folio_start_writeback in the log below):\n\n kernel BUG at mm/page-writeback.c:3070!\n Oops: invalid opcode: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN PTI\n ...\n RIP: 0010:__folio_start_writeback+0xbaa/0x10e0\n Code: 25 ff 0f 00 00 0f 84 18 01 00 00 e8 40 ca c6 ff e9 17 f6 ff ff\n e8 36 ca c6 ff 4c 89 f7 48 c7 c6 80 c0 12 84 e8 e7 b3 0f 00 90 <0f>\n 0b e8 1f ca c6 ff 4c 89 f7 48 c7 c6 a0 c6 12 84 e8 d0 b3 0f 00\n ...\n Call Trace:\n <TASK>\n nilfs_segctor_do_construct+0x4654/0x69d0 [nilfs2]\n nilfs_segctor_construct+0x181/0x6b0 [nilfs2]\n nilfs_segctor_thread+0x548/0x11c0 [nilfs2]\n kthread+0x2f0/0x390\n ret_from_fork+0x4b/0x80\n ret_from_fork_asm+0x1a/0x30\n </TASK>\n\nThis is because when the log writer starts a writeback for segment summary\nblocks or a super root block that use the backing device's page cache, it\ndoes not wait for the ongoing folio/page writeback, resulting in an\ninconsistent writeback state.\n\nFix this issue by waiting for ongoing writebacks when putting\nfolios/pages on the backing device into writeback state.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-37078 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

571. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-37353) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: virtio: delete vq in vp_find_vqs_msix() when request_irq() fails When request_irq() fails, error path calls vp_del_vqs(). There, as vq is present in the list, free_irq() is called for the same vector. That causes following splat: [ 0.414355] Trying to free already-free IRQ 27 [ 0.414403] WARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 1 at kernel/irq/manage.c:1899 free_irq+0x1a1/0x2d0 [ 0.414510] Modules linked in: [ 0.414540] CPU: 1 PID: 1 Comm: swapper/0 Not tainted 6.9.0-rc4+ #27 [ 0.414540] Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 1.16.3-1.fc39 04/01/2014 [ 0.414540] RIP: 0010:free_irq+0x1a1/0x2d0 [ 0.414540] Code: 1e 00 48 83 c4 08 48 89 e8 5b 5d 41 5c 41 5d 41 5e 41 5f c3 cc cc cc cc 90 8b 74 24 04 48 c7 c7 98 80 6c b1 e8 00 c9 f7 ff 90 <0f> 0b 90 90 48 89 ee 4c 89 ef e8 e0 20 b8 00 49 8b 47 40 48 8b 40 [ 0.414540] RSP: 0000:ffffb71480013ae0 EFLAGS: 00010086 [ 0.414540] RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffffa099c2722000 RCX: 0000000000000000 [ 0.414540] RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: ffffb71480013998 RDI: 0000000000000001 [ 0.414540] RBP: 0000000000000246 R08: 00000000ffffdfff R09: 0000000000000001 [ 0.414540] R10: 00000000ffffdfff R11: ffffffffb18729c0 R12: ffffa099c1c91760 [ 0.414540] R13: ffffa099c1c916a4 R14: ffffa099c1d2f200 R15: ffffa099c1c91600 [ 0.414540] FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffffa099fec40000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 [ 0.414540] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 [ 0.414540] CR2: 0000000000000000 CR3: 0000000008e3e001 CR4: 0000000000370ef0 [ 0.414540] Call Trace: [ 0.414540] <TASK> [ 0.414540] ? __warn+0x80/0x120 [ 0.414540] ? free_irq+0x1a1/0x2d0 [ 0.414540] ? report_bug+0x164/0x190 [ 0.414540] ? handle_bug+0x3b/0x70 [ 0.414540] ? exc_invalid_op+0x17/0x70 [ 0.414540] ? asm_exc_invalid_op+0x1a/0x20 [ 0.414540] ? free_irq+0x1a1/0x2d0 [ 0.414540] vp_del_vqs+0xc1/0x220 [ 0.414540] vp_find_vqs_msix+0x305/0x470 [ 0.414540] vp_find_vqs+0x3e/0x1a0 [ 0.414540] vp_modern_find_vqs+0x1b/0x70 [ 0.414540] init_vqs+0x387/0x600 [ 0.414540] virtnet_probe+0x50a/0xc80 [ 0.414540] virtio_dev_probe+0x1e0/0x2b0 [ 0.414540] really_probe+0xc0/0x2c0 [ 0.414540] ? __pfx___driver_attach+0x10/0x10 [ 0.414540] __driver_probe_device+0x73/0x120 [ 0.414540] driver_probe_device+0x1f/0xe0 [ 0.414540] __driver_attach+0x88/0x180 [ 0.414540] bus_for_each_dev+0x85/0xd0 [ 0.414540] bus_add_driver+0xec/0x1f0 [ 0.414540] driver_register+0x59/0x100 [ 0.414540] ? __pfx_virtio_net_driver_init+0x10/0x10 [ 0.414540] virtio_net_driver_init+0x90/0xb0 [ 0.414540] do_one_initcall+0x58/0x230 [ 0.414540] kernel_init_freeable+0x1a3/0x2d0 [ 0.414540] ? __pfx_kernel_init+0x10/0x10 [ 0.414540] kernel_init+0x1a/0x1c0 [ 0.414540] ret_from_fork+0x31/0x50 [ 0.414540] ? __pfx_kernel_init+0x10/0x10 [ 0.414540] ret_from_fork_asm+0x1a/0x30 [ 0.414540] </TASK> Fix this by calling deleting the current vq when request_irq() fails.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nvirtio: delete vq in vp_find_vqs_msix() when request_irq() fails\n\nWhen request_irq() fails, error path calls vp_del_vqs(). There, as vq is\npresent in the list, free_irq() is called for the same vector. That\ncauses following splat:\n\n[ 0.414355] Trying to free already-free IRQ 27\n[ 0.414403] WARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 1 at kernel/irq/manage.c:1899 free_irq+0x1a1/0x2d0\n[ 0.414510] Modules linked in:\n[ 0.414540] CPU: 1 PID: 1 Comm: swapper/0 Not tainted 6.9.0-rc4+ #27\n[ 0.414540] Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 1.16.3-1.fc39 04/01/2014\n[ 0.414540] RIP: 0010:free_irq+0x1a1/0x2d0\n[ 0.414540] Code: 1e 00 48 83 c4 08 48 89 e8 5b 5d 41 5c 41 5d 41 5e 41 5f c3 cc cc cc cc 90 8b 74 24 04 48 c7 c7 98 80 6c b1 e8 00 c9 f7 ff 90 <0f> 0b 90 90 48 89 ee 4c 89 ef e8 e0 20 b8 00 49 8b 47 40 48 8b 40\n[ 0.414540] RSP: 0000:ffffb71480013ae0 EFLAGS: 00010086\n[ 0.414540] RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffffa099c2722000 RCX: 0000000000000000\n[ 0.414540] RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: ffffb71480013998 RDI: 0000000000000001\n[ 0.414540] RBP: 0000000000000246 R08: 00000000ffffdfff R09: 0000000000000001\n[ 0.414540] R10: 00000000ffffdfff R11: ffffffffb18729c0 R12: ffffa099c1c91760\n[ 0.414540] R13: ffffa099c1c916a4 R14: ffffa099c1d2f200 R15: ffffa099c1c91600\n[ 0.414540] FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffffa099fec40000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\n[ 0.414540] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\n[ 0.414540] CR2: 0000000000000000 CR3: 0000000008e3e001 CR4: 0000000000370ef0\n[ 0.414540] Call Trace:\n[ 0.414540] <TASK>\n[ 0.414540] ? __warn+0x80/0x120\n[ 0.414540] ? free_irq+0x1a1/0x2d0\n[ 0.414540] ? report_bug+0x164/0x190\n[ 0.414540] ? handle_bug+0x3b/0x70\n[ 0.414540] ? exc_invalid_op+0x17/0x70\n[ 0.414540] ? asm_exc_invalid_op+0x1a/0x20\n[ 0.414540] ? free_irq+0x1a1/0x2d0\n[ 0.414540] vp_del_vqs+0xc1/0x220\n[ 0.414540] vp_find_vqs_msix+0x305/0x470\n[ 0.414540] vp_find_vqs+0x3e/0x1a0\n[ 0.414540] vp_modern_find_vqs+0x1b/0x70\n[ 0.414540] init_vqs+0x387/0x600\n[ 0.414540] virtnet_probe+0x50a/0xc80\n[ 0.414540] virtio_dev_probe+0x1e0/0x2b0\n[ 0.414540] really_probe+0xc0/0x2c0\n[ 0.414540] ? __pfx___driver_attach+0x10/0x10\n[ 0.414540] __driver_probe_device+0x73/0x120\n[ 0.414540] driver_probe_device+0x1f/0xe0\n[ 0.414540] __driver_attach+0x88/0x180\n[ 0.414540] bus_for_each_dev+0x85/0xd0\n[ 0.414540] bus_add_driver+0xec/0x1f0\n[ 0.414540] driver_register+0x59/0x100\n[ 0.414540] ? __pfx_virtio_net_driver_init+0x10/0x10\n[ 0.414540] virtio_net_driver_init+0x90/0xb0\n[ 0.414540] do_one_initcall+0x58/0x230\n[ 0.414540] kernel_init_freeable+0x1a3/0x2d0\n[ 0.414540] ? __pfx_kernel_init+0x10/0x10\n[ 0.414540] kernel_init+0x1a/0x1c0\n[ 0.414540] ret_from_fork+0x31/0x50\n[ 0.414540] ? __pfx_kernel_init+0x10/0x10\n[ 0.414540] ret_from_fork_asm+0x1a/0x30\n[ 0.414540] </TASK>\n\nFix this by calling deleting the current vq when request_irq() fails.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-37353 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

572. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-37356) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: tcp: Fix shift-out-of-bounds in dctcp_update_alpha(). In dctcp_update_alpha(), we use a module parameter dctcp_shift_g as follows: alpha -= min_not_zero(alpha, alpha >> dctcp_shift_g); ... delivered_ce <<= (10 - dctcp_shift_g); It seems syzkaller started fuzzing module parameters and triggered shift-out-of-bounds [0] by setting 100 to dctcp_shift_g: memcpy((void*)0x20000080, "/sys/module/tcp_dctcp/parameters/dctcp_shift_g\\000", 47); res = syscall(__NR_openat, /*fd=*/0xffffffffffffff9cul, /*file=*/0x20000080ul, /*flags=*/2ul, /*mode=*/0ul); memcpy((void*)0x20000000, "100\\000", 4); syscall(__NR_write, /*fd=*/r[0], /*val=*/0x20000000ul, /*len=*/4ul); Let's limit the max value of dctcp_shift_g by param_set_uint_minmax(). With this patch: # echo 10 > /sys/module/tcp_dctcp/parameters/dctcp_shift_g # cat /sys/module/tcp_dctcp/parameters/dctcp_shift_g 10 # echo 11 > /sys/module/tcp_dctcp/parameters/dctcp_shift_g -bash: echo: write error: Invalid argument [0]: UBSAN: shift-out-of-bounds in net/ipv4/tcp_dctcp.c:143:12 shift exponent 100 is too large for 32-bit type 'u32' (aka 'unsigned int') CPU: 0 PID: 8083 Comm: syz-executor345 Not tainted 6.9.0-05151-g1b294a1f3561 #2 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 1.13.0-1ubuntu1.1 04/01/2014 Call Trace: <TASK> __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:88 [inline] dump_stack_lvl+0x201/0x300 lib/dump_stack.c:114 ubsan_epilogue lib/ubsan.c:231 [inline] __ubsan_handle_shift_out_of_bounds+0x346/0x3a0 lib/ubsan.c:468 dctcp_update_alpha+0x540/0x570 net/ipv4/tcp_dctcp.c:143 tcp_in_ack_event net/ipv4/tcp_input.c:3802 [inline] tcp_ack+0x17b1/0x3bc0 net/ipv4/tcp_input.c:3948 tcp_rcv_state_process+0x57a/0x2290 net/ipv4/tcp_input.c:6711 tcp_v4_do_rcv+0x764/0xc40 net/ipv4/tcp_ipv4.c:1937 sk_backlog_rcv include/net/sock.h:1106 [inline] __release_sock+0x20f/0x350 net/core/sock.c:2983 release_sock+0x61/0x1f0 net/core/sock.c:3549 mptcp_subflow_shutdown+0x3d0/0x620 net/mptcp/protocol.c:2907 mptcp_check_send_data_fin+0x225/0x410 net/mptcp/protocol.c:2976 __mptcp_close+0x238/0xad0 net/mptcp/protocol.c:3072 mptcp_close+0x2a/0x1a0 net/mptcp/protocol.c:3127 inet_release+0x190/0x1f0 net/ipv4/af_inet.c:437 __sock_release net/socket.c:659 [inline] sock_close+0xc0/0x240 net/socket.c:1421 __fput+0x41b/0x890 fs/file_table.c:422 task_work_run+0x23b/0x300 kernel/task_work.c:180 exit_task_work include/linux/task_work.h:38 [inline] do_exit+0x9c8/0x2540 kernel/exit.c:878 do_group_exit+0x201/0x2b0 kernel/exit.c:1027 __do_sys_exit_group kernel/exit.c:1038 [inline] __se_sys_exit_group kernel/exit.c:1036 [inline] __x64_sys_exit_group+0x3f/0x40 kernel/exit.c:1036 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline] do_syscall_64+0xe4/0x240 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x67/0x6f RIP: 0033:0x7f6c2b5005b6 Code: Unable to access opcode bytes at 0x7f6c2b50058c. RSP: 002b:00007ffe883eb948 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 00000000000000e7 RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 00007f6c2b5862f0 RCX: 00007f6c2b5005b6 RDX: 0000000000000001 RSI: 000000000000003c RDI: 0000000000000001 RBP: 0000000000000001 R08: 00000000000000e7 R09: ffffffffffffffc0 R10: 0000000000000006 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 00007f6c2b5862f0 R13: 0000000000000001 R14: 0000000000000000 R15: 0000000000000001 </TASK>', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ntcp: Fix shift-out-of-bounds in dctcp_update_alpha().\n\nIn dctcp_update_alpha(), we use a module parameter dctcp_shift_g\nas follows:\n\n alpha -= min_not_zero(alpha, alpha >> dctcp_shift_g);\n ...\n delivered_ce <<= (10 - dctcp_shift_g);\n\nIt seems syzkaller started fuzzing module parameters and triggered\nshift-out-of-bounds [0] by setting 100 to dctcp_shift_g:\n\n memcpy((void*)0x20000080,\n "/sys/module/tcp_dctcp/parameters/dctcp_shift_g\\000", 47);\n res = syscall(__NR_openat, /*fd=*/0xffffffffffffff9cul, /*file=*/0x20000080ul,\n /*flags=*/2ul, /*mode=*/0ul);\n memcpy((void*)0x20000000, "100\\000", 4);\n syscall(__NR_write, /*fd=*/r[0], /*val=*/0x20000000ul, /*len=*/4ul);\n\nLet's limit the max value of dctcp_shift_g by param_set_uint_minmax().\n\nWith this patch:\n\n # echo 10 > /sys/module/tcp_dctcp/parameters/dctcp_shift_g\n # cat /sys/module/tcp_dctcp/parameters/dctcp_shift_g\n 10\n # echo 11 > /sys/module/tcp_dctcp/parameters/dctcp_shift_g\n -bash: echo: write error: Invalid argument\n\n[0]:\nUBSAN: shift-out-of-bounds in net/ipv4/tcp_dctcp.c:143:12\nshift exponent 100 is too large for 32-bit type 'u32' (aka 'unsigned int')\nCPU: 0 PID: 8083 Comm: syz-executor345 Not tainted 6.9.0-05151-g1b294a1f3561 #2\nHardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS\n1.13.0-1ubuntu1.1 04/01/2014\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:88 [inline]\n dump_stack_lvl+0x201/0x300 lib/dump_stack.c:114\n ubsan_epilogue lib/ubsan.c:231 [inline]\n __ubsan_handle_shift_out_of_bounds+0x346/0x3a0 lib/ubsan.c:468\n dctcp_update_alpha+0x540/0x570 net/ipv4/tcp_dctcp.c:143\n tcp_in_ack_event net/ipv4/tcp_input.c:3802 [inline]\n tcp_ack+0x17b1/0x3bc0 net/ipv4/tcp_input.c:3948\n tcp_rcv_state_process+0x57a/0x2290 net/ipv4/tcp_input.c:6711\n tcp_v4_do_rcv+0x764/0xc40 net/ipv4/tcp_ipv4.c:1937\n sk_backlog_rcv include/net/sock.h:1106 [inline]\n __release_sock+0x20f/0x350 net/core/sock.c:2983\n release_sock+0x61/0x1f0 net/core/sock.c:3549\n mptcp_subflow_shutdown+0x3d0/0x620 net/mptcp/protocol.c:2907\n mptcp_check_send_data_fin+0x225/0x410 net/mptcp/protocol.c:2976\n __mptcp_close+0x238/0xad0 net/mptcp/protocol.c:3072\n mptcp_close+0x2a/0x1a0 net/mptcp/protocol.c:3127\n inet_release+0x190/0x1f0 net/ipv4/af_inet.c:437\n __sock_release net/socket.c:659 [inline]\n sock_close+0xc0/0x240 net/socket.c:1421\n __fput+0x41b/0x890 fs/file_table.c:422\n task_work_run+0x23b/0x300 kernel/task_work.c:180\n exit_task_work include/linux/task_work.h:38 [inline]\n do_exit+0x9c8/0x2540 kernel/exit.c:878\n do_group_exit+0x201/0x2b0 kernel/exit.c:1027\n __do_sys_exit_group kernel/exit.c:1038 [inline]\n __se_sys_exit_group kernel/exit.c:1036 [inline]\n __x64_sys_exit_group+0x3f/0x40 kernel/exit.c:1036\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0xe4/0x240 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x67/0x6f\nRIP: 0033:0x7f6c2b5005b6\nCode: Unable to access opcode bytes at 0x7f6c2b50058c.\nRSP: 002b:00007ffe883eb948 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 00000000000000e7\nRAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 00007f6c2b5862f0 RCX: 00007f6c2b5005b6\nRDX: 0000000000000001 RSI: 000000000000003c RDI: 0000000000000001\nRBP: 0000000000000001 R08: 00000000000000e7 R09: ffffffffffffffc0\nR10: 0000000000000006 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 00007f6c2b5862f0\nR13: 0000000000000001 R14: 0000000000000000 R15: 0000000000000001\n </TASK>', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-37356 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

573. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38381) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nfc: nci: Fix uninit-value in nci_rx_work syzbot reported the following uninit-value access issue [1] nci_rx_work() parses received packet from ndev->rx_q. It should be validated header size, payload size and total packet size before processing the packet. If an invalid packet is detected, it should be silently discarded.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnfc: nci: Fix uninit-value in nci_rx_work\n\nsyzbot reported the following uninit-value access issue [1]\n\nnci_rx_work() parses received packet from ndev->rx_q. It should be\nvalidated header size, payload size and total packet size before\nprocessing the packet. If an invalid packet is detected, it should be\nsilently discarded.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38381 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

574. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38546) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm: vc4: Fix possible null pointer dereference In vc4_hdmi_audio_init() of_get_address() may return NULL which is later dereferenced. Fix this bug by adding NULL check. Found by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm: vc4: Fix possible null pointer dereference\n\nIn vc4_hdmi_audio_init() of_get_address() may return\nNULL which is later dereferenced. Fix this bug by adding NULL check.\n\nFound by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-38546 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

575. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38547) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: media: atomisp: ssh_css: Fix a null-pointer dereference in load_video_binaries The allocation failure of mycs->yuv_scaler_binary in load_video_binaries() is followed with a dereference of mycs->yuv_scaler_binary after the following call chain: sh_css_pipe_load_binaries() |-> load_video_binaries(mycs->yuv_scaler_binary == NULL) | |-> sh_css_pipe_unload_binaries() |-> unload_video_binaries() In unload_video_binaries(), it calls to ia_css_binary_unload with argument &pipe->[i], which refers to the same memory slot as mycs->yuv_scaler_binary. Thus, a null-pointer dereference is triggered.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmedia: atomisp: ssh_css: Fix a null-pointer dereference in load_video_binaries\n\nThe allocation failure of mycs->yuv_scaler_binary in load_video_binaries()\nis followed with a dereference of mycs->yuv_scaler_binary after the\nfollowing call chain:\n\nsh_css_pipe_load_binaries()\n |-> load_video_binaries(mycs->yuv_scaler_binary == NULL)\n |\n |-> sh_css_pipe_unload_binaries()\n |-> unload_video_binaries()\n\nIn unload_video_binaries(), it calls to ia_css_binary_unload with argument\n&pipe->[i], which refers to the\nsame memory slot as mycs->yuv_scaler_binary. Thus, a null-pointer\ndereference is triggered.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-38547 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

576. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38549) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/mediatek: Add 0 size check to mtk_drm_gem_obj Add a check to mtk_drm_gem_init if we attempt to allocate a GEM object of 0 bytes. Currently, no such check exists and the kernel will panic if a userspace application attempts to allocate a 0x0 GBM buffer. Tested by attempting to allocate a 0x0 GBM buffer on an MT8188 and verifying that we now return EINVAL.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/mediatek: Add 0 size check to mtk_drm_gem_obj\n\nAdd a check to mtk_drm_gem_init if we attempt to allocate a GEM object\nof 0 bytes. Currently, no such check exists and the kernel will panic if\na userspace application attempts to allocate a 0x0 GBM buffer.\n\nTested by attempting to allocate a 0x0 GBM buffer on an MT8188 and\nverifying that we now return EINVAL.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38549 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

577. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38558) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: openvswitch: fix overwriting ct original tuple for ICMPv6 OVS_PACKET_CMD_EXECUTE has 3 main attributes: - OVS_PACKET_ATTR_KEY - Packet metadata in a netlink format. - OVS_PACKET_ATTR_PACKET - Binary packet content. - OVS_PACKET_ATTR_ACTIONS - Actions to execute on the packet. OVS_PACKET_ATTR_KEY is parsed first to populate sw_flow_key structure with the metadata like conntrack state, input port, recirculation id, etc. Then the packet itself gets parsed to populate the rest of the keys from the packet headers. Whenever the packet parsing code starts parsing the ICMPv6 header, it first zeroes out fields in the key corresponding to Neighbor Discovery information even if it is not an ND packet. It is an 'ipv6.nd' field. However, the 'ipv6' is a union that shares the space between 'nd' and 'ct_orig' that holds the original tuple conntrack metadata parsed from the OVS_PACKET_ATTR_KEY. ND packets should not normally have conntrack state, so it's fine to share the space, but normal ICMPv6 Echo packets or maybe other types of ICMPv6 can have the state attached and it should not be overwritten. The issue results in all but the last 4 bytes of the destination address being wiped from the original conntrack tuple leading to incorrect packet matching and potentially executing wrong actions in case this packet recirculates within the datapath or goes back to userspace. ND fields should not be accessed in non-ND packets, so not clearing them should be fine. Executing memset() only for actual ND packets to avoid the issue. Initializing the whole thing before parsing is needed because ND packet may not contain all the options. The issue only affects the OVS_PACKET_CMD_EXECUTE path and doesn't affect packets entering OVS datapath from network interfaces, because in this case CT metadata is populated from skb after the packet is already parsed.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: openvswitch: fix overwriting ct original tuple for ICMPv6\n\nOVS_PACKET_CMD_EXECUTE has 3 main attributes:\n - OVS_PACKET_ATTR_KEY - Packet metadata in a netlink format.\n - OVS_PACKET_ATTR_PACKET - Binary packet content.\n - OVS_PACKET_ATTR_ACTIONS - Actions to execute on the packet.\n\nOVS_PACKET_ATTR_KEY is parsed first to populate sw_flow_key structure\nwith the metadata like conntrack state, input port, recirculation id,\netc. Then the packet itself gets parsed to populate the rest of the\nkeys from the packet headers.\n\nWhenever the packet parsing code starts parsing the ICMPv6 header, it\nfirst zeroes out fields in the key corresponding to Neighbor Discovery\ninformation even if it is not an ND packet.\n\nIt is an 'ipv6.nd' field. However, the 'ipv6' is a union that shares\nthe space between 'nd' and 'ct_orig' that holds the original tuple\nconntrack metadata parsed from the OVS_PACKET_ATTR_KEY.\n\nND packets should not normally have conntrack state, so it's fine to\nshare the space, but normal ICMPv6 Echo packets or maybe other types of\nICMPv6 can have the state attached and it should not be overwritten.\n\nThe issue results in all but the last 4 bytes of the destination\naddress being wiped from the original conntrack tuple leading to\nincorrect packet matching and potentially executing wrong actions\nin case this packet recirculates within the datapath or goes back\nto userspace.\n\nND fields should not be accessed in non-ND packets, so not clearing\nthem should be fine. Executing memset() only for actual ND packets to\navoid the issue.\n\nInitializing the whole thing before parsing is needed because ND packet\nmay not contain all the options.\n\nThe issue only affects the OVS_PACKET_CMD_EXECUTE path and doesn't\naffect packets entering OVS datapath from network interfaces, because\nin this case CT metadata is populated from skb after the packet is\nalready parsed.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38558 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

578. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38559) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: qedf: Ensure the copied buf is NUL terminated Currently, we allocate a count-sized kernel buffer and copy count from userspace to that buffer. Later, we use kstrtouint on this buffer but we don't ensure that the string is terminated inside the buffer, this can lead to OOB read when using kstrtouint. Fix this issue by using memdup_user_nul instead of memdup_user.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nscsi: qedf: Ensure the copied buf is NUL terminated\n\nCurrently, we allocate a count-sized kernel buffer and copy count from\nuserspace to that buffer. Later, we use kstrtouint on this buffer but we\ndon't ensure that the string is terminated inside the buffer, this can\nlead to OOB read when using kstrtouint. Fix this issue by using\nmemdup_user_nul instead of memdup_user.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38559 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

579. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38560) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: bfa: Ensure the copied buf is NUL terminated Currently, we allocate a nbytes-sized kernel buffer and copy nbytes from userspace to that buffer. Later, we use sscanf on this buffer but we don't ensure that the string is terminated inside the buffer, this can lead to OOB read when using sscanf. Fix this issue by using memdup_user_nul instead of memdup_user.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nscsi: bfa: Ensure the copied buf is NUL terminated\n\nCurrently, we allocate a nbytes-sized kernel buffer and copy nbytes from\nuserspace to that buffer. Later, we use sscanf on this buffer but we don't\nensure that the string is terminated inside the buffer, this can lead to\nOOB read when using sscanf. Fix this issue by using memdup_user_nul instead\nof memdup_user.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38560 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

580. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38565) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: ar5523: enable proper endpoint verification Syzkaller reports [1] hitting a warning about an endpoint in use not having an expected type to it. Fix the issue by checking for the existence of all proper endpoints with their according types intact. Sadly, this patch has not been tested on real hardware. [1] Syzkaller report: ------------[ cut here ]------------ usb 1-1: BOGUS urb xfer, pipe 3 != type 1 WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 3643 at drivers/usb/core/urb.c:504 usb_submit_urb+0xed6/0x1880 drivers/usb/core/urb.c:504 ... Call Trace: <TASK> ar5523_cmd+0x41b/0x780 drivers/net/wireless/ath/ar5523/ar5523.c:275 ar5523_cmd_read drivers/net/wireless/ath/ar5523/ar5523.c:302 [inline] ar5523_host_available drivers/net/wireless/ath/ar5523/ar5523.c:1376 [inline] ar5523_probe+0x14b0/0x1d10 drivers/net/wireless/ath/ar5523/ar5523.c:1655 usb_probe_interface+0x30f/0x7f0 drivers/usb/core/driver.c:396 call_driver_probe drivers/base/dd.c:560 [inline] really_probe+0x249/0xb90 drivers/base/dd.c:639 __driver_probe_device+0x1df/0x4d0 drivers/base/dd.c:778 driver_probe_device+0x4c/0x1a0 drivers/base/dd.c:808 __device_attach_driver+0x1d4/0x2e0 drivers/base/dd.c:936 bus_for_each_drv+0x163/0x1e0 drivers/base/bus.c:427 __device_attach+0x1e4/0x530 drivers/base/dd.c:1008 bus_probe_device+0x1e8/0x2a0 drivers/base/bus.c:487 device_add+0xbd9/0x1e90 drivers/base/core.c:3517 usb_set_configuration+0x101d/0x1900 drivers/usb/core/message.c:2170 usb_generic_driver_probe+0xbe/0x100 drivers/usb/core/generic.c:238 usb_probe_device+0xd8/0x2c0 drivers/usb/core/driver.c:293 call_driver_probe drivers/base/dd.c:560 [inline] really_probe+0x249/0xb90 drivers/base/dd.c:639 __driver_probe_device+0x1df/0x4d0 drivers/base/dd.c:778 driver_probe_device+0x4c/0x1a0 drivers/base/dd.c:808 __device_attach_driver+0x1d4/0x2e0 drivers/base/dd.c:936 bus_for_each_drv+0x163/0x1e0 drivers/base/bus.c:427 __device_attach+0x1e4/0x530 drivers/base/dd.c:1008 bus_probe_device+0x1e8/0x2a0 drivers/base/bus.c:487 device_add+0xbd9/0x1e90 drivers/base/core.c:3517 usb_new_device.cold+0x685/0x10ad drivers/usb/core/hub.c:2573 hub_port_connect drivers/usb/core/hub.c:5353 [inline] hub_port_connect_change drivers/usb/core/hub.c:5497 [inline] port_event drivers/usb/core/hub.c:5653 [inline] hub_event+0x26cb/0x45d0 drivers/usb/core/hub.c:5735 process_one_work+0x9bf/0x1710 kernel/workqueue.c:2289 worker_thread+0x669/0x1090 kernel/workqueue.c:2436 kthread+0x2e8/0x3a0 kernel/kthread.c:376 ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x30 arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:306 </TASK>', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nwifi: ar5523: enable proper endpoint verification\n\nSyzkaller reports [1] hitting a warning about an endpoint in use\nnot having an expected type to it.\n\nFix the issue by checking for the existence of all proper\nendpoints with their according types intact.\n\nSadly, this patch has not been tested on real hardware.\n\n[1] Syzkaller report:\n------------[ cut here ]------------\nusb 1-1: BOGUS urb xfer, pipe 3 != type 1\nWARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 3643 at drivers/usb/core/urb.c:504 usb_submit_urb+0xed6/0x1880 drivers/usb/core/urb.c:504\n...\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n ar5523_cmd+0x41b/0x780 drivers/net/wireless/ath/ar5523/ar5523.c:275\n ar5523_cmd_read drivers/net/wireless/ath/ar5523/ar5523.c:302 [inline]\n ar5523_host_available drivers/net/wireless/ath/ar5523/ar5523.c:1376 [inline]\n ar5523_probe+0x14b0/0x1d10 drivers/net/wireless/ath/ar5523/ar5523.c:1655\n usb_probe_interface+0x30f/0x7f0 drivers/usb/core/driver.c:396\n call_driver_probe drivers/base/dd.c:560 [inline]\n really_probe+0x249/0xb90 drivers/base/dd.c:639\n __driver_probe_device+0x1df/0x4d0 drivers/base/dd.c:778\n driver_probe_device+0x4c/0x1a0 drivers/base/dd.c:808\n __device_attach_driver+0x1d4/0x2e0 drivers/base/dd.c:936\n bus_for_each_drv+0x163/0x1e0 drivers/base/bus.c:427\n __device_attach+0x1e4/0x530 drivers/base/dd.c:1008\n bus_probe_device+0x1e8/0x2a0 drivers/base/bus.c:487\n device_add+0xbd9/0x1e90 drivers/base/core.c:3517\n usb_set_configuration+0x101d/0x1900 drivers/usb/core/message.c:2170\n usb_generic_driver_probe+0xbe/0x100 drivers/usb/core/generic.c:238\n usb_probe_device+0xd8/0x2c0 drivers/usb/core/driver.c:293\n call_driver_probe drivers/base/dd.c:560 [inline]\n really_probe+0x249/0xb90 drivers/base/dd.c:639\n __driver_probe_device+0x1df/0x4d0 drivers/base/dd.c:778\n driver_probe_device+0x4c/0x1a0 drivers/base/dd.c:808\n __device_attach_driver+0x1d4/0x2e0 drivers/base/dd.c:936\n bus_for_each_drv+0x163/0x1e0 drivers/base/bus.c:427\n __device_attach+0x1e4/0x530 drivers/base/dd.c:1008\n bus_probe_device+0x1e8/0x2a0 drivers/base/bus.c:487\n device_add+0xbd9/0x1e90 drivers/base/core.c:3517\n usb_new_device.cold+0x685/0x10ad drivers/usb/core/hub.c:2573\n hub_port_connect drivers/usb/core/hub.c:5353 [inline]\n hub_port_connect_change drivers/usb/core/hub.c:5497 [inline]\n port_event drivers/usb/core/hub.c:5653 [inline]\n hub_event+0x26cb/0x45d0 drivers/usb/core/hub.c:5735\n process_one_work+0x9bf/0x1710 kernel/workqueue.c:2289\n worker_thread+0x669/0x1090 kernel/workqueue.c:2436\n kthread+0x2e8/0x3a0 kernel/kthread.c:376\n ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x30 arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:306\n </TASK>', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38565 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

581. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38567) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: carl9170: add a proper sanity check for endpoints Syzkaller reports [1] hitting a warning which is caused by presence of a wrong endpoint type at the URB sumbitting stage. While there was a check for a specific 4th endpoint, since it can switch types between bulk and interrupt, other endpoints are trusted implicitly. Similar warning is triggered in a couple of other syzbot issues [2]. Fix the issue by doing a comprehensive check of all endpoints taking into account difference between high- and full-speed configuration. [1] Syzkaller report: ... WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 4721 at drivers/usb/core/urb.c:504 usb_submit_urb+0xed6/0x1880 drivers/usb/core/urb.c:504 ... Call Trace: <TASK> carl9170_usb_send_rx_irq_urb+0x273/0x340 drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/usb.c:504 carl9170_usb_init_device drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/usb.c:939 [inline] carl9170_usb_firmware_finish drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/usb.c:999 [inline] carl9170_usb_firmware_step2+0x175/0x240 drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/usb.c:1028 request_firmware_work_func+0x130/0x240 drivers/base/firmware_loader/main.c:1107 process_one_work+0x9bf/0x1710 kernel/workqueue.c:2289 worker_thread+0x669/0x1090 kernel/workqueue.c:2436 kthread+0x2e8/0x3a0 kernel/kthread.c:376 ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x30 arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:308 </TASK> [2] Related syzkaller crashes:', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nwifi: carl9170: add a proper sanity check for endpoints\n\nSyzkaller reports [1] hitting a warning which is caused by presence\nof a wrong endpoint type at the URB sumbitting stage. While there\nwas a check for a specific 4th endpoint, since it can switch types\nbetween bulk and interrupt, other endpoints are trusted implicitly.\nSimilar warning is triggered in a couple of other syzbot issues [2].\n\nFix the issue by doing a comprehensive check of all endpoints\ntaking into account difference between high- and full-speed\nconfiguration.\n\n[1] Syzkaller report:\n...\nWARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 4721 at drivers/usb/core/urb.c:504 usb_submit_urb+0xed6/0x1880 drivers/usb/core/urb.c:504\n...\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n carl9170_usb_send_rx_irq_urb+0x273/0x340 drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/usb.c:504\n carl9170_usb_init_device drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/usb.c:939 [inline]\n carl9170_usb_firmware_finish drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/usb.c:999 [inline]\n carl9170_usb_firmware_step2+0x175/0x240 drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/usb.c:1028\n request_firmware_work_func+0x130/0x240 drivers/base/firmware_loader/main.c:1107\n process_one_work+0x9bf/0x1710 kernel/workqueue.c:2289\n worker_thread+0x669/0x1090 kernel/workqueue.c:2436\n kthread+0x2e8/0x3a0 kernel/kthread.c:376\n ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x30 arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:308\n </TASK>\n\n[2] Related syzkaller crashes:', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38567 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

582. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38571) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: thermal/drivers/tsens: Fix null pointer dereference compute_intercept_slope() is called from calibrate_8960() (in tsens-8960.c) as compute_intercept_slope(priv, p1, NULL, ONE_PT_CALIB) which lead to null pointer dereference (if DEBUG or DYNAMIC_DEBUG set). Fix this bug by adding null pointer check. Found by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nthermal/drivers/tsens: Fix null pointer dereference\n\ncompute_intercept_slope() is called from calibrate_8960() (in tsens-8960.c)\nas compute_intercept_slope(priv, p1, NULL, ONE_PT_CALIB) which lead to null\npointer dereference (if DEBUG or DYNAMIC_DEBUG set).\nFix this bug by adding null pointer check.\n\nFound by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-38571 was patched at 2024-06-30

583. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38578) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ecryptfs: Fix buffer size for tag 66 packet The 'TAG 66 Packet Format' description is missing the cipher code and checksum fields that are packed into the message packet. As a result, the buffer allocated for the packet is 3 bytes too small and write_tag_66_packet() will write up to 3 bytes past the end of the buffer. Fix this by increasing the size of the allocation so the whole packet will always fit in the buffer. This fixes the below kasan slab-out-of-bounds bug: BUG: KASAN: slab-out-of-bounds in ecryptfs_generate_key_packet_set+0x7d6/0xde0 Write of size 1 at addr ffff88800afbb2a5 by task touch/181 CPU: 0 PID: 181 Comm: touch Not tainted 6.6.13-gnu #1 4c9534092be820851bb687b82d1f92a426598dc6 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 1.16.2/GNU Guix 04/01/2014 Call Trace: <TASK> dump_stack_lvl+0x4c/0x70 print_report+0xc5/0x610 ? ecryptfs_generate_key_packet_set+0x7d6/0xde0 ? kasan_complete_mode_report_info+0x44/0x210 ? ecryptfs_generate_key_packet_set+0x7d6/0xde0 kasan_report+0xc2/0x110 ? ecryptfs_generate_key_packet_set+0x7d6/0xde0 __asan_store1+0x62/0x80 ecryptfs_generate_key_packet_set+0x7d6/0xde0 ? __pfx_ecryptfs_generate_key_packet_set+0x10/0x10 ? __alloc_pages+0x2e2/0x540 ? __pfx_ovl_open+0x10/0x10 [overlay 30837f11141636a8e1793533a02e6e2e885dad1d] ? dentry_open+0x8f/0xd0 ecryptfs_write_metadata+0x30a/0x550 ? __pfx_ecryptfs_write_metadata+0x10/0x10 ? ecryptfs_get_lower_file+0x6b/0x190 ecryptfs_initialize_file+0x77/0x150 ecryptfs_create+0x1c2/0x2f0 path_openat+0x17cf/0x1ba0 ? __pfx_path_openat+0x10/0x10 do_filp_open+0x15e/0x290 ? __pfx_do_filp_open+0x10/0x10 ? __kasan_check_write+0x18/0x30 ? _raw_spin_lock+0x86/0xf0 ? __pfx__raw_spin_lock+0x10/0x10 ? __kasan_check_write+0x18/0x30 ? alloc_fd+0xf4/0x330 do_sys_openat2+0x122/0x160 ? __pfx_do_sys_openat2+0x10/0x10 __x64_sys_openat+0xef/0x170 ? __pfx___x64_sys_openat+0x10/0x10 do_syscall_64+0x60/0xd0 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x6e/0xd8 RIP: 0033:0x7f00a703fd67 Code: 25 00 00 41 00 3d 00 00 41 00 74 37 64 8b 04 25 18 00 00 00 85 c0 75 5b 44 89 e2 48 89 ee bf 9c ff ff ff b8 01 01 00 00 0f 05 <48> 3d 00 f0 ff ff 0f 87 85 00 00 00 48 83 c4 68 5d 41 5c c3 0f 1f RSP: 002b:00007ffc088e30b0 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000101 RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 00007ffc088e3368 RCX: 00007f00a703fd67 RDX: 0000000000000941 RSI: 00007ffc088e48d7 RDI: 00000000ffffff9c RBP: 00007ffc088e48d7 R08: 0000000000000001 R09: 0000000000000000 R10: 00000000000001b6 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 0000000000000941 R13: 0000000000000000 R14: 00007ffc088e48d7 R15: 00007f00a7180040 </TASK> Allocated by task 181: kasan_save_stack+0x2f/0x60 kasan_set_track+0x29/0x40 kasan_save_alloc_info+0x25/0x40 __kasan_kmalloc+0xc5/0xd0 __kmalloc+0x66/0x160 ecryptfs_generate_key_packet_set+0x6d2/0xde0 ecryptfs_write_metadata+0x30a/0x550 ecryptfs_initialize_file+0x77/0x150 ecryptfs_create+0x1c2/0x2f0 path_openat+0x17cf/0x1ba0 do_filp_open+0x15e/0x290 do_sys_openat2+0x122/0x160 __x64_sys_openat+0xef/0x170 do_syscall_64+0x60/0xd0 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x6e/0xd8', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\necryptfs: Fix buffer size for tag 66 packet\n\nThe 'TAG 66 Packet Format' description is missing the cipher code and\nchecksum fields that are packed into the message packet. As a result,\nthe buffer allocated for the packet is 3 bytes too small and\nwrite_tag_66_packet() will write up to 3 bytes past the end of the\nbuffer.\n\nFix this by increasing the size of the allocation so the whole packet\nwill always fit in the buffer.\n\nThis fixes the below kasan slab-out-of-bounds bug:\n\n BUG: KASAN: slab-out-of-bounds in ecryptfs_generate_key_packet_set+0x7d6/0xde0\n Write of size 1 at addr ffff88800afbb2a5 by task touch/181\n\n CPU: 0 PID: 181 Comm: touch Not tainted 6.6.13-gnu #1 4c9534092be820851bb687b82d1f92a426598dc6\n Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 1.16.2/GNU Guix 04/01/2014\n Call Trace:\n <TASK>\n dump_stack_lvl+0x4c/0x70\n print_report+0xc5/0x610\n ? ecryptfs_generate_key_packet_set+0x7d6/0xde0\n ? kasan_complete_mode_report_info+0x44/0x210\n ? ecryptfs_generate_key_packet_set+0x7d6/0xde0\n kasan_report+0xc2/0x110\n ? ecryptfs_generate_key_packet_set+0x7d6/0xde0\n __asan_store1+0x62/0x80\n ecryptfs_generate_key_packet_set+0x7d6/0xde0\n ? __pfx_ecryptfs_generate_key_packet_set+0x10/0x10\n ? __alloc_pages+0x2e2/0x540\n ? __pfx_ovl_open+0x10/0x10 [overlay 30837f11141636a8e1793533a02e6e2e885dad1d]\n ? dentry_open+0x8f/0xd0\n ecryptfs_write_metadata+0x30a/0x550\n ? __pfx_ecryptfs_write_metadata+0x10/0x10\n ? ecryptfs_get_lower_file+0x6b/0x190\n ecryptfs_initialize_file+0x77/0x150\n ecryptfs_create+0x1c2/0x2f0\n path_openat+0x17cf/0x1ba0\n ? __pfx_path_openat+0x10/0x10\n do_filp_open+0x15e/0x290\n ? __pfx_do_filp_open+0x10/0x10\n ? __kasan_check_write+0x18/0x30\n ? _raw_spin_lock+0x86/0xf0\n ? __pfx__raw_spin_lock+0x10/0x10\n ? __kasan_check_write+0x18/0x30\n ? alloc_fd+0xf4/0x330\n do_sys_openat2+0x122/0x160\n ? __pfx_do_sys_openat2+0x10/0x10\n __x64_sys_openat+0xef/0x170\n ? __pfx___x64_sys_openat+0x10/0x10\n do_syscall_64+0x60/0xd0\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x6e/0xd8\n RIP: 0033:0x7f00a703fd67\n Code: 25 00 00 41 00 3d 00 00 41 00 74 37 64 8b 04 25 18 00 00 00 85 c0 75 5b 44 89 e2 48 89 ee bf 9c ff ff ff b8 01 01 00 00 0f 05 <48> 3d 00 f0 ff ff 0f 87 85 00 00 00 48 83 c4 68 5d 41 5c c3 0f 1f\n RSP: 002b:00007ffc088e30b0 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000101\n RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 00007ffc088e3368 RCX: 00007f00a703fd67\n RDX: 0000000000000941 RSI: 00007ffc088e48d7 RDI: 00000000ffffff9c\n RBP: 00007ffc088e48d7 R08: 0000000000000001 R09: 0000000000000000\n R10: 00000000000001b6 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 0000000000000941\n R13: 0000000000000000 R14: 00007ffc088e48d7 R15: 00007f00a7180040\n </TASK>\n\n Allocated by task 181:\n kasan_save_stack+0x2f/0x60\n kasan_set_track+0x29/0x40\n kasan_save_alloc_info+0x25/0x40\n __kasan_kmalloc+0xc5/0xd0\n __kmalloc+0x66/0x160\n ecryptfs_generate_key_packet_set+0x6d2/0xde0\n ecryptfs_write_metadata+0x30a/0x550\n ecryptfs_initialize_file+0x77/0x150\n ecryptfs_create+0x1c2/0x2f0\n path_openat+0x17cf/0x1ba0\n do_filp_open+0x15e/0x290\n do_sys_openat2+0x122/0x160\n __x64_sys_openat+0xef/0x170\n do_syscall_64+0x60/0xd0\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x6e/0xd8', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38578 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

584. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38579) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: crypto: bcm - Fix pointer arithmetic In spu2_dump_omd() value of ptr is increased by ciph_key_len instead of hash_iv_len which could lead to going beyond the buffer boundaries. Fix this bug by changing ciph_key_len to hash_iv_len. Found by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ncrypto: bcm - Fix pointer arithmetic\n\nIn spu2_dump_omd() value of ptr is increased by ciph_key_len\ninstead of hash_iv_len which could lead to going beyond the\nbuffer boundaries.\nFix this bug by changing ciph_key_len to hash_iv_len.\n\nFound by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38579 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

585. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38582) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nilfs2: fix potential hang in nilfs_detach_log_writer() Syzbot has reported a potential hang in nilfs_detach_log_writer() called during nilfs2 unmount. Analysis revealed that this is because nilfs_segctor_sync(), which synchronizes with the log writer thread, can be called after nilfs_segctor_destroy() terminates that thread, as shown in the call trace below: nilfs_detach_log_writer nilfs_segctor_destroy nilfs_segctor_kill_thread --> Shut down log writer thread flush_work nilfs_iput_work_func nilfs_dispose_list iput nilfs_evict_inode nilfs_transaction_commit nilfs_construct_segment (if inode needs sync) nilfs_segctor_sync --> Attempt to synchronize with log writer thread *** DEADLOCK *** Fix this issue by changing nilfs_segctor_sync() so that the log writer thread returns normally without synchronizing after it terminates, and by forcing tasks that are already waiting to complete once after the thread terminates. The skipped inode metadata flushout will then be processed together in the subsequent cleanup work in nilfs_segctor_destroy().', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnilfs2: fix potential hang in nilfs_detach_log_writer()\n\nSyzbot has reported a potential hang in nilfs_detach_log_writer() called\nduring nilfs2 unmount.\n\nAnalysis revealed that this is because nilfs_segctor_sync(), which\nsynchronizes with the log writer thread, can be called after\nnilfs_segctor_destroy() terminates that thread, as shown in the call trace\nbelow:\n\nnilfs_detach_log_writer\n nilfs_segctor_destroy\n nilfs_segctor_kill_thread --> Shut down log writer thread\n flush_work\n nilfs_iput_work_func\n nilfs_dispose_list\n iput\n nilfs_evict_inode\n nilfs_transaction_commit\n nilfs_construct_segment (if inode needs sync)\n nilfs_segctor_sync --> Attempt to synchronize with\n log writer thread\n *** DEADLOCK ***\n\nFix this issue by changing nilfs_segctor_sync() so that the log writer\nthread returns normally without synchronizing after it terminates, and by\nforcing tasks that are already waiting to complete once after the thread\nterminates.\n\nThe skipped inode metadata flushout will then be processed together in the\nsubsequent cleanup work in nilfs_segctor_destroy().', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38582 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

586. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38586) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: r8169: Fix possible ring buffer corruption on fragmented Tx packets. An issue was found on the RTL8125b when transmitting small fragmented packets, whereby invalid entries were inserted into the transmit ring buffer, subsequently leading to calls to dma_unmap_single() with a null address. This was caused by rtl8169_start_xmit() not noticing changes to nr_frags which may occur when small packets are padded (to work around hardware quirks) in rtl8169_tso_csum_v2(). To fix this, postpone inspecting nr_frags until after any padding has been applied.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nr8169: Fix possible ring buffer corruption on fragmented Tx packets.\n\nAn issue was found on the RTL8125b when transmitting small fragmented\npackets, whereby invalid entries were inserted into the transmit ring\nbuffer, subsequently leading to calls to dma_unmap_single() with a null\naddress.\n\nThis was caused by rtl8169_start_xmit() not noticing changes to nr_frags\nwhich may occur when small packets are padded (to work around hardware\nquirks) in rtl8169_tso_csum_v2().\n\nTo fix this, postpone inspecting nr_frags until after any padding has been\napplied.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-38586 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

587. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38587) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: speakup: Fix sizeof() vs ARRAY_SIZE() bug The "buf" pointer is an array of u16 values. This code should be using ARRAY_SIZE() (which is 256) instead of sizeof() (which is 512), otherwise it can the still got out of bounds.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nspeakup: Fix sizeof() vs ARRAY_SIZE() bug\n\nThe "buf" pointer is an array of u16 values. This code should be\nusing ARRAY_SIZE() (which is 256) instead of sizeof() (which is 512),\notherwise it can the still got out of bounds.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38587 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

588. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38589) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: netrom: fix possible dead-lock in nr_rt_ioctl() syzbot loves netrom, and found a possible deadlock in nr_rt_ioctl [1] Make sure we always acquire nr_node_list_lock before nr_node_lock(nr_node) [1] WARNING: possible circular locking dependency detected 6.9.0-rc7-syzkaller-02147-g654de42f3fc6 #0 Not tainted ------------------------------------------------------ syz-executor350/5129 is trying to acquire lock: ffff8880186e2070 (&nr_node->node_lock){+...}-{2:2}, at: spin_lock_bh include/linux/spinlock.h:356 [inline] ffff8880186e2070 (&nr_node->node_lock){+...}-{2:2}, at: nr_node_lock include/net/netrom.h:152 [inline] ffff8880186e2070 (&nr_node->node_lock){+...}-{2:2}, at: nr_dec_obs net/netrom/nr_route.c:464 [inline] ffff8880186e2070 (&nr_node->node_lock){+...}-{2:2}, at: nr_rt_ioctl+0x1bb/0x1090 net/netrom/nr_route.c:697 but task is already holding lock: ffffffff8f7053b8 (nr_node_list_lock){+...}-{2:2}, at: spin_lock_bh include/linux/spinlock.h:356 [inline] ffffffff8f7053b8 (nr_node_list_lock){+...}-{2:2}, at: nr_dec_obs net/netrom/nr_route.c:462 [inline] ffffffff8f7053b8 (nr_node_list_lock){+...}-{2:2}, at: nr_rt_ioctl+0x10a/0x1090 net/netrom/nr_route.c:697 which lock already depends on the new lock. the existing dependency chain (in reverse order) is: -> #1 (nr_node_list_lock){+...}-{2:2}: lock_acquire+0x1ed/0x550 kernel/locking/lockdep.c:5754 __raw_spin_lock_bh include/linux/spinlock_api_smp.h:126 [inline] _raw_spin_lock_bh+0x35/0x50 kernel/locking/spinlock.c:178 spin_lock_bh include/linux/spinlock.h:356 [inline] nr_remove_node net/netrom/nr_route.c:299 [inline] nr_del_node+0x4b4/0x820 net/netrom/nr_route.c:355 nr_rt_ioctl+0xa95/0x1090 net/netrom/nr_route.c:683 sock_do_ioctl+0x158/0x460 net/socket.c:1222 sock_ioctl+0x629/0x8e0 net/socket.c:1341 vfs_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:51 [inline] __do_sys_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:904 [inline] __se_sys_ioctl+0xfc/0x170 fs/ioctl.c:890 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline] do_syscall_64+0xf5/0x240 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f -> #0 (&nr_node->node_lock){+...}-{2:2}: check_prev_add kernel/locking/lockdep.c:3134 [inline] check_prevs_add kernel/locking/lockdep.c:3253 [inline] validate_chain+0x18cb/0x58e0 kernel/locking/lockdep.c:3869 __lock_acquire+0x1346/0x1fd0 kernel/locking/lockdep.c:5137 lock_acquire+0x1ed/0x550 kernel/locking/lockdep.c:5754 __raw_spin_lock_bh include/linux/spinlock_api_smp.h:126 [inline] _raw_spin_lock_bh+0x35/0x50 kernel/locking/spinlock.c:178 spin_lock_bh include/linux/spinlock.h:356 [inline] nr_node_lock include/net/netrom.h:152 [inline] nr_dec_obs net/netrom/nr_route.c:464 [inline] nr_rt_ioctl+0x1bb/0x1090 net/netrom/nr_route.c:697 sock_do_ioctl+0x158/0x460 net/socket.c:1222 sock_ioctl+0x629/0x8e0 net/socket.c:1341 vfs_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:51 [inline] __do_sys_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:904 [inline] __se_sys_ioctl+0xfc/0x170 fs/ioctl.c:890 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline] do_syscall_64+0xf5/0x240 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f other info that might help us debug this: Possible unsafe locking scenario: CPU0 CPU1 ---- ---- lock(nr_node_list_lock); lock(&nr_node->node_lock); lock(nr_node_list_lock); lock(&nr_node->node_lock); *** DEADLOCK *** 1 lock held by syz-executor350/5129: #0: ffffffff8f7053b8 (nr_node_list_lock){+...}-{2:2}, at: spin_lock_bh include/linux/spinlock.h:356 [inline] #0: ffffffff8f7053b8 (nr_node_list_lock){+...}-{2:2}, at: nr_dec_obs net/netrom/nr_route.c:462 [inline] #0: ffffffff8f70 ---truncated---', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnetrom: fix possible dead-lock in nr_rt_ioctl()\n\nsyzbot loves netrom, and found a possible deadlock in nr_rt_ioctl [1]\n\nMake sure we always acquire nr_node_list_lock before nr_node_lock(nr_node)\n\n[1]\nWARNING: possible circular locking dependency detected\n6.9.0-rc7-syzkaller-02147-g654de42f3fc6 #0 Not tainted\n------------------------------------------------------\nsyz-executor350/5129 is trying to acquire lock:\n ffff8880186e2070 (&nr_node->node_lock){+...}-{2:2}, at: spin_lock_bh include/linux/spinlock.h:356 [inline]\n ffff8880186e2070 (&nr_node->node_lock){+...}-{2:2}, at: nr_node_lock include/net/netrom.h:152 [inline]\n ffff8880186e2070 (&nr_node->node_lock){+...}-{2:2}, at: nr_dec_obs net/netrom/nr_route.c:464 [inline]\n ffff8880186e2070 (&nr_node->node_lock){+...}-{2:2}, at: nr_rt_ioctl+0x1bb/0x1090 net/netrom/nr_route.c:697\n\nbut task is already holding lock:\n ffffffff8f7053b8 (nr_node_list_lock){+...}-{2:2}, at: spin_lock_bh include/linux/spinlock.h:356 [inline]\n ffffffff8f7053b8 (nr_node_list_lock){+...}-{2:2}, at: nr_dec_obs net/netrom/nr_route.c:462 [inline]\n ffffffff8f7053b8 (nr_node_list_lock){+...}-{2:2}, at: nr_rt_ioctl+0x10a/0x1090 net/netrom/nr_route.c:697\n\nwhich lock already depends on the new lock.\n\nthe existing dependency chain (in reverse order) is:\n\n-> #1 (nr_node_list_lock){+...}-{2:2}:\n lock_acquire+0x1ed/0x550 kernel/locking/lockdep.c:5754\n __raw_spin_lock_bh include/linux/spinlock_api_smp.h:126 [inline]\n _raw_spin_lock_bh+0x35/0x50 kernel/locking/spinlock.c:178\n spin_lock_bh include/linux/spinlock.h:356 [inline]\n nr_remove_node net/netrom/nr_route.c:299 [inline]\n nr_del_node+0x4b4/0x820 net/netrom/nr_route.c:355\n nr_rt_ioctl+0xa95/0x1090 net/netrom/nr_route.c:683\n sock_do_ioctl+0x158/0x460 net/socket.c:1222\n sock_ioctl+0x629/0x8e0 net/socket.c:1341\n vfs_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:51 [inline]\n __do_sys_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:904 [inline]\n __se_sys_ioctl+0xfc/0x170 fs/ioctl.c:890\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0xf5/0x240 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f\n\n-> #0 (&nr_node->node_lock){+...}-{2:2}:\n check_prev_add kernel/locking/lockdep.c:3134 [inline]\n check_prevs_add kernel/locking/lockdep.c:3253 [inline]\n validate_chain+0x18cb/0x58e0 kernel/locking/lockdep.c:3869\n __lock_acquire+0x1346/0x1fd0 kernel/locking/lockdep.c:5137\n lock_acquire+0x1ed/0x550 kernel/locking/lockdep.c:5754\n __raw_spin_lock_bh include/linux/spinlock_api_smp.h:126 [inline]\n _raw_spin_lock_bh+0x35/0x50 kernel/locking/spinlock.c:178\n spin_lock_bh include/linux/spinlock.h:356 [inline]\n nr_node_lock include/net/netrom.h:152 [inline]\n nr_dec_obs net/netrom/nr_route.c:464 [inline]\n nr_rt_ioctl+0x1bb/0x1090 net/netrom/nr_route.c:697\n sock_do_ioctl+0x158/0x460 net/socket.c:1222\n sock_ioctl+0x629/0x8e0 net/socket.c:1341\n vfs_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:51 [inline]\n __do_sys_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:904 [inline]\n __se_sys_ioctl+0xfc/0x170 fs/ioctl.c:890\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0xf5/0x240 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f\n\nother info that might help us debug this:\n\n Possible unsafe locking scenario:\n\n CPU0 CPU1\n ---- ----\n lock(nr_node_list_lock);\n lock(&nr_node->node_lock);\n lock(nr_node_list_lock);\n lock(&nr_node->node_lock);\n\n *** DEADLOCK ***\n\n1 lock held by syz-executor350/5129:\n #0: ffffffff8f7053b8 (nr_node_list_lock){+...}-{2:2}, at: spin_lock_bh include/linux/spinlock.h:356 [inline]\n #0: ffffffff8f7053b8 (nr_node_list_lock){+...}-{2:2}, at: nr_dec_obs net/netrom/nr_route.c:462 [inline]\n #0: ffffffff8f70\n---truncated---', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38589 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

589. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38590) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: RDMA/hns: Modify the print level of CQE error Too much print may lead to a panic in kernel. Change ibdev_err() to ibdev_err_ratelimited(), and change the printing level of cqe dump to debug level.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nRDMA/hns: Modify the print level of CQE error\n\nToo much print may lead to a panic in kernel. Change ibdev_err() to\nibdev_err_ratelimited(), and change the printing level of cqe dump\nto debug level.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-38590 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

590. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38591) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: RDMA/hns: Fix deadlock on SRQ async events. xa_lock for SRQ table may be required in AEQ. Use xa_store_irq()/ xa_erase_irq() to avoid deadlock.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nRDMA/hns: Fix deadlock on SRQ async events.\n\nxa_lock for SRQ table may be required in AEQ. Use xa_store_irq()/\nxa_erase_irq() to avoid deadlock.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-38591 was patched at 2024-06-30

591. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38597) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: eth: sungem: remove .ndo_poll_controller to avoid deadlocks Erhard reports netpoll warnings from sungem: netpoll_send_skb_on_dev(): eth0 enabled interrupts in poll (gem_start_xmit+0x0/0x398) WARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 1 at net/core/netpoll.c:370 netpoll_send_skb+0x1fc/0x20c gem_poll_controller() disables interrupts, which may sleep. We can't sleep in netpoll, it has interrupts disabled completely. Strangely, gem_poll_controller() doesn't even poll the completions, and instead acts as if an interrupt has fired so it just schedules NAPI and exits. None of this has been necessary for years, since netpoll invokes NAPI directly.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\neth: sungem: remove .ndo_poll_controller to avoid deadlocks\n\nErhard reports netpoll warnings from sungem:\n\n netpoll_send_skb_on_dev(): eth0 enabled interrupts in poll (gem_start_xmit+0x0/0x398)\n WARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 1 at net/core/netpoll.c:370 netpoll_send_skb+0x1fc/0x20c\n\ngem_poll_controller() disables interrupts, which may sleep.\nWe can't sleep in netpoll, it has interrupts disabled completely.\nStrangely, gem_poll_controller() doesn't even poll the completions,\nand instead acts as if an interrupt has fired so it just schedules\nNAPI and exits. None of this has been necessary for years, since\nnetpoll invokes NAPI directly.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-38597 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

592. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38598) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: md: fix resync softlockup when bitmap size is less than array size Is is reported that for dm-raid10, lvextend + lvchange --syncaction will trigger following softlockup: kernel:watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#3 stuck for 26s! [mdX_resync:6976] CPU: 7 PID: 3588 Comm: mdX_resync Kdump: loaded Not tainted 6.9.0-rc4-next-20240419 #1 RIP: 0010:_raw_spin_unlock_irq+0x13/0x30 Call Trace: <TASK> md_bitmap_start_sync+0x6b/0xf0 raid10_sync_request+0x25c/0x1b40 [raid10] md_do_sync+0x64b/0x1020 md_thread+0xa7/0x170 kthread+0xcf/0x100 ret_from_fork+0x30/0x50 ret_from_fork_asm+0x1a/0x30 And the detailed process is as follows: md_do_sync j = mddev->resync_min while (j < max_sectors) sectors = raid10_sync_request(mddev, j, &skipped) if (!md_bitmap_start_sync(..., &sync_blocks)) // md_bitmap_start_sync set sync_blocks to 0 return sync_blocks + sectors_skippe; // sectors = 0; j += sectors; // j never change Root cause is that commit 301867b1c168 ("md/raid10: check slab-out-of-bounds in md_bitmap_get_counter") return early from md_bitmap_get_counter(), without setting returned blocks. Fix this problem by always set returned blocks from md_bitmap_get_counter"(), as it used to be. Noted that this patch just fix the softlockup problem in kernel, the case that bitmap size doesn't match array size still need to be fixed.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmd: fix resync softlockup when bitmap size is less than array size\n\nIs is reported that for dm-raid10, lvextend + lvchange --syncaction will\ntrigger following softlockup:\n\nkernel:watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#3 stuck for 26s! [mdX_resync:6976]\nCPU: 7 PID: 3588 Comm: mdX_resync Kdump: loaded Not tainted 6.9.0-rc4-next-20240419 #1\nRIP: 0010:_raw_spin_unlock_irq+0x13/0x30\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n md_bitmap_start_sync+0x6b/0xf0\n raid10_sync_request+0x25c/0x1b40 [raid10]\n md_do_sync+0x64b/0x1020\n md_thread+0xa7/0x170\n kthread+0xcf/0x100\n ret_from_fork+0x30/0x50\n ret_from_fork_asm+0x1a/0x30\n\nAnd the detailed process is as follows:\n\nmd_do_sync\n j = mddev->resync_min\n while (j < max_sectors)\n sectors = raid10_sync_request(mddev, j, &skipped)\n if (!md_bitmap_start_sync(..., &sync_blocks))\n // md_bitmap_start_sync set sync_blocks to 0\n return sync_blocks + sectors_skippe;\n // sectors = 0;\n j += sectors;\n // j never change\n\nRoot cause is that commit 301867b1c168 ("md/raid10: check\nslab-out-of-bounds in md_bitmap_get_counter") return early from\nmd_bitmap_get_counter(), without setting returned blocks.\n\nFix this problem by always set returned blocks from\nmd_bitmap_get_counter"(), as it used to be.\n\nNoted that this patch just fix the softlockup problem in kernel, the\ncase that bitmap size doesn't match array size still need to be fixed.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38598 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

593. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38599) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: jffs2: prevent xattr node from overflowing the eraseblock Add a check to make sure that the requested xattr node size is no larger than the eraseblock minus the cleanmarker. Unlike the usual inode nodes, the xattr nodes aren't split into parts and spread across multiple eraseblocks, which means that a xattr node must not occupy more than one eraseblock. If the requested xattr value is too large, the xattr node can spill onto the next eraseblock, overwriting the nodes and causing errors such as: jffs2: argh. node added in wrong place at 0x0000b050(2) jffs2: nextblock 0x0000a000, expected at 0000b00c jffs2: error: (823) do_verify_xattr_datum: node CRC failed at 0x01e050, read=0xfc892c93, calc=0x000000 jffs2: notice: (823) jffs2_get_inode_nodes: Node header CRC failed at 0x01e00c. {848f,2fc4,0fef511f,59a3d171} jffs2: Node at 0x0000000c with length 0x00001044 would run over the end of the erase block jffs2: Perhaps the file system was created with the wrong erase size? jffs2: jffs2_scan_eraseblock(): Magic bitmask 0x1985 not found at 0x00000010: 0x1044 instead This breaks the filesystem and can lead to KASAN crashes such as: BUG: KASAN: slab-out-of-bounds in jffs2_sum_add_kvec+0x125e/0x15d0 Read of size 4 at addr ffff88802c31e914 by task repro/830 CPU: 0 PID: 830 Comm: repro Not tainted 6.9.0-rc3+ #1 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS Arch Linux 1.16.3-1-1 04/01/2014 Call Trace: <TASK> dump_stack_lvl+0xc6/0x120 print_report+0xc4/0x620 ? __virt_addr_valid+0x308/0x5b0 kasan_report+0xc1/0xf0 ? jffs2_sum_add_kvec+0x125e/0x15d0 ? jffs2_sum_add_kvec+0x125e/0x15d0 jffs2_sum_add_kvec+0x125e/0x15d0 jffs2_flash_direct_writev+0xa8/0xd0 jffs2_flash_writev+0x9c9/0xef0 ? __x64_sys_setxattr+0xc4/0x160 ? do_syscall_64+0x69/0x140 ? entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x76/0x7e [...] Found by Linux Verification Center ( with Syzkaller.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\njffs2: prevent xattr node from overflowing the eraseblock\n\nAdd a check to make sure that the requested xattr node size is no larger\nthan the eraseblock minus the cleanmarker.\n\nUnlike the usual inode nodes, the xattr nodes aren't split into parts\nand spread across multiple eraseblocks, which means that a xattr node\nmust not occupy more than one eraseblock. If the requested xattr value is\ntoo large, the xattr node can spill onto the next eraseblock, overwriting\nthe nodes and causing errors such as:\n\njffs2: argh. node added in wrong place at 0x0000b050(2)\njffs2: nextblock 0x0000a000, expected at 0000b00c\njffs2: error: (823) do_verify_xattr_datum: node CRC failed at 0x01e050,\nread=0xfc892c93, calc=0x000000\njffs2: notice: (823) jffs2_get_inode_nodes: Node header CRC failed\nat 0x01e00c. {848f,2fc4,0fef511f,59a3d171}\njffs2: Node at 0x0000000c with length 0x00001044 would run over the\nend of the erase block\njffs2: Perhaps the file system was created with the wrong erase size?\njffs2: jffs2_scan_eraseblock(): Magic bitmask 0x1985 not found\nat 0x00000010: 0x1044 instead\n\nThis breaks the filesystem and can lead to KASAN crashes such as:\n\nBUG: KASAN: slab-out-of-bounds in jffs2_sum_add_kvec+0x125e/0x15d0\nRead of size 4 at addr ffff88802c31e914 by task repro/830\nCPU: 0 PID: 830 Comm: repro Not tainted 6.9.0-rc3+ #1\nHardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996),\nBIOS Arch Linux 1.16.3-1-1 04/01/2014\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n dump_stack_lvl+0xc6/0x120\n print_report+0xc4/0x620\n ? __virt_addr_valid+0x308/0x5b0\n kasan_report+0xc1/0xf0\n ? jffs2_sum_add_kvec+0x125e/0x15d0\n ? jffs2_sum_add_kvec+0x125e/0x15d0\n jffs2_sum_add_kvec+0x125e/0x15d0\n jffs2_flash_direct_writev+0xa8/0xd0\n jffs2_flash_writev+0x9c9/0xef0\n ? __x64_sys_setxattr+0xc4/0x160\n ? do_syscall_64+0x69/0x140\n ? entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x76/0x7e\n [...]\n\nFound by Linux Verification Center ( with Syzkaller.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38599 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

594. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38600) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ALSA: Fix deadlocks with kctl removals at disconnection In snd_card_disconnect(), we set card->shutdown flag at the beginning, call callbacks and do sync for card->power_ref_sleep waiters at the end. The callback may delete a kctl element, and this can lead to a deadlock when the device was in the suspended state. Namely: * A process waits for the power up at snd_power_ref_and_wait() in snd_ctl_info() or read/write() inside card->controls_rwsem. * The system gets disconnected meanwhile, and the driver tries to delete a kctl via snd_ctl_remove*(); it tries to take card->controls_rwsem again, but this is already locked by the above. Since the sleeper isn't woken up, this deadlocks. An easy fix is to wake up sleepers before processing the driver disconnect callbacks but right after setting the card->shutdown flag. Then all sleepers will abort immediately, and the code flows again. So, basically this patch moves the wait_event() call at the right timing. While we're at it, just to be sure, call wait_event_all() instead of wait_event(), although we don't use exclusive events on this queue for now.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nALSA: Fix deadlocks with kctl removals at disconnection\n\nIn snd_card_disconnect(), we set card->shutdown flag at the beginning,\ncall callbacks and do sync for card->power_ref_sleep waiters at the\nend. The callback may delete a kctl element, and this can lead to a\ndeadlock when the device was in the suspended state. Namely:\n\n* A process waits for the power up at snd_power_ref_and_wait() in\n snd_ctl_info() or read/write() inside card->controls_rwsem.\n\n* The system gets disconnected meanwhile, and the driver tries to\n delete a kctl via snd_ctl_remove*(); it tries to take\n card->controls_rwsem again, but this is already locked by the\n above. Since the sleeper isn't woken up, this deadlocks.\n\nAn easy fix is to wake up sleepers before processing the driver\ndisconnect callbacks but right after setting the card->shutdown flag.\nThen all sleepers will abort immediately, and the code flows again.\n\nSo, basically this patch moves the wait_event() call at the right\ntiming. While we're at it, just to be sure, call wait_event_all()\ninstead of wait_event(), although we don't use exclusive events on\nthis queue for now.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-38600 was patched at 2024-06-30

595. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38601) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ring-buffer: Fix a race between readers and resize checks The reader code in rb_get_reader_page() swaps a new reader page into the ring buffer by doing cmpxchg on old->list.prev->next to point it to the new page. Following that, if the operation is successful, old->>prev gets updated too. This means the underlying doubly-linked list is temporarily inconsistent, page->prev->next or page->next->prev might not be equal back to page for some page in the ring buffer. The resize operation in ring_buffer_resize() can be invoked in parallel. It calls rb_check_pages() which can detect the described inconsistency and stop further tracing: [ 190.271762] ------------[ cut here ]------------ [ 190.271771] WARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 6186 at kernel/trace/ring_buffer.c:1467 rb_check_pages.isra.0+0x6a/0xa0 [ 190.271789] Modules linked in: [...] [ 190.271991] Unloaded tainted modules: intel_uncore_frequency(E):1 skx_edac(E):1 [ 190.272002] CPU: 1 PID: 6186 Comm: Kdump: loaded Tainted: G E 6.9.0-rc6-default #5 158d3e1e6d0b091c34c3b96bfd99a1c58306d79f [ 190.272011] Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (Q35 + ICH9, 2009), BIOS 04/01/2014 [ 190.272015] RIP: 0010:rb_check_pages.isra.0+0x6a/0xa0 [ 190.272023] Code: [...] [ 190.272028] RSP: 0018:ffff9c37463abb70 EFLAGS: 00010206 [ 190.272034] RAX: ffff8eba04b6cb80 RBX: 0000000000000007 RCX: ffff8eba01f13d80 [ 190.272038] RDX: ffff8eba01f130c0 RSI: ffff8eba04b6cd00 RDI: ffff8eba0004c700 [ 190.272042] RBP: ffff8eba0004c700 R08: 0000000000010002 R09: 0000000000000000 [ 190.272045] R10: 00000000ffff7f52 R11: ffff8eba7f600000 R12: ffff8eba0004c720 [ 190.272049] R13: ffff8eba00223a00 R14: 0000000000000008 R15: ffff8eba067a8000 [ 190.272053] FS: 00007f1bd64752c0(0000) GS:ffff8eba7f680000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 [ 190.272057] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 [ 190.272061] CR2: 00007f1bd6662590 CR3: 000000010291e001 CR4: 0000000000370ef0 [ 190.272070] DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 [ 190.272073] DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 [ 190.272077] Call Trace: [ 190.272098] <TASK> [ 190.272189] ring_buffer_resize+0x2ab/0x460 [ 190.272199] __tracing_resize_ring_buffer.part.0+0x23/0xa0 [ 190.272206] tracing_resize_ring_buffer+0x65/0x90 [ 190.272216] tracing_entries_write+0x74/0xc0 [ 190.272225] vfs_write+0xf5/0x420 [ 190.272248] ksys_write+0x67/0xe0 [ 190.272256] do_syscall_64+0x82/0x170 [ 190.272363] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x76/0x7e [ 190.272373] RIP: 0033:0x7f1bd657d263 [ 190.272381] Code: [...] [ 190.272385] RSP: 002b:00007ffe72b643f8 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000001 [ 190.272391] RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 0000000000000002 RCX: 00007f1bd657d263 [ 190.272395] RDX: 0000000000000002 RSI: 0000555a6eb538e0 RDI: 0000000000000001 [ 190.272398] RBP: 0000555a6eb538e0 R08: 000000000000000a R09: 0000000000000000 [ 190.272401] R10: 0000555a6eb55190 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 00007f1bd6662500 [ 190.272404] R13: 0000000000000002 R14: 00007f1bd6667c00 R15: 0000000000000002 [ 190.272412] </TASK> [ 190.272414] ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]--- Note that ring_buffer_resize() calls rb_check_pages() only if the parent trace_buffer has recording disabled. Recent commit d78ab792705c ("tracing: Stop current tracer when resizing buffer") causes that it is now always the case which makes it more likely to experience this issue. The window to hit this race is nonetheless very small. To help reproducing it, one can add a delay loop in rb_get_reader_page(): ret = rb_head_page_replace(reader, cpu_buffer->reader_page); if (!ret) \tgoto spin; for (unsigned i = 0; i < 1U << 26; i++) /* inserted delay loop */ \t__asm__ __volatile__ ("" : : : "memory"); rb_list_head(reader->>prev = &cpu_buffer->reader_page->list; .. ---truncated---', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nring-buffer: Fix a race between readers and resize checks\n\nThe reader code in rb_get_reader_page() swaps a new reader page into the\nring buffer by doing cmpxchg on old->list.prev->next to point it to the\nnew page. Following that, if the operation is successful,\nold->>prev gets updated too. This means the underlying\ndoubly-linked list is temporarily inconsistent, page->prev->next or\npage->next->prev might not be equal back to page for some page in the\nring buffer.\n\nThe resize operation in ring_buffer_resize() can be invoked in parallel.\nIt calls rb_check_pages() which can detect the described inconsistency\nand stop further tracing:\n\n[ 190.271762] ------------[ cut here ]------------\n[ 190.271771] WARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 6186 at kernel/trace/ring_buffer.c:1467 rb_check_pages.isra.0+0x6a/0xa0\n[ 190.271789] Modules linked in: [...]\n[ 190.271991] Unloaded tainted modules: intel_uncore_frequency(E):1 skx_edac(E):1\n[ 190.272002] CPU: 1 PID: 6186 Comm: Kdump: loaded Tainted: G E 6.9.0-rc6-default #5 158d3e1e6d0b091c34c3b96bfd99a1c58306d79f\n[ 190.272011] Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (Q35 + ICH9, 2009), BIOS 04/01/2014\n[ 190.272015] RIP: 0010:rb_check_pages.isra.0+0x6a/0xa0\n[ 190.272023] Code: [...]\n[ 190.272028] RSP: 0018:ffff9c37463abb70 EFLAGS: 00010206\n[ 190.272034] RAX: ffff8eba04b6cb80 RBX: 0000000000000007 RCX: ffff8eba01f13d80\n[ 190.272038] RDX: ffff8eba01f130c0 RSI: ffff8eba04b6cd00 RDI: ffff8eba0004c700\n[ 190.272042] RBP: ffff8eba0004c700 R08: 0000000000010002 R09: 0000000000000000\n[ 190.272045] R10: 00000000ffff7f52 R11: ffff8eba7f600000 R12: ffff8eba0004c720\n[ 190.272049] R13: ffff8eba00223a00 R14: 0000000000000008 R15: ffff8eba067a8000\n[ 190.272053] FS: 00007f1bd64752c0(0000) GS:ffff8eba7f680000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\n[ 190.272057] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\n[ 190.272061] CR2: 00007f1bd6662590 CR3: 000000010291e001 CR4: 0000000000370ef0\n[ 190.272070] DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000\n[ 190.272073] DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400\n[ 190.272077] Call Trace:\n[ 190.272098] <TASK>\n[ 190.272189] ring_buffer_resize+0x2ab/0x460\n[ 190.272199] __tracing_resize_ring_buffer.part.0+0x23/0xa0\n[ 190.272206] tracing_resize_ring_buffer+0x65/0x90\n[ 190.272216] tracing_entries_write+0x74/0xc0\n[ 190.272225] vfs_write+0xf5/0x420\n[ 190.272248] ksys_write+0x67/0xe0\n[ 190.272256] do_syscall_64+0x82/0x170\n[ 190.272363] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x76/0x7e\n[ 190.272373] RIP: 0033:0x7f1bd657d263\n[ 190.272381] Code: [...]\n[ 190.272385] RSP: 002b:00007ffe72b643f8 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000001\n[ 190.272391] RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 0000000000000002 RCX: 00007f1bd657d263\n[ 190.272395] RDX: 0000000000000002 RSI: 0000555a6eb538e0 RDI: 0000000000000001\n[ 190.272398] RBP: 0000555a6eb538e0 R08: 000000000000000a R09: 0000000000000000\n[ 190.272401] R10: 0000555a6eb55190 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 00007f1bd6662500\n[ 190.272404] R13: 0000000000000002 R14: 00007f1bd6667c00 R15: 0000000000000002\n[ 190.272412] </TASK>\n[ 190.272414] ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]---\n\nNote that ring_buffer_resize() calls rb_check_pages() only if the parent\ntrace_buffer has recording disabled. Recent commit d78ab792705c\n("tracing: Stop current tracer when resizing buffer") causes that it is\nnow always the case which makes it more likely to experience this issue.\n\nThe window to hit this race is nonetheless very small. To help\nreproducing it, one can add a delay loop in rb_get_reader_page():\n\n ret = rb_head_page_replace(reader, cpu_buffer->reader_page);\n if (!ret)\n \tgoto spin;\n for (unsigned i = 0; i < 1U << 26; i++) /* inserted delay loop */\n \t__asm__ __volatile__ ("" : : : "memory");\n rb_list_head(reader->>prev = &cpu_buffer->reader_page->list;\n\n.. \n---truncated---', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38601 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

596. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38607) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: macintosh/via-macii: Fix "BUG: sleeping function called from invalid context" The via-macii ADB driver calls request_irq() after disabling hard interrupts. But disabling interrupts isn't necessary here because the VIA shift register interrupt was masked during VIA1 initialization.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmacintosh/via-macii: Fix "BUG: sleeping function called from invalid context"\n\nThe via-macii ADB driver calls request_irq() after disabling hard\ninterrupts. But disabling interrupts isn't necessary here because the\nVIA shift register interrupt was masked during VIA1 initialization.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38607 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

597. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38613) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: m68k: Fix spinlock race in kernel thread creation Context switching does take care to retain the correct lock owner across the switch from 'prev' to 'next' tasks. This does rely on interrupts remaining disabled for the entire duration of the switch. This condition is guaranteed for normal process creation and context switching between already running processes, because both 'prev' and 'next' already have interrupts disabled in their saved copies of the status register. The situation is different for newly created kernel threads. The status register is set to PS_S in copy_thread(), which does leave the IPL at 0. Upon restoring the 'next' thread's status register in switch_to() aka resume(), interrupts then become enabled prematurely. resume() then returns via ret_from_kernel_thread() and schedule_tail() where run queue lock is released (see finish_task_switch() and finish_lock_switch()). A timer interrupt calling scheduler_tick() before the lock is released in finish_task_switch() will find the lock already taken, with the current task as lock owner. This causes a spinlock recursion warning as reported by Guenter Roeck. As far as I can ascertain, this race has been opened in commit 533e6903bea0 ("m68k: split ret_from_fork(), simplify kernel_thread()") but I haven't done a detailed study of kernel history so it may well predate that commit. Interrupts cannot be disabled in the saved status register copy for kernel threads (init will complain about interrupts disabled when finally starting user space). Disable interrupts temporarily when switching the tasks' register sets in resume(). Note that a simple oriw 0x700,%sr after restoring sr is not enough here - this leaves enough of a race for the 'spinlock recursion' warning to still be observed. Tested on ARAnyM and qemu (Quadra 800 emulation).', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nm68k: Fix spinlock race in kernel thread creation\n\nContext switching does take care to retain the correct lock owner across\nthe switch from 'prev' to 'next' tasks. This does rely on interrupts\nremaining disabled for the entire duration of the switch.\n\nThis condition is guaranteed for normal process creation and context\nswitching between already running processes, because both 'prev' and\n'next' already have interrupts disabled in their saved copies of the\nstatus register.\n\nThe situation is different for newly created kernel threads. The status\nregister is set to PS_S in copy_thread(), which does leave the IPL at 0.\nUpon restoring the 'next' thread's status register in switch_to() aka\nresume(), interrupts then become enabled prematurely. resume() then\nreturns via ret_from_kernel_thread() and schedule_tail() where run queue\nlock is released (see finish_task_switch() and finish_lock_switch()).\n\nA timer interrupt calling scheduler_tick() before the lock is released\nin finish_task_switch() will find the lock already taken, with the\ncurrent task as lock owner. This causes a spinlock recursion warning as\nreported by Guenter Roeck.\n\nAs far as I can ascertain, this race has been opened in commit\n533e6903bea0 ("m68k: split ret_from_fork(), simplify kernel_thread()")\nbut I haven't done a detailed study of kernel history so it may well\npredate that commit.\n\nInterrupts cannot be disabled in the saved status register copy for\nkernel threads (init will complain about interrupts disabled when\nfinally starting user space). Disable interrupts temporarily when\nswitching the tasks' register sets in resume().\n\nNote that a simple oriw 0x700,%sr after restoring sr is not enough here\n- this leaves enough of a race for the 'spinlock recursion' warning to\nstill be observed.\n\nTested on ARAnyM and qemu (Quadra 800 emulation).', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38613 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

598. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38615) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: cpufreq: exit() callback is optional The exit() callback is optional and shouldn't be called without checking a valid pointer first. Also, we must clear freq_table pointer even if the exit() callback isn't present.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ncpufreq: exit() callback is optional\n\nThe exit() callback is optional and shouldn't be called without checking\na valid pointer first.\n\nAlso, we must clear freq_table pointer even if the exit() callback isn't\npresent.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38615 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

599. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38618) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ALSA: timer: Set lower bound of start tick time Currently ALSA timer doesn't have the lower limit of the start tick time, and it allows a very small size, e.g. 1 tick with 1ns resolution for hrtimer. Such a situation may lead to an unexpected RCU stall, where the callback repeatedly queuing the expire update, as reported by fuzzer. This patch introduces a sanity check of the timer start tick time, so that the system returns an error when a too small start size is set. As of this patch, the lower limit is hard-coded to 100us, which is small enough but can still work somehow.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nALSA: timer: Set lower bound of start tick time\n\nCurrently ALSA timer doesn't have the lower limit of the start tick\ntime, and it allows a very small size, e.g. 1 tick with 1ns resolution\nfor hrtimer. Such a situation may lead to an unexpected RCU stall,\nwhere the callback repeatedly queuing the expire update, as reported\nby fuzzer.\n\nThis patch introduces a sanity check of the timer start tick time, so\nthat the system returns an error when a too small start size is set.\nAs of this patch, the lower limit is hard-coded to 100us, which is\nsmall enough but can still work somehow.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38618 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

600. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38627) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: stm class: Fix a double free in stm_register_device() The put_device(&stm->dev) call will trigger stm_device_release() which frees "stm" so the vfree(stm) on the next line is a double free.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nstm class: Fix a double free in stm_register_device()\n\nThe put_device(&stm->dev) call will trigger stm_device_release() which\nfrees "stm" so the vfree(stm) on the next line is a double free.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38627 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

601. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38633) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: serial: max3100: Update uart_driver_registered on driver removal The removal of the last MAX3100 device triggers the removal of the driver. However, code doesn't update the respective global variable and after insmod — rmmod — insmod cycle the kernel oopses: max3100 spi-PRP0001:01: max3100_probe: adding port 0 BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000408 ... RIP: 0010:serial_core_register_port+0xa0/0x840 ... max3100_probe+0x1b6/0x280 [max3100] spi_probe+0x8d/0xb0 Update the actual state so next time UART driver will be registered again. Hugo also noticed, that the error path in the probe also affected by having the variable set, and not cleared. Instead of clearing it move the assignment after the successfull uart_register_driver() call.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nserial: max3100: Update uart_driver_registered on driver removal\n\nThe removal of the last MAX3100 device triggers the removal of\nthe driver. However, code doesn't update the respective global\nvariable and after insmod — rmmod — insmod cycle the kernel\noopses:\n\n max3100 spi-PRP0001:01: max3100_probe: adding port 0\n BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000408\n ...\n RIP: 0010:serial_core_register_port+0xa0/0x840\n ...\n max3100_probe+0x1b6/0x280 [max3100]\n spi_probe+0x8d/0xb0\n\nUpdate the actual state so next time UART driver will be registered\nagain.\n\nHugo also noticed, that the error path in the probe also affected\nby having the variable set, and not cleared. Instead of clearing it\nmove the assignment after the successfull uart_register_driver() call.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38633 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

602. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38634) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: serial: max3100: Lock port->lock when calling uart_handle_cts_change() uart_handle_cts_change() has to be called with port lock taken, Since we run it in a separate work, the lock may not be taken at the time of running. Make sure that it's taken by explicitly doing that. Without it we got a splat: WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 10 at drivers/tty/serial/serial_core.c:3491 uart_handle_cts_change+0xa6/0xb0 ... Workqueue: max3100-0 max3100_work [max3100] RIP: 0010:uart_handle_cts_change+0xa6/0xb0 ... max3100_handlerx+0xc5/0x110 [max3100] max3100_work+0x12a/0x340 [max3100]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nserial: max3100: Lock port->lock when calling uart_handle_cts_change()\n\nuart_handle_cts_change() has to be called with port lock taken,\nSince we run it in a separate work, the lock may not be taken at\nthe time of running. Make sure that it's taken by explicitly doing\nthat. Without it we got a splat:\n\n WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 10 at drivers/tty/serial/serial_core.c:3491 uart_handle_cts_change+0xa6/0xb0\n ...\n Workqueue: max3100-0 max3100_work [max3100]\n RIP: 0010:uart_handle_cts_change+0xa6/0xb0\n ...\n max3100_handlerx+0xc5/0x110 [max3100]\n max3100_work+0x12a/0x340 [max3100]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38634 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

603. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38635) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: soundwire: cadence: fix invalid PDI offset For some reason, we add an offset to the PDI, presumably to skip the PDI0 and PDI1 which are reserved for BPT. This code is however completely wrong and leads to an out-of-bounds access. We were just lucky so far since we used only a couple of PDIs and remained within the PDI array bounds. A Fixes: tag is not provided since there are no known platforms where the out-of-bounds would be accessed, and the initial code had problems as well. A follow-up patch completely removes this useless offset.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nsoundwire: cadence: fix invalid PDI offset\n\nFor some reason, we add an offset to the PDI, presumably to skip the\nPDI0 and PDI1 which are reserved for BPT.\n\nThis code is however completely wrong and leads to an out-of-bounds\naccess. We were just lucky so far since we used only a couple of PDIs\nand remained within the PDI array bounds.\n\nA Fixes: tag is not provided since there are no known platforms where\nthe out-of-bounds would be accessed, and the initial code had problems\nas well.\n\nA follow-up patch completely removes this useless offset.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-38635 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

604. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38637) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: greybus: lights: check return of get_channel_from_mode If channel for the given node is not found we return null from get_channel_from_mode. Make sure we validate the return pointer before using it in two of the missing places. This was originally reported in [0]: Found by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE. [0]', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ngreybus: lights: check return of get_channel_from_mode\n\nIf channel for the given node is not found we return null from\nget_channel_from_mode. Make sure we validate the return pointer\nbefore using it in two of the missing places.\n\nThis was originally reported in [0]:\nFound by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.\n\n[0]', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38637 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

605. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38659) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: enic: Validate length of nl attributes in enic_set_vf_port enic_set_vf_port assumes that the nl attribute IFLA_PORT_PROFILE is of length PORT_PROFILE_MAX and that the nl attributes IFLA_PORT_INSTANCE_UUID, IFLA_PORT_HOST_UUID are of length PORT_UUID_MAX. These attributes are validated (in the function do_setlink in rtnetlink.c) using the nla_policy ifla_port_policy. The policy defines IFLA_PORT_PROFILE as NLA_STRING, IFLA_PORT_INSTANCE_UUID as NLA_BINARY and IFLA_PORT_HOST_UUID as NLA_STRING. That means that the length validation using the policy is for the max size of the attributes and not on exact size so the length of these attributes might be less than the sizes that enic_set_vf_port expects. This might cause an out of bands read access in the memcpys of the data of these attributes in enic_set_vf_port.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nenic: Validate length of nl attributes in enic_set_vf_port\n\nenic_set_vf_port assumes that the nl attribute IFLA_PORT_PROFILE\nis of length PORT_PROFILE_MAX and that the nl attributes\nIFLA_PORT_INSTANCE_UUID, IFLA_PORT_HOST_UUID are of length PORT_UUID_MAX.\nThese attributes are validated (in the function do_setlink in rtnetlink.c)\nusing the nla_policy ifla_port_policy. The policy defines IFLA_PORT_PROFILE\nas NLA_STRING, IFLA_PORT_INSTANCE_UUID as NLA_BINARY and\nIFLA_PORT_HOST_UUID as NLA_STRING. That means that the length validation\nusing the policy is for the max size of the attributes and not on exact\nsize so the length of these attributes might be less than the sizes that\nenic_set_vf_port expects. This might cause an out of bands\nread access in the memcpys of the data of these\nattributes in enic_set_vf_port.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38659 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

606. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-38661) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: s390/ap: Fix crash in AP internal function modify_bitmap() A system crash like this Failing address: 200000cb7df6f000 TEID: 200000cb7df6f403 Fault in home space mode while using kernel ASCE. AS:00000002d71bc007 R3:00000003fe5b8007 S:000000011a446000 P:000000015660c13d Oops: 0038 ilc:3 [#1] PREEMPT SMP Modules linked in: mlx5_ib ... CPU: 8 PID: 7556 Comm: bash Not tainted 6.9.0-rc7 #8 Hardware name: IBM 3931 A01 704 (LPAR) Krnl PSW : 0704e00180000000 0000014b75e7b606 (ap_parse_bitmap_str+0x10e/0x1f8) R:0 T:1 IO:1 EX:1 Key:0 M:1 W:0 P:0 AS:3 CC:2 PM:0 RI:0 EA:3 Krnl GPRS: 0000000000000001 ffffffffffffffc0 0000000000000001 00000048f96b75d3 000000cb00000100 ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff 000000cb7df6fce0 000000cb7df6fce0 00000000ffffffff 000000000000002b 00000048ffffffff 000003ff9b2dbc80 200000cb7df6fcd8 0000014bffffffc0 000000cb7df6fbc8 Krnl Code: 0000014b75e7b5fc: a7840047 brc 8,0000014b75e7b68a 0000014b75e7b600: 18b2 lr %r11,%r2 #0000014b75e7b602: a7f4000a brc 15,0000014b75e7b616 >0000014b75e7b606: eb22d00000e6 laog %r2,%r2,0(%r13) 0000014b75e7b60c: a7680001 lhi %r6,1 0000014b75e7b610: 187b lr %r7,%r11 0000014b75e7b612: 84960021 brxh %r9,%r6,0000014b75e7b654 0000014b75e7b616: 18e9 lr %r14,%r9 Call Trace: [<0000014b75e7b606>] ap_parse_bitmap_str+0x10e/0x1f8 ([<0000014b75e7b5dc>] ap_parse_bitmap_str+0xe4/0x1f8) [<0000014b75e7b758>] apmask_store+0x68/0x140 [<0000014b75679196>] kernfs_fop_write_iter+0x14e/0x1e8 [<0000014b75598524>] vfs_write+0x1b4/0x448 [<0000014b7559894c>] ksys_write+0x74/0x100 [<0000014b7618a440>] __do_syscall+0x268/0x328 [<0000014b761a3558>] system_call+0x70/0x98 INFO: lockdep is turned off. Last Breaking-Event-Address: [<0000014b75e7b636>] ap_parse_bitmap_str+0x13e/0x1f8 Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception: panic_on_oops occured when /sys/bus/ap/a[pq]mask was updated with a relative mask value (like +0x10-0x12,+60,-90) with one of the numeric values exceeding INT_MAX. The fix is simple: use unsigned long values for the internal variables. The correct checks are already in place in the function but a simple int for the internal variables was used with the possibility to overflow.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ns390/ap: Fix crash in AP internal function modify_bitmap()\n\nA system crash like this\n\n Failing address: 200000cb7df6f000 TEID: 200000cb7df6f403\n Fault in home space mode while using kernel ASCE.\n AS:00000002d71bc007 R3:00000003fe5b8007 S:000000011a446000 P:000000015660c13d\n Oops: 0038 ilc:3 [#1] PREEMPT SMP\n Modules linked in: mlx5_ib ...\n CPU: 8 PID: 7556 Comm: bash Not tainted 6.9.0-rc7 #8\n Hardware name: IBM 3931 A01 704 (LPAR)\n Krnl PSW : 0704e00180000000 0000014b75e7b606 (ap_parse_bitmap_str+0x10e/0x1f8)\n R:0 T:1 IO:1 EX:1 Key:0 M:1 W:0 P:0 AS:3 CC:2 PM:0 RI:0 EA:3\n Krnl GPRS: 0000000000000001 ffffffffffffffc0 0000000000000001 00000048f96b75d3\n 000000cb00000100 ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff 000000cb7df6fce0\n 000000cb7df6fce0 00000000ffffffff 000000000000002b 00000048ffffffff\n 000003ff9b2dbc80 200000cb7df6fcd8 0000014bffffffc0 000000cb7df6fbc8\n Krnl Code: 0000014b75e7b5fc: a7840047 brc 8,0000014b75e7b68a\n 0000014b75e7b600: 18b2 lr %r11,%r2\n #0000014b75e7b602: a7f4000a brc 15,0000014b75e7b616\n >0000014b75e7b606: eb22d00000e6 laog %r2,%r2,0(%r13)\n 0000014b75e7b60c: a7680001 lhi %r6,1\n 0000014b75e7b610: 187b lr %r7,%r11\n 0000014b75e7b612: 84960021 brxh %r9,%r6,0000014b75e7b654\n 0000014b75e7b616: 18e9 lr %r14,%r9\n Call Trace:\n [<0000014b75e7b606>] ap_parse_bitmap_str+0x10e/0x1f8\n ([<0000014b75e7b5dc>] ap_parse_bitmap_str+0xe4/0x1f8)\n [<0000014b75e7b758>] apmask_store+0x68/0x140\n [<0000014b75679196>] kernfs_fop_write_iter+0x14e/0x1e8\n [<0000014b75598524>] vfs_write+0x1b4/0x448\n [<0000014b7559894c>] ksys_write+0x74/0x100\n [<0000014b7618a440>] __do_syscall+0x268/0x328\n [<0000014b761a3558>] system_call+0x70/0x98\n INFO: lockdep is turned off.\n Last Breaking-Event-Address:\n [<0000014b75e7b636>] ap_parse_bitmap_str+0x13e/0x1f8\n Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception: panic_on_oops\n\noccured when /sys/bus/ap/a[pq]mask was updated with a relative mask value\n(like +0x10-0x12,+60,-90) with one of the numeric values exceeding INT_MAX.\n\nThe fix is simple: use unsigned long values for the internal variables. The\ncorrect checks are already in place in the function but a simple int for\nthe internal variables was used with the possibility to overflow.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-38661 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

607. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39276) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ext4: fix mb_cache_entry's e_refcnt leak in ext4_xattr_block_cache_find() Syzbot reports a warning as follows: ============================================ WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 5075 at fs/mbcache.c:419 mb_cache_destroy+0x224/0x290 Modules linked in: CPU: 0 PID: 5075 Comm: syz-executor199 Not tainted 6.9.0-rc6-gb947cc5bf6d7 RIP: 0010:mb_cache_destroy+0x224/0x290 fs/mbcache.c:419 Call Trace: <TASK> ext4_put_super+0x6d4/0xcd0 fs/ext4/super.c:1375 generic_shutdown_super+0x136/0x2d0 fs/super.c:641 kill_block_super+0x44/0x90 fs/super.c:1675 ext4_kill_sb+0x68/0xa0 fs/ext4/super.c:7327 [...] ============================================ This is because when finding an entry in ext4_xattr_block_cache_find(), if ext4_sb_bread() returns -ENOMEM, the ce's e_refcnt, which has already grown in the __entry_find(), won't be put away, and eventually trigger the above issue in mb_cache_destroy() due to reference count leakage. So call mb_cache_entry_put() on the -ENOMEM error branch as a quick fix.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\next4: fix mb_cache_entry's e_refcnt leak in ext4_xattr_block_cache_find()\n\nSyzbot reports a warning as follows:\n\n============================================\nWARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 5075 at fs/mbcache.c:419 mb_cache_destroy+0x224/0x290\nModules linked in:\nCPU: 0 PID: 5075 Comm: syz-executor199 Not tainted 6.9.0-rc6-gb947cc5bf6d7\nRIP: 0010:mb_cache_destroy+0x224/0x290 fs/mbcache.c:419\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n ext4_put_super+0x6d4/0xcd0 fs/ext4/super.c:1375\n generic_shutdown_super+0x136/0x2d0 fs/super.c:641\n kill_block_super+0x44/0x90 fs/super.c:1675\n ext4_kill_sb+0x68/0xa0 fs/ext4/super.c:7327\n[...]\n============================================\n\nThis is because when finding an entry in ext4_xattr_block_cache_find(), if\next4_sb_bread() returns -ENOMEM, the ce's e_refcnt, which has already grown\nin the __entry_find(), won't be put away, and eventually trigger the above\nissue in mb_cache_destroy() due to reference count leakage.\n\nSo call mb_cache_entry_put() on the -ENOMEM error branch as a quick fix.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-39276 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

608. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39293) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: Revert "xsk: Support redirect to any socket bound to the same umem" This reverts commit 2863d665ea41282379f108e4da6c8a2366ba66db. This patch introduced a potential kernel crash when multiple napi instances redirect to the same AF_XDP socket. By removing the queue_index check, it is possible for multiple napi instances to access the Rx ring at the same time, which will result in a corrupted ring state which can lead to a crash when flushing the rings in __xsk_flush(). This can happen when the linked list of sockets to flush gets corrupted by concurrent accesses. A quick and small fix is not possible, so let us revert this for now.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nRevert "xsk: Support redirect to any socket bound to the same umem"\n\nThis reverts commit 2863d665ea41282379f108e4da6c8a2366ba66db.\n\nThis patch introduced a potential kernel crash when multiple napi instances\nredirect to the same AF_XDP socket. By removing the queue_index check, it is\npossible for multiple napi instances to access the Rx ring at the same time,\nwhich will result in a corrupted ring state which can lead to a crash when\nflushing the rings in __xsk_flush(). This can happen when the linked list of\nsockets to flush gets corrupted by concurrent accesses. A quick and small fix\nis not possible, so let us revert this for now.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-39293 was patched at 2024-06-30

609. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39301) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/9p: fix uninit-value in p9_client_rpc() Syzbot with the help of KMSAN reported the following error: BUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in trace_9p_client_res include/trace/events/9p.h:146 [inline] BUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in p9_client_rpc+0x1314/0x1340 net/9p/client.c:754 trace_9p_client_res include/trace/events/9p.h:146 [inline] p9_client_rpc+0x1314/0x1340 net/9p/client.c:754 p9_client_create+0x1551/0x1ff0 net/9p/client.c:1031 v9fs_session_init+0x1b9/0x28e0 fs/9p/v9fs.c:410 v9fs_mount+0xe2/0x12b0 fs/9p/vfs_super.c:122 legacy_get_tree+0x114/0x290 fs/fs_context.c:662 vfs_get_tree+0xa7/0x570 fs/super.c:1797 do_new_mount+0x71f/0x15e0 fs/namespace.c:3352 path_mount+0x742/0x1f20 fs/namespace.c:3679 do_mount fs/namespace.c:3692 [inline] __do_sys_mount fs/namespace.c:3898 [inline] __se_sys_mount+0x725/0x810 fs/namespace.c:3875 __x64_sys_mount+0xe4/0x150 fs/namespace.c:3875 do_syscall_64+0xd5/0x1f0 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x6d/0x75 Uninit was created at: __alloc_pages+0x9d6/0xe70 mm/page_alloc.c:4598 __alloc_pages_node include/linux/gfp.h:238 [inline] alloc_pages_node include/linux/gfp.h:261 [inline] alloc_slab_page mm/slub.c:2175 [inline] allocate_slab mm/slub.c:2338 [inline] new_slab+0x2de/0x1400 mm/slub.c:2391 ___slab_alloc+0x1184/0x33d0 mm/slub.c:3525 __slab_alloc mm/slub.c:3610 [inline] __slab_alloc_node mm/slub.c:3663 [inline] slab_alloc_node mm/slub.c:3835 [inline] kmem_cache_alloc+0x6d3/0xbe0 mm/slub.c:3852 p9_tag_alloc net/9p/client.c:278 [inline] p9_client_prepare_req+0x20a/0x1770 net/9p/client.c:641 p9_client_rpc+0x27e/0x1340 net/9p/client.c:688 p9_client_create+0x1551/0x1ff0 net/9p/client.c:1031 v9fs_session_init+0x1b9/0x28e0 fs/9p/v9fs.c:410 v9fs_mount+0xe2/0x12b0 fs/9p/vfs_super.c:122 legacy_get_tree+0x114/0x290 fs/fs_context.c:662 vfs_get_tree+0xa7/0x570 fs/super.c:1797 do_new_mount+0x71f/0x15e0 fs/namespace.c:3352 path_mount+0x742/0x1f20 fs/namespace.c:3679 do_mount fs/namespace.c:3692 [inline] __do_sys_mount fs/namespace.c:3898 [inline] __se_sys_mount+0x725/0x810 fs/namespace.c:3875 __x64_sys_mount+0xe4/0x150 fs/namespace.c:3875 do_syscall_64+0xd5/0x1f0 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x6d/0x75 If p9_check_errors() fails early in p9_client_rpc(), req->rc.tag will not be properly initialized. However, trace_9p_client_res() ends up trying to print it out anyway before p9_client_rpc() finishes. Fix this issue by assigning default values to p9_fcall fields such as 'tag' and (just in case KMSAN unearths something new) 'id' during the tag allocation stage.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet/9p: fix uninit-value in p9_client_rpc()\n\nSyzbot with the help of KMSAN reported the following error:\n\nBUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in trace_9p_client_res include/trace/events/9p.h:146 [inline]\nBUG: KMSAN: uninit-value in p9_client_rpc+0x1314/0x1340 net/9p/client.c:754\n trace_9p_client_res include/trace/events/9p.h:146 [inline]\n p9_client_rpc+0x1314/0x1340 net/9p/client.c:754\n p9_client_create+0x1551/0x1ff0 net/9p/client.c:1031\n v9fs_session_init+0x1b9/0x28e0 fs/9p/v9fs.c:410\n v9fs_mount+0xe2/0x12b0 fs/9p/vfs_super.c:122\n legacy_get_tree+0x114/0x290 fs/fs_context.c:662\n vfs_get_tree+0xa7/0x570 fs/super.c:1797\n do_new_mount+0x71f/0x15e0 fs/namespace.c:3352\n path_mount+0x742/0x1f20 fs/namespace.c:3679\n do_mount fs/namespace.c:3692 [inline]\n __do_sys_mount fs/namespace.c:3898 [inline]\n __se_sys_mount+0x725/0x810 fs/namespace.c:3875\n __x64_sys_mount+0xe4/0x150 fs/namespace.c:3875\n do_syscall_64+0xd5/0x1f0\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x6d/0x75\n\nUninit was created at:\n __alloc_pages+0x9d6/0xe70 mm/page_alloc.c:4598\n __alloc_pages_node include/linux/gfp.h:238 [inline]\n alloc_pages_node include/linux/gfp.h:261 [inline]\n alloc_slab_page mm/slub.c:2175 [inline]\n allocate_slab mm/slub.c:2338 [inline]\n new_slab+0x2de/0x1400 mm/slub.c:2391\n ___slab_alloc+0x1184/0x33d0 mm/slub.c:3525\n __slab_alloc mm/slub.c:3610 [inline]\n __slab_alloc_node mm/slub.c:3663 [inline]\n slab_alloc_node mm/slub.c:3835 [inline]\n kmem_cache_alloc+0x6d3/0xbe0 mm/slub.c:3852\n p9_tag_alloc net/9p/client.c:278 [inline]\n p9_client_prepare_req+0x20a/0x1770 net/9p/client.c:641\n p9_client_rpc+0x27e/0x1340 net/9p/client.c:688\n p9_client_create+0x1551/0x1ff0 net/9p/client.c:1031\n v9fs_session_init+0x1b9/0x28e0 fs/9p/v9fs.c:410\n v9fs_mount+0xe2/0x12b0 fs/9p/vfs_super.c:122\n legacy_get_tree+0x114/0x290 fs/fs_context.c:662\n vfs_get_tree+0xa7/0x570 fs/super.c:1797\n do_new_mount+0x71f/0x15e0 fs/namespace.c:3352\n path_mount+0x742/0x1f20 fs/namespace.c:3679\n do_mount fs/namespace.c:3692 [inline]\n __do_sys_mount fs/namespace.c:3898 [inline]\n __se_sys_mount+0x725/0x810 fs/namespace.c:3875\n __x64_sys_mount+0xe4/0x150 fs/namespace.c:3875\n do_syscall_64+0xd5/0x1f0\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x6d/0x75\n\nIf p9_check_errors() fails early in p9_client_rpc(), req->rc.tag\nwill not be properly initialized. However, trace_9p_client_res()\nends up trying to print it out anyway before p9_client_rpc()\nfinishes.\n\nFix this issue by assigning default values to p9_fcall fields\nsuch as 'tag' and (just in case KMSAN unearths something new) 'id'\nduring the tag allocation stage.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-39301 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

610. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39467) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: f2fs: fix to do sanity check on i_xattr_nid in sanity_check_inode() syzbot reports a kernel bug as below: F2FS-fs (loop0): Mounted with checkpoint version = 48b305e4 ================================================================== BUG: KASAN: slab-out-of-bounds in f2fs_test_bit fs/f2fs/f2fs.h:2933 [inline] BUG: KASAN: slab-out-of-bounds in current_nat_addr fs/f2fs/node.h:213 [inline] BUG: KASAN: slab-out-of-bounds in f2fs_get_node_info+0xece/0x1200 fs/f2fs/node.c:600 Read of size 1 at addr ffff88807a58c76c by task syz-executor280/5076 CPU: 1 PID: 5076 Comm: syz-executor280 Not tainted 6.9.0-rc5-syzkaller #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 03/27/2024 Call Trace: <TASK> __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:88 [inline] dump_stack_lvl+0x241/0x360 lib/dump_stack.c:114 print_address_description mm/kasan/report.c:377 [inline] print_report+0x169/0x550 mm/kasan/report.c:488 kasan_report+0x143/0x180 mm/kasan/report.c:601 f2fs_test_bit fs/f2fs/f2fs.h:2933 [inline] current_nat_addr fs/f2fs/node.h:213 [inline] f2fs_get_node_info+0xece/0x1200 fs/f2fs/node.c:600 f2fs_xattr_fiemap fs/f2fs/data.c:1848 [inline] f2fs_fiemap+0x55d/0x1ee0 fs/f2fs/data.c:1925 ioctl_fiemap fs/ioctl.c:220 [inline] do_vfs_ioctl+0x1c07/0x2e50 fs/ioctl.c:838 __do_sys_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:902 [inline] __se_sys_ioctl+0x81/0x170 fs/ioctl.c:890 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline] do_syscall_64+0xf5/0x240 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f The root cause is we missed to do sanity check on i_xattr_nid during f2fs_iget(), so that in fiemap() path, current_nat_addr() will access nat_bitmap w/ offset from invalid i_xattr_nid, result in triggering kasan bug report, fix it.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nf2fs: fix to do sanity check on i_xattr_nid in sanity_check_inode()\n\nsyzbot reports a kernel bug as below:\n\nF2FS-fs (loop0): Mounted with checkpoint version = 48b305e4\n==================================================================\nBUG: KASAN: slab-out-of-bounds in f2fs_test_bit fs/f2fs/f2fs.h:2933 [inline]\nBUG: KASAN: slab-out-of-bounds in current_nat_addr fs/f2fs/node.h:213 [inline]\nBUG: KASAN: slab-out-of-bounds in f2fs_get_node_info+0xece/0x1200 fs/f2fs/node.c:600\nRead of size 1 at addr ffff88807a58c76c by task syz-executor280/5076\n\nCPU: 1 PID: 5076 Comm: syz-executor280 Not tainted 6.9.0-rc5-syzkaller #0\nHardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 03/27/2024\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:88 [inline]\n dump_stack_lvl+0x241/0x360 lib/dump_stack.c:114\n print_address_description mm/kasan/report.c:377 [inline]\n print_report+0x169/0x550 mm/kasan/report.c:488\n kasan_report+0x143/0x180 mm/kasan/report.c:601\n f2fs_test_bit fs/f2fs/f2fs.h:2933 [inline]\n current_nat_addr fs/f2fs/node.h:213 [inline]\n f2fs_get_node_info+0xece/0x1200 fs/f2fs/node.c:600\n f2fs_xattr_fiemap fs/f2fs/data.c:1848 [inline]\n f2fs_fiemap+0x55d/0x1ee0 fs/f2fs/data.c:1925\n ioctl_fiemap fs/ioctl.c:220 [inline]\n do_vfs_ioctl+0x1c07/0x2e50 fs/ioctl.c:838\n __do_sys_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:902 [inline]\n __se_sys_ioctl+0x81/0x170 fs/ioctl.c:890\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0xf5/0x240 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f\n\nThe root cause is we missed to do sanity check on i_xattr_nid during\nf2fs_iget(), so that in fiemap() path, current_nat_addr() will access\nnat_bitmap w/ offset from invalid i_xattr_nid, result in triggering\nkasan bug report, fix it.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-39467 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

611. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39468) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: smb: client: fix deadlock in smb2_find_smb_tcon() Unlock cifs_tcp_ses_lock before calling cifs_put_smb_ses() to avoid such deadlock.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nsmb: client: fix deadlock in smb2_find_smb_tcon()\n\nUnlock cifs_tcp_ses_lock before calling cifs_put_smb_ses() to avoid such\ndeadlock.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-39468 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15

612. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39469) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nilfs2: fix nilfs_empty_dir() misjudgment and long loop on I/O errors The error handling in nilfs_empty_dir() when a directory folio/page read fails is incorrect, as in the old ext2 implementation, and if the folio/page cannot be read or nilfs_check_folio() fails, it will falsely determine the directory as empty and corrupt the file system. In addition, since nilfs_empty_dir() does not immediately return on a failed folio/page read, but continues to loop, this can cause a long loop with I/O if i_size of the directory's inode is also corrupted, causing the log writer thread to wait and hang, as reported by syzbot. Fix these issues by making nilfs_empty_dir() immediately return a false value (0) if it fails to get a directory folio/page.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnilfs2: fix nilfs_empty_dir() misjudgment and long loop on I/O errors\n\nThe error handling in nilfs_empty_dir() when a directory folio/page read\nfails is incorrect, as in the old ext2 implementation, and if the\nfolio/page cannot be read or nilfs_check_folio() fails, it will falsely\ndetermine the directory as empty and corrupt the file system.\n\nIn addition, since nilfs_empty_dir() does not immediately return on a\nfailed folio/page read, but continues to loop, this can cause a long loop\nwith I/O if i_size of the directory's inode is also corrupted, causing the\nlog writer thread to wait and hang, as reported by syzbot.\n\nFix these issues by making nilfs_empty_dir() immediately return a false\nvalue (0) if it fails to get a directory folio/page.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-39469 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

613. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39488) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: arm64: asm-bug: Add .align 2 to the end of __BUG_ENTRY When CONFIG_DEBUG_BUGVERBOSE=n, we fail to add necessary padding bytes to bug_table entries, and as a result the last entry in a bug table will be ignored, potentially leading to an unexpected panic(). All prior entries in the table will be handled correctly. The arm64 ABI requires that struct fields of up to 8 bytes are naturally-aligned, with padding added within a struct such that struct are suitably aligned within arrays. When CONFIG_DEBUG_BUGVERPOSE=y, the layout of a bug_entry is: \tstruct bug_entry { \t\tsigned int bug_addr_disp;\t// 4 bytes \t\tsigned int file_disp;\t// 4 bytes \t\tunsigned short line;\t\t// 2 bytes \t\tunsigned short flags;\t\t// 2 bytes \t} ... with 12 bytes total, requiring 4-byte alignment. When CONFIG_DEBUG_BUGVERBOSE=n, the layout of a bug_entry is: \tstruct bug_entry { \t\tsigned int bug_addr_disp;\t// 4 bytes \t\tunsigned short flags;\t\t// 2 bytes \t\t< implicit padding >\t\t// 2 bytes \t} ... with 8 bytes total, with 6 bytes of data and 2 bytes of trailing padding, requiring 4-byte alginment. When we create a bug_entry in assembly, we align the start of the entry to 4 bytes, which implicitly handles padding for any prior entries. However, we do not align the end of the entry, and so when CONFIG_DEBUG_BUGVERBOSE=n, the final entry lacks the trailing padding bytes. For the main kernel image this is not a problem as find_bug() doesn't depend on the trailing padding bytes when searching for entries: \tfor (bug = __start___bug_table; bug < __stop___bug_table; ++bug) \t\tif (bugaddr == bug_addr(bug)) \t\t\treturn bug; However for modules, module_bug_finalize() depends on the trailing bytes when calculating the number of entries: \tmod->num_bugs = sechdrs[i].sh_size / sizeof(struct bug_entry); ... and as the last bug_entry lacks the necessary padding bytes, this entry will not be counted, e.g. in the case of a single entry: \tsechdrs[i].sh_size == 6 \tsizeof(struct bug_entry) == 8; \tsechdrs[i].sh_size / sizeof(struct bug_entry) == 0; Consequently module_find_bug() will miss the last bug_entry when it does: \tfor (i = 0; i < mod->num_bugs; ++i, ++bug) \t\tif (bugaddr == bug_addr(bug)) \t\t\tgoto out; ... which can lead to a kenrel panic due to an unhandled bug. This can be demonstrated with the following module: \tstatic int __init buginit(void) \t{ \t\tWARN(1, "hello\\n"); \t\treturn 0; \t} \tstatic void __exit bugexit(void) \t{ \t} \tmodule_init(buginit); \tmodule_exit(bugexit); \tMODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); ... which will trigger a kernel panic when loaded: \t------------[ cut here ]------------ \thello \tUnexpected kernel BRK exception at EL1 \tInternal error: BRK handler: 00000000f2000800 [#1] PREEMPT SMP \tModules linked in: hello(O+) \tCPU: 0 PID: 50 Comm: insmod Tainted: G O 6.9.1 #8 \tHardware name: linux,dummy-virt (DT) \tpstate: 60400005 (nZCv daif +PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--) \tpc : buginit+0x18/0x1000 [hello] \tlr : buginit+0x18/0x1000 [hello] \tsp : ffff800080533ae0 \tx29: ffff800080533ae0 x28: 0000000000000000 x27: 0000000000000000 \tx26: ffffaba8c4e70510 x25: ffff800080533c30 x24: ffffaba8c4a28a58 \tx23: 0000000000000000 x22: 0000000000000000 x21: ffff3947c0eab3c0 \tx20: ffffaba8c4e3f000 x19: ffffaba846464000 x18: 0000000000000006 \tx17: 0000000000000000 x16: ffffaba8c2492834 x15: 0720072007200720 \tx14: 0720072007200720 x13: ffffaba8c49b27c8 x12: 0000000000000312 \tx11: 0000000000000106 x10: ffffaba8c4a0a7c8 x9 : ffffaba8c49b27c8 \tx8 : 00000000ffffefff x7 : ffffaba8c4a0a7c8 x6 : 80000000fffff000 \tx5 : 0000000000000107 x4 : 0000000000000000 x3 : 0000000000000000 \tx2 : 0000000000000000 x1 : 0000000000000000 x0 : ffff3947c0eab3c0 \tCall trace: \t buginit+0x18/0x1000 [hello] \t do_one_initcall+0x80/0x1c8 \t do_init_module+0x60/0x218 \t load_module+0x1ba4/0x1d70 \t __do_sys_init_module+0x198/0x1d0 \t __arm64_sys_init_module+0x1c/0x28 \t invoke_syscall+0x48/0x114 \t el0_svc ---truncated---', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\narm64: asm-bug: Add .align 2 to the end of __BUG_ENTRY\n\nWhen CONFIG_DEBUG_BUGVERBOSE=n, we fail to add necessary padding bytes\nto bug_table entries, and as a result the last entry in a bug table will\nbe ignored, potentially leading to an unexpected panic(). All prior\nentries in the table will be handled correctly.\n\nThe arm64 ABI requires that struct fields of up to 8 bytes are\nnaturally-aligned, with padding added within a struct such that struct\nare suitably aligned within arrays.\n\nWhen CONFIG_DEBUG_BUGVERPOSE=y, the layout of a bug_entry is:\n\n\tstruct bug_entry {\n\t\tsigned int bug_addr_disp;\t// 4 bytes\n\t\tsigned int file_disp;\t// 4 bytes\n\t\tunsigned short line;\t\t// 2 bytes\n\t\tunsigned short flags;\t\t// 2 bytes\n\t}\n\n... with 12 bytes total, requiring 4-byte alignment.\n\nWhen CONFIG_DEBUG_BUGVERBOSE=n, the layout of a bug_entry is:\n\n\tstruct bug_entry {\n\t\tsigned int bug_addr_disp;\t// 4 bytes\n\t\tunsigned short flags;\t\t// 2 bytes\n\t\t< implicit padding >\t\t// 2 bytes\n\t}\n\n... with 8 bytes total, with 6 bytes of data and 2 bytes of trailing\npadding, requiring 4-byte alginment.\n\nWhen we create a bug_entry in assembly, we align the start of the entry\nto 4 bytes, which implicitly handles padding for any prior entries.\nHowever, we do not align the end of the entry, and so when\nCONFIG_DEBUG_BUGVERBOSE=n, the final entry lacks the trailing padding\nbytes.\n\nFor the main kernel image this is not a problem as find_bug() doesn't\ndepend on the trailing padding bytes when searching for entries:\n\n\tfor (bug = __start___bug_table; bug < __stop___bug_table; ++bug)\n\t\tif (bugaddr == bug_addr(bug))\n\t\t\treturn bug;\n\nHowever for modules, module_bug_finalize() depends on the trailing\nbytes when calculating the number of entries:\n\n\tmod->num_bugs = sechdrs[i].sh_size / sizeof(struct bug_entry);\n\n... and as the last bug_entry lacks the necessary padding bytes, this entry\nwill not be counted, e.g. in the case of a single entry:\n\n\tsechdrs[i].sh_size == 6\n\tsizeof(struct bug_entry) == 8;\n\n\tsechdrs[i].sh_size / sizeof(struct bug_entry) == 0;\n\nConsequently module_find_bug() will miss the last bug_entry when it does:\n\n\tfor (i = 0; i < mod->num_bugs; ++i, ++bug)\n\t\tif (bugaddr == bug_addr(bug))\n\t\t\tgoto out;\n\n... which can lead to a kenrel panic due to an unhandled bug.\n\nThis can be demonstrated with the following module:\n\n\tstatic int __init buginit(void)\n\t{\n\t\tWARN(1, "hello\\n");\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t}\n\n\tstatic void __exit bugexit(void)\n\t{\n\t}\n\n\tmodule_init(buginit);\n\tmodule_exit(bugexit);\n\tMODULE_LICENSE("GPL");\n\n... which will trigger a kernel panic when loaded:\n\n\t------------[ cut here ]------------\n\thello\n\tUnexpected kernel BRK exception at EL1\n\tInternal error: BRK handler: 00000000f2000800 [#1] PREEMPT SMP\n\tModules linked in: hello(O+)\n\tCPU: 0 PID: 50 Comm: insmod Tainted: G O 6.9.1 #8\n\tHardware name: linux,dummy-virt (DT)\n\tpstate: 60400005 (nZCv daif +PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--)\n\tpc : buginit+0x18/0x1000 [hello]\n\tlr : buginit+0x18/0x1000 [hello]\n\tsp : ffff800080533ae0\n\tx29: ffff800080533ae0 x28: 0000000000000000 x27: 0000000000000000\n\tx26: ffffaba8c4e70510 x25: ffff800080533c30 x24: ffffaba8c4a28a58\n\tx23: 0000000000000000 x22: 0000000000000000 x21: ffff3947c0eab3c0\n\tx20: ffffaba8c4e3f000 x19: ffffaba846464000 x18: 0000000000000006\n\tx17: 0000000000000000 x16: ffffaba8c2492834 x15: 0720072007200720\n\tx14: 0720072007200720 x13: ffffaba8c49b27c8 x12: 0000000000000312\n\tx11: 0000000000000106 x10: ffffaba8c4a0a7c8 x9 : ffffaba8c49b27c8\n\tx8 : 00000000ffffefff x7 : ffffaba8c4a0a7c8 x6 : 80000000fffff000\n\tx5 : 0000000000000107 x4 : 0000000000000000 x3 : 0000000000000000\n\tx2 : 0000000000000000 x1 : 0000000000000000 x0 : ffff3947c0eab3c0\n\tCall trace:\n\t buginit+0x18/0x1000 [hello]\n\t do_one_initcall+0x80/0x1c8\n\t do_init_module+0x60/0x218\n\t load_module+0x1ba4/0x1d70\n\t __do_sys_init_module+0x198/0x1d0\n\t __arm64_sys_init_module+0x1c/0x28\n\t invoke_syscall+0x48/0x114\n\t el0_svc\n---truncated---', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-39488 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

614. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39489) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ipv6: sr: fix memleak in seg6_hmac_init_algo seg6_hmac_init_algo returns without cleaning up the previous allocations if one fails, so it's going to leak all that memory and the crypto tfms. Update seg6_hmac_exit to only free the memory when allocated, so we can reuse the code directly.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nipv6: sr: fix memleak in seg6_hmac_init_algo\n\nseg6_hmac_init_algo returns without cleaning up the previous allocations\nif one fails, so it's going to leak all that memory and the crypto tfms.\n\nUpdate seg6_hmac_exit to only free the memory when allocated, so we can\nreuse the code directly.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-39489 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

615. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39499) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: vmci: prevent speculation leaks by sanitizing event in event_deliver() Coverity spotted that event_msg is controlled by user-space, event_msg->event_data.event is passed to event_deliver() and used as an index without sanitization. This change ensures that the event index is sanitized to mitigate any possibility of speculative information leaks. This bug was discovered and resolved using Coverity Static Analysis Security Testing (SAST) by Synopsys, Inc. Only compile tested, no access to HW.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nvmci: prevent speculation leaks by sanitizing event in event_deliver()\n\nCoverity spotted that event_msg is controlled by user-space,\nevent_msg->event_data.event is passed to event_deliver() and used\nas an index without sanitization.\n\nThis change ensures that the event index is sanitized to mitigate any\npossibility of speculative information leaks.\n\nThis bug was discovered and resolved using Coverity Static Analysis\nSecurity Testing (SAST) by Synopsys, Inc.\n\nOnly compile tested, no access to HW.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-39499 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

616. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39502) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ionic: fix use after netif_napi_del() When queues are started, netif_napi_add() and napi_enable() are called. If there are 4 queues and only 3 queues are used for the current configuration, only 3 queues' napi should be registered and enabled. The ionic_qcq_enable() checks whether the .poll pointer is not NULL for enabling only the using queue' napi. Unused queues' napi will not be registered by netif_napi_add(), so the .poll pointer indicates NULL. But it couldn't distinguish whether the napi was unregistered or not because netif_napi_del() doesn't reset the .poll pointer to NULL. So, ionic_qcq_enable() calls napi_enable() for the queue, which was unregistered by netif_napi_del(). Reproducer: ethtool -L <interface name> rx 1 tx 1 combined 0 ethtool -L <interface name> rx 0 tx 0 combined 1 ethtool -L <interface name> rx 0 tx 0 combined 4 Splat looks like: kernel BUG at net/core/dev.c:6666! Oops: invalid opcode: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP NOPTI CPU: 3 PID: 1057 Comm: kworker/3:3 Not tainted 6.10.0-rc2+ #16 Workqueue: events ionic_lif_deferred_work [ionic] RIP: 0010:napi_enable+0x3b/0x40 Code: 48 89 c2 48 83 e2 f6 80 b9 61 09 00 00 00 74 0d 48 83 bf 60 01 00 00 00 74 03 80 ce 01 f0 4f RSP: 0018:ffffb6ed83227d48 EFLAGS: 00010246 RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffff97560cda0828 RCX: 0000000000000029 RDX: 0000000000000001 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: ffff97560cda0a28 RBP: ffffb6ed83227d50 R08: 0000000000000400 R09: 0000000000000001 R10: 0000000000000001 R11: 0000000000000001 R12: 0000000000000000 R13: ffff97560ce3c1a0 R14: 0000000000000000 R15: ffff975613ba0a20 FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff975d5f780000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 00007f8f734ee200 CR3: 0000000103e50000 CR4: 00000000007506f0 PKRU: 55555554 Call Trace: <TASK> ? die+0x33/0x90 ? do_trap+0xd9/0x100 ? napi_enable+0x3b/0x40 ? do_error_trap+0x83/0xb0 ? napi_enable+0x3b/0x40 ? napi_enable+0x3b/0x40 ? exc_invalid_op+0x4e/0x70 ? napi_enable+0x3b/0x40 ? asm_exc_invalid_op+0x16/0x20 ? napi_enable+0x3b/0x40 ionic_qcq_enable+0xb7/0x180 [ionic 59bdfc8a035436e1c4224ff7d10789e3f14643f8] ionic_start_queues+0xc4/0x290 [ionic 59bdfc8a035436e1c4224ff7d10789e3f14643f8] ionic_link_status_check+0x11c/0x170 [ionic 59bdfc8a035436e1c4224ff7d10789e3f14643f8] ionic_lif_deferred_work+0x129/0x280 [ionic 59bdfc8a035436e1c4224ff7d10789e3f14643f8] process_one_work+0x145/0x360 worker_thread+0x2bb/0x3d0 ? __pfx_worker_thread+0x10/0x10 kthread+0xcc/0x100 ? __pfx_kthread+0x10/0x10 ret_from_fork+0x2d/0x50 ? __pfx_kthread+0x10/0x10 ret_from_fork_asm+0x1a/0x30', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nionic: fix use after netif_napi_del()\n\nWhen queues are started, netif_napi_add() and napi_enable() are called.\nIf there are 4 queues and only 3 queues are used for the current\nconfiguration, only 3 queues' napi should be registered and enabled.\nThe ionic_qcq_enable() checks whether the .poll pointer is not NULL for\nenabling only the using queue' napi. Unused queues' napi will not be\nregistered by netif_napi_add(), so the .poll pointer indicates NULL.\nBut it couldn't distinguish whether the napi was unregistered or not\nbecause netif_napi_del() doesn't reset the .poll pointer to NULL.\nSo, ionic_qcq_enable() calls napi_enable() for the queue, which was\nunregistered by netif_napi_del().\n\nReproducer:\n ethtool -L <interface name> rx 1 tx 1 combined 0\n ethtool -L <interface name> rx 0 tx 0 combined 1\n ethtool -L <interface name> rx 0 tx 0 combined 4\n\nSplat looks like:\nkernel BUG at net/core/dev.c:6666!\nOops: invalid opcode: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP NOPTI\nCPU: 3 PID: 1057 Comm: kworker/3:3 Not tainted 6.10.0-rc2+ #16\nWorkqueue: events ionic_lif_deferred_work [ionic]\nRIP: 0010:napi_enable+0x3b/0x40\nCode: 48 89 c2 48 83 e2 f6 80 b9 61 09 00 00 00 74 0d 48 83 bf 60 01 00 00 00 74 03 80 ce 01 f0 4f\nRSP: 0018:ffffb6ed83227d48 EFLAGS: 00010246\nRAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffff97560cda0828 RCX: 0000000000000029\nRDX: 0000000000000001 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: ffff97560cda0a28\nRBP: ffffb6ed83227d50 R08: 0000000000000400 R09: 0000000000000001\nR10: 0000000000000001 R11: 0000000000000001 R12: 0000000000000000\nR13: ffff97560ce3c1a0 R14: 0000000000000000 R15: ffff975613ba0a20\nFS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff975d5f780000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\nCS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\nCR2: 00007f8f734ee200 CR3: 0000000103e50000 CR4: 00000000007506f0\nPKRU: 55555554\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n ? die+0x33/0x90\n ? do_trap+0xd9/0x100\n ? napi_enable+0x3b/0x40\n ? do_error_trap+0x83/0xb0\n ? napi_enable+0x3b/0x40\n ? napi_enable+0x3b/0x40\n ? exc_invalid_op+0x4e/0x70\n ? napi_enable+0x3b/0x40\n ? asm_exc_invalid_op+0x16/0x20\n ? napi_enable+0x3b/0x40\n ionic_qcq_enable+0xb7/0x180 [ionic 59bdfc8a035436e1c4224ff7d10789e3f14643f8]\n ionic_start_queues+0xc4/0x290 [ionic 59bdfc8a035436e1c4224ff7d10789e3f14643f8]\n ionic_link_status_check+0x11c/0x170 [ionic 59bdfc8a035436e1c4224ff7d10789e3f14643f8]\n ionic_lif_deferred_work+0x129/0x280 [ionic 59bdfc8a035436e1c4224ff7d10789e3f14643f8]\n process_one_work+0x145/0x360\n worker_thread+0x2bb/0x3d0\n ? __pfx_worker_thread+0x10/0x10\n kthread+0xcc/0x100\n ? __pfx_kthread+0x10/0x10\n ret_from_fork+0x2d/0x50\n ? __pfx_kthread+0x10/0x10\n ret_from_fork_asm+0x1a/0x30', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-39502 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

617. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39505) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/komeda: check for error-valued pointer komeda_pipeline_get_state() may return an error-valued pointer, thus check the pointer for negative or null value before dereferencing.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/komeda: check for error-valued pointer\n\nkomeda_pipeline_get_state() may return an error-valued pointer, thus\ncheck the pointer for negative or null value before dereferencing.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-39505 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

618. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39506) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: liquidio: Adjust a NULL pointer handling path in lio_vf_rep_copy_packet In lio_vf_rep_copy_packet() pg_info->page is compared to a NULL value, but then it is unconditionally passed to skb_add_rx_frag() which looks strange and could lead to null pointer dereference. lio_vf_rep_copy_packet() call trace looks like: \tocteon_droq_process_packets \t octeon_droq_fast_process_packets \t octeon_droq_dispatch_pkt \t octeon_create_recv_info \t in the dispatch_list... \t ->disp_fn(rdisp->rinfo, ...) \t lio_vf_rep_pkt_recv(struct octeon_recv_info *recv_info, ...) In this path there is no code which sets pg_info->page to NULL. So this check looks unneeded and doesn't solve potential problem. But I guess the author had reason to add a check and I have no such card and can't do real test. In addition, the code in the function liquidio_push_packet() in liquidio/lio_core.c does exactly the same. Based on this, I consider the most acceptable compromise solution to adjust this issue by moving skb_add_rx_frag() into conditional scope. Found by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nliquidio: Adjust a NULL pointer handling path in lio_vf_rep_copy_packet\n\nIn lio_vf_rep_copy_packet() pg_info->page is compared to a NULL value,\nbut then it is unconditionally passed to skb_add_rx_frag() which looks\nstrange and could lead to null pointer dereference.\n\nlio_vf_rep_copy_packet() call trace looks like:\n\tocteon_droq_process_packets\n\t octeon_droq_fast_process_packets\n\t octeon_droq_dispatch_pkt\n\t octeon_create_recv_info\n\t in the dispatch_list...\n\t ->disp_fn(rdisp->rinfo, ...)\n\t lio_vf_rep_pkt_recv(struct octeon_recv_info *recv_info, ...)\nIn this path there is no code which sets pg_info->page to NULL.\nSo this check looks unneeded and doesn't solve potential problem.\nBut I guess the author had reason to add a check and I have no such card\nand can't do real test.\nIn addition, the code in the function liquidio_push_packet() in\nliquidio/lio_core.c does exactly the same.\n\nBased on this, I consider the most acceptable compromise solution to\nadjust this issue by moving skb_add_rx_frag() into conditional scope.\n\nFound by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-39506 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

619. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-39509) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: HID: core: remove unnecessary WARN_ON() in implement() Syzkaller hit a warning [1] in a call to implement() when trying to write a value into a field of smaller size in an output report. Since implement() already has a warn message printed out with the help of hid_warn() and value in question gets trimmed with: \t... \tvalue &= m; \t... WARN_ON may be considered superfluous. Remove it to suppress future syzkaller triggers. [1] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 5084 at drivers/hid/hid-core.c:1451 implement drivers/hid/hid-core.c:1451 [inline] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 5084 at drivers/hid/hid-core.c:1451 hid_output_report+0x548/0x760 drivers/hid/hid-core.c:1863 Modules linked in: CPU: 0 PID: 5084 Comm: syz-executor424 Not tainted 6.9.0-rc7-syzkaller-00183-gcf87f46fd34d #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 04/02/2024 RIP: 0010:implement drivers/hid/hid-core.c:1451 [inline] RIP: 0010:hid_output_report+0x548/0x760 drivers/hid/hid-core.c:1863 ... Call Trace: <TASK> __usbhid_submit_report drivers/hid/usbhid/hid-core.c:591 [inline] usbhid_submit_report+0x43d/0x9e0 drivers/hid/usbhid/hid-core.c:636 hiddev_ioctl+0x138b/0x1f00 drivers/hid/usbhid/hiddev.c:726 vfs_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:51 [inline] __do_sys_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:904 [inline] __se_sys_ioctl+0xfc/0x170 fs/ioctl.c:890 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline] do_syscall_64+0xf5/0x240 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f ...', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nHID: core: remove unnecessary WARN_ON() in implement()\n\nSyzkaller hit a warning [1] in a call to implement() when trying\nto write a value into a field of smaller size in an output report.\n\nSince implement() already has a warn message printed out with the\nhelp of hid_warn() and value in question gets trimmed with:\n\t...\n\tvalue &= m;\n\t...\nWARN_ON may be considered superfluous. Remove it to suppress future\nsyzkaller triggers.\n\n[1]\nWARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 5084 at drivers/hid/hid-core.c:1451 implement drivers/hid/hid-core.c:1451 [inline]\nWARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 5084 at drivers/hid/hid-core.c:1451 hid_output_report+0x548/0x760 drivers/hid/hid-core.c:1863\nModules linked in:\nCPU: 0 PID: 5084 Comm: syz-executor424 Not tainted 6.9.0-rc7-syzkaller-00183-gcf87f46fd34d #0\nHardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 04/02/2024\nRIP: 0010:implement drivers/hid/hid-core.c:1451 [inline]\nRIP: 0010:hid_output_report+0x548/0x760 drivers/hid/hid-core.c:1863\n...\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n __usbhid_submit_report drivers/hid/usbhid/hid-core.c:591 [inline]\n usbhid_submit_report+0x43d/0x9e0 drivers/hid/usbhid/hid-core.c:636\n hiddev_ioctl+0x138b/0x1f00 drivers/hid/usbhid/hiddev.c:726\n vfs_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:51 [inline]\n __do_sys_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:904 [inline]\n __se_sys_ioctl+0xfc/0x170 fs/ioctl.c:890\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0xf5/0x240 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f\n...', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-39509 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

620. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40901) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: mpt3sas: Avoid test/set_bit() operating in non-allocated memory There is a potential out-of-bounds access when using test_bit() on a single word. The test_bit() and set_bit() functions operate on long values, and when testing or setting a single word, they can exceed the word boundary. KASAN detects this issue and produces a dump: \t BUG: KASAN: slab-out-of-bounds in _scsih_add_device.constprop.0 (./arch/x86/include/asm/bitops.h:60 ./include/asm-generic/bitops/instrumented-atomic.h:29 drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpt3sas_scsih.c:7331) mpt3sas \t Write of size 8 at addr ffff8881d26e3c60 by task kworker/u1536:2/2965 For full log, please look at [1]. Make the allocation at least the size of sizeof(unsigned long) so that set_bit() and test_bit() have sufficient room for read/write operations without overwriting unallocated memory. [1] Link:', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nscsi: mpt3sas: Avoid test/set_bit() operating in non-allocated memory\n\nThere is a potential out-of-bounds access when using test_bit() on a single\nword. The test_bit() and set_bit() functions operate on long values, and\nwhen testing or setting a single word, they can exceed the word\nboundary. KASAN detects this issue and produces a dump:\n\n\t BUG: KASAN: slab-out-of-bounds in _scsih_add_device.constprop.0 (./arch/x86/include/asm/bitops.h:60 ./include/asm-generic/bitops/instrumented-atomic.h:29 drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpt3sas_scsih.c:7331) mpt3sas\n\n\t Write of size 8 at addr ffff8881d26e3c60 by task kworker/u1536:2/2965\n\nFor full log, please look at [1].\n\nMake the allocation at least the size of sizeof(unsigned long) so that\nset_bit() and test_bit() have sufficient room for read/write operations\nwithout overwriting unallocated memory.\n\n[1] Link:', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-40901 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

621. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40904) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: USB: class: cdc-wdm: Fix CPU lockup caused by excessive log messages The syzbot fuzzer found that the interrupt-URB completion callback in the cdc-wdm driver was taking too long, and the driver's immediate resubmission of interrupt URBs with -EPROTO status combined with the dummy-hcd emulation to cause a CPU lockup: cdc_wdm 1-1:1.0: nonzero urb status received: -71 cdc_wdm 1-1:1.0: wdm_int_callback - 0 bytes watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 26s! [syz-executor782:6625] CPU#0 Utilization every 4s during lockup: \t#1: 98% system,\t 0% softirq,\t 3% hardirq,\t 0% idle \t#2: 98% system,\t 0% softirq,\t 3% hardirq,\t 0% idle \t#3: 98% system,\t 0% softirq,\t 3% hardirq,\t 0% idle \t#4: 98% system,\t 0% softirq,\t 3% hardirq,\t 0% idle \t#5: 98% system,\t 1% softirq,\t 3% hardirq,\t 0% idle Modules linked in: irq event stamp: 73096 hardirqs last enabled at (73095): [<ffff80008037bc00>] console_emit_next_record kernel/printk/printk.c:2935 [inline] hardirqs last enabled at (73095): [<ffff80008037bc00>] console_flush_all+0x650/0xb74 kernel/printk/printk.c:2994 hardirqs last disabled at (73096): [<ffff80008af10b00>] __el1_irq arch/arm64/kernel/entry-common.c:533 [inline] hardirqs last disabled at (73096): [<ffff80008af10b00>] el1_interrupt+0x24/0x68 arch/arm64/kernel/entry-common.c:551 softirqs last enabled at (73048): [<ffff8000801ea530>] softirq_handle_end kernel/softirq.c:400 [inline] softirqs last enabled at (73048): [<ffff8000801ea530>] handle_softirqs+0xa60/0xc34 kernel/softirq.c:582 softirqs last disabled at (73043): [<ffff800080020de8>] __do_softirq+0x14/0x20 kernel/softirq.c:588 CPU: 0 PID: 6625 Comm: syz-executor782 Tainted: G W 6.10.0-rc2-syzkaller-g8867bbd4a056 #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 04/02/2024 Testing showed that the problem did not occur if the two error messages -- the first two lines above -- were removed; apparently adding material to the kernel log takes a surprisingly large amount of time. In any case, the best approach for preventing these lockups and to avoid spamming the log with thousands of error messages per second is to ratelimit the two dev_err() calls. Therefore we replace them with dev_err_ratelimited().', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nUSB: class: cdc-wdm: Fix CPU lockup caused by excessive log messages\n\nThe syzbot fuzzer found that the interrupt-URB completion callback in\nthe cdc-wdm driver was taking too long, and the driver's immediate\nresubmission of interrupt URBs with -EPROTO status combined with the\ndummy-hcd emulation to cause a CPU lockup:\n\ncdc_wdm 1-1:1.0: nonzero urb status received: -71\ncdc_wdm 1-1:1.0: wdm_int_callback - 0 bytes\nwatchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 26s! [syz-executor782:6625]\nCPU#0 Utilization every 4s during lockup:\n\t#1: 98% system,\t 0% softirq,\t 3% hardirq,\t 0% idle\n\t#2: 98% system,\t 0% softirq,\t 3% hardirq,\t 0% idle\n\t#3: 98% system,\t 0% softirq,\t 3% hardirq,\t 0% idle\n\t#4: 98% system,\t 0% softirq,\t 3% hardirq,\t 0% idle\n\t#5: 98% system,\t 1% softirq,\t 3% hardirq,\t 0% idle\nModules linked in:\nirq event stamp: 73096\nhardirqs last enabled at (73095): [<ffff80008037bc00>] console_emit_next_record kernel/printk/printk.c:2935 [inline]\nhardirqs last enabled at (73095): [<ffff80008037bc00>] console_flush_all+0x650/0xb74 kernel/printk/printk.c:2994\nhardirqs last disabled at (73096): [<ffff80008af10b00>] __el1_irq arch/arm64/kernel/entry-common.c:533 [inline]\nhardirqs last disabled at (73096): [<ffff80008af10b00>] el1_interrupt+0x24/0x68 arch/arm64/kernel/entry-common.c:551\nsoftirqs last enabled at (73048): [<ffff8000801ea530>] softirq_handle_end kernel/softirq.c:400 [inline]\nsoftirqs last enabled at (73048): [<ffff8000801ea530>] handle_softirqs+0xa60/0xc34 kernel/softirq.c:582\nsoftirqs last disabled at (73043): [<ffff800080020de8>] __do_softirq+0x14/0x20 kernel/softirq.c:588\nCPU: 0 PID: 6625 Comm: syz-executor782 Tainted: G W 6.10.0-rc2-syzkaller-g8867bbd4a056 #0\nHardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 04/02/2024\n\nTesting showed that the problem did not occur if the two error\nmessages -- the first two lines above -- were removed; apparently adding\nmaterial to the kernel log takes a surprisingly large amount of time.\n\nIn any case, the best approach for preventing these lockups and to\navoid spamming the log with thousands of error messages per second is\nto ratelimit the two dev_err() calls. Therefore we replace them with\ndev_err_ratelimited().', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-40904 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

622. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40905) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ipv6: fix possible race in __fib6_drop_pcpu_from() syzbot found a race in __fib6_drop_pcpu_from() [1] If compiler reads more than once (*ppcpu_rt), second read could read NULL, if another cpu clears the value in rt6_get_pcpu_route(). Add a READ_ONCE() to prevent this race. Also add rcu_read_lock()/rcu_read_unlock() because we rely on RCU protection while dereferencing pcpu_rt. [1] Oops: general protection fault, probably for non-canonical address 0xdffffc0000000012: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN PTI KASAN: null-ptr-deref in range [0x0000000000000090-0x0000000000000097] CPU: 0 PID: 7543 Comm: kworker/u8:17 Not tainted 6.10.0-rc1-syzkaller-00013-g2bfcfd584ff5 #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 04/02/2024 Workqueue: netns cleanup_net RIP: 0010:__fib6_drop_pcpu_from.part.0+0x10a/0x370 net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c:984 Code: f8 48 c1 e8 03 80 3c 28 00 0f 85 16 02 00 00 4d 8b 3f 4d 85 ff 74 31 e8 74 a7 fa f7 49 8d bf 90 00 00 00 48 89 f8 48 c1 e8 03 <80> 3c 28 00 0f 85 1e 02 00 00 49 8b 87 90 00 00 00 48 8b 0c 24 48 RSP: 0018:ffffc900040df070 EFLAGS: 00010206 RAX: 0000000000000012 RBX: 0000000000000001 RCX: ffffffff89932e16 RDX: ffff888049dd1e00 RSI: ffffffff89932d7c RDI: 0000000000000091 RBP: dffffc0000000000 R08: 0000000000000005 R09: 0000000000000007 R10: 0000000000000001 R11: 0000000000000006 R12: ffff88807fa080b8 R13: fffffbfff1a9a07d R14: ffffed100ff41022 R15: 0000000000000001 FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff8880b9200000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 0000001b32c26000 CR3: 000000005d56e000 CR4: 00000000003526f0 DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 Call Trace: <TASK> __fib6_drop_pcpu_from net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c:966 [inline] fib6_drop_pcpu_from net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c:1027 [inline] fib6_purge_rt+0x7f2/0x9f0 net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c:1038 fib6_del_route net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c:1998 [inline] fib6_del+0xa70/0x17b0 net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c:2043 fib6_clean_node+0x426/0x5b0 net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c:2205 fib6_walk_continue+0x44f/0x8d0 net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c:2127 fib6_walk+0x182/0x370 net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c:2175 fib6_clean_tree+0xd7/0x120 net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c:2255 __fib6_clean_all+0x100/0x2d0 net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c:2271 rt6_sync_down_dev net/ipv6/route.c:4906 [inline] rt6_disable_ip+0x7ed/0xa00 net/ipv6/route.c:4911 addrconf_ifdown.isra.0+0x117/0x1b40 net/ipv6/addrconf.c:3855 addrconf_notify+0x223/0x19e0 net/ipv6/addrconf.c:3778 notifier_call_chain+0xb9/0x410 kernel/notifier.c:93 call_netdevice_notifiers_info+0xbe/0x140 net/core/dev.c:1992 call_netdevice_notifiers_extack net/core/dev.c:2030 [inline] call_netdevice_notifiers net/core/dev.c:2044 [inline] dev_close_many+0x333/0x6a0 net/core/dev.c:1585 unregister_netdevice_many_notify+0x46d/0x19f0 net/core/dev.c:11193 unregister_netdevice_many net/core/dev.c:11276 [inline] default_device_exit_batch+0x85b/0xae0 net/core/dev.c:11759 ops_exit_list+0x128/0x180 net/core/net_namespace.c:178 cleanup_net+0x5b7/0xbf0 net/core/net_namespace.c:640 process_one_work+0x9fb/0x1b60 kernel/workqueue.c:3231 process_scheduled_works kernel/workqueue.c:3312 [inline] worker_thread+0x6c8/0xf70 kernel/workqueue.c:3393 kthread+0x2c1/0x3a0 kernel/kthread.c:389 ret_from_fork+0x45/0x80 arch/x86/kernel/process.c:147 ret_from_fork_asm+0x1a/0x30 arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:244', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nipv6: fix possible race in __fib6_drop_pcpu_from()\n\nsyzbot found a race in __fib6_drop_pcpu_from() [1]\n\nIf compiler reads more than once (*ppcpu_rt),\nsecond read could read NULL, if another cpu clears\nthe value in rt6_get_pcpu_route().\n\nAdd a READ_ONCE() to prevent this race.\n\nAlso add rcu_read_lock()/rcu_read_unlock() because\nwe rely on RCU protection while dereferencing pcpu_rt.\n\n[1]\n\nOops: general protection fault, probably for non-canonical address 0xdffffc0000000012: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN PTI\nKASAN: null-ptr-deref in range [0x0000000000000090-0x0000000000000097]\nCPU: 0 PID: 7543 Comm: kworker/u8:17 Not tainted 6.10.0-rc1-syzkaller-00013-g2bfcfd584ff5 #0\nHardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 04/02/2024\nWorkqueue: netns cleanup_net\n RIP: 0010:__fib6_drop_pcpu_from.part.0+0x10a/0x370 net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c:984\nCode: f8 48 c1 e8 03 80 3c 28 00 0f 85 16 02 00 00 4d 8b 3f 4d 85 ff 74 31 e8 74 a7 fa f7 49 8d bf 90 00 00 00 48 89 f8 48 c1 e8 03 <80> 3c 28 00 0f 85 1e 02 00 00 49 8b 87 90 00 00 00 48 8b 0c 24 48\nRSP: 0018:ffffc900040df070 EFLAGS: 00010206\nRAX: 0000000000000012 RBX: 0000000000000001 RCX: ffffffff89932e16\nRDX: ffff888049dd1e00 RSI: ffffffff89932d7c RDI: 0000000000000091\nRBP: dffffc0000000000 R08: 0000000000000005 R09: 0000000000000007\nR10: 0000000000000001 R11: 0000000000000006 R12: ffff88807fa080b8\nR13: fffffbfff1a9a07d R14: ffffed100ff41022 R15: 0000000000000001\nFS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff8880b9200000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\nCS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\nCR2: 0000001b32c26000 CR3: 000000005d56e000 CR4: 00000000003526f0\nDR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000\nDR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n __fib6_drop_pcpu_from net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c:966 [inline]\n fib6_drop_pcpu_from net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c:1027 [inline]\n fib6_purge_rt+0x7f2/0x9f0 net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c:1038\n fib6_del_route net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c:1998 [inline]\n fib6_del+0xa70/0x17b0 net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c:2043\n fib6_clean_node+0x426/0x5b0 net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c:2205\n fib6_walk_continue+0x44f/0x8d0 net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c:2127\n fib6_walk+0x182/0x370 net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c:2175\n fib6_clean_tree+0xd7/0x120 net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c:2255\n __fib6_clean_all+0x100/0x2d0 net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c:2271\n rt6_sync_down_dev net/ipv6/route.c:4906 [inline]\n rt6_disable_ip+0x7ed/0xa00 net/ipv6/route.c:4911\n addrconf_ifdown.isra.0+0x117/0x1b40 net/ipv6/addrconf.c:3855\n addrconf_notify+0x223/0x19e0 net/ipv6/addrconf.c:3778\n notifier_call_chain+0xb9/0x410 kernel/notifier.c:93\n call_netdevice_notifiers_info+0xbe/0x140 net/core/dev.c:1992\n call_netdevice_notifiers_extack net/core/dev.c:2030 [inline]\n call_netdevice_notifiers net/core/dev.c:2044 [inline]\n dev_close_many+0x333/0x6a0 net/core/dev.c:1585\n unregister_netdevice_many_notify+0x46d/0x19f0 net/core/dev.c:11193\n unregister_netdevice_many net/core/dev.c:11276 [inline]\n default_device_exit_batch+0x85b/0xae0 net/core/dev.c:11759\n ops_exit_list+0x128/0x180 net/core/net_namespace.c:178\n cleanup_net+0x5b7/0xbf0 net/core/net_namespace.c:640\n process_one_work+0x9fb/0x1b60 kernel/workqueue.c:3231\n process_scheduled_works kernel/workqueue.c:3312 [inline]\n worker_thread+0x6c8/0xf70 kernel/workqueue.c:3393\n kthread+0x2c1/0x3a0 kernel/kthread.c:389\n ret_from_fork+0x45/0x80 arch/x86/kernel/process.c:147\n ret_from_fork_asm+0x1a/0x30 arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:244', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-40905 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

623. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40912) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: mac80211: Fix deadlock in ieee80211_sta_ps_deliver_wakeup() The ieee80211_sta_ps_deliver_wakeup() function takes sta->ps_lock to synchronizes with ieee80211_tx_h_unicast_ps_buf() which is called from softirq context. However using only spin_lock() to get sta->ps_lock in ieee80211_sta_ps_deliver_wakeup() does not prevent softirq to execute on this same CPU, to run ieee80211_tx_h_unicast_ps_buf() and try to take this same lock ending in deadlock. Below is an example of rcu stall that arises in such situation. rcu: INFO: rcu_sched self-detected stall on CPU rcu: 2-....: (42413413 ticks this GP) idle=b154/1/0x4000000000000000 softirq=1763/1765 fqs=21206996 rcu: (t=42586894 jiffies g=2057 q=362405 ncpus=4) CPU: 2 PID: 719 Comm: wpa_supplicant Tainted: G W 6.4.0-02158-g1b062f552873 #742 Hardware name: RPT (r1) (DT) pstate: 00000005 (nzcv daif -PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--) pc : queued_spin_lock_slowpath+0x58/0x2d0 lr : invoke_tx_handlers_early+0x5b4/0x5c0 sp : ffff00001ef64660 x29: ffff00001ef64660 x28: ffff000009bc1070 x27: ffff000009bc0ad8 x26: ffff000009bc0900 x25: ffff00001ef647a8 x24: 0000000000000000 x23: ffff000009bc0900 x22: ffff000009bc0900 x21: ffff00000ac0e000 x20: ffff00000a279e00 x19: ffff00001ef646e8 x18: 0000000000000000 x17: ffff800016468000 x16: ffff00001ef608c0 x15: 0010533c93f64f80 x14: 0010395c9faa3946 x13: 0000000000000000 x12: 00000000fa83b2da x11: 000000012edeceea x10: ffff0000010fbe00 x9 : 0000000000895440 x8 : 000000000010533c x7 : ffff00000ad8b740 x6 : ffff00000c350880 x5 : 0000000000000007 x4 : 0000000000000001 x3 : 0000000000000000 x2 : 0000000000000000 x1 : 0000000000000001 x0 : ffff00000ac0e0e8 Call trace: queued_spin_lock_slowpath+0x58/0x2d0 ieee80211_tx+0x80/0x12c ieee80211_tx_pending+0x110/0x278 tasklet_action_common.constprop.0+0x10c/0x144 tasklet_action+0x20/0x28 _stext+0x11c/0x284 ____do_softirq+0xc/0x14 call_on_irq_stack+0x24/0x34 do_softirq_own_stack+0x18/0x20 do_softirq+0x74/0x7c __local_bh_enable_ip+0xa0/0xa4 _ieee80211_wake_txqs+0x3b0/0x4b8 __ieee80211_wake_queue+0x12c/0x168 ieee80211_add_pending_skbs+0xec/0x138 ieee80211_sta_ps_deliver_wakeup+0x2a4/0x480 ieee80211_mps_sta_status_update.part.0+0xd8/0x11c ieee80211_mps_sta_status_update+0x18/0x24 sta_apply_parameters+0x3bc/0x4c0 ieee80211_change_station+0x1b8/0x2dc nl80211_set_station+0x444/0x49c genl_family_rcv_msg_doit.isra.0+0xa4/0xfc genl_rcv_msg+0x1b0/0x244 netlink_rcv_skb+0x38/0x10c genl_rcv+0x34/0x48 netlink_unicast+0x254/0x2bc netlink_sendmsg+0x190/0x3b4 ____sys_sendmsg+0x1e8/0x218 ___sys_sendmsg+0x68/0x8c __sys_sendmsg+0x44/0x84 __arm64_sys_sendmsg+0x20/0x28 do_el0_svc+0x6c/0xe8 el0_svc+0x14/0x48 el0t_64_sync_handler+0xb0/0xb4 el0t_64_sync+0x14c/0x150 Using spin_lock_bh()/spin_unlock_bh() instead prevents softirq to raise on the same CPU that is holding the lock.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nwifi: mac80211: Fix deadlock in ieee80211_sta_ps_deliver_wakeup()\n\nThe ieee80211_sta_ps_deliver_wakeup() function takes sta->ps_lock to\nsynchronizes with ieee80211_tx_h_unicast_ps_buf() which is called from\nsoftirq context. However using only spin_lock() to get sta->ps_lock in\nieee80211_sta_ps_deliver_wakeup() does not prevent softirq to execute\non this same CPU, to run ieee80211_tx_h_unicast_ps_buf() and try to\ntake this same lock ending in deadlock. Below is an example of rcu stall\nthat arises in such situation.\n\n rcu: INFO: rcu_sched self-detected stall on CPU\n rcu: 2-....: (42413413 ticks this GP) idle=b154/1/0x4000000000000000 softirq=1763/1765 fqs=21206996\n rcu: (t=42586894 jiffies g=2057 q=362405 ncpus=4)\n CPU: 2 PID: 719 Comm: wpa_supplicant Tainted: G W 6.4.0-02158-g1b062f552873 #742\n Hardware name: RPT (r1) (DT)\n pstate: 00000005 (nzcv daif -PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--)\n pc : queued_spin_lock_slowpath+0x58/0x2d0\n lr : invoke_tx_handlers_early+0x5b4/0x5c0\n sp : ffff00001ef64660\n x29: ffff00001ef64660 x28: ffff000009bc1070 x27: ffff000009bc0ad8\n x26: ffff000009bc0900 x25: ffff00001ef647a8 x24: 0000000000000000\n x23: ffff000009bc0900 x22: ffff000009bc0900 x21: ffff00000ac0e000\n x20: ffff00000a279e00 x19: ffff00001ef646e8 x18: 0000000000000000\n x17: ffff800016468000 x16: ffff00001ef608c0 x15: 0010533c93f64f80\n x14: 0010395c9faa3946 x13: 0000000000000000 x12: 00000000fa83b2da\n x11: 000000012edeceea x10: ffff0000010fbe00 x9 : 0000000000895440\n x8 : 000000000010533c x7 : ffff00000ad8b740 x6 : ffff00000c350880\n x5 : 0000000000000007 x4 : 0000000000000001 x3 : 0000000000000000\n x2 : 0000000000000000 x1 : 0000000000000001 x0 : ffff00000ac0e0e8\n Call trace:\n queued_spin_lock_slowpath+0x58/0x2d0\n ieee80211_tx+0x80/0x12c\n ieee80211_tx_pending+0x110/0x278\n tasklet_action_common.constprop.0+0x10c/0x144\n tasklet_action+0x20/0x28\n _stext+0x11c/0x284\n ____do_softirq+0xc/0x14\n call_on_irq_stack+0x24/0x34\n do_softirq_own_stack+0x18/0x20\n do_softirq+0x74/0x7c\n __local_bh_enable_ip+0xa0/0xa4\n _ieee80211_wake_txqs+0x3b0/0x4b8\n __ieee80211_wake_queue+0x12c/0x168\n ieee80211_add_pending_skbs+0xec/0x138\n ieee80211_sta_ps_deliver_wakeup+0x2a4/0x480\n ieee80211_mps_sta_status_update.part.0+0xd8/0x11c\n ieee80211_mps_sta_status_update+0x18/0x24\n sta_apply_parameters+0x3bc/0x4c0\n ieee80211_change_station+0x1b8/0x2dc\n nl80211_set_station+0x444/0x49c\n genl_family_rcv_msg_doit.isra.0+0xa4/0xfc\n genl_rcv_msg+0x1b0/0x244\n netlink_rcv_skb+0x38/0x10c\n genl_rcv+0x34/0x48\n netlink_unicast+0x254/0x2bc\n netlink_sendmsg+0x190/0x3b4\n ____sys_sendmsg+0x1e8/0x218\n ___sys_sendmsg+0x68/0x8c\n __sys_sendmsg+0x44/0x84\n __arm64_sys_sendmsg+0x20/0x28\n do_el0_svc+0x6c/0xe8\n el0_svc+0x14/0x48\n el0t_64_sync_handler+0xb0/0xb4\n el0t_64_sync+0x14c/0x150\n\nUsing spin_lock_bh()/spin_unlock_bh() instead prevents softirq to raise\non the same CPU that is holding the lock.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-40912 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

624. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40916) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/exynos: hdmi: report safe 640x480 mode as a fallback when no EDID found When reading EDID fails and driver reports no modes available, the DRM core adds an artificial 1024x786 mode to the connector. Unfortunately some variants of the Exynos HDMI (like the one in Exynos4 SoCs) are not able to drive such mode, so report a safe 640x480 mode instead of nothing in case of the EDID reading failure. This fixes the following issue observed on Trats2 board since commit 13d5b040363c ("drm/exynos: do not return negative values from .get_modes()"): [drm] Exynos DRM: using 11c00000.fimd device for DMA mapping operations exynos-drm exynos-drm: bound 11c00000.fimd (ops fimd_component_ops) exynos-drm exynos-drm: bound 12c10000.mixer (ops mixer_component_ops) exynos-dsi 11c80000.dsi: [drm:samsung_dsim_host_attach] Attached s6e8aa0 device (lanes:4 bpp:24 mode-flags:0x10b) exynos-drm exynos-drm: bound 11c80000.dsi (ops exynos_dsi_component_ops) exynos-drm exynos-drm: bound 12d00000.hdmi (ops hdmi_component_ops) [drm] Initialized exynos 1.1.0 20180330 for exynos-drm on minor 1 exynos-hdmi 12d00000.hdmi: [drm:hdmiphy_enable.part.0] *ERROR* PLL could not reach steady state panel-samsung-s6e8aa0 11c80000.dsi.0: ID: 0xa2, 0x20, 0x8c exynos-mixer 12c10000.mixer: timeout waiting for VSYNC ------------[ cut here ]------------ WARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 11 at drivers/gpu/drm/drm_atomic_helper.c:1682 drm_atomic_helper_wait_for_vblanks.part.0+0x2b0/0x2b8 [CRTC:70:crtc-1] vblank wait timed out Modules linked in: CPU: 1 PID: 11 Comm: kworker/u16:0 Not tainted 6.9.0-rc5-next-20240424 #14913 Hardware name: Samsung Exynos (Flattened Device Tree) Workqueue: events_unbound deferred_probe_work_func Call trace: unwind_backtrace from show_stack+0x10/0x14 show_stack from dump_stack_lvl+0x68/0x88 dump_stack_lvl from __warn+0x7c/0x1c4 __warn from warn_slowpath_fmt+0x11c/0x1a8 warn_slowpath_fmt from drm_atomic_helper_wait_for_vblanks.part.0+0x2b0/0x2b8 drm_atomic_helper_wait_for_vblanks.part.0 from drm_atomic_helper_commit_tail_rpm+0x7c/0x8c drm_atomic_helper_commit_tail_rpm from commit_tail+0x9c/0x184 commit_tail from drm_atomic_helper_commit+0x168/0x190 drm_atomic_helper_commit from drm_atomic_commit+0xb4/0xe0 drm_atomic_commit from drm_client_modeset_commit_atomic+0x23c/0x27c drm_client_modeset_commit_atomic from drm_client_modeset_commit_locked+0x60/0x1cc drm_client_modeset_commit_locked from drm_client_modeset_commit+0x24/0x40 drm_client_modeset_commit from __drm_fb_helper_restore_fbdev_mode_unlocked+0x9c/0xc4 __drm_fb_helper_restore_fbdev_mode_unlocked from drm_fb_helper_set_par+0x2c/0x3c drm_fb_helper_set_par from fbcon_init+0x3d8/0x550 fbcon_init from visual_init+0xc0/0x108 visual_init from do_bind_con_driver+0x1b8/0x3a4 do_bind_con_driver from do_take_over_console+0x140/0x1ec do_take_over_console from do_fbcon_takeover+0x70/0xd0 do_fbcon_takeover from fbcon_fb_registered+0x19c/0x1ac fbcon_fb_registered from register_framebuffer+0x190/0x21c register_framebuffer from __drm_fb_helper_initial_config_and_unlock+0x350/0x574 __drm_fb_helper_initial_config_and_unlock from exynos_drm_fbdev_client_hotplug+0x6c/0xb0 exynos_drm_fbdev_client_hotplug from drm_client_register+0x58/0x94 drm_client_register from exynos_drm_bind+0x160/0x190 exynos_drm_bind from try_to_bring_up_aggregate_device+0x200/0x2d8 try_to_bring_up_aggregate_device from __component_add+0xb0/0x170 __component_add from mixer_probe+0x74/0xcc mixer_probe from platform_probe+0x5c/0xb8 platform_probe from really_probe+0xe0/0x3d8 really_probe from __driver_probe_device+0x9c/0x1e4 __driver_probe_device from driver_probe_device+0x30/0xc0 driver_probe_device from __device_attach_driver+0xa8/0x120 __device_attach_driver from bus_for_each_drv+0x80/0xcc bus_for_each_drv from __device_attach+0xac/0x1fc __device_attach from bus_probe_device+0x8c/0x90 bus_probe_device from deferred_probe_work_func+0 ---truncated---', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/exynos: hdmi: report safe 640x480 mode as a fallback when no EDID found\n\nWhen reading EDID fails and driver reports no modes available, the DRM\ncore adds an artificial 1024x786 mode to the connector. Unfortunately\nsome variants of the Exynos HDMI (like the one in Exynos4 SoCs) are not\nable to drive such mode, so report a safe 640x480 mode instead of nothing\nin case of the EDID reading failure.\n\nThis fixes the following issue observed on Trats2 board since commit\n13d5b040363c ("drm/exynos: do not return negative values from .get_modes()"):\n\n[drm] Exynos DRM: using 11c00000.fimd device for DMA mapping operations\nexynos-drm exynos-drm: bound 11c00000.fimd (ops fimd_component_ops)\nexynos-drm exynos-drm: bound 12c10000.mixer (ops mixer_component_ops)\nexynos-dsi 11c80000.dsi: [drm:samsung_dsim_host_attach] Attached s6e8aa0 device (lanes:4 bpp:24 mode-flags:0x10b)\nexynos-drm exynos-drm: bound 11c80000.dsi (ops exynos_dsi_component_ops)\nexynos-drm exynos-drm: bound 12d00000.hdmi (ops hdmi_component_ops)\n[drm] Initialized exynos 1.1.0 20180330 for exynos-drm on minor 1\nexynos-hdmi 12d00000.hdmi: [drm:hdmiphy_enable.part.0] *ERROR* PLL could not reach steady state\npanel-samsung-s6e8aa0 11c80000.dsi.0: ID: 0xa2, 0x20, 0x8c\nexynos-mixer 12c10000.mixer: timeout waiting for VSYNC\n------------[ cut here ]------------\nWARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 11 at drivers/gpu/drm/drm_atomic_helper.c:1682 drm_atomic_helper_wait_for_vblanks.part.0+0x2b0/0x2b8\n[CRTC:70:crtc-1] vblank wait timed out\nModules linked in:\nCPU: 1 PID: 11 Comm: kworker/u16:0 Not tainted 6.9.0-rc5-next-20240424 #14913\nHardware name: Samsung Exynos (Flattened Device Tree)\nWorkqueue: events_unbound deferred_probe_work_func\nCall trace:\n unwind_backtrace from show_stack+0x10/0x14\n show_stack from dump_stack_lvl+0x68/0x88\n dump_stack_lvl from __warn+0x7c/0x1c4\n __warn from warn_slowpath_fmt+0x11c/0x1a8\n warn_slowpath_fmt from drm_atomic_helper_wait_for_vblanks.part.0+0x2b0/0x2b8\n drm_atomic_helper_wait_for_vblanks.part.0 from drm_atomic_helper_commit_tail_rpm+0x7c/0x8c\n drm_atomic_helper_commit_tail_rpm from commit_tail+0x9c/0x184\n commit_tail from drm_atomic_helper_commit+0x168/0x190\n drm_atomic_helper_commit from drm_atomic_commit+0xb4/0xe0\n drm_atomic_commit from drm_client_modeset_commit_atomic+0x23c/0x27c\n drm_client_modeset_commit_atomic from drm_client_modeset_commit_locked+0x60/0x1cc\n drm_client_modeset_commit_locked from drm_client_modeset_commit+0x24/0x40\n drm_client_modeset_commit from __drm_fb_helper_restore_fbdev_mode_unlocked+0x9c/0xc4\n __drm_fb_helper_restore_fbdev_mode_unlocked from drm_fb_helper_set_par+0x2c/0x3c\n drm_fb_helper_set_par from fbcon_init+0x3d8/0x550\n fbcon_init from visual_init+0xc0/0x108\n visual_init from do_bind_con_driver+0x1b8/0x3a4\n do_bind_con_driver from do_take_over_console+0x140/0x1ec\n do_take_over_console from do_fbcon_takeover+0x70/0xd0\n do_fbcon_takeover from fbcon_fb_registered+0x19c/0x1ac\n fbcon_fb_registered from register_framebuffer+0x190/0x21c\n register_framebuffer from __drm_fb_helper_initial_config_and_unlock+0x350/0x574\n __drm_fb_helper_initial_config_and_unlock from exynos_drm_fbdev_client_hotplug+0x6c/0xb0\n exynos_drm_fbdev_client_hotplug from drm_client_register+0x58/0x94\n drm_client_register from exynos_drm_bind+0x160/0x190\n exynos_drm_bind from try_to_bring_up_aggregate_device+0x200/0x2d8\n try_to_bring_up_aggregate_device from __component_add+0xb0/0x170\n __component_add from mixer_probe+0x74/0xcc\n mixer_probe from platform_probe+0x5c/0xb8\n platform_probe from really_probe+0xe0/0x3d8\n really_probe from __driver_probe_device+0x9c/0x1e4\n __driver_probe_device from driver_probe_device+0x30/0xc0\n driver_probe_device from __device_attach_driver+0xa8/0x120\n __device_attach_driver from bus_for_each_drv+0x80/0xcc\n bus_for_each_drv from __device_attach+0xac/0x1fc\n __device_attach from bus_probe_device+0x8c/0x90\n bus_probe_device from deferred_probe_work_func+0\n---truncated---', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-40916 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

625. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40929) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: check n_ssids before accessing the ssids In some versions of cfg80211, the ssids poinet might be a valid one even though n_ssids is 0. Accessing the pointer in this case will cuase an out-of-bound access. Fix this by checking n_ssids first.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nwifi: iwlwifi: mvm: check n_ssids before accessing the ssids\n\nIn some versions of cfg80211, the ssids poinet might be a valid one even\nthough n_ssids is 0. Accessing the pointer in this case will cuase an\nout-of-bound access. Fix this by checking n_ssids first.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-40929 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

626. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40931) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mptcp: ensure snd_una is properly initialized on connect This is strictly related to commit fb7a0d334894 ("mptcp: ensure snd_nxt is properly initialized on connect"). It turns out that syzkaller can trigger the retransmit after fallback and before processing any other incoming packet - so that snd_una is still left uninitialized. Address the issue explicitly initializing snd_una together with snd_nxt and write_seq.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmptcp: ensure snd_una is properly initialized on connect\n\nThis is strictly related to commit fb7a0d334894 ("mptcp: ensure snd_nxt\nis properly initialized on connect"). It turns out that syzkaller can\ntrigger the retransmit after fallback and before processing any other\nincoming packet - so that snd_una is still left uninitialized.\n\nAddress the issue explicitly initializing snd_una together with snd_nxt\nand write_seq.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-40931 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

627. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40941) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: don't read past the mfuart notifcation In case the firmware sends a notification that claims it has more data than it has, we will read past that was allocated for the notification. Remove the print of the buffer, we won't see it by default. If needed, we can see the content with tracing. This was reported by KFENCE.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nwifi: iwlwifi: mvm: don't read past the mfuart notifcation\n\nIn case the firmware sends a notification that claims it has more data\nthan it has, we will read past that was allocated for the notification.\nRemove the print of the buffer, we won't see it by default. If needed,\nwe can see the content with tracing.\n\nThis was reported by KFENCE.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-40941 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

628. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40942) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: mac80211: mesh: Fix leak of mesh_preq_queue objects The hwmp code use objects of type mesh_preq_queue, added to a list in ieee80211_if_mesh, to keep track of mpath we need to resolve. If the mpath gets deleted, ex mesh interface is removed, the entries in that list will never get cleaned. Fix this by flushing all corresponding items of the preq_queue in mesh_path_flush_pending(). This should take care of KASAN reports like this: unreferenced object 0xffff00000668d800 (size 128): comm "kworker/u8:4", pid 67, jiffies 4295419552 (age 1836.444s) hex dump (first 32 bytes): 00 1f 05 09 00 00 ff ff 00 d5 68 06 00 00 ff ff ..........h..... 8e 97 ea eb 3e b8 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ....>........... backtrace: [<000000007302a0b6>] __kmem_cache_alloc_node+0x1e0/0x35c [<00000000049bd418>] kmalloc_trace+0x34/0x80 [<0000000000d792bb>] mesh_queue_preq+0x44/0x2a8 [<00000000c99c3696>] mesh_nexthop_resolve+0x198/0x19c [<00000000926bf598>] ieee80211_xmit+0x1d0/0x1f4 [<00000000fc8c2284>] __ieee80211_subif_start_xmit+0x30c/0x764 [<000000005926ee38>] ieee80211_subif_start_xmit+0x9c/0x7a4 [<000000004c86e916>] dev_hard_start_xmit+0x174/0x440 [<0000000023495647>] __dev_queue_xmit+0xe24/0x111c [<00000000cfe9ca78>] batadv_send_skb_packet+0x180/0x1e4 [<000000007bacc5d5>] batadv_v_elp_periodic_work+0x2f4/0x508 [<00000000adc3cd94>] process_one_work+0x4b8/0xa1c [<00000000b36425d1>] worker_thread+0x9c/0x634 [<0000000005852dd5>] kthread+0x1bc/0x1c4 [<000000005fccd770>] ret_from_fork+0x10/0x20 unreferenced object 0xffff000009051f00 (size 128): comm "kworker/u8:4", pid 67, jiffies 4295419553 (age 1836.440s) hex dump (first 32 bytes): 90 d6 92 0d 00 00 ff ff 00 d8 68 06 00 00 ff ff ..........h..... 36 27 92 e4 02 e0 01 00 00 58 79 06 00 00 ff ff 6'.......Xy..... backtrace: [<000000007302a0b6>] __kmem_cache_alloc_node+0x1e0/0x35c [<00000000049bd418>] kmalloc_trace+0x34/0x80 [<0000000000d792bb>] mesh_queue_preq+0x44/0x2a8 [<00000000c99c3696>] mesh_nexthop_resolve+0x198/0x19c [<00000000926bf598>] ieee80211_xmit+0x1d0/0x1f4 [<00000000fc8c2284>] __ieee80211_subif_start_xmit+0x30c/0x764 [<000000005926ee38>] ieee80211_subif_start_xmit+0x9c/0x7a4 [<000000004c86e916>] dev_hard_start_xmit+0x174/0x440 [<0000000023495647>] __dev_queue_xmit+0xe24/0x111c [<00000000cfe9ca78>] batadv_send_skb_packet+0x180/0x1e4 [<000000007bacc5d5>] batadv_v_elp_periodic_work+0x2f4/0x508 [<00000000adc3cd94>] process_one_work+0x4b8/0xa1c [<00000000b36425d1>] worker_thread+0x9c/0x634 [<0000000005852dd5>] kthread+0x1bc/0x1c4 [<000000005fccd770>] ret_from_fork+0x10/0x20', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nwifi: mac80211: mesh: Fix leak of mesh_preq_queue objects\n\nThe hwmp code use objects of type mesh_preq_queue, added to a list in\nieee80211_if_mesh, to keep track of mpath we need to resolve. If the mpath\ngets deleted, ex mesh interface is removed, the entries in that list will\nnever get cleaned. Fix this by flushing all corresponding items of the\npreq_queue in mesh_path_flush_pending().\n\nThis should take care of KASAN reports like this:\n\nunreferenced object 0xffff00000668d800 (size 128):\n comm "kworker/u8:4", pid 67, jiffies 4295419552 (age 1836.444s)\n hex dump (first 32 bytes):\n 00 1f 05 09 00 00 ff ff 00 d5 68 06 00 00 ff ff ..........h.....\n 8e 97 ea eb 3e b8 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ....>...........\n backtrace:\n [<000000007302a0b6>] __kmem_cache_alloc_node+0x1e0/0x35c\n [<00000000049bd418>] kmalloc_trace+0x34/0x80\n [<0000000000d792bb>] mesh_queue_preq+0x44/0x2a8\n [<00000000c99c3696>] mesh_nexthop_resolve+0x198/0x19c\n [<00000000926bf598>] ieee80211_xmit+0x1d0/0x1f4\n [<00000000fc8c2284>] __ieee80211_subif_start_xmit+0x30c/0x764\n [<000000005926ee38>] ieee80211_subif_start_xmit+0x9c/0x7a4\n [<000000004c86e916>] dev_hard_start_xmit+0x174/0x440\n [<0000000023495647>] __dev_queue_xmit+0xe24/0x111c\n [<00000000cfe9ca78>] batadv_send_skb_packet+0x180/0x1e4\n [<000000007bacc5d5>] batadv_v_elp_periodic_work+0x2f4/0x508\n [<00000000adc3cd94>] process_one_work+0x4b8/0xa1c\n [<00000000b36425d1>] worker_thread+0x9c/0x634\n [<0000000005852dd5>] kthread+0x1bc/0x1c4\n [<000000005fccd770>] ret_from_fork+0x10/0x20\nunreferenced object 0xffff000009051f00 (size 128):\n comm "kworker/u8:4", pid 67, jiffies 4295419553 (age 1836.440s)\n hex dump (first 32 bytes):\n 90 d6 92 0d 00 00 ff ff 00 d8 68 06 00 00 ff ff ..........h.....\n 36 27 92 e4 02 e0 01 00 00 58 79 06 00 00 ff ff 6'.......Xy.....\n backtrace:\n [<000000007302a0b6>] __kmem_cache_alloc_node+0x1e0/0x35c\n [<00000000049bd418>] kmalloc_trace+0x34/0x80\n [<0000000000d792bb>] mesh_queue_preq+0x44/0x2a8\n [<00000000c99c3696>] mesh_nexthop_resolve+0x198/0x19c\n [<00000000926bf598>] ieee80211_xmit+0x1d0/0x1f4\n [<00000000fc8c2284>] __ieee80211_subif_start_xmit+0x30c/0x764\n [<000000005926ee38>] ieee80211_subif_start_xmit+0x9c/0x7a4\n [<000000004c86e916>] dev_hard_start_xmit+0x174/0x440\n [<0000000023495647>] __dev_queue_xmit+0xe24/0x111c\n [<00000000cfe9ca78>] batadv_send_skb_packet+0x180/0x1e4\n [<000000007bacc5d5>] batadv_v_elp_periodic_work+0x2f4/0x508\n [<00000000adc3cd94>] process_one_work+0x4b8/0xa1c\n [<00000000b36425d1>] worker_thread+0x9c/0x634\n [<0000000005852dd5>] kthread+0x1bc/0x1c4\n [<000000005fccd770>] ret_from_fork+0x10/0x20', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-40942 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

629. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40943) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ocfs2: fix races between hole punching and AIO+DIO After commit "ocfs2: return real error code in ocfs2_dio_wr_get_block", fstests/generic/300 become from always failed to sometimes failed: ======================================================================== [ 473.293420 ] run fstests generic/300 [ 475.296983 ] JBD2: Ignoring recovery information on journal [ 475.302473 ] ocfs2: Mounting device (253,1) on (node local, slot 0) with ordered data mode. [ 494.290998 ] OCFS2: ERROR (device dm-1): ocfs2_change_extent_flag: Owner 5668 has an extent at cpos 78723 which can no longer be found [ 494.291609 ] On-disk corruption discovered. Please run fsck.ocfs2 once the filesystem is unmounted. [ 494.292018 ] OCFS2: File system is now read-only. [ 494.292224 ] (kworker/19:11,2628,19):ocfs2_mark_extent_written:5272 ERROR: status = -30 [ 494.292602 ] (kworker/19:11,2628,19):ocfs2_dio_end_io_write:2374 ERROR: status = -3 fio: io_u error on file /mnt/scratch/racer: Read-only file system: write offset=460849152, buflen=131072 ========================================================================= In __blockdev_direct_IO, ocfs2_dio_wr_get_block is called to add unwritten extents to a list. extents are also inserted into extent tree in ocfs2_write_begin_nolock. Then another thread call fallocate to puch a hole at one of the unwritten extent. The extent at cpos was removed by ocfs2_remove_extent(). At end io worker thread, ocfs2_search_extent_list found there is no such extent at the cpos. T1 T2 T3 inode lock ... insert extents ... inode unlock ocfs2_fallocate __ocfs2_change_file_space inode lock lock ip_alloc_sem ocfs2_remove_inode_range inode ocfs2_remove_btree_range ocfs2_remove_extent ^---remove the extent at cpos 78723 ... unlock ip_alloc_sem inode unlock ocfs2_dio_end_io ocfs2_dio_end_io_write lock ip_alloc_sem ocfs2_mark_extent_written ocfs2_change_extent_flag ocfs2_search_extent_list ^---failed to find extent ... unlock ip_alloc_sem In most filesystems, fallocate is not compatible with racing with AIO+DIO, so fix it by adding to wait for all dio before fallocate/punch_hole like ext4.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nocfs2: fix races between hole punching and AIO+DIO\n\nAfter commit "ocfs2: return real error code in ocfs2_dio_wr_get_block",\nfstests/generic/300 become from always failed to sometimes failed:\n\n========================================================================\n[ 473.293420 ] run fstests generic/300\n\n[ 475.296983 ] JBD2: Ignoring recovery information on journal\n[ 475.302473 ] ocfs2: Mounting device (253,1) on (node local, slot 0) with ordered data mode.\n[ 494.290998 ] OCFS2: ERROR (device dm-1): ocfs2_change_extent_flag: Owner 5668 has an extent at cpos 78723 which can no longer be found\n[ 494.291609 ] On-disk corruption discovered. Please run fsck.ocfs2 once the filesystem is unmounted.\n[ 494.292018 ] OCFS2: File system is now read-only.\n[ 494.292224 ] (kworker/19:11,2628,19):ocfs2_mark_extent_written:5272 ERROR: status = -30\n[ 494.292602 ] (kworker/19:11,2628,19):ocfs2_dio_end_io_write:2374 ERROR: status = -3\nfio: io_u error on file /mnt/scratch/racer: Read-only file system: write offset=460849152, buflen=131072\n=========================================================================\n\nIn __blockdev_direct_IO, ocfs2_dio_wr_get_block is called to add unwritten\nextents to a list. extents are also inserted into extent tree in\nocfs2_write_begin_nolock. Then another thread call fallocate to puch a\nhole at one of the unwritten extent. The extent at cpos was removed by\nocfs2_remove_extent(). At end io worker thread, ocfs2_search_extent_list\nfound there is no such extent at the cpos.\n\n T1 T2 T3\n inode lock\n ...\n insert extents\n ...\n inode unlock\nocfs2_fallocate\n __ocfs2_change_file_space\n inode lock\n lock ip_alloc_sem\n ocfs2_remove_inode_range inode\n ocfs2_remove_btree_range\n ocfs2_remove_extent\n ^---remove the extent at cpos 78723\n ...\n unlock ip_alloc_sem\n inode unlock\n ocfs2_dio_end_io\n ocfs2_dio_end_io_write\n lock ip_alloc_sem\n ocfs2_mark_extent_written\n ocfs2_change_extent_flag\n ocfs2_search_extent_list\n ^---failed to find extent\n ...\n unlock ip_alloc_sem\n\nIn most filesystems, fallocate is not compatible with racing with AIO+DIO,\nso fix it by adding to wait for all dio before fallocate/punch_hole like\next4.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-40943 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

630. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40945) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: iommu: Return right value in iommu_sva_bind_device() iommu_sva_bind_device() should return either a sva bond handle or an ERR_PTR value in error cases. Existing drivers (idxd and uacce) only check the return value with IS_ERR(). This could potentially lead to a kernel NULL pointer dereference issue if the function returns NULL instead of an error pointer. In reality, this doesn't cause any problems because iommu_sva_bind_device() only returns NULL when the kernel is not configured with CONFIG_IOMMU_SVA. In this case, iommu_dev_enable_feature(dev, IOMMU_DEV_FEAT_SVA) will return an error, and the device drivers won't call iommu_sva_bind_device() at all.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\niommu: Return right value in iommu_sva_bind_device()\n\niommu_sva_bind_device() should return either a sva bond handle or an\nERR_PTR value in error cases. Existing drivers (idxd and uacce) only\ncheck the return value with IS_ERR(). This could potentially lead to\na kernel NULL pointer dereference issue if the function returns NULL\ninstead of an error pointer.\n\nIn reality, this doesn't cause any problems because iommu_sva_bind_device()\nonly returns NULL when the kernel is not configured with CONFIG_IOMMU_SVA.\nIn this case, iommu_dev_enable_feature(dev, IOMMU_DEV_FEAT_SVA) will\nreturn an error, and the device drivers won't call iommu_sva_bind_device()\nat all.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-40945 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

631. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40959) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: xfrm6: check ip6_dst_idev() return value in xfrm6_get_saddr() ip6_dst_idev() can return NULL, xfrm6_get_saddr() must act accordingly. syzbot reported: Oops: general protection fault, probably for non-canonical address 0xdffffc0000000000: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN PTI KASAN: null-ptr-deref in range [0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000007] CPU: 1 PID: 12 Comm: kworker/u8:1 Not tainted 6.10.0-rc2-syzkaller-00383-gb8481381d4e2 #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 04/02/2024 Workqueue: wg-kex-wg1 wg_packet_handshake_send_worker RIP: 0010:xfrm6_get_saddr+0x93/0x130 net/ipv6/xfrm6_policy.c:64 Code: df 48 89 fa 48 c1 ea 03 80 3c 02 00 0f 85 97 00 00 00 4c 8b ab d8 00 00 00 48 b8 00 00 00 00 00 fc ff df 4c 89 ea 48 c1 ea 03 <80> 3c 02 00 0f 85 86 00 00 00 4d 8b 6d 00 e8 ca 13 47 01 48 b8 00 RSP: 0018:ffffc90000117378 EFLAGS: 00010246 RAX: dffffc0000000000 RBX: ffff88807b079dc0 RCX: ffffffff89a0d6d7 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: ffffffff89a0d6e9 RDI: ffff88807b079e98 RBP: ffff88807ad73248 R08: 0000000000000007 R09: fffffffffffff000 R10: ffff88807b079dc0 R11: 0000000000000007 R12: ffffc90000117480 R13: 0000000000000000 R14: 0000000000000000 R15: 0000000000000000 FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff8880b9300000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 00007f4586d00440 CR3: 0000000079042000 CR4: 00000000003506f0 DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 Call Trace: <TASK> xfrm_get_saddr net/xfrm/xfrm_policy.c:2452 [inline] xfrm_tmpl_resolve_one net/xfrm/xfrm_policy.c:2481 [inline] xfrm_tmpl_resolve+0xa26/0xf10 net/xfrm/xfrm_policy.c:2541 xfrm_resolve_and_create_bundle+0x140/0x2570 net/xfrm/xfrm_policy.c:2835 xfrm_bundle_lookup net/xfrm/xfrm_policy.c:3070 [inline] xfrm_lookup_with_ifid+0x4d1/0x1e60 net/xfrm/xfrm_policy.c:3201 xfrm_lookup net/xfrm/xfrm_policy.c:3298 [inline] xfrm_lookup_route+0x3b/0x200 net/xfrm/xfrm_policy.c:3309 ip6_dst_lookup_flow+0x15c/0x1d0 net/ipv6/ip6_output.c:1256 send6+0x611/0xd20 drivers/net/wireguard/socket.c:139 wg_socket_send_skb_to_peer+0xf9/0x220 drivers/net/wireguard/socket.c:178 wg_socket_send_buffer_to_peer+0x12b/0x190 drivers/net/wireguard/socket.c:200 wg_packet_send_handshake_initiation+0x227/0x360 drivers/net/wireguard/send.c:40 wg_packet_handshake_send_worker+0x1c/0x30 drivers/net/wireguard/send.c:51 process_one_work+0x9fb/0x1b60 kernel/workqueue.c:3231 process_scheduled_works kernel/workqueue.c:3312 [inline] worker_thread+0x6c8/0xf70 kernel/workqueue.c:3393 kthread+0x2c1/0x3a0 kernel/kthread.c:389 ret_from_fork+0x45/0x80 arch/x86/kernel/process.c:147 ret_from_fork_asm+0x1a/0x30 arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:244', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nxfrm6: check ip6_dst_idev() return value in xfrm6_get_saddr()\n\nip6_dst_idev() can return NULL, xfrm6_get_saddr() must act accordingly.\n\nsyzbot reported:\n\nOops: general protection fault, probably for non-canonical address 0xdffffc0000000000: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN PTI\nKASAN: null-ptr-deref in range [0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000007]\nCPU: 1 PID: 12 Comm: kworker/u8:1 Not tainted 6.10.0-rc2-syzkaller-00383-gb8481381d4e2 #0\nHardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 04/02/2024\nWorkqueue: wg-kex-wg1 wg_packet_handshake_send_worker\n RIP: 0010:xfrm6_get_saddr+0x93/0x130 net/ipv6/xfrm6_policy.c:64\nCode: df 48 89 fa 48 c1 ea 03 80 3c 02 00 0f 85 97 00 00 00 4c 8b ab d8 00 00 00 48 b8 00 00 00 00 00 fc ff df 4c 89 ea 48 c1 ea 03 <80> 3c 02 00 0f 85 86 00 00 00 4d 8b 6d 00 e8 ca 13 47 01 48 b8 00\nRSP: 0018:ffffc90000117378 EFLAGS: 00010246\nRAX: dffffc0000000000 RBX: ffff88807b079dc0 RCX: ffffffff89a0d6d7\nRDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: ffffffff89a0d6e9 RDI: ffff88807b079e98\nRBP: ffff88807ad73248 R08: 0000000000000007 R09: fffffffffffff000\nR10: ffff88807b079dc0 R11: 0000000000000007 R12: ffffc90000117480\nR13: 0000000000000000 R14: 0000000000000000 R15: 0000000000000000\nFS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff8880b9300000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\nCS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\nCR2: 00007f4586d00440 CR3: 0000000079042000 CR4: 00000000003506f0\nDR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000\nDR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n xfrm_get_saddr net/xfrm/xfrm_policy.c:2452 [inline]\n xfrm_tmpl_resolve_one net/xfrm/xfrm_policy.c:2481 [inline]\n xfrm_tmpl_resolve+0xa26/0xf10 net/xfrm/xfrm_policy.c:2541\n xfrm_resolve_and_create_bundle+0x140/0x2570 net/xfrm/xfrm_policy.c:2835\n xfrm_bundle_lookup net/xfrm/xfrm_policy.c:3070 [inline]\n xfrm_lookup_with_ifid+0x4d1/0x1e60 net/xfrm/xfrm_policy.c:3201\n xfrm_lookup net/xfrm/xfrm_policy.c:3298 [inline]\n xfrm_lookup_route+0x3b/0x200 net/xfrm/xfrm_policy.c:3309\n ip6_dst_lookup_flow+0x15c/0x1d0 net/ipv6/ip6_output.c:1256\n send6+0x611/0xd20 drivers/net/wireguard/socket.c:139\n wg_socket_send_skb_to_peer+0xf9/0x220 drivers/net/wireguard/socket.c:178\n wg_socket_send_buffer_to_peer+0x12b/0x190 drivers/net/wireguard/socket.c:200\n wg_packet_send_handshake_initiation+0x227/0x360 drivers/net/wireguard/send.c:40\n wg_packet_handshake_send_worker+0x1c/0x30 drivers/net/wireguard/send.c:51\n process_one_work+0x9fb/0x1b60 kernel/workqueue.c:3231\n process_scheduled_works kernel/workqueue.c:3312 [inline]\n worker_thread+0x6c8/0xf70 kernel/workqueue.c:3393\n kthread+0x2c1/0x3a0 kernel/kthread.c:389\n ret_from_fork+0x45/0x80 arch/x86/kernel/process.c:147\n ret_from_fork_asm+0x1a/0x30 arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:244', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-40959 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

632. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40960) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ipv6: prevent possible NULL dereference in rt6_probe() syzbot caught a NULL dereference in rt6_probe() [1] Bail out if __in6_dev_get() returns NULL. [1] Oops: general protection fault, probably for non-canonical address 0xdffffc00000000cb: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN PTI KASAN: null-ptr-deref in range [0x0000000000000658-0x000000000000065f] CPU: 1 PID: 22444 Comm: syz-executor.0 Not tainted 6.10.0-rc2-syzkaller-00383-gb8481381d4e2 #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 04/02/2024 RIP: 0010:rt6_probe net/ipv6/route.c:656 [inline] RIP: 0010:find_match+0x8c4/0xf50 net/ipv6/route.c:758 Code: 14 fd f7 48 8b 85 38 ff ff ff 48 c7 45 b0 00 00 00 00 48 8d b8 5c 06 00 00 48 b8 00 00 00 00 00 fc ff df 48 89 fa 48 c1 ea 03 <0f> b6 14 02 48 89 f8 83 e0 07 83 c0 03 38 d0 7c 08 84 d2 0f 85 19 RSP: 0018:ffffc900034af070 EFLAGS: 00010203 RAX: dffffc0000000000 RBX: 0000000000000000 RCX: ffffc90004521000 RDX: 00000000000000cb RSI: ffffffff8990d0cd RDI: 000000000000065c RBP: ffffc900034af150 R08: 0000000000000005 R09: 0000000000000000 R10: 0000000000000001 R11: 0000000000000002 R12: 000000000000000a R13: 1ffff92000695e18 R14: ffff8880244a1d20 R15: 0000000000000000 FS: 00007f4844a5a6c0(0000) GS:ffff8880b9300000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 0000001b31b27000 CR3: 000000002d42c000 CR4: 00000000003506f0 DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 Call Trace: <TASK> rt6_nh_find_match+0xfa/0x1a0 net/ipv6/route.c:784 nexthop_for_each_fib6_nh+0x26d/0x4a0 net/ipv4/nexthop.c:1496 __find_rr_leaf+0x6e7/0xe00 net/ipv6/route.c:825 find_rr_leaf net/ipv6/route.c:853 [inline] rt6_select net/ipv6/route.c:897 [inline] fib6_table_lookup+0x57e/0xa30 net/ipv6/route.c:2195 ip6_pol_route+0x1cd/0x1150 net/ipv6/route.c:2231 pol_lookup_func include/net/ip6_fib.h:616 [inline] fib6_rule_lookup+0x386/0x720 net/ipv6/fib6_rules.c:121 ip6_route_output_flags_noref net/ipv6/route.c:2639 [inline] ip6_route_output_flags+0x1d0/0x640 net/ipv6/route.c:2651 ip6_dst_lookup_tail.constprop.0+0x961/0x1760 net/ipv6/ip6_output.c:1147 ip6_dst_lookup_flow+0x99/0x1d0 net/ipv6/ip6_output.c:1250 rawv6_sendmsg+0xdab/0x4340 net/ipv6/raw.c:898 inet_sendmsg+0x119/0x140 net/ipv4/af_inet.c:853 sock_sendmsg_nosec net/socket.c:730 [inline] __sock_sendmsg net/socket.c:745 [inline] sock_write_iter+0x4b8/0x5c0 net/socket.c:1160 new_sync_write fs/read_write.c:497 [inline] vfs_write+0x6b6/0x1140 fs/read_write.c:590 ksys_write+0x1f8/0x260 fs/read_write.c:643 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline] do_syscall_64+0xcd/0x250 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nipv6: prevent possible NULL dereference in rt6_probe()\n\nsyzbot caught a NULL dereference in rt6_probe() [1]\n\nBail out if __in6_dev_get() returns NULL.\n\n[1]\nOops: general protection fault, probably for non-canonical address 0xdffffc00000000cb: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN PTI\nKASAN: null-ptr-deref in range [0x0000000000000658-0x000000000000065f]\nCPU: 1 PID: 22444 Comm: syz-executor.0 Not tainted 6.10.0-rc2-syzkaller-00383-gb8481381d4e2 #0\nHardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 04/02/2024\n RIP: 0010:rt6_probe net/ipv6/route.c:656 [inline]\n RIP: 0010:find_match+0x8c4/0xf50 net/ipv6/route.c:758\nCode: 14 fd f7 48 8b 85 38 ff ff ff 48 c7 45 b0 00 00 00 00 48 8d b8 5c 06 00 00 48 b8 00 00 00 00 00 fc ff df 48 89 fa 48 c1 ea 03 <0f> b6 14 02 48 89 f8 83 e0 07 83 c0 03 38 d0 7c 08 84 d2 0f 85 19\nRSP: 0018:ffffc900034af070 EFLAGS: 00010203\nRAX: dffffc0000000000 RBX: 0000000000000000 RCX: ffffc90004521000\nRDX: 00000000000000cb RSI: ffffffff8990d0cd RDI: 000000000000065c\nRBP: ffffc900034af150 R08: 0000000000000005 R09: 0000000000000000\nR10: 0000000000000001 R11: 0000000000000002 R12: 000000000000000a\nR13: 1ffff92000695e18 R14: ffff8880244a1d20 R15: 0000000000000000\nFS: 00007f4844a5a6c0(0000) GS:ffff8880b9300000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\nCS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\nCR2: 0000001b31b27000 CR3: 000000002d42c000 CR4: 00000000003506f0\nDR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000\nDR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n rt6_nh_find_match+0xfa/0x1a0 net/ipv6/route.c:784\n nexthop_for_each_fib6_nh+0x26d/0x4a0 net/ipv4/nexthop.c:1496\n __find_rr_leaf+0x6e7/0xe00 net/ipv6/route.c:825\n find_rr_leaf net/ipv6/route.c:853 [inline]\n rt6_select net/ipv6/route.c:897 [inline]\n fib6_table_lookup+0x57e/0xa30 net/ipv6/route.c:2195\n ip6_pol_route+0x1cd/0x1150 net/ipv6/route.c:2231\n pol_lookup_func include/net/ip6_fib.h:616 [inline]\n fib6_rule_lookup+0x386/0x720 net/ipv6/fib6_rules.c:121\n ip6_route_output_flags_noref net/ipv6/route.c:2639 [inline]\n ip6_route_output_flags+0x1d0/0x640 net/ipv6/route.c:2651\n ip6_dst_lookup_tail.constprop.0+0x961/0x1760 net/ipv6/ip6_output.c:1147\n ip6_dst_lookup_flow+0x99/0x1d0 net/ipv6/ip6_output.c:1250\n rawv6_sendmsg+0xdab/0x4340 net/ipv6/raw.c:898\n inet_sendmsg+0x119/0x140 net/ipv4/af_inet.c:853\n sock_sendmsg_nosec net/socket.c:730 [inline]\n __sock_sendmsg net/socket.c:745 [inline]\n sock_write_iter+0x4b8/0x5c0 net/socket.c:1160\n new_sync_write fs/read_write.c:497 [inline]\n vfs_write+0x6b6/0x1140 fs/read_write.c:590\n ksys_write+0x1f8/0x260 fs/read_write.c:643\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0xcd/0x250 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-40960 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

633. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40961) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ipv6: prevent possible NULL deref in fib6_nh_init() syzbot reminds us that in6_dev_get() can return NULL. fib6_nh_init() ip6_validate_gw( &idev ) ip6_route_check_nh( idev ) *idev = in6_dev_get(dev); // can be NULL Oops: general protection fault, probably for non-canonical address 0xdffffc00000000bc: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN PTI KASAN: null-ptr-deref in range [0x00000000000005e0-0x00000000000005e7] CPU: 0 PID: 11237 Comm: syz-executor.3 Not tainted 6.10.0-rc2-syzkaller-00249-gbe27b8965297 #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 06/07/2024 RIP: 0010:fib6_nh_init+0x640/0x2160 net/ipv6/route.c:3606 Code: 00 00 fc ff df 4c 8b 64 24 58 48 8b 44 24 28 4c 8b 74 24 30 48 89 c1 48 89 44 24 28 48 8d 98 e0 05 00 00 48 89 d8 48 c1 e8 03 <42> 0f b6 04 38 84 c0 0f 85 b3 17 00 00 8b 1b 31 ff 89 de e8 b8 8b RSP: 0018:ffffc900032775a0 EFLAGS: 00010202 RAX: 00000000000000bc RBX: 00000000000005e0 RCX: 0000000000000000 RDX: 0000000000000010 RSI: ffffc90003277a54 RDI: ffff88802b3a08d8 RBP: ffffc900032778b0 R08: 00000000000002fc R09: 0000000000000000 R10: 00000000000002fc R11: 0000000000000000 R12: ffff88802b3a08b8 R13: 1ffff9200064eec8 R14: ffffc90003277a00 R15: dffffc0000000000 FS: 00007f940feb06c0(0000) GS:ffff8880b9400000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 0000000000000000 CR3: 00000000245e8000 CR4: 00000000003506f0 DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 Call Trace: <TASK> ip6_route_info_create+0x99e/0x12b0 net/ipv6/route.c:3809 ip6_route_add+0x28/0x160 net/ipv6/route.c:3853 ipv6_route_ioctl+0x588/0x870 net/ipv6/route.c:4483 inet6_ioctl+0x21a/0x280 net/ipv6/af_inet6.c:579 sock_do_ioctl+0x158/0x460 net/socket.c:1222 sock_ioctl+0x629/0x8e0 net/socket.c:1341 vfs_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:51 [inline] __do_sys_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:907 [inline] __se_sys_ioctl+0xfc/0x170 fs/ioctl.c:893 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline] do_syscall_64+0xf3/0x230 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f RIP: 0033:0x7f940f07cea9', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nipv6: prevent possible NULL deref in fib6_nh_init()\n\nsyzbot reminds us that in6_dev_get() can return NULL.\n\nfib6_nh_init()\n ip6_validate_gw( &idev )\n ip6_route_check_nh( idev )\n *idev = in6_dev_get(dev); // can be NULL\n\nOops: general protection fault, probably for non-canonical address 0xdffffc00000000bc: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN PTI\nKASAN: null-ptr-deref in range [0x00000000000005e0-0x00000000000005e7]\nCPU: 0 PID: 11237 Comm: syz-executor.3 Not tainted 6.10.0-rc2-syzkaller-00249-gbe27b8965297 #0\nHardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 06/07/2024\n RIP: 0010:fib6_nh_init+0x640/0x2160 net/ipv6/route.c:3606\nCode: 00 00 fc ff df 4c 8b 64 24 58 48 8b 44 24 28 4c 8b 74 24 30 48 89 c1 48 89 44 24 28 48 8d 98 e0 05 00 00 48 89 d8 48 c1 e8 03 <42> 0f b6 04 38 84 c0 0f 85 b3 17 00 00 8b 1b 31 ff 89 de e8 b8 8b\nRSP: 0018:ffffc900032775a0 EFLAGS: 00010202\nRAX: 00000000000000bc RBX: 00000000000005e0 RCX: 0000000000000000\nRDX: 0000000000000010 RSI: ffffc90003277a54 RDI: ffff88802b3a08d8\nRBP: ffffc900032778b0 R08: 00000000000002fc R09: 0000000000000000\nR10: 00000000000002fc R11: 0000000000000000 R12: ffff88802b3a08b8\nR13: 1ffff9200064eec8 R14: ffffc90003277a00 R15: dffffc0000000000\nFS: 00007f940feb06c0(0000) GS:ffff8880b9400000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\nCS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\nCR2: 0000000000000000 CR3: 00000000245e8000 CR4: 00000000003506f0\nDR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000\nDR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n ip6_route_info_create+0x99e/0x12b0 net/ipv6/route.c:3809\n ip6_route_add+0x28/0x160 net/ipv6/route.c:3853\n ipv6_route_ioctl+0x588/0x870 net/ipv6/route.c:4483\n inet6_ioctl+0x21a/0x280 net/ipv6/af_inet6.c:579\n sock_do_ioctl+0x158/0x460 net/socket.c:1222\n sock_ioctl+0x629/0x8e0 net/socket.c:1341\n vfs_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:51 [inline]\n __do_sys_ioctl fs/ioctl.c:907 [inline]\n __se_sys_ioctl+0xfc/0x170 fs/ioctl.c:893\n do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:52 [inline]\n do_syscall_64+0xf3/0x230 arch/x86/entry/common.c:83\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f\nRIP: 0033:0x7f940f07cea9', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-40961 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

634. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40963) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mips: bmips: BCM6358: make sure CBR is correctly set It was discovered that some device have CBR address set to 0 causing kernel panic when arch_sync_dma_for_cpu_all is called. This was notice in situation where the system is booted from TP1 and BMIPS_GET_CBR() returns 0 instead of a valid address and !!(read_c0_brcm_cmt_local() & (1 << 31)); not failing. The current check whether RAC flush should be disabled or not are not enough hence lets check if CBR is a valid address or not.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nmips: bmips: BCM6358: make sure CBR is correctly set\n\nIt was discovered that some device have CBR address set to 0 causing\nkernel panic when arch_sync_dma_for_cpu_all is called.\n\nThis was notice in situation where the system is booted from TP1 and\nBMIPS_GET_CBR() returns 0 instead of a valid address and\n!!(read_c0_brcm_cmt_local() & (1 << 31)); not failing.\n\nThe current check whether RAC flush should be disabled or not are not\nenough hence lets check if CBR is a valid address or not.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-40963 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

635. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40965) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: i2c: lpi2c: Avoid calling clk_get_rate during transfer Instead of repeatedly calling clk_get_rate for each transfer, lock the clock rate and cache the value. A deadlock has been observed while adding tlv320aic32x4 audio codec to the system. When this clock provider adds its clock, the clk mutex is locked already, it needs to access i2c, which in return needs the mutex for clk_get_rate as well.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ni2c: lpi2c: Avoid calling clk_get_rate during transfer\n\nInstead of repeatedly calling clk_get_rate for each transfer, lock\nthe clock rate and cache the value.\nA deadlock has been observed while adding tlv320aic32x4 audio codec to\nthe system. When this clock provider adds its clock, the clk mutex is\nlocked already, it needs to access i2c, which in return needs the mutex\nfor clk_get_rate as well.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-40965 was patched at 2024-07-16

636. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40968) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: MIPS: Octeon: Add PCIe link status check The standard PCIe configuration read-write interface is used to access the configuration space of the peripheral PCIe devices of the mips processor after the PCIe link surprise down, it can generate kernel panic caused by "Data bus error". So it is necessary to add PCIe link status check for system protection. When the PCIe link is down or in training, assigning a value of 0 to the configuration address can prevent read-write behavior to the configuration space of peripheral PCIe devices, thereby preventing kernel panic.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nMIPS: Octeon: Add PCIe link status check\n\nThe standard PCIe configuration read-write interface is used to\naccess the configuration space of the peripheral PCIe devices\nof the mips processor after the PCIe link surprise down, it can\ngenerate kernel panic caused by "Data bus error". So it is\nnecessary to add PCIe link status check for system protection.\nWhen the PCIe link is down or in training, assigning a value\nof 0 to the configuration address can prevent read-write behavior\nto the configuration space of peripheral PCIe devices, thereby\npreventing kernel panic.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-40968 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

637. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40971) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: f2fs: remove clear SB_INLINECRYPT flag in default_options In f2fs_remount, SB_INLINECRYPT flag will be clear and re-set. If create new file or open file during this gap, these files will not use inlinecrypt. Worse case, it may lead to data corruption if wrappedkey_v0 is enable. Thread A: Thread B: -f2fs_remount\t\t\t\t-f2fs_file_open or f2fs_new_inode -default_options \t<- clear SB_INLINECRYPT flag -fscrypt_select_encryption_impl -parse_options \t<- set SB_INLINECRYPT again', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nf2fs: remove clear SB_INLINECRYPT flag in default_options\n\nIn f2fs_remount, SB_INLINECRYPT flag will be clear and re-set.\nIf create new file or open file during this gap, these files\nwill not use inlinecrypt. Worse case, it may lead to data\ncorruption if wrappedkey_v0 is enable.\n\nThread A: Thread B:\n\n-f2fs_remount\t\t\t\t-f2fs_file_open or f2fs_new_inode\n -default_options\n\t<- clear SB_INLINECRYPT flag\n\n -fscrypt_select_encryption_impl\n\n -parse_options\n\t<- set SB_INLINECRYPT again', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-40971 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

638. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40972) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ext4: do not create EA inode under buffer lock ext4_xattr_set_entry() creates new EA inodes while holding buffer lock on the external xattr block. This is problematic as it nests all the allocation locking (which acquires locks on other buffers) under the buffer lock. This can even deadlock when the filesystem is corrupted and e.g. quota file is setup to contain xattr block as data block. Move the allocation of EA inode out of ext4_xattr_set_entry() into the callers.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\next4: do not create EA inode under buffer lock\n\next4_xattr_set_entry() creates new EA inodes while holding buffer lock\non the external xattr block. This is problematic as it nests all the\nallocation locking (which acquires locks on other buffers) under the\nbuffer lock. This can even deadlock when the filesystem is corrupted and\ne.g. quota file is setup to contain xattr block as data block. Move the\nallocation of EA inode out of ext4_xattr_set_entry() into the callers.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-40972 was patched at 2024-07-16

639. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40974) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: powerpc/pseries: Enforce hcall result buffer validity and size plpar_hcall(), plpar_hcall9(), and related functions expect callers to provide valid result buffers of certain minimum size. Currently this is communicated only through comments in the code and the compiler has no idea. For example, if I write a bug like this: long retbuf[PLPAR_HCALL_BUFSIZE]; // should be PLPAR_HCALL9_BUFSIZE plpar_hcall9(H_ALLOCATE_VAS_WINDOW, retbuf, ...); This compiles with no diagnostics emitted, but likely results in stack corruption at runtime when plpar_hcall9() stores results past the end of the array. (To be clear this is a contrived example and I have not found a real instance yet.) To make this class of error less likely, we can use explicitly-sized array parameters instead of pointers in the declarations for the hcall APIs. When compiled with -Warray-bounds[1], the code above now provokes a diagnostic like this: error: array argument is too small; is of size 32, callee requires at least 72 [-Werror,-Warray-bounds] 60 | plpar_hcall9(H_ALLOCATE_VAS_WINDOW, retbuf, | ^ ~~~~~~ [1] Enabled for LLVM builds but not GCC for now. See commit 0da6e5fd6c37 ("gcc: disable '-Warray-bounds' for gcc-13 too") and related changes.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\npowerpc/pseries: Enforce hcall result buffer validity and size\n\nplpar_hcall(), plpar_hcall9(), and related functions expect callers to\nprovide valid result buffers of certain minimum size. Currently this\nis communicated only through comments in the code and the compiler has\nno idea.\n\nFor example, if I write a bug like this:\n\n long retbuf[PLPAR_HCALL_BUFSIZE]; // should be PLPAR_HCALL9_BUFSIZE\n plpar_hcall9(H_ALLOCATE_VAS_WINDOW, retbuf, ...);\n\nThis compiles with no diagnostics emitted, but likely results in stack\ncorruption at runtime when plpar_hcall9() stores results past the end\nof the array. (To be clear this is a contrived example and I have not\nfound a real instance yet.)\n\nTo make this class of error less likely, we can use explicitly-sized\narray parameters instead of pointers in the declarations for the hcall\nAPIs. When compiled with -Warray-bounds[1], the code above now\nprovokes a diagnostic like this:\n\nerror: array argument is too small;\nis of size 32, callee requires at least 72 [-Werror,-Warray-bounds]\n 60 | plpar_hcall9(H_ALLOCATE_VAS_WINDOW, retbuf,\n | ^ ~~~~~~\n\n[1] Enabled for LLVM builds but not GCC for now. See commit\n 0da6e5fd6c37 ("gcc: disable '-Warray-bounds' for gcc-13 too") and\n related changes.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-40974 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

640. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40975) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: platform/x86: x86-android-tablets: Unregister devices in reverse order Not all subsystems support a device getting removed while there are still consumers of the device with a reference to the device. One example of this is the regulator subsystem. If a regulator gets unregistered while there are still drivers holding a reference a WARN() at drivers/regulator/core.c:5829 triggers, e.g.: WARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 1587 at drivers/regulator/core.c:5829 regulator_unregister Hardware name: Intel Corp. VALLEYVIEW C0 PLATFORM/BYT-T FFD8, BIOS BLADE_21.X64.0005.R00.1504101516 FFD8_X64_R_2015_04_10_1516 04/10/2015 RIP: 0010:regulator_unregister Call Trace: <TASK> regulator_unregister devres_release_group i2c_device_remove device_release_driver_internal bus_remove_device device_del device_unregister x86_android_tablet_remove On the Lenovo Yoga Tablet 2 series the bq24190 charger chip also provides a 5V boost converter output for powering USB devices connected to the micro USB port, the bq24190-charger driver exports this as a Vbus regulator. On the 830 (8") and 1050 ("10") models this regulator is controlled by a platform_device and x86_android_tablet_remove() removes platform_device-s before i2c_clients so the consumer gets removed first. But on the 1380 (13") model there is a lc824206xa micro-USB switch connected over I2C and the extcon driver for that controls the regulator. The bq24190 i2c-client *must* be registered first, because that creates the regulator with the lc824206xa listed as its consumer. If the regulator has not been registered yet the lc824206xa driver will end up getting a dummy regulator. Since in this case both the regulator provider and consumer are I2C devices, the only way to ensure that the consumer is unregistered first is to unregister the I2C devices in reverse order of in which they were created. For consistency and to avoid similar problems in the future change x86_android_tablet_remove() to unregister all device types in reverse order.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nplatform/x86: x86-android-tablets: Unregister devices in reverse order\n\nNot all subsystems support a device getting removed while there are\nstill consumers of the device with a reference to the device.\n\nOne example of this is the regulator subsystem. If a regulator gets\nunregistered while there are still drivers holding a reference\na WARN() at drivers/regulator/core.c:5829 triggers, e.g.:\n\n WARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 1587 at drivers/regulator/core.c:5829 regulator_unregister\n Hardware name: Intel Corp. VALLEYVIEW C0 PLATFORM/BYT-T FFD8, BIOS BLADE_21.X64.0005.R00.1504101516 FFD8_X64_R_2015_04_10_1516 04/10/2015\n RIP: 0010:regulator_unregister\n Call Trace:\n <TASK>\n regulator_unregister\n devres_release_group\n i2c_device_remove\n device_release_driver_internal\n bus_remove_device\n device_del\n device_unregister\n x86_android_tablet_remove\n\nOn the Lenovo Yoga Tablet 2 series the bq24190 charger chip also provides\na 5V boost converter output for powering USB devices connected to the micro\nUSB port, the bq24190-charger driver exports this as a Vbus regulator.\n\nOn the 830 (8") and 1050 ("10") models this regulator is controlled by\na platform_device and x86_android_tablet_remove() removes platform_device-s\nbefore i2c_clients so the consumer gets removed first.\n\nBut on the 1380 (13") model there is a lc824206xa micro-USB switch\nconnected over I2C and the extcon driver for that controls the regulator.\nThe bq24190 i2c-client *must* be registered first, because that creates\nthe regulator with the lc824206xa listed as its consumer. If the regulator\nhas not been registered yet the lc824206xa driver will end up getting\na dummy regulator.\n\nSince in this case both the regulator provider and consumer are I2C\ndevices, the only way to ensure that the consumer is unregistered first\nis to unregister the I2C devices in reverse order of in which they were\ncreated.\n\nFor consistency and to avoid similar problems in the future change\nx86_android_tablet_remove() to unregister all device types in reverse\norder.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-40975 was patched at 2024-07-16

641. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40978) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: qedi: Fix crash while reading debugfs attribute The qedi_dbg_do_not_recover_cmd_read() function invokes sprintf() directly on a __user pointer, which results into the crash. To fix this issue, use a small local stack buffer for sprintf() and then call simple_read_from_buffer(), which in turns make the copy_to_user() call. BUG: unable to handle page fault for address: 00007f4801111000 PGD 8000000864df6067 P4D 8000000864df6067 PUD 864df7067 PMD 846028067 PTE 0 Oops: 0002 [#1] PREEMPT SMP PTI Hardware name: HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10/ProLiant DL380 Gen10, BIOS U30 06/15/2023 RIP: 0010:memcpy_orig+0xcd/0x130 RSP: 0018:ffffb7a18c3ffc40 EFLAGS: 00010202 RAX: 00007f4801111000 RBX: 00007f4801111000 RCX: 000000000000000f RDX: 000000000000000f RSI: ffffffffc0bfd7a0 RDI: 00007f4801111000 RBP: ffffffffc0bfd7a0 R08: 725f746f6e5f6f64 R09: 3d7265766f636572 R10: ffffb7a18c3ffd08 R11: 0000000000000000 R12: 00007f4881110fff R13: 000000007fffffff R14: ffffb7a18c3ffca0 R15: ffffffffc0bfd7af FS: 00007f480118a740(0000) GS:ffff98e38af00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 00007f4801111000 CR3: 0000000864b8e001 CR4: 00000000007706e0 DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 PKRU: 55555554 Call Trace: <TASK> ? __die_body+0x1a/0x60 ? page_fault_oops+0x183/0x510 ? exc_page_fault+0x69/0x150 ? asm_exc_page_fault+0x22/0x30 ? memcpy_orig+0xcd/0x130 vsnprintf+0x102/0x4c0 sprintf+0x51/0x80 qedi_dbg_do_not_recover_cmd_read+0x2f/0x50 [qedi 6bcfdeeecdea037da47069eca2ba717c84a77324] full_proxy_read+0x50/0x80 vfs_read+0xa5/0x2e0 ? folio_add_new_anon_rmap+0x44/0xa0 ? set_pte_at+0x15/0x30 ? do_pte_missing+0x426/0x7f0 ksys_read+0xa5/0xe0 do_syscall_64+0x58/0x80 ? __count_memcg_events+0x46/0x90 ? count_memcg_event_mm+0x3d/0x60 ? handle_mm_fault+0x196/0x2f0 ? do_user_addr_fault+0x267/0x890 ? exc_page_fault+0x69/0x150 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x72/0xdc RIP: 0033:0x7f4800f20b4d', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nscsi: qedi: Fix crash while reading debugfs attribute\n\nThe qedi_dbg_do_not_recover_cmd_read() function invokes sprintf() directly\non a __user pointer, which results into the crash.\n\nTo fix this issue, use a small local stack buffer for sprintf() and then\ncall simple_read_from_buffer(), which in turns make the copy_to_user()\ncall.\n\nBUG: unable to handle page fault for address: 00007f4801111000\nPGD 8000000864df6067 P4D 8000000864df6067 PUD 864df7067 PMD 846028067 PTE 0\nOops: 0002 [#1] PREEMPT SMP PTI\nHardware name: HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10/ProLiant DL380 Gen10, BIOS U30 06/15/2023\nRIP: 0010:memcpy_orig+0xcd/0x130\nRSP: 0018:ffffb7a18c3ffc40 EFLAGS: 00010202\nRAX: 00007f4801111000 RBX: 00007f4801111000 RCX: 000000000000000f\nRDX: 000000000000000f RSI: ffffffffc0bfd7a0 RDI: 00007f4801111000\nRBP: ffffffffc0bfd7a0 R08: 725f746f6e5f6f64 R09: 3d7265766f636572\nR10: ffffb7a18c3ffd08 R11: 0000000000000000 R12: 00007f4881110fff\nR13: 000000007fffffff R14: ffffb7a18c3ffca0 R15: ffffffffc0bfd7af\nFS: 00007f480118a740(0000) GS:ffff98e38af00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\nCS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\nCR2: 00007f4801111000 CR3: 0000000864b8e001 CR4: 00000000007706e0\nDR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000\nDR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400\nPKRU: 55555554\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n ? __die_body+0x1a/0x60\n ? page_fault_oops+0x183/0x510\n ? exc_page_fault+0x69/0x150\n ? asm_exc_page_fault+0x22/0x30\n ? memcpy_orig+0xcd/0x130\n vsnprintf+0x102/0x4c0\n sprintf+0x51/0x80\n qedi_dbg_do_not_recover_cmd_read+0x2f/0x50 [qedi 6bcfdeeecdea037da47069eca2ba717c84a77324]\n full_proxy_read+0x50/0x80\n vfs_read+0xa5/0x2e0\n ? folio_add_new_anon_rmap+0x44/0xa0\n ? set_pte_at+0x15/0x30\n ? do_pte_missing+0x426/0x7f0\n ksys_read+0xa5/0xe0\n do_syscall_64+0x58/0x80\n ? __count_memcg_events+0x46/0x90\n ? count_memcg_event_mm+0x3d/0x60\n ? handle_mm_fault+0x196/0x2f0\n ? do_user_addr_fault+0x267/0x890\n ? exc_page_fault+0x69/0x150\n entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x72/0xdc\nRIP: 0033:0x7f4800f20b4d', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-40978 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

642. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40979) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: ath12k: fix kernel crash during resume Currently during resume, QMI target memory is not properly handled, resulting in kernel crash in case DMA remap is not supported: BUG: Bad page state in process kworker/u16:54 pfn:36e80 page: refcount:1 mapcount:0 mapping:0000000000000000 index:0x0 pfn:0x36e80 page dumped because: nonzero _refcount Call Trace: bad_page free_page_is_bad_report __free_pages_ok __free_pages dma_direct_free dma_free_attrs ath12k_qmi_free_target_mem_chunk ath12k_qmi_msg_mem_request_cb The reason is: Once ath12k module is loaded, firmware sends memory request to host. In case DMA remap not supported, ath12k refuses the first request due to failure in allocating with large segment size: ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi firmware request memory request ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 1 size 7077888 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 8454144 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi dma allocation failed (7077888 B type 1), will try later with small size ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi delays mem_request 2 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi firmware request memory request Later firmware comes back with more but small segments and allocation succeeds: ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 1 size 524288 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 1 size 524288 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 1 size 524288 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 1 size 524288 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 1 size 524288 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 1 size 524288 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 1 size 524288 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 1 size 262144 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 1 size 524288 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 1 size 524288 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 1 size 524288 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 1 size 524288 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 1 size 524288 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 65536 ath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 1 size 524288 Now ath12k is working. If suspend is triggered, firmware will be reloaded during resume. As same as before, firmware requests two large segments at first. In ath12k_qmi_msg_mem_request_cb() segment count and size are assigned: \tab->qmi.mem_seg_count == 2 \tab->qmi.target_mem[0].size == 7077888 \tab->qmi.target_mem[1].size == 8454144 Then allocation failed like before and ath12k_qmi_free_target_mem_chunk() is called to free all allocated segments. Note the first segment is skipped because its v.addr is cleared due to allocation failure: \tchunk->v.addr = dma_alloc_coherent() Also note that this leaks that segment because it has not been freed. While freeing the second segment, a size of 8454144 is passed to dma_free_coherent(). However remember that this segment is allocated at the first time firmware is loaded, before suspend. So its real size is 524288, much smaller than 8454144. As a result kernel found we are freeing some memory which is in use and thus cras ---truncated---', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nwifi: ath12k: fix kernel crash during resume\n\nCurrently during resume, QMI target memory is not properly handled, resulting\nin kernel crash in case DMA remap is not supported:\n\nBUG: Bad page state in process kworker/u16:54 pfn:36e80\npage: refcount:1 mapcount:0 mapping:0000000000000000 index:0x0 pfn:0x36e80\npage dumped because: nonzero _refcount\nCall Trace:\n bad_page\n free_page_is_bad_report\n __free_pages_ok\n __free_pages\n dma_direct_free\n dma_free_attrs\n ath12k_qmi_free_target_mem_chunk\n ath12k_qmi_msg_mem_request_cb\n\nThe reason is:\nOnce ath12k module is loaded, firmware sends memory request to host. In case\nDMA remap not supported, ath12k refuses the first request due to failure in\nallocating with large segment size:\n\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi firmware request memory request\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 1 size 7077888\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 8454144\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi dma allocation failed (7077888 B type 1), will try later with small size\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi delays mem_request 2\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi firmware request memory request\n\nLater firmware comes back with more but small segments and allocation\nsucceeds:\n\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 1 size 524288\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 1 size 524288\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 1 size 524288\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 1 size 524288\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 1 size 524288\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 1 size 524288\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 1 size 524288\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 1 size 262144\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 1 size 524288\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 1 size 524288\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 1 size 524288\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 1 size 524288\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 1 size 524288\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 524288\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 4 size 65536\nath12k_pci 0000:04:00.0: qmi mem seg type 1 size 524288\n\nNow ath12k is working. If suspend is triggered, firmware will be reloaded\nduring resume. As same as before, firmware requests two large segments at\nfirst. In ath12k_qmi_msg_mem_request_cb() segment count and size are\nassigned:\n\n\tab->qmi.mem_seg_count == 2\n\tab->qmi.target_mem[0].size == 7077888\n\tab->qmi.target_mem[1].size == 8454144\n\nThen allocation failed like before and ath12k_qmi_free_target_mem_chunk()\nis called to free all allocated segments. Note the first segment is skipped\nbecause its v.addr is cleared due to allocation failure:\n\n\tchunk->v.addr = dma_alloc_coherent()\n\nAlso note that this leaks that segment because it has not been freed.\n\nWhile freeing the second segment, a size of 8454144 is passed to\ndma_free_coherent(). However remember that this segment is allocated at\nthe first time firmware is loaded, before suspend. So its real size is\n524288, much smaller than 8454144. As a result kernel found we are freeing\nsome memory which is in use and thus cras\n---truncated---', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-40979 was patched at 2024-07-16

643. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40980) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drop_monitor: replace spin_lock by raw_spin_lock trace_drop_common() is called with preemption disabled, and it acquires a spin_lock. This is problematic for RT kernels because spin_locks are sleeping locks in this configuration, which causes the following splat: BUG: sleeping function called from invalid context at kernel/locking/spinlock_rt.c:48 in_atomic(): 1, irqs_disabled(): 1, non_block: 0, pid: 449, name: rcuc/47 preempt_count: 1, expected: 0 RCU nest depth: 2, expected: 2 5 locks held by rcuc/47/449: #0: ff1100086ec30a60 ((softirq_ctrl.lock)){+.+.}-{2:2}, at: __local_bh_disable_ip+0x105/0x210 #1: ffffffffb394a280 (rcu_read_lock){....}-{1:2}, at: rt_spin_lock+0xbf/0x130 #2: ffffffffb394a280 (rcu_read_lock){....}-{1:2}, at: __local_bh_disable_ip+0x11c/0x210 #3: ffffffffb394a160 (rcu_callback){....}-{0:0}, at: rcu_do_batch+0x360/0xc70 #4: ff1100086ee07520 (&data->lock){+.+.}-{2:2}, at: trace_drop_common.constprop.0+0xb5/0x290 irq event stamp: 139909 hardirqs last enabled at (139908): [<ffffffffb1df2b33>] _raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore+0x63/0x80 hardirqs last disabled at (139909): [<ffffffffb19bd03d>] trace_drop_common.constprop.0+0x26d/0x290 softirqs last enabled at (139892): [<ffffffffb07a1083>] __local_bh_enable_ip+0x103/0x170 softirqs last disabled at (139898): [<ffffffffb0909b33>] rcu_cpu_kthread+0x93/0x1f0 Preemption disabled at: [<ffffffffb1de786b>] rt_mutex_slowunlock+0xab/0x2e0 CPU: 47 PID: 449 Comm: rcuc/47 Not tainted 6.9.0-rc2-rt1+ #7 Hardware name: Dell Inc. PowerEdge R650/0Y2G81, BIOS 1.6.5 04/15/2022 Call Trace: <TASK> dump_stack_lvl+0x8c/0xd0 dump_stack+0x14/0x20 __might_resched+0x21e/0x2f0 rt_spin_lock+0x5e/0x130 ? trace_drop_common.constprop.0+0xb5/0x290 ? skb_queue_purge_reason.part.0+0x1bf/0x230 trace_drop_common.constprop.0+0xb5/0x290 ? preempt_count_sub+0x1c/0xd0 ? _raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore+0x4a/0x80 ? __pfx_trace_drop_common.constprop.0+0x10/0x10 ? rt_mutex_slowunlock+0x26a/0x2e0 ? skb_queue_purge_reason.part.0+0x1bf/0x230 ? __pfx_rt_mutex_slowunlock+0x10/0x10 ? skb_queue_purge_reason.part.0+0x1bf/0x230 trace_kfree_skb_hit+0x15/0x20 trace_kfree_skb+0xe9/0x150 kfree_skb_reason+0x7b/0x110 skb_queue_purge_reason.part.0+0x1bf/0x230 ? __pfx_skb_queue_purge_reason.part.0+0x10/0x10 ? mark_lock.part.0+0x8a/0x520 ... trace_drop_common() also disables interrupts, but this is a minor issue because we could easily replace it with a local_lock. Replace the spin_lock with raw_spin_lock to avoid sleeping in atomic context.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrop_monitor: replace spin_lock by raw_spin_lock\n\ntrace_drop_common() is called with preemption disabled, and it acquires\na spin_lock. This is problematic for RT kernels because spin_locks are\nsleeping locks in this configuration, which causes the following splat:\n\nBUG: sleeping function called from invalid context at kernel/locking/spinlock_rt.c:48\nin_atomic(): 1, irqs_disabled(): 1, non_block: 0, pid: 449, name: rcuc/47\npreempt_count: 1, expected: 0\nRCU nest depth: 2, expected: 2\n5 locks held by rcuc/47/449:\n #0: ff1100086ec30a60 ((softirq_ctrl.lock)){+.+.}-{2:2}, at: __local_bh_disable_ip+0x105/0x210\n #1: ffffffffb394a280 (rcu_read_lock){....}-{1:2}, at: rt_spin_lock+0xbf/0x130\n #2: ffffffffb394a280 (rcu_read_lock){....}-{1:2}, at: __local_bh_disable_ip+0x11c/0x210\n #3: ffffffffb394a160 (rcu_callback){....}-{0:0}, at: rcu_do_batch+0x360/0xc70\n #4: ff1100086ee07520 (&data->lock){+.+.}-{2:2}, at: trace_drop_common.constprop.0+0xb5/0x290\nirq event stamp: 139909\nhardirqs last enabled at (139908): [<ffffffffb1df2b33>] _raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore+0x63/0x80\nhardirqs last disabled at (139909): [<ffffffffb19bd03d>] trace_drop_common.constprop.0+0x26d/0x290\nsoftirqs last enabled at (139892): [<ffffffffb07a1083>] __local_bh_enable_ip+0x103/0x170\nsoftirqs last disabled at (139898): [<ffffffffb0909b33>] rcu_cpu_kthread+0x93/0x1f0\nPreemption disabled at:\n[<ffffffffb1de786b>] rt_mutex_slowunlock+0xab/0x2e0\nCPU: 47 PID: 449 Comm: rcuc/47 Not tainted 6.9.0-rc2-rt1+ #7\nHardware name: Dell Inc. PowerEdge R650/0Y2G81, BIOS 1.6.5 04/15/2022\nCall Trace:\n <TASK>\n dump_stack_lvl+0x8c/0xd0\n dump_stack+0x14/0x20\n __might_resched+0x21e/0x2f0\n rt_spin_lock+0x5e/0x130\n ? trace_drop_common.constprop.0+0xb5/0x290\n ? skb_queue_purge_reason.part.0+0x1bf/0x230\n trace_drop_common.constprop.0+0xb5/0x290\n ? preempt_count_sub+0x1c/0xd0\n ? _raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore+0x4a/0x80\n ? __pfx_trace_drop_common.constprop.0+0x10/0x10\n ? rt_mutex_slowunlock+0x26a/0x2e0\n ? skb_queue_purge_reason.part.0+0x1bf/0x230\n ? __pfx_rt_mutex_slowunlock+0x10/0x10\n ? skb_queue_purge_reason.part.0+0x1bf/0x230\n trace_kfree_skb_hit+0x15/0x20\n trace_kfree_skb+0xe9/0x150\n kfree_skb_reason+0x7b/0x110\n skb_queue_purge_reason.part.0+0x1bf/0x230\n ? __pfx_skb_queue_purge_reason.part.0+0x10/0x10\n ? mark_lock.part.0+0x8a/0x520\n...\n\ntrace_drop_common() also disables interrupts, but this is a minor issue\nbecause we could easily replace it with a local_lock.\n\nReplace the spin_lock with raw_spin_lock to avoid sleeping in atomic\ncontext.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-40980 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

644. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40981) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: batman-adv: bypass empty buckets in batadv_purge_orig_ref() Many syzbot reports are pointing to soft lockups in batadv_purge_orig_ref() [1] Root cause is unknown, but we can avoid spending too much time there and perhaps get more interesting reports. [1] watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 27s! [kworker/u4:6:621] Modules linked in: irq event stamp: 6182794 hardirqs last enabled at (6182793): [<ffff8000801dae10>] __local_bh_enable_ip+0x224/0x44c kernel/softirq.c:386 hardirqs last disabled at (6182794): [<ffff80008ad66a78>] __el1_irq arch/arm64/kernel/entry-common.c:533 [inline] hardirqs last disabled at (6182794): [<ffff80008ad66a78>] el1_interrupt+0x24/0x68 arch/arm64/kernel/entry-common.c:551 softirqs last enabled at (6182792): [<ffff80008aab71c4>] spin_unlock_bh include/linux/spinlock.h:396 [inline] softirqs last enabled at (6182792): [<ffff80008aab71c4>] batadv_purge_orig_ref+0x114c/0x1228 net/batman-adv/originator.c:1287 softirqs last disabled at (6182790): [<ffff80008aab61dc>] spin_lock_bh include/linux/spinlock.h:356 [inline] softirqs last disabled at (6182790): [<ffff80008aab61dc>] batadv_purge_orig_ref+0x164/0x1228 net/batman-adv/originator.c:1271 CPU: 0 PID: 621 Comm: kworker/u4:6 Not tainted 6.8.0-rc7-syzkaller-g707081b61156 #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 02/29/2024 Workqueue: bat_events batadv_purge_orig pstate: 80400005 (Nzcv daif +PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--) pc : should_resched arch/arm64/include/asm/preempt.h:79 [inline] pc : __local_bh_enable_ip+0x228/0x44c kernel/softirq.c:388 lr : __local_bh_enable_ip+0x224/0x44c kernel/softirq.c:386 sp : ffff800099007970 x29: ffff800099007980 x28: 1fffe00018fce1bd x27: dfff800000000000 x26: ffff0000d2620008 x25: ffff0000c7e70de8 x24: 0000000000000001 x23: 1fffe00018e57781 x22: dfff800000000000 x21: ffff80008aab71c4 x20: ffff0001b40136c0 x19: ffff0000c72bbc08 x18: 1fffe0001a817bb0 x17: ffff800125414000 x16: ffff80008032116c x15: 0000000000000001 x14: 1fffe0001ee9d610 x13: 0000000000000000 x12: 0000000000000003 x11: 0000000000000000 x10: 0000000000ff0100 x9 : 0000000000000000 x8 : 00000000005e5789 x7 : ffff80008aab61dc x6 : 0000000000000000 x5 : 0000000000000000 x4 : 0000000000000001 x3 : 0000000000000000 x2 : 0000000000000006 x1 : 0000000000000080 x0 : ffff800125414000 Call trace: __daif_local_irq_enable arch/arm64/include/asm/irqflags.h:27 [inline] arch_local_irq_enable arch/arm64/include/asm/irqflags.h:49 [inline] __local_bh_enable_ip+0x228/0x44c kernel/softirq.c:386 __raw_spin_unlock_bh include/linux/spinlock_api_smp.h:167 [inline] _raw_spin_unlock_bh+0x3c/0x4c kernel/locking/spinlock.c:210 spin_unlock_bh include/linux/spinlock.h:396 [inline] batadv_purge_orig_ref+0x114c/0x1228 net/batman-adv/originator.c:1287 batadv_purge_orig+0x20/0x70 net/batman-adv/originator.c:1300 process_one_work+0x694/0x1204 kernel/workqueue.c:2633 process_scheduled_works kernel/workqueue.c:2706 [inline] worker_thread+0x938/0xef4 kernel/workqueue.c:2787 kthread+0x288/0x310 kernel/kthread.c:388 ret_from_fork+0x10/0x20 arch/arm64/kernel/entry.S:860 Sending NMI from CPU 0 to CPUs 1: NMI backtrace for cpu 1 CPU: 1 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/1 Not tainted 6.8.0-rc7-syzkaller-g707081b61156 #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 02/29/2024 pstate: 80400005 (Nzcv daif +PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--) pc : arch_local_irq_enable+0x8/0xc arch/arm64/include/asm/irqflags.h:51 lr : default_idle_call+0xf8/0x128 kernel/sched/idle.c:103 sp : ffff800093a17d30 x29: ffff800093a17d30 x28: dfff800000000000 x27: 1ffff00012742fb4 x26: ffff80008ec9d000 x25: 0000000000000000 x24: 0000000000000002 x23: 1ffff00011d93a74 x22: ffff80008ec9d3a0 x21: 0000000000000000 x20: ffff0000c19dbc00 x19: ffff8000802d0fd8 x18: 1fffe00036804396 x17: ffff80008ec9d000 x16: ffff8000802d089c x15: 0000000000000001 ---truncated---', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nbatman-adv: bypass empty buckets in batadv_purge_orig_ref()\n\nMany syzbot reports are pointing to soft lockups in\nbatadv_purge_orig_ref() [1]\n\nRoot cause is unknown, but we can avoid spending too much\ntime there and perhaps get more interesting reports.\n\n[1]\n\nwatchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 27s! [kworker/u4:6:621]\nModules linked in:\nirq event stamp: 6182794\n hardirqs last enabled at (6182793): [<ffff8000801dae10>] __local_bh_enable_ip+0x224/0x44c kernel/softirq.c:386\n hardirqs last disabled at (6182794): [<ffff80008ad66a78>] __el1_irq arch/arm64/kernel/entry-common.c:533 [inline]\n hardirqs last disabled at (6182794): [<ffff80008ad66a78>] el1_interrupt+0x24/0x68 arch/arm64/kernel/entry-common.c:551\n softirqs last enabled at (6182792): [<ffff80008aab71c4>] spin_unlock_bh include/linux/spinlock.h:396 [inline]\n softirqs last enabled at (6182792): [<ffff80008aab71c4>] batadv_purge_orig_ref+0x114c/0x1228 net/batman-adv/originator.c:1287\n softirqs last disabled at (6182790): [<ffff80008aab61dc>] spin_lock_bh include/linux/spinlock.h:356 [inline]\n softirqs last disabled at (6182790): [<ffff80008aab61dc>] batadv_purge_orig_ref+0x164/0x1228 net/batman-adv/originator.c:1271\nCPU: 0 PID: 621 Comm: kworker/u4:6 Not tainted 6.8.0-rc7-syzkaller-g707081b61156 #0\nHardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 02/29/2024\nWorkqueue: bat_events batadv_purge_orig\npstate: 80400005 (Nzcv daif +PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--)\n pc : should_resched arch/arm64/include/asm/preempt.h:79 [inline]\n pc : __local_bh_enable_ip+0x228/0x44c kernel/softirq.c:388\n lr : __local_bh_enable_ip+0x224/0x44c kernel/softirq.c:386\nsp : ffff800099007970\nx29: ffff800099007980 x28: 1fffe00018fce1bd x27: dfff800000000000\nx26: ffff0000d2620008 x25: ffff0000c7e70de8 x24: 0000000000000001\nx23: 1fffe00018e57781 x22: dfff800000000000 x21: ffff80008aab71c4\nx20: ffff0001b40136c0 x19: ffff0000c72bbc08 x18: 1fffe0001a817bb0\nx17: ffff800125414000 x16: ffff80008032116c x15: 0000000000000001\nx14: 1fffe0001ee9d610 x13: 0000000000000000 x12: 0000000000000003\nx11: 0000000000000000 x10: 0000000000ff0100 x9 : 0000000000000000\nx8 : 00000000005e5789 x7 : ffff80008aab61dc x6 : 0000000000000000\nx5 : 0000000000000000 x4 : 0000000000000001 x3 : 0000000000000000\nx2 : 0000000000000006 x1 : 0000000000000080 x0 : ffff800125414000\nCall trace:\n __daif_local_irq_enable arch/arm64/include/asm/irqflags.h:27 [inline]\n arch_local_irq_enable arch/arm64/include/asm/irqflags.h:49 [inline]\n __local_bh_enable_ip+0x228/0x44c kernel/softirq.c:386\n __raw_spin_unlock_bh include/linux/spinlock_api_smp.h:167 [inline]\n _raw_spin_unlock_bh+0x3c/0x4c kernel/locking/spinlock.c:210\n spin_unlock_bh include/linux/spinlock.h:396 [inline]\n batadv_purge_orig_ref+0x114c/0x1228 net/batman-adv/originator.c:1287\n batadv_purge_orig+0x20/0x70 net/batman-adv/originator.c:1300\n process_one_work+0x694/0x1204 kernel/workqueue.c:2633\n process_scheduled_works kernel/workqueue.c:2706 [inline]\n worker_thread+0x938/0xef4 kernel/workqueue.c:2787\n kthread+0x288/0x310 kernel/kthread.c:388\n ret_from_fork+0x10/0x20 arch/arm64/kernel/entry.S:860\nSending NMI from CPU 0 to CPUs 1:\nNMI backtrace for cpu 1\nCPU: 1 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/1 Not tainted 6.8.0-rc7-syzkaller-g707081b61156 #0\nHardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 02/29/2024\npstate: 80400005 (Nzcv daif +PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--)\n pc : arch_local_irq_enable+0x8/0xc arch/arm64/include/asm/irqflags.h:51\n lr : default_idle_call+0xf8/0x128 kernel/sched/idle.c:103\nsp : ffff800093a17d30\nx29: ffff800093a17d30 x28: dfff800000000000 x27: 1ffff00012742fb4\nx26: ffff80008ec9d000 x25: 0000000000000000 x24: 0000000000000002\nx23: 1ffff00011d93a74 x22: ffff80008ec9d3a0 x21: 0000000000000000\nx20: ffff0000c19dbc00 x19: ffff8000802d0fd8 x18: 1fffe00036804396\nx17: ffff80008ec9d000 x16: ffff8000802d089c x15: 0000000000000001\n---truncated---', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-40981 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

645. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40983) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: tipc: force a dst refcount before doing decryption As it says in commit 3bc07321ccc2 ("xfrm: Force a dst refcount before entering the xfrm type handlers"): "Crypto requests might return asynchronous. In this case we leave the rcu protected region, so force a refcount on the skb's destination entry before we enter the xfrm type input/output handlers." On TIPC decryption path it has the same problem, and skb_dst_force() should be called before doing decryption to avoid a possible crash. Shuang reported this issue when this warning is triggered: [] WARNING: include/net/dst.h:337 tipc_sk_rcv+0x1055/0x1ea0 [tipc] [] Kdump: loaded Tainted: G W --------- - - 4.18.0-496.el8.x86_64+debug [] Workqueue: crypto cryptd_queue_worker [] RIP: 0010:tipc_sk_rcv+0x1055/0x1ea0 [tipc] [] Call Trace: [] tipc_sk_mcast_rcv+0x548/0xea0 [tipc] [] tipc_rcv+0xcf5/0x1060 [tipc] [] tipc_aead_decrypt_done+0x215/0x2e0 [tipc] [] cryptd_aead_crypt+0xdb/0x190 [] cryptd_queue_worker+0xed/0x190 [] process_one_work+0x93d/0x17e0', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ntipc: force a dst refcount before doing decryption\n\nAs it says in commit 3bc07321ccc2 ("xfrm: Force a dst refcount before\nentering the xfrm type handlers"):\n\n"Crypto requests might return asynchronous. In this case we leave the\n rcu protected region, so force a refcount on the skb's destination\n entry before we enter the xfrm type input/output handlers."\n\nOn TIPC decryption path it has the same problem, and skb_dst_force()\nshould be called before doing decryption to avoid a possible crash.\n\nShuang reported this issue when this warning is triggered:\n\n [] WARNING: include/net/dst.h:337 tipc_sk_rcv+0x1055/0x1ea0 [tipc]\n [] Kdump: loaded Tainted: G W --------- - - 4.18.0-496.el8.x86_64+debug\n [] Workqueue: crypto cryptd_queue_worker\n [] RIP: 0010:tipc_sk_rcv+0x1055/0x1ea0 [tipc]\n [] Call Trace:\n [] tipc_sk_mcast_rcv+0x548/0xea0 [tipc]\n [] tipc_rcv+0xcf5/0x1060 [tipc]\n [] tipc_aead_decrypt_done+0x215/0x2e0 [tipc]\n [] cryptd_aead_crypt+0xdb/0x190\n [] cryptd_queue_worker+0xed/0x190\n [] process_one_work+0x93d/0x17e0', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-40983 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

646. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40984) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ACPICA: Revert "ACPICA: avoid Info: mapping multiple BARs. Your kernel is fine." Undo the modifications made in commit d410ee5109a1 ("ACPICA: avoid "Info: mapping multiple BARs. Your kernel is fine.""). The initial purpose of this commit was to stop memory mappings for operation regions from overlapping page boundaries, as it can trigger warnings if different page attributes are present. However, it was found that when this situation arises, mapping continues until the boundary's end, but there is still an attempt to read/write the entire length of the map, leading to a NULL pointer deference. For example, if a four-byte mapping request is made but only one byte is mapped because it hits the current page boundary's end, a four-byte read/write attempt is still made, resulting in a NULL pointer deference. Instead, map the entire length, as the ACPI specification does not mandate that it must be within the same page boundary. It is permissible for it to be mapped across different regions.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nACPICA: Revert "ACPICA: avoid Info: mapping multiple BARs. Your kernel is fine."\n\nUndo the modifications made in commit d410ee5109a1 ("ACPICA: avoid\n"Info: mapping multiple BARs. Your kernel is fine.""). The initial\npurpose of this commit was to stop memory mappings for operation\nregions from overlapping page boundaries, as it can trigger warnings\nif different page attributes are present.\n\nHowever, it was found that when this situation arises, mapping\ncontinues until the boundary's end, but there is still an attempt to\nread/write the entire length of the map, leading to a NULL pointer\ndeference. For example, if a four-byte mapping request is made but\nonly one byte is mapped because it hits the current page boundary's\nend, a four-byte read/write attempt is still made, resulting in a NULL\npointer deference.\n\nInstead, map the entire length, as the ACPI specification does not\nmandate that it must be within the same page boundary. It is\npermissible for it to be mapped across different regions.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-40984 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

647. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40987) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/amdgpu: fix UBSAN warning in kv_dpm.c Adds bounds check for sumo_vid_mapping_entry.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/amdgpu: fix UBSAN warning in kv_dpm.c\n\nAdds bounds check for sumo_vid_mapping_entry.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-40987 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

648. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40988) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/radeon: fix UBSAN warning in kv_dpm.c Adds bounds check for sumo_vid_mapping_entry.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/radeon: fix UBSAN warning in kv_dpm.c\n\nAdds bounds check for sumo_vid_mapping_entry.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.13419

debian: CVE-2024-40988 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

649. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40990) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: RDMA/mlx5: Add check for srq max_sge attribute max_sge attribute is passed by the user, and is inserted and used unchecked, so verify that the value doesn't exceed maximum allowed value before using it.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nRDMA/mlx5: Add check for srq max_sge attribute\n\nmax_sge attribute is passed by the user, and is inserted and used\nunchecked, so verify that the value doesn't exceed maximum allowed value\nbefore using it.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-40990 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

650. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40993) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: netfilter: ipset: Fix suspicious rcu_dereference_protected() When destroying all sets, we are either in pernet exit phase or are executing a "destroy all sets command" from userspace. The latter was taken into account in ip_set_dereference() (nfnetlink mutex is held), but the former was not. The patch adds the required check to rcu_dereference_protected() in ip_set_dereference().', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnetfilter: ipset: Fix suspicious rcu_dereference_protected()\n\nWhen destroying all sets, we are either in pernet exit phase or\nare executing a "destroy all sets command" from userspace. The latter\nwas taken into account in ip_set_dereference() (nfnetlink mutex is held),\nbut the former was not. The patch adds the required check to\nrcu_dereference_protected() in ip_set_dereference().', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-40993 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

651. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40995) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/sched: act_api: fix possible infinite loop in tcf_idr_check_alloc() syzbot found hanging tasks waiting on rtnl_lock [1] A reproducer is available in the syzbot bug. When a request to add multiple actions with the same index is sent, the second request will block forever on the first request. This holds rtnl_lock, and causes tasks to hang. Return -EAGAIN to prevent infinite looping, while keeping documented behavior. [1] INFO: task kworker/1:0:5088 blocked for more than 143 seconds. Not tainted 6.9.0-rc4-syzkaller-00173-g3cdb45594619 #0 "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message. task:kworker/1:0 state:D stack:23744 pid:5088 tgid:5088 ppid:2 flags:0x00004000 Workqueue: events_power_efficient reg_check_chans_work Call Trace: <TASK> context_switch kernel/sched/core.c:5409 [inline] __schedule+0xf15/0x5d00 kernel/sched/core.c:6746 __schedule_loop kernel/sched/core.c:6823 [inline] schedule+0xe7/0x350 kernel/sched/core.c:6838 schedule_preempt_disabled+0x13/0x30 kernel/sched/core.c:6895 __mutex_lock_common kernel/locking/mutex.c:684 [inline] __mutex_lock+0x5b8/0x9c0 kernel/locking/mutex.c:752 wiphy_lock include/net/cfg80211.h:5953 [inline] reg_leave_invalid_chans net/wireless/reg.c:2466 [inline] reg_check_chans_work+0x10a/0x10e0 net/wireless/reg.c:2481', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet/sched: act_api: fix possible infinite loop in tcf_idr_check_alloc()\n\nsyzbot found hanging tasks waiting on rtnl_lock [1]\n\nA reproducer is available in the syzbot bug.\n\nWhen a request to add multiple actions with the same index is sent, the\nsecond request will block forever on the first request. This holds\nrtnl_lock, and causes tasks to hang.\n\nReturn -EAGAIN to prevent infinite looping, while keeping documented\nbehavior.\n\n[1]\n\nINFO: task kworker/1:0:5088 blocked for more than 143 seconds.\nNot tainted 6.9.0-rc4-syzkaller-00173-g3cdb45594619 #0\n"echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.\ntask:kworker/1:0 state:D stack:23744 pid:5088 tgid:5088 ppid:2 flags:0x00004000\nWorkqueue: events_power_efficient reg_check_chans_work\nCall Trace:\n<TASK>\ncontext_switch kernel/sched/core.c:5409 [inline]\n__schedule+0xf15/0x5d00 kernel/sched/core.c:6746\n__schedule_loop kernel/sched/core.c:6823 [inline]\nschedule+0xe7/0x350 kernel/sched/core.c:6838\nschedule_preempt_disabled+0x13/0x30 kernel/sched/core.c:6895\n__mutex_lock_common kernel/locking/mutex.c:684 [inline]\n__mutex_lock+0x5b8/0x9c0 kernel/locking/mutex.c:752\nwiphy_lock include/net/cfg80211.h:5953 [inline]\nreg_leave_invalid_chans net/wireless/reg.c:2466 [inline]\nreg_check_chans_work+0x10a/0x10e0 net/wireless/reg.c:2481', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-40995 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

652. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-40999) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: ena: Add validation for completion descriptors consistency Validate that `first` flag is set only for the first descriptor in multi-buffer packets. In case of an invalid descriptor, a reset will occur. A new reset reason for RX data corruption has been added.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\nnet: ena: Add validation for completion descriptors consistency\n\nValidate that `first` flag is set only for the first\ndescriptor in multi-buffer packets.\nIn case of an invalid descriptor, a reset will occur.\nA new reset reason for RX data corruption has been added.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-40999 was patched at 2024-07-16

653. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41004) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: tracing: Build event generation tests only as modules The kprobes and synth event generation test modules add events and lock (get a reference) those event file reference in module init function, and unlock and delete it in module exit function. This is because those are designed for playing as modules. If we make those modules as built-in, those events are left locked in the kernel, and never be removed. This causes kprobe event self-test failure as below. [ 97.349708] ------------[ cut here ]------------ [ 97.353453] WARNING: CPU: 3 PID: 1 at kernel/trace/trace_kprobe.c:2133 kprobe_trace_self_tests_init+0x3f1/0x480 [ 97.357106] Modules linked in: [ 97.358488] CPU: 3 PID: 1 Comm: swapper/0 Not tainted 6.9.0-g699646734ab5-dirty #14 [ 97.361556] Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 1.15.0-1 04/01/2014 [ 97.363880] RIP: 0010:kprobe_trace_self_tests_init+0x3f1/0x480 [ 97.365538] Code: a8 24 08 82 e9 ae fd ff ff 90 0f 0b 90 48 c7 c7 e5 aa 0b 82 e9 ee fc ff ff 90 0f 0b 90 48 c7 c7 2d 61 06 82 e9 8e fd ff ff 90 <0f> 0b 90 48 c7 c7 33 0b 0c 82 89 c6 e8 6e 03 1f ff 41 ff c7 e9 90 [ 97.370429] RSP: 0000:ffffc90000013b50 EFLAGS: 00010286 [ 97.371852] RAX: 00000000fffffff0 RBX: ffff888005919c00 RCX: 0000000000000000 [ 97.373829] RDX: ffff888003f40000 RSI: ffffffff8236a598 RDI: ffff888003f40a68 [ 97.375715] RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000001 R09: 0000000000000000 [ 97.377675] R10: ffffffff811c9ae5 R11: ffffffff8120c4e0 R12: 0000000000000000 [ 97.379591] R13: 0000000000000001 R14: 0000000000000015 R15: 0000000000000000 [ 97.381536] FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff88807dcc0000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 [ 97.383813] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 [ 97.385449] CR2: 0000000000000000 CR3: 0000000002244000 CR4: 00000000000006b0 [ 97.387347] DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 [ 97.389277] DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 [ 97.391196] Call Trace: [ 97.391967] <TASK> [ 97.392647] ? __warn+0xcc/0x180 [ 97.393640] ? kprobe_trace_self_tests_init+0x3f1/0x480 [ 97.395181] ? report_bug+0xbd/0x150 [ 97.396234] ? handle_bug+0x3e/0x60 [ 97.397311] ? exc_invalid_op+0x1a/0x50 [ 97.398434] ? asm_exc_invalid_op+0x1a/0x20 [ 97.399652] ? trace_kprobe_is_busy+0x20/0x20 [ 97.400904] ? tracing_reset_all_online_cpus+0x15/0x90 [ 97.402304] ? kprobe_trace_self_tests_init+0x3f1/0x480 [ 97.403773] ? init_kprobe_trace+0x50/0x50 [ 97.404972] do_one_initcall+0x112/0x240 [ 97.406113] do_initcall_level+0x95/0xb0 [ 97.407286] ? kernel_init+0x1a/0x1a0 [ 97.408401] do_initcalls+0x3f/0x70 [ 97.409452] kernel_init_freeable+0x16f/0x1e0 [ 97.410662] ? rest_init+0x1f0/0x1f0 [ 97.411738] kernel_init+0x1a/0x1a0 [ 97.412788] ret_from_fork+0x39/0x50 [ 97.413817] ? rest_init+0x1f0/0x1f0 [ 97.414844] ret_from_fork_asm+0x11/0x20 [ 97.416285] </TASK> [ 97.417134] irq event stamp: 13437323 [ 97.418376] hardirqs last enabled at (13437337): [<ffffffff8110bc0c>] console_unlock+0x11c/0x150 [ 97.421285] hardirqs last disabled at (13437370): [<ffffffff8110bbf1>] console_unlock+0x101/0x150 [ 97.423838] softirqs last enabled at (13437366): [<ffffffff8108e17f>] handle_softirqs+0x23f/0x2a0 [ 97.426450] softirqs last disabled at (13437393): [<ffffffff8108e346>] __irq_exit_rcu+0x66/0xd0 [ 97.428850] ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]--- And also, since we can not cleanup dynamic_event file, ftracetest are failed too. To avoid these issues, build these tests only as modules.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ntracing: Build event generation tests only as modules\n\nThe kprobes and synth event generation test modules add events and lock\n(get a reference) those event file reference in module init function,\nand unlock and delete it in module exit function. This is because those\nare designed for playing as modules.\n\nIf we make those modules as built-in, those events are left locked in the\nkernel, and never be removed. This causes kprobe event self-test failure\nas below.\n\n[ 97.349708] ------------[ cut here ]------------\n[ 97.353453] WARNING: CPU: 3 PID: 1 at kernel/trace/trace_kprobe.c:2133 kprobe_trace_self_tests_init+0x3f1/0x480\n[ 97.357106] Modules linked in:\n[ 97.358488] CPU: 3 PID: 1 Comm: swapper/0 Not tainted 6.9.0-g699646734ab5-dirty #14\n[ 97.361556] Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 1.15.0-1 04/01/2014\n[ 97.363880] RIP: 0010:kprobe_trace_self_tests_init+0x3f1/0x480\n[ 97.365538] Code: a8 24 08 82 e9 ae fd ff ff 90 0f 0b 90 48 c7 c7 e5 aa 0b 82 e9 ee fc ff ff 90 0f 0b 90 48 c7 c7 2d 61 06 82 e9 8e fd ff ff 90 <0f> 0b 90 48 c7 c7 33 0b 0c 82 89 c6 e8 6e 03 1f ff 41 ff c7 e9 90\n[ 97.370429] RSP: 0000:ffffc90000013b50 EFLAGS: 00010286\n[ 97.371852] RAX: 00000000fffffff0 RBX: ffff888005919c00 RCX: 0000000000000000\n[ 97.373829] RDX: ffff888003f40000 RSI: ffffffff8236a598 RDI: ffff888003f40a68\n[ 97.375715] RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000001 R09: 0000000000000000\n[ 97.377675] R10: ffffffff811c9ae5 R11: ffffffff8120c4e0 R12: 0000000000000000\n[ 97.379591] R13: 0000000000000001 R14: 0000000000000015 R15: 0000000000000000\n[ 97.381536] FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff88807dcc0000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000\n[ 97.383813] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033\n[ 97.385449] CR2: 0000000000000000 CR3: 0000000002244000 CR4: 00000000000006b0\n[ 97.387347] DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000\n[ 97.389277] DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400\n[ 97.391196] Call Trace:\n[ 97.391967] <TASK>\n[ 97.392647] ? __warn+0xcc/0x180\n[ 97.393640] ? kprobe_trace_self_tests_init+0x3f1/0x480\n[ 97.395181] ? report_bug+0xbd/0x150\n[ 97.396234] ? handle_bug+0x3e/0x60\n[ 97.397311] ? exc_invalid_op+0x1a/0x50\n[ 97.398434] ? asm_exc_invalid_op+0x1a/0x20\n[ 97.399652] ? trace_kprobe_is_busy+0x20/0x20\n[ 97.400904] ? tracing_reset_all_online_cpus+0x15/0x90\n[ 97.402304] ? kprobe_trace_self_tests_init+0x3f1/0x480\n[ 97.403773] ? init_kprobe_trace+0x50/0x50\n[ 97.404972] do_one_initcall+0x112/0x240\n[ 97.406113] do_initcall_level+0x95/0xb0\n[ 97.407286] ? kernel_init+0x1a/0x1a0\n[ 97.408401] do_initcalls+0x3f/0x70\n[ 97.409452] kernel_init_freeable+0x16f/0x1e0\n[ 97.410662] ? rest_init+0x1f0/0x1f0\n[ 97.411738] kernel_init+0x1a/0x1a0\n[ 97.412788] ret_from_fork+0x39/0x50\n[ 97.413817] ? rest_init+0x1f0/0x1f0\n[ 97.414844] ret_from_fork_asm+0x11/0x20\n[ 97.416285] </TASK>\n[ 97.417134] irq event stamp: 13437323\n[ 97.418376] hardirqs last enabled at (13437337): [<ffffffff8110bc0c>] console_unlock+0x11c/0x150\n[ 97.421285] hardirqs last disabled at (13437370): [<ffffffff8110bbf1>] console_unlock+0x101/0x150\n[ 97.423838] softirqs last enabled at (13437366): [<ffffffff8108e17f>] handle_softirqs+0x23f/0x2a0\n[ 97.426450] softirqs last disabled at (13437393): [<ffffffff8108e346>] __irq_exit_rcu+0x66/0xd0\n[ 97.428850] ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]---\n\nAnd also, since we can not cleanup dynamic_event file, ftracetest are\nfailed too.\n\nTo avoid these issues, build these tests only as modules.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-41004 was patched at 2024-07-15, 2024-07-16

654. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41007) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: tcp: avoid too many retransmit packets If a TCP socket is using TCP_USER_TIMEOUT, and the other peer retracted its window to zero, tcp_retransmit_timer() can retransmit a packet every two jiffies (2 ms for HZ=1000), for about 4 minutes after TCP_USER_TIMEOUT has 'expired'. The fix is to make sure tcp_rtx_probe0_timed_out() takes icsk->icsk_user_timeout into account. Before blamed commit, the socket would not timeout after icsk->icsk_user_timeout, but would use standard exponential backoff for the retransmits. Also worth noting that before commit e89688e3e978 ("net: tcp: fix unexcepted socket die when snd_wnd is 0"), the issue would last 2 minutes instead of 4.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ntcp: avoid too many retransmit packets\n\nIf a TCP socket is using TCP_USER_TIMEOUT, and the other peer\nretracted its window to zero, tcp_retransmit_timer() can\nretransmit a packet every two jiffies (2 ms for HZ=1000),\nfor about 4 minutes after TCP_USER_TIMEOUT has 'expired'.\n\nThe fix is to make sure tcp_rtx_probe0_timed_out() takes\nicsk->icsk_user_timeout into account.\n\nBefore blamed commit, the socket would not timeout after\nicsk->icsk_user_timeout, but would use standard exponential\nbackoff for the retransmits.\n\nAlso worth noting that before commit e89688e3e978 ("net: tcp:\nfix unexcepted socket die when snd_wnd is 0"), the issue\nwould last 2 minutes instead of 4.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-41007 was patched at 2024-07-16

655. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Linux Kernel (CVE-2024-41008) - Low [161]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/amdgpu: change vm->task_info handling This patch changes the handling and lifecycle of vm->task_info object. The major changes are: - vm->task_info is a dynamically allocated ptr now, and its uasge is reference counted. - introducing two new helper funcs for task_info lifecycle management - amdgpu_vm_get_task_info: reference counts up task_info before returning this info - amdgpu_vm_put_task_info: reference counts down task_info - last put to task_info() frees task_info from the vm. This patch also does logistical changes required for existing usage of vm->task_info. V2: Do not block all the prints when task_info not found (Felix) V3: Fixed review comments from Felix - Fix wrong indentation - No debug message for -ENOMEM - Add NULL check for task_info - Do not duplicate the debug messages (ti vs no ti) - Get first reference of task_info in vm_init(), put last in vm_fini() V4: Fixed review comments from Felix - fix double reference increment in create_task_info - change amdgpu_vm_get_task_info_pasid - additional changes in amdgpu_gem.c while porting', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:\n\ndrm/amdgpu: change vm->task_info handling\n\nThis patch changes the handling and lifecycle of vm->task_info object.\nThe major changes are:\n- vm->task_info is a dynamically allocated ptr now, and its uasge is\n reference counted.\n- introducing two new helper funcs for task_info lifecycle management\n - amdgpu_vm_get_task_info: reference counts up task_info before\n returning this info\n - amdgpu_vm_put_task_info: reference counts down task_info\n- last put to task_info() frees task_info from the vm.\n\nThis patch also does logistical changes required for existing usage\nof vm->task_info.\n\nV2: Do not block all the prints when task_info not found (Felix)\n\nV3: Fixed review comments from Felix\n - Fix wrong indentation\n - No debug message for -ENOMEM\n - Add NULL check for task_info\n - Do not duplicate the debug messages (ti vs no ti)\n - Get first reference of task_info in vm_init(), put last\n in vm_fini()\n\nV4: Fixed review comments from Felix\n - fix double reference increment in create_task_info\n - change amdgpu_vm_get_task_info_pasid\n - additional changes in amdgpu_gem.c while porting', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.914The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-41008 was patched at 2024-07-16

656. Information Disclosure - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-34002) - Low [160]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In a shared hosting environment that has been misconfigured to allow access to other users' content, a Moodle user with both access to restore feedback modules and direct access to the web server outside of the Moodle webroot could execute a local file include.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In a shared hosting environment that has been misconfigured to allow access to other users' content, a Moodle user with both access to restore feedback modules and direct access to the web server outside of the Moodle webroot could execute a local file include.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.8315Information Disclosure
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

redos: CVE-2024-34002 was patched at 2024-07-01

657. Information Disclosure - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-34004) - Low [160]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In a shared hosting environment that has been misconfigured to allow access to other users' content, a Moodle user with both access to restore wiki modules and direct access to the web server outside of the Moodle webroot could execute a local file include.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In a shared hosting environment that has been misconfigured to allow access to other users' content, a Moodle user with both access to restore wiki modules and direct access to the web server outside of the Moodle webroot could execute a local file include.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.8315Information Disclosure
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

redos: CVE-2024-34004 was patched at 2024-07-01

658. Information Disclosure - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-34005) - Low [160]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In a shared hosting environment that has been misconfigured to allow access to other users' content, a Moodle user with both access to restore database activity modules and direct access to the web server outside of the Moodle webroot could execute a local file include.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In a shared hosting environment that has been misconfigured to allow access to other users' content, a Moodle user with both access to restore database activity modules and direct access to the web server outside of the Moodle webroot could execute a local file include.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.8315Information Disclosure
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

redos: CVE-2024-34005 was patched at 2024-07-01

659. Memory Corruption - Unknown Product (CVE-2018-25103) - Low [160]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'There exists use-after-free vulnerabilities in lighttpd <= 1.4.50 request parsing which might read from invalid pointers to memory used in the same request, not from other requests.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'There exists use-after-free vulnerabilities in lighttpd <= 1.4.50 request parsing which might read from invalid pointers to memory used in the same request, not from other requests.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2018-25103 was patched at 2024-06-30

660. Memory Corruption - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-6383) - Low [160]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'The bson_string_append function in MongoDB C Driver may be vulnerable to a buffer overflow where the function might attempt to allocate too small of buffer and may lead to memory corruption of neighbouring heap memory. This issue affects libbson versions prior to 1.27.1', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'The bson_string_append function in MongoDB C Driver may be vulnerable to a buffer overflow where the function might attempt to allocate too small of buffer and may lead to memory corruption of neighbouring heap memory. This issue affects libbson versions prior to 1.27.1', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-6383 was patched at 2024-07-16

661. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Python (CVE-2024-37891) - Low [159]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': ' urllib3 is a user-friendly HTTP client library for Python. When using urllib3's proxy support with `ProxyManager`, the `Proxy-Authorization` header is only sent to the configured proxy, as expected. However, when sending HTTP requests *without* using urllib3's proxy support, it's possible to accidentally configure the `Proxy-Authorization` header even though it won't have any effect as the request is not using a forwarding proxy or a tunneling proxy. In those cases, urllib3 doesn't treat the `Proxy-Authorization` HTTP header as one carrying authentication material and thus doesn't strip the header on cross-origin redirects. Because this is a highly unlikely scenario, we believe the severity of this vulnerability is low for almost all users. Out of an abundance of caution urllib3 will automatically strip the `Proxy-Authorization` header during cross-origin redirects to avoid the small chance that users are doing this on accident. Users should use urllib3's proxy support or disable automatic redirects to achieve safe processing of the `Proxy-Authorization` header, but we still decided to strip the header by default in order to further protect users who aren't using the correct approach. We believe the number of usages affected by this advisory is low. It requires all of the following to be true to be exploited: 1. Setting the `Proxy-Authorization` header without using urllib3's built-in proxy support. 2. Not disabling HTTP redirects. 3. Either not using an HTTPS origin server or for the proxy or target origin to redirect to a malicious origin. Users are advised to update to either version 1.26.19 or version 2.2.2. Users unable to upgrade may use the `Proxy-Authorization` header with urllib3's `ProxyManager`, disable HTTP redirects using `redirects=False` when sending requests, or not user the `Proxy-Authorization` header as mitigations.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': ' urllib3 is a user-friendly HTTP client library for Python. When using urllib3's proxy support with `ProxyManager`, the `Proxy-Authorization` header is only sent to the configured proxy, as expected. However, when sending HTTP requests *without* using urllib3's proxy support, it's possible to accidentally configure the `Proxy-Authorization` header even though it won't have any effect as the request is not using a forwarding proxy or a tunneling proxy. In those cases, urllib3 doesn't treat the `Proxy-Authorization` HTTP header as one carrying authentication material and thus doesn't strip the header on cross-origin redirects. Because this is a highly unlikely scenario, we believe the severity of this vulnerability is low for almost all users. Out of an abundance of caution urllib3 will automatically strip the `Proxy-Authorization` header during cross-origin redirects to avoid the small chance that users are doing this on accident. Users should use urllib3's proxy support or disable automatic redirects to achieve safe processing of the `Proxy-Authorization` header, but we still decided to strip the header by default in order to further protect users who aren't using the correct approach. We believe the number of usages affected by this advisory is low. It requires all of the following to be true to be exploited: 1. Setting the `Proxy-Authorization` header without using urllib3's built-in proxy support. 2. Not disabling HTTP redirects. 3. Either not using an HTTPS origin server or for the proxy or target origin to redirect to a malicious origin. Users are advised to update to either version 1.26.19 or version 2.2.2. Users unable to upgrade may use the `Proxy-Authorization` header with urllib3's `ProxyManager`, disable HTTP redirects using `redirects=False` when sending requests, or not user the `Proxy-Authorization` header as mitigations.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language
CVSS Base Score0.410CVSS Base Score is 4.4. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

almalinux: CVE-2024-37891 was patched at 2024-07-09

debian: CVE-2024-37891 was patched at 2024-06-30

oraclelinux: CVE-2024-37891 was patched at 2024-07-09

redhat: CVE-2024-37891 was patched at 2024-07-09

662. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-6607) - Low [157]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'It was possible to prevent a user from exiting pointerlock when pressing escape and to overlay customValidity notifications from a `&lt;select&gt;` element over certain permission prompts. This could be used to confuse a user into giving a site unintended permissions. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 128 and Thunderbird < 128.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'It was possible to prevent a user from exiting pointerlock when pressing escape and to overlay customValidity notifications from a `&lt;select&gt;` element over certain permission prompts. This could be used to confuse a user into giving a site unintended permissions. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 128 and Thunderbird < 128.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-6607 was patched at 2024-07-10

663. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-6608) - Low [157]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'It was possible to move the cursor using pointerlock from an iframe. This allowed moving the cursor outside of the viewport and the Firefox window. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 128 and Thunderbird < 128.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'It was possible to move the cursor using pointerlock from an iframe. This allowed moving the cursor outside of the viewport and the Firefox window. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 128 and Thunderbird < 128.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-6608 was patched at 2024-07-10

664. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-6609) - Low [157]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'When almost out-of-memory an elliptic curve key which was never allocated could have been freed again. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 128 and Thunderbird < 128.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'When almost out-of-memory an elliptic curve key which was never allocated could have been freed again. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 128 and Thunderbird < 128.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-6609 was patched at 2024-07-10

665. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-6610) - Low [157]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Form validation popups could capture escape key presses. Therefore, spamming form validation messages could be used to prevent users from exiting full-screen mode. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 128 and Thunderbird < 128.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Form validation popups could capture escape key presses. Therefore, spamming form validation messages could be used to prevent users from exiting full-screen mode. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 128 and Thunderbird < 128.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-6610 was patched at 2024-07-10

666. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-6613) - Low [157]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'The frame iterator could get stuck in a loop when encountering certain wasm frames leading to incorrect stack traces. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 128 and Thunderbird < 128.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'The frame iterator could get stuck in a loop when encountering certain wasm frames leading to incorrect stack traces. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 128 and Thunderbird < 128.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-6613 was patched at 2024-07-10

667. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-6614) - Low [157]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'The frame iterator could get stuck in a loop when encountering certain wasm frames leading to incorrect stack traces. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 128 and Thunderbird < 128.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'The frame iterator could get stuck in a loop when encountering certain wasm frames leading to incorrect stack traces. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 128 and Thunderbird < 128.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

ubuntu: CVE-2024-6614 was patched at 2024-07-10

668. Cross Site Scripting - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-33997) - Low [154]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Additional sanitizing was required when opening the equation editor to prevent a stored XSS risk when editing another user's equation.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Additional sanitizing was required when opening the equation editor to prevent a stored XSS risk when editing another user's equation.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.815Cross Site Scripting
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

redos: CVE-2024-33997 was patched at 2024-07-01

669. Cross Site Scripting - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-33998) - Low [154]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Insufficient escaping of participants' names in the participants page table resulted in a stored XSS risk when interacting with some features.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Insufficient escaping of participants' names in the participants page table resulted in a stored XSS risk when interacting with some features.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.815Cross Site Scripting
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

redos: CVE-2024-33998 was patched at 2024-07-01

670. Cross Site Scripting - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-34000) - Low [154]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'ID numbers displayed in the lesson overview report required additional sanitizing to prevent a stored XSS risk.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'ID numbers displayed in the lesson overview report required additional sanitizing to prevent a stored XSS risk.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.815Cross Site Scripting
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

redos: CVE-2024-34000 was patched at 2024-07-01

671. Denial of Service - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-24792) - Low [148]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Parsing a corrupt or malicious image with invalid color indices can cause a panic.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Parsing a corrupt or malicious image with invalid color indices can cause a panic.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-24792 was patched at 2024-06-30

672. Denial of Service - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-38440) - Low [148]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Netatalk before 3.2.1 has an off-by-one error, and resultant heap-based buffer overflow and segmentation violation, because of incorrectly using FPLoginExt in BN_bin2bn in etc/uams/uams_dhx_pam.c. The original issue 1097 report stated: 'The latest version of Netatalk (v3.2.0) contains a security vulnerability. This vulnerability arises due to a lack of validation for the length field after parsing user-provided data, leading to an out-of-bounds heap write of one byte (\\0). Under specific configurations, this can result in reading metadata of the next heap block, potentially causing a Denial of Service (DoS) under certain heap layouts or with ASAN enabled. ... The vulnerability is located in the FPLoginExt operation of Netatalk, in the BN_bin2bn function found in /etc/uams/uams_dhx_pam.c ... if (!(bn = BN_bin2bn((unsigned char *)ibuf, KEYSIZE, NULL))) ... threads ... [#0] Id 1, Name: "afpd", stopped 0x7ffff4304e58 in ?? (), reason: SIGSEGV ... [#0] 0x7ffff4304e58 mov BYTE PTR [r14+0x8], 0x0 ... mov rdx, QWORD PTR [rsp+0x18] ... afp_login_ext(obj=<optimized out>, ibuf=0x62d000010424 "", ibuflen=0xffffffffffff0015, rbuf=<optimized out>, rbuflen=<optimized out>) ... afp_over_dsi(obj=0x5555556154c0 <obj>).' 2.4.1 and 3.1.19 are also fixed versions.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Netatalk before 3.2.1 has an off-by-one error, and resultant heap-based buffer overflow and segmentation violation, because of incorrectly using FPLoginExt in BN_bin2bn in etc/uams/uams_dhx_pam.c. The original issue 1097 report stated: 'The latest version of Netatalk (v3.2.0) contains a security vulnerability. This vulnerability arises due to a lack of validation for the length field after parsing user-provided data, leading to an out-of-bounds heap write of one byte (\\0). Under specific configurations, this can result in reading metadata of the next heap block, potentially causing a Denial of Service (DoS) under certain heap layouts or with ASAN enabled. ... The vulnerability is located in the FPLoginExt operation of Netatalk, in the BN_bin2bn function found in /etc/uams/uams_dhx_pam.c ... if (!(bn = BN_bin2bn((unsigned char *)ibuf, KEYSIZE, NULL))) ... threads ... [#0] Id 1, Name: "afpd", stopped 0x7ffff4304e58 in ?? (), reason: SIGSEGV ... [#0] 0x7ffff4304e58 mov BYTE PTR [r14+0x8], 0x0 ... mov rdx, QWORD PTR [rsp+0x18] ... afp_login_ext(obj=<optimized out>, ibuf=0x62d000010424 "", ibuflen=0xffffffffffff0015, rbuf=<optimized out>, rbuflen=<optimized out>) ... afp_over_dsi(obj=0x5555556154c0 <obj>).' 2.4.1 and 3.1.19 are also fixed versions.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38440 was patched at 2024-06-30

673. Denial of Service - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-39614) - Low [148]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'An issue was discovered in Django 5.0 before 5.0.7 and 4.2 before 4.2.14. get_supported_language_variant() was subject to a potential denial-of-service attack when used with very long strings containing specific characters.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'An issue was discovered in Django 5.0 before 5.0.7 and 4.2 before 4.2.14. get_supported_language_variant() was subject to a potential denial-of-service attack when used with very long strings containing specific characters.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-39614 was patched at 2024-07-16

ubuntu: CVE-2024-39614 was patched at 2024-07-09, 2024-07-11

674. Incorrect Calculation - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-6381) - Low [148]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'The bson_strfreev function in the MongoDB C driver library may be susceptible to an integer overflow where the function will try to free memory at a negative offset. This may result in memory corruption. This issue affected libbson versions prior to 1.26.2', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'The bson_strfreev function in the MongoDB C driver library may be susceptible to an integer overflow where the function will try to free memory at a negative offset. This may result in memory corruption. This issue affected libbson versions prior to 1.26.2', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Incorrect Calculation
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.410CVSS Base Score is 4.0. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-6381 was patched at 2024-07-16

675. Path Traversal - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-39330) - Low [148]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'An issue was discovered in Django 5.0 before 5.0.7 and 4.2 before 4.2.14. Derived classes of the base class, when they override generate_filename() without replicating the file-path validations from the parent class, potentially allow directory traversal via certain inputs during a save() call. (Built-in Storage sub-classes are unaffected.)', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'An issue was discovered in Django 5.0 before 5.0.7 and 4.2 before 4.2.14. Derived classes of the base class, when they override generate_filename() without replicating the file-path validations from the parent class, potentially allow directory traversal via certain inputs during a save() call. (Built-in Storage sub-classes are unaffected.)', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Path Traversal
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-39330 was patched at 2024-07-16

ubuntu: CVE-2024-39330 was patched at 2024-07-09, 2024-07-11

676. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Chromium (CVE-2024-6778) - Low [145]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Race in DevTools in Google Chrome prior to 126.0.6478.182 allowed an attacker who convinced a user to install a malicious extension to inject scripts or HTML into a privileged page via a crafted Chrome Extension. (Chromium security severity: High)', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Race in DevTools in Google Chrome prior to 126.0.6478.182 allowed an attacker who convinced a user to install a malicious extension to inject scripts or HTML into a privileged page via a crafted Chrome Extension. (Chromium security severity: High)', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, mainly developed and maintained by Google
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-6778 was patched at 2024-07-16

677. Unknown Vulnerability Type - MIT Kerberos 5 (CVE-2024-37370) - Low [145]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In MIT Kerberos 5 (aka krb5) before 1.21.3, an attacker can modify the plaintext Extra Count field of a confidential GSS krb5 wrap token, causing the unwrapped token to appear truncated to the application.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In MIT Kerberos 5 (aka krb5) before 1.21.3, an attacker can modify the plaintext Extra Count field of a confidential GSS krb5 wrap token, causing the unwrapped token to appear truncated to the application.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Kerberos is a computer-network authentication protocol that works on the basis of tickets to allow nodes communicating over a non-secure network to prove their identity to one another in a secure manner
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-37370 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-05

678. Unknown Vulnerability Type - MIT Kerberos 5 (CVE-2024-37371) - Low [145]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In MIT Kerberos 5 (aka krb5) before 1.21.3, an attacker can cause invalid memory reads during GSS message token handling by sending message tokens with invalid length fields.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In MIT Kerberos 5 (aka krb5) before 1.21.3, an attacker can cause invalid memory reads during GSS message token handling by sending message tokens with invalid length fields.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Kerberos is a computer-network authentication protocol that works on the basis of tickets to allow nodes communicating over a non-secure network to prove their identity to one another in a secure manner
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-37371 was patched at 2024-06-30, 2024-07-05

679. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-5689) - Low [145]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In addition to detecting when a user was taking a screenshot (XXX), a website was able to overlay the 'My Shots' button that appeared, and direct the user to a replica Firefox Screenshots page that could be used for phishing. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 127.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In addition to detecting when a user was taking a screenshot (XXX), a website was able to overlay the 'My Shots' button that appeared, and direct the user to a replica Firefox Screenshots page that could be used for phishing. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 127.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

ubuntu: CVE-2024-5689 was patched at 2024-07-03

680. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-5697) - Low [145]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'A website was able to detect when a user took a screenshot of a page using the built-in Screenshot functionality in Firefox. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 127.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'A website was able to detect when a user took a screenshot of a page using the built-in Screenshot functionality in Firefox. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 127.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

ubuntu: CVE-2024-5697 was patched at 2024-07-03

681. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Mozilla Firefox (CVE-2024-5699) - Low [145]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In violation of spec, cookie prefixes such as `__Secure` were being ignored if they were not correctly capitalized - by spec they should be checked with a case-insensitive comparison. This could have resulted in the browser not correctly honoring the behaviors specified by the prefix. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 127.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In violation of spec, cookie prefixes such as `__Secure` were being ignored if they were not correctly capitalized - by spec they should be checked with a case-insensitive comparison. This could have resulted in the browser not correctly honoring the behaviors specified by the prefix. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 127.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

ubuntu: CVE-2024-5699 was patched at 2024-07-03

682. Unknown Vulnerability Type - OpenSSL (CVE-2024-5642) - Low [145]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'CPython 3.9 and earlier doesn't disallow configuring an empty list ("[]") for SSLContext.set_npn_protocols() which is an invalid value for the underlying OpenSSL API. This results in a buffer over-read when NPN is used (see CVE-2024-5535 for OpenSSL). This vulnerability is of low severity due to NPN being not widely used and specifying an empty list likely being uncommon in-practice (typically a protocol name would be configured).', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'CPython 3.9 and earlier doesn't disallow configuring an empty list ("[]") for SSLContext.set_npn_protocols() which is an invalid value for the underlying OpenSSL API. This results in a buffer over-read when NPN is used (see CVE-2024-5535 for OpenSSL). This vulnerability is of low severity due to NPN being not widely used and specifying an empty list likely being uncommon in-practice (typically a protocol name would be configured).', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.814A software library for applications that secure communications over computer networks against eavesdropping or need to identify the party at the other end
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

debian: CVE-2024-5642 was patched at 2024-06-30

683. Denial of Service - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-38950) - Low [136]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Heap Buffer Overflow vulnerability in Libde265 v1.0.15 allows attackers to crash the application via crafted payload to __interceptor_memcpy function.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Heap Buffer Overflow vulnerability in Libde265 v1.0.15 allows attackers to crash the application via crafted payload to __interceptor_memcpy function.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.715Denial of Service
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-38950 was patched at 2024-06-30

684. Unknown Vulnerability Type - FFmpeg (CVE-2024-32230) - Low [128]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'FFmpeg 7.0 is vulnerable to Buffer Overflow. There is a negative-size-param bug at libavcodec/mpegvideo_enc.c:1216:21 in load_input_picture in FFmpeg7.0', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'FFmpeg 7.0 is vulnerable to Buffer Overflow. There is a negative-size-param bug at libavcodec/mpegvideo_enc.c:1216:21 in load_input_picture in FFmpeg7.0', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.714FFmpeg is a free and open-source software project consisting of a suite of libraries and programs for handling video, audio, and other multimedia files and streams
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-32230 was patched at 2024-07-16

685. Unknown Vulnerability Type - PHP Secure Communications Library (CVE-2023-52892) - Low [123]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'In phpseclib before 1.0.22, 2.x before 2.0.46, and 3.x before 3.0.33, some characters in Subject Alternative Name fields in TLS certificates are incorrectly allowed to have a special meaning in regular expressions (such as a + wildcard), leading to name confusion in X.509 certificate host verification.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'In phpseclib before 1.0.22, 2.x before 2.0.46, and 3.x before 3.0.33, some characters in Subject Alternative Name fields in TLS certificates are incorrectly allowed to have a special meaning in regular expressions (such as a + wildcard), leading to name confusion in X.509 certificate host verification.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.614phpseclib provides pure-PHP implementations of SSH2, SFTP, RSA, DSA, Elliptic Curves, AES, ChaCha20, X. 509, CSR, CRL, SPKAC
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2023-52892 was patched at 2024-06-30

redos: CVE-2023-52892 was patched at 2024-07-03

686. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-34703) - Low [119]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Botan is a C++ cryptography library. X.509 certificates can identify elliptic curves using either an object identifier or using explicit encoding of the parameters. Prior to versions 3.3.0 and 2.19.4, an attacker could present an ECDSA X.509 certificate using explicit encoding where the parameters are very large. The proof of concept used a 16Kbit prime for this purpose. When parsing, the parameter is checked to be prime, causing excessive computation. This was patched in 2.19.4 and 3.3.0 to allow the prime parameter of the elliptic curve to be at most 521 bits. No known workarounds are available. Note that support for explicit encoding of elliptic curve parameters is deprecated in Botan. ', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Botan is a C++ cryptography library. X.509 certificates can identify elliptic curves using either an object identifier or using explicit encoding of the parameters. Prior to versions 3.3.0 and 2.19.4, an attacker could present an ECDSA X.509 certificate using explicit encoding where the parameters are very large. The proof of concept used a 16Kbit prime for this purpose. When parsing, the parameter is checked to be prime, causing excessive computation. This was patched in 2.19.4 and 3.3.0 to allow the prime parameter of the elliptic curve to be at most 521 bits. No known workarounds are available. Note that support for explicit encoding of elliptic curve parameters is deprecated in Botan.\n', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-34703 was patched at 2024-07-16

redos: CVE-2024-34703 was patched at 2024-07-13

687. Memory Corruption - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-38439) - Low [113]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Netatalk before 3.2.1 has an off-by-one error and resultant heap-based buffer overflow because of setting ibuf[PASSWDLEN] to '\\0' in FPLoginExt in login in etc/uams/uams_pam.c. 2.4.1 and 3.1.19 are also fixed versions.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Netatalk before 3.2.1 has an off-by-one error and resultant heap-based buffer overflow because of setting ibuf[PASSWDLEN] to '\\0' in FPLoginExt in login in etc/uams/uams_pam.c. 2.4.1 and 3.1.19 are also fixed versions.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type0.515Memory Corruption
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-38439 was patched at 2024-06-30

688. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Go Project (CVE-2022-30636) - Low [107]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'httpTokenCacheKey uses path.Base to extract the expected HTTP-01 token value to lookup in the DirCache implementation. On Windows, path.Base acts differently to filepath.Base, since Windows uses a different path separator (\\ vs. /), allowing a user to provide a relative path, i.e. .well-known/acme-challenge/..\\..\\asd becomes ..\\..\\asd. The extracted path is then suffixed with +http-01, joined with the cache directory, and opened. Since the controlled path is suffixed with +http-01 before opening, the impact of this is significantly limited, since it only allows reading arbitrary files on the system if and only if they have this suffix.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'httpTokenCacheKey uses path.Base to extract the expected HTTP-01 token value to lookup in the DirCache implementation. On Windows, path.Base acts differently to filepath.Base, since Windows uses a different path separator (\\ vs. /), allowing a user to provide a relative path, i.e. .well-known/acme-challenge/..\\..\\asd becomes ..\\..\\asd. The extracted path is then suffixed with +http-01, joined with the cache directory, and opened. Since the controlled path is suffixed with +http-01 before opening, the impact of this is significantly limited, since it only allows reading arbitrary files on the system if and only if they have this suffix.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.514Go is an open source project developed by a team at Google and many contributors from the open source community
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2022-30636 was patched at 2024-07-16

689. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-27309) - Low [107]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'While an Apache Kafka cluster is being migrated from ZooKeeper mode to KRaft mode, in some cases ACLs will not be correctly enforced. Two preconditions are needed to trigger the bug: 1. The administrator decides to remove an ACL 2. The resource associated with the removed ACL continues to have two or more other ACLs associated with it after the removal. When those two preconditions are met, Kafka will treat the resource as if it had only one ACL associated with it after the removal, rather than the two or more that would be correct. The incorrect condition is cleared by removing all brokers in ZK mode, or by adding a new ACL to the affected resource. Once the migration is completed, there is no metadata loss (the ACLs all remain). The full impact depends on the ACLs in use. If only ALLOW ACLs were configured during the migration, the impact would be limited to availability impact. if DENY ACLs were configured, the impact could include confidentiality and integrity impact depending on the ACLs configured, as the DENY ACLs might be ignored due to this vulnerability during the migration period. ', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'While an Apache Kafka cluster is being migrated from ZooKeeper mode to KRaft mode, in some cases ACLs will not be correctly enforced.\n\nTwo preconditions are needed to trigger the bug:\n1. The administrator decides to remove an ACL\n2. The resource associated with the removed ACL continues to have two or more other ACLs associated with it after the removal.\n\nWhen those two preconditions are met, Kafka will treat the resource as if it had only one ACL associated with it after the removal, rather than the two or more that would be correct.\n\nThe incorrect condition is cleared by removing all brokers in ZK mode, or by adding a new ACL to the affected resource. Once the migration is completed, there is no metadata loss (the ACLs all remain).\n\nThe full impact depends on the ACLs in use. If only ALLOW ACLs were configured during the migration, the impact would be limited to availability impact. if DENY ACLs were configured, the impact could include confidentiality and integrity impact depending on the ACLs configured, as the DENY ACLs might be ignored due to this vulnerability during the migration period.\n\n', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.710CVSS Base Score is 7.4. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

redos: CVE-2024-27309 was patched at 2024-07-13

690. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-38275) - Low [107]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'The cURL wrapper in Moodle retained the original request headers when following redirects, so HTTP authorization header information could be unintentionally sent in requests to redirect URLs.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'The cURL wrapper in Moodle retained the original request headers when following redirects, so HTTP authorization header information could be unintentionally sent in requests to redirect URLs.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.810CVSS Base Score is 7.5. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

redos: CVE-2024-38275 was patched at 2024-07-01

691. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-39329) - Low [83]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'An issue was discovered in Django 5.0 before 5.0.7 and 4.2 before 4.2.14. The django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend.authenticate() method allows remote attackers to enumerate users via a timing attack involving login requests for users with an unusable password.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'An issue was discovered in Django 5.0 before 5.0.7 and 4.2 before 4.2.14. The django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend.authenticate() method allows remote attackers to enumerate users via a timing attack involving login requests for users with an unusable password.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.510CVSS Base Score is 5.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-39329 was patched at 2024-07-16

ubuntu: CVE-2024-39329 was patched at 2024-07-09, 2024-07-11

692. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Artifex Ghostscript (CVE-2024-29508) - Low [73]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Artifex Ghostscript before 10.03.0 has a heap-based pointer disclosure (observable in a constructed BaseFont name) in the function pdf_base_font_alloc.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Artifex Ghostscript before 10.03.0 has a heap-based pointer disclosure (observable in a constructed BaseFont name) in the function pdf_base_font_alloc.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.314Artifex Ghostscript is an interpreter for the PostScript® language and PDF files
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-29508 was patched at 2024-07-16

ubuntu: CVE-2024-29508 was patched at 2024-07-15

693. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Artifex Ghostscript (CVE-2024-29509) - Low [73]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Artifex Ghostscript before 10.03.0 has a heap-based overflow when PDFPassword (e.g., for runpdf) has a \\000 byte in the middle.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Artifex Ghostscript before 10.03.0 has a heap-based overflow when PDFPassword (e.g., for runpdf) has a \\000 byte in the middle.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common0.314Artifex Ghostscript is an interpreter for the PostScript® language and PDF files
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2024-29509 was patched at 2024-07-16

ubuntu: CVE-2024-29509 was patched at 2024-07-15

694. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-34006) - Low [59]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'The site log report required additional encoding of event descriptions to ensure any HTML in the content is displayed in plaintext instead of being rendered.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'The site log report required additional encoding of event descriptions to ensure any HTML in the content is displayed in plaintext instead of being rendered.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.410CVSS Base Score is 4.3. According to NVD data source
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

redos: CVE-2024-34006 was patched at 2024-07-01

695. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2019-25211) - Low [23]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'parseWildcardRules in Gin-Gonic CORS middleware before 1.6.0 mishandles a wildcard at the end of an origin string, e.g.,* is allowed when the intention is that only* should be allowed, and* is allowed when the intention is that only http://localhost/* should be allowed.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'parseWildcardRules in Gin-Gonic CORS middleware before 1.6.0 mishandles a wildcard at the end of an origin string, e.g.,* is allowed when the intention is that only* should be allowed, and* is allowed when the intention is that only http://localhost/* should be allowed.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2019-25211 was patched at 2024-07-16

696. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2023-24531) - Low [23]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Command go env is documented as outputting a shell script containing the Go environment. However, go env doesn't sanitize values, so executing its output as a shell script can cause various bad bahaviors, including executing arbitrary commands or inserting new environment variables. This issue is relatively minor because, in general, if an attacker can set arbitrary environment variables on a system, they have better attack vectors than making "go env" print them out.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Command go env is documented as outputting a shell script containing the Go environment. However, go env doesn't sanitize values, so executing its output as a shell script can cause various bad bahaviors, including executing arbitrary commands or inserting new environment variables. This issue is relatively minor because, in general, if an attacker can set arbitrary environment variables on a system, they have better attack vectors than making "go env" print them out.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.210EPSS Probability is 0.00045, EPSS Percentile is 0.16001

debian: CVE-2023-24531 was patched at 2024-07-16

697. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2022-29946) - Low [11]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': ' NATS Server before 2.8.2 and Streaming Server before 0.24.6 could allow a remote attacker to bypass security restrictions, caused by the failure to enforce negative user permissions in one scenario. By using a queue subscription on the wildcard, an attacker could exploit this vulnerability to allow denied subjects.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': ' NATS Server before 2.8.2 and Streaming Server before 0.24.6 could allow a remote attacker to bypass security restrictions, caused by the failure to enforce negative user permissions in one scenario. By using a queue subscription on the wildcard, an attacker could exploit this vulnerability to allow denied subjects.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2022-29946 was patched at 2024-07-16

698. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2023-31346) - Low [11]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'Failure to initialize memory in SEV Firmware may allow a privileged attacker to access stale data from other guests. ', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'Failure to initialize\nmemory in SEV Firmware may allow a privileged attacker to access stale data\nfrom other guests.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

almalinux: CVE-2023-31346 was patched at 2024-07-02

redhat: CVE-2023-31346 was patched at 2024-07-02, 2024-07-09

699. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-24788) - Low [11]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'A malformed DNS message in response to a query can cause the Lookup functions to get stuck in an infinite loop.', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'A malformed DNS message in response to a query can cause the Lookup functions to get stuck in an infinite loop.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00044, EPSS Percentile is 0.10617

ubuntu: CVE-2024-24788 was patched at 2024-07-09

700. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-28882) - Low [11]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': 'OpenVPN from 2.6.0 through 2.6.10 in a server role accepts multiple exit notifications from authenticated clients which will extend the validity of a closing session', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'OpenVPN from 2.6.0 through 2.6.10 in a server role accepts multiple exit notifications from authenticated clients which will extend the validity of a closing session', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile0.110EPSS Probability is 0.00043, EPSS Percentile is 0.09291

debian: CVE-2024-28882 was patched at 2024-06-30

ubuntu: CVE-2024-28882 was patched at 2024-07-02

701. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-0102) - Low [0]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': '', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual " "that will use it when announcing a new security problem. When the candidate has been " "publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2024-0102 was patched at 2024-07-16

702. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-31143) - Low [0]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': '', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual " "that will use it when announcing a new security problem. When the candidate has been " "publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2024-31143 was patched at 2024-07-16

703. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-32608) - Low [0]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': '', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem. When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2024-32608 was patched at 2024-06-30

704. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-36137) - Low [0]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': '', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual " "that will use it when announcing a new security problem. When the candidate has been " "publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2024-36137 was patched at 2024-07-16

705. Unknown Vulnerability Type - Unknown Product (CVE-2024-5594) - Low [0]

Description: {'nvd_cve_data_all': '', 'epss_cve_data_all': '', 'attackerkb_cve_data_all': '', 'vulners_cve_data_all': 'This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem. When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided.', 'bdu_cve_data_all': '', 'custom_cve_data_all': '', 'combined_cve_data_all': ''}

Exploited in the Wild018Exploitation in the wild is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Exploit Exists017The existence of publicly available or private exploit is NOT mentioned in available Data Sources
Criticality of Vulnerability Type015Unknown Vulnerability Type
Vulnerable Product is Common014Unknown Product
CVSS Base Score0.010CVSS Base Score is NA. No data.
EPSS Percentile010EPSS Probability is 0, EPSS Percentile is 0

debian: CVE-2024-5594 was patched at 2024-06-30

ubuntu: CVE-2024-5594 was patched at 2024-07-02

Exploitation in the wild detected (0)

Public exploit exists, but exploitation in the wild is NOT detected (11)

Memory Corruption (3)

Remote Code Execution (1)

Denial of Service (3)

Security Feature Bypass (2)

XXE Injection (1)

Authentication Bypass (1)

Other Vulnerabilities (694)

Security Feature Bypass (15)

Remote Code Execution (18)

Command Injection (6)

Denial of Service (54)

Authentication Bypass (10)

Information Disclosure (8)

Memory Corruption (155)

Incorrect Calculation (7)

Arbitrary File Reading (1)

Path Traversal (4)

Code Injection (2)

Unknown Vulnerability Type (405)

Elevation of Privilege (2)

Cross Site Scripting (6)

Spoofing (1)