The severity of the Elevation of Privilege – Microsoft Streaming Service (CVE-2024-30090) vulnerability has increased. The vulnerability was fixed as part of the June Microsoft Patch Tuesday. At that time, no one highlighted this vulnerability. The vulnerability was discovered by a researcher with the nickname Angelboy from the DEVCORE company. The details are described in a series of his posts published on August 23 and October 5.
The vulnerability affects the Kernel Streaming framework, which is responsible for processing stream data. It is used, for example, when the system needs to read data from your microphones or webcams into RAM. This framework works mainly in kernel mode.
On October 5, Angelboy posted a video, demonstrating exploitation of this vulnerability for obtaining an interactive console with System privileges.
On October 17, a researcher with the nickname Dor00tkit released a PoC of the exploit on GitHub.

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