Category Archives: Web Application Scanner

Tenable IO WAS Chrome Extension

In the comments of the previous post about Tenable IO WAS Fergus Cooney mentioned a new Google Chrome extension for Tenable IO WAS, that should help in configuring scan Authentication setting. You can install it in Chrome Web Store.

Tenable IO WAS Chrome App

The idea is great. Authentication process in modern web applications is actually too complicated for Web Application Scanners. It is almost impossible to determine automatically which elements of the web interface should be clicked and where to enter the login and password. So it’s great that we can help scanner to do this with the Selenium script. And if Selenium IDE is somehow integrated into the scanner, it is even better. With Web Application Scanning Chrome extension you simply perform the authentication procedure in Chrome once manually, and the recorded script will be sent to Tenable IO WAS.

However, the actual implementation of this extension, IMHO, could be better.

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First look at Web Application Scanner (WAS)

When Tenable firstly announced Web Application Security scanner as a part of their new platform, it was quite intriguing. Certainly, they already had some WAS functionality before in Nessus. For example, path traversal check was pretty good. But this functionality was quite fragmental and barely manageable. How Tenable now write in their docs: “Nessus is incompatible with modern web applications that rely on Javascript and are built on HTML5”.

First look at Web Application Scanner (WAS)

That’s why Nessus couldn’t be called fully functioning Web Application Scanning solution. However, WAS is a completely new story. The full description is available on official site. Here I will make a very fast review and give some comments.

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PRYTEK meetup: Breach and Attack Simulation or Automated Pentest?

Last Tuesday, November 27, I spoke at “Business Asks for Cyber Attacks” meetup organized by PRYTEK investment platform. The event was held at the PRYTEK Moscow office in a beautiful XIX century building of a former textile manufactory.

PRYTEK Breach and Attack Simulation meetup

The goal of the meetup was to talk about new approaches in Vulnerability Analysis and how they can reduce the Information Security costs for organizations.

There were two presentations:

  • The first one was by Doron Sivan, Cronus CEO. He talked about his company’s product.
  • The second was mine. I criticized traditional vendors of vulnerability scanners, talked about things that work in companies, and things that don’t work, and what you should pay attention to when choosing a Vulnerability Management tool.

For the most part this was my report from the last ISACA VM Meetup. The only difference was in the conclusions, since the topic of this event and the audience were different.

I stressed that the Attack Simulation tools, like Cronus, that analyze vulnerabilities and network connectivity of hosts can be very helpful. They allow you to assess the criticality of each vulnerability better and help to justify the need in prompt patching for IT Team (see “Psychological Aspects of Vulnerability Remediation“).

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Free High-Tech Bridge ImmuniWeb Application Discovery service

Today I would like to talk about another service for application security analysis by High-Tech Bridge. It’s called ImmuniWeb Application Discovery.

This service can get information about your web and mobile applications available from the Internet. Believe me, this is not so obvious for a large organization. And, what is especially pleasant, it works automatically and free of charge. 😉

High-Tech Bridge ImmuniWeb Free Application Discovery

ImmuniWeb Application Discovery will also show the basic security problems with SSL connection, web-server headers, potential phishing issues for all founded web services. You can read more about this part in my posts about High-Tech Bridge services and APIs for SSL/TLS server testing and for searching cybersquatting, typosquatting and phishing domains.

From the same interface you can order an advanced audit of your web applications by High-Tech Bridge as well.

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Outpost24 Appsec Scale for Web Application Scanning

Today I would like to write about yet another Outpost24 product – cloud Web Application Scanner Appsec Scale.

Outpost24 Appsec Scale scan results

It is available in the same interface as Outpost24 Outscan, that I reviewed earlier. Select APPSEC SCALE in the start menu and you can scan web applications:

Outpost24 Appsec Scale

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