Outpost24 Appsec Scale for Web Application Scanning

Today I would like to write about yet another Outpost24 product – cloud Web Application Scanner Appsec Scale.

Outpost24 Appsec Scale scan results

It is available in the same interface as Outpost24 Outscan, that I reviewed earlier. Select APPSEC SCALE in the start menu and you can scan web applications:

Outpost24 Appsec Scale

New application

If you don’t have web application targets yet, press on the plus icon:

Outpost24 Appsec Scale add your first applications

Add a new application/site:

Outpost24 Appsec Scale add new applications

You will see a new target:

Outpost24 Appsec Scale applications

If you select the target, context menu will appear above. You can create a report, start a scan or delete a target there.

Outpost24 Appsec Scale application menu

If you click on the pencil icon, you can configure the scan.

Scan Settings

In the Scan Settings, you can specify Name, Time limit for the scan, Seed URLs (one or multiple), Allow subdomains (yes/no), Schedule (From time and To time), Recurrence (Once, Weekly, Monthly, Bimonthly, Quartely, Fortnightly, Daily), Scan intensity (Normal or Low – sequential requests), Vulnerability testing/fuzzing mode and User agent (Desktop or Mobile)

Outpost24 Appsec Scale configuration

There are two modes of Vulnerability testing (fuzzing) available:

  • Active and passive – test for SQL injections, XSS attacks, response splitting, perform path enumeration and much more
  • Passive only – follow existing on page links without bruteforcing assets, then look for patterns in response headers and body to determine potentially outdated and vulnerable components or server misconfigurations

Request Filter

You can create some filters to forbid some scan activities for some urls or on pages with specific body.

Outpost24 Appsec Scale filter requests

Filter type:

  • Can’t match
  • Must match


  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT

Body type:

  • application/json
  • application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • multipart/form-data
  • multipart/mixed
  • text/plain

Host Map

Using host map you can force DNS resolutions.
For example: corporation.com ->

Outpost24 Appsec Scale hosts mapping


I think this is the most interesting feature of Appsec Scale – custom authorization via Lua scripts.

Outpost24 Appsec Scale authentication scripts

On the right side you can see some information about supported functions.

Available script examples:

  • Cookie based
  • XPath
  • WordPress

Here you can debug your scripts by clicking on the button with a paper airplane:

Outpost24 Appsec Scale execute script

Scan abort pattern is a regular expression. If any responce matches this expression, it means that we are not logged on the site.

But of course it’s possible to use basic authentication settings:

Outpost24 Appsec Scale basic authentication

In this case, you must specify the User name, Password, URL prefix and Scan abort pattern.


Until you started the scan, the status tab looks like this:

Outpost24 Appsec Scale scan status

After performing the scan, you will be able to see here when was the Last run, Scan duration, Crawled URLs and Scan log:

Outpost24 Appsec Scale status data


The scan results look like this:
Outpost24 Appsec Scale findings
Each vulnerability may have Name, Target, CVE link (optional) and Severity.
If you click on the vulnerability, you will see the details:
  • Finding ID
  • Vulnerability ID
  • Port
  • CVE
  • CWE
  • OWASP Top 10 2007
  • OWASP Top 10 2010
  • OWASP Top 10 2013
  • WASC
  • CVSS
  • Method (GET/POST/etc.)
  • URL
  • Name
  • Description
  • Additional details
  • Remediation
  • References
  • Last seen

Note that the report also contains information about vulnerabilities that were NOT found. For example, for SMB Registry Access, we can see “Unable ot access” in Additional details.


Appsec Scale can export scan results as a report.

Outpost24 Appsec Scale reports

Available formats:

  • PDF
  • XML

Here is how the PDF report looks like:

Outpost24 Appsec Scale report content

The Executive Summary part looks quite interesting. I took an illustration from the official manual:

Outpost24 Executive summary

You can see here:

  • Top 10 Solutions
  • Top 10 Risk Families
  • Risk Level Overview (High, Medium, Low)
  • Delta – тumber of added and removed findings since last scan

They also provide Trend. It’s a chart with numbers of findings for each risk level between first and latest scan.

In conclusion

The solution seems rather interesting.

I deliberately will not write anything about scanning quality. In the case of WAS, this thing is rather subjective. If you are testing this or another WAS solution, I recommend you to take some application with confirmed vulnerabilities (but NOT some standard one, like DVWA) and try to scan it using several WAS solutions. The results will surprise you most likely.

I really liked Appsec Scale IDE for authentication scripts. I think it can be potentially a very powerful feature if Outpost24 will add the ability to create custom vulnerability checks in such way as well.

I was a little bit disappointed that the powerful interface for filtering vulnerabilities from Outscan is not used in Scale. Of course, the WAS and VM have different workflows, but it seems that such an interface would be very convenient for understanding the situation with web vulnerabilities in the organization.

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