Tag Archives: CLFS

New episode “In The Trend of VM” (#11): vulnerabilities that became trending in December and the final report on trending vulnerabilities for 2024

New episode “In The Trend of VM” (#11): vulnerabilities that became trending in December and the final report on trending vulnerabilities for 2024. I made this episode exclusively for the Telegram channel @avleonovcom “Vulnerability Management and More”. 😉

📹 Video on YouTube, LinkedIn
🗞 Post on Habr (rus)
🗒 Digest on the PT website


🔻 00:00 Greetings
🔻 00:28 Elevation of Privilege – Windows Kernel Streaming WOW Thunk Service Driver (CVE-2024-38144)
🔻 01:30 Elevation of Privilege – Windows Common Log File System Driver (CVE-2024-49138)
🔻 02:37 Remote Code Execution – Apache Struts (CVE-2024-53677)
🔻 03:31 Authentication Bypass – Hunk Companion WordPress plugin (CVE-2024-11972)
🔻 04:44 Trending vulnerabilities for 2024

👾 08:10 Channel mascot 😅

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The Elevation of Privilege – Windows Common Log File System Driver (CVE-2024-49138) has become more critical

The Elevation of Privilege - Windows Common Log File System Driver (CVE-2024-49138) has become more critical

The Elevation of Privilege – Windows Common Log File System Driver (CVE-2024-49138) has become more critical. Just as I wrote that nothing had been heard about this vulnerability for a month since it was first published in Microsoft’s December Patch Tuesday, a public exploit for it appeared on January 15th. 🙂 It was developed by Alessandro Iandoli from HN Security. The source code and video demonstrating the exploit are available on GitHub: a local attacker runs an exe file in PowerShell and, after a second, becomes “nt authority/system”. The researcher tested the exploit on Windows 11 23h2. He also promises to publish a blog post with a detailed analysis of the vulnerability.

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What has become known about the Elevation of Privilege – Windows Common Log File System Driver (CVE-2024-49138) vulnerability from the December Microsoft Patch Tuesday a month later?

What has become known about the Elevation of Privilege - Windows Common Log File System Driver (CVE-2024-49138) vulnerability from the December Microsoft Patch Tuesday a month later?

What has become known about the Elevation of Privilege – Windows Common Log File System Driver (CVE-2024-49138) vulnerability from the December Microsoft Patch Tuesday a month later? Almost nothing. 🙄 This is a vulnerability in a standard Windows component, available in all versions starting with Windows Server 2003 R2. Its description is typical for EoP in Windows: if successfully exploited, a local attacker can gain SYSTEM privileges. The cause of the vulnerability is Heap-based Buffer Overflow.

Microsoft has labeled the vulnerability as being exploited in the wild, but has not provided information on where the vulnerability was being exploited or how widespread the attacks were.

The vulnerability was reported by CrowdStrike’s Advanced Research Team. But neither they nor other researchers have provided technical details yet. 🤷‍♂️ And there are no exploits yet either.

So install the December Microsoft security updates and let’s wait for news! 😉


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Microsoft Patch Tuesday April 2023: CLFS EoP, Word RCE, MSMQ QueueJumper RCE, PCL6, DNS, DHCP

Microsoft Patch Tuesday April 2023: CLFS EoP, Word RCE, MSMQ QueueJumper RCE, PCL6, DNS, DHCP. Hello everyone! This episode will be about Microsoft Patch Tuesday for April 2023, including vulnerabilities that were added between March and April Patch Tuesdays.

Alternative video link (for Russia): https://vk.com/video-149273431_456239123

As usual, I use my open source Vulristics project to analyse and prioritize vulnerabilities. I took the comments about the vulnerabilities from the Qualys, Tenable, Rapid7, ZDI Patch Tuesday reviews. And this is the first Patch Tuesday report since I added EPSS support to Vulristics. 😉

Compared to March, Microsoft Patch Tuesday for April 2023 is kind of weak. 🙄

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Vulristics News: EPSS v3 Support, Integration into Cloud Advisor

Vulristics News: EPSS v3 Support, Integration into Cloud Advisor. Hello everyone! This episode will focus on the news from my open source Vulristics project for vulnerability analysis and prioritization.

Alternative video link (for Russia): https://vk.com/video-149273431_456239122


The third iteration of the Exploit Prediction Scoring System (EPSS) was released in March. It is stated that EPSS has become 82% better. There is a pretty cool and detailed article about the changes. For example, EPSS Team began to analyze not 16 parameters of vulnerabilities, but 1164. I have a suspicion that most of these properties are vendor labels, as in the table.

But trying to figure out how it actually works is not very promising. After all, this is the output of some neural network. So there is no algorithm there. In terms of complexity and incomprehensibility, this is already similar to Tenable VPR. But the fact that EPSS is available for free redeems everything. 😇 By the way, the article mentions Tenable VPR and other commercial scores and criticizes them for their proprietary nature, public inaccessibility, and the fact that these scores are partly based on expert opinion, and not just on data.

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday February 2023: Win Graphics RCE, Edge RCE, Publisher SFB, CLFS EoP, Exchange RCEs, Word RCE, HoloLens1

Microsoft Patch Tuesday February 2023: Win Graphics RCE, Edge RCE, Publisher SFB, CLFS EoP, Exchange RCEs, Word RCE, HoloLens1. Hello everyone! This episode will be about Microsoft Patch Tuesday for February 2023, including vulnerabilities that were added between January and February Patch Tuesdays.

Alternative video link (for Russia): https://vk.com/video-149273431_456239118

This month I decided to change the format a bit. Now I share my impression of Microsoft Patch Tuesday on the same Patch Tuesday day in my main telegram channel avleonovcom and my second russian telegram channel avleonovrus. You can also find a draft of the Vulristics report there. So please subscribe. And the full blog post/video is published with a delay. And, in fact, this is it.

As usual, I use my open source Vulristics project to analyse and prioritize vulnerabilities. I took the comments about the vulnerabilities from the Qualys, Tenable, Rapid7, ZDI Patch Tuesday reviews.

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday September 2022: CLFS Driver EoP, IP packet causes RCE, Windows DNS Server DoS, Spectre-BHB

Microsoft Patch Tuesday September 2022: CLFS Driver EoP, IP packet causes RCE, Windows DNS Server DoS, Spectre-BHB. Hello everyone! Let’s take a look at Microsoft’s September Patch Tuesday. This time it is quite compact. There were 63 CVEs released on Patch Tuesday day. If we add the vulnerabilities released between August and September Patch Tuesdays (as usual, they were in Microsoft Edge), the final number is 90. Much less than usual.

Alternative video link (for Russia): https://vk.com/video-149273431_456239101

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