Tag Archives: LibreOffice

My projects that are not related to Information Security: Yennysay TTS and PyTouchOk companion app

Thanks to the long New Year holidays in Russia, I had time to work on my own projects that are not related to information security. I released them on github and recorded short demos (by the way, Zoom is quite convenient for this! ?).

Yennysay is a GUI text-to-speach tool that uses a free offline TTS engine in Windows 10. This was my first experience with Tkinter and it turned out to be quite successful. I use this tool a lot now. Yennysay can read English and Russian texts aloud, show progress, track clipboard, retrieve text from copied URL, open YouTube URL in SMPlayer, and so on.

Check out the video

and sources on github

PyTouchOk is also a Tkinter application for automating routine actions with GUI (similar to SikuliX and AutoIt). The idea was to create a companion app that would track the content of the screen and, under certain conditions, take control to perform routine actions. As an example of such a routine action, I implemented the export of slides from LibreOffice Impress in svg format via pyautogui by automatically clicking in the interface. This operation cannot be performed for all slides through the GUI, and LibreOffice API is quite difficult to work with. But the main goal was to create a companion app that could be easily expanded with new skills. And it succeeded, the program “understands” that LibreOffice Impress is open on the screen and starts automatic actions.
Here is the demo on youtube

аnd the sources on github.

Anti-Phishing process with advanced phishing attacks simulation

This time I want to write about the service of my friends from Antiphish. They call it “security awareness and employee behaviour management platform”. Simply put, they teach company employees how to detect and avoid phishing attacks.

By the way, they are great guys, made a demo for me, prepared custom templates, like in real PoC for a corporate client. Thanks so much for the excellent work!

The main idea

When you sign in to the Antiphish interface, you see the dashboards with information about the people who studied security courses, were tested during the course and were checked using emulated phishing attacks (some of these attacks are amazing, and I’ll show them at the end). This is the main idea. How can you protect your organization from phishing attacks? Educate people and constantly provoke them. Not just to send an email and see the employees who visited your “malicious” website. No, there should be a process!

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