F-Secure Radar Vulnerability Management solution

In this blog I am writing mainly about VM market leaders. Most of them are US-based companies. However, there are vulnerability management solutions that are popular only in some particular country or region. About some of them you maybe have not even heard. At the same time, these solutions are rather interesting.

F-Secure Radar Dashboards

Vulnerability Scanner I want to present today, was initially developed by nSence company from Espoo, Finland. It was named “Karhu”, a “bear” in Finnish. In June 2015 antivirus company F-Secure has bought nSense and formed it’s Cyber Security Services department. The scanner was renamed in F-Secure Radar. Not to be confused with IBM QRadar SIEM 😉

Solution structure is similar to Qualys and Nessus Cloud. There is a remote server that provides a web interface: portal.radar.f-secure.com. You can scan your perimeter using the remote scanner. To scan the hosts within the network, you should deploy the Scan Node Agent on a Windows host.


To get started, you need to set password  for a new user. You will receive registration link from the vendor.

F-Secure Radar New User

First login in a new account:

F-Secure Radar login

Accept license agreement:

F-Secure Radar license

Check F-Secure Radar manuals:

F-Secure Radar login continue

First view

Main menu is quite clear:

F-Secure Radar Menu

  • Dashboard
  • Vulnerability scan
  • Discovery scan (Separate mode!)
  • Reporting
  • Vulnerabilities
  • Settings
  • Help

Unfortunately, I don’t have enough data to show it on the dashboards. So I had to use a picture from official presentation. By the way, it’s pretty interesting. Check it to understand view of F-Secure on Vulnerability Management.

F-Secure Radar Dashboards

Available widgets:

  • Overall status
  • Vulnerabilities by status
  • Latest reports
  • High risk reports
  • Most severe system scan vulnerabilities
  • Running scans
  • Upcoming scans
  • My assigned tickets (Yep, they have ticketing system)
  • Scan statistics
  • Average vulnerabilities per host
  • Average vulnerability status per host

First attempts to scan something

I will describe next how I was trying to create a scan and what surprises I discovered.
Of course, it is all described in manuals. But who is reads the manual 😉

At Vulnerability Scan tab, you can configure a System scan or Web application Scan.

New Vulnerability Scan

I try to set a range for scanning some Systems…

Add Vulnerability Scan Range

And I’vegot an error:

Error Vulnerability Scan Range

In the F-Secure ideology, Vulnerability Scan is for assessment of known IPs. Detection of active hosts is made in Discovery Scan. An interesting approach, I have never seen it before.

Discovery Scan

Discovery Scanning

Discovery scanning is simple. You just specify the range, scanner (Scan Node), run the scan and wait until it is finished.

New Discovery Scan

Note that the range must be only one and must be written in one of the formats:

F-Secure Radar range formats

Range should contain less then 4096 IPs, or you will get this error:

Range max size

Discovery scan with external scanner takes quite a long time. Vulnerability scan of the test range with Qualys (full port scan enabled in profile) took 17 hours. Discovery scan of the same range in F-Secure Radar took 2 days and 9 hours. On the other hand these things are hard to compare, because it’s not clear exactly was checked.

In the results, you can see a list of hosts and open ports statistics (this picture is also from official presentation, sorry for quality):

Discovery Result

Back to the Vulnerability Scanning

Want to scan the hosts inside your network? You need to deploy a Scan Node Agent. Something similar to Qualys Appliance.

Scan Node system requirements:

  • Windows Server 2012 R2 (yep, you need a Windows server)
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (Install .NET 3.5 through “Add Roles and Features” wizard)
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 Full
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
  • WinPcap 4.1.x or later
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) (Note: It must be version 2010 x86)
  • Local or Active Directory user with admin rights is required during the installation


  • Minimum 8 GB RAM
  • Minimum 2 GHz processors
  • Minimum 60 GB system 60 GB data hard disks

Network access to

Distribution file will have a name like:


It’s a 7z archive. File size is 10.6 Mb.

F-Secure radar scan agent welcome

Setup process is trivial. You just need to press “Next” all the time and input local admin password once.

In Scan Node Agent GUI you can see what scans are going on right now:

F-Secure Scan Node Agent GUI

You can also redefine some scanning parameters in the Settings tab:

F-Secure Scan Node Agent Settings

What about the keys? You can’t just setup credentials for authenticated scanning in F-Secure Radar web interface. You need to configure encryption keys to store credentials on F-Secure remote server and to transfer credentails to the Scanning Node safely.

Encryption key required

I think it would be easier for end-user if F-Secure configure keys in automatic mode, but it works that way.

Configuring the keys

Download OpenSSL toolkit for Windows at http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/openssl.htm. Extract it, go to the “bin” folder.

openssl genrsa -out private_key.pem 4096
openssl rsa -pubout -in private_key.pem -out public_key.pem

We got private_key.pem and private_key.pem

Public key we upload to the F-Secure Radar server:

F-Secure Radar ->  Settings -> Account

Add Key To Server

And Private key for the Scanning Node:

Scan Node Add Key

Don’t ask me why I am naming private_key as “Public”. The idea is that names of the keys must be the same name on the F-Secure server and the Scanning Node sot they could link to each other.

Authenticated Vulnerability Scanning

Now we are ready to scan some host in internal network with authentication.

What systems F-Secure Radar can scan with authentication?

  • Windows
  • Linux
    • CentOS
    • Debian ( “sid”,  and versions from 7 to 9 )
    • Oracle Linux (version 5 and higher)
    • Red Hat

I will try to scan CentOS host.

Settings for the Vulnerability scanning in F-Secure Radar:

Vulnerability Scan Settings

You can see “vmuser” account, which I will use for ssh scanning. But what we don’t see here comparing with Discovery scanning we have seen earlier? There is no option to choose the scanner: remote F-Secure server or Scan Node inside your network. To choose one you need to edit the Scan Group:

Scan Group

As you can see, System Scan Settings -> Node, and choose you Scan Node.

Edit Scan Group

After this, run the scan. We can see vulnerability checking process at the Radar Scan Node GUI:

Scan Progress

Vulnerability report:

Vulnerability Scan Results

The numbers you see in “Change” (+10 +10 1 +2) is the difference between authenticated and unauthenticated scanning, I did before.

In conclusion

As you can see, something works unusually. However, the product works well and may be quite useful if you are going to perform authenticated scanning for Windows and Linux systems only and scan Web applications.

What is left out of scope of this post?

6 thoughts on “F-Secure Radar Vulnerability Management solution

  1. Pingback: F-Secure Radar basic reporting | Alexander V. Leonov

  2. Pingback: F-Secure API for scanning | Alexander V. Leonov

  3. Pingback: F-Secure Radar ticketing | Alexander V. Leonov

  4. Pingback: ZeroNights16: Enterprise Vulnerability Management | Alexander V. Leonov

  5. Pingback: Gartner’s view on Vulnerability Management market | Alexander V. Leonov

  6. Pingback: Vulnerability Management for Network Perimeter | Alexander V. Leonov

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