Tag Archives: OpenSSL

Use multiple vulnerability scanners in the name of good

Use multiple vulnerability scanners in the name of good. About a month ago I wrote a post “When a free scanning service detects vulnerabilities better”. This post was about OpenSSL CVE-2016-2107 vulnerability. A free High-Tech Bridge scanning service was detecting this vulnerability, but commercial Tenable Nessus/SecurityCenter not.

We communicated with a Tenable customer support and it brought some results. Now you can find a new plugin #91572 “OpenSSL AES-NI Padding Oracle MitM Information Disclosure” in Nessus plugin search (by CVE id CVE-2016-2107).

New CVE-2016-2107 Nessus plugin

I have tested a vulnerable server with High-Tech Bridge service:

HTBridge detects vulnerability

Then scanned it with Nessus. Note, that you can select only one plugin “General -> 91572” in your Nessus scan policy to speed up the scanning. This plugin does not have any dependencies.

Nessus detects vulnerability

As you can see, now the Nessus detects this vulnerability correctly.

The screenshot shows that it took more than a month, but after all this detection plugin was realized. And I hope my support tickets also played some role.

Nessus plugin

Therefore, I recommend, if it is possible, to validate your vulnerability scan results with additional scanners/services and REPORT your vendor the differences. It will help to achieve a better security level for your infrastructure and will make the your vendor’s products better.

When a free scanning service detects vulnerabilities better

When a free scanning service detects vulnerabilities better. We all want to have a reliable and efficient Vulnerability Scanner. This scanner should be able to find any vulnerabilities immediately, as soon as the information about them is published. And, to be honest, no one wants to research how the scanner do it. Really. It’s not our job. We purchased the product, we trust the vendor and if this product does not work as we would like, it is a vendor’s problem. Is that right?

Not really. If we do not properly recognize the condition of our infrastructure and do not properly assess the risks, because of this vendor’s faults, this would be our problem. It’s relatively easily to find out that some detected vulnerabilities from scanning report are false positives, what if scanner didn’t find an existing vulnerability? How would you even know this happened?

That’s why we still have to understand how the scanners work, to watch the watcher.

A recent example. CVE-2016-2107: OpenSSL AES CBC cipher information disclosure.

upd. For this vulnerability Tenable released addition detection plugin: “Use multiple vulnerability scanners in the name of good”.

HT Bridge detects CVE-2016-2107 vulnerability, Nessus not

This vulnerability may be detected by free vulnerability scanning services and practically could not detected by Nessus via unauthenticated scanning. You can see on the screenshots how we have scanned the same host with Nessus and free service by High-Tech Bridge. And Nessus did not detect CVE-2016-2107.

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Making vulnerable OpenSSL scanning target

Making vulnerable OpenSSL scanning target. OpenSSL vulnerabilities appear regularly. Sometimes it is difficult to find out whether your vulnerability scanner can effectively detect specific vulnerability.

In fact, the only way to find this out is to scan a vulnerable host. Without this knowledge, it is dangerous to start a huge network scanning. You never know, the scanner did not find a vulnerability, because the infrastructure is safe or it wasn’t able to do it.

Let’s make the simplest stand: CentOS host with Apache and a self-signed OpenSSL certificate.

Vulnerable OpenSSL stand

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High-Tech Bridge service and API for SSL/TLS server testing

High-Tech Bridge service and API for SSL/TLS server testing. Another great free SSL security testing service — High-Tech Bridge SSL Server Test (and Free API). I have already reviewed something quite familiar – Qualys SSL Labs client. So naturally there will be an element of comparison.

High-Tech Bridge SSL/TLS test request

Why have I tried something else after Qualys SSL Labs? The thing is Qualys doesn’t support IP addresses as a target. Maybe they don’t want it to be used for assessing full IP-ranges. I don’t know. But the fact is “IP addresses are not allowed”.

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Qualys SSL Labs console client

Qualys SSL Labs console client. Qualys SSL Labs is a free online service, which performs a deep analysis of web server SSL configuration and detects some common OpenSSL vulnerabilities either (e.g. Heartbleed).

Qualys SSL Lab Report

This service has an API and official console client, that could be used to automate security assessment.

Qualys SSL Labs official console client ssllabs-scan

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