Category Archives: API vulnerability detection plugins for Burp Suite and Google Chrome

What is the main idea of version-based vulnerability detection, especially for Web Applications? With an access to the HTTP response (html, headers, scripts, etc.), you can get the name and version of some standards web application (e.g. CMS, CRM, wiki, task tracker) or names and versions of software components that this web application uses: web server, libraries, frameworks, and so on.

Vulners plugins for Burp Suite Professional and Google Chrome

Next step is to get all known vulnerabilities and exploits  for this software. This is the typical task for – largest database and security content searching system (see “Vulners – Google for hacker“).

So, guys from Vulners Team made a set of useful regular expressions for detecting software names and versions –  You can use this rules in your own scripts and if you want something that will work out of the box, you can try existing plugins for Burp Suite and Google Chrome.

In this post I would like to show how the detection rules work, present new Vulners Burp API and vulnerability detection plugins for Burp Suite and Google Chrome.

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Processing .docx and .xlsx files with Python

MS Office documents are probably one of the most inconvenient and poorly formalized data sources. It’s much better to keep all the data in specialized databases or at least in wiki. But in real life, MS Office documents, especially Excel and Word, are in active use in nearly every organization. Simply because it is a flexible and easy tool that anyone can use. That’s why it’s important to know an automated ways for processing such files.

Processing MS office files with python

You can easily edit .docx files without any libraries. Technically it’s just a zip archive. So, you can unzip it, make a replacement in the document.xml file and make a zip it again. It’s much better than dealing with old binary .doc files. But there are even more elegant ways.

Let’s says, we need to read data from .xlsx document and generate .docx files based on some existing template. To work with .xlsx files I will use openpyxl python library.

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Atlassian Jira, Python and automated labeling

I have already wrote about Atlassian Jira automation in “Automated task processing with JIRA API“. But all examples there were with using of curl. So, I decided to make one more post about Jira API. This time with python examples and about labeling issues (nice wordplay, right? 😉 ).

Jira Labels and Python

You can use labeles for organizing issues on Jira Scrum and Kanban Boards, Jira Dashboards or just for advanced searching (e.g. labels = "LabelName")

Let’s start from the basics.

How to search Jira issues from your own python scripts?

It’s easy. Send a post request to /rest/api/2/search/ with some JQL expression. Jira server will return first 50 matching issues. If you need more, set a startAt parameter and repeat post requests while the number of issues you requested is less than total number of founded issues (parameter in response).

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Automating Opera browser with Selenium WebDriver and Python

The right way to automate a web application is, certainly, to understand how this application works, by using burp (see “Burp Suite Free Edition and NTLM authentication in applications“) for example, retrieve all necessary requests and learn how to use them.

However, this is sometimes so difficult and confusing, especially when the site owners are actively fighting with automation attempts. In this case, you may want to automate somehow the work on the highest level, with the graphical elements of the site. You can view them as some pictures, as SikuliX does (“SikuliX: the last chance for automation“, or as some elements of code, as Selenium IDE does.

But it would much better to control the browser itself from the Python scripts. And this can be done with Selenium WebDriver.

Selenium WebDriver, Python and Opera browser

Guys from Guru99 have wrote me a letter about their free course about Selenium.

This course looks pretty good. In the first part you can find a detailed description of Selenium components and the project history. After reading this, I finally decided that the Selenium WebDriver suited me best. Examples of WebDriver usage are written in Java, and I wanted to use Python. But since the calls are the same, lessons of this course are still more than useful.

And despite the fact that Selenium is usually used with Firefox, I tried to use it with Chromium-based Opera. This browser is very popular in Russia because of some unique features. 😉

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Sending and receiving emails automatically in Python

There are different situations, when you may want to process email messages automatically. I will give some examples related to Vulnerability Management:

  • Send a message to your colleagues that you are going to start a network  vulnerability  scan or WAS scan. It is much better than investigating performance problems in a hurry.
  • Send the results of vulnerability scanning to colleagues or a responsible employee. Many patch management and configuration issues can be delegated to the end user directly without bothering IT department.
  • Process the response (if any) on your message. If it is not, you can send another message or escalate the problem.
  • Send a report with the current security status in the organization to your colleagues and boss.
  • Some systems you can integrate by email only. They will send messages to some email address and you will process them automatically.
  • Maybe you do not like existing email clients and you want to write your own? 😉

Gmail Python IMAP SMTP

In any case, the ability to send e-mails can be very useful. How to do this in python? Let’s assume that your IT team has granted you access to smtp and imap servers.

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SSH, SFTP, public key authentication and python

SFTP is a simple and fairly reliable way to share the information within the organization. Let’s look at the situation when you need to pick up some files from a remote host with authorization by public key. And after that, let’s see how to use it with in python.

ssh sftp python

Moreover, let’s see how to work with SSH using python and execute any commands on the remote host. For example. if we need it to collect versions of installed packages and a version Linux distribution for further vulnerability analysis (see “Vulnerability Assessment without Vulnerability Scanner“). 😉

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Burp Suite Free Edition and NTLM authentication in applications

As you know, Burp Suit is a scanner for advanced Web Application Security researchers. However, the free version of Burp is more like Firebug analogue, but much more functional.

Let’s see how to install it and use for website analysis. This analysis may be necessary to find vulnerabilities or somehow automate the work with the site. Let’s take, for example, applications with NTLM-authorization, which is rather unpleasant to analyze.

Go to the site and download burp installer as a bash script:

Burp Suite Free Edition

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