Tag Archives: CentOS

When a free scanning service detects vulnerabilities better

When a free scanning service detects vulnerabilities better. We all want to have a reliable and efficient Vulnerability Scanner. This scanner should be able to find any vulnerabilities immediately, as soon as the information about them is published. And, to be honest, no one wants to research how the scanner do it. Really. It’s not our job. We purchased the product, we trust the vendor and if this product does not work as we would like, it is a vendor’s problem. Is that right?

Not really. If we do not properly recognize the condition of our infrastructure and do not properly assess the risks, because of this vendor’s faults, this would be our problem. It’s relatively easily to find out that some detected vulnerabilities from scanning report are false positives, what if scanner didn’t find an existing vulnerability? How would you even know this happened?

That’s why we still have to understand how the scanners work, to watch the watcher.

A recent example. CVE-2016-2107: OpenSSL AES CBC cipher information disclosure.

upd. For this vulnerability Tenable released addition detection plugin: “Use multiple vulnerability scanners in the name of good”.

HT Bridge detects CVE-2016-2107 vulnerability, Nessus not

This vulnerability may be detected by free vulnerability scanning services and practically could not detected by Nessus via unauthenticated scanning. You can see on the screenshots how we have scanned the same host with Nessus and free service by High-Tech Bridge. And Nessus did not detect CVE-2016-2107.

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Making vulnerable OpenSSL scanning target

Making vulnerable OpenSSL scanning target. OpenSSL vulnerabilities appear regularly. Sometimes it is difficult to find out whether your vulnerability scanner can effectively detect specific vulnerability.

In fact, the only way to find this out is to scan a vulnerable host. Without this knowledge, it is dangerous to start a huge network scanning. You never know, the scanner did not find a vulnerability, because the infrastructure is safe or it wasn’t able to do it.

Let’s make the simplest stand: CentOS host with Apache and a self-signed OpenSSL certificate.

Vulnerable OpenSSL stand

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Tenable Nessus: registration, installation, scanning and reporting

Tenable Nessus: registration, installation, scanning and reporting. It’s a bit strange that I wrote in this blog about some relatively exotic vulnerability management solutions and not about the one I use every day. It is, of course, Nessus. The legend of vulnerability scanners. It would be fair to say that Nessus has become a synonym for vulnerability scan itself as Xerox for photocopy. First version of Nessus was developed by Renaud Deraison in 1998 as a free and open-source product. In October 2005 the license was changed to proprietary. The last version of GPL source codes became the base for the great open source vulnerability scanner – OpenVAS (btw, see my post “openvas_commander for OpenVAS installation and management”).

Nessus Vulnerability Scan Results

I am glad that Tenable still keeps Nessus mostly in UNIX-way. Nessus is a vulnerability scanner and makes one thing good – finds vulnerabilities on network hosts. If you need dashboards, advanced user management, advanced reporting capabilities, etc. use Tenable Security Center that works above the Tenable separate products: Nessus, Passive Vulnerability Scanner (PVS) and Log Correlation Engine (LCE).

nessus download page

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Vulners.com search API

Vulners.com search API. Upd. Vulners released updated Vulners API. What is written below is still working. But now it’s all this can be done much easier.

The greatest thing is “references=true”. It makes possible to get all the referenced objects (exploits, detection plugins, etc.) and bulletin description in ONE search request.

So, for example bellow this query will be enough: https://vulners.com/api/v3/search/lucene/?query=cvss.score:10%20type:centos%20order:published&references=true

Life is getting better! 😉

In a previous post I made a brief review of Vulners.com security content database and search engine. Today let’s see how to automate searching of vulnerabilities, exploits, patches, bugbounty results, etc, with vulners.com search API.

Vulners Search API

It is really easy. We just need to send POST-request to https://vulners.com/api/v1/luceneSearch/ with JSON structure containing search query, size of results you want to get (10000 is maximum), and number of search result entities you would like to skip (optional). Huge size parameter limit makes possible, for example, getting all 2267 CentOS security bulletins with only one request. At the moment, no authorization is required to make requests and no limits for API use exist. Of course, the service is in active development phase and this functionality may be changed soon.

So, let’s get latest CentOS bulletin with most critical vulnerability:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"query":"cvss.score:10 type:centos order:published", "size":1}' https://vulners.com/api/v1/luceneSearch/ | python -m json.tool
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Testing Rapid7 Nexpose CE vulnerability scanner

Testing Rapid7 Nexpose CE vulnerability scanner. Today I want to write about another great vulnerability management solution – Nexpose Community Edition by Rapid7. What makes it special? Nexpose CE is a fully functional network vulnerability scanner that can be used for free not only by home users (Nessus Home, for example, has such restrictions), but also by the companies.

Nexpose Community Edition by Rapid7

However, the company should be quite small. By using Nexpose Community Edition you have a permission to scan only 32 ip addresses. But it could be any kind of host: Linux and Windows, Unix and network equipment. And you can scan it as often as you like, with different profiles and produce wide range of reports.

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