Tag Archives: CPE

Converting Nmap xml scan reports to json

Converting Nmap xml scan reports to json. Unfortunately, Nmap can not save the results in json. All available output options:

-oN <filespec> (normal output)
-oX <filespec> (XML output)
-oS <filespec> (ScRipT KIdd|3 oUTpuT)
-oG <filespec> (grepable output)
-oA <basename> (Output to all formats)

And processing xml results may not be easy an easy task. Just look how I analyze the contents of the Nessus report in “Parsing Nessus v2 XML reports with python“. Not the most readable code, right? And what alternatives do we have?

Nmap json scan report

Formal XML to json conversion is impossible. Formats are very different. However, there are python modules, for example xmltodict, that can reliably convert XML into Python structures of dictionaries, lists and strings. However, they have to change some names of parameters to avoid collisions. In my opinion this is not a big price for convenience.

So, let’s see how this will work for Nmap command:

nmap -sV -oX nmap_output.xml avleonov.com 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null

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Vulners Nmap plugin

Vulners Nmap plugin. In previous post about Vulners vulnerability detection plugins for Burp and Google Chrome, I mentioned that it would be great to have a plugin for some free publicly available tool, like Nmap. And guys from the Vulners Team have recently released Nmap plugin. Isn’t it awesome? 🙂

Vulners Nmap vulnerability detection plugin

To detect vulnerabilities with Vulners Nmap plugin, you need to download the script and run it like this:

$ wget -O vulners.nse https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vulnersCom/nmap-vulners/master/vulners.nse
$ nmap -sV --script vulners.nse corporation.com

The output you can see on the screenshot above.

First of all, I need to say that it’s not the full analogue of the plugins for Burp and Google Chrome.

In the current version it doesn’t analyse the content and headers of the site. It doesn’t detect vulnerabilities of standard Web applications. From the other hand, this plugin can detect vulnerabilities of network services, that plugins for Burp and Chrome obviously won’t detect.

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Vulners.com vulnerability detection plugins for Burp Suite and Google Chrome

Vulners.com vulnerability detection plugins for Burp Suite and Google Chrome. What is the main idea of version-based vulnerability detection, especially for Web Applications? With an access to the HTTP response (html, headers, scripts, etc.), you can get the name and version of some standards web application (e.g. CMS, CRM, wiki, task tracker) or names and versions of software components that this web application uses: web server, libraries, frameworks, and so on.

Vulners plugins for Burp Suite Professional and Google Chrome

Next step is to get all known vulnerabilities and exploits  for this software. This is the typical task for Vulners.com – largest database and security content searching system (see “Vulners – Google for hacker“).

So, guys from Vulners Team made a set of useful regular expressions for detecting software names and versions – https://vulners.com/api/v3/burp/rules.  You can use this rules in your own scripts and if you want something that will work out of the box, you can try existing plugins for Burp Suite and Google Chrome.

In this post I would like to show how the detection rules work, present new Vulners Burp API and vulnerability detection plugins for Burp Suite and Google Chrome.

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Downloading and analyzing NVD CVE feed

Downloading and analyzing NVD CVE feed. In previous post “New National Vulnerability Database visualizations and feeds” I mentioned JSON NVD feed.

NVD JSON feed parse python

Let’s see what data it contains, how to download and analyse it. First of all, we need to download all files with CVEs from NVD database and save them to some directory.

nvd feed json download

Unfortunately, there is no way to download all the content at once. Only one year archives. We need to get urls first. Url looks like this: https://static.nvd.nist.gov/feeds/json/cve/1.0/nvdcve-1.0-2017.json.zip. Then we will download them all.

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New National Vulnerability Database visualizations and feeds

New National Vulnerability Database visualizations and feeds. Recently, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) introduced a new version of National Vulnerability Database (NVD) website.

NIST NVD new site

I will not say that I liked this redesign:

new NVD website

IMHO, old website with US flag was much prettier and useful:

old NVD website

But the very fact that the site is developing, I really like very much. Let’s see what’s new there.

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