Altx-Soft ComplianceCheck against cryptolockers and ransomware. ComplianceChecker is a free Compliance Management tool made by Altx-Soft, a security product company from Moscow Region, Russia. Altx-Soft is known abroad mainly as a Top OVAL Contributor, they have been on award-list every quarter since 2012. Their flagman product, RedCheck, is a SCAP-compatible vulnerability and compliance scanner. They also produce family of “Check”-products for controlling and managing Windows operating systems.

ComplianceChecker is a promo product for the potential RedCheck buyers. It similar to RedCheck with the most management features cutted off. It can scan only the localhost.
ComplianceChecker is positioned mainly as an utility for SOHO/Home users and it’s not a secret, that on this market Compliance Management solutions are still an exotic. How could they attract the attention of an ordinary people? Altx-Soft took the hottest security topic of 2014-2015 – cryplockers and ransomware, that nowadays are the real threat for literally all kind of platform and especially Windows desktops. Altx-Soft tried to spread the message, that the best way to protect operating system from this kind of malware is to configure it properly. And it’s hard to disagree. So, they made a tool for the security assessment – ComplianceChecker, and made some other tools configure to operating systems (free for RedCheck users). Continue reading →