I transformed my English-language site avleonov.com. While my Russian-language site avleonov.ru was intended as a mirror of my Telegram channel @avleonovrus, I wasn’t sure how to move forward with the English-language site.
I’ve been running it since 2016. For a long time, it was my main VM blog. Since February 2020, I have been making posts there exclusively with videos. I have released 94 videos. But over time, I grew tired of this format. It was easier and more engaging to create videos in Russian (starting with “Прожекторе по ИБ“, and later in “В тренде VM“) and translate them into English when needed.
Since March 2024, the English site had no updates. New posts appeared exclusively on the Telegram channel @avleonovcom. So, I decided to make the site a mirror of this channel.
I updated the scripts and uploaded 117 Telegram posts (since March 2024) to the site, leaving the earlier content as is.
About the “EvilVideo” vulnerability in Telegram for Android. The post was published on the ESET blog. They stated that the exploit is for sale on the Dark Net.
The attacker creates a payload, which is displayed in Telegram for Android not as a file, but as a video preview. By default, media files in Telegram are downloaded automatically when the user sees a message in a chat. This payload will also be downloaded automatically as well. If the user clicks on the preview, he sees a Telegram error asking him to use an external media player. If the user agrees, an attempt is made to install the APK. If the user allows the installation of APK from Telegram and clicks on the preview again, a window appears to confirm the installation of the application. If the user presses “install”, the malware installs. There is a video demo.
Fixed in 10.14.5, older versions are vulnerable.
This is far from 0click, but with good social engineering, the efficiency can be high.
Vulnerability Intelligence based on media hype. It works? Grafana LFI and Log4j “Log4Shell” RCE. Hello everyone! In this episode, I want to talk about vulnerabilities, news and hype. The easiest way to get timely information on the most important vulnerabilities is to just read the news regularly, right? Well, I will try to reflect on this using two examples from last week.
I have a security news telegram channel https://t.me/avleonovnews that is automatically updated by a script using many RSS feeds. And the script even highlights the news associated with vulnerabilities, exploits and attacks.
VMconf 22 Vulnerability Management conference: Call For Papers started. Hello everyone! This episode will be about the VMconf 22 Vulnerability Management conference. CFP started on November 1, which will last a month and a half. So please submit your talk or share this video with someone who might be interested.
Let’s talk about the conference itself. All started with a post in my Telegram channel. I have looked at the listings of cybersecurity conferences and have not seen a global event dedicated entirely to Vulnerability Management.
Specialized conferences are mainly about SOC, DLP, AntiFraud, cryptography. Conferences with broad topics are aimed mainly at C-level executives or hardcore offensive specialists. Conferences are usually very regional. Of course, there are events organized by VM vendors, but their marketing goals are clear and there are usually no CFPs (Calls For Papers) at these events. In our COVID times, it has become much more difficult to attend offline events due to various restrictions.
So, it would be great to have our own independent international online Vulnerability Management event. From the community (in a very broad, global sense) and for the community. For interesting content and development of horizontal connections between people, not for marketing. And we will do it.
AM Live Vulnerability Management Conference Part 2: What was I talking about there. Hello all! It is the second part about AM Live Vulnerability Management conference. In the first part I made the timecodes for the 2 hours video in Russian. Here I have combined all my lines into one text.
What is Vulnerability Management?
Vulnerability Management process is the opposite of the admin’s saying “If it works – don’t touch it!”. The main idea of this process is to somehow fix the vulnerabilities. How do you achieve this is not so important. Maybe you will have a nice Plan-Do-Check-Act process and strict policies. Maybe not. The main thing is that you fix vulnerabilities! And the main problem is to negotiate this regular patching with system administrators and service owners.
What is a vulnerability and what is not? It looks like a pretty simple question. I used it to started my MIPT lecture. But actually the answer is not so obvious. There are lots of formal definitions of a vulnerability. For example in NIST Glossary there are 17 different definitions. The most popular one (used in 13 documents) is:
Vulnerability is a weakness in an information system, system security procedures, internal controls, or implementation that could be exploited or triggered by a threat source NISTIR 7435 The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) and Its Applicability to Federal Agency Systems
But I prefer this one, it’s from the glossary as well:
Vulnerability is a bug, flaw, weakness, or exposure of an application, system, device, or service that could lead to a failure of confidentiality, integrity, or availability.
I think the best way to talk about vulnerabilities is to treat them as bugs and errors. Because people deal with such entities more often in a form of software freezes and BSODs.
You probably heard a joke, that a bug can be presented as a feature if it is well-documented and the software developers don’t want to fix it.
Vulnerability is also a specific bug that can lead to some security issues. Or at least it is declared.
PHDays VII: To Vulnerability Database and beyond. Last Tuesday and Wednesday, May 23-24, I attended PHDays VII conference in Moscow. I was talking there about vulnerability databases and the evolution process of vulnerability assessment tools, as far as I understand it.
But first of all, a few words about the conference itself. I can tell that since the last year the event got even better. I’ve seen lot of new faces. Some people I didn’t know, but they knew me by my blog and accounts in social networks. What a strange, strange time we live in! I was very pleased to see and to talk with you all, guys!
PHDays is one of the few events that truly brings all Russian community of security professionals together. I’ve seen people I have studied with in university, colleagues from the all places where I have been worked, and nearly all researchers and security practitioners that I follow. Big thanks for the organizers, Positive Technologies, for such an amazing opportunity!
It is also a truly international event. You can see speakers from all over the world. And all information is available both in Russian and English. Almost all slides are in English. Three parallel streams of reports, workshops and panel discussions were dubbed by professional simultaneous interpreters, like it is a United Nations sessions or something, recorded and broadcast live by the team of operators and directors. Final result looks really great.
Video of my presentation:
I was talking too fast and used some expressions that was hard to translate. The translator, however, did an awesome job. He is my hero! If you didn’t understand something on video, I made a transcript bellow.
A version without translation for Russian-speakers is here.
Unfortunately gif animation is not working in the Slideshare viewer.
Today I would like to discuss vulnerability databases and how vulnerability assessment systems has been evolving. Prior to discussing vulnerability databases I need to say that any vulnerability is just a software error, a bug, that allowing hacker to do some cool things. Software developers and vendors post information about such vulnerabilities on their websites. And there are tons and tones of vendors, and websites, and software products, and vulnerabilities.
This is my personal blog. The opinions expressed here are my own and not of my employer. All product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners. All company, product and service names used here for identification purposes only. Use of these names, logos, and brands does not imply endorsement. You can freely use materials of this site, but it would be nice if you place a link on https://avleonov.com and send message about it at me@avleonov.com or contact me any other way.