Remote Code Execution – Bitrix (CVE-2022-29268) and Jet CSIRT deface case.
The vulnerability is in the “Rejected” status in NVD, although its exploitability has been confirmed.
What is it about? CMS Bitrix can be deployed from the “1C-Bitrix: Virtual Machine” image. Then it is configured in the web setup interface (without authentication). At a certain step there is an option “Upload backup”. Instead of a backup, you can upload a web shell there and it will be installed.
What is the risk? Surely no one will expose the initial setup interface to the Internet?
But people do it, Google dork is available.
This happened in the Jet CSIRT website deface case as well. In November 2023, the setup interface was exposed for 3 days. The attackers found it and installed the web shell.
Jet states that Bitrix does not consider this to be a vulnerability in the setup interface. So the recommendation: don’t make it accessible from the Internet.