Tag Archives: LDAP

New episode “In the Trend of VM” (#12): 8 February CVEs & Why the Darknet Matters for VM Specialists

New episode “In the Trend of VM” (#12): 8 February CVEs & Why the Darknet Matters for VM Specialists. Now with a new design and new video editing. 😉

📹 Video on YouTube and LinkedIn
🗞 Post on Habr (rus)
🗒 Digest on the PT website


🔻 00:00 Greetings
🔻 00:23 Remote Code Execution – Windows Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) (CVE-2024-49112)
🔻 01:35 Remote Code Execution – Microsoft Configuration Manager (CVE-2024-43468)
🔻 02:38 Remote Code Execution – Windows OLE (CVE-2025-21298)
🔻 03:55 Elevation of Privilege – Windows Hyper-V NT Kernel Integration VSP (CVE-2025-21333, CVE-2025-21334, CVE-2025-21335)
🔻 05:02 Authentication Bypass – FortiOS/FortiProxy (CVE-2024-55591)
🔻 06:16 Remote Code Execution – 7-Zip (CVE-2025-0411)
🔻 07:27 Should a VM specialist be aware of what is happening in the Darknet?
🔻 08:48 About the digest of trending vulnerabilities

На русском

About Remote Code Execution – Windows Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) (CVE-2024-49112)

About Remote Code Execution - Windows Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) (CVE-2024-49112)

About Remote Code Execution – Windows Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) (CVE-2024-49112). The vulnerability is from the December Microsoft Patch Tuesday. Three weeks later, on January 1, researchers from SafeBreach released a write-up on this vulnerability, labeled as LDAPNightmare, and an exploit PoC.

The exploit causes a forced reboot of Windows servers. One prerequisite: the victim domain controller’s DNS server must have Internet connectivity.

The attack flow starts with sending a DCE/RPC request to the victim server, causing the LSASS (Local Security Authority Subsystem Service) to crash and force a reboot when an attacker sends a specially crafted CLDAP (Connectionless Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) referral response packet.

But this is all about DoS, why RCE? 🤔 Researchers note that RCE can be achieved by modifying the CLDAP packet.

На русском

Microsoft Patch Tuesday May 2023: Microsoft Edge, BlackLotus Secure Boot SFB, OLE RCE, Win32k EoP, NFS RCE, PGM RCE, LDAP RCE, SharePoint RCE

Microsoft Patch Tuesday May 2023: Microsoft Edge, BlackLotus Secure Boot SFB, OLE RCE, Win32k EoP, NFS RCE, PGM RCE, LDAP RCE, SharePoint RCE. Hello everyone! This episode will be about Microsoft Patch Tuesday for May 2023, including vulnerabilities that were added between April and May Patch Tuesdays.

Alternative video link (for Russia): https://vk.com/video-149273431_456239126

As usual, I use my open source Vulristics project to analyse and prioritize vulnerabilities. I took the comments about the vulnerabilities from the Qualys, Tenable, Rapid7, ZDI Patch Tuesday reviews.

It’s been a long time since we’ve had such tiny Patch Tuesday. 57 CVEs, including CVEs appeared during the month. And only 38 without them! 😄

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday January 2023: ALPC EoP, Win Backup EoP, LocalPotato, Exchange, Remote RCEs

Microsoft Patch Tuesday January 2023: ALPC EoP, Win Backup EoP, LocalPotato, Exchange, Remote RCEs. Hello everyone! This episode will be about Microsoft Patch Tuesday for January 2023, including vulnerabilities that were added between December and January Patch Tuesdays.

Alternative video link (for Russia): https://vk.com/video-149273431_456239115

As usual, I use my open source Vulristics project to analyse and prioritize vulnerabilities. I took the comments about the vulnerabilities from the Qualys, Nessus, Rapid7 and ZDI Patch Tuesday reviews.

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday June 2022: Follina RCE, NFSV4.1 RCE, LDAP RCEs and bad patches

Microsoft Patch Tuesday June 2022: Follina RCE, NFSV4.1 RCE, LDAP RCEs and bad patches. Hello everyone! This will be an episode about the Microsoft vulnerabilities that were released on June Patch Tuesday and also between May and June Patch Tuesdays.

Alternative video link (for Russia): https://vk.com/video-149273431_456239094

On June Patch Tuesday, June 14, 56 vulnerabilities were released. Between May and June Patch Tuesdays, 38 vulnerabilities were released. This gives us 94 vulnerabilities in the report.

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday May 2022: Edge RCE, PetitPotam LSA Spoofing, bad patches

Microsoft Patch Tuesday May 2022: Edge RCE, PetitPotam LSA Spoofing, bad patches. Hello everyone! This episode will be about Microsoft Patch Tuesday for May 2022. Sorry for the delay, this month has been quite intense. As usual, I’m using my Vulristics project and going through not only the vulnerabilities that were presented on May 10th, but all the MS vulnerabilities presented by Microsoft since the previous Patch Tuesday, April 12th.

Alternative video link (for Russia): https://vk.com/video-149273431_456239089

I have set direct links in comments_links.txt for Qualys, ZDI and Kaspersky blog posts.

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How to get the Organization Units (OU) and Hosts from Microsoft Active Directory using Python ldap3

How to get the Organization Units (OU) and Hosts from Microsoft Active Directory using Python ldap3. I recently figured out how to work with Microsoft Active Directory using Python 3. I wanted to get a hierarchy of Organizational Units (OUs) and all the network hosts associated with these OUs to search for possible anomalies. If you are not familiar with AD, here is a good thread about the difference between AD Group and OU.

It seems much easier to solve such tasks using PowerShell. But it will probably require a Windows server. So I leave this for the worst scenario. 🙂 There is also a PowerShell Core, which should support Linux, but I haven’t tried it yet. If you want to use Python, there is a choice from the native python ldap3 module and Python-ldap, which is a wrapper for the OpenLDAP client. I didn’t find any interesting high-level functions in Python-ldap and finally decided to use ldap3.

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