Category Archives: Concept

Is Vulnerability Management more about Vulnerabilities or Management?

Is Vulnerability Management more about Vulnerabilities or Management? I’ve just read a nice article about Vulnerability Management in the Acribia blog (in Russian). An extract and my comments below.

In the most cases Vulnerability Management is not about Vulnerabilities, but about Management. Just filtering the most critical vulnerabilities is not enough.

Practical Cases:

  1. “Oh, yes, we know ourselves that that everything is bad!” – CVE-2013−4786 IPMI password hash disclosure on > 500 servers. Customer just accepted the risks, Acribia proposed an effective workaround (unbrutable user IDs and passwords). It’s often hard to figure out right remediation measures and implement them. Someone should do it!
  2. “We can download OpenVAS without your help!” – CVE-2018-0171 Cisco Smart Install RCE on 350 hosts. Vulnerability detection rules of several Vulnerability Scanners were not good enough to detect this vulnerability. Do not rely on scanners, know how they work and their limitations.
  3. “If the attackers wanted to hack us, they would have already done it!” – CVE-2017-0144 (MS17-010) Windows SMB RCE on domain controller and several other critical servers. Vulnerability was detected in infrastructure several times, the remediation was agreed with the management, but it was ignored by responsible IT guys. As a result, during the next successful WannaCry-like malware attack the servers, including the DC were destroyed. Vulnerability Management is about the willingness to patch anything, very quickly, as often as required. Otherwise, it makes no sense.

The first Zbrunk dashboard and other news

The first Zbrunk dashboard and other news. The long New Year holiday season in Russia was not in vain. I had time to work on Zbrunk. 😉 As you can see, I made my first dashboard and added other features.

The first Zbrunk dashboard

No more timestamps in code

I added functions to get Unix timestamps from lines in human-readable time format, e.g. “2019.12.10 13:00:00”.

Instead of a date, you can use words:

  • Today
  • Yesterday
  • N days ago
  • Beginning of Time
  • End of Time

API requests will continue to support only Unix timestamps.

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Zbrunk search launcher and event types statistics

Zbrunk search launcher and event types statistics. I also changed the priorities. Now I think it would be better not to integrate with Grafana, but to create own dashboards and GUI. And to begin with, I created a simple interface for Searching (and Deleting) events.

upd. 16.12.2019

A small update on Zbrunk. First of all, I created a new API call that returns a list of object types in the database and number of this types for a certain period of time. Without it, debugging was rather inconvenient.

$ curl -k -d '{"get_types":"True", "search": {"time":{"from":"1471613579","to":"1471613580"}}, "output_mode": "json", "max_count":"10000000", "auth_token":"8DEE8A67-7700-4BA7-8CBF-4B917CE23512"}'

{"results": ["test_event"], "results_count": 1, "all_results_count": 0, "text": "Types found", "code": 0}

I also added some examples of working with Zbrunk http API from python3. Rewriting them from pure curl was not so trivial. ? Flask is rather moody, so I had to abandon the idea of making requests exactly the same as in Splunk. ? But the differences are cosmetic. It is now assumed that events will be passed to collector in valid json (not as a file with json events separated by ‘\n’). I also send all params of requests as json, not data. But for the compatibility reasons previous curl examples will also work. ?

CentOS 8 with IceWM Desktop Environment

CentOS 8 with IceWM Desktop Environment. Do you need CentOS 8 with IceWM as desktop Operating System? Most likely not. Especially if you want it to work smoothly without any worries and troubles. However, if you enjoy playing with new desktop environments, you might find it fun.

CentOS 8 with IceWM desktop environment

My reasons were as follows:

  1. I wanted to use the same Linux distribution for server and desktop. Just to minimize possible surprises during the deployment.
  2. I wanted to know what is going on in the RPM-based part of Linux world. The only way to achieve this is to use such distribution every day.
  3. I was tired of problems with the Virtual Box guest additions in CentOS 7 (yes , I run it all as a virtual machine), especially after the 3.10 kernel updates. It was time to move on.
  4. I didn’t want to use Gnome 3, because it’s slow and ugly (however it’s fully functional!). And there were no other DEs in CentOS 8 repositories at that time.

So, I tried CentOS 8 with IceWM (installed it from source) and it worked. IceWM is small, very fast, ascetic, and in some ways quite intuitive. There were some problems with the clipboard (in xTerm and with VBox shared clipboard) and with language switching, but I figured it out and I think that I would probably continue to use it. Below are some notes on how I installed it and resolved the issues.

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Barapass console Password Manager

Barapass console Password Manager. I decided to publish my simple console Password Manager. I called it barapass (github). I’ve been using It for quite some time in Linux and in Windows (in WSL). Probably it will also work natively in Windows and MacOS with minimal fixes, but I haven’t tried it yet.

Barapass logo

Why do people use password managers?

Well, with password manager it’s possible to avoid remembering passwords and make them arbitrarily complex and long. And no one will be able to brute force them. Of course, you can simply store passwords in text files, but password managers are better than this because:

  • no one will see your password over your shoulder;
  • if an attacker gains access to the files on your host, it won’t possible to read your passwords from the encrypted file or storage (well, ideally);
  • it’s easier to search for objects in the password manager and copy values from it.

I wanted something as simple as editing a text file with the key-value content. And I wanted it to be stored in a secure manner, and security could be easily checked, “simple and stupid”.

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Zbrunk universal data analysis system

Zbrunk universal data analysis system. Zbrunk project (github) began almost like a joke. And in a way it is? In short, my friends and I decided to make an open-source (MIT license) tool, which will be a kind of alternative to Splunk for some specific tasks.

Zbrunk logo

So, it will be possible to:

  • Put structured JSON events in Zbrunk using http collector API
  • Get the events from Zbrunk using http search API
  • Make information panels based on these search requests and place them on dashboards

Why is it necessary? Well, I’ve worked a lot with Splunk in recent years. I like the main concepts, and I think working with the events is a very effective and natural way of processing and presenting data. But for my tasks (Asset Management, Compliance Management, Vulnerability Management) with several hundred megabytes of raw data per day to process and dashboards that need to be updated once or several times a day Splunk felt like an overkill. You really don’t need such performance for these tasks.

And, considering the price, it only makes sense if your organization already uses Splunk for other tasks. After Splunk decision to leave Russian market, this became even more obvious, so many people began to look for alternatives for possible and, as far as possible, painless migration.

We are realistic, the performance and search capabilities of Zbrunk will be MUCH worse. It’s impossible to make such universal and effective solution as a pet project without any resources. So, don’t expect something that will process terabytes of logs in near real time, the goal is completely different. But if you want same basic tool to make dashboards, it worth a try. ?

Now, after first weekend of coding and planning it’s possible to send events to Zbrunk just like you do it using the Splunk HTTP Event Collector and they appear in MongoDB:

$ echo -e '{"time":"1471613579", "host":"test_host", "event":{"test_key":"test_line1"}}\n{"time":"1471613580", "host":"test_host", "event":{"test_key":"test_line2"}}' > temp_data
$ curl -k -H 'Authorization: Zbrunk 8DEE8A67-7700-4BA7-8CBF-4B917CE2352B' -d @temp_data
{"text": "Success", "code": 0}

In Mongo:

{ "_id" : ObjectId("5d62d7061600085d80bb1ea8"), "time" : "1471613579", "host" : "test_host", "event" : { "test_key" : "test_line1" }, "event_type" : "test_event" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5d62d7061600085d80bb1ea9"), "time" : "1471613580", "host" : "test_host", "event" : { "test_key" : "test_line2" }, "event_type" : "test_event" }

Thus, it will be very easy to use your existing custom connectors if you already have some. The next step is to make basic http search API, prepare dashboard data using these search requests and somehow show these dashboards, for example, in Grafana. Stay tuned and welcome to participate. ?


The most magnificent thing about Vulnerabilities and who is behind the magic

The most magnificent thing about Vulnerabilities and who is behind the magic. What I like the most about software vulnerabilities is how “vulnerability”, as a quality of a real object (and the computer program is real), literally appears from nothing.

The most magnificent thing about Vulnerabilities and who is behind the magic

Let’s say we have a fully updated server. We turn it off, lock it in a safe and forget about it for half a year. Six months later, we get it, turn it on. It is the same and works absolutely the same. But now it is also exposed to dozens of critical vulnerabilities that, with some (un)luck, can be exploited by any script kiddie. New important characteristic of the material object appeared from nowhere, isn’t this magnificent? ?

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