Category Archives: Vulnerability Database

New National Vulnerability Database visualizations and feeds

New National Vulnerability Database visualizations and feeds. Recently, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) introduced a new version of National Vulnerability Database (NVD) website.

NIST NVD new site

I will not say that I liked this redesign:

new NVD website

IMHO, old website with US flag was much prettier and useful:

old NVD website

But the very fact that the site is developing, I really like very much. Let’s see what’s new there.

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What’s inside database and when were security objects updated last time

What’s inside database and when were security objects updated last time. As I already wrote earlier, the main advantage of, in my opinion, is openness. An open system allows you to look under the hood, make sure that everything works fine and ask developers uncomfortable questions why there were no updates for a long time for some types of security objects.

You can do this by using the request, that I already mentioned in “Downloading entire database in 5 minutes

First of all, let’s look at the security objects. This will give us an understanding of basis.

Vulners objects

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Downloading entire database in 5 minutes

Downloading entire database in 5 minutes. Today I once again would like to talk about and why, in my opinion, it is the best vulnerability database that exist nowadays and a real game-changer.

The main thing is transparency. Using Vulners you not only can search for security content (see “Vulners – Google for hacker“), but download freely all available content from the database for your own offline analysis. And more than this, you can even see how Vulners actually works and evaluate how fresh and full the content is.

Vulners collections

Why you may need to download full security content database? For example, you may want to create something like vulnerability quadrants.

Vulnerability Quadrant

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getsploit from

getsploit from Kirill Isox Ermakov, the founder of Vulners, has recently presented a new open-source tool for searching and downloading exploits – getsploit.

Let’s say we want to pentest some WordPress blog. For example, this website We can get WordPress version simply using curl:

$ curl -s | grep "generator"
<meta name="generator" content="WordPress 4.7.1" />

Ok, let’s get some sploits using this version:

$ sudo apt-get install git
$ git clone
Cloning into 'getsploit'...
remote: Counting objects: 32, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (21/21), done.
remote: Total 32 (delta 13), reused 30 (delta 11), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (32/32), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
$ cd getsploit/
$ ./ "title:WordPress AND title:4.7.1"


As you can see on the screen shot, getsploit makes a search request to bulletinFamily:exploit AND title:WordPress AND title:4.7.1 and matches objects in Immunity Canvas, DSquare Exploit Pack, Exploit-DB, Metasploit, Packet Storm, Malware exploit database, SAINTexploit™,, Vulnerability Lab, and Zero Science Lab.

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PHDays VII: To Vulnerability Database and beyond

PHDays VII: To Vulnerability Database and beyond. Last Tuesday and Wednesday, May 23-24, I attended PHDays VII conference in Moscow. I was talking there about vulnerability databases and the evolution process of vulnerability assessment tools, as far as I understand it.

To Vulnerability Database and beyond

But first of all, a few words about the conference itself. I can tell that since the last year the event got even better. I’ve seen lot of new faces. Some people I didn’t know, but they knew me by my blog and accounts in social networks. What a strange, strange time we live in! I was very pleased to see and to talk with you all, guys! 🙂

PHDays is one of the few events that truly brings all Russian community of security professionals together. I’ve seen people I have studied with in university, colleagues from the all places where I have been worked, and nearly all researchers and security practitioners that I follow. Big thanks for the organizers, Positive Technologies, for such an amazing opportunity!

It is also a truly international event. You can see speakers from all over the world. And all information is available both in Russian and English. Almost all slides are in English. Three parallel streams of reports, workshops and panel discussions were dubbed by professional simultaneous interpreters, like it is a United Nations sessions or something, recorded and broadcast live by the team of operators and directors. Final result looks really great.

Video of my presentation:

I was talking too fast and used some expressions that was hard to translate. The translator, however, did an awesome job. He is my hero! 🙂 If you didn’t understand something on video, I made a transcript bellow.

A version without translation for Russian-speakers is here.


Unfortunately gif animation is not working in the Slideshare viewer.

Today I would like to discuss vulnerability databases and how vulnerability assessment systems has been evolving. Prior to discussing vulnerability databases I need to say that any vulnerability is just a software error, a bug, that allowing hacker to do some cool things. Software developers and vendors post information about such vulnerabilities on their websites. And there are tons and tones of vendors, and websites, and software products, and vulnerabilities.

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New vulnersBot for Telegram with advanced searches and subscriptions

New vulnersBot for Telegram with advanced searches and subscriptions. team have recently presented a new version of vulnerability intelligence bot for Telegram messenger. Now you can search for vulnerabilities and other security content by talking with bot.


For example, I’ve heard about new critical vulnerability in Samba called SambaCry by analogy with famous WannaCry. Let’s see what Vulners knows about it.

SambaCry Vulners Bot Search

Ok, I see it has id CVE-2017-7494. Do we have exploits related to this vulnerability?
cvelist:CVE-2017-7494 AND bulletinFamily:”exploit”

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Vulnerability Quadrants

Vulnerability Quadrants. Hi everyone! Today I would like talk about software vulnerabilities. How to find really interesting vulnerabilities in the overall CVE flow. And how to do it automatically.

Vulnerability Quadrant

First of all, let’s talk why we may ever need to analyze software vulnerabilities? How people usually do their Vulnerability Management and Vulnerability Intelligence?

VM strategies

  • Some people have a Vulnerability scanner, scan infrastructure with it, patch founded vulnerabilities and think that this will be enough.
  • Some people pay attention to the vulnerabilities that are widely covered by media.
  • Some people use vulnerability databases and search for the most critical vulnerabilities by some criteria.

Each of these ways have some advantages and some disadvantages.

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