Category Archives: Vulnerability Database

Vulnerability Databases: Classification and Registry

Vulnerability Databases: Classification and Registry. What publicly available Vulnerability Databases do we have? Well, I can only say that there are a lot of them and they are pretty different. Here I make an attempt to classify them.

It’s quite an ungrateful task. No matter how hard you try, the final result will be rather inaccurate and incomplete. I am sure someone will be complaining. But this is how I see it. 😉 If you want to add or change something feel free to make a comment bellow or email

The main classifier, which I came up with:

  • There are individual vulnerability databases in which one identifier means one vulnerability. They try to cover all existing vulnerabilities.
  • And others are security bulletins. They cover vulnerabilities in a particular product or products. And they usually based on on patches. One patch may cover multiple vulnerabilities.

I made this diagram with some Vulnerability Databases. Note that I wanted to stay focused, so there are no exploit DBs, CERTs, lists of vulnerabilities detected by some researchers (CISCO Talos, PT Research, etc.), Media and Bug Bounty sites.

Vulnerability Databases classification

For these databases the descriptions of vulnerabilities are publicly available on the site (in html interface or downloadable data feed), or exist in a form of paid Vulnerability Intelligence service (for example, Flexera).

On one side there are databases of individual vulnerabilities, the most important is National Vulnerability Database. There are also Chinese, Japanese bases that can be derived from NVD or not.

On the other side we have security bulletins, for example RedHat Security Advisories.

And in the middle we have a Vulnerability Databases, for which it is not critical whether they have duplicated vulnerability IDs or not.

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CISO Forum and the problems of Vulnerability Databases

CISO Forum and the problems of Vulnerability Databases. Last Tuesday, April 24,  I was at “CISO FORUM 2020: glance to the future“. I presented there my report “Vulnerability Databases: sifting thousands tons of verbal ore”. In this post, I’ll briefly talk about this report and about the event itself.

CISO Forum 2020

My speech was the last in the program. At the same time, in a parallel stream, there was another interesting presentation by the most famous Russian information security blogger. Thus, there was a real danger of speaking in an empty room. 🙂 But everything went well. There were about 30 spectators and we had an active QA session afterwards.

As I wrote earlier, I started preparing my CyberCentral presentation several months before the event. I did not want to tell the same story again at CISO Forum and PHDays. So I prepared 2 different presentations. At CyberCentral, I was talking about Vulnerability Scanners. And at CISO Forum I was talking mainly about Vulnerable Databases. Of course, I reused some materials, but the accents were different.

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Tracking changes in CERT bulletins and Nessus plugins using Vulners Time Machine

Tracking changes in CERT bulletins and Nessus plugins using Vulners Time Machine. If you use vulnerability search engine, you probably know that it has a real “Time Machine”.

Vulners Time Machine cases

Each time Vulners sees some changes on a source page it creates a new version of security object. And you can see the full history of changes in a nice GUI:

Vulners Time Machine

In most cases, the vendor just corrects typos or adds more details. But sometimes the message can change significantly. Meltdown and Spectre

For example, in a case of latest Meltdown and Spectre vulnerability. Initial VU:584653 recommendation was “Replace CPU hardware”. 🙂

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Exploitability attributes of Nessus plugins: good, bad and Vulners

Exploitability attributes of Nessus plugins: good, bad and Vulners. Exploitability is one of the most important criteria for prioritizing vulnerabilities. Let’s see how good is the exploit-related data of Tenable Nessus NASL plugins and whether we can do it better.

Nessus exploitability

What are the attributes related to exploits? To understand this, I parsed all nasl plugins and got the following results.

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CWEs in NVD CVE feed: analysis and complaints

CWEs in NVD CVE feed: analysis and complaints. As you probably know, one of the ways to describe the nature of some software vulnerability is to provide corresponding CWE (Common Weakness Enumeration) ids. Let’s see the CWE links in NVD CVE base.


I have already wrote earlier how to deal with NVD feed using python in “Downloading and analyzing NVD CVE feed“. You can easily get CWEs ids iterating over cve_dict['CVE_Items'].

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Vulners NASL Plugin Feeds for OpenVAS 9

Vulners NASL Plugin Feeds for OpenVAS 9. As I already wrote earlier, you can easily add third party nasl plugins to OpenVAS. So, my friends from realised generation of NASL plugins for OpenVAS using own security content. I’ve tested it for scanning CentOS 7 host. And it works =)

Vulners OpenVAS vulnerabilities

Let’s see the whole process.

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Downloading and analyzing NVD CVE feed

Downloading and analyzing NVD CVE feed. In previous post “New National Vulnerability Database visualizations and feeds” I mentioned JSON NVD feed.

NVD JSON feed parse python

Let’s see what data it contains, how to download and analyse it. First of all, we need to download all files with CVEs from NVD database and save them to some directory.

nvd feed json download

Unfortunately, there is no way to download all the content at once. Only one year archives. We need to get urls first. Url looks like this: Then we will download them all.

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