Tag Archives: WordPress

Unauthenticated Elevation of Privilege – WordPress LiteSpeed Cache Plugin (CVE-2024-28000)

Unauthenticated Elevation of Privilege - WordPress LiteSpeed Cache Plugin (CVE-2024-28000)

Unauthenticated Elevation of Privilege – WordPress LiteSpeed Cache Plugin (CVE-2024-28000).

🔹 WordPress is a popular open source CMS (835 million websites) that supports third-party plugins.

🔹 LiteSpeed Cache is one such plugin. It increases the loading speed of website pages by caching them. The free version is used on 5 million websites.

On August 13, a critical vulnerability of this plugin was released. A remote unauthenticated attacker can obtain administrator rights. 😱 According to the write-up, the attacker brute-forces the hash used for authentication. This hash is generated insecurely, so there are only a million of its possible values. If you make 3 requests to the website per second, then brute-force and obtaining admin rights takes from several hours to a week.

👾 The PoC is available on GitHub and attackers are already actively exploiting the vulnerability.

Update to version 6.4.1 and higher.

На русском

November 2023 – January 2024: New Vulristics Features, 3 Months of Microsoft Patch Tuesdays and Linux Patch Wednesdays, Year 2023 in Review

November 2023 – January 2024: New Vulristics Features, 3 Months of Microsoft Patch Tuesdays and Linux Patch Wednesdays, Year 2023 in Review. Hello everyone! It has been 3 months since the last episode. I spent most of this time improving my Vulristics project. So in this episode, let’s take a look at what’s been done.

Alternative video link (for Russia): https://vk.com/video-149273431_456239139

Also, let’s take a look at the Microsoft Patch Tuesdays vulnerabilities, Linux Patch Wednesdays vulnerabilities and some other interesting vulnerabilities that have been released or updated in the last 3 months. Finally, I’d like to end this episode with a reflection on how my 2023 went and what I’d like to do in 2024.

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Free High-Tech Bridge ImmuniWeb Application Discovery service

Free High-Tech Bridge ImmuniWeb Application Discovery service. Today I would like to talk about another service for application security analysis by High-Tech Bridge. It’s called ImmuniWeb Application Discovery.

This service can get information about your web and mobile applications available from the Internet. Believe me, this is not so obvious for a large organization. And, what is especially pleasant, it works automatically and free of charge. 😉

High-Tech Bridge ImmuniWeb Free Application Discovery

ImmuniWeb Application Discovery will also show the basic security problems with SSL connection, web-server headers, potential phishing issues for all founded web services. You can read more about this part in my posts about High-Tech Bridge services and APIs for SSL/TLS server testing and for searching cybersquatting, typosquatting and phishing domains.

From the same interface you can order an advanced audit of your web applications by High-Tech Bridge as well.

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Outpost24 Appsec Scale for Web Application Scanning

Outpost24 Appsec Scale for Web Application Scanning. Today I would like to write about yet another Outpost24 product – cloud Web Application Scanner Appsec Scale.

Outpost24 Appsec Scale scan results

It is available in the same interface as Outpost24 Outscan, that I reviewed earlier. Select APPSEC SCALE in the start menu and you can scan web applications:

Outpost24 Appsec Scale

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Vulchain scan workflow and search queries

Vulchain scan workflow and search queries. This post will be about my Vulnerability Scanner project – Vulchain. Recently I’ve spent couple of my weekends almost exclusively on coding: refactoring the scan engine, creating API and GUI.

Vulchain scan workflow and search queries

I was doing it because of the conferences, where I will be speaking soon:

Pretty intense schedule for a guy who spends most of his time in PyCharm and Linux console. 😉 Very excited! So, it seemed right to add a couple of slides about my project and show that something is already working.

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getsploit from Vulners.com

getsploit from Vulners.com. Kirill Isox Ermakov, the founder of Vulners, has recently presented a new open-source tool for searching and downloading exploits – getsploit.

Let’s say we want to pentest some WordPress blog. For example, this website avleonov.com. We can get WordPress version simply using curl:

$ curl -s https://avleonov.com | grep "generator"
<meta name="generator" content="WordPress 4.7.1" />

Ok, let’s get some sploits using this version:

$ sudo apt-get install git
$ git clone https://github.com/vulnersCom/getsploit
Cloning into 'getsploit'...
remote: Counting objects: 32, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (21/21), done.
remote: Total 32 (delta 13), reused 30 (delta 11), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (32/32), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
$ cd getsploit/
$ ./getsploit.py "title:WordPress AND title:4.7.1"


As you can see on the screen shot, getsploit makes a search request to vulners.com: bulletinFamily:exploit AND title:WordPress AND title:4.7.1 and matches objects in Immunity Canvas, DSquare Exploit Pack, Exploit-DB, Metasploit, Packet Storm, Malware exploit database, SAINTexploit™, seebug.org, Vulnerability Lab, 0day.today and Zero Science Lab.

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Vulnerability Quadrants

Vulnerability Quadrants. Hi everyone! Today I would like talk about software vulnerabilities. How to find really interesting vulnerabilities in the overall CVE flow. And how to do it automatically.

Vulnerability Quadrant

First of all, let’s talk why we may ever need to analyze software vulnerabilities? How people usually do their Vulnerability Management and Vulnerability Intelligence?

VM strategies

  • Some people have a Vulnerability scanner, scan infrastructure with it, patch founded vulnerabilities and think that this will be enough.
  • Some people pay attention to the vulnerabilities that are widely covered by media.
  • Some people use vulnerability databases and search for the most critical vulnerabilities by some criteria.

Each of these ways have some advantages and some disadvantages.

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